I MILL BALLAD A ll 11.1. BALLAD From Uk, lench of Guslar* N-d.-iml by E. ll. Hickey, In ibe hean ,,f H conniry wfrbi, When ihe oobeMerera be, Waa a k*0| s,, u.,,*| and s- I? - l.etlL' ioIlL' .-iL-ft live,, ,.,? ? Long, lona a^o lived be i ll- ssa . l.iiKt a* a father is. And itch us the earth, vsvl*. Th , lum Ibe mill, lura Hie mill. .lack, Not Jet lias- I I lied nv Mt**. Hut bl* -abject, I bet I' .-bolled Against bl* majesty. Anl drove Mm from ibe throne, Nol.cdy km ss.-th ss hy : Prom nos n ?,, inrsm be p ,-t; A mill "BU bl, helter :.t list. Turn th* mill, turn Ct- mill, "tack" N,,t yet imv l lilied my nek. Nor glorv nor teer hod be, T ts ling us in- worked alway ; No murmur liv,vi on bl* ups: 'III- miller I,- song i'll day: And ...ll night be "dumtand ile-;): Of sore could be inver sb .p. Tiru Uv mill, t'irn th* mill. -'?* * '? Not set have 1 HU. rt my sack. Bat once on n di,v tinto ch ter, nrthme Mb., bed driven Mm away, A Best or Mk m bis ethe, per chang.*We -""^ ?'v(:.\];'* ??,.. -Take hack He crown for thlte heal "Nay! I give lt <" *""'? taslesd Tum tbe mill, tern tb* nilli. "JaebJ }g" yet ll.ve 1 tilled 111) tSCK "Mv wife ', n miller's svlfc Xnd e-111er* mv *"' ? ".hi llnO! Th" -rnter run. In Wo- Blnoat - Th" cori: lu the Held grexv* fcc: Alt -be goth -1: "ic-." Im -i'i'1 1 ?' nm Bye is then need ot brea,' i" sup the mi',1. Ste-* th* roil!, "atkl I-"oi- noss- I have tilled nf sa* k. PIETHO GHISLEKI. r.Y P MAmiOS CIUWPOBD. K^,T nf -sarvln -?.:,." "Tba Tbree Batn," Bte. (OportoM, W-\ kg Mt******* A ( B. CHAPTER VII Ardon-ss health in,,.rove,i. ol Brat very "rapidly. nd then moro slowly. M he "teemed to ;.i>pm:.oi, r-nt, for him. waa a n-mnal -sondltlon of Btinngth. -,'ho month of liocMiilor ssas Hoe and ho ssas BMo t? drire out constantly, to ho np most of the dav. ami to talk ssith a- ,'iaintane-s without ans- great fatigue* Aa a natural t^maeqnenee ,oo. Usn regain** in a viv short Mme aH that sh,* had lost, ami ker eycB no longer looked sunk*-,, and haggard nor bet laen annnturnllf pale- . ,, i Her crratitu.b- to (ihisleri was rmundlco* .and ?, tho drys ss.mt mi and Arden nnd no '"lap rte began t,. wondeg hosv sh" could ever nure felt anvthi:i- approaching to dislike for tl;.* man to whom she almost -med h-r hnebonda life. l'iotro. on his part, e__oe often to th-* hons,- on 1 sass- tho chan-.-.- that h;i'i taken pin*** in her manner toward him He woo i,lo:'*""l. though he hal not though! ,'f producing any Imnrentan u,nn h* r hv what lu- had done sV.lv for Arden * sake fer li- hod lons; odmircd her, '.ml felt that sh,- waa very like a -tcrtnti hleul of wonnn "f which h.- never talked, lint his plenann wa not v. ry genuiae, ofter all. He hurlly believed that Laura's n.1 would loot, because he had hitherto hail little experience of looting mool* in wom.-n. For, tin- prceent, ut l";ist, she h.-pvcl in him and ssas grateful. About thi, tune Donna Adele, lief hnaband, and his father ami mother, al! came hack front tho country, ami at of ncr tho flame p, rio 1 the prout majority of tho ,,] 1 society -ta ,.r, oppeored again as fonrnnnera ot tl,.* coming aenoon. lim gay get ssa- not yet all BMsmbled, ami it svas oven r-rott'd that so-n.* of them would not "onie at all, fm there ssas financial trouble in tho air, and iniiiv i*- pie had loot money, <-r found their ineomos dln-dniohed by tho general ttap-resslon Novorth'l> ss, xvh.-n ('hri-tnius caine, fesv of the familiar laces, of the prevloua \i-ar svor.- missin":, arni those few liave not Ison leen in this hist.tv. "This i-- tho hoeinnin?," sail Gouache to nh:, lori. "Von may rein."nb, r thu charming deocrip ti n of chaos in tlie "snored writing** 'in tho be gin-iinir darkness ssa- ov-r itll tho earth'?very like Boom before tho acnaon begin*. Thc re rs-tnMaiico i-nxi, there, my 'lear friend. Tit** (*"_? tot.cr xvl.ish loll..sss would hardly he applicable. Aro wc to huso .ninth, r Shrove Tueoday f.-:,,f this year for tho ,;.k.- ot giving .-in a last chane**? Have yon Mother dtaboliooJ production re_*ry?" "I .'lill .'ifni I not.'' ,,;sy\eie| Ghi""***"*".. "Be si,Irs, otic ,hou!,l never repent a good tiling.-' "That is what my wife says." observed Ali?(4 t iso. thought fully. "Tm: dear woo*?uti Hut for her. I shouhi do nothing imt repent my oue eeoofnl picture,? if poaoible i.v ?< che_ileal prceem, It wool 1 be so etury : Thnt is the way the ""ondern galh-ri's of old m.,-ter, aro formed. There is a little nan in (h.- Via 'la' Pob-ononia who tums out th*- arti'lo .it ;i !ixo liked, 11.> is u great friend of yunis, i- ho nit''*' "Vee, ssc nure knosvn <-arh other almost ten yoiirs."' Ohlalerl betron to smoke, rather gloomily, for ho perceived that (hoi., ama trouble in stoic for illira. "lt is Donna Adflo ssho toot itll the mj,-hi.-f," continu.sl (ioiiaclio, putting a <|;,.,li ,,f bright blur into tlio face of tho portrait ho wa* splating, a proceodin:. xvlii.-h. us (ihisleri imtie-,1 arith some surprise, improvcrl tho likeus-m -j. m pbnna Adele. Von know tho ol,I -story, .-ax-ell, lovel Miss Carlyon but could not marry her. I),ima A*lo|e nev.-r forgave |,,.r, and she will omi by doing hoi a -rent don] "f harm. Sim pretend* tiiat Saveili has told her that Lady (fnbert is already talking to him ami to ? very I,ody ,,f her own svroteh.,-1 niarri.