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NO NEWS OF THE TREATY. OFFICE-SEEKERS MONOPOLIZE THE FRE--I DENT'S TIMK. BtCRETAnY CRFSIIAM WILL NOT TALK OX THE B-BU-KV-MB-M-g. CASTI.K ANO THUBSTOB WEHOHOVt OPPOSB a PBOTMCTOaATK. [BT TELEGRAPH TO TIIK TRIIIINK.l Washington, March H.?Ihe nio-t careful Inquiry falls to elli lt any delinite inf"rmnt1on ns to what President Cleveland Intends io du about the Hawaiian ?treaty of annexatl m. lt ls grahahto that the Presi? dent ha* BBt formed nny definite opinion of hiv oura ; and lt ls rennin that If ta has, be ha* carefully avoided expressing lt. lt seems unlikely that tht* or any tatar Important subject will be ron-ldered at present. Democratic seekers monopolize the attention of both the iicsldcnr and Secretary (iresham lust now, nnd little or no OppOtlaallj presents Itself for the consideration of the condltlins and reasons which led Pn ilia Bl Uarriaaa to send tin- Foster treaty to the Senate. An expression of his views on the Hawaiian treaty wa* Invited from Secretary Gresham to-day, tmt ta declined to talk nl-iut the matter. saying that the propewrd change of political relations between Mils country and Hawaii was a subject for careful cnn sldeiiitlon. mid that In due course consideration w mid be given to it. The Occrclary'fl reply was Hforoughly dJjilornutlc. and, ns i.s th,, ean arith BMk answers^ of little or no significance. That Secretary (ireshnm favors,rbi- annexation lhere is ita doubt, mid lt is assumed that when rre-ident cleveland lieelns Die conslderaM ii of the treaty Serretary lire-hum will urge annexation. Friends of the President -av that ?he Oauestlon of Hawaiian niinexntlon was pre. I pl tn test np'*n the Adnilnlsmnlon without lt- having a full opportunity of considering the subject, nnd that while the President ls not ho-tlle to the gen? eral principle of annexation, lu- purposes committing himself to no policy af such magnitude without going very thoroughly Into Hie conditions and facts bearing upon it. Iriends af the TTlstdlllt seem to think that lt I* not his intention permanently tn withdraw the treaty and stop further neg Math.n locking ti close relations with Hawaii. TJ-e remark of a prominent Republican Senator published In the press dispatches today. Hist lt was possible that the Pnrigsad might wish to aHccr taln the win of the HawaUaM as exprrand bv n plebiscite, probnblv gave lise to a revival of the question of cstnbll-.' lng a protect.irate over the Islands. Whatever the cause, the fuel remains that the BJltoaldBty cf establishing n protectorate over Hie Islands ls being aerlanhy considered by many per aons who have watched the progress of Hawaiian SfTalrs since the ai rival of the t oniinis-loiiers In this country. BpraklBg rm this subject, Mr. Castle, one of the commissioners, sahl to day : "I regret very much to bra* that a protectorate ?ver IN' Hawaiian islands ls suggested In plate of annexation. A pratectotatc ls nut arba! the Islands ash for or detre, lt ls doubtful In my mind whether some who talk about a protectorate under? stand Ita full significance of the term. When Mr. Stevens caused the Knited States flag to be raised In Honolulu he did nut .-stablish a protectorate; ho simply exteiidetl the proteattoa of the flag to the Government of the 1-lands. without thereby assuming the obligations of a protectorate. "If a protectorate ls to be thc future form of government for Hawaii, what does the Knited .-tates ?propose to protect ? The Provisional (".over nment. Hw ex-Queen Liliuokalani and tat Bngltefa backers' The monarchy ls at an end. A large and tho most In? fluential portion of thi- people will gerar consent to Its restoration except by force. Thc ftnrtetonal Gov? ernment ii amply abie to and will sustain Itself, lt repreM-nts the all but unanimous voice of the con? servative portion of the population In asking for an nexsUon to the Knited States, if tin- monarchy is to be restored, it must be with force. Hots the Knited Staten propose to begin the re*tiiru1li.!i of corrupt and Inefficient monarchs gtfMB- by Un* people lor bad government, and attempt to subvert popular rights ? If lt does lt will be a most extrauidliiiiry departure for a free people to take. If, hrraerer, any such proposition ls entertained, wlnm does the 1'ulled fct-tos propose to enthrone?the rx-Qneen or Kalulanl? before establishing this protectoiate | The people nf tho lslends would say. If th>-v were compelled to yield to the superior torr* ot the Knited states: -We have ended the monarchical system, lt hus proved Incapable of affording good government. It is behind th* Umes. It ls hnpiTBBlhte longer for the Intelligence and enllght'-rmeni of tie nineteenth century to en? dure the misrule, Ignorance and de-poil-m which Ijave heretofore existed in the islands.' ? Mr. Thurston, chairman of the Hawaiian Commis? sion, was asked what he thought of the proposition advanced by some that the Knited Stain can gain all Ihnt lt wants nt Hawaii by means of a prateetOTBta *V snd thereby avoid the rc-porislhlllty of the internal J government of the islands, the Jealomy of foreign nation- and expense of fortifying a Naval .staib.n which would be Incident to annexation, "What do I think of lt I" replied Mr. Thurston. "why. I think Hie advocates of such a propotlilnn have not thought out what lt me.nis. 1 know thal lt 1 rlalmcd that annexation would excite the J Ml-Mg of foreign nations and create hill I Mt tonal friction, while an American protectorate would not have such an effect, but I t-clleve that the lagtoal cMngnenera nf annexation or a protectorate would ta the exact op poslte of that claimed, for this reason: If Hawaii I* auuexed, lt then become- an latcgral purl of th'' United ?Stales, and ls removed from International politics. Once lt becomes American territory lt will be no more a source of taterMttonal eanpttealtoa than ts Texas or Florida. H. on the other hand, the lulled States, having thi- opportunity to acquire sovereignty over the Island-, falls to do so, tin- ultimate disposition of Uie sovereignty remains an open question, with till the posslbllltv nnd probability of Intrigue mid develop menl of loreign iBlerests which lin- Knited States would have no control over. -The Hawaiian literals have been offered io the Knited stale-, f, r annex-itton, not for a protectorate. The Intelligence snd p-ropci-ty of tbe Island* earnestly Basile annexation, not a piwectorate. At the present Ume Hawaii |s n distinct and Independent loverelgnty, ai free to act ns anv such governflaeot on the glob-. If the Knited siata-s refusei to sr-rept onr reque_l for aaMxntton. we simply continue to mania a di Bnct, Independent sovereignty. i'ne i-iiivl-ioinil laoveinmeni cnn and will main tain itself. It may bi- nci-e-sary for us to appeal to England lor annexation. Bach a thing aaa be brougbl about onlv bv Ito nf mm I of th.- United States to accept our oller, but if -lie does refuse, she certainly cannot, wlih any propriety or -how of last tee, pro? ton -gnlnst thi- annexation of Hiv Islands by any other country." _ _ H'W ANNKXATION WILL All) SI'UKCKEIaS. BY BUHB- FOKR Bl'i STF.A.MF.US now and rf.oistfp.ini; timm in HAWAII BB AV.ll"LD MAKE ??-'/00,000. gan Francisco, March ll i special i.