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BLOODY RIOTS IN BELGIUM. GREAT BICITEMENT THROIT.HOUT IBE COUNTRY. | - CROWDS OP STRIKKRS CHARGED KY C. KN DA KM KS AXD CAVALRY-A WOMAN' KILLI.I) AXD "MANY PKRSONS REVXRELT INJL'RKD. ?"russels, April 15.-The most serious distarlaiBei that bas yet occurred dnrtng Hie pre-em igttstlon -gain?t the ("bamber of Deantles for rejecting u.e, liiiver.ssl suffrage bill took plaee ln-t night m Joli jnont. In a tight between the si rib-rs and the pen diirmes one woman wa! Billed and titres of the strikers were severely wouu led. 'ihe strikers hail been el-orderly all ,iny, mid nt night began to nv .amble In grout number-,. Winn the gendarmes Bl tempted to disperse them, they met wit ii atrong )?? slsUince. In the mob of ttriken were ? nnmher 0f women, abo encouraged the non lo give battle io the polleo. -spurred on bv these women, ike striken fsaght dc-poratdy when the gendarmes attempted lo dru's them from tho atiief. , lut,-. and Bt?nea B-en freely used, and there wat, a nroagect bf Cn- "Bob get ting the upper hand of the goridarrnea Minn the or der nus given for the latter to draw their swords and charge tbe crowd. The order wu* at ooce Obeyed, nj.d the mob broke nml, rel In .very direction, burling stones and othe- adaitlea n* tioy run. After tbe rioters "were dtagBIIld it was found thal one of tbe women had been killed, nnd that three nun were badly noun(led. The wounded Were removed to a hospital, and tbe body of the woman talton to (bl morgue. The affair bas e-insed great excitement, and further trouble 1% ayaaehended. The "ghat leaders, many of whom are Boclallsts, ere SBM?Bj In every way to unk,. tlc Strike genera). ]n Olient Uieir efforts nie aaec?na \il"li racceas, nnd every flay fresh accessions an Blade l.v Hie strikers. The situation ls acute, bot iii" ilovernment ls vigilant. The r-trlkers In Git***?t are cau-ing greai excitement In that town. Among the men who have quit work are a large number of weaver*. The moro orderly persons engaged in that occupation refused to join Ibe strikers, and this greatly iticen-ed the strikers. To> gay th.* latter determined to loree the working weaver! Io leave, their looms, and in consegtteace n Moo iv riot ensued. The rioters, numbering hundreds, at? tacked HM workers nnd severely Injured mnnv of them. The police were promptly at the scene, but they were powerless to handle the mob. The strikers, aided ly the usual crowd of loafer* and vue..bonds, turnej on the police, and t?angk the tatter were anted they were put to flight. Tho BOUce captains were badly wounded. The entire portion of the city In which the disturbances occurred ?as in an uproar. The strikers, after the retreat of the police, t".k posse! 6lon of the Quarter, and acted la a dl-grnceful manner. The civil authorities, Anding* thal the riot was grow? ing worse, called upoa the milli,uv for aid. Cnder orders from tho central Bflthority, the were ready to render assistance a'henever railed upon and a detachment of cavalry m.,s ordered t" disperse tlie mot". They at once -one ceded to the Krai of Ihe rloMng, and upon Um order lo disperaa teing greeted Vttk derisive yells, th.-y ebarged the mob. The Inlier lied precipitately when tiny saw tbe > BValrymen rid? ing willi drawn WordI upon thenI and sought refuge In houses and alleyways. Bot all escaped, however. tome of the less fleet of foot were knocked down and trampled upon hy the hones, white others wen struck by swoids aud bailly hurt. DOCK I_\B9Ri:i."V DEMANDS REFTSED, IIIFIR PROPOSALS REIECTED BY Till". BHIPPEKS ?POSSIBILITY Ol* A OENERAL BTBIEl , London. April i:>.-T:ie striking dork laborers at ?Balli received anottts-r Mow front fae .-hipping Federation to-day. Finding iV-ir place*: nili*d satis fa'.torlly by non-union men, they made overtures la the ma-ters for a MtttenM&t ,.f t e tn able. The committee of the IBplojen ippotnted ii consider the proposals to-day BBBonnced lhal Ihej bad n jedd them. The strike:- ar.- son over their de feat, but as yet, escapt In htotated rases, nfuse to ret'trn :o work cn UM ?asters' terms. In re-pon-e to UM appeals Usued lc Ihe striken at Hull a BMS?ng <f seVenty-sU npresentatlves <f London dock lat^rer*' and Other Hltfona whose mern hers are employed in the shipping trade aral in lt In this city ta-*?ur. After eon?dennie discussion ihe delegate*: agreed to Inangursfa ., general strike at Bil the port- in the L'nlted Kin gd .tn on Munt,v. n |. extremely doubtful, however, if f.. decision will be exe uted, unless lt ls contlrmej by tbe unions t.e m gelvM in L'.'.'t in ?' .1 ? -? - i- r-. SOriALI.-TIC DISORDER IN AMSTERDAM. Amsterdam, April l*..-iiie conflict I betweei police and ihe -soclnlKt ri?.t' rs wen renewed lo I .-.', Ute Social:-'* pandlng Lie -treot-. sering ll a most disorderly manner and challenging the polk", to com hat. The police, armed altb iwoi ls, attack 6 the rhii'-rs, several ..t whom wen Injured. lin mob wa-, at length dispersed and order n stored. TWO ST'.-TKCTKI) DYNAMITE"-* ARRESTED. Paris. April 15.?Brer -dnee Ihe dynamite esptoaloii on Bot?taber - at th. Commissariat of Poll ,-, In Us Kio d"* Hon Kulan*--, near Ihe Pahil* Royal, tbe I*.ncr- huvo bw-n aeaiehlng for the perpelnton ol the outrage. Today a luii named Dupml and a wasaaa named Deanna?t wen arrested on suspttlou of having cauaed the explosion. This al'ulr, which nsnfted In the death of Ave pe:,ons, had lt! Orig?* in tho gi?ll !_-*! Ol coal annan at Oanan-a last fall. Mach bitter feeling --.a-, engendered Uv the Strike, and Linn Redie, tlc chairman of Um rnn. Ipa! mining company Involved, In cuircd the especial hnUred ol th< ilrihers tbroogfa bis re raaal to ci....te any al their demand*. Early m Hu: morning of November B the ea*hl roi ihe Cu mau.