Newspaper Page Text
y vs*- I. s*~ "1*0 ?"B,' ?*?/?''? Lill.r\?*H?..)">i. NEW-YORK SI M>AY. APRIL Ki. 189-}.-r\M:>TV-F()lli PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE NEWS IN LONDON. Fi;A'in.i:s or the home rule debate. MR. C!I \Mni HI. MN'-. CRITICISM wu MR. GLAD* mum's r.xi'i.w \ini\ Mit i\ ll'.KLAXD- Till. Mill Kl'. IT HILL - 9ELE Ol ci.ivr.nrx. (BV (ABIT T,. TIIK TRinrNK.) etpfttghl. IB**** Hu Tin Ti min,, Attnriation. |_u>don, April 15.?During the lani lear dagrn, since tlie leading rnionists returned the Easter bolidays, thor., li is toea a distinct lm proveni'ii' 10 tin* Home Rule debate. The chara pion* ..ii both si'les have entered into tin- lisle, and the 'mea-'.re lia* lnvn s. thorough!* exposed thu t, oBivMili-taiiili' | the eompli, itu.n* oi the bill, the j public liv thin time is pretty well informed aboul it. Now thal the British eleetorate are a***arr> ,.f tie derails oi Mr. Gladstone's Bcheme, current opinion la tho piovme***, as weil as la London, i* running so lie-aviiy against tin proposal that, srere a general election to take place n>'\t week, ti** -multi woald be r-aonl dimstrous to Ihe pr-ea ent Ministry. It ir* in aatieipatlon "f this pros? pect that Mr. Gladstone i- so eager to rush the ajsaau*** through the House al Cotataoni and to hurry ap inn Registration '".ll, before he ap? peals to the country ne n whole. The week has boon v. tv bail tor Mr. , His ntl."nipt to overawe Parliament and to deprive it ol lih ertie- .*'<l privile**es in order t.> rush Home Hulo throagh tho ?r-coad reading proved h dht jstrou* fa'Jur.-. Though he appropriated all ihe tune of tho Hoase .inst before Easier, by abollsh jee tho right- nf private -"m-mber*, nothing hat come ol his impatient ardor Tlw* -Watte since Parliament n-Mimed hi sittingi hs-his-n pursued Without hurry Tin' Opposition have quietly and stolidly adhered to the usu il routine. The I'nionist leadera refuaed to return to ".VotiniiiMtcr Indore tiny bad complete I their provtlie'ta campaign, and to all int?"iit:; aili pur p.*.'-. tlio Hom*" might ,iu*t aa wei! have re- ( conni'.'" o**cl on Monda** Ina! Instead of tbe pre- i -p]ana.Thntadaj Mr. Lairoufhere'i cynical advice ? to maintain a coBaplraey ?f ailene*, and leave ill she talking to the opponents ol the blU, to which Sir Winiam Hareoan gave bia undhguiaed ap- I pro val, has turn***! ont a _a*s*o. As many mern- j bers ou Tlie Government aide have apoken on the ! measure at- on the -ide of the Opposition, t-o that, potwithatanding a pix*, il s of some of tb." Qhdataalan stalwarts sammarily to oh*.* tlie do bate, tho Prim-* Minister baa hoe.') eoMl-rained to cenfe-i". that he had no instill' alien t" enforce the Mtoj*e. Mr lila,i-f ti"'- subsequent proposal last ei'o" ins; lo make a bargain f ir aexl rue- lay mt with uo sympathetic response from the Opposl timi side, ard. a*- no reason ."Xists for expecting that the Speaker will favor any summary method for ending" the discna*?lon re, tiM* mool imp .r- in! measure, it r...w M*>ms probable that the deliate ?viii continue till the end "f next we, k 'I lu* (-Tenter lia*t?* thu* proved the leas (.pe** 1 Mr. ni.indiorlain'.sv brilliant and Incisive -*p***ech rai*<*d th" doha"* tn the highest level, bul ita mnst toiiintr paaaagej were these which brought Mr. Oladaaone faei t1"' fae* with hi famous declaration-- that tho Land l^eaguesS preached a doo'rine if puhhe plunder, and were prepared to march through rapine t. di*dnt**sjratio*t and dis niouiberment. To the amusement of thc Hon*'-. Mr. Glad-tone soutrli* to pa. a nov*-' glee* un lhere Utttranof He rotorte..* that these char-''"" wen. limited to Mr. Parnell, a which elioited tho cjen**cmp-tpona exclamation al Mr. .- ma Ko'lmond ihrit he only defaated Mr. Parnell now that ha wi* dead. !t was with amarement that the Chamber then listened to the Premier's efforts to placate the T'arindlites for haviug -i'd hard thin'.'* of their rev-red leader. Ile explained t!.:it after llberatiiruj Mr. T'arii'-ll from KUmainham Jail, he wrote ta ? friend of the ls. tl r<?r, hut j., dotected ? great ehange In lum. ml a thorized him to d.-cl,ir<- to Mr. Parnell that he, i.ol ie ve I tho latter to is- v rsulng purpose-, beneflcial to Ireland. Tlie aext day Mr. diamberlnin ret ur neil to il.e ehsr^e in order to vindicate the accuracy of his tseortinn*. quoting the full t.-\t ,,t Mi. Glads! we'i nttertn ???*. Tin- Prime Minister wm ii ? tower in;; iago, IT,.- arEoii passage ched by Mr. Cham? berlain wai fall "f plurals. The elmrgee ol march inc through rapine, steeped lip-, treason, et eetera, were in every .a*.* m>" led by tit* word tii.-.v, n .t Ka. Hie t.-xt all through referred to the party. Bot tl.* mun Parnell I. "but," sail Mr Gladstone, riling In renewed anth, " I did not a**" date any of diem with the fl'ictrin."-, I d*nounced. I only referred to Mr. Pirn-li." Tin* perfectly took away th,- breath "f tin**' wlio aeord these daring deniali. How tvmld tiny BadefBtBnd that Ihe term bod-* af mea ap plied t" Mr. I'arn"Il only:' The Uppooitioil Bight jeir at tin- Gladstonian ^raiiimur, bul Mr. afc tilt oae'i eaineitiKa*i rallied In* party out of thdr incredulity, and finally the aupportem of the **?-**esuiatal ch**er.*l th.;*.|uivo, ni explanations kt tln.iii.-ii they nat uni ly believeafl them, Dutside of tl.e H,,,;,?. tho items of Mr. bladatone's denials -Ho han a reniatka'.-.'. iiav, fl painful, elTe,-t, wpoc!., ly among those who p-all tlie bettei recorl Of hil |t, at reputation. la aaother raspccl Mr. ('hamberlain'i speech IMneetl Mnmrkable reaulte. Wlieu analyxing Ba)tadegnarda and esetptiona of the bill, be upset tbe National,-t~ ny oballenging them to declare 'beir -*eqr*-ie*-caanors ia the many reatrictioui which ti hil! imposed on their political liberty, and ***-*. abandonment ol claimt lo which tl.ev stood ?hsjgerj on hundreds "i irish platforms How, h" *?keil, could thci- le a tiniilitv with such :>? w-nuiis aa ai- now p*rono*M*d? Mr, McCartbj aahlr} afeinpt.-'i to ridicule Mr. Chamberlain's <li **?] prapheclea, bul even he wotil I bo, reaard the ??? h* h,muli- beyofl I thepreaenl generation, Mr. l'avitt. bj i temperate, effective defence ol the a***es?*-e, deelared thal it would i>" accepted aa an aaaeaaljla pact ,,f peace, nnd delivered a sort "i c-'iitisniaa ..t rrcantatloii ,,t Penianimn, intended for thi ooii-.