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AFFAIRS IN BROOKLYN r PRESENTMENTS HY THE GRAND .Tl'RY. MAN'T WOO?HOI- Ol PUBLIC INTEREST MORE POWER !SRI D r L. Th<- April Uranel Jury lnrielo .1 long presentment In tho Cenirt cf Booton* ye.erda y touching upon jpan-y. mattara e.f aubRt Knterest. r's;-AM twutan Richard B. heath wia lb-. Bin-mall. A change In ths me'thcd of rho. InR the Onad .inn ls rerora mandi- for e-i)-i-;i|. r.iti'.li nt Hie CCBXtRUli-Mll _?_ ventlon. in .? nd ol i fresh body <>f Grand Jurors ?very month R |* -u_. -n -el I Bal Bltjr ba selected ?Tiinnurj" I, and atty more nn January 1 . tn -''rx-" a mouth, un. so un Uni,neil lin- v .ir. sn that int* mem? bers may become lamlllar ailli tl..- arorli <>f their predaeeaaoi. and Ihe hndj made a continuous oar. Thi- power ti. appoint cwamlttees tn moke Inquiries outsiiie. t<iP Grand tory mont is naked tor. wini the e___l Jury bas tbe righi In Inquire int. the e.Wc-lal Mts e.f e Itv mil e milty oflle rials lt 1- nut pe. siblf to el., ibis nuder ibe preaenl ayatem, nnd th" prroentasenl --ivs (hal -all p.irflo-, i!-... public i .e-ll its ..llii-i.-iis. would, iv- I-..1 ila 'irf-il. tif lon' hte<l by nn Impertttal snd tbnrougli lore*Rgattou of many of (he vague nnd monstrous charges of cor? ruption myile- i,v Irresponsible >>r malt-Urn* persons, which nevertheless, when unoonIndicted, ure- in time a _ opt i-el us trut li.-' Tho (iran.I .inrv recommended Hint tn addition to the llif-ns<- f.*.- <>f WO n year on euri. sir">-t mr, by whicli tho e'.-v received from tU'' railroad companies 910,141) last year, Ihe rompnn_B pay tho olly .i fair percentage fruin tn- advertising rreelpts from tho cars ami stations, for x>:,i_ h tin- companies never a-iulre-ei i legal right. The extruotoa of tin- th-. Hatti cx-.-i- the- entire city, :ind Ike roi_nlntlon of Uta ap.-i-d of trolley tars, by ti.e Alderman nm uNo recotnin. title-1. Considerable, space w . x*e*n to tho enasMerntlon of lt* enanty iiisijii;tinns. Tin. nu_at_neal of IBs penitt-ntlary is rommeaded, nnd Ibe slnsraeaa of ron atrui-ttuii ul ti.ia county bulldlna* al _. Joan land is i i. ir. et u: i.h. i lu- worh on the property of WK) ncrea ba* already coat, una to comploto it twice ri- iinii*!i more xxiii be nended. Ihe ro, -oiiimi-iid.-ri lon I* iiiade- lhat all Ihe roan ty charei-s he removed to -t. Johnland, and Ibe .-o.iiiiy pre>r>>-r.y In _atbu_> be -old. Ths charl. <>f th* sale of m'.iu t.v Flatlands formen waa Investigated and ronnel u> be sn .aim ., and 'ho Ur_ii-d eif Health ls urge-d le. arrest every aeiler of swill milk In the eily. JOHN J. QT K.r.NF.Y CHARGED WITH MOMIl IPK. John .1. Qnecney, of Nei. i"i eii-i.oii]iolnt-:i\i'.. who was wrested l.y Policeman Walsh, of the Seventh Pto rliiet. em Thursday night, on ausplclan of huvlnc tuns.d Um death si Patrick J, Donovan, ? pacer, >'f An. .ula. loni!., wis yesterday arraigned before Justice Wiitt-on. In Ibe Ewen Utt-eH Politic f'ourl ,snd hold.on a illume of homicide. Tho prisoner _a commit!,.. An ante.))-\ w_ null'- las! nlghl by Deputy oruncr Trank Fn-. 1. wBo found lhal Uouovan bad 'ii>-<l fi .ti -natural eiiu-is. The physician fu md thnl de-ath x\as really tint- lei meningeal hemorrhage. Nn narks al external vJoh'it >? mete found. AN IKBA-fE MAN TI. It. BARBRA' Ta' RIDING. william A. Wlecke, rai arraigned belora Justice (io.-llne. lp tbe Lee Av uno PoMce e'e.n.-t, yo-ln .hx, ami I., iel for examination ?s tu his sanity. Wacke I- twenty-elghi yean obi. nnel liv.-a at Bo, 2ivA Drigg-ave. On Thnraday evening he dressed hiin_>ir in an old unuv raaf, n machlnlosh nnd ??. silk kat, .'.nd. armed with s pnUc_naa. rhib, patrolled |Bo Noell v.rd ?:?>? ii Itv.--.. Whenever be im-s.-.l the huna.. of xir. >i'i'/.. ri n>_rL-'"r sgalmd whom be hat an enmity, he would ball and Invite spitz, ont to Bght. Spits uh! tieet arcepl .be Invitation, but r.-iniilnod In t',>. linn-.-, whare bo iva- kept a prisoner for s. ve-nii boars. Finally Wlecke tired ol this, and ptertng a Mg ailinn clock on bis chest, he secured an e_it pi-:., mare nnd tried lo Rive- an exhibition of ban?i.a. . rldli t. Ile tumbled off the horse several tim's and i\.r- nnallv in-.-sicd _ , complaint ol bis fHthe-r. ? -.?. THK TRA TH N OMI 'AKY '.KT- AXt?T_BB BOAD Another -t-p l.irrard araalriag all tho aire, i-'il rond pro; i rt.-* ht lir_kly:i ar.i rom-olldaHng their manaK'iriei.i lu* mate, ,'he- tuon Intereated In tho ne'.\ lu . nra r. =< M -n rev n'v. uhl-h i- not yi-t forasall i:il ?ve -- rured onti ' ' ? ''" Proeelihii I; 1 .-? !? li. i'd !?- r.s I, I te ll ?? , the North Second rtrrtt :.'.is> _llas>' lino, and thc elprtilf* road to J male i r---n Baal Non York. Drexel, .Moroni A Co. secured thea-, propertlea bisl fall, pay lng 9890 a simr> ir th>- Broadway maspany's st.. K. it x-rin go int" tii>- traction company *ehen_ at $;,' 00, II. L. HolMns A Co.. the S-llptnans ard ("bri;. Wk- <_ Co. Inevo pun ha- _ il I>r tho Lonp Is'ar.u Tr:i linn rom pony. Th- snino men are Interested In the- BronUya Tra. - ion ' ompony, whit I. hus t*t;e-u poaaeeadan e>f the? proper'-.