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SOME RECENT VERSE. > DOOK-: Bf ENGLISH AND AMERICAN WRITERS If is f-Jf-niflrant thal the writ*** <-.f English ttttt who hag iii,-! l-eceotly kRil, for the tun- ;it leas*. niost effectually gained ti.;ir ot tho dilettanti, if not r.f ,i sm'I.t audience, is ,i t-ompound ot the mri.-t. tll-rrrse element* '1 h.-* author .?' "Word*. "*rorth*B Grave" is not ? single-minded poet ol aatura like tlie subject of that ambitious eieg* . nor is he in "iije Cloping Angela" (Macmillan A Ca.I t!i" pare Byronic ssa whick In* endeavor! lo ?v, in craulation of om r.f the keenest poetic in? tel!", ts nf ti,,, eentury. The latter work and tho v..iiim,. ,.f ?? r..,.f.|S" (Macmillan A Co , in which .nil his previon* wr-..- are eollected. prorida* the locnmonta whereby th** direction and chancier ol William Watson's individuality bm** be a-cor *:iiBei. IN* is ;i pnft of cultutm, and lier the poet of culture luther than "f Inspiration he is ?.elf ronseji.u- grid nacvrsil br unrelated iroptil-e*. He ar on ld shute not only in the return t i nat ire which th.* Lake aehool inniistiratr-tl, bul In tis taste for .? sslii.-h anrvirea t-. day. le*- ;i- .1 natural Inheritance fran, tho eichf**enth century than aa on,- fnnn of literary * nlhusiasm for an ac* "' more ?purely literary ami artificial than emotionally p> rtie :ie)ii,>-.-,.|ii,.,it. To tli,-s,> aftjiins he would add *-.nn of gtseh r*iitirisri> .1- Matthew Amah] Iby whoae ;, he h:is xs; if ton seine r xlri-uvly well poised elegiacal ho* niven tho w*-rl*l in th*' poem on Heine, and Anally anotlier springinc from ;, aonree to which thc poeti ,,f no tune have gone with -tere n-*-i*li:it\ th,O. t'i- miner poet, rf this grr-"**l*rt rr;i -jo--tho sourer of pr"rioii? diet inn. Ol sviMer birth this Mnse of mire. Hill-rr;itll,.,i. and t-tptized with 1*1 ino. be pi,it.-ts jn one ol ;? Bel of Btansss to Austin Polis-in, an orban vet-'her: y.-t it may be siid nf Iiim, ii he has absurdly said ol Arno!!, thal Tlie deep, anthentic mountain-thrill Ne'er shook his page. His \Trses vi,-Id not ;m erin, of nature's roice, but a description ,,f it: ami tleserlptive poetry la ew-1'lnni the most mn-ieil. With Mr. Watson it i nnt niehulionslv rhythmic?and chiefly, it may he ohsenred, hecanibc he hus little etnotfon of thc port to ss- irmth and energy to hi* lines, li tt'.*-. in shalt, of spontaneous lyric ini|>rtns. Such an impetus xviii make a song ont of a short terse nn.l ;i chant o-it of ga nnrhvtn.-,! i-pie. Lacking it. Mt Wat-i'i ht? neither In hi* shorter piree-,, like -Scentless FUnr'n I Brinn Thee" anl "Th" Late riivr." in th.* sin-.'lo ballad Ix* has written, "Tho Ballad "f the 'Britain'* I'ri<iV." nor in thr di nm it ir aheteh in blank verse, " Aii2rl,.," a legend of old Italian lore and lnito, tin* ri**I- elasticity ati'l e j-lf-.ti-.. which "vvonhl be most welenme in ex? planation of his rogue. That which doen explain the ssi!li,i2 attitude bf sn tiiaiiv of hi? "suddenly ?Cquii-ed listener* is tho grace *if bis verse. It ti<? colin*, picturesque****"**, ;ind, though it* movement is mt new and finely rhythmic, it is smooth lt is not !i-tin.-uitthed by the Itttrttet-eribabie charm nf tho ran--* poetry, bul it has truth and it baa B kind , f rhotorieal beauty. In one ola**' of vors* "Mr. Wats?_*g oemmind of Bguratlre expression is such as to warranl th,* candidature for the Laur* <;it<-ship which ho has assumed. His niu*t bril liant (acuity, ono lesa creative than critical, i- for throsvin"; into portie phrases tho thought* ""Crail* natrd in contact xvith another mind, and ncrord ine'y his ties- p,,"tns ar-' Iii- elegies and ??*>-. Hr hits understood Wordsworth, Landor, Ten nyson, Shelley, Lamb and Co?rridg*e, an I he ha? svrittrn of them sv,-!l on the whole. "W',.rl? ?arrrth'a Graxf" i, ? va-tlv fn-errated poem, but i: is i-ererthelesa ,\w admirable literary eriticiaa ia rhynn*. There is g reaBy t-xquh-ite characteriia tion of Shelley in the poem xvi itt. n for the latter's centenary : And in his gnafg of son;, he brines Wild odors shaken fr-'m strange wintro, And unfamiliar whispcrlnga From far lii*= blown, While a'l tho rap'Tous heart of thin -s Thr- hi through his own. lt is a pity that Mr. Watson is ill content t , iirin? his Mose stanzas bko these, which are b??o?) on -Mimethinjj about which he kii'.ss-. hut must svander thi" pages of tedioua (teftcriptioa and ferr-d inia^'TV in su*-h a poem as "Ti" Prince'a '"nest" t\sh'/h means to be imaginative bat is not tn any extent), or nins! pei mil him-, If Buoh a dnnaty flight into the re-ion of fancy ?a "Thr* Eloping Angels" eelebratros. Thia ia de**?ribed lu a Mb-title aa a "cupri'-o."' It is very capricious, if not worm finn that. Mephistopheles and Faust, in or ler to s'-ti-fy tho curiosity of tin- latter. luana!'.- to *.i tain an entrRBce Into Heavep through tho eoriTiivanee of tsvo lovers there?two lovers who ile not "love tho life by other angela led," but desire to return to earth xvlu-re there is tho marna?" denied thom in I'nradise and whence they had both bren torn ear)'," in life. Costaiaea uro C?(-hanged, and, abandoning Satan and his, vietim in Heaven. 1)10 author folloxvs ins lovers to tho c::rth, wheat) ho ovenfually leaves thom to livo eternally In blissful proforrnro of a life Indifforent to the selfish j,,ys " xvhirh only Idle angela" shan-. ; Tho rsil-doors, str-alin!* a brief experiener of Hoiivon, ronrlii'lo that tho "entire felicity" of that llaro is dall. To ""neddie xvith the eekatial mys trrios i? dangerous, and osprrially in thr spirit indicated in thc openin-,* lines of this poem . Ta itt, >n a dav", and M.-phisir.plul..s, In tho doiid .seas rn, xn-r" supremely bore 1. Hymn xvas suro-footod t_ongh to attempt thi* vein and ta tmecee?I. lint it is only neee*-**?ry 11 roniparo "Th" Elstsjng Aiifi-ls" with "A Vision of .Tudr-menf to r?>.ilizo exactly th* distance bcttrcen t?M former an,I 200,1 poetry, lt is an effort t" mix seriousness xvith levity, nnd without high nn;i".i nation and sharp wit auch a mixture is hard to rnnko -ssiatable. Tho rritieal flasv Ifl Mr. \V;it-on's poetry is th" undr*r "tarrcnt af "poso*1 which Iowa through moat of it, mit <ibvioii-lv but no lesa unmistakably to a i-onsitivo oar. It is thr tribute be pass to the irri'ei. Nine-tenths of Hie younger English poet pay it xvith him. Even Mr. Henley, the apo-stl" *if rlrility, eannot eacRpe thr debt, In "The of tho Sword and Other Versos'1 iCliar!"* Scrib ner's Sons; Ibero aro traeca of the s:ini? wrong liradediipss which iiiak's his xvell-known weekly, "The National ObserTer," the bmbaI affected enemy af itflirtati ni which rouhl bo ilo-irr I by the priu AA**?eh it seorns. Th.-re is a eultiis of virility in li?lg?ind, It is tho fa-!,ion among tho illuminati to titter protest*! auainst prudery in language -2 * int* a- far ;i-> pos-ildr to tho other rxtrom.. without boeoniiii:; dosviiriirlit indoroiit, and th'?n to sit bar!; xvith an air as though salish,-I with haring vindiritM man's throateno.l proroentiv.