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AMBASSADORS. THE FIRST ArrOINTMtNTS-TIli; SCALE OF DIPLOMATIC SALARIES. ANERI! AN AND ENGLISH. London, March SB. The fads and dates niven in :t fort?er k*tter ?kow that the supposed rac*, if one mav uso Mich a xvord, for pri'iritv in the appointment ol ambassadors Ix'tsveon Franco a til England, did Bot occur. Tl,,*, action of EnglBBd woi ll Bdvanta* ?if tl,** French Foteign OfBoe, and it is perainii'le to think lt will that England (shoul.l in such a casir 00 first. "It xvas ilouhtl.*., :, chan,c." ob? serves "Thc Times,'' "bal to ss. believe, to most Americans, it must reeni a li.ippv chance that svo anticipated the octioo "I o;u neighbors." Then "Th*' Timi's' add-*: " AmrriCii as a Stat*' osscs much to Prance, but the bonds svhich link her to tins countiv Bte "stronger arid more enduring than any which Boliti ral acrviccs, hoxvever v.ilu.ililo. can knit. Wo each oilier ssith Uk* freedom of neat- r.-la tixva in a xvay winch iib times must, give 0,11 diplomatic representatives plenty of employment, but we can never forget that, after nil. svo an related a.s no other ne-oodea are upon Usn globe. and sse can never a*B*itC come lo consider each other as foreigners." That is in thr thoroughly fiiendlv spirit whick permanently undeilios tho whole current of English thettpht :in,l opinion and fceliog :,l,out English relationa. xvith A UKI Ita The Ntrw-Yorh teJeojraaa lo " T'oo StandartT mentions a rumor tlmt Sir .lillian Pootaeefote has "stimulated" the Knglish l'oroi-.n Office, ssith a view tn scrurinp the coveted pu.-t of " doyen" of the Diplomatic Bodf*. There is no foondotiOR fm *?nt rumor, svhich does injustice but I, to Sir .lillian and to the Foreign Minister. The latter acted on his osvn initiative, and at tin* earliest possible moment NoTTiulv who knosvs I,,id Rose lior.v or his rureer needs to 1).* told that tbe sjjuiit svhich actuated hun svas one ol nu, eic pood xx-111 to America. Ile sasv an opportunity to shosv it, an oppottunity to emphasize the real friendship existing l>etsvecn the tsvo nation*, and he seiz,-1 it. That is the secret of his being tirst. We may count it another piece of *-e*ad fortune that Sir .lillian Paunoefote should ii,- the lirst British Ambassador to the United States Me neetls no OOlogJf from this side upon his great abilities, or on his quality as a diplomatist, or on hi* unswerving friendship to America All these things are knoxvn in Washington, and I hope much more xvidelv than In Washington. They are of good omen for the continuance or good rela? tions betxveen Washington and London. Iietsveon England and tho I'mt*-*! Stales. Tlie diplomatist, and perhaps others, xviii Isp interested in that thc ness- ambassador is not accredited tu the President. His Bledtoltol* are addressed to "Out Rood Iriends the Tinted States of America." Tt is provided by tho act anthorizinir tho ap pointment of ambassadors that they shall have uo increase of salary. At the end of another twenty years or so, WO may lie able to convince oiirse'.svs of the impolicy of starving the diplomatic, service Logically, the increas" of rank xvouVI involve ,m inrrease of pay, but there is nut murh pl:,rr for lc-eic in politics, and politics have much to ,1" xx,th matters xviiich, in their nature and on their merits, are outside politics. So let us. BB before, take ;i practical viesv of the question, ami once moir hare recourse to the greatest practical authority, Prince Bismarck: and then seo hosv our Knglish friends treat their diplomatic agents. In the speech from svhich I hav*' already Booted, delivered Nnx* lt;, ISTI, in the Reic.list:i'_r, and to he found in thc collected Discourses of 1'iince lti-s marck. he had a point to cany. It. xvas his xvav to carry one thing at a time He xvantrd the rank conferred, and to get the rank ssas svillinp. as Senator Hoar and his friends xvere xvilling. to xvaive for thc time the question of raising the pav. lie said " An ambassador does not deserve a I higher salary by reason of his title.-' lie deserves it on other irotinds. or it is on other grounds thal it is expedient to pix-e it to lum. The Prince go?s on to say that if you like to be shabby sou need not alloxv more than from 1.000 tn thaler* ex(ru for ambassadorial rank. The extra l* for entertaining sox-ereigns or for other <zre;,t cere? monies. This proceeds on the theory that his pay as Minister Plenipotentiary has boon ample, and thc sum svhich, in Prince Rsmarck's opinion, might suffice for a Minister is from to 4<\ ooo thalers a year: say from *ytt,Boo to *?30.0f>o. The smaller ot thesf. two sums much e\coels the largest salary paid to any American Minister Uenipotrntiary. Ihe Ministers to Great I'ritnm and to Franre recrise each 8l7,.*i00 a year. To the intelligent representative of Nebraska or Arkansas this seems, no doubt, ample. One hears of the opinion prevalent in those remoter pssts of the ("reat Republic. Such a salary i< there r?. Barded as wealth beyond the dreams of avarice. It is believed that an American Minister to thc Court of St. .Tames or to Paris lives in either capital in luxurx' and splendor .luring (oar vrars, and retires xvith s;iviiigs which mike a comfortable provision for his old age. Hence the competition for these diplomatic posts. Far othersvise are the fact*. The fact* are that no American Minister in either capital, does live, or can lis'e, on hi* salary. Ho may co-no to Europe with the most Jeffersonian notions of re? publican simplicity and fr'i.'i!ity. Hi lads on his arnx'al I certain scale of living in the xvor-'d among which he is thrown, and among hi* r,,! leaguo*. in the diplomatic servre. He has to de? cide xvhether he xviii conform to tbe star, lard of the society ia which ho is tr. spend four years, or whether he will sink belosv it If he dor* the latter he renounce* his social position. ac ?(???!? a position of inferiority with respect to bl* cot league* and to society in general, debars hlXfelt from most of the advantage* and opportunities svhich his diplomatic, rank confers, f"n*ef*oe* mar.y of the best occasions of diplomatic BMfBloeaB, and, in the opinion of the people of it.e country to which hg is accroKllted, sacrifices the dignity of his own country. If. on the ether hand, he resolve* |o do hi< full duty to his government and hi* cVintrv. to pat 3iiu>r-"lf on a level, socially speaking, ssith his fellow-Ministers-1 don't say Ati>bai>*adors-and ti lake the place he ought to take as the repro nntatix-e of the Vnltcd States, he must pit In, hand in hi* own pocket. He must be prepared to t*l>end the whole of his salary and about as much more out of his private m*-ans. He mas sp, ml a little more or a little bs*, according to his means and his tastes and his ht.spi?ality. lt will bc a. little less if he is content, to accept Itospittili ties and never to return them. Bat, to put i* plainly in figures, no Amencm Mmi-ster in Lon don, who ha* cared to be a Minister other than in name, har* managed to lix-c on nvioh b-ss than "$''0,000 a year. Som*- of them ha\'e sp.,, * ,,i stderably more than that- Aid it may ?? -i '"ii a* certain that if, on a salary of $1 ;,?,?