- nf Ihe Xtlaiitlr Aveutu Railroad 'oin jinny ami Ihe Rrooklyn, Hath ni I Weet End Railroad lo Coner Island x- umu u* control ot tl. Hm_tlyn (itv ;u,.1 Ncatuwn an. ; e Coney li'mei ?:>rl Brooklyn companle.cured, tho t-ou*olldatl_i il Intcreata wlU b?- e Beet od. GATHERED ABOlT TIIE TOWN. Tho tone "I letter-carriers \-:il lie increased by thlr'y liv- nexl week. Tbs Board ol Eatimate oreanlzi I yesterday ly tin c-he>li-i- ol Mayos Boody a cbalrmun ..ini E. VV. l_re tu. aecretai j Edward Foparty and .ian,,-- Wrixon were sen! lo Stat,, prr on foi Ix ?? ? i- and a lisR each by Judgo Hoare In the Court <>: ?lou* >> ?'?? -ni-iv. for siding ?Bulker prl sier k. ?? ape from i prison .'an. Phillp ..'Neil, who t fourteen yeors old and myi his hom.- i- in Sacramento t* I., wa* beM a* s vagrsnl In tieo Gat_ Avenue Peile Court yeaterday. Ile sax.s ho iii.n'.i i ... wh-. a.)..-- tl..- rontlnenl lu ike ln-t fi.ur mont..-, nnd wa* found nmoiiR Ihe loungers it ti..- eire ii. (riHindi. Thnrsdny night. Hu mid hi fatiiT a marlili.l '. and Ibat be tr-n a.. ny because bo waa rlr-'.l ol borne. Victor L Beding- 11 wi - appomtf I r__v r nf ?? ihe Flu'1' i -i Pp--" yeaterday hj .im:^.- Brown, In Ibe Baprtti" '?? -. ';. ? nil brongbi by wiiii-.m li. Rein lo dlaacdvi rs ii.n'iior-1.... arith B_lli^flfld in l!n maaagome ni . i tbe p?p t. apopu'arAt I % Friendly Talk wit k Young People ou i> acing, Cardplaying snd Theatregoing: How Far fa-? Are Bight and In What Tiny An Wron..-- alli be (ht mb joel em which Um Rev. J. V, Car "ii "ill speak to-morrow evening in tho Central _._._..,: _.. . t. eire li. Tompkins m.el WUtoaghby av..-. HOME NEWS. WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY. RoRaad Be >??.?- dbinet tee Ui?- ttmttn of the Van Bpo.w.. H_ l \'.',,ii..rf n aa. .\ ia ..I r-v I... key lilli, BRzabStk, 2 p. tn. Bew.Tarh-Boatsa ta .ball match. Bolo Qr_a_, * p. m. I'.in.'rii it i aptaln '.. C. xviii,-.-. St Tbaassa _ Pr tor, tan", i:,.Len... ll a. m. -\i..:> r i.i, iii, Berkeley Lyceam, b p. m. loi-ii-. ,i i.. ,?;,:...,! >. I, ?,i ..-un,.-. Manhattan 1'riUi, _ h h.. Bew-Totk Athl Ur Club aaioklnii ..ri.'rt. t\-enlof, Aim' : lU-le.) i .ir .ii. A*t_ Hoo*e, 'I p. m. I'll.Idn re-- . uti \ .1 1.. ri v l.\' "'"i'. - i'- "?? i. llonplial Un. Pslare Bink, Brooklyn, 8p.m. Anana] ? Uaj .,i Xcw-Tek So letj e.r i_haeola_lcal InaBtutt uf Am-ri-j, Bamlltou Hall, i lamtla College, ? Jo p. in. NEW-YORK CITY. Indgmenl far pMfiti mot entered yesterday ?gainst B. . il: ni, i. grain broker, >>f No. ?> \v> -t Pnrtj ninth st.. in favor nf Warren k Deanls. Thor., were fear deaths lunn typhus fever y .terds. at l::\. iii. ll.ispitnl. i.-i Barth Broth . Island. The vle-'inis were Thoma* Ahern. I birt, four var- e.ui. e.( Ba. IBS Pearl-st.; Jame* Kelly, Iwt-ntj __-t-n; Henry _-liii*tel. s'xly, and .lanie-, WI ir.-, forty tv... year "I'I. -..utte-l waa t lU. ii irom . Xew-Yo. Il.,-|ei-.;l on Weelu, s.iiiv. Kelly "as ron,i.v, ri .,???, BoRevue tbe BM lay, and B'klte was a lodfrt al the B'aat Waly olithih ... paitoa stii'io:.. At tho Nadtoan Squar.- (.ardon ( emi-.-r' Hall lo night an opor. ie- concert will b.- gtrea hy Mme.. Murio Colll. In aid ..f tho t lui. Balding and Charity Fun. Tin- programme of Ike concert In. Ind. s Ibe naiiioh of maaj peomtoml srtists, of xim... MurloColli. tou.-tli.-r with those <>i tome of the pupils wham she has Iratest tor ape rs and chairfa winging. _jm_| ii..- hitter, xml. n.i^o alraadj been applauded ou other .mc:i-Ii.iis. win bp braid m.- Miss,.s Minnie Hiiiter nnel Hom- Oaaper, aopnaoa; Mra. Ronan and ?tot l.i'n.-i,. Ttetae Oodla, t<n..r; demenio Ba liana, barytone, and Qastavt Holm, buss,,, wlli alao alni;, ami ,xii-s A.imlla .ntl. vi .llnlsi, w|i| p|:iv. Ci-urlfs Kewoerg, a twede, employed sa a Hack kiniu. at Brewster's cantofs toclary, in \\i-t |(,j; _ v.-ntirm.. dtiappanMd <>n March i last. m. body *_s found lu tho Bast KImi u, Twaaly figlilL it. on Thurs .uv. Tin- mau had drawn lils pay on MiiitIi 4. The> paitoa Miara lhat he was the vktlm of foul pluy and an- lBT?Stlgat_g the easo. ThomJis .liiliiiy. fort> four gaari ei'd. s jiallont nt tb?- Ken_o.,-!t llospllal. oseup.-. whilo on Thursday _|g_| irom the ward In which he was con Early yeaterday morning he was discovered .ABSOLUTELY PURE A SPOONFUL of Hoya' xviii go fur tlier than a spoonful of any other biking powder beean*, it is the purest. Highest of all in lerivenin.' Strength. ?United SLttes i.nv'l Foot R'ficrt. about a mil.- from tin- hospita] i.y Policeman Bach, e.f Ibe W.-t Thirly-aeventh at. station, lb- elad in nlghti lotbe. The loundatloni were probably laid yesterday fur many rase* of pneumonia. This xv.-i*- Ihe Ibougbl that cocurred in nearly every one abo aw a number eif eipoli nummer .ara mi the I iiii-1-avo. line. Commissioner Daly started e>n bis third raid la the croton region lui evening, lie will explore tho iippe-r part of the watershed to-day in his learch inr defiling nuisances, NEWS FROM NEW-JERSEY. JESSEY < TI V rt-RLRCt. \YA1TIN_ FOR Al.LKiiKl. FORGERS. Detective Daken, or Jersey City, nnd two .?! Inspector Byrnes, mon, have bein watching Inc hame ol Henry Shaw, No. "u .'