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1 that oxorytiiiija you have "repeated to nu* this e-renlng is ,ii)sulutoiv and thora i* some reason to heliovc that yon have Invented titers* tal"-* and s*-t thom going in ita world mit ol jealoasy, and for n,, other ranson with itali'iei ne niteiittmt to do hann Keen it lt were not you svho h.'gau it would st,li be tiisirraceful ouoiixli on yuur part. t*i sas audi thing! even to me, an i von have s;,iii theta to otho,,. That last vile little invention shout ihe bottles wa* produces) mi the spur of tin- moment? 1 mw you liraitntc Vuu atc lospunsjide lu al! tine, and rn, on, *-ls(v I ssill go Into the ssoill mme ,., future than I have dour hitherto, and ssill "s/atoh .sou Voa arr to make full reparation for what you have gOBBX I in-lst upon it " "And if I dons that I originated th.- q ,*,jp and reliiso to olmy you, what svill you n I-*" asked Adele, d.-iiantls "Yon aro assaro thst under tho pr. .-.-nt laws I eon ill-pose or hall my pr,poj,r .-,, \ pleas* " cbs>rx.-d thr Prince. "Laura has nothlou?** lie ,r.opp*i| aigntflcantly. Ade].* turned pale. She ssa, terrified, not so much at the thought >.t |,.,i-i. the millions in ,(u*.,,ion, tail m ii,.- Ides ..I ,!,-? . (.n*.. j,;, ,,... ,', bntsell in h'T father-in-law'* hoi,... , a,.,' s.,\pi|, counted upon the whole fortune as confhtanth ra though ,t sv.'i" already theirs sim knew ve y ned hov.- she should lie treated during the rest of h. i lifo if ,.no-hall ,.i t|,r creal prop..tty were jo*, to ln-r husband'* family through her fault "V.j ai- forcing me to acknowledge my-i-dl guilty of what I never did," s!.,. said, still tn in? to make :i stand. "What do you wish ate to do' ? ?Yon svill everywhere s.,v ni ??? thing* about Lanni ami her husband, Von ss;!! say that vou ate dow,' positively sura thal Arden loo* m,: drink. Von ssill my that there i, no truth whatever tn t'je re-tori that Lours is In love with, .?ni*. *4..,* you are absolutely certain that the Anions ar.- rare happy tosether. Thrioe are the principal points, I ii.-iievr. You will also al on, Thmi to dinner, and you sv-li rep at sour invita? tion often, and behove t<. both in a proper ssc. " Adele him-lieil sooruf 1 ll V. tllOUgU h"l lllllth l:ad ooiaethiai ol affectation in it. ? Sis pretty thins* and ms ito them to dinner!" sir. exclaimed. " lint is not very hard 1 have n't* Ihe -di-'iitest objection to <l"i,u that, brea ise 1 should do it in any ea,., even if you bad not intvb- me this absurd scene.'* -In future, my child, before von call anvthing I do or sty absurd, 1 racommend vou to tl ink of t'n- law regarding wills, to which 1 called your ntt'-ntion. " Adolo xx ii* silent, for she bow that sh" was eontplotely in hei father's power, Being really guilty ol tim s,? ml misdeed* sith svin.di she ssa, charged, sh,' wa* not now surprised by Iii- man? ie;. Wiia- really amazed her wa* Ihe display of diplomatic; talent he had made, whita entrapping ker into what ononnted ti ,, confession. "-"ho had never mppjosed Inn, capable ol anything of tba kind. Um ho xvas ,t qutat mau, mm h moro erminie,! in <leii!in^ with humanity In th ? manaue vnoiit nf his proper!-, than mos- poople realized No -tanina?certainly- -for if he i, id been, he w mid not haxc told the whole story t,< his wife, aa tte mid done on tho previous evening, but p'-s'*,in.r ibo talent to choose the ssis.- imus- at least o sftcn as not, Which is mote than can be said for n.nst people. There was M>mething of the old fashioned luther ;,i?,ut him, too, nnd he showed it in th.* lit'l.. speech he made before leaving Adele that evening, "And now, my dear duughtar," he said, rising ud standing before her as he spoke, " I have rm" ss-,,rd moi-r to say before I bo. Y ii ar.- my only 'hill, and, In spite ol all that hos happened, I love you very much I do not believe that you nave ov.-i done anything ol the kind until tiosv, and I do not think you svill fall Into thc san,.* fault In the future. If sou di all that I nave told you (o do, I shall never reftr*- t, tip Mtier after this, -ind svo ssill try ind forget it Hut you have learned a I-**, ,, which you ssa!! ieni<?ni'iov nil vmn lita Jealousy i, a -neat *in. iin.l *londei is n .: oi !y vita and dor-rading bul is al-' the great* tl mistake possible from a worldly point of view. Ken-ember that, lt you ssi,i, t,, be *m(-eeosful in society, never >poak an unkind word about nus- one And now good night, mr rleor. Do what I have bidd**n you, and Iel us think no mora ah it 11 Mavin.' e melli led h.* sermon, Oerano ki.i Adel" on the foralicad. as i,?? ... ,- i.istomod t i do. She hint h.-r head In silence, tar die was so nncty that -sh" c.mid not tru-t herself '" spoal and ho lofr hoi at the dooi and wet,! horne Ml things cinidoit-'l. she !',? -ss thal sho ha! reasm to !,.. .tat. fal f-,1 I.,- :?:'-? .!.,?? ? Sim svas .jin--. ?ore that her father-in law w dd have l*?hav?*d differently, and the ,t,>,ms sim hud hoard "i "il I',inc.. Si'.i-:i,'iii'-s. .t's t.-nnvj ,', . ?. ? i clearly th'it tim nee ol violent fothers ss. nn meant ?v-t extinct She wa* not sven railed uo'?n to mak*. a tarim 1 apolozy to Littra .i hei father*' praoonee. which wu* ".hat she ha I al Hist ex ,>o>t<-,| and feared. Noll,ina, in I i I, wa* i ? , lin i if her except to avoid os-dp in I In il I i ? Ardon* with :i deeent show ol sis! rl.v affection. Sh* eould ,.'ar,"-lv have -? l hettei tenn* of peace had ?he dictated them hoi ??'?'.. U t sh" ssas far loo Mary to look at th" affair in this livht. and far loo deeply bumiliatad >> forulve heir lather r the Anh'tis. li anvthinT svas |.--c---satv t. comptate t-a shume if was lb" kfossi" lim that -h.- ss;,* llttarlv unable f. (??.;?? xvitli Gerano, who could disinherit h-,? end !,?r < hildran 'l an .-,i"i-a us sum by h stroke ol i'm ji--n if li* please*], and bc would pl .,- ? il she uid not oh.",- him t,- the lettor. With :i trembling hind ?'-?? wi ,t ? the Invit i Hon I.-.air. ! ..< h.-r ,,:. I .':, .'?? i' t-, ' ?? tah n in tho ut..ruin". Timi, she sat down eui tried to read, "skim? np ? -ia, ','..-;, b rex-taw and onenins it ban-ham rd The arti'-ta rhonrod t*i i.i. a in-..!i..,il - :'. .-.,. written '?' u very >? nin mt pm ?? titioner, but not al nil likelv lo Interast A*l*'ta Favell) ll it - ..- I lt tho nc '*slt.v ol comp islna I.. ,*.!f le-foro moot int; her hiisban'l wtam h ? ih-,cl,| come borne from tl ?? club, and sin fol (he li-iee with n anet of resolute ?tat< mina1 '. whl-h ri"!onc"l t,, h"t rharae"tai at certain m m-nt*. It ssas very bani ra understand a word of what ?he .va* read inc, bnl sho al last bream** absorb,.I in tbe effort, and ultimately reached thc end of tho p - j..