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a law that would permit the So-rotary of the Treasury lo aca*ot*ate a bond boure at a rat" of interest lower than 1 per cent, bul the opinion of Wall Siioe' has alwavs leen in Inver of the au? thority of th" Government to -ell i pet cent bonds if Bea**eamry io maintain the $100,ooo,ono r?*serve. Aetlag A*r-dstant Iri-aaurer Muhleman at th" >ub-Tieii-ur\, in speaking of th., suspension of the kano oi gop* c***rUAc*-*ea, sail that he believed it WOnld all -BOderately to the Treasury's stock of gold. He instanced 'h.. cate of 4 person who pre? sented a ?h.- I; |,.r $20,000 tm gold bullion de> Baatted In ike Assay (ifflce. When Informed tbut ha could bo! obtain gold certificates h.* accepted lcial-t.-ndei's, iq that the Treasury fained $20, 000 ^oi,l in Hie operation. Mr. Muhleman thought that in this way further gold miglil be secured. ll" said, iii reference t<> the action <>i Se**retar) Carlisle; " lin* step on the part ot the Secretary al tho Treasary simply means that he i- carrying out the provisions of the law. lt does not nama that the <iov.-rn_i.iit will receive geld in deposit*, and refuse to pay tisck in kind. Any one wno deposits gold .oin here will receive legal-lender notes, lt gold is demanded, gold is pm 1 n it. lu other word*, in? stead of iv-uit.o foi gold deposits a -fold eertWcate which is necessarily redeemable in gold, the 1'reis uyy issues legal-tewlcr notes upon which gold will | he paid 'l demanded. That is the whole situation. The only lUfferenre whi. li the stoppage ot the geld ; eertifieutes makes is that tho Treasurv Department I will not Issue gold eertifieutes for gold bullio:., a- | we have boen doing. "The Secretary ol tin- Treasury simply until pat'ts the aold coln withdrawal* which xviii be mad* on .Monday tor shipment on Tuesday's steamers What, these withdrawals will amount to of coane we do not know, bat tln-v moy reduce th" i.ov*rn ment'a gold reserve to the hundred million limit Aeoordinu to this morning's rn-ort the free gol I in the Ti'eaMiiv amounts to about 9*1,100.000. Thi-, report dora not include the withdrowals of yesterday, amounting to $1,300,000. Tin- morn ino- sfutem'-nt of the condition ol the Treasury shows tho cn.&f; amoant of gold to is- 8213.M00, ono Haainst the gold certificate issue of 811*., 400,nn,?: tho nola certldcstee in tlie Treasury amount to $?,'100,000, and the imf gobi is $108, 100,000. "'lhere is not tl,.* slightest reason foi nnomincm beeanse of thi- -top un the part of tho Oovern liietit, nor tin- slightest excuse for trylag to create * Maro, lt is the Aral liu.e si:;co the paMaae of tho present law that th" Issue ot sold eertili eatos has b.*'ii suspended, because it ir, the lilt,' time that th" reserve has about reached the hundred million limit, with further immediate export expected I'ndcr the aievloua act, that of 1883, th" Issue was suspended by Secretary Sher? man in 1970.*' TUE TREASURY SITUATION. 9ECBJSTAXS C__-US*_E KXPT.A1NS HIS a< mox. loin pi p. cknt bonds enukavkd ano read*"* TO BE IaSlM'T) Will N -gEEDED. Waahlagtoa, April 15.?Secretary cartlale m-Uav dlrecteil Hie Mil.-Trca-uii. s throughout Ihe t'nltod sjtutes to l-suo 110 more gold e.rtlhVuies at pr.1,1. In doing so. Lc sinroly obeyed Ui" law, which rends: ??That the secretary of th" Tresa?ry shall suspend th- i-suc of inch ? dd eerUhi ute* Whenever the smouiit i.f gold coin mid old bullion In the Treii-ury. reserved for the redemption of United sr,te* nol,-, falls below ?tOOjOOOvOOO.*1 iii explalalng hi- artloo on thi- subject, ("s-cr-eta-ry tiirli-l' -aid this after-noon that, while the *ioo..ksi. IMO paid reserve hud n"' yet boon reached, he was -<> close 10 it timi prudence, dictated that no more gold certitloatfts should I"- issued. This annoiincenieiit that, for the fit t lime ,-lmc ipedc paymeata were lesaaMd, it wa- necessary 1. rgep tbe lsetie of gold cortltlcaC - wa- followed liv a rumor, which xvas hoard at thc Capitol and else whore, that tin- President had decided to l-",if 8.a.O?N),00,) worth of 4 per cut bond- to protect Hie gild resa-e-na In ouse u become n.arv. soirotary Carlisle wai sen at tho Tr.ii-urv Dcxitt mont und was asked, '? Is the rumor true that vjo.noo.oty) of bonds have ben Issued I" H.. replied : ".-Ix million- ot bonds have not been Issued." Tho Bim la**! did not stale explicitly that n" bonds were to be l*-ued. Il va- SS, e; mined subsequently Hist the precautionary arstasares wklch had been boirnn under thc Hanfaoa Administration, of pre paring to meet un aBMrgCBCy by the l-suo of bond- it Bim ami J. bad bam < jinT.-*i a step further under the present Aaa-*ml*-*mt!on. B-*eognlilng tho fact thal ihe prepnni'ion Ol :>*Vd? wa- a Matter of Ume. serenity (baric* Foster had dir-'ted Hie Barral ot Eiurrnvtng and Mattel 10 pr.pnro 11 luis- number V iionds hm lng 4 per cent Ijrkrast. aa aalhortmd Tay the ?atamp-aa act. it was b-sraed that *i<.'.,0vjo,ooo ot tho-e bond* wire now being advamxl toward completion, -0 that if ii -hou'd bo deemed ii","?.try and proper to issue them, or any pan ,,f them, latbel than to break in upon the gold resreve, the imMBtne) could Le mei wi'i, tbe least possible delny. Tho continued export of gold from this country to BJBWt Uu- Austrian Beamed ha* r-doccd the free, gold In the United Btatea "tteasary to ?>'i,s,vo,0'jo. This allows tor i.l.'J.M).00() ,nkon tl.'- New-York Mil. Treasury yesterday f r shipment by lo-duy's steamers. In tho belief that gold will continue ti b'- exported for some tlino io come and In order to supply '??" do mund lor gold and io replenish Ibe depleted itoel In the New-York sub-Tr.a.-uiy, it ls stated Unit thc Tren-11 iv Department have Leen -nipping gold from the Treaaury in "taw-York fer 'ho i?i*~: wee:*. Tb* amount Uni.- shipped, it 1- thought, i* mu lem Un.n ?vl,).