..Ks.., f./- newera] gays. Ve- ,f.relay th. g' np Iii'- hope nf Anding hini iiTid tobi xvhy he- rat wanted, Shaw, wha wai bonkkeeper for l'reinlt j. Wood, wnnllei Importers, of No. m. Frnni'.iin-st., New-York, ind Henry Keoiln, vi lui Urad In South lir-olelyri, alni waa iis-i-tant ll, .-p.-r. lorgrd tho timi's name t>> thee kn an which they had raised MMojOOO. n is now believed they ii..v.* gone to Augt.ka. Shaw, who was married right months apo. Iel! his young "it'', .ind much sympathy la Mi for he-r nnd bis mother, with wham | the young couple livfl. The older Hrs. .bau ber s->n had m-e-ii ruiiu-il by Ihe raeeirack*. ahe r.eld.-d timi -lif bad mail-- lia ti rm rn i Her. and boped t<> effect a compromise she wa* willing tn pay iho i iitii.' pjOjOOU In order te. bring ber sun back. I__.i-1 Monday Frank Lennard, e.f ihe Salvation Army ol Jersey Uty, Hoped with Mb.* Marv Van Mst. When Ihey rame bn.-h M. . Van AIM refused tn an- inr daaghter, and ibe couple wenl 'o Nn. ?a; Perest-st. tn liv.-. Yesterday Hrs. Frederick Herring, e.r No. 176 l'nlon-st. denounced Lennard as a i,l_niilst. .-h.- -nhl h>. w.i- iii., husband "f hu- sister, mid bad never been dlvtireod. Leonard s-ul be lind b>oii elivoi-ii. in eb.- form, .uni Ural nih pl.'silll iel'.- Tails anti-llMl il li..- III' I. Mrs. AdeBM A. Pand. seventy-two yean rid, and her dauirhter, Miss Louise -\. Pond, tiny yean ..Iel. w.i-' burtf-d In one grave yesterday. Tm- funeral waa h. bi ai their home, Mo. 339 Bergen-ave. Rolh died rom pneumonia, one un Tuesday, snd 'ii'- other lat" Wednesday night. The only r?*intiv.- pr- .-nt wa* Mi's. Pond's 'Ihe* burial x\-.s al JtTWett, I'lSter County, N. T._ Testimony wu- taken yesterday in th" quo warranto pr .1 ? -i-dlllK* br.nplit bl John Kdflstiln mid lieorae i'.tor-i.n stain al .ta. ol. .1. i >?? t v\ iii. i- snd John l>. Fraser, memhars ol the Jew, CR* nnane. Hoard. Tin- evldenei- will be submit! <i to iii- Supremo Court hi Trenton on Monday hom. The t|iie__nn st i--ne I* th.- . on-titutliiiiallty of Ihe lau p.i--<l 1.1 winter, i_lvine Uta Finance board cunlirmtug powers on the Mayor's appointment*. ELIZADtTU COLLAPSE OP A THREE *-?>!_' BFlLDINO. A lhi_-_ry Mick building. 30x43 feet belonging to Jacob lirii- lila. bor. .ii No. i,i>'?; BHsabeth-ave., rollapaed last nijcbt und carried down wltb n pan ut .1. ' . Ogden'-* iiiriiitnro store adjoining, and ii->> tho sid- o'. Mr. lin. kUchel. hoi:-". The lo-- will be several Iheasaad dalian. rite dissstei wai I'tn-cil by workmen who \ p-ittlirf I new luanda ;i i iir,.-l.-r ih* bnlMlng. and who In dlci_ins musl bax i i md" r~ Itied lt. Fortiinut.) Uit> na men en lanced In Ihe nip^ni^-. and Hie t. in.-ia.on* who ?o;-. Ur lux th>-, had illili wi.rfc i.i'.-n minutes bel re lb'- building ndlspstd. Mr. ". >-n "'fa hu Iik- at ,r-J..?"0. while llrucMacot-r's will io nf ba-' 05.000 or _<;.<?**;. Th.- EBaabeth and . 1_ ttitit-l<_ Kio, erie- Ught <_m pany ba* made au appBcattOO to tho street and Law i illumine of iho < itv Connel] fer ? franoMte lo construe! un .-ice tri. ?1 railway from Elisabeth u> riai.itiojd. Tbs oompany has ordered i- car and other -itnipiiiciita, aird ls ready to begin at * nu Ita rued sfetnon a.- tha .'Hy Council til'.-'- the noreasar. poi mission. Tho commit _e wRl make ii rep rt f. the City Council Monday night. A -ivan Newfoundland dog attacked Ike two children .1 Jacob boehm. Jr., here yesterday and severely brt the youngest be.y, Wilbur. The scream. <t_ th-- Ium moto beard by Sanmel hi; ?-. tho -i.:,nl in .-south Elisabeth toa r, who wenl lo 'he? il,-'- i->--. H-- with a spade, Hini niter . a ha rp struggle -pit tin' de.-:-- skull ami Klllt-d him. Ur. Irrvr. wiro attended tir- lilia, -.lld !,i wound* were serious. 'I li** dev I, Ibougbl lo have been sflllrte. with rabies. NEWARK. Art. .r Dav was obaerved with appropriate e.r tinte* t..' ;.'.ni', n'l i ? puM . ?? ? .. :.,,;.,i and a nu ni :>t-r >.f ti., were planted In thr rka .uni in tho suburbs. ORAN SE. Mr. i.rl Mr-. John Pettit, of Montrose, ea-" .. j. rate bali last evening In relebrstlon -f t ? > ..-n plot lon ol S!lx-er Spring, *.i>-:r nu homo, ?>? i - -? mountain. I he pun - l a binti on and iva- built iv I>r. Lowell Ma ton, Irom whoso on Mr. IVitii b'.'i.t i' two year* ago. since ibt-n ihe ? :, ?- bron remodelled ,ii.i .. nlaro-rj. :,n,i <. ,,,,?? . nf lb" lar_te. and line I pla re in ibo liransp*. Mrs. Pettll a--i ;. . i-i ree .vlnn. b'- Mrs. Winiam A. Brewer, Jr., Ml-. Lilli" pope Ely, Mi . t'bevn.-. Hanoi, nf philadelphia: Mrs. Henri ii_v< . Mrs. Charlo I;, v..i'll, v and Mr . m. Rayard D tdd. new nnrxswicK. Chlel Justice Beasley, ol the Bew-Jersey Huprea_e Court, has granted an appll allon for a reeount ol the vote* rasl ? r freeholder ol Middle ??>. Count! in ibe Fourth Ward oj N . Brunswick si Ihe rhar i.-r election tm April ll. The ronni jove J, Ed sar PnweUon, Beptibllenn, om- majority '>\>i Henry Van Nu.-, Democrat. Twa Demo* ru tlc ballot* were d> ir.i-.i illegal i.\ Ihe .|.