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THE NEW COERCION. MR. GI-VnSTONES EAt'ELIVESS TO UBQ! THE BO-H VOlmm HILL THKOUOH THE HOUSE. yOTHING ELEM ALLOW F.I) Td STAND IN* THE WAY- alill (.IIAIUMAXSHII- OF COM* MITTI I". AN' IMI'OKTANT PACTOB. <ftv ea*.* io tub iamnm.1 rept/flgltt.* 18113: Rp The Tribune AtttetmHttX tandan. Mardi H.?Tho temperature is rising fast, an'' H lonks ns if before ninny days or wi*-ks ?re over tho state of political nnd social feeling jn I/mdmi may bgean* not ].** strained limn it am* in I BBB. T'?e House of Commons i-* a barom? eter, or gerhapa rather g eeaat-guard atafion, where st..rm Bignall aro already notated. Mr. (ilsdat-'ne l**onnioa daily moro impatient nm) more imperious. Mr. Halfour, whose comnnntl over la- BWa temper is more complete than over Wnie of hi" followers, is not the man to aubmlt to oppre?i"i. even if the oppressor lie the Prime Mininer. There was something like a scene be_ tween them cn Thursday in tin- course nf a rather prickle ennversation oh the order nf bnsi ,*?>. Mr. (.hillstone has found himself *aopelk*d to postpone bia motion for the second reading of tbe Home Bale lull from Beat .Monday to "tho following TharadBajr, Monday is ta Ik- devoted to itUsiiission on the report of that Evicted '1"..mints' Caniiiission over which Sir .lames Mathew pro? dded with such singular impartiality. On and ifter Thur..! iv. Hon* Rule to to hold the Held. ??Docs the Prime Minister mean," BBB!rill Mr. Balfour, "that all other public busim*.* is to be Kt -"Side, whatever its .audition and however n-eeesary it may ito to keep th.- law by getting on with Supply f* This (inohtion angered Mr. Glaaatone, ami be answered in that manner of disdain which lu- can assume when he likes: ?With respect ga Supply, I um nit alic tn make any calculations which .would lead to tho anticipations of tho right honorable ar-iitleman" Mr. Balfour, angry in bis tum, retorted sharply : " I want no calculations from tlie Prime Min? ister. " Tliis occurred af tho very time when Mr. Hul four was lining his best tn k.**p his own party in hand, and when Mr. .lames Lowther, who has re? lumed his old role as a guerilla leader, tra* head? ing a small mutiny. Mr. Lowther insisted on a divisi.m on Mr. Gladstone's motion fur suspending the midnight rule. Mr. Bailout and moat of his colleagues on the front 1-etu-h, including Lord Randolph Churchill, walked out of the House without voting. Htf reason why Mr. l'allour's qaeetion so Hung the Prime Minister i- plain. Th,* Prime Munster is tie-nt 0n maning his Home Rule MIL He is determined to hung tim Hoon to a vole on the second reading before flo* Canter \aiti n. To that ond lie j*, employing nil lim known mean* of parliamentary eeeroioa ile has taken the whole time of the House for Miniate] ial buaioeaa. He has ahottohed th* ri.hts of private naemhen fer which, when la opposition, he ihowed the most tender solicitude. Ile resorts on ibo one hand to morning sittin.s, and on tin* other sus? pends tho rule which bring* contentious bUBioen tn a elo.-e gt midnight. Ile has set up Saturday sittiu.s. He thrusts aside all other public busi? ness except, lirst, .-udi iimuicial bnatnraa as i* absolutely necessary to keep tb* Ooverntnent going; second, such business as the Iri-h in.-ist on : third, such proposals as the various sections of his supporters compel lum to accept as the price ol their loyalty. There is nothing in tbe normal condition of business to justify these arbitrary and ve* lions dealings with the House. The sole pret.-M fm them is tho linnie Ral., bill, nnd ihe sole cause for thom is to Ik* found in tho wilfulness ni ita author. No doubt he ?"reek that his tun? is limited. I dn not like to raggeet that age is the mainspring nf his impatieuoe. H.* is fur ever referring, often with dignity ami pathos, to his age: bat he cannot arafat* tin* slight.**! allusion to it br anybody else, Laid Randolph Chun-hill, seeking; tn explain tia- preeipitflOV y of Mr. Gladstone's Homo Kuli* prapoMla in l1--".. dPBcriheil him rafher raaghly as un old man in a hurry. To-day he is older bv seven years, and in s greater hurry thnn ever. Il* knows that it is his la?t .bane*. If be fails Bow, be avila f-terer. Ile knows tint his bili, aappaarag that he (ret" it through tin* House of Commons in some shape, must !?? thrown out hy the llnuse of Lords. He lonks forward, a- I have explained liefer.-, tn a winter of agitation, both for Homo Kale and against th.- linn*.' of I/ml*, lb- ba* a definite forecast of events. Ile intends tn do far BBBB* than loree Home Pule through tho Ho UM of Commons. At the earliest possible moment he intends tn send Bf tn th. Hons.- n| Lorda Other '"Ui p]o*<*il measures, all radical in their purpose, each a concession to Bean* separate -Btereat nr aapriee, each anpahl* nf b.-in-.' lepwranted tn tin- eountrj SS conceived in the ililerost of the people, each bearim: in it* hanan Bama bunn for tl:'" ma *.v - Eaeh of them will is- hateful to ih- linn-.- <.t I/ords, sine eaeh will br* a fresh inimvnti ut. upon settl.ti priii'i|des, n ? Ireab attach up.m property or upon re-ted interests. The Cord* will, novel thole**, hud themselves in a dilemma, cunningly eonatructeil for them bv the oldest and Brafttost ..f old Parllnmentary banda. If ih.y pan then measure* tiny atrengthen tho enemy and they do violence t". tie ir ..wu eon* victions. If they tejeet them, they lend irreelBtlbl* force to tiic Mltatioa a.ain-t iln-ir own Chamber am) against tlu-1r exiatenee a- n legislative body. Vin will hoar the Prime Mini .ier ?* role* resound injr Htfoagboat th- land: "Tho Lord* af tim iinj'1 liable toe*, not only of linnie Hui'-, hut nf every Liberal -Bensure and of every reform by which the people would beneflt." Here, tlu-i'-fi re, is th.* full explanation of Mr. GI: datone'a nresent hurry, and of the tromomlons pre-si.r.* which he is putting upon tin- Hoon of 0__BBBoaa. IL- Tt-sorts tn this pressure in order 1" Imve a channa of carrying ll nae Huh?Bal Mt year: aahody aappeae* thut it eau ix* carried this year-hut next. To carry it alene w mid probably he, in his own judgment, beyond Ma power, Eng? land either hates Heme Pule ur caves little abdul it. Put there an- measures fe* which she doe* care, and Mr. Qbdetoae'a taetka consist m binding -hem ami Hean Pub- together. lb- is going to reverse Bright's simile. Ile believe* it eaaaar, as it probably will Iw, to drive six eBBBibuaea abreast through Temple Par than to drive one. lhere is another reason for hurry. Thl less this hill is understood, Uk- BtotB likely it Ls to i-e read a second time. Git* tin- eniintry time to master its provisions, and they will reject it. A knowledge of its trim character will make it odious. 'He constituencies will presently benia to make their opinions tell by theil representa? tive* in th,. Hons.-, ."hat is what Mr. Glud tton.- wishes to avoid. It is a coniplie-'ited Bebe me. Time Ls needed to impress on tho people of Eng? land a complete view of its pciylcxitie I and ab? surdities. Tlid I'tiionist amftmWt are doing their brat. Hut to fight the bill in Par'.amonf, and to light it tieforo the country at the sumo time, is a tremendous effort. What they want is tbe Easter vacation, in which to expound nml ex? plain the. bill to those whoso political life is Imperilled by it. That is what Mr. Qladetona does not mean thc*,' shall have, and that is, in the view of his opponents, one of his motives for forcing a vote before tho House separates at Easter. Such ?p.