|iuipti,n ol Iii- EngUsh audience, pro hating him*'ii -aii-tie i i,\ recent events. lint all tl,ev- Ktuwuring sophistrie-i were rudely shsaaaated by Mr John Kedmond's plain declara ?inri that the bil] eould nol be Una!, anti ai to witish sii|,i,.ni.i.y, that, mid bc, eould only be taaagaiaed m kmg ai ll was aol exercired Tbe Mate baa thu* ix en mtv instructive, nnd il *"m?i Im> tine, n hal aol i,;-c i without ofleci upon Ur- *:,pp'i-c,' -iihiiantv "I Mi. fJladstone'e fialluai-rs. There an penis-tool **Mtements thal ?Bl immlsr af tho Cabinet, who mav be -aid to hTftiainl tin- Nonconformist eonaclenoe, i- gr?_ll> P"it.ii,.*l. The Iri-h ar-, ?.f c.,ar-.-, .||-*.m-li. I wltii th.- lilian, ial arrangementa, and Mr. William Raundero dealaiea that he will n..t vote for the teoond readlag beeaaae the Leglalatlve Connel] io tissfvl on ? pro|x"tty qaallfloation. Bul it i- only 8? i Demo, rat ihat Mr. f$aaaderi olijeett lo tlc -? P^vision*. Hie di-M-nt, liow.-v.r. must be very ?imitiil, for the lioviinriunt whip- hold tin ic ni-ii ??NI in han I, and the second -reading i* sure to he oarrhxl on strict party lim-s. yester ?J'sy's damaging adialmlani by Mr. Campbell IWnnein,;,,,. ihal fin- Lord I.ieiit-iiant's eontrol of ^o military will he diwetstsj by the Impel ill, not "T the Iriuli, ('overnment, will not shake the ?dloglanco of the Nationalists. If this airaafe ?MBt lu. fastened im the hill, it will only prove ?? their eye* an additional justification f,,r sh,,w -B*' that the arrangement hm* no finality, uh I "-*?is <-ar!y revision. They are sure t" my that ? Irish government without control ol it* own V,fty? 'or which it pays, is a government with ?** bauds ri.ij. Aaonj' the other dkaaten to Mr. Gladatone JJ his diseomtitiiro in a couple of wrangl?-s with ?h- Chaplin. Tlio Primo Minuter ventured to "t.-iject that he had only said that roroiga authors lid denounced tho British msnagerocnt of Ireland dr. Chaplin in.ii,odiat..|y quoted on the other side 'vi ur, Molinari, Geffcken, and als-, tl,., great lames ,,f Heine and Mazlin!, and when later on dr. Chaplin reminded tl,., li,,,,-., that Mr. Glad tone had represented land and lion** Rule ?.-, ?o-ep.n i.h", v.-,," Mid Mr. Gladstone, "in Is*"'": lo which cam.. Mr. Chaplin's crushing re ort that quest iona ,,i honor and of principle do lot chane., ft--, l--.; t,, \s:,:t. <>u ih,- Go-rernmenl side Mr. rVsquith's sjieech 'f last night i* (rem-rally coiisidervsrl ti,.. ,??-t -f ectlve display ot debating among th,- Minister! ?li-ts it ha* been om- ,,i ti,., features ,,i ih.. Iel*te thal v,.,y littl,. has been -aid al, tlc and <|i"-ti..ii on either side, and als,, that the .vii,.le ,.i tho current discussion tends t,, ohow, ii Home Rule u- passed for Ireland, that similar -ensures will have to i.steaded to Scotland lid Wales, leaving th- Parliament at Westminster ?vith the figment of supremacy, 1 have l.Tt little apace to refer to the comple. ion oi ii,,, almost royal progress of Mr Halfmir n Ireland Another scene of overpowering enthu tiasm wa- witiresned ,? Dublin, wliere Mi Holfour, the hated, bloody Balfour, wai drawn throu-th the 'tre.-ts in an enormous torchliahl pii...--,ion. I liere bas alr.0 been a great rneeting in Cork. rh" remarkable feature of th,**.. Loyalist gather? ings in inland i- th" preiene* of many lea ling rathnllea who have hitherto taken n.. put in the igilation. lord Salisbury has now qnlte recovered finn ii- Influent!. In a few days he will return t., London to keg) his engagement wit!, ,i?. Primrose League. Ko sooner lu* I'lster speeded hs part ?:?. gucsl than it i?.e.?- preparing lor Lord Salis? bury's vish a* Whitsuntide, when tl," events of lister will iv repeated with even more rervor and ?nthusiaam, 'lhere is nnmistakable natisTaotinn at the di "V'T, thal tl,., only will of Abington Baird rrhich ca-, be round leaves all hi- propert] 1" his anther. Thei.. j- ,,? ,,,-<?,, that thi* eccentric ipendthrift arri, ii out hi- pr.'mi-.' to Mr- Long? ly, to bench! that lady nnder hi- teotamentary *ttlements Perhnfs, h,.we\..r. th,.r,. miy i?. mother chapter t? rome, Which may set at' real he r-um-ot story about an open cheque heavily Hird in. payment of which has no! been e rn '?-tod. rhif, mu ?[, j., coitain, that Mrs. Langtry s n?,w a very rich woman. Hie Mull shippinc -trike developed many scenes af vioienc*. W|,ich mas lo taken as rh.* lasl **ro.-t> ,,f despair, u,,. trades un,oni-t- have no funds; th., employers are rich, eepecially th.- Wii -"ii- enc oi the partners ..f thi* 'rm, recently ie eared, has ju*** proved over ?2.*>o,ooo sterling Mr. lien Tilh-i and Mr .1. H. Wilson have done their bee*! 10 spread the content, -""kiri., to de? velop similar mischief i- Cardiff, Grimaby, Liver? pool and London, so thal ti,.' Rmployers' Fed ?ran..ii m'ghi ie prevented from concentrating their energies i" sustaining ti,.' Hui! shipovrners rtiese tactics, however signally failed, and though rh.' dispute ar Hull -i.i1 requires th.- preaence ol infantry and cavalry bcsid-'S th- police, the trades-unionists are succumbing and th. ir ci.-. is rapid]* Outing out. Tbe union leaden hope.) to provoke a tight throughout th" entire country Against what is known as the Federation Ticket* tor tin- Federation requires al! whom it* members oni|.!i,y to accpt a card declaring that they aro n..t UnioBlsta Isahorer! gelding these cards ne ratified to the Brat edi for employnienl when? ever employer- belonging to tn" Federation en .-.a .? workpeople. This Federation wai brought in?., existence through tin- demards of the <l>.<k tn in the Lon lon strike two years ago. lt- ..r -animation is on a vae* .-.nie, and it i* a sii; glllar faa t that it has m-vcr failed, lt r.-j.r?? -ont- about .' ton-, and ha- overcome the I'nionists whenever tin-latter provoked a struggle. Ih." Federation p.,-re's--- la:.'- barracks and store t,* jn London, filled with bedding, kit* ?.t clothing and too;*, lt draws laborers chieflj from the Kentish p"rt- and -Tillages, and can in a few hour- ll.I air. provincial seaport with liv., hundred or a tho isand hands t.> carry on ? conflict, where\.-r t'.,.' Dockers' or Fj**e*"aen's Inion provokes a strike. In the struggle at Hull th" Unionists aroused al meal universal contempt rather than sympathy, owing to the wanton methods by which th" wat lalo began. One of Messrs, Wilson's barges was discharging goods by Colonist hand-, two or throe of whom had not paid their t'ni'.u arrears. Tbe I'nion called on the Wilsons to make e,??