-r. In the tn.-," Mme Fran, ,-?? SnvoW lind snent bi* rlsy In deliberate?!" thinking ,>s,r the sit Hon, an I he had determine i, very ??? - ly, that it xv, tit] lie :: j't'-.ti tm-*.ih ? I ' speak ( i li ?n ibe si b - ' H" wont ov >r in hi- 'mud all I tl... n. I, ol bis :., inaiiitaiHS ?? hi m ho mi:ht con? sult with s.,i. ty an I with -1 ne )>? np et nf obt tin hg a tr"thf;! answer t . In* rjnestl in, ?n I he saw that they were by nn mean* many. Wisdom and tnt tn -- ara ra:,* enough N-purately, bul rarer still In combination In*1 person, t much ? taw ara aware that iii" trueat sci- lom i th* m ist eer,*|?t*-r,l frankne** Most ol those ot whom Si-v,-:;. ? .: ? -.--)?? men ronsid* ra'dy ld ?> lhan ! ht s |f, and ti ,? men with whom he hu 1 nn* inti,:;,ec li.,. Fri noe nf Saut' Ilario nod Ins nusin. tl,.- Marche*e di San fMacinto. Sun i, the melancholy and snrrustic. un*l perliip** IV'tm *,' isl, ri ,' i ? ...... n< t many mora, und I baned, wh i wa* I i?> tu in st to him of tn-r w - nut. a- Si ? Iii 'I - ?? rbi. revy fm ii'lly t . lim. in, tb* whole. Ii- dm. rmlncl ??> wail an*! bide hi*, time, watehint A l?-l" carefully i nd " [I .... :, ovid, -i , a* :." ? mill ' hil -' '. :'; ? ? '? ke pine ld* own ronni -I II ' -'*"' '" ; ? "*** '" !.;s wita tm th it dav. and when h ? m-xi sp her -.1., it ti. ? *v-.', ii- I - i manner wa ? an < j,1i;,i .i sppHr*-ti(lv ?ii " :??. tl bi be ., ir, r?irin<"-| an 'fi-.. ,ii In bel Hr.' i. ..? in I**'' ' ? < - ? n ? ? *.' '' ? t . jt was h. rn foi th" sake ol lib I a wi ole *!i ,? foi her owi "I h is.- nskc I them I** dinnei " die ? dd I ,. we ?!? "i-t f* < ??'.' thin ? ol I - , n than ii they wet not in ll "?"? vh >' '.,' ' ''.'" irv father and il Frit e --. "?? " I' '?'-?'" "?': * ' u tamil' -,.--' ,ii "I!- all means." an ? I I Sa' -Hi, v Bet enjoy tl, ? , :??? t ha* inn the Anli'tl" "? thc .?,'?? !-. , ?, nt ha i n.ntly '"--',; Is'tsve, ? | in ??!( ?:? ? Lord II- i1' rt .' I*.** n'1 t,.- : famil ? > arty -a -"'', '? ''''" '": " ' Ai'i-','* to,- every." , , ... , ? ! ii \, tan!" .ital.' "' ' " ? m liv. j noe l to h ?"?? th" ? I--,*'*-' 'i li'' rti* !'?' bim reran*.. I..- i- ? -t ,.-,'.. pu ?; f'-l thai i* nat i ni, ?' ' l< <?" 'i ii*" ' ' ' "' ' " , "I am v"iv find," ?,'.?. ,.,??.? ? ",-" ; md Ls un w ,.. ',,??, : ? nevei to I. bet ??? rn vuu "Ob. a- I, ; ! aura., ll **i ? <?? ?r Im ' i-n tie l'-a*.' ? ? w< f ' hildren. \. *? ai ' lister* still, asl hs sc ,-,.??! * I"- ??' " ron first 'i"i ? to i!...);o,,o. l?-< ? i |. 'ii -ia" T. I''' "C ' ? ' f,,it'- rear* ??-. ?'' I tined ta think yon lik" I Lauri ls ft,.r thou ;, ? I a-'---! I did ' lt wa* -? foolish. Bad nsw - ? , ? , ? a I wa va - - ? "l N? ni l ' sec hosv Bil . I was. lt never " ? ? '?' ? '";"" sim... was it '?" , "Vo. Indeed "' an* ered Sn elli sm,:, an po H "anrd lauah, and ' irnini n ? bl* I iee i? hi l ? rae e,,',,i ,ii,,, )?,,?. jn in, ch'*ek* "'M ce;-*., not. And as f il 1.1111 I, sh ?neh In I >ve with h? i I nshund thal I iHiev,* she waa draamlna "f him even then before sta' lad over -**>eii him nnd lona lief ora sh-- wa* obi ""Bough to think of niall vi', i ? Hon - ?? laves him! I- it not .? mderful *" Fiiiri'..-,,.) gtanerd at In* wita, and !m bel tim ho ssas aol mistaken in i.-i There ssas n look of genntne admiration olmo*! Binountln** to oitliii-ia-'ii in in., fae-. ||e Minora***,-*! it sli :hf tSth, i?i be Btill loved Lt un I i bl* li* Ipi*?**" :-:-'; lioix-h-., ss iy. '",.?*.'' he s-iid, "it is ss..,i lei f il, Bil t:.i.:' lu - 'i.-i,-! "Friit theo." concluded \ tale. wit' A' I' n - leatltifiil charam, i well, I :,ni tm' surpti-te I." ITO Jil. , ON JI.Ml.n SBVXDBED AND FOUBTEES ss IKES f.V ONt Di v rtarwlrb, Conn., April r. Ilpeclsl). While openta! ?at <aM m.a-,i well on bis fsrm in Monlrltlc, sonlh af tnt* niy, ihe oiler day, Henrf DedsMre, ss,Mi hi* Nn gum, Frank fl ker, an irita*! ? i*f*aaarhable Jj sf hibernating innbea. Hi* make wei.'i"1 *at\ maven Into an immense, hard round : > -11 many gH U-low th* sorta*.' ul im rtroiiiiJ. li.ire hi I ?JJ !,- .p.-:- ie,nt .,, (hs .nil:,- si or i, -Iv si,tl, tin li "?*oiirs i,-?i ,l,ov.-ls, nnd af'-r un ,.\ ititi': uni pro 'i-ortssji b.-. ttte* l? J.':W| t',? si ludo lot. 'limn Ve.'e 111 2JJ**. ali 0f W||,j, ?,.,-,. vii,, u .natte*, except Ihre*' -^fiittnvn "iat-i.e.-.rttit ni*l-r . Thc nrersg* length of gS-*** tour fy tt, while u-w Ui grit onct wat iuu<.b GOSSIP IX THK CLUB WOULD THE ELECTION OF THE MAXHATT.VN. TWO WELL-KNOWN OFFICERS OF TUE Olin, BOCIETT Msv MOVING VARIOUS NOTES. When Frederic i: Conder! went ta Porli a* one "f ths counsel for tho I'nltad State* In the Behring sea ar; i,rail,rn many ,,- |,|, -friend*: thought lhal President Cleveland would prolong hit la) bj Ulakine lihn ibo American "dinls, i -., I'rsace. Mils hebel y ? k-, mm 3*^ .tai 1 i\ **4 J \ ^*V f I ? ' ' aC - i,M-.*&i Vie- ?Intg I REDF.KK !*.. C IfDERT. can ? I speculation as to M* successor ai p, A ..I t ?? Manhattan < Inb. Ilenrf U C. * baldwin ond other* were mentioned a* worth! Ibe !?.. nor, when Ihe PretMenl i ppled over ihese calen Inti,,n- ly numil ,' ' .x senator llu-ti, for tfie post mentioned. As soon a* lt l.'.anie known thal Mr. Coudert ss-,,ni,i return t' this city tbortli all ta!h of in other president ssa.- druppt-d, aa b, U tu gr.?al a liena ssh'-n the pol v sra., <-rp-mi/ad In Ohio Ls ? im "i c. ch. ? -. tb''' *ttradbii i * i rbi I Ilea* Mr. < rall srent ," irstUnapotb, to engage in thc gro? cery i.a-iiies., W|-|j hli loot her*. In ISMO be *o udned ihroogh Mr. ?' poaltlon la tba Irea orj i,.-),.it!i,. nt, which be retained for Iv* var-. Arter .- retnrned to hi- a.!"!1""'' --ii", "iii", to estab ii-l,. with .-.v.-,ai other*, "The cincinnati Dally Chronicle."1 i-i. ... ,. later conciliated ssith "Tba I ? In 187.J Mi , mil i' n,"Ve,l lo this , ItJ lo become the Eastern ?*epre*"'nt8tlre ol ??Th* Cblcsgo i- ?? ? ' ?.. ..'i.s ??-)., cincinnati Enquirer' and "tt.?r ..s-i.,.. p.. ne ha* , ntlniied in this botlneit* erst -I,,.- bl* "H. a gi dust, ?! Tale, now befog ;.--? elated "i'i, him. I'or msnj >..,,-* Mr. Crail hal bebmged to tba Lota* ? , i. Ile i,-,s alto been much Interested in lb* Har lem flub, ol which ur wat I i a ti?.e "raster, aad i- ii tncmbet ol the Pstrl* < lob also, ll* I- proml nent In the H-.'.y Ti hilts I l.ur. h of Harlem, being i junior m,i,i. u, and is -? iraoleo ol lb? Harlen Eye, j:, i i,n,i Throat InOrmary. ; preseat i- a Hm of unusual amisttv in tb* Roi mi' I aiul i- ii.- i ;?.:?. On Iburvdaj pl if noa befiin lhere li, tl-" tournament tar Ibe amateur Na tl, racquet championship Malcbe* in thb will i* iuiMI next Tani dag. Tho ratrte* ure ll li. Hui renell, ol I aston, and D ei d? Gsrtnendl i, E. La Mootsgne, Jr., and J S. Tuoker, of tli ctt| Mr. <ie '.ai:i,. i.'iia seemt ;,. be plsflng In better form u.iiti : ny ol ii..