- of tieiri_ na manly?and as roars"?as hr lik"s. N>. nne out side the cirrlo of " Rlf?scalar liter it ure" i- deceircd bp this "twaddle. Mr. Ih-nl> v ttoes n?t think it iieoossar.v to pans,- on tho Mfg gide i,f frankness, nnd miro than uno of his pog**-?, tho third ff his " London Voluntaries," and the satire beginning "As Um tlio svonian as you -tan." ar*' stained by eosrs-nes*. Almost as repn-h.->n?il'lr is tho bur loeyine hi*fh-and-niiulit!ness of "The S-m* of tho Ssvoid" itsi'lf, and of tho tsva ])oein* in praise, of insularity, tho author's favorite detestation anl hi, bes'*tti**2 sin?'' Wi- uro the ehoiro of tho Will,*' and "What haxp I done fur you rutland, my England ?? To tho portrntioij* rlamor of these rutbiirsto tho only r>tort i?-riddle*tlrlcr. It mieht l*e wisiiod that some fri*>ndly o<litor ha*l OTOiBfd thom along xvith tho other named abovo, and tlio urnart but inflat*-d and qaite unimprossjvo ' Carmon Patibulart*.'' Tho book woaM iiave i,.*,.^ thlnnrd of a ii.iartrr of its scant htiiKlrol pages, biit tho poems left xvotild not has r suffonvi from bein,; frxv. When ho i<* not. prrorrupicd svitli a fad foi virility, Mr. Henley is rapahle of submit? ting hinis*>lf to a Iv ric i_ ? ? i and of writing artis? tic and vrrse. The last (iiTr"I of his l><iok is headed " Rhynie- and Rhythms," and bosi.les one) bBButifuI fr.iiiinent of blank vors-*, "Midsummer Midni?lit -*.lties," there are fisht or nine po-ms xvhioh morn than Justify th? s* rond clause 111 the 1 titi*', for they have a .Mi-htful lilt. "Why, my heart, do wo love her mo I'" or "(iu'.la in an aerie nwrrioe,"' could readily Ik- st*t to muaii*. Slnorniy xvould appear (0 be the hurest f_f*v | guard a:ainat tin* banalities of "pobi*"; but Mr. Healey is not devoid of sincvn*',', and jct tho stamp of tho poseur reappears attain and again on lu, work. When to aineerit) is added t ,<? -ti-- of an em*.-1 ion iris.-i to a white heat tin pitfall* ot btfectation ;,r- -";,:,.?:-. ,....., t>. lie feared In ?.n.-. <>f hoi "Sons* Anout I.::,-, Love and Death'1 I Cha i les Scribner's Son*, ti,-- late Mis* Anne Reeve .\;,,r; , glances at l ? ntl sn wi.n-ii attribute* the realistic eflecta ol a p et to fancy and .'ht song* ol ? ! ive and pa talon" tr. r.<r oxrn evpenen e; and H.* inference is that theap* - la le sometlroet provoked In bri n satirical im? pulse To ene with a* strong u feeling ter al? as ber verse* reveal it might easily be aa irrita Hon to has-,, her arl forgone! and her personality i' piata) up io, li ,t fr-ir, er..- end of Mis* \i Inch's bo b lo the e-iier ;i note o'. In'rospertion and strenuous passion i* struck si persistently t ,' it ls impossible ta regard l"i poetry as anythin- but tlie expression nf a tense, high s*r:-:_- tempera men! The p."ir.- i- Bbl ia many m ? 11*, li ad Ino. RCArly always to that which ha* '.1 niosl perfectiy described in the "reflection thai The sweetest Bonza are tho*.. 'I I, it tell "I raddest thought. If tlierc is a diffcrenee l*etw**en the anim is of these f imo is lives and that of Miss Aldrich's verse it is ihe difference between the mournfulness < I a gentle* spirit and the agonized thr"-- ol a spirit that feels \si'll excessive Intensity, f.ove and dis? appointment are Ml** Aldrirh's ever-rfcjrrinii themes: but, when she touches tho latter, lo disillusionment and re*rret and despair, there i- a rmi.- of tenderness and of satisfaction in liavina linod. though in vain, iniii-.lod so inextricably with a defiance which seems t,, us peculiarly fem ininr that. In the long mn. abe leaves an impr*-* sion as ol having been In 1 >ve with su (Te ri nu in I to have never spoken moro tr-ilv than in thc li,-' lino of ono .,f her verse*, "I am so gla*l tn suffoi pain." I."v.- trampled in the dust, racked and l.mis..,l but still triumphant, ls her continual in spiratioR. Her special ^<><,d fortune was not to have had her bab nee ilirttirbcl; and while her isoik is charged with emotion, the virtues which aro added to assist in justifyinrj .i- existence ar" Ihe sirtuos nf prrei-ion ailed to fluency, and ti directness such ns th" ballad called "A Mediae* ,1 lleatld-ed" e\en,|>liti.-s rt ditreetness for whirli r-n.s is not altogether prepare*! by the tormented mood which prevails through ti".* book. Tlie Sues About Life, Love ind Death*1 ;ir,- thor? oughly lurid and eleni rut In tho dreamy atrnoephere of Hm*- ilomaln wh, i in her prologue implies that -li ? found the sub ?taner presi'rvril in her "Fair Shallow Land" Houghton, Miftlin tv Cn I it would not have I.i -..xportod that Mi-s Edith M. Tliomas would have fallen noon lucidity, but she has that .-a.,btv. ind when she io"itrs some story, as in "Ami" md "Tho Prisoner of tl,,. Stansino," her verse il*,. i<; eloiiv r-nt as that of Mia* Aldrich I-- and ?lie rninds out her metrical narrative rdeverly -noach. Ib-r ideas, however, in lite much m >re uiuii-rou* verses which ileal willi nature ar-" ol io particular poetic ''hann either in themselves r in her presentation "f then, and there i* little n h.-r "Shadow Land" to entic* the render. Nial a-hlch does roost to prepossess tlie latter is Ihe ?herrfiilnessi of the vera?, whioh es.-n breaks lol - humor In some trifling* with IVra"a*er, Sprns**! ind llorac-., an I in a few i." or I--- a 'll knit jiintraitis. Sunsliine is a natural excitant and lympathy cannot help but sprin- np nntlei tl**-* nflnenee of a little humor Tlie spell of an a',ml in*.f it is more potent and lasting, and it i strtiy for this reason thal Ml lingen.* Field nb nins a hold upon tia* attention in lu- " " Hook of Verse*" iCharle* Scribrw'r's Sons a" l in ai- "With Tramped ami Drum" laam"* onhli.shor-i which ono has no disposition t i sliak ? off, He, I ? ?. iiis-ii- :s-, ex (lb real or, but n?1 for tlie ran-**' which ,.is K.s.-i p.,int,-I .eat in lin- , ,-,?-) ??::,-? t'i Mr ll '?y's v. ?non, With much of his serious rer?e sup ?r.-ss.-d Itbe v.-r-- ot which "To My Mother" :- I 'air specimen , li" weald pass Int i Hie c mi pa nj ni Bret Harte, with ss hom he po"-***"S"tea gifts ol fun md idiom.iti*, neatly rhyming expression In <' non, uifts st"rengthened by r.-'mel ti-,., and ta-he- .,f tender feeling. Pii'ik- and tlie collect ng of l-ool-s. print* and eurtos, and the ? for them of loaasscunlons man, wine, an liriit u'-irti-d wine-blbhlng, tho rrary-day happenings f B workaday, thoroughly hu::,an l:f- Kasi -.1 iV,-st_ hut principally West, tl--, thing* he treats n easy rhvme which makes no |U"*.? lo h mit) ir style, bat which is endowed with the lattei ift,-r all foi the style is the niau, and tim.- i- a i,|'ianf something in Mr. Field's writing whi li Kiuld only have tome fr,,in l,in,-lf li L* t ?harm of a point of vi. v.- and of a sympatheti, iaitnre touched by homely -rm timon! and by th* hillas of childhood?of a natur' with lt* a-*** beti ? ide?-which jror- with his humor to make b<.th hi* vernt volumes welcome. It i- one of Mr Field** -11 i?? f.?t elajins t-i approval that he combines un ifleeted interest in children with a knack ol rhym mr ab.,ut thom in terms which .