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HOME AND SOCIETY. CHAT OF THI SEASON. **j>plTIH6 OF LIFF, IR REW.TDRK-.TBB ntl \s WEBB) OP THK JOii.r.ri.siii.;:-riii: kami. ION*S OF TUM DAY-Ubi, l'I'.H nv IX TUE HOVREHOL-), "Where bas"c you bern all th-*.- year,?" -.-,;,( , ?s&loi)ii!'le .roman to ii ,1'iiilam blend oo BTn-etllirt y,eT ai'llentBlly on the *',.-,.t. "I bare imt Been xou fer bo af*, wii,-,.. a, ? rou Dvina MW**1 -.s; ?o, 4*> Wost niank st.." -a-- answer, i. -What, t cally '" exclaim ,1 the , tlt.-r; ?? why, 1 live nt vo. 81 Weal blaiiUi" I ...--? wowsn wen ,,.? ,,,,,.. old friends, but both oe* upii-t good toctol position*. knowing, ninrc or lean, Ike aame people; and ncret |i,si,.ss they had lived wilkin several goon, ,; ...,. , oiivr for b couple of gean wttkont either being awan of in- other's proximity. Such i* the Sew-York ol t.dHs, and lt I, hard lo nallsc t.e Btstemeni o| a *Bjtf*at-g woman. Who I* still sonne rnougb lo be -onstaiitly -on thc ,i*'o," ssl,,.n abe leila u* that when .jj ss.,- a L'irl ,,'c knoss p.|-,u;i.ills eVetT) om- ss;,.. kept a carriage In toss:;. A remit sudden tooth onesattated the lu-..tiY.. _? up of a xsrilknosvn aatabBshBienl lu Mayfair; ind the ,.'Ue,t married diiughti r of the hon*,., in -pie ,,i hei pgef, sm* worldly ssi* -*noagk to i -Bomber :it the funeral that her fiilln-r had a li-a-uiv Of a cook ssh;. I, lt ssiuid be won |q seeon. After n.. fnneral, tkee fore, she sent for tl.e <.?,.? D|wl< U.M1< u(tll M||. v regret- over his Inability t., obHge madame. Inf uni il hrr that her fMisjer *i*t.r bad engaged bim Im rm-diatly after the iontb of -ce cher ,-t bon mon tJeur, BOB *>r...'' The ho,tcss at a luncheon porty 1- ap, lo look rna i dossdy svith !i,T oncovered and beside Ike smart bonn.!* ..f ler pue,;.,. and it lia, become mon or Iras tue iii-i"iii for Ber to ooo a ha; be-rself, At a re* ni lune1,on. however, the .-iver of tbe feast hit Upon a tjet'er Phm- Which ssa* to ss, ar a hui.- luaiidi" inn-.ii-"1 "f a lace bur,illy bow stuck on xvii , a jew.''.-rt pin und a ,,f viv,-, amtrblng her dr--* amund her eotffnn a la Orecqne. Thi- little arraii--cnient cave the needed emphasis lo her loll, It, , and yet prc-vrv.-d last lndividuaiiiy a* the holy of th, *K)U--e. Now that repousse .silver has rnrne into gen -ral uso for toilet urti,-'.-, milady see's.* aosaetklng more rreherr'a*, as h-r latest tod ls to cover ber er- -in; table xvith poid backed brush-,, svliii the res) of the pa ra ph ern alla to ntateh, Th- smooth, shining atska of highly polished tsetal are bevelled ut tin rages, nnd have the mon,,-ram uni r. st in robed poid. Th- tort*s*e-*h. il <o;nl. i, a pariirulurlv -prut tv little affair, svlth ? straight, -bining back. tl,-. cr,*-t and chiflre aiming a* i, bondie. -Do you km-ss- what J alway* nae ;,, toma mv lair with?"' said a xvoman of society .sim-o lons, (kirk ]o k- svero tho ndtniriiiio!! of h-r fri,od*. ?? Yon Will Lush xviio-i you heir, but ilia-., i* r.-nllv oot-ifrej Uhr lt for dbentanplmg long bair. It ls ojotalng more ian ;.-, tRaa oik of those loag-tootbed si.ii.le combs. TOO can R-'t vary alCO I >o'?i:,i; om- at iii,- beat ' ai? li- -** shops, amt my lew mail -av- thal -li- btu never BBei anything that fires bo Utile pulu and a:.:, .vance.'' CRBOB nro almost the onlv comfort;,bio p*-rRectlon thal can ls- worn sslth the abnormally large sleeves; 111*1 tho short, full on., tho! aro now tbe snepted thine are particularly pretty .sith their d.llcai-lv tinted llniii-'-. It i- an extnmel-f pl.a-ant retteclloii, ncreover, xs heni buying a tprtng rape, t,< ctnitempU l ? the fart that lt xviii mak" un excellent -ummer wrap 0* xv. ll. and xviii bo Ju-t the thin,** ut Newport for Ihe afternoon Ortvs win-n tin- air from the ricean become* a little tliill. As for getting ii jacket over the? mod cm excre-ceneo.. it i, qolte an Impoaal-?llg um,* il*tett, and no knight of old ssa* ever ison luipi.-* tn buckling on hhs armor than I- :i ladv of tndav lu donning her coat. A ratler funnv Inala nee ow tarred at one of tlie gnat emporium- a few Boya ago, When Mr-. M. found out this fact to her cost. Perks ps abc wa* a little exlgeante. or perhaps tl.,- -hop woman had a bad temper; 1..- thi- a* 1> may, the bad iii-*l Ol -.serai jackets nnd found nothing to -ult her. until finally the woman who ssa* serving her turned r i found Impossible, and aa sh" mad" frantic effort* t" get the garim-nt oxer ber -tllTi sl.-.-v.-s oks* Wd esjt.-, lou, of furllx-e Bottles 00 tlM imrt of -ev-nil of the cmplovt-. riot one of whom offi red to lull) h-r. ?When I tinallv go, on mv iark"t." -I,- vi ld in lelllno the ,-torv. "1 was Bolte lu>t srttk BBger and the > ger tlon altogether, and at llr-t -tarted to th- office ," make a firmflaln*. but on my ssas- renected that, after all. lt xvas a weary llb- for tl.,,-, p. women,sbul on lu ahOfB nil dav. and that ii wa- no wonder that sometimes their tenner and il,, ir lan*-?lng tailed them. M'i I lol the thinp po. but I never felt -o un dignified lu my lifo a- winn I waa tiring to k'"i thoae WM, bed il. eve., into Heir i.oh -.'' I e'ulAtlv awav as she announc-d h-r decision, and .-ft fur to -irn.'zl" Into ber lackef anslded. Thi* -hi? lt li c.''ld teat a not.-<1 man mitl'ii. r ol Furls pur? re.-- making ii vl-1, lo N-sv York -hortlv. and hi* advent ls w.-ilt-d for with considerable nfernesa by manx- of bis customers, ssh,, long to beor tlie words tal ssisdom from hi* lips lu regard to la** coming *_Robbbv The stories of the use of *lertrielt*f In the hon-. hell. If practically realized, xviii do mon- than nil t'je dreams of co-operative kltckena In solving the problem of housework. If electricity could be intro? duced Into thr household OS a motor io (nra the tras-hlng-niacMne in which heavy rlothea an sva-h.