<) you spend $30,000, it is not from sour savings of salary that a, comfortable provision for old age can Ik* expected These aro the facts. Whether the \|.w of com? mon-sense based on then xxiii prevail in Ne? braska and Arkansas, or hosv hoon it ss i'd pre? vail, either then or in Washmcton ;.tso|i. ft would I*" rash to prodi't. lt orooM BB equally rash to hhs ii me that Arkansas and N'-luask.t set a -.rout vallie on the diplomatic usages nf those parts ol the civilized world which do not liv tin- Sta,,. and Stripe*. They may hold it a ataxia* that America ha* nothing; to learn from Lump*-: that u Republic a little more than a hundred year* old ha* exhausted the nourn** of ancient und modern knoxvledge, and that its present nilrrs and legislators are the embodiment and h*-towna tion of all political and sonni truths and prac? tices. If that he tho opinion of Nebraska and Arkansas, it netti not be disputed, but I will, nevertheless, give the figures of some diplo? matic s.ilnri"s paid by Great Britain, ami the reader will decide tor himself whether they ooght to be eona*-4*red examples or warning* Sir J olino PottBcefote, a* British Minister at Washington, bas had, libe bl* predeceatoi*. ;< searls- saliiiv of $30,000 Ile ha*, in addition, ? house, and, I ti;* k. certain aUowarasjea lt I- thc English cns,on-,, and -il-" Ibe Continental , aatom, to provide i pertsanent home tor their I.n,i MssjiM, (,r Legation* The l,oii-i- ix ilway* sufficient and pometimes splendid. America ? *. peota her en**oy* to p,o-:...- then awn, and they do, und tl.,-v , n ct:;..--, pay more than ti., u whole salaries iq house rent The lalaric* of tie British Ambassador* i:r.- cs follows: Tu France...'.... M-Y000 To xasirta. 401 ''' To Tarin v . 4.0 >o Tu Russia . : j; ""?? lo *.et many. fl" MB) To Hills. '?", '?" ' lo Kpaln . 2. ?''" British Minister* accreditetl to second and ibirtl rate Powrcn te,enc the following yearly sal nus. To I", i-la . rrJMi'Ki Tu Bnall. To Japan . Ta Ibe Bet heiland*. Io f.roece. lo M.-Xico. To Portugal . . To Ibe trgenllne Repulillc To Sw len ami Norwav.... Ti) tlelgill"). lo Denmark. 'J.'.'efl . gli.,:,iii '. SO.fMSU 17 .",,?, '.'.'..... 17.7.0 . ITT ?> . 17 IHIl) 1? OHO Hi,1.0 . I-'i.CtJU lt svill beacon thal most of these English second and thud rate Miniateriol salines ;ne in exes* ol tue highest American salaries Where they seem to fall below it is in Sweden, Drlgiurn and Ibnmaik, but then', as in otho] i uses, th" pm vision ot :, house, with other allowances, malo** thc fourth or fifth rote English peale In reality higher than Ute highest Am,.rican. On tb,- other hand, thc lintis', Agent*Oeneral in Enypt re eeisrs $30,00*1, iind the Hiiti*h lepnnentatire in * Inna $""7,500, Thor,* mo line, as iu Aneri -a. ciitics ss im think these sums too large Fltni is not tl.pinion "f tims,, who best understand Ihe tub-faB. 'nie result of Amerindn parsimony toward Ameri? can topiesotitiiti*es abroad is to nive a monopoly of the hi-lu-i posts to rich men, No pom man can a fiord t > be Minister di Ambassador. Is that .rn expression ul the true *niiii ol Democracy? ls tboio .Hiyfliiiiu in tho nature ol Republican In? stitution* svhich iei|iiires that a sunsul, who is an miami ofBeer, should ls* paid, and, bf indirect nu thuds twice as much ns a Minister ur Ambas? sador, who is his auperior oil,cor. anil who linties incomparably tn to important olid difficult? lt may take Mme, hut Ute tune surely ss ill cm SsTlCIl Ute plll'lii- opinion ol All,erica oil these ?nli jcts will be a omnuin-soiiM- opinion, li W. S HUDSON AMI THE llAlV MOON H'S DISCOVERIES TU BB fl-i.FRRiTi.n ny BEW Yor.j; at Tin--. svii-.i.Ds pain Albany. A pill 7.?Now tb.*.! tt lins bi.-n geflolll Iv SOIIIcrt IMBI Henry, lite l'llgll-li (om ?li.iuner aoBIni unOCi Ibe Dulci Hm-, who Stanvac-**1 Ibe lin.I- ii J.'tsor. ls to br KOW-YihB*". painui sa,o' ?t in- (VorM** Tatt, special pains sill he tullen bf th* Wolds fan nut.iisCis f,nm this M.ur I,, -rt ll|, tin? niest ci, ill* il,le BlSfW |s,**lblu to no,I,ill-Ill.oat.' tin work* ai n geed* ,,f ll mi I .ti.-pin narigstor. \ tatntrsr, baa nlrsady been entered tata foi :i clay mt*M of Hud son Tb5? svtl! bs tbo rit<.(1? I foi ,i i,i,ni/.. ,-.i*i. Hie Wall* of lilt Ncr Voil! stale bOIIBlOg will b- en, ',r>!il*iie<t siiiii bugc pk* an* poloieB I hereon, npirseol log notable *cet*c* lu Ibe We of Hie navigates wl.o -aaa* Illili ,, mintabie file lifter Ins glrat rtl-ccsc,'es and ie>bb- acta mis cf lbs Menes sets* ted I* ili..t .f Ibe Brit iou. i au nit prnsred Dutch re-ssel tue Hail M-aui a, sb*, ins- ,.T the Highlands. Tbs ptcinre satori u tnt sela,-.-,):> at ls f-,.iu an authentic uM w.sslCUl, >.| which tbe pt. tate i.e.e prwenitad ls a tine c.-vf. Hud ion attltii lu ibo Hail Noon fiom Air.-ictmnn, Holland, TIIK HALF MOON'. O'i April t. Itt*}. Ile w.-,* una.*,- commission bv tba Eost Indie'! Coir pt ny, liiirl bis mission was lo wi er fi-m spain tb* BMnooO of tbe BOhBOwn Stew Woii.t, t., rt.-troy,'*, power to rio barm, nnd to find, if pOMlble, a mon dlieet route t,i UM indies Tills svik viol bnugbl Hetif HoBtsn lo tba ****-*-bb of tim Jfetr sVolrl. . n tbo -rrentog of september ll, 10*00, ho Boebotstl i!,side o' Bondy Hodh; .ind tbe tYorld'a Pair arlll tntttoos next wintor to recon bb sci mulling gBp*0f"B*S0l 8 a Iceni holiday in put-. tc esmrneraonta tbo Hanron: .sf the territory of Kew Voiit -State. *>n September 4 Hud-on lOOfe lils Utile rot*el lt(U*OOgh tba Narrows nnd Into New York Bag, t'i imterel ibo "river of tb*- Mocutali-*.* as tb* Hud'.>n wa* railed by Ibo Monbattaa Manolo* lodtons. riie Ih-tioi-i, however, caii-si it Cabobatataoi tit* Drlnwxrfs, mc Malilcin: It'.lclt (plier of MaWCBBa), and Ibe Mahican-, the slmtemn.*. On september IB tlc Half Noel leMbei n pinn opposl'i* Albany sud BBebOnd herr for four das*. Of ,iir lt.(Hans Hudson WTOte! " I In tided tn on* of their t*,-)*!* tn company Of m old mun. WOO wu* cli.ef I hon of fonv lOen mill *e*ci.leci, WOtnea Vtt ssi-nt ls * house of and built." ?'i) september "ll the rerun trip ans began, ami ihe routs! bosci Dulci anni passed tut late na- sn, Bunin on Oi lober 4 or,d reocbetl Dnrt BiP'.Ub November 7. Tb* foib,ssl,ig Sci* ll'id-on (ll-fovei-ed tlie grent b.'iv sblrll bears bi- Mino, and l!, 1-10 bis crew thrust bim * email boat srtlh bl< -,,n oed five *nllors <;ck svitb scurvy wA cut bim sdttf. to peiUh in tb* great wBtsn which beor IB* nome. BAB H EC LR 9SSM WU HE RAJS Fiox tbs san Franc!