| their men- default or furn the men away, il they them ?h,- refused. The Meas-**. Wilson failed t. see til.- Justice ,.f such a -remand, whereupon ih" I'nion leaders called out every Unionist In tbe M,.ssirs. Wilson's employ. The struggle Involved no question ot wac,- or hour- of employ-rent The Wilsons resisted the shameful demand, and thc- an- teaching the I'nionists another hitter les? son. It i- B01 without a crtain amount ol sadness that people hear '.f tin- Dak.- ,,( Westminster's -ah- oi Cliveden Palace t. Mr William Astor. ibis transaction ni*."- point to thc story th it iii" l;ul.<" 1,;.* been developing hi- London proper! loo rapidly He i- not a poor man, though I,eavil\ Int by tin- agricultural depression; bul the enormous expenditure on the Mayfair estate ha- leen .. heavy drain upon hi- full pur-" More* over, Cliveden wa- not In- favorite residence, an I had none ol the lies ot an anc-trd home. With? out iniii'.' enthusiastic, th- aristocratic eire1'" "i London ate likely to give a treleome to th- rich Vim win, cm"- to **?-111 ? ? among them. Mr. Asitor'S r.-ent pur. ha- ot "Th" Pall Mall ('azette," though not an unmixed blessing, bas ?,,t been without -"me good effect on London iournalism. The .-nc." violent -faddist'1 news pan*! which sought to direct th" radical eampaitcn l,ai i.ti changed hilo an organ of moderate ion, and though it cannot I*- called a startling -???',.?. it- Influence ha- i>""n decidedly temperate and conservative. REBELS Tl ISSI So IS HONDURAS. ,.i:i-ni at vats \ m'.itivi; it"m iii i tPlTAIi K, w-Orleans. April IB. Advices broaghl bj Itw .teamer Danwls from llondaias this afternoon Indlrati ,1,.,, ibe revolntliinlsts have car-rlcrj njtnost everythtni .?.(.?-,. them BIMI ll seems lo bc onh a qnesl. "f ?, ,,-u ,!,v- Mian they wm be bi full "-u'roi ..f ih, -oveninient. Tb, caplnre of tl.- ports of (elisa am) Trnxlllo i.v Ihent wa* .''-"o"'"i almoat -rttbuat op .Mrsltion with tl,- al'i <?' ibe steamship Rover, ahkl ,e1(, p..,.,, sclnsJ kihi i"'i?r"vi-ii as s man-of-war In-Kieii! Len.,, rho ba*1 Bed tum tbe Interior, lear lng General Vasonei - eommand, -ra* al l*oertt ,.,,,,., ,-,, the '.mt enlist ami an expedition oas brim prepaireg agaln-fl t*b- ***** .Hl"' '" '"'I'""" l"',v" ?rho na- univ a few mea. Wi,, i. I'"'"" < oriel I- sat-Jugatel i, |s the Intenlloi ,f ti?. .ebel, io attack Bualaa and Um t 'iii.. I-i.,t,.t v, ihe latter place it bi *9* "" <'" are reveral buaBret ;?,,, a.,,1 i qnartm <?? ammaahl.tad ann*. M ',. .1,1,1 inieri'-rei ****tth the benaan trade. IH ,;,.u ,,ro,.,'i.t among ?***? ?; ' ?"??"?"?? ,',?'"' ,' >m;'',.?.? ,- rs. oiler Ikaa PreaMeat Wva li .n?..i-. bal tam iasdta eaa-mattaa. 0U1LTT UEBEB THE BURBAN laws of IT?4. 9*SMmm Ap.ll IsW-sfaigl WBtte today linnie, Htt>fj,iis,. - I BBfaahi from the fl. down an ojlnlon in JJJ ^^ ...^^i.rAido,"',,.,.'>?. I(|tul)|,n V. lions-'.... ...-' ;',,,?, ?-,.,?, ,,,.,. ?v Ih """" *\W ?JZ(.^?W*SP>t*"omiMtfOM, JS! Ml' fad -'";- '.' i71U- A"l"?,. Ul Violation Ol mi ? .,?? ,. . .. , :i?, o ,'iusi,,,. of Mi optaton. '$&*?" ,,??.. rltMa lb ihe oplnfon t''"1 "",.,,,.- eoiPloymeui on Hie Lom statute -a-oWUMni iv;; '???> ? ? TM ,,,,,,,-ei all Lav. aaa be - ?***'?'f?*.? oHfh ease." MJL aS^fr^ FLATLY OBJECTS. Iii; WASTS PRIVILEGES, BUT NOT TAXES. MI'.. -TARIM \Mi vu; i\A IV HOLD THE MWltiTivs yo MEIR CONDITIONS. iii.- , ..nucut e , n Bxiet ion- "f tho Manhattan ? Rallwaj , "inpaiiv met \o-ier,tav al Iii" ? >fli???- of ! i.e..,'-.? .1. ,,i.ii,i in ine w?*tern l*nton Telegraph j building There aero present, besides Mr. lioold, Lii-m-ii -ap-, samuel sloan, Rober! M. nullawa) ansi '.."??-?e I,;; s. making the romplet, r aimlttee with, iii.. exeepthwi "' .1. l'i..rp.,M Morgan, who ls lu Bumpe. iii.- 1, .?olin- lasted I,,,ur amt a half, bul tlio fol Inalng report .1 tue reaull was ali t'i::: could he obtained t-naially: "The communication from the Rapid Transit Comtiilsaton wa., received l.v ihe K\ tension < ommlttee, ami discussed inforrnally. No action was taken, and the Extension Committee ad I journed pending a report relative to exp-nditures, eic, whlrh would be necaaanry." 'Iii.- , ..minnie.-, ii I- iiiul. r-t...,.1, ti.ail il"... lollly ' lui., lae prnpoaltlons ,1 ii,,- Baptst Transit I'orn-ni* ?lon, .uki diiM-nssed them in ail ti?-ir bearlnpi. Vice ; I'l'-ld-M 1'. K. Hain Mas present lo liv, i.i- eu mates of the cisu ,1 the oat lined exten-dons, and lioa-u'o. I,, w, MrWIIItsms ?.,- slso caned in f?i ;ai mi rm.'i'i.m. The lentlu-enl o' Ihe rom. Ililli.'.' wu- |n ,;,,.,- .i.e.,,.! ga to Ha- I'l.a.l'.i .al.lliU ..f accepting Hie prepoatUon of the Rapid Trsnsll ,'oitiml-lo:i imrondtttonally, hut ll wa*- deemed pru deni io .11 ,',-- thi question tboraaghly, and not i take 11 aconite pMlthai amil further detailed int..rm.. : 1i.u1 fi..m tho rompnnjr', onglneers was ai hand. I Tbe *? p r '-ut ia\ upon net earning* lapo** 1 ss ., condition for Ihe granting ..; the nea prtvllopa*, was t regarded as s stumbling block in the waj of a I prompt in . eptaii. ?? of ile 1 ?:. 11 i,i i re, - ? pla ii . (Ts prevailed thal if ..n rloaer Invest lani lon Hie I Impression ..f Hie more active director* who have , Investigate! 1 e problem prevailed, thai the companj leonid not bfford lo ;..<*;>! inc Haanrial .ntn.:, Involvea, li woald be feasible lopteBari a ease which would appeal to r 1;-? Raptd Tran?lt Cemmlsilon in aasentlng lo 1 comprautsa. Tb* outspoken uti.rae, - ,,f Rassell Bage ar., even ?nore dgnlfleani than ike Inaction af the Manhattan Commltu??? aa la Ibe purpose ..f il..nipan) lo en Beevor lo lecurs extension privileges, .,' 4 cheaper c..-' linn ibe commloNlon proposes Mr. Sage de .bred yesterday that the iU\ io Ike cit] was ann aide, imii ...aid not he *a>mltted lo. "I think this question win work ItaeU om,- U" said. "iThe Ra 11 Transit rommlssloners aro r*-u?nnable men snd 1 be lleio en,, ean show them Iii?. unjn*t I- the amounl thal they arish ns 1 1 p.v the rlty. "f 'our ?? M. are -vllllnp to pa] elbl ' for HM plivll's-e. ... led, bul Hie pi.,ii offered lo us are not worth a.,'inl leran demanded. Have rmi snv M 1 nf the . >m ..* the extensk-aa ui,j addltloni k-taara, ?! lil Hil.