-ir,- not iWibetrats v adajitod to juvenile our-, and yet must speak o them most perouasivoly. I',, win b youn tndienc** "requirea tin* most ariles*. kind ,i Bil Mr. r'rank Dempstei Sherman has attempteil the feat n "Little-Folk I.vries" |Houghton, Mifllin _ < n . i booklet of pr.-tfy. Jingling pi.- which give ?ire to suspicions of manu fact U ie and a consciuus inbending, Condesesriiaion to immature mimi* i* ?f no u-e The great reeouiineiid.iti'.n ol Ihe in hohcy for children which Miss Agnes Repplier ,as lately compiled, "A Book of ram,,us v.-r-,-.'' Houghton, Miftlin A Cn, . i- that ii i- composed f tho heat serious poetry, >f auch ballad* as " Iln . ?elle," and -urli songs a* those Shakespeare wrote ,,r Ariel, iind not ol ptrofeeaedly chihliah rhymes. Iii*- only adverse criticism to be passed upon Misc "eppli'is book is that its ;,ii,.| icni.-iit i- some mies rather curious, It ,- distmi-in t. lin i Kobo Aylmer'' between a Canadian boat son/ t,\ loorc and the ballad by Seo lt just inentioned. bu '.i th,' rea*?kera for whon the liook w.i* com nie*] tli-s svill probably nt mean anything. One distinction of the poetry, ot "ill William rVinter is lhal Imprinted upon it are Ihe sign* by vhjeii it i- possible to identify the poe? of Tenny on's poem, towered willi the hate of hale, Hm ? om "i p om, I'll*' love ol loX'o t. is ulled with thr fragrance of a high ideal rh,, tin.- spirit ol the first po -ni In * Wanderer*" Macmillan iv, Co maintains it- away through al! he lovi'-siities that follow it ; it j- m evidence in he" verse which under tlie title ol ? Tempest" lills the second division of the book; md none ol the remaining poems, pt-cms "t h.s. ind death, elegiac and commemorative, denies its nflneino. Mr Winter's at ra in i- softly blown. f there is rapture in hi* verne, as in tin- open inn mern alluded to, 'Ms I'lieni," || js never im B*>tuoua, hut submits to the reatralnt Imposed bj in attitude pensive, aclf-p*?-.?--<-,i, and conscious >t th.e ,loray underlying Ute bloom and loveliness if lue. lt follows ti,at bb poet-, have clarity, nettsure and the charm "I polished workmanship, ''hey have tho charm also of feeling which i- dwp I inti tender: their accent is one of nndeviatinjj inccrity. Thc warmth *>f friendship, of generous idmiration, ol love itself, is j. ritalizlng force with dr. Winter. It i? felt particularly In hi* elem"-, f which many have g alb gular apt,..-ss an,I I,., .,,, lu* poem on Adelaide Neilson iiiur.- perhaps than .ny of the others. And Ibe English in which be vrifes is of as delicate a fibre as i,j. thought, lo is above all thine* fMttdifl lg Another svrlt*-r d i oinmen nrative verse, "recently published, whose ines an- felicitous and suppl.- R Mr Charles G l>. lobs-*rtB. His "Ave'' (Williamson j'?,,,u Company, lorontoi is one of Hie less- good poems prod,ned or the centenary of the birth of Shelley?fervid, nusicnl, not rapid in movement, I,ut svitli an ii.impeded rhyl hillie, flow. There is modern loniunce ju .\|r. Madison 'awein's "Hod I/raves and Basel" <!. IV Putnam's "onsi: thrre is abaiiration ol "nen and flowera, al I ox-ers and of tho nature which furnishes tbe | Mst?ttg for their histories, and thi- much is good, riiexe is mora: there is n tal" ol the nneiont lilvalric time, "The Son ol Kvrasvr" ; there j- a ragmen! about old Spain, "Torquemada": soatrB ?Instern ditties arr fol loweri by a buccaneering ong, and all this is sud stud. At l,ume, and mos ng amid scenes and tlloiijjhts to which he i inked bf tic ?f essential beling, Mr. Cawcin I vrites entertaining, some ti ni**-* toiichini,' rene. I lhere is a good example of thc latter sort iu l "Wounded," | parm deocribiBS tho return from ibe war i n :, litter af a young husband who had ?cf ''is I ride |n T!i.- vi-nr ol maid." .1, and t.. .n. home now mean- i<*st where ir formerly mean* lore. There is a delicate and stn.r,^ touch ?ii th" Implication ol the u-,r.-iti ..u (rom th* sweet i...-.,..,,.? oj youth to the -'ern,-I temper ol the roldier'i later year* which his rniafortu'sc ka* brought about. linr Mr Cawein is most a poet whtn he i*- r,u:ti;.s' together rhyme* about "the stormy .but of frantic leaves,"' or "tho moon-flower and ihe wahoo-bnsh that harn*.M and dover., ot other Bight* in t'.e and ti"!ds for '?v'.!!: ;..- !,:- ,i ,,..1, k iv-. II:, province li"s briRctpally within the range of natural phen m ?''.a There he doe* work t:.a, i-i it* minor kev i* wort! doing, lt i- in the taine province Mr. Robert L'nder**.I Johnson rom posed -'??? of Ihe i.-tt.r pie-e* ia ?? The Winter II ? :r and Other Poetna*' iThe Century Company!, a little volume ol lyric* and occasional rent*. In some ol these last Ins mute *bow* a genial spirit and a sprightly ^ lit ?a poem to James Whitcomb Riley and another on .Ioho Burroughs uro Loth ania ited, deftly pointed per-.,ul tributes*. Dal lhere li* more lyrist** ii'id more feeli*.- f r beaut) in s .-ie- .,i Hie passages In "''''?? Winter H.. ir." which i,'.,r upon landscape and ari or literature: in Ihe poem on Browning'* 'm\s,!,,," which eon. t , ' - oome s.-,v ser oi ,.- and si* il I ii liv , a I'"ll if cd linear effects, pencilling* or tin- lovely Italian sen,-: and In i *!ieaf ol verse* j-, which "A Spring Prel de" -I- --:in a inc happily, ..n tl," lin ? " 0 tardy April, is thv full choir herc?"?represent* one "i Ins rnost poetic moiie-nts Those moment* possess Ihe grace that .,,n,>-s from a meditative and clear habit ,,f mind, familialit.v with book* and flowers and au affection for them, and from a -a-nsc of rhythm. The rhythm in Mr. Maurice F. Egan'* sri-,-, ,,f which a collection appear* under the tit!,- ,,( "Songs mil Sonnet* and other Poems*' IA. C. Me, I iu , i- not hampered, h it it i- possibly chastened hy the sobrict) ol hi* Ihonght, which i- penetrated hy rclij-inu* faith and is to manifest itself in utterances tinge.] with di da et ir ism. There ia s n-minisnent-e of Ihe Chris linn bel iel lurking sonH-timea in unlooked for places in hi* I.k?In a sonnet on Maurice de liuerin, for example, that neo-pagan, whom be interpret* as a kind of Theocritus ci'tnin*- "upon Hie Figure crucified" ind losing lu- bariwrnua cod* "in deep, Christ-given reat" on the la-som of nature. Whether <>r nol it is the sedate temper Ol tllC tl,.-:,.* nppi-alin_ !,, hun with the mo-, i,ne,- which i- responsible for it. lite lac! remain* that his verne i- pedestrian whet brr it celebrates Barred or profane subp-cis; and only once In awhile, a* in the -.m_ entitled "lase a lilac," doe* it feel the rjuiver 'f a lyric inspiration, a* faint a- it Ls ran*. *S't i.itemplafive bia* iieeil not ol nc'-sity wilhhold riidcec Ironi a poet. WI nils*:- , oulil sometinie* pul i' in:" |,i- verse Ile has done si ju Hie most perfect i.rn "f the small x,danie railed "At Sundown" lllmighton, Mifflin sV Cn , which v\e- thc 1 i-t lint oil an old tree, in th" " l: irnlri i Drift tt.I,' f-,r tl,.- -tait ol v. l !? h he hud faith a'-I lane) under nntrihution anl ri which I,.- ! i- -,.n ?? nf hi- most flexible lin*** li.i- I.,-, luwk ..i Whittier'* fathers t., gotber but a 1'is w ,ii- in aikliti ,n :?? t\\- iii. si !?? monologue, I,.