~<)nc of the plans Which Hawaiian annexation ls expelled to make lu crative ls n gigantic deal by whbh (Inti- Spr.i Inls, tbe sugar and -team-hip millionaire, proposes to put foar foreign-built steamers under the Am. rican gag. Bpreckels lin* four steamers on bl- Australian nml Honolulu mall and passengn lines, (if then, Hie Atamed- and MaripoM wen- bnU! by the damps. The Australian wa- I*,light In England, but Tins had npolrs costing 0330,000 made ou her hen-, nnd under the old law was thus entitled to A merit aa regta try. The fourth veaeel, the Monowai, is chartered flom the New Zealand Navigation Compatiy, and flies Bte flsgs iif England and Hawaii. Mr. sprcckcls proposes iii transfer all four vrsaris to Ita const service, starting sn eppo-lttaa Bm to the Pactflc Mall between here mid Panam* and making a strong bid for passengen and freight to and from New York kg Cly of fhc isthmus. Meanwhile, lt is andentood, Ht tas mnde arnngemenls lo buy four large, fast British steamers, which he will put nt once on the Australian and Hawaiian nrvlcc. Two of Hies:' vessels are, lt li said, to come from the Cunard Company, and Mr. Spreckels ha- tbe option of two n more steamers, either for purchase or charter, from the Peninsular and oriental Company, which ls now ?vet-stocked with passenger boats. By placing then four vesrals under the Hawaiian Iteg. which can readily ta d n- uiidi-i ita pr'sent taw* Of th* tilsnds, -pi et Iel- would be In a p..-lti..n to fear* them sccepted ns of American registry the mo* meat snnexatlon is accomplished. What ibis means may he seen from these figure*.: To build in this ismntl] four vessel- of Hu- Cuiun-der or H. and (>. type would cost upwind of ?f-j.iXW.OOo each. He dan hay time vessel- for rash'for *l,.>00.000 each; Md If annexation succeeds tbe transfer of these tBrrign vessel*, under the guise of Hawaiian ships, sraaU cost bim nothing. So lie would gain at least ?8,000,000 by the operation nnd have four large nsraeli for immediate use on this const. What ran be done tn bidding for the Panama trade IB rinwn by tbe new Nort;: Amerlcnn Na vi pit ion Company, which lins Just -tarted out with enough baal ness to keep several steam-n at work. The Ps elfie Mull Company '"??*? made ninny enemies here, and mcrclnnts are eager to patronize any (^position that promises to give them relief. It ls aild thst. Mould this new corporation offer a good figure, gMracketa will sllow them to charter his vessels and BBB Bot enter p-ramaHi toto Um wsrtaie. What ever msy be the result, be expects to moke a strike" through Hawaiian annexation. THL RUSH READ. TO SAIL. SKDI)F.\, 01lDK.ri.S RF.CKIVFD IX SAN FR-tNCISCO -I TIUP TO HONOLULK F.XI'l.CTF.ll. San Frutiri-co, March ll (.-pedal..?Treasury officials here were greatly surprised thl- morning lo receive a telegraphic order Hom W'nshlligiir.i (111citing them to see that om- of the ih ree revenue cutter-?the near, (orwiii and Bash?ta put In Immediate readlaera to go on a long on n special ml-Mon. (if the Hiree Miters, the Richard Hush wu- tl.e only one available, ns ll would take some time lo flt out the others. The Rush liss Just received new boilers slid general repairs, made accessary by her hard service ls-t -ummer In the fnr north. Captain Hooper had decided tai twt the boilers In a month's run down the const nnd ta was about to sall when the orders caine. So nil he had to do was io lay In coal and supplies. His Ofltosn purchased a large amount of provisions Ihi*. afternoon and Ita vessel was coaled for a month".* trip, as the orders specified that the Voyage would he fully _..*.00 mlle-. \s the Hawaiian Islands are about 2.000 mite* (ll-tatit, and a* the RiMi t- nble io accommodate comfortably half ? donn n??enger?, the theory of the few Naval men who learned of the secret order* t- ihat tin- Senatorial commission on Hawaii win ne appointed Monday and will nt once leave fur san Francisco, where they will lake pa-sage on the Itu-h for Honolulu. Tke Balk ta* make Ibe trip In nine dais. Tbe regular Honolulu steamer sails n>'\t Wednesdsy, when lhere ls an Interval of sixteen days before Hi.- departure of another steamer. Tin* com mission would thus save over three ?week* by going on the Rush. Cantata Hooper has received ao word In regard to hts destination. Ills advices are simply ttl await -ailing orders. NO IWSTBU-TlOyg BEST Tri MINISTER r-TF.VENS. Washington, March ll.-There ls nothing new In the Hawaiian ritaattoa to-day. Messrs. Tlnir-ton. Castle and Carter, tin- Annexation Oonmtorioners, Imve gone I* New-York to spend 'linday. Bo Instructions tare yet been sent to Minister stevens at Honolulu by the present Administration, and lt I- not likely thal any will be until after tbe Cabinet meeting on Tuesday. No steamer will sall for Hawaii from SM Praactac* until Wo! ling BJ afternoon, lt 1st believed that In the Interests of peace and good order, if on no Other ground, the status quo nt the islands will b<- main taine-t while the dtopOflltlM of ihe ijuesti. n of an nexniion I- pending. Prtorasa Kalulanl and her party remained In th-lr apnnnienis In th.- Arlington imlay, pot golnc out In the r.^v and rainy weather. Mr. Davie- WM in? disposed and could not see any one. THT. TBEASUK- SITUATION IMPROVED. COLT) TO RF- RKXF.IVK.n ONLY AT BCB-TKEAB* ntU-g?THB BALABCE ovk.r *i,2.V).ooo. Washington. March ll.-The Treasury situation con tlnu.'s to improve from dav tn day. and from thl- tim on the Treasury Department will 1. In a position lo talve only UM) more, advantageous offers of gold. To day offers of gioo.OOO In gold were received from IIHsbnrg, Venn., and gl-OjOOO from Pearla, III. The demand from Chicago for small notes continues, and thu -Maning when some beaton in Ohio had oBered gold for notes and -onie delay took place lu the transfer, the delivery was deferred for a tow days and the small notes sent to Chicago. The niiiiiertin* Offers of gold from Mt *1 the way pines iau.--.-tt Secretary carlisle tMs morning to Inform nil la tenets* parties tlimugh the pram thal -gold ctn caa N) receiv-d only nt the sui. Treasury afltoes hi exchange f?r Betes." In other word-, the (hivern ment will not pay the expense of sending BMBCf by expires to individuals. At noon to-dpy Treasurer Nebefcer received a tele? gram from Assi-tant Treasurer Bobette, nt X". tv York. lUtlBg that im gold was exported today from New York and Ito prohahBlty wa- tr'.nt none would to Utan Ml next w.ek. The ten day*' statement. 1 today by the Trea-ury. Shows the fr.-e gold balance to be gS.-00.000. Acceptances of gold ,av beM made which do aol yet appear In the account. which Liing tils balance up to more timi Ma2-v,000. MANY CHANGES IN SENATE COMMITTEES. DBM0C1U-1 FIXH IT niFFTCFLT TO MASC AI' 1-op.TmsMF.XTS BEOMUPBICALLT. Washtagton, March h.-The eomaalttoe of the Democratic marta, which ha- for the pa-t week been dealing wlib tbe iroUWcsosae problem ..f r.-vi-iu.- the committee- of the Semite anri assigning cbnlraun ?.hips to the proper members, thi- afternoon al f o'clock practically flnl-hrd Hs work. Mr. Graman thinks that the -Kiny caucus cannot he held curl r than Tin-day. and lt is not Baprababta that OB fha! morning the committee will make lt- final report. ihe committee decHnra to give out any tafon-Btl-fl relative lo the malts of Its numerous ronfenneea, but lt I- known thal there has been no violent break lug with tbs tradition of the Benito by whlcb the ranking minority Senator become- chaliman. Many change*, however, tave bee* nmde Beces .