Newspaper Page Text
SUNDAY EDITION APRIL 16, 1893. -Vs*-! s/ f ___-*T.***r as_aB*JU-**V*a? PART n. PACES 13 TO 24. J. pitman & Co. Will oprn lo-niorriMi. tl on tl ay, gabies'fine Summer \9tt*m, in IHOUSSELINE D'INDE, BATISTE, (??n, ?r wfclek CHAMBRAY, NAINSOOK, CREPON, un- ..,..*., o.. ORGANDIES, LINON D'INDE, &C. j Milk Skirt*. nil of Hm* Latest Spring Styles, im-lutliiiK tbe" 1830" an) '*?iniiiw/' ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR LAWN AND GARDEN PARTIES. irii.i. ai.-so Niton i-ti WHITE AND TAN LINEN DUCK, BROWN LINEN, PLAIN AND FANCY PIQUi? DRESSES, STVL1N Yt IE HU Uti: PAItlKI I.AKI.V RlNIItA ll 1.1*. IOU HOI"** _t_-_JllDB, A*%l> (Ot > IKY "IV i: A lt. RUSSIANS NOT SLIGHTED. AMLj.KAN FLEET'S PRACTICE CRUISE SO DISCOURTESY T< > THE CZAR- SHIPS. ?*'0 SEMI ARRIYA-- IR BAMPTON ROADS?A DAY OF KI'.I.AXATlON i.Mi QAYETi* BOAT RACE HY* RLUWACKETR-RORPOLK" A-tRtTIOl'fl PR GRAMME?A GER* M IR POR X AV tt "I FICER-s. [b\ Ti.i.i...i:\ih To nu. TKintM.l F..rtr.s- Monroe, Va.. April li?I'I..-,.- were no Mgrjasjona to-day to the Bert already lying in Hani,,:.,!, Roaiia waiting fur the >!:,!?? ol departure to th.* (ii.tnii'i-ian naval t*eJel*Tation in New-York. It Ls tl,ondit barely p*j*sil)le that there will bsj ?oni.- iiil,liti<ii'.:tl arrivals to-morrow; but, as Ihe ts-eel; of r.-i,'i.-xv .n-s floes not aetuall.r begin until Maajilaj next, rli--r.- lu- been no sttffieienl i-r-ason far ??iis^"ting foreign guests before that time, in I the di*n*ateh ol the A:n..ri"a? fleet beyond the Capes this *i*reek indicated clearly enough that Admiral ('hr-raHi ilid n,.r anticipate having to >* 1 com,"- many foreign visitors before April IT. S'.mi* complaint lias found its way into print gto'Jt the disc iirt...-.,- aupposed t., have bet n *hswn to thi* two B?ssSB autaon now lyitie iu the roi'l-sfi-ail in tho or def ing ol Ute two squad. rt. ns ut .-volition to s--:i ,.n Tuesday, although both Russian Tesjelg had alret ly ?"r"d***ed. The Rutv Ban.s tli'-ms'-lvi- do not regard the departure "f til the A-_eriean ship*, but the Philadelphia and Bancr-tT a* any deviation from Ihe ??,, ,rt?-,??- ol ?jasspit*-?tty. They have been warmly *-eeei\-ed tnd kiii'ly treated both on the American pruisera anl oa .s!,or*-, and are entirely Mtisfied with tin eordiaiity of tln-ir welcome. Frata th- frequency t_d ,1'iration ol visit- to the Hygeia Hotel u in- judged th.:t they eonaider both th" naval officer ju, I the Anuri aa summer gal ujo.i.l in?s*sjr_ational hosts. A wara sun and a liv-h weaterly bweze, with btengperature ol about 75 <]*?_-ri-.-r., made thia tin bom .luiii-lik,- <la.v -, tar ol the lasl vanirfhina ?ring pmoon on (his part ol the coast. Outing* tu laud or or oea trere equally delightful, an I i"i_m<-r (tostumee added new color and animation ta Mle at tho H******?-. It waa ,-i daj of relaxation "rom professional duty , n board the ships, but of gr*-at -ptyety aoci?lly, both jon ship an l on shore. All tL*.- launches an*l row-boata ava,lal.!.- wrre kept **?*y carryinR visitors from tim big Govern ry-nt pi*-r to the fi's-t arni back. On tin- Phiia cs-lpliiu. the Chit-sago, the Newark, the San Fran cisco -.ri-l other resseia h>-r*-. lunchejona were given by thc f.ii;e,-rs, ati'l on rh,' flagship there wai* (lanc _g from 4 to h. Among thc hundred* >,i calV-ra tn Auiairiil Gherardl were Senators M rii-i*,,:. ted Btockbtidge, in*<mbert* <>( 'li*- Senate Com t-tu*s ,,n Naval Affair-: *.r-n-ral Efreekinriilge, ol w Arn.v. hikI Genera] Franklin, commai-d-**- oi tie Soi.Ji.-r>.' Home at Hain,.ton TV only public excitement ol th*- aftorno n was t t),r?^-ij,j.- ncc in bai-gM (jsMween bh-o picked from th- tstvn of tl,** San Francisco, tl,- Chicago tod tl,,. Yorktown. The start was made iron, a P"int ss*-a*a_te, *}(, eruissw San iranci-c.,, at Ihe eaat'-rn <-r,,l ol thc Beet. A mile and a half west*,,- th.- C^-deago, there waa a turning stak--, md thc o-uah back to the San Francisco waa rowis-i o/itli i?,tii winii and lida Tlie crew from ti,- San I'raiKJMo heh! the championship of the Pacific t-qu-dro_, while the Chicago's tani ha I ?*RI s;jef.,.**fni in all pi*-.ion.- mal ih-*a nmong the cr-ws of the Atlantic. The Paeitic (?'?'ast men maintain.-,! their reputation faa a fa-t *?nd well-<|is* liplined ci v.- by beating out both ?at kit -uri, ;,i,i| Yorktown m.-,j, although ti, ? York town koat led the greater purl ol tlie way to thc a__ Tin- npper decks and maintops '<? all the s**aB"*a in the fleet were r-rowded with wan,en during tin- nice, An,\ t\?. yfajtora aboard the lian "toft. San Fi-anciaco, Uennington, UaltidTofe, New ?rs-, rhlJadetphis and Chicago had a Bnc right ol tja* Mro4*g|?-l a riew of which waa bIiuI off from tbs *?,or.