* scheme 1 1 have c.n.v into 'ti*1 -natter thoroughly, and iii>- casi would lie sbr.ur aSB.000,. 1 ? pabltc bas no Idea ..f the expense In building these aea goes. Then agata Hm sxtenstona rouM hoi i.e completed nnder live yean, sui they maj lake leo. Tao g-romh of travel i" new district 1- eery slow. Why. we have had 'he Hakartsin Road foi li years Bnd yet p 1- Billi coating us |g*io,OOU ?? year. -We -hail im.%.rel itu In tho matter,'1 mid Mr, gage, "and sin prohaUy be ahle lo reach aime agreiment with the i;?pi4 Transli f', m." ilk,, a lax g.-miut".: aorarding lo ih- mi dona* pi 1 i.v- me . .. pany would ic a :...r pi . Hon. bat of eourse we bs*"* bo d>.ii,. .? propo 1 In vl<-w ns yd." Tin- pians o. Hi- Manhattan Oompanj t <t r-ecurlng ti- valuable privileges will meal ??. r.i .?.-,. 1. ..: j ? fii dim. :.* sn ..". . '?? ,,f |?Q ,.' || ,. []_p 1 iran tt <- :,. William Btrlaway ind .tobn 11. Marin. Ut. Maria said ;?: a racent meeting d 1 tommi sri oners "Ihe Manhattan Companj can dlr, deeper, stay under water lunger ai I ? p drier than ail*, other corporation lu t:,.- u nid." Al the meeting on Wednesday, wheii 1 he val I, eaten Inn* I vicre gnnted 1,, tt.,- Manbathia, Mr. .-tarin -all tim !?? v. ,1! 1 Bgn c io ihe ext, n rfc 1.;. ..j, tn- j,, , 1 i-'"i! that '-..i' -woy ?? ? lld i> i Into 'lie 'Hy ii. - '.: v a per .? at. ot Ihe ie , . ..... ?V '. .:. "' I Will not, Said Mr. .-'.,: . . ..-. ?>,.,, , spill g '.io ' ? ; ' less than . per , 1 ni thc 1.. i r. ..?lpn. I .1. uu wi :. ? ind In Ihe wa) ..t nu mediate relief, I : ll never ai lo a< ppl !?--- than He 1 rr ' I.' ,-?? I hiv. 1. in - i. 1 .. frank opposition "f 1 ?? '?.mltte ? on 1 Manhattan Rallwaj < imp.ii ? to pa ri nu 1 ??? . ,mnen ? ' rive to Mi. -lui:: aa opp rtUtllt] lo '.v !,, Hui,.,---.. Russell .- .-?-' .1 - :. iii.lil.ri In ., ? . pl il... propo Itlon of lb, Rapl 1 ii-.,., ll ? .??,,., , : mord William -','. ",? |., e ci- 1 ,.,' to lomtnlaslon. When -."'"1 a' bl isio. .1' Ve J. ,.rjtisen'i lari;. '?? '.-nial 1... -lil: ".-.. Mr. Sage >: ? aol prap, .? '.. ., ? ? ju propo Itlon li- ?:-.?- |o 1 ?.? t-i\ ,.| :, |?-'.' ,. 1.1 .11 lb, net r ,|c I knew 1 hat would rouse tbs Manhattan people, w-ii, ir they il. not accept >, ir offer, 1 am ire to say thal the Comml -'.'.a 'iili .?" righi ..:.?..I wlib Us work lo cbanglns: dight ly ibo iou' Iii out for ihe Manual ali and '?:!? .liv' f r il'- al publt< a Ila ll , tor III lop iel" ,1 ? I'va'."I incl I f.el hiv rel Iraguei mi ?:,' Commission share mi views lu this mstter. \\. Bro bound o. gi""' Imtnedlato rapid iraiistt. If tho'nii Companj won'l -five 11 rapid tri'--, we '.vin bare i" give ' .-;-? a .ham." 1.\ puiiii* up two nen mdep, Lin tran rlil , -,. ., ; uon, and \..i mai 1.. sure thal wo will ., ive Bl, I ''- "' ''!<1 ??"" '" ' "Of course l cannot sj :,n\'Mn.: further nulli wo rees ve a repll tai n pro|i ill rn fr?ui Ihe Msnhatt 11 1 iimpany. I 1" iv ki .ci tbol all ll ? ? .-n.?? .1 ---'.?-i-? r 1 saru our t 11, dei 1 un on Wodi 1 dnj a all tba! the Mund it'.in I niii|i.,iii -h..uhI : ive a Red 1"i ll thej fair iiilii'le.l. Sclllu-r Mr. -tarli, 11 ,r mi .ir ?.1 :,.-,\ t,. il. 1.1 .mo Im h Ol Hie lUiulevard IO Ihe Manhattan iVimpany, lt we rould :,ave 1..imii urn v. ij ..I .,\.e.ii..- lt. we had ??? I,-ni *e.| ov.rv j." I hie mean- lu tr-in^' t'< ??'' over Ibe plateau fl"..iii ' m-? hinntr' <t a ' 'I ? i -'hi I, I. 1" th" eli, fi al .'Hie li'ilih'"! BUd o I". I I "? I' * -,111" lither ronlo. We t'.ui.'l C'onvenl-sve, im U|hi 'I hy viiii'-r ripea. The same .,:.].?, n,,|. was made i?. Onili nve.. and the div nulborltli sere d-nil ajtultisj us. univ then Mr. Marin snd mysell ylrided alth tba |,ei,Vlos, h'-nr' l'n.,o|,i.i1.|.-." samnel Nsncer when a-l'-d by b repori-r whsl I he ,-, ,,,,, ,| iou "...uli d. i ihe Manhattan Company refused ,.. .....pi Ibe prtvller-es WI tl. term* nairn 1 hv u.e rommlsklnn. said I rsnn I i"..s tot uie ,,i'?r ooroniUslonop,. \ tor tm-.f. I never em - l,,l?t-e. befiM-o I rome I" thom. 1 -'iii adhere lo the Views I have aim,itv espn tri, il/., lhal Hie terms lo iii- to lo fair and reit .Ide." rite .mils .p.n nil meet aumin "ii Tuesdaj sfternoon. GREER LETTER MiPJ? HURD l<>U HIST. TP.fSTI'l s of Tilt iili i'\ I' UTt CHI lat*B THE li li XDANTH \N I \li.\v lii"N ,\ dispute between Ibe I!''' Della Chi 'lab and Mr-. Inlier, aidou Ol J. \. 1 "lill. r. |. .run -ri", the law partner ol ex-Oiwernor l. Abbell, wUI shortly I.nie a stlhJiTl ..I trial in tbe 'Uv .rt. Mrs. mn,,' -H.- the club "or ?:"-'.:-'?<'. ie|ir***ientlBg '*1"''h^ ,]?. |,..||a.f a \.:,i'- r. alni of h.r bOUSe, Wo. ll" ).-?,.t Tblrtj fifth -i.. sad ?*"."" damage caa rd lo the furniture and fixture* by the rnembers in Bfteea ninths' lenaney. When Mr. Fuller died he V fl lo |,|. wit.- Hil- haul In,.iv -lom house, the lia "im [rom which would rvprt-sent her chief support roc Hi ,.,.-i ..f h. i days. Mi-, lilli r, Who t- now an InVUMd and live- nlth I,,-r on In law. Lewis h. I'.iireliar.t. B lawv.f. "f No. ,?; iiroadway, leased ber house lo Ihe Tiela Delta CM ilni,. of which i narie* B. >lui"- wai president, lai-* ,,f ,),.? ila uni". ?? guaraatering lae paymenl "f the t)rst your'- r.nt. Po* the Brat rear, beginning la November, IMBI, the rent was promptly juld. \, routing to Ihe sflMavlls Bled In behalf "f the -HalnHft ,l?. ini-t"- "f lb- ililli, treuimg ?illi Mr. Hu:, hard, ?sVe j, verbal agreement m lease Ihe bouse f"r another year, la March tbe duh l-fi lae houoc, which l? n"'* rlooed. Then through hr e nm?I. 1'. Betts, "' Bo. in Bm-dway, Mrs. r"aOer "MnagM aril i,,r the bihmei af lae .var'- rem and Ike damage to il,,- boase. In iiidlili.ii io Mr. Mapea, lleotga 1.. lid ,,,. pr, w. ll. McIntyre, Homer D. I:i-...>kliis (aeere tttn , mid , hurl.- 1). MorgBU, ill iru-te.-, nt" ln t(.r,.?t,*1 In th.- stilt. Mr-, loller .lnim- that the oral agroeaeat m^t- by th.- ttu-i..- i* valid. The -nit enme up f,,r bsariag in ti'" City Cawrt on Krid-'v. aad by ag-reemeal it w-ns adjourned. Mi ll. judge, of No. -.'ii Bt oad nay, and K. w. **owera, of Na. 13 William st., r*rpresent Ihe defend nu*. "The -tory ihal we entei-ed Into sn sgrameni oral or other in-, t" tease th* club for i.Iher year, bi v.ron,-," ..,,, ii,,iii". D. Brooklns y , carday. " w" denj that. Wt -av ""?i all ..ur B*rreeroent- wini M.s>. Inlier or l'?s ri'pre entaiiv.. have bera lulflll-d. When tra ?ntored the boam wP lound thal it would nord ea tensive repair In order to be Bl for ase. sad tke neees -,irv improvement* tnvo|v.