-,m Eta*?Iffier. Among tl," arrivals on the steam.-r Dargo fntsriav wa. Hu- rai,I,mini Haden AdaIn, son ot Hi- powerful eWeftaln, "falodl Lag** el .ia*-.,. il* i? arnretl in lb* curious maimer of bis roiintrvm-ti, w|t| sandals ,.', bis f.-ct. ile; ked Witta Kobi, ll MIMI bOUOd ttOUnd al* loins mid gola aad diamond button* on bi- (nt. Anni"., ti.* nobleman, ls a dauntless, Intrepid looking nan ot about tblrtf-two nara ll- ls :?ll and ims an Intellectual loosing face Adnln ;>?,* Bern bern In America before, and speaks ,,., Bnil'.sb. A. lt. Ktrshoren, botrever, a fellow ruumnmsn wbo is tnvelBni witta bim. told ail about bim last nlabt. He said Ibal tile liobletnail lived In lb- cits of Blitaboln*, i.ii'l * Wife and two ' iill'lt-ti. aiul feeling lt Inciinibetit oi, himself to enttghlen bl- mini on ibe eondltlon "f lb*) world, bsd sat aol, hbo Haroun ai It;i*c' id. lo be gone lor mans- otrooib*. Witii Hil, end In sloss- be will vl-li ? hieaoo, Kew Yotli. lioston and nbiu-r HI lea of Ibe Ualted state,, and mav extend birt trip beyond Ihe .Miami,-. "Oo ih*- second lay oat trom Yokobants," said ,-U cimipaliloii. " svlien We w>re about 1(1,1 Ollie* fiom land we ran into ? violent snowstorm. When Ibe imbi,-mini Adnln **)W the flakes tail upon Ihe oWh he tboaqht li was lb* mist no?irkabte I bing Ibal could l'iipjs-,1. and wiled Ibe b?"tea wldls rain. Ile bad iies-,1- seen siiow b'-f'.i'e. holer, when he saw Ibe possetiger* grasp tbe -now, pres* lt iiiu.-u,-,- into balls, ami !lii-,,'s lt abOUl be ssas atna/.el. \<luin found lt pre!ty cold aboard tblp, and I- rnatlt Bin?ed that lt ls se wann ben " ARE WOMER BOOB UTIOAETSt lroin fha Siin Frai.cboi, rxamliu-r. ' Droves of old svom, n, crowds ,,f mid,lb- ac-'l ,voiti'-n and bevle* of goong women "trowd lbs jn-tbes' ci.'iirt*." said ix .Indge -loin-., of Al??fla. a well seasoned piiiclllloue,- In Hu- r.illioi |rlbon*1* of this city anil coeiilv. seslerdav afllTOOOn. 'Just look nt lboe bunal" BtlgeM* ruslling hilo tl,slice liiinne's court.'' ??oi,, lanae mi* om llllasnts: that's lb* wrddlng porty," sold nmebodf vie, Irnew the -eMtat**. ??\Sell. my ISM?llb goes Just the Mini- ' retmneil ike reiHruM* oracle "I know what I'm talking about. Nomebirtis ta** colled ibl- a pour mon's cot,rt, I think ll ought lo be called Ibe woman' nant n 1 ie:--nii sa many sven.en get tutu the .lu ile'* Court I Instead of tb*' snp.-ilor < otirt ls l,,nu,e I bell iran I ac,lons nr<- as vc not seiy large. Jn*i wall i'll tin | women are cori,t,,erol:>llv a* will us "poSlllesllf man : umllted and ronll lin lltlgalion teclii to bu'./.. I Heaven speed Ibe day. s;,y I, for thor. I v III bas.- a* I tnsnv cllotil* as I seed, I m v-r coi,lil c-t along wii svin, -nan, bot when it eome* to lb* toto-o I shem?they tell me I base uti attractive way tlsii.t mr. "I'd rather have a von,at, lo, a eli-lit Him to have ntOloon 00 mv lK?-,ks from half a dor. n mci. "I'll tell uni why. Men ar, apt to forget their cases, or reach socio agreement or coupiti'iils" or lose Interest nnd let the matter co bs default. Will women do tba'.' Not mach. Tm-' Tl light to tho Mtier end."' THE GOSSIP OF PARIS. ifivol, s. r.ot ? ROWDS \r nu, GINGERBREAD PAIR-THE i..\r.\Vi:rn; EXIIIBmON-A XEW AQl'EDI I T Parla, April :. I - I tatter which ba* n,.w cou.- and goce. hu been, ia every tense o! t...- is.,rd, a populai mil tie eily la- I"-,-:, full of r;*;t '?Iv Iron, (be pre**,-.- ???. bat ii!-) fro':. i"ici-:, countries: tho churche* ir.d (heatrn i. ,-., '? otb i,.s ii thronged, and I cannot r--co'le-*' at any lim*; -s-cinc. tbe I ithedral i.f Sotte Dame and ino ci.mei,.. ,,i ?*, Roch and tbe Made h "i.e bo densely crowded uta- ol u,e gnat popu? lar attraction* has, a* usual, bren u.e ginger? bread fair, which teaches iron* the Place de la Sanaa and i> prolonged both down the Fa ibours St Anton,,- uml n, ti,- orenue leading lo Vin ? ernies lin* v.-,. it 1..1, beoii visit, i bf greater masse* ot people than base ,.\cr lt* "n seen there ii-loie on Laster s,ind iv ond Monday, iitul lite noller bad bard WOrh t" beep the I,,ail sulll eiently dear to prevcnl a roundel-' congesti-jn ol ibo traibc The counterpart ol the gingerbread lim- is tin- bain lair, which upem-d pis! a ss.-ok ?go on the Boulevard Richard le Nmr. bat I lllllst con (CH thal lt seoul",! to lind lar less popular favor than the gin-oi br.-ad lan. notwith? standing that most ot the ' bat, iiterio offered Im sal,- comes In,in AN;,co and I.,maine The spectacle, however, ssas lively enough, and homo, sides ol* bacon, na usages au,I whole suckling-pig* were -fathered to-other bi vost and picturesque confusion IH the bootha and buts which lilied all tin- central portion ol Ute Boulevard Richard le Non. beginning a little above the Bastille Column .md toward tho Boulevard Voltaln Those svin, dui not ran to undertake tho long loiiri'e.v from the fashionable quarter* ol Paris to tbe ginft*crbread and hum fans iu sshat Bte knowa as thc Quartier E*?e-*ri1ri<|Oe "I tire tup. ital lound nu unusually line treat prepared i-, them by the sbopl.pen in Ihe Hue de la Poix, tbe Avenue de I'Open and the Boulevard dw Italie?* ***nd des I'apueines. Tie Rue de la I'a,* was lite,allv nilla/.? \v' 11 > the piooiou* gems exhibited In Ibe shop windowa bf lite |ewellen who hi's',' rstiiblis'ied their head |uart*r* lo thal thorough ron, rn deoi t.. -alt At-ttericans, whlW* on the minn boulevard* Boisster, iiouacho, Sireadin, Vaillont und Labrou?*e did their Iteot to outrival one another ssith almost ln-wibb-i in ,.-snits, on.- ,,f tiio ui,?t conspicuous features in thc ship ol l.ahiousse. tlio vii knossi, llorlst. WOP I Uio'sl-t linster Ogg lon,I,xl ol I'll in i si aleta in :i neat ?i rich foliage, and aor-roumted bf a hen nnd Chichi lindo ul Batumi leathets Manv people have "seen Boehini dorina the lost loss- doy* to the Oord Meuble to inspect the san ons relics ami mu,venus which the,sett. family have offered for exhibition at the L'liica-to World's Fair, and tho? ssh,, urti! lind it imp,,* i ide to eros* the ..coan to visit thc cits on the si,mes ol [--.he Michigan ore able to obtain in ltiipti.,s|,.|| ol what o' least this part Kui a I |?.| Uon "f the show Will l",,U like lin- lo-lll at t ?? ?.aid M. ubi.- m which tie- t.-ln - aro .-xht'-ite I is arranged exacts*; us it will lu* :,t 4 I,i< i_?.. and like the Apollo Room >t Vetrnilh**, when l.?uii* WI 1,-,, tin- dtdegatn '.'". i*> The topeetri ninewentina Ihe *?**?? ,,i Donal, svhich now lilli-.- I'i tin* n.oin :,t tin- tia, I Meuble, decorated tin- Apollo Room DO tie .i ,,.r that memoral,'- i-e,pti.,n The furniture e. nsiat* ot chairs, ih*sh and table, oil on e tin proper** "f General Lafayette, uni tl,.-t.? i, ul-. a 'lian" I fol lum bs t li ? ,t.-p.