- bf lb*. ,M,is,.,* themselves. It waa not t Harvarl \ale rac* In iini-l, of style ?r in'.ii-it.. 01 '?x<*it<-ij,i-nt, ;,u,j wa- rowed in watei which *?ul'i -serer Ila rc r-eea renturod mi ;ir \. w-iV-ndon hy tl,,- rollsaje -helli*: yet it aiToi-ded ;i ple-aant IaIMh,,,, ??? fntfrtalintft to the Beet "''in a glance at the rathei aaabitioiia pro trsuirj,,. ?f s|,i,],s ;..,.i ,i?. public displays pre jarisi i,v ,1,,. Xuifajii rx-aialttee it ,.* evident ?at ti,.- De*gbbt**-i-g city does not Intend t? be ""Privci, ,i || r?n help it, ol a fair ahare ol tlie *t*>riti?n which the naval lendeatons In tl,. ?''*-(? hire m .-\|? to .-Mit... Aosording lo 'In* pragra-aiRi-jy there are ta bc on Monday a pnie ionti-s.t of -.hills' banda and g competitive *** tars' drill, in.tii the mnaieal -?nteal and tin l^sll to ls- ,,|i,n lo sailor- .,| all tin- shipa in the ??>da. On I in-,iav th.r.- will be boat rac.--, ?P**n to crew* froaa the warships ,,i iron, athletic ^towing duna VVt-daesday, April ip, |g ti,. ?? of the mu and $20 " lat*m-tiona] bali*1 al Norfolk, iiuriii.' the sft*--f*-rOon there vs ill be tt?"**> r>oai races biHweea milor- hom the ili.fT.-r y *sss-BhlpR Thuraday aad Friday arc to be ?*^*>ted to par.,,!e*i, OM iti'lnstriiil aii'l lin- other "*vtl a-irl nulitary. On Fri,lay Bight lhere will |* fireworks in Norfolk llarhor, ami aa Sat,'play 'f ann?!ii?,.,| that a va, ht mee will l?. sailed *? a aahai hatti,- fought between the foreign *,D;' tin- -Serican -)??-. tuir,1*!** li,',,' diffleull to **"<? how the ship- at altKv ,''a" *tep ? if* tin- shore commuidoatioa SJ Norfolk, liftis-n ?r rixtoen miles away, Bet**9s> o* to laaura an a*l<"inat?- participation in tl?i EJ* continuous round ?f puWfc exhibltiona m*a9oa by that municipality. Tho means of transportation between "ll Point and Hie fleet (ire now overtaxed, and thc few m. an,, ie, which ply between here ami Norfolk will l?- utterly u liable t., raak*' tra>*el I mm one place to thu other anything else than whai it i- now -a lcd io is an,I long-drawn journey, in.- true emin* .,i iu ti-r-.-t i,,r iii.- naval rendezvous 1- nov-, and will ," "hi Poiut, and not Norfolk : and it i- to be I";*,'" i lhat the Heel anil oltli i*ra hen' will tiwi it nexl to impotssible, und.-, prc-viii condition*, to liv.- to an* greal part of lin* Norfolk ivie. brati>#n the stimulus anti interest ol their personal participation, Ut* german given by the young woni?>n ol thc Hygeia Hotel to the officers ot the An, rican ami t.-r.-i. :, -mp- wan danced to-night in lin- prettily ? n itetl ballroom* ol the hotel, Some er umbi yig waa beard about the appar ? ?nt disposition of the sub-u-riliers ol the cotillon to exclude in tavor of tin* ?ai- not only all civilians, but also lite -s 11 - th-*-,vear-ruund .ian,-in..- el ipi li W ,,i this -nilitarv resort, th<* artilli-r* officer-) ol Fori Monroe. Tlie "-kickers"1 among both these in Irairod eli---- ol tho tr-.ia..mer- ot the hotel thought they ba I a fairly -food "erin'l" on the dancing i-unlit'ca ..t the American Navy vrlten it was round out thal the manager*, ol inc german ha I to send t - Rich? mond for a Fis-?der, and a civilian a, thal ".loo" 1..,:... Stern, who lia.*" long conducted cotillons at the summer re-tort-* in tho Virginia mountain-, A- the german was given designed V in cotnpli tm nt to the Navy, nnd the Navy exclusively, lhere wu- no pa-oil why it -1, nuki not have bctRt accepte I on all rides a- a crt**?{table an I p ipular closing in of the pr<-r> ii.V-'voijs w.-<-k. Wa abington. April l.', ?1 he Admiral comman-lin : the Spanish Beel wiilr-li will participate in (Isa naval review (telegraphed the Navy Department to*dav from Havana that he ?***.?-?-< t.- to -ail for tl,,- |'n:t..| States to-motrow with the h>ii i Ri-_.-niii, Infanta Uabel and Nnev> E-pu;,, tow? ing the caravels Santa Maria, Pinta and Nina If tl... weather permits be will atop at II imp! in Road'**: if not, be will -u direct tn New-\ork, li,,- depaHmont I,a- been a,l\js.-,l thal tl,.- ir gentino cruiser Ninth nf .Inly sailed from New ea-tle f,,r Hampton Roads on April 2 t TEXAS ST STE OFFICIAL IM PE lill CK Awttln, Tex.. April 15,?The special MMBmlttee appointed by Iks llonte of Repreaentallre, ot the Texan Leg! tatar. Investigate tad prepare rhsrg, again*! Land ("ommUaloner McOnughey appeared >,>? r.,r. ihe Renate yesterday and Informed lhal body that they, ns r-pr", niMive* of the Ilea ??. I "I In peached I.arri rommttsl n-r McOaughi-y f I rr!me* aral misdemeanor* In office and for rlnlatlnii ,.f the <'onstttutlon .in<! the lau* of the Mate and ), oath ol ollce; and thal they had pr rmt-ed and would pre* '. I In due tea* n grave charge* against the Com sal*?loner far -dil,ie public Pim', frsudulenil* ,., bind -peculators, and for ailsappropristloa ol tanda In .