-d. to turn the wringer and the manpl-. aad aecomnttsh munr minor tasks, lt wonld bo a ?*? num- bl.--in-'. There ls alr-iidy ? d*-x'!ci- for grlndlnp tb.- mornlnP coffis*. a little slide sturts th" motor, mid when tli, coffee is ground and falls Into Usa coffeepot, a weti I tura-, off tba motor automatbailv. Meat mas bs chopped, fruit Juice pr'-?>sed out. an lee mm fneaer tar:ied. or cream extracted, la un lt,-imt from milk bv varioi- other devices of which taAeetrt-Itv I- Ibe l-flnvlng power. There ar" baking ovens, knttnt Stove*. Haurepuns, broiler-, priddl'-. s..dir,.n* and rarlous other utensUs mav be attached to an* ele-trir- light wire. Ti.,- volta-'- in 'h.- ,:,? Of these hot-BflBOBl appllancs H from BO lo 110. TR* os.-,,-, which posse-s many advaniap-s 0***R hu oven nested bv ga* or k'-ro-eno are lined ssitli a-b'-sto-. -o there ls no radiation of Bent Into tba room. 'I he heat L, appll'-d at the top ami bottom of tl ?? os, g alike, and may be rontroll.-d by a switch 00 tba ont. Bd-. There ls 0 thermometer attached to tbs oven Showing the exact di-pr.-t-s Bf OOOA ! Htid tluro I- B piece of plate gla-s In tbs nv-n floor BO Ibo! tbe cooking may be watched and th- bent graduab-d lt lt ls going on too rapidly. The greatest objection IO th*' oven ls that lt mn not be orsn'-'l during the looking, and then -fore meas cannot be ba*t?-d. a., th-y crtiiinlv should be. There is no special pain In tim-. A twelve pound turkey ngaftnO two bo?TB and forts- tis-.- minute- ; ,i lire p und roast of beef about an hour and a half. If lt Ix rogilla rare. Mes f'f various kind- mas' be cooked tn from thirty t<> forty minute,, and H seems prolsihlo thal thU oven ssould prove mon- valuable fir pastry-baking and other fjaateg whi-n BB Intense heat ls rcjulred titan for general BOC ll tho "rttchen. Th- fjjsjot advantage of stu li Bl "V u ov.r ono heated bv gas or kerosene, ls that lhere ls no odor and no trunk... Tbe averap- k<ro-erir stove ls liable to -moke, unle-s lt ls WaftRfbOi ssitli the nio*t viupulins car"; and notlilng t* mon- destructive mid BkMCree abl" than the nll-pervadlup. in-net rating and greOSf soot from this sinok". A pan-aki- grlddb-. a mff?e-pot or tOOPOl mav BO attach,"d to a wire, g.-parati-ly. There arc ubi broil ers which broil ihe meat without smoke, amt In so rapid a manner a-s to recommend th"in to all good cookH sfhl know the value of Intense and rapid beet In bridling, it bj not Hbatf that tbne Utcben u'enslls will take the place of the ranp.. but tluv mas I"' raluable a? an adjunct. A teak,rt He ss hi-h ss ill beal water rapidly at night, or a chalti,!.' disk Whick svlll malu- a little appetizing dish for HB*jter, sslll b (ton uae^Jl In the summer, when lt ls desirable lo <IN pen-,, with (h.- iioat of tlio kltchi-ti rant'e f,,r at b-ast a part of the day. Flatirons heated br BO .1 Hi' trlri.' would do away wit", the misery ot a hot kiundrv ln sultry weather. Slid enable tin- (TrSa?Sf Ifl a, imii Hish ber (asks In an e_sler and u more -a,'-factors Bianner. The saucepan, heated bs *lt*C||l(ltt. sslll be especially valuable In the shit room and ours-rv. to take th- place of the disagreeable g^s saucepans. lt ls rather the fashion to decrv tinned va -potables BS being unwholesome, and there ure people **ho rare ly allow them lo appear upon ilu-lr tables, alleging t?it they ure both unhealthy nnd "xvry Amelie;,,i," T*t who will partake of eon*"***. gi?*is nf nil krs*dR ?Pon a yacht or steamer without remark, if priaatr hr treated t*"?'y ure perfectly harmless nnd whole some, there being two <?sentl;il rules which should b? Inrarlably remembered. The first ls that when s ?"?I lt Oiw-ned the edible, Wliatever lt Bs, shotlH be turned out at owe Into another dish, and should *ottr be kept standing In the Un. (ar<'ess cooks *?* *pt to lease tom at or-* or mushrooms or other ?hr_-*l thlDga used for te-asonltig in the cans some llOles for v-v-r.l ?,...? iii hs ,, _ "?? l:i *mrb ' :*' '?""? ?"'" wa J,' 1"*h"1.' Tba .?,.,- r,?. ? , ,: ., v?..,?,e , ' ' "' :"" '" -""?? H. .. .. niWe. be warmed |n il, USS ,| ii,,. '"'"'" '- anotfcer ?.,,,,.., ,,,,,,,,-.,1 vin, tbese pre ***** ?*"??*?-. lind thai |. ,.,.,, ,.?. ,? ?? - mania tor '?'??': "?-* ni all risks, which -onie ??.n kare, has "**<** "'?''' ""' people -., p .?, - riot ? ls upon ''"' '"""""t: bat if i h..,,-..:,...,.-,. i. , ?? ful ,, but """" '"" ''?" best ami ?.., ,,,,, , ,.v .?,. ,??p..,iv | Pt l'.'r-d by h.r raab shs need has.- no fear but that ?>r llnned ? ret.bU- iir? M i,,,-?,. ?, ?, ti?. .,??,. -ah-'a-i-., |? (I, ir riW i|Jd mimi ..,.,,... ;,,?, ? ,. v.1'1 l">'' ? " i"is ntap- ,.f procuring an Infinite r? ['?'' ' fO* lier tabb. a| ,, v,.,.v ,?,.,-,, ().,r,.,V b.-lll ?f '??n ? im i mon, r, THE XEWFHENCII STYLES. STIFFEH MM MIM.M.s PREDICTED ll,,- newest Fnnch grwnt which has- l.n in. p-urb-d 'i,?* i.-i,. |? ,,,,. _.,.,,<h ,, ? ,.,,, . ,?, e-x'lii*lv.. 11,,-d. * imve ail doabta ot re*t as to thc use ..f -titr racings In -..,s\i,-. rhe**n dr.- rn- en linly dep,.ndenl for their grace ol cat,.ar upon the lirm material* ol which Ik s an made. Thew t- no "??"taking Ike t,-i,l of :.,*i.',.? In this molter. The das ,.f soft nun,ri.-.I- I- gi,lng try. Th- c? 1 India -.11.- imii -utah-, mn*: houri pis,- ara? lo Ihe Hitler ?affetns and gmt grains, and ike tefl salina mas, be sp.