<io,).,?,H), mid may bo more. The statement of :h' condition of the.Treasuri mado dalli- io the Becretary showi that the net balance la gmdmuly crawling ap, being to-daj ?_5r0U7,lUU. cf this sum 811/100,000 I- lu subsidiary coln ant tflO.LOO.tntO In National Kink depositories. ihe receipts for tho half month of April hive shown a -it-,'!!' advance <>v>t last year, ixing #i.*>. Tiic expenditure-, however, have kepi clos tm. k with the recelpfs, being *l"..T,if>,<)(hi. r'.-n-i h. puymeaia cont Inns to be Un- largest Ungle item of eapendtturei, being >o far this month 80,000,000. A BBCSTT10N TO COLONEL SKISSLR. Tho number- of the Confederate V.tenn Camp of New-York slave a reception at their room*. No. 06 rutii-Mvo., lu-1 itttulnf. t" Colonel Frederick Skinner, of the old l?t Virginia Bagbneat, who I* on a visit to this city. About 900 veteran., were present to welcome Ike Colonel. Tho speech of welcome waa delivered by Colane] J. li. Wilkin-on. nnd Colom-l skinner made a happy reply. tapper was tewed and warsongl were snag. Among tims,, j re-out nen A. .1. l>i< '? in-.iii, Hugh K. ,.ardi ii, Dr. William M. rois, Hugh l.. (ol... C. Broadway ""torus, Dr. J. Manie D.w, Edward Owens, Jam's Mitchell, J. D. rie'iiisam. Dr. ,.. T. Harrison, L. U, Adamtog_J< hn lt. Fellows, w. W. Ked. w. w. Flannagan, i?.aa*i. h. larker, J. Hamilton iijint, rbomas Jordan, roomas 1'. ochiltree an>l tho Kev". VV. Vt. Page. ESOISEERS ENTBRTAIM JAMBS DBEDOR, Tlie members of Ibe Engineers' Club gave a dinner st their clubhouse, No. in Weal Tweety-nlnth-st., last night in honor ol Janie- Dredge, honorary chair ?MB ''f UM Cotambtan Engineering Congress, and a niemtier of Ibe British Commission lo tbe Colambfaa Ka'ki-.iIo.'i. There y-ri- about -ixty membiri present. Tb.- menu card- were od*a*ned with the Aaaerieaa and Uri'l-li fla^'-. Au orche-ira playeit dining the oTa?lng. Bpeecbes Mere delivered bv Mr, Dredge, ihe guast of the evening: ttommodorr <?? W. Mel ville, C. ts. -V.; J. T. Holloa a* :,nd otbem. Among others pre*.oiit wore WsIlt Harris, ex-slnriil ol lAii.d.m, and a mvmber ol tin- luin-a u*mml**lon; ,'oion.i j. c. Wnrd. of Jauulca, h member of iii. Jamaica l**~nnlsslon; m. n. *-urnsy, JoOa manion, J. Frits. W. H. Wibi. Kiln., li. Coxe, John Bogart, Kxluiu s. (ramp. ,.. \v. "drNulty. Home, See, stephen \y. Baldwin, a. C. Band, Henry B. Towne, 9. Colling waa-, B. O. Bpllsbury, Profeaaor B. ll. Thin-ton. (.ocrge Ertwanl iliirrtlng, P. Bobarta, Jr.. John Thom i-ou, ll. Vf. ,.ii-t, K. ll. Wells, Andrew Hotelier, >,even-on Jin lor and CBSriei M. Ju. ..Ls. THE CLUB AMUSE* the 9*ANISE COLOMY. A ?' fuii.'ioii' wa- giv. n ni tbe Man? hattan Athletic flub ibeatie on friday evening, under tho a*_-pteea of 'he (inclo , ,,ioni'crvniite-. a Spanish dub of ihl- city. The prograBUBe, which iiuiiidid throe nae act play*, wai highly say-vetetcd by tho s. vend hundred mt-mb..], ?f tho sI):lM|-)| eoloni who wet.- present. Tao pufcrawia nen ? ,..*lo>. Lui- A. iiirnli, Vicente Toledo, senor lilmetio and senor (a.-a*. scn-riia liodoy was re? called limes. J. Toledo waa m charge of Ihe ,-tage nnd L Mill"/, conducted the onii.sir.i MR. WARRIS AriEPTs BBABiMWB TBRSIBENCT. rtilbidcliaila, Ap.1l I...-lin" following lefter was given out this evening nt tl,,- g.iiertd ottu?>? ?f thc l'hlladelphla n,id Kending Bslliuod < oin puny : 1 LiindeipiiU, Anetl li. HBO. Mr. w. h. Tnvlor. fsecretary. Di-ar slr: I Hco.pi tho pre-ldency of lae Phils leiptiia and goading Balh-sd Camauny, to which ollie iou bare advised bm ol mj election otj thc Bili Ind Yours loapeetfuUy, i. ... H ABB ls, A slmlbir i-ontnianlcaiii.i: was id-o Beni to tile 1'ltihi lelpbla sud llca<lliig Cool and Iron (.'"nipan-'. LASE STEAMSHIP ARRIVAL. The I" euell l.lrio steamer La ( hainpagne. Captain Fraogucl, from lluvre April 6, wit- morcUtndi-iD and SIX POINTS, out of in a ii y, where Doctor Pierce's Pelleta are hitler than 'other pills : 1. They're the smallest, and ea-desi to take? little, s u jr a r (?ontoO. grBBuleJ that every child take? readily. 2. They're perfectly easy in their notion ? BO griping, DO disturbance. 'A. Their effects tatt There's no reaction aftenvanl-. They regulate or cleanse tilt* py-tetn, -coonling to size Of dose. 4. They're tho cheapest, for they're guaranteed to give sal i-f act ion, or your money is returned. You pay only for the good you get. 5. Put up in glam ara alway fresh. 6. Thev cure Constipation. Indige; tion. Bilious Attacks Sick or Bilioni Headaches, ami all derangements of the liver, .stomach and bowels. passengers to A. Forget, wss reported south ol Fire Island at 11 tia o'clock las) night. SHE EU A VS LIPS ARE SEALED.] HI! WILT. NOT TALK ABOUT Till'. OFFICES. ?1LKNT REOABDlXG Ills CALL OB TUE I'll! -1 DEBT. Ueatenant Oover-nor -in', han pol back from Wash? ington ye-t.'iilay amt -i-oiu several b sirs in lids rlty before laking a bomen ai d-boand train. Ur. But-ebon wai by m. mean- tall, Hiv aboul the Interview \ilii. i; ho and .-.liator Murphy hud ".iii > the hresldenl, at thc While Hourn on lridiiy. Front wkal tue Lien lonaatoevnaif chase to reveal alien seen al the llnttnuni llnu.-e ye-lenin.v. ii appear- lhal I; SJ i'll grim from Buffalo ami his Trojan body-guard Were uuinltied to Ike 1 .asidoniiai presence al i'M and remain.d until 7:1". p. m. When ward bow be go* on with the Pretddent, Mr. -sheehan and sahl: "Our mt.'ivie', na? vely pieasiiin, nnd Ike talk thal f*enator Morph v and i hail with Mr. Cleveland was biobI agreeable, j eaaaot go inn. detail* wlthoat the eonst'iil of tho -castor We a greed thal il. nus no reason why lae matter- di rusted -im,du l,, revealed io tba public JUst J'Ot." Thc Imseession whleh ibe Lieutenant tiovernor sought io gue io ail to whom he t.-iln.-*i was that an ?