-: ... ind ike* re*laeattd Ike ftenale t,> order Ike ap pearanre r.f M(-t*s?irhoy t<. answer cksrgea, M (iaughej In - the beat li gul lab ni In the stat*- for his defenca. The 'rial alli prnbublj begin on Monday ond iii--t Ihree weeks, lt I* thought .?N.i prominent men and State officials will I. :!,;ia.ri i.v tb* testlmonj . I THE DETROIT'S TRIM, au UN FOSTPONED New I...mi,.n. Gonn., April 15.?Another a", mp' w.i* to-dsy t.. five ike n.w praiser Detr li h r tour-hour run. kal lt also proved * "alb-re, mrlng lo mi-' and rain. Tbs skip's leal I- t.. be .. rrurlil I one, up*.n ike old method, and n?' that adopted for ibe i'.af, r H. The ,.|i mel hod i reaortvi io hy ' order of Secrelary Herbert. I'nder the nw met the trial rot-Id hare been held .tl Newport rsi w dn?ii j day, Ike awderatc blow ..a tkai day offering no liltidrsnce, a- tl..- work relies wholl) apon n d li il on of Ike j-n-w ami ike Meering I* d'-ne by the rom poi . Ilj the old ne il,,si e\'ieiiieiv rlesr weather I* re.iniri'l, ti- the range* on i, ire must be m.aile at all limes, on tke two attempt* mule i, ,-.. i ,,. p1(,.| marks could not l?- tlj-bled even at tue Mart, 'n.i* delay i- maiie al ali expense fit laai'l. f-J.lSrO per day, Ho- itovernmenl lo |wt if ike i? i ? i mi, i?- ., *.? - Slid tile builders K ll I,- a lalllir-. Tli board will ni again al 7 :"io Monday. HU SPEEDS ol' CM IX ESE " WEBCRANTS COMINU ?laloma, Wash., Vprll li, Tbe large number of Chinese liroug 1>I over hy Iraas-Pacific lines, man] of ure pul down In Ike manifest* aa actors on Uta way lo Ibe World'* Fair, I- csto ag mark artlvll* on tbe part of Ike ("overnanent offirtata, bat a greot deal of r-auggllng of Celestials b gidngon. Th.-fut Ike steamship Empress of .lapin brough! M-veral hundred alleged merrhants returning to Han FTanrlsro, and Ibe steamship Mogul arrived here yesterday with |**0 "merchant*,*' fa Pori la nd, baa caused much com m. i.t. Tl,.- Chinese passenger trade i* *.-,i,i to he \>t\ profitsbte la the itesmaklp rompsnles. Tbej ii., guarantee landtag tke Chinese, but compel r,.,n lo s*jve bond lo pay Ibe expenses of their own d-porta lion In c.i-e tl,.y .'ir.- rein "I. >al,l one ol Ihe tiffi rials: MI*ort"_nd babsI fce arioat ;.- l-l-' a cllj aa l.,,a.i,m. Judging from Ike Bamber >.r returning mer rhaiit* There 1* a 2.1 ,!,'.'l ol crooked work going ,.' rlulil n,"I''- our eyes." H I- lalleved ii, .1 many of i!,.- Chin*' ? ? non here will be -ni bark. SO MOSEY TO TRY HR UR AV ES AOAIS Denver. <'"l.. April '?'- ?"? '? ? )ii:il< h"r ?" '""' wi,,, wa*.vi, t.o ol il'- main of Mrs. Ilarnaby, ol Providence, ll. I.. "Ul au ?'"'' T1"' ''?'?''*? *'? "' missioner** yeaterday refated to appropriate fand* I*, doha* ii," ixii-n"- td ?!'".?** *?? are now In ii,.- Mst. li,-ul, t AMoraev Steele say* ll will sliaoal be lat possible i > ir. (iraves, at ke toa no money la pr ?? ? i ..,.,. ||(? rornier Ula' cost James ll. omni-i. ton In ...... ,,, gn r.ariial.i. ->:;".'"?"? Mr. ("ont sd now ms* ke viil'imve nothing rut-re la "to win, tue pr , iiilmi of tir.'iv,--. linn Elliss si BOOL'S TBOUBLB* ADJUSTED N.-a-Haven. April 13 (fsp^talk TM" Iraa ts?**a of lbs H-riekklst -sreparatory athoei al Lakev. etUbUskcd sas I.-.!, rt,- Yale, mot ker. thia,.,.ri...,g privately lo eoe M r Ike *********,io! fr -or R. i:. cor, (At-ad ar?t*<t"*r of ?'" " ""??'? !1"" ' "'f?-"' i,i,vid v. (??".-?'??? "" -'?':":' K ":,s,,r; "r reasons for tka n-t*lga*allons Have not ii-.n made pub Be. Alter inc -Acting I'-of"--' A. w. I'liiiii,,*. of Vnl- Who Ik B ,).e,nl,cr ,.f the H?""*?l ??? tttaWooo, un i;.:;:,^^:t.o.^l,',rr:,?c.l:H ,.*! Lt u,* ^^ k. no chungla mudc ?t the tcnoci. I Ot*R wiioi.r-w.K aiLK nt-i'M(T?ii:vt. w iii ni ii.dim.- ns tiTii \\ i:.. Al>0 THE in ii.dim IN -I Ul Titi. UI'.MHM - t)| l\l ITIK- Til VT "N i Til RM AT LOWER PRU'Kt* TIU' Hii-T t:-TUt REITERATE* ol lt fsTATEMEtT KOR TIIR RRXR? -sTIIREKEKPERi-t AMI tullin-, ll M'I \\ WV UH IIIIMiTKMIU WHERE TR Kl Ml IT. VIM AT OUR COLOSSAL 3 IMMENSE BARG JAPANESE IN DAIHTT M'V "-TRIPE"! All': 'HU' tyilUtK WAl-T- AM) M MMI ll WI til WE IMPl IT KM OK lil l-l. JIM. ULR- IR Till MEW EMIR! RI 1 . lil.""!' RED, COL"" Mill A, MW BLI 1.-. I . a N D '< HEV ARI Ul I *. . Till V WERE 1 MPORTEO I IIOM ?APAN ' jTARO. lt)R I'M- Hil' 0RL1 WK WILL bl LL (JIU i..\jiki. a-.viii; ".,1-N . _T. i'll. t'ARil ll ie.innes I,...r I.. iii-ilsi- B SJ?Isl "I IBJi ?ill eiisi , on tor lins din's Baie. RI ??")<'? RICH BLACK BROCA xiii se nu 'i i imi tm n milks tun in ' ?*?'?'' ? . \n\\ ..I rtlEM ll Wi. -li ", Il ...a'1 ' ]" '; v VU El WERI 1 Af 1*4-11 .l" : ? -i l.l. v ' ri "' BK lilli 1 l I.V WORN , ni- i >-'?''? ? "'> ''?? AM, .