-ory. ns one of the member- of the committee mid, by rrasM of the Miranee into the Senate <>f n*-w n. mo eratic members from thc North.-in state-. Than an? tony stiiiiding rommltten of the Senate, ata rai >.f this number Ita ranking Democrats, entitled la the chairmanship In thirty-one of these r.i'iiti.lti., from .southern Slat's, and but nine from Ito N irita. ju the "-elect committees th.- .sunn- preponderance frmn the .-(.nih ls seen, theie bring eight fr tn thal Bert lon and bul one from the North. The rieCltOfl of ll in I eratic .Senator- Bom Wisconsin, Bea York, North Dakota, Wyoming and CaBforata tas compelled ibe committee to make a -hilting of Biembenhlp, and In a namber of mira af chairmanships, so ns to gin then ii'-w member* and Other men (rom Ihfl Norih theil fair share ol the good alaees, <>f eoar*e, In thl larne li-t of .-southern ranking memben, the name ol the same Senator appear- in many caaea on vail m raaiBilttees, the memhen f.'.m ihat pan of the t .un irv having served In th.- Senate foi many rear*, The committee vim hold another me In. Monda-* morning and go over the revised list ami make -u h rarrecUoM as may lie ne. canary, if nny nomination aie -rut to the .-.'nate Moii'lny, Ihey will be r ? ived .-inti laid over until the committees have been fully reornntsed, and nu- win not, the caucus commit, e think-, ta earlier thnn the middle of the week. ? ?-. ?. SEDUCTIONS IN OFFICIALS' SALARIES. MR. HOCK FRY FXl'LAINS WHY Till. BOCSE I IT |:o\VN ITF.MS IN Tin. LEGISLATIVE BILL, Washington, March H.?Representative. Doetarr, of Ml-siuil, makes the following explanation of Ita ??dnck.ii" salaitea af saristant tecretaries, et.-., in the appropriation bill for text tl-eal tear: "When we i-aine lo frame the LaggislStlVC lilli we found thai n number of iii ? Departmenl oStetels wera gening a bfitius In addlllui to lin- ninounl nulli vised by law a- their s-iiarbs. For Instance, srhen Mr. llltt was nppointeai Aaatetaat Secretary af Bute, $l,O(i0 was itild.-d In the salary of the pla, ? without warrant of law, bnl lu responn to the direct re qanl nf Mr. BtelM. "Winn Mr. HHt left the Department, the salary, which had been raised to Sd.SOO, vv_. not cut gown. We nstored lt to il- legal figure, .t-1,.,()o. Then ., iiuinbt-r ol chief ii.-i-ks of Ito Departaaenta, aotably the War Departawat, were having rfi.iiu approprl ati-d for their sahul'-,, Instead tif tfi.iuo authorized by law. Th.-re n?n oiler cnn, Including ihi -'?lleitor of the Tnasur.v, and ii. euch Instance vv ? redaced Ito .salary ta the proper (gan. in only tin-.-, ca-ts did we mata axeepUoM. One wa.- the Pen lon UommlMioner, wno is not legally enUtled to giOixi a year, but vv thought, In view of Ihe Immense amount of w.,rk niel responsibility niim bing lo the place, ibo figure should nm be reduced Tue othci two cases ?en tbe Commissioner id the Land (ni,,. and the Kiibllc li liner, for beth ol whom ??. appro printed the amouai ih.-v are recrivtag, and not the ii ii i.'ii ii t authorised bj law. ll ".^''l.",.1"' lr."' """ "I*"* ** Ote Senate Wa f.llll, I that all Hie figures had ben raised, bm When | was considered In cratet-enee, the n.,i..,. ,.,,.,:.,, '"^V,..",."1'' ',' i',"!i'Pl>.'.'!*?' W."" ,h" '"*' ??'??l "I.- ?-'?'I'' rontornei yielded. That l- nh ih.-r- I- :? u?- ., , lhere w.ts no -ccrecy about |i, f,,,- ti,,, senators Wen Ln Vw,-.;'r,'i "f1.w","<1'" """>" -'oinmitie,. bad goo. -mi tin- Hanm iwd Bgmd ta," BONOUNG JUSTICE LAMAR'S MEMOKY. rm Ll ky MBE-IBQ of tim; BAB-SPE-GCBEg IO Bl Maui. BEST BATVBDAT. Washington. ll.-The meeting of the bar ol Ita supreme Court convened lu n.c BBMUaum Bt noon today, lo take step* to express Ihe loss the bar sn thined In th.- death of Justin Lun.ur. It was st tended by a large ami distinguished gBttartag. Vira I're-ldent Stevenson said : '"Hy re.iuist. I cull ibis m.-.-iing ?f ?ir lmr |0 or(,,.r lor chairman of the meeting I present t*,,. ,,.,??. llf ? distinguished member of Hie bar nnd lifelong friend til the lute Justice Lnmur, and for some years bte ns social,- In the Cabin,,,. ] I10w ,,,?,... ,? Ilft|Illnil??I| the Hon. William K. Vila*, of Wisconsin."? Senstor Vllns was elected chnlrman, and Ihen on motion oi John C. Ulai li Janies F. HfiBrBBCI derk of the court, was chosen secretary. senator OrargS In s hrl.-f speech moved the nu pointment of a committee to prepsre resolutions mi pre-slve of the sense of loss the bar felt ?, , , ? | of the late Justice. The committee chosen "hms .Id Of \ice*rresldenl Sievenson. ganaten Wnllhall l.eoree Gordon. Stewart and Pajb, ex Attorney (i-neral (,,,. land. ex Representative CnU-hUigi. Of Mississippi ?., , MeBsn. John Randolph Tucker, llnncroft Hails IV ll Um E. Kiri snd J. Vi. Wilson. The meeting adjourned until next Sntnrdny ai noon when the resolutions m\\\ ,?. pr,.H,.n{Hi ??? hlM.,.,., msde by -sensiors Vile*, Heorge and Mttohell of Ore? gon John Rsndolph %Tucker. John C. Bink, Bepre* rant at Ive Allen, of Mississippi and others. AN ALLIANCE FORMED. NEW-KNt HAND RAILROADS AT PEACE. RFPORTS OF fOMMITTI TS OF TIIF. BOBTOfl AND MUNT. ABD NIWHAVK.S LINKS RAI IITKD. The warfare between Ita Reston snd Maine and the New York, Xew Have* nnd Hartford rallronil*. which was precipitated hy the Influence of PnsMeat A. A. McLeod, of the PhBadelpbla snd Rinding, luis been terminated. In lt* stead has been established sn alliance that will bring the two systems Into harmony, and will redan the McLeod element In Hu* lioston and Maine io a subordinate position as s factor for enattag dtotarbaoce iin.l controversy in th.- railroad situation of the New England stales. Yesterday meettogi were held In Boston of the directors i.f th.. Baaloo mid Maine nnd nt the (.rand Central Station of the directors of the New-Haven road, to r.-telve th.- reports of the special committees of the resp.-itlve companies on Hie subject of a pn MMe alliance. The Bostam Slid Malm- committee was ranpOBed of Frank Jones, chairman of Ita '*" ecutive committee; George c. Haven nnd Snniuel c. Lawrence. The New Haven romarittee ranstatM of J. PterpMl Morgan. William K.ockefcllcr and William 1). Bishop. (?n last Monday the two eommlilees con? ferred In ihls city, and agreed upon the Hons tu be submitted to their respective t-onrds. || wa* stated at the New Haven oftice yesterday that telegrams had 1.n received from Bo-ton, to the elfect Ihat Ih- Boston and Maine director* had approved the report of thdr committee. The New Haven directors assembled at noon and approved ihe report of the M-rgsn-BoekefeUer-Btehop coasntttee. The agreement thu- ratified provides for n division of New-England lerrllory and a cloie traftic lill.ince th.- lioston and Maine and th" N'ew-llnv.-n roads, ll ls Ita limb r-tainllhg the two shall lulen hang.' business aa i lately a* poariUe, and -hall protect each other's I rn file by nil means niall able. No detalli are aatde public, but these will be the matter sf future nrraiig.-meiit by subordinate nfli c rs. The amngement provldra that 'h.