*a8*-***tt-*ndlng bud been real-Bed wllh lk*> li.i,i.iit and that il:-- names of ma,iain DcinoCTata, in thc Womera parri ul ike State st least, were now io i, submitted to bim fm the many plari-s hold bi I;, pub deans. What Mr. , lev,'land nil] do ulth thc* appll ?atloiis after h ? pet- iheffl nobody i:i Mr. gheeb.'iii's confidence urns prrpored tl say yesterday, bul some snapper hopefulness was expressed lhal ii au ! .? IS be all Ugh: alter all." Mr. sheehan visited Senator Hill after oelnu Ibo Prnddenl and presumsbl] gave ibo senatoi n -v. opals ol fke willi.- House .all. Beport received Jere by riase friends of Mr. lilli do um -rive a rosy hue io Ibe Interview, a. arding la Infi.rnintian obtained tlirougk these sources Mr. rici. I.u.t li -1?,:>-1 ' tu Mr. f-dieehan's tale nf service mid Li- appeal lor recognition i nlmlv and Imperturbably, btu made no promisee ...' nm kind. When uskeJ if be vu, ii j. celie applications lor affinal place* in ' I- i.-l/t be coolly answered thal there a*as rertalnly no ubjec tlons io sending ?> nany as they wi-.i-i. bm be did not agree io .,;.i*"ini any ol Mr, -:.?>?:.. n'* -uni. r followers. "Every man'- i:?.-?? aiusi bc indeed l. LU individual merits," I- s remark :ha' Mr. , leve land ls reported t.. Lave made. Mr. gbeehan said that he wa (coln* to BuBaln snd lof; the hotel for the ('rand Central Halloa beta n 7 amt - p, m. MAYOR WAXSER IIAs A N'EW S< HrMi: ll* IT WOBKk BE WILL ll WI. l'i'i.l. COS . :. LO! JEM1 v iii V- GOVI RN Ml WT. lt wai announced in Jersey City yesterday lhal Mayor Wansee Lad devised a plan, alth evcrj pro* peet of success, by which Ibe power of the Jersej < i'\ ring would tx- broken and ihe municipal governrrieni be pfs,ced In Ihe Mayor'- bands at once, lt I- -ld that Alva A. Bedell, Ihe Democrat abo bold over, bJU agreed t" snRPOrt Mayor Wan-, r. rather limn run the risk of ii dual govern meat, and Ihe coi ? quorn tuisattllng of affairs. Mitta an eapemdve sid I In lbs lourts |o teat tbe validity of the sci requiring all ap polnttnetit- by Ihe Mayor lo he confirmed Iv a four Ilftl.s vole of the Hoard of Tinaino. Mj-. Bedell's rote will give Mayor Wsnser Ibo conflrmstlon ol nil li- appointees and Um Immediate control >>f lb, gui ern mont. Thor.- are certain concession lo Mr Bedel] I ? have not been Blade public, though lhere ar.- mam mmora affecting lae BMtter. One i- that Mr. Bedeil's bank, Ike Bt***ond National, I- t<> be rontlnuid i , deposit?ry ol Ihe oliy fund-, and that < ontruller Hough, whose fidelity no one question*, shall be re appointed. Nolle Ol UlO-e lli'T" N'l ll'.Iili t Ul BbOUl the matter yesterday. ?> A AI LSD.IL CAT AND A DAMAGED PIANO. Bin ElTECTB OF AB El I'dlT T" BETOBF Pl t( I IN ,\ l-l.UNIT! LD ll"i -I ic ll. ? F. M. Hi.lett, a piano dealer at nslnfteld N i? wm ca!hd nc yesterdsy t" malle extensive repair* to a p?UM which bad been damaged in nu unusual manii'T. The os nor of Ihe plano, whose name Mr. Millett refuoes n, mah, known, Hms In firovest. He bu a ,;ii which until lately waa Um pet ol lbs Family, bat which ba proved loo mach ol i but-den to support. The cat hu- mu a al procllvltle of bb BBBSBSl natur'", iildch lt Lus Lien i nllii ..'lu-' Islelj to sack a degree as la drive Homier ..t Hie bundy morly to ,u ira, lion. Al every opportunity Ihe cat would -piing upon ike pian i aloe* sud pun lae iv-rv Kev villi |be create t ardor until driven from the room. The mirna) haunted Ibe mu kt room un'il the owu.r determined thai until the cat waa kilb-d peace |n tho bouse! old wa- out ol Ibe Bastion. A night or tn" ag.. Ibe man again found tbs , it ai work pounding Hw plano keys, after ii kad I.i driven away several lime* within sn Lour. He Wai angered beyodVl control, sud, laking np s revolver, be tlr.d at tho feline plaiii-i. thinking ..r Ibe consequences of bis rash pistol practice, H.- emptied 'he WoapM) a, U.e mi. 1.1.1 IL.ii animal M*?iiied io l.osr a charmed Hts, and, ali tn.lui driven away from ihe pian., for Ihe Urtio being, subsequent ly found H* tray lo ihe keys again, All of the bullet* incl al Ihe cal drack ihe pian,. and when the repairer was called in ho found th' front riddled nilli holes, and tn. j? v rllppet and -ptit bi ihe '.'hnnlng bullets. Ho ha- removed tile li,.-'inri,int from Ihe house, and Ihe finer Intends to remove the cat before the plan ? l returned from thc repair shop. Sufferers from Dyspepsia Here's Something for You to Read Mitts Jennie funnlttfihani Baulk Be* rootle, Ma. '?Whoa I be-raa lok las Hood's Rar-apariBa, I raald SM i,nf,mg i>?t \,ry n.iit food, wltlusst havla! terri il-' ,ll?t.r,-s in n.i st.ijih. I lui'l ni. ,| oi,.. r i,,. :i, ,;,,.., wklcb did na ,,., good. Before i had lakou sue um ..r Hood's 1 ms lhal ll ?a- tiing ne gi?d. I continued U grew b-atei vhlle taklag gvc hottles, ami non i .an HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES bbI saytklag. i :,o\.- bsd i,? iii-ir,-.. ',,, BMatbs, sud I ti'i'ia ti,.:. . os i, "ii., me i..r dyspepols Uk- Hood's .sarsipariiia. My BBOs-ttM ls s.erlleot, and my he-Jth to belier t'.aii for year.." Miss JK.wik i I NM.**,. 11AM, South BiatUStlj. Me. IIOOD'ts Pll.l.s) cure by ttsloxliui Hie ptii.UiUv. >i'.i? ol u.e i_limul?ry i *j._i. YALE JU.UK IN THE MUD. V'l.'KVIM.i; BEU.E SIIAMKITI.I.Y HIAT1.N. '?ii-ii i X ITI Mi NT ' iili: ri.M'lMi OF THE BOBBE- JN THE sr, Nt) BACB AT I LUI ULTU. Tke -mall army of ?* regulars" was reinforced al ihe I'.M/.'.i.ei!, traci) yesterday by Ibe Batarday after? noon division of ph a*ere seekers, -?> t ti:, t some nen tu ?- were .a ih" qnarteralretch. This was ?iteonrnglng. There were also some B?w Itara, Bib n il f,,r In-tam e and la ling Illari. I'rl'/.o. Kli'i B alni li. numi. Tai- ".h.- likewise eneournglng. Th* track v..- lu a a retched <?.Illlon ami th re were numerou wlibdrnw 1-. Hi* was dlscouraglBg. The Hr ' ra, was advertised :o Le called ni J o'clock. li na- not iaii',1 '.il Iwcul" L\" minnies post iwo, and th" return lo the rlty oas later iL.