--,<ie,; i.s ii- armer satin il- Lycn. Bven Iii* ness- wo lien*. Hke i - bnp-aaekln* :.n,l various rorded and H-rurrd svi?.i-. has.- a rei tain win tody ot their own, svhich mable* ibero t., aland oat wit noni ihe ii.f .nv -titr racing of I ? r-. h.-ilr. I.i- racing I- no longer osed bs any Brat class dressmaker. Th.- u'tiio-t stiffening fonud ii.? inrench poss,, I i, lenin, ii Interlining or stiffening, ibe ssme width ,,f f.U'lnp tl.i't bas I-- ,-,,! ',i - s.iiil sear- . ;; Hi, bottom of slreel gowns, liken the gown i* of sufi mn'.-riaI an Interlining ?f (.mn-'ntlcii muslin, sub .-,* i, ti*,-,I in fold- i*,itj 1. p.ade use *.f. lt -h mid br "f tbe very lightest finality. The yachting and booting cs,un,..- mad.. |? txsjidon ai-., often iii once quieter and more -chic-' In their woy than those made for Ihe purpose In Parts; for Farts, tin- v.-ry Queen of Fashion, aa regard* dr.-* for tke statelier function* ..f social life, l- some tim..* theatrical In the make of gar-oenta Intended for out-uf-dnni- sport*. Serge and flannel remain Ibe ? two nereoaary fabric* for water excursions. There are some utreau-ly pntty __g_sh flannels wbkb, i lt ls claim.s|. never tkrink, no mntt-T how (-"racily HOV are ll-e.l. I.f the |;,|.. , ,|1:1,?.., 1|, E-*gll*b booimgdri?* i- -h..un herewith. Ii I- mad,- ol duh Mu- serge, iind ike -kin \s.n*', ssiib:i bss -, (rill dossil th" front aud ii sside collar, la of White wa -ilk. dotted ssiih blue. Tbe loose -.-rp.- bodice open* in front to oboe Ibe frilled shirt-waist. A ii.w yachting gown from Dotaci't l- In Mae iet-ge. The ??.hic"?f tin* ;.-,,ssii I* I mle cribsble, simple u Ibe* an-. The -kui fall* at the back in that git linet anted effect cci-Mend so desirable tor linet gown*, lt char- il,- ground, yet lt ba* the -we.p and Brace "f 0 trained gown, Thr? two in. b bands nf Whits woollen braid, willi reuther edgn ,\. In white ii", let. ti in* tho -birt; om- edge I* placed at the bottom, one at ibe knee, and one midway betwtsrn tb- kn? and Ibe waist. Th* bodice I* of cream white s',,...i of a nape-like lexton, bud in Bm (dents,sj over which I- a pointed peasant ssni-r or tl,.- serge.J without lacing bock or front, bat laid '.-, Ihe pR-atcd white wool lu deep curling points, separated back and front by a wide space, Tliese points .'ire boc Bend by .a white bi aid feutb* r-edged with crochet, and Ile- bod!,- I- Ol Hied by a belt of tbe sam" MOM. The hage leg o'.mntton tletves?o feotnn nf dre-- ob ssh'., a Donee) especially prldn him elf thia ta-eon? aro of bim- lerge, and ar,- very -chi,'' and '.'ra, .? ful: bat they ;,r- rnther blgtier ll an tbe .-bes,, l placed in mon etabente dresses. Thi- gown aeem* simple enongk In Ihe dracriptlon tu bin- -. i?-.-, white ss.e.l and Whit* I raid, bul a- a " cie.-itLn'' ol ;- faiuou I r.nih bon-', ssl.ii h I- !.. I i.aid..lug tbe boil? of Worth, ba* been sold af fp_00. The pr.-i-nt ornate mann.-r of aiake of many simple ri iib,, svhii h sere formerly rn ul,- up In -.sar., tailor fashion*, I- shown la a gown of bop -aekinp jiLst Imported. The colon of Ibe wool wen dull noe and ecru. I?tating lui i Indi,'incl t-ns-n ton.,: t!..; good* gove, ot o distance, il.Beet of ecru. The shirt ssa* about liv.- In. he* sside, tittliu: smoothly nt lop ar.ld th- hip, and ti* far ns th" kn*-,- and Rating tfcenn. A nfrne-lnck band <,r heavy ? ern lac- sva- b-i In tue skirt, underlaid by a band of golden brown -atm. Tba waist ol Ihe bodk*e ssa-. of tin- new short -napp 'd mindi- relvet, a grayish ? ern tint presaiiinp among many other mon brill lal- -hades. Tbe .-leese* were Of wisil vslth ball.sui putts of velvet. A bertha and yoke ol Venetian gOtpUK covered the Unger part of the ssalst und bil over th" balloon pud- ol the "Beere. A pown of kef) MChtOg ss Itt, a jacket liodlce I* otu Of Ihe bx-ot models for a .-pring travelling dr--,-;. The vest ls of silk laid IB the dole.! pl-al-. The girdle' U ;,i*? of silk, and Ibo itwcn of lbs Jacket an fared. **voa warm tamo* bo*xbb ure Bttei Mutt lo e_ange ,, ,,,,.,-t, lhere R antbtni slaming abont ti,. :"''" , ;,a, ,f Ibetr myriad i,?.-. Imnoae Ibey T:? ..I ,?.iv"""""'- '??.;-??????'";; ,m u, introduce pole peen, oBee, pah- Mae. *aaon, Vl"'"t !'', ' Sd HU- IS S,?ce-,fUll.V done l? .' J' :,r,Uin"- Ti,-.- ,:.',::?.. are*, S , ne sl.iKl"*. Bt** shade iBt-tg grad :;X?ilen .-?? sr i_r u S , .... In ll"'" "ccordion id.-.i-. -"viral "f"" ,1"i,,,,;if" ?', gowan ..av.- recoils- been Illus examples Ol . ' ???. rsrOrite IriStlOlOg Of the ,r:,,'M,nle.'1,g.v.u-?'i..- I tin- black I.e.- and rm j weHmted g? of ,, Mowh n.-t. ,,r",d,;l"^ "?!? * n.lroic velvet apis-irs lu .h. *""M'\ , he varbsl 1,,,,-s ot lb. t-SOsatt. A -lies.-, rei*'., ?? " ?, onrtSOt lidMO Bf blue -aaaooooBB tBm*****^^ ^ w|th B m/f (oVi.I.(.,| shading t*> ???*"" ,H)r,| srllh black thread Rtth ruttles. BBWi ]i((i i||i ]B0ttima4i miiBig l8"" ,fT"l,j\?llslil'.^ "">"' T"" *"'r",,!,d,?" juis- <>r aw ? ,u.,?-greii.idlne. lt wu, msde S_i lu":1. Sit* -??? ?? ?*- ?' tn,- lissi,,, -ri-,.. ; nd Moe. Aa nM-tlOW band of Lial 1. s.-iv.-: , .. : '??*? : ari in front bs a t-: il iii nt buckle ,,i lint diamonds, ss.-.- won or . i Ike Ikroat; .md ;.' pnBrd sleeve* ,,f ike I - ? .,- lt*?ar were taught op svi'h 1h,-.s, ,,f btaeb tall.nd ii pn-iii, of Mack satin tfbbon ssas ,u the j waist. There i. a touck of Mack -ina rtt-bon lu ai bow or a -ferdie. I'll!- 'IU -IV.-* ;| l.l; I.b.I f "Ile BOT! Of pnSS || W4WU ; iii Parla tin- spring. li ?*? oVslgned by Fegg and j -liusso a in ,-t -p-aceful raitetf ol tho g.r-d skin. r**m /_^y^ "**"--r**-' am I' . 1 D T-v(>\ ' I. V i ' ill 1 Il lr Vii. rho material 1- (Bliped -urah In a delicate -had, of nans- .md pale green, and I- irlmmd elth dark .