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A very admiral-..c and cxcIiimtc arrange mt-nt lor ten lori* people who put |>om vi-sitin**- thc GREAT COMMENCING MONDAY, MAY 15TH. AND DAILY THEREAFTER DURING THE CONTINUANCE OF THE WORLD'S FAIR, A FAST LIMITED VESTIBULED TRAIN to bo known as Exposition ?vt CHICAGO. and composed exclusively of brand new and magnificent Wagner Drawing-room, Sleeping, Dining and Parlor Smoking Cars, built expressly for thU service at a cost of about $3-0,000, Will leave NEW-YORK, via West Shore Railroad, from Station at foot of West Forty-second St., at 3:40 p. m. Will arrive in CHICAGO (Hyde Park Station), via Michigan Central Railroad, following day at - 4:40 p. m. Passengers and their Baggage, on arrival in Chicago, will immediately be transferred to the superbly furnished and strictly first-class HOTEL WINDERMERE (tlie Best Hotel in thc Fair Grounds district). It is a permanent hotel constructed of stone and brick and located immedi? ately opposite the Cornell Avenue Entrance to the Exposition Grounds and within one block ol the New York State Building and two blocks from Lake Michigan. Indorsed by President Higinbotham and vice-President Peck, of the Columbian Exposition; Lyman J. Gage, President First r*oj National Bank, ami other prominent citizens <?f Chicago. Railroad Tickets, Sleeping Car Berths, Meals in Dining Cars, Hotel Accommodations in Chicago for 10 Days. Transfer to and from the Hotel, etc., All Covered by One Ticket Arrangement, NEW YORK to CHICAGO and Return, embracing a period ot 12,% DAYS, RETURNING, THESE SPECIAL TRAINS WILL REMAIN ONE-HALF A DAY AT NIAGARA FALLS. The only trains running between New-York and Chicago that have Dining Cars attached the entire distance. Hotel and Sleeping Car diagrams are now ready, and reservations will be made for any date without any deposit being required. To secure choice rooms and sleeping car space early application should be made. For pamphlet giving full particulars, including interior views of Wagner cars, picture of Hotel Windermere, bird's-eye view of Exposition Grounds, etc., apply to J. J. GRAFTON, 363 Broadway, New-York. PLUMS FOR THK WIGWAM. strong hearted Sranaiell. He ,f ?? I-,-, Dgnltl .n" and '..?? wanta Sf'ANXl -Lt, GHOWISG ..Mill I 'IO' S. HF. WANTS \ LOKG Ti:!'.M Aa ri ie COMM1R61 SEB -T-.I.K MK.IT ? il II IK PI. Vi ES. Fii-A (ornnil?ii.ii.r Join J. *>...:_-ii trna I.n In ?Met Mure .I.uiujiry t. and 111..- I, BO "rall '-'it !-. e*_ati >n have blt ? m. extended ,.> May 1. l-'-'H. To ?fT****t t!:ls he ha* failed ur-ri Mayor * -Ilr-.y ,.. rc Bf)?? lat l.lm cn Ma) i i" xi f,.r Ute loni lena .>! r\\ years in plac- <.f hi- eoBraf*****). *?. Howland Rob Maa, Mr. BobMaa Bu-*eee?led Richard <'Miter ns n ntl C*-*_-_toakmef in i--.i. hy appointment ..I Mayor i.rant. As t***a_Mil's, tern "ooar itaa? lt trlM curt on May 1, letti. Ile t<?>k th.- uii".\plr.-d t>-rrn Ol ' Milty < l.Tk Hetu-| 1). l'urmy. u li>> wu* it***ppotnl d ty >f?y..r Grant, May I, i--'*. f r tia year . in makins* ihit demand upon Mayor '. il ruy Com aiH*doner fss-anavll la *:,irl to -ave th"" sympathy ..f - h?n" croker, bal neither "f tin-m seem* la bate taken im., c*M""Mention th* feellnp of thc Mayor, vrh>. baa ba-sjlly r**ro*i#ied from tlie shock trfaleb f"l 1 ved bia appointment <.r ?fannell and Koch f .ur BfO. Mr. Gilroy C.Ink- thu, Croker ;mrt Becaaell thunM not put blt fealty lo another Buck ;c-t ai pta Bint, anti thal Srannell ougbi t.. Ix- aallt tied -*.i>h ihe two yean be ha- t.. ***""-_?. Bo far the I*?yer'a protest attona and request* lo be let oil bave Ind no "rife*, ap mi iii h*? t?-'wi !!,<? -??..? anch.-r bf- . i, .. ,,r i,. \ H'Lemr- '" hurl ?', I'lari '..r IMwarrt T. Il'-patrlck. Tammany leader "f Ihe lV,!i Assembly Mltrlrt, In * * Um transfer ol John F. < iip-II from tb* chief ri-s-ftablpof IheCo-H nf (J.,.-ral i?lona t.. Ihe pla.. Bf ' ,v , ?ami.. Main to sue. .d I, C. T. < rall.. who-. rm expire, oa May I, Then Runnier -u.\ih ?i"l lae Ueneral BeMlo?a Judge* are le be Baked lo <?)'