*l un exro'mllinr ? ,,f gnu. i i ni -nv tb*" ?nash, thal wo loft lae bmkilng better ,l,:l'n we li. Th., .lui, I- still in o-bU-iiie, und li_s rooms in lorty second ut.'' POISONING SUSPECTED. THE PUXERAL Of A WOMAN STOPPED. sin. \v\s WEALTHY s.Mi nvn MADE A BB Bl T M lltlll tOE \\ UT'I'-V I'Ff.l uKMr.l). Coroner Creat-aer yeatepla) stopped tho funeral pr...?mn 0f Ure. P. .1. Phillips, ol So. '. Devoe-st., Brooklya, Just as the t-arrtagra trew about to leave the house. Mrs. Phillipa was f-T merly the wife of the late Dr. -lanie- Sweeney, who died a var ano, leaving an rotate valued at Sa-i.OOfl t,, her. Tlio d.ath of the woman may develop Into a sensational poisoning. Th-J wa* tir-t brought t?, the notice ..1 the Coroner by an anonymoua letter signed ?? Justice." I ..,* letter asked the Coroner to .*t,,p ti,,, ' Mm. Phillips died on Wednesday, and the "unernl was to take place yesterday al the ('hinch of the Annunciation, .v..nh run, and lfave-_t*-yer sta., liooUlyti. As toon a- coroner < leaner recelve'l ,:.mmunlcation he it one.mmunicateil v. uh ,|"' Health Department, and ii was let-rod from th.un thal the dc.nh certificate had hei-n signed by Dr. Fuchs, of Jefferson and Tomklns ave-, and Dr. Grethes, of Sn. lg \feirrole-avo. Death was atlrlliutcil In hysteria. Dr. t reamer thought that In -teri, nhl nhl nol ca 1*' death, and he determine I t" h.\." an investigation. While the relatives and fri. nd* irere preparing to gn to th.- church a policeman appmred al Ihe h..'is ? and thu 1 ino il pr, ".--i,,n This rause 1 considerahlo) excitement, bul the hearne snd earriages were driven away without thc corpse ., ml mom rs 1*. Dr ! 1 ink Fred anne | ., f, w minutes later at the house by ordei of Hie Coroner, and al in lu make an autopsy on the 1. srlj. Ile te 1 bj Dr. 1 layland, ol .v.. Uu Pulaski' -t. Inn he meantime tho Church ol the Annuncia? tion wa* Ulm] with the friends nf the woman Atf-i a long trail tit* gathering dispersed. Tim husband ot ila* woman wa* greatly agitate,! over th' proceedings, and mad." several in<|iiirie as to whether signs af a suspicious nature were found by the physicians during the examination. After the autopsy bad ."-en lerformcd, Coronet Creamer gave 1 permit tor tho burial, saying thal lie would cull the cause ot death "snthemiu" pundin.' the investigation. Later the body wu taken t. Calvary I emetery and buried. The mi" Muse oi death, Hr. Creamer saul, could pol be ascertained until u.i analysis was made of thc Intestines A Coroner's |nry was impanelled, hui th.* m -neat was adjourned until the autopsy should ho completed, From what can be learned Mi- Phil Ur* died after about lour days' Illness. Her reta tive- were not Informed thal -ho wa* ill lt ua? noi unt -J she ams dead lhal they learned she had '"???n married to Phillips. Ilefore her death ah, was visited bj Fathers Krnesl Corbett and Foley, ??f Hie 1 lui h oi the Annunciation. The husband was present with tt Miss Currey when sim dmd. P 1- -aa! -:..'up'..i.'.il ni -.1.'te pm,- 1:1 Ilia . and vomited freq neut l.v Mi-. Phillip;. Was niarri.-I to I ?i Sweeney, who was a widower, in I-'." Phillips niatri"'! the widow about tiv months 1,0. Ile 1- a memlmr "t tho Amphion \e;i. 1.?::,', orchestra The ceremonj was performed by tbe I.' ??'. Fati -r .san,!*, of the Mo*: ||nly li ir. it t liurcli, in Montr.ave, and the marriage ww kept ? -*?eret. I' ? ps said to I oroner fmmri thal In* knew nothing; about bia wife's private affaire, Mrs lifts. h<r -i-ter. -n:d that -he know nothin* bImuiI ler sister's marriage until she wa- dead Mi* Margaret O'Hara, anotber tdster, also de dared sli* a ui Ignorant ol the mart 1 ? - AS ECLIPSE THAT 11 IF nil I SEE. mu gi n whi. shim \s r-ru. iirur TO DAT wini.' ni-. 1 RI ll "\ 1 ': rill \**'i'i H. A total ??' llpse of u.e ran ? 1 ? ur ta day. lt wtl not I.. .:i iingirisbabls In tfortti Vmerloa, the lots phase being visible in South America and In Africa ? : ? ? two 11 lip es ,.f the -un t.< iii ii,l- lear ihe second 1 ? . ll ie, whi,' li n Ibis onlj bs uch in m.' I'm.Iii.- Ocean and a. Uni., i. b nd a- .. partial ..lip.-- tn be *een fr.m I IO I'!..lida. Tbe ".lip.- ,.f today has no unusually'in, vitia-- 1 ???.. - sri hope lo gain from 1' n bettei Kio.u 1.4(1 ? ol tbe corona, and 1" this end expedition uinl parQes have been ??? nt fem Ibl couti ry. bs wei a* from :l ?? cm.'ri-- >.f Europe, t.< the points a -.mill \in.Mi, a uid Anna where t:.e eclipse will I, Bloat < le. riv vl.-iM*. In louth Aim rica, ila- ts Ul Ls li, parts "f 1 mu. Argentine Repubui and bradl. Ol t e expeditions lo Benth imerl s fruin li ?nut,,ri one nus t>e-n -"nt DUI Hatv.irt Iii! .. 1 ? under w. II. Pickering, s brother "f v.. C Pickering, the Load ol the s al department at lim vant, sui one rr 1 n 1 ?? iii, oboe restart li ? dtt ,1 "lin. under l*r..i. -? >r tirhaeberle. Profesaoi s boeberlr -(ariel t-ion"". b) iteam r. from San Kr.iri'i-' ". ea tm.nan 'J-'., fullv equipped i" -e.ur. f,i.*i plotures ol ta.- phenomenon, snd landing .,' Maa ci. < lill. Ira), lied Inlaid ii'i't Climbed tte where la- ii-* pul up .1 temporary observatory. Hi ? uni*"! .iii'' lil"' I V ?"!"-?? io-'r.ipa which 1 fort! reel long snd ba a iva-lnch lens. With Ibis b, , ? i?. 1 io lake pi. tue-. ..a a plate 1- Li Sh, in. :,.?-, wkleh will show the oroaa ot r< sun. and bring out ali th details ol ti" much <tt , u- ? -t 1 1, I..-,11-." Professor f^tmeberle has written ;, good deal foi M i.i mu. Journals atonl the prubaltle sppearanc, 0 lae corona, and astronomers, all over tba rountri mu uiiii Inieresl the result "f Ll- obsi-rvs Hoi.-. The rxpenses of thc trip are borne le Mm H....-I.- 1, ol .-ai, l-raioi-e... as the o'.-I Vu',.I" .lui 11.rt lune i,,.,ne\ .ugh i" make Ibe rxpedttbn possible, 1-. Ides the in-: 11.110 ni iiienil..'i.*l. I'm r, ur .- haeberie tia. al 0 n n I 2-Inch i-qimtorlal am ., Uallmeyer port rall lens. Ile will take photo syapl with all these nriramcats. The Harvard I'ollege obtwrvatory has 1 regulai -inti..11 ol Arequipa, |-eru, al an altitude of more thai .-.un,) feel, a ul, cope, having an aperture sf thlr I,.!, h,.:.. . 1.1 lo-'ii ere, b d lhere, ami arning m. ni- line been mail.- bi il," astronomers eon,,erl.