- other* He ra ? ntl] a n tbe , barn pl, :. dp -.I ibe 11 ih and lb ? Brat-clast u.madcap, in.-:uii: Mr. i.a Montagne In i'-- Itnal* In both case* J. Vt. Lapsley di teated i. ll. smith In ll ?? flnali it. Ibe set "ml i las* handicap tournament. Tbe club'* rn i , !;, * handicap al lennis wa* won bf the Usn. Michael Herb* rt. A gama wa* played al Ihe elah yestardof In the a,anh nt rsc'iuets between Tboma* 1-etlH, lottractor ::, ibe Roslnn Alhleth .s oclattan, nod (ieorge i**tand lng, in Ira* tar al the club here, ll ij ard "Rta - r ogered ;, purse ..f fl00 t.. be .lestad for by them. |.. .....iel game I* *et tor neal Saturday In Ita*ton. Standing in l?0O played Latham for Ihe champion .; ip ,,; ti... si, ri.i in En ;l ind, and recently b* bi I'.rldRcr, ,f Montreal Ij: i week Mr. .'.,? Uarmcndli and be beal Mr. Ilunnewrli and Pettit al lae club here. Eminent incce?t bat attended ihe tlub -Ince it 3 iii' te*^#^-*^l^ !% r*Jj|?.- gfe!^?fSLl^ ii fa^-siz*^V'T-wm;?^'-'s,-safla-itw,*. -?-?3t ?"?^""I^TFi ' 1 Ffr fr Mffffi fen nip P |'M Lr; "V V If**" .'i.. j; s mr . .' 1.. i; >. . lub t it ll oroaM be ] Mm temi ia In the pla ? fi r an IndeBnlta Hm*. v ''''''' '?'?"? "'' ' ; da* ni l I Un r \ i .a i:....I Mm pi d ? ? fi r .,- . ti , i .,-,?. Mr. Poud, rt tal .:?, .,,.,, ful I iwf, r and tt i el ? r. il . ? d, I w rn ,i io ibo , r-i'MlM on t si.,;.:..,P.: . : . i . mi ' I. ,'..-'.. | '. ? sill '- Reform, ' ? iilii:-,, 1 .iv. i- ,'i , [? I 1 ? r'encinr** and li ,wn Town ? lui, , of l I lb . Mani i a .?! m bi d ?' ? ? Ami r, m ,.? ograpl I, ..i -?.. I, >,. p, ,. -.? ?'?' tad wld s.n. . r, -..m.'. itlon and I ii.m-. Mr. r. nd. rt I u man of tl ,r ,u. ly d, ? n aft, i dinner p, nk< r ol ' ! aria. th, :,.., frol ll ii'ii" th:i( lil* pr .; .:.. ? .: an "Al ll -a ?'!>. :'' w, il I b ad i i an effort in pn ,*, ul hit r ? lc Hon a* pn I I th M .ll ii Cl .:.. i ollil ,i . timi ty lo Im cut taken t I rm yet and n ta ' tar :' ?? pn nt in . Itj if I ii gol i . ai" I Irons adi rrent und in I . '1 :.?? ll .-.-,- m.;,,:!.. r of III- ' el who li.,.-.. I-ca, ? prominent In lt I i In, mid pru f* ssh ...,l tin : : often bren i marked on. ii ba* I*** |, i! . ' ,,-.:,!,,. (,| ' >tll<i I" ' , lilli- Ut, .'? le :?? u i i" Un ii,- tr -I oils ii. ui , m .,: her ilmi dan.f men of high ubllll-. A ' liibute lu ll lr Mate pride, of Ohio tart I ti ly h*re In I--*.. the only organization here ia with member hip I- limited to Lath.* m- .'orin-r re Wont* ol a State *? bli h ba pw ru liicnl i lui i oms. . ? Nov, ? I..-,-, i -: ;. i .,,,,!,. i VVIHI ira I. Stroi hat be, n pre Idi nt of thi lety. III pied. were (*en ral i oma. Ewing, and IV . -. ? lyn Colon**] .-ii i ? In HI, loud County, (dita, I i-i.7. At tito of fd.xt< ..? to "... r and l> ? ? ',",. >. -.: s'llli 11 lr., i ii dr, ro d mi r , . ..-"? iil ta N ??!... . ? i ii-n, . Ile rrlvcd In N* s %??>K oi the 1 il of i es,- ir i ??" :. i. ... ? . ; ru n In I ? bli dry*-', ",: - house ..f lt, <c Wi: on .. i ,.. i wltl lt until lei-i. In tiwi j, ir i * wen I lo the Drm nf Farnham, Haled <?. u a i: i !???-. n ci ?-..?,..?;. , ..n, mb i'.u imf- . Thr in".i under* ? il vjrtau i inf*" and finally, ta 1*70, ll a,- si.dod by Wllllai !.. ir ? I.. i ' ? ' "? l.c.-r ilni. I time all I ns !? < n pl du ni ii lill i ? .. ? , i l. ,:, ll dr, ?? ii ? dlsti ai. > 'olonc! stnu -? li , !,:,?-.-.1 -i all il be li ? ? ' I* tl .. Uh a .; ? ,\. r i , , :..'.. ? i Int, n t, d, ll i . I ... ,'.,:, - ? !,-,! ? . 'I li- I" liol IKirt", li ,.,,. , j" nd Stat' ii lent of thr H , Mi ,.' R>; ai ia. ii ? ;-.', and i ,?? Ht R, ;, lean Dub. ! r ?????. ii .-?:., di I,.-. j,|, i.t ol tar ' nliul Still mil li-inh. Il" 1 ul n I ,. i ?f th" ll' ii I.'' . tink S'otr (??>?>m.-.c... ni ? | ot br coi p rat ? ; vl-e-p Ide it i Ih ? , I. I < lid I rt ? io |-*i |e i(ind, I lie N"i 'i I ; rania , in ?? . ,. pany, th*' Ita nov r , . | ... i nj , .,nd 11 ?? !'i ir.n !..-i ,.. In all ||,i .-,. . ..... . , , III" vi ? I' '-. and .tarim ..-?.-- t ' n ls, d , i, , .; -?.-,,i . v ., - ,..- - : Ibo ? wha 'lp ?? i i! , ,,| , ., ti,. ... >.< tli ? n i - . .,; which ihe (1 Ib-lf was I ? ll ? ., ? i pt and : tl' I"-, rd a ?? , ? l< bl* i*>?l riffii >?. oiiji-r du ' ? ' ' ? "?' " ' ' ? '''' ? . | ? , ; , nlon I-' ainu*. Mi rt i ins*, It< pu I ,,-. ni 1 a- rt RlllnS '-...-al-... ; , in i,, .Vi ?! I if(5 s?'Vl '"'???? ^ ,,.:,, an ' ' ' ? '- n ll, I tm ta lal ua\\? purl .a ibm i- lu be don* for the Ohio n 'i.-'s I ta-und : il Croll A tren ii .ti drvota Blore or l< - Hm* : lin "le's'- bu*i ,.,,,i '. i- ,.'? r, . ly lo <:? iii ,i ? Ulan I I* . .'. ?;.,.;, onie |mcI?1 rand ail e*. ll- i- u chsrt* i ?,,?:,,? . | ? , . orpmltattaii Although noi ? na l|Vl, f ohio, be long m?d?" ll ld* bom,. Th, ko, letj udmhi not m.'. those b ni .., ll. Inl . bul .Iso ,!,?.,. whose i.'''1"'1 "' """: '' *** '* "' "?'"' *** .',, , |, , lin I c. li for -? s.i. \. . - ?ll,,. < run ' ie ta -tai country fn m lier m ,p f(.l(. ,.,. 1;,, lull, i. li. search ot civil und rrlls-tau*- Itaertr* Titer Beith I li Fr-d, lek O ni ._.,, ?,,.,,. ,-?. hom, (bad wa* bongin In I...I. .; ?' ( . ? . . ,, ..-.,.,. ii,,. Rev, Hasal i rall, ," wll , scuded from lb M, Ihodl I Kpl-i ipol ' " . ,' r, oort t'i.- Methodist Proleatanl ? burch. ,'len, li " i' o,.-. .? :?.,,, ,. m - Man Uaff. descendant ol ., , r .. on um ; land In lb teecnieentfa ??""?'?, u"' . ... sj. Crail v.* stottl oed at Hoi Si,"?' Fenn-, when bl* -?< '?'-'"<- ?? *?*?? >" 11 ",".'. ,-?, tire min! ter brcame pr.-i.!.-..t of " , i uwrrncrbnr-f. Ind., bat In ? '? a ;".,;;;,;: i..'..,'.,.. * ??"?????? ?*? ft-e.tmb.ster. Allen ? ,?, ,,j?,e blt *ob'? fonth ?... limn. (oi.niy. von, *LbWb? H. *?***? beuB' UU cn,hlul*'ac ncpUb M> 1 K.NNl-i ?, ..s..i h to :? 1 ii Idlns In Vt ? - ? .... - , I Mil. ri.* limit , " i ! ? ' i ? ? i i , ?. i .? ,:? ? ,.. ? -| - ' , flVl ? ; ? ? ; ? ., ? ? f ? '. , 'ie an. ' Kier) thing ? 1 ?. I .-na! !? i ? . ' .- ' ' I , I 7 , W . liam lt. Travers a old, , '?? ii h I ? ? until tho timi -., Ul III 1-7. I .,... To ld ?? ? ?! 'I lill i ll I v a* ... | ,,f | I ol zuni/ ni m. Ito, ll i. , r . ,l de , op| ?. II. -. IL. , I'-' lard l.a Monl gn*' md I rd H i .-? r i . ?. i n.i.iy 17, 1 j! 0. WhU, ll i Inm, au* bu I s-. 1.. fsTRO! ll ,,:?[,; .| i ol li p ?.r at T ' ? >?"? , lt. J ci : t ?? ii. ? pn i d.-nt, i I. M li 'I i and I L ? i litli ? ? . . ., j ?? a ;n .. ir* Sa. .? ,.. ihal.- , A P. Mon ? n s. Hoyt, Knj-rin lltanns. W. T. Lbs m. I i , i ..? ii . . .. Wet :? 1 '? ..!- In, ll. K. i s. ? . nr*. li. ll. I r,* .