\,.\ I . WILL III - ? Ml'CH MM' 'll PA 1 i I KN- IN KINE ,.'1 tLl UK- "1 I'A Fl"''.I ONLY WE WILL .-I l.l. ,111-1. RICH 1-sII.Kt* WI HAVE M'l'l.l' MANY NKW PATTERNS ".Si SUBLIME SH Will, il Alli: 32 Tin v Ai'.r- THK mon ' ax : i.I D ?? mmi ? SKASON. ALL THE KEW Bil A I) - ral III.l.l" K KS A DAS l.KKKNS BLI I ' . "ll' I! ***! '? '? v ' x TH l-l, I la-KM, Ll -I...N- Ml IN, l.l III 1' IN EX, KI'T1**NAL WIIVTII I- V ' ?'.: ll HI l.l' 1S M 8TYLK DIIC-sKs SH MCI 'II WdKN THIS M ISON ?lin. samk, i i.i". \ Aim ( ll tit tl I'll.- THC Till* l.lll'TS OR (MK F.I.EVEN Ml. i7 I.'IKIAK -T.. KN IRI.ER I - TO HI V "*I-KR titi: l\ 'IAN*, i\-t\n< I- ABLE TO RRTAIL | l.l-lMli:M- CAJI HIV THEM AT. WE AOAIJI KIT OP IHIl:? IBU KERI*. -|\NI KA( Tl KKK-. TO HATCH t\V KIMI OK Pt HA OE Ol' AMI UH,I. RE -I RR Ti) UET IT SILK COUNTERS. AlltS TOMORROW. ASH SILKS CT KILK FA MRU I I 'Il \ UKI \ I' QI ANTITY SH A DIX -1 . 11 AS Kl -I l> V. "I.U 11,-1 ni ?-111:i.i? rv ALL -, l.l. M i". I'I R yul i m. i lloll I "i ?t,?w-. ,-hi.i. i.i ks wartb *'>??"? ''"* "*ttHt*rt_l EO TAFFETA SILKS. -i e.. ui sions, *Nn ..Ml ICENI (il M-l : ? IM..\. :< MI.KS WILL km. WAlsT* . - rill -I - i *-l-: KOR "??I- PAY \'l 'R I HOI, il ? I.'ll-. I' HES. SILK, ?-. Ul WIDR ? ILK -ll -V, '? 1 lt I * Kl l*K I M '? IN ? I .1 ,;- WI ,11 IIKAl*. SILK* II iRIMi lill. NI W ? ii pitt, .: Ill M MN Sixth Avenue a nd 23d Street. FURNITURE E.J.HOMEE&C0. lIKMTirti: MAKER** \M> IMPORTER*, 61-65 West 23d Street tiljnniliiu East's Mo.?se . I Furniture oj every description jar town end country houses. Specialties for Summer Furnishing. I I l.l. KIM- Ol I Kntli-l. Itnis. Il,-,I.i.-n,I. limn -Ul 11 [, ss n r.i. Willie Killin,,le,I Inn, ll<rl*l'n,l* lr,un -M ?|,?ar.l. While Km.,,,, le,I -U-ei )|.,,il \\ i,?li-i .ml-. *? - U|> W lille. Illili- mut Phoh Kiein,ele,I -1111, . . ..,,1 .<r.*,e,: Iii il.Hillls. Ilnre:,,,.. \, .,.I,-1 .,?,,'.. Tallie.. ( bigs. ?lii-ri-s. W ni il,,,I.,-,. 1 I,air*. A. Tai.-, lln-r nilli 11 lura.. ??...| 1 m. nt nt Hirds.e., Manie asd Riistssas Kuri,ii un-. THOUSANDS OF Imported Novelties - Ital lu (,., wv,! iinj . Hirth, ,.v and ?,? I'ifia, ;,, all j,,:.. -. The i> lies ,,( lt?*, linus, ks ls ? ll ew-n urn, le 111 fl Basalt io,.1,1 nu.1 ni 11 ?,., e,i pi 1 ,- huh Ui il 11, i> lulu St ai - -? R. J. Horner di Co. A STATE PBISON UNDES BIUTABI r*OA Sdi Raitt rd. Coan., April i ?. (Jori rnor M ,rrl i il ,,i. ? ..a 1 ...i an .-?: i.i.i. In* Hi -? ?'? |.n- ai ... v.. ??. i iii kt ? ? dei ihe . ?: lr.1 Urtu idl i il, nomi tie rae Haven, "f Hw National Mistd, mi tn I *.; i,.i .... until 1 .ii,,.-. .,1 lera. >. m nil ll iven 1 di 1. ..s| 1 ...,'. . 1. ?? j. ? ? : . - r proper!) , I, .- 1,1 1 bm , ii .. ||i> 1 ,1 ? ant i >r / .1 Ui d, tall ? li j...i'i i of I ruin iili nd a li*' li Ul di .-in ne<. ry I pr, erv ? order (1 prnt.-ct all stale i-i pert- li, tin- |>!i-on, i i ? ei , .. r ti.. lint i: . i Bp|s lit ' li ? ? i 11 ll ?? ? .. a I lr] adi. ? ii tl Bl .1. . : . I. 1 - .:.. li ai inc Isi'll - 1 ;' ... ile. Wfll Lu < Lan.l-.-r' i n t'i ll, il nfl -.' di K ar. I ;.,,., i ,r I,, i ,| ii on ia j,.' ll :?? ii i nan i asleep In :, ri.n ldc tn, pr. ii a.iii milln Iii,. Lei t . Un do -i I.-.,,1.1,.- i , Hu prl ni,, ' ; band. v . ll ii r'.lir {(id rc ni.ishim: IHM'SES END W'OEBl I' Chicago, \prii 15, Half b dot, ? i lil, i, p lill 11 house ur.- nisi i , l.e (Mi Hu I,uni, ,,; nilli ? result nf Hie recent iilrlde ol Hon.'Hono line, il,, nell I.i..isI, printer. Iv... rallnn .\. alnad) i, .ulled, sud others, ll I ai I. sill ll .... In th, neat fes da) . , >'i. ind a**ci iiiiiusluil rn l-ii;i r from lila nistoni'-i uctm, ii ia.- upward ol ffjtHt.O "'. ai ,I event I i au ??? lt" are tull,*: I , ed to t ha Mall beran* rf Inabllit) lo im-el Hu -.? ,.- ?- ., 'nil due. lt i- rluimeil thal a-ben ll? "I , .,?? ha* I e.i, - iralffhtcii, rt ont fes nf the -? Iii ir will suffer, I".i n '.-. ile- iml] thins Hr |hi ll lo-rs ran ,1,, i- (.. ,n- ? a I . noll il lite* ? .,iie dil,*, and ul. Hi,lr rlisnee ,.i -? lllu ? full pavim-nt e-lsP?. I ?| i:, ? ; > do thia tiny trill br romjicll ? i ; ? , i> .- t |,U.-lla TWA F l-l hiv ri: mist CLOTB w IRA '.'-' Kail lltver. Ma .. April li (lip i la li. Tin- print rbi tb mi ri*- -1 I,a I... a, artlri' durlliR Ihe S'eek, lari price*; bare fall n nfl ., i|ii.irtrr "I ?< cenl i yard lo ;( j ?> ,.,,' tor ''. I \<: i . This prl, ? '- l-l', veil lu (,,. (he real value ol cn -i al ibe pren, al lime, all 11. re lia* I..-.-!, more ..r le - |rrumt*llnf' amnnr* lark ],,,!,Pa- I.e.aii-e ,,f |he i,, .nv iir..|.. The In k Ml band i.leen med I.IMMI ,.-.-,,- i-,,,. ,:,,- I,,-, alair m. ni aaa puhllshed. Th, sale* '?' Ike Week sen i;..,.i ihi pl.?,<?*, .,f Miii.-ii near!) la - third* were ref-ular e,..,!