* willi tins station io make observations und photo Kl ,|, "I ll.? llpse I" 'lal . I rofl --or J. K. lt"-, "f t'olumblS ,'"11"-". li -11.1.1111,0 of Ihe eclipse to a Tribune repiner las iMi.lnir, aii Ibm ii would be ..f rn- 1.* al lutero v. Im 1.1, i". Iliol,>mapli- amt the 1.1 careful -Uni' .,..,, il,| 1... m.,,!,- ,.( Ibe dnrkeiud sun bj those win bud gm. .-...iii America for thal purpose, au, from ibb, nea Information s Iroi.iy, Pro'easor Bee Mild, would probablj nain mu, b. TOBRA DOES WOEE HAVOC IS THE soi TL Cl WC. sTi'lis sri 11.ll BXOW IN OHIO AXI mu ni,, in. Memphis, Tenn., April 15. Tbe loi-nodo ..f Wein, day -inn ii a port.f , ..iiiii,. Miss., arecklng tin Mi.-111 Woollen Min- and demolishing several ot be butldtngs, ii,,, village ol Mason, Tenn., a few mil Hom i'.i,,wii,\iii". was alni..-I alped out "i existence KO tatami"- ar.' I "!".' ll "I. bul a I "lo "f people wei? ll,., c.- ..I- less -en..a -iv Injured, -\i Mariaana am". Ail... HM dania,'? Irola I In- lolii.ulo ls ,"i)..| moil-. la, Tex., April 15. The storm In this conni: yeal erda) inornlng was .1 tornado. Several houses li Ibe elly aero blown fran lbcl? foundallons.. Nea the rlty ibe ii.,n-.. i.f Mr. Moa <? was demolUbed, an, a illirie, 11 lear ..ld Kiri badly hurt. In IBs I odin: Urove ibe iwo-atory house of ,'. 1, Nn-ii inn! li..;.' >..r .1. i'. i.'iv ".re blown over j 1 niau and a cl lld. liam.- unknown, ni'" r.poiio.l ii Lav.. Leen kill..I there. Al I'll." Island suit.Ii l'.rr: Liiidrutii's liou-e wi- d-im.ll I..,' Ilei.liind. 1 Mil... April li. A li.avy. blludlnc slioiv M .rm baa , I::..,,-rti<? 111 Norlin rn ul,io -Un ? arly last evening. Tin* "sTsWatBg the -now bad nt t,.|:,.d I depili ..f sta liiiii.-. and lt I* -HU railing, li lin- lily .streel cur halie |. Impeded t-> .* MM BXtaWl Detroit, April Jj.-snow fell lu tlie southern p'Him of Mlehlgaa y-*atet-aay i" Ibe depth or rimHiaartec " un lin!:. la tl"'" fruit lodi oa the en-tern than I Lake Mieblmni Ike ili.liiiomelcr BMl night na-i-ioio, fra, stag a-ealber, ranging Irma :,<> i" ss dt-gt-e, -tnri.'o"u im. wi-., a ju 11 15. Rain, aceompualei l,\ ? lerrll.le find -lorin, "t In 'arly Wo lue-Lu ?r**ra*ag. and roBtlaued will laereariag -evenly nail Thur-dsy nljtlit. The burl' wind- have driven th. Ire .mu of Orson U"> AdV* *, ???- ia rival here yestor day from the northern part of tlie tstuti" -ny Unit mani plan slung thc buy ?*-"?*? destroyed, und two uukiiowi io mer- ari I'-poiicd driven on tho rock.* al Doaili's fjoor. a SNOWSTORMS IN THIS STATE. Plattsburg, April 15.?A heavy snowstorm ls rag Ing at Hatl-burc ami tliroii?h"ilt HM Adlrondaili-. Ai sa ra nae Lake to-day the ground was covered with -now tn the depth of seven Inch-'*. Watertown, April 15.?Yesterday raoralng tbe people Of thi- illy were raking dried loaves from tln-lr yards and gutters and burning them In bonfire*, street sprinklers were at work, and crocuses and violets were In li...un ; yesterday afternoon snow begaa to fall, ami Las rontlnued ever -hue, with no Immediate prospecl "f Ceasing. Aboul four Inches have fallen to-day. iii.- thermometer ls at 30, Lockport, April i.v- .\ heavy snowstorm -tuned lu thi- part of the cornily about midnight, mid al 9 a. ni. there were -l\ Inches ol -now on a level, and lt was still snowing Lard. Tbe temperature ls mild. TilB QUEEN'S ENVOY SATISFIED A TALK Willi PAUL NKI'MANN AT HOM (>U* LU. I.II.II "li M.l.M's lilli.Mis PLEASE***! AT MU. BlaOCXT'S" \pi' "IN I \H nt IS COMMISSIONER hm;.,ii. -i.wvi.i.S RRRAKO. Honolulu, April - (ila sun francis, m.?Thc steam? ship AL.meda, which arrived here yesterday, brought among ber passel gent Paul Neumann and Prince David Kaw:,iniu:.I.,. the deposed Queen's envoy- lo Weah ins-ton : William lt. Castle, one "f the Hawaiian Com. missioners: and Harold M. tiewall, former I Hit ,1 -iii'.-. I ' n-ui ' iei'.i'.il i.. s.moa, K. C. Mnc rariai," was also on board, Neumann and Moen Hail.I u.a.- mel by a driegatlon of Uni KalaI.Ina and i .a ? , nd io thc royal ii rrtage Mi driven rapidly to the n-sldence of LtllmsVfllanl, where Ihey captained ih" results ol Hair mission. When ****** nba,.pendy Mr. Hi un.aim -aid : ? I w. nt lo Washington In tbe Interest of the Queen to prevent, if possible, InJasUce bring done. i fa vored u.e appointment of ? I'ommlssloner to ezaadaa Into the -lal.- of iitTair- before |udgBU lil Waa pl" manned, uni have secured nu point. i have brought bach no aasaraaee 11 Hr* Queen, bot l believe, her ix-si assuraace Ile-, In ihe fad thal Mr. BfbM-nl was ap poi ni od and has Leen aenl her.. If annexation stu possit 1' I -donia be In favor of lt. bnl 1 don't consider it p..--:i.le at present, I dont consMer it practicable and I don't believe the L'nlttd States would annex ih- i lands uni'*- li were practicable. If lt ls f'lislt.le, 1 am rather In favor of a prot.'.ini-ite which, I think, would -.-ttl., ihe question onie for all. How? ever, 1 fool iliac 1 have gone my duly, and shill leave UM problem lu the. bund- of the j,-.,plc, lo work .mi." Edward Macfarlane said be thought the selection ..f i "ii.-r, --min Mount as Commissioner t<> Hawaii nu eminently laUsfartory oii>\ ?? The United States did thc beal thing lu sending a < omu-Jastoner here,'' -aid he, "and I believe Mr. mount I* one hnpar Hally and tborougbly to InvesUgste both sidon ol the matter, l consider tu- defecUve treaty of annexa? tion -ni io Um senate to be Uk cause of the present Investigation bj C.- LUlted States. The treaty wa* . .rt. .lui,- nothing for a.* In the shape in wkfroh li w.,.* pro*, tiled." Commissioner Castle said I ere was no denying thai a r.a.-ion had sri lu lu Hie liilt-d stan*, to a .?nain extent, against annexation; hui be -nw- no reason t i Infer i ul PreaMeni ClevelaBi "a-, hostile to .\u annexation policy. lt bas been variously rumored thu Harold Bewail, ea , .a.-ul ,.. neral bo Samoa, I- the hearer "f Important dbpatcbes to Mr. Blounl ..r t.. the Provisional (jovernment, or ghat ba com.. i.. ince ead Mini-,er Stevens ,.r .\ ' omul lien. t?i Severaaca; bat ha koop* td- own cnn-.1 lu the matter. He -aid that the removal "' ?''?' Stars mid. stripe, would be news ti the L'Blted state-, but declined to discus* tin* mortis of HW ia e. Mr. s.inill made ;i lom; call ott < <>mml?Inner fth.ont on the afternoon ,.f nts a* to the Consul ,.. io i. !-!rp. Mr. Severance intimated that be knew of m> Immedtnte change t.. like pla ?? in thal office. Mr. Hews li's own explanation to personal friend- i iL ii h.