- terrtt-cy north Bf the line of Hie llo-ton and Albany Railroad -hall to considered si belonging I* the Boston sta Main.-, while Ito territory covered hy lin- Boston ami Albany and Ute country lying -nulli of that IMd shall l.e left undisiuii-ed to ito New York. Ben -Have* rad Hartford. Tbs action af Iha Bew-Havsa board was ananlmoM. Th>- alliance eoncladed between the Barara nnd Mntnc and the Be* llav.-n mail will probably end Mr. McLeod, i ti tin. ii, .* in lioston and Msinc again. Ito t.-rm- of th.- treaty, if stael red in good (sith, trill prevent any Bttempt of Mr. m. i..-.*d to antagoain Ito New Haven Interv ls. lt is believed by well lateraled rnilroad men thal the retirement of Mr. Md.-od tram ito presidency ef Ito Boston and Maine I* now in cvluule. TliK oectirr. ie ?? mav be gntpdaeg for MBI lime, berane ll I aol vi .vi.Mit thal lie luis been forest to -..-ll ita Rostra mid Maine ..tock whick he purchased wl'h n view to n?-urning control of thal ron.l. Bat, ev.n If Mr. Ml letti retains the Uti*, lil? lias evidently Leen thora of bte laSaaaw, eira tie treaty of alltah'i* willi Ita New Haven could nut kBVe i eeg carri.-i through. lnieie-1 In railroad circles will now be fixed upon ita a.Hag af Ito itnkhoMer* ..f tm Kew*Yark and Bew-Englsta BaHfMd, I* be held next TBeStoy. Mr. McLeod's Mends .-'Ul Bsaert Ikal he arin aanerd ( har!.'- PaiMM In Ih* pn-ldciK v. Should this pr .ve to be irue thi- Victory may I..- n barren one. The Ben-York sta Burthen l- held in the Intern! of the New? Haven Ream ind ito PanderhtBa, and tbs Ben York .-md N.-w England, to obtain an entrance into Bew-York (itv. na*! d'vi .- new plans, it mav bo longer look, .liber, tor Ito lacking of the IL-lon and Bain, lt I- i.Ihle Ita! In nnv even! Ita voling pawer thal Ito Brading ntelven mav attempt I* ei erelse at Ito New -England meei ng my be challenged | n ls generally believed to Wall street that Bar! ol the N'.w RngtaM Rock t. .light by Mr. BcLeod nnd hil hrtonds sta sneMed bv Ita ReMtag ncetnrs n* ? liabihtv of ito Beading Company kn ?.' -"?' :""1 Hint, therefor.-. Ito proxted told In the McLeod w Beadingtatenri do not Bli npn rat ownership. should no emt. -I ta h.ade ..v.-r the BsW-YoHl BM New England peeridenry, the new mrinngene-nt will Budertak ? to co dm ? Itt alkira arttk brattte lflt< r U around it and it- Baatern uiiv itandtag aloof. The re;.or- of th' Beading rec elms, if Bmds pabBi at on..*, might clrar Baray marta af the m*j * rj tote inrronndlng t..<- proapeets ot the Hen Vork nnd Bea Bnglsnd uri, Then i- general rataataan sawn people tate ri Bled la Reading to take Mtlo* antll thi rtrriven furnish tonie Mea te la bm the Bnaaris affain ot tl.aipsn] ara rompBcaled by Ita tram scllon of Mr. MeLeod In 0to Bew-Engtead BUI** rh.- tir-t puhUe ii"'i..- gtvea af an arnaalaatton bv the Reading Income bondholder* hu tara gi-cu in Ito aa nnancement thal a prod ional comatlttea l.a- bera form.*l. composed ol OeorgB Capprfl, af Maitland. ll., lp- A Co.; William Mertei-., "f |,. Yon Hottmara a .john D. I*rol i, of .i. D. Probst BC*.; |ta_- N reflgman, ot J. A \\ . -. .Ullin:. A I.... alni J. K'li nedi Tod, ol J. Kenned) TM -v Cn. Mr. Berte ii v.. lerdaj Mid that Ito commutes wm not necei nrllj n't verse lo Br. Url ot. Mt Md simply bran limned foi Ito oro!erI lon o! Ihe bondttnlden. Bo plan ol bi Hon bad been decided upon, and ic> steps route p ri "t-'li i,, taken unrll the gave -ome Idea ol the financial condition of Ito pmi-erty. Ex Benator I'M' nn trw fart evening nt tlie plflh Avenae Hotel. When n? k.-d ni-.ul lil* n',l'.:n1 owner -hip ol JI."'*- .harei of Ko* nm and Maine pall rn ei 'o' k. to -"id : ** Ye*, i hnv-.* lien ito story, tal ll'i nothing tun a blt "t romance. I do not own a .i, of ito properly. Tto whola -torr l- a fat.ncMion. it I- tm- the Brading Railroad hie lame .t,H'k, a- stated, mid Intends I* kc. p it, bal i bare none." ___ ???_ A STATEMENT BY THE CONSOLIDATED. PBFSIDEXT CLABB BATB BOTB sun-, -WANTED PEA! t N" I?l HONS "V ll -T'lV AXII A Kill NY Bew-Haven, Coon., Mir.', n i-peciaii.--i?nac H Rr unley, Jr., general advertising agra! of the New York, Ben ll.iv. n and Hartford Ballraag, tontebt gare eal ito foBowtng itatemenl fran Ito dlrecton of the ConsoBdalrd mad lb ntetton t<> tte i.Ung ol Ito dir-ci"is in Bew-York iMs aBernora The board nt dlrecton of ih- Bonton nnd Balm Railroad Company, Bl i I perts I meeting held In Hos .on lo.ifiv. .uni in., i.oani of dlrecton ot His Mea lurk. N.-w Haven amt Hartford Railroad Com pan V, al I <lr regular meeting Iii Nea York, nt the muni lime, unanimously ratified the agreement res -ned bv Ibe commiti.t ronferenn at ttolr meeting ob Mun ? Inv, Ute Kl h. a ne. I to Ito ettcci ihat neither com nan*/ win Interfere triih ita lerrllory nf ll.iher . defined io be f..r Ihe noel on and Maine that north of ih.- h -ton ami Albany Railroad, snd for the Xew-llaven i.I Ihe Bonton and AT any Kainui and all matta "f lt In New England: with a further agreement ital norh company win Inierchange. -> tor ns ii legalli nnd limpet 1) mav. nil Ito business of Ito J..Int t.-nil..rh- . Ihl- apnemenl or un iel -t in-llii_ ls one reached ufier conference between ito two rom mitte.-*, who agreed Heit tin- t-... greal systemi ol Nea Borland ihouM vtirk In hsrmoat snd, n fur si lawful urti* proper, pi..i...-t mutual tatamis. Kn--id. iii . . p Clark, of Ito New-York, Bew-Haven arni Hartford Railroad, when seen al bl- hom. ken lo-nigbt. He saM in relation Ut today'- tail rata Bgnenenl betneen his rtmd mid Hu- Boston and Maine: "Roth sldra wanled peace anti wer.. bound lo have ll. We ar.- both sall-fl..." He -aili in answer t>. Ito qaestton, "lin* the Bea Haven road acqalnd control of the Boston and Al hanv t" "No, nml what ls more, we have no designs mi lt. imr relation srltk ihe rota ar.- rery totlmate and plenSBt, and BC derin to keep them so.*' Pr I Blil Bl Clark v.ns ri-l.til. "ll .*s this agreement nunn Ital the Ben Haven ri.nd I- going i > auto mi sitempl to gel .ni n.i of ihe New-England road r H.. snswered, "Not n unehbolder lu the New Haven road hu- a dollar'* worth of stuck tn the New England, nor wants one, elUierl" GREAT ROADS TO rTORK IN HARMONY. Mn, M'Ll '.uti. BE PREStDEMT Og Ni W-F.NiiLANH C0BPERENCE8 OP DtBECPOBB. Boston. March ll.-The Post-* News snyr ?? We can slate porilton a- I.. F.ii.-lan.l road. prraldeaey t.. Mr. Karmi- will nol take mi 'Iver of the N'ew-Ycrk mid New Mr. McLeod, nfter offering tin .' i" wll known railroad nu ii ami having brui it eefaBed In each case, hu* been arged BBd bas rici bte* lo liike the presidency himself. This I- rrastoend e_nctnrive lhal Ita pi-put) nfl] be turned ov.r to the Brad tig Compni.v. "We leam also on trustworthy .-luileirlly that the control of Ita N.-w BagBmg wa- Bf I nd lo Mr. MsegM tosl week, hui UM price was dei high, ,,n,l he refused lt, and tln-n slated that be would liol luke ll ul nny prii.