* f?.r fal un- deliver-:. Tbe lei ahead Indi ra,.- a '""' ausnt-e ,.f ,i,. pnrspeni-? bs I.I ||1(. |aal >-ie;lil. .--I li,,,nia.. ;l* Hf Bett ll,:. I. flall BOX ,1,,:. - ed In pia,. darin*- Ihe sreek. \ -trike "f upi.I'- al Ike llsr-rrsre* mill ?;>- aaHraMi -?,? i? >i by an :is'r..i-m.-' i arrived .,? between Hm aeen*lnr-r ,,f |he ili'l"ll .and Ibe 11? .. ur. i ..I Ibe kulti, bj Which I rik, r- will ri ame sort for fonr weeks, until oppnriunll) I ott.i-.i for Ike fortnsll.i ? """ *.!,..mi.- ,,f waa**- , ,r splnnlna ii,,,, yarn .,., \arojt mill.-. Tke new sanford, (iranlte sad ll..,-...,?.-? H.,!, will "-? iirs-er mill.* iiinii an) noa la ase. Darin*. Ike ?*?**-? al ,. tb, spinners' A -ortsUon roted i,, invest .fi"."**', atxiui one-third ol lb*lr fund*, In ,.|,, * otker ikan National bank . i ?? weekly cloth Uti, ii.iii la a* follows: Pn-dartlon, 'jnOJOOO ptree-i; d.-iheii.- . -'"I"" ?: -,... ii on hand la I ? ek'? Htock, l-.""'- solea, 17'..,,.m: ,,i a hi, l 50.000 a ere ,?l,|. nnd I."."'*, 'i.\i',.|.. i.-.i*.,, *rere -p..,* uml 106.000 final--. bale* f,,r weekly deBrerT wen : \pi-:i. 1M.000; Mu. june, I'.'-.""": July, :il,is*i: .?nrnat. SSojOtat; rtrpt ember, S1.Q0O; Octo her, H."""! **??'. elnls-r. ll.'....,, ll... a a. ll,. Tai mot-bet I* steady i,,,i Ha* prim I* ul'' rent* tar bs-tRts._ .,.v ADDITIONAL rm,lera IMSPECTOB Pl I t,s Hanpir. Mr.. April ir,.-The ptrtettoi pr,, sall. ur,- 1,,-liiit iiK'-n on ii,,. Mal?, kosolsr ta present, ir o-srikls, th'' intn?ductioii of s_aj|*a*a, Oalhafatt' af Cuntoui* 1'oiJuer, of __* __u-lct, acting under la. , tkmili^t emil tn Fine China. Rich Cut Glass. ??sa ; Special Ahniit t'OH THY COTTAGES, In ? ,| either for t ,'??? n I nae or ,,,i.ii,r.. rolla ?-. il is ilesirahli' t., have a '.*r ?? a - ni: ul lo - h ? t tr..m. li.,- combined with ? Irorn 3*1 to r p, r i ent. lean : ? [a th*, ind i x-ment tve offer to ,, I a . ? ? roil I.i' -ll ?' DINNER SETS Icomplete or ? ., -i . .1 mjiiiniiii.'I ..I \- .WAKE .... ld oi L'nt , |..,i, \ >i l- 1 Mll.'l '.I.\ JARS. CREEN, I i.MN liLASS V LSI S, A. Wt- aloa) Street ?pr. lui aiiesllss mu neem I ?|,i,r. lull.... ni Genuine Holland Delft in Va**"-., I'la iu--*. Covered Jan*, A ? . all m irked il .. .i stri liv in '-derate pru'.-. \ .i.ii lu mir store "ill I"' ii i,,lerc?t lo tod, orbetker t*i??Isa ?? i-arefsaas sr sst* flssda pur. . i,n?. ,1 ,,.,.. shipped ?li rn desired ? ; , ! . ? ? I ? \ ? | - , ' lltelll a N .. ? hi ,,-,,? I I. -?.-?'.,, ? : HICCGNS & SE.TER, lui).,ours mill l{ limier* ul I nu- 1 in,ui. tri I'.,lien. Ill,-I, i SI lillis*. 50 and 52 W. 22cl Street, s .ap. tn it tvic., lu,I tra lt,Illili,- tieiiue. Nih i"?rl. II. I. \\ Ililli M. I.Ill- \ -I'M I II.T1 - -,?, ||, ?:.-..) i Depart nil ' W lill -"??"? lu ? 11lonni i hoi, r.i In ipr* lor ni *i bi* ?? i ,, , ? . Isird' r lOWIl Oil the ral!,.,ad B here all the . i?i ? , inn,i un. I-', nea i iipe, lor began :u-tIve dill) )' ? '1 IIORSI AND i i 111 c siimt cm/.Es. rllul'MANDs Ol le ' i.v IW IIIYI N BY I lill Ml E ... np thi ' ni uini x rt*-. I |, t nlted ststes ll r- ? and Cattle .-ii *w . . la: I ai I n pn* "ll t of I - I I- Ut' ?l , :,.h ..ll. :.,l !,, ,, in ? ?! . In Iv ' rmp'led for V li . ?., diirlnj: ii,.- m. rb h -i' ' lu ' June .. I hr mon ii io -':..."i. in tl sm ? ul ' H p:i..-- sr ? .,,, i -iv. n with :, rles ol Impi "vina lb*- breed nf horse il I . ii :,: , inf- port. In sd nu. il, ? l,?ll . id nil pi-,.-. - . . .m.- . t M bli a nr ? lian,.- I l-l W, tli ? .,,., l,-i> li elf nifi-i y| . ..... ( i- ihr ? tri ?', i bri I* , milli M. lilli loll Sive* 4*11*1 il, mon \ nt p'a ? r,,|- III. ,.. I , . -i , |. | 'ii In \ .tSltlll I. lillee \e:, . ld ? r .... ,. uii iv. i ? hands! -aa,,,. I ll. Ito nd le rivi - , .,1- p io fur i:,.- I, ~i n -rt '? red lim I rn ? 'iii n, Ihn-e i- bi nld, al nve i i and tm ? ?? - din t I-'. hnird*: 'Ai,linn Pim ? Myallis, Jr.. ii'..- a Inil'nr p;i.-e fm le- I .- ? r- cl '?!?-.I '. Il km*) p >u. 'alli li. ? e. IT Cl :??: I aol ?-. ,-, li m , I | ,?, I . .lim- |". I' un . ls 'I .-ii. *i''* f r lb, ls I p-.-i -i i. i lia -kite) |h.. i inlllon, ihi-.., i.-.-ir. oki and no >.\ei- m hands: Mrs, , i-,v ( ?? ii .,. MO" I ir I ie ls .1 lady' -, i il - I, ? K. A. Wal ii i, P-IOII for Ihi hesl hick -'?, 11-1', ,,..' under M.- and nol earii-dlna HA banda; ?i. hu v. Lucan, Jr.. elve. pu Ml r.,- ike b I high ? pp. r. .-%.,..dine p..! hands: Hltrhel Harri. .-.-? ? I' 'i f ?? Hu- he*| pah of lil ' pp, rs, ea, s- Iii : li.l hands; .1 hu , a.i,- >,.?, a Co., ctve pit*", fr Ihe be i pair of rtroUKhl lior ea, the propert) ot ii...', r-. Hilton, Hughes ,\ i .. -\\- tum rot Hm I", i li,.; .? and he-i a pp iel,-i ,i. live \ naffon. aa '. -I lor l . ai di'llvi in -. I . vi. Ware rive* flOO for Ihe i, I horse ami h ap ? Ini -d private han "'" nib; ll. 