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WHAT BROOKLYN TALKS OF. AN* IM CAL MMKli; OF IMPORTANT TOPICS IH KIN'. THE LAST WEEK. Brooklyn hos hart a e,..,d immy t'ilrip-. to talk about dilling ti..- last f.\s >!.,)-. 1 mi, niiat-lo I., recall number weeh in whl< b bo rosoy mstlrrs ol vltsl Interest bas,- been crowded together, lie decision ot Hie Court of Appeals OB Hm reapportioned Ate -?in!.ly (lj*irict*; Judge Pratt's wiling aside of Ho assuid of Hu Water Uoramtaslon: ile- arraignment <>f lb ? olin I.M-., t-i! iii cm.,, non ss.!!, Ihi ".olunihu* Hay artair: Ho- giving a\S:is ot Valuable fran ttilsr.. Ly ti,e Hoar,, ..f Aldermen; ih.- orgaiiitattau ..I il..- new boord oi mi,'.." ira-t-e- n.i* j* surely a re,nurka tie Mer.- tl...,; that, .,11 these mo ' uientous molters came before the puldtc on lb* fhfsl : : ree -e.ailnr .Ins* ni til" ss-!.. I.?ir laac ,'e OCW scheme for leganztng ibe Dalumbu* inn expemnure*. ami ibe ,'...ii,, -,i poat mest rr clim.-. < >f course, li . svitimui ssybig -in), a puce , a:,imt long be uisln- , lililied. Tbe court of Appeal* dwi*:,,n i* a most gratifying , triumph ol righi and justice, and, 1 think li i- tafe to .say, a* t*a*rrxpeC4ed aa it ta gratifying. When ana ?pp*-a* to tbe cnn, agalMf tbe tmtrageou* gerry. ' ?antler xr:i- mn.!.'. ,!i..riiy after tbe action ol tue | Doftiilstoi in .inly last, tbetre ssa. Utile doubt In Ibo minds of bones! men that ibe nranstrao* dlvitlou of the AosemMy <ii-'rtct., wooJd l.t astir, Tb deci-ioii ol Judge Bartlett sustaining tbe Alder men, and saying in ctr.-ct thal Ibey would have been in puning *Z*t*rO,(*rOO pepi,- m one dis? trict and ',,**?) in mininer, xx;.- a keen disappoint nts-nt. Alter the Oeneral Term sustained that derision without (lisseiii from either ol u.e lodges, public In? terest ill the maller died Oil! t>> il lal'.- . \tel|l. i.l:,l the recent argument before the Court >.i \ppeal*. attracted verf Httle mt. ntl,m. The perslstenty of | tbe Bepubllran* who carried on ihe struggle, und ol Heir counsel. .i.s,o johnson, bas been abundantly r.sssrdeil. Tbe decision ol the highes! court is unanimous, and the opinion wu., written by h Demo crat. lliere ls now the assurance thal Kings County -sill hr fairly apportioned, Instead of bring divided on the principle thal ih* Democrat* nut-i control Jual i,s many of the districts i>, possible. Tba -rweet ssa* ttteoitty foil,,sv.d by lbs bitter. The day alter tim decision ,.n lite g nrfinander came Judge TnM't *"a-*llng in laver of Ibe Loni Island Wator buppls company. The recent award >>r the com nil-sion, granting .-..>.<"?' rn Hw company foi lt* panpertf and franchise, ssa* regarded by Ibo pobUc at largo urllh t mplete ssllslartlon. Thi* I* nos sm a.,ide, sod lbs Judge hokta that o new rommlsslon letls! l.e BPP in 'd IS pas* upon I e maller. If BO, tiieie svill io ;, complete rethra.hlng si ll.ld straw, and another Lie Lill of espouse* foe ihe city io pay. Really lt teSjlM lo look B* Clou:-fi ll ss,dirt Have leen iimno'v in Brooklyn's pocket ll toe ' unpin b-u-galn, which ssa* ibo f, uii lui rouse of scan,lal, had been tnriiod out. Jadge l'r;,,t raf* H's' -be award b InnlognBlr. since Hie commit, I mi- did not rightly" il,,- vain., of il.xclu-ivo franchise ol j Hu- c'.inpiinv, and H.u* lays down a principle which soother commission will not be libel) i . dUn-gard. I nliappilv, tb re ran ls- no appeal from his derision. but tt li- bad approved the swsrd Itu- company would have bsd Hie privilege >.f carrying fi .a-- tu th- Court "f Appeal*, lt i* greotl) t' bv regretted tiiat th.- ju.lg* did im, see bia way clear to a decision Hist would have brought the mallei' before th Goners] T. rm st lea-:, li ta known Uni lb*- counsel for the cits- preferred lo have Hie oiotlun 'ot the rood-motion ol (bc award made before som-* other jtnUo Hun Mr. Pratt, Imt did nol sm-ceed: and Hu? ies,ill- th.- unexplained rca,ink m .I them lasl fall, al a Hui- when a va, an y !n lim commission oe eui red- tile',, in rvfrm-lice lo the nppotnimeni vt airy tm r. r-mmtalooors by the Judge In <iu> sti.,:i Mayor Borsiy'* pt -pout to drop ihr mn ?? i.i buy I - out the ,?!,,|,i!iv altogether, unless legislation per milting the rlt\ ta appeal lo lb* higher i tuns can bc -eciired. bo* a liir-'e t" '.da.i?,n ol commuti senst. Judge xi.?,re', refWssT ta sit ti,. ? tho Indictment* nguln-t tbe Aldermen, "Supervisors and otbers i in i-rmsl in the Columba* extrsx-sgsoe- srss followed -rn W-diic-dny by tbe arraigning ol Hw Indicted ttaea and tbs setting ol April SM a* the late for the trial of on- ol them. Judge Moore met the best expec? tations in hi* decision oo (hi* -natter, and the in dimed ones have naturally not been frelini a- chipper M, they .id when lirsl arraigned In court, when Hies were r.*juiv to trsger that th>v would gel .,:! without iruii'l". "Distri,: Attorney KMgwsy i- back fr. Iii vneatlon, and ought i" fee] in fl mood for putting forth bl* best effort* In Ibese Important cases, \ vigorous tu,,?... -mi .ii ls demanded, a* well as special tare in Ihe ,'le, Hon f jurie-, if Mr. Ridgway - hean i- lu hi* work i irn cannot be much doubt as lo Ihe result, if root - _ The Aldermen hore teen Bl ll agata: and Hil* linn Hiey have outd me Ihoms,-iv---. A bard and-faal rom Lin.- ha* tera mart, in Ibe booro, Of JUSl t'drieei, nunii,.!- procloely ile- nnmter necessary ta override the anticipated veto of Mafor Boody. The whole l-n-I ii>.,- ssa, mt and drlcd-iim-,! car'Hilly arranged in nd -runee, and nil tomttmproeAet. t-rar-olnglf provldetl for. A mon- oiitrjg.'oii- job hat never 1.n perpeirated In tko dtf. lt i* donbtlco* ii-. J.