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J nb ct lo ^bucrtiBcmcius. 1'iiC. Col. 1 Pace Oat Aanoe?wnta it 4-*|_eet. <fc Meetlnga...!] 0 lianker* ,v nrnltr-i,. ?_? I .', Marriage* \ Death* 7 5-Q -li-tii'-s Chances 21 ?'. Mlacfllancou. .10 3 Buain/>?- Notices . ,i n.'lie. li-at ru meat*, lo Country Board . ll "MlNee IhiMlc.tlono. lo I Dlviusnd Notices., -.'il O'I Ocean sn liner. . .3 it Dividend N..n ??- . lo 1 public Retie .. SS l)-v (.od- .I,) 9 Real l.-t.>t . . .10 l*B Kiimpesn Ad-.2t 0 Kal... l.v Vuction .11 " Excursion* .. 1.) 5 Special Notice* ... 7 ,i CAB?rslOII* .10 2 - i.. liing .,.,..I- .10 2'A Finanr al Meeting* I*"" ;, hum Besot* <.uldcs..1] -' Help Wa",'d.1" I'i st. mi I, al- .. ll 4 Hotel* . I" I" storate .. ll ?? Ice ? r":in . '.';i .". S-i.r Pe-'iit- . ll --1 Inst met loo .......10 1 Teachers .. 10 1 tJnsincsG Moncra. Keep'* Dnna Shirts from Stock, $1 30 Each. Jv'ou ? Inlier al uriv pi.,.-. All -tia- el LiOHitna ..n'.-'-iv MvgtJu-. no'.i and si I Broad war Ol cMiuisitc flavor, note anil wholesome, Dr. Slli.l.lU a AXtiusI L'l.V lUll'l.ils I* a -undard t .Mc iriieecy._| _ iitlUt'Nl. JLIlM-i TO MAIL .SLTlSCl'.llil.lsS. Bingil 1 yr<ir I md*, n mo*. 1 mo. copy. nail.-. 7 dav* it . ..+ 10 00 *5 CO (CV) *! "0 . 1*, wll-iom "?,1,-day.... S (*3 " U*. -00 SO A els. buedav Tribune.. .... 'J (*) IOU 50 .. . 6.:*. weeora 'Iitt.uce . 1 ,H1 . Met*. l?en.i-\V?s-klv liit,. i.e. . 2 00 . yet*. Tribune Monthly . -00 .Meta. Post?ga prepaid by The Jr.bun" exe pt as her, limit.* a,a:cd. (.tty I'ostai.i;.?Th? law- re*t?lrra ,rat a i .ent po*ta**a a_ana )>?? sfii\pii to every tour ,,f the Daily, sunday, or Semi Weekly Tribune, mulled for local delivery tn Hew.Tork Cl"/. Tt.t-. |.i**age meat be pu ld by tub* scriber. Beeden are itt r oerved by buying Uieir Trihcne fKrr. a aewid, aler. FORi'iuN pnsTAui'.-Ti. all foreicn eeuatrte* (axcep*! < ansln and Meileo 8 centB i copy on Th- Sunday Tr.bane ; 'J reata a mpv on Dally. Sen.I .We -?lv ami waefcly. 1_B ntaltiii mn*' ba i*!d by Buhot it ber. RFMITT.vM I'S.--Kemi bv Postal <ir<1rr. ?xpl*-e* Ord'r. ,'hsrk, Drat) or Beat-4ef**j I/'t'er. 0*h or I*?it?I ?fate, if --nt In mi onragiMcred letter, will bo at ti.o ottni-t't risk. ii\et?3_tnrk Orita wAlxxnt FOUNDED BY HORACE GREELEY SUNDAY, APRIL 19, ISM. TWENTY-FOUR PAGKS THE SEWS mis MORNING. Forkn?'Hioro WU mon* riot in;: in Belgium, with (-?-.eml fights -rtrikefi ind Iroopn. ?=-_=: M. llukttcli. tin* iu'W Servian Tri in,' Minis? ter, aiiiiomici-'. thnl th* policy "f iii" i.ovi'iinu.iit Would ti'ii'l to p store order ind security iii that country. ____? The new Cunard steamer Campania on hejf trial trip is sui i t.. dave nnde the tautest btm'"] ^vci iiM.'tin.'il li.v :t ll*-aiiisliip. =-= Tho ]lull Sliippins Federation r.-t,i ?-I tin- (lomat*ill "f Hi" li.ick lal i.r.'rs: it hs felled that the strike mav ?pn-i'il t" ..t 1..-1- port*. li.'ti'ial Lolzillon, the Ffraeh Minister of Wnr, nnpointed a ennui**' io to investi. it" the melinite s.-ain!;il. Coagreea.?-The Senate adjourned sin** iii", aftet ri'fa-iii.: ti- allow a vote on the Roach C-f-e: the ruminations of .Jos. ph S. Miller a* Commissioner tri Int.-til tl Revenue and otu. rs were r.-iiiv.-1 and coniii n.i-d. __???________?. Doini-siie- 'Ih"'." v\.'ie no ace-Moiis to th" flis-t in Hampton nn-n from som" <.f the warships ha I a l>oat-rine; thc young iv..non al th" Hygeii -five ii "-orman for tin- Xnva] oftioer-t -____ Tomatoes ili,l much ,lamas" in tli" South thorp was now in this Stat", <?hi-i ind Michisra*!. -=-r? Inpoiinnl tests wein tnade of a new gun at Hirds), r.'tin. - Thomai ll. Dudley, ex Coninl tti Liverpool, iiic.l suddenly at Cnntden, N. J. r* * ? Thc "Albany Ar*ju?" etvm was argue I lefote Jadge Puke, al rUngaton, ind S. ll. sharp" wa* ippointed icier"". ? =? - The t ri ttl of tho new cruiser Ik-tioit WM Ignln po-rtpot?#ed. City in*! **ii'iiiriiii*i.?'>rili-rs were reeeived frotn WmbhMftoti it the SulvTieaaury nuapending t!i" Issue of gold f-ntins**ltei,-The Duke of Vor-ir-'i'i nn<l his party irriveil "tere yeaterdajf M thp Nevv-Vork: they vv.-!.- vv'i-h'oiii" I at i,)niri,i tine hy (oin:Mndet Di' k ins: Mayor iiilri.y pf "sontrs'l t!i" fr."'l"in of tlie 'itv to th" Duke Thins for tlc new Metropolitan Opera lions.- were given not. lJi-eii-ions of the rapid transit extenaion hy lin* Manhattan Hallway Company, -_-_r: r. Suffern Tailer um i Mi-s .Man,le Lorlllar I wen' inarri"'!. T! r Weather.?I'ori'ia-f fof to-?ajr: Fair, with viin.-ii.!" wiipl*. Te?iperaturt' jrentei lay: Higlicnt, 4-( ileeri-*-.*: lowest, 41 ! hmm-', Ci '.-". Covet od with dhdtnnor, tho lleniocratic 111 ? ? - j Mtv i f th.-1 'nit,' 1 Stans Senate h i* adjourm .1 i's sp rial ""etalon. In violation <>f all ,1 ("in-.v it ha* pr ' i le-iiiir. !i.-.| stall-m iii. q i uilv li'iisi:'" I" allow an inv.-ti^ilitni ihaij*,* ;i*-ii:i-* Koach, bul li During bim with tho chaim: h.shi|> nf a Sena! ? committee. The l>c-m<n.M* determined t, shield him at nnj ci wt, ind reins '? ?' by the Republicant ttith n i I, _' ii : t::i| on liav li i-:i forced ingl ii.;n*lv lo li .ii ri l.;:*tv tctreat. Since they ital ind :i<*iil in d'-ditnor, no "ii" can regret thal c. ? 1 ody ba<* adj* uroe I. ? ? ? Yisi* ul iv was a 'lav ,f nntiKiia] impoi*tam*e to our ".ninn t-. m* vvll a* t ? iii.- disciplea ol Iznak Walton in thia citjr. I ir it "waa the open iiisi ol tlie trout scasiii in the K*mpire Slnte. a:.*l .is n-i.'al the eveBl nrai *i^n.ili^'l bj thc arn::.'i! exhibit! n ol thal mn*: dainty and deli rate flivcinl ol ail ii*h at Pulton Market. Al thoii'-h mi a I"** extensive ><-i!(- than in rormer -cats, the dispbo- was an exrellenl <ni". and it tr.: ct il btise *"ovm!s of people, who teemed pr.i'l.' mi, r, -i*-<l iti the lin*' tpecimena -il t.ont. b ;h alive and drad. th;it vv.n- cn view. Brooklyn'i police itandt apparent]; in a* much ipoI ul a thorough epoTRtmlt,ation a* it ri'. 1)--| arlin nt. the i*"tefflc.ency <>f which led Um in-itiai:*'? ?? mpaniea "recently to inc"ri*aae thc ii-st i.f tin ii i i-ks in oui -U;,'i city bj nome ?.'