Newspaper Page Text
oC*?a . V#,LII1.W?-I6,ft">. NEW-YORK, MONDAY, APRIL IT. ISM.-TNM51 .VE PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS. MORE VIOLENCE IN BELGIUM. THE MAYOR OF BRUSSELS ASSAULTED BY SOCIALISTS. A IQMUroR MERIMO OUTSIDE Tim CITY JUOTIXO AT BIGHT-POLICE ATTVCKF-D WITH OBEEK JIBE \M) BT02CEB? ?BBIOVa BITtTATlOB AT MON'S. brussels, April 16.?This has boon a dav of extNBM watchfulness ami anxiety og the part of th" authorities throughout Belgium. Report* from all point* indicate that the strike- is spread? ing steadily, and that tho tompor nf the stakers is growing worse. In this city tho miming passel without di* lorhancea Several suffruee meetings wm held, hut they wore orderly and tho speeches were not TJeifaT This afton.oon, however, thousinds of workingmen '"'ld a turbulent meeting on thc road to tho racetrack, outside th" city limits. The adverti^Kl nrij.->et of the meeting WM to denounce tho pro demotion of Mayor Dals prohibiting pub* |ic demo: stiations in favor of universal sinTrase. Voider*, tho extreme Socialist leader, who was arT'^tod and rttenaed on April 13, made an in? cendiary speech, in whir h ho applied the BIMI obnoxious epithets to M. ]5nis. Tho crowd l?e. ramo uproario\is, shouted for revenge upon the IfajTOr and encouraged Voldors to still more in? temperate language. The police ordored the crowd to disperse, hut th" workingmen replied with jeers, whereupon tho pnlic.. drew their awards and advanced fbward Um plat lorin Some of the crowd Bred revolvers and ;t few throw utones, hut tho rest retreated without 0bOW of flj;ht toward the eity. Nobody wea Injured. Mayor Bali WM waiving homo in the Avenue I.o'ii>-o about an hour later when abeu! 200 Socialists, returning from the meeting, ramo down the street. They hooted ami jostl.d him, hut allowed him to pass. After he had loft tho mob about fifty paces bohind him. throw men ran out and one of them struck him a heavy blew with a stick on the head. Ae Bali turned lie another blow on tho buck of the neck. Ho fell, blooding and oneonocious, to tho pavement. A resident of the Avenue Louie*, who had seen tho beginning ol th.- encounter, and had rmi for the police, returned- with help mst as the Mayor was struck down. Tho polio.' charged tho Social' hBBj and after a flghl of ten raia ute* dtuperoed them. Two of tho crowd were arrested! but it has not been ascertained whether or not they are of the three who attacked M. Buln, A witnem of the mobbing informed the police that just bo fore their arrival a workingman tired wven shot* from a revolver at tho prostrate Mayer. M. IiuIn was still unconscious when taken to his home. Ho recovered consciou-'m'ss toward evening, and probably will Ih> able to reoume hi pftlcial duties within a few daya. Meantime Alderman Andre will bo acting Major. King I/oo pold has inpaired tarlee hy rprHal courier after }?. B'.ils's health. It is reported that Vol* rs will he hiresied for his part in tho meeting which pre? cede! the assault. This eveninx turbulent crowds have 1 i Ight th" poj:co in several districts of the city. lu th ? Sue de la Baviere, near th" Malwa du Peupl ?. the mob became so threatenine that mounted po) ic* charged them with drawn sword:.. |di" rtot< i threw jars of <<r<-ek nie and repeated voMeys ol stones amoru the police Many ol the mob v. .. cut or trampled, and twelve of them wei" srreste I Several policemen were brui-ed aa 1 humed. The city ? as if in a state of sie^o. All places of arauseuient aro deem ted. Th:- police and the rioters have the stroota to themselves. A dispatch from Mons says that thy rioters have bad po-* ( bsa of many streets there sine- early in the afternoon. Brtafofeementa of soldiers nave been sent there from this city. Paris, April 16.?M. l.nuiee. French Ambus* idm to lieigium, has returned to Piiri1- in response to a telephonic summons from tho Uovernmene, who wish to confer with him as to th<> revolt1, nf the Belgian workingmen. The revolt has become m threatening that it is believed Uermany and Austria will be justified, under tho treaty ol lill, in interfering to rapport th.- Crown. A CONFERENCE op U SDON DCM KEES. DL< IDIVi TO MAKE CAREFUL IN'QITRV BEFORE I RBARKXXG <<N" \ OEXEBAL sTKIKE. London, April 16.?Thousand* of dockers and othei dhrersidc workers met la Ban L ndon thia afternoon lo smokier Um attltud ? they shoald adopt toward ii.< Hull .-trike. Chatana! Edwards nude the flt Ila said thal be wm bitterly opposed to tie Unn'-rti.-'t.. ordering ol ? gram! ? jik ? al all portu of the United Kingdon, ai had boen proposed In the rf*f.;>it',"'i pa ia ul yMtetday hy the conference ot BiftBtj \\ delegaiea from aeeh laborers' nnl ns. A MJMrepM of watendrte delegate* from all patti of fae KeiM Klnprtoni, li" continued, had been called to oct in Ljsadoa to-morrow ami determine upon u ita,:? ..' ?< uv .. He appealed to the meeting to Matt '!.<? event of tala conference, ?not to take a': lndepfii'i'-iit uti'! uncertain teji. and not to itrikC uti k?s a pei* r-oi itrtke should be ordered. II j wai ?uthoiiz'sl io coote tba optnlM of John Burna thal to Ktrike iboaM he lastltuted before the conference should lave dlicnssrd the matter, if ile- conference khould ? rd'.T a (tribe, John Hum- woaM tight with the Bm through iMeh ead thin. Jot^jii Haveloch WUaou, M. P., ipoke in n PP ?' of the r - .1 ition pa/ ? <i bj the conferenea or jresterinj la BiTor ol a general strike of dochera, lo begin to ttorrow. ??b.-u- niiett, although <-f the oplnloa ina! !/>:') w tociieu fi\ored lam.od if sctlon, believed that the Baa should wall anti] ull were determined and united. Bam ba would do bis utmosl lo help ibem. Ti,e .r.... tin- t.:i:illv adopted u tv?olullon ralJlng upon ti.- executives of all t:." union-, bu a-' ituln tue vfcw-i ol t...- men a- i,, thc eapedlonc) ol a general atrlk.-. t...- amount of monev avuliable lo -upp-rt u ?'nke, and the best meani of retlstlng the keaera ttw. F.vrilt.-IAv-l FOB VERDI IN ROME. Eon,.-, April IO. Verdi's "Falstaff" wm heard bjr I Borne audience for lue Brsl time al Hie Costansl Ihmtii last evening. Thc bouse waa crowded. King Htrmtxut, who hid previously been tn ibe Ihealn oidy on Sute occasions, wm present with Queen hVKar--. ai the end '<t ibo lii^t act Venil Mme sabra me curtain In re ponse to repeated caU ? IR* rppe;<rv, a bad a magical effe I upon the aadlenoe. Ev-ry mn and worm rose, cheering, applauding and *avlr,K bal ard handkerchief. Wier the second sci th* Uag Invlu i Verdi to the royal I tx. Ai tb* composer entered Rm box Ibe King took LU sand una ti,.