-* to disuouncr ii. for lbs m-n concerned in it ore 1"-' t i all sense ol sham.- and all sense ol honor, ti. Imponani fran clii*...,, fur which 8 lm *.'?? -ma of Mini' y might h ive teen M-rured, hove -m,pis b**-n given uwsy i-, j.,,lin > ,1 ' ? rp ,i ni.,;.*.j?.r-.i up ' ir tn- purr. >', A falrb clo, ? par ,n, | ,,, ,i,j- j,,.,,,,(. v:,* tn,, lirondw ,s -t., I In So** Vork nearly len years ago, Ta- only I ,p< I Ci., people f* in th* courts, .\- :. ,-, one loophole ssa* left uncover***; l.v the conspirator*: .-,- ? ol the .-.ll..pd i.ung ..f the Railroad i ominltt.-e, at silib!: Hie is pori u..- agreed mi, si;,s glv.ii i, Ixvo of the member*. -,, thal iii.-, ol Hie meeting ; clearly lu doubt. I;--Ides, . inion will I ? ul tie ault of any tsxpayei for si,*,., under th- Tilden art, sill, li ssa* ins.,!,..,, ., rtTectlvei) m the famous Wat'T litigatl .n . r 1*00 Pl. Hi" exp.-et ii happened In Ita -election "f Join Howell a* ptesidenl of thc I'rid gr Hoard, li I- a, open ? pu.-non a briber tte welfm.f i >? Urta ge would not has., teen mor*. rrrtatnly ., .ired by Ita Intrudu, ttoa ol entirely nea i.i ?..i whee tbe new btw scut int., oj.eiatioti. The board I* compos rt .,i -..,-,;,. i Umber, ;,il th.- hair linn cl.n ns tl,- two M.,\ ,i bavlog served for a considerable period unler the ..ii n.iii.iig. tu-nt. Mr. Howell ta Ibo rnost exp rtauccd ol ii- iii all. ll mu,! br .aid ll ni itere i- not rn i. h reason t...- hoping fort, ni re I'lgor-nu* muiiacomeiit ul ol Hie Illidge, bul ni ail events xv -.'mil n sp:ue,| Hi" ?ninia! i.i oo ,|uorum, si'i. I, wu. *, flagrant under lb* old regime, and which ?..,,. n. .... ?,?de n b. P-.--M- ;,, hold a n >?'?i.itii.- for month, logo thor. Ia- pr, -.nt nppointed i: , i< ? ,-,- ve - ilarie and ''ii br bl Ugh! -lal als n. bunk n they neglect their dun.,, whll. lu addition to tbe foin lt will need only iij.e ..I ibe ,x Mela member lo ni Me ii ,-uoruni. Duri:..- toe ss.-1< j rode "towntown one .vening on ike Brooklyn elevated rood In a oar that was brilliantly IBumtnoted. lt wa* one of lae old ? ,r, IcVilli. ped, I.ll, il I,.;.I l.c'l, j?: ot", !e.l vi!!, lain),* ol a ness variety, wklcb gave a - fl bright and well din used ii,.!,: ti: n vu- eminentlf sattafjcton Dy |,r tbs beat lamps I have tera la t car anywhere, ami equal lu tb* light gil ii bj tte Plutarfa im* system. lt ssa* ni) boj-e tin i -im.1,1 ritter lake p.* ac m Ibal cor -sam. ..r else mci Hon lol* alfie of tamp hud teen fenrrsJIy imi, du. ,-i, but thus far i have hoi seen anoUici , ir provided wlih lt. 1 earnestly bon, ihal in- rompan) means lo adopt it, und ;;,.,i u ssill no) ls- long teloi*. .,11 ll- cm- nie supplied ssuli tte tamp in i|iiotlon. ji. Hie side ul iii- ,- lamps the Ughi in t:,e j:.-!.!-,- cara uH) u miserable tins? -i-. on Utumlnnttan. ??>"." - a bret prim.. I In the rourse ol t - week In i- '??..-.. ?? lo Hie l ...-tr-l Aeademy. Two sears ago lust Institution, iii te upper part of ibe ??itv. sv,s outde an annex, In a -?:,-.?. tu th* Ptnti laatltato, and turned over la Ibe roolrol ,,f thc Pratts. Th' Brat public announcrmrnt ol the change In th- ii.aii.r.'emur. \ia* marte i, i:,,. Tribune, in t .. action which ibey then t.?,!i t.,,. younger ITatts si, re rsrrylng out Ita sis irs of their father, a -. bal ts Heel ian, tte Proetel ,,,iii te nutdr a i tai to ibe I'l-rft i InsUtute. Twa year*)' experiment baa shown nial Ibis i* not the rs**, 'lal- ta nol due lo any faull lu lin- academy, lor n ta a oe*dr| -? ., |, doing it ssorl. tba) I* pronounced uni.j ie by ex peetancid sttacatar*. Now the Pratt* are ready ta sum-jul, r Um Ij'clsl lo ii.* f,,im-r man i.-,r.. and their i-i., ?! will I- in.mif.-;> 1 l.y ?,, ,,it,.,. |0 , ,-., t ., nrsv balldtai for lt* accomDodntlnn on thr prrseni sin-, faring rompkln* I'.iri,. The utter ta ., generous one, and lhere I- no doubt thal ii will !..? un opt isl and that tte giud work ol the srsOemi snil renn? et, un tntal-fJd ,.'.'il. . 'I .- f.iinr.. of ||?. j ,.. a i Ac,rt.-m. Mhl, |, sn,, start isl a- ;, i? . ?:,' : Behool, bat bsa sines attra<-te?] wide ni te,., Inn on account of lt, consistent cn sim: out of tl,- ldc*** a* soriat.-i wltk tte sdurator wb'sti name li i-.u-. nol only In i .- ktadergarien dr|iarUnrnt, bul also Ihrough tte priatary and aradrml- grade* i- r,.i *flflHBS*J. During lbs lost tan das* "Mtntetbtag lia, 1.n done lu tit** dins Hon o! tr.-, t cl. ailing, li was high lime. Tim p.aeti,- In Bl ...klyn I- ta do neilin* lu thi, lil,.- Letwe.-ii HeceuilM-r and April, and lbs toonil may ra,Hy he Iniiis-lticrt. ltrooklsn |.pie go mu oeed to have lt de*i rile-il. During tl.arly das* of tin month, ssiieii tters sven- high wind,, ihe air ssas ron,lim.Mly hrh n wit:, dust sod till., ss iii, t, mit only pellet rat,st ,!.e ese-, and la,-III!*, bul rushed through .-Very open Window and doorway, and Bitted Into every crack nnd crevice, it 1* an Bbomtaable system sshich permit* lbs ,!r.-et-, to become no foul at the Legiiiiiing ,f ey.-rs ipring. in fact, the only time during tte winter when lld, sam* condlHon iori not exist, provided toe xxlnil ta M..wing, i, when there 1, snow upon Un- ground. Brooklyn bain*! cs, n begun to solve tbs str-et cl eu ulm.- J,roi.lem. A meeting In Uta Ini.