-reen Velvet and vs it',, rouleau* of 'naas- surah. sims.- aii,i green or purple nnd green Isac, rubi i inii very fa li bum ide J um now. s brllllint example ol la- rattier staring mixture ?.-i -,-,-n on a lartt-fcalred roesi al ? recent great i'.ni lan aisiillng. lier gown na- lu -ilk ol Ike brightest lone ol mauve, trimmed ? few italie- above ti,., it. rn v. i, i, a s-i.b- lia nd ol green lelvel. lt ssa- Bi?knit '.. b.-li-s- til- j.-pnlt nf 00**1 v , iii thi* rase at tir-t. -, rsBTfcctl) airorlou* Wo* i.e i rudeiie--- >.f the effect, Oa the Bane occo-fon t, .??ry tail woman won i long rloal ol relret in lae ree pent I fl, .1 purple -h id--, the , ii ,r heavily Irimmed sith -able. lu h.r bonnet sia- an :iis-i ??',? ol I au il. til (.athei-, bal there ssa* nothing Jarring In tke irexlmlty of ike us,, talon, -.< pal- ? .- ike -.-..,.,, iii.I so ibep ss.,- Ike purple, iii -,s ri thi IIB of tlc ?"Toot of Ike deep brawn fur Intervening, a rope in ,right reddish minis,- ss.,- ronsptcaou* bs- reason of in- voluml.i, coBar, wklrh n**e In high ridge* all -ound th.* and np tu |be ear*. A igghf itmiiiuir ,f -urpii? folliwed tin- gsrmenl np the aisle, n sa* ijui-e ihe Mri ,,f , ,n, ,,,..,. ,,.,, ,, ,1(K ,,, ,h(, udden dropping .-r any exlnvagant 'ashton, rollars it- ssnrn a-ti.iii-hlin.-h finds ju-, ooW, mais ..f th. in icing lined ssh,, ian ,,r ,, id, -, rea kel la a liol olitr.lslilip ssitli ihal of th ? , | ik. -I CIEL'S I ULM. I' si: > tOUl OP I HE Bl s-,.\ " Tn .,an a \ a i. iii with (WO lovett -**-*"- thal ' lei ilgher than ih. v irm lot . . ns,, ,,,, ,. on Hie .".x, ".min. --iv linn, ii ..m. and lo bus wit bool stint ill Ihe pr, nv boni ? i and pui . n| i nani i Inst mt 'I Wi Ol p il.-et -pi-,. K. |,|| ? ,,., | ,,, ,t x!>., , h.iit.i ?OJ Bt a girl-' lum I ? on lb* Oil ? r das . MU,..njli h*r isptratton* mas sound somewbai frirotoa*. Iben li iometblng wonderfully alluring In rvcryiblng Ibal I 1,linly and fresh and fashionable at il,is m?mn ol Ihe ,.-ar, and the rlabontc para uta especially, lhal took ,, particularly t mptlng In tit- ir -.sus p.r-\ rolored ??-.luis, .-ne r. ..Hs ont) adapt, i tor "csrrtagr f,.lk " li., nore ornate ot ? an ,| lite loo floe far au, garden pSsTtk I or I drives |q ti,.. Puk. * mfa -v Vf " Vevertheles* they are v,r-. fetching, and no wonder IliUb III,.,-. Ile king!, tn ptl - - nile II- Il tilting fr.lille ii ki r ls,nev face. A s-.: s lovel] a..- i of opal-Unled bid. ..n, -iii(, ivi111 folds of itraw-colored chiffon laid over nek rib. is|i|, a chiffon boa with a bunch <>f rose* of Ihe an int- aa Ihe -ilk, and a drep, Buttering fkmnce of the lilli,,n gathered parttcalariy full ot nub point. An dber cnii-ii- nf tn ertlooa ol Mack aattn rlbboa and alack s'lilpur-. lace lined villi palher-d folds ,,f pink Ilk, with loops of tl,.- black a,in ribbon lil,-si will, -rink Around it? p.-:,k. a third i* all a gutter arith ?ta:,,ti.,i raffle of oft Ilk, plaited si ibe edee*, sblle Other* of plan crepe in tie- iii,.-I delirious shades I..p.iid upi,u their linings and on tbe ez*iul*lte bench >.' 1 r.iicii lowen ol the top b.r il,-ir effect. I i.L\ MASCULINE STYLES. win, ii snr. I'Mti , omi.xu To BrOMCsT. There seem* lo be .-onie reason to anUripate one .f lao-e pei;,,11. al .. ul bleak- ,,f ll,.- ina-eiilllie effects n woman', dr. Ibal occasionally otSlei Ike public. \ boyish -isl.- f dr. - h.r onlv a ssoinan of c\ eptlonaily roonte feature* evn look* matini-h even In h- masculine shirt ba mt and mat la ooo "f tho ii..-! linbecoinlnp and Objectitmabk! ol .'si--. li ;n k* the iiciitii.-,* of tin- tailor*, b.-eai*- 00 iHl-t willi a .slap led -birt boom cnn be mad- bl i, it,- feminine form, it trna f,>r tbl no on thal be best tailor- ss ho made up women's i-.-tuinc, ,,f "otha for walking u - bas- never adeorsted Ibe al erupt ol cheap tiid.r- lo parody the coot, ss ni, oat nd -hui i,o*.i m.-ti. In hui suck a par*?I) In Ireaa ha more "Hen com,, fr m Krnnn ami be* n nure often worn ssir, Hm, tn*?t bouffsol of ililli-. it |a ir,au un- source thai the miiKttBne lindi, msv i om.- . The -lilli ss:,Ul- ol I bear bodices aro nude ssllh Ibe lllffest -.f la, tons, I mbini.bred In ..h.. -ion lu feminine tal.- will, tilth- Sprig* like gentleman', dr.- -hit,, bat, nevertheless, a stiff, SO ..inpiomi-iiip piece ol linen. Tho ealhir I* ettber a Banding ptccadlUy ,,;? a lurndown ,,,llar. sod tl.n re tralgkl band- fa teaed ky link*. An Eton Jseket sith deep revers I- mini xs it li Ibis thlrt fr..M. and oiii.-Hii:,-* a low,ut ssai-ic, a', having Ih'' nir --bin lU.sOIII I'll IS I,le)., , . A more l.ininliie und t.i-ti ful (iishinti I- Ik* Intra liKlloli ol j, neal linen cillii, ssiil, it tasteful " brials fn-t bow" of i-iiiiiruitbred lawn or ctolond -ilh ln-lde In- ?? ,,eps collar of Ibe poss ii nf WOOl. Culls are verv much inor- worn Ibis f-SOMa than it/ft holme. Ili.-v ale eilher a tralght band fa-nii-d rf ii linked biiliuii, or ii inrn.-I-..v.-r enif. 'Ih-.e ne ii prent many pet-cab, ?'-, In pale InrcntVr and lilllie, pink and svlale. or bin- mal ssh||-. I*)., y ar-- ss?ni In liaiinuni'e ssllh UtO gi**'il Ot i li:iiipe;ible WOOl, ss hi I, mas la- mule lu I oller la-hlun. Ili.-e i ob,led .-el* a,, chiefly for liiiv.-lliii.-. mid ale ss,an with ii;,intv lillie biiit-Hlv nasal* al ,1,,. Illina,, ur ssilli *i .nf* .,1 -ilk tied ill Ike -lose pilli' e's bu.,, alf.- i.d t'i- se.,*,?i Iii p. nth m-n', ,,,,-*. I h.,,- ur al-,, i h. ni-He- ,,f ssa-h -III. In ,1,1,111 ssini,-. in tinv bair Bim** '" eolor, siimh ore intended lo be worn at the thrusl ln-lde tbs " rtill' and ? *i.p" .ellar ni trareiBog dre****?, TUB BUMMER COTTAGE, WXX 1 AMII.IS rOR l.l'.IITIN'. Already -hoppers an looking Bbsatt for etHtOf* fur alton of ii,.