* Min l*-*gO)s_pany, whoso principal oficcsareat No. ll Av dana dat l"Ope*"B? dlsoovend aa bo entered the building n sjsplclous-1'.oking vessel i-eaembhng s -saucepan. He called a porter, who canted the vessel lo tbe l un uiivsary of I'oilce. V.'Jiile the poUce ohi...- then wen examining the thing lt e.Njilod. "I, completely wrecking Hie building and killing M. Bonsaet, lbs chief rterk; M. PoiiK-movln, ander iwlgndler of poUce; M. Roana, a mintabie; If, TrautOt, an Inspector, nnd Gamin, tin porter. The b'xlic-, w-rc fright fully Bungled. Tho only claw which tin- goBec tsbtslned was given bj M. J.. ?: appel-, a dlicior of ihe Cannan. Mining Com? pany, wjio stated 'hat a* ba was leaving Ute com p.i:.. s cJBce on Um pre, .-oin ?. dav he saw I woman, with Lr mud covered wllh i diawl ai fsbOngt to ,li Jill-e bel-elf. going Up the -tali'ii-e a h ?,.- down, -li" carried a haskel frooi whlcb pro traded a curiously slwped article wntiped In ? news ?jdiw. Tho poilci luui no loii't i ..ii Ui- woman ,,,? the t..,,I selected by eenuin of the Carmnu-* striker, to cause an explosion al tbe eomp-?ny's ofBce anil to kill Hann Mellie. The discovery ..f tbe bomb by tue enabler fm-troted thia plaa, bul resulted In the death of Ave parsons who wen in uo way Inter? ested lu the Cai?UM*?( troubbs. DOWAOER VUCHBM OF BUTHERLAXD Af C*C_BD. Ix?iidon, April ii-A sensational statement was medo today in the lYoflato Chart In the h-aiing h' toro the President, Sir 1 ian'ita Heiuv .leune, of the Sutherland will conte-t, Institutod by the present Duke of Sutherland to oveithrow th" will Bade hy Ins fa'ti";., the late Duke of Suthci larul, In favor of the Dowager D?eham, UM seoul nile of Un- lite iiulvc. The lato I>u_o dted on BSptunboe BB last, having made a will favorable to ll* .soiond wife. A dispute aBnaat BaaMiltHaIf fsegafl laHWBea iha b-*w Duke sud the Dsssagsc Jru. ii?** conccriilng the possessloa of ono of the ducal seat*. Tit;, n-.m < m. ?. sear Tn Bt bain, and also tone, ming Oertsln vi luable family BsU-teoaaa Tho present Pufca oootealed Ma falher"s mil, and in court todiv oonnaal In Ida behalf a-k'd thal a writ of attiic:,m..nt be i--tie?l a Ki I nt. I Hie Dow agar D?tsaan on the irro?nd that, bsving obtained an order to in-p-ct Oirtsln |*apera, be bsd deUbeiately placed In tb.- Ure a docuirxnt wlaV li, under the order, She was jierinltted u> Inspect. Justice Jeane -aid that the charge was a serious one. ii,.- Justice ul i noe Mopped the order of Inspection, n"d mid that th," l'owuger D-Oheai uiii*t autke answer to Ihe alh-ga Hon on Tuesday next, and ihe ca-- na* conduin-d to that date. n BEHH1NO riKA COITIT TO LINK AT THK El Y-KK. 1-arls, April 15.-l>renldent Carnot will BtrVI I dtiirur to the members of Un- Bearing Sea ' al ol Ar MtriUion and to the repre-cntativ.-s of OreBl Iii Hain aiid the United Stales m Hie aaa! on Saturday next. FREEZING OUT AHLWARDT. coNsiDr.RAiiisE ' kxcitemflst OVEB tiik AFFAIR. HIS FOLT.OWKKS STILL BELIEVE TIIF. GOVEBB' -MUNT BEARED ms DISCLOSURES THE CRISIS ix ui.Lf.lLM tNU THE BEVOLUTIOB IB BERYIA. Ia rilli. April l,-,._TI,e method followed bv the ?"bli tag thia wck |n enforcing ,),.. ,?i,, ,,f ?ro,. dun ? Hi" c,,*e of will conflrni hi- roltew.-ri la ""!r 1"'1"'" Hun tie Hoase want* to throw aside the ?ceasaUon! without bearing them. Many memben ""fret that rope emui-ii VM ?,? givrn Alilwardt. as soon as the Kelci,Mag resamed lt- titting after the Kii-ior recess, to hang himself. The Intensity of Ihe public exclteinent over ihe affair was abundantly 'viiione.d win-,, the Hones net on Thnndst, Minn Ahlwartt, according to his promise, waa ,? unbuilt his pro"fs ol otiii nil c-rrapUon. Tho galleries wen packed with cnger Batmen. Yesterday then was a repetition ,,f ihe scene, bal as Ahfrwsrdt could n?t '.nain a -nfliciont number af votes to carry a motion for Hm appointment af a committee to examine his dee "Hollis, they were doomed tn dl-iippoinimeni. in race of the fenn "in that Ablwardt bas caa-ied, Ihe In-idem of the K-lch-iiig would bare shown Isrtter tact ir he hud lesa rigidly followed the rule, of pn redan, which la nu- ca*., iron Ablwardt ont. Al a meeting of ru supporten, held i,, the In cld.iu in the Reichstag, Ahlwardl srised the occasion ; to declare that he was debarred both from prodnrlng | the documents and from spanking because certsln ; memben of the Government feared the dlsclosnres he i could make. He further -aid tbat leading members of i the House were je.,hms of hi* growing Influence and j concurred i? ti,o eoaontraey r.( s.i.m-o ot-ganlced against him. ALARMED ny THU OVTBREAB IB PUI/W' M. Occurrences in Belgium are ronslng gloater anxiety to the Foreign OfBce thal the Servian roup d'e it. Ali iiini'd conflict over the popular demand for a i" ?rislon of Un. Belgian l'oii*tltullon, n-sulUng In revolu Hon and the placing In power of allies .,r Fnnce, '. so within Ibe bounds <>i probability that French new* pa pet* are already Indulging In surmlss* as lo Whit Germany would dolo ra**?ol the monarchy in llelgium beim* overthrown. Reports an credited in **Mne lienih organ- that a ' nipa' i between Emperor winiam niki King Leopold arnnges for the Herman o'?. upallon of Belgium Within a day ii a i "Volution threaten! to overthrow the Mug. These nporti an considered here n* nonsense. PEARCE AND TDK BERYIAB BEV0LUT1OX. with regard to servia, u the Fnnch Guvernment did not Insptn the coup d'etat lt was concerted under ii* knowledge. Ten dav- ago M. Dokitch, n:o i- now King Alexanders Prime Mini,or. visited ex-King Milan in