.? per rent. The fut thal bo lesa than twenty Inn friaries wore reported yent id iv tnornin*! a liavi:;" t.iki n place on the other *id ? of th" "nat Illidge during the previous night .scin? to Indict! i ;i depli rable remis*tnea-s on the nari *f Hi(< il. li n's "iiip*i." .-mi under the circum aiances t'-c acrion ol Sii->,-iint -n*I'-i>t Campbell in r adiiii ye-terday a sever letture t' the e-il'taitis nnd'r hi* command can only ho re gnnlcd as entirely Instill d. ? ? ? Tie ImiIv" do Veragua*-to when Tin: Tris ink IcBde'i tl," a-*aui_ncei of it* dhtinguiihed c* nKidei-iii()ii-:.i'iiv,-d in \ew-Torh .M-stcnla.v and "I- Kt-civci with al! ih" hunns, c, meral ll'ra*e Poftte tri the Tiii/'-a*' ('unniiti" ? vv 1 (s)m**l hun to thc rnitril Statr- and to its in* tr* >p I El, and pmcnl d him with tho freedom of rho ejty. The tioncial **poke with his ao itiRtoiiio I felicity arid tho Duke undo a giace ml ns, o'l-c. Later in th<- day ,)?, in?-t,i?as gii'-t was i rest nt.',I v\i;h tho ro.*X>Iuttoni adopt i*i by t'c I'.ard < f AI'I"iiipti exprraaivg of thc cit.v's hi;s|ital)lo intoniioiis. and was th." ie oipie;:t I f Other fiicndl.v at'.cntions. Now that this Uin*iiia:i of tadnnihii* is one of us, tlie ?voik f ?"?liing ready forth,' |_tfpo-h*itsi ought lo lie |j isbsd with f-nat"!- zeal than evoi. Tho ,idk*'"o blieb-U teams haw taken tho liclil and aro st;<>,vjncj gp m unusually ?;<khj f?)rm for this time of thc ve ir. The nine-; at Yale. Harvard and l'rii;<"*t<>n pi, misv to j-iv, a god ar tint of themselves, and tho hatti-s for the c Hog* champi B-hip will b- tnt rc t ins thnwKbout. When tb? undci-aradtiate rule was ad pt :l ll Val" and Prim: "on th" Opinion was generally expnsaed thal thc Harv aid crim -on would have a walkover, The yoting ath Ictts ;it Vale and Princeton, however, np*-*?ar to bc made np of t!)-- right tori of *titn. ind tlie chane-s are ihat the crimson will nit have, tho easy time _nt*eipated. I la sol ml I j* tho sport to bring out i ho young bh-od. Tho i:ro:hoiho,,d revolt illustrated this, and the ondergraduate rule makes it the more con* -pi,-it,ms. _ U.I Mi ISO OS I" ROACH. Tho Senate has adjourned without taking, action in th" case if Senator RtXach. Th.- I lom oe ra tic mtmbcrsarentill in great cn,oin aboul ih,- lau. 'I lc .v enacted a ni" t diverting com? edy on Friday, when Roach, who hui sa? silent in his -eat for the Ia-i two months under cn dilioa* that wi ul.I hilve made any min in whom h.sal ,1 the -nilli*>r instill.! oi honor tquirm with humiliation, made the calm innouncomcnt that ho desir ,| thc icsoluti >n ol invotigati >n lo pis-, and thal bc w mid long ii"" have made such a rcqucsl had he nt leen n -t rain, ii by the adv icc ol' friends. " Thc a Iv ic ? of friendi!" Think "f it! What friend advises an inn-rent man t> lit itilJ un'ier a shmncful imputation? What friend nugg nts t i I mau who has done no n*rong that he -il ntly endure "reproach f n so much as thc fi act km ol' a second? Hut even in declaring al so 1:1 a div that ho wished th" mvestigation io proceed, Itonch tmiil" ni formal protestation of innjcenco. Knowing that th,- "-coords in th" office of tin Controller of the Cutrency identified him ia the Citii ii- Hank defaulter, and contained a ("millee st ry i.f hi- oil mc, li ?? omi.I n I very well have done go. Still, lu* silence simplifies tlio i-siic. lt 1 BVet iii" iK-nio, ral* *t in lui", on an admission of guilt and a pl, i thal becausc it had to di with a crime cjmmi'tcd prior t i the dale ol Roach's election, iii" Senate i- un? able to inquire into it. For thc honor of the countryi Im' cspectally f r tlc honor of th ? Senate, wc rrgrrt this disgrac.-fnl partiiaii p*? sition. The Democratic party will regret ii. Th.- Democratic Sonat tn will regT t it. They will live t i learn thal thc peopl ? <>i th" Pnit d Slates despise them for th" course they hat taken in thi* matter. If, winn Roach's roc/:d wai lii-t exposed, they had hon nably demand , d that he | nov" his inn cc nee or resign, notify - iii}.' to Ilim lluil if h" fail"'! to do ci thor oil" thins "i tho oilier th, v would vote as a party for his expulsion, they WOUld have e .III Uland d the rcipect , f th" people and a degn.f c mi dence in the general "fortitude cf their Intcn iii ns which would have commended their act I n ,n all pan si,i i|ii<stions a* -,c I a.-i sincerely rn, ant f r the country*! good. They have I"*' a groat opportunity to bc men and patriots, and tiny rtand out n I merely a- partisans, but a men ti win iii the political power of xii** tiwi men! is of greater value than tl*.- respect tl owe 1 ' limn elv.-. ii the great body of which they are mi mbt rs and i<, thc Xati m. The people understand the Roach m it ? pretty well. Kxpreased in a sentence, i; is t'o Roach his fcminiit <l a crime f? = i which, had U- not escaped punishment by flight, he w.n.! I have l" en sentenced t" penni servitude and forever deprived of th" right* d' citizenship: Inn li" is one of a v.;.\ narrow Democratic mi ji.iit.v in th-- Senate: h.- wa- elect il IV rn < Reptiblican State, and by a R publican Legi* tvtiire, under c ndition." that just if* thr-grat -t siis|i,i,.n of th" methods t i which rcs ri n had to elect him ; il expell* d, he would un doubtedly be luccecded by a Repul lican, and ih-- Demociatic Senators refuse to considt p th i ac as one in which any action can be taken. Every ritiz'-ti f the L'nited State, should le put in possession of these plain, undisputed fa ts. Mil. HLOISE IN HAWAII. C. ininissi .uer l: l< ni tit has performed an ?, in Hawaii which ,an be described in ii" oth-i wa. than a* involving National humiliati n I", rtiinat Iv f >r Mr. Ul mnl and f* r the Ad h" teprosenta, Ins act of hanlin)) down tl," American Hag from the (iovenun'-ni building et Honolulu does not render a chang* <.f th" situation there necessary or imminent ll bas lu 'ti suppos?d i.i thin country lhal Mi liloiiiii was *n; ii Hawaii as an iave tigat n lt wa* imf supposed th it lo- hal been * ul t rebuke ind humiliat* thc American Min itet wh ? bas so well guard* I oin int n st- thor ? in the presence <f the pecijJn a-mong trlmm hi* dutii- had been p* rforim d. In thia asp -I \\ Mount's art. il |> i f >i m. -1 ;i* a iii itt i .f dis eicti'.n. na* disgraceful. All thu waa