?., M'-i.:.trli a* < ,1-roir* sn..- - r. The plan ll nol lil'.-!. la v rk. Carroll ii ?>?- not tare n> triv>- up a li!'' oflce -'-? -T.:/io and pet*qnlattet whick make li rsiaal <o HS - <i a "?*?"- for ? tout yeal ' ti rm a ' ' i mistrial n, ?cn u the salary I- "f?5,000, <>nt of this !??? mu*! |mv | is clerk-hire ami oflce exp**-?e?. Beald, this, Klup.itM. \ i- i...t < <>?.-irt. r. ?i a deairable rommodltj by bs-aa* ..r departaaeuta In Sew-York. The Tax !>? i.-iriin.-nt iii.i id want bim, ind ii ra nol ""ml-ahfe u.hi ihe ,,.i..;:.: ---i.,;.- jud-n** would agree lo lek, wit!eui a -.-.i .ns "kick." Htipatrlrk mlghl bar. -in. e.-.j.-.i bb, Jam, - Flupati < k. who died ln-t mi.i.,1., aa deput] clerk "i tb, Special >??? -aaa, bal be *-?? on bl htgli hors* and n-fu ed thi ?..,n*vi oft.c.. be will not serve under anoibi-r fllMrir, leader, Bdward bi put., lUttitm about how hi ?liar* nf u.e lamil,any pod?tun abai] be iel before bim. ll I* rum.-i'll lhal I'.Ji.c Juallee A. .1. While li nady to swap iii- ^-i.'.is) |ab, whick i* good until HOI, for ii pl.;."' a- lio.k , niiim --I !.?!'. and bl --'I'I I a ls; on il,, ll , of randldates to nmei I'-lv-ln A. Ttmt. fha term i- alx yean, nnd 'h.- salary li #5.0?o. If Whit- |a imn-fcin'l in thc Dock Impart nu m. Flit l>atri<_ might be m..'i.- a poUce, Jaaliee, ? bick ba Clink 1* Jus, Ute pine for !.hn. AM?in latereattng ramot >.--,.rdaj ?a- about a P'.-so,!,. ,i,:ii?i, ,?, m u,.t Mn-et-Cleaning Con>inl? i"i-i Jil.,ma* h. Breaaaa oat ol bl* li-oiible* wltk Ibe * Itv "?tab, 'lui* report waa thal lue Mayw would ??pp'-int iiim to i.i* <>i<i "stoee ai < ommlialoner of i ..miiuss, ami <..rr. rtion, ,.,..-il Preaiilenl Hem-] ll. I'i.Her, WlMaM Lim mil expin on Mir. 1. ind in .ki lort.-r rsire.-i ? Panlu, < omini sion, i. J 1,1* woul,l vull ittcnnaii, abo i\.-.iM iii,,. t? ??-ilili4e" l.l* preaenl ??. ciipiiti,^, ir ba ...hui .n bach Into tba Charltlet Da piiiiineiit or any olbei -nit ipot. ll" Moulrt not bl (.iurlste Ike 0*1,000 -ijif,.?.?.,. w ,,.,. sj.^ny. M ki nm U!i.\,_. iiow.-wi-, tii.-.t Purl**, aoui.i roiuniatlly a*-rei ,o I l.e e.V.liaiiK'e. Loul .1. Conlan, ,,i ihe xih As-nni.'v Malrlet, lt heilis' pu>liert by lil* frtinrl, lor Jodfe of the CH.v Court, in place of lle_n I'. McUown, whose t.iin "f six years win expfm Mil* year. Tbe oaVe will be r.lied ai the next geas-ral eleetlon. The talary la fi<).ty*i>. a baa been clwiletini ?_-<*** lite tttarataMl tv u.e Mayor of Ibe etara*-*- wbteh the ("oinml-mhiners of Accoiin,.* ptvferred agalnal the Charlu*-. Comm!* stoners thal t*ommlasloiier < bark-* <;. p. Wal.I.- will ri**l(tn lil- olhce ,.. c.ii.h- film i? i,K,k alter h:* frowln : i?w ?raeUea. f*boaiM a vacancy ere?r. MasW oilroj 'lil have a Comml*?loner of Arceunt* al ir'-'i.'s),) a ""ear ia udrl lo hi long lui of appin nt men li f r ?BV 1 . ("v.rpornMoii Counsel rink and Cul.ile w..r!^ I'..m ?Moner M. T. Daly wHl urdonbtedl) be appointed M 'h<' Mayor to -ncci-eil ih.-ni-*lvcs fur ;, |?rm of fear yean each from May I. Matay :nlviinr.a Tain B'?ny thinkciv are ol Ibe oplirfoa timi Ihe Mayor will offer the oftii.f I'lty Chamberlain t., PoMee Com gaMaanet John C. U-**e?an. Mr. *i.i.-r. -aid yoeter 9f* that he had received no lr.ili'i.H"ii of any Bock 2|i'1fi'. and thal so far aa be kneu Mr. (iain would ?M hla owt> Bucci'hsor LASHER Wiss TUE FIRST GAME, tn.INMN'. OP THE COXTEST FOR THE CHESS CHAMPIOX8HIP. Kn],, ind.. April IS. ti- tint ot Ibe rbam ilonshlp game* betwtren Leaker and Sbowalter, for '?? ? ? ?--? rhampionsbip wa* played in ti..- roiurn ian Hotel but night. I...-1,. r won the t..-- and hos** White. Th- tune n-ult.-d |n !4 vi. t..rv for -?"?ker. il- .,pen.ii win, th.- /iiii-rtori attack, "m*-en'a opening, playing a new game. ato-alter'a lefence wat wonderfully Ingcntoua, and be wat big .?? ?rai.*i bj Ia-ker. Tue following la thc accare: Wklle. tilt k. '?'--? fahuaot'ter, 1-P-Qt y p ,. , - "< 1.1 ll I I Iv Kl KS i '? " > I P K I ? R B <J A ' P i Kt A ? ?J Kt '? 2 f, .> || -j Kl J 'I K Kt K 1 I I* || y ., I I' K ll I ? ..-? - ?'