-rct ol tin- free clrctilatlin; library of the Inion for thrlstiitn Work i, lo bl lu ld In Historical Hall to -murrow evening. WbsO qtHrrsa* I lu Hs Isrhiilf svill be made i.y several ssellkiiowi, fltD.eii.,. lin- lilnary ls doing un sxretlent svmk. bul bas reuclii-*! lbs Uml, of Its resource, and la in neisl Of more money. Tbs al,emails.- ssill bs lbs r>-'u,nl Ol further apfurallon* lor the enjoyment ?r lt* prlvl leges. >'o< appen I (or nmn.-y will l>e bmbbb nt th. Ccetllic, but step, will be tuKi-li lo bring thi- mallei i/uitll- uttcuuou ta an ?Ifcttlvv mannur. WORK AT THE NAVY YAL J). WAITING FOB THK CRUISERS TO RETURN. OKHNXNCI'. l".l QUI RI MfVIS NOTES IUD , ?'" XII N"l's. The weather often pr,,v-s to be of va-, Importune, and also or va,; interci a- .1 snbjecl ..( convrrsj tl,,n between persona ,,f all raak* of life, ss-;,,, purse lt Slit!, an BCUVtty illid all e.'irne-Ilies- |hut r sstoolabtng. Bat the weather?st tassl Lad w, ith. ?ls not conducive t-> tte pn-doetlon ol moah new* nt ttie Navy Vant, la some bram****** of ;i. naval service, Indeed, bod weather Slakes toore nen* Utan toort Mont!.er. a*, for in*!.-,ne.., in tte case of vest*'!* ;.t tao during Lad weatbor, ssh,-, *, rtoua n**ult may follow, imi in a Wavy Yard bad weather re *ult* ratter In quieting tiling- tin,n in exciting Item. Ibe reason for thia ta lbs! In a Navy Var.! it i lorgrlf the work ol cn-truot|..ti and lhal i of importance in:d taten**t. and on ? stormy gay ll ls often i,ec,s arv to di-coiiilnne much of this work. Tl;.- tali i- Hint ia tbe Brooklyn Navy Yard, -Inc UH departure ,,f the ship* that were reogragaled there toot so long ago, there I* aol mach of special Int rest going on. Of emir*,, tte regular routine work continues on the rcssels which ur,- being built, and there I- much other routine 'work don- In tl" yard in t':e ii,|lnlnl*!rat|,in of Ito affairs, bul tbef* i nothing startling. The monitor .Mlant.mob i- lb* only actively c,,ininl** star vessel now remain lng In the yard, nnd lt 1* uncertain how long sim svin be there. *!,,? ia* been in Ihe drydock for Ifte tast !.ss iiasrs, having ber bottom cleaoed an i painted : lo-r steering gear l- not set ready for ase, bat ii prabablf ss mi be -omi, for h urti! take only three >,r four day*' work t<> complete tt when the lost part of lt ha- arrived In t ?* yard, lt -oem* to te yet uncertain ssl,.thor tho Mlantoaomoh sun g.. to tire :i -nlute at the rai,lng of the original John Raul .imi,-'* Bog at Niivcinii. .-lt.- nil!, however, certainly go down tte tey ta meet tte other wsr ship, when they come up from Hampton Roods, and *o tte Navy Yard sslll te left s\ it limit a single war -lap in commtaslon. Hut Bte m.ill m.' te hu so lon-. for the rmi,,,r I* already around that oom,' V, --? 1 ,1'. /.Min: there after fate review ,., !*> repaired, un,I Hie Inf, rene i* tia, they ar.- t<> Le repaired !.. gn ? ui foreign etui**,; Um ve**< 1* ssl,bli, juc.riling to tbe rumor, ssill l?- *,, repaired are th" Sin Francis?, I,,. Yorktown and the Bennington; i ;.? may al-,, return lhere to reels., lometblng furtl ,-? While th" Navy Van! i* destitute "f commissioned vessel* which need repair,, tin- work mi tte new iblps in courra ol r,instruction i* being carrtrd on bi rapidly a- possible. No on,., however, s"ho i* nol familiiir with tim svork ian understand Ihe amount oi trouble and delay canoed hy tar non-arrival of ihe armor plat.*: any person ss'.a. '.- disposed io Manie the Navy Nani (,,,- teing si,.ss in tte construction .-.' na- v.1- there sn.ubi do well l, lalo- thi- I.., i imo consideration. For month* Ihe work on the \c*?'.- ha- been delayed bf tl.l* one thing, rake, f..r Instance, Ibe rrataer Clnclnnall, a vessel whi, , i- lo lias., only a -niall amount of armor. I'hr non arrival -f Ibe plating when the s,-?i I, far enough advanced n, n.I ii keep* a targe pan -rt Hw ,? dei k open! ihi* delay* ?,,rk in fha' pori ol Hu ship, and in adrt'.tmn rt-las* seri; on ta- derk below, lor the iii*,ui timi some ,,f Ibe workmen lhere, lem: unprotected, cannot si..rU in stormy weat ,,f ilm work ihai could ami - iouM !.'? corri '! connection suth other svork In th--hip I- kept I !. All tli- (I. foi* H..- rotupi, timi of tn ship, and ?o in, rc ..?* ti;., post, i,ml lt bs* another effect a lilli." further removed; srrordlng t,, thc rule, each ..; I four ships teing built in tte ford pas- a ccrtu . percentage of Hie rleitcnl work done in Ibe i ktruclton Depart im.nt the,,-, i?, ,m ,- a large part ol ni.- clerical work ba* connection suth tte hip . Belay in --omptatlrsi thea of comm lengthen* the lim thal they have lo pay for cl,ri, al seri*, ni.rt la. again incrca-c, their cost. 'Jiu. reason why tte Navy Yard hs* ta sci loiis' for it, armor pint.-* i- lhal, ar cording lo .. rent rael, sblp-bulMing linn* receive pretaren, receiving armor as lt i* out, The .,;?.' ' ti,.- Cincinnati i* now promised fm- May. bul even If it -h,,uld not te re, I ls.-rt until l! ? hr-; ??' J ? ihe vessel could I,.- made r,-arts to g. I a lt i* -airt. by fall, iii,'I pi, hal,Iv in tbe early par 'Iii.- (irdiiiiii,,- Bureau ..f th.- Nins lia- com] ;!,* requirement* for Ha- tafortnatl n .d' Inv. designer* mid bulMer* ssim may wish io tabmil phill lor Hu- nen submarine torpedo boat authorized b) ii,e in-, Congress. Th" general pim i- for ;, I ? I of al.,,ut I"..', imi* <li placement, the motive powei io !.Itber steam or electricity, a- tte dr Inner mai select, Ti" appropriation made for Ibe bast i .-?_, r.,<*.r>. ian of ti.i- -s.-,o..mki iiiu-t lie reserved hu ,'xporlmriiUns "-i'i. ibo teni aft?-r be i- <?.ptatisl. Tb* re '.'il! te no -limitation* ns lo Ihr sp ssl I lui! | , \.