-:. |r.. II. J Cross, ( i nice fi ii.ia . . ?? E. !' I's-k, lt. K Vmul i lol li ? C.ipp-l, IV. tt. Miller, 1,,-pi rd ' ii ?" , l ? ?? L. '?' '??? c ? and I I.i Monl ? lu . I ? , i -.:inc I i Ihe M ' il " ' '' h lb it lb* ll (omn lite*' i ? opporinnltf t" * I'. ,,... i. , .; .' tu I, rom* B bil I |> hod ?( nm S'i v in ti.n. rbis lad ol ilb-li wa n I . i io n ? a i. i . v lui di i lulu Ihr .nb . di :???! lt il Oil III* Bil lill ? '" -.,...:.-. : I. v. 1.ii .'ii ta I . reit ,li '? ? ???? i K in, ? ' ' 'he ,r ih ? rtab. la ? i m."' b* !? ' ' ; . . bul ? .- i tia,. ? tr* ' tat' lb ol (hr : ? t ip. ..' . ,'? lit, I ??"' I' - '' ''? bj "" luci . About a ,!?./-,, mi ml,' r* s -,.- el*** led by lb I., a, , || WCd ll* las ! I-?!,?. I ie /. la I" l Club I t ? on Maj I, Bndtaf lt* .... rm '. m . No, i ? IV, ' rhli j ' "i'i '?? nthi i loo stn 'i!. i i> :., i year ??????> I.I"h *"*d st Xo. * w'.si 'I'u.nts ninth it., Into which Ihe lanni- < I :, I .:. .i.,!. The Zeta P I lt '" I***** * I""-" In ? Thirty I ri", i, omcrr* "f Ihe i lab alli be ,;..! .i In M.,. I , ... ol the extensive altars!! 04 which bad lo be ....ot.- I : N., fi a; ind '?'-- Fifth tva. lo ii' ll fi i i ,. b' th* Lotos , lui iii - work will be Bnl ii"' I* -ore Maj t, wai n th ? rtab' lease on th ? Bradlsh john* ''I "'Usa fl .,1 'I Mellis I'!'-, "I- I"!' ' ' , *p<n -. Tli* ell nf* are I rrw betal decorated . - : ll,, .,- id ?'., ;rl, light i.stiue have I - n i rd -red .,,:,! arc l*. I.- pul In al once Th, rlnh ? III mov, ,,,,. . ol ii- old . irnilure, an ci tire n*-w outfit hnvtaf i?,,, ie, mi by J .lin J.:." thi". Ot ' li irle* ln?l e . and r I.. M The I in I hms* ol I hr I . ? " an t ? be sold ?.' '"? The paliitlng*, of whi, li iii" I..- bs* ? rsltMbh- roll ?? ,,?... will. "I course, be token hw," ' ?P'?'n *v?? |aB) Henry K*hlte, tlislrm-in "I Ibe Rolldlnf Com ?,,,-,,.. hs* I.-';-,;. <i from Henvi r. sb, r h*- I >i i cen ,' ,. ., ni tim -.a.- hi p* i !"! -'';' ,;":| ta ,h| , , ? lu id- i,-u bon e. I rmi. R, Lswtn n, -. ,,,.. pi, Idriit. ha* ju t gol badi fi n I I " da, bl* I . (bera hanna n m li benelt*-d li- beslih. Tbe rer ol Ile- rlab, E. B. limper, has also josi ra ,?,,. ,i fr ru norlda. Us apoot '-" ?*??*** at B't. ? njuqllns. " M tac m-tUng ol thc st*J!?**??? Llul *rm*tStW night tie Committee rn Nation! AtT.ilr-. of svhli ?> Joseph M. Deeel l- chslrmsn, -sill bring lu a report | ? n t'i" turi:! inn drawn tip hv Hie committee of tbo I Reform Club l*?fe*soi George '.um.m. wh :.. a deep phil..?? pl.I al iiodf ol the tariff, ssii: give an addres* on th* bill. The tabled of chartei mg a tteamer from which t lit member* ran se* lbs M.av m.c. ii. (T.Ai.r.. revirsv on April 87 amy also come ap. Errry rae who Bttended the dlnaer >,f lae elah Issi Monday saai mat th* speaking wa* Ihe Btrongesl Bad most thoughtful thal ss ,< ever heard -' meh an affair In lba dab. John Bobine .stn'.tii presided tad announced ibe tabjecl of discussion, "Tho l's** and Ahuset ,.f Itovern-oenl lulneoce in Politics." Elihu Root spoke tii-t and Mahloa Chance, I.. I'.. Qulgg, A ll. steele, c. c. shayne and E T. Bartletl alto h id* ,'ii.ii'. *? ?-. ti ,- dinner wa* to ta.fol that orcr Bfly perron have already inbscrlbed for Ihe o., May 9. inion John B. Wita and Conrail* -mner Theodore Rooaei n will probably be among the , ??? rs. 'iii.- organised effort lo Incresse the mem* I' i-lui' f tl,, rlub i *ln idy ?showing good effects. The ii. -,s- admlnlstrailon of tba now hem .-ociety i* no tiing much enroursgemrni in it* purpoae to make nrarr j.i.rn-rn Hie ,|.iy -i,!,. r.i it,,- orguultallun. .-.vei.ii m.mi., i ni,,, . :;.i K ,_-,,,., | , ,N,. nppiirsi (or >. ...iini- i. .u. ia Wcduoda* evening there were .i reunion and n rrrrpUun tar rtioman ...|-.a Page und i ll ipkln-ssin tsinlth Tiiese were precoded by a tub scrlptl ii dinner, ai which M< .- I u ??? and -.mitti sere gursi* i harli i s. Hrs hon pc-* nt. ii, and Marton J. Venter) rnnde thc unlj *pe ih, ., brief but -n-acrlul "I"- iii welrume, Lutui the two ..mums |.,|.| st. (rh's nnd r. art ttl. li- works. * ,.l.I J. ||a Wilkinson, 'f ile- i ...?isi ol '..i,.-rai Appnu i-r*, made an ext -sd lllgl) . im. r ? p. ? . li. i hr ? ? ? ? give .. ns ? |> lion for ?*??. ,?<*.-rs Herbert sud Hu Dltlrer*. ol nil lae wsi ..ij,- In Itu harbor on Ihe evening .,f May m. ''.f ii-.- "lu. i m.m.,.i- ol ih, Arion -society, Charin i.....iei iee, died l., > v.." ii ni th* age "f M'venty. officer .,f the koclely Bttended Hts lun.-riil on Ihursdiiy. iii.- othcers of iii" Society ol Amateur Photographer* 'a-' '? 'I I:,-! -.' rek arc ll 1,: i. li. A, li. HBytoii. si,?? pn Idrnt, l.. ll fschrum; ns rdli g ?. i? ? ns, r -1 Hurl, a . . ,rn p i. ?.,!,. iv. i. Hupgu d , !; a ... i. , c. ll . | .? I o have en,.,-. ?? i ihe hospitality "f the fain.ii Hoboken Turill 'ii', nil be pleased to know ' *( from the ashes ol thr ol i organ I mi tl rn .. is arisen Hie ? -i i li i a. ii I uri lc , tub. I, was i rmed hj set, ran rn nb, i ot thr (orm*r i lal, al thc -i - lair IL1' ? ? ?, \\e :? ? i ,y ,-veii ag, I h*. i r*-ui,lzei - n*'l onh el*-' led ? Ila i but d Ult to '.as. . ll-! bi* ikl and dlnnci I ltux?ldr, L. I., on Ihe i!,lrrt I ' a ? ?? -I m ?? Will um ll rot) tllrj I Hie J.i ? I ? Will mi, -ai,-, r. vier pn l-h nt ; ll. ll. Un* kwsy, d vi ,. . : c. il W, !.. -.-. i. tar) ; A I. H - ? ??'. m. un r; Willi ,n, sp, i . ni ,i John ".\eii. lerer. Washlngt v ni ,.,| >,?,.., tin meeting .. i >? I I. . lui, t ? nrarr.-. night, i- I.e. a il. , id. I lu lUlVe Ihe ama, ,1 rei i piton I art i xldl Kl a ,.f Hie , olonL-il i lui, on Willi on T. Evan* sud lu tn i ? getting t< -???.'a r a brim . : ?.| aim li ititi , Uv, '?? - (ur h.. *, ru, i, folk, md I ? ? sill no d , . attend I tic ns ? j. lou in .. gn., rios* i. in pile / I ii., j ? p . -; no a year n nt I r ll h ai.- .i. -1 m ,,.,:, , mud its i m.. ? . li rv.'lpl I ? '? 1- '' ti- treasurer, IV. I. SMdinnro, al I ? I -I ' ? . , !,, i? :i, a letter I'.iiunrfal condition H..rn ll ? !.??:, before In ?? I- anni I : ??? ting of Ihe New-York * lui.. ,,, be III} : I vi. | : en,. ,,, I . ,-?"?!-? sud Imp nain In I ? ??-?il.. h. s. ml r.?'I. : I iim.'iid lo I 'tan a, pn p.?-?.! and - ?' ? . '? ?! ta il,, in- nd* i - in , Irculni !?? n the 1,1..-, I ,,| Iii, |t ,'... ,,. |?n f,,,. . , 'i ? I I, a.. imp if.ui itnu urta. : . i <i i,, . I,' i i every cai lair for dm! lon. In ad ? ?.:?'! li) : wu ne ni ta ahum i- ; -1 i nils km * ti mu l i I- > mi I. iippllr iib ,, i ix., *lgi ittiire. | i,.a.i ' rt line i. ... ' di ! iils-ervi ll,., rm III Ibu lid Iv lay , e rlul, nit ;.i.i uta i Hon il.?-r< In, nail tta-nnffrr; , roud, : ? i aft,,. ??'?', Mu- al rn,:,I ,1,1 till I" -1'.". | semi in nail) on Mai uart Not' wier ht I ? ? ' j ,. Inst* .rt ,.f .-', , b* i" pr.