-ii led ilia forward tutu tbs full vit-w af Be sadiaace. The ccm thal lollofed Ibe iii ; ??? ] Bm repeated. The ion.j,.> acknowledged Ibeehecrs ?nd erica af "Lens live Verdi I" with Im.w . and smiles, SLi.;. evoked farther deaxHistratloaa. minutra ?faed U on i e singen could proceed with the op. ri. Afo-r ti- performance noal ot Ibe audience f,,; h)Bad Verdi'* carriage to btu hotel and remained 1<h iwoi" lime, itweriiig ano kboullng ?? I.g live Verdi I' ?> municipal niiii.oriiii ? liave ..ij.-i? l lilia the free fl'"? ft tl . tty, and aave. d i ld. ii lo nano- a ? ?fu-r bim. I BGBO TO OPP '-K IRBjR ROM! Rl'LK. Uadon, April i<;. Mon- thaa SOO Mcthadlsl adn jBwi In IrelaM have Klgned an appeal lo UrtbodUl gnl'i. i- in Knglaud ti, i iii-v oppose Home Bali ?wi i a rellgloM and <.iienlal gruuada. IlEY APPBOVB THU sKKYI.W (dil- UKI Al. et Petersburg. April io. Kxct-pilng tl.Novostl," ? thc in v. pMperM approve of id.- course taken by *??* Alfxaieler of fe-rvla. lin- -.mi ..lin ld prc - ? wpcclally generous ol lt-, com mi ndallon. ?AHXHhsu I. ol>KltVATI".\s . I' mik BCLIP1E. ^sdirti. Apnl !?;. v dispatch from Bathurat, *WbJi Gambia, says thal the laiil.ii astronomeni j* ls* station on the gulum Uiver, lu French Bea* U**a, oiii.iinwi ?no olwervatloiis of the eclipse of ii1*" today. Bm**1; .Av? 1,;- Tl.''"P* "' tba san ea *""')' vidld.- from Hits elly today. J?E IBfoll < AilKil.K S AM> KlilCATION. -T64^. April l?.~t:,:idliui| Lome nc hid lu ?'I j*J h>day u.e ad'ri -s.s of the clergy, proffaaoni ^??^??ntb of h.t. Mcilucliv'a DIocomiii College. lu ^BRBg, ka condcmiitd tua Queen'* college* la Iraland and Dabtta Ordveretty aa godleaa institutions, aang.rou, ,., ,,.,. ,?,?, of ,.??,?,?_. stlin>nts. Tba Wah Catholic*, ba K.M. bad long been nghtfag for tl? Ji.ii ?h'is '" ?dMatlonal mutter and Mver would ic^;:,!!!:::[;!^ ?*?* *??*??*??*??? RBPORTRrj CHOUBRA IN WINNIPEG. Bl. Past, April 16 (gpectal).?H was learned from a winnipeg man who arrived here today Rmi Astetto cholera ha* broken taioagh the loose regnlatlaaa or Oaaadlaa seaporta, and lias found its way to Winni? peg. Last-Thursday lhere arrtved al that etty, by the Canadian Pacific Railway, gsa immigrants from Europe, many of them from soathara Parnta They cain.- to Montreal in the stearaabty Vancouver. Cholera, it ht -aid, brobs out among throe Immigrants at or on Ute way to Kort William, a station M Ibe Canadian Paclne on Laka Paperior. A man died of the disease ea ooo af Rm curs, which wm sjaaiaatlned nt Kort William, the rest of Ute Immigrant train ha? lag forwarded in different sections. Before Winni p.* was reached h child died of cholera, md three other passengers fell sick. Oa arriving at Winnipeg ail the passengers on tba three cms were promptly quarantined. These immigrants w.t.- destined for the iV'tV1 wn'.T' ,B?.WJI!,2? .""" I"""""'1 uiterventlon of the winnipeg anlhortlles they would probably have crossed the border at Beche, n. i,.. where lhere is bo heal th officer, [he Beche BUtboritle* have sent a dispatch on the subject ta the Governor of North Dakota. MUi;i)i:li MB8ULT3 FlUtM A QUARREL. d a AN RALXAff BBOOTff AND KIM.S A COCBTRTMAB I IR ORARR-ST. That Sebastian Bplretta shot and killed! Sebastian lula//... in a iiuarr.-i at Oread m. ?,in the Bowery hist night la certain. Bal Captain Creaton and lbs police el the Tenth Precinct are unable to discover the motive of the murderer. About si o'clock four well-dressed men Stopped In front of lae Western Calen offtee in Grandest., near the Bowery. Ibey wera aaarreUtaa- Two of the parly sprang away from th- rest, four shots nmg out. om. of the rm-n dropped (lend, while thc oiVis In all directions. To Edward Byrne, a watchman employed by Rm Hetases Electric Burglar Alarm, belongs tbe credit of the capture of the supposed mur? derer. Byrne stood at ibe earner af Onad at. as four nun, qusrrelUng, passed bin and turned Imo Orand-et. lu the next Instant, as it seemed to him, he li a -i!.;,m of rage or fear, anil then the cr.u li revolver. He hurried around tue corner and mw one of the furn- men who had passed him Sall to the -lound while another was nuning down the pave ment io BUaabetb-Kt. byrne pursued the fugitive, who uuiied into ERsabeth-stHe had reached Um shed i few yards up in the east watt when byrne reached it. Then he turned aa IM lands ol tbe watchman grasped bim. ? i did not ahooi bun," cried Um man. Byrnes had taid nothing. Boundsasao Camp bett, in (.rand rt., mar Mott st.. Policemen c.,urtu, ll the corner of Mulberry st., and two other olin .-rs dad benni the sh,us and ran up to Byrnes. Camp? bell, taking th" prisoner Into custody, harried him to the spot where tba wended man toy. But one .dance at the upturned face told bim that life had led. By Um side ol ihe body uiul to Um right land lay a black Ivory handled icm Iver, one harri of which wa.s .-rnpty. In the crowd which surrounded Ibo body, the pris? sier and tba ponce, WM Charles Meyer, a moulder, ?f Bo. MO w.ii.aiioui st., Brooklyn. "There Ls the murderer." he ^dd, pointing hl< (Ore lager ai the trembBag prisoner, ?? l taw bim Ure the -hots, l saw the other man fall. I aaw him throw iwaj a revolver and ran toward me. l ww thal aaa" ipotnttog lo Byrne) "catch him. i that ..- i the murderer. My eyes never l ? sbokj tbne." unco in front of the weTfeant'l desk the prisoner asd recovered hi* self-possession. To tbs Sergeaat he said that his name was BebssUsa S[>lretto. that he lived at No. Ul Hamilton ave., Brooklyn! and wits a machinist'; heifer lu tlifj Kile BbSM. "1 tva in Eleventh -st., between First ?nd Second aves.,1 bs said, ?? the liumix-r I don't know. Tbis afternoon ut - aVtack 1 left my brother lu Caw'* keene--] don't know where lt 1> ssraewbera ncir Kort loth -t. 1 iion't know my brother-tn-law'S name, either, My brotber-ln tow and two other men were with me aban we went into the house or Antonio (Boto, tn Fortkftb-et. Thea we wiju downtown, and ,"'!? i '.omi (jrand rt., our ! station, fte raised up thc lim. rv. from CaMl-st., ??1 am nm guilty. In all the da) ol my Ute I lever uv.