---.l n.'i-i mali' Ht brr al Ih* surf. iiihrarrgrd. 'I lie prl url pa I f?*ntore of Ho- arniann ?rill be ism t,?-p.,lo tai.. |n thr bos . and it i i lleved tl,''I Ha-'- Slill suppl) all Hu llftl I Vi qllllll ti..* mc --arv fol -m, .--(ni ,,|i.-ralioii-. 'I i rta il .,f re ,rn,m. 'i- In , i - Hiai Hu- toot . all ta' ? ap.Mil nf entire -u'-uet .lon ;,';?! Instant iii-.op. .nam ?? ali ii reuulred. 'i he approai ht ns rellrem' nt i f surgeon * ; J, im Mills l:rawn<. *m Mas 1". I ,. .all"! I.i i . I ,ontrs| of the available*, lol' ,1.Mee. Ih,;- ur n, ails ., -, .. of mn liduto-'. ir r.iii rn plrmil . and , i tell, ve he li..- aa exceltant i hum ? "f gell c. there. A well-founded report com** from Wa lilli; I n Secretary Herbert ha> <i-. ;,!.<i io reromnieiid lhal the oftb-e shall in lo tte nexl .-ih. -r In i .I. rti, al I im lor Ml ? r' I- (lihou, und lhal lb* lt* id. nt ls agreeable lo tte sugg si lon. Surg .mc Browne i- n to ih< rnl r oft, rr In his i iirp . ''? ' Ulrerlor Hand was retired on Mani, :;. and Hr. *.il,on, si h., I- now 01, special rtu'i m Sea ^,,ii,. i :!,e ,e\! < Va ? r la rani.. ts I'r. ,,,'-,,!, Will rear ll III'" retiring age rm September --. 1*05, hr would n >i Only receive Hie hue I-. Whick hi* rank i- -ii |.po ,*i lo entltb him, bul he would reilrr with Ih.- rank ol commodore, and five the Pre erm un opporlunlti of promoting aimil,er t,. Hie ]> .itlon during 1,1 irrin. Medical Dlrertur Richard *'. Dean I- nn-rther of th .corp- pr iiilm titly mention*-.', and I- m-xl In rank below !u Lihou. IL- I- .-, , eiiln. fl) popular in Ihr Navy, ami ssiii te r'iir.,1 four monti,- brfor* Dr. (ilhoa. Medical Director Delavan llloodgood, al Ita brad Ol ll,,- Nasal I...I ol il .rs. lia- been prom.lill) j mentioned, bul a- be trill reach Ihe r Hiing au. ? August ?_>,,. be tay* aside nil linn: for preference. Inspector .1. Bnfu, Tryon, now on ita * htcago, and perhaps on- of tte rou-i popular uni, 1 in Ihr Navy, 1- also -ss- ll in from with Hie trtt ? of >. Ill, lui. ii.- ; aid If he sh .ort ta promotisl ? . leading oflb-e ibrre would h.- au udmlnl Ira Hon url, 1 WOUM;- Ihr th' rt. par: im ni ?1r*>l'g In lia-li,al -elene ami OH-dlrul work. Mrdhal Dins lor A, 1 . I. or ga* ls un 1 :,.-r ni Ihe Irad, 1 in ihr siring, mid * uld 1- n 1- Hon ill h,, ? . 1 , Ihe other* ol his rorpsv Mrdhal inp-, m, .1. h. San Reyjs-n, orho ssa- for many or-. .11 dun ... , assistant rhtal .-it t'i.- imi','.,11 iii Washing.on, hus mimi -iij.j. ii..- si h., are doing a tail ' in 1 1 iii lo .ai? li,- promotion to Ihe bend ol ; - liiir-an. Th* rei-.-i comes from ('lushington Hitit tte salalille ,. ,1 ti Di il pi,!.In.,Hoi, of ihe lair,-.m of Nus M Intelligence maj la- po?tj-ont*l thi- yrjir. ll,,- ,1 ii of -ic ii ii snInnhie Work \ oulrt I- lo.,!..,: upon ns unfortumitc lo the Nnvy, 1 rn ii 1- prolsjbta Hint 1 -inaller report than usunl suil te 1- uni. 11, r**u on given for Ibis change 1* thal mini) ol Ihe ..ih .-,-, I on duty nt tte Inirouu ?ill have t" give .-. nionil, or 'ss,, al Ihe ( iii,in.-,, Expo Itlon, and sr fl I tl,*reror* not have lime lo irix>? t,, tte ,,-,,--.,,v aork In getting out a 1.k tin- ?.. ar. several of the medals pn-sentrd by ti,- King nf Sweden ta Hie offlrer* nnd crew nf lite ballimore os .a compliment In tb* l'nlted Kiata** in return for th* 1 trm.-p. itiil.ii of tte tad) >,r Ibe lair Captain Fal,--"ti tuhta native c,ci,tri on* f el mirt. Iii. ;?. e and ile y las, bern relnrard lo 11.<- N;.s v I), p .rtiin nt. Tb* tm uni* siill I..- retained ul,HI iipplh'iillous have I..-.., made ta Hie Secreliii-f nf th* Navy ls I te in"! ssim ;,ie entitled I., tl.-m. l.i-iit. emt John P. Parker, n relallvr ,.f n?. |?ie Mr*. Harrison. *nd nos I nld ta 1',-. -irt.-m I In r ri-011 fros* January, I soi, until Uh* c1?**w of hi* Admtnistni lion, ta 1.11.j.or;.ills on duly in tte of Nu I gat Inn st Wnshtaglnn, Imt ?'ll soon l.rdrred ta duty mi the new nriimreil 1 nil*,,- N.-.v x.,rl, (..,nm,ai. r- T li. Wilson, Cblel ol tte baroon of roii-irucilon. al Washington, I, bock al IM, desk, , n Hr, Iv rrtovered In health. t LITTLE BOBANCB BEY BALED HY a de itu Tb* mun ulm ssa- run over mid killed al tbe en? trance "f Fulton Perry early Monday morning bf a 1 heavy milk truck wo* Men tiled bf the coachman tor , john niM>. lb* wealthy Importer "f No. i-n Hat*-* jive., ns Walter Jones, Hi.- butler emptafed bj Mr. ,.:!.!.. Core imi Ken., f,,und that his clot bing ssa, marked ssill, tte initial ' lt."' Tte niau wbo ld -nilled Un- body -nld I hot Jone* had :, hr, liar ssho sim, fl smiter ot the ki ft h Avenue Hi '? 1, bot no Jon - could h.- f..mid there. But Inipiirs showed (bal Waller r.evan. :i walter tbore, ssas me lead man', lu-iih.-r, and that th" latter ssas Joane* r.evini. ibe oaure Jone* teing as-uiiiert. ii,, mus emptafed a daron car* aga l.y ii woman ssho for personal reoaOOl left her hom... ??hanging her nu:n<' and toking t'.s,, **-**rnnta with her. ssho ;,l-o eonngt-d th'lr nain. . li. sun sia, one, nnd lu- 1,,oi, tbe nam- Winter Jone* and retslaed lt. Ile eitirrcd Mr. Qtbb'i emplOf under Hun -tonie, ll is -aid h.- owned som., real estate la Nea J, rory nuder I lOat asms Mr. Otoh hud urmm'.-d f,? ,h- fu liri al, and a silver pluto tearing tbe noose ,.r Jones had ? I tstn-n put upon tbs cithii. xvi,. ? ta,, fartat ss.,-.. ? learnm a plat* wtth thr right uum-j ssa. aub.Ululcd, I sud thc luucral moil ylace, POLITICAL AND PERSONAL li I.I.I'' Mi S AXD AFFAIRS. ? n::ai, s.\:> KX-PO-'TM s-i'U: M'i.iti: RE i'1 m.I s\ ni mo s.