*'ohc* as those of Mr. Halfour at Ealing on Tuesday, and of the Duke of Devonshire at landlord on Thursday. BM full of peril. -toMum they are full of truth snd of light ami leadiu. There must be ns few of them as possible Mr Gladstone believes that he can depend on hL* majority ss matters now stand, and nbnost every body el** beltona it. Whether ha could do pend on it after a campaign in the oonstituoneioi t* a much mora doubtful question. Sensitive, in deed, to the conscience of the average Memlier at Parliament to criticism and -v.rrcction from thom of his fellow-subjects on whom his re-electloi depends, again, there 1* the ordeal of Ommittee. T ?? ttl. gmiBin thiemfa ooaualftM waul* * ? Onay matt**r in the best of circumstances, lt HU uow liave to tn- done with Mr. Mellor as chair? man, ami Mr. Mellor has Braved himself a weak hall mau. He hns no experience, not rnu-h knowl (l'go of tho forms of the House, and is painfully ranting in authority, In quickness, in decision, in oarage, in must of then aaalHtoa which re most essential to a presiding oflicor. The ''?ne of last week discredited him and alnm-t lestroy.-d the prestige which ought to atta-h to lis position. It i* the irony of fat.-. If Mr. ? hillstone had oMred tl).* chairmanship to Mr. tanney, and if Mr. Courtney had accepted ir, rbkh is very doubtful, the future would lie nucii brighter to him. Mr. Courtney is a Unionist, ns the Sp*-aker llaaarlf is a I'moiii-it: but neither of then, ever .ad any politics in the (hair, and Mr. Courtney vould have conducted th.- biisine-ss of Committee vith decision and dianatch, quite regardless nf ts nature Aa Mr. Courtney lu- might think tim Home Rule bill a bill of disunion, but as Chair* nan IV would 'have driven it steadily through. Mr. Mellor cannot, ami the practical politicians Ph* pi..f.-te,| a'.-ainst leaving a post wurth $13,500 i year in I'nionist hands an- now lamenting i mistake which promiae* tn ls- of no sli_ht ad eantasja tn th.. Colonist cau-e. The soene ol' Thursday was followed hy another yesterday, shorn, however, of some of its interest by tim ghgenea of Mr. Qladatnae, arh* had been rammoned by (be Queen. Hut it was Btjp-iB* cant, nnd Sir William Harcourt may lie trusted to omit few chances of exasperating his Opponent*. " Vmi are trampling on the liberties ol tho llnuse," oxelaimed M.-. Balfour. "You an- deliberately preventiiiT the progress of basin-ss," itnpillllli ll Sir William. These things au- always said on such aeeaaions. Tin- cry ni oparcasien is met hy Mi- cry of obgtTUCtiott. 'Ino irony of fate is ?gain visible. It is tho Irish who nnw oomplain nf obatruetion; they, who, but for obstruction in the House nnd crime in Ireland, would baldly have a political existence. Mr U lintot ono, how? ever, carried his motion for a sitting to-day. but by a majority of twenty-seven only. It is tin least majority lu- has yet abtalaed, and it is a warning?h.- may or may Bat heed it?that mer? ci" ii aa a means of constitutional ooavulatoa is um popular in the House of Cemmaaa 0. W. s. J. HARVEY I.ADEIUS SEW YACHT. IT WILL HF. A FIN*!. OBB IBU ONT". OF THF. PA-TEST UT.o.T. I. Purvey Laiew, a ?ember of ih- Baw-Torh, Larchmont, Btamford and American Yacht > lui.-, im* placed an order with waitan. Cramp d Bona, tn ? ihlp ballden nf Philadelphia, for what l.e expect' will ', ? tin' fastest st, vac!,I alina', willi th- p(M*lb!r . _. Beptlmi .f ii.- Borwood, ramoose and x * Then. li? las onere* ;: -t iwn yu at which mut iive-u..- ??! .1 to n knots for tour c'.n-ediiive boon, mai i: i.<\(alli io cullie u;? lo lais lUOdSI 'I U'C C.ili1|-..i*t -p i liles t'.at the need not he atceptrd. The plans tnva beta completed, and th- keel win !?? laid bi ;. -'."Ii ni ten tints, .-le- will !,? 1-0 feel long mi tl" waterBae, and ina feet 0 indie- over ali. ?he wm tiravv ten feet m., Inches, BUd li.ix.. an ex 'rem.' i.-.uii ,.i twenty-three teri. Hei enidm - will I" tri*pto?cxpan ion one*, and J"-t the ,-tm*- ..- thea ..f iii.- fatted si ne* boat Vesalius, except thc bitter drives twin screws, wMlr Un new va lil *1H bl* I- one. ghe Will I.aVe fo ir ivili _??:-. The new va. lit will be railed tha Columbia, and lt j. expected Ihsl sha will be launch-u abo*! Angus! I. She will be Immediately pul lalo rommtsaton mid naaaed by a crew ol thirty aaen, auder Captain Vf. I., sargeant, Hst rabi*- wtn be Bnl-hed emir ly rn Btabogaay. ii i- esilarated that Bbs wlU eosl aver /?*_l li I t if.. I. ric linet reinarkable point aboal Ihe Columbi- trill I... ber ipeed. The h?te*1 lire on rr a vi made bj a yacht for many ronaecuttre niiie- l- Ihat ot the Malama, whick was awned lr' Jay Uould. BV a\.:-a?ii i7.-.:i km ?- an boor for four ransra-tlrc luaus. Tin- Henrietta, .""rni.iu l., Muuro'i "'I v a- M bad ii rec .ni of ns.;.4 rnlla-- an hour, an I H." "i ? ita bed averaged 1B.M mil.- fm four raaieeutlve boun Tiir urleata w?< owned bj Br. Laden sad ni- br tarr. Bdwaid rt. Ladew, bat ^iu i" raatrelled entirely i Un- totter when tne CataaiWa I* lean, hei. Br. Ledew win ti-nise about these waten n.x* -winner on il new yacht, and expect! lo >:<> et en .-xi.-i.ii-i rrul ? in u,i- ?outb next winter un her. Ito Inteird. then k> riiit Be in i ia. ihe wist Indie and FtorMa. W1IAT yACinBXRB ABB DOlXO, The llempstead Harbor Yurlu Club ha- elected Hie following board ol ofltoen for UM*S. ll. K. Hall, Jr., ranuaodi n; Thoaara T. Taber, rle* rammadot-e; Bohert 1*. Coehs, [iiirser. a"tl John -. Apple-)', raptol*. Tl.e nfticers of tba Matea Island Vachl -'lu. fnr ii- eotnlng staaoa wlB h.-: (little- B. Moyer, emu mod r.-: John Sanford, Jr., vu. rommolore r. Vt. -nun - m. trt.-i.urvi : Charlei B. Martin, iceman ? Adolpb Pankk, atrawanr. aad Charin win-tli, c. v. Van Iniscr and linn1- Latter, Iru.-l" -. a regular meeting ol th* Sew-York Vacht Clab will be lu wi nt tl..- elahboate, No. c.7 MbiBbm ava., on Marc:, SS, The 1 lin wing* k*re bee* elected f r tba ira ?ii of 18119, by the -iii,: muk Yachl c. ii.: Balpk Itrandratb, ramaiodora; Prancta Laikla, jr.. vic rom mod ra; Charles S. Bay load, rrar-e-nnaod-te; i.ii'i.-rt T. I) uni-, secretary, und Joraph Thompson, treasurer. ii i* not Improbable lhal an opra regatta win t. ii"ld mi Laka UlBnetonfca next lanawr, ta whleb case lever*] boato trott the coast may take part. Thc snnual noes ur-- only open lo aauB ya bia, The an:,na! regatta nf thc -femy City Ynrht t'lul. -.viii br lu i'i ou Bataiday. -lana 14. The BewaiB Tack! Clab ha* chosen Ihe followlni . lin. r- : (? ll, Uraver, conniodora', Arthur Johnston, vi..- at.-iitn. ii wt : li. v. Atkinson, ieeret*ry; I. Ward smith, iiiinnciii secret.r-. : ciiaibs Bch*de, inssanr; ic, rot Sanford, amener, und ll. Bf. Chapman, A. Wright, jr.. U. O. T'ltnpliliis, J. N. Poota un I J. Ward Smith, trustcn, - ., m. b'TTES RY A MAD CAT i.nwreiice Brennan, n yoaag man enptoyed n* Nackara* for Dr. r. Lawrence nidi-, of FluaMag. i.. i.. a day or n aga went into iha ban aad ag to the toft, when- be found a kalf-fhmtohed nt lu tb< bay. it |tored at him Bhe i Uger, and was ,vi denUy mad. bunnan, to end Itt BBBeriagB, draw ii revolver and shot at lt. Al Ik* first dlsekargB the rat rave a leap at Brennan'! face. Thc coachman thrust hi- nun out to siiu-id himself, wbra the rat last.