-il lilo-ratlo-r hintiuK that if Sivelli xvouhl caro t,, rjefurt this life of r. sp*s-tul ility sh,- Wonld gu xvith him, a proposition which, of -ours--, Savolli scorns n, tlio must virtuous uml approved fashion, rolling his Uno paternal lan'-nagr as in tho fourth act or a trai^cMly at thc Co'iu-tli.. Kr:inc,ti?- I mppttt yon cannot stop this sort of thiuu, can you t* "I will try," said (*lii*I. ri. in a tom- thnt malo ("ouacli"* look roi,ml from bia painting. He lu?| not often xvjtairssi',1 oven Mich a slight niani fistBtion of \s*Fl auger mi l'ietro's part us win, apparent in Ibo enunciation of tho thris,* wor tl,,. I,mis.- A* Gnu ache .lil not volunteer any further information, however, ni.isl.ti th 111-ht it svi-cr t" ask no qucations, a,i'i l.e Mas inclined t" infer that tl,,- alor-sihl observations had lieen directed against Matldolcna ii'-]!' Am.i. Ghialeri '.'.-"it awrty ii a very bad humor. So ?',,:i:: ;i- rim b ? -io raine from the men Im had a very simple and definite course open t , him, an l li- knew that In- personal influence ss.,, "oii alderuble. lint when the sv,,r,r things said wen s:ii,I ty women ti,,-ie r?eemed t,, h.- m, nn"-*.|.y possible It would imf be an *'ass' matter togo to Ail,-!,- :,!i i tax h-r with lying, alanderin , and evil speaking ?**!** would very properly lx> ai ry, a:..I would of course ttany thal rte h.: 1 ever spoken on t!..- matter; lier friends would support In-r in her denial, and he would Im no further advanced than before Ho cu;,1 not ptueibly gu t,, 'Tun., Saveili au.I demand ?-! tli" latter an ex pinna t ion oi [lonna Alric's conduct, Tim! was out of tin* t)ueotion. I',> lot Donna Adele knosv that both Lourn and Anion w re quite un uinscioua ol hoi- attack* and, in their prreent lib* ,,f almost .iifor-cl r-tiro'i.'nt, were likely to rerar.In in ignorance "f thoni, might away Punna Adele, but could do no good. It would !,.. positisely un!.:u i tu Rpeok to t!i" Prineen of (lerann nnd ai k her t . to- ? 1 he* InRnenco with her stepdaugbter, bm t'hisWi ' thought ho had struck a powibilltv at I st?h?> eould no n, old Genna him-Hf ..ml explain mat- ! tera Alter all. Gemno waa Adele'* rathol ami ! rut**] si,in,, authority over her still. liim-iVr! 1 ?. rither hastily ti, the conclusion that thi woull 1 he the wbiest eonrsc t" follow, rind neted aim -i initnediotelv anon his decision, f >r il chanced that ho found tin* Prim ? at tim club, on I iud the op? portunity he ne,-,|",i within Itali an h.-ur liter forming his pian ,.f action He approa* lied the subject -molly ind diplomali. j rally, willie Getono btandly listened and puffed al a ri-.irctte. Donna Adele, he -mid, hnd of cou*-*** no intention of Injuring her rtrpsiirter, but al ? waa too yoong to know the weight ;t canine tal ? often carried ssitii it in tlie world, and had n i.tca of 11,0 ham, she wo* doing. No one, not even the Prince himself, ssa. Ignorant ol tho fact that | Don Fran,.o Saveili'* i:r-r inclination hod been j l.-nhor for Mi? Carlyon than for [lonna A,l-l,-, hit ! that it had "treen a mere young win'* fanes, ssh!, out any iinpoitanc. an,I that having xml Iel t,. , 1 iircTitnl authority, Don Fran-*****" ssas ?.,.y M ,,... r... fly happy man. Perhaps Donna Adel* I a,l n I j benn able to forget tin, apparont *li:'t up ci her I boa,itv ami charm, is far a, her -t.-j.-,-1. r ss , concerned, though well assure that her husband j thought im moro a'.t Lady Herbert, li isa-' natural and womanly in lier t" r"s,-;it it. Hit that xvas not a g(*od rea,mi ss!,-,- rte *hn lld nay ag abe (reet?ed to he Baying constantly?that Lad} I I tarbert waa v.-ry much 111 love ssith I?,,n Fran C. SCO. Here Ghisleri paused, ind the Prince opened hi* cy.-s very wide at flrot, ind then nhnosl sh it them ;ts he (strut in i*-.*d lil* companion'* face, ll- know the man well, however, md guessr I that the m if ter must i?. Berton* Indeed since he to U the trouble to tr--it it in such earnest, "T sn,!.,..?.," anid <.,ra!i", "thal you sn- '|Uito prepared to support your ss ,1 is n ?nj ,,,,. m ?n ; aris-s. Tai, j, ,a ntl ana ? I ,1". " " Yes." onsrtrend Ghisleri. " I am alwat * r-nd Wo spoke with Mich gravity thal the Prince wa* impressed. Piotr, went "ii lo s-iv that Donna A l-l". . loss out ,.f pur* cai.?!..,-?!,?*,. Imd certainly, ny a foolish j.st, suggested tin- story that Lor 1 Ih 1 '?? 1 ? ssas very intemperate, a st,,rv which Gin*.lori last year 1.11 obliged 1,, deny in tho mtot formal 1...inner in the wry room in which they ss. r.- n >-.? talking to a number of men. 'Fin- tole hoi of Into h.*.;. rcviveii in ;i form even mon virulent 1 than befon, and such untruths, even when th have originated in a Imrmlnn hit .,f lau, eonl I damage a man'- reputation f,,r lil.-. "Of c..-irs., they can. and they 'h.," i*-terted the Princ", xvlm wa, liwomin : rathol anxious. " Aa for instan e." continued Ghisleri, " it is now ---*i< 1 that Lady Herbert Arden, your stepdmightor, BOW talk* ,,, lion l'rai..--.