\i/.sii,.\ * FACT. A In - mun! er of Hu m* R w BO ' ai - all lined promtaeiire In .nil cor-rers in tin- tit) Iud pn vlmisij --eur,-i mllltari reputation*, bul rompur* few m them hove mulnUlried Ihrlr Interco! in mllltari affair* wbllr i-ngngH In puhll, ,,r private business, s ?,??-. oj i . names of nien who are nos active m affair and who served In lb* sv.,r ore ' .f , , -, r, iMV 'I r i's. Ju lg ? Pratt, '.. in ral sin mn. (irnrral ('Urlstrnsen, '..-n.-ral .lonni.m. N i] ft Hobbs, H. r. l.l .ir. Oeneral < allin and ("olonel ; ummloRs, ot the.. ,:, ,,n!s one wbo has rou tlnui rt , roi i. ? Hon ? Uh I * Martaoal Guard -Ince ile taft the Arms, is.iih- BUIng Important public "iii,.--. L- Ornrral Jame* McLrer, ssim now command* tbe tetgade ramposed ol tte Dnwklrn regimmts, N. *.. s, N. V. Ill* tang tnllltarj rareer la lo be relrbratrd al a pubbc dinner thi* W(*?li. BRI0AT>IF.R-OF.XER.*iL isMl - M'LEER. Jame* Mcleer 1- now In hi* fiftj t I rd s"ir. bat Ing lesli !"in la Oe ai rr, 1S10. ll?? l a ' ' of Brooklyn and ssa- studying law In i.en.-ral """rooter, a prominent rnruiter ol lb* torsi militia, whrn Itt* war brokr out, and te prnmntlt . nllst'd ia i -"t. In C imp-mi ''? '' - ,;' ->-"?"'? brsi known from th, r Bouurr uniform a* ??tte red legged <!? s 1 ." ll- ?.. ii wo md, I In Ihe flrsl tel Hr of p. iii Run, bul wi able lo tt turn lo field in ii i-'.s mont -. "a Vngu I ?-"?'. i-"-'- " Ih* hattie of ,.- a. ? !.,. V c. hr S I '???' ll Ih' l. fi arm and ? n ' .-. Il ? , propo ? ' '" ***"l Loth a* thr) were ?! dlj '''.'' i i. ted " vig a iiisly Iha hi leg was sse, rt. Il* R-na pr.o'i. tilt ta ipi* . how.?, r, for two t? n . a,, i :.t I - return of hi- n Imei I rod* ta -i ear Hage with his :? ft arm oft m >r tl ' milder. Il I hen 'nh ? 1 Ihe Nail ,i al On int and r,u, , " . rsl lb ulrfi int, >?- rt* mi I, ? i h< l ? ? im? Colmei ... m'i !.. trln ? I. Vt ll I rommat i ?f " '" I --.; fa ? v a tn d- Rr -i ! r ??? - ? ' ,1 nf Ihr 1 .,,..? ,. | , ? Joiird".. *h ? was onie MBj.rrOel ' ' Second Hiv ?' " II ?, ?, . ,--l - I in l*Hrt. ."-1 ' - I !' I and F.iiirtli Hrlrid. """ '''?", '?' "" I'.tlgadr. N. O. s, N. V.. "??'?! -1 *??'?" ?? plarrd !?? ron nan! I i ?,! ? i i ? ? ? ?*" " The p Ittlral ? ???' ? ' *""' il Mrtasri |-,i", when ta- Was ilerled ( 1 B tb* P, ,.l? in itaket. In I ??'? hr ss, .i-.*..t - ' ' mission.*. .lld '?? ' *" ****** Mat, - Pension '-."'.' ' "" I"**-' ??'?"??' '"? " ' I 77 pr, dei ' H ??? '!']...:? bst Mb f*t " '?'? ?""? ,,, io 1 fire i "? I. I""" li*' ' ' ??** '" -h Inb-d bi Pr. ' ' ' ' ? ?' ? ' ll.-.- ? ! ? '???> '? '--; " ' ' ' ? lo ' ..Mi ...... ' ; of nt -i m , xi ly to 1 ,.!-?? Ita ?-?" Vork !'? ' .? '" lng mu. h rt :..i. Il* '.'rt Ita I ind v tte cltj ? tubb li re and el nfllre ? '-" I--" M ' ??> , h.ipi . ,: i m. I ??? tte tn a*.. rs of the . -ali g snmm, I :? ? ' ' "' ?'"'-,: i.n.,i,| I,. .: ,1 S|, i, ; H. i ii* i * (ii .i ti ni) ' ? ? I" lb* Nulli n ,! ,.'1 art. rte I : ? gs of ih, ? Iii | . slat I nf ll illy sill un Tuesday i ri I mom rt ,' ? . tar tin plan or part !?'? pilbil, iii , int< in'" formal i I* r of the foi ? . . lt, o' 1 Ile lull, - ? ... a , ot* theil' UP ' . ' ' ? ? I- i in ir mn'. i< ld . pi i" . hr m. inls i lsdng d r-at,.-hised ni ; ? ? lld I* lng ?1 h) |i ?'? ' -SI, r ah]. ' ? . I ing !?? \ ? . mell fhe i ive also I.a -? ? ? ' .1 ? ld i- ? mos. rt .',: II,'.. 1 . I ;?? ?- ll) ll I (Tel i.i ll, ill) from ita ubi on, h) i.. lng <: I . ? ? Ile- pillia,in s III !. ? d In ri". Hu ri lrici . si | ... . ?. , ? i.. pul,li, , ,i i ?ti r . volt for lin nu ', io rt pr -? i him li ihe ? ? ii mitti ? i . si .-,:. i,i,,i ? i- ;,,. in, ii I., f i ,, in, m rd nu,, ? ? lou . I ta v ard i ommllti \> all! ri. ih, d ,i ' oi .? i) . . .,??.. uni ih, sinni ? .rn- ht lon - Hill ? ho ihr ,!? I. - i , i;,,. , ? . ,out,is ii,,,,ii. Hiing ron I tn In- loiign *? n it,, \ tu dj ... i tl I, ? nun i- , nnvriitlou I .lillie . llllrtlrt |tl . lin- i's- . '? m. s, hh i mm adopt ,| v Ith pr.-,, li, nil) .rum nppi .... ; , . ssh'* ll ' ll l.-d ll ' ?.. '.Il I ll, al ll Ight, SO l-l , furl hoi ,.,. el a, are i mi :< i nrd, * .li k> pul u id i ?' .I' Ul one. 'e. ni ta'lon i . .. o| || I Wl?k. 1 airman ll niling, .,f lb <?? ? ml ' ommllti ? . i lu di Iguuie one, from earh wara or town tu ui with ii,.- pre ni- ni of thr surd oi lo* ti . -? (-ith, , '?' '?" ? an > undine.,ii,inin. - m . ,, ? le, ta.n Ul tri I. Ku tar a pMrtii I hi, . I,- , ,aimil |. ? im n ut, i , m. m ,., ii ... ,. \s.,. i. nfl, i ? ,J.po,I,iii elli Ita ' ..ina,, li ? m . . u|| .ia. pia" ' foi ' lin la.-' ; ie lol i . ll. a ol... i v rx I, .: ...iii!.,,?!? list of Ihr plat, i io ls i ,. . ,, ,1. I n : un n?; ..- mid I ur rta. ul Ma) the ri i I mr ,i al i i?, ? I lac. ":. ih.- fourth ill' rt...', ol 1;.ol, I . ?irimuil - ai. I,, luke pb,. ?? |? ., :, c|, ??,. ,t, ,,.? , "" ? ?!??' ' "ii" ? i "i ' ?' ., .aiton Htid di li gat, . ? ; tte ward mimili iii . 11,- in . r ai ? to in- ? ? mi tn ; l.i-I lue dUJ ld Muj ami . !, , t Ima.- nih,, r- Mini I dcb-g,itc? lo th. lii-neral i ..iiiiii,' ne. u:, . ii will i rn Ii u , i i nu mis i . li. Issi) i mi c., li ma Ita Ulan Ihr old ..ana,in.- Ibal il ".ll m. hi*-ge| I,. ii*-*** ? arj lu m. ? i in i.e , I'Uei.i.ti li,, aire, bul Ita' monita) un-eUng- alli i- lu ld lu Um- part) tea.l , .,'a. ? i - Bl No. lol Lawn-lire I., Milch h.i ,,-,;, ? rt lur .ai,: ... '.? .i ..i .? iel,lal rn - - .". 11,, I. , ? ,pl , I I le mv. , om imii, .- li ,,i, rt ii-, n I'I I.. -1 .-_>,., ? >,r -ri.