Lari-, and a th lum planned Ihe coup which Hie b?.y King executed umier Instructiona from his father, Milan. Iii" i\ king lasl Bight telegraphed to M. Dokitch congratulatlona upon tu successful l-sue of the plan. The Bfloh* has Im portance as a possible factor tn early disturbances on Ibo Bulgarian frontier, which mil Involve the attention of Germany and Austria, Ihe chief natlons of Ihe lini! und. Some inkling of Ibe roup app u tn have reached M. SlambouloB, iho Bulgarian I'rime Minister, before his recent audience with Emperor Francis Joseph al Vienna. According lo -? ni oftdal advlci - hom tho Austrian capital, the Emperor during i.i- Interview proinlaed t" support Bulgaria, while advising thal that country persevon In Ita paclfii policy, refraining from everything lending lo provoke a conflict with servM or lo Increase the dlttcultiea ultli Russia. M. Ntamboiilofl I lien de ri red lint thc reports thai Ihe marriage ul Prince Ferdinand ol Bulgaria would be followed by a praia uiaHon of Bulgarian Inderx-nilence in no way torre * ponded wini tue Intentions id t....'enimeiil. MU. EMPEBOB'S VISIT TO BOME ABO VM NM. Emperor William l-ft bellin yesterday for Swine [minde, At :; o'clock this morning be sailed t ??'.? f.T Kiel, wi-i-o be wUI Inspect ii" Sort i Sea I mal, I I-.a his r.'iirn be will proceed 1" Rome. the Imperial puny "111 remain x.n? day* lu Vienna, where they are expected lo univ. ,,:, .May ?;. The i peror mil res Wu al s*clioi>brut)n during . and a series ol f?-u*s wBl be given In bis honor. MR. PHELPS OS Till". BAMOAS DI FTP I iii'. in a eooversatlon on the Bsmoan dlflcalty, Wollum Wiper Phelps, Ihe American Minuter, said dal be regntted the failure ol Chief Justice Cederkrsnti te fu!til Iga official duties. Mr. Phelps boMi that ihe -aiii'ian conference .Me.-.-d What was al Ihe Ume tba only possible modus vivendi. Mr. Phelp* al n tbo.ii ' new . onferenee a ould non i e id |.-. Mc. Wa i Ol ? of Hu | ? -'t His ,r,,u." given on wednesday evening si I ?? French Embassy In honor of the new epai I h Amtia udor. TRIAL TRIP OP THE CAMPANIA. NIE MW CCNARDER MARES Till. GREATF.*T bPEEU I VI U Ll \< illili IV A Si i AMslill". I.mi..n, April 15. ine new - amer Campania, halli for tbe Cunard Company, bad ber trial trip on ?.... Clyde |o-day, and ber performance was wonder 'ul, considering the fact that her engines an Hld and mile aol worked down lo Ihe bearing**, iii" Cam p..lia attained a maximum peed ,.f iS'1.50 knot , '.r linly iii.un seven mil'- nu hour. 'I I.i- i th, great .-i speed ever attained by any -loam hip, and ju? line- ike hope that ^in- will be aide to make the run from Fastnei t" -.univ Hook in dve dav- and a half. The Campania l- scheduled i" leave Liverpool [or Sew-York on Saturday next. Ob h.r tir-t voyage ihe nhl attempt lo break do records, bul will at ea ra ulong easily, lo allow i,,r engines te gel Into Br ' class working order. When this occurs Utero l carcely a doubl that the Campania will make a record "...i v.ill not be beaten by any leamsblp now afloat. The new -i.atiier i a model "i luxury and con venlence. and contains every esaenilal '<? make ber passeugi-rs comfort! le. Ever) berth bi beau rn u-agi-d fur her Itrsl trip. I ? Lucania, Ihe sister -hip of the Campania, will be launched In ahoul Ix weeka, and will begin her regular sulllliK' BOm? lune in July. a- - *>-rn COSVICTIOS OP BAROB JIA-JTN'.S ANMi.I.l.l). London, April 15.?Bli George Manner A th?y, who Ha lu Ibe Hon e of Lords as Baron Hastings, aad H iq na- c. iiviit. d on March Sd of having In Blted a young Moinati In Regents I'm li and ."lien, ed IO pay a till" of '-:'" or to be Imprisoned for three months, appealed against Ihe sentence Imposed upon bim, RDd to dav the appeal was heart. Tho conrtroom was crowded with Irienda of Ihe accased bub, among I bern hem.' Ihe Duke of fortland, UM Marqala of /.??land, Loni Randolph Churchill, Lord suffield, Utrd Mai. h, aud 1/oi'd Durham. Union Hastings, -rho ls deaf, li-dnned lo thr- proeeedlngi through in ear Irnnpot, Th" young woman u?.om u waa charged |M, .,.,!, Insnhod trai Um principal trltnesa. she declared to-day thal bbs did aol consider Baroa lb, Ungs'i behavior Improper. A man named Wells, H.:molly a coasubte, wa- ibe person who -nada ihe charge agntnsl Union Hastings aad eaased i" . i-i,..,. Ile WSS compelled lo admit that tic had been dismissed tram ,;"' poUra loree. Counsel for Bsna (Ji ,|ngfl ihowed bj hi* questloni that Be thong A iveiis freouented the parki for Ibe punoae of tevylag i,'-., luiiill This Ihe witness denied. The Court .pin-ned tlio convicUon. and Baron HaaUnp aaa discharged.__^_ -gOBBTEB ICEBBsROfl FROM i UK e?UTHERB SEAR. Loialon. April 15a?The Lrltisl, bark Ariadne. Csp lain CTOOt, ariived lure ye terday front Tacoma. -i?. coiitlrnis ihe npon *ts*i-etofon ncelved of Ihe phenomenal lc-'rlft from tb- Aiitarclic Ocean. < ?n January i". *ken "ll'",t ??*- **&**? aerthwesl ol Georgls Uland, off the southern part Bf UM Lhlll.n coaat, thi Ariadne arrived oft t\?- tall ol .,? lober'/, or more properly un Icefloe, whi. li ex? tended further than Um Iga could ant. The Ariadne Heard the nOriheSSl did of tt'ia* Ice after BSlBng i ' ,, fr,,,,, f,.r thirty milos, and steped ber along Hs Jjont ..^ j.,-,, >t,Ui,y ,,,.,?.,..., ?,.? s,".',n""but non'." wa- of -such enormous proportl. aa Ibe one rii?rre,l 1*9. m_ -IO gXTRADITE 1ABB* BPESCER BALPOCR. ,??,?,* Aire*. April I.V-'" The Argentine Times" .Lue* that ibe Argentine Oovornmeal hu- eonscnted IT Irani Ibe .MradUh.n to Ona! Ildtatn of .'ai*-/. __ n,'..r Balfour, l"t'' tawmaer of Parltomenl for Hutu FLINT'S FINE FURNITURE CEO. C. FLfNT CO., STORES! 104, 106. IBM WEMT UTU "-T., b-'?'"