- the dead man." A pawn-ticket found among other effect* on tin ulsoiii-r *howed Ihe name o! Biller, bul be explained hal he commonly us.-d an assumed name. Two hun- later Alfonlo and Mary Onida and a nan nani.-d Belum, ol Xo, 77 Mulberry -'.. called ? ihe [Millee -tallon and Identified Ihe body a- thal .1 Sebastian Palo//.... the) had known lor two ears. Thc prisoner Ihej had never *ceu. ) A HG ERO VSLY ISJVRED STA PLAYMATE was reported lo South Ninth it., fractured .skull. i HOY IS DR0PP1 fl FROB A F0UBTI1 FLOOR OB \\ ELEVATOR. Sydney Irwin, teven Jean old, ,,? dying al hi- home, No. :;k:i VlUtamsburg, last Bight, from a be result of Injuries received through the rictouKnrs* . ? playmate, (rn sunday p week ago Cherie* Bath one, twelve y.-ar- "ld, Indni d Ihe boy to scrom any lum to a new building, ai No, ..-I South duih i., and putting him on an elevator used for tasting brick, Charles BelUy and Wilde Miller, com ? Rathbone, hoisted him up lo Ihe fourth ocr, when 'Rathbone ordered them lo Iel go. Tbej beyed and the boy mme shooting down with the levator, sinking the ground with terrible fores. VoBBg Irwin ba^ been BBCOnsctoM -in." the mci ent. To-day Drs. Gdroup and Layh win tn rsnunnlng In the nope of bringing bim lo consiiou ess. lt B -aid thal Rathbone'* action wa, due to ?tung hwln ImMiib a pupil lu a Kunda) -'hool, as be i died all b'V- Who atl.-nd Sunday school. .1 WRALTR1 SRW-JRRBET BABB EM WtBUSQ. LambertvlUe, N. .).. \piii 18.?A horse and carrtsge etonglag to John Lambert, a wealthy farmer, f Stock BO, was found yesterday morning in Akhsaukco reek i.ear this pince. Mr. Lambert l^ missing. l? drove from Mi farm to this pl:..-.- Friday siter ooh, ard tote lu '.(vening started on his return mri'cv lt wai raining bMrily at Um Brae. Hupposed that Mr. Lambert lost Ula wa) In ? rlu-i-s and wai thrown Hom his wagon. rai c 'of him has as yet ls en found. Iii ?0 CBLBBBATB OB ANT'S BIRTHDAY IS BOBTOB. I la* April IO isp-lal..-Tin- celebration of rani's blribda) bi Ihe Middlesex Clab on the evening f \prll Ba, ai Young's Hotel. wRl be ibe mo I lm ?,.;.,.,, meeting ol the elah to a Mg period. The ??.?,,, apeaaeri uM be Senator Joseph L Hawley. . fspialn Jobr D. Wis- and Isaac ll. iUff. of >ew York, and Colo... I Ja.,..-, D. Brad , f Virginia. _ _ InlS'l FROM A BT1LETT0 WOUND. Krw-lZavcn ion:-. April Ki. What will reaull to minder o. cn.-ied hera i.. night. Beveral italians ... u?ci,lng penni- on lllll-SL, arnon-' Um number Line Joaies ualurdle, of this etty. Dominick Ire ' ,?, lMMi Uked to be allowed to play. Rbi ,,,,?..( was refused. Irevtard drew a sUtotto i. ,NnCrd it toto Oahudle' sbdomea. Ito ?nk to . Lound Imawdlately. ead wm borne toto (be ;, . ;., bli friends. R? to dytog to Ul* hospital ,1, !,???, hi* Injuries. H... murdere, idi '" ?' - r ? ?u? S work.,,,,,, .^ployed on the *cupiia.iVd Ballroad Irnvlanl come* from Bew ?""'," iiih- '??,. In the eity only a lew days, .... '/,'? ?V;1|' b.othcr. who IK es hen-. , woffffl ??WW "Y A W0MA*' '"'SS AWAT -.oerl dd. nhy Rb- ?..,.?,. All. n. ol N?. :i:r, Weal ??',; nu,-i. ran away st llflO a. m. resterdsy, :> , ,,r...i md lir-i-'? :""' riverside Drive. ? 0.bundredanonrH* -ark PoBeeman ?;"':,',,;,'', tl?, h?r>. before any be runaway. '?? ?magi nos ,|,,"_2___.__ ...e rasa BffJXOff I CARRI ARR TD l STOP i units . .s Lt.'i "'"?,"' 1 " . ,. rtfthave., near PUt^tbUd -'.. 15 I, carriage In srhlch four peraoM were seal-1 "? ? I, ,.., ave lt wm diawa by twa pranc """""" " "nape'""" " ?*k* ,l"r-"' ,U'nr" * '"noh'ivc lab) KHIV'liirdst. Bl Ibe -ame li..,, '""' Vol ntable W..V tbS riagk horse got hhs ' "oms "."^^oi ihe carriage sad btnaga! B K '" ''"Vim The hOraC drawing the coupe WM , h stoadsrtD. ri- n . g,^ of Um ,1-owji io Hie K'"""drh'/.""?,?.,. was extricated willi ,. Wll broien. TBeja -^ ^ ^ wm mia. imeulty. tut lt w?? ired. THE DUKES QUIET SUNDAY. HE '.OKS TO si. PATRICK'S CATHEDRAL ATFER a DRIYR THK"i 'I THE PARR RR r.r. < 1 ivi.s rpAXISB I ILLER8. The rmite of Veragua sad hui pnriy spent a quiet sunday, taking a much-needed real alter the HOICBMBllei Of Saturday. The 1' hal parc, arose al ;? o'clock sad took breakfsst together, \t 10:30 a.m. carriages wera brough) lo the Tblrty-third-st. chirame of the Hotel Waktorf, sad Um party, aadei th,- rare of Coawoaadar Dteklns, was driven lo Ht. Patrick'* Cathedral, liftl.-th -i. and liflhav.-. In lt were the Duke and DnobeM of Veragua, sad their s?n. Don cristobal Cotoa de Agullera; their daughter, Dona Maria del Plier; the Marin! Ol Uarbolet, Ita Duke's brother: Um ?i.n of the Marquis, Dm PMro OokM y Bertadaao; Commander Dtcklai and Nra. DtddM. Especial BnaBgemeatl pad been made at the Catbedral for tba gaea] guests. They we?e i,,,t by John A. stevens, representing Ihe Bayer ? nd l!.e Municipal ? auaelL The eeatamea ol the party were severe In their simplicity. When Rm Duli" and his party arrived nt the Cathedral they weal in by Ihe nato entrance on tba Fifth av,., side, a lara* crowd lined both sides "f lae entrance, and many showed their reaped for the Iceeendanl of Cotambui by deferentially Bfttag their iats. The Duke and these with lam were conducted hroagh tbe middle aldo to the Brsl seats on Um .Ii ham! side. The son and daughter of tbe Duke received chairs m front of tin- altar. High ma-- was . i. Mated, and ArchMshop Corrigin oceupted the bronc, on each side -f him being tbe Rev. M. J. Lavelle aad ihe Kv. Jame* ?'. connelly. The Rev. Henry T. Kesrey waa t.lebrant- The sermon was Breached by the Rev. W. J. li. Daly. ArchW hop minuma, of !?? ton, wa also present. Tl,,- Dake of Veragas, as Ihe descendant nf i'o ombus, was weleomed by Father Lavelle In the name if ike C'alboHei In Bea Vorh. ARer mass lb< party ?.inine<i to th.- where luncheon wai served. iVith the Duke's family al Uti* meal were Ommander MeMni and ali srtfe. After luncheon Ihe party di ive broach Ihe Dirk .-,n.i northern suburbs, Um Duke md .aler member* of the party to i ri sed carriage, *yul ii- son and Mugbter and tim other young mern er* Iii an open victoria. Commander Dicklns and his rife, bath of who:,, speak Spanish, sc ompanled ti.cai and pointed oat h.. point* of Interest. On the return to th" hotel be country's guests gined privately, and -p.