-m necessary. ri l- v a- .i.-. ouraajns. Tl.e Woodlawn \ a-" was -UH on exhibition, i.- n?..f |be bOn',iii,'ik"i- li nt a Un boa larg' ? mugil lo i.,nv it ,,ir In. This WUB en i-ouraglng. In u," corrse of Ihe afternoon the i Ind swept away tue cloud* and ,!,,? san .-hone for three mli.nie-. i:,i- an- r-ncouruglng, IL., raroriie i.,rii,.;. once the property ol J. A. ,i \. ii. Morris, snd valued al s*jo,l*O0, wea the li-: race. Vt', C. I' owns Mm now. and Bergen :..'? lin. I' was rcmariterl thal lt-rg. n did not walt. r-vi ii. a' got nfl in front and though UH Dements caught and passed him <m the lura be ca:,, aval in Ih" lt re tell and Wot, Coldly bj IWO and ii half lengths. Wolcott, ridden by Taral, wss anaUe lu cencede I.;iii;, i righi pounds, bul bad bu IrouMe ghin" IM |).!m..:i ., rleven. s|..iioiull was short. lb- i. ... bed Ihe ? nd "f bl tether al I s* hall mUa post, ll being ni'lorenl that he Was aol for ?*?"?!*. .,1.1.-. ih, put lie would have im bs ol bim, and be went lo i! - po i ol I fi lo I. I ti"t - Mike' Dwyer setting a hod example In ricing horses of so high class a- i:.:..'..i,.i. Kingston, Vork-riBe Belle sad si. vlei, they are -. cut. n- I" be BO helter I tliau ii I'nltenburg riling ptalerl Hoes nat such ,, -1.), i.i,.1 lo doa., uili/e and degrade tba mri.' -?ai, a demonstrstl n a* I,.,- iud been tm on u reputable race course la IBs [East la iwo yean wm mads after ll. md roc oas el those BasaiUfactory half-mile at rawi>- for lao year-old*, lu wbkk n'.n ? tarted. M. F. Dwyer*-. .I.e.mut coll Cbatesu, ky i harain .'ol.-.-, and J. -lil.'..! '- boj OH) BBen ll-. l.v I'.,uii utan .lei-ev l.a'-. were equal favorites i.i ?j io t. and a- ihe last furlong post Lb, roe arm mir rowed down ;?? a triansulai contest between Ibese and W, ?'. Daly', nara 1. rlt. *r*lltj yards fr mi lome the 1.11 r ,lr..p!> ,1 bach beaten. I'.lleii ll. was then a length In front ol rhaleau, the flBy beta*1 n tl.- rall ami tl.e coll In lin" muI,Ile ol the track, rim latter fained stradlly and the two passed the j idfe .i. together, tii'i'i. 'io ia! iv Hm -po. ia ian* wees unanimously of ihe opinion thal RBen lt. won, f i when < La-, an'- number wa" pul ap awol ,>r iuo-.- on tho lawn rn bed to the Jud.-.- Inclmure lo hiss the voidui, and the i nitre grand -'.md took up Ihe re? frain, iili- iii ms 1, '"I fol -nu" Utile :|m0. Mab* a dosen polleemen worked their way among lbs angrj crlilcs t. lhal the lodges were -s-otected. I in re u.i'e loud i ui. for ii , hang ? l" the placing, sll of which "ero politely lgnor?-d. Now, wbethrt IN Judges were righi .>; wrong, IB, demonstration was la Ibe worst po slide taste, People ...nil leam :?? weep, quietly sud peurefuUy Ht* derlslOOi mad. bj ...1. in ii .. ? >>l. ie 1 .-union- and Mr M Dowell. wii . long experience cniltlei them lo tbe resperi ami ul -e ililli ought '.annand Ihe ronfldenee ol the lacegulng . ?'on . They ..nd they onlj SW in a position t" J'a'-- i.i. ti- : h ar, sraleljr. Those who ar. no) .ii Uu lin.- ors o,,li guesting at best, and I ut f.v have thc i billi) lo | ? again*1 them si Ive* when they bal ' ruonej a; italie. lu Hie third race ll ?.-?, won all the way, thi otlieri nevei len.- able ti gei neai bim ll, revelled In th ? iii ? . al. I Li Jock. Iii '-" I'", ii ? lea . ;.i. L ? Mt a ld, di i-. ? -? ? ? n:. ,\ir| lan1 I ilrd, I rle-e, .1. A. an! A ll Morrl ll roll, bj Tbe 111 i i n ol I III, ii, aa i .?? ? .'t . lah ? nt . <?( a mil . rho Mew-Jen v 'oekey Huh Handicap lr.,,.- I Ibe peal 1 ",:.\ le H. Ile, < aunt, Hamilton Badge and Ililli, n, bi 'i lb, Val Mu, td Bk iN < r..l*. r m. trailed in the mud ii l< the I, sd tr'.a, < ona first furlong p -i. on tlc turn, und. I,ex er be ipprna, ed, won band* down by three lengths I HU ti i- from i.uttenburg, Han Hon, il*o from tiutteiiluirg, V ? ? ? 't Hodg . ..I-. frew dullen lui.-, ii..- third. Bren fount heat th. Vale bite' Yorkvllle lt. ll- ?: don, ai lb' Ihre, quarters, u sn- wrong to tart heron roch i track - ?? opened In < in- belling ..' even monej sud r-. ? ?i. ,| >.. I t?. j lilli-, li' pi lc ?.. ll in .'.. Ill ii.i. ?'! ? I..n..nbi ot excitement, snd long, loud iiiui continued appian e. The Uutieiiburacrs ? I., pod ? ?) ad id to lb< Board of < ???? trol nari sus: ?? Ib.-i Will Ibo Woodlawn Vase look In the clubhouse on Ike Mil ' Bat BHItcn will i..w win H. fb, Dwyn Will keep lae Irllllv I. Kiri,.a. r. slwsy al bb, !?? -> In heavy g .lag. noa Ibo fifi ; . ? , for iv bl, ll te faint . ? irted DnlniLin u.i ,... Lim.m.- al i lo ... '.nil.ii pumped ant Pal Mian ...liv m the .*'.. but succeeded In rapta/Rig second i'la", tc b -in. aa t Ird. P J. Dwyer" 4 .-?-: brown '"lt ir.'iii'.iil ran r ? ll ,'..r U.itf a nilb- amt topped. Hi i- i"i yet ripe enough lo pluck. Hit I, r Itt, ls BeXt linn, Mr. Dwyer I ? -.Milie" Inn .r 1.1\ roll M-tu. Inn, hy Kiigln-T ont "f (lenoir Meade, won tb, buri mee, In akk'h hr ni opposed bj w. ?' Uah iii',. Keerge m.d W i..,i.iL Jsrk Lovell. The "right psriy" backed M 'ie I., ii ai the last tn..mon'. ..nd Ihe roll i".:. cleverly, ll ra though! bj ome thal Prince Qeorgr los, tl," mee by -ll "ll I ti." leal 111" 111.l-l., but ta" artier BU I." nene. Cum e i.e...'g. lim lour la N irill.-, but be did not nerve. Bergen, rode a \\-nk finish . ii Lim. lu the . ihe sftemoon writs ..f certiorari w.,.h.-I nu llotiert linii'non. Thomas I. Hagan ami iii.- mun win. rall* on' Hie mimi., r, (.. the tiom makers, iii action slgnillc*. (bal ikey are wu med l|| ll e ll mth Ll COlIU'. ii,. .- iii o Ihe umina, les ..f Un rm .-, : i lltsT i"."i. bot- *'."" fa, ... ?.? ? penal) ri and ?Has ,n? ?. J ,i" ?:,d a ball (urlanga. Hollins Ol. ft, Vt. C. I'..!