-,, aiul to PVorybodj which probably mean* the few peraon* ssh. cirou Into th-* myth?al out h.r wretched mari ul life, and other suggestion* which I will not r>-|i'-at ore a*b)e,1 \x 11;? ? i, aro very insulting to h-r. For my I art my burineoa i- to defend Ai len, ss!,,, i- my friend, and who is onTort 11 nataly f,,,, ill *\ the aenonnt lie -rafe brr of I la Interview ssith Ghtaleri, ,,f whom sh" bad ;i high opinion .,- a mon ol truth? ful character, bad as he sntned t" be i;i "tim, mpect*. She knew instinctively and ai once that every one ,,f his state?tenta must lt?.ve lM*?-n p-r feetly sv.-n founded, ind that if he had pt-red it had a ss"ir.-svn j daughter w:,s tin- rtattm, while Ida trna t:?- ag. grx-o**-rr. lt svits stroue that ni so dmnv yenra noitlur should knVu understood Adele", (Q.iracter xxrll enough to suspect that abe could bs capable I of aux treachery, and yet both Wort nosv eotV xinccU that til*- eas- against Lor waa (got by any fi.cans a Helton. Thc Prineesa ssa, bow in abe gravest ,li,tics, ami she cul I tu il ki'.-p hui k hm tenn as abe trm.i to Bnd irgutnenta in Adele** fas,-r. orishing t,, th,- Inst to defend her hurtond'a 'lui,I. while never for .a moment losing -..ht ,.r bet own Sh.- ssas in, eminently good woman, bit rory far from worldly-wise, Indeed, a- .-vents pro ended that .lay, thr-ro Beemcd tu bc a diminution f wisdom in tho action <>f euell in tum a, com? pared With that cf tlio last per,on connel i.."l. '.lu* hui hoi not really allowed himsell tin;" to con rider tl,e situatli ti tn all ns b.-.irn.-s before apeak. mg lo i.er,no ,,r ho might n,,*. have spoken at ail. Gerano, next, hal .?, aro.-iy Imitated in eon fldlng tim whole affair t" his *.\ jf.>. and sh.-, in taspair, turned to the one person ,,i all otb* rs with ?simm sh.- ssas nally nm-t m BJ'mpi.tliy, to LttUn "trden herself, r*^rudlce* of tho "t4mf?equeneea l .:.ai e.-ii-l Lord II. i:n-rt xvas resting befon dinner, and sh-' found her daughter alone. lim- l ??;,,-? sv's alni,.st hunting, and rte pound out the story in oil ifs (tataila, accurately, a- b!ic had li ail it, though hardly kn,..sin- xx lint abe s-'l. At lint Laura ssa, tempted t., laugh, rlhe had been bo much happier <;f lota thal laughing had -town cosy, lint >! ? vcr* -.,.,. saw lite rea! monninc of ti.- situation, anti she grow pale as she silently listened to the ond. 1'lten hci motiVi broke tlown armin. ? ind ! hnvc loved h-r soi" ?-ri--'l the poor lady. 'Alu: i-f mi I hive loved you, my child! 'li,mk ni it ai!?oh. it i- not t. Iielievrd I " I.:iuia ssa- imt at tit * * moment inclined to she* I lear*, lt ssas al.-t tim lir-t lime iii lmr lib when alie ssas nally annry, ii her tamitet "jtm not -i-iis ieus,..], lt Was n .t destined lo lie th? ia,!. Ins .-s .1 an I pule, (dir *ii b,-.i,|,. the Prto cns, holding bei hands, then dryini. her fasi ll >* lng lean, ita?n rans-dns her. und ?.vina all ali? ,, ul.i t . soothe ami calm lier, while almost rh ,i> in- 11 ? ? i ?? -11 to koop down tho rage slw reit. Il"i' eye* had I,, .rn npencd it laat, and rte bow what the -nuy r* ?:. 11 \ wa* at which Arden had math) such a poor j'. A* tlie l'lii',-.,, gron mu- calm, "tho i. an -,i lo* k at her daughter in surprl* -. - Wh it !- the matter, darline;?" sb ? aake I anx? iously. r' Arc y,,u ill, dcor, you 1" ik so ? hanged'" ?| am ansry, mother," answered Lama, quietly , nmi-h " I tdioll gel os.-i it soon, I don say." Even her voice >!i-? olilii-c I to explain t . tar h i* bate!. I ..ri sat al"!).* by tim br. dita ll lt in - down and ss., :-'-i not uni ? alie I. fi nlmost an hour in ss hi h t ? tl n;k over the situation Nh** itatetmli ?? I tn m is t, r her anser an 1 to ! ? k t > mattel - tho farr ? ititi ! v A. i*. r :ill. it i. -- I ---i|.. town til;. ? ? ? di.nt. r. which im-s* all lie for tt, m t1.- li ht ..f tlie ti ie facts Ko s ?? Irtad I - ia*ta herself, at I- , I I, ,, -l ?? found it ? t **r* hard roattar t,, hrltove her riwn stalom nt ,.:' it all I ' ? car- she thought i' ov* r t1.r ? it ;ill - seine I in !-r ey* -, lite more * ?? -. | - hated Adel ? SI e ,-?? il I li ive home th* Storj about I n- If i..-?t"r. if n hod *om ? nlot ' I .-.ul.I rmitl.. r f..r.is" ir.f lind an excuse tal ss .? had bee>n said * iin?t her I ishand T<* know thal people nponlt -a',;. I him Intemperate a iii inknr-l, thal would lie tlie won!I Him, of all living mon! The oitsertirn was so monstrous thal ali Itt ra' ri-oolutlon ta control herself [ave woy suddenly, and sh.-, in in r turn, bust into a flood >,r tenn, h,,t. angry, almost agonizing. Im.ib|o ta cl-cek, "si,- might have b.H-ti proud to shed then, fol they st..Ve'I Imsv much tnor-' ?!m loved lier hu* ban 1 than Site Cum] for her- !f, bul sin- ssas rou scions only "f the intone* itasiro tu face Vdeta, and do her s ne- grlrroufl bodily hurt and he r.".-n.'"i lor tim foul slimier ras, ,,,, K-rlM-rt Arden. Kl ? i.-I and shut her ha ml, convulsively, as thou-:, -he ss.-,.- clutching some one ami strangling tn. i,renth out of b lix in t throat, iv "iy drop ..r bl.I ni h?r young h.. !y ssas br.