n -atv in order i" rendel the relations nf lh< Hawaiian G ?vernmenl viiili mir laovcrnnr-ni sufficiently independent for Ihe piir]-oses of n negotiation had been acconiplishcd by - ctetiry Poster's letter, indicating Ihe extern i" which our prote* lion cotild properly bc offeri il, Po, Mt. Moimi to "o oul then', presenting hims li a* the superior I Minister Stevens, and foi hui t" pinei-l to disavow and und . Ihe ..Iii. ia a,t* nf tlc Minister. ponding, at least, the final determination by titi- Administration "I t',' matu question in relation t> Hawaii, wi- a 'pec'acle "I part ism politics that can hu' ron der ''Ur Nation <?? ntemptible in th" ey, - of th. wi.rid. Mr. < 'loveland's method of dialing with thc Hawaiian affair has been, from the Iii t open t> -".ions , titie -m. We have avoid d saying anything abotit it, because we have as -urned thal no intelligent and patriot ? Am t tan, who studies the question conscientious!* ami on whom ls thrown the rosponsihilit* i.i laking ur rejecting Mich an offer a. has rom lo ti-, eau fail, seine:- u later, 1.1 see bis duty as President Hani- n san it. ind on mei qiiotii ns of nc thud we hiv ? l-lt that Ihe ip">\ Adinini-tiaii m was entitled t i til" Urges! lan iud". li mus; be apparent by this t Hi", however, that Mr. ( loveland is pursuing a p lin fraught with groat danger. Tbe embassy "T Mr. Illount ua- ii-ele-s. ipi matter bow it is looked at ? and conducted ai he i- conducting it. nothing Im' hana can "result. There wa- n i occasion to send him or anybrdy etsi to Hawaii for information lu,-ai'se ail th" information that eould possibly li" oli*?lined was immediately ai hand. Tin Government potmeisod, not mei ly the state iiients of the Hawaiian (' mini*.i,mci * who sought annexation, though it is known thal lho-e stat mein- weie in all respects complete and exact, Inn it had also the views of the monan hi, al party ? iitmiinieat'd hv thc Queen-i representative and of the native de incut txttrnmunicit d by one of th. m.elves Bette* than all else, ir had the < flic'al report* of .Minister -levens and of our naval rifficcra at pii-eiii and formerly -tin.mid m Hawaii. these there was no occasion t . "... -, that in 'he h i-i doubtful phase of hi* errand ir was ns, leas. h appears, however, that he has been intrusted with power io do (binga that may seriously affect the qui ttion of anncxa lion. Alteidy ho has sure - del in eiuliiii *. lng thc progrofi of our liter-cat"*. Annexntion i- ;i Butter which tlc President i- not entitled lo decide without referenc t i C*9ngre*'S1 and it is nc: a *eenily proceeding ti .end nut a (oinmis-ii ii in-ti noted to i-mlia, ta.s th" ne giliitioii in advainc of .-, ric ii a "ii the patt of tho ('ovorniip-n; in all it* branchei as t i the d)-*ital ility of th- allia :... So far as Mr. HIo-iih's int urti n- aid par* poses can be fadged from hut ad*, he has cam to Hawaii to bring about i failuie of the in nexation movoment. Ile has given the ^a waiiin- win. accompliihed thc revolution and whi brought ti. an unconditional uffci of the islands with ail their iplendid n--.mii"- ind prtacnl wealth to understand thal th j aro oh juts nf suspicion. They lind thal insult an I distrust ate the reward of advancing Amerba-i ;n''io-t-. Un thc othei hand, thus- whi have ip].I tim-" int 'i-e-t-. whi have sought lt lin.mot*- th.- interests of another foreign Power, or tn givo "\", ih" Maud- again t' supersti? tion and barbarism, lind their hopes and plans -n-t limd hy tho conduct "I thia American Com? missioner. Fortuna! ly, it w unlikely that this misshapen diplomacy will amount i i anything. No want of appro, htion or of patri tic impulse . a Mr. Cleveland's part ran in tlc end prevent the realixation of the natural ueatiny ,,f Ha? waii. The interference d' iiiother Power in Iho affairs ? f thai country would not be tolcr it d by th-' American pe, pl" or their Congrt ?? whatever might lc Mi. Cleveland's diposition, and the support ,.f g me Power fr un beyond the .-ea Hawaii is I...un I li obtain. " TUA I MAS neon N." Il ats now from Washington on the vernal air an odor nt of gunpowder. Not pronoune**d and well defined as yet. bul nor! ol saltpctcry and premonitcry, like that of the rat smell by -ir Hoyle li che, which he-aw "floating in thc uii" and pr 'I'"*' d to " nip in the lind." The Hon. l-i<ha E. Meredith, who ropicaents in Ccngr ? the Virginia diatriet adjoining Wash ington, where so much gunpowder wis burned during thc war that tin- -111- ll of n fa i* n I yet d' 1 ail- ,1 fi om tl," garments "f *iti/.ens ind the iiinvi'i-atn'ii "I leading slat--limn, is mi th" warpath f, 1 thc acalp of a clerk in ihe office nf the ('.-mini-.i mi- of ih" DUtrid of Co? lumbia whom he d' with th" iproading 11 -tiii- ami 1 icrcing H101I of th" wart .1 - going imo haul" a- "that man llrown.*' The ll,n. Mr. Meredith having formally de? manded ih" lem-.val fpun his clerkship "I "that min llrown*' on th" ground 'ha' eight years ago he made remarks of an linc mnli mentaty character concerning Mr. cleveland, and th-' C mmistioners not having t*e*mpliod wiih tho demand as promptly a- he thought they ought, waited upon Commissioner Parke* in a state "I mind, and in tin- manner d' a man uh., thinks*.ho ha- been mil d with want i| io kunu why. Ali inteiesting ind tomewhai exciting <? lloquy ensued, which was ropori d :n a \\ fishington news] ip r. A e irrfing t" th;* 1 |".;t ih ? Virginia -t ito min tin ? ati'in d uni"-- In- demand wa- run I li..| with to take th" ra-" t ? the President. Whereat the Commission'-r taid he wa- "not i.i l.e bulldozed in' > putting any man out "f iffire"; a kind "f remark which, tinder thc I . -. nt Vim;",-: 1 ali 11. is ti '' I" ' i' lat all I rn* ??:. I h.' Il ii. Mt. Mci Milli tin ll -nd that if ho did gu t - th" White ll use il ? ubi In for "biggei -*ame" than llrown. The, -:r. i-a iam rapidly appri-aihc-i personal it ios, "I cam ? herc a- a gentleman.'' said the -: 1' -mm. " e\ I'. tia.-1. n.t a gentleman, and I ?ay ti you n m that yu cann t bulldog'* 11: ? r il her, Thi* man llrown hi- '-.?..: logo, and I want you to lllldorst.l!ll] o'." Wl.i. li -""iii* at In-' lill.