-'- i. ii- T< iii or, bj ? ? ? Connella, fi jr, tn :'? U'-ro. m | -, r, |_" I M i.e Un'. .:.. h. Wah "it, f. 1 ? il ir, li. Il: ".ins'- 1, e. Bel In u, ,n,.o I III (I.ii,lil. ni ;; |1-| 7_ io s'?. sn, ll, ,. IfK 'l ...i,1.1.--, i io | .' i , n* lot, ', 100 .. ... im ... i,i, n a.. i io?I iii,.' i ll -i'"M> i:.\i r - Parse fSOO; far two-*rear?rid Hall ., mlle. ? Il t JI I tr st Fl .1 M V Ii-v.''. .-I., e. ?ii:,t. ki, Lv fh.irriMis I l"i Iti oa, Hs. .... Uambi, vi ll -, 1- ?? I Shi. el - li i i ' ? i ll ??; ...ian, : f ; i- 2 Vt. < ii..iv'- b. ? , iv -.-, kallon i Ism A bi, J. I..n hi v . i :io I io i bovine ll, ;,.i I io , ii ni; Mtlteh. ll ll .| I -I II III.le W? HS , SI 100 .. I.\ Hill, O h I a..| Nil, .lain, IOU. . iMotrtj ii :,o I IO 1 Jl Ml e | III? ,, .,'. IO-, . , llelol. |, ??,, .| y | - utile :m ..... l..'.l.||.|e, ll h 1 ., i So, li IJ, '.''? II .bee - I, SU 1 If) -I il,. ,,.',,. TH I no kui Parse WCOj tat l*uee>y<er*tMi nnd Bp v ni -i liing, Bis furl, aga Bettlag \ Inlelaml', L. .? H.- I bf Mr PfCkWh ui, a Hop, ) ii* . foi n. (ear. |n:i>_. (M, I'i rn, it 1 ,*,-?* ,_? VT. C. Duli* h. '. Alcalde, I. !". il. Uunhlej I I?J Ont i .,.??-. 1, . \ ? 11 .'mi.' i iou .i.iinin, .iii ii '.I 0 IfM on 11' ....i Nenin, tor 0 '"r,- I 7 t I 1.- ' . .,, IH' i. ai. ll I .|,'t;|,.t o -jo | a_| Time. 1:51. ,i)i BTU liv I NI.W lli'-i \ .ini'KI V ' nw. HU ".r. a d??',i. ciem, in'!, v2 .".oo Bstded um n.i". Bet Mac. u. Bradley's Blilieu, ir Plat's '. lamala, , roars ION I* ill j..,,,*, i j, B ;) -, .J. M Jell...ll - Cfc. ' - Hil I,Ililli,. I, HM , Molls r. ,,,tt jj ._| ,_. J..lui Mi nun's ti. h. Bod ? . m.el IM i li", gi . :, m_| ? , i... et i, fi* ... M. lam< I, v o ?,, i st ii ? li ll". 1. lt! .l.aini.i. vi) 7 * | ., Tbai lita's. Illili KV!. I't- - ?,i. foi mm -voa.--,,!,'. ,v,d ? ,. v.a.d. bOlUag. H > furioogs. (fe c j. li. ur* i. ?.'. Blrhover, by Attila The s imii. -'. ve. Uti Pi i. ..?,. i .? i i -, W. ll. Roller** Uk. ;'. Dulayrlan. aaed, IOS _. ii.riniiii j !)_io ,.,,1 I " 'itf-i.i.i ?- ? i.. .. rn, I. aim, 4 103 'Ul iso :i "0 1 i; | ir."",t. I, 10*> (oar. 100*sl (I.iio.ii.v o -o . , 'I-' " *' I '' ? ll. I.'.e. . Il ~.,_j - ' Tin !..!!* n. :,, o.l (Beofe)O so -1 ;jij | Thus 1 :?-*! Hf XT ll HAIL I'ur-- -".co. foi liner.,,.,r .,'|,. '|".i .urn lij : ?- BU f?:l..i ?-. af. IV liviT.-r', 1, e. MeM.-Loii, |,v Ru. qn'nr ll..:,nie Meade. II.' lt. I,, nblai I VA. C. Hui,'* h. . . 1'ine . I rea ni' I I." ll. liing. M. I'I. I '-'-I I V. : 1-2 ...,t . _,'"'" *???'">:- '-? '? ?*? Tline-1 -*V FNTRIES FOH TO-MORROW i'ii'.st BACK Baafnmp -u tartaaga. Nun* wt Rsum-. WaLoU.|?0 . Air|.l.,,t . . I??l'*r. . I.'" hlnit-loelt . I "O'" . lin rv. li in* l.jieuni. ||a | A|. aid- . M., iiNU HA, l;-,)n* "BJfJSj. los'i" . ll". , Vlrul. Kin.m. . J)'-'*1":"':' .l'.? iKirkovsr _... Jl'j'l'i'i it .iy j j Wt 117 .IIS . II. 110 US i Virgie . IOS ' -Uv. i ITU., e.... ... pr .... ti*. ... w For the Country a new line of Kire-places and Mantels, iuitable for out-of-town houses. Less expensive than those designed for city resi,lenee.-*, l?ut of eqnal artistic liiuiit anil lineness of construction. Any may be stilted, or archi teetural style confornieU to, from the number and variety of patterns shown. J. S. Conover & Co., 28 AND 30 WKST 23D ST. Fallon and Foundry, .WO-.VJ"?-.V'IO tte*! J.,il, Ml. !*1 i i *, TH IBO r..\':.!'. -X, ii-l't-v. Oeut-al Btakes. sids. J-'oiir . arians*, ir.-1 ai. k. .. ll" sm, ullmpae ll Ulla n I . UH ll,,- .."lier.n Wra .'.. , lld Meddler . iii llyu.ii ...... Ul Aleppo . HI kevaH, i .ib- III .J...,in..,-.' .... iii ' bu ..a . il- Mo'bie J'..! "i . -in . ll". Charter . Ill l.. itu .Ill Uer, . Inverwlrh till- inj Hartford . ..Ill ll Hot Doux lilli" IOU DIS -Ok* 111 J .-le ... . IOS l.ud|.ia ii' Jennie i'.U'l I .'Ka" ,v III , ,i' ru i: \' i: Bia fur:,'!,-.-. Pet i" lt-.'| Ingot .II I |s| ,'.|l ll I'o .- e I Bte .I J'l Bl.",I., ii, to.., IIS . ii I'.vi. -? rea furlongs, 'iou ad l-l ll rr ft r ... . IH Bits 0 ...Ul I r.? on, ll, Kligma'i. r Mi ink [/.veil .loo We i, li --ii i IH -'."Vi ma. I'"' -IX I ll ll M I HIS Bl Il.'lis 111. IMM'.'.i .. 101 ' un, rt Out lon I IO ' ?. xi ..r.i . I"l ' Hmas IOS raise ll. "'I ' i mont IB" I. ii 0 . 1"' I ?iiv Blossom 101 : Joe raster . ;'? li.iv or en ? .. i", M' 'Ho . . ->.,i, l"i ; Bari", -t. 99 ll. TO BR Hill.I) TO kt. m..MSI.. Jsu-a R. Beena said rea-s-easy that ba had - sat f. I. I'. i,.d Ha T. L. I'l.lnl'.v t? le Lr 4 IO *t III nv ? Be la. Bat h. ari fr?n, Kuirv. u , in. i llgktnlBI mild n."in than t wen ly ii.aro* M tinnies i;. .d', firm UlUj lt was iBsured for *7.o"*J. i ila x. is slso ins.n..a. C0M1XU HORSE KALE OP IMPORTANCE. TL' -prc.|l Mia* at Ta't. r-ill'-, lifiv--.!\tli -' I 'I -"v nMi-a rs begSI SO I'rldav, i.t.-ii i nod.ri'* Lc mi* -..'. I tr'Slt | U.e- w.'ie r.-illiet . ..i>-id<-rin:_' tlc ipi lilt)' U BM 1" ? -eld Toe .omi un CBC lei., lal t ' ca Hun* ,.- I., ks They bm Bm praporrj ?<( f I tSreoa. -Uo lind Vt A .Mt.ll.'o, Tlie f.jrf f milt In ld Sf hamm hov, bees .i during tin i??t Ms ic,nu- with a* Htino't i a'.i, ,a ,,td'-r le i, ?-' ls thc fullest possible degrer Ike ,? gains *ui? cd Um best l-a-t-m -narketa Nn m rspeuM has bern "pared ia getting M. e.ti.-t Um iitj ?,?-?. hoi ??? svstlsble lu ' i * ? ?> ?? I ,'v | i ,\|.i..' hov, been .'i ..iii. i!.-.-..l"i n tbe uambi* sad conliUonlug of UUs lot i iny have not i.. , | ni ii d np I ??>. !? irpa ? - bul imv. iii h.... regulsrlj worked ?i- rn urn*Mn ?- would permit M Mal tlnv ar. in rood, 1.41-1 ? ..ii I'm .a. ami r, idj Ut ... M l*.,l|_ ii,- Mle Mflas promptly st ti ? n. mi fhursdaj . i. Balls * i -| >.f thirty-four head "( r?SIC, -a ll ?? ami lui i'- lo-." . I. la ? I* -., v.,1 .ir..,..,, f.. Ile- KSW-Vllril pUMIe Ula" he f gull** ua nit...d'. Usa ll Tine: roan Mr Kaile, re H.a.iie I , Sea Va* a ::)a"a ... -:\ ?"??- lt - horse, si.;-ii in- wau sb, boro bul n - bu*. In iv . ..v rompoli nit.. ? ? , all lhal be . f hit ha - ? al pa ?? il I i '? i il ? ?