- kind I prcetings t" llolin*** a,id other friends, aad a fest Inscriptions su**h n* tl,;,* written f"i the win-low to Mi t??i in Si Mir-aret* < I ur. !,. I ".-ian-l il. -, > t ?- ,-.--, ,,..;?. .. i ? nc - ,!?? "I ii," ;> ige, ai ?! then are some trat - ,a ? ? ,.' t ,-,,- I.- Mr I ll li .rn-tt. lu Vt hittii i -.-?? ld ha ? 1 ?? a . lad tn ai1..I. "- its ant or (ell irks, . v. I I ..I L-l: diction, i ? 1 I.i;. ?.!,,- vol uni" ? f liri ld r.ti 1 i. --. ir** "At Ihi I'", iHJ .1 Hate Mil a < , |n tliij* rci-ord ul a faith which n.-. ?, tatters, * hristi nil) is ex ? in neal iv ever* stanza, I lie poem* h ive ii... pla. ld tone ..: I,, ;....-. whi . I ? r? ill. are, in effect Placidity like Mi-s Lircom's i- har.ll. t ..- dani nant , lian, lei Mic of such ve*-*** lias I itel) s* en ti..- light ll could nut ' ?? ni re i t t , i nctry than ii i- '?? VI -- Ahlri, h's, fm eu ample, a-.I yet il tlierc i- . :?? lilia*" foi ss ich ii i. futile t,. jii'-ii s'a'e any rontemporar) w:,t.-r it is b di mistic iii dive rt** \.-|.?,.--, | . . . ? ? ? - nf ll ,-iitl lil .i !???* :u l. tlii tvin. 11 ?? j- '? ? ?>? amntion, ,>t rpi -ode. ma) he dr.imatir in ? ., bul it i not in another, in t ie -? "-?? a i< , a ? - isti ? th,- dram i with the stsi ?? I ?r *- Weil Mit is ". iden tl) an ire ol this, ami 11 prefix, - t ? 1 L* " I'i.h.. ?- Drake x I. ? rsl) ..i ,!?? -.-. ' Houghton, Miftlin A "... a sh rt note rn willoh h.- avers thal he ha* had neither the desb-e nor tl.- intention to make ..i ii ?? tah* lie I aa r, kindled from rarious -.,!..-, m a, ti , drama, tin.,ul, ,.a ihe next page he does not scruple to refer i" his produdio i as a play, Kven grant ing some distinction between aa acting 'liama and ' play, it i- nol apparent thal "Fran, I)rako" I- tl.e di una,I, poem which i's author .aili- it. Tills might appear to he d ie lo thr, nature ul Ihe story, which, in spite ol its tragic burden, uni..!.|- itself ,j netly enough. Though I homa* Ibuighty, upon wl-ose troncheroua action ssl ile accompanyli l ,. -iii'- great admiral t.i the I'a.iii. roast tlie alor* turns, wa* dis roverctl and l-ehen*led th.-r.- undrr ruriotia cir eiiin-taiie.*-, Un- approach "f Nemcsl* wa* not a lona notably dramatic linea; it had little In 1.1 ol Ibe element nf surprise; th.-r,- wa* pr,, tie-ally ti" conflict between any al the forces in? volved in th,- affair; and tlie roMptrator went ' to lu- 'ham iii ti. i of a train ol circum? stances which somehow tn ul" his death seem lesa ld,., a elim,ix than its picturesqueness would imply. Tlie action Ln Hie storj i- slight. Bul the fault oi Dr Mit, Im-IIV |.m lie* deeper ti in ( tl..- ti,,-me, which i-. ait.-r all, not taine, lt , In- m the fact that there i- no buoyancy in hi* j work, ,i"t any ,,! Hie energy h -t ileseriiwd simply a* i.tie, Iii* tragedy la one ol con vr rsa Hons, and when tin-.- are hj a saUor's oona it is plain li"m ti.,- nbsenre ol any music In the latter that it i- onl) Bl .-\i?..lj.-; r to relieve the m.un,lons "I tin- s,r,-:.I lilli. N,, poetic lines .,r plira***s rdilne in the dialogue, and when Houghty'* li.I fall* and Drake rl-Mca the poem with a pious oltroervation Ihe conclaalron is thal Dr Mit, loll has done no more than tell an aid tale in pltln language, in another kind of prose than that ol tl>. original document*. If any? thing were i..,ii'i.d t , bear ont this [iidgment ol in* poetic powers, i, present* Harli in " dh" M. tii.r. and Other I'-,-;,,-" I Houghton, Mifflin A i ,. . a i n!!i-.iimi ,,l verse* wbieh show that lie i- deli,atelv tun,inuit, awake to suggestions In lil,- and nature n"' p..-ale. and vt, b-r all hH facility in turning out rhymed reno*, nol a Writer s\ -fli a poetic gift. If Mi-- Harii"t Monro,-, whose "Valeria, and other Poetna'' i \ r m,i lurg ? Co contain* an effort more pretentvm* than "Francis Drake," hat the pnetle gift which i,.ul I alone in- i..-, warrant for uni lng a li'-'e-aet tta.'e.iv. it i- not lo he divined from her volume "Valeria," Ihe play which lills over half the book, OOO* Bot he diii'ined I \ ih,- flatness of thc retry Brat llrie* "f the r^roragac. Hov tired tbe dav i-, and mv bead is hot So hot pei hame thc -un luis -rut in- |, gg-g '1,, p - upon lt. lt is but fair to ray that Mis* Moproe*a verao is not all like 'hat 1 ? ? at she put*, into tho mouths ,,i her foort*"rcnth-***entury Italian* uo ither apeeehea whleh affirm tihcm to bc anything ?ut ihe mofi distant e**jho*B ,,f tin- pr-f-MB-Jitiea which Ihe men and woanen "f those bed time* really were. <>n?, it the end of tin* third :,,-t, llure is a ripple 00 the still svators of th'- |>a-t, whose depth* sh" has attempted to ttgitate br de? claiming over tl"- baffling surf:.: bat the clo. I'leine ol ii.-r puppets tunk, s very -innll thiin ler, ind bo s'eepini' lii-ro of fciuhtlism emerijea to 1*0 jiiilsani/i'd, at hast, if not ro'Tonted, into a lierfotn:ut of human Intcreat, As a play, tie a limn lotion pf real life, "Valeria" is imposoiblc \, a poem it i- not any moro plausible Ml** Monroe is on safer ground iu ber **Ootameaaura 'iou ,'d..." ss rift,,i for tho iledlration of tho World's Pair, ind In aborter rersca like her "Slimi? er Song, - which dir-s not fall short, as " Valeria-' lois, of thC elll-t ,:.-:r"d lt llllirlt ho a?l,le,I, lOWCTCr, that in this*, tho BMtRBff is decidedly ni the around. Tho flutter of the wings of poetry I not lieuid in iheav. The volume cntjtcd "-"I'1 in Ibo Gate" Robert* lb-others, in which Mr. Ario Bate** has -liven metrical form tc torcn tale- ?f tho Ka-t. illustrates) a kind of rer*e which innis to be dra? matic without adhering to dramatic conventions. Th- tales ute I.Ot floT*. ''!t *""-er.... '["ney ? .-> t-rab- '."".-'.en's, little int****** of | _,*.-;.,:! rut h .is gleaai i". tht chronic!*?* "r Indu ard Arabia. Tempett**ou* love and bato arc loosed in tho episode I,, which ?'",;,, 8?trow of Rehab" i-< de roted, and though th'' pafOBge of th,, stra::.-,. Onental spectacle i- brief, it i- thrillm;* I' '? [thrilling by virtue,: iw awn elemental facts. Ti:-i vertiflCBtiOR cf Mr. Hates adds i.o great Bttmul :s to ii reading of tl,.. h:st,,rv. bul it le? no! "doggish bBtntiOO, ar.d there j* -JerersCft in tl. ? pt*e?ervBiion of a Benauons tone, suggestive cf t.'.o Ia-', through di-'riptior.s xviii, h. il they are vary oini.,,i.,/ ti.e produet of a Western pen, ar-, not l.i'ur.-il. Mr. lister'* -rerse i :t.s on nimbly es-nifb. That it doe* l, f?r ,!?? reason tliif he |, in:: hired inti poetiCRl side fjfuc*. bul ir. s tu reach ti," point with taoderate s:>eci, bm important secret of BUCCesg ia narrative v>'r?o. lt is a secret whkh hoi os'-iped ad. Bryan Charles Wilh-i, who atti, hes Ins nain., on.- given eel, rity ia poetry by moto than one ancestor, to a volume called **J*rVfraeua ss in, th,. Ifesperitles" I George Bell). HI* mythology could not fail to io interesting, fl"**""* is au endleea fascination in tl,,- a .j sa ifiroii- flight ?f I'itsoii- and Ins rapture ,,f the (.or, ,', s heal lu Mr. Waller's telling "f th,- -fur, in- js prulix and commonplace. Tho ri-rse pis?es muster until it ia eoapa"red with Hie a-ioii. Similar defe;t* inhere in tho "Chroni? cles of i kristopher ( alamba*" Ml. I*. Putnam'a Son-, by Margaret Dixon Through twelve cantos these -Chronicle**1 purs ie fi.