-, every tear that rolled down lief pole clteck ssa- molten lead, es. is hoot of her angry pulse hroughl an angry thought t' her brain. How long sin- remained In tins state *!m did not knosv. She lid not hear hr hnshnntPi taboied, hotting step on th,- r-oit carpet, and i?? r>>r-? sim ssa- aware ol hi* pnseneo he wa* 'tan.lin- l-ofon her, with :, look of pain and almost <>f horror in Iii, dellratr lace. That waa til" "-col terrible mrnncnl In his life. Highly sen*itlve ;,s hr wa** levin-* her almost t., tlistraction as ho did, he had alway* found it har I t,. understand her love bu him. To suspe t thal all Of lt ssas pity, or that a part of if lia.i grown weak of late, ss;,- almost Impossible t., him, and yet tl." possibility nf doubt ssa- tier.-. Ile had entered the room as usual, withoat ant pr.in Hon, bul si,,, i,a,i not heard him: he karl -teen her apparently stfiiirgllng ss-ith lu-rt-olf nnd with rome nnt-een enemy, In i paroxysm of rri'-f un I rage. Instantly the ,h>abt nae auprorne and struck Mm, lih ? a sudden blow ii. the fa t ??She ha- found mit h-i mistake foo late-nlie !.,. - m.t |ove ni", snd sin Im-s t , l?- fte ? " ii,at i, w li.it Herbert trttan said t,. himself aa he stood i 'fm,, her, and the honor of i, wa* almost greater tlu,n he could heal. Wt tlien waa a ..:r..at and manly courage In hi- narrow breast. He r it that hr must .In-, but sim should imf sulT.-r ans mom ;h:iu ss.,, neenatary until thou, li" dm* thc i...-t lireath he could, a- though it were hi- last. She started, s-.ihl eyed, us he spoke. ?? Lnura darling it has been a terrible mistake - and it i- all ms fault. Will yo i !,,r-iv" nie, dear one? 1 thought that you would l.v.- me-1 ***** how it ls when you ar- aloin- Ko woman eonl I have horne thi* tain?age "f youn ns you hove i ,,i ne it sii ??? von have fonn I ont ? ? ** Herbert! Herbert!" ""ried Laura, in sudden agony, sim thought he sv.ts going mad beforej lu-r " \o, dear." he sahl, with at, imiii tis., effort, ami nuking a "i.-lure xv111, Ins |l* as sim apraoi to her iis-t and eitopt i bim in li>r ar,ot>, half mad with grief at Um tliou,l.t of yyiuit he m-ist have Buttered, und loving l_r_ as,.,e,.,?i rte did. tor beyond fhn love,0f earlier day* But lw hufdly saaettUtotl yet thu li ss .s really love, and In tried to took np int., her face, almost fainting with tbe terrible atrain lie had Lorne no bravely, md Hill ?trut??Ung to ho calm -Laura darling." ko ?nid I" ? ??? voice, -ll ssas nil too natural. l?le~ >'"" ?? ol no uso - -'' ??lr cannot he like the P-?n ' ''"'' ?"'v-" kn in Bwered simply. She tealiied that what be said was true. Then rte t"l I linn th- whole itory, as rte knew it. ind KO, in a few hours, the '? uveisufiMi Ghbltarl had l?-M with Gouache began to hear imf In a direc tiott where ncltlter ot them had suspected n pot-si i,I,, tiiat theil tivorda tiould penetrate. Arden had allowed bimrcll h. ,mk Into a chair it Laura'* M,ie. abd he Itatened with hnlf-elose*! eyn and i"l,l"'l hantbt while sh.- spoke. Under ordinary cinurnotanct** Ito woukl probably have l*?trayed ooi.motion, ami might have Inter? rupted In r ssuh a qticBtion or tsy.,, hut ti,,- terri? ble excitement ol tho last few minute! woo fol? lowed by ;i reaction, and no fell himself growing colder and rainier ever) moment, ssiiii.- Iii* heart. xx l, i i-li lia I i'-.-ii beating furiously when he had tijst spoken t,, h-r, ?.-ii?-,l now about t" stand st'JI. As rim pp., .cl,'I, l,oss....r. be ssas aware oi the most conflicting feelings ,,l nappinon and ? ii ,i .tho latte! "I tlio quiet and daegcroua - u; ll" BOW at oner thai In- ha,I laen utterly tni.-iako . in doubting I.mia , I-.i.., ami from thal directlin peon ,|,.-,eiiie.l upon his heart; but when hr I...nil what Ita, work! ssa, saying "i lier, he felt that, weak b* li" ssa-, he ! a i tl,,- sudden st!'" n ih lo dan and .1.. anything ta oven e the n,* li. li" waa human enough, too, io nwcnl bitterly the story tdmut himself, though that, alter all, wa? bli a *rcondar*t aflaii in rtrnporb-on arith til" _,-*ip ;il.out Laura. Wi..ii si,.- hod lini-ho'l he ids,.- slow'.- and sat upon the ::ii:i ol her ca*j chair, drawing h-r head ? his shoul bi. He k:*?s| hn hun tenderly. -Ms Moved can rou lorgtre mel*" he asked in a very gentle vo. "My darling?thnt I should has., doubted you!*' ?? I an, glad you did, dear thi- oneo," she an? swered. '?\,,ii nee how it is. Voil ;,i" all th*' ss, ii,i f,, m.- the rn,.ie thought that any one , ni hurl son by wold oi deed?oh, it drirea mo mad!'' And she, ssh-, wo* usually ?> calm and rollerled, again innde th it dnprrate gratura with her lt ind*, :,, ii.R|| abe had them on a wotnan'a throat nnd would strangle ";it t;." life of h***r In the grip of I,,-r linn tit,-, rs. - a* for mc ll ii"''' r* little enon rh," wi( \i.:.-;,. taking hoi I un ls and stroking them as ... t,, -,,.,,!,.. lier -.',-. r "'il .om-., if i- an abstir*l and disgusting story, ?u*l I suppo**' sonn' poi,ph' believe ir ll il what they sr. ol you is i rn v different nmtt* i ?? | ,i,, Ro1 Hil ik so," taoke in Laura. Indi ?? i if conr.is ..rn- Um.w, that wi |,.so rai li ',th.-r, and th il li is all a Ita- hut ss! ci _.,,.), ;i tata i- st irti ?! -ii-.;* a man that hi nh, it I* foo ult* rlj si!"'" - Itaar, shall we try ? il target lt ? Vt len I to,- fbi* '?? enii : lt ? us do om I ? I V< i have maita m. happy In am.Me r ss .-. I - ifferi il i that moment vei ? i -,.I p Into ! ',* face ns !m sat "" '' ' inn of the < i . nd she sics that !, ? l< , , . ,ii. The * ?? ?' almost tn i fol kit i. ami -I," r--a':i.'"