-\ nam i i-i..:, "ii ts tie Burtlonoer, and lot, , ii ',..- ? ..'.<? fo'iv ,,, |. >r:..."v la .'-uo rn,- tba bal -??? tu. I ?? ? i ?? a ' ? '' I- fe ? Ik ? ??..? v TIOS OP Till I'." tRO "I ' "Vii'."!. Board al ' anl Bl La -stooled Um [allowing v. i. ??? _-. Its Ina dorins Int a inter months la nos i I bib t"l bl I' Kl ..I'll.' . 04. I 1.1 I V .. 1 I j IN W, i| J. ii, S'ew-Vark g, ? .:v. i i mst ti" n -"ia' ?'? rt' ? boa d si Da? res bet .-.' l-".'l |.. . 1 . ?.' rtui tu gisaBiilUi*) ? ivcnuea th*ra. Of \t. BB 1 ll i 'Vvl ? ?- ? A nilli "S WT. I ll tWRl IJt POOtsROOMM. By du 'e,n of IT...." ui-.; \v.ii':.;i DetctUv-s Stack, ll ,.. an* Bal ia J ' ? *!-i ra: I tm Ik, B ? M?i: a g l's. and I I'i in Ihe ll ' i li,.,... it We, rta room, ? r ?! .s-'l who . th ? ,in -r- j-.'.- I ...I th* BUM In ? i...i '?' Mk le. Li.In ?? lu.l I*-". .Inn.- -In.e Hi- inille,il" r lr,. \ ri.' N. 4ir. ??? ...-ie ii.ji The "? rn found I?al UM Saar of Us ps ? th-i" bela! 'mir ona room '.-vii I bj i panitlon, hal fin a ii ??? sn astaastsa, altk no leandaUon, sod ll " I.Bg bj HUM, Ile- WOtg-t Ht tin-in 'a''" fi l"lt Me ii ?? *n( va- . | idui BB I 'Av fill ?o ?unlit, ike loot hein; oi.'.i fi i; i. ??! ,i',.,\. Hu around, thai m." vi*, imrt lui* Till BACQI'ET > HAMI'I N'sitll'. Tin-r- ?*. a larg.wd al ta" Ro*"gaH and Toual* ' Li. ...v.'Ui t.. se-- Um .tm or ttl" ra gu i laaraSBBfnt tetwoon T. Patti*- ol Boston, sui ijaa i StaudlM. sf Um Kacgieri a\d Toauls Clab ii.e I rall - ??*'l i" tlc foatoot. Iii.' professional okamatsasklp aili *"?. ?? o>" aiaBei uf Ihe beal (Ve la nltw ga mas feat gsmas aero play, i i ile la] sad ti r. *i Hill lo | ll'd lt. Il0?t0l 11,'" se. ol, J 411,1 (air'.'. .lilas were ijini-'.iiv ...,it:i,e I I Tn... ? r ??* tho rel te ?nd V. Msrtlaei the -.r. Tke Urns of Hm bm! ;, ass r vi .three aduutea. Here i- Um - bm sf M ? bbb - liit-r DAMl*. iv,tit' . o, o " " S BIBI] '-' 7 -. .rn i ai- ... i o i .'. i I 0 9 1 I a-14 BP "NU >. \M.: Pettlu . .. l :i 0 I) 0 -' 0 ') 1 i I ll bUirilag . ....a - '-' " I 0 '. i 0 -j i i:. THIItli ,. WU". Pattin . HO S I '.' .". ll Ktaadlug . '? i) 'I I US- .. lu, RI ll .AMI.. Pettit! . .-? I i o 0 o o _? 'j :i o fl iv BMudMa .. .. <> 0 2 2 A 0 U I 0 1 J li OOO* BUSK at TBS csn l.Rsin CLUB A " Min.Ultu; . om .Tl" wu- BITangrd f.>r the mem ber-, of the liilvrKliy t lui. last nigh! by n?. House Committee, and b programmo ol a high -ian,lani ,.f meru na- nilen Ly Ui" Non Vorfc I'lillliiiriiumlc link sud a guartel tr.m. til- Mendel Oles I lab. li.e iiui,'.' olt.-iuliun i- Bllested Ike popularity of Un- c,,un ,11 ? (.bm nf hm int.' designated "club nlghtB." ii,e pregramme -a.: -toilet Jadaasohn, bv Hm i'hi haiiu'iiii' Club; nocturne, Doppler, for fluie Mobil ami,; glee, "Would That Life." ?-''.uii. bj M. irs. Prime, Mar-ton, Irving and Hall. ? f m.. mae flub; minmi. Hmkerliil, ami - -nuiini, de Parts," f.illei, by Ibe llillliarmonln , bib; nuorlet, Kal,, fm lim sndin-, \lb, i iii liol.m. .11.. serenade William luton Wood, and ?? A Utile fong," Ernest s.Lmi.i, bj iii" ??I'" ilnb quartet; "Evening Kiar," Warnier, and ? fbe Mill,' i-lliei, by ti,.. Phllbarmunlv , bib, and -lb-Ian MU)gs, BUoe, by tlie quartet. PBBSIDBNT ANBBBWS AT Tin: BBF0BB \ mba, tildi,,u dinner f(,r iiioinlor^ S.f tho Reform ,'lui, took place last evening in the club's newly deeorated b".lure r,?,in. liiirle* -.. Lair.- lld pre aided. Tlie i>i imii>a] address -rna bj Ir.-ldeiii Andreas, of BTowa tiilvr-I'v. un ?? |_s BelaBoa td Tariff Reform lo *-ea****ary Reform." lt mis an ev ? "diiiKiv aebofarly paper, La?li wini maller sud aiken spoke bt-tafy. TlMn, was music i.eiu'eeii ihe epea, hrs. rh... present Included /?odstanl Dlairlrl-AI inriiv ll. un B. B. Stapler, Henry , . Platt, I i.L.r straus, R. Klerv tnderson, Everett l?, VVbeolor and Walli...- Ms, fi riane SI WU VT AN SOCS TLAT Wt 1IIRR WALBBODT. lb rr Wallu.all, the chess pinier, agve ni: esMbl .i "t simiiitiineniis play ai ihe Manhattan Chess Club inM ci'ulm: santa*, twenty opponents. At i late hour i lily I'lincii gnuie*) lind beea llnl>li.*I, Wiilbro'it hiniiis' non seven, lost five god one drawn. Tbe match t.ome.n tasker mid slmwalter na- re sumed Bl, Ind., un lildav. The aime re? sulted lu u vlei..ry for Lsskrr. .i.v 4-fsTd fif.7.r i /?/// lusry.HT The Alpha Delia Phi Club Issi night had mm of Hm -erle ol -**n*noklng roneerto" which ti- members inn. f,en?'i .-,, ..iij,,yai,io mu season. Th*. Baler billum nt ,'.?iiiiiiiito, whi. ii p.i up th,- affair ts nf \ildi-..n I'. Amir. ".v.. timrle. M. Dui,.,mi ;ln |.e.. T. Al.tih li. iin.-e Mho look pan ||, ,|l(. pmer,.uni,,,. Mer,. Lay mao, "th- mau af Ui?^'; (hall,* ll. 11..1/11..1 ...-H. leeor; llarrj ,?. Uavls, imrytono; tie?rge ll. Wi .i-maii, bosso; John I'rtiiui* uilder, Dr. I len lt Miiith snd in. B* V. liiniLnii. ,,f Baltimore, pianist 1; Crunk w. Iss-rnhnith, iBImi ptnyer, and sumner Baller, u.. aaapaniot. Tho e I'ic-eiil llic|ii.|i*l Jmle,. .\|f,,.,| ,. fJoge, Kill. II. Hob its, benjamin W. liaul,||ii, |),., um,,,,,, |lt Hark, Dr. Robert Norrto, Dr. trailer c. Ulboon, '.'"il'.I U.' J'', lloiaiL, \. Twumbly, ,.e.,r','. ?<- I', el. .tann . I,, butlllllle, li. \. |;;,,-|1)U *,|,..,|?.,| 11 ryng, jr.. Bdgar M. Bard, Henry g. Bennett, Arthui l.'iii ult, mid rismyn V. Cnnaal, . laii'Muni. |0s* al nptiellli' and, .N.fvuu-. sud nouialRL- head*,-hr. ' niagjfd-) tun*, iy uromo-aelieat. NEWS FROM NEW-JERSEY. ji:i?i:y city. John Inibach, who poisoned himself on tho crave rf hiv nv???:yenr old (-rand rnld, Minnie, ans burled yesterday. The servVes were hell al bia home, Ba. I 11-:, unco st. The tiodj cd ike child iva* taken from Un* We. Cemetery aad Ike ina bodies were placed in one grave In n-tu-er lim f>r_etery. N i:\vaijk. It a*BS ni -ii-unritl iii Harrison resterdi.v tkat tlie p.,,m- would be closed after yerierdar's raeas, .ind iv, uid remain ctosed, Ike pnol'seUera laking Ibis action v InnUrily. a mass-meeting of Ike B*etabera af tai ihiiichcs of Harrison I- to be held la ike 11.1rrN.n1 T'?ii Hun ti.I- nftetnoor, ami lae moveBMBt I* sup peaed to have imliiced Ibe i?',,l ?!!'