.'KU., - i- q it , ? I- y li :t u ... g || a I ' I" K Ki I io K Kl K 1 ll-Q-K lt 9 1! |? K IO ., I"! 1' K K, :. I" K ll ? K Kt 1: K ll 1" x it IS-Kt?Kl -' II- K i; K Kt l i <i Ki Q 2 IS '.' M ij a A I , K |{ g || j l?- Q Ii-Q 2 lo P y R .t l.-Q-K B 1 17-P-Q Kt 4 1- I' K ll i I- p y |t -, 1 ' K li ... lt 2 lil Kl K ll 1 -:?> %-. K? I'-.1 , '-'' I" li I -1-K'- .s |; 2 jl ??_ g Kt S -'-' K, MS j. i. OK, ll Ha l< !'? Q I Ji K Ki K U t 94 I' lt :. V4 K Kt "J Bo Kl KU 0 _'.'. lt lt I W K lt Kt 4 M Kt-K J .?: i! \ p ., ki . p -'M -j' \ Kt j- p v |i -'-' *.' \ I' ???. gu |( | HU I' ll I . h KO ii p. l ll '.' U 7 .ii y y y .1.' Kl \ ij 'ii Si |, K I ... Kl ll 3 a.- r. ll j ,1 P v I' ;,, |> , | .,. K K ll 1 a, I, H A m: Kt * !? -i | -, i: ki g t .-.: rt kui 8H lt lt '? .ih ll y 2 ?JJ) P -K il ll lt l IO KT Kt 5 tlt?J'. *!.'!.*. 1 Ha* ol -vu. ? Iou I boura. tv ATTRACTIVE Hook OS SC MM LR TR WEI. 'I he passenger department ni , - Hew York I entri I Rallrrnd, beaded by Uenernl Pa-u-enger Afent George II. Daniela, ha* eclipsed prevloni effort* In Ike prep ar.. Hon ol Ita tatett hook - ll. alt., and I'ha are iii. Amertca'a Ureateet K; iiroi.i." Thia book i a lieroM ol approaching Bummer, When weary men and Womel 'um lo (be mountain- alni I.,- lal,.- for ri '. or a et families begin (<> bunt up a borne .... erv bu enjoyable uni mer a,a "i. may be p ed. The m.rit- ol the pleasure iv-iort ri icfaed bj ike Sew York Central*, eaten Iv* -??-,.n. and Ibe multi ,uiln..u exrui<a*on routea over lt- lin-- are *et fortb In "BOM plcture-MpM nnd Intereattng style bj Mr. Daniel-'.-, artier* and artist*. Tbe honk coven nor than 1,000 town- "V'T |be Central Hoad, lt ta nil.d witt. :.and-oin< pictures, engraving* and hall tone* ni il.- scene* In tbe lofty ?muntalat, ibe swill running river tad the lovely la aaa reached bj Ihe Sew %'ork < entral all aver the State. Bon** ..f ibe vlewa are Utile Ken* nf arl, ind alone would tempt ., .k-r alter recreation and rent, ?-ene. lu Ike '..r--t-. mi placid Ulura and (.I- amid the grand- ur ..I the ' at -um- or the Adli-undacks refreab the eyea and ottmutate a longing for Uh- p-.*!> approach of vat allon time The lypograpbb-al fenluri*a ol **llealtk and Pleat ur-" an- excellent an<i urtlatlc*! Then- are nnaaero?a weil engraved map- lo Baslai Ute loturlal Iii planning bl* can)palgns un.i In r-.i\\'\u- if.- extensive w-iipe ol du- Sew-York Central In reacntng le -v. ry spot ol in,-/.-, beauty and Importance In all Beetlon* ol Wu York Sta,-. I ere I- matter, too. In II,.- [lack I...,' ihal lell* "f tbe enterprise ol the company'* "..-...','r department thal mak-* li lu lt-li wortb nr_*e__ns for i)uri?>t.' -? of entori-tnment. Ami ,.,.. i,"above all -?' Importance to tke itndenl ..f coming summer tour- and[trips, a c.mpl-t.- pr-?uta I,.,, of l.iacllcal inform,,,l-n Ihe particular f.alur-s Ive it even leaort, Hie beal method of reach ,ii Hst of betel, i*1"1 b-artUng-bot-aea, ra,,-*, rule. . ?.,.i?, Tbe piit.ll.ailoii I* a cr.-dlt io th. \".u- York ('.niral. and lt I* of raine to every om Who ls brflBnlM to I***? !nr ?*? "i"'" 9ttmm '":1 vacation. -, t.v ELECTRIC ROAD TO CONNECT TWEIA E TOWNS. Cl-velaiid. OhlO, APrll ?'"'? 'l'v-land ajB*tarit*-ta, I. I,-III W-t I'.-lhl-l^"' "" "' .... ihlOUCk Hie sue.', ot writ railroad ^" , ,, .ugh a large imrtlon of lu length, lilMi't' li 11-1 ? lil i ' ?" , w Ca double tn* Hi"'. ABOUT THE THEATRES. WU VI PLAYS WII.I, BE DONE IN THE < Il'. MIK WEEK. 'I - two play* pr, ? nt, i .. Ml ? fl na Vak* a 'i ... r roni|?nj al Daly'* Theatre last we>-k, ' -\ Le -on In Lovi and M ld Marl n." avi been . . popular that ll ba !.? ? ?. <i ? i-t-i in nuke nu rhangc bi prvftent. The tame programme will iberefori be ll ned ? l- week. Ml - \ ? .;,?-'- frl-nd- will doubt k !??? anxlou io -??? lur In ,me of theil favorite ..hi farce befon th- end ol her engigemen'. After Mi*. Yoke* leave* thi* itu ure Kellar Ihe inaglckin will begin .h. engagement, ll, i- preparing -. nee ni gramme '..r th- opening week, la ba divided Into three perta, and embodying hi* moal origin?I Inven lion- and performance in ;,| art. K-Har'* !