Newspaper Page Text
PART II. APRIL 29, 1893. ?^JSr^-i "BEL ?f PART n. PACE8 11 TO 14. IIOWTIII-: SAILORS MARCHED. FOLLOWED HY THE NATIONAL GI UU) CROWDS AfPi.M'"1" THEM M.I. Tin: ww i \ CI DENTS OF THE i'\!:\i>:\ Thc toad parade of yesterday wan nm- <>r Ihc mo I effective ead 1*1 i.-ii>r.t.-n11?.;i- -;... Ui les N w-Yort aver nw. Abort ?'?' ",: sallon were landed ai fl n bt ?hatted te Forty *eeond-?t. in Uio moriili g, m-s ur feathers, and at ll o'clock I be mareil down Fifth-eve. began. Willi then ww.vera! ladle* ut v.rh.iii ead loreign marines, while 0,000 soldier* of thc National (.nan! brought up the roar. All thin was u^ an escort ol tn* loreign adnlnls, who mw taarneytox down to ihe city Hall Ui pay I heir rt tperl tn Mayor Gilroy. Tiie bead "f thc colnnn reached the reviewing (land at city Mall Part al 12:20 o'clock, and occupied about hu hour and ? half lu passing. The i aval loreen Ihen mantled to the river fruin and re-embarked. Half of the naval contingent was composed <>f men from I ie rolled States vessels, and all ll.thyr nationalities In the Beet were represented except ihe Spaniards. Th" route was < Flfttaave., thrungli Waverley Place, down Broadway, aero** < ity Hall Park, along J'.irk Kow and down Broadwaj lo Ihe Battery. Tin: ROUTE down in rn wi. Tho noblest nari ol the route was over New York's prl?e thoroughfare, Fiflh-ave.. furn Forty-second-st. to Washington Park. Never <iid i' look more entirely Milled for mu li pngeantrj ? Ittlng ulnae for no nn u-u;ii ? scene. The display ol Hap and bunting wax leas elaborate than thal prenarnl for Ihe i'olumblnn celebration of last October, bul profuse enongh t<> give the avenue the needed appearance ol cordiality. Kv..ry clubhouse and every hotel had it- ia gp ile, with the Stars and Stripes streaming oul In Ihe wind Proa the windon. ,,f most ol the othet bnlldlngx, i.k>, were American and foreign Bags, fluttering bc neall the rronps cl gnxlous Hpeetaton crowded every available window, and even everj roof or other coign ol vantage. - A* THE LINES r IRMEH Th.-re w:i^ i ntlnnnl and Intense Mir al Forty et nd-st., where Ihe Bnc wan f rmlng. rroop<4 and Masses) were marshalling la Ihe side streets and d. ploying Into Ihe avenue. Fifty policemen <irug<1i>d witl Ihe ma?- of people surging In bulging lim almost Irresistibly into the street. There wk ih? rapid riding of Ihe aids and escorts, with continual nignallng by the buglers. The Tth Reglmenl pas* d Brat and went f^v d wn the ronte to take r- place In douMe line on lbs aides ol the svenne and nwalt Ihe toning of th< i arris :? - rc.r.ti nlng Ihe nival -iii rer- and foUowing rotamn. phc ftlh. 22d, 2nd, . ? i 80th Reglnentu and Ihe prrv|s|onnl regiment' fol lowed lt ;?' Intervals, and by 10:43 o'clock the nvenue had ? linc ??: militia on each sMe throuphon! lu length, with onlj occasional breaks. Troop A was alVgned nenresi lo Forty-.nd-st., the nell-grooncl horses prnnclng ni I passing In the excitement nf their surroundings. In Fnrfy-flr*t-?t.. |nsi ofl tl. avenue, ww Brigadier-General Fitzgerald and bl scarlet-plumed stafl. THE HEAD OF THE OOLfMN PV* I Ai ll o'i lock I ? id ot Ihe column i.l F irtv ?a nd-st., and dowi I ? ? bi sd venue. \ nobli