-. Tin owner:- ol the stock had Utera fore no otier ncnarn dam I* muk., ifea arapsrty ? Bart af Ita Biadtag ayaton, arhteli hr.s nm pnietlcnllv been done." Mr. McLeM wns in town to-day, and held a -hort roiilei-nce with the lioston and Maine directors. The principal tai tam gteenflaM ann tha report *f ita coii'initice n ranferanra with the New-York, flew. Mavra and Hartford people. The teOnrfng aNtotel sUlimial was frtten om br ihe dBnrton- "TM sgmuenl n uaders-sadtag I- rantad altar con lining with the commlitee which .mel lp Bew-Yof week. Il an aureed Umi, f|10 two prent *v-terns ol New F.ii.' -luuiiii wr.rk lu iinrmoiiv. and M far as liiwlul mid pnper to pmtari their mtit'i-il lntcre*t?." Mr. MeLaM alli ta in imtaa nguiu on Tuesd.iv niel attend the annual facet tag af the New-York nnd New England, ut which he will be dis ted president ??The Globe" s_ys this evening that lt ls able to tate n coming from a reliable source that a leane I being arranged between ihe Boston und ".Mine ana onrord nnd Mort real ninds. Matters have made urn prow amt thnt ti pinn bu* been drawn up and nm Honed by both boards of directors. nemura TERMINALS for great northern. Portland. Ore., Mardi 11.-J. J. HU, president of ta Ora*! Northern, ls said to have bought property alii.-d nt ?1,.VIO.OOO on the Fist Ma for terminal nirposes. According to the report the Puget Sound lue. liegun bf the Knloii Pacific a few year* ago. vrii I... poshed to nn earl* completion by the Great tor-torn, and Ita shops will be louned hen-. iNOTIIER OK THF. CENTRAL'S PAMPHLETS. Tho Etenenger DefarBnenf of the New-York Can mi Railroad lins ls-ued nnotlier pimphlet In Its Four Track .series," being th.' first number for 1-n.i. t is eiitltl.-d -The Luxury of Modern Railway ??ravel" and tells th.- story af the facilities furnished ry the N.-w York central and tts connecting lines to passenger who travels between here nnd tte West, 'he book ls handsomely Illustrated with twenty-two half tone.*," and several pen and Ink itetctea of he cars In uso on tte r md as well as Bf scenes ilong the route. The tari work of Hie American lank Note Company has tieen given to the pregan* lon and execution of the pamphlet, and the book ls loith pOaaeBStng n I glen of art attractive In Itself s V--11 tis a testimony to the advertising mtcrpttM .f the New-York Central Company. THE 'LONGSHOREMEN'S STRIKE. IO CHAflOE .IB THF. SITKITIOX YFSTK.RDAY. There wns no change yesterday In the situation of he striking' longshoremen employed by Port Warden Mimd S. .Scott on the piers nt South Fifth st.. Will Banbara, who went out on Friday. Roundsman Ink.non, with a agata of nn-n attached to the Klrtli -*nctaet, were nt the place all day lo nvold trouble. rh.- m.-n were oi-derly, however. At. ?*> p. m. they were ?ailed together, and each man received Ita money Miming to him. In the aAernOM the striker* met at Vu. 101 (irnnd st.. mid elected Koi-emin John Bergin ir.--liti-iit of the union In whbh all of Mr. Scott's men ir,, enrolled. Iier.'ln was discharged Hy Stott, mid Villlnm Murphy put In charge. The strikers declare tal they will riot return *_> work until their old ' reman. I'.eigln, I.s ntostateg. Mr. Herein snld '-?raster*-, thnt Mr. Scott had dls TlmlMted agaln-t some of tte men for tm reason. ls allege* that -*<* took this method to square bing* 1-eeiiuVe they dbl not vote ns he wanted them fl teri tall la tha Fourteenth Ward. These men upporMl Patrick Rnlph for supervisor. Bergin uriher declared that Mr. S-ott hail kept some of he indi out af w..rk all winter because they bsd i..( voted hi* wry. Mr. Ihiglii-s mininer Indicated bat n big war wa- to be waged on the Part Wanton. via. I- a warm rapporter ol senator McCarnn nnd be ring. The -near reflii'-rs a few venrs ugo did their own f.v. doling, mid how lt toona as If tte b.iders In ta rurik'-- will seek a return to the old system. THF ANO ANN ARMOR STRIKE. Toledo. March 11.?The Lake Shore engineer- have ?efuse<i to hamil.. Ann Artair tars. Nearly nil the it.h officials of th? Luke Shore rend nre h<-re Bl ,ecr-t -e..a,ii. The SI p. rlllt>'h(lf ntr r.f die Wheeling ind t.nki Erle, the Cincinnati, Hamilton nnd Dny on, the Hoclctag Valley snd the Ohio Outr il nre Uso here for tte pal pun of dicldlng on the position hey will tate In tte matter. This morning tte I'.-t tnt Iv ai.hi Railroad (nglnea-rs met, and this after* 100* they coiif.rr.-d with the siiperlnlendent of this llvl-loii of tte road. Th* Ann Arbor ls totnllr dls ii.i.-d t'"dav. bi three serious naahJali Bccaned luring the Dight and business would be at ii statid -Tilt even If w ?re no *trlke. owns.... Mich.. March tl.?Tte Toledo and Ann liter strike situation ts unchanged nnd everything s onie! ben PBaseager trnlns tt ntln-ie to run ? .-ni ilv. lui few- freight*, are on the nova. Three mglnei hav. t e. n bun.."I oat by new nnn, and ?dead" engines an fretpjentfy brought in. 1HF. BLECTBICAL w-.rkf.rv BTBIKB ended. Chicano, Manta lt Imperial). All danger of ? general -trike al tbe World*- Fair groutas wss nmaved io day, ?h.ii tte delegates representing Hie lil.or orgnnlr.a ttoni atid the Connell of Administration reached a ettlement of th.- dUfCreneei bstwera tte -triking ileetrleal worker* and 'he Fair, lt wa. agreed that ,. reaf.-r tba wages ii-ked by the electrical workers. Xl 1 9 eents an hour. ?hould to paid, but onlv to such men n- nre thoroughly competent workmen. No . ? ip hands are to receive thnt amount, and Mr. Iliirtiham I* to to Ito judt-e al the workmen's effl. rtenry. Ito Kew-Yorg In-ulntcd Wire ( oinpniiv, obos* met: * trut k With the others two week- .i.s., ha- mads !..-? s.uiie srrangemenl with its men. HELL G.ITE BHFUEUCJlMR HAYE A PARTY. The Hell (late Republican duo h.*ld an enjoyable "Ita*" JKirtv ln*t Bight, Bl IIB clubhouse, (tO. I.*30 Fir-t ute. Edward L Montgomery made a fan r< mark-, n-d a BMHtoal sud literary programme was elven bf Frnnk Ku! I-hka, t-nmut-l linalle. Preter Bk I.vidai! nml Wllltrim Mein. Frederick A. Hotly nl-o .I.- an nillir--*. RELIEVED TO HAVE REES AS OrERA RISOEH. It ls now believed tlist the unknown man, who Bommltted suicide bv shooting hlniself in ihe head In Ito Woods Bl Metochen, fl. .1.. wnv n BOBtontaa named Uarnam. caries Cony, m opera Magra, of Brooklyn, -avs thal ta feils -ure that the nietta was Bertram, who sn ti.n af a Boram BMrehaat, Among articles fi.;,i,.i on Hie bogy wns a card containing th, ??*?'."'? iddnnfl nf ( orev. ,\t the time of tte t\jM.W at *_.*--? Inanest he was unuble to remember how the man bnd obtained possession of his nnme snd addreas. He now remembers the mun as being a chorus singer in the ?? Ki-uiinie"' Opera Company, when Francis Wilson and Puullne Hall sang ta the company, corey .says that Barnum was unmarried, aud a msn of steady habits and (jillet disposition. He bad not regarded him as being one who would commit r-ulckie. Tin- nnth irliles at Metuchen, after holding tile Inquest, were compelled to bury the body unldentitle.. TBE ff EA THEE PE PO ET. THF. STORM PASSING TO THF. NORTHEAST. Washington, Kalah il.-The barometer tonUnuen high but ha- fallen over the Xevv-Kngland coast. It ha* fallen rapidly from the lower lake r*-glon southward to FLnldit and over the plateau region*. It ha* risen nf Idly In the intra! valley* and on Hie Paclli'* Coast. The *(.rm which was central tiver I-ake Sii|ierior has passed to the northeast, but rain continue* lu the lake i.-jrlon* and on thc Atlantic Coast from Xew.Y'ork to / PtorriS. The weather le trenerjlly clear throughout the Bonton State* ond the geHhOOM, lt i* calder gcn erallv In thu Mississippi Valley and thence .