| in ,l:t. i oi Wsshington, An-oni ti<- souvenin an the uiiips mode each dav by tl," maim- ..i latfayctte'i army, his campaign iou mal a,ol lite sword ,>i h.i offend to him in I".'.', bv th" Amen, un i ona ? Tin* handle is ol enid, marvcllousl* chiselled, but duinig tin- nign of terror Ma,lani" -i" lafayette, fearing thal it ss mid be Moren, bun.-1 tbe sword, and ssl.-n n wa* a. un brought t" light Ute Mi -I ? WM lound to bc rained Io if, pince Lafayette substituted the blade niven t>. him ia i' ll, ma le from a lock ,,l the Bastille. Among otb i ?-uve tnrs ate a box pnade-afram the Treat- Ii--, uni., which William Penn ronrluded a treat* \sitb the Indians, :, rina eontalnina han ..f Wa,lu.' and his ss ii.-. Washington'* nmhnlli and pistols. Benjamin Fnnklln's eone, rworl ind *carfpin anl immy other arti'les t,?, numerout to mention Kowbi n in tho worl I i- Ihe di im i sub eeted t.. such >i.r censorship a* io Fronee, and 'Anas ta-..-." ..- the hnhlei ni tb o ..tb.-., i- pop iToi nicknamed, h.,* foi Ihe I ,-t seven oi righi uV ode* exercised In* power in a mannci thal in li? cit.- that the lol lr ol tl.e office m qneotion, at ativ rat.-, don ii"t p"-s.? ans ol that xx11 and Beau**- of humor with which the people hen in so very justly <t".lit"'l Iii* mool I----.-ut obi -?? of power noa la-en his prohiiiition ot ? pi. -oiled the "Roi de* M'tita.,,.-,' which ssa- pi i doced tl.tii.-r dav at the Porte St Martin Th.-atro and xs Ucl, had lubsequentl*,' t" bc with? drawn in consequence ..i his obj-tn,ns 'I I,.- ? wore booti on tin- foe! that Greek brigands played ? prominent part In the piece, and Ilia! their pnaenee on Ute ilaire ora* calculate! to of fend the llcls-nir nation Thia ''iii hardly he regarded ?? la tbe Imbi <>r .-, eoros4ii**enl .-i Ihe pori of Ihe < cn-or to thc Athen* 'joverntnent, since it Implies not only Greece po*,.--.. ihe no ti, pols of brlgnnds, bul il-" thstt bli i I ne,, is sn iniicii nf a social liistitii'i.t th" irc-t-h oat loo that anv grotesque port ny ol thereol on tho stn,.,, is calculated t.. offend it- national *u* c,.|,til,ilitn.,. lt ssa* only a tht-rt limo i-> that ti,.- (ensor prohibited Henri Berni-*-'* pi-?. "Maliiiiiiet,' fi"", ,:' ina sta-.-.I, ... the cn nd that it would give offence to the Turkish Gov. eminent, ind under the eircBm*?ani*e* people aw not without reason taeainning t" ask.wbci ? " Ana* taste'' propose* to atop For if would only be in keeping arith ht* pnvrou* chet, where be t-. ie quest tho withdrawal ii"'? Hie stage ol Fra Dmvolo." on tho ground that it might offend the Italian (.overnmeiit. while oven piece when Germana, America,-, English or Spaniard* figure in a dmgrtnable light would he apt ?<> is. baned on the -.iiii" ground* Twa now large theatrea aro now being id le I lo the 'hirts '..v.ui places of entertainment of thi* kujd svlirl, svo already possess here ore- cr them is situated in thc As. nu.' Ma,uris, jual of] tli.. ( hamp* Ely-tees, on Ihe site ol the old Pan orama Budding, lt will seat own than ,, thousand pertiono, and xx-111 bo ready two month* lon. Tho other is ant, strictly ?peahing, a theatn, bul , cirri-, and is being built ob the left bank ol the Seine, behind tho stoat Piroa)a*e r*Bil"*oad lei minus, lt xviii lik'-sviso operj tn .lune Both tin libel] to prove paying (mtsrpi >*?*?, a* theatrical pei foruiii noes luay i"- in,lu,l.-i among the ru I, ti ? passions ol tin- Parisians, and thBro ar.- n i people in tin- xvurld svh" an- Mich Inveterate pt?y s'i'-i*. Nut even during tli" most "-ritknl event* in tho history of Krai, ?? have th.- floors ?f the Parisian the;,tris otto dosed. Prom tin- Great Revolution IsSWBWBrd,dramatic performances Ins, never ci-ajsi'd. Dining tin* siege ol Pnrio, twent) three yeais agp, ss hen huflering oad pnsation reigned overs 'Where, many ol tho theatres of tin Is'leugu.-reil BUI ital svi-re in juli piny,even ni.itinis-s btring given on Sundays. Sew piecea w*-**- pro. doced both at the Ambi-.ii and at tho Hon March.', sslnlo tho Coineilie Fraiicui-? nh* bra ted the anni vei-anrf "I Moliere in thr usual style and wilii a crossded house. Daring th" ('011111111110 m-arly nil the thc.-itri s ien.nia.ed open ami litroeted crowds 1 j of spectator*, ss hilo toward the end ol May, ss hot, j the lighting wa, going on m th,- streets ,,| pgrH 1 lietwei-n tho insurgents and tin- ngnlfUH, ind svh-u j a poitioti ol the ,i,v was m llanies, th'- GymtU-e | Til' aire brought nut il BOW play entitle I "l.e, I'enim, s Teriihl.-s,'' H?. receipts on thc ninht amounting to no !c? than 1,888 francs Bhove the ur Iiu;irv av.-ra^o in pemBofBl dm -. Some interesting ijetuil* have i.-coiitly bogfl pul, here i.i.out t|?. emmi,. I^-tuie of the Coined;,* Francaise, wbich d., ides upon the ac? ceptance ?r r.-Jection ?f the plays submitted t? it. ai.d when once a p,ere js i,ct>'|it.s| by tho ( ?-i,s,|i, Francais.' the reputation ?f the dian.atm m made. The Uouiite cauaists of stv.-u members. Includici Jule* CUietie. * "iu,,il''. Noanet-Sullf or.d four ollera ." r-?''i"' ,f" utting* tn -? .. aalon ntnated In the angle al the Buo Rtchellea and the R ie ?-" Hooon ria- wall* ir- ir.:ii.- with portrait* "i ""' ""*' celebrated rte-bet* of the r-omp?sy !,: ".ntn af ?he , . ; ii ,,.. oval table eorered with i Basie, green , ,-,,. ;t ... there thai I -?' ;i ?'''"'? whde r* id:sg r:- I---.. .?.''?:. ??'.'. Ike ?5g9"**u of -:,-.?-. rtimty. :;,. -......?* i ?. -I ik:'.- hand* ail roiijd wi'ii - .. ;:.;, :,...,. .,- i t?t * deathlike siietce ,..-.-.. ;?,.,. ., i?>.or '.>:-'- '.:??"- '.* ma I'l-cripe. ?:p? at ?:.-? .--xci? " *?**?* "' water which i* placed In rt ? l -' ? ??"?< ? '? ' '? -;:'" '"? -' -? ":' : >..;?_ e. wt'nJraw* to an ad roos, uzd ..,..;;- ,,.? . iv , n.i.."'"' ir -. ince* ??< vet di ? M ??? author* an bad reader* v-. -x.-p rion to tl ? ,- ?. la is- v.-:. I- ** ir. ,?.. who -.-??* r.oi ,,.,: ,;, i :? ... itt ;, ritually plan it ii- tr,.-. f ,t . - i.i'i ? ?:: I'.'-, ovary *..-. lrt'.-.-r like a vents! le r ' r 'I!.,, u. -t i ot a I '??? I'- i '?:-' of I itt week sv ? the ina.j., mon ol thc Atti aqueduct, bv which Pan* i- henceforth to bo *upplted with good, clear vat,a iioio sources In th* Depanment* d the gare and of Fun et Loire The water supply hitherto ha* teen from the V'anne and the Mun.,, svhich, however, vi"! led a supply bo limited that tin- billilli," had tO I'C obtained, especially dutmu I'm siiinm-r month*, from the Seine, willi tho n-?ull that ninuineiahle epidemic* arbon*. tinf'froin of annual ctccurrence. Hence forth the population "f the eity or Pans will be able t,, ,ii,|i,-n-" altogether with Seine water, the pun- -upplv from spring murna being conti ferably in ox.b pei 'li- ii- and pn head to that of either London or Vienna. Ihe length ol ti.i|tieduet just opened is sixty ?ix tniles, ,-,? | bringa a supply ,,i spring sinter iiiin Puris amounting t., some 10, iioo.oixi .