- i simply down hero f r pleaauro anJ to study ih, iltuatlon for him e f. i.ltu. ol Importance has occurred -lace April l, and. dosptte rep-at'il -"anton that Uie dep.1 Queen i* preparing to assume autboritj again, affairs out wardly bear sn aspe t ..f tranqulBlly, MTSTEBIOUS AEEBSTS IS A FLAT-BOUSE. \s OLD MIN tSD KIWI WOMEN TAKEN TO lill; POLICE STATION. .Mn., hand-..m.. j.,1111^ wotneo, an eMerty woman and an aged man were loch.-.J up In th" Thlnieih -f. police -'mi-ii yesterday, lin- prisoners wop- arrested Iii a laid made on Hie Hil of Ml*. Kate Lace, OB ti.- ii.iri rt.n.r ot No. Ji- -i\tti ave., iii the aa-a-alng. nu- attention of Captain 01"oanor was eaOod t.? Um Bat about a month ago by Ibv tvtpeetablt tenants of thr Iii-i.-". Dote. ItVUS .-iilllvan au 1 Lan.;, who waiv d.iniie.1 i.i Investigate the ia-", learned that on Ihree days a week a t-aitdsoata carriage drove ap to the huu?e. An elderly man was assisted from Um t'ui'risge by Ute lootm-in and coachman, ant wa, car l" Ihe Hat of Mis. Lace, on Ul- third floor. The ra-Tinge m.,- i hen driven away. In Ihe curs, of nu boar after Ibe man'-, arrival "rora Lc. to twelve i ..uni'women found Un lr wai lo the apartments. The Mom. n ami the man remained In the as n rule ai...rn lao luau-, while they were there the othcr tenants In the bouse iv pt Ute window- opening Into Hie clo - d. Detective* sullivan and Lang about a week aga neut i, Justice iii:,!', and secured a warran) for the arrest ol Mr-. Luce in some waj Mrs. Luce barned ol tbe Issuance of Um warrant and left town. An tilBcer na- detailed to Watch lier apartment-. About ii o'clock yesterday morning the ofltoer -cut v...1,1 lo the -*ullee station lhal Mrs. Loee had re turned, ami that the old mau and nile youBg women Lad entered the i' it, Del rllves sullivan, Lang, Hum-., Kemp and O'Con nor t.. the n...m-. Sullivan and Burns went up ih. front italrway, null,, thi.detectives ascended the -tali way. sullivan lin. clod al the dOOf Icadlra lo the Bal ol Mrs. laue. Cbs woman ..p. in .1 tbe door. Before she could give tbe alarm Ihe detectives carried her out to ihe hallway, -niluan. Lang ami Burns then entered ihe Tu. "They found ibe door leading ',, the parlor locked. On breaking li np": Hi.'", found the old maa and the nine Women, \ panic followed ihe announcement ,?i sullivan Hut h.- was a detective. The women were liken io the police station. Mrs, Luce and the old man were placed i'i a carriag and boob followed Hw other prl "ii-rs. The man described himself aa Charles Brown, stxty nli,. years old, ?t \". -7 West *fwenty-seventhat. ii,,- woineii gave ttctttlo?i n mu"-. Mrs. laue was luken !" ih" private "line of Captain Ofounoe and tUcre said thal the name Brown, given by the "lt limn, was also tl. tl: 1. When "Brown" waa placet in ,t i.ii he aaked Captain O'Connor to send s mes sensor to Ur. J. T. Kennedy, m No. u>7 Ka-i Twenty nindi -i. Dr. Kennedy, in response to a note, arrived at ino police station, and gave tx.ut- f >r ih appear un . of the pri-on.r in the Jefferson Market Mice Court t "tay. i..fore leaving lae station the prisoner admitted thal his name "a* not Brown. bate last n|e|,t Mi*. \.wi- -ml thr.f the women w.rc admliel I,, ball. Tiny w,ll appear lu couti I, gay. _^__ HOTEL WAITES* STBIEB AT DISSERTIME. Jjaal a* dinner wa- served at the Ilollnnd ll,msc las! evening forii walters weal aa a strike and pallin men. tt-UbOVS Bttd nth'Ts who could Le pressed Into -***rvtes waited aa Um rmeats. Tim tr,,u'.I.- arose fruin the rUaeharge "f lana antlers \e-i.i'ia\ morning, waa attiatlai ? meeting al the lintel F.mploivs on Krlduv nlgfrt, 'Plnre na* nl-o MOM tr.mlili* nt thc WnUlorf Hotel yesterday biraaas fear af tba wallers in the cafe wcro -el" Lil lo wall on UM Duke de Ver-cua and party. Tim reirtauraarl awn Btslstad that tln-y wera i,i; In lhal honor. CASSSLLO CONVICTED OF Michael th mann, ia HaHaui mus convicted af murder In Ihe ->? road degree by a jury in Ihe Oororoo! Oyer and Termlner, B-ooklyn, lute la*t night. With -oven oilier Indian- he wu- fur the killin)- of peter J. Holde-, a letter currier, on .luuuary "J. The eriBM was miuinllted on u fi rr) boat running to l.rand >i., WUBamsourg. Casadio la th.- secoiat nam eoa> vlctod; tlvo othors are .lill to bc tried. xil0 Jury Wig out seven hours. TO PROTECT TLIE RESERVE. THE ISSIE Or (.OLD CERTIFICATES SUS? P-TOED. BEW-TOU BAMKEBB BUftPBISED I'V TIIF. nnnrE I?':'."M \V\IIIN.;t.)N-II.V\N< lilli-, IN Tttt* CITY tMO TIM. J AST PiNoUl t). Tlio Siili-Trea-ury authorities yesterday murn? ini- received a oin-nlar letter from tin' Initod States Treasurer at VTaehington, RftriBg insiruo tiona that the iaaae ?>f _,,! i ,? rtrilcates on the do. po-it of gold bulli.n be iuspe_ded until further notice. I>fare th.- hour .,t t**ptmmg imsim**,* a ooiillrniatorv wa* receiv-d from Secretary ' arli-'e. The news wa. not widely circulate,! and wag Bot coin-rally known in Wall Stiwt until late, 'lin- Sub -Treasury authorities entente | th<*mselv."8 with informinc each individual implicant that tho authority to issn.. {r?H certitioatc.-- bad lieeii susv pended. Thi* action of the Treasury **hpaHamal is taken In aecordaaee with r**-erfcm 12 <>f tho ad of July 12, 1882, which re.(iiiros that c.rtitl catea shall not be i:*sir'.| fat i..|H.*it* of gold when? ever "th" amount of gold oin gad -roh| bullion in the Treasury ifs-ried lor th,, redemption of L'nlted Stat.-s not.*s falls below one hundred mil 'j"ii dollar-." The law leaves tin- s. ewtary nt tim Treasury no discretion, and tl;.- action of .venter lea is public announcement tiiat the gold reserve of si m.,,,00,000 has been reached ia the payment! of tho National Treasur . Tin- full -..'lion oi' tin- law relafdag to tin* x,>i$ eertiflcatea ami th" gold re set ve i* a- foHowa: se-, ig, That u.e Bec rem jr af the Treasury i* oas ti.oii'e.! mid dlreetod t.. receive departta af sold coin v.ita thc T-esau re r or asslsfauH to assn ri "f 'h.- Culled t titus. .ii -'m.- m.. l-.-s lim,, tvienlv dollar*, ami U. l?ii,- , -. tan. at * Oi ref.-r- la .lenomiiiaioas of not le-s than twenty dollars ea. li, eonaspeadlug vvitli the denomination* af liut.-d S-ate* Botes. Tho ?a..n dtpOSfMd foi nr r*| o>. - ntliin OM ,*rUtl'"ite.s af d'] '? lt- shall ho".t In th* li,,-i.rv fsr Ike payUMUl .1 Hi" -nu.