! th ,i ss ben he spoke i 1 .... .. roiild hear ' n m re ?? *,,., '.. ..." Bli* * ' "I. " wo Will pill it ill! ass , -. ;,,r ,i ..- m. I I- 1 appy f". ether as w? alssas', ar." | ...,...,,,,. no doubt, tl at tl.tl ? ? .,,,.,. ,,,:.,,, | -, | re,, effort, but neilin i ni tl ,..;. n, ,| t., the ia',t. r ugain thal night, 'I lie; talked ,.f ail mau. ' ? rather n-rvn - .,,?! r,., | ,,. |> al bm*. I ' d ir-allty nnd eneil*, , ,., wi en Ihe i.-|, sympathf which exist-*! ? . :, thom hoi :,--"!!?.I i- ? ir Durii g two l.oiit* af bast t ? ? ? ? l ? fol (Ot what had - viol* civ moved th* m ? uth \V|M n "mien I ihi I i- In "I upon his pillow hi . ,,| | ,,, nubs tte I, ' af he kn?*w that hi ? love had taken gi '*ater rtrongth ami depth I ? ,.\,.r |m ...,. ||e sp.ii, a *|.-.-;,'.-, night Indee I, Imt ssli. ,1 lu- rose in fi.min r i ?? dbl not ? tired Something within him which wa* ? ..,...,..i tn susi lin I i'u and nourish him Ile not ,.ii whether ir ss.,, love fm Laura ot anger against Hoi wi*mac who slandered li i.nb actina at nneo, and he did not waste much i .?,?? in ape* ulating upon hi* mental condition Ita had fortnetl a "resolution upon which he ineaiit to act without tl* lay. lt wa* a i.un'- mi rm!' . ?? Hiv and raw ? iii ? ,; ,- weatl -r had been earlb-r In the s.-.r. "i.iv.- im- warm elothn. Ibmald," he raid t" his mali " I Bm going out." -Hoing nut, my tani In this wrnther?** D >n :,l,r, f;.xpr.-s*.-1 ii,.- greatest anxiety. Sever mind tim weather." sihl Anl* ii. "'ii- ' mo warm rlntta-o, and -?. 'I for b clo.I i an Donald iiheyed. slmklng hi* heal and mutterin dot a*-heil exprnei?t*na of disapproval. He waa a privileged peraon. < HAPTFl. VIII. Arden, f.-r the !ii*f lime In his Ufo, paid ii" at tel.tnni to Laura'- r.-nml: fia.". Whoo sim timi lo prevent him from gidng nut In the rain, rind lie ?,,ul,I tmt Im,r ol her ;i. companying him on ,i,i condition. Il" n--i;ie.l h.-i that willi Ins fur ...ut, and in a closed carriage ssith a foot warmer, he wa* a* rafe as ;.t home in t ie .li.issn, room, .,,,,I he r ,s.. her !" uml. rstiiml that ta* had -? -miall siirpn-- in atora fm lui ??: whii li all the effect ss-,.nhl lie spoiled If alie went with him v-i, reluctantly site let him go. Even alter he wo* gone, when ria* heaid ti," brougham rattlin down the Via Gn oriana, she ssa, tempted t,, upon the window and call tl"' dtiv.i huck, Then rte ,.!i,.,t..| that sh" w.i- probably foolish in he ing so anxious, sine-' he now seemed almost a* sv.ll as cs. i. When he left Hie house Arden drove t,. :, ,-,.,:.,.,i Htudta, and then and there hough) h -niall pirtui ? which Lamil had Bdinired s, rj rn u li and had l cou tsso or throe times t>> see. To the artist's surprise, be litatatati upon rnrryini lt assay ssitli hun ni once, jus, us it ssas Then he told the ,,,,, i,,,,an to drive t,, lite Fbi imo Suvelli, IL -int up his cat.I ami asked to Bee Don Francesco, ami al "ii"' "received mi anower, be in- hun t go upstairs. Francesco wa* v.is iinii h surprisetl by tho x i -it. .,,?! ,.,,,,1,1 ,, ut c.,mei- .- ssliat lind brought Lor I llcrta-rl Arden ?" him at 11 o'clock in tim morn lng. He awaited him in i vant and gloomy di iw ing-room in which there wa* no Bro. Hie wulla wen linn* xs it ii obi porlraita ol th.- Sas.-lli In armor, the carpet ssas of a -arinbra hue, au.I tl,, furniture ronstated ol thtrce superb marbi.- tubb* a, ni, rnrved and g'Jt tact, and sixteen chair* ol the *tyle "f I "ni-1 the Fourteenth*! nign, all pn ,i-.l\ ali!.'. and stan,In:- sido by side aumin*t th** ssail*. I'la!.,-,,', Sa veli! stood facing tim door, l,i, yellow half, blue eye* and rrert r-ompb'vlor, contrasting atrongly with Ike dark background. II,, ssa- ;i Hne-lookiiig feltaw, with ? mihi rnce, ;> quiet manner ind ? b.I deal of old-farttancd formality, which inter, iiowevcr, aeetned i" wenr off every evening in snetaty, romt*i*i ba,-lc aa a. as lie ret-incii i" tko din, ami shadowy balla ut In, lu,mr. 'Iii,- cnn", lion between lint ami A triton was in reality so distant that tltey had never OMtimed even lite outward toms of intimacy, though their wirra calle,l ea,I, otl-r stater. -* iv, -Hi disliked I ord Ucl 'teri Itecnun* he ssas ., cripple, ami chiefly i,-:iii-o he had fliarneil Luna Carlyon. Anl,ai .ti his si.Te. a ut moro r kn indi denni t" Fran i,-seo. but fronted him alway* ssith % shade moi** warmth than on ordinnry actiuaintann, as being, .:, a .sens-, | member ,,i !;s wife'i family. Sas.-lli cnn- forward tu Aide i enter.,I. The int allowed lite Ina*-*, eurtnln t,, drop, closed the .b?.r iinii went out, and tho us., nten wen left alone. ".xjuod iijuiiiiiia, Bljf deal Alden," auld sjavclll, L A. VANTINE & CO,, Japanese, Chinese, Turkish and India Goods, 877, 879 BROADWAY, WILL OFFER ON MONOAY, APRIL 17th, THE FIVE F0LL0WIN8 SPECIAL VALIKS I"*, JAPANESE EMBROIDERY: Embroidered Shiftt Table Corers, 39x36 $**(^ 25 inches, in a largo assortment of colors, *\\\\\ **. ga 4 25 ? pr. 6 00 ? pr. Iliac and White Mit nimble Cotton Car- ?jfl 25 tains, trimmed leith tassel frint/e, Gold Embroidered Crepe Curtains, lix, 3 10,9 ft., in all the late Art Shades, Ilabufai SH/,- lied Spreads, hundsomeh/ QA iQ QQ embroidered in {/old, 0x9 ft,, fl ****# ? C**lo Ilabufai Sith' Mantel Draperies, 27x109 ^^ _., ?