-ii :: ti .11" (>??:. mittori. He: 1 1 -I ntl- the -'a: -arm know h.- lights, and knowing dared ni mit mu. IL- na- u!t?'i the scalp "f "that mm llrown." Il" kn u lr- w 1- entitli d :?. u und 1 the I lcm I catie G 11 -1ni. li rn .1' < ii il -.1 -. I ?? fl* i 'i m ind h.- im- mi ;?' h ii-- n. Friend*: mt- rjo* d in the intereat of pi ice and. 01 lor (nong re -t ired, th" * "tum;--: >'."i i> mail,, d thal he dui II t Ilk" t.? I,.- |p| 1.1. h.'.I ni -oi '1 p.a. ui| ; ll la-hi n. 'mi ta,' he was willing t> wit biran anything hi- had said which th" -'af -mm con lidded ill"ii-i'.'. lint th" -tit--1 in -?...I mi his dignity and refused any roncossion in r, turn, ..a wii !i t'i-- <' limn- ; .:i.-i f .11 illy ?-.? ith di, w hi- 1, ii act i< a. li th were in a state "f mimi whieh doe* nt p rmi! thc in sion "f formalities. The ! i-' wi ttl of the -t t -min ?,ia ? th" atm iillo-ni ut : " I nu ri 1 ly t ? an -mm br what I have .11 I at any pla.'o whi-n ,t may -mt 1 ur 1 ? iivcnien, -." That line 1 f remark 1- commonly nnd. rsto -I lo m. an bl -"'I Ubi I p -noone ,1b 1 Iud ! ni* draw n and ? in liing, li 1 ? . in*, |iientl* thought thal the Virginia statesman hos m i'i il I awn hun-. II l?i som*' plaro in tim u 1 ?_? 111, ., im d, whee- cotiimuni. Hi ns of a wa, ike chu noter can reai'h him n .t1 nil dang 1 ol twin - intercept -I by Ihe (toll, . au.I hi- begun pra lising tiring ai 1 muk. s. lhal when the I lt . omes f 1 Hu- Anal * ttl< iii nt "r th ? bulMozin; ijie -luui ho can li" all ai.Himl lu- adversary m such a way a- t 1 avenge hi- wounded ii 11 lilli mt din."i t . anil, dy bul Ihe spei-t liol ? M. anl im, " 1 bat man llrown," the inn, c iii cause "f Un nar, is said I 1 lie digging away it h.-daily duties josi a- I hough nothing hod hap) "ip d. THC Lilli lins <U MR. KRUGMAN. Ta*' r i 1 ii a I' aa appin- nu foi menthol ship in a club 1- lineally au incident which cone tn. tmly a fd p"-im-. and whi h noithei attnets 2- iii'ial all nt: n 11 1, pi 11 koa di' 1 ussam. I be 1 ji'i :.",i "I Mr. Thc si re - lig mau li.- the I nion I.i ague 1 tub 1- a 1 excepfi ti to t'.i- rule. Th" tm min"- ?f thal irgnnira ti n are 11.1l 111 ally r ti. ut a- t ? tin ocouirc.'lc ?, bul Iii nigh many of thom may 1 gi 1 thc pul. licit* which La- le'ii given ti it, there aro probably very few who leaily consider the tn.i iii fi -1 -'.ii m of popular inf 1 11-1 iii tin- mit ter either surprising 01 impcttincnt. Hy th ? ii. uin-tam rs of it- fi und.iii. 11 and it- own r u-t nu anl delil crate choic ? the I 'ni rn Lea".a- ililTeTS nub ly and 1 - - ? ? 111 j. 111 \ fi nt in wi iluli-. 'i isici exclusively rn mainly a private i- -11 -iation, existing for Ihe mere purpose ..I host ow ing \: 1, i: u - lii'ii.-lii- upon it- in-ml. rs, lt na- f iiiul'd primarily lo serve a groat pul. lie taus ?thc |i -? .-iv at ...11 ..f the Inion? and it ha*-ie 1,lil.\ in uni iitp'ii ih original principle t its v\'u len '?. Al the outset ifs n ? * m f rr I eine- me a-a ri ly identilied it with Ihe I;, pul. ii< an paiiy, and the cm rsc d' eva ni- ha. m di fled in only a slight degree it- political rela lions, lt I- t -day, a- it alway- has biron, an iggressive and influential exponent of If -pub iciiiis,p. || aims lo be, and I , a Iii"" extent -. tin- representative of the party in this city, 1 - mi" ' f Kepubliean in-pit iii m and 1 centr f Uepublk-an activity, lt has mt been forced ni" tin- position, hut has achieved lt, and is ii-tiy proud 'f it- -pc tal pie-eminence. lt Iocs not shun bul courts observation. In ac ?U'laiu" with the will ..I a groat majority "I ii- members it maintains an active political pr. paganda, take- -art as 1 unit in even im [tottan! politica! 1 .mtr vet-sty. anr| desires t.. Koroite all th. authority which its character md 1 putatii 11 i) ihiially give ii. Pndei the o riiciims'ances the I 'ni m League anii't complain winn (he (millie m.inif.-t - a ively iili. re-t , "tlc | nil)',' ", cm Iviic ?* within be i-iiiiihitis-. whi.h. though they ire in ene en-o 1 f a piivat.- raturr-, ir ? novertbeh -* ter ain t 1 have public cons 'queue -. Th. r ? i*. i>r j,- uise. a -iii,- ly private side to the lifo oi tho Union League, with which its membeni only .ave am m-ea-i .a t 1 .'i,iii-."ii th tn-i'lv'*: lint mv lng,s| delib rafi n a cont] icuoui aiblic rule, it hai Ehereby forfeited Ute ci vim o perfect i**-cr* ey and -eelu-ion upon which must ethci clubs aic eiitiricl to uukB, Fur thr-rinore. it cannot expect, tshoogh it might do ? ii". to be thc - le Judge ii ' ' Hu- propriety of makin'.' public or con?aling specifle arts. When it a-k- the *? immunity I' ' ?-*-0 portindar n te . f what it i- doing at one moment it virtually aiithoii/,s thc c mmunity '' dot rminc for it ., If whether or not it Khali be t itally oblivious at inother nuiment. A general seine of de roney can be -afoly cotinted "ti f" prevent im pcrtinent intnmion. The." e miiderations, vee do n t doubt, have dim weight with the aio?t Judidoui members of the lui .n League Clubs an I we think that they should lino !"? recogBiacd as having a 1 lu. ader api ..cation. Inaamuch tu the i lub de* -u?* and claims t i li" a rcprtl?ntative and e\ p ip n; cf li.publican prlt'.oiples and pull, hs. it i* under a -tr,.nu obligation to ein*id< t what I effect its a-ts ai?? likely. I ' produce within rh" Itepublican party, and upon tho wi,I r circle j from which th,- party amisl gain ii* rceruiti. Tho reject! n "I M"'- r>ligman for tho nason thai, though a man of high character and re? pute, li" is :i II'Ih'W cannot escape observa? tion and i tight not i i <?