-lillie let |mt ,1-iv di enarae, tl," siiburii- at.- still left unprovided for, and will i,aio to remain content for some time mager with th.- po,*nn,.,is s-ino ssat.-,, the waterworks pro? jected b, t!.lt.*-' of Pim* ticing by no in?-.,ns complete l lt tu-? \ be of inter'sst to add that the Uni suppl) "i spring irater to Pans waa brought bi tin- Arceuil a*|Ueduet, the foundation ,t,,,i" of which ss::* lani by King Louis XIII. The N.-,.,ii,I Eu-pin nun.-I the Dhu la from the l>e part n.-tii oi the Ion lo the Menitmontant quarter ..I (ho u.oti |,o|i- al , , ,,| n| noni ly *:,n,uuu, tioii; its, .,i nhich there .ni- but t-y". are near Pen Li Chaise Ce.tery, but they an mu"h len extensive than tho***, opened ln-t week lb.- south sri.- ol Pans hoe i,.r some yean been implied from spring* "f the Boulre, near Fon? tainebleau, bul il.'-v have neither the purity ,i"r the quontitj ot th-j-s- of Ihe Arve. Ai,otb,a favorite resort is about tu diaopprai from thc French metnpoli* Mans hove Itenrd ol " Poiiin i, but lew have seen it lt is situated in the Mont parnass* Quarter, lt ssa* merely ., showman'* booth in 1MB, k--pt iv a clown nick uameil I:.,i in-. I, alto, .sar.i i... uni" .. dancing place ulina, sra* frequented bf lite student* Bud grisettefl of the period l?otci on it wa* lran> lorrrted into i theo tn which lasted man*, year* and ssa* celebrated tr it- pi,nt-.i.linn* and bul l -ii-s ni several or*?sion* if wo* closed by tl,.. Cons,., |.,, attacking the Government, and ? ,-nt i.ills its theatrical fume waned, and it ret ii-.-l t,. Iii- again a* a cafe, roncert, ?> change which dil bot long oxi*t I Ince "ni- it Iks ime a tn.-.ti- i .r a*, hut public patron.,." waa Inching, and it ssas sh nt up. lt 1* non brim -1.111*1..rill.-1 intO ?' e||, . I he annu i1 ' 'oncour* I lippi |iie Ite-ran last Thurs? day at 'I," I'.ilai- .;,. I'lndiistrie, and promise* ,.. I..- ., a., m.i.,-ernent upon the similar ex? hibition* "i pi-' ? im \. it- Ihe popular and at Iracti ?ide ol the alma had alway* been m-gle '?? I ?i,.I the liisi exhibition ..I spring toilettes waa invariably dimmed by th- foi tiwi tlie* ladies l id no promenade to dis-pla* them t. advantate, I.. ri im-il. tin*, a i ii nu ? galh*i i lia ? l*e"n u . i iii/.-d in ubi, h the h' va* and in sculpture i? among Ihe chief feature* and arnon'* the no-t M..1.-Wr-t11,\ exhibitor* ar.- tl,.- populai ant!:, i.-, "Gyp," Comte***** ile Martel, I aroa ?IA.I..-, tor .me and the Marquis de P.iii'-nf.iii". Tlie Pi<[.ei ..f Police ha* done svo!! tn i?ssu.- an diet in view ol lite l-:st..| holidays, lorin inn* the ?*** "i those rarnival abomination* teri.I ?pira)-., consisting ,,f long, narrow vtnnmen "i p.i|*-i -illili.ii to ticket tare Iles- sv.-i.' thrown profusion by I hg holiday m ik rs Bl Mi 'ii,cn,.- thal Ihe brain! -, nf tb- Ines were ,t'n,.r-t ivcighetl down thereby. Then has i?--n lin Ina'. \ lam to u,*h iiwaS thi* artificial piltil -if.- ami tl.r**te?|uenr* i* that the twigs in many liistntire* ore sn complete!, entwined in its hilda that the earlj *hoot* ne .utii.l-. choked Alt:.kIi over .'".ono horse* wen shughtend tn tin- rity alon" f.., human coneiiniplioit during tho psst i.-af. set accordion lo an oibrial nport nsf i--,. i it is not tl,.- poorer part <>f the popu? lation that inns tb- roost hona. ,,. The largest purchiiscrs ipi hui lo he ihe prophet ir* of pi iva fe s, l,...,;., I.,, a rd in.- I nuscs and shopk** ih-is \s ho '..s-p .1 ,,,?:-!.I.?table *f.!l ,)| a**!-,ali's uli.'ii tln-c lutV* to ,.rl-di, and w adi lo do so on lite most e -on ?mie seal" lt appeanj from the san." a it hort ty that 11< i*. lb -ii is likewise arrvtsil up aa beef or mutton on the t |l.'-s ,.; Il: i lix tm .il-l., t"l\ ssell t,, !> e|,l "i , ul,,-.- nus.-, i,|inii, is ss i \ .-> purchase equine meal in lien nf i.f or mutton and b* pocketin' the surplus rash, .is the diffennee in prin i* . ? ,.-, I., .M-. aro .-iii!]..I lo aatisfy I heil pe monal want* iu u n. luxurious maimer than would I.- otherwise possible on a Blender allow nee. TBS QUEES CABS!ED THE I'AOOTS i cm i be Htnneapolt* Tribune, The Queen ls n?cn*lonnsj| t., rbi- ,,,|t frequently ,,, the r nulli n aboiil ':..- rn pt (id, which I * bless an i de ? '??! lo Ihe :.,-, dearer Madrid tva* built. Indeed, in Ibe mnii >?[ :i ,i.--ri. io, .mil exp dillons >!.,- Queen I* generally arrom i -itin-il by the Inf,ni, ! nbc!In, ?:??? young Ki:,l''- Hint, '. ??i ii - - ? di iver >f Pie rortl (arrlugi* b'rame lost in ?? iou* pl lin ii-.-t -p- -, ino hom ? i ai.av li, irving ,i ,i".l Hi- tray. Thr Queen and Ihe Infanta .M re . -:o-'i hal ulai tn A. sn :.' once f..y came up -. an old s odrutter, - I I " Ith I ':::;,. f 1 Ifni* jp Ul bl. b,r|{ fall el. | ii ia a-;, from th* -? r.'-ii i .1.,-* io be fi and hi re ii'l there, aad - .- i. Bown la ite fiound. evident!! for ., ti.' a ?. , ? ii . i - ? a m . " ? . g< rer ,.r Ibe myal i ir li..'- lb'! ?.' Will y, i !? 'l :- ihe t,:,,| , , M all,,I '" N " old 'i.e ' .".r, I sim not, except on ?.- . adp , - ihat '?' Ila" V ii lake a C lu A, I ra': v | I ,, U tr, the rltr." i . schmon 'b, iii -.1 to do t Very well, then i.i.-t th* toad ".ouri'df,* 'aid ,bc ?1 IKOgl :.' el I',.- (....en here intervened, sh* orien*] th* coach uar to et !.- mail Ile hi* fagot* at the badi ol ihe i wi l: ar.d lo ii.lte bim \|> n tin- Brit er's , nt ai ,1 drive ? ?.:? ' ame, The man lied !?* rough far*',,- al the bark of ia* - ..,i conch, mounted tl,., box. and the road lo Madrid -.iii- -.. a f and SS'!,.:-, ;;,.? royal ...liiiu'e .-li!.:.-.| lbs 'l's In thi inert lisle then srs? a gn'tl sensailun, bi the p* .,.'. -. i'.-,.l7e,i i hr mal pas* Th* woodemter tai prouifli boa SVJ.eli li!- llllll'.-C ssa, ten lied ll" gol down and unfastened ll- fagot*. The Queen put h-r ?. ? '"" "f ,i," <l.'. '. ,., the i, val pula,-- ',, ui, '" she -aid, "aiul yian civ ie ? silll be r ??? ard. d " The "M man soBdenb perretrlng sviio*.- passenger li.- bad bein, ssa- osi-icoin,- -vs. 111 ? humiliation. Il' In ,i bosvii,..-. mt.bin- hi* rap between l.l* hand* and uttering eactomsilrm* "f astonishment until tho nr rlage ssa- ont ol tight. him iv v ir/'.''/: rv ;? tr/v, lr an fh* Waddi,''ton Keening Star. ??If I eau so,- a min hamil- his for!;." ?-i 1*1 Ibe clerk, I can i-ll s,,i, lbs ism of tbe country in? inti!* Hom. -Hi- inn.-i dining-room I* ibe bes) plan in iii ororM lo -tints haman aol are and th- manner* and breeding "f .mr fellows, li seems mid n,,,, people In Hil, enlightened and ads uncoil ag- xx 1 ll si||| i,-,-i| themselves with Ihetr knives, .-*|i-cl;,l|y .,, -, ||r,t. .la*.-, hotel. *? 