\#*| inch's, rr,, artistic {/old and sill: ** Tl ^J pr*. embroider!/, *w?* taking liis hand. " I hope jrou are i|Ulto well. Fray be seo ted." " i,...al mornin .. 'I hui ka." Both - ukc in Ficnch. Tiley rat down, -ni., iv si,!... mi the sHiT, hiith Irvkrd gilt chairs, and wtclt looked ut the other. "I have something especial to *uy t,, you," liegan Arden in In- calm and even voioi?ti mm i|iiicker ssiit.-.i than Kavelll ss..uh! has.- noticed tho look "I detarmination bIhiiiI the sin,,,::, shaven ii*** ami the prominent chin- tin I ?>!, ol u ia an who will in.r In." trifled si it!,, ami will sis what hr ni, an, ni spit- ol iili difficulties n i all ! ?ippositlon. "I am entiralj :it ynui >.iu,"," answered Don Franc bco politely. "'Maul,,. I li.iv,- (hooch! it beet to conic t.. ? loll 'I'.tlv. li.-on.u-o IUJ Im-llies* ''..thorns your, ss if.- ami mine, ami it is I*ettat that -.so fdlOIlM settle such matter* Itetween u- without the Inter venti, n ,,f ot lier* ' Barelli op<>ned hi* eyes in surprise, l it raid nothing", only mokini ., slijrrit uiclinottan of the li-'iul In answer. Ardon contin.I in lite cool m. I . . il. , to-1 manlier ssitli sslnoli lo- Iud l*gun, "A i.iniii?-r of mi ti a :,,, i- I,..." ho raid rdowly, " ar.- in circulation i on, i nit* i ti If v. '.'?-. -ml - ni ?? ? i ru cu rn myself. M iy I ni |Uirc wb* til ??? i soi li i'.o h. anl lin'iii lt v...,,!,I facilitate matter* if yon ss.ml I t : j n .? -om. thin "i 'li- ii ' ': .1 ?-' olreerved > is.-lit, more ami mon* Betonlsl ? 'I -There ?.* no difficult- utaiut that. I can ev, i rpent them lo you, word for ss,,ri. ,.r n* irly lt i sui. iu the Ural i'i.,"-, th it my ssii.- I* s-1 ni love ss ii i, J ou ?? With me ?" 'ins, Saveili, startle 1 out of hi ..I!:, illly for oin-e. ? \. -, wifh you, am! that she ha* 1 ??-?--1 yo i imie. n.Hy, it i- -.ci that 1 am i.dil in* ' ilrunknnl and that my wife lead* a mool unbupp: . .i.-,- ., .? with un' in , .n- .ni -nc ?. Iti- '.ulth' r '.,,.,i , u rho ni ih s...-1-.-t ol' thi* -ni.;,., ? ;,,:, i ii complain* lou ll* t,, lier rriend . , ,| .-.-jail,-, s, i.., 11 you tai ls r i unll lenee in tl ?? 1 matter." - ii;,,,, io totally ii' true,' raid Don France* j . i ,.-is. ?? She h:..* m'vi-r spoken ul :? ? i to no; . ,is, pt ..I, term* ol the hi-dicef i'm-"" - i am assure tl. it lt i- imt t,-,m. bul I am much . | ,., JO 1 lol- y. Ul Sell pl ll". **.I,''Ul' .H. I . will u. li la -u-eerted that rn) wita has give v. Ill ..ion. lt J* il- -i'i mn inn -n.. "'" '?...-?.?- ? von to iiiidorMtuiul l ?." ?'?" i -?"- V??. ?""' ."';''' il v., i \s,, lld.ir. ? wu "I "" rt" "'? '" 1',;'''' i lioiiir in jotn rontpa *i Ita;"*-' ll in , ul ;..,: ., ..;?? nirran] ... ami con idi uti. - ?' ? ,* pus ISO lilith* I . ..... , .,! heard air. ol them, except som.' ? ? |. j, rt* Uti HU foul "*ll, tu I.II'' ; ' -..,, i?n. h wini a.' i ?? ' "i I"" ? Hut ii -lori ti l< u - " ?,KI >,- ? ' ' ml 1 ? lu ird '? i irv ul the abaunt '?? j' ,||,| , ,,, hm,ss Ililli I ihisleri h ld rn us.-!-. .,,- part." ... sac,.-! Arden " Ital ' >' *?"! I, ,, |1,,U I', ie .I th" I' I"' "I Ul" * ' "I"1' "' " I ,,,- ms li I . mtj little lt .- "ii .:?' ''.in ol ,,. ,,,,,:,..?>,.." ssnl, thu tal, - al " it ms wife Ih it I dave (nhl it to you." . , j - Va, l u*k who yo ir mt iruiuut Lt ?? N's' wita." " \i, I hm- '" . i ? ?? \ reliable ami truthful i-i-"i. whom I - i not nuns' ut prc** nt i ?? all di ",!;' ll!- '?" ' ;''' ; ??. | im ve not come to the most Iniportan ' ....Mt ss! i.li ssill ivs plain sslis I raine t" yu i. ?? | supp ,*.-l th >i iou rn mc a* > ? ?< ? mi ? I nf th., tamils tu ask ndvie - or ai**i*taiiee. - \,, 11,;1, ,, not it. I do Pot nerd either. 11,;.iil, yoii I r-ome to j ? i >?" ' ' ?'' all tm-t-o .torie* nra distinctly traotibta i" Itannu A?tal ?avolll." , , Kninresco started '? i ?'? ntly, nnd ni most re? in,tn In- seat, Iii* face llushin ? suddenly. ?? i., r,i lieii,. rt tah*' cara!" he pried ?, h loud ami nngr* voice, and is nh a pnssiin-nte ip-sture. ?? |i.lu." *ald Arth'ii In au innntiirally iili, I ?? I; s .,u strike me s,.u ssiil ta* distrrn ??? I f< i in... i e...,,,*.- I tun a rripple Ibit 1 aseiira yo tl,a' 1 au, not Vi the |.-'*t altai'l of Voil " "You ar.* v.|-?i,."' ex. l-l tm ?-. I Saveili, still furl ..-is. an I Inri ' !? ti him v >-. n??? ly. ?? \,., -it nil,*' n*turned tho Knultabmnn, un ,,.| " I .-ame hera ," settle tin* liusinesx, an : I has., not the siinllost intention ?,| i-oiim ?? ' until l Ins,, said ali I meant ta sis After that, ,f von nra m-1," ??-1 t.. .len,ami satisfaction of tn*' im'i* tlie .a.,tom here, you con 'I" ???. I shill ,..,.,.,.'.-i' th- mnttar 1 -lilli prohnhlv not ??* chun e shot* with rou, been use I lieliove thal illicllinu is ss rom:. Hot let m.- -a\ tl.at I ?!.. no* in tin. least moan t>, insult von. nor. a, I think, lias.- 1 l-c -ll 1.1. I. Ino i" Clvlll.ll ,..'?-. I lins ?? ,i\eii y,m a ti'i'i'h. r "i fact* wlllr'l I Iris.?>, i,-i- n for belleville t.. be true ', ?" -.*.: 11 in all lik iii -.,.el hase ,,o il'.Air tl Itv in liml'i ? mit wltetlu*r ibo-,' -ire true ,,r not. lt we -.Ily. of ro" ?, ,, ? ,| thal tbe st a lomon ts ara talse I shall ' happy to offer "rou my I ??