-ned Its teeth Into tbe geeky part of his nm., ju-t pelaw his elbow, and bung than *ltk the tenacity af a MBdeg. Brannan seized n balesUck, bat not until io* bod broke* all UM bann in the em's body dui iha antoni tel ga Na bold. The wounded arm wuk dressed by n physician, and lbw man was tahea ta Ik* kaagltal. The m-xi day tba ann had -wollen I* -m enfltnous Btoe, and liirmian keeBBM anconsctoas. Ai dlBeranl limes in iii* delirium to mewed uk.- a cat ami otherwise acted atranaely. Ile ls now parily recovered, bat bia uno la lu u slliii;. f ATTAINS TO LOOK FOR THE MAMOMIC. The owners of the Naronlc. the White Har freltrht stciiiiner Whick has l.i-.-n out from LlVerp ml for four week-, ure still balMtag thrarlaa kasad upon the doiibu'iii iivpotii.-b that thc hie treightor is aaMt Tiny now- think (hat -lie ls drifttBg aranad MM tin Aaona, aad Ihey arc MXtonaly Bwalttag Nm arrival of vessel* from gt. mehMla and Kayiil. The cup tullis of While t-t-r stennu-r. kana Instruct lom, to deviate from th* oaam toward the Bantk to toah tor Hie Barnato. The German!*, which arrived yea? terday, brought no bows ni ino aUaahBg MghtM. A CHURCH ItlSl'UTE TO RE SETTLED IX COURT. The supreme Cnnrt at TrentoB hus milted a wrl of cerUornrl lIBBBtlllg all tha pra*aed-Bfl and order. of g-Bbop liarhn* agataat tha Bar. Mr. leralaga, a Ones Churcli. Wi-tlicld. N. -I., te thc court. Noth Inc more cnn ls- done In Ihe matter urtu Hie cur dhpnna of Hu- caa*, fha writ was otitnin.-d kg C*ali A. Marsh, of IMnlntleld. who kai been reinliu-d by tie 1'iilon Ciuinty minister*, who foll that Mr. Jennine wa* being persecuted. A Wornt liolnt has kan sonni In Obtal-Tni thc writ, ns the ci urta nre alinya reine tani to Interfere In church niail-ri. NOTES OF THE STAGE. 'Tho iK-ri.n's IimiKtiter" wa- iilajed Im( nk'ht a% tb Otammmm TU-.te,-. but Mia* Anni.- l'lxluy wi. not li the nn. Slie lui not yet BWSraBBi from the .'ftf.-t* o her ipi-lned ankle. Wm pi" Un iilayed by Ml** ('line Ml.s l*l*lej'* date, for thl* month have bceu BBBCSBflf a* lt 1* not t*xp?itfd\h?l *hc will be able to irt In never, dayi. Nell Bureen, jr., three na.Mh* aid, the ion of th will uno*ii tv t?.r, made BU Brit ippearsnce tm anv ?us triter-iy arternson lo "The County l-ir" in Bronklj-n. (Heir H lmtrffriJeln nailed for Etirope yet. rtliy. ll exp*.-*** to brio* back a Ms -.patta-le (rem Milan, to b pnsanttd at ma Manhattan Oran Inn awl Vaan-r. i THE WEEK IN SOCIETY. Am.n_ her gurrai wen ll. I.. Harnett, Mun-, rt Mr-, li' detli b Neil-oii, Mme. Borbay, CorUandt Ililli. Mid-Lent was mark.-d with no especial pycty, thoagb the vaudeville gnne. gtom i.y Utpcnan stewart and a. Laafear Barrie wa- decidedly novel. It ls rnther refreshing to aaa* Hint nan of ihe bachelors of New.Vork BBBBe now and the* BB effort to return th- civilities Which an- coiultmally shown them. Au ex?*ryle of tin- -pirit ol reetproratloa waa -t early in ii,., winier I.y .lohn C. I'urninn, who hns I--, n -naringla ktohoapltaBty, u shown at ihe Bpi bpi r i'i:..", a country imus., at greBtcbrater wblcb he tosh foi the vvlnt-r. Tba ginara of MS-Sn. i-i.vvart and X.mle wss five* in ih.- ballroom at Dctmonlco's. lt was lu reality a ?? l-cmny" show, for the trills and young tnntmn** >.f society wer- oul In force. Coffee Was serv?sl lu Ui,. r-*l rti.m while th- dall ph.iii anti being arranged for tin* vaudeville enter* tolnment, and ii prognmaw such as has been beard sightly nt the Vaaderille club wan carried ..ut ?s sn.n as Hu- (rm s's relareed tn the baltra m. While this style of entertainment mny not he etevattag lt la- wrtalaly harmless and :iiim-'.ii--. It ls n matter af regret to ataay that the Vaaderille Hui., which set the example for M"-<rs. Stewart nnd Norri... will end its entertainments for mis sea-on la the roariag week. Thia iiiiuc r served :i* a temporary terawel!, tte hn-is, with n party "f mra, poteg aa Tuesday hy ? I" .lal mr for Ni-vv-iiriniiis. thc city or Mexico and other potnta of Interesi in troptral rc;l"iis. un their retain they win ip?nd s..m.. Bbm in Chicago. Another bachelor, Bohert Crater, Braved by IBs sam.- st.irii of r.ciiiroi allin, bas recently bnd rama ple*nat ntkerlBgs at Ms laxariow gaarten in Baal Thirty ninth st. Mr. (enter ls a great simrtsman, betag devoted to mein** and yachting. He I* b ncpti.-w Bf Uavi.i i). anthers, th- harans turfama, and his rooms ara BIM With many trophies won on land and sea. Mr. ("euler I- n inver Bf the art of Slaging, an aeeamptlskaM-al wbtch h's fortune ha* permitted /?bim to (uiiivau*. His frb mis do not bear him ss ofien m formerly, bm he pre them an opporiaalty on Wedaesday afternoon, winn in- hud the asststsace of the Misses Heine, with violin and Hmm: MlM Alice Mantle lllcU. contralto, inn! Orlando Harley, tenor. Mrs. Thomas lllfT-lir... k. B ramda "f Mr. ("enter, rind Mr*. John I*. BBtttlS, were imtfroiis fnr thc party. *? BaBato mil ? ans the gaeat of honor ni ? dinner frlv.n I.y Mr. nnd Mrs. .Inrrtan L. Mott, Jr., on Tues "lay Bight. The host nnd Hie irani ttere tl,e onlv men pi.;n. Colonel (..Iv's de<eriptton-, ..f tl- rt cltltijr life on the phillis' were H.t.ned to with the greatest late-rest by his twelve dlnaer rampaatoM of tin- fair tex. Brittle in l.oiuinn test mmaier be ma ofl.-n met In fa-!, lo Mb le baasefl BM Bot llifret|iienl|v at lancbeons. Mi-. Mackay gare levers! taarheoa pciril'-s for him, nnd be was generally at Mrs. BooaMs'i on a Baaday afternoon. Wai., h.- Mus in Rngland Queen Victoria >.n en-' ocraston witnessed bia Wild tfrat Ihow, ?rter whick by n-vni rammaM lliirTrih. ROI wa- preseBICd In lier Mu, -ty. I,, wi. in h'- extended his hand, -av in;, ? Madam. I'm delighted tn meet you," greatly to the ainu meat af thc Queen BM the of tbe myal fainllv. Tin- raartag w.-eu wm be Baaseally bray. To morrow DlgBI Mr. and Mr-. Porbes-Letlb will gin B laritf- reception in honor nf Csptala and Mrs. liurn, who arrived from BogtaM a lew dan an... Tbtt li ( :i|italn barn*.- lir-i vi*n lo the Called Mates, un Tuesday IM wegdlag al Mr. Ilagb T. tuckey, Jr.. to Charles J. Mckey, jr.. win be quiet!-* celebrated In (.race (iinriii. The principal occurrence af ihe evt-nltiL' will l.e Ihe eileen In md Ol -I. M ry's I ree Hospital i"r Children, al Ihe Wahi..ri. abra Ibe .-vm i'iouv Orchestra, andra Ute leadership of (gaiter lhIlilli, ell. Wolli an! lb.III,ian It'll] |ihv. .Ill Wednesday Bl lawrence, U I., Mi-- Pannj tjtevens, ii daughl r "f Atexsadra Mevens, win be wanted to (.ijitmit, llarringtan uwana, of tke BagUsh Amii. lam .hiv i.v. uini; iiuh miii be entertatasd by Mr. nial Mr- Ihl..]. schuyler, and . -i Irldnv ntgkl MlM tallender and Mis* de P_re*1 alli -b ? ,?.,. ?.,., i.f H.. ir *i\ i.'iii.-ri-. whick bete I-. u among tis til".-I brilltanl S flair* ..f tl..- Winter. I' illi'e t (?!.? Mme. i: itm. ind Mb . .ti- ... -1 i. .1 .- ii '..i lunately Ihe last of the Mktarli iul*?crIptlon t-nweertt r ill i om.- on Unit Bight, mid ter that OCCBSto* Mn. I'ar.iii mevens wig ape* ter aew bane to lbs -ut. *i lll'i-r- f'.r lin- i mi. .ri BM In a ImBed tillie- r nf bra la-r-niirii Bleeds, ii. I a general drain ta ... Iga nhl Ma-'h Jell"- linn-- arti! lt. present ln-t. * . A- tn.. Nilli .a raneen begins pun-rb-all] al *.. BO .*. I. .h. tl. Wbo gerin ' n i.'