- ip" censure. Its In? evitable tendency B.uat l>" to alienate ? hug. and excellent element of the population, up n nh. se sympathy and gi ncro-ity and activity thc Republican patty han hitherto mad,- large 1 (hafts. ll may li" minuit".I that thi*. like .?very other eh mep.t in our '?'mp -it" citizen? ship, e rmpris* - tiiiim-ioiis individuals by whom it is iii a mcasiii" din reditod, and from who'-i every club i- entitled ;., protect itaelf. lt I* fur tim oxpio-s purpose of disetiminating be? tween ap) lu ant- that committeei on admis -i n aio *? nititiited. A club which icoki I ? bc a purely private institut bm, pn -irving a- far as possible the characteristics ami privilege! of a family circle, may perhaps fairly claim t the governed exclusively hy the nisheiof its mem iii'is: th. ugh even th ii iu th" matter of elec? tion! th*' lati-mal and logical di-e; imina'i ul lt a* to individual, and not a* I ? rae -. lint thc I'nion League Club is not men an i nsf it uti rn. Its claims a* a party instrumentality constitute au obl'gati, n t ' thc pani which it cannot just? ly igm i" at its ..wu discretion. Tho Commit ree on Admissions, win thar InfliK-nced by this consideration or bj :i purely pcroonaI reg nd f r Mr. Scligman and f i th" honored membf-i whoso -"ii he i-. tc linn nded him for olcc timi, and it i- to be deeply regretted that a minority of the club rejected him upon grounds ." narrow and in a spirii si utterly a' varian,? with its nun tl adit ion* and willi th" spirit nf ih ? \ni"ii an people in '..'mi iii and th" Rcptlh lien patty in particular, whoso terqper and I u: | ('a.- . Iud a-.inn.-. I" rcpn t nt. ll El SH DISESTABl ISHMI SI. Tho interest which Anglican < hurrhmen an taking in Mi. llladstonc's "Welsh Suspeniorj lull" i- due n rt ... m i.'i t . iii.' intrinsic imp r ta-.f th it lull a- I . th.- belief that lt |> .1 tends in attempt t" th" Knglish t hm. h in the n >t distant future. Til, ti bj the justi,.- ,,f Welsh di--til.i -hui'nf would I"' > un* ?!? tl i.i i'i i faur hm. n not blind . d I.;- pulisan pi jud e i f r th" Anglii ut i huicli in Wah- i- an exctics it it li"t the i hun li raf th-- -- ' mass of th" pe sple, an I ovi ii though the esl tblishm 'iii i* n i ni re a I'a: I. um rn try ligim nt imp sing no p, cuni ny I,ind.:) "ii il," |.**-oph-, . m.lid l hiirchliicil nm-; idmil thc iniustii ? i I 'hu- dielaiing au alien , hiiit-h t" I ?? ' il" Church"' "I th.- country. Th" - ..f a Church by the State assumes tim obligation - f every "ti ? t ? beenme a, member "f th" Church - i established. And ih ugh nowadays such an assumption i- n th? ing in, i,' than ai empty ti. mn iv .ii in ling land, it t- every ye u lie* mting rn ?re mt derabl, io ,h" I ii--:ti-. nh . rlaim lo outnumbet the ' burch, anl who do largely out number it in Wah-. Kui m spite il th it fut Knglish Chun hmen | an- I.if. il. op] osii _? Mi. ,. ad-t 'li"'- mild lull. wi,i,-I, .hs. not eill f- i Welsh d - -t unlit. Imt -.lily li the -u-p. ti-mn "f all ap I. mitti*' it- t.. digniti, - an I hem flo - tn Wal t ' ? nt 11* i.'.' in a ami laymen ac makin"* u t mil.munal ny tu ii-ligj. u- pro j il di..- Mi. U lad slime i* denoitnceil in much th' it.tay a.* le- wi- when he lu night in tin I hill f..i th ? di*.- tai'lihimiit i f the Irish Church i few*years agi. At thu time he wa- assailed a. a i Mei < f thc liish Church, and one ti' ry . h i "i man wit te a pamphlet in which be proved that N|i tiladsl 'tn- was th.- beast ilc**<*ribed in h" \p<. a!y | - ? th* ugh t' 'Lt un the tu,nih a .f th. l.-a-t lhere given he was obliged to L| retiii th" feminine I rm of thc definite article ludo ie the statesman's nani" translated into Un pk. >" al i'i" pi ??'?nt in iii.'ut the Prime Minister i- held np t. public exet-ratbm a* a i rilegioits wi etch, who M is s liing tim ('hinch in Wah-* I, i thiily v les, ju-t a- it- great Ma st?i ua* sold li thirty pieces of silver." Xor is th.- ' pp siti.iu c mtining itself * > wrnds. 'll,.- Ai. ld ish, |h "f Canterbury and York hav, I decided ti hold n |oinl meeting of th.- lim.'. I of I. ii lie a ol li th |.!..i tu '-. IM I.mid n a: ?\ h.:-uniiil". Al thi- meet iii"- each of the eighty nine unhd n.,nii - ol' lin- Chut.ili will li" tepr * ui'd by fm Church wardens. This great gathering, which will in-tim Hrst uf the hu,.I -'in" l.M'.'. wira the Thirty nine A it kies were promulgated, will bc e-illed together, not to timsider tin ipiestion ? f Welsh disestablish mont mi its merits, but ti rondemn any dis . si ihli-him nt nt all a* a ,|--.|j uioii of the (lunch. Thi* i-ii, um-t.ui -.? i* signitteant, f i ii thous lb- dignitiriis of the English Church io lc to h- ld by theil prejudices and pi p.i ves'ion* that they are unable or unwilling t weigh candidly the ai gu men ts in favot ol dis establishment evin when, a- in the ea*" ol Wale*, they ire unanswerable. Thc meeting will doubtless lie in -t res|iee-tulile \ but a- an answer t" the deaire t i repair the injuatice in volved in an established Church in Wales it will imt I" iiitth I tn any more considciatbm than ai" tim wild -hiuk- .d' iago which am now being utter ,1 against Mr. Gladatonc. Nu amount of noise and fury mi th" part nf tho Churchs highly raid dignitaries can do more than delay disestablishment, mt -uk in Wal s luit in Kngland and rJk-otl md al- . A .--tal ? C'liuch i ? oppos.-d Ul tin- spirit of Um age. lt i- caleula!, d I" wmk | o*erioiis iiijtistii" to larg" numbers of people: and a many Chm ch men will ltd mit, it does m ? ? hann than god tu tie- (lunch established. Th Knglish pt ipi" arc slow t> overthrow an old instit .ti ui : Imt t.' cit s n-e of justice j* itrong. and it will n t permit tin tn t ? tulcrat ? for mani m .re yean th- anomaly of an Lstoblished Church which fully half of thc pcoplo repudiite. lt may I'" I'-iii'tnl'"."'i that lara or three yen., ?go |*on<*f'i*OW c uii" uii'l.-r the Icu ?f .,,m,. ,,r tl.iiicitimial .mth'iiti.- in Brooklyn who 'nail,mined that "Th" Itttihlim ..I the Ship" isa-. mt a propel 5o**nt t" I"- read m- atudicd in th. ?ilu...;*; vi-, in llCt, of a m.rt tn bring a din.I: tn the chek ..I th-- Voung I'm-mi. u?. iniidonl 'i".i:.'l i -.ii:-;.I.-rn' lc lt ir, tt"t mily m 111 > ? ?. 1. li u. 'ut ti ri.ujii-ut tho country, lt wonld tuturall-,' t" -upi,. arti that th.- Su|.eiint.ii.|.-iit ,,f Bahoola In thal city, wh, iva* rc*p msii.l,. i..r th.- iHeotliin ol thc |).,.-tn r.-l.rri-il to, vu.nhl hun. | | W|?| ?, li thu, ,.,h, ie,,-. ? ll" ha-. I?,.,v,,,t| ,?,.? ? Indbetrrot aa t?. ,*"l""t for tritieal maiflai far the pres nt t..r,n ii i.Heal w..rk hv ,,i?. Waite] Scott entitled, -Th, i,;?iv ot ti,!. Uke,? ,,.n,t,\ , 'lueiicc is that dm mmbtr of th" Baird ?f Educ*. I (ion has perused tho work, mid bus t-.timl that it crifitnins a not** wttfeh. in bis judgment, calls lor tin- aupuioaalon af tho poe?t, aa far ns the Brooklyn school! and i?hool children are tJOB '-. rneil. 