- simple, Ineappostrrs varlets, which i* m ipeCkll ibiiiund fur IfSlldn and iiiuiinlaln boin,.*. pretty taiublahra nf three biaiiclie, lu pr.icefiills rorved wtroagkl iron furnish {nsf Ibo light tor conatrf parbn*. They iiih.v !?? Itgbted bet wi en tke daylight and lbs lark, af thal BMgkt **anr wlilck tbs Scotch ''I' th.- ?ph.,ming." and BO bot -umm.-r evening* Iho Ihree candi.-, sslll pis- all (be Bgbf ,?.,,--, irv. In tba b.w.-r part af Iii" candelabra j, ? ,>u,. nwarl sss- I, f,:,,ned. which gfrrsB a ,|,i.,liit, al trii* liv*" ?'" '"' "'bu- io tbs 0*00 V*WB. Mich simple naoaWlakta east en ;,,,. Monntctl w'"1 oraatn-RhliB ,,r paaaVtaSR Otx taiidU-s, -sith (-Bf IfR-BO .hades of White tl-*tr- painted ss ith Jopgnw ?,-ellery, they iin- exceedingly orr?imeotsl. It is really difficult, ii, i'i'' nf all pro! -titi,,;, to I in- oolitrars, lo get candle* ibal v. ill nm ran. The best qasllty ol I'-np ll-b ss ix camlb - are Ike bett for Iii- reason, and tbef tiny be mund in ans ..' the l-n-g.-i gr... :|.-. lt ls inti* ,1 -rabis iii le eriiii'.uilcal tu buy the?candle- bf tin- puiind than bv Hie iiu/.ll. A wax give* a i.-aiiiifiii light, softening hard fentona and bringing out til- tin,- p.,inr- ,,i bmny thing*, rwtaMy .,f Jewels, I' I- a pits thai sro do nut ii*.- th. iii mun- generally In our bornes wheo a -troup light I* nut i,.-< .--arv. Instead or reserving I Item for dinoun and a fess -111,ely OCCUxlol?. THE STRAWBERRY, ROW TO ' si; it. lt ls |?,.*|b|e |n these -Of* Ut get *t VA'S 1? Ttl 9 th" bare all ,:,,? sweetnesa and aroma of the ssiid berry, with ,i?. i,,,,-.-.-, ?it sin wMcta rulUntton piv.? -. M?|, f|.|l1t ,, ,?,, s,.nd.-d roiii-imiiiy in rnaritsft, lui it cm I,- tomi .s.n In Ike larg- cits mark-t*. and .un one pn.,| of a lillie skill in gardening can rai*.- sack berrie, at a trifling eX|H.|i*e. Tbe tnajorlty of the 'trawttcrrte* brought lo market an rn-, d by gardeners ss:.ire tnon for quantity and carrying power than mr quality, and they ar.- ..ton n di-a| polntiii-nt ii, flavor, b-itig and lacking ike aroma of Ike wild berry wklck ha* ramed [ur ll ,'? botanical nan.f - ingana." the fragrant. )>t ra Wherries ai-.- ja-i BOW coming from Ike -muli and ar. -..ld a- aa 'ii Cent* a basket I but they are hopelessly acid, it i, doaMful if any Boatkern berry attains I bal perfection of laver and fragrance tluit i- found in Ihe frail gnni, rn, lang Island nnd other garden In Ibe vicinity ol New-York. Tke ssiid -ii-iui.-ns ,,r ni,- -.i, i* certainly inferior t?> Iks -?nu.- '...-liv at th- N.,-1,,. though il 1* lar::-r. I'm ; I Mun found ,t ran benin grossing ulm,,-, under Ike e,|ii.ii,,i- ii, ioe Ande-, hug., in ?te, bal almost \si\,,,:,i flavor or odor, i ?? ar.i ul the strawberry i* Isigely lost In .liing, and i, should br a-..I fresh wher vrr ll at isi-.ii.|i- io do so, I,, presorting ll I* .---aiiii to sn '???- tu can Ike rruli when Insckiu* and fresh from Ike bed, sud to u-.- a variety f berry tiwi ls ,.| ri, h flavor. Tbe Wiesbaden preserven, ssl,,, an mon -a,..- ii.I sith -tiai-.i.. ni. -. thin mis one rlse do nol altos ti,, u- berrie* i.I, mu, than a mo m. m. They till ike can- wllh Ihe freak frelt, and set I kern In a larg.- kettle cuni.lining Water jus' bot en...,gh io bear Ike hand. Then should be a wooden rack ni th- i,.'i.?n ol ike buller, and ib.iii -ia,aid be around ike Jar- tu prevent I keir inn bing each other. R*hen they begin lo boll Ibe i.ern.un pr> ewer* watch them, and as soon a- the berries rise tu the iii,iira ,,[ tU** jar lin v lake ikf-tn not and rovie I hem ultu a. i-u'i, eoU syrup. By Ibis Breon* Ibe stamp appearance of Ibr bern i,s well os ii- H.,sm- i- pr, .is.-.i. I li. r-- ar.- moo) say* in *-?-11i. :i a basket of -trass b. i: i. , may b- i-..I fur d.>rt. There ar.- til" daintiest of *:riu'..rry tail, made nf fresh -tran berrie*. I lesron Impl) -hell- ol pastry tilled wttk perfectly r,-.-n. ripe berries ss.ii sweetened. After tilling tb- -h.-ll*' ssiiii iii- sweeto-oed bt^-rica ,.t th.-u in tl.san a few iimm.-tiis to |,-i the -ugir mell; then l-i iii- tan- cool aad serve them beeped ss ita ss.,i|,|-cl .i-e.iin. ?hell* nf putt paste ian ? i ll) Ne procured fruin .-.ns Fr. baker. Inothoi method ,.r terring i-? rr..- al lunckeon or for ?' Uglll dr teri i- , BIOUM of ? h.impugn.' j. nv. ih-.-pii-e c.. j, (j) silk half a pint of i liam uagne, hall ., boa of gelatine, half a cup ol eoM isai.-r. I!,- |olce i.f ;i lemon, ii cap of -ugar, nnd a rap and a boll of botliag ss,,-.,. ,,,,1, ike gelatine f..r iss,. boara In Ike cold ssat. r: add tl., -ugar and ls..ling aster, and then the Wtor and lemon Jule. ?strain the j.iis- tkrouf-k a Dannel rlotb, Hare ons charlotte |?sar mould holding twa quart* and one le.hiing one quart. "fut a layer ol tke j.-iiv iii Ike bot toes ol tbe terger mould, and set lt .v. nh on ih- lc. Wheo tke J. liv ls Arm, set tbe ?n.ii a, a,i,i on ll nibs!,', i racked iee, Poor la ...ld tn.-l,-si J.Uv l?f.s..a ta,- ns., m.,il,|-. -md when this i- Brm lake ile- Ice nu' of ,:,.? -mall mould and pu' iii a Utile Ink*.mn Water, |0?l h"! ? nutiph, tu allow lt to >'.. uri.d mi', lt i- it thing mat mast l... don* ssl--, , ir-, for If tl," ss.ii-r I* . hot the J.-llv ss-:ll rn-!', but if lt !- Ja-- righi ,'?? tm.aid .an lifted .at with..ut dl-turUng ti,- J.