slatit greeted Its vanguard a- it reached the elevation a? Thirty seventh M., and iw thc gr< ni li ill Iii i I crowd* stretching doun 1, Madison Square and on pul t!i" plain formed by the Junrtl?n wlih Broadway, to W? Square, r ?? doiibh line pi ponce and militia kepi the entire sweep of the couti distinctly defined is lt narrowed ??? ij io the south Behind tl.. lines, the streets, IIk houses, t1 ? dubs mid chnrebes were black with ]>? ?? ? ? I watting for two li rora or nore. They wen nany as ti. ibat made up bbc unparalleled mull ? tites Ital overwhelmed the - un mote lust iiet..l.-r, but that fad contrlbnted to ihe beauty ol the - mid spared lb* avenue the unsightly array ol Impo vised grand-standi which dlaflgured it al the previon edel ratl >n. Of no lean beaary ind Interest wa Ihe view from the lower end of the gve me, as lae horses hi i plumes ind lines ol gttotenrng bayoneti appeared over l 1 .ir", i mth-st. crest, and passed downward ihroagh Ihe*cheering crowds and between the row- ol Bag. d tked !? u! lings, THROUGH MAWSON SQl'ARE The most advantageous point, p haps, on Ihe whole rout.-, wa* at Madison Square, where In ibe bewd, doui,ie roadway between Ihe greal h ???!- on one side, Mid Um budding trees of the park on Ihe uthei the < dajan presented Its finest appearance and mtmdwlih ntranmeiled action. There, lon, the rrowds were greatest, and the cheering n loud and hr quent, A< the column wheeled Into Waverley ri,... ? lereat of the Ttaft >r- centred In Hu Wa liing! rn Arch, whick reajed llacll proudly and magnificently in t ant i ot then. AU ot tbe foreign ofltcen In the car riegea ibaded their eyes as thej approached ti., mon union', bathed In sunlight, and viewed ll with evident tnteieal and admiration. The downtown pan of New-York taja- I r nar li from sack side of Broadway, Tbe nro<.i . ime Int.. the thoroughfare from Washington Square t ron.-:: Waverlej place and from there down to the revtewlng-atand at City Hal] Part, pushed i1- way throagb a d nae naas ol i.pie, which peened t i ii from the street to the window* ol the Brst tl.?- ol tbe bolldings, and Iron there upward to nu ev.-rv window and balcony In .ill the buildings alon.' the way. At earl) aa 8 o'cloeh the crowd began lo a ?enble. Al the cross-streebt, t -? only outlets, the parin '??? inn crushing, and when i,:e lino of mount.-i police tamed Into Broadway, driving a scattering crowd l#.-.'or,- then, so dense, wat the crush at the mer- t*;it lae parade line had to be extended wveraJ feet Into tbe street. Atong ea ?'? rtto of Broadway, fran Waverley Place down, toon" tue men of the lah, the "Isl and tb< Ttb lt Cfll nen bl. and at Clanl-at. were drawn up t.,e gnu of Um i<-t and -jo Batteriea. PREBIBENT (U:Vl.l.tMi PAS81 The jij.^h.-,. nf Ire-ideiit Oleveland was Ihe (ir-? Wt of eactteneal ?