*-r:lo i of the programme will br preceded bj a llghl ard amusing remedy, to ts performed ht a portion ol Mi Dnlj '* . um|>e i | ? - ... i nu ihe bair wit . bim. The opining |biy will i- a mt, kal romedtk-??a, In which MU* KU ? i , am, vii il.--.c-ll. '>v.rr I'., ii il, Mr. Jepaon, Mr. Harken and Mr. Buckland will lake part. I'??! a later dale in thia mppk-men larj ?. .:, Mr. Daly i- preparing a revival -f " \ Mld*ummer Nlglit'a Dream." wklek will In bile all lt original ii, .- rel and ? ? nie i ge, I . To-n irroa ? ming Ml - !:?..- r gu tan eoters .?'. Ibe las) two we**?i .,: lui ? igagetnent al lb, Flff'i Avenue Tie-Ire, when "Peg tv .ttiii.i,.u' Aili ba pre ..1,1-1. Ml - Coghlan'! li ? w linn'ton I- weil known ..rid well llk.Jl bj I bra tr grui . Tl.- supporting i i-t will Im Iud- John T. -iajllViin a- Hrtieal Vane, Fredertr Robin un ra Triplet, (".nirtnet Tliiirpe a* sr Cl Brie* Poman Irr, I. R. Puih a I ullei I IW-er, Rob* rt Fis* her as yinni.. Mi- Marie Hun- - at Mabel Van-. m Ele-mor Lane ..- Kitty (live, mi-- Kuku, Bet eridge a Mi I'i ph', c. J. Hell, (irani --tua,, and Cyril Young. Ml Coghlan', adopted daughter R-**a llnd .md ber niece, In r.. Oigulnn lint tam, v. ill upp-nt In rblMren'a par) >p II na eiigageaaenl a, Ibe Illili Avenue I.- lip la-gin Iii a foetnlg**tt. Whi i be will ls-Been bl an eluhomte revival ot "-abe Muopt lo <.iu-r." width i lo he pr?.-nt-d alih rn ? scenery, i-- lum, and i ri -.rn . ail of whlrb i, ht promised will he Istoricallj c* rrr t. ?T.i- li . .r l-man" will rontinue Ita run al Ihe | Lyceum 'li,, .n- Indefinitely. charto Wal.",. Prlta ff'lllluma, Mb Manda Hanb-on ind Mr. and Mi . Whlffcn will he teen during Us enll i ..ur-- ol pn I ? in a r. i Bight Ihe- will be r-lnlor. "I bj J. Il ' (leone \l.--"i. for im-rlv o' the Kendal rom pa nj : vii-- i.-itml- Rivers, and Mk** Jen. Ki-nnnrk. vir. i.lim mr r-i-lv ? vir. Kelcey, tke (aller, with Ml** Coyvan. Mr. I Moyne and their oaoortate . being required la C loaea for ? Atnerii an* tia ad.-1 William ll. Crane alli leave the Mar Theatra In ;i ?..ii \2 I, taktm erith him .. record ol bating done a pint i.'islm .- In tai weather fm three montha. A* soon -i* ,- rompenj parka lt. trunk- it trill itart l.v a -nerlai train Lu the Northwest. ?Ilrnllier ! .lo'.n" a,ii be played in Chicago for Mg weeba, i, glnnlng In beptemtcr, and wUi be tsreaghl barb t?. j Hil* lily In .1 inu.irv. To nnsTi-iw evening Hie Th-atr- af Ari- and l/l ter- will give al |-:.|-ii-r\ Ti.-i,r- lt* last Mb sr ri pd on prrformau ?? for t -? aeeaon. Th, pkai le br acted then i. "?tillea Corey, Yeoman.*1 Il B in Ihree ucl-, and 1* bj Marv K. WIIMu* and Eugene VV . l;--hr-\. Og Tueodaj tbe pla] win be -*reaenied publicly for tn- Ursi lime, ut Ibe r-.uiar rat.- of Palm.r's Theatre. Thc Theatra "I Arts and Letter. will glee piii.ii. performance, al Palmer'- fbeatre tbrougboul the Breab and al-., nexl week. On Tu? laj night, in Ibe aa me bill wHti "OBce l*ocrr,"" ,<ui be pre. nt. d f.r t*ie Uni time In pub****- Brander Matthew.'. "The Deri..f tbe Cot*rt." lae tam j,,ii\ Include* Eben Plympton, Mtv. Agnea Benth, mks Grace tamban, Arthur Eliot, Frelertck vv. *i<i ?ry, ml*- Margaret Raven, .Mi-* Netta Unloi (md Nttle Viola McNeil. Alexander BatftlaJ enter- on Ibe bwl two weeba af bia engagtmeal al th- Manhattan "i>-ra Houae t., m.,now evening, when Hiima-"* romantic pl.y ?? Tin Three cu.irdsmcn" will ba preoenti-, wltb Mr. *?i vini la his ImpenotMtlon nf D'Artig-in, ?? part in whick h.- lri^ had *a*eeeaa alee where. The auppael In* -tit In. Iud.rn William H.-lmund. Walter ("raven, Myron Caffce, Mia, labia Cralgea and Mtaa (>_**_? ,1. 1'orr.-,. T ?? timi- of the ...ii.pun new playing Bl Ibe -tami | :,rd Theatre lu* 1h-.ii ..Minded lo Ihe md ?.| 11,1 nio'ith. and Tb,. Aral.l.m M**iit*" Bu beea it-reived ? wpii *iirh f.iv, r , at it will Btcupj the wbofc tun.. I Mr.