1 h" Sch,ml ( oimnission**n* und princi? pals in our lister city an- ;i queer nnd interestlag inf. First, Longfellow, then Scott; what famous pis't wi'! I" tin- next vi "tint'.' Mr. Croker has opened his* ra'inr* season sur esstully. Ile Ilta.V well be proud of his pICeful lilly Vorkvillo Belle, one of tho nin-'-t I'tilliant licautti's anl stiir- nf th,, fail. The Hell*' earned Mr. ('ri'k.'r's c.ih.r- to the front in lin** style af i:ii/al..'tli in th" Ont rac- in which tb-K Miora hav.- ei er h(*en (semi. Mut if Mr. Croker eau lastly take pride in his stable "f rac-hoises, li? lias little to boasl of in lu- Tammany delegatl in at Albany, tn his Tammany Hoard of Al-i.-rnc-n, in hi* Tammany Kapi.I Iran-it (?"ininis-ion, in his Tammany Mayor and in his Tammany city iiiis^overiniient. _ One "'.v-Vork City appointment bas lieon iiiiid", f UT for Tammany Hall to derive satisfac? tion from it would coom to !>?* ahotit as diflieu'.t an operetiou a* th" extraction of sunbeam! from cucumber!. The conmii-simiers sent to thk* country by Thc Lancet" of London mike a i-c-ssutrl-ng report regarding the water which will be avail able for the us.- ..f visitors to Chicago this simmu-r, atti."Huh in their opinion ir <an ls* drunk with safety only alt.-r hoing liltercd and Iwlled. The oonclu*i-ina drawn bf this emi? nent journal may he acci-pted without hesitation l.y all interested, and they Ottght to li" aetetl ? n by the i.pie Of C-l-**fO lad the Fair nian a.'er*. One Important tngieat*ion of "The Lunct" ll thnt water which has 99** eoofatd bf direct contact with lee In our Western metropotfa is p. I..- viewed with suspicion. Of course it is ea-y to c.?,| water v.'.tlioiit putting iee int" it, ind the di-tiiiftmn between lee-cokl water and Iced wafer should I"- maintain'-!. Will not tho World's I'air tnamigemi-ut (-ive visitors the iiHsitrai.c. not only that the wat**r provid"'! on the i:\hiliition irroiinds has >*****? lilti*r**d and boiled, hut that no ice has lns>n melted or placed in ir to lower its temperature? ? -*. ? I ittle by little the appearance of Niagara Falls i* changing, (neat Imulders, "The Buffalo ('mi? rier" report*, "are continually falling from lite ince* ..I the oliffi where they wen* looi-ened by the action of the freit." Them la another fea> tiir.- ..f the l'a'!s which has chan'-?,*? I : lt is the hickman. Th y say that hil char-"- ar-- not a te. p ia they used to lie. ? *>? 'Hie S'ate Camp af r.-U-ktil i* t" he opened thi -..?ar mi June 10,somewhat earlii-r than nhual, and the '.'?"?! l.'"-iiii?'iit. "f Bl.klytt. is to hiive th" hen r of performing the Ural tour of duty, ix-in' followed, on .Ititi" 17, By tim prel" of New-York, the gallant and Mpefb "th. The camp will he ni operation for seven wei?ki, closing In time ti' prevent any of tlie soldier boya from "mfferini* from tin* excessive h--,it ..f August, which has - interlines prostrated them by the is-'.r.'. The ...uiiii-.' -.'a-.n promises t<> I*, a rarely Interesting .ne. a. all Ute lin..! militia orgsUUxationi ot thc Kilto Will be "ii daly in tke ramp That s mimer school of instinct .ni pt the ritiaea Mildmrs lour* na , made . place fm itself, ind it ia lacreaiing in vain" and iisi-fillness fruin year to year. "A litilnr- Speaker of a misfit A?emWj," i the way "ihe Buffalo Commercial" eharae-tcriz-i -leaker SulzCr Mr. S111x? ? r mav nol Ilk" tu be tim.- portrayed, bul let hun rt*?eel that be has .urned th.- tribute by ? part,-an nv of hil -fav?*i. ? *> ? lt is n, I often that a great *trik" extendin** over I period '?! six tn..nth* f.-i tionat"* not univ lo tn.t lill satisfaction of both tn i-t-i- ind i-mph-ic-, hut al-1 exercises i beneiicial effeet upon th" industry and trade eonre"rn?*d. Vet thia has lieen the eas-- with the ".reit cotton spinners' Lockout iu I..incashire, which ha* just l*t**j-u bronght t.. a close. 'Ihe caa-.. Of dispute li"tw.*n in i-f.a* iud men iras thi* projected reduction "I wages to the extent ,.i ", i*'r, ..ti the around of thc .hitt".I ronditi.i the market and pon**e-|iienl htsgnat] ai "i tm h- Th,' ..p'Tiitivo demurre I, ? n tl,.- a...I that short run" ind l.--**'ti.->l produc lion h..nhl auflice to remedy the situation. The cmploy-rs, however, roiu-??<I t" agree ti curtail in* nf ..f Ihe output, uni tl.mph,ye* refuse I f" work it red uer* I wages, with tl.>.u-.-ini-n.-. that there ensued whit mi" sid" railed ,i sink ami the "th.-r ? lockout The h.'sis ..I rettlement now r-"i.h-l i- i reduction of wages imonntlng in ali mt .' 1-2 per cent. Hut fin- curious leatarn ol th.- adair la thal it has ended In tim |ood of th" Lane i-hif" rOtton ti I'I". i* low lo lon -i sufli-rloa. overproduction. Thus il is i .li t.-i. ne.- between employer nn?l empkiyed tint I. i- ie-ii'..i in th*. i.-t..i.-ui..ii rn the till" lu a healthy and tutisflCtorV Cnllditi Ul. lt i- argued by "Tlie Albany argua" that the ---.a .- hj the present iVtiiocretio L--ita-iliture of some ti Miaure prov I Unit bir tax reform i* a " party ne.-.-?ni." Kvidentij the l>-uu-rratlc I...**.-* ?i , im, agree with "Tin- Irgua." A* they look at if. the only biHa which really reprew-nt the party's ii'is-ity ire tho-.- which provide tor intl-bonte ml,*. Msnj |ii-'.ii- in this country ure In the hlhlt ..( tbiukini ami -peakm.' of tits? 1 'nit -d Stat". as a unit, and "f usinn the po.m.un* "it" mt.I " it ? ' m ol' mn ; thereto, It i, true that tu th.- * ,.n-';t itmn the plural liles i- invariahl.i conveyed, the pronouns used beinii "they*" and "thin." md this i- th- case even in the -Illth Ami'iulntent, which wa* adoptetl alter tin- Civil War bul ileelared th-- Invisible unify of th** ?? ui,ii. Now i' a pp. ;irs that th.- Supreme ? i. mt ha* pii-i'.l upon th" .'iiestioll. Justice l'i.-!,l holding, in in opinion writtan i>v lum. thar tl, plural form should I*> employed. The suprem? acy of our Irighcst court is beyond dispute, bot we nie inclined tu doubt whether it* view on this Mibjeet win tini general ;y.ptinre. A* *, i.ut. the I ii it .1 stiite* is n unit-it is noe thing, not :, cue-nc* of things?and the language ..r th.