-llv. A quart cavltf swill be I-f, li, tb- j-Hs. ss',bi, i-* io be ? rll , rp h itrswberrtes, ih- fruit r..r thia pur l? . n.i: i be i,. pt v-ry mid at..I mu-t I- well awed ? id ja i t.',,r- li I* put in lo mohs l, pabUaMe. I, al-., look prett) :f a Utile wMppcd rnsm i* mix-si ssiia ||, Tbe tnould mild Ikea h.- ssr.-:j,h,d sslth whipped cream and decorated ssiiii ft? li -Timh. rileo ssh- ii lt I- mil. Ih.-re I* un more delightful lc.<Te.i-ii than om? ma,!" of tin- Joice of rh h. rip* stnwberrtiW and fr. -a rr, i-n. Mir a heaping (ap of grannlated .-ugar sslth ? Ila of t r. ?? ,.gga. Mix ss.l! and add lo a cup .-' holli g milk. Mir ll ? rntXture ilioroiighlv In a .!..ii'i. hotter, .,r a -m. .pan --t in another holding ls.liing * t!--r. f,,r BtsiUl Imir ,,r live minute*. Then .uld :,. ..lixiur.- a pfnl of s,-ry rich cream ?nd lb* Jab.- ,,f a quart of thoroughly ripe, rich ?tra wherries, lp-.*. i!i. ( ream carefully and serve i, wtth white , ,le da.mi.\- Iced .md flavored sviLb Mtt. r almond . ? A CHARMING BODICE. ON Ol BE AND OLD LACE, Her* I- a rerg rharmlnp bodlee for an Informal dinner Brr ? for a toll and slender mald-n. The g..un .- in a pole nsf ituwte ,,f ondins -nu?a retry youthful iiia'ar. al. Th* full sollar or ltrtha ls nf beaattfal *.m deeper -bude sslth .-mall but glin, ring diamonds PRETTY >//''/;.*?' AND STOCEINGS. AlAi THE KEW BTTD-B. The tu-ss- ssaiking boot fur aumater ls often luced tn*trad of buttoned. It baa a i*.ltit.d t,,e and a rather Inst military he. I willi a tip of lbs .-am bather a* Ike r?I of ?_* du*', I* lint-lied sslth a ross of i?.rf,,rail,,n*. iiu*,et Baaala baiher la tbe fashionable material Of tbe hour b,r walking, tnrettlog and fur general wear. Sock a kool a* IM* i* "**p**ctally recominended as a "World's lair'' -hu.. lt dm* lad BBOW the ilu*l nf travelling ami I* aliogeih.r nmr.- easily laloll ? Ile nf thad B black kid -hue. l',,r mule rtaborate wear a ?boe made ol tim- kid sslth tke pointed I'lcadlllv I"'- and English heel I, rkosca. lt ha* a ttralghl fuxlng and tip nf pat. lit balder pertonted on Ihe islg.-. Foe damp svealh-r lhere ar-- *eii*lbb- high I*...:- of Dung,,la bather sslth foxing Ol calf-kin and stsli*li perta ruled ti|>, nf the same leslber, li,,-,- *lio.s protect Ike ankle Inure limn an nrdlnary ls?,t- The- ure BtsBe wltk a misb-rnlilv thick md", beavy enough fur prut.ellon, but not un cuiiilnriabl..- amt eta*"**-*"", ItBe m. muns- calf-kin sluies. whick ar- made f..r ladles' Brear iift-r men's model*. The nfl nest and sm,hui, "tmh-k of itu?ta kat? n renders ll ai ,-|*iially agreeable nialorlal lor "boes, and ll ls ss.-ll knossn to 1"- One Bf Ike m"-t service ahle of all bi,hers, I'll.- ness lie -iioe* are made of tht, roaaet l-atii-r. The ness- loss skoea ar,- laeed rather higher than la-l ss'a-ou. With Unlr dainty pototed np* and -tsli-h initti ny keehi Ibey ur.- a v.-ry pr.tts. p|,iurcsi|iie -!,,"-. willie a- -i., promise lo be won agata, lim nut sa mack aa lari anson. For n-gHp.-.- or for -iimuer plaBaa ih.-re "ar,- -I, m-, ,,f nd ii:,,r.?,u. \s Iili li th- -summer pl.I" ssill ss, ir ssitli husb-ry In >panls|, rel IO match theil. l',,r i sening scar and tor dani lng there ls a -r.-al vari.ty of dainty -lipper*. The,.- are peii-iallv ItlSpfSd user the Instep and buekbsl Wttk "chic" lillis kb * ol rliliie-'iine- "r Ol -ilsrr or g-hl. 'lin--.- iBpprn ar.- mad.- nf potent leather and li, iud Iii sari, ni, -hud.* fur ev-ulnp ss, ar. The dal unite k?Pf*** ssnrii with dinner or Boating dre*- liivariablv mai. he- Ih.- dr-**, and the kOOtenf then matches Ike -Upper. BUverf sf*****-* of pray and -u.-d.- briissn hld rtlppera ar.- worn in the Biternooo arltk gawa* lo liartnuid/lng culur- mid lui- -111.* i iiihmUl er-d sslth fleur *'..- Hs. ***s-*atd dm- nr ssa** other small ,1,-lgn lu dark.-r lone ur lu black. A* a rub-, hie ever, black silk stocking- ii ml I MBSS-r of black kid . i ,,i nut. nt baila-r. or i, potent tesl tar pinup, nc prc f.-rn-d fur ii ft ern omi. >>mctimes the -locking ,,|hii work In front, with a de,|pn of tine luce let lu bs- threuds nf embroidery; ur it amy lie powsVn**"! With liny violet,, rosebud,, tnlnbiture bow kilo!*, or some other in sn ******* design, t-oine of thc ms. cst. blink -tn-king, are -tilpod with vertical lines In waite ur pale violet unite far ?[*trt. milers an , :i,i,mci,t,,1 .,, ,1,,. .j,|0v ,v?h ,,, n V(iU pykes 0f cru 1.miders- f.,rin.*d bf triple clocking In color. C. AILMENTS POE CHILDIIEN. TIIF. LATEST I N'.I.IMt STYT.I'.V H-r- ls a pr-tty little enssn for a girl, made of jiearlgrav wwi. lt ls trininn-d xx lt h narrosv white braid, os th* tut indicate,. l'oxs.s of the braid * , , lr *.* \ ' ' simulate ? round yoke and tb* trill which surrounds it i* edged xv ii h the braid. TM* ipiaini walking cost ame for a child I- of drab doth, made dooMe-bnaated ssiui l-oll tullar and larg* pearl hiltons. Ti,e gathered *klrf give* a parti? nl.irlv pkturesque effect. This praceful drrss for a girl ls of thin wool In a fancy "beck. The iie.p double rev?ra open over a v.-t of -hm -ilk. Tbe sleeves, which sro full to lbs elbow, has,- a (urned back gantlet cull. IHE SOFT-SHELL CLAM. DFLICIOl'8 BTEW AM) CHOWDER. The -oft shell dam ls unite a dlireirnt creature from ta- bard ,*hell or " ,|ii.iliaug." lt 1- loinid In our market* In tko Sinter months, especially lu IVbiuaiy and Korah. lae -lull of this mollii-k I* loog and quite different In -ha|*- fism, thc shell of tho qooboag. It l- 'lull" Important la preparing Uii, rtooi to tkrow away tke hard part (ot t.,i- 1* vrry lndlge*tibb*i, leaving nothing bu, ibo budy of tba .-hrllii-li. lt ls ul-,, unite Important taut thl li-h should b- perfectly fresh, it ls as oenaiary tiiat lt should bc beyond -ii-pblon a- is a lobster; hardly any tish dcl.