- J0'"' Bltm has, of CO-Bie. Ia-cii warmly wei noted, and Mr. Frohman i- making bu ? it .rt t. rare bel ur Ihe i anpany for neal ..... Mr. Frohman' n( rt rompuny, al the Rmplre r ea ira, l* als. n.iii,- ? . popularity, and ll lia* noe pl wi ? i ? - '.ni I Let! c. i.iiui Me" a tea mon H-O tim, I end of the i .nipanV's ?a-oii ? id yel 1. . ii :?' i uuiii . .1, .mil ll I- - ii.| r!,.,i (be pl ? ll pla. I -'ll! I.I. ll fo ra; f?. 1 .-..lie Hill-. To this 11*1 ' lld ? , ! ',.1 -Tile I'-.- I and lira I 'M'i'??'-." which t ih li - fame al ta- li Theatra. New feature* wera Introduced lani week, ind the aam< pron - trill be - .'ii. i .1 ht ? al Bes) in lb* *ong* and daiu-e from we?-k :?> week, vu May lng .1: .rh o|ue ... ung ul '? Ophelia" ara diverting, and Ml - Mn Rolrson'. three legged dance receive* ii .if * doran >.r mora encore* nlghtlv. lt lll.-U that ll- ni v E. Ilvi .rn I -Adonis" have Martel In for a long mn at Ibe Casino. Be bcarsal* an called lor everj day, al which ne* hu*l ne*. I- Introduced, bi i lb chorn ?. .iriu-*i lt.a *"iig- and dance*, under lb*- personal din ibm nf Mr. Di ter, bul li i- nol everything (bal Mr. Dixet ra b at ? ? I " - I. i -ih ron, lade, to IntroJuce. vir. linnie' announce* Hull Harrigan- T -.ilr<- will rlose for the season ol, Mai 13, after w lil ii lime rompnny will go oa Ibe rood he a tour of -i\ or eight week*. 'I j- upp -ii millee to ?< - t'ordell I' A-piriiti .rn-" mu. i lerafiira, I- r- nilli count, ! and .- rdlngl) l-i.proi ? -.1. ? Jane ' lui* n .' iel nolle \ inls! -j Rom ' ie 11 ? ?: I bi Xe? V*irk "pilbil , ll wm bc .-. u al I ? (.ra d npet. House Hil Week, mitti Mi-- Johnstone Bennett iii ibe lille part a* usual. She will i?- assisted bi .rge Vt. I - h- . Ji eph Allen. R. I . I'otlou. Maali i Joseph Totten, Ncbi li Kdwards, Miss .rgui '...:.' vii- Mugg!, llolbiwai I i-r and Mia* Carrie Reynold.. Mi- Lottie Collin* will have ag.I. Isrge age '..r ie r per forma ii.f ?? Ta r i im Boom I, bv." Ml - lam i Davenport alli appear al Ihe l ira nd i ip-r.i lion-. IH*Xl Week In ber BTodUCtlofl of "'. I> n pain." -?i.-ral alica-iii- fealures ar- am.need Bl Toni I ii-, .a s I ....ii- (oi Hil a,-I- 'I . tull pr igramm vlii Include Mi . Lydia Venman* Titus, MU* Helene Mon, I rank Bu* . Jame* I . il ? v. Field* and Man rn . aiusbal .i; 'i ' Ibe ('lenroy Brad ? i . nm boxem; th.- Sawn*, ku ter* and du-tch arti ls. larne* I. Muiraj and MU* Vin. Alden, In dam m.- am! lng lng ip, iai,.- : C. \\. will nu-. rentriku|iit*t, and vin-. Moralbi -i-i I I'",' iroup- of mined spaniel*. DiM.! Bel i- u and llenrj C. DcMlll, * ? Men and W..m-n ' Will he Ibe a'U.i- ia, at ll im'ii-i -stein's. Har hui tip.Ta llous, Ital week, lt will be presented wit', tbe lame stenerj and appoint men ts used during ii- run in I I- .in ni i i. ir. agu. Ibe rompail) in ? lu,I? (rank Blirlterk, Iraak U. Villi-. Fred '?- Ru**. Lout- R. I.rle*.I. VV;!I R. p.. rn ii I. Maralyn Vii- |. . N*ll ti'llilen, Walter Perkin*, Kdgar C. Mack-v. Ml-.* Ulla Vam. Ml Nanette I om lock, VII-- law rance, Mb** Maud Willie, mi- Kale vi?k. Rey Rn Bard, ll. I. I'..ila; . mid A. J. Knight. B'alker win--ii- will ron tl. his engagreaent pl the Inion .*? i"?.!?? Theatre Ibis week, hi- reperton being a* foil.c..-: Munday, ?? III ard III": Tu?hiv. ? Hamlet" ; "A'cdm sday, ? Rb h-li. u" . i inu-.iay. ?? Mer rhanl af Yeolra"; Friday, -?Mbetlo": "Saturday. "Rich ard 111;" raturda) matin.-, - Hamlet." Mil-. Rose Pompon . l..-.*l ber ilr-t Week'a engagr im it ka -Ta- Black .rook" al lue Academy ol Music la-, evening, and it li raported thal ber beginning ai i''i* ibealre baa been all tiiat the managen-ent enid deahre. The remainder >.f thc perforniii* lu Ihe -sroductlofl mil ni ir.-lu. ?? tn- usual weekly rtmni-e. in ii.-lr -p-chiiiii *, while the -aarcbet and hallet* have been uiiii..i-c.-d by t ? uhllilii of new d..ts. -i!,. -pan ..f Life" rontlnuea at Hie Fourteenth ?i.i Theatra, and Ibe sensational seem** ol ibe piar -Mil dian large ...uli-n. *, The i-diiitloi; pi ill? ari! al t'i- boo*, lor u.e Bummer bea be**n ra dived with much favor hy li* regular fraquenti ra, and i- regardid aa a wi? taove on Ibe pail ol Hw iiiaiiag-m-nl and I- regarded a. a wine B*ove on Ibe par, o( tbe ii_iiiag> in-iii. Att.