'a. I np,,,,, jr.. ?K. .ri"" dir lie h.-.i llllld-m. m.I nnd." Ill and md eXI.linc I"..I 1 ? '' '? ? aril Ihe l's Udell, I'lub glVi-l I Wu prise* ,,, -ls, 'el, f ,- Hie I..-., milden, In I..- ? mWll befon' a il,? ??r landein rar . and tor the i..- i land. to be driven In the os ,,. r* or iii ml,, ,-s , I lb*. r|ub. I Io F BOT EXT Ad Al NET TBS BIMBI AS TREATY ' hi,.,., tp ,i i... i ,,,,,,., ih,- exertion* t*f Ml - I ?'?''<? -Wnai . ,.? lian i!., and I . ti. Darr ,w, .i pul, tt* '.'? ? un- ba I- ?. inaed i ,- al i .uti .ii Musi, Hall ., week frum lomorr-rw i,, protesi again tke lr* il) Min, Itu ? : lui. p. i:,ii,i,-,| i,-, ihe I i i ,.,i -I I,,., ??ii-',"'. Judge rule) \>lil pr. Me, and oddi*esae* ore r* per ted from Mts* Villain-. Mi. Harrow, l'mf-*-!,, n,'.|,l -Mii,L-, ii,.- Rev. m. tilfford, Jtt?gr Tnihlll, Ihe Itel. Dr, I Ur :. h and pertts|-s Judge Trumbull, li I lld that there are rvm),000 Ba lana In Afnertra, and ".-"" ii. Chicago alone, and mal neari) every one ol I hr ni will lie rxtiudllahle under Hu* Irenly, either for pain,:.I offenses or t"r fortrery, :i* the people ol Hu*lu ran eerapc from Hie country ord) ie, forginj their p. poi is. MEW hi lid Ti ins TOE THE XOBTB AWEBICAX CO. -:,u Francisco, April 15. Tke Mot th American Vari calk ., Com pan) ha* ie .iv un/, i ii- dire* aral ?. tn ac , ,1-d.l iee Willi Hie al.Il,tt Ile Bl Of it- phill Millie tune ORO, The BM ??Sid i-ui-i-i* of: \V. |? M-ny. Il.ainaii li.,nd,I, li-inl, H.,ll,-li, M. II. Ilackt, K. ll. Pond, Gadara Nli-kaatai sad I. I. Itada ri,,- di re, torsi oraanlted kp ?le. Hug \v. L. Uotn '>rc;,J?cni, and Daniel ?a***B* (RtattAWS**, ( HE A R N aa, at, an axd 30 west foirteexth street. Another Week of Extraordinary Offerings. Short Descriptions!.Great Value* Ladies' Wraps and Dresses. -hon Des, ripllons- Vnlurs. Rae liesa I""- ' :'-' ? butti rfly or ole*)?st esp*. s:i 08 Tan sod Rsv) Cloth lap -**sb_?Jail i1ss**st. a pb Pim Htrgt lonr* buttoaa?velvet cdl-r. t(M VVItl, n i,| vi,f.: rape* ,ad pearl bsttoo*. 5 98 1 . -a Serge it i:,.i. I rape*. 70| 1 raven Ue in;,- ,:., bett ball tstta lined carved pail butfill* . OOM Finn t'lntta .helots >||b veiw, rape . IStS) Imported Jacket* latest I?adoa ttfutpsa. u tts Finest lr ??,.. h Br. .,:?: .,1, silk lined capes?ballaas sleeves lined tiiroughout *rttk ttoeat Isac-r silks? were -..:o sad vf, .-.isoaaiid **_'i Of, t'll|l.-s I?die*' \:...v. Cardinal rirty, tl reta .in ?: i'an , loth Cap - braided or braid ,i,ii,neal ill i|"*.? . $-0? Trill.- I'.r.,?d.-I,.t'i Cape* . St oii,, r- silk lined, velvet len: .r,!v eal?r. 4 Os l-l,,, '.adie*' ciatsb?fancy ippUqned . oiiar. 5 08 With deep point d upper cap P'ISlas trim. HO* Rritk deep braided roka snd I?np'rt >urn? . TAR W in,..- row* sitii, ribbon, and looa; bow*. h i* With lt ??. riM. and V>U braid trim . PPR Other/ sith doutt" lace los rtlng* rlbbos run. lOOtl lither* ? Ipi* (Un ribbon rape an-i fall run*. ll OS ll.,,.,|-,,a... Now';-.. n.i"\ i-vlu-I.e -til-* . ISM Ria k Empire Lace Caps*?latest it?pei. 11 BK I' Silk isp.sjet :,nd rlbboa trim. I'D.-, satin Un '!- pl' ''??'', collsr sod mir. WAR nu i SsUn Double Cape?richly line". 21 '.**) li d - ?? -m. i ipes ace ami ribttsa trim . ?150 Ki i fsleillenae i.,|s?-atin ini.-d?rick trim. -7 08 Brr.,,. I?, l> - Si tt I '. a ('OStUB-**?? ill v. . ,| Ria. k and Nair? ?4.ln- i...I Jacket lr ,,,- n?w s'urt?-all Rata . (A 08 K ?' r.i I.-.a Costume* all colon . BBSJ Kaiiey , i. ?*.,., aoubte-bieaoud S__t. 7 OM \ \\ .,: , otb :,.--s-e, nil -Url ai i Balah. BM plain nd fane] pla t-elrst trial. ll 08 ii t-| , Beep v Iii! yokt?( al ritffl*. 14SH inn,I not ? in,**.-* Kinnie* ?al-t. 15"*s i ? , lot , ip I'txtumo* loee in*erUn*jS. 18 '?? lllk-lll-rj Stitt - -* in plre bell a-eru rio 00 . . 28 SS Rr , ! : ,i, ,-?,::..- -velvet wrap to innt.-h. ZO CO ? - * Dressra, hill tklrt deep lu.-*. ld 08 , Silk Dressrs aee-Uimmed rattles . 21 08 Kan i i-i"--.i -ilk I.,..**-, belted ??i?t. i9W ii-ii i m, v sub Drees***) Res sad rlbboa trim. BO00 , istumea wera (*7A00 . moo i l-gant >:is Coals??ea?arsis (Soo . 50 00 \t ni.!* Dil '' fall pleat*. (Mc . . ..'-,' . .i,rter.-,l , nillir, and .miIT*. 1 Un ird silk stripes aad dots . "to lt.. L (JklBS -ilk-fin" pla'*. tfR I"?icy Wash bilk Pjtintra l* lt. 4?) plaid Mik Bcrpeatlas pad .*ire\e*. 7-j.j Misses' Department. r-h-.rt DsseripRsat-Orsst '.'alu.-*: .:'? VV at ? Lam, Ie.*..*. V.mdvke VVai-t, lt 75 ? ml I -klrt ? lnil tr.n.'.l Bra -> 3 08 i. ?? India i.i-u, rerj Bm embroidery IM i Dotted -m:*-- lace trim bret . i ?'? M .-. ? , isbn ere full ribbon tr bi 0 os VJ blt* , hlaa -.ilk full rlbboa trim 1299 ? i.-.,ii-:,'* ii. rf r? B itt* rfly ? ai?