- pepi.- will imf fail io express that fact. ria- ii-iiv..- i.r tin- Constitution cannot be re ?.aided as binding. In th.- ('.institution the word "'Congress'1 is tavsriibl* u*,.,i ,., fir. pVinl atnl with plural pronouns, but it would lie ah anni nawidiyi lor anybody?even a Justice of the Sll|)|enie ( olllt -tn illsist that tile Wol'il should ii- uniformly used m a noun of multitude. PERSONAL. Oeneral Prank R.ler, of Paitoa, fenn., chairman ot Ihn Repphllran -tate ('..nunliie,.. |* ts*_K*_ ?r M .iiniiiiiiue tor i.iiv.-riiiii- ,.f Pennsylvania. a st,nv lg t..i.t ,,f Brnator Veal * msklng a political -|.'..!i rn s.-iiaiia. Mo., -..m.. time ago, winn be ? a. LtnatU cuil-arni--eil I,. ..... ,,. irlv . v.-iv m:,? ,? tl?. lieu-, tal,.- eui |,i, m., h nt n?. ?.,??, |jln,.. ((,. t| ,,t Ikcii sppaklni an h.-ur. lsd lin. Ulai thal bc had lAii.uisi, t ti,,, pail,'in.f ma li.iirers mn -?> patpabli, Mint in- i .mill ely le-norr lt, amt be blnrted out -oiiieiiiui).' lu Ibe nay of i<*gri>t. tint be tra. tln- ennui lon long. N.w In Ht- kati mtmmei to .Ici-tatiil viliy lie itopped in Hi.- mlil t ,,| ;,|^ -,r:-ii liicnl t.i malle 1,1. apoloajr, anil Hu- tiiciilcut wns "v.i!" "u-d in a f.iv mlnitte*. for Un- pi.Un. iii mithual .' III "'.'? -limden! tll Cl, OUrai*** He SCtllll,,!' |,, ,-,,? 'lll.le III, (..'.ell. Aller III.' Illeellllir lie S|?.|?. ,,, ,j,,. chairman sbonl th" rvt-arluble suxlel-f on Hu* pan of Ibe audience lo asreHain (in- lime ju-t .-,- ,i?. .i..i. struoh h. unit e\|.iiiineii mai \?. i,?,i, ,. n ., hint. In'c.iUsc Hie BSgrVsMlVl- BlrlUlg of the c|i c|, Celll.ll I.. I,t.l III.- ,111V l|ece-lll |.,|- WSICh C.lll*lll Intbm. Ile na- mforineil UibI al iiik.ii ami n ,, M, lie li.ur. I :i|.;n.iii |. tn ? |,?-,| |lnK*-|"Un was liiv.l' Mini llml clellliMilV. a- ii muller nf c.n-iille.i lil* natch al ll'" ? Inai,-. |,, . |f || ^.,? ,-,?'.,.,,, IV.- liicnl Pullen, of l'rlncel,.ii <',.ll,?v, ac. ..tnpai.leil l.v 1,1- family, ha* I. to H.-iii,tula. I,ni ?rg| ed,,,.,, li. lime rn ,|.|| il,.. I,.',,-,-..,).,,,,-,-.,,, ,-,-,??,,; ' ' """ -\n Kiisll-l< writer wi,., ie, .inly Wen! p, I,,.,,,- *|r A-apil'li. Hie linn, ? >,-, i.-inry. speak, nun.- SWBJI -ilti. Un- linpic -Im. Itali -.iinel..Mly slnuilil iradi tie stlllcslllDII hat! In |0 ll. Ile *.,),: -||,. ->,?.,l|%^ Vf|| eiii.iidi; Inn a nmre uuc..,n(..rtaMl niiil iwfcwiltl ttW*9 tliun In.- wuu upuu t_c |sjbj*-_i lt baa never In on my fat** to l.diold. Ile ssssjg to Had especial dim cully in BlSISglBg those m'* for which BataaT -iild to flint employment when thr-v .rc not oth*_ wi-" enpiiL'.-.t. Ill- ban-, ure ii po-i:ivt> cana tn BET nilli he fell ,l,|s *.. iii nt.-ly ttMl bc tinnily .?ndi-,-v.,rv_ lo -tow ii.ein away In tin- -pace between his aa|?t emit nnd lils waUtbsud 1- ililli- n? actor of Badi.5 prncllvlile- who would ?etrote ii few- hum- during u,. Ka-,er mk a,Inn tn gtrt?g ?M Hollie -sccri-laiy ;l (JZ lessons 111 di'imrtninnt I" w Tin- liratid Dake (ienrp* of Rus-l.-i 1* sa|r| (o ^ nindi Improved In health liy lils extended ao*B*ajf| |a th,- caucasus, hut the young Maes ls sim *.ir ?IOfl rol.ust. The Rev. Dr. Vf. C. Win-low has l*>on sppotntat hntinriiry nn-niher of the Wlseon-lti Btate lll-t(.rica| Society, whose reference library 1* Uta hrsjaal km* of tin- Alle-I.anlc-. *** Tin- Rey. Dr. .tnseph T. Smith, who has Just **. signed the pastoratl sf thc Ontnil Pleatkyfaska Church of ll.ililmnre iifier .-ervine; lhere fer thlrty-ort* years, yvus the mndenitnr of thc Oeneral Assembly which in-'t In iiinaha in l-s.7. Ho ls a natlvo of Mercer, l'eiui., and a cn,dual'- of Jefferson (nil.-to, llidiaiiil. In 1141 lie was llcelisisl to preach l.y t0a I' of lal-, and in April, tM_, wu* In-tall*****, ns pastor of the I'n-l.y terian Church jit Mercer, hi_ l.lriii|ilace. in l-is Pr. ?*__*_ wa- culled to tba S.-cond l"resli.v terian Cliiucli of Ballimore. In 13*4 Dr. os?Ith was electisl Professor of Church OS*rsjB> incut aini Pastorate Theology In lin' Danville iKt.i Thenlnpcal Seminary. At til*' nutl.reuk nf the war Dr. smith neut back to BellloMfa, reaching thc-ro April in. l*'.l. In the nut11,1111 In- returned tn tba -..millniv, nilly to lind Hint Un- war had ill-|.. riisj, nin-t nf th.- student*. ,'lily eleven un-iv. r..l ila mil call. Then in- Went to the Cen (nd (hiircii. |'t I- ciiiilrinni) of tin1 Qt*?OB?I AssemMy OommBtoo oa church L'ultjr. and ls a nien)lH-r of the ComaHttsi oa IP-vision of the proor-nhi-cts of the new o.nfc-,ion ol Faith. A few years )i(*o h.- cdcl.rat.-d th- twenty. tt rt ii iinuivi-rsinrf nf bl- pastorate, snd later tbs tiftlctli anniversary of lil* ordiri.-itlnn ns a pttmJBtWt THE TALK OF THE DAY. In ;i recent ...minn tl..' Btw. Minot J. savac,. da clmed that the luana nt-ascl*ed today 1, nut, l.nt Ideal. "Thal.'' Im said, "ls the Christ ol Whittler as well; It ls tlie Christ lint 11,1111;,- Hmo always pn-acli.-d. Jn-t befciTO lil- ??If?I I .-i*ki-d ona nf ll.e li.-.-t kiinvvn of our I't'lt;niall cli-rirynn-n wl_,| he meant hf Christ, vihotii In- wa* alway* preaching, IP- Mild by Christ hs meant tim divine .,- uo, inanity. 1 received the same B-SWor from Dr. ll-l*tt .Newton. 1 was nperllii'' tli.*.- taara to an] nlnl-t.-r li'-r*', iind le- -aid of emu..- they a**?mt tba Idcnl and not the lii-tmlc Ji-iis. 1 u-k-d ulm ttn-ai ?Why don't you say sol' ? Father William I'. Treacy. w*1io has made Blah 1 sturdy tight for lil- diiircli nt s.w.-d?l.,,m, N. .1.. boa won the -ympatliy nnd iiduilrati.'ii ol Baan* waa even ladle**, liitii wrong, mid ola hf.'- 'il-tm-y -hnwi that In- l- il Lcm. Three lillies he ha- rl-ked la, life toff others. Ill- tir-t heroic nd wa* tn r.-cu. ii ceinred l,..y Ito-* lest- in the Cfas-aapeaha tt* daring ii terrible -term, when eves th.- trnln.-d life. pia rd* tllnclnsl. In 1-T" th- prlc-t ]uinp.*t lum tht Bronx, mar Fordham t'oltege, and saved tl,.- Hf,- ol .lam.-- Murphy. B'hen tin- vlllap, of Aea*anhov**n, ia l.eipnm. w.i'- destroyed l.v lire. Father In-ill v db redid the wort of tl-- rescuers fmni th- roof* ot tlie burning bulKllngM and left th.'tu only after ?-v*>ry 'natl. ll..niau all.I child D-d beell illCntlllted for.