?:?- t" eksM leapa lailly mini the feeling nroii-ed should hive BibsMad. Th" m.. tins' "I" be lu ll nod BteaaUICS laked to keep tho pociruoms permanently cb_od. I'lnro trera four of tbe places, and lura tr*re about lo aa -tarted bf l?,.,| .-Hoi - Bi ii Viork, w.ud aaa received In Nen uti yesterday st?noun-lng the dealt. Muff*, Iowa, 'i Dr. winiam nib.nunn lorn orlv of Bea ark, and son ol Ike lue Dr. willam uk'orman, on- <>i th, best-known physi? cians ..r N.w.i.?!* -v. iii. -.'ti wa* educated al Seton Hall, and -ladled law. aft. rim id bebiK graduated ri mi r, lumbla Modi, al College. He married i\ years ago, and Li- ii if'- aad two children survive him. He waa thirty-two years old. RtTHClfTOBD. Tba free public library m,-* mectlni- aili be held in iii-..ii Hall to-moiroiv night. Aan"r****tra will bi a ade by .Mayor Shafer, ih- Uv-. Dr. C. a. Bulkier, ibe Kev. k. .1. Cooper, Ike Brr. George li. Badger, PnatBUMter linnie. Barrows. Ibe Kev. Krnncis I. (laytor. And.tam |"ric, Mr*. A. C. Donald-on nod Ml-. ,' D..nbI. dav. The Rollins. -I'liti!.-- Township <"nmmi.iteo iii* iwlec r.ut ii.rdh,:,::ce grnntipg a franchise ' i the lei*"/ Illy, Hoboken ami Rutherford Bice tri, Barway < >:i) pam. aui mil undoubtedly "a-1 Un ordinance u Ihe meeting to-iiiiii row night, mis will pant lite i liri,t ,.f ray fiver the I'liicr-im PluBk Hoad Brear, Lodi Township lo ti" llucki' River. HOME NEWS PR MINFNT AKRIVALsS AT fifi: IlOTF.f.S. AI,I,.I'.MAHI,I.-Hiir..n Voa K !-ixk. of '."rnamy. Hf, kim.ham prate - r ?' C. Marok, .,f Tale Cal vi-tv. I'llTH AVl.MT" -I'x''iv'Ttior I'l-derick -smi-tii. <* iN'ov-ll:imp.|,lro. Ifor**-'MAM?fanaji*?**??a j. rt *a*TMtlasand l)*nt"i -i raatpsu. af Hleklru1. hol? land I Miil.-oii. lorhso, of II.-t.a. MITtltAV HILL -. ua'.ir Ao-ua J. Parker, sf Albaay. wa lim nu- -tim Duke de Tongan, "f -.polo: >\.'*'oiiirrc**tiiiiii jr.lm san loid, .f Amsterdam, B. v.. and Brklcy lt ,'axe, nt Hem,. ryltanls. wi.Ni>-,<>n-ii,*neii a. PBrasMter, of tray, NEW-YORK CITY. Tho Board nf Managers ol Ike Produce Barkaags haio fixed the aiiiiiial dues for l*!>:i!'l al *?-?"?. W'at.r gegister Kiley collect."! |?7.1 B. .'-'J for Ihe ase ol ''rotuli water lasl week. Mayer'- Mai-hal Rn g i iard I* aed 638 eltf Ueenses and took In 11*309 , fee.. Tbe following additional inbacrtptlona io the Home Hub fund Lave i.n rec,lied: Eugene Kelly and Jahn K.iiiiv. treasurer, il,000 each; Joseph slioehan, trui nr.-r. e_. ,"? . v. .v ii. O'Donnell, 9B0O; Patrick Kier nan mid .Nil..ut Bmltb, el"" each, mid other con iributoi -. >'??. : - An Interesting exhibit bm "f ..ii patattaga by wm Ism Henry HUllard i- lo I."ea day and evening al the art rooms of Hall - UantaOB, Nm. IBB and 13d Wes! Twenly-tblrd -t. Mil- [rom M.i'..urn.-. Mani 1-: Sydney, Mina ?Jo. Am Maud. Man li ilB, and Honolulu, April '. ai'' du.' to arrive In Bea \"r!? Wednesday, April io. The neal mall for Australia, ric, will ci.iii a-30 p. m. j mi saturday, April Sd, or ou arrival lure of tba teamer Etruria with British mads f..r Australia, i ? Bow-York Hotel wl'.l be sold al auction on Friday nest hy Peter V. Meyer, aaelloi.r, auder Ibo direction of Jay .v Candler, attorneys. A. >. Drai'.r. superintendent "f the public schooli ol (loveland, Ohio, gave an Interesting lecture y, ??nt.iv Iii the hall of ll,- T.-a, L.t." CoBege, BO. ti Cnlverolty Place, Ills subject was "The towera and Obligations "f Toa. In-r- In the I'uLllc -*cimn|-." lin- steamer Celtic, af Ibe Wfclle Mar Line, fans been -. ia io u... 'ii,iiir'i.'.ii,i Line ...nd renamed Ihe America. The price poid ls said ta have been li, ..""o. Tho p>v, j., i' Horton, of F-nrMon, who la t . bogia Um I.Ninan Beecher lectures al Yale thia week, will -peak to-morron al lt i. m. la Um Adam* Chapel of the Calen Theological Hetolflary, on "Church Life lu England." Oil II TIIF PALISADES BLUFF. a SOT'S Tl RBI BLI l n.t. wu v BBAVE WOMAB'l ATI I MPT IT RI >, i'E Chart, i Praacti Coyte, Bine years tdd, Mt from tho Palisades, acer Captain Annctt's place oa tke bluff, al 3 p. m. Thirty (????< down the ella?, bia fill mt\ broken by a ledge. Ha clang to i small trot until hi* tl rea gib gave nsf, aud thea in* dropped a:.d rolled th ii a hundred (? et further, Ho iva* I, ii n 11 v slipped by .-onie Ullderorusb growing on the edp of Hu- blutr. Mr*. Lena Rlguy *aw Um ehUd, mid I'lliiiiul Uta face of the cliff, over bigged rocks, broken bottles and nndetbrusk. Qakte-i by ike boy', crin for lil- mot ker, abe al lasl found bini, bud iv cut and bruised unit covered sith blood, -he waa ainn.-t overcome by her ssenlon**, and ihe would hive (-aiiit-rt at iii" -ghi of Um iBjared boy. she stld. If *iie Lad not coveted her eyes with her apron. -Im iiiiiiiv managed to attract tho attention of two quar? rymen, John Conway mut Michael ("anio. The tara nun climbed down i,, where Um aoBfatB and child were und ca ri h.I Hie Injured bay to hi* honi" In the village, The little fellow was attended by physician*, and I hen talion lo Um Englewood Hospital, II" la not expected to recover, *> -? BP-UT.t.V rot ATI CLUB WBMSBBSBIP SHARES Tho linn fm- the rcrint "f subscriptions for thc membership .lures nf the ? ninian County club al the origlBsl prtci "f flOO na* yesterday afternoon .a leaded lo io a. m. io, when the price ns I ll be advanced. TIM elah omi* mer acres of high ground lu sullivan County, between a'urisboro and Monticello, "ti tbe line .if the BaW'York, ontario and Western Railway, Ihe place hoing known ns Maslen bali.' Mill. Tho dial allolnieiil of plots Ii st*-***. holders who Intend to build was made vc-icrduv :it ihe -lie ..f the clubhouse. 