*i*tWiii_ to thc Atlantic Coast. It ls "armer In Rocky Mountain dl-trlctA anil alon, the Atlantic Coast. fair Breather Will prevail Sunday throughout the Southern states and the nattai valleys, and the wintrier vv-.n clear early Sunday morning lu thc Middle AttenUe -tate* Moth of Pennsylvania. DETAILED FORECAST FOR TO-DAY. For New.En_l.ind, threatening weather and riln, prob? ably ihm lay during Bm day; motherly winds, shifting to westerly; .lightly warmer at Bight; probably colder In the interior Monday morning. For Eastern New-York, rain, clearing early; winds shift Int; to westerly. slightly warmer. For Eastern Penusvlvaula. New-JerSSy and Delaware, generally fair; wind ililftln. U> Westerly; tillghtly warmer. For Western New. York, rain, followed by clearing weather ; southwesterly winds. For watten Praaaylvaals. rain to-night, followed bv clearing weather; westerly winds; slightly colder. TRIBUNE LOCAL OBSERVATIONS. Bight. 1 4 A tl V MB 10 ll {rim^im ?_t_ft-L-_ ?l-.U-pi i_-g?gi-S 't-'KlrV 7^ -bj?*! ?I' ,^*^%*<**i ??** rrffTDTi-rifcT* 30.0 __ 29.5 In thl* diagram a nattnaon white line shows the change* in preaaurs a? liidhiit-d bv ihe Tribune's reU* recoriflng barometer. Th.- broicen lin* n-pres-.-nic thc tem* pennis as absrvsd it Parry's Pharmacy. Tribune Oflh-e. March 12, 1 a. m.?Rain with Might lnterinl.ilon* prevailed throughout yest. -play. The tem? perature mnrr.-d taiwan 3'! and 4*i decree*, being lowest at midnight. Th.- average i38 _j was 10 . degree* higher than un the rorrcpondlng date last year, and 1 degree lower than on Friday. In and nmr thl? .-Itv tn-dav there will probably be rain, followed by clnring weather, slight thermal change.; probably WIIBMI. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. MINIATURE ALMANAC. fiunrlie, fl ric Set :> 50 .Moon rise* g:M a.mlMoon's ape ci HIOII WATER TO DAY A.M.-fteady Hook tKMtU*v. Isla d t:*t|Hdl c,_-e 6:*.'.-) I'.M.?.sandy Book 4.11 O..v. ls.ann 5 (JU.U'U (.at-r ti o.l IN COMING S TEA MENS. TO DAY. Yea.-*!. Krom. Line. K-rroiilc.UVSrp, .I, Feb ll...White faur I dan..Rotterdam, F< b 23.flt th-Am.-r Siberian. t,la*po?. Feb .1.Allan su,te Berlin . Livrpiol, Mann 1.American La nour fugue.Havre, Maren I. . F't-n.'h-Ti.ui* Colombia .Criaa, March 0.Pacific Mall .Monday. MARCH lg, calli* ........Uverp-ri, Msr.-h I.Cunard gtsls af OaUto-Bla...Oto**aw, Mirrb 3.Ailsa amie Tfi.sD.vv. march ii. Taurle.Unrperi, Msrch 4.White Star OUTGOlSG STEA HIES. MONDAY, MARCH IS. ?Milli Venal Vena:. Moe. For. clo*-). -all*. C-SttBtaoehSS Oem, Kivannah. 3'Opt lr..otio'. elide. Chirieston. 3:00 pm nill, Auicrlcin. southampton. 8 30 a m 1 i 1)0 ni TC Es DAY. MARCH 14. Havel. X C. Lloyd. Bremen. . * :Oiam w kp ni. sn av, mari ii i; Krlealruid. R*d bur. Antwerp...IJ 30 pm 3 00 p I san Marr.,*, C..Inindia. Colon.. . . ... H'M ai City of Washington. Wail, ll av aita* . 1 00 pia J Cv il SHIP PI SH SEWS. TORT OF NK.WYORK-.SATKRDAY. .MARCH. 11. 1893 ARRIVED. Steamer Mo.-iterot-ia flt. Boyla, London February "(1 "Uh i,.:-.- .nd iMBM-fer. tt, Xew.YorB -shipping io! Arrive, at tile liar al i .:, ;, m. -???ii*ir "..-rn.ann Hr. Nicol. Liverpool March 1 Queenstown v. with n l? and passenger* io ll M Ke-s.v' Arri..d .it th. It,r at 7 3d p iii? loth, ani anchored ottilie t.. theh weather BPnaier Galltee Itr>. Whitton. Hun February ld Bollon March lu. with nid-e ??. _ .s.n Arl ru .-tl at tl..- liar at tl", p in - lamer l.laad linn . t*sjodt, FrederlBatovra Pebraan 19. ( lirl*tlm? '.'.'. l liristiun.aiid 23, with itd-e njirl ua.. MNisera b. Flinch, Edys i Co. Arrive, it the Bar at I .10 p m BteaaMV Bwhllghl (Hr . Collin, Fl.i-hins Fehruarv 13 Hart.ino.itii l'.i. vt. VhlUtl. Iphia In l*tll;i?t to i,.tel rtTiube Arrived ?( Ute IWti at lu a rn st.*uner i.i callao Bri, Saunder*, lludsd Bolivar. Peb? ruary SM. IrldM.i.l Marti -I SI tarli ;'. wm, red.,. t.. I le i.vul Hr... Ainve.i at Ita Har at :. p in 10th and on a. count ef tni.-k Heather ?steamer Kulti Nor.. Lund. Puerto Cnrte/ February IO, (MM itt. Pr-Cteeo Marti 3. with md*.- and on.. ? ?,. ?enget t.. i; vt Willum*, lr Arrirad at th.. Har at till I III. nra_aoeura> Going tO 1 Iff lft f .Leave Building told by June 15th mutt get rid of over a HALF MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF CARPETS. To do eo will ofer the biggest CARPET BARGAINS ever heard of. 1? 1.50 4 Kinchina, for S3.OD 93.00 Mnxonv* for 91.79. 9U..JO Royal Willona for 91.99 Ba.lia A a in in.lera for 91..10 91.SO ll oq ur Ile* for Hie. 91.40 Willeri Velvets Cor OOc. 91.KA Wilton Velvets for *0c. Ht.'Ai Body Brussels for Hie. 91.15 Body Hru.sel. far 7 .Jo Die. Tapestries fer *Or. 73c. Tapestries far -Oe, 6.1c. Tapestries far 40c. Ht. Extra Napers for OOc., Oil. < I OT ll a, BTBAW HATTI.1tiB, ORIKXTAI. aad Mi.VK.VA ttl l.u, etc., at jasi as great redacUeaa. DOBSON'S 4M! Will WI SM .Steamer Humbert (Rn. TlBlBBBB. St Jago March 1 with Iron orr to order: vewtel to Jan.e. h Winche.te* B Co. Will llsekam at Keith Ambov, g J. Stonmer lleaf-CgO-. Pierce, ( i.-ufn. .o* .Mareh 1 gt .la.o |. BnsM 1. "Uh ml?e and pSMeagtri to Jamel E Ward . to. Arrived af the p, ,r _t -I OT a m. Steamer Leona, Wild" r, flolnslao March 4 wit* arise and paaiciiper* to C ll Mallory ._ (o. Steamer Chattahoochee, Hisr." ti Havana March 8. vt Ith md*- and psiseagin to P L Walher. st.-.imer . itv i.f Columbia, Jeaoef, .Newport New* and Norfolk, tilth md*e and paisenger* to Old Dominion .si . ? .sandy Hook, 9 p rn?Wind BB, moderite brew, deni tog At City I*lsnd-Wlnd fre.h. XE; raining. CLEARED. Steamer Orizaba. McIntosh, Havana md M-xlcaB port*?.li* B Ward _.<.? st. amer -.'Itv of columbia, Jenney, West Point Vv Old Dominion tit Co. .steamer Mohawk (Rr , Wlltihip-, London?New-York shipping Co. , . i si.<, Knickerbocker, HaUey, Ncw-Orleai,i-Jo. H Sean an. Sf. rainer BritaaalB Br, Raker, Ilivina, Klngiton. iiidai..u|-e, et. ? F B Dal*l>-1. B lea mer I roatan. Hans, ii. Wilmington, X C and (ieorneu.wn, S l -Wm V I lyda t <>,. st. .mer LmiKhlrst (Uri, Anderinii, Tort Royal, S C? Funch. lady.* B Ca. Ktramer Bluefields, Lewis, p.altiinnrc_H fi Foster. Steamer Roanoke, lluljih' rs, .Norfolk and Newport Mein-*--!lld Dominion Sa Cu. .steamer ll K Dlmo.-k. ( oleman. Ro?t<.n-H F Dlmoek. steamer lanita, simmons, Philadelphia?Win P Clvds c. ?M/ Yumurt (Non, Dsntclion, Bara, oa?Monet Nenjiort Sews and Sfe-mner Old Dominion. Couch, Richmond?'>!d Dominion S* Co. steamer .fohn (.. Christopher, Crawford, .Ta-ksonville? W ll t sates. Steam.-r El Rio. Qul'-k, flew-Orieaao-J T Van Sl-kl*. BteaaMT laoauBBn, ('rowell. K> v We-t md (,alve?nn? C ll Mallorv v C. ship Fidelio (Her . Bar-nlvrc. Plil'if.e'.i.hla-Theo Rtic-r * io. -ship Rajore (Bri Klltlnd-r. Cal.-utta-F KV j Har*. Park Hon. Kiri i Nor . 'i!*en. BaBIa?C Tobin 4- Co. Park ABM Abbott. Tooker. Wellington and Auckland, fl B- Arnold. Cheaey I Co. Bark i.arihaldl (Ital), Parodl, Batavli fer orderi? Fnn.h. Ed ve rfc Co. Hark W R Clint. Pierson. D'infd-n, Lyttelton ind Auckland-Arnold. Cheney .v Co. SAILED. St-amor* Dini.h Prlnc -. for Havarti: An-hona. c.u^ows Orlssta, Havana: Bervte, Liverpool: Ctierlbon. Mar. v-iiie.; Adlna-toek. Blogasra, Jaaaura; I.*, Hiivt.-: Karisa. I 'itv. Savannah El Kio. N?w.Orli-ani j Mohawk. London; I! ..-ino*.