\:<"-:i tbe Halting crowds, \> be drovo by with Um nenbers of hi> Cablnel the reg! ?Mnta i.r.u-' to present arms, bands played and tbe people cheered, while a hundred snail hov- ran ?heating atong In bia wake. Two boer later, about aeon. Um niue east on cine- in flew. The poetic aland in Broadway, where ihe troops turm-d tt> naas In review before the Governor and Mayor, presented, perhaps, Um most animated scene. Tbe people here cheered and waved bat* and a.mdlv.' dela, a~ iheir fancy for thia or that bodi ol nen led then. The Nival Reserve* and ile troops Iran the Calena received warn greetings, while Ihe various battalion! (,f the loreign men got due m> niaaee. Tbe regiments ol the National Guard, and especially the Std and tbe 80tb, were beartUj cheered, while Ihe white-coated 22d wm praised and admired. Tie- Decorations along Broadway were not elabo? rate, thongs from nearly everj bulMlug tte Stan and .-trio,-, waved proudly among ibe colon ol other nalio',-. ACTIVITY IN THIS AKMOKl?. ah sn.-, hurry nnd burtle ut the National Coard aranerlet early in Um norning, a- early na 7 o'clock the neaten aftbedlfferentrvglnent begantoassemble Mil ttl ^0 O'clock every < on.puny WM ready to man li. The order, however, was not given until alter lt. Al 8 '?'do,!, the Nnvyi Beni vee ot Nee York assembled on board Um New-HanpUOrc at Bast Twenty-eighth-st., and they were m*,,, tranaferred lo an excuniou rteaner ead taken t-, \V,., i,,r, eeond-at, Tbe brigade marched tbreatb i? Fifth ave. and vhs k> pi waltina; there for over aa now belore it waa tlnuliy lllu^.v?<l Into the nain coiumu ol the pnrade. c. mander ,i. \\ vin,, mmi ,, M)i. 1|1,JII, (il ,,1(. s,av.,| *'."'?*? ? whole fore., was divided Into thro- In? fantry kn ..lions ?n,| Ute ai nil, rv luttld. The uni nat tain,,i was commanded by Utuienunl H. T. .vl.\'7:j. , ""; ,M'''"'I "J .-. buna Ureene, Uie third l,v Ueuteumt W. Ilntl. r, Jr.. :. the ?fUUery by Ueutenanl Stayion. There wen about 300 men in u,,. naval brigi ?;. The Naval ?nerves ot MbSMic'hnsctts formed ni Thirty elgbtfa -t. Connander John C Ndev was in connand. The loree eooalstcd ut about MW nen, Tba Nattoaal t.u.-.rti wn lined nn from Forty second -t. to iui.aist. atong the Hue ol marcb. lu I was the 09th Regiment ai Fortv.*n-ond st ihen came m.- Provisional Regiment at fWtleth ?t "the -th -it Thirty feurtli >l.. I!..- S.i 1. ut |'i,nti.tii t ' tbe 22d ni Twenty ttxtb-st., Um ISUi at Bight cen tb'-sl the Tia at Waverley Place, and last, th, Ti ?' Foch regiment took Its position in Un,, when ihe r.-ir" of Um colann reached ll, ind the mn line ?:k not fonn'Mi until emmi st., wu-, reached, iiMl'AMCS nOH OUT Ol jim; < i j y. Tho lYovlslonal Regiment, n.ade np ,,j n,,. ?| ,;,(, 7th, nat, Bfttb, BTUt, ?4tb and tatt senarate companies, from dlfiemit purls of the Stm,., was <.,,?, hy Qajsssa] r>. M. Welch. Jr.; nearly ?<k? ii.en were In line In this regiment. The (Kith atogfensari whs anannnBed i>y Oatoael barnes (.'avuna^'h, Ueutcuaut txilom-i James Moran utid Major Edward Dufly. About '"" men turn,.! out. Th.- -th Regiment wa- lu rommnnd ol . donel il i. si ott and Lieut. nan< C ilmH !'? V. M-hllUim and Major ll. Chuuiicev, jr. nie ?< h Rcglmeni ? i ? mi marni.-d by Colonel Wllllani Seward, over t"'1 nun were in line. Colonel John I'. ? nniji wi - In i immand nf te !i2d Reglmi ii . rills n glm< in I i neilriy it- ? titi: 'force and had a I I Uer HVenig:! of enlisted men pr. *enl limn nm n ?? r ri Inn ir. Hi" SM i;,: in,, ii . ni i.u" I Ij it. ati ' omni inded by col mei I'arl rid ge. I lie "th ?.: In ' emmtind ol l il >n I Ci niel Applet! ii. I ie l?