-i-',..ii niii..:-. and noi rounted. ''li I i. ground Ih" appll w.i*. based alij grant) 1. OTHER SUBURBAN TOWNS. LOX. ISIiAXD LONG ISLAND CITV, Maa Graff, Ibe yoong ob-eirbiau who wss arrested iii Flunking Thursday i fur abdnetlng Jennie Retngt-ld, daughter ul tin Rev, Mr. RelngoM. pastor ol ihe Holland Free i.iiii h. Pa-sab. xva- arraigned In Ihe Lons Island Illy I* Court yesterday. He m.i- --..minuted lu the Qneenn C-ounty Jail in default ..( ball. Tbe I Iii wi di u barged. SOI 111 AMI TON. Tile lit. il si- lon e.f th.- Teachers' lll-tllll'o ill ..lilli itllplnll toole lilli" ' i si-ieliiV. 1 Ip? ili.sin. Mddre - was maj.- by Principal Stout. The va. ri. ..f iii. concluding day waa devoted chiefly to ;n-i ul d ii" bund drawing. STATES isl AND. ?TAPLETO-.?Patrolman Joseph Kin;:, of Ibe Rli li.<i i ..urny poUce, xv.i complimented l>v Ibe llb bun.ntl County I'"lb" I r yesterday, The board nut at Stapleton, and a resniullon, praising Kin.- inr iiis bravery In iii- attempt t.. :.j-r>- - th> hm vi: r. v .. -.'.m. r..: iiiii;,' thc stapleton po I olin ?? a i.t---a ago, wa passed. ?. - Ult IMA ill! COLLEGE FMATEMXITt MEETA. The annual ronvrnHon ol Ihe .>;.'>n:i Chi Coller, fraternity >.f the Kimi Province, willi chapters ul Carnell, Dartmouth, Hobart, In Htute nf Terbnology, lii.-ie.n: t e.lunri.l .: I Hiv-r r v. Ul I in . ri College and other ii. -rtiii...I.- uni alumni chapter* in tin city, I'lillndi-lp. ia aid WiishiiiKi. opeued iii lil" Murray Hill Hot- ye terday morning. President tleveland wns recent]. Inti ated Into ihi* fraternity as au honor ary member, lirand Praetor, Joan _ McPherson, ol Gettysburg, presided al tin- opening ol ti.nv. n lion. About si-?.imty members were present, iho l.Ipal lopli dlscussid mus tim extension _ Ihe orfaaisatioe in ino iii-tri.t. rh.. N.-w vork Alumni Chanter gara a diim.-i in the batei last ni^iii io ibe visiting delegates. The ..nui-i-s nf nu- chapter .-.r>- ihe Ko., in-. Theodore A. K. Gesaler, consul; Archdeacon Henry L. Ct Inns, of Pougbk'ip-.'-, pro-, n rn: A'illistn k.i>i irtbune; ii. .-. c .kita, annotator, l ie -> -.lon mil .-nd uni Wanting-."Will you give m.- $10 b.r lhal i ji mp. .ha and Uhr lt bm !. ." "lake; ll I ne h ? W'hv, man, yoi (_;:?.- gi jfT.-i lu CU.ll for lt Heit tell dr:vs n^..:" "I know lt. but |?ve lookrd ii nil ihmngb ind thole* Isli t il bi.'itui-d weird lu lt Irom A lu. lhal tells bow tn eure warts."?(Chicago Tribune. Pref. Moll says that bis investigation >.f Aticock'a Porona Plaster shows it te. contain valuable ami sasantlal Ingredients not found iu any other plaster' -'io thal he- tinda ll euiiorior lo uu, oUu-r pla aler. ,'.' A NEW OCEAN QUEEN, THE CT-ABD LINKS GIANT < AVI'VNIA. BOT YF.T A BECORO BRBARER, TBOWIll A MODEL OK . r.i.\ .Tit XVI. ITXITY. Tbe Campania, the Brat of tbe two new twin ar., steamers fr>r the Cunard Line, which maj sr rive at tills port today, is lin- large--' and h. -t ,:,,..,? mus stoat. Her length over ail i-; OM leif, breadth, ext- m.-. 03 feet :i lm deptll to uppor duli. 4>'l f"*'- "'"I gm. lonnafie 12.300 tons. lle.r l_p_ce_ent "Ul I" be i -(*itt ton-. Tbe vea-.-i bas ;, atraighl stem and elliptic .*-"rn. topglillnnt -T-_stle nnd poop, vs thtep bnlwarhs, and ereettuna above th- main dork' Ol t-.e.i ti-rs Of _-. sill ni .Ullt.-el respectively by tbe promenade a lld _ade deeba. Tho Campania i-> liiU-xl x*iih two __ of Um n.oat a ...ini .-?.?.loons, staterooms, bath wi... dining ont **? .,,?. ^ ^ tll, mom. .ava.orios - ,?? b,,nR ,.,??, .mom-, are d - J - JJ ? ^ ,ilu.,.,;v,.",:;..;. ?* ?*??? ?* ^,i,M,i"n , i ,. nv nat ural and nrtltiilal mean*, ls t i.r.iiiL'l n'l ? bot li OJ "" . .,- a complete -v-t.-m of beating ls I',",'.."- ',-' the comfortable warming ol all tha living _.. . arm eleetricttf ls wed for ilgbRng n-n.-j'*; 1 , _ re ls ample acenmmod lion for 400 saloon, 180 second-cabin, and sbon? MO steerage passengers. .,-,?. surroundings ol th* nussengers, In point nf ______ ?>.P ??> >??" "-' ' ' ,"*d- *. r,,,. ?re ai"".i Bftat r"?"" dMroW '" ,:i" ?'? ""'1 ,,'., ? ;1 handsome dining-*].m ia oak wainscot. an elegantly furnished drawing-room In satlnsrond, .,?',. , r." ?w>king-room, in the Bi-st-class ;,,,',., there are aboul SOO staterooms. The best apartments, ..nd ti"? ??"-; ?umptuously Btted, are ',, tue tuarn, appel "ua l""""I::"1" ?*??*?? bl" lU" T.TF. CAMPANIA. powerful triple- expansion r_._n Hutt have yet been ...n-tru. I. -el, .-rub -..t rapablo. lt l-l believed, of In ileattng i i.f KW e.r i.'e.en-o boree pawei. These >-hki.. aro iii ted in asperate engine-room, there being .1 dividing i .-lili.- lin.- bnllili'.ni, titte. x\|tii Wal--: iiiftii door- f.>r lui' necessary purposes nf aommunlca timi. Al tho Cnmpanla'* proportion* xvero to h gigantic, tin.- greatest erin- and forethought bael tn be expended m. ibe structural nrrnnfementa alni de latls throughout tb.- iiin;o vesoaL Tb.- _ee| plating i- in length* of twenty-sti feet, and in _?_ rasas longer. Froin ibe keel, x.hi<n l? of the dat plate tvp", upward "> about the fond water Bne, tin plat,-; j,,-.. Rited on the lapbuti principle. Above iii.- water lim- tin- plates ure Hied end to tmA in ihe nsml way. 