?" (!" ^--.jaBBWMB FURNITURE-ARTISTIC AUI> 1*******"* The lariat a?sortiutut In PARLOR ????? FURNITURE. .it artes * uii*ni;>a**e.t ta BEDROOM I-n,;"co,,7n",V'. r""? .... I cm-iu-- ***? w Hii'.itiK sn i.nrstiiok. wo IllN NG* ROOM. offer HAUL BAMGAIBS. Ulnl - - , a tana and luunloouil FOLDING BEDS \mWF I cheapness. r.,B'"s.led. ____? and cbeapa-l kl """ "'?'?st "*l^ OP THK SlAHPAtr ^^^^yttylownUt!i Hardwood work for hou-c luterloro, ofllcea, bau ka, etc-, u*oto v lev. who ls accused of hnvlng been a pnny to th* Iranda by which I ?? -Imnbelden of the Uherator i.iili'ilng Sisioty mai other similar Institutions -vere ii. maded ont of large anani of money. TO i-ESTORG ORDER IN SERVIA, TUT. NKW PBIXR MINI-i'i 1'. BTATES THK POUCT OF TIM. GOVKBBMEBT. Belgrade, April 15.?M. Dohllch, ti." now rrlm.* Ml ter, whom Kin.- Alexander's roup if.tai ha* placed lu power, slated ".dav tint ihe Ministry would devote their whole attention to Internal affair* and to iii," reatontloo "f legal orler and civil se carUy. They had no feeling of vengesnce sgainsl ths late Government, bot desired to be at pears wlih everybody, i ? deposed Begente wooM be permuted io retire lo il" ir estate! ami would not 1*- till,!, -tell. M. I.i-iiich and (hn-rnl !'.< limaihovitf h, the cv Regent! ol -.rill, wan nen deposed from jHiu.r Iv King Alexaader*i coup d'etat "ii Thursday Bight, have been The ev Mlalaten hive also hoon -t at liberty, Ring Alexander being satlsfled thai lhere la aa occasion f..r detaining them, as everything i- peaceful a i 'i'i" I- no resistance to io ? ? ? bority oi the young Kin_ ? ?- ? THE U'Or.!.l:\ IV MORBIHA-<*. Tin: nt:vims in thi MSTRI, j' said to AVEB tGB LIVL I'M I.V Paris, April 15.?Cholen conti itiei to .1 im vhf!';.* In Hie Iowa of I'i ul, ni an.! .-l-eiilore In the de* tarta-enl ? ?< Mortdhsa. Il i I led lhal ti.- deaths ...i.l.-ii m thal district av. rag- BVa daily. THK MFf.IMTK s, AMi.M. TO HF. PBOBED. April 15.?Al the Cabfaef CanncH held in the Ely. to.lav Getaerai u>|sjlloa, Minister of w,r. anrmt-nced that he bad a|>polnted a commltaaan pre sided oi .-r bv General Davousl io Inqntn Into Hie stalemeats ,ii?, Tat-ptn, i!,.- Inventor ..f H..- e_f*loa*vs mehnite, had boon convicted on perjured tesMm?ay of leUIng th" seem ,,f the manufartun of melinite io Anastroag a < .... ol Engtaad, and also lo nuke a general Inquiry imo the facts relating io the pro? ceedings again-1 Turpin. General Lsropold Davond ls a grand-nephew ..r the i.nuoii. m.inhal ol i ?? i n ;? re, n.i- a splendid milli in ret-ord. and li i- expected ll,at any report by hiai will com? mand confidence. '?THi: ARO US" (Asl. IS THE COURTS, kBGCMEBTB BEFORE JUDGE PARRER-A REF I REE tPPOIBTl :? Blngston, X. Y., April 13 |Specf_l).*->Xol much prsgnsa ? ia psde in the etlletnenl ol tbe Btrof-gle hu- lao ownership ami control "f -ii,.. Albany Argus" ben p. day. although several hour- wer.i ,sumed lu ihe pr.?ii: m.m <.f voluminous 'legal papen in Judge Parker'a roarL Among tl." counsel nero Kati .iv Hil... Alpbeus BulUey, George L. steadman, lt. a. I'ai'iiat. r and william B. Coben, wi", appeared for lbs speer "tarty; Bdarin Count rr n:i:i. l'.. -i. M.- .'ii ami .lame- .1. Farren, wno nitre seated Ihe Manning Interest; Willi mi R, , .. i. aa.I ft, M. spo.r wen also present. Tbe bearing a*aa "a Julge Parker'*1 Injunction ?'? inlning the Msnnlng lti*p-*etoni from serving ai lbs annual rte, lion. J udp <? in-: - iy .i aid thal >' - pell did not r-pv. an] part ,.f "Tbs Argus'1 ompanr. .is. pip, r* showed, i... Court, however, tait bed a Ide these li-chnb illtles f..r ino tints*, and the moe lng papen and ibe accompanying BfBdavlla wen r..ii at gnat length by Mr. tnt ulm.m. Judes i . ?.". .in :: .-I leave lo .r.lamins Wiiiiiu R, Cassidy, Mr. Speer and others whose aft. la ? i I nen read, bul l - pri' ll, v wis n ?? gt u l, t Mr. Maegan laen r l tbe answering d filaB ail,.i .vu,. Al right to the title of " Argns Com paoy" was denied lo Ihe Upr-i-r people, ? ? ?? ? - any ownenhlp ol nock by ft. B. Cassidy, or any \--,; transfer ol Hock lo Mr. -peer. Ile mid (hat : .? u ...!?? matter was a consplracji t. defraud ' ?? IB** OT ** reta th.Ill .i dge Parker finally appointed Severyn H. r*l irpe, ,,f :? . rlty, ,?? fen e to ' .-? '? ! n**?rt . .i .ni or before -alard iv next. I hearing will ls rte at Mtmi 1 on Mond iy. l M lue conting' t Uius n-aialn in p ? ?? b.,-1 iriMi Ume. TALE DID SOT Sim THE QI ANTE PEOPLE DIBAPPOIBTEO AT THE POLO OBOUXDM Maxy dam es mi; tbe bummer. At t Pola '? ? a, 1- TO)-'j rt. . '? -r ? . roth ? ls, ak i had M se, i ..- rame - h a lied i?:??;. ' ' i sud Ih ? .N.vs. nek Bines. . ? -.:??? i ? oodl. linn, and tl..- -..', , oms o it bright Ot I BOIBS ".- >" b ' . Hi '.i.i.,- i-'r-' f. li'. Lui tl.e \ ,, '.ji,, ii..i i." , I-.-. ...i ap vi n lintis! I tc. "oij bad ti" n rt rited fi '"? '".'???*' "??"? ?li,, -*-?',... tl . ? . . .'. win maka n ? ill - , - sa 1 ail t.-ii" ' Pol ? : ,, w'..i , -.;,?.- .' i s ? - ? ?? '?-? a a?ay fr ? i. 'i.'' ? .N.'i'V" s a. ' arrant* I tl rt -ram. -1 a, i I IB S. 1 . A. C. rs. *i * ? ' f", SI 1' ? .. April 29 N- V. A. C. VS. Js-i- :~ or Ve Lui ..' B I. ?'? Mav i N. v. \ . \- T? . ? a'. \. vv Mai tl. Maj ?. .v v. a. , . i-. blah al uid A. C., at 1 ,.;(.' mil-. May 20 B. Y. A. C. rt. Bbtra l-l \ C . a, b's' a I- ? d. M.v -i v Y A. C. v- Tate Lau 8 bool, a' P ? Mav 'M> N. V. A. C. i *. KSW-Jei I v A. L . a' B i' july ??'? N. V. A C. va W m.. ur A. C., J! I".,,. '. Aag -'. ff. v. v i \-. Mould?lr a. i . at Bool lair, 'J le V ll-YoI -, AU I' U' ' .'