- StR i aa?> attsed Reefer* btaboa ileevca IM vu **' Corset Cl ith tock, '? ? kat* rdy caps ltd Paney Cloth?Carvan Cap Wt?op ilesvea BBS Children's Cheviot Drea*e? braid Hun .los M -? - -.-? , ,. un,.Lu, suit* ,? . th storr, 4 o-< ,.,-:*? taney ningham Drea-es?wot?i 150 PR Ladies' Shoes. ,\ most extraordinary offettagl Al ,i llollnr \ineli.righi. Thr.-- tl,..-,-and |*.;r I.lilli, ?' Fine Hullo,i -line.. 1 lott, top . . Baa Uii,cola taxing* in tiarra, , ..nm.,,:, s.n*f oad iSjaars lae, or nm- VU?ta? la*! nu equal wino ha- ever bees off. rod: IVlillinery, Trimmed and Cntrlmrr-od. ?sliorl !>? si rip,inns-4. mit A niue*! I?dh-*' Mixed m :.,., Ktraar* I,.I . I ' Uhin,a.,I d Stl , ? - til -hap. ? . Db* i., ll -' Rlsi k td. Chip an,i Ni lp ii'an Hst* all *;,:*,.? *. P8 . i im I ip* Milan. !.,, ? dire best ii?po* .. Bl.00 i h.hil,a* Mi.,,, ||at< I,.-, simps und .-.,!.. rs... 37-. M - ' I in, i rn '. ai i Mrs*"* all -hape*. ,', kr. , ii . itlon i i..m,t v\ i- .ni - sot th 7",. BO,. Ku t-uie-noi and Small lin a- Full tVresRt,.... ?'.' . Vetvrl Rutter, up and fine ll??? Splay*... .... ,'.''? I all vs.. nb* ai lin, v\ ii I Flos-en. We. . ii ,n ??? lilli-som Npi*y? fr dress garniture*? io di . ??? in -.rn Urida! '.v r, >U_. 1.10 i im..i n"* Hst* full, inn-m.d sith ... ith and tlblsui bow*. 2.0*1 vi,- -.' ii ii- lull) iriinii. d .ill color*. . iv'.'t M,-- ' I',.-,.Il-: ? -I -111,'. . 4.0.S l.,,ii.-' Chip Hu-- lace, Bower*, and feather*. B.tft* i.i.i. - ta,,.toma Chip Hats. rlrhlj iiiin'.i Sith lace ami r -,--. ii 1)8 I?di, -iii,, and Velvet lla-d llsleaa* in fm. v .-..I..,*, wltb bonds a..- loee and .*tii I, | !??,.- (i.iiMit-n, - Merill 114.00. 8.0-J Various Offerings on Main Floor. linn I 111 -i ll| linns 4.M lil V l-a*l ?-*' Foot r ; i.a s . I?Si KS I-.--I' I .'? I, Mik li llH.-s I?Si, i.,i: 'i ?*:!* i.lo\ra rolers oad Mack , I,., it. - Milan ms mik ,.,.,-..* rolm . :m,i i,;.,, k Kuti .-' ll a, I. I Dttl ll Ho* . ll. Ill *,|,,if die ..... i? .. . - m. hi lier Kin i.i-i ? bUek and color* , ,. i I,ii.n n'* Ilea, - > bool 111 * ?':,-> Ma sk..... I... I - ? ll I I '1 l-l- e V- ls ll,,In,ll r*:a . I..,Mle*' sm- Hi: -ii,, \'.-is -uk ribbed I.,,,ii,-.- ii.n,i, Hal bri aaa ,.-.?- md pasta .. , . I...ales' Rlack Stiterli sk,it lu*', di ?* . 1...1 '.-n sad ni:,,ai An.,.;, ski rt* M, I.?? i li na bilk l.-.ks an.I Kotir-ln-lliiHls . i.,,,.',i ' i- p. -.o's best -Jtapea. - ,- ., i i?, ii.,,: ii. aoubic *>>i rn. Mik p.a'- I Hose lennie ssh * . i.i,,ei, vv. i. htisprnarr* *llh eada SUI .inp.,I Oultsg slurt* ill s./ s.. . Merina Wtlrt* sad Drat*er* morin ,hair w>d).-ht ian. i, ii and ,m.ural eas***'* hail . i p?- Muslin Dre** sinrt. all il cs bstsms. .li I Peel I ru, ruing* ... ? ><'., |-_V p. is un lia al Trltiii. liiKs-a.ulh 75. .1,1. /.,?..ii, , Ul -J'.. SI .10. ll ...,. KU '. tip us I.i ?- Ho, ii . Ki i u>p and ii" id',, l.e-. ? . ;.i Black . i, -ii Pulu, and Met ,."., 7 ht 101s*?. pi ila and Ch* Bill .-!??: Veiling* ul i,, ,,r* uml ii,- -li- - worth ?"?*>. i:, Port? r'..... . .ii?l I'ai-s. s, Hnrtl, 00. ?julio lt i ? stat:nni>ry. i ,,,n d Bs?ia?4k) *ii.-?ts?BO tatclspts. I?dtCS' Hue Knili'd Hd'fs., wa.rill HO. ladies'Japoa .silk i: nb'd. **-oi_i fat.,. M n's I I .a, | ilttn lldftf*., wa.rt i BJ . Men'* luaaa .-li. lt isis.. worth BO . I.el,.-- tVal-e I.ii I i u'lai- aa I ,'.,>! Bots . I adi ea' >s ..ld IliiUst rnflles . billi Plu-h .vtaut-l Imp ili-s-enib'd. ii I,irs; . . BB*). tl. 7i) Rb j fa. | 17. .. IB, li.., Itt '.. 0-. |Be. 1(0. o'.v. 3y... IsPsS. 10. . I '1. . Its. Ile. -Mi 40 PU, I. and loor.,1 bi,In KIIiIhsis. * lack . *Hra. - kAsk ., 1*, tilth ... . lOr. t*Stack . i'a Un-a.l-s- 9 lav- ...,..M. .14e. .17c. .18*9. Silks Short TV*rr!ptlo?*-,irrt, vainest , re;*, do ? hlmvs?.neninc shades.;..?*"* ??***, I?Bey *SSSO??, Silks-neat styles. nr^ -l.i|s9iio*o -st.rl|?* VVa.-h Mik- ..........'. ?>o Kine Plark Japan .silks.24 Inch**. ??**. -mn stri;,, and Umrh? Chinas .25 shadns. .y..*, -triped Paageea und Ck**a*jss?11 Am,ure*. ,-,.?3 , huiic,.,i,.fl TricoUae* alt color*. -o^ Block Vhlno Miks 32-ln.-h . Hg. BlSch Callie I-'iauralse. . .I's, I'.la.-k Silk .Surahs 24-inidi . :,Oo Kino lila.o TjfTo'js, all eolor*. go^ Flg*d fl***_B I)e i hines, shaded etr.-cts.' 80a line .Strl|,o TaBtOtA, best shades . 80o Satin Klgui-ed TsiT.-ta*, Hew ,-olor.s. Otirj Tors lowed B"*J**a?ass, all .-..lors. hO? Pigs**"! Trl.i.ntlii.-. thasaaSMBt* . 98^ Cbtngssbla Honi'alines, all ..jior-. 1 -J, I'-.eir. fte tkBigslltis, twn-totied . 121 * olored HlAinllBnt. all shades;. 119 Silk Surahs, s ail shade*. 69s Upholstery ?Short Description*?-Oreat Value*. Loee Strli*, Serim* 40 inch a\q ti,rd Croaa strijs>* (0 inch iv\o Kind PsagtM Draperies sid- hnrdsri 0*,o winn, tssaf Drapatr?s t'iRaal Krounda MM Ktvorsiblo .Silkoliiie* plain and fancy 13*01 t'ul.lo Cord Scrims overshot Uiroad 15o AraSlb Muslin*?tl?ur?