'ibo bottom of the .anel I- coast rn t..i on .in- cellular prlnrtple for niter inila-'. There are four complete Hew of beam a, nil of n nil are plated with neel, snd sheathed with -a.,...! pin:,:,-, forming thc npper, main, lo-\or uni ...i'p decks. The hs! kt -Mi fdr emtpA und refrtgeratbrg chambers, storeroom, et.-. The ether techs ii- et univ eiovit.d io th.- accommadation of pa --n. -rs. MR. CAP,!.ISLE DOES NOT VISIT WJLI-8T. THE i i |',| T . V FiTMVrs _OB CHIC AGO XV1III uri- i. OIN il To rm. "stn rio ?R1 nv. Tho Secretary ,,f tho Treasury. Mr. full I--, dbl U. cn gowntown yesterday, li" Inform. Assistant Tn-nsurer Jordan, on Thursday bight, thai ll bonkeri rlMted Ike Hub-Tree ar) In th- mornlnf the-* should be invited 1.foe tn the Victoria Hotel, where lb,, r-. .-r.-tiiiT would in..- tl.? ni .i n. .. b lime .i- I"" .(.ubi -prin- prior m lil- leaving lbs rttp ter I dMgo ibo aummnremeni in tb" newspaper* <>i .ht JJc. nrv's |ilrin- Inr ,s':iitln>c With tho I'i .-|e|t>iit ... Boon I indicated rn bankers 'hut little --..i-f*.'nm rouhl be _dal_ed ont "I the brief time ur Mr. Car-Rate' dis pi,-al. and lhere v_r>- no talleri i.t th" _lk In-u-uiv reMerday wltk a aprclfc purpose e.; seeking ike -.-. r.-t.u -.. xir Jordan was rery busy end he . "I nothing t.. add to th.- fol. ... ...nut of rhtirsday'" routere we gi vt n in ino Tribune. There .... flOO.000 gold nlthdrawe ti. rn Un- s?|,.Treasury fur shipment to Cai ida, .in-:,- will I-- i.'I OM*"..- f..r K-.i"pe tn Bay. The for'is'ti exchanges *>?? r? distinctly mtmet end ihe rc rent pressure el bill- upon tho market bes been re foxed. Moii*t la tho op.n mars..'! in London I- balder ai':i por cent end tho cable advice* brough! news ..f ? shipment of _?._.' bullion to An .nita, the _'id I- senl u.* h pro. auRonary moa-ur". ->n aeeonot nf Ih* disturbed condition of nuance* in the cnlanj and Bui ber ihlpment* win probably l- worn* if money rote in London sdvauce much further ban'..', in-re .-\;?-. i 'hst there v.iu bc un rori) re imption i.f ea poil - nf geld from Ben York. :? was rumored ye terdaj Hud lhere bud been offer of gold meda ie Secretery Cartfoto ni lbs rnnferen.' rhni day, md 11 ?ii<> -md thal Ibe dearing 11 * ?-?-? rommlttne wai working ont ? paw ol Iron let i-. ca ?? ,,f r.n emergency, frederich D. Tappen, pre ?*?" - ol ilie i.allittln National rx mt. -. Brayton in -. pi" fo> nt <>f ibe Western Batianal Rank, and ether banker* denl.d lliu.1 lhere wu- tri. h In tho-- t.i'.-ii"' . lil" pr.. reedlllK? ,,f "-'- '"":' r'"'' *'"' '""' ?oV,'r*** ?" l:" I ? report, snd jre_e td >T' t "? '; d oul-tl rroni 'ho foci 'but Ihe bank pie Iden! abo mel \!,.. r.,,|| .. :, ,j-.'.i bim ...nil.Uv "I it,, ir - ?.I a i r him in uny em Tgeiu \. r.i,i ;i ul I RIM TO TIIE TREAS1 KY. Wa-Muston, April SA. t_fer_ el r_d Ih exe f..r legal tender notes are --iii being ._-V_l si the Treasury Department. In na e ,is< ls th>- am.unit targe, bul tb- ii ir/i ?. ii., rona np Into the hnndreda ..t i h-m-nnel-. -ii. ti;. n- A-Uli_r Berrelarj lin .Apt-.- -. - i'. are terning in **ateadUy." rb ? vaiii,ii, oil.-i are tn.w beginning lo .ipi.t em in. booka of the Treusnr. Ibe actual eschew, ot mon. f.>r tin- g?M having taken pines. During ihe lat week, aa now appears, offers knve been made and accepted foam ???;<" Pranefocn, Boanoke, Ve., Pittsburg, \\.i-iiiii.'..,n. l) C., Im. Louis, Ros too, Norfolk, t'olam bu-, lia., Rainmore, Cumberland, Philadelphia end New e >i leen . iii: shot the MRBMQ at thl wMXIMQ ii at ii Ti,oro was .-1 shooting iillray er.riv yeah tay Bown? ing in i.'N.Ill's ltfjne.r store, nt Seventh-eve, aud Twentj *txtt__ ''no negro was wounded aeverei. in lin- .nurse (,f 'bo <|iurrel ny imo'iior eegro. Then bael boen a boxing luat.ft lu tho Rxcelslor Assen Mi Ro .in-, over Hie lnpner Store, "ii Thin -d.iv night. Nos! of iii.- per un- present w.-i-e, it ia set. colored nen. e.. .in" Jachaon, of No. ii-. Reventh-ave., urea om- ni lb.- doorkeepers. Ile- hud ir..ubi.? .th Isaac Becher, ol No. -j-j'. B'est Twenty .tint! it. Tir- quarrel be tween Ihe un ii was renewed In the Ibpior -ton- i.t 1 a. m. ye i.-iitriv, and .lin le ton .Ired I . abey, nt Ll". Inr wini a revolver, i'm- bullet hit Decker lu ihe leg and the- other wf.un.lf-d Jilin In Hie rlpht shoulder, A policeman, win. heard tin- iho ling, rushed ime, the bal m un and arri I'll Jackson, The prisoner said In bad shot Decker In self-defenee, allot |i,-i i?f>r h;,,| a, mulled him. lin ber's wounds Were -j|| l,-.1 I., bs dangerous, and Jackson xvas arraigned ?' tin- Jefferson Martel p.,iii., i i,uri ou a charge of felonious a .ml ll" Mri va ll limit billi. BPXAMEMn AT A CMUMCM CQ.XOPE.VI. Th.- tiff,.,.mi, i-i,uiii. Congress of tb>- Protesten! Bplseopel ? li un li In Un- Culled Stair* win |?. I,,|_ in ii,i rlty ?.i November H ir, under tin- presidency ol iii hop Pu.tor. lin- Ionics already adopted by the r.xi.nti.i i ommtttee ar.- of present da. Intereat. lin li-t of writers ami speakers who have accepted In vltatlon* to addr. lin- t'ongre. Inclndt Rlshop lian dolph, Bishop Jackson nnd oilier member* ci u,. ? ;.i copula; and of "other clergy," Dm. Heiland, Wal pub-. Richey, ?... t. M. Kim. Hodges, Parks, Vin lon '" ?l"1'""".'l ?'i-f', VvUr-,-'- T ?????