.ll ll ' ll I" Ul ll ?:<! ll ll Ung ,r, i i,. i ...I a lay sad i ? li t Us li pleas. Como.. : .in ii.:, ii i. p .ie ? ton, J'i i H..,..ia, l...iv :-.".. ul p, a-".iv:,..i. Lkiroit, Syn IV ? hester, Buttai ? md < ; . ?? A Oil, Ue lluba, i -. pirra in U**5 sod oihei clues. Tbe leam Maits Wi-ol lo August, i ? i era of tho club kave air ad) -i ii,li. .t theil Int, 'lion "I a ? ..nipan} Ul.' ll.u t'S'ii. A -p. lol t ola in i i." ? rtered The Kew.York Ali..''- dab I int um try thi i.i'i.i..- acali ? IfaJ next IVeS-M?loy; Weatervall, aad na.loiug the oil blag uni Curry, i.en,a-iv Bad Smith, Um eatcblag. B. u? barm, hi sher, O'for nor, i ...ii mei Deppi, vv.., ..,- OM-m I,, rt ... Um t" ..m. li , ., ,.i e.. -. oi i. ? mal Bi oka a and MrKcnile, ..i Princeton, aili j...a : ?? team is -.. a. a. u>< ? i. i- '.v.- . Battle snd ii.-aii und ..I.a i rollers men Blah la join Um team, bul bs th.b i..ii has l hi ny-se v. . mea ta draw r., lt ls nol probable that bcd nan ".iii bi a rep, il. ii.- lilanu aili hara ;. busy week of it. They | ibe ral* im,'" ;,' Bea Haves ta .. rra . il Bfa on Tneooay, ai -.tina Island on Winne-**y, and Us I, sys al in- polo I. .'ini- on Thu oday ami in.i'.i. 'J ic Ni ? v io; .e.. a ike Troy gi, rodi st I'roy on Ewtardsy. The ?'i*f*i'.i. i "ioho : t i.usi ni j'.... Braohlyn. yester? day, I., two. i ti,, c, .rn ,i.'i Pol t.iiu.ii teams aa jo.-t; oi.? '1 on u.. o',nt ul Hie ,.,.,,. WORK OP THE TROY WETW0D1ST COMFEBESCE. Alt.itiv, April IS. Tho Troy Methodist Bpi ...|sil Obnterence contlnned Its aorh nus a-ornlng. com iiiHtcs seported and the following nero admitted on trial: Sheratan Lou ??, c. ll, Qulslan, 0. M. Bowns, K. M. ion Broeek, I , A. Burbank, C, I. ffc-ward, t. B. Harris, B, L Cnpo, ft. D. Bpeticer, Jamea Vaa Arnuin, ii. C. Petty, H. P. Allen, 0. L. Thom]. K. E. Marsh, L. n. Van Arnaa and Otto Gable. Ihe Rev. Dr. |-ech, of ike Geaetal Ml- lonary >vi.:\ Dr. Hu/, ii, of the Chunk KMoni.ui Boclety, and Dr, Bely, Ihe new l^ilt.-r of "The Metkodbl Re view,'' addn "'"I Lie renee. Inillalioli* ii-re presented tor the Beal -?? don "f Ike Cooferonce from i ol.oe*, li,iv.-.--.viii, and .-.iratoca. ibo Confereoe v..i.l to go to Col.s. i:i-h,,p Jayes nUI pnscb lo-morroi B-ornlng in Harmanaa b*leec_er Hall. Ih**re belng uo i bu 11, i;, the iHy large enough to ace,.mino dale iii,- crowd capntad M sllead. WU WOWS THAT HOMESTEAD MLS WILL BTSIRB Chicago, Af-ril i">.-.\ dispatrk from Plltsbuig ufa there al.- good riri-oiis for belli ling. III -jMIe nf ri jH.rl.s lo il. lian. Ilia! tl," neil In Ihe I lom. lead steel arorka an getting ready to -trike agata July I, The mea kari bera ? ?-.i-.-ilv organ?_tlg. Bod ar., noa id lo bc so well pr*-*Mi-ed thal they believe them selvei o'luai ti, BBOtber r*onte*L Howiilead'a is ibe gnataal -alli In the eouatry. sad lt t* urged lhal uni'.n Bsbor can,,.,i afford 10 have i: r, ii hui boo union. , in- -.up,.m.- effort alli i?- nude i<> regain lt. Then i- lo be much dlsasUsfacUon am.,ni; Mic un ii ai Hou-estesd. They say llsey kare all i., gain mid nothing io lose lu rose ol snother n? teat. The Amalgamated Association ofhclals ban nothing to aa). THEY TWOUOBT TBS BAM BAB CWOLEBA. Moi inoutii, m., \|,iii j;,.- Passengers nt theCblcago. Bjuriiagtoa and ymmv Maiiou Ben yest-*rday poora lng were, rtriehaa sa baaitng '?'??" n ama aha pud i**_rpto?n of A-iiiiie ch,,len una lying in one Of Ihe "aiiltn; ro,,in-. mialling a train going iio.i. A h"'v uiiii Hat sold thai he had Hw eholen. lt mus unril.le ,? ,r,,iv ,,r ,.v,.n Sit Up. and bud (,, I*, int,, n?. tar. Ths niau raajM m Mon mouth from tomt j.iitiou noiib of ban, and uiu. on h> ivai' wasg, THE NEW METROPOLITAN. AN IMraOVEMENT IN* THE OPERA HOUSE. PLANS FOK TIIF. r.KSTor.ATIO*** 0? Till'- I'.IT.NTD ACOITORICM. The BuBdlflg Committee of the MriroBOll-ia >i>"4~? and Beal Estate Company on Friday inproved plans fat i I- reconstruction ol the interior ol th" Metro? politan Open House, id,uh wu* destroyed by tire last mbnater. The eornmlttee consist! of Adrian l-.'ln. s. I). Babcock, l;obert Gosriet and ,.. ,;. Haven. Ii* mii..n d'*** bot have lina!' bul lt um wlthoel ,'..,ubt he ratified by the Board of di 1 rei,,.-, .ind the proccsa l* regarded a- merely a inaner of form, ih'' plana adopted iver,, drawn by J. H. McEHatrick _ >'<n, one of th" bcst-Uinm n linns Tnr. PABTEBRE CIRCLE, ." Iheatrlnil anrdtects tn tbe country. Features of Hie plans kara been published from time lo lime I'i ?li.*" mimili-, but lt U noa- for the flr-t Hmo p.,--i ll., to give them with a con-Iderahle degree of fal . tpti d' tall. A great lmpro*rr_ienl nhich win appeal to numbers nf attendants at the open ?- soon as they enter the house nlll h.- th" facilities for t-ottlng to th., upp-r Moor- of the buUdlBg. There nip be four taree ile VBlors on Cir, l'ortli'tli-it. side "f t :?? building, cl"-'" to His entrance on that .-ld", which nil] he at the sum," point as formerly. Hut Instead of this entnnee belng lillie a-****, ns before in fart <b,.,r was scarcely tner ned at all except a- an exit and il? illi entrance, by a few of the box holder- ll ls < \ p., ted that on ar. ount of tho elevators being situated tiaro it v. ill be il-d veil mon lian the mail) .ii in Broadwny. it l-' Intended thai tbe fear elei-alor-', togetlnr shall bl kbb" to enrrv IBO people a minii'e. Their tlr-t, slop will bo made at iv (.-rand Her of boxes, which l-l to ls* next nl.ove the paterre tier nnd was fut BM*! ly called th.- Ilrst lur. They ?ill 'hen go on to the dresi cirilo and balcoDy, but will not co loth" family circle, tilt being rea. bcd. as lt ninnis na-, aiid a- il I- In all Well regulated theatm, hy a separate entrance. Bohody ev.r had any con 1 ler,bio familiarity with the Metrof-oHtan "pom House in lt was without be lng convinced that ihe im,-, nf sight were in many b t)Jr\ i -Vo 1 5*_9-*? v ?? , ?