-. NnrfoU an<1 N wport News.; rid flewperi Wrara and Bletaeead. Till. M.iVEMKNTS OP STEAMERS-PORE-OB PORTS. Btaajan Bew.Tsrk, Jamie-ion, for New.York, ulled from fmillItBBllitoa March ll. Inula (Hr . Tau, from Nevv-Vork Kebruary 18, ?rrTTTl at Beweastls Maren IO. i.r* lau iHia, nailed from Olaefow for Nee. Toik March I". steamer Noordland (Belpi. iirdiu. trora New-Tork ta Antwerp, p.i*?.'d the Uni* Mir-'h ll. steamer llroo'xlvn Ctn dlr. Brown, N-_r-Yo-k lot Rrl'tol, panel Hmvv Ban March ll st.-inier dtli. lb. ltira Mr.rcan from New-York ib_e_. 1 arr 'j:i. for Antwerp. i>*?>d th* Sclllv Ulandi March 10, steamer Penlan Monarch (Bri. Bristow from New. York February 27, for London. |*a?*ed the Sclllv I?landl Morell 10. steamer Mannheim (Uer), floefak, New-York for Dover, ptwati tli" Liinrd March 11. Meoiaer Boheoila lier s.-hroed-r. fisim flew-TMB rr hi sar j 17. nrriv.-d at Copenhagen Hare* ll. steamer Eleen | ler), sal'ed from Hamburg for New. Yolk Mar li *.c ftteaaw Khlo (Br), Tvion. .ailed from Bremen for New. Torn March to. Meaner Rotterdam . Dutch". Rocaeveen. sailed frotB Rott.-dam for Nen.York March 11. steam.-r OeSM Potch), CS-Beas, *all?d from AmiterdaiB for V wYork March IO Steamer Releeri'.nnd Belg., Ehoff, nailed from Antw-r* for New-York Mar. h ll. Steamer La Champagne, iFr). Fran.ucl. Mllel n*o? llavr- for New-York Mir h ll steamer Aut-u-ta Vletorls J_**r>, Bir-'r.di. from New. lok March 2. for (Jenna and Vapl.-s arrived at 'iihraltat str-onier s.n (ilorclo i It . JaaiBe, from New.Yow Jan ?orv M srrlved si iseoos March v. steamer Klv.ia Bri. M "Juhle, for New-lork. ulled from !l*Dlei March li. Steam'-r Fuer?t Bismarck "?>* . Alton*., from Nett. York Pebraarj 4. arrived at Smvnu Hank 10. _}or*c. aub (_arriag.g. H..I.VI11.1 I _ CO. -FLAN DUAL' A CO -l-LA.NDRAU A CO. Downtown, Uptown, 17., ? AN fl U BROADWAT BROOME sr". AND 61*T*bT. UIKiKOHAMS. lil Ml ' ll AC li Eg. LANDAU!, OM NI |H S ROCKAWAYS, VICTOR! Ag. CABRIOLET8. Viii A VIS. SPIDERS, boo-A-Doa, WAOOflBTTEa . PllAElO.N'S. CAR IH. RUN VIIOKTS. DEPOT WAOON8. ) Kl I'l.EX si illllKA BC K HOARDS. KEW IN DESIGN. Qt'Al..' I V OF lill, BEST, IN ALL sl/.ls ANIi WE I OUTS. AND COLORB "V PAINTING AND .KIMMINli. lci;.MIN(? rm*. LA ROE ?at silicic ok FINI8HEB VI.lill LEM IN TUE WORLD A CRl'l'D AL INSPECTION -SOLICITED. ? OMl'laKTK Bl'OCK ABOVE STYLES BECONO HAND AT LOW PRICES. A.-VAN TASSE1 L & KEARNET. 130. 13'.' EAST 13TI1-ST.: IHL I.S. IJ7. 129 East IJTM-ST. S-1'.oLL ANTIQUE Oil. ic. II AMS ; lll'.ui ..M.VMSl OCTAOON PHYSICIANS' DROl'OHAMS: HROUOH.lMS. BROUGHAMS IN ALI. ina LATEST DESHiNS. NEW AND SECOND HAND: LAROEST STOCK ANO VARIETY IN NEW-YORK; LOW PRICES. Aka LANDAUS, OMNIBUSES; COUPE KOCK AWAYS. LAN DAULETS, OCTAOON ROCKAWAYS. DRAdS. MAIL COACHES, (I PASSENGER ROCKAWAYS. -TITERS PATENT RUNABOUTS. WA.iO.NETTES, PHAETONS. EVERY STYLE OP LIOIIT OR 11EAVT CARRIAOE. A BABOA1N, i.n h..ree.: il'.S to B.00 l-l vain..; -nit .ri..!, butcher, fania r. anv bo.lneaa; tm. lo*, wiignns.1iirii.-s; trial al l "W.d; al-o ina. lila, n. loon.-, etc, bdeag log t.. mat fie tory, '.fib DrlBfs-ave., oreen It.lnt. a li .NDfOME, atyllah pair ch-*taal, i.\,, nil nine vim , free, plea* SOI driver., lingle aad double, price M_0; hr .unliam and ilelotla built hv Brew.ter ? ii -i.i** Kital, taSO sacb: doable nnd -Ingle liarnew,. Vc. nt Ihe Palace Stubb*. '..1.' inti -.'.111 ,s. li..imerlioiu.,t., neai Bund Brooklyn. A URI VATE FAMILY TEAM, kind foi la lies' n?,.. Inindsoiiie rob*, ch. ap; veterl Barr's essmlaatioa. -TTL 18ll ACTORS Ofln-i.. A GENTLEMAN will .ell hi* family out lit very low. beautiful, gentle mb; Ken ? li glen wagon -Lift.m.. ?catii, and hirue-i nial .'ranted irll separately. MER l ll A NT, Tribune Oller _ A IIIOIIKNI.I. Ai* K( Ul. runabout am h.rnoa., very ? .Mair : property of i gentleman: will -ell low: allon trial an. i-vi.nlnillon. FAST ACTOR, Trlhun. A VERY STYLISH |M|r of hack ne' .ob-. I.S.I, toling, 'oend. very alumy. brl|h bav. ; cost la-t Mav nod: wll. dl'iKiie o for S4J". to quick pureba*! r. I'RnPRRTI OP i.ENTI.EMAN. TH BOBS Office. IIF.IMO unevpet terilT called to El'rope, wlih to .ell mv ?tvll?fi saddle hone: aril ? 2W): ian lie li.a|>e."ted nt No. 2 W"*t loth ?t.. B. T. Cb C'o.*i liable.. p. O IDF BUSCH, ii KM 47th-*U_ CANADIAN 111 Nil-.lf"FOR NaTE." Will bl .-villi it.. I at the BBSSS .liow i Hurl.nil's Riding Academy; 7 yeurs ; 1.S.21 hay gilding, neai Iv tlioioughhrod; an el t-i-litlorial animal. Aldin,. J. C., Room 12( 15 Wmtchall-ss. tjoracB and Carnagea FoR BALE ?A nne blool bav team. Beldina ind mare; rlOM inal-d. full ll) Itiatiil. hierit. n vtAr* thoioufbiy bnkra to ill dwi.?ss, fearless ,,f stectrle o- *t.-.nn .-ai*, oi Bajrthtagi aarraatsd nrii ar* var* ??illili; ire gie.t km-e r-.-toi* anti cnn not ic :i siliratea, u, me pole, can on w. li. SNYDER, Ba Bethloaem, Penn. ..IN IT.I.M AN will dlapOSe of III- IHgli acting coll '-Actor.'* seven var*: *?.nnl, perff. t BMOHerS, broken to Vtnlill'-; fear* Icu alas tandem, cart and Larne-- arpamtr. BRI".ur bav. Tribune om e. UREA, s vi nu H I s*J*5 - Part* a:.. lng South off. r. txwo -In.up-' f" *>."ii : . rat lo ..riler till mi. u*.il onlv two month*; light and v.rv .rv!l*h al-. (Hi- pl ita'I Har? li-?* sui: iiui*>ried *nle iMdle ond hntiie, tm-d levea tim,-., pti. Applv at Private SUI.le IO Wet lltll-t. _ HORSlX Part! e. deal rina a nod ht-me on flinn and llirht work for MW or twolior.e* wllh privilege to buv. addie-. B..\ Hil, Mam..... N .1 uMNlllt S, nearly new, will mil ?Jil |>cr* non*, will ae 11 af gie.tlv rts!.d price. Ad* dien Mra. JAMES h strono, East Ibu, I*..i.. I ono._ i.WI NO TO .11 IN..CS III Bl*/ faiiiilv I will sell mv hlgli-.-la-s ,,,b* for anv rea BOO abie ode,, voling -..ind Beatle lor lady. STYLISH f I.I.Li.Ws. 'lrlli. Onfre. WANTED, a private .table li to 13 ?tail* .'.iitii-t io ..".ith-.t.. between ".th ami '.nh *.ie? I. B. UKI. Hov BS, Bsd IliiuU. .Monmouth County. N. I. people |n .end for Birch'* '-trrlagr iM harnw-i <nta|..gne?; largut ?smlaisal In Arrerlca; very lnodT .t^ price. ; don't pay m. ii extravagant price* for harnell and larrlag---: eitab llilicd 1.8-12. Addresi J. H. BIRCH. Bur? lington N. J. flats <to ?.t, furnifllicb. HANDSOMELY furnished a im rt neut of nine rooms, i.-eond floor. In "The Hr .ck* h..l-t " l"1 W'e-t H.'ithst., until October; I.H-aCou line; all (he r -OOM light facing nu Bttb lt; rent, jj ga a month. Ol LI'S, " Till. WALTON, IOI Kan BDUa-at., nenr Mate, elevated, .tatton Oentei'l nnfiirnl-h'il apartments for u nb-ol people .nl.v nt very it'od.-rat! ri.ntal*. from BgS te *f:'l : I to 7 rooms and bath. Cull ami examine. ~~ the" OAKLEY. '.'12 Weit 1 tth-et. Very choice flrit flooi fr ratified apartment -tilt-ibb- only for fan Uv of two and one .ervant. to 1st lu this well managed hi.usi; slao .ultuble for Ital elans I h v.n lan rennel location, vt ld- .treet. ci..-.-town cars; tent, tarnished, BM. or will remove furniture and rent for C7-V Janitor w ill .-baw . To RENT, fr. lr* of April n Msr* Kurnlsh.-d or un furn I.beti for the Maw er or longer, it vere Irritable upurtment of ll mini ; liii'il-onielv far Booarkeep. lng. Addre*. C. W. Box K.'*.'