.. nil I'i Mi-s . al'. ' <h I* 'la! I'l de I' .tesl'. (ai'!- hr,ve |* t I., an noelved In N.t. Vort; lr- .rn Mrs. viiti. lian aanonni'tag Ihe awrrtoas ef bra daughter May to i'auI Ueipraa. nn Tneraay, Bareh ". lu Paris. Mi-- M.i !? Um U-rame a ba an I'siboBc before her tuarn../.-. I,..- ilvil marrisge ceramonj i , performed i. i m.ley, sad Ute reUgtous cere lJ;..nv On tbe dav following, ,\ n taber "f people vv.ii hnown in Bew-York v-.r.. pta rnal. Mr. nml Mn. I>""spe i win sar*, tor New-Yorb earl] Beat stoutB. A. was Bnnoanced totoe deyi sge in i... rrtbune, Mr. and Mr- Bndle) Mar'.ii will ? .11 l:v.-r|-...l with meir tenlty on Marri ttl i.v "..- iteam.Mp r.i.'..nie. Tu.- wedding of their daughter t.. lb. 1.1 ri ..I ( ravea trill b* cetebwled ia i .rn.", i nar. .. mi \j ,-.| i*. ...' i . a. mi Martin -viii have ?mlj lw" brtdesmslda, i.-t maria, Ulai Btbel i>..v.'-. aud Mi-- Psst, in- v..tun.', i daaghter al Mn. willam Post, and ?i-ler of Mr.. 1 ll. il..vt.: ni. Mrs. will." i A. pnngund e."* * rerepUoa ea IVcdne-dsj wllh raualc by Um Uregnrj -anjo tri.. Bra. Angas! Montard, Mn. Nav.iu.i, Mia--, ii- t'aumont, l.|a-ll'. lill lit alli 'il-, lt* ll lill. ian Bens-s-Iaer, Andrea \ ...?r 1..-C hi-- . Ml- I .11. Mw. and Mi - M ,rl*. Mi ? lill hv and Ml -. I .-i^u .11 ' " I' 'I ? Mr . I'toodgn-d will i crtve m. Wednesdays ihroagh.'Hit lld* inmiHi. .Mr-. Blcbiu. n Mn mtarned fr-: i Vi aaliliigtnii i, i. rday. -;*?? alli be rn bet h..a .?. .*'... Vi Wi 11,1.1 v *l*th -I., I'la H-..W in .noni,' a,id lu -dav Irani ll limn T i.'i.i.i, in dl**p-_e ..f h.' fi* i-.-iicliiiii-' iii kit- f." th'- ...leen lu aid of M. Bary'i I r- - ll,..;| nilli iiii Ja). B'ililsrn l , I'"H.* ia*. Bleb aid Irvin Howers Lee, John C.. I', Thoms*! vvh.,1,1 ( H'M. biddie lr. Iihr'hii>-i h. i'-lri. h-. Ah M. Ilaildei,. Ale * eu'. ? I Billilli I ??* ? i. j. . I."-I'' Illume, John I). iriiae i.i. H.:ttl Yaun-. \. Murra] Young, william A. Puer, liam li un, and li. La Orand Csnn?n win be u.ber-i al th.n crt. Mitti Hassle i ", a linnd-annie l-l gil* ti ;;.il. came ov.-r a .in i ja In a mi Mm. i". M. Ilium, wbo ure. ?, Mil .,* ill- I lalla, nilli Ml-. I'.Hill'- |l|ir>-|lt*. Mr. iiiiil Mrs. Kt. .1. I.l-rtlh. Mien Clark.- I- a daughter ol c.lon-1 Klnnb-j ? larke, om ol the Quern' Kiiii. 'trier, ami private -?. ulai y lo tie- Trine of Wah-. -h.- wa- ene of iii. bridesmaid* al Mr*, linn's wetMlng. Mr. and Mra. ['harte* H. Pelham i linn.ii, tin- titler fm m. i ly Ml.-.- Ltoahi /.i-i.-i. bv tie llav.l on I rlduy after un ab-., n.. of twa v-ir from New Vork. They will remain her.- about two miantlt-. A thea tr*- party wes given by Mrs. willard I*. Hetti on Friday night ai ih.- mandam Theatre ta h.,ni.r bl Mi- -allie Nicoll and J. Rwpertl, who an la be married In the la*! weeb of April. Am. mi: He* ..ih.-r .ii'-i. were Ml** Winnie Harte. Mi's*. Lettthi llnr-i'll Ml-s in.-ila AMeTaon, Miss Lillie (.minmi. m. i-.. Ilsrtridire, niford sM Keene, After the ninv the parly ans driven to Mr . Ward'* boase i?, i iftv-.igtith st.. where tupper was icrved. Tl.ii|.'itreiii': ' wa- alinnunc.-d a len days ago ol Mi-- Junette Kemp, a danthira ?f O-oorge nemp, to st.a.Inn ll. Tyng, jr.. n "-on ot the Bet. Hr. Ktepben ll. Tyng, nnd ii grsnaaon <>f the ttev, Dr. Tyne, wM for iii hiv yean trai rc tor ot Bt. (it*.rue's (hun h. Nu da'.- has been Mvd for the Wedding. Mis- Kctii|i jins spent much time abroad. Her father has lah, n the ll.-nry Uarctey place st Lenox for tho summer. The Wedding nf Miss Atble McUlllti's Iii tlberl H erl er will lake place ai Bt, Thomas, church on ipili *. Mr. Heeler ts a na af Christian IL mr. II.- rael Min Mt-OtBBls whUe they were both study nu.- painting In the studios of Parts. Bins McOltints i-. beanttnu a- well ??>- accomplished. A too days afl.r Heir wadding UM vim*- raagll v.Ill sturt fur Mrs. .1. J, Ifysang nv* a lanrheon party on TLarsday al her home, N'... 3d Ka-t Thlrlv fmirth si. Among lui miespi Mr- Lawrence Kip. Mm, OriawaM Uny, Mrs. Ueorge li. De Poerat, Mrs. .tann- A. burden and Mm. .Tames p. Bernochan. Mr. and Mis I'. Cherie* Blchardson, nf Nn. .Vi Ka-t Fifty slxtli st., entertain.*! ai dinner on Friday night Mr. nnd Mrs. .!. lt. Towascud, Mr. mid Mr-. II. lt. Pariah, S. M. Pryor, Ml-s Wilson, Mr. nnd Mr*. J. ll. Iinii-ii.s and Hu-hmd lt. Payne. A besatlfii] dinner nf welcome given la-t ntahtbj Mr. sad Mrs. Arthur M.Dcdge nt Heir houae. No. 7_ Ku-i Thirty fonriii-i., In honor of Captain and Mr*, c. ii. Bara, who have ju-t arrived la Wea rora. i sptata burn I* BMklag hi- Irs! viii anang tu wife's people, and thoat who have met him f..r Ile flr-t lime hr.Ve bet-n lll'.-t BgWBBhly hapreSBBd b> hi- nod tooha sM b-bbIi brartnitr Mm. Burn wa greeted by many of ber firmer friends. TM dinner party wai a larg* bbm Tke guests nra* waled Bl small laid?, which were ruTimjicd iii th- dlnlng-rooai riml the .rain! hull, un euell tabla M B . lu-ter nf spring flowers. Among the nih-*r gaeati nara Mr. ?md Mr-. Forte* l..-1'h. Mis* Ktsnlev ' .arte. Mr. ami Mrs W. .lav S. hleftelln. Mr. and Mr-. Cherin B-Mri H.*!..-. Mr." and Mr*. Rsrrtch RI***. Br. an! Mn. linnean Klli'.l. Mr-. Km! Ixalp-. Mr. and Mr-. -\rclilluiM Murruy. Mr. ami Mi-. B, I . Parter, Mr, ?inti Mr-. Vf. l'li-r|*.ni Morgsa, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. c'l.-irles s. Pelham runton. Mr. and Mr-. P. Bgenon Webb Ml*- Amy Bend, Ml-s Parkins, Miss <'nm lUndnlph. Ml-- liarm-. Ml-s F/iitb ghenald, Mtes Ml-- F.. lb mitt. Ml-- Ivra. Ml*s K.llnnr Robin?on Ml-- nop- Uf-Hhhii-ti. Mis* welman, Mtei I it ll *-t Mornn, Ml-- Otu, Ml-s I^-nle Potter. Mlsa i-lhh di*- Muller, .lan-e- Barara, J. **:indf'iitt Knnies. p LorUterd BonaMa, Jr.. BegUarid BonaMs, Aawry ti' I'nrhart. J. I*r.-er1i Tum., ll. L. Hay, Alexander Duaean, bmboM Baadolpk, lt- Hopjta, F. v. .-. imai'V Ollbert Kr.inekit n. Charles A. Munn. Oe menl M n'l..' Vt V. bristow and Ci-t-MS M-O-lg. After dlntier the Misses l.iiieli mun -dirkr" -nn_- t. Imnjn nri-omiKiiilmeiit and the Bar rta gin* sl-iers fr"in Hi.- MM Mans tmve aaUgB nnd alilrt dntiee-s. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Vf. Curtis, who have l.eti .pend Inp te wltin-r In Nice, will an lu l'irl* ta J'dn Mr. and Mr*. Oi*.r|i<- H. curtis, who will next Tui-sdiv for Europe on the steamer Havel. The litter expect to nturn ta June, when they will oocuny thrtr sum* mn hame la (>ees_-a-ra? UttR Brine*), at which are they will entertain their French and F.nclish lends on tle-lr way to and from the worll'l Fair. Mn-. Jo'ti Klnit, with a pu nv consisting cf Miss -In KJm:, Ml-s BBxaheth Perkin-. MlM WotOer ooo, l/trillnrd liniiuld-, BUgrai Lewis mid Mr. Kei? th W.slnesiluy for Plant* tn Mr. Kine's private r. Henri* C. FaasMWe, who is pronun.-tilly Identified Itb N'-w York and llrooklyn ens Int.-r.'sts, lu- pur isard it house in Flfty-flnf-st., near Flfth-?vc. nie nisi* wu* lorin, rh the property ..I .1 weU-known nil -street operator now dead. The prohnbl Uti.-. ?e. le.never, f at Mr. PBnaMwe will, loariter with - family, -pend the summer In Qi ram ay, Hie ill alia of 11 laughter and Ms personal ned of a pro Bted rest prompting him to undertake Hie trip. .fohn I). Rockefeller, Dr. fatter, president Bf V?s r elle.... Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Kendrick an I Min .ca. pr. fis*.un at Ya-.sar. ar- at Kc Hotel Aimer ni i ..n tower Bsrsnsc bake. In the Adirondacks, en fjrtag a i.ri.f serif sprin* rating. Ml-s llal'l.i Heist wll! In'irlti 11 series of Blt Ulta on OM Maslen, nf Italian Arl" at the Lisbon. No. ITO '(?st Flfty-etahto-at., nn Thanda* afternoon at 2:no cloe!;. T* e cur-.* wtR be lllu*!rate*t with the ereoptl m. Miss i;et*t i* the onlv wonna ama .t-r wa- permitted to attend Un- lectarn <.f Pro ?ssors Weinti dd and Rrieh Schmidt on ftermsnlf lan? na:.'- rmi iiier.-'tiii" uni Professor (trimm on sri ut i- Ueriin University. AN INCREASE IN THE MORTALITY. BBB! wr.iu". a PKW casks ok inim-iaza in Titi". (ITV. An Increase of mortality In the elty Inst week wits .10 in creal part tn the mather, whick aggravated iiliunnary r mpliiir.ts. Piicuniniilii almie cnus<vt SIM ratha, and thora wai a aottcrahle increase of (BtaBty 1 c;i'#s of hriiiic!ilt!.s and eoiisiimiilioii. lteport- of mr deaths Irom influenza daring Um week Indicated mt tte "(n-.p"* hu- tegaa to raan more nBeriag 1 the city agata. PhystctaM of the Health Depart .cut snld yeslerday that there had been more com bunts ah,ut Intliienrn In tte ln*t fortnight Kian dur -K tte previniis weeks nf the winter season, but they ld not think that thc. discus,, would railed lertoUB rouble a- In the three funner winter-:. They saiii mi Iha dampness and foulness of tm- stt?et-h ranted y ihe meltlag bran of snow and piirh.ij;>>, had Brack 1 d . wtth tte totality la palaranary complain ta Tin mills reported at Hie Dbicm of vital Btottatlra last reek numbered BAB, or 1-0 more than In the prevtoM iirlv. 'Hie record ol deaths from various causes urine taro wraha I- ns follow.*: OBaaW of d'nth, etc. Ma Mi 11 Monti 1. h. 1 ..m d'-.-.i-e. . I'i .'il h-.rrii?- il flliesiei . Vt Vi lean (li-js- . (lo 50 ;uiicv -tiesse . n 'At lalirlal feral . _ I ? :? I.i..--|iIii-.i| nieiiinslW* . 0 ft I h...pim; rough . . . 18 IT moi. li ll I' '"icu* .. . M it ??*'.::.; La. UH ie-, *!"? 11 mus .-in tan l"l' .. |2 87 ,11 ..Ui.-r eui-..-..-.-.ii hoi Mala .gig Wi Maths, utii.t i v.:,r..aao au .?at!.-. GS vee- ar,.! ,i\.-r .lir; my .?? In B'UtUHoni. ...'.'..'i '.ll* ti-it'i. In 1 a.ii..-,1-., ... >rt ,',;i;i There wen- t,03g blllhl ind I'.O BU-friagefl In tte ?Ity Ifl t Week. contagion dlaeasei Inerrased nnd were man total Mn tn ia., pr.-vh.u- nek. Bevenieen new canes af yphu- fever were reported (?> Ihe Health Board, and h.r- nen* three death* from Ihe -Weane. Fourteen :.*. - and en., death mini.- th . raerad for imagpot. rte report ot raatagtan dteraaes dartag two neeta 1- 1 Manh ll. Marab 1. Canes. Deathi. CW*. Deaths, rrpkni fever . If 8 ll 4 M'hn.J fever . L'O li 1*-' 3 .. ir ' lev r . l-l __ 1-a 1i I-.. ... tl* 7 leu :i -Iphthi ila . ul a.i lot Cl . \. ll 1 B 3 l.t.- .a; ;_? i.-.i n I ?.. tow- i a-. , of lypbu* fever wen reported In tbe iVorkiiouse .. : markwell, l-l .r-i J ?? fi niav. The [indent- were Mr rv Ila--, il, f..rtv year* old. nnd .tani ioun*. twenty-Uk y esra aid. Julia Ferdlg. fsrty arra r.-iir*, old, died irma th. fever on North Hmther I land. III! UTA I. Etc, ll H \C. At THE S. Y. A. C. v m-mc-tin'. rxiiiinTii'V i.r so.cAi.t.f.n spoin*. ti. .Barp ?"-. h ol ">? toslns fAora ii it iped ra ll ', .,-... ,. and ls Be '.'viiiirftiinni ut mi. ftett.v n. vi.h" i hu. bael fituiif. There ttiia a tarn row tl pe ?? rmi -a :ivu.sf iiifert-*' in. ihewn in uv ? r --.| ti.'ifiiaii.m. ii.i* nm im gives .., |> ? !'f',.. Man ll tni WW ra IS* '.f tl'- ev BBS-Stem. lain ...|| rr,en defeated lal) I lilt SMB. I .uChhii. 'Jot Manhattan a. i . welgbt-thnwer ate theaght thal te nra , e .1 pagUM null- a ?."rrt esBlbltlso al Blane If. tl. uri baal >.f nc ev. niim ??*- between "Jack" tl. t.r.Ui .iel I rank ( Kl*, "t thi- itv Craig 1- Un..?n ii rn -ll.ri. in rofl ?.iler." ' raia **- miler lad h*'i i ? a.i-ei r :. :. thia bli rival Ult he gel the rittnr] sod th. , i ? ? I":*' ''er i hst! Betes mri* lam i been . i . a- mother wbta ibm wnpitaH an tam j. Ba la< .t?"ii th .te l P*l Ita* Mas a a. MM "Ti sam ,.. ii.r ? ?* iii" ir...a arra torrid of ttteaee jtid Baled (SI) I* r'.'inl- I ..uni.lin "'Ht IS th' (li.'tr lu J'l-l ?>e.i'i.?i\ -.-. et 1s .mil le- tad t" be a..,?ied la lils ?ern. r. Th" H'M r'.'ind vv_. evn more brutal, (cr-inl. m I,,, ji.ii -i.nniiB www i..i.o:'.ii, aad the esnlsit wraM ii?vr i.ti it.,at a- lateetmiM if u.. n.'-n had brea u*Ii.k luii- iii-iad sf their Bria Three kaeeBdowa Moan arete a? ii-"T"fi. twttwm ashs* daws sure ami Csaablta .,-, I, ?. V* . ..-.irlil ii. e. ult! rot ll-.* aft, r tte -.'".ml ret' ,,-,,, aita Ita Issi tte BM freio Teaaeaara recite 1 Uie (inls. l.e hut n.alu! leah n|> Mly forty aeeoa_l. ii ll /...-hr. ..f I'hl.ail |.h.a. jud "Eddy" Ryan, of Ihl* div, ? ir'dnf IM meeta tort, Mun vt--.:t late Uie rt.i e.. a'lM.'M 'c Uri. U raeh .-Hot .l.nit. gie*! I *"a .1 . . -t.. [ ml itranfl v 'ni ? It-aii tva. lniur.Ilml..1, aol - ..lilli'.. glamor, viii, f'.ld tii"-t nf the t | rt.v tl Inn:--If ll. ? I. tier tatar, and fut th. pin... Twa in: f.-i;."i-?. nam d Wiiii.m BTitdra, si I Tai ai i Ifl k" i.ui'ii. st PhltedelphlB, Itea fsaght f.i iivli. rt,ai.I- eil tte .'.st vi a. th- iiii.<t Intr* one "f ia ??? ti a.- Ai th.' "Banians" ware ... Ulla- .ml :h. .l,.v s I ?-.? ^. Iiu'. lilgbl -BBMm nn lune, i.v rn I i'-.'ii mw hatti* .1 BBFOBM ( UR RUESCEimOS DINNER. The Beform (".uh had one ol li- monthly dinner* tesl Bight, arra 100 being present. Charles -*. lair i nibi presided, and boom ol the gueats wen Lonli WtadmaUer, IfsUsce Mat farlane, Waltor B. Logsn, l.riv.i-. nee K. Se-.t,,|i, Willi.un I". Hull. I!, tl. Monroe, Bdwatd h. Whitney, .\iti.*d H. Thach.r. \v. P. Owens, B. r*. Whitman. John P. Munn. Ueorge ll. Barford, i alvin Tomlins, Duncan R. cannon, i?r. P. T. Van Woeil. I*.. H. Herard. .hum's P, -loane, John \\ . in-.r. B. ItarlestM Mmcma, Vf. V. Wanner. .1. 0. \...iie. w. .1. r-wift. Major A. B. Bates, f. .-. A.: Dr. i,nv b. Bdle, f. s. A.; Arther T. Hendricks, llenrj H. Itali, A- ll. BBXtM, Waller Sander., Lowell TnllHit. i'hiirl.s ll. Pratt, linell Bo-bsrhUd, -linen Sterne, I McK i.arrlson. Faull charl.-: Pfeiir.-r. .1. M. Heard, c. |?, .linne- ii. Wilson, l). f). Wheeler and Klidney Blumenthal. After tte dinner, A. AvenelW*, basso, nnd Wlllium Xanten, tenor, sung. HENEY F. A UREY RETURNS TO TOWS Henry B. Abb. y. who went la CWcagD curly last Week to |0Ok afl.'f Ihe S pelt Hil.- W Ililli 111- ls SOOIl iii peudace al the Auditm-lum, retaran to Bew-Yorh i.n Friday, wii-ii te went away it wa- not doahtod lli-it be would have lim ISMS cf tte Metrnpnlltan (Jpn* House, tal while BB was gone there caine wars and rumors ,.f vvnr*. The fuel wan. developed Unit Mr. Abbey had M iMse is yet, and tte -ii picton was developed Hun Colonel J. ll. MapMan stlghl get ii alter all. Mr. Abbey Mild that while be had no teara a* yet, M had premises which be thMgbt wen- ahniit as pintl ns ii leu--. lb Is quite coiilltl.-ui Hint the opt-in holl-io nett seflsin will he lintier hi- chart."-, and le- suys ihut Its fate win bo settled before tong. BROOK IA'S TROLLEY LINKS EXTENDED. 'Tin- flr-t car mi th* Flatbti-h ave. extension of the Brno nb n (Uv H.'Il I'.ad tr..Hey line-, pa*-, il over t'.iu tricks In Flatbuvh-ave. te the terminus nt Veinie-t. gratetday aftamoM atomt itEO o'clock. Thc raper Intendant aad aaristaal raperlntendent nnd otter uftuers ot Hie eompaay. together wtth town nfictala and prenillii'tit clllr.ens of Itattanh, were on the ea:*, nnd tte mp was an entire success, h ls iin/lnr-tii'id thai mi ami nft.T tte opaalug af tha Nm f..r traflB tn moirnw the rnte of fine from Patton Kerry to tte terminus af the nat win in. live wats, d dug away willi th.