-rlunite, BO rapidly after lt ls out of the water. linter af lci-t Bftf sufi clams. Remove tile body of the tish carefully from tin: shell. tlU'uw.lig itwjiy all lb.- hard part remaining. Whoo they on nil ready put ii table-pnoiifiil of ihe very koot butter Iago a saucepan with the clam,; poor over them a wine glassful nf Madeira, adding, lt you wish, two Hildy min, cd mushroom,; tu,, the aaanpao OM?Bb?lg the chums gently for nb,.u, Ilse ,,r -Ix minutes; thru sot them ut the bock nf tho Blore and bt them cook fur about thr.-e minutes longer; beat up the yolk, ot throe eggs with a pint Of cream ur very rich milk; pour this lui,, tho BBOCepoo With tbs clams and slink.- it thoroughly. It should nut bull, but should conk In thi, WOf for abou' tb108 minutes m,uv; then terre thr clams at .nice. These sort dams un- a si rv rich dl*li, mid are liked very much for u moo's aapfjsr puny; bat they are nut us srhoicMinie a* the hard clam , and alu lundi more IIBkail to prepare, aa to mock "f thom must be tlu-i'svn mvn. Tba bard dom ls usually s. lei led f ordain chowder, and thi, iii-i, i, ,?ie of ,i?- ib-iighi* of Hm aommar s.-a-nn, Ihe bard clam being lu perfection frum Muy lo S"pt.-iii!?.,-, when nv,tors an- out of market. 1'or it goisl dam chowder, take twenty-four medium sired hard -helled clam-. Wash mid cut lu -.Iles hall il ,1"/.,-n ness- po,.itoes. |'||| them lui,, ii large pore lain lined -lim. j.h. containing two noa rt* of cold water. Add oas whit- oaton, chopped tin... two sprays of -oiip ceterf, ni*" chopped tine, mid this gi-e.-n bas.-, ,.f tl.ree ur lour Btalka of par-ley. Add a ''il.l ?pooi-fiil of bolter Odd om- of salt. .Now put th* kettle over tbs Bra and let tin- svai.-r cunio slowly tu Ike botltng poloI, mat bull tot abut, twenty minute*, a, the ena nf ,.,i, tim,, take a larg. alice nf lin,, buding puk. ct sliOOst half an Indi tlilck. frc- !t "rom lue rind and cut lt int,, Hub- cube*, l.e, this pori- Stand In a saucepan at tin- back of the tire fur nt out ten minnies .-tft-r ,1,,. diossder ls put user. Theo bring lt forword und frv Um- *crap* brussu in Hu- fill in tin- pan and i'ldd them to the Chowder, leaving out (he greil-e which has tried out of them. Add now to th* rhowdn four nice t. maines, cut lt, smsll piece,, and a sprig of lbs nie. took twenty minutes longer, int each dam ii fun, eijnjol par,-, anti add thee*, will, half Heir Jul.-, tn tb- chowder. Let the Wk OM boll fm- toro minutes mir,-, btu nu buig-r. Draw ibo kelti- to the bork of tb- stove lind test the chowder. ir necessary, mid a mile nil ami a wltiposBfgl ot black lopper. v t:ibbsp,.?|.(n| ?f Wornstershln ,auce 1, al,,, n gisid addition. Break li, pb-res two large pilot crackers mid udd to Un- rltowtW, stir lt well, cover lt, and let lt stand fur time or four minutes. Tlu-n serve lt ?, anoe. This recipe may r-i,d to , pe, pb- who have bron ac, us,nilled ti) puck III clams. HO?kera, pntutnes lind ottier resstnT-ea nt tb. beabiatag, nnd tsdi the ChOWBsi tor tlire.-.i|i,..,r,-r- of un hour. Tbe result of siv li ,-,? king ls (hu, tile i-liin.s ure mer-ly toughened (lama nnd oy-tersi should be . onked as uuirklv Ot nosslMe, mid an- >?? mb ,.?<! tough and indigestible bj lengtlirnlng tin- pro. ess. - *> ?? A REE!' TOSC VE. BICE WATB UP M-liiVlVi; IT. A beef tongue I* best known ti) the general puMlo In Its or cured state, daintily sliced fur sand? wiches or served in true Mt?I-h fa,binn, putted or a la diable. It ls not to this form of tonpue we re? fer, but to ihe freak ox tonpue which forms so .-,?? eeptobie a dltinr ct I- li on ,1,.- Kronen ma ifs table. When simply lu,lied In water a I.f's tonpue. like any Other piece nf boii.-ii Is-of, 1* apt tn Is- lacking tn Savor. To rears-Bf this tbs tuiigue -hould be ladled In rlcb. svdl flavored stock. I'rocur- a gnoB-alocB fresh tongue. It wltl cost about -"?,) cen,,. Have it ssdl trimmed ulsiut the rout and ssell w?,hed and wiped, put lt Into a kettle or Nilling seal -t,? k. sslth half a carrot and Bl onion peeled and ,'ic.d. half a bay leaf, a sliced leek, a branch of asa*p artoop, two -pray- of parsb-y, -Ix ili.Ve, and Hill" whole peppers. I.el the tongue r*mmer titotrrlf in tba stis-k for two hours; at th* -nd of this time drain lt. !'?? tin- ,;.sk for a iirntioise or .iiiiit-ni.up. -kin tbs tangar ii- soon .,* it I- taken up. If you wi*li lbs tip lo ls- curled BUibr 00 Ibo planer the tongue mu-t t,.- rolled wltli tba tip under th,- mot and Usg In 'bbs position with a sining twine belon- lt i, put to bu 1. Tin- slice,-,, of this di,li ib-petids considerably ujion the pariil-lilng iind sauce ssiiii which it ls served. I, ls excellent OCrVCB SS 1,1, a phpiailt situce and (u'tiinber pickles. ,,r xsiili a tao*?to siiuce ansi macarniil. A delightful "-'lench m-tlmd of -.erxliSj a, tongue I- wtth chicken sss*?-Iles and mu,brooms, and alioth, r delicious mel hud Is willi bm rice, BOSaSBl in stock a la Milanal-e, sslth a si-iu-onlup of mush? rooms and a little rnitisl cheese?a preparation called, "rl-otio" by Un- Italians. To serve the tongue a la piquant.-, make n ntcs pl'iuant sauce, a recipe for wlildi has boon rec-ntly elven In ibis department, and mtv,- lt wita the nicest, of lion,ema,le Of**?In. The tongue -iiouhl be carved In del'rutely tbln slices. .Kor tongue win, t birken quenelles, prepare tbe oswaw?ea while lt is boiling. A i|iifii,ll,. 1- a forcemeat ball .shh I, I* poached la -tock or water sod used as a bsji?lok lo *onp or a *tl-li of meat, or serv.