_ lloyd I tis'y. e hart es ll. Hall, I*. A. I Tomkin*, xv Richill.*, Tl Lube-t-k. I . e.all.ii, C. T. tilt ll.ti.y /./.* IFtlLYSN il AY 00 rO HOM!:. It wai rumored yesterday that Dr. MeOlvnn, who hus Just returned (maa Florida, winn- be d _lver_ i settee nf Lenten lectures at th* reqne i ?< Wshop Moore, _. going le Rome soon io ? me pop,. H.- refused ye terday rn -?> wi.r i?i- remor v;, inn- e.r not. li ls -aid nn R.| authority Hint |?. will go to Rome. Ill- -Ibn..- at u ._d1.Ii._s bj -..mi,.- ti,.,, b, rUhes in divulge ?i- .a., ' . . to Hm members ..f ti..- Ami Povert. rj.' '' PMAXRFEMMIXQ ? TEE ali l<\ If. .,/? roMMEMf'M" The annual meeting ..f lae itaekhnMers af "Tl. Journal ol Commet.-* was held yesterday i.ti.n,..,?, snd Un- stor'a b.-hi by DnvW M. giana and WIRI.' Mme, ihe maturity itochhoider nea formaUy tran ' l.-rr-el lo th- honking linn nf rs..u,ii.l D, Devi* a in Of N.t. 46 Wall -|. Tl..- -ab- of li.,- Itt** v.., , ?.,,,' on March 31. it is gaiantw. thnt ti,.. ,,,tir.- stork nf t.," jiiip. r ls now held by .samuel Ii. Devia .x r? end that ii bas beet, hougi.t for speculation, a m.'-iv beard of direeters was fleeted yesterday, bm ,,?. eames were nm mnn? mmhths. Mr. Mane wim hs contmll.d and edl'od - Tho louriu.l of CUmaM. . - Im lt was startt., wm t_Btt_M to _ Us edltur tU lewer-decR ra_na era finish ?_ and furnished in ;l fnsiiiiin thal would be perfection but fur the InsurtOU* -un-i.iiii'lm.-- elsewhere. Tho social rooms ure mssnltlrent, The entrance to ii" cr.'tid -iain a? I- mi Ihe promenade de k. Like tho ktalnsse ll H ol t> -tia >loud, and ? , hr;- -krllsbl ls In Ra nm-, .nilli-, el .--lilli.. I*he ilse uf tl"- hu..ri"' lull I- liiipi"-**i\-". I' I- I'*1 feel long snd tM feet bri ut, ri ti: around lt- Mbl . lhere I accnmmodntlon for ti." |ia?*-nger*. lt I- in dark mahogunr, and the etj-le i- modllfed Italian, 'lr.. .???..? and Ibe r yuluna hale* around the :.i .1 - ,.??? upholstered in dark ru -i velvet, and un ir..- sii.-li.-'i- ore prel nu <i"si_.n.-.i . uri ni . i... drawing-room I* in ?tyle K"'.-. The '-..ul rm- ol -linwood, beautlfull) carved and relieved with n-dar. Al one end "f til" room kl a pl.nm, and a' ' '??? ol i- r end I I organ. 11.. furniture i- "f *atlnwo?_, upholstered In i va rmi. ot ...tnl.iii.itin.i-. \I>iii_r Hie ld ire eltees, and ? I-. where ihi Ih* lu u |_|l?> i nrpel its* re anl I'.uti :? - T i smoklnc-l atm i- "ti the promt nado d __?, snd .s ..i fumed mik, richi* panelled and i .er-.'-ei in tbe Rllzalwtlniii . ivie, ii..- ? " ? . sod ottoman* are upholstered lu lu.- kin. tt i ? es tr. rn. end of the promenade d-i k ls the library .mil read'ns r.n, fbi alvie ,- Hens I - i ?? The Campania -.IM fr-.m Liverpool Saturday li-', snd pa- ed Damn'* Roth it i :_i ;>. m. Sunday. She ls expected lo arri\>- h>-r>- lodaV. v of tin- paper kui remain the Mme. Mr. Prime will in.t be connected with m.. paper in ihe future. I; iv., re, mn. reported ih .1 - the Commen Iel bulb-tin bed purri.-I Ihe ilock >>' -The Journal of cnnimarce" through Hie hanktag Brm >.f Samuel i>. Davis ,x e o., mid lhat Ihe two paper- m.niel be made intn ci", lue l di'..r e.' ? i.e conmen lal Bulletin" t-.ld a rrtbune reporter I. ?!?? na no fruili lu th- report. Richard Croker ls wld to be enc af the nen dir. 1 tar-, elected .est. rdny, TE ET LAVGBBM Al BABS AND ELOPED. lill BOR wu DA! e.UTI.K OF Wi.Af.TitY ROSTOB PEOPLE IRRESTKB IB MEW-TOM U'iiiihiii ii. Handy, twenty one wura- olde said 'ei '??? .1 membei el 1 well-known fsmllj ol Rostoo, wa* i,.M n, the %.. k> llb- .".>'. ?- 1 n m yt lerxl iy niortdng m fcl.__0 hail on the rherae of abdurtlng 1 inning, Bili _i .. .r- old. ol No. _M lr un.nt -t , Rostap. in. percnta ..1 mi- Canning ere rope,r,,.,t \m t,r wealthy. Handy had known Mis-i ( k ib-.iit two .-.ra sud 11 tit* If. but the Kl rl'-i parents objected 'o bia attentlena on account "f Um ai iii-ir daughter. Wat Chiming attended ?-_ei la Walton-t. .x I bur dar mgr: nu: While en her -_,v ... school .she net Hendy, ??_& persuaded bet to come to New-York with bim. They i> ti ii*-.,,n u. 10 e. m. lhal day, 1 ? ir!" nether nnd falhai mon di 1 ove red Ihe elopement, ami telegraphed luperinteiidenl Byrnes at-aiiig bim t.> watch ibe raliway a.-.iii'>ii for the of the couple. x|P, ;.x: .. ,..,. Detective MrMnl ' I ral < 'fl.. ?-. al once lo Ihe Urand central .-'itb'ti. "n ibe arrival ol a nun from I' '..u at 1 p. tn, I'll.rr "Inv be v- ,/??:. among iho. slighting, "1" runaway couple, a_.a _i__*._ii them m.dor anent. x?->-n' -? ?:.:-.-. of xir. 1;.nv' ...;???-., took charge of lbs young woman. .1 .nuv w.t In ken lo IMtee ||eudi|tiarter*e V. It-rdaj tuornln_ lust lee Mf-M:ihoi. uf ibe Var krills |_Hle e ? n irt, held Hand. |. amlnatlon .ir. Monday. William Hoyt, ilji.'iv-- itep father, who bad foRowtd the couple i? Hil* rlty, furnlsbed bail. ^U Canning wi >*e motiif-r was ai .1 li.vt, was returned 10 the rare of th>, -..? letj. Hand) and Ml t'anidng were willina to h ive Ju Ree XlrMahon perform ii." iiinrria_.e ceremony, b'.t Mrs. < anning dctlliud lo ri*'1' her consent. (TVIt. SEMTIl'E COMMlXtlOX IN BEAoJOM. The state el-.ii r-.