* on d.inand. -.. d oerlifl ate* -h.ill be rOeetvaMe for eiistotu*. las.- and all puhli." due*, and when .,, plcsrlvad n^ii be retoaaed; .eid amii e.itni.a'.-. i, ajaa iBver ..rt!t?:atr... wheo li> ld hr nny Notional hanging issacIqttia -hali b, eeaal -d r.i pirt of Its lawful ???r\e: uni no National hank?*g >--o* ,!.i*laii ehsll fin a m?ititer I a-.v ebsWBBf hou.e In nhich ?uri) '?er'iiiratos shall m.: t.- reerivsMe lu the amtaueug of rtsaitttg hon** balances ; nrnvirtfd. that. Un S ir ta rr of th'- Ti'ssury -hall suspaad tlie logos cf sash iro'.d rep. UfleMM wkeuevet th* amount f cold com and sold bull. lon In UM Treasury NHraved for Mic redemption of Hafted SUita'* note* falls below one Lundr'd nllllon- .if foliar*; nnd th.- pravtslaus af Vectlea f'.ftv-tun hundred ind * voa of th.- Bovtoed statutes si.ill !*? BppbesMa t., uv err?_ estes kalala BUth nnd ami dlr.-, ted to be issn-d. Seetion 5,207 of the Revised Statute*, above referred to. forbids National banks to lead on L'nlted States notes, etc. Since th? reoent heavy renewal af gold exports it has been apparent that if was only a in^-tim . f a short time before th" bullion re-erve would bo intrenched upm. The notion ot y. uteri iv, how. ever, wa* a surpris" to b.uikei*, as it was not apparent in tin* latest Treasury Hgu-***i thal tho reserve limit had brea reaohed. Thore was ni roni-on to anticipate the a'ep tak<*n. either, through preliminary Intimations from Washington, as tho l,n*sont AdmlnlstratioB has cotnplrtely ignored rho ,'vi.?t'iiio of New-York bankers and bank presi? dents in shaping it- policy. The, public mind hal not boe."i prepared in any way far tho reception of yesterday's nows, and there has been tho utmost reticence maintained by Secretary Carlisle as to the future course af the 'roveniment in ire-tine the rlrinncinl -ituaiion. There is u con oral feeling rf ehagrln in Noni-York banking cir? cles at thi* strange policy nf sjlenoo in view of tho IBXtety f. lr in the biwiue-*- world af the steady tlepfetion of t'i- free ?,-"! I in the Treasury and at thc other policy ci IgnoriBg New-York's financial nen as though they ha 1 no existence. Tlc city ls full nf prominent Democratic bankors and bank -ireaMenta?men thoroughly in accord with Preddent cleveland's supposed BttotMtaif viewi?li ir p.irtics ha- hal no place in Mr. Car? lisle's Lndepeodeai attitude. So gdvieo Lum bssji sought from th" financial ."lit"" of th- lountry; m. assistance asked t . help tim Treaaury maim tain Us gold reoourc'-s, no Indication gives of how tin* Administration bop.-* to meet the prob? lem". Persons Infot-med in the matter ,-ay Amt eminent Deurrerats Uk ? August Uelaaont <>r tho officers o." th" National City Bink have h.-en Ignored alon; with BepnhUcan men of liliane.. Tho iMention ol' the Treasury Derartm-nt sr-enis to have beer] a*iven entirely 11 tin* bankeri ami financier* west "f the Alleghaniea an I south of Mason and nixon'* linc N-w-Vork'.- tinaneial world, dominant a* it alurayi ha- been in tho flnnnces of th.- Nation, ha* been left without information, save that co*nmon to the eatlM public. and has not boen a-kod for ito jmU'inent ..r it- iii in solving tlc pressing taeaUoM of timun ?' now universally dha*uaa*d. lt may be too much to -ay that the infliienco of the BoUth and the Weat has roiohed the Treasury through murern n>.t ap to tin- Ka-tern standard of sound money views. Hut some can. tlous broker* *ay that, from iiTTiinaTTon* reach nu- tin-in, this iipp-ars to be the case. If this i.. .-,., it would not bo Impossible, it is consid? ered, if suggestions may have goat to s.-cri* tnry C?riisle on such lin-'- a* would be covered iv the id.-a of reserving the $100,4M,Ot*rO geld reserve only for the old l.-'al-tender note*. I>'"tter known as urcnl ick*. tln'ieby c mi lil fin ?r tl.'' redomp non of tin- Treaaury Botes ot t-'."' to silver. Snell a policy unjin -nit th" advocate- of free silver, but it would ic bitterly repugnant to the eatv rervatlsm of the Raaf, which know* how senslr tive capital is mi timur i'i matters. No chanre is made that the Treasury Department has ever seriously eor?ldered suKgeailoni of tliis e'aaraou ter, but when N'ew-Vork capital hear* that Western ard Southern bankers alone sis-m to poA-ess quailtlei worthy ol advisers nf th' Ad? ministration, ?/ cannot refrain from a feeling of discontent ami BOtfptiae. Ih.* expectation <?f heavy gold exports thia week i.-ahno-t --eneral in Will Street. V'-ter<lav the shipment- were 11,250,000: the ^evie having i.,i taken from th'1 Siib-Tiviviiy on Friday. <>ii lin-day it is Isdieved that the shipments will be about twice 'hat sum The foreign bankers who will doubtless make the exp rta were sot prepare-! yeaterday deHnitely to -tai." what theil -hipping .rders might amount to: but it wa- learned that ,,ne hanking boase had ma le uri igeareata to semi ? 1,250,000 abroad ci Tnt-Mlay, ;;ii'l i" xvas con? sidered certain thar another lou-'' would ship -{11,000,000. Tin- foreign rxehauge -aarketi were aa*. usually active yeaterday, Satur i.,y gene tally being regarded as an "oil dav." Th" strength of the market was, natl Bleriiag exchanut* baa ri-oched a point wlnre gold exports univ Ih> male aliucst, if n it <|iiite, without los*. The C intl nentnl exchanges fir sonic tim* bi've p."rmitt"d prodtahle shipments. The mnklag nf heavy ster ling loans som" thirty and sixty days aim is hov, , ginaing to tell on the exchange market, and the demand to cover loan bills kis'ps the market swept tiaro of the moderate supply of ."ouiuieicial billa that it enjoyed. A dispatch from Washington yesterday stated that I per rent hontN to the amount of severul million dollars are bein- p-n-f an-d in the Treasury Department. Whether this for.shaloyvs the do '?i*ioi rf Secretary ("urlisle to sell homls. umler tho resumption laws for lepleni-hino; the gold n**>erve cannot ls* known until ofVcial announcement ls made. Tbtnkers here are entirely L'norant. of tho pi s-ibili'y of such a step, Ins::u*.> they hart) liecn Igaared in the treatment ol th" uuestioii by the new Administration. The suspension of the issue of ^ohl crtilicates, however, is tak.-n an au indi? cation that no bond InMM will be mtule at pp*s,>nt, but that thu Treasury will dip into the 1.>kuI temler rem-rve in order to meet the deinanda upon |t {or gold. The Uni Congress refused to