-nt the evening In receiving Spanish and American oaUera. Among tboae wh. paid their respect* lo tbe Dak. rere the span:-:. Mini t-r and the Spanish Consul lenersl. I ?? apartflMBtS Of the Duke were flited with the towera -^iit by Spanish residents, ams! ol them icing red and yt Row, the ioi,,r ,,i Spoin. i.'-r.,1 ii,,ni, ? p rter, rhalrman ol th Reception lommlttee rn Ihe Duke of Veragua, hu 1 sued the ollowlng anno,un em.-nt respecting thu recep lon i" the Duke, wblrb win take piece at the Uti lull to-morrow .it -j |>. m. Cavalry escort. c<m*k?i ag of Troop A, nader Um command of Captain Boc, ml a--, at ibe Waldorf ai l a'elock, and pw by mounted police win .--c.,Tt ibe Duke and ol'- to ihe < itv nail, accompanied bv member ol he Reception Committee, ihe entire Committee (B 'ne Hundred, ss requested, lo he ai th? city Mail ll 1 :t:< p. m. i .- reception bv the Maror and Common Toon ll and Ihe Committee of One Hundred will rn:,. lace In Mie Governor- Ileum af t:.e (itv Hall. The Duke will probably be bi the city until Satur ay. when he will go ;? tVuxblnglon, to bc presented n President > level ind. .OLD < URE BL'SiytSA I" ClidXGE HASPS. IR. Iv! 1 Ll V - \l I> 'J i BE sBOUl I - -! i.i. mr to a \i.w.yo,.k syndicate roi: sioeonooo. Chicapo, April lt.?"The Times th!-i msffUlng iya: CnaBM som.- ui forv^.^m obstacle eomei In ihi my, the faaaoM Mehi os Ida af cold cup. for <in- ikea et< win pam oaf al Um haadi af tbs i. I 'eeley Company to morrow. The price to be poid i cdu.o<Ki.(H)o. and a Bow Verb lyadlcaia cf capital its ls th" purchaser, iii* deal ba br.en auder con Merallen for the karl len days, and .i" ny to consummate lt i; Dr. K..-1 \'s slgi i.mtrait In whii h he agree not tn enter Into th ailie bii-lnes again. Iii* -ii!e Includes, In add! 'ni to Ibe formula a-d t ? Dwlghl plant, all the istltutlon* In ihe 1'idte.i Males. Dr. Keeley la Boa i >? a Verb to I r. . j matters lo a . bj e. - Al Dwight the . ire not plea ed nt the rospret of losing the man who bni mtd< '.>? lown inion-. The oil:. I'll- ol Hie cotnpuii) are rel a taut lu hi um Ihe sffali lu del ill.' \RUSKBS BCXGARl \SE .l.W? POI I S RIOT, sr. MAB KILLED SIX Of THE M li IRRKST1 0. Wllkiwharre, Penn., tarli IO. \ bloody riot look 'ac- gi plynMMlh, aboul four mlle from here, ai aa niy hour tia- muming. The mob engaged In the ?am- Were ill Hui Mriaj end Poe . who sere lind-i ie Influence sf liquor. RevolVei . ... .. al rluh. er-, freely .d upon each o'h-,' heads unUI Ihe odo- a.:,.I.- a Mill upon I hem. Pis ol the routes) mts .rc arrested and pveral nude their escspe. Cae mari, known a r>tsnl*lau> Jieobl ky, formerly i ibe I'nlted Ktati Ai ni was found Irina on Ihe onad ina on--iee. H.- wa nrrt'd Into a hon e sar-by, ard pb; Lian- were sent fur. They found iat his skull had been ern ...i In with a dub. verfthing was done io relieve the Injin, d man, bul ? di.m! al i o', h.. 1, ibl morning. rae prisoners aler srresl were etsi io ihe I'ounty I'D .m until ondiiv anern....n. when Ihej will have :) ||i-n:l:.g on a- charge of murder. The Coroner will Invi i.. ,?;:?. in the mean lim*. rOUCY-HOLDBU QET TBIBTt /'/.'ff CBXT. Harrisburg,Penn., April ld (Specialb rbe American Ife Insursnce Company, of Philadelphia, wrecked by Bator BcFariane, who fled to Brazil, will not pu ore than 30 cents on Ihe dollar to Ita paBcv-holdera, ic auditor* nave eomph lcd their p port and announce iel there i- in Ihe hinds ol Ihe re. elver fur di tm,u mi .-r?_?:?.".,-.17. lo pay clslms allowed of td. ???:;.-_? I, nt the creditor viii gel ..'. . per eeni ol their ?manda, A; distribution will give Ihem an in-,- n ppr i eat. PROPOBfXQ TO 9RMOVE I BTATR CAPITAL. Louisville, April 18. Il begin to look ai if Ike gbl 'or removing Hie stale rapllal from Frankfort In earn.-: ihi, Ume, though ittch effort- have been instant and unsuccessful for ibe Issi len year1, h.- l.oul,ville Cami.I bl ord.rel an election April 7 on a proposition to I- tc- Pl,0004)00 bonds, which ill be riven t<> tbe State, together sith I diable niblin;: -lie, ii Um capital i removed to loaMllle. exlng. bas ottered r'-J-.".'"1 I nd I building lite. be Legtibture i- strung!) In favor of moving Ihc i| somewhere awaj non Krnnhfort. sud unless d- LegUlature doe j:, according In toe kew Cm itutlou k mu-1 n iiniii where lt ls. A MVRDRRRM SHOT Tn DBATR Bt .? ROff, Kin-ion. \. m.. April 10.?Rewa reached here d.-.v of a horrible murder in the little M.\i n town of Mimili . Ho. In ll,.- m,riler:: part "f Uti* ninty. Winiam Hanlin, the roreman <>i a mule mi'iiy. wa In |,,un awl Iii am. httoSlcalcd. 'I" abe ?' di pur be attempted t.. take a l? *hooter ora Ed" simmons. The bitter i--i -'? ?'. sM i niggle ensued, when ? Mcslran toterfercd, and train -'mi the Mexican. The murderer bhm> bl* . .ip- I'J III- un untalli . a -In.;' dlslanc awa\. here be wa* overtaken bv ? mob, replaced and ,,:. and Li. bod) Waa mutilated In a horrible BUM A PABBERQRM BTE AB BE li LOWS' VP. WI. an,ac. Ind.. Aprll IC die BS Brager steamet il. My, owned hi .1 r. Planton d Co., while iklag a tito down the river nd afteraoM Mew ,m> ?ri ni-iv blaring righi persona. Oeotga rraan, oprletur if the Ragle Ma. hine -hop- of lld* div. ,1 boil. I"-" hri.hen .uii rrusbed ind was ?ev^i I) lurid li kui dly No.r r- posaengers < -i ii" i ii,rv. Tbe i.oat Imm. dial. 1> after Ibe es i stell -? BOB? OF .i MIRBIBQ MAB T?i\\l>. Vo;-walk. (olin., April 1 I. Thc bad bodv of (ins vhs Peterson, ol Westport, who ?yMerbnraly du gwared abo,,i loo month ago, BM found hy | rtv of eyrierasea, Isle yeatnday afternoon, on lb. *jt bani, of ibo Baagatatk mer. Pbs hrge ama r of people who gave viewed lbs hedy eateitato n ? ?bt a murder has bun coinindf.-d. Mar!., ,,n r dead man- h.?,.| ;1|1(| f;1(,. imiicuted thal a rtrug I had occurred. Wh.-n Mst seen ail'<5 P0lcrs.,n and ?rniiiu'e ArsteraoB, employed at 1'riidiev'- metory Wc tom were b-iiving ganptiash c.-,'.- Jato { night. Murtoa wu* amawd u?<Uy wuai#?* +UU uc . urdsr, |s WILD CHASE AFTER A THIEF. CBOWDS FOLLOW HIM IN" THE BOWERY. A DI ART RIVES Tin: CLEW TO Till". ROBBER OK MR TOWNS! Mi's ROUSE IN PELHAM MAXOR As rzperti lu inverware tba bargtors who ut ibo dark hours of Thursday morning broke Into the home of James M. Townsend, Jr.. ut pelham Ml.r. are en? titled lo the Mgbeal eminence Iii tlu-lr "proflBBlM.* In UM hurry of a hasty mir. and a still hastier departare they were Bbb lo discriminate with n.ty b-tween iii" fork whose silver wai SoUd and tbe torfe lind was pliit.