'ih" pt-operty l* al, .rn ninety mil' - li"iu Nev. V il; City, shares cnn ls? ob Hom Job V.. Iledfes, Na. Ill lioiiliiav : A. I*. W. Kliiimn. .No. Ml W>-l li bii third .1. , Minni.?| Msrsh, lienneit I'ulidlng; t'hnrles V. Klngate, No. lt:i I'eaii-t , ..r Loren \.. TuRer, No. ^17 Weal One bunda <t .nat i vi ci.i.i null i. TU IMPliOYE THE CtTT'M ARI UlTF.rTCRE. Ry Lnvitiiih,n ,,f th.. Art Committee of tbe Century Club, Edwin li. Blaahuetd and Wii: H. Low rend paper- reisling lo tic purposes of Hie now Municipal Ari society last night ai ike clubbonat'. There wu* a good attendance. TL., satiety baa for lt- abject the Improving of New \..rL's municipal architecture and ls composed both of arll*t* and lavuieii. a meeting "III lie eld mi Apill i al the American Fine Art- Society's building In west Kitty seventh ri. Later n nu,--. meei lag will probablj be called. ii omi: is s\vi:i:t when it's in tlie ninny, tor lin* air in pure an I pure anl tillie i* roon b r tko cliiblreii to alay. it's rjont lort winn you have a -.I *i/e.| lot* pun- water, good hewenije, electric Unlit, Telford pavel -tlento. Land iiinl lion-*-?, are ohftap at Ncwi llourul Brook. S'tni in- book-'' llon**iar**_LHr! ** to M. V. 1'iercc, Brook, N. J. Solid Silver In many new and desirable styles, ooaiprising a great variety of useful anti ornamental articles. Our own manufacture anti of ster? ling quality. Reed & Barton, Bil fl BB HI I BM. 37 Union Square, IN, Y, R.H. MACY AGO ?IIXTII AVF.. 13TI1 TO 14TH ST. MILLINERY. wi; invitl. n;i ju al insi-i:, hon or our .'111.Ll M.UV I), I'I (LNDI-.K BMW MAN" ..(.K.MKNT.i CUR Sim K is KUl'LUNlslll.l) SMTII NKn? [BEAU HAIL)', AND mUH VLItV __>( l.t'SIyg styli;* will IIB i:x ii j uri i-:i> Jins WEER ig Ol ll TBIMMED MAI UAKLOIIS. (BKCOXD IT.ooi'.. MAIN BCIIUD1BO.) A I KAI Till I. AM) INTLI'.l'.MINl, DIM'LAV ul LU JLIiKU.N is AM) MIs.-I.V litl.M.MI U Lli.lI'Mi.N, lilli's. AM) -IKAW Mais, OUR LEADER-. AT PEON M*t? TO BBjfBjj ARE HKVOMl lO.MJ'J'.TIiTO.N'. m OBIUIBAI. I DJ as IB I.aDII.s' MATS, T0QCE8 ABD TURRANB, t'lUMMKD WITH ri."w;:i!.s. Oa-TRlCH PLUME-, _, ? WORTH Dol'IJLK. . 97. IB, $?*.??*) axd i!.4| UNTRIMMED SPECIALS. BI*ACB AND ,,)l.oKI',[) MIL..N. LOMIIIXA. TIOB Ol'" Li, I. isl KAW; SOLD KUUL WttEBBATgLM .gi.y, o.NI, Lol' or iHiMii.NI'.li STRAW BATM IN" I" IVS SH AULS loll LA III I .s AM) CIIILDBEX ; Willi ll o", OM' LOT ol' COMBlX.tTlON LACK STRAW* HATS, IN U :>IYLJ..s; WOK1U 41 RIBBONS. AN* ADVAETAOBOCfl I't'lt. mw; Og BIBI nig, RONS AT A LOW Ii',1',.', DESPITE Iii:, i.HKAf ADVAN, B "I' BAW BILK, LN'Altl.i.s l's. Tu QPtMM I MUM WIIILI. TUE- LAST, AT JUL J'jLLU\,I_tt riuccB OWB LOT ot-' i:i.M"riI"i'L OACSE BIBBOB, IB all Tin: XEW siiadk- sold BLBI ? WU KKK AT io. B**W thi: po it lah VELVET and satin dla. g BIBBOB, NU. 9, 10c; .N'O. 12. tt-j No. ia. Me. 0MB Lot or black laxly ARMCRB and BAT1B STRUT'. RIBBOX, OOCBLE-BAI LD; WORTH BM. irt FLOWERS. VELVET 1MB BILK BOBE AND lU'D'sriUT; R'ORTU lix-. gAo, TIIF. OREATF.ST BALE WI*, ll WT. rVTR ur. 4t'UCRATED IN" LADU s' AND .MlssU.s' IMPORT?D \.ND DOMICBTIC. SPRING SUITS. CAPES, JACKETS, AND WRAPS, \N" I'lTOIllI NITV. Willi ll I SIM.I.V BOEB BOf ", , I ll IN ill. Ml ? II I. Vii.ll IN lill. .-,'. \-,.,\ pj li Kt IIAsi; MVI.lsll i.AK.ML.NI'-. Al lili'Y CESXd "N mi; 'KILLAH. VAi.n. a-joooo, ai'. -s' v.m.i r. rico", AT . 7 i.hj \ ALI ki l.'.-.-o.', AT . iii. Itt VA Ll ,. 100.00, Al . VALl'E T4-00, Ai. :I7.I? VAl.l i;, ir. . 31.WO VALUE o'.i"', AT. 'i.'I.BB S ALI I. gnOO, Al . 'U.'l'i VALVE 4,'."', a. IW-flfJ, .K'.O", AT. 14*1 VAl.l I. J,.'"", AT. 1 '.lil wi.i i. moo, Al . 1I.HS VALLI, lil'', AJ .. . 7.11 VA Ll I. I"-' ". A 1 . ... l.'JI LA J l.AotUUN HIV VAl.l 1 .- IN" Ml-- W I I'.N v.Mi BI.AXEM Bl II'-. IN ALL DIP. Hill-..N'T siVLI.S ABO I ' l."ll-. II. I I. AND IS YI.AKs. il.' .11. AND ., . Ll si, VALLI. MJJO, I. t- o'. A.N1, ri" o> .. Sl.titi. ?;i.?M?. ?-l.Btt. |Mf N'l tllABOK MUM. lull Al.TERATIOBg IM i.Aiui s' asu .HlssLi' CLOAK ABB sin DI TABB* ML.NJ.s. ?SATIN Hil AHA MA CAPS, Willi DOt III.!'. L"IL Jii.l.KII" COLLAR JN A \ A lil 1._" V ur COLORED i'Ai: LIA AND Ll.VIN BLACK I.IN1N..-. ALSO WUK LA. I. IN*: li. ION 1.11 li T, VALLI. tWIJO, AT . ... ?' IX "LU DUI S-MAKINi. DKPABTMEET WL AlUI DAII.V MAKIN, KXAl 1 . OKII.S Ol' MIK VERf LATETX PARIS, LOX BOX, .VXD V1EBXA i -ILA. noxs, SUI ' IAL onui'lts Tt'RXI I) OLT AT BHOBTBa*! X0T10E in" BLQCIREO. PRICE*, as isl AL. TBE*) MODERATE. SUMMER CARE OF SEALSKIN AND OTHER FUR GARMENTS. DtT.lN . TBE "li'.lN , IND M'MML.R SFVS'Nd WK REMODEL and MAKE ovi.r. Ct'oTOMRB-* li BB AT VERY Mliil Kl Di i I U I ll Alt'.I.s. ABB WII.|, AFTERWARD BTORE AND INslT'.l. 'MIL AU* I'll LKS lllLK of COST IN UL CALLED POE. LADIES' WRAPPERS. BARB PRIXT WRAPPER-*, \\.>i;i ii Ti **g ills PERCALE BOC-B Df-K-BEB, WORTH lt-4 l>!?* siii.i.N oi uni; di:i>-:.s. SKIRT ABD waist . a-j.ll AXDfaUM wi: aul. i.Mi'iioviN.. oi i: LIME OB silk WAISTS DAILY. PRICK* I lt i.M gog, IB to 914.Bf -fl'..LU, LOTH "i" BKEKBCCKER .Mil KT*. ont. liiiii.j: .AD.-. To ?*? (BKCOXD FLOOR, MAIN III ll.DINO) SPECIAL Lois Ol' LADIEB1 DHAWLilS 1 MDIMlDli'.I.D WK VLB. 3!?e. AND isle, LADIKs' SKIRT-. EMBROIDERED Kl T TLt... 74e CORSETS. ll AX LORSI.lS, WII1IL. AND DRAB. WORTH al. *?* BBBCIAL LIM: r-OBBETB, EXTRA HEAVY CjCALITT, wuni: and DO.Hi. 1MS1TIVKLY WOK HI ^1 gi .- BBS isioiif. PLOOR, BBSS BVILOUfO.) SPECIAL Lois OB LADILS' BH1RT W A1ST- VJ. , 7'j,-., SIc.AND. ff>f*t GROCERIES. (FIPTfl H.OOK. NLW HLILDINi) TO INTRODILK OCR EXTRA I IM- Bar. TPAB, SOLD l'.L**I',WIIKKI. Al' lija, Wi. WILL h-Ui TH KM ion two DAYS ONLY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY, At 40c. per pound. KO KM OMA, OOLONIi, I'.NOLISH nilKAKFAST, i.L.NroWDF.R. M1XI.D (OOI.OXU AND YOUNO llVStlBV OXLY TWO POV'MJa BOLD *0 EACH C-*TO***saW