---, ' tl.lrd. a net* - > Hon, to n. . :i-. , that ?? I iel i.i the l;< i-l .., i >.,. ? to, i ? nn) mi mts r or t i, ml* r-.-hsM, i , , ? ? , i|iilt.i ,.f lb* rlub'1 |.;.. . ri) ri in thr m, i ii ?? tim i ??:?,. . io an) --\ teni and lu tm, ni, ni ?. tar th** 1 I uni In -ms h.. n lien oi ... i ? ? ? i ? i. r i or p< rsi,mil, ol the , lu!., lu . i.|. ni rntln ? - , ? uni. ??.-. hall I- . nilli.,. lu n . red 11 ,,f ony Inti lu ? I . ' : ' \- rt .,j- |, il.I la ;,. i ..lila!,, ?? '. !' , Ih' > <-i .'liinl. ti etc., ? f '!? rt nb! Hal such ..|'l',a'.- shall !?? ? ., ll.le -,, ||?, I .?; i,? rici ,, ,| , y Hu i rn i.i in ii ? ml i lp, ? d ol ? i ?? ' all imi I-- ,i ? emil I. tiuil ? li !... , me null ami void lis :,', r the ( lhal url, r.'rtlll, ile* ll ill I ? r*?h ? mist .,: ant ? n ? ni ? pl. iriir. ol th, In, ort on ll ' I I :? ? ? , rt I s I e oflfl i il ii., mliel hil rel fti ? a Itll tegul rnlr ol .? t. i. I : ? li ... i ,.,- , |,H ,,,| .,, |||, , Inh who lu ll ,,.... pn i rh iar) i rttfl ile* itmll mi ti,.- p,-. menl of n ti fer fee ol rino not be llabl* fer an Inlll Hm ? ?* ra, I, < ? rtlflml* hi ll f. i ni vi ! - !???!? med Ls Ihe bo .i-i . ', irtti imi i dh pt Hu nih nil " lt t " -"? I In lng In \. v *,,.r!. . l's t.. i?. (.rough, . ? i a 1.1 ,,.,'?' , li li i-o'li s ? ,r lo pr rmlt rf sm li guest Im> I lu on.- I :'- llfi milking n,.. li Illation (..?-.. I uni ll th* r< ld* ni rn, m i.. rshlp all rmrli non is'!, -i n "* section to lt, ? , it., , t' ..,? i ? nf n .in' ? i- in in npertv ' ' (lilli -I.all , , ' ni ut* lr i.' III di il ; .??? ,, Intuition, lin) the sam* mn) I"- transferred by |,!m er III h ll I- :?:? ? : '?? live lo ,|., led io ii I;,.:,rd rf Din i lol I I ?i. i for Ih* .I' giving . i',',-:, of sm li ,,.,,- rts Interest l,.,ll ,?- tl mi i I ll tie t I* ., li I ii of ii , Initiation nnd ? ? ti'!., proi Idlng Hint lu . a ? - of re ,|... Hon di ring the pn ? nt year, ll ?," . f in I , ! I liv lin. lilli.I", o' icm v ils.- ,,. ? f. I- for n lum i,ion v 11, h ,',"!? r it"' i?>? ? nt ral, - I one. hall ol tl .- ,-, gular li Ith Hon f.??? ll , un ?? , ? di i .I-, dc I impii .'I ??' si ii i ', . ,.i.- ,-, ii,.. ?n ? idnu nt raising lim Intuiting fer -,, and Ihe munni rt .>?:.',' i du ii,., m ??? xi, trop >in tu i Inh have np in Hil Hm* . | .., . nh .- If*?, anil, |: I- m rt . tool, ll . ? il llsure. - ? thal ,i ? i m il iii, ul .. ? a ? ,i, ? ,n ? il," **.',*? Vorl ' i i si dh li. H ' ii d, |. p lo ntijei t ,?? i it i higher due noss p lld Li ll r I ni ll. Im, i kel. . ki - mid ' itu ? cl < I'd ? not tn ,, I ti,.. Melin illira I., ??'' i'?-!?'??'ling "?? i i, ., .. , , ,,-,,-,,?!,, .. i . - lin, bi, - fur a , ",i '!? ration ll, n further cu ll-.tliu t'i.rtlni ile* lo |... Mild cit!,- r ??) Ul ? I" Idol , i Ihrlr .-lat--. ,,, prr mi m..i ma) l*n tn t pl -i In the i lui. u? . r . will bring "'ii ?' Itv, li .li ? is ion , In,po lille ,,. |,:-. e.. ' e helli, li.'ill I*" I irr ?' ! , i ,,..,. si,, t of Hi- spurting , I"'.-. ;???'" ul irh In ?? i, - H* m..,!?? irrtlthj rn n. sn> r,, ,-,?, rt eu Hil* I'i' ' l| 1". I ll* - W ala! f:|s|ilotl.ll lr , |uti ai N'-. |, m. ll," Hi adina i: oin, i n a i ermin ,, uni . r of -t ? kin I '? . and H'e I'liI'M ? al, tins ? f, v\ iii m-mle but Hi** I* milt, - >t-i,i| i-lub* ? r -.. . - ' iv ii a roi Idi > I ll ? rn' ' Un , rn ?r m ... ?n Hit* lu i or lo ii tam tie plan. j. ,. ni ml '"'"I lhal il"- .i'i, , i of Mr. I , ni il'* Uta merni er-hlp In Ih* I'nl ni duh pla yr I ,? imp, . ?| |, ot In iii ? ? '? ''.'I '<! -"' I "" rssfitl ?ll |? ,.,,. ,, i ?. roi i In .'?? ? ?"' lu Hun ? Int,. si ihe i ? -ulai iii."-I lis a - Uni ol ' ?? Vow Vork \ ,. ? .li ie, ii,,:, of ll mir. I', ld at I i* t,e,|;.cli , n M ndat . v ".'I. ''' :'' '"'? "r "???* ,.. .lathe, we.Itarel "? I". WIM.-tl Kid I nnd i ,,!,., i Hob. ri Town , ni for theil effort i In Ihe ill i , ,,.-,,, | , ,|? , |, lu,,, for the sen ui'.- ,,f ni ul ,.,,! ,., , ? is.m ?>? lil, li 'i-i ? i. rut') ' rmlnnti rt lo I, ;,.. mir , pnvini a Un* on I -sis. la, id uti ni of ||>*nl meant nra * in in n mav have ? i tvr- ? I ??? Hi.- .lera.'.' l.-i.rt. r. an.I Was fmrt- lld ' I'. ls npprrrl :,,,.-l |,j |? Kidd ni fl (' kmel T*iwn*end. Mri- i doa rd ..f Hil a-- " ?''.? -''"'I' ls now nrarl) i ,, ,.f icu* ,,iii. anil I- n i. '"i'i fm i"1 in upholding , ,.,.,- ina - of Hil* si ne. ? 1)11* l;* Inltu . at?u . ,, ,, ,|. : ouch I'm neb numerous other -,.,-.. i.-i,.a- i ,rm rt ir Hi- ume pur|s*,c. aiH ,,f ivlm h li na- th* pan ni rn 1 predr?c. I> ,,?.,, ....a i- s,n;,'l and bltrhll |"l'-'!. a!"t lt* dinner* ar- ti.-t riijovahle att rt,* nnd are always ,., .-,.,!, ami Ipatrd b) MK mein'..!-- I' ilium et ? ?ni ing Its nomi.. I.i* '?? lheold?-l an-l ls* I known >,iii , ?- mid ti-l,. rn,-i, In lb.mir) an I Hg III) Ul ,.,,,?..., || i: .,,.. r, ii. i'am,- '' fut "bi rt. Judge Hu di .ms,: nnd cs Jutge >' 'wl'1"1 ,,, , ,, ?jh, n ni ol .i '? ""l ' ' "* n, u ng*i "' '? ' Nen Vork .sit.'-ti, * lob wini' li liroimhi ., rrus I*; ?!,.. merni*.f tli- ci.,!., ha* !..--;', Iisllrd sr Ph tai i v ,),. stu tani nf Princeton follege, Hi which In stltutlon Ml '".I'M- i-im'i-- . -,:?. ,, ,.,.;. ,t ti,, viv x.-.ii .xn,:-t! luh on -,. ,, ? ,, a-n n , snltn I a.. "rt-i- Morsel limier, was limk bi -, :' nn ri ? ipngue glis* nt ,. rilniii-i -jlven i i E I- Itali, lu ...ii-,I'.-""' ? "?Wei ' luckl -,i ,???:? ,n,i lo*e one oi bolh of hi* errs. ,,;,- i,.---? .,,. ,:1.,'v rilled " fm '- ??'" ?''?b I ron.rrnst, by il,,. ,, .mimi ? ol s'i Hall, which ** ,'.,i in nt I IH, nireth ??? t Hie Mrard "* ?'?.?*??;?'''?"'? "?? ';? ?'.;''? ... ,. I, ? | ',i- mid ' : 111 Itr ?'' a" I- 'I- M.! leCO'lted not otth bV Ihr'"i- ?' ll." .-*""??? *"?>!; Mhjellc -,?,, ,.,,, |lV , int, mer In irneral. with whom H'.i , lu c.- Ir-en rs.. dil I] l"l'nl'. Mtwh ?VW ?.,n, ? ki I- c-i.te-. .i r,n ',.nfortunnte * itaT. 1 --,:.. iii'ialm bib will ic'--I I's n. ti aionlbh dlnn-Tr . . m, ,., n n n il '--I "" Ttsteadnv eventn ? nr-tt. I; . .i-.m-ioMi thl orgnnltatloi, hi, Billed frorn place i. iiI-,ch t? ,nl"s i's tu .ntl,is rtlni,-'- dunns Hi" I"-, .','.'.? li- Mun dinner ssh* held ?t 'he Metal Waldorf, lt cn.oyed Itu i'cUuary Unquiet at tba Colum Ms rsBtautant, .md it fe,,*,.-,! sj Joaanr] Bf HM Hotel Martin, and ur, n.mber st the Holland tloa*v Ilte committee In charge of Tursdny night'* dlniidr ' it-t-sia ol .1 ?: i, A -delmer, I.. ,. Lomon and AlTred Ulnd.kopi un,. , .