'I in lame* of lld, luib|| ;,n. eert freaoent. In ms ..pinion a man who feeds himself arlin ul* kn fe shoom be bolled alive in oil. ?? A- ii rule goest* from Itosloo ami New -fork *n tbe tooti cornet in tln-lr table ibnortmeni. The? an very cxatliig ns to arnie.d all manipulate their anim BB? torlis lu on- ssay. which ls Bte proper ssas. li mas seem a lilli.- Strang* to form a m i. for ii judgment oj a iimn's character in Ihe manner In which he h-dds hi- r,,rls. bat' f, ii .-i erred one, Boat* slid, ii bets rea t r. ? -i r- gmt and second bngen, other* between Ike mMdle nnd third tlngrrs, ssiiii- ot ber* grasp lt ai s,,u ss,,uni grasp il |ln,a;.|il" ct,,-,--,I -coop. -v,i it I* ssiiii Ibe spoon* In ,'iiilag aonp. If it man bas a mu*,sci,.- wblcb fall* Iowa over his in- may be pardoned for putting iii,, point ol ll- ,-??.n io lils lip*. lint Minn yon ??<? well dressed men, mut w.en, loo, roi e lb, lr eliseo and poor Uni, -"up down Ihetr throat* from the |*,inf of the ;,s soi would feed a sm Min- babe. vmi regret that Huy cannot be j-ison a year** room In a -eleni for ,l-|s, ll I* lb- ,,aine still, the napkin, lt is utterly itnacaasMs for ? nun, to put ii- napkin In the lop of bl* rest, and wheo li come* io dicking ll In bl, collin- mu- a otb, ns a great luaus il,,, lt 1, all bu, r,'p,ll,lv>- lo nu,, of i. limit L'-i..* lt |, a gmt relaxation f.?- ole t, escape the Cililiiiln- dillies ,,! the iii -b ami Watch ls-ople teed them,.-!-.,. . ? cmiu beret nd. "M nontlenmn B'bat an sou crying atoat, mv mile tuan ' lb'- I.idle Man 'an*e | Imve leia basilio* round cullin ballots out ot the new*|i.,|s i , |, ,.,, | |ear-hrf lo the W'otld', Pnlr. imii I th iii i'll .... \,'-,, a-'*0tn' tltrlit awnr. Atnl now i've found out s|?, ,ion't nican in go until vacallon.-lliidlnmipolls Jouiuul OME CUBAN TRAITS. ip n do Dj;,vin ; ANI> -H'-PPIN ".TIIK KINS ; [.*DES>A T.'I'SY-TPnvv PI.A( E. . ??* Cuba. >,". should do aa thc Cobao* ..-.**, hare BBf regard for ymir health ,,;,:'. Tceroton il l- lr. nrdei to |rl*e >*t 8, , , [.', i |,-? ik'a-l or ri till nnd (ntT-e. do yom iliopptng sr.d riglttt-glBg inmediately af-emni-i. and rc: .rr. t" y-.-.r I lOlel f'-i ?' - "'"I '""'I heartier break lc. a: cooa every on- t-stlreo some ,,.. ,,. i?..i |r.d -'av ila rc ad th,- oller nmericso* *impis thai ihemsetro* ?ii.ii a lan. (lolbe ,lie,?s.-lve- in Un and nib- awas l ? P 10 t,-.t as a I**?* iv:iii n boob nil a I: il",;.--, in'l i * -ie-' "f di' * lng towoi bot lntet v,r.- b, tween almoeno and dinon ni louritlt lu Havan* drire araand loo till o ClOCk: :,l.,l ll -Iglll-eelng any "a Hi- l.?, I':e hours Ne ll li? ll..1 lt* ?'i*-Ku',- at BbOUl i, tie ob), I lu vl-'v. mi, I, Iii- bett lime. Hui il, wi,,, itilie for (lils Inns sake walt until 'A or O'Clock m Ibo eeenlof, trltea il,- ni, i* rael and pleasant. The charge, for ian lag.- hire vary with ll,,, customers mitioniilliy. Am ii, nu- pay ni in- ll. -I-. Tin v ate luvarmblv chili -ni #1 50 by . other foiclirn.i-, pay #1 83, mid unlives never give over !?) i.i.i, for Un- same b-ngtl time, V"u cai litre to any (Brea point in tba limit* tot ?.',) -sent*, nnlrsa ailed H> I ,-, oin :1V".. when tl, 11, ? h.i, kona tali- ndvaiiiii a, rota thN nv,-nu- ii,,,I tl,, lu the rlln faro. Two soung ladi,* in ibis porty engaged a rarrloge by the holli' to lake (lien out to Hie (.nir KOBO. Hm most beeotlfal drive lu "tarana. Tbef agi the usual rate ot Bl '?'). Winn they had I lan part of Hil- (ti*tnu.e Hu- Oliver denn,tuted BB go nus bullio:. Tiny reta** <l t" P-iv lb- nddltional price, sile re,,prill 100 man minni his hors,0* ho,n.? ii. ,i i. ona of ti,,' yoong IsOlm los* him tnoi bb Ira* tte l",,lt them lo tlie pbico oilgh.illv 0|*rOed ap, n .lie Would give lcm -"I ami no niue. Never llieb--, be ln*i*tcd upon nlomlng lo iii" h"t I. BOB, as they Hat) no IJSCOtl t? eulorel- Hell < lalllls. I hey 1,,,| ihe i? *i pail of Un- dilsr. Ol in'rivlng Bt I br liUtOl they found tins bad been ah*eii, bul a HUM over hair an boin, anil thei-.loie Hies bant-il , lie Ihe.-ii. bu! they Calked Into I?rtber iit.-nibm tu -alard* nt bet -i lu b-ugiii or ii\ ni cross a sir,.., rafe* ar,- doubled ,f strang,! * by driving they mc Icgalls ililli bil ul lo pas i-n driven lunn .fl. lb- awon ai un- hotel, monning to i Illili. II,ere Brere a or ,110,0*1 in f "til ,.( tl.e hotel. I,al Hi.-y were too billilli,! to Interfere, even srhon ibe Irste harkmon tlc fi ll mi il,,11.ii at tl,,- \.~,.?- v.oaei.. A- III* -liv; f. Il ol Hi- pavement a hotel employe hm'-si li bock i" tm bu, bs n.i. Hmo I,- lia,! worked blt.if int. driver ll Hie "ililli'" * half was Up t helli a second aaolber employe that , ii- pin 1:- drleer "ut ami lo Hie Indies, letting 111-111 Ihai a, no one o'? WOO ld, OHl thai li I ben wa* any forth* r trouble about Ihe maller linn wind would li" better Hutu the ha,!,,,,an'-. linn,,r trouble; ex* l>' Ibal In "'" bulbs mero dining In Ihe bo ri a inraendou* lag,-. Ile Jumped fro ian im.. the hotel, foflotiod the lodi il,.. -lull - ai,d threw tho iiioii.-\ at lime. ll tie 11 doa ll"! np. ll it iv,- tim,, to Interfen. returned the mon tl,.1 had belier lube ll. I "I i- wa. I el in.;, sile n lb, lb. "root, 1 fe? nd amused i. laurant, which ls open driver stationed bim-.-ir near Heir isbl himself bv cursing and making grimace* nt them. Lat-t iii ihe r rent Og he entered Ibe hotel In search of vengeance, Ind wa* au du t-aVred hi* dollar bs Ibe lintel clerk, aa,I ognln be nfOsied 1. wbenupon bo va* *,un,i,a,fly rjeclod. A, be left, be UiuHi-i ."I threat* :i"..ibi-t all American1* sod hts two rot?ile* lu |. .1 lb ular. .\o luipi.-,-:int festals* ,.f of tue mo*' popolnr drive- i, ,1,,. nauseating odot which Impregnatr* the itr mai u.e hospital of Ran Lazaro. A* lb, street ,.f Havana on rerf narrow, one often roawx wlthlii tn,- n-et of ibe hospital In driving by lt. ll I- a bug**, gloomi looking bailaling devoted lo lepera. On ,!,.? ground Boor lhere i- 1 larg* courtyard, opening , a the itnei In front sad divided from n by aa Ino grating. Donas ,,f leis; * In th* ti 1 -1 stages of lb* ?ti ... * wander around lids courtyard or ptber near j lb* grating, roarer-dag and -yen shaking hand* s-.-th friends on,-Ide. H 11.klyn 1* n div ot .'.in-,-1,-*. Havana 1* a ? ltv of boapttabi, I - - ar- nesrif all devoted to yellow fever patient*, ind ns iii. dbiesse i* not prevoJenl during the winter tins are closed until svarm svuitiu-r ' et* In. Tin- Military ll..*plta! I- tl,.- largest, and i, I* mid is 1. I.,- Min. bov* been quartered tl n I' I al" on- of ll,- dlrtie-t. Kvory club-inllltorv. I polltlnl >,r itoctal- ha* li- ovsn private boaplul, li, which tn.uib.r* on seal when poverty or Beet' -Its f,.r Isolation reiid.r* lt Impnotlcoble for them to lie 1 and tor nf hom". 'li... .-panis, , lui, h-,. *,.y.r:,i iiioossnd member I' e.. upi. a magnificent pain.-, tonaerlf tim n i.i.i,... ..r a (spanish Bake. This bulbun-. 1* tbne -bul"* Ugh Tile e.nial BOOT is j-ls ..,, Up l> bllliant playing. ? 