- - a I I rr? I 'NH ? (Sb VV ? . SpV *h_. ' >__**** ^* faalaU ^ THE ?.land TIER. i. ;-? ' I id, .'.- mui li Improvein. nt mil be made ., p .'.v. a-.i lhal ".il I"- a good deal. Ihe ****** v. ill be lowered about Hine feet, ind bo will lb, fra tt .ni "iii.- pit. h of ih" on best ra tt.*.r mil ai .i be '.moil int rhanged, sirius' ll a allghUy iholl like i rm. ii h ? ii I- found lo ba Ibe best for otford lng good lines "f Slghl from all pirts of the house. The changes alli much Improve Ihe view from the fi ...? rows of teats, Ihe il age being loner in relation i,. h.. ai i em before, in.. arrangement wa? it.. Idedly a ii '? rael iry In Ibis r. ip 11. All Lie ll.-, 'n.i htleontes will be pile lied a little toward tbe Ides, thai ls to say, i *sy will be higher ai ibe huh .f ihe house lian next the itagrt nod i . alli be a great help 'o dttlng alon- the ..; ibe h"i "-ii " - The few boxei al the lids ,,f ibe on ':? Ira ii"1 r, level sith lt uni nexl the itage, me nmoved. The little pena for standing room at the lld, i also di i|rpear. Bach ol these pena the spue,-; nuder ihe .??I, ie ..r boan baa heretofon been entlroly wi lcd. i,,.. towering "f ibe on best ra tt"or wMI bow bUow i: to I..- ii-.d, abd the span thai gained, togctlier arith Hu' ol Ike -.n rilled l">\.-. and the standing r... ii pens, will he made Into an onbestru rinle, with three r..ii* ol scats. The main eatrann lo Ihe ..r ii tra floor, lit ti,- bu U of tie bouse, ara! for in 'iv ap a steep lie ia,.- from tbe lobby, lt will t: .i h.- on a level, tb?i al-,, being a natural re-ult ol towering tbe ii-t. A few -eats ar., tost lu tba or. in- ira by making two al lea Instead ..f ono. as iii the old plan, and then will be i rican passage ail the May around these ants, Instead of at Ihe Ide only and not al the back aa before. The iv.ii be of the mme ..ld, large and comfortable plan. Al the back "f the orchestra ctrcle ami all hi*.und it trill be a span righi feel wide for stand li ? room. In Hie examination ol the plan for lae parterre Her "f boXes, an.,uer InipTOVeBleflt I- -."il. Ibe d, ..f tin- horse hoe wig be straightened. can be '.ii .ii the accompanying cut. Tin* sides formerly made a coii-l'leiable iinie Iii t,,waid the mi.I.IL of the house for al.I the distance from box Bo. :; io N... I .. aird from Bo. i to IB, The change ruakea ihe line* "c slghl from such points aa boxei Boo. 15, it, IB, IB, H and ?-'<> much belier. The aame cbaage i- made In ihe groud .n-r ami lu all the bsleonlea, ntih ti.- ame bf-eflrial result. The part.ire u.r 1- to ("? oe**?pied bj the rtockbotdere. ii bas Ihlrtj dvs boxes, and their assignment* to ihe ttochhwlders wen published la Ibe Tribune three weeks Bgo. Tke fr..nt- ol Ike >? boxes ,,-,.il io form oin- unbroken Bne. Bow ihej will have separate curved fronts, roch prujecUug ono fooL Bark baa an allie room, Ol . ..ui'.-.. ih. neat tier will uudi-rgo -till more ci,ange, in the th : place Hs nam. niil be changed, ll was railed Un- Dnl Her, whereas li retried ;.. all outward appearance, snd in fact reallj wa . Uer, ?-> ihal Un- ni me na* misleading mid confusing, lt will i*.iv be called the grand Her. At Ibe bark li Will ban nineteen Im,\. . corresponding with Ibe -tock holder-,' boxes iiinier them. *"hey "in hiv.- similar eparate curved trouts and Itu tn,. Driiing the Brain ms vi t!;e expense of t!ic Body U'.iiic we drive .jBKr^ ui, hi^t^,^myA must bund up "ggffi 2L t!ic body. Ex- ^[-r^^ii ere bc, pitrc c\r i.:..-r*r--.-_> '* ? foods that rKi!:o healthy fio*-!i?refreshing c p? -sticii arc methods. When loss of flesh* s'trenirtii and nerve become apparent your physician frill doubt less tell you that tiie quickest builder cf all three ii Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, which not only creates flesh of and in itself, but stimulates the appetite for other foods. I'r-pjr-d by trott lt Bown*. N V. Al! dnfrt-te. BEST & CO Boys' Bluchers, In Russia Loather, sizes .11-2 to 7 1-2, a popular novelty in mir shoe depart mont this sea-' n. Ono ot the advanf:i'_es of selecting Children's shoes from our stock is, that they caa aliena* lu- eorrtttlu Stied; thi* saves trouble in after .icu*. Wc hare iprcial last*, and a wider range of si*"* aii'l gtylea than tan be found in the ,1, partmeiit-' ol general stoics, or even the lui'.?est shoo stoies?and our pi leos are rij-lit too. 60-62 West 23d St. Port let I)-st. side, that ls the right of the house fncInK the stnev, .mci.dun* from the extremity of this lialf < ir. le ut boxes to Hie stage, will be two row.* of open boxes, m.' behind the oilier. There will be ,uelve of those tn tlie front row ii nd ellBran 111 th. bach. The back row will be raised above tho front, and then v. ni be ? passage between thea*. Ihaai boxes nhl have no abiensiiiis. Tln-y ure Intended to hold lour persons each, bul they win be sepantod only hy rails ol oriiiiuieiiiiil bras*, and these aaa b iiinoie.l sn us to throw any desired BBBlhrr of tho boxes into one. Oeeapylog thc whole corns pondi uk apace with these twenty-three boxes, on tho other side of the boase, will be s single larg* box, scatinj* H>1 people, lt can lt" used f..r a lari*'" pany and when not so us.d, single seats may he sold In it. Of the nineteen boxes Iii the middle nf thia tier, four Will be reserved for , he, directors and managers, und the rest will i.e offered for sutaeripfflon. fMoekhofstan of th'' old company, who are cot Btoehhuldcrs of the new, will have the tir-t prlrllege ot sub-cribing for thais boxes f..r liv.- years, nt fr-,."