_" I. aa bd l?! I ol nel Ihr ! in n Dowd und Hie "1st bl Coln i-l Kr.incl ' li ihe I in- mid .ond hatterje- lind ah it I si n line, rivy wert-commanded* lix-fnpfnlu Loni Wendel and Captain Ihivbl Wii-on. :>?-!"? H\el>. \ detail of men mun ihe I'tnh Ut Inn ni ? i Hm " i alon- Hie avenue fr >m h ? nij eU'liiii I. lo I?? I hird M.. i , nsslsl Cn- police In l< |?tn<! Ihe i mwd ' hack. Tia- National (.nani. iii. Indian the ] Reserve of Ibis Stale and Mii*.*iiehu?eU?, inimbt-i : ab nt 1.500 m. n. The ?14'Regimen! wa- Hie ont'. r.rooklyn organization wi.:, i. loo* part In Un pnnid . , itv members lefi their iirmm-i In l l< rmonl ni half pasi - o'cli k. Abonl Ti") nenbers ol Ibe regl . nen! were In lin--. i IIEERI SG 0 ILLA XT THO PERN. Troop A left Hs arin 'ry :it 0 o'clock, and with only | fonr m.n absent fran Um Rinks galloped lo ll pl i line ag leny .-.loud st. Captain Chark**, F. 15 *' wu* I w ille 411 frlnir. i ? <-? He had seen ll rn iel] lat windows ul the Mayor'* idhce t e appron h ol thu ernor Flower ind I ? "If. They rode in open i ir ring para le. Pre ? Bng li ,v,-,ii ,? ;i...| ;, p i rt j rame i pl i 1.i of bjoiii i l'"a' '? The Exe, iitlve >l Ni a Viirk -? it,., disappear I Into :',, building, i ' "'' ? un.-h again and ???? k J-lace- ! . | ;.. ,; .. ;.;,,? lt. i um lill ttl i- of I Inc Hundred . , irb. \ lol of Aldermen, w.-arini Inj I ,! and bedlit-ne t wit bi an i Idled up I rear i M ? lor. i in the n ' ' I on the poi I ?? Admiral* an i it. whn :> ti lb lr ? arrival, presented i dasrlinc npp a ran ? ? ttandlng In group bat k ol ??? Ma) ir. .- ai i . mi ||... ||?, Mayor arero Cootrntlei Myers, ot i irnlli n i nun-i I ' 1 irk, Colonel Mi I- il p. I>??> k ni ni er Cia i, llci oid< r Smyth, Police In ll e I. . \. :;. de i ret ?. J "lg Roger A. Pl ror. Judge Robt-rl Vim Wyek, John W. Kellar, Cornall loner Dana, Illidge Trustee I!. \. Skinner, ex-*?trce| clean ' ... ; i : ni r lami s, I afc m in, John .i. and i ..? ma l . tiliri y, jr., .-,? iib i Sui* r, I ni. i c , rh of tbe men-of-war Ibe order given -. i prae'leall) the same for ihe landb'g ?>r troops, -.> that ihetr going .t : ,;, timely. Mo?l ol the men bad never - 1 fool op Manhattan Island before. New-York iras theil fabled land, and ns ihey came down Flfth-ave., through Washington square, and Broadway to Um City Hall their eyes were etoom -front.'' Whafl ihey had looked upon llayoi ttilroy ami Governor ,. and bad wondered -whick wai he."1 and hud tiuii.-d Heir eyes up1 ard wonderingly tu m.- news pap t i,i..i,rn,, . and learned lue lime by The Tribune cluck, ihe) Wei.,' tte- universal opinion thal .1 -hip was g.t epotigli t-'i liiem, l!'.ej could have ex p..,. ,i ii in ten dllfvn-ul languages; and ttjpugb i... uneducated would never have Imagined they were mu mi)mg the sane Hiing, wej were, and lucy eil mcaul it. m.- walk across City Hall Part on Um mooth asphalt was .. rebel to Um tar,, wno seldom wear lt was lu I a blt like a deck and was resting alter tb ir eobuic.- Hamp. Alter l';'-"'; ; ?; ... . ,. ?? ,. , -i .,,a ,.,. .iiiIoim iiLtrcheo i" tm. ii it.o... nve?infliigt wi "rc "n-irnutwaeaani .ls aaa.i.-d Cern. Anf ii io sU) ww UM I.&"?* ""?? '" .1 ... I....l..-I.--- ....- ... ?.I.I. ... I.