*? i.pi,|o-;|oi: ii not. nnd i if soi, ara cons i,,..si thu* Donn" Vdota hi* be ? ? humei ir- my wife, I shall oxnect you to net upon soar conviction, a- a iii, ..! hniior should, lill'1 Ink*' measure* tn hnve th.-,.- report* iostiintl j lulls- ilcntad everywhere hs Donn i **tali> h :- If I think I h is,- -lat.' I the ch ..- pl iin|*. nnd who! I l.:r... Ba 1*1 ought not t,, offend s,.n, ia my opta ion "lt i- .???) tiiinls i':,|i,.-s|' | ? t . !? - moto plain.' I answered Savi-lli, rauuininu "*omotltl*m uf Ins mi I nani calm. "As to what mas or m,\ not is.' i o.t.-mo i,pmioiis may differ in Km laiul an,I ii Italy." ??'Iliov probably ,!"." leturned Arden .liv. "It i, li, ' un int,?uti,rn t.> ofTeti I s uu." I'r:.iie.-e . Kavolli 1.1 at tl..- shrunken li"..ne :.''.! lilt' timi I,ami- With ::ll e.|'l -.'lisa,I.ci ,,! |e pulsion nnd i,-i?.,t li.- hud lieen very tar rroni , snip sin.- flint Herbert Anim, o.**..*^,| niieh un i -cn.,i,i.ni",, and inipi'iftiii. ii.|.. root no**, ?? i I not Lem li- ans moan, a rowurd lllnisolf, ho ! roiild ii"i help ailniiri'': l,|;is,is ?:, others. ' Ile I wn* none the li*** nnirry, I,,ns.-soi-, tlioii'di I ' ma,!" a grant effort t . koop hi* lom nor Ita H i imt los,- In, wife, but he had :t!l the !' .mau traill ,ii,,iis coiieeinim: ti,., sacrodnt-s* ..I th-, lannis l hom.r. which he now tait ssa-, really at -? ike, ami ! h.* h:ul all a Roman's dread of a public s,:,,i fal '? I must ta'g s,,u ..mo moro ,,, toll nm hv whim, 1 those ,tones ss.-io t..hl t.. | mis Herbert," he ,:,i(| , :: I ter a pan,e. " I cannot lin so ssith,mt consulting that person " mis'.seie.i inion. "I ita ti,,* wWi t,, ii,,- ,,ti,,"., I |," ph- into the affair, Voil sviii i?. Bble tn Uml out tar yourself, ami probably thmut-h memb ?? - "f sour ossa lannis, how much truth (here is in I lt all " " Voa |,...itis.lv refuse t.. t.-ll me ! " " I has.- saki so li sm, ssish ,., |M. ronfrantcl ssith tho person itt ,|iteattan I ssill consult that per, "ll. as ( *n i,| la -, n|e." "Ami if I then, on ms side, positively refuse | , rta urythin witl.t linville, pravlmisly sp,,!,..,, t, that person?ta him ,,r fe her?what'then "" " In ms opinion yon v .11 Ito sllnwinq a stlte ol I'""'" to ""ont. which ssill mn ultimate.-- re Meet cr.-il,t upon \,,n ,,, sours. Moreover sou ssill nbtiire me to take som., still mora ictivi* un.-i-ur,.. "What ni...i-n,. ?, ??'? "I ,lo i, ,t h'osy r wi|| HilnV al ont ,t \,, | now I ss,ii wish von ...,,oil morning" Ita ct upon 1,1* I,,., ami stool liefora Ravelll " .' nrtornlng,' said the latter verv st lilli ? .Minis- me to.tntcitiv von *-, th- hall" ' H'm,'. . salli Ar.l.-'i. as he I.e...,,,, ,? ,tll,Vl, .B his um :,inlv dial.,t,,i faah'/m Inward the door Svh.le **:,le!|i ?;,l!?| .,???, |,M,.. ^ ' ,; above him Ly -, third ol ht* own heta?n *-.',|.-., ahlv**r*s-i a* ta' ,|,.ii'..i ,,,, his fur raitt n tim hall I,,,- it |,ad ,. V?IV ??,,, , ,' ', .' tag-room. ihntieli he hnd scsi.Iv no?ta**| th* tZt in lila prooccupied Btatc of uiiod. While driv'-ia homeward he looked at the little -detain us it stood opposite tu him on the sent ol the carrlop, |. U;|. ,,. . ,,|' ,|,.,.- .xi'ii.-ito sa.-ss- ,,t Ihe ( Mab paeiia, looking across the IHier, whtah rsartorio do,* -"., wonderfully in |..i>t> I ? vi,,, ssill I ' I:'' tO hilve |t. *-i 1 Ard-n ta ,;i,,,:,.I,. '-;.,ri alic ssill underatnnd wbf I wont ""l',.'1sy.1".', .I'-:- bly sv-ll -:,,isli.s| with tim morn in ? ?', sxmk lt hail .-s-in'"l t" him that there wa*. notlilnii elite lo I," done under th- cjraumrtMt**-** an,| !,.: certainly 'dd nol '?]^'-'u'\"l)\,w? ,???,?,- ,? "mn-' .th' t? >,,S"l!l II- 'lint ;, pt a noni of svhut h" had ml nor dM ba i,,.[ that h.- ha.! s;;?i too liri-. As he antiel ,.,?"!. Laura -u-|,"'"'l nothing, ami waa **** -. || with Ita- I'lt'ir-*. Hu" "traWed hm, a Hale f.,r having IwUtad ?i* '? going ont -rn -rn!, . "oi-ni-. .-?..?..,,ly I", h-r -ak- hut a., ,l?. ,.| .mi, ia-, Hun wera Iraaklna ind tho sun si,inc ss;,, it-ft-amin* int, th- .rn -h- felt oj :l? ? di it eon bl not have .n a grant n-!< alt.-r .,1! |>. |eir ile v h.ni !ini-;,"'l luncta-on -, note ssas brought ii- laura Uuglied oddly **? *he '?lt'is a,, invitation to dinner fr""' A*W*\' -!? said. lt i.s tar thc dui after t?-in ur ,w. "-?Ililli SS.- il' celt .'" \, |. n's ie r w thoiuhtfiil. I!" could not I r* nra ss h.,I? i t!i" Invitation ha.I issn -ni la-fore hi* ni!",' i-"v ssi'!: Saveili, or sine*' lt ssa- tlieratai ? I ?t ''ii-'- ta .i-i!" HP'i th" svi*?t "tiurse. ... i . r ? fetter f, icc |i* it. is it uo?. Baker* Laura, ??lt |. ,i .... ns t., make an open breach." So. I, i- i i !"? nae. A**eept, dear, lt ? mon sonsil 1"." , , , . ,. . Soithor "i th "i liked the thou al i .,f -lining ?it ll," I'a'!/',. -sus.-Hi jus- I', ... ami Lt ila. nt |.?:,--. ;..,.",.. thal sta woul I Hud n hard t.. ros? lin ve ?>* Ihnllgh :. tl i-i . ha-1 I im,. ned. I'tn would has,- h?eti s" t\ iiiu-h *nr|,ri*-*d could they lam- known Whv th"'. ?M-> ii-k-'l ami tint tlc* iden han on.m.,,.si with l'n tro (ihtalerl. i.;, ,i;,. pies ioi ?