. Tit'iinie Kptown Oflbe, 1,211.' Broadway. Co Crt for BueineasPurpoeta IIKILDINOS. store, loft*, office, and studio- dc.lrable locatlona. FOLSOM BROTHERS, as* Broadway. I HAVE CASH CKSTOMERS for lone menta and buatoeaa properties , owner, plea-. ?en1 |...ri I. illari to O. W. KEELER, -SI Pine it. _ Real (Estate io (Exchange WANTED.?A lar^e mock farm on coun? try nat in exehaii.-e for apartment hourn-*; good location, well rented ; only Brat mort ul(e?. Addrea. OWNER. **". Wall-,-,., *th i floor. Room 'it. ?Titi] Real (Estate (tc Cet. A.?A.?A deolnbte boass on MB* for a small familv to rent. 100-11 j_--rvfd >i |?y*lt lan f HOM AB V. 1 . K Kits. l.N. ;;', Weil Mt't!i.?t _ V HANDSOMELY fuinlihed houtve, ITtli ?t... lear 'ilhave; fi.Ono . olllce re. lain-ti. weekday ..nlv. DAILEY. 71 West .'Mh-f._ A I-sTORY Hill. DINO L.-.xl-O. and 'll. iC\lo : alb-red tai .tilt t-liont; I.M 1.1- t 571**--, OWNER, 12 Eau iTth-at._ llo'CBEB io LET.- KafuiolaBed and fun.l.hed. de.lrahl- location.. FOLSOM BRI H'lli Rs. s.ii Broadway. LEX I Nofi iN -AVE.. f,IS5. I., ht. iinfiiriilsbed, Thlid uv-.. s:ith-st. -tented station : a perfect tittle baaie Bnautlfall; arran ard. roomj and decorated; real Bl,400. Opes drill for ltll|.tiai lo any olio without -penult l? - (wera '?' anti IO a. m ami i to ."? p. m. tot* mediate pMtea-400 if reipilicd. CU Mil, lb' 'Ill .ii, , *.i i'eti.1!.*t. T'i itF.N'T. fer duelling cr huiuice. - Lam browosteae front Mure in -|.t<t.. i.oar Broadway. For full parUeulari addr.-* P. W. ll Trihi.'tb"'_ BOTH HT . IM EAST. Ts let, unf' near :iilav.* and s'.ltl.-st. cl.t al. d nation, a pu feet little h..use. beaulllullv arna*ed, ii.omv- and decorated: nut. II.3M: .'lin dally for tn ipectlon tu anv one without )..niii betweea I) mill 10 a. in ami I to ."? p. rn ' l?.sies?ion if rrauired. oWNFR. Room .SO. 70 Cedar jit. 147 west i.ii'ii-sr.. near Bioedwaj ? To rent irom Mav 1?t. very deaimbl.- pri? vate le.ldence, ll room* J. EDGAR I.EaYcraFT, i '.ii Bi inri way. Kel I Isl' s'.'ITl s|\ To l.t. unfurnlshi'd. for a term of tear*; rent only Bl,000. To the light part) a v.iv gcnl.a-l hollie. Call and examine with? out irennit 0 to 10 a. m.. 1 ta> .S p. ni. Broker* may oder, but Stoat make tin lr own tt.IpUen -amt exainli.atloi * and .submit direct to G. W RASH KORD. 71) Qsdai Bl . New-York. Hrooklyn. TO LET. at l.'.tia Broadway. Bn-nklvn, E. 1).. a store window and .-ince. .Svl.S; ?fl'.' per month ; excellent location and thor? oughfare, and cloie to new po* te fib e n..w hoing completed. Artdre.* CHAS ROBIN? SON, 1,'iiYi Broadway, Brooklyn, E. D. Chicago. TO RENT. Iii Chicago during World"! Fnlr peUod; I furnished room, ni ptlvate fatf.lly, nour fair ground.: three block* north of Washington Park ; half Mock from C.mud I'.oul.vurl. oi Boulevard Place : room* plea* iint; in new residence; location ; Inc from du.0 and crowds. For pa rt I cu lir* logan*, of B. WATERBURY \ BUN 37 Wa reri-st.. \. v.. or addie** M. T. swa ri mu i*. sn Wriiaib tv*.. naran "WORLD'S FA I K.''--Acct^niooiiillon*Tu lest locality louth ilde at r.-a*oi.ali|e price*. Send for circulars -li wing cut*, prices, etc. Addr*.-. fl. A. JEWETT. care of New. Iluven i loak Co., 21I*'J13 Wabaah-avc, di lc a go", III. Rooms ODanteb. A BACHEl OB wi.hes a furulihcd roon In a private ho.nae (not a bfiardlne hou*ea near Flfth-ave. Adtlrc*. (J.. Tribune Kp town ont-e. 1,212 Broadway. A LADY w I shu to nire a p|.-_*ant un fn ml .lied room In private hotpte with modern luipi uv e-aients. -...iitn.-in expo,ure. .ituate. In vicinity of Flatbuih-nte. and Fulton lt. ll: i> .kl vu ; tent not over M uer week. Ad mes MIS* A. H. TUKEY. Rldgctlelc Park. N. J._ A Yot'NO MAN willie* to rent bedroom and slttliiK-rtvotii. unfurnished preferred, with nth; Ten reference* given snd re quired. Addie.*, i-tting price snd full uar Uculara, X.. Box 12. Trlbuas Offln. (Titn Real (Estate for Sale A POUR-STORY .ml 1's.ii'iit. Mg*, .toop blown*.!. dvvl.i g, I ?? sxiH'x'.t- D; ex ?-.l.-i.t loesUra B-B Mirroundiiiss. App-f on picin:-.'.. Ill r.-*t MKA-St. a BABE CHANCE Foil 1 nv; sf! MI'.NT.-i"....r new- d. ui.;.- anrtmsn inn*.* rsa in- ?.'d at cost; modern impiovnoenia, Particular-. M. J. NEWMAN, S.OH Lev le aloa-ave. A st'l'KUloR HOUSE. sl-t*t. nar Columbua-ave.. I'.ix.S.'ixK'j . .*xt. i.-ion. luT to un Boor: Si Laths; -tamB-walfa-r to top: mahogany Bnlih to 'it Boor Bari w.-od throughout; hauls in-iv _.-vorated: I sv t na* ii.xtuiev mir.or* and rarpi-t* liniujed; pii.e ?*,??:.ono inti.- . n.i, mi- ptopertg cannot be dupUeatrd for price _DAILEY, Tl Weet 8-1-1*1 CAI.L AND EXAMINE ll'i s|> No*. 23 to 28 West 7i-tli*st., near i cntrai Par*. Weat. __ anti.v" rumlabed home, tl room.; niod.rn ln-|trovementa; for -_'..* rcaa*].- pm-tv going to Kui pe. Call ol -71 Weal Inri. _ l- ill SALE. A~v.rv il.-sTrari, tiiv-t* meal; teaenaeat properip; Weal l_d**t nen Btk-sve.; Braotjr; rall lot; u;iv_v* palra ut over 13,3-0; mice. mortgage to suit. ?. w. KEELEE. "*i Pine-el Koli KALE.- I three ibuy and bsaemonf Bl** BBBop b'..wii-|.'! ??*. 1" ,s\ .i'vl.1), in sealion in Harlem, between Mount Morrie Pa:k and braes (nhl ave.... ad In pened roi-dltlon; anawen from rail r-tSM Steals will not tx* ii'U >1 Add s- LEN IX, Fox .*. Tribune Ollie*. I'(-t'l SAI.rT~No! MOW.-t s.sth st . thB thnestorv lilgli-a-ttHip modern lavis,* . ei*. gantlv decorated throughout ; parquet tim r* In the bril and dining-room ; open for In* ipectloo from 8 a. m. t? .', p. ni For par? ti, ulan, imply ti WILLIAM TAYLOR, st. Deni* Hotel, THU Broadway. ID-AVE. PKol'FRTY. near I loth-.I. A decided bargain: .Vatorv .?.".x**0xl',.l ft *, renb-d. BB.7-0: price, Bid.SOO. li Wa KK.l.I.Eli .Si Plnc-a-t. -ID ST . NEAR ITHAVE*?UssdMSBI lltOTV. Li-ownst,.m. residence; owner leav. lng the .uv. inb... +--' "*00; nn.rij'a.e (a mit: permit from O. W. KEF".I_RR, 44 Plne-at. Hriokljrn. HREENWO0D ("EM F.TERY -For ml*), handsome Slot cir. le l?*autlfullv Utiilte* on high ground. E. '.DMl ND MARU. SCI Bnaiway. -Fiats Co Crt,, llafntmorieb^ A SEVEN-ROOM PIRST PLAT. 1^01 ?ll ions le window.; mod-rn lmprovem- nts. .04 West 4dth-*t. ATTENTION.-six eleg?-it, large. Ilcha m..m? bathroom, pit tori i>rd-*r: nt, eva; -?ta'i."ii two block* school .m.-; d.-.ilrabl* ii^.hborhood cxamin*. TEMPLE, lil West i_M*s__ m ATTI". \"flo N.?'IK* oil. "tit month free ? five large, light Hmm*: alni hal*, roon.: pert ct order. h--at ?1 hall: I. thrM I |,?-o .,'h'Hll |.|!? ll) West KO-.*! st. " AT TH I". CLINTON SM We.t 42d-it^ i-tlt ..f Cree iirg ? luiinv mom. and lath; private reitatirint: elevator: steam heal. ' ELEO A ST" FCaT. ii loom, and batu ; central location; rent MOO. 121) Eaal lld U . janitor. _ "FLAT"- TO LET.-FurnHhed sud untiir. lilihed; deilrsble locitloo*. FOLSOM BK0TIIEII8. titi nrosdwiy. " THE NIAOAKA. 71 EAST 87TH-6T., nurthwe.t coner I*ark*ave. aid *7Ui*it.?A ve.v light apirtment ..snthem expo.ure, eight raiuut and bath, all Improvement*, ? T'i; rn; tble halli and atatrway*: uniformed hall hui-m elevator run. oil night; ateaa heat. Applv to lanltol. or to HOMER flOsTWRK. Park ave. Sad Suth* ?t., and 243 Colum-ui-ave., near 7M-*t. " THE SVIfr>BADEN. 110 We-t 40th il. Onlv one flrH flat, rent B7.S, unfui-nl.hed. to let. in thl* carefully managed hott.e. to re* ipeitarle tenant only, having MUifactory te'.-ii'iict.; none other* need apply ; Jan itu wlU *how. Md*ST., I ABD s WE8+. near Crawl Para?a ma-tv gag bath; ilgratet.