\. barattcnl, lecretarv of the 'I"'', abo secretary of tm. committee, rim * lui* sun mai:., on excursion lo Newport lt. I . in Jone, on tn, invtiotloi ol '-i , nt ii- members, He or ge -\. Con? nor und .1 dm ?. VV, . i Th* rtiii.r* ol the visiting warship* lo Hw eomlni .N.niii i:.s,,,i oi April 2. will i, honored guests .,' tn, liudlng ,,ai" ol (be rby The oUtcen "f Hie English French and Italian sarsblp*, m particular, tn certain of being put up al .ev,ral ,,f ... , |UI - i r most ol liam have formed frirndshlpi and acquaint unrei Hmong Hu New Vork club u -n. Hie j/ien... sud EnglHb 'liner* m Quebec, Newport, Bermuda and Nassm.,,| ,i?. j,;,in.1, officers al ti,,- Naval parade ii-id here tail october, at ibe time of the t olumbiun celebration. I! A Hy ESS RACING GOSSIP. TBOTTEBS lo THY .'. UN at FLEETWOOD. M.sNV FAMOUS H,v:.i;* N .Min Fon lin: BTAKJEO Tiir.iti'.-i.ror,..: starr in demand r i ' ii -? a ai tim it ie trotter! hare tea-***! tc draw a lorie mctropoamn patronage, un attempt H belag mad.- t>, revive Interest In the -j*.rt bcee als.-ats, and this tin,,.- si,,1, inn, h better prospect* of tun it. 1 Teotwood Park, which Ma* opened] In Wo, bad big irjurt-i ,n mt, then Hare caa - a foiling "it :is luntiiiL' began lo grow more populc.r. During ii.- middle ball ol tbe la?t decade the grotiait at M,ro pretty much deserted, rXfrept by the "nembert >.f tb* Driving Club. Then -.cue new blood wai Infused, and ?THj Alfred De Cordova, a lui ? --ful Wall Mi-.',! operator, bi president, I lee! wood applied lor a place In the Ora nd I r, alt of 1868. Smote -ta!.,* si-.- opened, and mot! ..f th* -lai.i., tint were on the annual pilgrimage eastward made lids ot.r Hie stopping place*. 'i' na, tim iir*! Grand L'lrcull n.ting ever held In ilii* ciiv, and from ibe da** ..f horses entered In ih.- porte* and sta".,-* tbould hui ? had enough support at least to nag expense*. Hain Interfered with Ibe opening, and except on Saturday the gate ree Ipi* Mere light. With the exception of Johnston not one of the horse* ai thia meeting held a worM'i record, and while ii,."- thal cairn, the next autumn Included tome lir.-tila** campaigners, thef wera not ten** .ind therefore unattractive lo metropolitan pleasure iceker*. Hal Pointer won a stake fur pacer*, bul !.'? i, .rt aol bet.? . champion, nod :.--.i". thc attendance wat not lutfiolent lo pay tba pi mluiru. Ibe third effort to bold a raeeUng In Vat regular line Ma, even more dlscoarsglng, and sritb a ? nain l,,-* naring them In ihe face, the manager! at Fleet? wood rt., .rt,-.! to drop , ,' ol ila- '?: ind Ctn ii*'.' gtnre then ihe Driving dub bat bi a tilent with matinee prrforma.*. and one or two m..,!. -t public programmes with small purses, but now a u.nvr am? bit lom plan i,a* i.:i made for tli.ming -season Early tl ? sar it ss.,- derided to try once more to nu the grandstand ly trc-arlng tome -pecktl nttrnc ii.,n. and beside* opening three stake* for goung trotter , on foi I12,*i00 for :- "?'??''* ,.ii"-r-,i H.oi -r,, h i ri, i;* a- Kremlin, Btamboul and Moqnette i.n nominated the ruc* might hove i. :, ,.. id, , but oi ly I wei nain ?'? I none ol those mention rt v.-r- entered for Hw Mg pr. /.-. I ougb lt hod ta i-rt,, lat. ?! off, tl... i,,nt'-?* f..r a:... two, Ihree and four year* respectively wo-,. well itipported, and a- a i ustderuble rum bsd been rallied ai ? - iain '? I ? !- ll '? ,: b rt >,. add .;. - (or cia* - - and on* for y, arlb -'-. 1 apport given ," tie - i ih, tnosl encouraging thing thal ia- recently occurred In connection with thc eltan 11 keep hames* ra, Ing allvi jlibor hood, and Ihe Srptembrr Meeting al fleetwood promises to be a inn.nm one. The tree tar-all alone i worthy ol ? larg t p*tron?-*e a* that extended to tl,., tn-.ting of .las Ki,-. and Bt. J alien al IM* track in ??;,i'::.'?? r, l--;. ihottld a p-roportloa ol tbe > I gb I trott) rs named con e lo iii ? xs lr ?. I ? in,,-i noted "f thea* I- Martha wuk-, a mare that si a- - m.rt mi!-, to N I! ink* !n fan. ? lasl - bbc end ai rh "i -"On again i time, and s'hnl i murh more creditable earned tbe rn . r ? ord hy h< r : al In '-"OS 1-4 ngulnsl (lilli li? nt Et Ind lr. i.i ile- lime *ii- Ka rt rd in thi rn ? In all i Hartford last June, Martha tt Ilk. - d d not lo - * roi e or ? bei I tUI thc campaign wa irtj os r. Tb ? wo* al Na hvllle, ?.mi,.- the i, i _? queen could -?: only I..- iii--i beet ,.f ibe il:10 stake, f.-r which ibe wa* favorite st prohibitive <?ti!*. The victor on thal orcaaloa wa* ? . leaf, a -.trapping bu) trotter thal bad {obied ,il clrcull ai Terre Han'.-, where be (ive Hie Inkling ?,f in-,is bj reeling "tr three heota ovi r ii in. ,-? >r each Ume i ll be ? -,1 2:131-4 llb m. ip rted I rt um ph over Martha will;.- al < m,'. rl.m.i fark wade the bill ;? Minnesota fal.i-. and Ihrlr prospective g rt ; i- ? ??>.....i i?, ? -.-. i .,- inore Interval on ..., ouni ol ibe pn \ loui rivalry. i . I-. it of il .a tl. ? open , lu - are tabb'. UtU, All i tl aud Lord ? lon -un,rt ,. a.l to Mn" , Wilke* Iii ihe matter of li ? .;..-. a enrb . I - 1 ' 1 I III io i. ir. Hu- ? iain holds I hr ra. ?? hi liol i for '...-? : -, with I." -..lill he -.. ...I ul Na il'.ilier h. I . uu tiirrioi .,:?... anysshei i. h.. made a n-putatlni, ai Hil mil Ls f ? l?. Men ? ? lian,ila iun i?-' -i.,U-- I,. 1--..... Hr low. I'"! : : m....! lo 2 .1 I :. 1 la-; i oil Hie o. ' a- "ll ll 1,1 ll . ill ?" O'.I ie ll- \ ..I'.I il! leno Hani... after her -? :, ;.n heal :. ?:,'-: I. I.e. ,1 Wilki I ls il P ii'.V* Hst. 1 i. neva, a . i.--'- it 'iii ?n thal tame .ut tu,, ycart ugo nnd look a record ol -ii .j-t ? , -??!.. r .lunn.... i, nn. Kor Hi -a er - ..I- , i Mood i rn lo Ihr 2 :1 I arni J :".<> trotters, the Held* are Itkel) IO I- -'ill larger, riilrteen are numetl in ibe -J:ii ,'.a- , and iiumt i.f Hiern hov,. :, I reads fust r.ninl*. \ ,.? H. .-..Us With - .1" I l a:.,rte |n fore !..,? 1 ; j |b) , allie out, ..: ?! : lie i '!.,-?, 1 Blade a caa,- W I a year or two. Muli Wilkes "a- the largest . In i ? ,-..:i. an I Mid huv dor, John A. HoldMlllth, I.-iili rt her nguiu. Unala. owiiihI li. Adolph -i'i-' ? San trail Isco, mane lier drbiit last July al IM roll In the -ana r.i, ? w|| . Mm , Wilkes, iid fl - i ,,-' i iud rt - mir wi ll rm lu i s li tm-:. - Miss Ali. ... J 1 i !a*s, wi l I- a i aii Udale ? ut, her owner, Major K. T. Dickinson, of ii:., -liv. I- a ti sport nun ..a.l pn-frr* ,.. have - ironers tested In o,t , i , nipan*, s r Ku -tern I ivorlt ? i- In ? : ? ?: dris ? I, !,, lier la-: -.-.,-,.h. ii um h sli ? -, ? red -iii l in \ii- u -1 ii I'lilliulelphli,. i .-i ? .ke lia im Hons, an* 1* t,,.. far ? ;! '?? i> rm ' -> ul r, .. in ms i om;* '-1 - lu ;?.- ? ?? ' \ lake for i. ni i , d sslth tsu lily six i . resenting lome of tile aio-l I,lsl,U,ni,t'le -trains, il,,, pn i Dine for thr Jus li ? ? ampi ?. ll - duiildful if an) ol i*r trail t j, ,lut li ? ry po*?? ? o mani tin lon* a.* r -nv Haute. |., Is'glll with, Itudd Dill le lui* it, il c. l-l.rill Nam > I! inks, stain! i ni mid Hell, \ ara. .?