-."" i. 11, ni norn Hi-- ,,i,i ?,niiiiuf,... :,?i ,i, | ea|. ...iii iii .. l.e li M. le ri . ... -.rt--.ort- lath ? ?" ihr pi .'" ul und ...'i ul ii,- hi ? min lite "ill h.- . lc ll Iii .imlliij ..I'll ? n, il,- lie's ,,?,.. I he Main. ..ort ?li gnu ? I ? .p. .| np,,:, n,,. , ||, |,, Hie Heh- ?liing" mlsmailugeiilelll ,,|, hsvi be, n gn all ? Itu n used b) Ibu nola ,!?? po.,!i, in, |di,, ol Ihr sw k jn ; . nd, il. i li ? M'i, r II ? ll -.?-,. I ? .I'!' ' ' ' "h SS i ll ll "(ll I ' s s.inn.1.1. min.. el Irani rn.I ? - isl ,.i b) lld ri.-.-ii " ns uiie un in I, .- ol hie lari) di Iguutcd Hie n .j.nil-,, nol i"i Ihr prolll ul the putill lr...-.os. hui in all pi ol,., n,lc s :'?,; Ihe pruitt ??; t,,, s,,,e |>.,l .-. Hu- si.,'. li, isui. -I: Iii- kill .,.,,!, Kleon, i.aiiM.n (onipain ifor aliui, il,e Nn?-tni , lop.-,- i only uno, li r nuni.ul valuable tran ,1,1 ? I,,.- , |, hoard- in I bl tai* I crt Kin I land . ?'? .I I eh- el nil nf I l.e limok!) i Ct> *'o .,; . ?-, h , i, i -p.-a!, rt m , lie I.i ... I ? ld ol Ault , Ul I,, m.I n I fair ' , pi' lilllie I uni ' hi sllllle al . .me '.I till. il-,-I, il. Ilk, le lilt hale la. ll ih- -i||el u- a -. ssh.wa Ihe di, lille Ol t ? I oli'rte III I? no.., .>i. p..,,ii, al manager la-- summer lu lue ap P Hu rn,, t o' ih- ii , iii hi. i> i ? 11, w, iel ? , alli 'I rt ?? : hi Hie ..nil ol Appeals, Uti '.sill llBV. io rt . Un u work "i.i miali, unle the majority ..f th* I lou rd shall found guilt) meier the Indi i.i? a : a' ! la' I.I lo l.e hrUUghl Ill ll! ll. al, I || Ul lol f, ;' Ihrlr seal - lu roi ei| n il, r, i hr .1 nm,a,. ,,,,,!,i ,.f th., week wa un furl lr r added i,, |,y ih .!? - .-.mi > i .lime i'i.m. ?? til., award ..i i!.. . .ni ni I i,.n m tin I..,,,: island Waler sn|j,.\ i ,,,, |4,i,)*s ,?--. ss:.,,', im ie i .--.,,,..., |n ,,!,min. niel Hie level ill ,n ol lb* I " I thilt 'li ! lass curter which ii... rom mission neted contained tim peculln, provision Itel while ihe compan) tad everf prlvl tatre "t nop, al, the , its i* . ,, pped froui nus sui h r.i >? li, th- matti i William ?'? (oisiior ka* besruo ? tbrewj poUtl, ,i campslftn bj spesking upon la* appermosl t.,p,, nt il" mm,lip,I rm le?| iii Ce po'!- urXI tall te r c- lb* liwdlna |s.:i!i.:,i non-pa rt l*an i?m'.i.s nf inc cMf. ii im- slreadi ni,!:.i th,- Yonng llepubllmn nnd Ihe Young \t-t.ali. 'lu'.,, mid will noah ta'tore Ita l;r,?,!,lsii H,:n.,.,l'i .-? Bl ' the lo |> iMinin 1 Iii Hi LrSglM < I"!, ll n Tte "o-i'iiai. ll -pa il i air sill i.p-ii ,| on Monday nit-lit io thr < lorn,,>at Avenue Rink bf ex Maier si br.ler mi,! Mai,,,- I:,,. Iv. Itv Hil, filr. which 1* l< last a fortnight. H ta hoped in ,-als - .'" '?? rd. tte mart of fi.T.iM. hand to, ll,.- n.-si i.-minn Hospital lo te l.iatlt lu Kt. NI, Inila, use., ned ul ? lin -it.-Iv lo co*: tOM.OOO, Th- -lt,- OM (alua il 7 lula m.i com j lo/., ni sU )i-uil> u?o. AND \ StraiIs * SDCCtlSOW TO WECHSLER* ABRAHAM A MONET SAVING OHAPTEB ON FURNITURE. tuyere of furniture in the store enjoy t treble advantage?prices an nnder iiosi always? assortment exceeds by ar any collection in Brooklyn?unsat? isfactory purchases are promptly made *ood! V fourth advantage is, all furniture is narked in plain figures. Exclusive spring designs in First Em lin*! Rocoa! Inlaiil Marque trie! .(mis XIV! Louis XVI! Renais ance! Colonial! Ghippendalel and ?verstuff parlor sets and separate lieces. I'lie above high-clasa sets nnd pieces nu high iu price as a matter of oiiiM', imt net for set or piece for liccc, compared with similar sets and lieees outside tlie stoic, we pin our 'nowledge of furniture and our char cter for truth-telling to the positive tatetiient that these are undermost in nice! I'he sets range from I r> to 1478. The lieees rance from $7.50 to ?'.??*?. FOLDING BEDS NEXT CLAIM OUR AT? TENTION AND BRING OTT H'M (i R i: A T HST STRENGTH. ?"olding beds nie next in order of im loit.uiee lu the housekeeper. In these re feel boastfully strong?strong in 'ariely of designs, strong in excellence if workmanship, strong in undermost niics! Kvery folding bed from $37 ip bas iii** safety lock attachment, vhich prevents ;m accidental closeup, tange <>f folding beds, 17.50 to ?17.,. BY ACTUAL cor NT 140 DIFFERENT BED R O O M SCI T S. M Bedroom Snits you have a choice rom 1 IO distinctly different styles? \n assort men I so extensive is very >xrept ional in retail furniture stores! *].? lu -s's.*i(l ;i atiit. Vud think <-t' the variety of troods in Ilene Chamber Suits?White Mahog my. Curly Birch, Birdseye Maple, Salural Cherry, Light and Dark Ma lopiny, Oak, Walnut, Inlaid Brass! *Ve also carry a generous assortment ,i Brass and \Viiite Enamel Iron Beds: *a; to 1i">?- a bed. BALANCE Ol' THE FURNITURE STOCK CONSISTS o F , s A V, 'hifloniers, $7.30 i?> USO. "idclioaiil*., ?*** 1 I to ?*? 175. Dining I.'iioni Tables, $5.75 to 1140. Illina Closet, $t!0 to 1*1.10. "title Tables, $8.50 t*, $50. Dining l.oom Chairs, 12.50 to .*7.*>. Parlor Tables, 68c. t,? 812.1. Parlor Cabinets, $18 to |235. Parlor oyn\ Tables, $7.50 t*i fl50, Book Cases, $0.50 i<> 1175. I.i brar"j Tables, $25 to $175. I>.miry Easy Chairs, $15 to $75. Iinii>, Mi.7.') to $1 15. Mall ('hairs, $0.50 tn $25. I,',,ck,-i?>. $.'(.50 ttl s.'i.i. Mantel Mirror.*., $12.50 io $7."). I.ii'lics* Writing Desks, $6.50 to $125, I Mano Stools, s.'l.-'iii to $.'15. i 'ouches, $11 50 to $75. I.a*lie>" Dressing Tables, $18to $7.">. (iUNI INK uah; cloth, 20e. i!: <. 