-d. Mr, Tow..-end, a well known lawyer, with offices al No. Ill Broadway, has -liver ware haloed at Beversl thousand doUan stored away in his home ai Fribam Hanan Westchester County. Possibly for lbs beeeflt af oeeastoaal nocturnal \l-lior. he ha- ulso collei ted a targa quantity of electro plate. ARhoagh they were frightened bj sn Bnexpectrd toterrapttoa, William Hahn and id- gang were not lo be <U' ilv.d. Kvcn the ina--lve candelabra set temptingly within their reach filled to decoy Mum. and Mr. Townsend is JttSt How iitxuit *J.o x> poorer. At BOOB! 10::i<> on Wednesday Bight Br. Towaseai and his family went to bed. When tin mischief had bean dora*, Mr. Townsend remembered thal be hM omitted his u.s.i.ii practice of can-fully examining every dior and window. Tbe tost thing h.- noticd ai he left Um dlolngrooei to go Bpstaln wm Mi ? Townsend's bink poodle carted up fast i.sle.p. in a comer Beat tbs sideboard. When Mr. Townsend entered th" rooms next morning and found every article in tba room turned Bpside down* ita Sideboard doer wide open, and the -Idebiiard empty, lbs fat poodle lay in t'.e -ame phire, s.iil in slumber. He :i || .. c ii tl v had slept peacefully through ll Bil. Jual aff.r i o'clock Mr, Towasead wa* awakened by i Might enriching sound at his bedride, and mw a it ra age eal waa wandering around the room. Ile i-onii tor tbe presence ot the stranaer, sud In his night clothes wandered for ? Hine around the tipper floor- lu Karen of Ute cause, and not Mud lie it. wandered back to bed sgaln, perfectly Ignorant ot ti,.- presence of the yoong nien who nt that mo men! w?r" extremely busy srltb Ms plate lo the din tog-room briow. Bal Jn-t efter 1 o'clock on Thurs day morning i chorus of startled feminine voices In the rooms dowaotaln caused Mr. T'o*u-. mi io gel out of bed In a hurry. There ut Ike door of Ihe dining room stood Ute frightened servants gsxlng on the eonfu bm b.-fore them. Mr. Townsend wu ihe win Bow looMag mi to the portico, .md ,,' Ugingly left open all night; he saw Ibe minks of footprints out? side aid dirty Unger inarki on tba window -III; he *aw 'h.- grease .tain* thal had fatten from ? lighted candle carried around the room, and he s.,w the open Idetmard door with Ute electra plate Mattered about the floor. Then ; i made Investigations and found that the uninvited c.ts knew their tautness. Every piece of sUverware, rarefalty mixed with Ihe electro plate, had bcM -oltiil out with Judgment, pinked up ?md carried away, bu* ti..- etoctrowar* wa- mu Utera. Tba caadetabra, standing on Ihe sMeboard lop, apparently had m.t even been iuuutted, A glance had ratfs^H Um burglars. Mr. Townsend'* i .'?? through Um upper tlu>r- evidently had di turb'-d the thieves. To this circumstance !.wes Bm .-avinc of plate rained Bi 13,600, itored swsy to the kp. h.-n, and pantries. Bul the burgL-trs, smart a* they w.-re, bad lost their heads inflctently lo drop Mr . Townsead'i hand ame cloak on the garden w,d.. w!di- al ii Bille distance lay n -mail, opened diary. li wai tv- diary which led io the detection ind ipi r of William Halm, nba had carefully tel down, day by day, ihe thought* and Improsalon* and leiillmei:! .a Ul iud, in gel ral, and lite i rtivi -ii, Mulvie nnd Detective Doran, I ? Hartog oui on Uta rase j tut ifter Inspector B Laaghttnu tatt with Mr. Townsend on Friday, found Vr. Ha'iii, one un Inmate of .-; | - og IM on, within twenty-tour hours. it wee to ' ofter a ? yeriaafay wheo they crept up* to bli .oom. OB 'ho top Hour el B '? 193 ( hry-t|e-t., ant without previously stoppiag to tend In their Mmes wuiicd Into the place. Halm ru seated by Ike wit.dow, and bi Doran, badi i Ihe door. lbs thiel vault.,1 lightly ov.r the wind c-ill ant . nu i*?i down ;ii- -: ??. i ut ij id i< a- h ? was, t ? teteel ?? ? ? i ? ?[?ii-:..-,., and from lb tl momenl never tost Ughl of him. (h.n the p o ? ment, Hahn no Bk* b deer up ti:.- ,i,.-1, the de lectlves following bim, cud Ibe crown following tin i. i.hs ..f ? -t -.p ii a i ? bro ubi "il and roana from ?'.?' doorway, Tl.igh I'lirydSc -t. and up i.r.iiid-t. kui Un thiel willi the pi gelling ai hi- he. ls. A hundred ? i aa .i rail In Inp him. bul be chid. I tfi' ni ail ind i c li I the Power). lb ; ? ? ll ff* ;?? ;?<? -i . Kt ? v p III . li, III III ?lft'( pen d ll I ll '.uni dow ll 'h Itowery Into H. Mr .1. and down Kll/al dh st. inn lhere 'h.- strength >.t Hu fugtlive was .'.,..? pent, ll. gu I" ?! a le- i..h. a steps are* f ???!,! ? and ihort, ind Ibe pursuers gained m him inc rr. \n itpen hallway, clear t" the r ar yard the hu ll way of No. 7.. wa- before him. Ile I inned inti Hie i . ?. and, nlmosi heforo Ibe pursuers rou bl leilD.e Ills plan . had (limped 0VCT the I nee In |he back raid And ent. n-d ll lei I u nu, p.nt the d Wi i" n.-ar 1.1 ii. BU 1 a mbllMlll bil i Hor III dd ii band iii lu- roltar. Hahn wm Uken to PoUi a li-1 i pi mei . A -ilk imndkerrblef and two umbrella*, found In hi mom, ll) id. nttflist bi Br. 'r wi,, nd. In i? ? i ?r McLaughlin I- now in p .--c--ion ,.f Hahn's >r ita- prettiest and mo.?1 ani?tli i-ollection* -\ ? -..-I, in MuRVrry-st. Tile inspect!? now believes timi ic ian timi Mc. I,.wi:-, nd'- pill ti at I al-,, Ililli', :?i.-. \t ihe Tnmlss Police < mut yesterdtt) ,c Ma- I'd lim 1.\ I'em.'ilub il. srsi'Li TIM) mi.Tluoh-i: I r i r mr IBTXRBT. lialtlmore, April IO Special).?The taxpayer of baltimore are deaundlng an Investigation ol I h. man igemenl ol Ibe Tai Department, Hie Taxpayers' luxuriation ha- r<. .-niI\ bad a committee looking Into be conduct ol Ihe Ta] Department wldi li make- nonie lartllng rev.lailm,-. lt -how- ii -i.aii-. decrease In (.?.ul nf an Increase lu Ihe taxable bast* .,r lialtlmore ii\. a woeful lark of ystem In Ihe management ol be fal Department, .ind a total Indifference io Ibe .-.pill.-mellis of the law Iii reporting Ihe amount ol ibatemeuti al ti,.- rad ol web month, sh. 1877 In rc have been .rei'ed lu Ballimore 23,471 build BIBI, milch would alone represent more than g ". 