- cmi.i fm.f three tenta, which luis been ...Heeled at the Hrooklyn ? Ily line. HE FELL FROM A WINDOW TO DM ATM. Danial Dulan, forty elpin yenrs old. fell fmm Hie window nf his lat on Ile- fifth floor of No. -J*l West i i e h'jndri*l und ililnyilfih-t., yesterday afternoon, and fine lured lil* ukulb Ka died almost inimodlately. Ihe report thal ta hud committed mleld>- was em pl ntically deni. _ by lils wife last BVaBB-g. Mr. nolan had bein employed lu the lumber yard of J. PT. Oniwii's gens, ai frat haadiag aad Mit j -Bal al und -Ulam ave. He team a wife, two sihis mid two daughters. -a riMHMM BILLIARDS BY " YANK" ADAMS Tin- ?agtaasn* ciub had o 'mwtHtt* teal nii-'St. nt which " Yuiih"' Adnmn. the rin(f,.r billiard player. I ws* the ??iitertiiltier. Al.Mit Misty mBflBkn* Wan present, Includlnn Charles Mncdonnld, J. K. llollowny, Pntoan* i. e. Denton, Joim Ttaaana, i;* w. Mo Nulty, John K. M.-inton, Alexander P*lto-B, J. A. (hureh, Paatoe Onantt, e. v. clemens, Pntrsan Thumlon, J. t'. Ilsyle*. Vf. J. Tsylor, P. IC. TatBaaa, K. h. Kenwick, C. J. UilUi. C. M. Wslen. \V. JI. fletcher, tf. Vf. Bs-Awtn and Ueorga Vf. llramw-U. TO HELP THE POOR. tVOHK OF TUC INIVEKSITY S1.TTLEMF.NT. PLANS OP THE SOCIETY-.. NEW Bli I. Ill NC. TO Iii". MBOUD. The lulverslty Settlement Society held a meeting l/estcrduy nftertiooii tit the linnie of William Jay tehleffeln, Bo. 'ifi Faist HftoiB-h M., fer the pur? pose of BreaBlBf the interest of people of mean* in the work of the nctoty. Then wire |00 prtmlnent pi*ipie pn-eiit, unit all etpressad a hearty sympothy In the MHrUmi and object-, of the uren li Hut lon. Seth Low, th.- head of tin- society, pn-lded. He made a ?tart iiddra-s*, lo which lu- outlined the sorl-ty's plans, lt.- said nmnng other thlnps thHt th? I'nlverslty Set? tlement wn.s for '-the advancement of the more back nard Bartel rtosan,* nnd fm- Hit- study, bl the tekram ti.ry method, nf the laws upon which that advance? ment depended. Th>- members also planned the ereattoa of a*w t_**-tat_0M for bBbOm pnrpo*i*.*, nnd.r Hu- charin* of experts. The modern world had grown too large fer tin- MBnaaafal pmattoo of tte ancient virtue (Jf BlBkBglVtag. Methods nhoukl be anptoynd whick would ladara the kaakranrd -tooan to help themselves as iinich as possible. The Hiv. Dr. Vf. S. l.nlnsfoi-. of St. (b-orire's Church, taBBsg for n few minutes and said thal he was heartily In sympathy with the work. He added Hull the way to Ml lir Ita cstiidltlori of the poor wus fur th.* rich to mix with them, to work 11111010,' them, und, If BtMBfaaary, to live nmnng them. "It ls one Bf the mCMMglBg slpiis of the times."' the Doctor ndded. "to .see the representative people of the city Interest inf* themselves Iii OW 1> or. unfortunate bratten, and the fart Hint this society ls non-sec? tarian adds additional Interest to Hu work." Dr. "-tallinn Colt, w-ho lins chalga of the Forsyth* st. inls-hm, spoke of the way In which reform could bo aeeoaapBahed arning ih? poor peopte in New-Vork. Ile said In part: "Tte sr.-nt mass of the -people iiuisi ba rallghteaed in aceaoaUa aad social prlnatylaa nnd alms. Hut this ciill".liteiim-nt and the dis posh Inn to curry out radical reform* ran only bo brought ah.ut when tha totclteclMl Emt ot tho people has b-cu WgBBlaag The erminia'hil of the Intel? lectual mid moral life of the people 1* the crying need of th.- day. Be must have talflfrggsat. fl-MBt-d men who are willing to po uni.-uk tha poor and Ignoraat to teach -ken. .mr Idea I- racial reform base! on contici with the bciicticlarle-,." Dr. Colt. In ipeeklBg Bf tk* slums, sahl that their sanitary eoagttton was Btgb-bd, and that M would ri.|uli-e five y.-ars of haiti work lo improve lt. Aawng nther ihhu.** discussed at the meeting was ihe proposed new- baUdtog m the Bari Ml*, la tata ita pteM of the r-miiii taara al No. -ju Dataacay st PIM* for lin- lani 1<1I live Imve already h.*en made. It ls to he b llX-Btory structure with a gymnasium, theatre, .s.hoolr.ioins, chihrooins, ll-0BtBg*ra*BBB, dln tograoBBI and kitchens. Tiie building and lot will cwt ahmit *>(>,(?(>(). 'Iii,* s'l-leiy ate* considered plans for makin;, a public park In [te Tenth Wnrd. present wurt- William M. BvartB, John burr. Colonel Willi.un Jay. I. V. K.-r* Dodge. Henry Holt, Hants ?d-vvitli. Mr-, Howard M. Mrs. of. I), -sloane, Mrs. baal Dann. Mrs. W. !>. DOOgUl, Mrs. J'4-.'phlne >. bowell ,,nd Ml-s Chanter Am 1..* Hi* HI p. h.w, (ail nochnn, the Rev. Stuart Vf. tinline. Beary D. . Potter, Mrs. John K.-on r. Shepard, Mrs OBITUARY. BOGAB s. TWEEDY. Danbury, Cooa., March ll (gffiftaf) WJRR1 is, Tweedy UU-d at bte boan In Danbury Md?y Bight after a brief -loess. He was atghty-Bv* years nld. Mr. Tweedy wu tara lu Danbury, and when a boy wont to Brw-Y-rh and engaged lu business. He sfter* ward becama a BBtmbar ot th.- linn of Hoyt, Tweedy H (o., bat manufacturers, lu Danbury. He whs widely know* in political Hf.- aiui en prominent in laaaBtal circles. He orgBBlaad and help. _ to build the Danbury mid Norwalk He wu ,,r Ikn Ini oi para 1 rs Of th' Danbury Hank, now tue Hanbury Natl nial bank, und wa. nu Its Hoard of Directors. Mr. ussi-ted n ti-e .-r&inlTritli.ii of the Danbury Mvtagfl bank, and kM alwayi been retained on Itr-t i.ani of Directors. Ha wns also freasarar of Dan? bury for many years. Mr. Tandy was chosen to 1'ir.nt Danbury lu tha Connecticut Legislature In Vii, but ho did not aspire to political effie... He wu- u stanch wills white Uta party estated under that Haine, and ta Baatet-d at the organization of the Beguhltoaa party, and was fl gctfgatfl from I"oiifi.-ctU-ut to tte Battoaal convention whtoh nominated Pne iriort lu loJU. Again, 111 IgdO, he was In Hiv Natl,mal I "iiv.-litloti which nominal.*1 Lincoln, und wai one nf Ivy., d'legates frmn ("minei'th ut to east the first vote f..r that gentleman, in |g_0 he wu CBOBSB a dele? te to the National Convention which nominated arti. ld. In li-:ii Mr". Tweedy married Elisabeth ?*.. Ugh ter of lite Kev. David lleld.-n. of Wilton, who survive* him. They hail seven children?four sons and 1hree daughters. (AITA IN .1. H. MMII.I.IN. nttstmrg, Mareh ll.-Captaln J. H. McMlllln. one nf the best-known river ann in th* eonatry, drappad 1'.. ni this morning on Oranditow-ave, lie owned and cmnnianibsl the tomOM steatm-r cllver Wave, which, jn-f befon the war was ordered to transfer gnM fr.-m Altogheny arsenal to Hie Sonth. Tin- ord-r .aa- -I iiii.-ii-.- exrltaaent, and a arab took possession of tho boat und prev.-nfed the guli, fran b -HlK liv moved. On this nBM boat Captain McMBBa ran the bl... kaile e-tal.lisle, by the Confederates abuvo Vicksburg und carried provlahms to Oenaral Bnnt. His boat had a Barrow racapa from -MITMOM and be wm gnat praise from General Great tor his nUsn! Bcttoa. Thc deceased ama also ita tarntn ..f th-- ^i,:tni capstan for steamet.. He was seventy. nevell vertr*. old. - ?. ? (ilHTCAHY BOTES. Cbic_*s. Maren 11.- Fran C. MeCkadtan, for over minti- years Idinllll-d With Ch|.-:i_.i Jenriiili.iii, i!i.