11 _ 11 (.,i ,i lu' doy's demand ,,f fionutne Hun Intli, (oi skirt liiiint*, 'ive. I mme |,.,,',. \| |'? -v|sj(,t |,:((a. A TIMLLV SALK IN CLOAK DI.TAIITMKXT. We have jnsi purehasetl a collection ol Ladies* Imported Kmpire Capes, com prising only FINE, IIIOII-'il.ADI QUALITIES. They are in cloth, satii illili silk ami lace continuations. Al of them are lined throughout with silli ami wonlil retail from $38.00 to $95.0. ?Monthly a selection for $19.50 t( $45.00. Also--ion Lillies'' Empire Capes ii Mack, lan or navy?willi nilt or gil ve) braid?Special price, $4.90. 100 Ladies" Empire ( apes in black Clai Diagonal Cloth?Ribbon ttnUb?Specia price, $5.75 150 Ladies'Tan Kersey Cloth Jacket) ? Heeler shape, pearl hui lons, ful i>.iek>, large .sleeves?$ 10.00 quality $7.75. 150 Ladies1 Jackets in tan, black o u ivy hine, willi butterfly capes_$S.M quality, sfi.'iO. 1 ?- ''vt --?>? -..mi issr. BLACK SERGES, CASSI MK RES AND HENRIETTA CLOTH. M..I,au Si-r-e, in whipcord W/t-nv-*, :ir, |*j wj,|, \i-r\ ai-*litl* ind ilurulile, lepri-M-nts 50c.- lu Munday, 2Wc. I nu,li lleini.-lt.i uml t'iisliiurrr, pare s/ool -I h. m.le, lim- tu ill and isilk linisli, ,,ur mrula SI i-uullty, I ,r 76c. I jialisli double i-Uk traro llmrietta Cloth I m. \Mili', ily.-il uml iTiiishfd ny sit lidwnrd l'11'il.'j out M.ii-u pries .si.?-?',, Mun,iu.y, i,;(.. lilack tn,-,, uoaa* I**rt slats, bock. 7.">e. TO $155 UNTRIMMED STRAW HATS, -IJ CK NTS. Quite au extensive eolleetion ol'Ladies' Misses' and Children's Untrimmed Straw Hats, of the 75c. to $1.25 grades will be run ott' to-morrow at - 42e The collection includes large, lueditint and small shapes ot French chips, Milan, manilla and fancy braids?all colors, including black. Main floor, rls-it. SPECIAL SHOE BULLETIN. (inti pairs |3 lia** Ladies' Ilinf-ola Oxford*-, channel ROO pain *?l li*"'* Ladies' P9tit Kid Blucher Ties, chantred (" S2.23. '.'.*>,? pairs"?' Iiii?' Lodiea Ru*-"*,'! ("oat Tn*?, cliun'el to "HHS. 700 pairs S?4 line Lodi*"*' Paris Kid Kuipire Ti.*, chsnood rn 82..'lfl. 90 pains $2.50 lino l.udie*.' Patent Lo it her Vamp Ties, clianKii) to $1.33. Shorn?Srr-ond floor. l.*0 $2.50 CORSETS, $1.65. 150 "P. D." Corsets, heavily boned, long waist, tine white and gray contd, sizes from 18 to 30, regular $2.50 stock Hoods?Monday, $1.65. Corsf>',s_!M floor. MISSES AND GHILDREN1 A MONDAY SALE. Wo win pla r on sui., to-nwrrow ? ei l?*?tlon of 1 Children** Unrmenta arhicli oro have Ju*t por,.,! \.rv cheap I They oro tin- cont-* t cut an l stvl,.. aiul the lui,.- aro t>. iv ler** Ibu whole nair floure*. I .io Mi-*-' Jackets, 1-oUi plain ino mix.-I i>n,,ris? verv mil all-eves, n-f.-r Bhop?*?--l7.50 i?i- S4.?S. ;;, Mi,? *' Jacket*, in rmi ,.r :ii.v ini\."l rloth, ! doulile lirra-t.-il, llUttrrSy ''ap.- finish, !??*."." f'-r ! 85.50. I "id Ml-***""' Jackets, in plum ton cloth ,.r Bray or i tan mix,-l cheviots, maile wi,li butterfly copes, nest tinisli. Sin (,.r >". I*. 17.". Children'* Reefer Coats, in tan mixtures, .loni,!,, hreosted, full aleeveo, lini*.ln"l with butter? fly copes, ".I...-', for S'1.25. 1 123 Children** Keefer*, plain wiora or mixed rrteviots, iinislinl xxitli butterfly capen, $0.50, for ' S4.75. i ;:, Children's liretchon Coats, in ? variety "f ri,,.. ,-!,Hi-,, plain or clievlot mixtiireo?nc such ' value offered tins ss-iMiii-rfK..*." ro $26?for Ml-' ?nrt Chliai.-ns "ft***-**. tan.t loor. THIS SILK UNDERWEAR REPRICED EOR MONDAY'S TRADE. , China Silk Drawers, lace trimmed, 1 pink and cardinal, originally ?*?4..i0; Monday $1.98. China Silk Chemise, hire trimmed i yokes and skirts, pretty pink, cream, blue and absinthe shades, originally $4.90and $5.90; Monday $1.98. Some in gray and pink, imported, handsome throughout, been $5.90 and $6.50; Monday $2.97. Still more elaborate styles in blaek, pink, cream and hine, originally **7-l!-"> and i*?'....")!); Monday $4.89. China Silk Neglige Gowns, elaborate lace and featherstitch trimmed, black, blue, corn and Nile, been $9.75 aud $11.50; Monday $5.90. Some Still more elaborately trimmed, black only, originally ?12.75 and $1 L.''0; Monday $7.48. i ,ri. rn. e. -Se, faj loor. DRESS AND MANTLE TRIMMINGS, $2.50 TO $8, EOR oSc. Ont Jet, ' r"''li.*f. plain **i:k. Colored Brad, Ap pl io im nnd Cann**tulc li imp*, tia Hoon*, r'riiiKes and Hands, our norn $1 "?" to *pS 00 a yard Roods, ,,t the uniform price ,,t title. ... i .-at : n TRADE QUICKENERS IN THE DRESS (J OODS DEPARTMENT EoR MONDAY. Hop Sack Diagonals, in mixed colors, .'is in. wide, ih," popular fabric for tourists' costumes, 50c. line?fallen to :i'.ie. Cashmere Beatrice, including all the newest tints in Heliotrope, Serpent and Porcelain Pillie, imported to sell for 55c.?to open at 49c. Foreign Novelties, consisting of Bor? ders, Dots, Stripes, Plaids and Paney j Camel's Hair. These goods have been j retailing front $1.25 to $1.75?all alike tO fall tn ~>'.U\ i French Biege, 12 in. wide, ten different I colorings, usual 75c. quality?fallen to | 49c. I Tweed Suitings, iii new shepherd checks, 26c. instead of 39c. i.. rt-i.,., ... UNCOMMON NEWS PROM "A. E." DEPT. Ileot tiiini Silk Mantel Mid Phtno Praperii"*, a yard* Inna, trimmed with nilli fringe -up ta ir,t..|l;,y $2.8.1 -lin's.' I .mi to RO !,>r S ' ,03. "Inn., Silk, distinctly new de-dan*, '.i2 inches wuie up to -reoterday Mt*.??oo j, ard* to go for H',-. yard. ?.'"-iu.1, li.iwu-l-ille,| Till',ws.xi-rel with heat China Silk, trimmed with 3-inch ruffle?up to yesterday 9I.1V?to ;-.> (or SI..',. Arl Sateen Cover*, UK-inch *?|tiare, new designs? up ta ),-ti-nir;,y .'"e.-i,> -m .? for ''?