1, tl.. 11 I rsi floor there I* a r-ad |!i^'r,,,,iu and a long 'iili like apartment till. I ssith, card tabb-. Rvery evening Ands these tabb * sur 1 rounded Iv players, and Ile ,.1111- I, trii- ol ihe' billiard room*, lee* ami drinks an *.rvi t., mea, b.i-. bm I- ,1.. restaurant. Tbe mast remark ni,b- ihing about th,, elm, i- ii,,, ai,-. 11.r noisy n,o versstlon or load laughter. H..a.- may be a c.upl of hundred men in ii... card room, Blinking and plas lng. v., the place |* ulm. st a* quiet a* a church. t4tran**era an alway* sv.-io um-i at tin- dob, and ladb-s, If escorted by a member, cm Inspect tbe building at ms Hine. Oddly enough, it i- about the only pla.-- in ,una when Hu* ni.-, do not stan v. ..rn. 1, mi, of countenance. the ills pillie- of lb* Captain (..-noni is under ' going repair. Jil pre-cut, lu anticipation ol thc si-|| oi the Infanta, nm Captoto-tieoenl rre-tvn al latrge aanaal -alu.v. amt be 1* aappooed to keep lils palsers lu ord-r. Int be ha- not don,- so. II1 summer , -ibu,., at the botanical (uir?l-ns |, Badll in n>,ii of repair, and th,, piont- outdoor* anl rarer*- worth a si-n. owing to negligence, lim,! now thal ti.- Infants I* papeete**, a Inrooi sOnu* amoani of work ha* io i?. done, and Hu- captain Oeneral I- ni" baslnl mau lu < ubi, for <>r ,nurse rrerythlng muai is- in tin- bet ,,i onier wbei tim Infanta arris , or?aoflBrtblag unpk-.-i-.iin might bap i* a to lao i.orernor. Havana aaa li, dudes, and also Hs King of the uiiii... ii,. I- aboni tssentv turee fear* oM, aad he a* fl I- >l and anxious inanima. ll- al*o ha, ;t mani* (or balloon oreen lona. An Beronoot -donned to give un exhibition of in, -mm |n Havaoo, ami ? !.?? young Cuban mad., arnngetneat* to go up in ane ? .; il- tall,,.ms Mini lo conn- down ssitli a parachute. I ll- mis m.. tero ot it,.- boor ssih, ta- ad**dt-en, but bl* 11.amma did nol view lbs inaner lu th- same' light. ?:.-? reasoned With her son In vain; threats' and ? 1 tviti- - wen of no avail. Finalb/, in deopslr, ??... ?.?:.' I" Hie ( nptaln (o'liernl ssllh !n-r tal.- of; m..... and h". taliln- pl'v on her, hotted :, decree; forbidding any balloon asnostooa to ba made in , ila bu, Hil* dbl not end the mall.-r, for lb- youl, nam felt deeply rn01 till.d aid inform, d ll- m:imuia H.ii unless h- <jra* allowed t? go up li, tho balloon I,- Mould < minuit sui, id-, the ssas obliged io return 1,1 ih- Captain Gem roi nm. peitOf?ll him ti rerokd Ibe ib.r.e. which h- dui. Than open thc young man Mein up Iii one ,,f hi* 1 .li,yed balloons, inn not bein;; rerf expert, ins trip down wttk the parachute ora uni ,-xa,iii .1 sin. Il- f.|| and b and for Mime time hi* glory ssas und ,,( a naoMt mihi', omtng bandage. Him,us mo com para tit -iv rxpeatdv A -niall lou,|iiet of *hort -letiiined rosea Ihe boiupiel* ur- decidedly lnari|,lle tlosvet- towers above tho rest, whick ur du- bi th heal, eclipse In Uiiii,mi. i, is a dollar. on,- realm] urranaed In 1.1 iambi ohope aro**?al H. Tbef an tied lightlf to ;;i lin -i- xs. ll li ;i bit of ribbon grass. I lie ililli ,-i-i,l liol).ls onaOB* excursions for their gueNtii to point of Interest oui-bl- -if ile- ttl g. Ung plan, which nearly cs .rs ..m. visits, I, a hugo pine apple plantation belonging lo Sci,,),- l.odlne/.. Tl,-re ar, ninety nen-* of land, Illly of ssblcli are d-xotod lo pineapples. The people In , lunge ?f |*Bg plant;, Hon live li, ii loss, long Inn I,lade ol mud. They do mell- rooking bf moon* of a suit of bonln on a inblu lu one of the roon,*. 'I hen ls u shed outside ol Ihe bul. and thcie nie Issn lulu- ben, In-* for Hie bi>n ?-itt oi stranger*, After Inap,cling th- plantation, ..lie *ll- di.Mil III tho shed mid liles Ii flit 1,11 I BC fresh pineapples, baliallil* mid 0*00000 nib-red by Ibo i,Ver*e,|s. ( ii,nani,I mill, and sib es ,,( Hie nv,ri ii,ii nie served. The ti uti |s roten with the tl tiger,, nm- nuiy se,- twenty or thirty people outing pim apples as Ihonull their lives depended on ll. iii certain departments ..( nie cigarette factories. very y.nm- children ai- employed. 'I'h.-s seem pn lulls happy mid ,'onto,ned. Tiny aie ma oxer Cleanly lu np penni nc,-, but I hov all luttra beautiful dui ll el, - Si, i-l of Hie,,, slitehe ll, I Ley Ma,cl,. I, , em* s,ningi- to -ce un eight your old liff ulih a elf. orelle in Ina mouth bul olio gil* used to tin sight, (Hm of lin- lurgesi elgar "octant** In the illy occupies ll," palaCS WhlCh I'Hce belonged t? Allkinui, III,- revolutionist lender. Will, all the rest nf hi. property, ii ssas roolscated bf the >pi,ul,ii tlovern meiii, aiid ls now owned by the inctotv prnprleiors. Tb* ntttogi mc hII [,e?,nd willi exquisite deigns of cupids, nymphs and Hussels. Tim stairway* Hud floor, nie of the line*, maible, Ililli there I. the |M rvltable coiirlynrd. sslll, ii fountnln In the centre. Ile famon, shopping stive! lu I lu vinni |s the r.dle Oblapo, nnd the *i?,p Hint l* mo,t nttncltre to Ameri? can* I* Hint id Moots*** Carmita, nt No. BB, All IM Havana t"-*d*-emsn Hre courteous, but ('urranzii, who ls a Mcxlbni. laildoe* any of (hem lu this rrap-ret. I.inrnlng that un AnieiUm, wommi lu the party d.-s|i-,*:i io iiurcbiisr some ty|dral t'lilmn niuslo, he left his .hop at tba bush-si purl of the dav. r_*urted her ti mii-h- -t"ie. aided her In srlndng songa, aag ben -he lind lurid") hrr purchase, Informed her B . sviuild pceempaBf her <n any thOpplng exctirtloi i.. miali! desire to make .". Vinni ni s'r'ct In lb* <"?tv I" called tho street flo. V'o,-' - ' And nedi-. ?? ev.-rv ott* ktr.v*. I , I n I lliivti' nt n'l. bul llDlssna. Wlist '.en , Ike i-noi-i'ii' iii-*'"* l?> Cab* Invariably pro ',?,.," ,,'-,, I (too "ttl I, Wm v. Th-v say ?? v*r "r >,,!? ???.?iri-.i-''' iNirbnl: and H u h-r,,...* or his tat iiaba,,, lu- been eortrnpt d latta Havana. rill LL LTtTEO BOAD AS A HOTEL. Y.jl'Vi M\\ BrtW TVTWMllWE* Till'. " r,0Ct,D I.oixiIN'i-ll DUBI '?" ?-W. n i songs-, m ???.".? ?' t f? i. leliyn-;?" asksd young man who rtood ?' lb* t*sst of th" ci-rat-d tattoo ttnln. and who sm* mock ">' ***** bb w.-ar. '?ii?w mich have -rca oowl" w, "uhnd bim. ?? Xetbtog." , _ -wvn ss'ip.ociiii sou gel , patemttn tts-,-.entst" Th- you.,/ man looked op WltB a queer a__0 oa ls '""'. ?The nonU bunns will sive lt m me." h.- said. ?Ti,,- i.ou'd fninllv '" ?? Ve*." lie *ild. ?T.-ll ui" ssh,, y s, mean mid PH nive lt to vito.* ? Weil. I do I, ti.i* ssas. I amil Bama Bago mi i ,..,,. ., ,',?.? ts-satog' 'limn I muk:* n blntr nf run inn: Ipstolr* '" nlrb in l hap niv ll'1"'t ?** ' ?*? a,,,.- h, nus otlmi nisi, doe*, but I ml*s the min. ?bey nm univ every IfteeB minutes, fan know, rifler oVIork. s? i co into the traflog room mid win lo ??, amirjag tlten i foll B?