-r -all thal Im- I"--" aaM and done, Mew York *?in* la be ""I v-t don- with "lllu- .lcm-." It will reappear al the Cilium.u- Th.-atrc I'll. week, an I will no doubt exblMl a. attractive a rUlagr band, bull calf and sawmill aa ever before. Ito- ..ililli ...n-.utlv- p-if .nuance of "A Trip to Chinatown." al Ike Madlaon kinara Theatre, l~ lamrea Mag. Ir.d.v evening, April ?_?-. I* Ibe date. In li-ii of , - fa., thu Itoyl and hue al r.*di given n", te" souvenir* rn tbe taner "i thc farce. . i i-l-ten.-v demands tint tin- coming occasion le ?*!nilliiIv ...uimcm >r?>>*l. \ statuette hat been , &..?n I., serve aa a * 'tipanlo:) i<> tbe former Bouvenlr, i, itatuette of the BTdow. Mr lloyt'l I'lluT fane. A TeXM Meer. I* IM drawing luib'v uudleuces at the Bijou Theatre, aud 1* r rived with all the old un:iif?t.uio:,, of pi - I' i- Intended thal ll -..ill have a lons run. mid th, pr--n, nulli anon- ai- ila' ta- Intention will ? > ? ai; le 1 out. v ni a arrival, Mil- Bardonx, said ni '?? ? lever singer, tram I I. VI, ./.r de I i,-. *l ll iii.'k ler til'*' Ilp|i ir.llire III \\,-ri'.i at Kuster ..'il Rial' to rn,ur-.m lilglll. vu;-. piii|iierelle ...- made a gi a Ulln lill iii 'In- house, uno I" moil-,'\ e\ ni ? De ' "ill Inn lpn.- i .".i features In her gn>tf<i|U<" jct Hie iil.ui. .- ol Ihe pnigrainnic thi* week will in. Iud ((eyer i.nd ii.lain, niiistcui >i eli li url -? -. M. mid .Mm. H'l'o.vil! Xii.i. lb" I'.i. lull duellists ar! dan er? in n.-ii lea tun-*; itu performu.i I.--. m**i's corni opel il I.i UH- d- Mme. V Hg I." Leonard an i Moran. comedian*: and Ibe performance ot n. i,. Fariilc* one itel operatla "Tile Rehear ill." Vi Hie . iic-rl to nig i Mlle. I'l-i i-i. !t- '.ml ? i - principal feature. A \-i-inn.- lenin nmii.d vi,,i iou - mut Bulger lu* ?na le B hil Bl lill I III perl ll VI l-l il ill. Iii---, slug th-ii-..un ? .sup.-itlon-. : ? twi-nt- minutes, th- i ira on i ? singe ihei keep ' ?- niltle-iii' in constant I inghti r, Mn i Kay nu.iel ....-.? i.-i lu wtniiln-' ! favor. hihi I- a rlev.-l Inger, with ll pl-i-in.' f.." and m..i,',. i. li,- li-..;, dall ? r- ai- -'lil a fenton 1 ?f Hie > i lng'* . nt. rial ti :i. an I i:,.- i- i ol ? ?? bill I- -nt. naiuiiig. Tli.-ra will nl*o appear Ibis week Imogene comer, uti iitir.K'tlv. singer: Fburatte, Allen i .tl ! lYest, Wilton aad Sci* ll lyu reit mi I D Cour*ev. .N.-llle ei mo r. Ibe v; I M )*ter I -it'-'" e lYorriiH, ... mi .;.. I -il er. i, J. H.-rbert Mach, l;- run. Warril t yul n'e ll. sianlev. Tue I. ? |.- it .mia i ?? it i Ls - lt) ul ?? i. li Wu ler j a. ?? .???'? I c.' an gi vee li hi In r's I.,- .,t,-.' |n*l , lng. lin *iock riKi)|M))< ... not gou"* tu pl.) f**r t" a wi* '.- ... Br.> ? vi ,i I t ? ? . ntnpiinv will ral um in Palmer's lii-au. ni ! i/i-'i Hie ?..??i hider of ,!.i.: a mil, hill i i-l ill j -I ?? rWlllgll iii une ai t. i.i v. i: Lui i i i.-r md Vi il ur Hornill >?* : vi- ? ,-.i.-." a two ucl drama li) thoma* Balle) vi 'I'hi.- mid ' rt.ld la..-.'' a I- ;.. i ... h) Jam. Mortlm r. The cast* ni t'i??? pl.ivs will lu , h. le J. ll. *tnddari, Mis* J ,111 vu ur, K. M. liol lani. E. I. Henley, h. I iternu er, Mr-. Bower*. Ww n ri Bell. Miss I'n-la... Mi- I'Hltl) -.nani au I VII Helen I lt ls alli.I Ililli Hie I'll -' 'I VP,/.-. ul P.r-'.dMal ar.I Till ri J eighth st., Will up li ll ts ml April 22 nu ? i _ nhsolutel) novel lu Hil* count rs I* |>nim!s.-j in ihl* form of .- il -ri ithilien . Poul- Mtrli li i. pl,i m.- ! - n itor" In Sea Engl md. tt Ce i nd ni lil* lour .< llnner i > i be riven -,. dm h\ lb Velors' rd?T id Friei <\ In \ testimonial bi lo ls* glV ' i Willi un ll. Ral n i tn gi- manager ol well established reputation, lt .lill occur ,' Ibo Haiti I'M I lie lira un *un lal Illa ' April IPI, lind i..Itltllllt-c iv lr-li -I- Mi.- ali.or III . ,.u-'- ...n-i-i- ,.r A. M. lalm.r. rmi) I .ci U-. Frank Vt. Sang..,-, i . . , Ak.i-| Wt ill .m M. Hunlevy. vp-- Beni rice Moralmid. win lia* I. f..r a lons Hine a member of Miss lime I". Im'- ..unpin.. !. . I >?? ll ell -., -.