-rai... CommlsMonera were lu :i nt ih.- Ullsey House yesterday snd Iran* in n-d r_i*_erable business, I'pon ihe recomraen dallon of Mni'.r Dooly ii. ru -eeoii. pieces In the Brooklyn < imI Her vie* were transferred from Ihe Ben-competitive _ ihe- romp?Uttve irheduie. The iiiinmi -inn took step* toward creating pieces in Ihe Stet*- h.. pi' tn prepare young pby kian* fer (he competitive eaemlnetlons feir a--j im.i physlelam lr, the s Institutions. A PATItloTie an.Xl 1 rustin CELEtKATlOS. Ti..- Washington Contlnentsi Guerd arin sttend _ peela] >re|..- al _ Caul's 1 bur. li to limn arr.; noon, el 3_0 o'cloek, io rom memo ra- the une-huu iti-d mid f mrtii anniversary of tho Ineaguntion ol tieneral Oenrge _s Mngtnn ss Br I I'r- Iden, of the el -'J'.' . Mu- members ol the xiur\ Washington A*-rtstlon liav? been Invited hi be present. Tbe Daughter* _ the Auierii'iin Revolution and other lecal patriotl v>. lettes win b" r j.r. anted. A POLITICAL Bl RLE. From Advert Bing, (br April. I'm- main year the Weekly Tribune ba been the 1-lin ul bihle nf ike Northern .rul.itoui Rep,,_ ,?,,, ni the rural districts, end been able rn mu! i.,1,. tin- Halm thal it iv the lonee 1 h..-ku pat __? 1* ,..1 rrem tbe ..fli, e el 1 dall. In thi -t-.r-. Wltli a .In iila'lnii nf over 175.000 ronlo* each w.h. whal a magnlflcenl propert; ,- 1-- xdv.-nl er lune .-el Hil medium, anel baye received lu return ?limit.- ii...11 w.ii * rendel. ..f i?|. u??.;.-i-n.i paper. -m.,,. people r.-.l! lt old-fashioned ,.|, m..1111,1 ,,f ll. wise ?.,1 e?ni.1 *. large beet and 1.1. a dre - .-md _ -( hag)* n m.-uta ihe t. rm. hui if ., reader of new .,,?,,?.,. wan) te. gather |he Bews, all ibe news, In Hie nins 1 tell,,!,... form ami du. lu ?f n|| ,.,, .,.^"m he had laii-i- tum In tb.- column ol n,>. Tribune ' lt ?"PPOrier* ere e. afadfti I In Ihelr aile 1 ??.- as was Ruth* lltlellty to Naomi. Pf JW Ito T ti:).; rrniii Note. snd Qm ri. , A former 1 ord Du lier had ne notion of -i dinnie '?' '' '"?? apple pie. -e....I hies, mt .,,1 ,'?,.* l-l'-." he wu beitnl t' muller al l_tu-e Kmerhuzv'* llavward say* I '; Ital nollie amateur in., vi ..ii '?'lll'"i l'1-- '?,l,;',,,11V!:., ?', ?''"?' ronl ndlng timi -tart" waa lo open pasln 1 ,?-,| Ah.iib-v would have un spriiol lari on l.l- -ii..|,',,1,1 r.H Hu- rear round, and with him li wa a I wa xi. an a prl. I lari. Hui nil Url* ar- pies, I hough nil nie. are n.e. tarts. Pantry I n ???- -, term for ali niliu sry pr- piriiiioi - 1 si ar>- served mi layers ur in ?a"-, opened or >l..*.'I. of fnrlnai.,. puste' teni p..'' I- 1:1. n.ntr*ctlon of mi (.merle i?rm "Tart" ' ?otig 1. ls pa lui led 1 u-t 1 Imo fsm \ .hain \ Pl.. open ". . 1' ed. may he railed .1 lari when ant purri in of lt pat.- has be n twisted or fm Ifn'h mani pola ted bj Ihe maher. . fi-ul nies mat ron slsl ..f n.-si or ti-h. and . .-t b- tarts, uud liri- may 1.f Ipili and vet lie pb's. annonnremsnt-,. til - Wi \ai .xt s SiMiTiitN ! Svurp I.i- Im? 1. ...I f. , ..-.> 1 I II I. l'| lits hr Mut |,,\-, ,, Mi erin ti*. 1 sui 1 iiriii nii.niti -> vv it 1 ?__-- 11--1 rn. IN'. 1th i'i 'ii 1 OT -' ' ' I SJ* 11 -.'in - ' ti,. . -.Hil N-a TU. '.I Ms W l,\\s W.I, I'XIS 1 I lil - '.X I M. . .'I.IO and l? tl. IU a| |;| M| ai, | ,,.? I.I .lilillnl. \ vi! l.r |.|;l ,,.,|.|a, ,? f , ?, Hm a rid. twin 1 v u\ 1 1 i.s rs \ in.rri.i.. TTatx>,_t," E a yt ?Ti*>.--.i A NKXV I'OM.AIl. SnW . -?-_M BMMMT A Da.mii.s m d 90 WEsT HO I'll-KT. ntsosasa of ta* W_f-_ hratein, 'f.nlto-DrlnarT Orcaaa, ?_-__-__ j tu Si-trUlir. Ileura, lui, ? u> e7 *-^ Semi-dress Suits? long Cutaways for instance, in both black and grey fabrics. We sell y0|| these "toney"coats, all ready to wear, 20 to 30 dollars. They are tailor-made ? like custom work all the way through. And we sell you Scarves, Gloves and Collars in harmony with ow Clothes-at the down-town store. HACKETT, CARHART & CO. Broadway & Canal Broadway near Chamber Opon this ox _ning. CAMPHORWOOD AND CEDAR CHESTS, REFRIGERATOR . MIt*KRV ld BOXES, WATKR FILTERS AND COOLERS, PORTABLE BATHING APPARATI . d.c., Ace. House Furnishers, 130 and 132 West 42d St. To-Morrow's NEW-YORK TIMES Columbian Edition. Our overcoats art* the kind that add ju - enough warmth these tool nights, ami do ii??i burden \\ith extra .weight or heat. .Made ut' plain smooth goods or tit' luxurious rougbfaced cheviot, 115 to *."__. Ask io >r<* that rich thirl, bim' dollar necktie that spreads at tin* ends; or maybe one of our many other son*?at 50 ceuts or more?i> the right om*. Vou an* jiutt as welcome whether you buy ur uni, and remember tliat wo keep everything tor man or hoy. Semi tor our new catalogue; live. Stores open tins eveuiug. ROG_US, PEET <. CO. THRF.E l BROADWAY | Wurr _, __TC_?__. t ii'i St. COLUMBUS .MATTI...-. MATTIM.- . MATIIM. _ Tha m. >t i .. .? i ;. . lea* ai;4 " r -?- in mtra i aa I ,,...-? Mattlna mul ai the i.....?.., i>it..-~ _ \. . I .: I., ihe pilbil. i ..I ..'I .->? the .'"I- ai ->". I l.'i .m. .r mi) a.-sn ?_ qi._, .You tu ._'....' i ?. t>.u ot 40 ...ri-. H. P. WILLIAMS & CO., ?tit I X\Xl. -T. KBn,rf? In e ton tor .rv pain lartaatly :"!i>'1"i *".'l qui.