-d by Mat? a* an ci,,ree. It ia un, ,o be confounded ssith a frb-d ball of force? meat or any other preparation, chicken iimn-llag tin- mad" ol Hu- fcnasl of lb" cbii-ken. Though oili-r paris of th- meat may bs OseB, Ibef do not make so nice a hulking Bbb. E?OB4 flu.- tie- raw brea-1 of om- chicken after tl l-l chopping tin- meat : udd halt a set of cali", brains wjih h nave been stell wa-li-il and tiolb-d twenty minutes lu sali-d sv.-ii.-r. I'..und all together and rub the nn-nt thrungli a sieve; flBOaa"? it ssitli ii toos|.Biol of -al! a,id a liule pepper and nu,meg. If you wi-li. look two tabb.spoonful- of bread crumbs In half u pill nf rn-am for u few moments, -sj] n?.y on soft. Mix tin tn with tbs rest of the fore-meat, adding a I a bte, poon ful of but? ter: add two tabb-poonfuls of thick Jdlbd veal stick and tin- yolks and white- of two ogg-. Make the fmn-enieat in a hiimogeiieuu* mass and bu lt get cold. Whetl lt I- Cold shape lt lu oblong balls with two -poons dipped iii boiling noter. Hoop lt tn one hot -poon and pr--., the other over lt, and turn the ma*s trom one to tho other till lt 1- evenly aboped- When all th" **ot*?rtltO an- shaped put that? gently, one by otu-, Into I "lii'-.g hot .stock, which ls not bubbling In Hu- centre, but merely throwing up little bubbles at Hi.- .-id-s. The stork must ts- d.-op enough to cover Hie forcemeat balls. Cover tb.- pan and let thl-l muk In till, WOf fur about ten minnies. If the water boils violently the balls will be iM.liod to pieces. servo (bern around tba whole tongue with a mush? room sauce; or, for a lunchOOO di-li, cut the tungus in thin dices and alternate four slices of tongue xsitk :\ chicken SJBjb?S??, (serve the dl-h lu this BOOB with a rich allemande IBfBBO. A famous culinary ssrlti-r bas said that an alle? mande sauce was nothing more than a bechamel with ih.- v..Iks of eggs added. This ls not strictly true today, owing to the various ways in which rooks -Bah0 tbe simple bediamcl. For a good all.-maurie Mince melt two larg.- teaspoonfuls of butter In a sotscepon nnd stir in three teaspoonfuls of flour: add slowlf two cups of white L-t tho mixture -linnier slowly for fifteen minutes. Then bent "P th,- yolks of three eggs and pour a little of the hot mixture over them. Add finally tin- remainder of il,,, sauce, stirring all the lune. Bssjeete In tho Juice ,.f kail a lemon and add a heaping tea-punnfiil of but? ler. Mrain tba -ance and lt ls ready tor use. Td serve a tongue willi risotto, prepare tin- rice while tl.e tongue ls isilltng. Fry a small onion which ha* been minced flu,- lu two tablespoonful, of butter; (ben edd sloss ly a quart of White broth mid three min, ed mti-brooms with a cup of well wa-h-d ri. e. Wheo th- ric h.i, hoUed slowly a onarter ..f an add *lx minced moa?room* mid annih-r qoaii nf stis-k. se:,*..ll th.- ric- with un oven teaspoonful nf -ali und a -alt-pi?>nful of p-pp,r, and let lt cook tifte.-n min? utes longer. Add about three tablespoonful* of grated cheese; Bar mt'ann I* the nicest, *fove the rice on .i platter, ssith tho tongan- lil tho outre, and BOOB around prated cheese. If you wl*h tn color the rte.-. jn*t before taking lt up add a heaping teaspoonful nf Spanish nffroo nixed ta a paste with a little Murk. A tongue miiv also be "erred sa a b.-d of apt?ach which has b.-.n'properly bolled and i hilled, and tin, then been chopped titi" aud lt,",, wai mid up with a tablespoonful of butter and 0 gill of gravy. (il NG Ell (REAM. \ PIQUANT DB8SERT. "**?I In small tbln pl.-c-s three ounces ot preserved ginger, put limn in a lsasvl ssith three dessert sjssm ful- of the syrup, the svdbbraten yolks or four eggs, and om- pint of pood sweet cr-am. Mix thone Ingre? dients ssell together, put In a copper ?*"*?OOnsa* .sane pia or farina kettle (to preveiii scrchlnpi, and allow to cook .slossly for ten minutes or until the mixture thickens: then biko immediately off lbs tire and t?-at with a orin spoon until nearly cold. Add tsvo tea? spoonfuls of pulvcrlioi sugar; then add .-ne ounce of gelatine previously snaked in enough warm water to di,*olve lt. Strain the gelatine and add to thr other Ingredients; beal al together until thorouphly mixed, put In a mould, mid heep on Ice uuiil Bent io the table, as lt should bs served x-ery cold. Il pr.-, pared run-fully aisordlnp to these directions a dainty and dessert will b- the result. A frothy whipped rn-am pates] al,,,ut the mould adda to the ift.'ct, bul ls rattier too rku to BB eaten witti til" d,-siTt. ICED (IRISHES. Pori six oranges, can-fully removing all thc whits -kia and ?*****"*?, and tt-faraao Into small portions. Whip tbs while of one egg with three tablespoonfuls ,,f wat-T, then udd ? do--eri-pnonful of powdered -ugir. Mix tli.*e xv, 11 together und strain thrung? li tine SVlre sieve into il flat vessel. Wp the pieces of fruit tlrst into very good sherry and then into this mixture, and roll carefully In sifted granulated sugar. I'la.arti piece sepsntrly rn, a platier until dry, and arrange tastefully In a gb,,, dish. TUB se.sJs are easllv reinoVist by cutting through the portions of frill, ill Hie centre Jllst de.-p enough tn pinch out the -oed svlthout losing much Juice; tho Icing will close the rut. \ L. P. Hollander &Co. MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 17, In our MISSES' and CHILDRENS DEPART? MENT we will offer SPECIAL ATTRAC? TIONS in DRESSES of the Newest Fashions and Designs, as well as of the Latest Patterns in all the Summer Materials. SPECIAL BARGAINS are announced in CHILDRENS JACKETS and REEFERS which have been very mush reduced in price. 290 Fifth Avenue, Between 30th & 31st &&.