* and sj*? lf>o DsaMi as*s*st Sash Msslisa 25s Irish Point Sash Muslins ,0o Imported Madia?cream and tinted 25o .tapa,,.-se i,ilt troyes Ho Kaiey Ibloa silk-,-32 Inch; worth BO 8t).> sid.. Border China Silks 40 inch 790 At 5 08....0 08... 7 98....8 98 Wo odor a thousand pall FINEST (IIF.MI.I.E PORTIERE-* in tho best, latest and most bSSStRst color combination* <i!d Ko-e mt;, OUv, and I i.r.-s.n: Wood t'olcrs with niue md pn,u iintiiaga; a"*****- Brows art?i ecru fl;ur->i, -,'.. a variety ef Raggattq and larg-- aa?-.*OS rn rich olorliiK*?50 and BA lasksa Sta's)?all with deep Iriugss und Vandyke or -AT?.fbi Val uno, worth Nine u> Ptfteau dollar*. Special Sale of Rugs .short Daaritpthaui (ilia! v*iue?. Beat Wm* rna Ruga HlxMl *30c BRSJfW 3 99 Ir-x.Hi BR, BBE7T Sj** 21x15 t 10 l.\7 fi. 4 9b 30x40 l?li - ~<" Kully a third sadat rr;ul*r priers I M?lyrna Carpel* sad Hali Knauer* o\0 ft. s 05 7>vxlU12 ft. 20 OA oxlift. ll ?-?*? 9x12 ft. 99 HO dx'J ft. ISM ' "' worih Twelve to Fifty dollar*. Aubils***! Rugs D~slrat.J.! (,,r BS?mst Votfagos. iBfaXfj 79c 3.1x72 BBS Jule Arl Squares 2'?.\3yd*. 14'.' taft toa, 209 Ingrain .Arl -tqiiarra 1 1-3x2 1-3 vds. 1 40 3\4 yds. BUB 2*u.\3iJ*. -07 HM'* id*. 108 Isl yds. ;' BB BxIf?t, 7 98 3x3sj ids. 4 08 Turki*h Rugs 2'-..\4'-.. (crt v..-.- 600 ~ 3")9 ,|J.X; fret rslssSOOB ll od 1*3x10 fest "-alsaXIBB HOi Fine Japanese Rugs '.?rj-5l 1 '-"?' BaB Its vl'-S "uv.lO 1 BB T-.-xIOijfl :0'-8 -0x72 BRO 9\12 f, HOd Beal Cocoa .Hats No. I 10: R*. i 1 ??? N,, | 88 Rs. ii IBO No. 3 o:? So. 7 2'Jd No. 4 1 l'-? Fnnry folorrd Mheepakias ,4z34 1 IB IB-"* BIB Ssh::, and iray lioatskins od..rh ss 108 Black Cktat sheepskin. 2 yat ls lang 149 Kan-y L's***?as*?st Bktss * BR All %?Aa?OBS ci\*n abovil Arr far Below Value. If you want tn tea Rm tm st tiag tops I Us FSA in Wtao, Vork and rbooae (row BtTsmtrpstscd "-Bara*"**"**** and values, laka ads iiiu-e ot tins oBrriag. Ipliol-slcry Xolions. Unit nnd umirirr usual prices. , pu. Ta i.s. 2 at., '-?' Pktttia Rollo, Bat., Od Kph. Ti.IK gsa., 3c Corm,. Hook, ta*-***, ls tph. Tack*, i I.'-. k Bstass Xalls, r"r 100, Bs UHa] Tacks, lat., Ba Picture Wire, iii yd-.. .'? i.imp Toeko, -t SI., lc ""ilk Ord. .vd., bs Ila- Hool:*, , eh. 5.- ? pk. *. inp, I'' - Hooka, ii,./-. - Brow Puiw. tot*, ic Mouldlna Bo., do/ :? Hmd, HoaRI >. too*, Bs Mair im,ti.ns. dor., l*k I - **? Hug-. "Rasa, Bs Kph. RS**-!-, ftroaa, Sc > urUl'i Hoops. pair. 00 WORK TO OP.DK_ts.-8Up corer* mad-, shad a and BOB* lama boag, tarniture wesr r-d, and all k.nd- A uyaol. y ut ne i rites. Linens **hort Description* ('rent Value*t ek nias, Tss-sRfttg IB lack. 9*,a Katta Hum Tivill ToaelUsg . 8H-0 Danu ak I.laen -fair ,'ta-i . Vat Crt?Bl Hi.i Tallie Damasks . 51 Inch. :'?").; Fine Bleached Tam.- tJassa****.07 lock. 3D.: |"jttra DssblS l'a?,-i*ks .BB Inch. too Kine l.meii Hunch Cllli? . '."-.- vis - 98,! In,,- Han ik Pa,', rn Ctotk. 3% *r**S. 1 DO turkey Red sad Csidatsl iioths 2 vd*. 98c in>, k uni Da-i.i-k Towels...... 13lock. Vihc p\.a*- To?els .IO Inch. 9c All-I.lnen 1'ail.e:-' Towel*. ll...', ll. BOC i.xti.i Heavy Hock Tswel* -'-'*. *-. lat) * I.I'd LOO L' TU'k. -ll Towels. thio i uta quality Turkish.:i8l?.h. IO* I st i h.aiy Turkish. 51) Inch. 210 T'.rkl'li nath R.-ls-s.lull .*!'.-. 198 Quilts and Comfortables -hurl Des. idillions ,-ria*, talaral \.w Swan-ilown Quilts he? ,?lors. 149 Heavy Marss-tllta Pkik, Has, Ct-sast, White. titi ||.,,v SSI,ito V'...-h.| ? Ma,*.-Ul,,, patterns. 08 eta liitiste ?.'olor l'.M,ifo,l.ll>le- . I Od Kasey Bilkslltte isfk?I all rouml. 2 19 I an, v Bsd ra Rtslerdsirs CassIoiSsb*??. 3 07 Mlkollie < il" Qullt?-w,sj| tufted. 0?O 11-4 Vailf.<riila BR?kat* alway*,100. I OS H., *,r:.-,|i all wost Valtfontia*. 5 !*? B-ttaer nit*tw*v-t-?M . soo nair RsMiitms fitts ajootttf?t* R. 10 ad V'.tlldrcu'- I nieidowi, A(kds***-s--*****_tts**Ry aaaVd .? 08s Leather Goods and Opticals. -short Hes, im,ions- (ires! Auluea! i.cnulni- AlliKat.-r Hans- woiUi2 00 .m1Z 08s l.nuii-ii Ors?, ?eatkae TistaBbti Hairs l.-ath.-r lliied-wnrtli 2 00. 98s I?.lie*' C-jnsas I'uv.-re.l Hr.-*.* Trunks Iron untto,ii?bathos tray..'.7. 8 49 Harness Heather Trunk Straps, 10 ft. long...._ gao Bela I. allier Shswl Straps. 10o Klidd filass.-s f,,r the lU<-.>A-tliie. Rlack Moroeeo?Aluminum Bras tsbsa n,,|?,r,.<i kaaass?faatriaa ida.-k BMSasaa caos and sttaji? 17 ligne.#508 IB lignr . *>7 40 20 ligar.F? 98 Kim- Skeleton RMkog Row S|K..tocle? nickel mountings?worth 2 50.Bl 38 Oen?ne Axis Vul Rrailllau Pebbles; worth 3 48.Bl BB 14 carat Hold ?-a (.lasso. aaa, Bptxt?Kja-*-<*r7a-al i***--*i wsrtk o Bl,,_;..?..oj 44