- .T mr,'-. Sor> Tt.r at. Polia. __r.-_.ll>>. Fut."a. 'Ih* ti p." Toot, ip ll _.l> _??. *-. . S .mlgla. lUMaeta. titi* Bi> ali ?, Brut -a, ky on- _ aiata ap. IceUeaa. littv I nil, per llutllc. ?aulil l>> _)___:__? RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. \ 1 893. MAJESTIC BICYCLE Highett Uratfe. Wclahl 'tl *115. HULBERT BROS. Man .ii turrr ?io __?.?_ Ml> DTRBI Opp Silt fcve Kal Athii>u.' u...xi. ... _?:..? ry Deacripttee & CO.,/ ._. f ___abll*h_ 1801. UA___l.._0_ ____M CARPET t i.kamm; wuk ks. I'i Real -_.?tli .. ah,, leg, r_a-.Bg, u >. 1,000 ROLLS ( III NA AM> I KV . \ MATTIM- . ? , ii . _ HO 00 l-l rall i" ...ii i I a'r.n .1 , ., H. P. WILLIAMS o- CO., \I'V i ll I I "I Ml v is, \M> M I'.si r.ll'l I.iNn i.ii.s I III. KKW.YOKK I Ililli M. \\ ll... |!| Kl LI.IVI l> M I IH I lTO_ N "I i ll I \'i, I :?? li,,,, |. ...i\. St toot li il). ,,( lliMli-l l-l -I rm.I A I?\ -1' 11. Tls|-;MI N i *a a| Un I..ll., 'uni. Mi.i,i.I, .nil,-. _?.,! ,.,,_,. eva., a. ?? roi _ M , i.-.j .Uh.v.; I . kui,,r I ....rt. i-nlli -I ; 700 Thl. -ave . ,.i i,.t I ?'.. ?? ? .??i.tti'. -i.r ic. r.i I rd .\... ,,.;., si\i. i,,.i ,| i -(mt t trs ..,., ll . .Ml I IU -.;.| ,1 ?>,. t .;,.,. t,|.. uv.-. . .VJ Wi'. mu.' A: I.IIM; Lt. Wt-at I.t.willi .. r >._, XVI . '-''''* ; ?H fhtr.l ;.*.> I _? Thlnl a.. .; ...Oil i__nl av a.. _>--i. iulu ami li_n__ .. . REMOVAL. Our Main Retail Store HAS BEEN BEHOVED TO 176 FIFTH AVE., HEAR S3D 8T. Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary Woolen System Co, 500 ROLLS DAMAGED MATZZMCM, fl ".O to 07-00 pet roll _f M Minis. m H. P. WILLIAMS & CO., ?-MO -ANAL ST. OFFICES TO RENT. TRIBUNE BUILDING. Two small offices, already rented, which tenants desire leased to oth .r persons, on account of change in their own business. Also, one large, well lighted and ex? cellent Office, already partitioned. Apply for terms in Business Office of The Tribune. TRIBUNE ALMANAC 1893. THIRD EDITION. Revised to April first, and containing the new Admin? istration and new Congress, A'great number and the most trustworthy of books of reference. 25 GENT8 A COPY. THE TRIBUNE, New-York. TRIBUNE PUBLICATIONS. Ta ai I-m. els. KEW >'%V \. -.propo. ol ihr tint til parado In _?**r>? ferfc ll..i lim- Tin- M_M. piuiiplilrl Ima great pop* ui ir vului'. ..Ill III.' lil'tv wni.liip. >lr?, rlbr.l. Mick iiiiinbrr ul ultu., .liiiieii.len., rt.*.. cl.-. T_? nu.ul.or iiN.i cumulus lim (lillian complication, -ii cut. rn tammy* _ ll, NASA C. 1_.--Thiid Kilition. rrtl.rrt io tb*_lr_ al April. A rnnllr -pl oodla a..or. l-l r.i ol' ths gt rm Alumna.-, on m. .MW paget. N??r i emir. I'u.i. a h.,ui ide World-. Fair. 'H teal* a, tfjpy. _ llll.I.tOVIIRF .--Iroi-iplrtr- II.I of tho 4.047 mill. Inmilrtx ol thr lulled ?l?i . nud how thry made th-,* nioner. Only li.i ctrr compile.I. > ulunble to .tudanco, r. onoinl.i. protuoirr. ol new enterprise*. H ,ru..,i mmpt. Ju n-xibi,.. iuin. Si. TIM K BTOKin Of THK WAR FOR Till I MUN. A uitt collection , Iprll, IMMM) ot morl, .timm tit a.nial participant.. Thrilling, pul hm ott II ur. 'ii seale a omayp. XX KU WrOOI__ Oeet 10 tale* ofthr llTll War.Sv Cul. ii . .. lu.|.iriiiM. ihrilliu* and pathetic. Halt ol llii'in tt I'itlrn 'ol Tribune cu.h prizes. ?_{j. cul.. UH. I--1 K . The be.l ol lto.wrll (J. llorr*. urti, rlr. ni > ur Vt. ir Ult Tribune ou Ihe Turill, _-in.ia._l ?tilter, lu r.liii ution in I:.elf. 'ii eenie. lMI*UtlVH?IK\T.-Tworhnrmln_t?rtl<*1 . ht ll. ii. Niirihrup ilie prime mut er In Hil. work. New \ui-k ? il> men tvli.i want to help bemitllv their native lott na in Lu , omni, that, i neale a coff. . OKTIll lill.. 1 Ml.'.-The eicrel.a there. 1} . nil. u cup.. (IMITlKJll, 1__.-Prafu.elv tllit _r:_od_ The ?mi? ui i.ii-.un.on. iMeeeaaa ompt. HOW th WrtR roon ni:, I ethe ii t_eai_tfe_ m. rl.rnlr I rs.nt in Thr Tribune iu which he declared a cilli'ur i-.lin -llo'i mil lo bu.hie., .ii. cr.., mid lhal lhere uro ti. tn . iv chan. e. tor pool- mra it, et rr. I .e. I.. Titi ??'_ .... trmaawte ia thrir tutor bv . c. T. __. -iliciioi-ol tin-'.l Oi, 1 ump m., uud urguitii'tit aaalaai bj T. V. Pmw/twtty, llraai Mu.ter \\ orkuiuu _ thr K.iitiht. o. I...I...i. .1 cn:i.. aPBBaUUBH. Thr br.tol the niter.dlmmr oratory af one tt i ul ri u. liii. eil), Tltllll RR .11 lill.IK. opei-el ie* of < liiiuney M. tani. || illiuiu i uni, (li.i-lr. A. I?uim. How. McKinley, and ll. (.. llorr. nn.l purni I.t ".lellman, al thr -lOih aaalaereaif mt Tho Tribune, ll cent*. _?_ IVA HHIROTOR (IIM'KWIII,, * lull account af Ihe I tittil, auuitrr.ui y ol _ nsbiiiMtiin'. liiaitauratloni iu New I oik ( ht, with all lin- .perchr.. Ill .eui.. RVW TABirr HIM.. Mu- McKinley bill, with the iii-touic <!> ol thc Wiiy. uud Mean. toiiiiiiltur latte latin'. >M crnl o. lit ll I RS. Tltllll AK Al.HANK, UM In ?__. *?? -IM,ION lillis. The Tiibimi ?*? 11*1, buiid?awelf h..umI i > flexible dolli. SI. ? Al lt I KAI Nt KV.-' A Tribune prriiiluiii. Wv reuiilar .ub.crih-r lo The Tribune cnn gmt lt for ?*? .em.. A .Iril. iou. piece ol' Inn. writ icu by l.auc IL llroiiilry for Ihr Vale aluiuui. Profusely kv U?_u_ and t.ibaou.