-. , Pl,Hail. lp!.ia Ai.pi--t P blt teen nami-d ss -te day P.r 11 (-rend pitlierliis* of Vb*'.'lulim- lt UM World'- Pair. *'n thu' day th" STltli anniversary of ile- ?_?*_thUPlg at .Iain, -t.iwn ..f the rlrst nprcs'ntii'iv- !? gl-l-.tlv.- 1**1-) nf Aa.'dian, will occur. ??Why a*w*l yu nit tam* ?'* -iiii's morning I asked yon how many made a mill Inn. an' von said darted Mr. I told tender that in arithmetic ela-* P day, an' thal'.-. Why 1 can't -u down." ll?fe. Mr*. .Inlin .-horwood, of this city, having p;ild pleasant and d?r*red t*aa*.ptlnw nts ,.. < Meago tara-ty and the VV. rid'- lair, tin- < hi'ipi paper- manlf-st | ?li-lp' to make ber thi Ward Mi Alister ..f that city. KO TIMM FOB WKANi.l.lN'i. Tho'igli tin- wind, ire cool la 1.*ii ll' t'i" Ml ?a .Ivies BI? ll"". lt*. ,... bot to tight vvith Tm-l'ey. or to ajtwrrel wita .vu' lt"a not a tim.- tel ?;pitt>:'. lt Wt wi-Mu' sulky When the -ueet linl- ar-- ?|c!,i:i* with the mii-ic 0* th* ir thi.-al-1 Oh, lt ain't 11 Hate fer vvrttipln' (M th.- lund or na tl.a, vvieii tin- sunshine i- a tansllu' round IBe -.mis y mn an' nc I . ,, When' Uh world I- Jes! the brightest thlt I Maaff . vcr -ii 11. An' it- lill-- ;ire the Whitest, in' Jest l;m?'.iui at the lilli : H'- a time fer feeHn' merry in' fer dreaada' tat tl.e light. Witli a bright sun lu tin- daytime nu* a Int a stars at An" willi all lt* love ll' lanpttcr. an' willi all Its perte?! Mi-*. It'll be :i hrlghl h-T'ift'-r if I"- half 1- ""trael .-,- tlual - (Atlanta Constitution. \ppr-i '.ui..n ?itmllaua rota***! to th.- ?*dltnr. bi hi -ii- ..11 the wat. i,,,w.r ?.f th- "r-at burty l.nrtv. nra* beeya his bsa! M the thtrottle ol pr..p-.--. Thk metaphor may ?? m a little mixed; t>m If I- ?'*? pr,--iv-. Here, r. r trista nee. I- "The Atlanta t'en *t Kallon," speahlng thu* of a coaBmsotarj : ?l". ..lp,,rial- of *TI i.r. -tie-i-'i-.i ll- fiil.l *Vsa*r_aff ran;' with >' - I- -' and l.rt-lit.?r In ,h- .-tat.-. W'.,.-n ?r.d' Voung take* up a paher Ute .-imrk- ty." Thi- I- a "pwd deal tit"T th.itl any ililli).- it .vet -il.l aPniif Hoke Smith bi-fore Be g_B "-alU-g "?*_! Atlanta Journal"1 t-> nm IBs in--ri..r sf tlc ...intry. Tho ll.-ice of Dam: r.?Univ did di!- h.i-i;*n B :.,:,.*t in.- aiirgeiin. as be dre***ed the aoaod rn tin 1 beek and applied a aoothlng youlUca i" Ute damaged pye. ?i...t hit wit;. ii stone," replied the patient ?? Who threw 11 :" ?? vii my wife." mi- the Martini answer. " limn it'* Ibe fir*' tline I etvr knew a ta hit anything sh* bI?Md at." mutt--r.-*t Um >_rasss. ?Mie mis lb 10wing al the n*"t"fhbor*a bena," tSt pliil11.1l the -mt.Ter. "I wa* hrtUMl li'-r."?i* Iii. ago TrllHin' . ih" Behring Sea umpire- aoar tilting li Paris art [net iv big men. ami th. lr de* laloa will be af v;ii| Imp !,, th.. ii..:|,|. lim Jn-t at prcsi-nt. to Ihe ai eras'" young Aiti.-ri-.m . iti/. ti "f mule s-.-ndcr, the dc l-mn* of the l.a-elia'.! aaaptret, often call'*4 - empire,"' arc ni';, li atora Inter--tins'. UMlll. Ih'-'.'- a hand ,11 Hw radder thal will not flin.h. Ili.-i-.'- un I. :.i in lin- PHol'. fa," A* Ile pillie- ||;e Mel 111-, lill.* hnilt- III il Storlll, I'hr-upi Ihe rocking -ea- of space; And whether th,1 male the ut I"**"*. lie>,.|M| ii,,, shoals sad the .well 1 >i- -..ii fer. 1 er ?> th >i-e|... -m I knew that all I- well : And 1 learn these thing. Hem HM In'iut Of tin- woo*, From lin- -..lenin .s^nl of the isa' For sever a bird la a ?rtra-t'soand ?a^e Told all th.-*e things rn m.-. And the -"iii of man I- ii MOB?rd Mal With nins:- Unit nie made fm- fllp'it. To pl-r.e ,.. the f.Mint nf Hie -lilnln*,' day And goal thi-eiipi ih.- dept hs of nlk'ht; And 1 nnd I hes* thing. In that l.ll.h- of UH Win..,- Lav.- are Hie -|ii-,-i,I!i,g iky, And th" legible face of the dark gwen *. With th.- eye Icliliid Fir truth 1- lid closed in the lids of a boole, For ll- ihalnl.-- *..ul I- free; And never ii hird In a wire bound 111*1 |. |.l all (Ilise thine- ,,, me. For truth -urp-s Int,, He Of*M heart And into Hie witling eye. And -ttvatit- fr..111 the iievatli of the stc.milnc ????"*?? Ami Iron, from the bending *u\??. 'Tl- uni shut in a look. In 11 chun h. ur a sd?n4 Bot cramped in tba chain- of a triad, lau live- In the open air and tin- ll^iu Tot all tuen it. th.'ir need I Put the 11*1, that -wlm- in a (.-nldii-h vase Kn.uv* n?t nf thc salted asa, And n.-ver a 11 isl lu 11 wire hi.und eas-. I'.ild all these tUnga to me. "li- ih.* Voice that canes from the (tild.-d peaka From Hu- hill- lhal -liniilder th.- sky. Through Ihe tupi.? helghlt of a min's oWI diva mg rid- Voice p.,- 11 a nd.'iiiii: by: And wini i-nanis lin- earth willi all open heart With an ear ultim.d to bear, Will catch sinue broken chord of the Mali Whenever I Ile Vi,Ice Clunes Hear. Hui not Mat th" pri-nti of m.lem or I'lCed wm Um v.ic. ?r ih,. Vision lat); And never 0 Md In n wire 1... mid cip Tdd ali Hie... thiner, t., m.-. -C-iiui Walter I'..*- lu Yankee Illnte. The mun who Ihniipit of ste,Inc np a - Dc.I rsU? oili.c seekci-' tVMg Baask," to ho -..ld in w.i shin pun. Inls pven lip Hie project. 1.ail-e he fnund tlltt tht ettt.c -cckeis don't feel like --gUtf Ju*t now. A recent ndvertl-eineni in a cniuilrT MOM reads e.'.T "lor -al", b l.i.ll-tenl.-,- dog, twa* i-ar- std. Win eal snyihlng; very fond ol children. Apply at tau osaca. (1 Id-lilt*. "Tlie maple oagar Mrap If V. "-m. nt.- -ay* *'..l..nrl ll. ll. S.Halley, ur t|ml - ls Bt*fB)g m hs Vert ?"-start Itil- -ns..11. 1 i,iinw tli-it i',|, 1- ? -?d fact lo cmimmicate p. ,?, expe.t.nt puiillc. Pm ll lt iieierilicl.-ss nnf. rtiinntelv true. Ilicy Med dil fm ty tilpit- ami Winni days to make BM alf flow, Lill illihjippllly :il| ceiiilttlcn- Inive In-.ii lls'llllit a good trow, I um alas Inn rnnst thal the boob- crop ? f ?iei,rPi, wm |?. sll<l|.,i whll,? |f Ulli ,?..?,, (.n,p of Del nvnie ni-,, palara nut tin- cmuitry nt [ajBtaj will Pul...' lie In .1 cellilltlnn." lr*S?I'M li-tnlilslicd Hitit -le >l,nulli have jllti*d Falrman and liken i.p wiih Kwi-bb. she al way- iiiiiliiijiln.,1 t|?it |-a|,-mr, , orsa nu man. Mu- \e*. Put oka a-.,, f?|iy niM.r.. thai i?,ns Imt H |,'?l ni.n .lld furnish her with an citiiMUh nnnt.-iLui.tyu IruiiocrlDl.