_ starr, m;,,, nukes ! I- ti-i Venture a* ii put dlr trainer, el:.'..'. * 11 ii Ide ,...|.ii'ar. '? , - a* Ulam |. .;;l- a* im*'.all ! audi c, ivei "Hs. Mon i ? ? llnrk nilli, ? Hint bas loss.nd the i ,, for lils age nt two and I re pa rsl for additional ' mi ir hs lil old train. -. v li, drove him to ',!-, of -J :t i .: I. ? Inrr ' .* i for lllrtiiMe . an il late for Hr-: | l.l s-i iii in I ? - -' ul si illliui i1 I I the ie r-. ord i r h! : I ?'' Ls his heat In _? .VA 1 I. whi, 'i *'"?,! il ! Din tum is Up ..: ii i,i ?' . I X i-Y'irl hiv, rite. Ml Ml and hoi companion, /.."?,! la, pi I" 'i i-rre ll . ,i lia few an,t th' ir . an ? r In St; rr'* ii utls will !?? s ?? i mu,'. Int. rest. AuUne, pr vhMisiy rrfcrrr-l lo in conn" lion Rilli the stoke* al Iteotw, nd, . , nu,res, *!,- ls mil .,-' ll' rt I') si ,).,,- 1)1, lill - . i, ,,r , . ll. Ni I on, who li.,! I,**r, :?- I,.-* l ii ?? iii uslv ty |...||.,!. S- ih, I . ? Ilgll'e |o ll ? J ." , , .!? ? ?! la a- ' ll, lo ind ? -, nil -.!- fi [ei ? her lemporarv r-'a-a., ':,.??, il,- turf AtiWnr ih ?d,| I*, i i ; ibl i. r ihe ?t?k ll a- ,-. i ? ?? ,.. lor . I,I ;, rm. Min il? V Its, . a kn nutr ? wlHi ? i- cord of 2 IT, ' le II. nilli -j -I- | j ,,, !i,-r ? redlt, romplrte tho- lu Ihr 2 :?.??, ll tl lia ? arr.,,,-. 1 |o imp ,'? -i il- ii b I li s ral olhet - w'lh mai li Is-loi -.' TBE XEW-BEDFORD FEDEBAL Bt'lLDIS", Cir' N 'i !' df, rt. April 1 ? -!?? lal Die ni i" pul ll building in ;.' li , lu- alli be open, I for hindi Mon Iii) .. ?,. portr itt ni - rn ? nf the ? \ po ima I, -- adorn i:' >? ?? i|.. l-'imrlr, p.isi ?-, , tor* hat ? >.-. up ? i Hm building** since t"'.,,. Th rr m.,* ipili ? > . latin In ta *? .? wi tell ni I! ?? D. m.'ernie , .urti tote.! Sill l..s??? fl , -me,- to .-? a's Ihr tn-si building, , i's i meer* l. ii- been ?:? ? led a* tallow* ? .1 in ?? I!. Ilntba*- ij . ir iii-, r I'a'.i??! n. Lennard, , Walt, r , Mir.,ni sii'l, I-r. (ir r_ ? IV I' rki'l fl W-s a rd S ll .-',. Il, sup. ri I. lidrni of Luria! pr, Ul I I". - fur lt*|l ol' lie. Uses Hu- Sea, sill I,. For ttl ' rios lin. old*!*, "M.500; tlrsl and lourth ,,. vlctunller. fl..V*l -,,.,: rt 'la' ll In! -a . ? , . ? .;,.- , | ,.. , , oiler (lian si, maller*, j-*-*, t >??; speclsl .lui, licenses, ir-, no. I ul! sf Peril .ste th ' ler* which. I ?Ith au apps' "">' tris Isl In*' nu:. , i n, ' 'rt'! a. t -n, ia ,'? -. -. "I* ,*?. Blab, i. - and i rctttlt, Tha Ri I twa nat e, ;?. h? rrupt the funrtl ns of th renal orgai . asl tl trurt'ii sith .. au ri cn nun ns taber. , abu .i i a'lo . doe* H,;c f the I,., ??-. [lo-tell ? ? ,.,i ii rutter* I- ?a ? ? ???::?. a ... . the st-tlvlti ,,f ;,,??? organ* slUioin over es Ittag n, st, Um* ,n. rtlni , ,,? ,! , I . ? ? - * ht, li theil li , Hon I* ? i, ,.... t,, ?, ia Inst -. '.'!.. I- rae* Mood ,.f Im? purities \ th inlu i* should, bul i .. ?? when I,ox, I i,.I* i mother I?? i - ,- si I -i m.. la . ..mi n;a,,1a ne rta ii'-rt -tinailinit a,al dtp*) rent. '', at nut-is is, ni ali ,..-.-, toe, n na. reoioraUvt td vigor and "iii in ii;...-'!,... i. mt -,!,. - surJarlsl (Usesots, und Lsu.uii-.* User i. I..,-, m. sud ...' . . ...t.i. FROM BENCH AND B*\R GATHERED FE M UWYEBS ABOUT THB TOWN. Judge -gorgsjo J. O'Brien, of the supremo Court, In, Lad a ruirtd rl->- In l,r>-m,lonee In the Judlclarf of the BtOtn, Ile sins llr.,t oleettsj lo <hr rupn-m* Coori Kendi lu IMT, sm ceding Judg,- Donohue, and alter ? -lion aaiifcl ;?t stbsr jmiicial wa* dcslg. i a, d bf Ino ,,,,senior j.s a miniln-r of the (iem-rsl I'm.n, in ss Iinii h.. hi,I already in..plied u high raft*. laiioii os an appellate Judge. Jil)'.;'. MOKOAN I. () nitlE.V. Af .1 a Bamber ol feara' ssnotteo u- tl, ? bar, In sshlc**) I.,- h.lum" s-i; koowa among hi. p?u**iflBliiiisl ireth* r-n, Mr. o'brien ss.,, apfsouttetl 0**ins*i to tba Co*. j,,,talion, ii,- wm*, aft r ? tbort tenn ii, thal obbOSJj chosen io the bench ol the .??? prent ? inuit. PrattBtUf tho most Important and deUcata Judi, iii wtofc sviuc't Judge O'Brlea lu,- prtlonaed sm, tl.iii lu conn.-itloit win, tbe election ci.r imt, At u Um* when Judge Kennedy, nf tin- IbtptrenM Court ut syracuse, ind Issued -onie orden t,, the Kepui Iconsj '.,'.. ri,,r IHU designated Judgo "O'Brien, si lu, ssa, ih-n on bin siay io tl.,, w.,!, to r-H ns iii) additional lustier In tbe Fifth D.-u-ict. Ile srrived ai nj nil toni iii a tim,- nf great poUtlcul excKrtnent, Cr,,sv,i, r,ur? I tl,? Hotel ni si luci, th.- Jodga Biaga! andi nm m.rt Iiim lo the Courtbouae ll,,,., wats fe,irs ibal tim us., Judg. ? would sci iii opposition to asdB other, Hurt lbs! orders, -t..s* nnrt ss nt* of ogssndag tenor would be tn. ls h-md. Jolga O'Brien, bow* ever, at oaee consulted with Judg* Kennedy mid ol** im.jeii for harmonious i-r... .-u; s-- No clashing ord cm wi re i sued, the Judges consulted I,cf,.re each -?. i> wa* tab* ti. :u:'i ;i mutual undrrotandlag moo rca lied, All cMit-imiii waa albft-d, nnd BefOfO Judge D'Brien lefi Syracuse n?- id-publican lawfern i mi given i, dinner lu lu* honor, oin Ihe Democrstln lawyers had. in lum. feasted lltelr opponeots andi ihr Judges. Ills opinions al thal Uaw were -'i-iaimst hy the ,',,'ir, of Appeal*, sin,, .- .a been a m. m i er ol thr General Trrm he bas written * cofwWenu*t4n proportion of the opinions, many of them on Im ,.rant mattera "f ll igatlon. Ile wrote the ('merni Term "i Inion, In Ihr r.e.nt criminal ca-,- of Kir Man bim burton '. Weist-r, the ca.f Oontoo* again*) Doromus, n - tod,,si,;- right*, and many others ,f especial yalu.-, .ii,lt- ii'ltrirn Im* a most oft* trarUve borne Uta and personal lia ill ll ?- s.libli maka ; : . ir. _ The Court of Appeal* ta t week sustained thr con sat, n Of ll. iniirrt rei'.-, all Bf ll).- ci,,cs being ii,.rio,1 bf brutality ? n iii" p,rt of tb - i mvi-tcd men. Among iii" civil ess** decided wera three morin* In ? maii.e i ;- * in v ni. I, tbe Benerol T"im opinions wire r. ve.*e<i. Th,. Coniln ntal In>araac? Cstmsonf began -un* agauisl thr - "ti; r companleo siim hut , over rt C.<? <'...'.'ile mci p '.:?.:? - a- irln-sir.i.,' e, ?? to tile .?xo nt of one-half Hie amount of each nod everf rt*l*. sshicii e.,u.iis or ,..,....i* in x dur Ihe tum of i"i.->.oo >. Ih-,.. n. ral l.-rin rt-'. Ided that the sa ne r tired. (0 svao tl .. sain.- ,,f m.- car.-.? md liol the value. Ill- coat* WO* i i.s. li OOH tesl, !. ali'l tin- p V r*iil nf Hie tirneral Term fulgmetii wHI be ol tatrrest ta marin.1 underwriters, thne ci.??,.,-,, | railroad cosao In Mirtei, judgment* bad been obtstaed for ti.- platnv Hg were n-s,:-.rt. Hie plalnlid - in "lie or BJOTO of the l.lsiii.'-t'ii coses had i*sen aUotred to peoeo ? , .:;r-- of r*?nia iii 2 'I'"'.' 