--I .-. - li nilli ?? unman "I a -'?>? .. lomp-iny, lu pla) in \\ a- !iini.''ou itu- suntnii r, i ?ra,I late ni- aili, i of I ie vniericnil V . I-'nv if the Dniniatlc vu ,ia-- >.f ??..:;. i,,\. --n.d ??ucafemeiii for the culling sen sun, n f.llow*: Mi-- Lia Con ? im si, A. V|. | .Hue l's ci a. Sill) : Ml-* Ila Ii? li--. with K. *. Wlllird ll dieri I. -i- wv. |. |>:in| | Fm man's stock rom pan v; vii-- Cert rude Rivers. Daniel l-r.'h'iian'- lr:,ve|l|ng ci mi na II v : Ml** Vinci ii h ti. aitb E. II. -"" ern ; MS* Bdlt'i Kvelvn. with Kam-iv Morris. T ? Crinia ape lade, i'i- Wonder* ,,f Amerl ?." will t.e p,-.? o'.-I nt Musi li.ll ??!' rtmrsday, Frklm .md Satur lav iVeiilnr* nnd Kiiurdai af tern *nn. i>-i ? T.,,1 pvenlng the tri Kunda) performniiee ,.f (ld* -i-I" I- ai Via i Hall will he given, and Ibe Uriel* will I " reduced for Hil* .? a-l m. l.e Won Hoprx ,"- -. aeon In ?? Wang" i h.*, d lu Wash liigtou last nig't. He and M- rompnny return in "Ve"* York lo viii.rro-i , nnd will l?*gtn al once nh, ur? al- of "Panjandrum," which i- >" h- presented for Ihe Ural Hale ul Ihe Rrnedwa) Theatr. Monia) .v.'Pin.-. Ma) I. The ih. air- will be rlosed for Ihe |l-\! two Heel ?-. Mme, Eugene Pappenhi-lm will give ' .-r fourth annual ronc-rl with h, r beat advanced pupil- on Krlt.iv events-IB ni < ll ki ring Hall. Alexander Comstock, w"*o has been for Hie li-' -.-si-on manager ol ni>I ?'- Harden, baa secured the len.*,. ,.f Herrmann's Theatra for which be ha* I.n negotiating tor nome lime, and will prohihlv up. ll the hon,- i,!,,,,,! vp,v I. Ml t Ellen I'-.-r- will nppenr B* a Blur Bl tl - A,-il-i -' T .air- In Mme. Hir hi.'. I ll-i'- Pin "Kin Kin I des *.l.ka" on Amil IO, and will beenine a mern her of Ibe \. M. ralm-r rompany on Mav I. Vnnouucemenl hn* alreadi be**n made ol the per form m.? tu |,e given tit Mme. Kl.ii lins.- al Ibe Fifth Avenue T'.ia'ie on th" aft.Ttio,,ii nf Amil -'? f,.r the l.en.t;, "f th- Kmt-miT Real -...-|e'v for ?>l I i;.-iii w mini Ihe lt .'lan llospltnl and Ce c .ini-'-u Mnnument Cuni, she will play " Fed ia.'' H'r i i-t perforui'.ii. .? in inls country win be given "" the next nfl. moon. v Children'* Carnival will be given nt Mi- l*?no*t 1.1.,um on Mon lav evening of next wee* ns a lestlmonul to Carl Marwlg on the twenly-dfth '"? niven?n "f 'I- prof.-(atonal r?Teer In New York. DOW STOWS DELWOSICfTS CLOSED. Th- well known Ii.lmoiilci restaurant In Rro-id -t.. baa ca-ci lo exlot M iraa tbmd ve-t.-rtnv afteni'im. ami lt- fiiitii-alni-'- will S- lak.-n 'mt Mils neel,. Th.- building tra. "recently aoM and tbe I>.| .nie lea*.' ran nit v.-l-iday. Although lt tra. the |b*I dav "f til- fain ni- n--,.rt lhere wu* mott hm-ln ?? done there Dan li miny i day la Ibe peat, ant number* Of cell known men af thal part of Mt- city caine to hld **0O?by t" th.* old cslahll-hmcnt. Roth John -imoiii. who im* baan ihe manager for t?'my tive van. and lame- Ayreo, who lia- op cnn .\-ter- lhere ever .-line the nabmr?nt was began, felt blue ul th*- cloding uf Hie pine, und .utily re ! .'? d -torie* ,,r day- g.m.- hy. am! i f UM a*-M_I tuen who bad hen patron. ..f the rt-*taarant. An Interesting feature ..f thc quiet .1 dug via.* the payment of old debts hy men wlw have freqnenledi the place for unny reen, ome >.f Hie lull* rna lack I r Hire* years or and one debt of .-..?'i u..- paid iv u well known bniker. J. M. Hart b-rae smiled Inti the place al 'Ut ii.-."i and toM Mp. stmoiil thal lie had Ix-en lin- ti:--' man t" drink a ..chiall lhere, and thu I lie di I ll .rn Hie [-cuing day. .lutie ",, i?r,.",, tither well known tuen who wera Her.- wera A--i-t..h< Treasurer * Mil.ul N. .1..rilli, .?\- .Hector Tie.11- Murphy. >.\ *???? r-ia.-v tracy, William E. W.lilan:-. R. ft'. ?t. v.-n-oii. R. W. l.-oii.-ird . iid ' idonel John Dae mn. lt i- said Hun Mr. ?:.!--. of the lloffaun ll m-a, will st.H a restaurant lu the -am- n. un- OCI 'Upton bj I', .. _ TWn BENEFITS AT TUE ST '. ? | ff"? ir PE. (?eorge r. pe Yere, the stage manager >-t ihe vv. tl. ? rone Companj. aili . ? !