100.000 or assessment, ami yet tbe total assc ted .dilation in |s;,._- v. a i oul| 10,730,1*90 nen- I ban ll vu lu 1-77. Tbe personal property actually de reused Dearl] 9l'2ftl)OjuVO dating Lue yean since -77, lu pile of ihe cit\'- enormoui Ineroa >? In icdiii. lie mw requiring statementi of all change* n the a -e-ment of property lo bc made monthly ia i not been enforced, for which tbe ofltoera ol the \ppial Tax Court offer Ihe excuse thal Ibe elerli il OTce wa loo -ii.all. and Hull the few report* lead. ure pigeon hoted and never read. President Hankard ia accordingly made a formal demand for accesi lo be i.k< ..f the Appeal Tax Court. Ihe ? wiialhin lemand* to know bj what ant: on j ibe tow Un b en snored, ami appin-, iitly enormous exemptions and ibtttements have h. .ii inade without Ile- know hue,. ,f ibe punic. The Real Kstate Exchange and other irgul i/..Imus have Indorsed the -...nd token by Ihe Pu x pa yent' A ucla t lou. ions' w. MACE AT IOBRM .1 LAWSUIT. C rp.. Cbrtail, Tex., April ld.?John W. Mackay, of all: .riiia. -n <i pcnoui In Urie county lo recover i"i>. .isl acre- of land, rained at over half a milli m of ..liar-, claiming mi- through Ooanl Telfer, ol Prance, rho, -.-me yean ago, proposed balMtng i rullroal rom lid- pim- lo Mexico I ul .Bee lo V. -ni al Um ri. a. Alic- ii tedi as nial Ihe rase wa ri si erda j ci bb j iu favor <$l tbe def' udaui*. ?- ? ? ? t CABAL COMPANY'S III'! CAPITAL gi. Pani, April ld (Special).?Il h Impoaslble to am ( ll," plan- ol lin- Minn, --ni Coal ompany, ahteh le- been Incorporated here abb a apiti,I ol 180,000,000. lt I- bell red, however, that be ci iu| :n.\ will attempt t" eeattee the lone rherlsbed i h-ine ol coii-liuctllu; a canal from Duluth lo Ull? in, whick would greatl) towel tba ee*l ..f wheal icli-p iiatini, ami |e\ cluiloid/e Hm L'r.-iln Iraflic ol be Northwest. Tbore ore four tahieago mea ta Bm eaanlMttoa Ptavtaa S. Barber, Blltoa Weston, Perri ,d amt >. M. Meek. Frank F. Daria, of HnneapoHa, and Hann C. gpaaldlng, of Duluth, nra I-., members. atMukflng li !"? Went; Weaion, vin n Went; Davis, rauetafyt amt Martin treasurer. .1 MINNESOTA LEGISLATOR tNDICTEP M. lani. April I"- W'l'ie-ujallve Markham WB? ifi.rmisd ai Uta Haoae sf Repa wataUves yesterday nen.non thal bs bad i.n iudiidni bv tbs Mian ap is n. .mi Jury on charge- of making Improper bm t mme \ to Irdraeace Mltoa m Um wyona log ealing bill. The pap IT 11 Uta MM will liol bc wr??d un Mr. MaeBbMi u""1 ?m?i B/odnsMtoyi no ay aiisr lbs adjuuratusnl ai Uw lrfgtolstuja, nj Ul |? law ollicers do not wait to take any chances of a quibble ocr arraigning a man while he is Berring as a member of Qm Legislature. The iBiBetmeat wm found on the testimony of Mun eapoBS lumbermen, UH chief evidence being thal of George P. Rsekaa, who -p.-ci'iiallv charged Markham With savin*' Inat If the lumbermen would pul Tl.-'*' toto tl Ihe Log* ami Lumber t ommlttee, the report Ibo Wj mali bill unfavorably. hands of latter would A PROFESSIONAL BURNER SHOT. ACCUSED OK sr.M.ixi; oct a RACE AT REWARR -Till-: MAB WHO lost TAB Eg REVEXOR Janus Collins ls dying In st. Michael's Hospital, Newark, from a pistol shot wound inflicted ky Pat? rick lu lan, who keeps a Bauer store, collins i? twenty-eight years cid. and ls a professional runner, living at Bo. 210 Bast Kiev., New York, nolan's place ls afc lillirie and OUswf -ts.. Newark. The .-hooting ls sahl to have been deliberate. The tull ?a lend the tight side just above the hip and pass.-d Close to the spine. Collins had been In a loot rai e With another runner named Oreen. Dulan was Col Min's backer. Collins lost Uss race and DekaB lost about gdOQ. As they were leaving the athletic grounds Dolan began to upbraid Collins. He BCCBSCd thc runner Ol .selling the rac. Ibis ted to angry words. Col? lins f.-ared that Delan would do lum bodily Injury, started to mn. Them is a beer shop at tba lower end cf the grounds. Ifc was toward this balbi l.ii,' thal Collins ran, and Dulan followed. The dis tame was a ?bari une. but Collins managed to gain quita a toxd on his pursuer before he reached the door. Dulan saw tnat Collins would escape, and ns ihe latter -lining up rn Ihe -loop Dulan drew his pistol and Mini. Cullins staggered Into the ballway inul f. ll. The noise of the ipisriel, fellowed hy the pistol -hot. attracted the attention of a policeman, inul a Dolan itarted to run the policeman placed him mulei' arrest. An ambulance from st. Michael's Hospital tool; the wi i, niau tu that Iii ?t lt ut lon. i i Illus I, in,, man who runs mies with a bone In the Barnum e. Dalley circus. The ball was fount by the physicians Mst night m-ur thc kktaeys, and th" death ol Collins was :1 ipi. dbm of a -hort time III- ailie mortem statement wm toben hy thu county pb] delan. PRESIDES! SA I VERIEE RE8IGX8. UV. is no LONGER AT TUE READ OF THE BRRR MAR BARR. Douglas! H. Betteriee, who not more than u yest ago realgned tb" presidency of tho Clinton Bank of ibis (Itv, bpi now resigned the same pluce In the Sherman Hank, at Broadway and Eighteenth st. The resignation 1- -aid to have come ahead through Hie !:;df . xpre d.-lre- cf thc directors of the bank, and ii wa, by that body lust Saturday. Concerning tim resignation and Its cause thero to be a question. The directors of the bunk vi.o were -..-n yesterda) would muke BO positive statement shoat the adair, lt L- andentaed that ll-nry D. Northrop, cashier of Hie Sherman Bank, expressed BlraaeU as believing that Mr. BattariM sahl Hat lhere extoled a telling In the lioard that a better person could h.- found for president of tin.' corporation than h-, Mr. iMUteriee, and that feta res Ignatton wm prompted by that feeling. Oeotge P. Johnsen, a director of the bank, was -?sm bv u Tribune r-porter ut his home, No. n:; Wist Eighty -Uih-st., la.-t evening. In regard to tho resignation bc said: -I fancy that some of Ihe directors of Hip bann thought Mr. Battoitoa to lib era! in lils di .-count a and perhaps not thc beet man among them lo bc pp Dill:t. However, nothing bil' ?? i ind friendlle-t retoUoM existed between Mr. Mttericc and the board. It was simply a dif? ference of opinion between Hu- gwriflCBt and lae directors a- to th" psRcy nt the b^ink. There was nothing unpleasant about the resignation." Mr. .1. BSBOfl aili "'nt two or three men liad been men? tioned as Mr. Mtterlec's ouccssor, but he w>uld icu give thilr uunie*. Ewen MvDjtyre, another of the directors of tho sherman Beak, ?aid concerning Mr. satterli-o's rca ?'i: ?? Why, lt ls almple cnuugh?he Iuj gone lui,, other business.* -lint wu- I,,,t the restgaatton rciu.