- history of tin- discoverer. There is no poetry in thom, and they a," u.-ar:- me. Soi.atliu-ia-in and mach bid taste, a little aptitude and a gmt timi of affectation, go to make tl?- volume of "Knglish Poema"1 iThe Cato. aell Publishing Company), in which Mr Richard I-" Hallieni.mleavora t.. please, not the crowd, hut th" meml-er* ol :i few Loudon cll'iueo. There is a rirele of young English sinter-, who may lie relied up,,u to apt laud such a declaration a- that ?>ii I " irfs made answering Lightnings all that tfiernoon through purple raiats Of riddled speech. There is another, ?: s circle In which Mr. Henley is son,uat.. I, Which Will extol tho " st re a j I':, " "th.- im d ? sieele realitm aid h.en psrchological analysis" .,; -a h ?.<?,*,.. .,., -'ii;,. [> cadent t,, His Soul." Anl tier-- i- another, . .-.lin,-l to neither London nor Sen Vork, fortunately, which will regret thar Mr Lc f'allicnne, who bas soi.-lever nc** j-, s'I-., making .rd tn Intelligence capable ,f appro utting refined ti.ii:.'-, should write rub? bish. To ir i lue.- trash is not a t-eet-swity laid upon th.- writei wlin i- clever, bit m.* a genius. Sii.h a writer is Mt- If (' |;inn**r, hut in hi* I;...sen" ii hail.-. Scribner's Son*!, lhere ai.? i tli nee* of a dar I-, f.. a i.-. nf a dainty touch, , mal:.- In* rloverneas attrtct'.vs Mr. S M Peek'* "King* a,al I. v. Knots'' |F. \ Stn -- ' umpan) are toe ineresl trifles of cleverness, but they ir-. pretty, they have M.mewhere among girlish r.-.iders a small place which is not con ? I.',.. Tl.- la,.- fleorge Pellew wi. a young man wh*?n he di- d, an I in C. ,? I', -ai." , W. |t flu .- A ? . , for whi li Mr Howells has rritten a:, Intro iluetion, tl,.-r.- ar-, printed lea* thin t-.i "*? ,.? vrrscs The keynote to tl)is small legar) ls a seri, i ??-* wi lr|, i,-ci. tlie * al i" "f th" latter Mi . I!, vs.-I I- \>. r:t- - t int IV I le** "could not I al other ?a i* ? than import ti fl' with am tl Ing he ton, h.-1," a ad this I- ,- r-,,',-.r it- I by thc v* r- -. whi li has . mindel I thou ghi ..xi,n.I with point .1,1 a ti-,.-., of fra,' |,,.-,ie 'reline If it I* ? '? b tra* it ls tie-cause 1'.?!!. ? \ li I rn ?? I i t* of writer* (?? whom verse is a not unnatural or forced, uml yet not an essential, Inevitable mode of -pirif :ul e\pro?*ion. What l.-d I I,.- ii-.-h.-l carefully, conscientiously. Ih wa* n?f a lyrist, but n**il ra* be without a ? ?I rhythm, riierr i* nobilify In hi* work md it i- fixe fr,.-!, lmtnatitriti.**j of either tech ni |U" r - ?: itit It .!. - TW- | t i i. ? pul int . a I.k, anl, though i' i- ii"! reuisrksble s.r-o. it il, -rr-. ??* IO lie r> a I. *-s--ri , i, ?, the peculiar finality -f Mr Pellew'*, is, curiously, tho I, adm; motive In \ Hook I Da) Dr an.*" 11 i. lld, & ' ,. . i ? Mr C 1. Moore. . a! .. ,,as thought out '..-rs ?? ii nestl) the - .ion of one hundred sonnets which til hi* and ll Impregnates vi, .1 I f. f'lai Ice's " Mal mord i" ti I' I'utnam'i Ken*), a metri*al i ? mee, Mr < larke hn* laid lite s ci.f his m th.- lr, I ni l of the ninth century. I h-1 * m. er" romantic happenings in thoa*- day*, romantic ,. modem !"a.l.i-. but tl.- sound* of ?< koree life ie..|! rate n * Malm tia,' which sIlOW* les* nf ri..- .n iv than of the gray aide ? ,( romance. 11,,. most important >.f late translation* ..f enn tin.titi! poetry I* that sslii.'.i Mr prank Si'wall i,as made of "-election* ir.un tbe work* "i Gimme "ard':, ,i. It is printed rn a -mall rolun.f "Poems** 'Dodd, Meal a c,i., which contain* als,, two essay* b) the translator on the poet ssh,i is rogar led as the laureate of Italy, lt is in,tu, however, fr reasons touching Cor lue 'i's philosopb) rather Utan in- poetry. The former is sveii within the roach ..r g eu| ti va tetl student of literature like Mr Bewail. 'Ihe latter must elude ererj one but B translator who is a imef li i ins* f Only ii i.t p,.--.-es an ?nglb*li r-*|U|x*a lent, which is also poetical, fur t'arduccl'* mellli luoiis stanzas*. Ital In hi* essay* nnd m lil* trana lal ion Mr. Sewn ll embodies the thing* which, mar md io his poetic Inspiration, m.,!*" f'ardueei's p.? rition in Italy. Put In i nut-hell, the relebratid Italian'* characteristics ur,- thoo** ..f a pagan born anew, ll" i- tbe leading reactionary in Italian literature against the line of thought whlc' cre? ated and sustains the papacy, an I which he i- fain to rogard us an .x. r--,.i:c ? upon the really Ucl |.? ni-tie genius nt ti..- peninsula. II" turns from thc < 111 ,-t I,, wi,.,m h.. belicreo that Italy niis I a ken ly lures, lie turn* from thr i.,?i ,,r Chris lianity to the god ,,t nature, t" '-Teat Pan Thar in doing *o he i- ols.\ in.. ;m in,pu1,,,, whi,di his nation would oltey also, if it eould throw oil the weight <f centuries, is an "p.n "location. Thc decline "f the papal power i- aisnlflcant, and sn arr luaus phases oi the national life, the attitude of tie- people toward Ihe Churchs but there aro i .titer hind- of incl brion i,.-ides the Hell* nie kin I, ami the shallow feeling of the msears nias I,- re |.-rre,l to "tiler i_U*es than th,- renewal of a long dormant pagan sentiment. Ii mas he referred to conditions in the educational and political ilevelop. in, nt of thc country; and certainly, aa Mr. Se wal I himself concludes: "For Italy tlie dav is pa-t w hen He'.lrnl-uii ran lill tho place of Christianity.'' When- (?ardue,a'- Hellenism redounds tn the nr tistie !?? ii.-tit "f iii- poetry is in th- deduction from tin- former of what Mr Bewail calla a classic real, tarn, a realism which gtvra him not jual lite sar face ol natur.', bat the intense loy in it- nsarnnra tin- passion f"i the being* with which thc amor? phous heathen religions has.- peopled if. which li.-loiu's t., tli,. 088*18 and riot to thr Christian im i,ii.-tI with the (-motions of hi* belief. Carducci is not, though, a hut.- echo of tho earls perts for whom he has a great admiration. ||,. |* gn Ital? ian as ssi-ll as a i'n-el; : ho has a share in tho pres rut as well a* in th" past: and svith the Uric Bon? net to "Tlie lix," it poem ,,f pun* delight In nature, Mr. .Sessall has to translate a longer piece, "' irni v!,i." which reveals tho sensibility to human lee*. int svithotit WRleh the lines WOttld h* ia vain. Mr Bewail has chosen forts-one poetna whi,di serve verv well to illustrate Carducci. He reproduce not much of Hm music, but he lu,* not iiii*s,*1 the aeps,., ami hi* book xviii fullil the pu rp* -e foi which it ssas prop-cted, that of making Americana icqualnted with CBrduccl'* Ideaa. The only other honk of ttlllisluti'd Verse, svliieh |,|,* ,,.;,, |,,.,| u( |g [ " lloine's Dynes and Halla,ls ** \Q, p putnam'a Boro}, by Prancea llellmaa, who baa included In lei volume a numherof mgs by GoMhe. Uhland, Chamis-n and oth-rs. Thr poetttB are |l;m |],. | with dell, a, v and fa<tc, ,and allow a ls ric sympathy lu the trana'ator lulu the " l?vc Songs, of I'oliort Hums" (('as-| ft. ll Publishing ('omi any.. Sir George DouglaM has gathrr-d most, of the BBRktOOB xvisr of tho Bootoh poet, ami ho has given, in thc lorin of au iutro du, timi, a pap'T <>" tlie latter's >*--?