-? mle i ilvi :-.ry of hi- first ap|ieai-inie on Ihe -I:,:-' Bl Ihe *-ar Ihe.tra ,,i Tuesday ail moon, when lie alli have .1 t-enedC Mi. 1 ian- has 1 Ided lo -ive Mathea-* nnd J*?*op*l amusing plaj on l*rcbotloti," which un for tii'tv . . ai li i- In Hie -?? i-.-u. al the 1 ? '.-tit. 'I ka . m.-lian Will lie - u in bl* ?' au, ter nf JoM il -ll-'..-, jud will inti -la VI . p.- V.i. !?iwec:i Ml* n. 1-. *?. the announcement vv.,- made thal Mn. I lan iel Holman. Ihe io.1 p ; i.'a: a. tr.--, was j have ;. benefit al the Hm 'I I u. ti the ? f April -"? viv. crane Im ns-i-iv. 1 m ir. I i:--!-- fr. m. a. tm - m ;.,. ure engel '.- u*> st. Signor ' '"- ni, Hie -.; -a h.. sang with Mme. Catii 11 - 1 ? ii. nat arBtd a i...y a mem!..r ol Mra. Holman ? t recipe, Ip a letter h. Mr, ian. ne .11'i- 1.1 --ni. - nnd ai-.i ?li'i* B clink bil "MOO. Vii-- Vim lia ?? tn- : 1 ill- t in.- ,n ihe ii.tnpativ. and she, loo, write- asking ii 1' all.m.d !o appeal. Th" lill ha- i.e. li almost i ,lllplcl>-d. li- principal f<-alun '-'iii b* the dr* act of -Tho ii rand Duchess." v.:. Crane will pla) his old patt of ,.en. ral Rom, and e' , i'-rugiui will b Pt?x. Mi - Villa Knot aili ls* Hie Pm ti?-. Mi-* Madge le-in.-. Wanda; Frederick !*okimon. Ihiroa hi, i; linn Mardonough, l-tlno I ml, and Mai Pigna*?, N- P --nm . i'i thee Vii-- km\ aol M---I-. s.;,,,m>n. Macdui.rb and Flirt an were seen bi ihe oaten at rn- I'asino. in- Lyceum piay-r* win ulva II e . I ? ;,, t I al I ll" < '!? ,1 ' ni t e." ll-tll'V E. DlVey ...nt Mis* * .:n. r. ill.- will follow, and will be Inftonod lu turu h- Mi? Ih'? Cog! im. who alli i*erlle. Jet?fl I. lower* will p: -ic a -lei h. and Harry Conm -nil sing -The i -wu.' Mr-. Agnes r-...t . will ano*nt Iroason Howard' delightful little plav, "'?l-i Lovg LetlCI ," .:--!-'. I bl I -'? :? ' ?? 'll Irdi . and Mi-- May irwin. Mi - vi ,\ || bson and ih -l\ puppet, fiom "TB9 I . , , and Ihe t upi'.-i-" will nppe ir. Ei'P. TIIF. KSI'.lirr nt FTTWIAS HnllE. M.. I lillian Home Fair will be opened hv < h.iuncef vi. p.-j.. 11 to-morr a evening ai the 1. m.\ Lrceuan, The purpose ol the fair I t.. r..l-< fundt for the .-rec 'lou of a home for tbe Ind rm -aember* and tbe wld >wg ami orphan. ..f the memben "t the Kuigbti af Pythias. .fi,),,**) ii.i- already been liven mut tun fair promt-s lo lu- 11 gr-at sucre -. Among th.x peeled tn I- pi. -eu, 0.1 the openlni night, from BBaal of whom tetter* nf arreptance have keen re* reived, are Qoveraor Flower, Levi P. Murtoa, Willina vi. Kiar,-. Hu?.-u B. ii:nii-"ii. Mayor (Hlray, .luiiue utMeraleeve, Richard (-ruber and C mml.denet Haly. Mr-. i':lami., it, potter win art a. tbe pi.-:ling tSBttW nt the fuir. and Vii-. I aim ll. Mo- i- the pr.- id.-nt of ih>- Woman Board of Managers. Tba I. .uh- win he triangular in lunn and decanted with lb.den of the Older red, \. Hull ill.ll 1 lue. T!Bj Ill?fi of Manage** of Ibo Bidghu >,f Pylbbt* ana airaaged with the railroad- to ratrj vWtora, ut the rnte ol one and one-third far.-, on the ecrtlltcat' plan. Well known ladles have roiunteend their - rvlc, - la pramllag at the I.,* ti.-. SUN DAT WORKERS BABEBB OUT TROW CEUBCW. ?'.Innnilla, 9. >'.. April IS i.-p.ciil.. rile ('harlen* I'll I' d-i id-d a 1 a I ? lat- nu Thin-day night wblrh lil- lil;- to heroin.' hl-t. ii-al. li involve- the questl mi of tba right of panam wet feing an sunday ti be ineinl.i ra nf the I hinch. The particular "a*sf""afj of thi* cii.inii di-iipiiiie 1- Mt-*. sMdae ?_*___ Mini ha- been eugai;.-1 In the lekf?Ml exchange, wini.- h.r -rv ic - are reejnlred tat fur hours oa suudiy. Lari Baooth abe ?a* di-mi-s-d fi-un the second I''lian t'l-nr-'li beean**! An- wuiild not ic-lgii lur p'aie ai tbe t? I? ? 1?' 1 .)-,-? cM-lmngc. she niaile re?ipfBlet tn Ute Pr.-hitery. w tildi la.,, nighl deci-i-'d ag-iiii-t ber i>v a vet.- ..f ?_.> ta 9, An appeal t,, Hie ag?od wa- laban. I?ad night a r.-ilutt.m was Hie .Heit of which I- to har (ruin mcni hersblp In ibe I'n-i.vt. ria,. Chunk ali men and anama who work 011 Mindai. It was desk l-d for dlocUB* -lon at the in .vt im-cuii.;.