*l ve*. tarda-. Mr. MeClmUMa tm. born in Meridian, g. v.. ni IBM, sta hean lil* cirf'r lier- shortly after the be. lantog "f th ? nar. Cincinnati, March 11.?.vorui P. Parry, a mUwd Bum her of th.- bar of thl* tinnily, an I SM 'if HM iMast and al.h st sBtOmeyS m UM Stat. . die.l li.1 IMCBtag. He jer. f.rtii-'d inii?.ruiut eraMeaUal wrvtn la Bte begtaatog af the I ill! Wai In ooline. t!on with the Ohio tri-apa. ivi||,|, m. amit him in item nteUsaahlp wita prealdsM Uaeaia at that time. Fiaab-ort, Ky-. March ll.?Osliasl Ctaatea 1:. Taytor, the abtori and bsss*kaewa islraraptei >f toa we*t, .lie. at 0 30 n'-'ltifk 'Al- lie>rnInw within a fev J.?..s uf where hu iM-iitin hi* Murk I* m arlecnpMr. Ha wis ban bj PmaBtori IftyalM yean atc. sta l>e..'aii mirk a- a tel... gtaghet herc in |g_g, and wee wm at un- lan B nut th. nr?t, lunn t?i Join the Csafcgerata lategraphfe -ervke aim the tunk uf Mplala. Il' "i.s at th. ,n ..In-itnra and ,111 US prsridllll "f "Tie 1.1..I -Time T.|.;ra|il..i?* Cnion," mil ma hy Un- (Ida Bf f.c>naid. BM gist Mtognghn to icad ly Mi'ind. Danbury. COM*. M*rrb ll? Charles Bt. ba-rl. dffld HU* ir.nrnln.. aced inventv Ile wa* born In B*W>Yen (Itv. where he was a wernher nf the old .Staaten tagln 011.Itn.11v Se, lt, mid mrgnlmd the ofiginal Ure depart nant Ul this illy. Tin- enormous -.ri"-; of th.* "A. lt. SF.K." patent electric elevators ure due, in part, to Ita fact that they ure the only automatic elis trie elevators made. Send for circular, estimate and references. A. ll. mc Mfg. co.. Hrooklyn. N. V. For superior accoinmodntloii- dui lin: World's Pair se, adverilsemeiit of .1. B, Armour. Nos. _0:i und HOB Jack* soit-st., under Chinga Mverttsemeats, this paper. .?. "Ailmirnl." Thi* strteUy hi-h-cia-* rfgarvtta Ii not nude by a t;n*t. .- .*m? \lie. a l.i?bt Milli Ihe hoy., Your* tor a I'l'tir Iv-nd. Dronio.seltzcr. i'rlal bottle 10c. The SBBto* "f m.-il" ne ans the b'llldlng up of flesh bear and ll.*?ue, If tie meit be i'iiUjIi)**, "tux" Drud Ballad -.f Brat. MARRIED. W|V.i_i;I,AI"nr.rti*.-Oii Wetnettay, Mar th Nth. w. p. curri.- Wing ta. UeU* L. QtoabSBg, of New-York. Notices of marriages must bc Ind-r. cl with fall name and address. DIED niuriY-Siiddenlv, oa Kndav ev-nl'... March 10th, at h.-r nepBew'i re*ldenee, IOU WeM l.-d-.t . Mirv Umilv. dauehler nf tue late Will lan: and M irv lind v. Funeral Ht-rvlr.* mi St. Andievv'i Chtirelt. and PM-Bara. M Monday. Match 13ti>, lt | p. ir. CAilMAN?At her BM MSMSan, IM tsthciiuerhoni-sl.. Iliotaklvn. M.r.-h 11th. Reberrs Jane, widow of the lat. Ni-I.?in tl. I'ariiiiin. In the t-sth vetr of her Mr*. Puneral lerrisse will !*? bsid ai her lite r-?ulen.-e 011 Tue.. day, Mat-h lilli, at ll ? '"? ira.m..cut at ssavsal nra ri family, ci.auk-tm Hank 10. et PBhblB n tba HeHem, afters brief lilli'-*. I 1 1 "Marl* tlaiKhter uf the late Ju*.'i>h CaitU, ami vvlil,iw of U?*|S (togtold VlttX. lu the 77lh lear of her a.e Kun.-ial services at Hie hom.- of h>"; da.e/htir, Mr*, ie.ran* ti Mer kirai, renter of Mm ind Church *t... Ptttalll ra th.-lliiilioai. Tu.s.iii March 14. at 11 30 oVlneh. liit.-'in.-iit at OaK lilli ( i-niet.-ri, Nvin-k, New-Vork, at I iM 1HSKXI1F.HKK.-At lthhmond Va., on Thiirartav, Mareh lilli. Pillie?. ll l.u?'.il'' In ihe Mat v.-ir of hi* isa. F".oral .civic** ,,t m.-iii,.tint .nail church, htain f.nil. ('on..., mi MaadBg, 13Ui Inst., at A o'cha-k. 1,ll I.Ft HU)- 1.11 Mareh 10, Helen Crooke O-U'ord. wife of Nallian (.ulIf..rd. Jr., and daufhler ot Kuti, rt so* Mary Cresta, tn her 2_Th r__r. Funeral Tunadir morning, March lt, al 10 O'elech, Ul Weil -B_.*i_ DIED. MILTON'-Stiddenlr. Fildir. MsrVh 10, 18M, to her .me. Mountain Stifl-m, N. J., I-Jiima Ward (.ovid. I'loii uf Albeit T. Hamilton, and youngfit daughter gt ie late Mite hei Gould. ire of funeral hereafter. l'KIN's-On Krldiy. Match 10~. of pneumonls. duane* .irti.u, son ol Main K. and Marlu lii.pklni, aged IB ?at*. ?_,?_ n-ral from the rcildener of hi* paunia. No. 427 Wtn Uh test,, thl* flSundir. iftern.ton at 4 o'clock. rial il Chatham. B. J., nu Monday. .TSON-At Pke. asath Carolina, Mareh 10th, IBM. r. winiam li. MaUan. uf Ii ookiju, ia ino ?-- rear al ls n.e. le nf funeral hereafter. WHALL?At Yonktrs, X. Y., on Krlday. March 10th. ?*!);!. after a ihort Hines-!. Cheever Manaflcid, only ion et Beever BewbaB and Madeleine Fly, ned 1 ita* amt niel,th., ernient it lToaton. I.TO.V-On Thund.1T, Mareh tun. letot. of pneumonia. Vllliim 1*. Tllton, formerly of Hoston, in the 44Mi yen t his aire. neral aertirea at hi* late re*ldenee. "17 We-t 78tB*sB.. ii Monday. March 1:1th at ll o'cloek a. m. MBBOV?On Mar.-li loth iain lu W. Tiuipaoo, Jr., asa f Fannie and Bdwla W. ThegBM. _ neral from Ht. Mark'* Church. We?t Orange, Kew. .nev. Mendal. Mareil l.lh, on arrival of I) BO walu M iel., lash. A Waeteia ii h. armen at convenience of the family. WNS KN I)-Al Winter Hsvca, Fla, on the 6th Inst* i If red Tuwintend. i'F.FDY- Al Daiiburv, Conn., March 10, K.dgir 8. 'weedy, in the gtek yan of her ano. neral service* it her late residence, on T-Cidsy, lita ii<t.. at 2 p. m. terment private. lOKHK.F.S?(>n Iterator, March 9th, 18-38, Charin len rr Vosrkrei, merni service, sunday. Mar. h 12th. at 2:80 p. m., M i* late manara, kt V.o*t*'-t. KI.CH-At her lute residence, at Morrlitown. N. 3? ?larch loth. Barth 1 ott. wife of Archibald il. Welsh. ttertil Moiitlav at a p. m. Nial train from .Murri, and Baan sutton, Hobokea, caving Nen-York MM 1 :-0 p. m. BUri?AI l'laliitlcld. N. J., Friday. Mireh 10, '"rance* Draper, wife of Dr. Frank g. Weill. service.* at her late i eildon, e, No. 82 Weet 41 t., l'laliitleld, N. J.. Ttl I liar. March 1 Ith, at 3 p IB. Special Nolie.a. - Fifth Avenae Art l.allerie*-*, 3.T0 Fifth Avenue, 34t!l*?t. MODERN P.-INTIN'aS, COMFKISINU IN PART TWO 1MUVATK OOtXBOTtOINfc TO HF. SOLD HV A CITION. jthtisuay BT-tnura, march i?, AT BIO_R O'CLOCK. IBS-IS SO.MI-.KVILI.K. OilTialF.S t OOt, Au-tloneer. Manager*. ,? tty the Fifth Avenue Ainilou Kooma, ?Sits furn) WM. 11. NORMAN. All TIONF.F.R. NOW ON EXHIBITION, A IB i LUB TloX Cllf PAINTINGS, F.\( M-lVKl.V HY A Itii UK AN A HT I STS. TO jil*. BOLB HY AiiTIOX. TIU'KSDAY AN ll IT.UlAY I'.Vl.N'IN.iS, Muli Ha and 17, at I n"ciiick. teuareaa -spring. Th!* alino-i witter L* no* 1*1 t *.-? slsBorals M iblng) WHored to all Its funner -tn-.-.g'ti w.d c\< HMM* ii great mineral witer drinking<: might bi lean ai pa.i MBaM al Saratoga-hurrying let tau** Owlt thin* I Ihli _._lthful fount-la. The I'rovin I.n tender **nll*. A new rev.a.i,..:. ?: maila a .. I Ie .....l.t. ile ?ur* >u get the gwa-se. Aln.iv- In rrotm-elmpena BeBBBB. I'mlollice Notice. [ghtriM ta mad daily hy ?;i MKi-sBtd a* chan^* may. ?cir at anv tlni-.i . .. Letter* tor oreign .itrle. need not ta- iiie.-laliy 1dr.?s.,i f :? dispatch by unv p-rti.-ula. t amer, except n. ii a i? deaiKd t.. srad duplicate*, at maana .iiuiiercUl d-euments, 1- tt.-r- sat -pc lally addie-*-* .In. s.-nt by th- fa?t wt v..-.-'.. avall-iil-. I.r u-'ii tualta tot th- -.v.ek .ndhei Mann 18 will clan iiuui tlc in all .a--.-, ut thl- oin..-, a- .* lb."- : >i m'iai -ai ?;? u. m. i"i Costa Rea. vu Mm ra, pra s. re-k*n, for New J ii I.tin ? : at X *?>> |. lil. for BB, 1erre.Mlt-ii.toa, per st. .mer [ram Mailtos. Munda v -Al ll a. m. (?ui?plet_-.iiar) 12:10 a.W.) BJ Mme, arr *? a. Harli, via Ho-tasaiptM .leter* ror ennaiiv ll,.lat li- Ulla ted ??pi 1 V U -' ?: at J p. Ha. r ll "'n d'I T"r" l-l -. .. Wa.hit. .'Mn. from Stew. rhnu- at .1 pa. for R -ll*. I. lln-ito CseMB Sn* .uaU-maa. lari I. i. Ilicikimtor. fr..iu Ncvv.orl--.iu.