*?, "-""inn tvon- i taint POMS? iBteWaHllf biographical -rvntins I_B j book is published la tho ?? canico Boneo,* and La I a xvell-ii.iido little anti,olozy xvhich re,-ouiiij-ii ls | Itoell t , -.tudentB of Burna Two volumes of Mr fJeergo Mer*didi's v.-rs<> have lately appeared. (Joe, "dump to Glory .lane' iSwin, So::notisc!;ein -V Co.-, ih a reprint f,i ;, hil ol doggerel, possibly Mtbrteal, though tte satire is skilfully , unce.tlc I. for which Mr. Harry ''adtcr has a liking. Ile i* ttfOf inriblo f, r the reprint. The work waa orlglBally pob lishe! In Ins " I'niversil Ko st.nv ' Ther-* lt might I us ss-..ll have remained. In tts BOW orrs* lt has j i,,c.--. llluArated with pm drawing*, bot thom i oo nothing to Improve I piece "f wrttlRg which it would bo ridiculous to call poetry, Bitd which ' las bom of tho qualities which nuke Mr. Meredith's prose InteiBstlBg. ".Modern Love*' 1*1 ii. Moshe*! ? Portland is another matter ll ls a sonnet "--rquenee t i Which Mrs Elizabeth | Cavana, Who writ.-- ii " foreword "? for the now edition, la justified in ittaohtRg bor-* i*RnogtaoBO lt i- an intellectual exercise of no sn,ill Milbee. But wc fancy lt will tc*iuire moro thoo Mr Swinburne's wperuuvea lo mike it ttAott m ptwtry. LITEJUliY NOTES. Mr. Joel Chandler Harri* I- keeping up Bia Im gglnatlre work sid.- hy -l.t.- sslili kia aettspafer arti In*-. Ile I* i nj:aK-e,l up,,a ii nos. I svlih ii I* io I" ar Iks mle of "Aaron," a|. a plas, iiti*i up?a a fterb-a si -hort -trite- lt la UM HtBt Mr. ItottU n-s, r elli* III,,,III Illa books |f lie (,||| li.'lp ll -il letlfelllC SSllllil oller, .say i noi BB?tOg aatkair*. TWO more I'al/ar SO-sks, "A Uroal Man of tl.e Pros Itu.*" |tke *? i .-nd p rt "f -Lost Ilia.>*"' ?'""? "Tbs lin,tl,-il.I ,.f r.u,s..i umii '? i ? I.Knri rs de L,*l I,-tolr (oiitemi*,iiim',. kara keea pi--|,:r,?l i,v Rta* Worm. 1.) sod ur., on ike ii-, af ttslierta BrtRftera. Mr. Arthur -h.Thuiii. Ilar-lv I* ul.oii' lo r-ium t, iii daile* a* pt*ofessor of t_sl?*"*f-"*Btfc* al Uar'in,,nih not, kowerer, *erertag i.i- ""uoascUso siitii ?? in. 1 ., m. ;s-lila|i." .X hm... |,.|i|.,i sf Ike S'.il he silll -p.-nd :n kia <l.-U In Iks ? :, .-.i l-il norn ot lost -rta ga?nc. Prof* ? ur Charl. - Kilo, Norton pave 00100 Inter (?Sting r tlill.l <? I,,, s if li,-.* RlMSell I. cell III au address delivered al Umb-'Mgcporl ike ottter ovenlng. ? in i-i-," Professor Noi',,. -aid. Inapeakiogol tuctr earl) at nwiliitance, Lotrell aa* n"t quite thirty sear ? ?lit, and na* one "f Ike pl. a-mi.-I of iii'-n a pleasant a ? mponion as goa could lad, ksra, as -alie ai ,ria;:,'ai:-., ol Iii- liss slid, a I, >>tle ,.f .Lam pagne, and alicad "f evrry "Hut ma, ?Rk -", a sparkling all, arith *urk kirsty, natch Ml Ililli InlO un,i,,-t koylsUlles* al tm,is, jntl it s.ui .-iii doun wltn lila, ii.,l,..|.. ...aid t*****f IfM "Bar* thal h.- -ct. |*uu after pan iain-' fr rn hi* Ups, or Mime piece ol linn,..rous ,.,t, or porhapa ? pleasant Rory, i do not iiduk I exagan*--ata it wann l ?ay ka wa. the ptcsosateal rompanlos s.u cos?I kare, ??Ile n.-v. r COOM K.-. p ai.v iii'ies in lils pocket, it iu ried a r*oio lo I; n unn ua, aayb By lo ie liii.-d by u. ?in :..,- pirasani tarroandlag4 af hi* hsRataod fc* In college, erjoyed il, ? Ila's PaRdlag tit?>, ass made Its ii-eretary and wrote . s'.-st sis a) |H,-.m* and ii.-.i Hie reading of r, , ??>? better tktn '. ? did tin li .? ? ii his i.-s..,;:*. i,i11 liked kvtter lo read In Ike st, ove ..f I1 ,? old lll.r.irv. -Il- a** Bppsit Hs lot) and dirt imt d. lil- College m. ri;, iud t.Ma.d lie i-lld ,,: lite -i tiler sear be ?.is -.?ut i-i Ii wis a snore ,.f great regrei i., i, a, i.. vite I,.- aa* ria** pwel and ke wis forbidden 10 ...ia. hark i> read ll- riis- p.ii lo hi- feltoa -ni. it/ on cia** day. It ssa* la ll- ta.n ke* I . I. IV. i elie in la- tllgk III- ef 1.1 - BOWeV. Ill IM s.?r be aiosi ul Ibe Brat tonto ot 'Rlglow I'S per*.' w Mrh everybody knows lo be *" bdgkl iii.d a. I.ii lied. ? ll.- uni I u. r.- friends f..r rnorr tfisn f..rty rears, anil I do ned rea-cmber ons single Hmo ?rbea be ara* not mv fil.-nd. We u*.-.l t.. ?.a.!, almost . v. ,v ?!..v. and f do ii,i remember et * bearing Um -a-, anytklng (kat ever pv* pain to any oilier human being, Ai l bars -aid. !*? cookI keep no m.a.i and fr- ipi.i.t i1.-in.ilrt- sv. r.- made upon lcm. and I,.- ru'isi bara r* deco? d f,.ar or Bra wire* "f *o:ii.- ,,r las Mack population. -? Illa engagement aaa u one, and li ssa- aol n.i ll,.d ,,f l-l I tkai t ,ev were mari, maj ti . u tii.-v aatinted b |.i desi "ii filth, and Iboafhi tl.. ra r en* ? > it I'I sappi) I hera, sod mored ,., Pblladelphla, Mh-re bo wr..t.- f..r an a ii 11 -lu v?***f paper h-r 18 I Beek.** r ,.? n. w ?? siiitnt.anl Magsalne," ike periodical vt?ck, 11 i- announced. Rr. Jamea Clarence Harvey la la ? tu, I un ' ie pres and will s,?,u pr.-.ot its.-if. The H.-i m.,a'"l.v lo he 'r.-u: I out hv Slr. g, .->. >|, lure sUl ,ip;.< ar i il ame time. I a.- li t. t?s a Dante esklMtkin In bondon, lbs .. j.- i- ta h.- Bhotrn ronalstlag ol inartntt br itotti cell, drasrlngt b) RoatctU, mid iiieitallhui*. photo graphs, mips and edlttooi of Hie ?? ." xi!-. 1.1. v Lari an. Brno** gentle nnd ?uolcal rerss I* dear io iiiaiv re.-'e-r-. is iring m |n Boston, ai'-.i .an "i. i' i- ibougbl, ko, r. -unIve. Tl e w;,|,or "f Rickard Burton baa completed her biograph* of ler husband, bal no put******-*-*- in* get announced lt. It ls hu..wu that Burton ssa* sn nz n.isi. : bul Lad} Burton, li l* *.iid, baa portrayed him lu ker book a- a devout rbat-rhmaa. The tao v linne, of Mr. Henry t. ki-h-Us -life ,,* Wanner'' ssl! be bTOttg t Out Sltbln a fess- d:,ss. li alli . intaln i uloua i ti retiing p-trtralts. The Uterary cxrunlon* of Ritter llsggsrd began wini ike preparailon of Uren "nagaRae artklet ra South African .ubjet ia. Hi* nord ?? Dawn" be r, ..'ard* aa !,N fir-t book, ile <i -lares ihsl tke Ides "f writ li | ii a i- "riven to l.i'ii is the r.i .- it a uni teen bl 'I-,, in a church, ii- hod some difficulty in Undina a publisher tor thia novel, aad ssas obttg**d ti rewrite n. iv Sontbrrr artier* of fiction are condemned bl ?Ta- i.aitiiuure Bun," on ti,.- -rrooad lhal Ikey have t,.i often faun,I their profit In ?*?l?*rt*lg lo Nert'ern prejudice." ?? I'la- <!u-s of ssrlier-." - Tl.e .-sin'' -ara, "make tie-ir tnooey l.v mlatfepreoentlng the real people .f the South, d***trrlbtng Imaginary rtaste* of -i-onr will'.--.' -. r.i.'.er-.' 'ntountaln trhltes,' etc., a* If they really existed, and pandering lo i >? dealre of on friend!) readera i" ont old t-oemlea pal la Ba nu favnr.ihl,- lls'iit. Bxceptk-nal rnoastniHltleH iii- held up a ? Boat br rn types, to Ike great glee of Ihe un I ra vrlli i Nortkeruer, abo I* led to ie,l.l tke srt-Rerand hi* fellow s?,uti .iu't* In e,;u;,i eontefaopt. lo kl* torlea! art ting recenl ftouthera sotb-irs kout a iuK-'i pl,,.