*>'? Art I.i,,I,'ilv l'.|.'(.-.-).. our*, door. MONDAYS SILK EXTRAS. ?J.Tod yds. of magnificent Taffeta Silks, in rich effects, such as Glace grounds, with stripes, tinnies, and Brocaded de? signs?these goods are taken from our regular stock, retailing Saturday at $1.25 to $1.50? Monday - - 98e* ."di designs 22-iuch 80c. printed In? dia* .45c to designs 27-inch $1.00 Printed ln <lias.65c. mi,,- i.-rt, rnntar, CN DER PR ICE STOCKING SALE. Knlir-v (not btnek Ettehclieo riidied Lisle Stork In"--, ^f'.,,'. lin" to ho Itt, ii pair. A Indy's ia*i i>l.i, k fjotton Stoekinf. full rei; uhr .'.'?e. lille ? these Pie. Line of lue. iii,?|,. a,,,| ,,,? font bbek Cotton Stuckingo?3 pairs for iso, Uno of I.',.', ladies' laney {*lri|?il Cotton StorU 1 tin-s?il 11 I,ht. colors, 1;,, Uno pf ive, cliildren's fast blneb ribbed Cotton Mookiugs-all biioa-2: pairs for ISO, Uosleti-ilOttt,, lights, MULHOLLAND*** WATER COLORS, $22.50. 0 Original Water Colors?landscapf* nd marines?by S. A. Mulholland, ia ixqttisite white and gold frames, Bi zea !.">x.'i7 inches, never sold under $30.00 tacit; these to be $22.50 each. 5 Waler Colors?landscapes by Har rey, framed in white and gold, size lg ?24 inches. Our regular price, $4.00 ?ach; these to be $2.95 each. Pl.-lure-. AttAOOf ,i,,i,.'lla!f , Third I FALLEN WASH GOODS. ienuine Seoteh Zephyrs, in lace effect*' r*-*o* ali*s and faiiey planis, sold only hst, season nt ;,i. to BOO. yard?fallen to tie*, yd. afeen->, moot desirable styles, including favor. le chintz and floral denjs-ni on black grounds-* dd in both ,'ities at '".V. vi ?tullen to I'-***. ?tinted I'l.tiqic and I'utisfi's, creme and tint***}, rounds, lue*, to 15** quality?Monday, 7 l-llo. ard. ? 'j-.? W?sh ,kiofls>.*iI.?la Al-le, baek. WRAPPERS AND WATERPROOFS. 100 Ladies' Separate Skirts and Non oik Plaited Waists in light or dark lavy blue or red?You cannot buy hese house dresses at wholesale by he 100 dozen for less than 00c.?They etail at $1.25?Monday, 70c. >oo Ladies' Wrappers in indigo blue or rray, with black figures?aud in se octed patterns of light stripes?$1.25, br OMc. 100 Ladies' Outing Flannel Wrappers, n pink, light blue, gray or brown .tripes, all washable colors?Extra, 11.16. ISO Ladies' Rain Cloaks in dark checks >r stripes?Pure vulcanized rubber in ish?Deep military cape?$9.50 gar neut for $5.00. Wrupls-r "*t*j***V'M floor. BOOKS. .lodern painters, by John Kuskin, Library Edl i..ii. ;, vols., cloth, lUuotmted, print*!*, on heavy )a|M*r. mit ton, regulnr (mbliiMd prue, $7,.',0; -ton- pn-e. -fl :.". -tone, ?f Venice, I,y .Tolm I'usKin. Library Kdi tion, ;; vols., cloth, illustrated, printed on heatr-f )aper. lilt ("i>- **e-*nhtx published prion, *?i.",0; ?tor'- price. $2.75. Booto-ttocoot door, STERLING SILVER, 1-2 PRICE. We recently secured 3,451 ounces of Sterling Silver at nearly 1-2 drop he low regular price, and on Monday we will open a sale at very close to 50 per cent, below regular retail prices. 200 dozen Sterling Silver Coffee Spoons 925-1,000 tine, 6 designs, gold howls. $5.98 a dozen. Silver bowls, $o.0(I a dozen. Tablespoons, Sterling Silver, war? ranted 925-1,ooo line, $12.50 set of ti. Dessert Spoons, Sterling Silver, war? ranted 925-1,000 tine, $10 set oft). Rutter Knives, Sterling Silver, war? ranted 925-1,000 tine, S2.4S wadi. Sugar Shells, Sterling Silver, war? ranted 02.V1.000 tine, $1.14. Perry Spoons, gold howls, Sterling Silver, 925-1,000 tine, $248 each. Pie Knives. Sterling Silver, 025-1,000 tine, $3.98 each. Cream Ladles, Sterling Silver, 025 1,000 tine, $1.68 each. Also, Mediuni Porks, Dessert Forks, Tea Spoon-., Gravy Ladles, Oyster Ladles, Oyster porks. Ice Cream Knives, Ice Cream Spoons, all marked at similar reduction of nearly one-half. ?silver?Maui floor. LAMPS. ."" i'm" Tobie Loupe, titi.* Moe hioqne finish, .liipl'x humer, oliatit- to 'notch, brass, lull rise', told in sf,,ck at is".'..'1", xviii be closes] at **'.?''. .'.", Jap V'lse mounted with centrnl *lraft burrier, mst Itu,- ie.*r. Itti-out f..nut. with silk ?h**-d>*e, all colors, simd.' and 'amp cunplete, $15.00 at $8.0?. .,",' Cupid Roiuiuet Lamps* i-entml draft i.urner, rieh (-old and sil\.-r, xviii I*, sold lt t'i lld .-a li. i."?**) Pinna J-i,iijvs. 'Mst brita, with onw toss*, -:..lil or silver finish, ?35.00, at Sl*.5?. las-pi Mata ttoo:. 20 TO 33 OEF. SALE OE SAMPIJS u R D DO EST AD T" A R T POT T E RV. An occasion for the public to see tho most complete line of samples ever shown in our house, hundreds of which cannot be duplicated before next fall ?Art Pottery designed by our own artists, new shapes, new decorations, new tints, new finishes, all with gold tracings. In the collection will be found "Stained Ivory," "Mosaic,"blue, green or salmon tints, "Oberon Ware," "Pompeii Ware," Atnoriitea and Ex? celsior finish, line Bisque, in various colored tints, willi Moral decoration and Nurnberg finish. Olympic, Silva, Romeo, Kichelien and Neptune sub? jects. We have marked the complete collection front 20 to 33 l-.'5 percent, below what the same gooda will be sold for when in regultMr stock. This class of goods makes the most perfect ornament for mantels or cabinet, also acceptable wedding gifts. Recollect 20 to.'J.'J l-J under usual prices Monday. Ar: Depl-Maui lloor. "NIAGARA" STILL HERE. Do no delay visiting " Ni.c-aia in Winter" any longer (lum yon eon help. Its days ol exhibition hers an numbered. Ad? mission lett. Third liooi-dout AND AW-AM StraiIs ^"^ loc-mo-* TB WECHSLER * ABRAHAM BROOKLYN, N. Y. BROOKLYN, N. Y.