'I' *A>sl Itr-i ls*.',)' in Ihr n?dghb*M'ltood uf lite promise* In qt**-s**ioi *iii?'0 tl n "I Hi",si ml'!-.,.-i,l. nnd for ,i few m.ii* pr. si,u- ii,, re,.,." ca.- iii nee I Term m?taute*l thr nm i-.iou of tli:., t.-'.ia Bf, bul Hts! Court of Appi a!* O s r- . I Ih* jil 1- i1 ll s. WM.lum ll. Winters, lbs s-uit au ant learn.** librarian "f tba Mea Vork Lbw lu-iitutc ha., pro* rared tor the ""Memoital lllotory ot tao ? itv or Now-, v ris" a short history of the llbmrf ,,f ti,- New Yor!* Law Institut >. Thia aaaoclatl D which luis become -an** pty Hw *astalning body f,.r a great iiiirary sui* tttttmt In teHSeJ bj - BM "f the 1 adlng tawfera of the city. Including Ogden Hoffman, Thorne* ami- Kiinm-i. 11 nab SI.,wi,'!, .lan,- W. *.. ;- r 1 SOd - 11,.-,-. < lian.ellor .Innes K.ii! Wa* elm-a presldrnt* ::.i I --init't Timmi** s ai, at one lime a JUstlre i.f Ihe I nil'si BUtS! ?.u 11-. ic.,, c.,un. ssa* among tbe ..Hi- .-I-*.. It wa* . igii ,'i, int ttste i t , i" -.wi al "f tba ehoroctsf nt ih ? p.- - nt Bar Assot Itt on, b it the aodol lemur.-" uuickly became aulMtrdlnate, and ts prioetinl matti ii. b en thr tocmuitan ul the gn-ol lollec.lon of b old* rei in Hi- upper tt" ir* "t th" I ? lei tl < otute lo .;-. . ie,- number .u I. cow on tHe sttelvea ts ,v.r i:.k*i. and they Include oomph-to aria ot ali ripon* i-i H'.s Knglish language ano n btrg' Booths* of iii- r.?rrlpi legal M,,ri,-. rilrn- i- I no t.e illy a. lompVc e ,11 ellon ?' ia- session Iswa f the sums. The shrive .out.'.m moil) run' book* and rt.* uin-mio ol Int, n -t lo ile- antiquarian a* Mell -.- I i th* tawf******* Including Hie lan* ol I ?? An lent Greek tstata*, ibo eulin- holy ..r Hi.- Hornill law, indent Church raooM and 1.....* ?! which lhere .* i ireely ? dupU'Bta ts? : i in thc im, ii -iili,-.. The il ran maier tbo efhiloni ii gi ii ? ii' f Mr. Winter* iii.d ,,f .-.nii-r ii.,..,i :. ir Li.dmsicll ii:;* lia rea-.-, Blore rani.ll, lu taw i. inn! cr of vol a me* .art ia the Oas of Hi ' booka within the lil i five or len year* than al m,x other niuo ..r I'- history. Il l? (Or ol Ihe throe leading HHrurH*** nf Ihe ss...Il In Am :;. an arl l.ii l-li law llt.-rntur.' and ;* a most valuable aid to la?"fer* htvtag oiiic.*o in i c lower part >,f th* cits. The ii.1 -lates Couria In (bia district '.ave i.e.ii aim il rntlrelf n*d:*emed tram tbe siato of dela) whirl for to mans year* marlie I thos, trthunal*. The th. tire ni Cottri Judge* born i,-en erupted !',:? tb* lott weeli or two la Ikpottng , f Hm jury case* betweea private parn-. There in I rn*** on tli- cnletidar, three court* were kepi In -?- lon, and ihe coses io rai.idly ass |. sed of Hi;,i pruitle.illy the .-niue calendar koa b-eii ,:..,, - .1 ? ' an' .-. - lil gnnt wbo wu- resffy to p.? . ,d has I ;,.l uii ,,|'i wt uni) for Ibe Irlal ol kin ,a we. Ihe eiittltj . al-. d-,i- Include* ,-nls twenlf-nloe ii", anl .a. disposed ,,! iii us, sire!,* r tass, j ? I iov* ll.Hill ,..-.?-. sllll-e Jinbro l.acaul ? on Ills ar? ri .shill to tlie Lcm li i li:,,isl Oft la- .invar*, lias. ii t great I) orruniulatrd, and Ih* Cirrall Court "f Vpp ,1* tint-he* ra* . .,:<?? ii,r before ll adjourn* r.-r . your. S I '...-nt iii il" I I'll.-d BtNtes *"iu!s is iioxv mote - ;? ? . I ii -.? 'is fearing (ban In the Btoto curls, mrt if Ihr Judg. DUilntolii lodttstrf lol-, wt-l I..- ic acci.m Inti :i >>i tmiin In th. ini? la.unit ni',una!-. Tb ? ii: rt* tn I h. I,! rory held lt annual -fleeting la-1 i -'. md Ih r* ;?? i ,..??.? I thal tiler., had I e. ii * nie ir I..-., in attendance and In the n> i.: dl-playrd. M ny Harlem tawrers, h .wever, : ... probsbl) ii t aware ,.f il.,, asrfal t-c4tactloa of l.lltrh Im* I" a tu nil.- at the rOOOU tn OOO* i mi I rd I l-twei s -itt .i -t. .x -rood v..,riiin- ii ?-,. coutiilnliig Hm mo*t comm-tidy sard r,.|>.>-ts mid 1 ,'il perisHrd*. ta, bern 1.111 beret], BOst yen* ? 0 have t >? 'art halli of laking Heir work ll me, and ul... Be ll*' I c. ii-uit im- ;.;,* ;,| nlji|t, ssill timi lt , m.sen,, nt oft,i, 1,, bavr a.1 to lbs s lum , , nt du d In 'J ,? lit rory, surrogate Ransom ?1 c ali , iit.-r'.i Ililli' u-l .r. * ii, lerp , lal, U siii'i ?.'? si dvlec :., ibe rn Bibei* ol 1 tt llbrsr) ol Ihetr souiial in--, Hug. Tb ? lita - - ( -s. rai ? lb* Judg !:., - cabed at tendon onew ta il;- condttl n of -.- ,f tbe mootai rn th" County Courthouse. Judges Lawrence, Ttnoi nnd (Jlldrrslcevr have b, ", atacot for -1 port of ihr ji.-. 1.1 terra on arcoon! of -l korra. Ban*o of the -'ir ii,- Court roora* are .ufficlenlty l,rs,- and ia! ii- si.;i y.'.ti'i,!,,i. but other rooou of Ihi* curt ..ul iii'st "f iii'" room* ? <., 11, 1 bj the i-op*-rlor mi Common Phns Court are small, aad tome ?.f n.ui ii - -e. re ls von tl laird al all. Tlie ,,. sos on th- tieri fl 1 Hi.- 1 ..iiitli.,,1*.. me La,Hy ;,rnnis''sl. Hie 11 lin iii ?.me ra*es are low, and Judges whosedsttss re,iiilre 1 ? 11 to li..'I ',. i_- srsstnii* must f, .1 iii,) ,'!??,'- ?! il, bsd mr and !:,>? ,-i -.?. ,,f tin- court* . ,-. When the new Munlct(al Ualldtni ta com. pletrd there viii be addi Hone I room r. r lae mnrtn 1 Ihr Courthouse, ni.d ll mav be pos-dhle to ro* n rai re ihe ru ni* 1 > ibo) the Judge* win not ?uiler B? ll'"' la'..' done. Means'. :,,! ? lt M.,all -eclli ;.. if some moro ade.,uno system of ventilation coull lie n I, i'.'I. to ut 1 , :? more - mr ,,f tlie 1 101 <a of com ilnii.i. _ 1 - first number o' tbe adranee sleets of the aaas* bined oflirtal leriea or tbe Mew \ ? ?: li Kat* BaoMjrtt and Be 1 in Law* ssas lostsed lost '.'eek. Tin- pmiphlet rontaln* a patti ?f lbs HiTili velume pt tiio C**n*ft of tppesl* Hep rt*. Ihe llr-t port of Ino (I7tb Volumo of Hun's Reports, a portl 11 ,.f lb* ,'cond volume of Hi- -Jd Hlscellaneous R(-port*, and hfiy chapters of Besalon Law* nf I (Mr**, Tbs Coori of Appanli I. Isl ii- ur,, brought ilosm to tb*) artj-mnm. ut iivo or Hire., sice!., ugo for Ihe Baste? r ,,?-,. Boona ol I- ,|>iil Us lu [be iii-,,,;;. reports dst.- ns far back as the Dec uibsr leno, but laos* in Hun's |!,|, are mi Hie January anl l>'ebruarf terms. rtu- uaaiphh't* Bro printed 11 (bs eleni l-inm up. used ta 161 oin i:,i n-por* and th* publlcarioa of mo session Law* in tlie ume vsbims wttk (ks current ludit-lal cn.',I 1,* I* fl .-I'.-i, c nv,:.j. ii, .- ,. il,. |,.c,l IM-ofr-slon. '!:. .-'il. questl 1, I, whether it sill! ba possllili" io rn 1 in tl .':-.? 1 nnmber nf vn***a*ea ind in lb* In".'.- irp-.nlo-jteB, ,, full rcis,,-t of nil the ca*es decidid lu Ihe cotu-U of resord .-mri lo pr 1 . ? 1'etc prompt ts for pobllcaUnn. If lb' ptrpoe ,,f the puldfsbei* cnn i,e owl ut the losy BrtCO ,., >,, -I the ,er|,-? will sailsfv Hie mod, of the pro fv.s-.lun lu r.-.aid io t-ulvk, lull aud uvcurate ivportUut