-, i,...n;se ikey have wrlr-ii, a* a rule, to rind's rate the train rather loan to mai*.- a-oney. Their booka ptrture a a**-*p4e rattly different fmni tBe cres lures nu, aw ree nary literati kare created. H ta in Southern iietrsrMiper* and ni.,nhl,- aaagaRne* srltten for >,,it ern reid-;* -tkai Ike doutttern t oagbt nnd I i ul,ur,- ..( our da) I- t> be seen tu Hs character.' Mr. Walter lie-nnl I- One "f Hu* Kagtttk .-i'll Ilt-* Intending to vi-tt ike Rstid't Pair al Chlcsao ri* -uniuiir. Ile x\in attend tbs Hterary *x***tgreas to be held". Captain M.ihin's ?? Influence of Hie Bea I'ow,-r apoo th,- Pren ck Ret-tRatton and Bmptre'1 baa aroused ?? T. e i.mi,inn nines'' to atrong i,nd yell-dsaerved odmlra lion. Ia,i- *|nee, it -ass, me -rabis**-!**-*** of bia hoik ,,,i "li..- imiarii,.- of tbs Sea Pawer mt Ittttorr.* Captain Makai 'ins bren r.pitted hv nil competent Jiuici-*, aol merely ?> ike rttoat dtatlaguta cl iiviiiu artier un narai stMir^-. t.ut as tar uric aatoe nm! iirst espoo.nt of what ina) ba called lbs pltllaaopkf of nasal bltl-wy. Itv th.- prnfessinaai alodent of naval warfiir... in.ueover, whether lu Hs stnitecicnl or Its ia, i, ii a*pt i-. Hu* boult aili nt ones ? r**e***jta?sd a* BB altogether lli,lls]>en,il.l- tSattKWk: for. sxhllr his grstp of itrateglcal R-wea I- bIomsI aartraQsa. nnd 1,1- Inslgbl Into Hie> of iiiisnl hl-t..rv ls alto. aether ur.precedented lu naval llierstare, ixptnin )iu han n.-v. r i,.-i-s an apportunlty of potatbtg ths ta,-ti,-ni wl.erevei- the luilure sf his aUbfeCI-matter per mit.* or Invite* bim to do bo. Tboagk li migiit t,r un exaggeration lo rompsre Mm ntlk Adam sniitii for r.-u. b of Ibougbl prnfiindftv ,.f ln-l8lit. amt sagacity ol -p.?-iiliillii!!. set lt ls nu mor. loan the titith 10 mis iain Hie spirit In which he lu,* apprn-ii heil th. norri and fruitful atodt of tke Hlnfs*t-nes af "-ea I'owi-r ii pun History" i- not unworthy, to bs toatratft-d nilli t'ul In ss Illili Hie great Si-..111*1, thlnki-i- np pre.n lied the BtUBf nf lbs 'W.nlta ot Nations." Kiirpeie,', " Heine.*1 nu aatol joayq*ahy eompttad from the txirt's wrltliuts, n.,, i?t-n lr:in,|atel hv Mr. Arlluu Dexter, and the tnnafR-on sou be |)llhll,^ctl i,v limn Molt .t OB. The snmc publlftliers are bringing out a new edition of lllllcbraiid'a "German Thought.*" THE CHRONICLE OF ARTS. LXHIHITIONS AND OTHES T-Trs. KVINTS MARRI*. Till. ( LOSF. <T TIM'. SF.sfir.-, -ACAOBMI ROTEB-IJI MINOR <? m.l.rilj -un: M'itzi'.ii < "i.r.r.rTiox. The orosaa ls draw lng to a rio,,., ?,,M pn'tlr-Sa alt of ino last "-vent* of ans Impstlsota bato \>jL accompli,: .si or are in flight, To morrow th,, s^u/ ,,f Aa:, r' Aril-i, sprat Ita Ifteeatk *xhlr*u7** nnd soler* upon a pr,.*|sr ai- -eason, |n ;l|| ^!* .-il-lllly. for Ike di-pl-s ls ons Ol Hm- kasl \rt\i\\ history of Ike BlgBBlBBIlOB *'ii Wistuo.,Iga nu? ll (E Ibo Arti.Tii-an Art A--..ia,Hloil xxiii op,.,, t? 1.Ihltlon of IBs ht.. .I,hu ll,,,-v'- loll., ,:?,, V the evening of th,. *.,-,?. ORf the Metro;,,hIIiii, >|Um^ of An wiii j, sj Ri anaaol -pring r..ep>i,?, ,. Amid.tiiv ss. I ll maintall li- spring ratRIRRaa f?r -*?> w.-.-Us Btsre. I, il...-. r...t il..-- .mill ,i?. i:ns,^J next month, a date whi. I, l< nv.? <>..t oas i, .- , n-_ heiw.-eii the present ?-.lilWil.'u and thai ,,f Sta*** lo.,i,i.,l ky collei tor, slilch the Xi ul. m., pron^., in h,id thi, aammsr. Tl.penlni ,i,, nf tba _t^ his not vt is-i-ii iiiit'iitiuii-d. Isles hive I.,'i plttfatly ten :,, th, sW-aBsssj ta tb* Nat -d pktons tMapawd of atm i lu* t^j Birra Iii Hi* Tribune only IWs "Matoo*- ,ir, ,? ^ milled. --\l,,l. I,,'' kg BflattO I*. Hurl, BBB, .mn >BB-*tj ,f" ii "Roller psasja* t PA. -"Total ,i MU^ ,? due. e-'.iK?>. th- iiire.- Il itlgurt. n prlie, ,. (TOBO, "".'nil nnd *I*ni. , ,, |, ,,( ss, tl- ?, ),.,. , , ^ award.-d sin e 1--'.,. ne 1., Im- rOtod ::),..,, n,-, W.dn.-silnv nfl, r: ,.,,,,. M,,r,. ||,,? n,| ,lrv ^|f ul,tiles ,o Hts iMCisim.. |f gftj ,,f ,|?. . x M' iis?:nl,|o Iknt b-iiig the niuiii--r rt*sss**-ed -., j,,^ n ,|',oruiii nnd one ssork n,.|\.* ,,, |ai|*j ,,f t? the vote- in*i ;i -*f*tli ka***?, n.r.. rt lol s-pj i^ mud, happs. f,,r I,I'.r.-, lu,* asea iceni?g ui*** the pnoro int tom pana, w- on Igaaraiu of tha exact ttgur-'s insulted, hm th.- oat****?I .,f ||k* iiraj prtse I* aoM aa be In >i, tielgkltH*?rk?**d >.f fi pna aud Ike oiler prtaea ksve keea slVipsillimotel- p> ir.,-.d. tgfkOt pl,tun-, ih.. v.,, r* win l.l, osog * Um shastapest nt pr..t.lim-. Mit lhere t* ,,,, dIR . la pointing out br* or twa inea oks ?!? i rr, ? ? .ne..un,.-, ne!., ..f a pr!*-. Mr ll. r,r\ I'i. lim:, jg ans ?.f ike in-.-i proiii'-uis' of n,. rmmwrt m n wi* ur-- ouiiiiia lo lUe front, 'i'.i. ;,r^ :,, -. ,,f \|f Dewing sod ,,f Mr. H. o. Raff**** in kita M .,. a ?il" .nt doubt pnaaeaaea] ..f srtglaal Isleot. m, "I'mdlgal Bstat" 1- a i-a.irm Bg I . . i .- |. gsR painted. Mr i; \. Ml | .-;,.?.,, ,1Lr,,, painter. "Ti,.. Firs Dnaatcn,*' a pRtq-fiaipsj pa, ,.,'-.r bf Illili, ls orw and ilv-r. I,,, ls fol )' 'hat lt ls of any ti-.- tu a hi-.. soM* lu ,i ,.i-. m_. __ ls lo I?s_fine a vntn thin, Apr,,p. * of the Aead.tnv, lt max ts ,,,,., rx,-n ?***. Ike ? of -i-uipiui-- ili-r. iola ?prlqg i, r Mille ron-, .pi.,.io. Rr. I Liri 1< \ oas Uaroo ktsRs sj lill..-.* tr'l-'-. Mr. Dolph, Mr. Dal I? r,?? 11 , | e. I ile Mr. Winnt. apectaaena of sera, k aa ,.:,d resp*** t-ii-lo rraftsmansbtp, .-ii?i Bom i- i psrtroll it, mu, h tho -arne ,,\le ly Mr. Fd-ard Klw.ll. bal U.e ,, |? -Tiki,nr pis es thaw I- by a h-r- Iga* r. ani Ibal has the defer) of ronrwneta. Tbe ? \? ? n lr* p.,*..- ,,f M Adrien i,miler, arba ka* pre seated a pta?ter essl ,.f ri. Hf--li- tij.'1-e. "li.- Rympk Ki '.o" n. Hg *i hool* ..f ll," Aead",ii.v. ls i-..j.-ld- ra!.!.-. Il- , pul ania* itt*** lalo t ifs ai ita . and ks h modelled I' Wllfc the chie whli h I- i ,.nim..,i lo I - s. Ol n.i-. The -pirit of tbs thine, huss.-s. r. i. mn. noon. The-.- is oat ,h>. <iim>?--i i*-ga>?t*aa ,** Ideality In ibe work. Ibe rtatnetie sf :, aos> rssag res pr r, rt-sRag sa kat leyine aad drtaktiag. '? sir. Ileiirs. gOSa to th"' nllur extreme, mid I- a "sato, I, -s. .ina*, ula'.-,| pr.slu. :|..n. vs!.?.-.- BBjoaOt?, BBretal aoi?aua*?lp b Ila onlj *aertt. Tbs sal- of H.- Km.'lier i ? >lh ? -ililli hi, nut il*. muled lbs i?Bery of His sriil-kootra arm, aad ,j-t sow lt I- a- ?.|l fur',i-i...l srltfa pal "l.t ever been. Ons of tfrteoe, univ recentl) bang, i* a largs "-stories] cotaposltloa by Mr. Herts-***, ll '-ll christ, a Mm of the t,|,,-rnpier of WHIlani biak., and sn ar'i-t snkaowa ker* up lo the pre si ol Ilsa*, ?*rs ns the au,ii,-r of *,,ni.. Interesting plate* lu tba '"l.lf* ..' Alni- i.ll, hrl-f." Th- -S-*-*J***rl nf l.l- p'.e'iir. I* the entrance of L*teopstrs Into Tan?t, At on Ideal portrait of the Bsgyptlsn yu-en. th** wnrk i* oo *atUfactory. Tbe recambrnt Igors in ,...? et?tn of the ,otnpo-i,i.iii i- orither bsaallfal nor ngnL nat ber -iirroiitidlnj-s ar.- "*det*oatel*r i one. Iv.