..,))) u year each. If thev lia"" IO be let for less than hw yara, Uta rate will be high, r. lue dross circle, balcony nnd family circle will not be much t-aaged, except lu the respects already un ii,loinil. of BBttentOf the curve ut the sides und of making B pilch toward the BtSfe. Th'" .-banding room Bl Iht) bad, of the dr.-s cud., and balcony will, however, be somewhat better than befon. Formerly lhere wa- plenty of it, but ii was not nod for mach. I. M-atltg capacity ol the whole BOUM is Uiuh .?inhaled : Orchrstto . W ii estra Circle. '**>'' ., ts)les w."i 0 lestl ia-h. 'i-1 .?.( i..\e- mil. ) Mata each. '?'? i I Hr .* i i! !" IMItooy . I'aiiui.v Circle. . im .120 .63J . 070 T t.I ."T.3,010 This la about l')0 more limn the bouse would formerly seat. Tbe probable number of person* iiho cnn be witJi standing noa t i ruputid at '.'.ii"", ii Dumber rai?y \Mt$tt than \w i ,i... i ,o .1.. .i'.,!i.uis .>'. Un- bouse ar-- not yal fullv decided up ii. but th'- prevslNng colon will probably be Ivory, ted snd gola. The stage will be reen ?tmeted 'ii the newest and most sps-troved plana sad will be capable <.f much Busier nnd more effecUve worhlng than befon. lt will be what U called a sectional stage, any part of which can be nts ed, lowered or removed to assist in producingeffecta. The on h.-ira pu will be of the Bayreuth style and there? fore min ii the sumo BS before, t'nder tin- present iifflcrs, mi the Thirty ninth at. -ide, will he eight 200 horse power boilers for Hie elntrlfl light plant, which wm !*? one of ihe large*! private -*fstor_a In thc city. \l...iii S.000 lamp- wtil be -sod lu UghUng tho build lng. What dlopralUon will be made of the old u-sem I'. rooms i* not derided. No provision is mads for ? iv ring to .over the onhestra Mata In malling a lallroom of the bouse, as n ls nu tangar Intended to have lt used for ball* VICTORY rOR TUE SCOTCH PUBLISHERS. w INJtN'iTION- AOAIKST A REPRIXT OP THE " BVt rCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA.** .ludpe Town-end. In the L'nlted -tates circuit Court, bas -granted A. d <'. Black, pubMahers, of Idtabargh, ni injinu inm reatnlnhag iii- Henry (,. Alleu ,'ompanv uni imik .v Wsgaalls from ?snatsoturlng or ?eUtra their nprlnt of ihe " Ency l ipaedla Britanalea." The Scribner edition I- Cm- aatbortied America*.* one. lt c..nt.iln.d various arUcles bj Ueoeral Francis A. Walker and other American writers, which copy righted le re. The defendants denied the rlnlit to opyrigbt pingle articles and thus to protect tba entire work flinn reprinting by anaatheriaed publishers. Then tia* been a gn al de ii of UilgaU?a over the copy? right Ol the encyclopaedia. Ope pii.i e >.f tue llilgatloa rame bedan Jadsn Butler in tba United Btatea Circuit Curl for the Kostera I>i--t i-i.t ol I ? ? n-i lianla. und h., lu 1879, li. ll Hutt Ibe Blacks enid not protect u?. eulin ni i.i ipaedla In ihe United Mates merely by having in n a few copyrighted articles bj At?_ricea aathbrs. ih.. preses! a. tom came befon Judgs salaniaa. hen .ii l-'.in. The two d leudauts luterpoaed a demarrer, d." i.'ilng 1.1 it the couti nHou "f tbe Blacks weald deprive the Amirtcaa people of u eo-nnwo law piivi :.?'-. Thi* d'u.uner waa overruled bj .Iud*'." Milt) m.m. judge Townsend considered the rase on Ba main Issues, so the present victory of the Scotch i .iii tiers ls mon sweeping than that ol Hine yean ago. Tbe defendants set up various allegat?tan, ono being thal Ihe partnership of UM Me-rs. Black had um been eatabllahed In the case. The Ju.!,*" sttnched ii > weight lo Ibis, im vari..ii* other p lats he also ruled lu favor of Ihe complaliiatTi*. It was declared thal tbe rule of depositing taro coptea of Un* be*i ciiiiiou ..f the copyrighted work la the futon) oases had nol bren cniplled with. As a matter of fuel, the .e. t* un \i iii.ii iii- copy righted articles printed wore taken in.m the eolBBwa and praperly iiled i.i Washlnaton. The .indee bold thal this came Wit btu tba law'. Til" derision Blso .huies the allegatloa of the <!. fendants that ihe price rbarged for the aaoyclopaedU, --? a volnmc, i- excessive. Il**- opinion ends with ibi?-? wonts: -Complainants' ropyright is lufrlnpsi and .in injinu t .nu iv,ii be srauteJ upon .'mal inn lug, without leieieiice io ihe quesUon of substantial dauingi.." Howland < .*? a pp a nit for the Messrs. black aud Juuies A. Whltnej tor thi! defoudanls. ni:. KINWOSTU'S COMPLIMENTS in His ACCUSERS, A-lniy Park, April 15. Di. Hugh s. Klnmonth. to i ?> gave nm a statement relaUve to his r*onnectlon with the Harris rase. Ile says lhal In order lo make u ensy and Inexpensive io nrlfy the statrstenu as makes, in- will paj the Bxpen?es of a Jury of New '.oiU newspaper men io Investigate them. If h. alla lo prove anything ba says he will pay if'jix) ' Tile Till. Ireh Ali lund on .Illly 1. Aller making the*., often tbe Doctor says be alli aat "delve imo tbe -Innis ..f society, a* DUworth Cheats lld," lo Und parson* -nuable io nial..- iU_davlts. ihe itatemeul at tacks th- ailntavit preseBled to Ibe i "mt Mating that lae Doctor was ital to bs believed under calk. Tae min who made the atlidavit lia*. iccordlug io tbe Doctor, been i-epeutedly nrnstcd, ind I- now icrvtng a saaiaace of sixty day. lu thc Jail a' II'"'":, ,1,1 for wiro heall m.;. Dr. klum.uil ll aya that aaotbn mun who made aa afltda-rB for the in p..-.. of _ucredMlBg his tratbful?eoa came lats hi- -tine ii few dav-, agu and siiai Unit ho lcd had nothing in ral for ihna days. Oas sf the cterks the iniiu au miler ..ti Ike proprietor of a r.'