*s**f In Ibo *****. winn i?. maa ri non in ta en" F****? f'"' ""' iMrt ;r,ln don'! hear him. bul just gu righi alicid BBB sleep, i', ti- *sm* Boat Ibne. Mav Ik- INjf g*t mi to mo , Hu- HBi-d truln. Im' 'sen If they do I've hud aa imii'. .|.,..i orton Hi- n-.xi .ni" eoine*, svhbu mey nal.o um lal,"." ??Hui thar* univ al ho'ir's sleept" -Sn. li ain't. If Hi's lire ,?? OBI of tho willuns noni I'm -till entitled io ms rid**. I get o-i and rid" in lo Hm end of Ho- TbOt** Iktll BBOItOltJ of ii le.ur morc br brep. T-Bn, you *ee. I iide np un be ll,*! car. If I s-o ii chance up nt Hie other end ,f Ike road. I |ost -Hp down Un- plutfo;m and g<*t nt,. Hi" lost car. ihe one next to tin- dist om* comliif, I.a n aga.n. Thai'* *,.? that Hie guard svou't nfut ur mid tire nie oa'." supp * ? lo- dat - "* ?Weil "bea I pt d',mu and Irv to ral" nnoiher :l, kel lo get nu' of lliiibni. noan Ila*bm ain't a ?o,.| pine.- I,, *iay f,r men like nu-. Whoa I ft be inxi ni' bel. I base alioth,-r elmon to work psj : ame. Bod I bea I iiiiv- th" -I op svhib- Pm going down ,,v n >? nu lime, w sta I g-i dosvn ugilu I ON a elma* ii *ilp inti the Malling r, -rn, and th-n-'s BtSMO strep or om." ? That ra'h.-r breaks your sbs-p, though'" ?Well. I can nil sm, we don't mind thsI ss much. ?ll il cold, damp night like tal* . b Vated ,,:,!tor>, and on an- mighty comtfo table place* to sb-.-p In. Ia hi* SS arti, tlSo cellt* !<> SOU .''' "Ve*, lt lo." suld Hie other, "lt 1* wortli nines,"* ind In- slipped a coin inin th- uamp'* hind. Then sv,,s one IIBog ann la be lonrm-l?w|jeth**j> li?* fellosv ";i, lethog ii ii": s., nie man svrio Bra. lided ihe pile ?f 1.Igloo ru Hie *.,,uld Hotel, sith i sorplus lor running expenses, let tlj,- nett train gs ,:,*t i , *co oi_tl would happen. Al Just t|?> minute he trula ssh, pulling out of ihe stn,bm 'he young mm cine batfflOg Hi' Hi,' stain. Will, ii 'juerr look it hu ness friend h> sv.-nt Into Hu- oslllngroom nnd si. oona do.-lui" in ,-i ci rt'er. Wli"ti th- next trdn -in-. M.aa svho ssa, Interested f, s-einj .-,, much if this' lini- ,,-ii k n, poa?tole wo* tbe ln-t io board ,l* cir. li" c .;t| t I,. K Int.) Ihe wotttog-room ihr,u;d lie window, lu the corner. Ms bend hick, hit ?h'.ulilejs co.nlo tsbly ,et,|ed, a I,-tated traveller ss. .terning- the yoong maa arno Bod told abont ike itmM -o I SBOCEINO Sll'EllSTlTION. r.ii\sii.\. x ir OM ab ro (ti::: w nc ur ka pt. Pbe ? I'mnkfur'-r Ze|n:i,g ? reports an extra**. illnarv lu lonee o' ***jpHafB*?sj Iii Italy. At P?iit,-a Pini. ni out three mlle, f,.,,m Florence, Uv,-, it p.-v-r.l svlii,.- diiii.'ht.r I* suffering from u had form nf hs-'.-iii. I h. pirl Brent about the house horeamlni th. ssh b- Bight, and frightened all xtlth hrr halla . na' ..ii*. r-e pri-,t of Ibe pine stated that tl.* -tn wu, possessed arith a d-vii. Kossn nato said, bm tl. ssc,-. ,,r no avail. It B*BO siat*-d that her c.,*- ss,,, on.- i? I..- cure.! only by a person soasssj ii exarcHag erll spiiits. ti,,. |H-iis-int nui-i p> t,> in- vin Hut, Beor l-;, r?nn, ortmn, ko w*.* toil. Hvri i Ibasona mein**. Ita ami iu, .taught-r went tl, r". Arrivsd st lb* house in the Via Ititi, tbe pea?ant kout Bed; un old womun appeared at the <i.?? -Are y,,i, the ssl*.- oroaaanf* said bo, i'n rtsn-lvbig a reply in lbs nnuinutlvo, and tslng u,l, imo a room, in a Blab two wax randles were mining, be lahI ld, eon before lier. JliilsiilnK with: ? Ms daughter la b""W|teb*d and run only h.- BBB*0?, I nm told, by tsoB* ene sklll,-d In witchcraft." tba mi? iv.njan of thr \ in Pl til said she dealt xxiii sorb cases. ||,.|. u,ual charg- for driving oul an ordinary ?1. vii mis tis- gre; fur exorcising Hool-, huh syn*> live lire Tli.- peasant thereupon counted sot iMeiiiy-tivi- lire Tl,.- house was in durkni-s-. Tin- old ss oman told lier fBBBtfl to follow In-r and lo liin-rl *l usu lu every room I hey entered. Tiu- howling Ibal Mein BB In ev-rv room ssas truly dn-iidful. Th* peamat and his dangin-r sverr tilled vritii rontldmce. ""iou two." said tin- old woman, "huso only to re? turn hom-' and -el light to your BOOB fire. Thr fir*! ptSTOOO ssho I.noclis ut sour door ls tlie cuii-e of your daughter's rica*-t****a, TWntBn." staid she, luriilng to Hie aoosoot, "as ? BM as any ono cr..,,,-, \our Ibresbow, Betse ami place to*at**a*ers***-, lu Ifs* ptssiBCO of sour daughter, lu Hie oven." Willi this adylce tbs pair went linnie, aud tb- Beoaoat kindled * nre iis the ssomaii li ul direct.-d. Th.- tire sxas kent ti'i the svliob- night, but no OOO kmi, ked. Al the break of day a kn uk ssas, heard. -Who ls thent" the peooont, - I'.ir Heaven's sake give ms a pt***0 of bj-ead.'' said the solco wltlmlll. Tim peaOSsat opened Ike dis.r, and suv. l? front of lilt,, a )*?>r OM Momati. InmUtng siltli cold and hunger. Wit.mut any tartbor ado In- ,?aught her up In bis arms sud placed her In tke os en. The cries nt the l**ir ii-eiiiiro wen dreadful to h.-ar. 1'ortuiuitcly som* milkmen bapnened to be paning and they b?r*t opoB tbs door, svlion Hm xvi,man, more dead than alive, ssas taken ont of the hug,' oven. Thr letotl In IBla shocklug drama are lu Hie hands or justice. he EBBW ms or wy \r Prom The Clm Ininti Comm --nial flOMtl*. The lit. Aobora f.i'.uilv ssas driving slowly horns from the Cliui-h of Our -'iivlour. when, after I ?*_ meat's mosing, Ibe ,n,,ill (laughter spoke up brlsklf will, n dlnpsirovtng 1,-im : ? I don't lila- iiim." "Dont ilk.- wliom.'s ask.t h.r mother. ?That preacher ssho preailn-d for Mr. IP obs to? day." ?? Why not, dear. Ile ls ? very good pnacber." "Hut li- cn,'I mik enid wrimmiir." "Cannot i.-.ll. psod giamniar' What do roo ui'tin. dill.I '" "Why. winn lie (old nlwrnt Joshua tlglUliiB tho A'tialei lies, be said I hst ??**??* svent np *ni lb* hill and s,,t on ii st.,,- ortatb* Aaron and nor brid un hts 'mild, mil ev,-i, Uni- T?Snarf laats?I learn* to ?*T "Aaron and h'ic,' ss lien lt's iiotnltlvi' cns*'!" A IVOBTIILESS C.r.lSANTEB. Prom Tlie Dot roll r-*"OS Pnxs. The man from tbs count rv wanted lils tooth palled] and (be dentist tlxed him iii the chulr and began to nnlbnhor his mts moeatoi. ^^ "WhiUN that!" asked the patient In startleO tann as he hair rose Iron, IBO chnlr. "(ins." is-plied the dentist briely. ? Tint sinrr thnt knocks a mini senseless!" "Not so Iwd ns that; but lt render* you Insensible tO pilli." " Won't lt burt me to uk*' lt ?" '? i)f course not." "I'm utrnld I won't pit over lt." " Yes, you xviii. Why. man, I'll guarantee that lt won't kt*ll you." The patient sat up and lookid ans,nd the room. '?lax you own all Ibis ?" he asked. " Yes. and the building tt ls Iii and a couple mon uptown." The old fellow rubbed hts chin thoughtfully a moment. -I guess 1 won't take Hie stuff." he said. "If lt don't hurt mr Ihe guaranty don't count, and If U kills mr (br guaranty ain't goln' to do me oo gool os fer ns I can sn." and he lay back bi the ouu and opened bia mouth.