>. Ti i-siiav-ai li a. m. for Europe, i-t i. -? Bsyri. *to .aithi-1't..-i sM Ih'i.i h. ut *3 P- m. for BBB-Bari-i nr . i. t'nlui, fr"iu Xew4)nsaaa. , , . ,,..? WEDXFJjlIAY-At ll a. Bi for Fortune Island. 11 il J tl nd .-aviuiill*. CBC., per *? ..Al.-.: to U_B. 9* it 1st. Ttaaas and -*t. DHU, vi* IB* Af101"*?!' cr bath Caril.- L. Tyler ?.lettor- mun bfi <U* e.t.*d --per inrrie H. Tyler " . ?t i2 ?< .-tupplrmea. irv 130 p. in f..r F.ui-opc. per a. s. '?'rma"1<;1v.._!* ....?enst.iivn : ul 1 p. m. foi llelglnm direct, pet -- * ??"?*_" ind. via Antwerp n.u*t h.- dlr.n.d * i**r IM iud**.: ai 1 p. m. for I ul_, i/t s. ,. t Itv of Vt ashlngtoo. ia Havana. Si I p. Bl. fer >. and Pl-SS-S^ MT^Jh an Maren (letreri nm-t be dir. .t.-t --per Bsa MsrrarTl 1 1 p. m. lsti].pl,-u,e?tary 1:80 p. M.) for Wlndwsig -lind-., per .. s. Muriel iletten fol .ir nada, Irlntdad nd Tobags mail be diic.-t.ti -per Mariel I. TKfK-iliAY-At ll a. in :.ii||..-iieiitir.v ll .10 a* m.) .r rertuie lana*, J-amica ami irreainr, flers. B. Atnoa letter* for i osta Bira via Mun... nui-t he dilliBBB per tttar'); at 11 a. ni. (suppien.. nun- Vi in. fer Venemel* ml < ur.'oa. al-- .-vivuiiilla. via ( 'irricii, per a. I. 'enejuela (letters fur ..'Jit v MM port, mull <? directed ??per V*-aei?ela"): nt 1 P m. imp* iieicciitan l Ai p. m.. lot Bermuda per a. s. ortritiroi t 1 p. in', [supplementary I V.'o p. m.1 mr Nansn, N. P.. nd faallsge f-bs, per i. i. Clealuigoal nt 1 P- .'''?'?* ami .".r.-tnin. per .. I. Jsaou bU.rsf,,r Jellie, -auatenisl*. Tin-nin and Puerto Corni smst ta direct*** -orr .l-i.'.n" rn ?.* p. M. for l',.rto Btes .linet, per *. s. Ui'i.o-h at -ll |i. in. for in.\illo, pey *. .. S. 1'lxiaU. rom Nt-w.nrl. m.- M 'I p. at. tor BlaiBtMBi l**r ?. t_ t'.ii'-., fioni NewOrbans. FRIDAY- lt 7 a- Si. for I'iiid'il lt'.livar, lier S, s. El al lao let', r- fr Trinidad uni.-: ls- Blrerte. "|*-r Et ("sb. io"i; at 'll p. Bk for ilbiell. ids. |er s. .. Harlan, front Veil-l >l lean*. SATlKH-tY-At *2 a. m. bi IrehMd, l-^r B. *. ObBM .ia Qaeeaatowa [letters for sther iwr-* af F'.ur.ipe mu*t ra llr-ct.-d "per ?. lilia". ; nt il ?. m. f r Europe, p. r a. *. Win via Soi-.thanipdi.u [letiera inu?t !*? directed "p'.-r ?...riln" : at l:M a. M. for Netlieilina* dire. t. BBB ?? .. i|a**"'nm. via Ketl-rriiiiii ,1-lt'i- n.'i-t be illrec.erl "par ItSSS-MB"); at -I ii. m. for -scotland dire.t. per ?. S. levon's, tis iHses-W [letlsra inn-' !.?? IIivcBn "ii-r ne. mila" : at i a. m. r..r Kuropa, per *. *? Baale, vn south. a. et..n iud Bremen ilettern for Ireland, Prian, Sivitmr ami ltnlv. Spain, l-rtus*! mut Turkey, MUM BS dlr.-fe* ?per Ssale" : at 7 a* m. for Kraare, dwltierind, itaiy. ipiln. l-sirtugal aad Turkey, pei *. i. I>i iieiirpogne. vte lavre; at h a. ai. tor N'.r-*av dire t. pr -. t, i.iand letter* ni'.-t be dlr., tel '-|?m- li-lauu", . it ll a. in. for an.pell., i hispss, IWliaaeO :.:..! Yutainn, i.r ?. s, Ymnurt ttei- for Cuba Tl rn in o and Taapaai <Iii ?< t, and other it.\i in Stn'-'-, va vert i mr, mut I ?? dlr.'-d "per k'lliiiiin'* : at IS HI. f r '.r nada Irlnidatl BM TebSM, per ., , M[.s at S JO p. iu. foi Nen f.. i, milan I, pr -teanm rom Halifax. BrBDAY -Al 1 i> st. tor i .asia Btoa, via Mwon, j**r i, .. lin rn ni fro n v .?. a irieaaa. Mall* f.r Chll a and JspM, |*-r I. s. cite nf P.'o Janeiro from .-in 1' an. ?-'" .1. h.r-* dsltv un M Mar-h *17 tl ??lin p. m. Mall* far tie Bartetv Island, i*.>r ship I niplc ll:?1 ifr*ii. San l*i:in.i-e#l. i-piv* len- d-jllv np M vianli -.?'. nt il n p. m. Mill* fnr Au-tralia. Ne?*7. -a nnd. Illina lin. FIJI nml Haianaw I*'and*. pr s. .. tiimela Ituto .--ail F inici-.-.e. .I...- h.-r-' ilalT up to Mare* "21. it e. ;*o p. m. or ..ii sMvsl af N'-i Tart at - *? Bam rt* a HI, I-.rlflsh mall Mr Au-tmlla Mill, for th- lit*, -ul aix 1-lantls per *. *? Au-tnlla (from srm f-'nlici-.-.n. *| ,.? tere dslly up tn April -i*. at n:*' p. m MsUi for cht-a md lapaa rte Vooeeevrt ipeeMly a'.ir..-..i **aiy elora it this oftlce ilallv ?f il Ito p. in Mall- for SfewtMBB-. nnd l.v rill to llallliiv and th.e by steamer, cloae M ;his onie- ilallv nt p. m. Mail- tu MlguetM, hf nil to Bolton and thence Iv .namer. .*! me al thl. .flic, tl;, il -. at B .1 > p. ni Mall* bc (nil. br rall tl lan na. Pta., and toei..,. bv -f.-ain. i i.a!ll"? Munal*. rimr-iliv- -.ucl -.afiir-lav rio*. *,t t-il-;. ?? .lillv nt -;iii I, ia. Mm- r,,r .M.-it... ov.-rtead, uni*-. -,.- h-niy i'..|re.-. | fnr .lt-|atch by Mm tins al thl*, officB t.-il I v at. **. a. in T'.in.-i-a. in.- mail* are f rwaned i>. sa-i rnarisra dally ind Ih'. -ledule of .|.,sim* ls arnn*ra "*. th" pr- -umptlea ? f thc. uiilnt'rrupied sterland t'ai*it !?? Ban I'rrin.'lueo, Mall- from tie Fri-t nrrliliig on time nt Son I-'rant Inc > tm h'- dav sf -ailinn of vt."SBMM an- dtogBMhaa thence IM viime div. 'K.-.i-t.r.'d ii,nii rlean nt a p. st. prevtsn dav. 1 AIM Mipi'len.entiiri amil* nr ' i pc >' I SB 'he ll r* of Ula f'tik'H-h, nt Bl li and OttBMII -t'-aner. at the hmr . ?I.i-lni.' sf s-ipiil.-mcntriri malls nf th.- PsHultrs. which -emu I a np, ti until wlUilu tea minutes of the hmir of nailing .f iteoiner. COHN Fl.It'-* VAN (*ovr posfmiiter, IM'tnmci*. Pew-York X. Y.. Mm eh IO. I**f)8. lleligicns Xoticco. AT.L SOI'I.-.* (TH'IK II. Mallson-ave. ind (VHh-iB.? lolv Communion at IO a m. Kev. l'F.IU Y HROWTf, te.tor of st James < hatch Boat-n Highiasl*, pi.-achaa Bl ll a- ni. Murieal mrvteea at i .io p m. A.- -SIMKITfAMSM ADKI.I-III ll Al.I.. ??!?__, and Bamdway. J. W. II.Kl'l niall, apterh and leita*. Mr*. MOTT KN Kill I", -lal.* ttrltlni :i p m. J. lg. PiTl'.'I'tTIKK, -1 lemotlon.'' willi tests, 8 p. m. CHUBCB (>F TIIK Ml-ssiAll corner of 3ith**t. and 'arkav...-sen I.e. at ll a. ui. Prenhtag by tht* Kev. IOB1.UT i ii Ki srs COM1M9 Ifi ni'.ir. a Msmaa wju rabi forth mi tn- Ij ni imth.-ilie.- 111. lurael n ,u fmm from Jlew ind ( hil-tlan rhurebea; al*, pseiiorliiii th rn to ,.-ijnv RH .Ioi Inn, mri I. on earth wlthnut a natural d-atb ?S :ln* Chrl-lian I-r, lilt- .-janctuary, Hrs l.i-at.. Bundar, it 7 30 p. m. Come. CHRIST ( III'RCII, lloulevard md Welt Tlit-st. Bc. j. *.. BlIirMAX. Rector.-Wert leer* st ll a. m. maim p. m. at 10 a. m. FIVF. POINTS HOCSF. OF INHt'.STKY. 1R5 Worth. ,t. WILLIAM K. IIAKXAKO. hupfrlnta-iident.-fiervlra .f sons eva-rv Sunday at 8:30 p. m. The service la ;n,o-t wlia.Ily by the children of the Institution, .hibile nvlted. _ F1IWT BOCIETT Ol Sl-IKITCALISTM, Millie 11*11. STOi-sl. ar.S Tlh-ave.?M..ruing, ll; ?-. atterm-in. I psychical experience*. Spa-alu* XWiil WRiOHT. Caruegn I'venlng, >raa_rjf KADIHOX avf.xi i". p.r.FORMF.D riii'RCir. eor. af V7tli*.t.-Th. I'a-tor. Hr. AlTKiIT H. KllTKK_HiK, Wig prvach al ll a. m. and es p. m. HOLY TIUXITY CHl'KCH. HARLRM, r-enoiatg -omer l-'id-l. Kev. Hr IIKIOOMAX, Itector.-MoralBg lira)ir sud sermon, ll o'clock, livening prayer snd ?er. mon, 7:43 o'clock. The ll . tor will prt-t h st both sra* Knickerbocker Conwrvatory. Qne-tlona an.werai. Iirovlaatlon*. I. larc ll a. m. and H p. ai. bFCOXD 1'NIVERBAI.UT CHL'RCH. Ker. I.tS, l-.Alll Htil.dMl.W l-i-i r. -Service, la Bally 82 wan 12flUi-it. at ll a. ta. and 7.14 p. ai. SubiecL ?__?%. "Mora Th?n OBnoucnti"; p. rn,, "Tte Ufa Hvaamto toa." .AU tollu-.