-d, and -shea i picton is ronslrdend aa nanseatlag tb* ia -ra tlve ..t-iaet ..f :, -? ti rn ?., ,|, >u - pr,,, . --mn lt I- BStB t it Mr. O-etBrtst'a bond boa treooRri Ma asnctpHsa in Mull il way ll, to I.-av- ii nmr.- favnruMo bill,re.--',,i0. Tin- eau,, Ihrono upon si 'm ti tin- ip,.i r?sil,\#s I. b -nie i.,i ii ki-f-e. Be assUl til" lesel of t ,- il.runt*. on tbe i.,w,-st geek of t:.,- craft, ar.. ***-lworl Nutsiia osnmea. Dai > Rrinm i nonteo are grssus-tl ktkfBl Heopatra, and t,< the ii*;!.: of lur a I-I..:.<1 niu-ltUa i, seated, thi* Issi a gracefal and ,-<.m. ly Igan, attractive by far than tbe qtot-eo b**ra* if. All lbbbb penonagea are placed against ? background in w i, a tli.a and akf appear and u temple rroariai *i,i -P-. ta,..r*. Thc -.. tu I* ili.-atri'al ni.d tpltadfct. It I* l Olllpn-ell Willi Illlllllliltlle .'bet. 0?4 IOS " I ming. In wktrk "paM plus, an Impattant part, it s',.rs"e"u- aiul yet not too rick. Tin- ko Pating Ittn*** ever, la heavy, and the dna Ing larking la ptvola?B and fort u. l lenjiatra. tke I'liancler on w.-u, tat 9t> terni of the pli-uir,- iiai's's. i- ,ui?ieii..i wita leo*aaa* eesa Ham ans ut?er Igan ?.u h.. .:,ii\:i-. \> * whole, tke pl. ure revest* -,:,.,lani lp and a dcRptag faculty, a fervid color *enoe and aa Imperfect tea> ul.ju... lin- Idea l-s pl, tin,-,(,ie aiul . inlii.-iiily *?? CeptlUe ef artistic 'treatment. Tke ejf-*r* i*lon R de ie, nv-. Issn or thr.-.- doora below Kn edler't. in tat Delmonico gaBery, Ibere ls a sin,-,ii pvap '?; f Mini picture* de-iiinit tor ibe Cklcsgu l' One of Ba) palming, wiiiiii la worth looking ap l?efts-e ii* Be partare I, -An Odallouue," bj I'srolna Duran, itt* a .small tipure study, don.- tis'.- ur ala yean as""- BOi ls Inti-re-tiiig beean-.? lt *_owa Duau working -"ita mit the karaoesg which I- enai-act* rtstlc ?f ola ritual fushloiiiibl.- pori raIts. lt I* one ur lils belter .s*.iy* In rlih. deep nilur-. Another minor exhibition np tmvii i, on-- nf aooie palntlagB by Mr. Vt. ll. Hilliard. ll,- im, buna tlfi.v-*.v. n >.ll*. landscape* done la America. England, France, Holland and Ike Batt, ti Hall A liarri-iii's, in Twent) tlilrtl st.. ssas' ,,f sl.xt-i nve. ii,- is a tanref?I bot not a purlieu.iatty igftiitliB pam ter. Vt :.,i M. Emile Muli'.ier. lo the catalogue Bf tim splr/r collection, calla toe -peatest sals of t"* renlanr, svin i?. tiegun In Vain lj BAorrow, .-,,tu# in.-1 ,,f it, magiiltude may be s'aii.irist from tbe Met tint. although lt will ctiiiiiue Uurliit: tis., days ,** every week, ii svin not be concluded until tbe middle .f June, lt will disperse one of the iii, st remark.,hi* rotlertlonfl of artUtfc nUca of antiquity, the Mlddl* Vj.-* sud the Renalsaance which Hie world in* mt seen. Tbe iremii appreciste the event With th* irenrro? ty clisractertstii' ..f tke nation wken raatk-n oi arl are i-onremed Hw Senate ha, s-.u.-l Bltm.Oi'O ,,, ks ..xi*.mi.'il ut tin- auction for the benefli "f th* st.He niu-eiiiii,. lr..iii t ie Meson. Durand Bael ss., has- received B ropy of Ibe cato logue l-*u>sl Bf tbe nie, a publication comprising t?,. roltaraei et text and a pirtfolh. of *.xis rig i tat-ge platea. m tke preface M. Bona (Ts toarki** upon tke lat. Itredi-RB spit/.i', liije.r ii* u.ll a- upon the muriel* of M* lulhcil, ii. Parti wa* hi- borne, and kl* fame I* IM fame of Kranc-. hut lie ssas not a Frenchman. BB WO* born iu Vienna In l-l'-, and lt ssa- BR Ba*R IM.VJ that he ssas lnstill,-l In Van*. Ile l,e."''i ll'* without fortune. I-nt his talent for tpeculstbrtl ia objecta of art atm,uni.d lo gi-nlus, and tl'rougfcoul hi* career be was enabled lo carrs on Rspoteonk tna*; :u Hons. When be entered th" Bump an x ?**?*? there ssas h.* enthaalasm for indu-trl.d ('-'in [Bf pictorial und pla,tlc art. i'i"' Bveroge rollector ?BB only beglnnliig to swaaea lo ihs rtckn *t Ike past In Ike trida <<t the aiuior.r. ir,* ratdnetmsker, nie Irouwiwber, t .? artlal* la '?*?, til.-*, glass, enamel* odd iv..ri. Iii.*.- t'lliis'* fct*"U 1.a prl/.-d and cnlhcsl beforr, hui -spii/.-r t**roagaB pesv life lulu lbs scareli f,,r them. He wa- tn l"V* with ll, -pe.ialis. anl knew it univ a* Ibe ext?-rl who i* sn .xp. ri Ls Instinct a* ss.ll a- Ls Ir-ila "g ian kilns, it. He ssa- Inter* st.-il Iii th. i,"'|,|t|e i'll one of tin- tlne-i plates In Ihe port fol 11 of !_*? r il' - '?' t, of ii number ,,f Tanagra llgurlnrs, but the Rldd> Ag.-s und Ihe Itrnslsssnce ss.-r.- ,h.- .-ra. In ss ilea |*t rared moat Io -univ au I be eaiae lo know Iheoi li"*" mslelr. He had an ideal. H.- v.toked io teem* rollecilon thal would be eneyclepsedle, t'n wi*il0 llln-,,iit.< Ike Imlu-irliil ans of ht* fas-,.rite age* *-*" t. niittl-allT, .-11111 ssith toli-rsMe rompletenr**- *s Hnnaffe admits (hal otlaer mea prior t" Bpi tier "'''fj In his provlii.e. Lui he adds. Justly, Ito one Bss ever appr. ached th- Psitslsnlaed Austrtsn In ''";';;"/; His ho!,*., on the Rae de Mll.-lu-t ssh* de?er*oped talB of Hie -noa! noted museums mi Ike Conllneai. li sv?, i, miracle ol amngeatent. Splwer ^??,",lnt satisfied xviii, a rlas'lflcail'Mi of kl* tr.****** ? **? title,Uv. bv , boola, natlnnalltte* sad pert*-d?. tte wso an artist In feeRrtg Bfsd he harmon r-d tin; cn >??* ol lil, mansion ns nu nrtl-t svoiild M barmonlted them. There nr.- MOB munl-*-r* m '''? catalogue, bul tbe m?- of oblertt sshl.i, iliey r-'i r som wa, dis|s,?sd with su.h mel thal ibe """ . waa llvisl in iin-i ii-t.t rstvtblng ul the aim**-*pbere m the iiii-rrlv emin -laden mus-ut,I. Ft tweln x'":"*' ,:is- M. li.uiiifTe. lt ssh- the shrine ?f uni- I- gllgrtiaB from nu over the world, liamhena kesv lt. h- esaj* ,ll,lies, mid no did 1.1*71. but Hies.' lelehrli-d Bain"* are only two In n host of others uilie a* gnat svi, co wen si rartoua times ln?crtbed ap-w >h..lice,ora "golden l?Hik.-' HpHser dl.-d it-g-eg resn "i*'> W "SJ midst nf M-liem.-, to ola i "ll.-, tl.m. '?? deal red. sslti, poaatosste en.-ru's, -.. malo- lt a OOP feet whole, a unit ie presenting certals times, r* niorrosv lt beglaa lo he arattend beyond recall i ls a rans" fm- Ihe ,b"|H-,t regri't thal BO Reps ftts taken lo pnnhase lt 'en IiIim-.- lt -lc.lld luis** Intact from spltrer', krtft t" Ihe l.niivre. tm s..?tli Ki-ns|:iut,in, to lin lin or ttiour ,-ssii M.-'rop ll'"J Museum <>f Art. rsi,mess here it -le.ill h.-iv.. bera I** upurl, a monument of extraordinary chancier tu>1 vnlue. prefernldv In IV!-, lia, If ld the-.- Heil ll Ness- York sviirre after sll lt ls ase ted most. Aiti.rlrna I,user- wll| pi os,un;,!,Iv be re,iie,e?ti-l at Ih- sile, hot Ikey eau lain:: boco ooh th- smallest fragmeu'*. R?ronesn rompetttton ia oatis's to be mir- thss or (IIiini-IIs nells,-. lt ls luip Gillio tn rrvl.-st In *V*B_ the fascinating pages ,>f ? 1,1- citn'o.-, ? nn<| (ke piste* svhl.-h nc.onipaiiv thom. They llliistrn e tipeaCrtSB, fnlenrrs. brontes, enamels. BjsoO, In n and wn.'wirk. m.-rtnits ara* mlntotnna and dO*e->s of of or thi -*.. and they IlltiMiiite them In thc lani example- Th* text ls eloquent and the plates, even In their tu-*_? tone, tell a tlmllaily impressive tale.