-.. uni- t.'i ill i : .'fl taken pains , , se,- |,i, dam-lit' r a! im* at I ? r own boiian ,.:, ,,,. ;. nen , I ta11.',' . to im, ail eil h o:.,.* With ci sid* rabi ? .-.ill li- ha.I tad t!m coun. r-a ti.u un lu tm- i" i1 '.i.'"I p "int, m. I had laid a ?ii, r Iii r. ' li, von -s- tu-. |, ol t!i- Ai I* ns (nat now'"* he a- ? ? No We ,: , not nie* t oftan an*wer**J Vii,.',., -.? :? a jil '? m s m**n( of tia- si?,ui i.-rn. I wish you .lid. I wl.di .'.-'I sass- them eveif .,,....."' ol - i-'-.'d tin- Frin ?'. mor ? -r i ? I*. 'Do Voil, pupil '.' Wi?; ... -You tm.hr llml mil something that I svi?h vi ry tune:! t . know li ss ml l imf I* I, ird at ,,! Wo ai,- i Uh, r .'ii- lo is Bbotlt ll ? Wiiat ia tho mattel ? asked Adele, with 'sud.lou ii,(i-r- st. ??That is it Thro I* a ,itaagn*e?Me rt***/ afloat. Mt- than one. In fact, lt ha* raach*d my ears on rood authority that Antan drink* far too much. Vou know wlmt i hrnvo girl I .iiira is. Sta' hi I.- i, a* ss.-ll a, sim Can, ''tit -Iio j, terribly unhappy. Hive yon any 1-ktg svheth, r th' ra !* ur" truth in all thi*i" Ad.!.' I,.-.tated a moment and looked enrar**|y into I., j- l ump ia thnugl, seek I na adv,". Tko nt ssa* Important, lier father had limn, t brr osst, st. rv lack t" hi for o*>nliruiotion ob n wera, lt n, ? ,,,.,; .-i- to lah ? tl i , titer side now - idonlj sin* looked np with a ss. I' f. i-n-d little* amita ?.! i*niba"fra--*rn**nt "I would ratler not bm- ss', ti I think, i','<" -'- said, with t!m eviilent intention of not de it . ile- tal". " lint, mj -1..I." ; L.t. st. d lier father, " n i lUllst >ee how iinxm's yvo ar" Ml I.TIMS rn ?? ? tl*. Itaully, my -hiid. has.- ii Uttie oonfldence ii nw t. | m* ?hal j uti know." " lt you insist ll, 1 -.??,- I mux! ! I a i fra iii thora i- i." doubt ah.mt i'. Laura'a bia. I nd o ..e. I -nu r .te "Ali. m.?: I feared so hmm what - Ind Imap!."* mid iii" run.", looking >. ? ? sx ? i and shaking hil li, ad vi ry sa ll -You se... the people th,, hrsun ti tala" ahool t lost ,\.-ir when ls wa* In such a disgraceful condition in yow Imus-*, and Ftatro Ghialeri had to toko him home."' "Voa, ye*'" lo-rit,, still s]:.?,k his hoad sop. nwfully, "I outrht ,,? has.- known, bar tbef ltd nu- it ssas .-, tunda, cr .\ il th-- Worst sf it is, my ttanr ideta, that there ar- ..*li.-r rt*-*ri*a ,,.| u,.rs.- on*-*, to., shout Laura. I beor rh.it *le i* seriously in love with 1 rt nc* nco Foot thi:.; it is no ss-uid. r- -!i" !? ,. inhopp*.' ;if h.mi'. a:A l-'ru'u es.-,. i, such a An t.?:!.,'.'.'. and a I xvas, ? .??> kli d t.> her ever*} where.'1 "No. it is m. wonder." assented Adele, scho ?-?lt tint sh.- sra* launched, and munt go to thu ?nd, though she had ii,, time t>. consider tlc* -an -.-.;,iel|i .?,. "I suppose flor' is really atone ovjdon ?* about \i l.n's lia! i's,' rasumi-il tin* Prince. "(K .rs* h" will deny it all. ami I ss.mid Uko r,. lars ?otii.tliiti.- t.. ta!! Ink upo'i- tn Convince mv-. If mora tlmrmi :hl,-. you understand.'* \'li''i- pin*. ; ii moment " Arden hat a Kc tah servant.^ she (said otoo. i ntlv. -It appear* that he ls very Intimate m th ir butler, who Im-. ,,ft,-.| .,.-., him golnn lal i tho r.-mphtto suth bottles .,r brandy hidden in M .,s, ie rat lie arri.n lu- arni." ** Itaor ni"' How ?hocking"' exclaimed tho I rln ???. ""sn o|,| Utiiseppe hus actually s?vn 'I Bf ' " "Often," rael led Adele, with conviction. "Hut then, iifter i'd-so many men drink. If it ss, re not for I aura?poor Laura ' ' " I'll i I ama s.,. a* I said, it is no ivmider >: si,,, has tallon in love si nh Francosco?ouch ? handsome tallow, loo! Sh- ha* shown -food i st... ;,t least." I';.- I'lin,.. i:i,i,j,,.| pHitly "At ;''1 ??vent*, j >n :i" not joalotis, Ad'-Ie: I "an 0 flt ,t." "I"'" .xe!;,hied Adele, ssith Indignant see-ra. " No, [nd* pd !" '"''".gin t.I his pockets, as thoii-h ? aiehm. foi somothino h.mid u,,t lin I. T!io:i " rang the '".?!! at In, elbow. '' I luis., fur ott.m my rinr***teo, n,.v dear, I iii'ist has,, loft them in my coat,' !?? ,nd lin- old ini'.-r .i:,s",..,,..| |n, summons in pee* '"? f' '' '"?':. knew t!m uoage of tlie house and . ad i.i-.-ss.-,| the i ntt,?, three times, unnotl.I 'y Allele, which meant that Hulsoppe ssa., wnnred. '. has.- taft ms cigarettes In my cont. Gul* ?i oe," sold th,- Frinee. Tlt*?n as the man turned ito rn,, h.- called him back "Uulsenne? "* ?' K\ e!|..my ' "I ss ant \..ii to .!., a little rominiss|?,i f?r nie. I have a tittie ruirprit-e tar Dumii Lnuya, aad t do not wint I-r to know ssh,-re it r*orne* from. t must !.,. pia,-.,! m Int- table, du v.m Me? Hot* I talina Adel" talla ino that foo ara verv ititimata ssith I..rd Herbert a s.-ot di **er\*nnt_' "I. i:\eelloticv:''' (ral^ppe ssas, verv mu-h astonished, "V.-s-tlio niau ssith landy gnp hair. Mi 0 in** none, and a red face?o must excellent ser? vant. \sI,,, has heen with [?ord lleris-rt rdnee he ss us a child Donna Adele sass rou know Imu very well --" H-r Fxcelleney maat ta> niistnkoti. It musti luivo been som,, otrter s,>rsnnt xvlu, told lier. I n.'S.-r nw tho urn, " "Von said liuisepii,., did vdu not:'" ;i?ki*u must !*- mad I " " Vim knosv "f*i*ffeetly troll what I mmii.* anawered her father. "I bn*ra Uvn play? ing a little rouiodv xvitTi volt, and 1 have, luuud out tlie truth. Vou Jcnosv ai wei, ll