-sted?'' wa. ., : rd. "Yc-.' wsi Hie answer, "but that was m,t na? il nat. We .inbred In our Ideas nf thing-. Mo, Hoi. wa- ni unpleasantness at all. All of Hie board had tim pleasantest relations wit!. Mr. S'tter Mr. Batteries, himself routo" not be teen. Il" I iii rroy. I. I- understood thal he i- io tajio an Intcrcxi with Andrew lt. Knowlson, his brother-in law, ni a knitting mill at sand hake. n. v. Ihe election '?!' a new president f..r the sherman Han!, will occur at the nea meeting of thc board, \iuii c. .1 DOURLE ELOPEMENT PROB TBENTOB. Trenton. X. J., April IO. A double elopement oe curred lu 'ld- city yesterday, <u.f th- princi? pal .:.. to I.- a -. ii of a State Senator of New York, but nd- ls doubted here. This young man, who seemed dc Imus of Impressing upon every ono :.',.!! h.- was connected With the New York law? maker, ernie here a few weeks ago. Bcrompanled ly a lum lulling himself John Hood, lioth u.-rc printer*, Thej engi god board at the /boarding bouse ..r Mrs. Frank Phillips, In Perrj st. They ap? peared to le mode] bondel-. They obtained em? ployment and uorloil Steadily, bul varied "li.- m.t ..nv cf -licking t\ i>.- by making tove. Ti.bjeot ? f lim lir-t mentioned young man'- atfectloiis wai Mr-, .bdui Wayne. Mr-. Wayne i- the wife 0f John Wayne, who i- known throughout ihe Rastern and Middle states a, .hu k the climber. Ill- strm tally I -1 ll ml P g arid repairing ? burch -!??? pl - ami dag poles. '.Vin ii ? deserted his wife a few weelu ago. .since then -he has 1.ii making a living as a clairvoyant. -la- b.d a six-year-old daughter. Hood laid siege tn ihe inuit of Mis. Lena Borton, Ihe wife <,r ,i man working in Hie Trenton potteries, Mr*, Norton has been living snarl from her husband fer -ene time. ?he supported herself bj working a- n domestic rn Mi-. Phillipa's boardinghouse. Yesterday the four want away together, and nothing ha* t.u heard from them since. It ls I bough! thal Hie women must have fm id-lied 'he money io navel with. In the printing house wh re 'he men work**! lt ls believed that they have -tarted for Chicago to -tart ti board lng house lu Hie World-- Pair ( Itv. FOlf Tilt: TUSBEOEE BOBMAL SCHOOL. A meeting wa* held I- I evening at the church of Ihe Divine Paternity, Porty-flfth-st. and Flftb-ave., h. the inter.,! of negro education, a- represented by Ihe Tuskegee Normal aid Industrial Institute of III I.e.-,.,., Al,. Addis ixe* were made by Honker T. Washington, principal "f the Tuskegee school, ami M. io lon Daniels and Columbus A. Barrow, both ,r the ctn? or '..m. .,f ihe Institut! vcr- sung by a ip,arid of the slade Xi o migs POI LIFESAVING IT CUTTYBUBR. Mew-Bedford, Ma-., April IO. Lteutenaul lobe len' it. of ihe Polled State* Lifesaving Bendee, today went i., Cuttyhnnk In the Interest of the .'vi..-, sim-,, the wreck "f the brig AqMtie, an ipparatua house has i.n bum al the extreme west ?ml nf ihe Uland lo -ave line in h.mill ?? the appara? tus ir un ike life-saving .allon at il..tren.aat ml. A bo.,1 ol') al ,, !?? stationed al tim w, si .nd in lill hon-.. I'hiic ar,. I WO Humane NOrlOty boat* ll Hie Wes) I lill of Hie Inlaid, but Hie I,,-, of live il ihe bravest men cn the Maud ha. <> rrlpptod the rea lual I. ?'??t.-n.-int Dennet! thinks it advi abb- l, ide e a liovi-rnilieul bm,I tm re. atv ino tiii: v u i woe t trim. vim. Xewport, R. i., April in.?Royal Pbelpa tarran, rho I- at his collage here, went to Bristol today amt look out bia bow yacht. Xavaboe, tor a trial spin. ?he ca. down as far cluain. this harbor, bm did not i a nu {wish rm: color lim: is BEWARE. The wheelmen of Xswarh are stirred up over Bm olOT line. Ihe select lew, a local bicycle nlgalil/a bu, has derided to exclude colored riders fruin their OM. When thc Invitations were sept mil for their ??I run all thc members of the PostoRteC cyders ?.-e. Ked UMBI except I.. A. N'ar-. Mr. s.ais I- a ic.'io. When the lo-lolli e people hean! nf til light pm npen their Botorcd ra taborsr ikey became .dignam. A tatter was drawn if,) mu by ..-arly OVOr] ii br lu the ofltae. lill- WM sent to ne tovttatbm rammBtee of tko Betrct yew. in it in- eyctot ? sxprnsed tbsir personal pre ton ate for he company of Mr. Meara, uni aeeBaad the invitation if the -elect tew. Tile Select Kew Miy they have io personal objectton tu Mr. Nar-, and regret that Bair mle excluding colored men artVct.s bim. The MtU.UK.. pepi- **y Un. I hu vaatttyUwW ?Uv**4 b? dam m W -- h il Ol I* JOINING TH?: FLEET. TWO MORE FOREIGN VESSELS IN HAMPTON ROADS. THE JEAN B\RT AND THE GIOVANNI BADSAR DROP ANCHOR ix TDK ROADSTKAD-TIUS RBsRQBRTOPB week opens A ts PI PIOUSLY. [nt TEl.Lf.RAPH TO THK IBSSJQBR.] ion Monroe, V;,., April Hi.-The hrst dav o! the Naval reagbtVOBI week bjgge opened bril? liantly enough this Bjorniag with the arrival of two moro foreign ghbjm, ore flying the French and one the Italian dag. The new comers tho .lean Bart, ot tho raeann pquadrea, and tho liiovanni Ilau-an, of tim Italian. They dropped into the Roads together !> e'eiock, and tho successive salutes of twenty-one KI|ns exchanged in honor of theft arrival ?oprlraalj interrupted the tote alamben of the goy world al th" llygeia. I lie Italian cruiser cast anchor to the west of tho Hiissinn Bhige in the gemma1 or outer line of aneborage, Thia position brought her almost op? posite the ernlsee Chmlesten, of Admiral Walk? ers s.|uadron: while the Jenn Bart took a place .-fill further weat, orpo.-iie the guuhoat Concord, which now lies on the extreme inner edge* of tba American th et. Tho ad litton of these two foreign ships ta the Botilia already gathered here, and the arrival of a formidable string of yachts, tugs and excursion boata Ironi all points along tho const, Rave to-day to the roidstead a more buatUag and animated ii'pcct than it his yet worn cr recured capable of weering The Hampton Hoads, it has hoon esri. inaTeil. could tloat in coinloif and safety, tho combine-! navies of the wm ld, ard in thc vant and unrelieved expanse of land lntitaal waters. Stretching away weat ward from here toward tho mouth of the .lames aii'l Eli/al efh Rivers there Beerned ta bo some danger ?