-t.iu mal io get what be wealed i" sat. Au additional KOO lo ibe Mci. Itabtes' i-'iiiiii i* offered bv the Doetor ,i affldavlta ..tu be obtained from time business men if A-inii. i,nu, mihi a favorable rating la'* reports, -tatin-; they would trust lh**ae iii. n for flU, or would penn,l lliclr families tu Bsaocl" .ile imii ii,, ni for one hour. BITS OF LEO A I. SEWS. The ,;em rm Teiin, .indee Morgan .1. O'Brien arl?ag tin nil. I fur if -J. r,M iii fa,. ?I'li' till*. Bi "''lil? llie BSpei lind puMlsbed at) repa talion >.f Mr. s. baylor, nha Oran! SaeiiM ?a* ittotnsy tm lion, u-i' ni iv aatnaed ti, ?. Jacob I. .-..hillier in.'ain*t I'nf. I i.ld and Ku i in III.. |e lill' I ll.'IS I.'. BM :? a tala r ni d '??-. tile pl.lilltiir. Blgla I.. .Mel'.'iuiov mi* u| point'.! -'na lilian aj lil in ,' i ..pu in Ju-tiie Barratt rn tua tM|s*e_*> Coan, > '.in,:. r-. >.'.teniiv, t,,i MM purpsus <.f briiglag a mM .. .1 a Bids a transfer nf u Mane of tba property u'. Koa .u.'. ;:ti aol gil Baal Maty, bird H . -aaaa by Hm boy* rather. Hoary Baba, put i. nu be dial, t.. |*raacla k. |j-:.ii.. Tin- fiCi'T had ii half lnt-T.-M- iii sse toasa sad wnii-in lader?i .nilled th.- ether knV. Mr. Heba ,it g it, ii p. m. ..a Mb??ibsr '". iH'.m. rh. gsaillsa de rMies that in lat?> uf the BM that Mr. II..lin ni* un. .ible tn raragala? hi* Ulfa on th." dav he riled er the div j,rei hm*, hu ass indue-i to alga away his iu'erest iii A Rainy Day ls a sood lime to visit our Carpet Cleuriac Bale. Tan will have more time lo select pm terns. A reduetleo of *t*i tors per cent, on our entire stock draws crowds of people en clear dar*, -sale will lust until Juna IB* ii lien we have to monte our building. ?..1.-.0 Chinchillas for S'i.OO. BU.OO Saxony, for 91.73. S'?..*)P Royal Willona far il.Sf. Wt.'ii Axmlostera lor fl.30. BI.*>0 Moquetles tar fl.1c. 91.10 Wiltoo Velvet* for 90e. Sl.'i.) Wilton Velvet* far SOc. Bl.'J.*, Body Braaaela for ride. 81.1.) Body Brussels for 73c. B3e. Tapestries far liOo. 73c. Tapestries Tor 43c. (Cir. Tapestries for 40.-. 7.jic. Extra Mutters for BOc. MNOf.Ei'M-s. oilcloths, straw bi atti**on, OR IKNTA I, und SM V RN A 1UI'*., icc, ut jool aa ?9B*t redactions. DOBSONS 40-41 WEAT 14TH BTREBT. Good health for everybody; for tho ol and young?the weak and strong. It ia at once a preventive and panacea for all di?ordcra of the Stomach, Liver, Kid? neys and Bladder. Thc leading physi? cians of the world prescribe it and thousands use it with beneficial effect. All druggists sell it. A handsome book which tells thc story in detail, sent free. BEDFORD MINERAL SPRINGS CO., Bedford, Pa. E. Stanley Hart St Co., Selling Agts., 151 Franklin St., New York City. The Old. Reliable House. De Graaf & Taylor Go., 47 and 49 West 14th 8t. CLOSING OUT Their Futile Stork of C'I'STO.lIe ii ".ni: FIK.MTIRE nt lesa than cost and nt lower prices thnn the ehenp factory -stuff now on thc mar? ket can be sold for. The fact is, it must be sold. We are makin*; a desperate effort to close out before Hay 1. Wilbeln}&**ir_ef BROADWAY & 26tb ST. < Itr-AHIM. MALE OP China, Glass and Pottery AT 111 DI, ll) PRICI'M. " tho Faa?i at 2 o','.mk on BM day ho di.'d to Ftaacla v. Ka*?b*|b, tim c'oiisiii.-sa?ea beta-g il. Mr, M?Baraey U' .?br.'* that ho botlovas Bm sadgBBatni is rt?ste a Bag or that, it ?a* stree?rod by irani, i aa Loy i* tm >? . J'ear* old. amt ls lt**_*g witt) lil* ninth, r. Ihe BBSS Mild Vj be- Worth 9SJS99 a year, und il lia* until 11)04 to run. INFLUBXEA CAUSES MAST DEATHS. THERE WAS \ eUGBT DECREASE IN THE M ***.? Tl MTV ?OB Till' WK K. Tlnr." una a leerrnaa of Vt th<* city Inst wo.l,, but th.- l.-itis of rae Health D.partiBIBI said (hit Ute) (lid Bet think lt Brdh-ated tiny de* .r.'iiM' nf the Bt-e-fnfltng epldeaile nf Bt_bjeaaa. Dr. John T. Nacl.", "tho B,vIm.* "f Vital MaiMI.--. sild yesterday that I?en had beea thlrty?ass Bra?_i fruin laBneBsa alane itt tin* ea?ns of the sreek and many nn.r." deaths which liav.* Bean ru'i-od ly BtlBSari lu <** - in 1*1 i?allon with pneumonia ir bronchitis. Then wera f. wet deaths from 1111.u11n.nln iind bronchitis last we eh Hum In the previous *v>ik. ,'on-niini.iion, however, <iiii*..<t nii.ri" gaatba Hi.m usual. The aapenaai Keerd shaws Uta ?aaUta from various causes In lin* city ilinliit; two Weeks! Weelu, .'liding April IA. April n. -'3 HOI Induenu . ai i'i. m. ...oi. . **'..:i Breaehitl*. ot , UHSI|MI|.tl.l.l. lil*. i r- up . 'J WhonplBK rough .. . 1,1 M il:?i"" :<l four M.Mi i'i i'i, ls . outaciou* ill.oa*- * Diarrhoeal di-.---. tirari di-.m.*" . Klllliev dlseS ? ? Vlolell.e . au ian. r ea?*?* . KB -fog lit UT rt 17 H c.') 1 ) S'.'.) Totals .1,001 i.i,*3 Den th* uniter .", \ca.?. BS) 417 Heaths, ii. Mar- and oi.-r. Ut) 117 Isath* in Institutions. gig -.".it Daalhi in Ituea-eut* . 708 7ti ll.on' wa-, in.t much < li.m,'.. la>t week in the prov alene.. ,f rofllagtous dl*.oi*o; lu th." etty. Willi.) srarlet (ever deerearied sUghtly, laen wu* un in rnase in dlptherta .ind -aeeoies ni... s'nln.-d croum!, tn the Hut. ni ni r-ontsgtout Diseases the follawlng neerd for two weet**- wu* Brenand: Mill 13. Anrll fl. Ooo, -. Death... Cs-*. Deaths. I 'pim* f. \-*r . . 4 7 Ci ? I ' I'leo.l fol.' . Hi I 17 -s-ort-t fever . -Jiu '.'o 211 Mi ii-l.s . I; J I M.*. Dl-rtitherla. tS* .:b 110 Kninlltea. ii 11 I ?j') -8 4 Tullis ?sr.) ,0 ?;; OABWMW* HEWETT FOR F.XAMISATIOS. (inrxlnor Hewett. Ibe youl!-* elect rlclnii -ini'sted l'n.iay night on the charga nf atsnMug a peakschank roi.tiilllltlg ri.) f "inn Miss F'.cllho :.lili*lil:in, of BOk Stn We*t Thirty I..nilli M.. was hold tn tho J*-fBjsj ') Mitriiot i'.?ii( ?? court rnter-sy i;i "-tmo t,sil tor ?_? nii'li'iiilun mi Tm .dav afternoon. When arnlgaed before Justice tl lady h<" denied that he hud taken tin- Malndbaak. The Ballee ur.* anxleas t.< fud French, abu ucccn patiled ll. witt to tbe mininera bouse.