>i bb effect of limit? less immensity in the setting which might dwarf the spectacle even of a rendezvous of lrom forty to fit tv ships. It is still true that to produeo the hi*! effect the western half of the Hoads will have to lie denuded of men-of-war, and the awjaeti which do Baremhh?prohal ly not Baste than forty in Bamber?will have to he massed at the entrance of the roadstead, with the centre of the fleet resting upon a line drawn across tin* throo-mile channel from Port Monro.' to Jewell's I'oint?a channel through which the tides ebb and flow with pent-up CBCTgy and ever-changing effects of lestleaanem and white-capped unger. In this no\r turhtilent, now bright and dancing pammge, with the win** of the Beet stretching- east into thc approaehes to the Cbeoapeekn and w.-st into tho more placid waters ol Hampton and Newport News, a squadron of forty ships, with the at loadout yachts and steamers which will bo drawn hore by tho rendezvous, would lill the waterscape .with admirable fitness ami truly spectacular effect. Such an arrangement may seem to destroy tim plea-intc illusion that the real centre of tho Naval display here is to he the immediate harbor of Norfolk: aa illusion which bag been widely spread by tho advertising charts of the rendezvous anchorage grounds printed ami circulated by tho railroad and steamboat empnnies. With tue .gradual dwindling of the num. lier of ships, both loreign and Ameri? can, expected t? participate in the ren? dezvous, tho massing of the whole flotilL* about Obi Point Comfort lian become an absolute n,?ce-Mty. A nvm'h ago. when perhaps sixty voa -els wera .counted on to meet Bete, it was natural to think that .the fleet. geaM have two bases of in-hoiuge-Oa. I'oint Comfort and Norfolk. Aa not more than thirty-five sl.ips wTH be likely to ,-s, tobie lure and start for N-u-York on the ?4th, Norfolk anl the western half of the reaaV stead Will live to be counted "'it a- active shat er* in th" pleasures and len.'tits ol tn-' rendezvous, l'his is unfortunate, as far as the satisfaction of popular iuter.*f in the specta le is QOBOOrned, for the facilities for public ratettaiameat and com nunisatioa with the are extremely' aaaagte ure and comparatively plentiful ni Norfolk. let* though th- lief ni rendetveaa at Old Paint eau *? s.s-11 only with a good deal "I .-Hort and many li-i oinfoits, which will boreang ilisproportiou iteiv as tl.'mini.': week weare an, thus., who seo the assembled ships even under dUBculttoe ma| Ind sollie emnpenaation in the fact that their nassing iii this leaat aecceeibla part of the bi*; roadstead gives to the spectacle aoiue of it* most (triking ainT satisfying ejects. For such a fathering bo harlmr vt ting eaald be moro lictureaquely lilted, and moro historically appro iriate, and with tho balmy and genial influences if this fortunate climate added, the rendezvous this week could not well proantec, except for tho tingle quantity ? f'popomr and ge Ber al enjoyment, treater brilliancy or succeaa. The Jean Kart and tl." 'iiovauni llaus.ui, tho French and Italian cruisers which came in this norning, were, of course, the chief objects of interest to-day t ? those who visited the road dead anl tim Bert. Th" Giovanni llansan, which des near thc Oovrtnment pier, in the outer lin.', *>yond Admiral Walkers tqaadron, i* a fernside ihlc-looking protected cruiser, ot th" general mnderoua and bulky fype, apparently so popl? ar with tin- italian Naval Office, lying opposite he Anii'ii'an cruis r Cturlestdh. The two ships ?u'ln ol much th" sam" lire uni cia-.-, but tho icculiarittea of the Italian become aoceataatedj ni a nearer approach. For ber tonnage ale i*s?:us lighcr out of tiie water, shorter, broader, and ia ?very way more stocky and over-weighted. Kvesj mr military must- mern topheevy, with the rap:d :un boxes disproportionately big and densely ti mored, li;., Ita Baan i- pul down <>n the Navy ).-| ai tment's li-t a- 01 a tonnage <>t only 'i.i'fo, et, ni keepim with hm general Italian poacleroatb/ d' sf vie, she carries stem and stern 141ns of ? ii inches ?bigger than tims, on any vessel iu lc Aiu.-iii u; Beet, and even outranking fer wight of in'tal tia gun- ot ric- gig mn" Fngitah miser blake, tonnage i< P,U00, bur WBOge argea! rifle calibre ia the u-iiioh. The feagan louted at her stern the multicolored frig <>t I'liniled lt liv, and the mote plonsing and nnslest union jack at the fore, lier hull is black: nd ber upperueck rcntilut u- an i stacks a saiirott nloi. 11-1 ni th.- share, a noic sway, ber two nilitary 111.1-1.- rise from lnr high ?1,' ks like tho owen over some fantavth floating castle. Tho aptaiti of th.- llausan p.11 I ms civilities to tho egg and then cain:' ashore 1 , call 011 the com tandan! of 'he torr. The green, rei. blue and eilow of tin- ir -.Itiii Ila'; wa- s on BoatiBf from ?Mial rowboats which tied up against the Gov* rnineur pier, and a new tongue \\..s a Ide I ga lie in'i'inaii m ii Jargon which ta now tim fmdjtaR t the llygeia. The Jean Hart, the liist French arrival, is the irgeet ship tn h. .cut ic, france, whose Uovern* lent his not altog tliei maintained lmaccuatooasdj lint ol xn'.'antis and friendship1 in responding le in- invitation ol thia countn to lure ita preacntutive rJUaa. ihe lint ia a protected raiser ol 4,mo ton*, inuit in I BPI. Thouub, *B<torn in dale, hm- style is ?o distinctively French S to siS'lll lo eve-. OB side of JtBC WBtflT almost istollcally .ilili.|liati'd. Sfaudliiu oven bighgg ut ol the water than the Ba tl ra ft. with a broad, irving stem and aides, thc latter "tumbling nine" or Burrawing from tho waterline up, the um Tart i.- the picture t" a e.ucl ss observer of ie old wm den Utae-of-battle ships, which fought t Nile or Trafalgar or in the great naval con st.s of ISIS to I8I.1. Tbe tall masts and ?race> il rigging of thc early part of th century are me. however, short military mast*, with rapid re boxes in the tops, replacing them, to tag utter iss of pic?iiresoiieii. ss and proportion. The urma etit carried is hravy, but iv ooticeaVd behind tho i-.ii vails nf tho ship, ni tend ut I. in-- laid open i view, as it i- on makers which are cut down ; the stein, like the Da aaa B. tim 1 hurleston or ic S..11 Francisco. At her baw the Hurt has a logerous-lookiag ram. which -.hows fur several el ul m the water-line. A "lame at the Asoka rewed a crew auperior in Bfmrarsneo to any that is yet come into the Booda, th" iceneral averaire clcan'iini'K.s and physique BBIVeegksg even that 1 Aui?ricaii ahips. Tlij* Jtort ttew % big tri-solae \ tbe Mtf? bbr a gmaU mw at Um fora, ft sana'a