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,., ... I- - .......- ......... - -l- I.I. ... 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I..,.,.?.I.?.I.?.I.?.I..,..,..?..,.,.,....,.,.,.,....I ... I.,.,.,.,., ........ I.I.I.I.I.I.I..,.,.,.,..,.,.?.?.?.I ....I.... 1.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.I.?.I.I.I.I.?.I.I.I.I.I.I .....- .... I.., ..... I.I.I.I.I.- I.- I.I.I.I.- ...........I....-... - -l- ... I.- I.- ...-... I.,., ... ...-... I., ... I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I..,.?.I.?.I.?.I.I.I.?.I.I.I.I.?.I.?..,.I ...... I.I....I. ... ... I.I.?.I..,.,.,.. In command. The troop was an perorl t.vernor 1 lower, and gt timi lt v I rd to tefl - crowd Intended lb applin ?? for Ihe <".\ ? ,,r f,,r Um troop. ! ..-?? < avalrymen, with -pur- and rattling ?ldearn . tftttcrinz uniforms, teemed lo be ni I I ? ling lo ihe peojtlc than I lie Infnirirj rerfni ni . nnd ' -t- np pennine* wa ni vuj hailed v i' h lu ,r' \ , ? When Hie pnmde I nd pi id ? i ? Ihe dltr. rent ri id mi ni into ibe kt. -i-? ? i nd wen! by tte urti * ? ? i'- ' Ile li rm.>rl< rh< o^d marched nil Ihe v..iv '., :. " went bj ck Catt I train io lt arn in) .<?-???<? lg I st. 'ii.- Nat it] K, . :. ? wein ihi i mir, .. btw t;?e Battery nnd were taken hack io lh< N- - ll -hire. 'I bc Sid lb rim. nt of llrool wa) of the i rblgi M ' Mal. n hu ? ' Ssl IR. ? pel to Ito lot I., I dj -I . (Sound lt unit r i nnm ' lb ;.,?..-? rompi ? . i un i- lng Hi Pmi I ?. returned up ' ? ? Stab hy i train. THE G (VERNOR REVI1 VS THE PARADERS NAVAL OFFICERS IN BAUM Kl CXI FORMS M.Ul RMI S v- mn MS tPP d\ I : ' Win n !?!? ?' ? Clevi 1 ind reached City ll ill I'aik a few minni, lo tl a. m., through crowd* of eager i? who bad begu np every Inch nf available space In I.inhlxtr o-i two h an nnd a b ill bet ?? I, ns i for. IO o', l ? k rt view I nc land a lilt h bad bc ii creel d ? west -ide "f Hie part and from ? bli h li ? Ihe high offlcinb a ,11 ? e ;:,.- para I . thal H wu Impossible lo ? In another llvl ? and Ike miiltlfnde v bli i surround Hall were pre lng \ I go Ij i gain had been stretched In front of Ihe billilli lo I s-p opt n .. uti. lent pu ii ? . for th dlstlngul h?d gut t- ind tin line f pron bm, an I Police in jo. lor William and 11 foi ? ? i f -"" m- ii had nil they could do lo pn t eui ;'- I nasses of humanllj from breaking down ihe barrier*. Mr. Cleveland'H univ.) broke Hie mono!oin of tbe tong walt. Plie hand' ol ll ? dtj Hall rloek were pedaling to IO:Sfl a. n. wh< i :': l*i b-nl slowly mounted the m irble lep of I bulldlnt! k lng rather heavily upon Coi purni lon r nn l William II, clari:, who nupporttd him on the righi. ?nd C?lonel neorge B. McClellan, pre klenl of the Hoard ot Uder men, who walked ai hi left. War- i it v r?ln i Reeae had tulon Ihe precaution to lock Ibt Iron gate of tbe fronl entrance and Ihe ITi iden! had n wall while I nea enger ran Io Iel li -Main" who b d Ibi gate-key ht his pocket, relu lng io ir la i ordinate, A Ht lei rs . Ihrongli the ni I ? lt "Serves him well right," said one. ?? ip ? Hie uno thal kepi ? million -,f iioople walU - In he pouring rain yesterday,*1 ali another, , audlbli ibal Mr. cleveland nus) nave lend it. for lu ihrcw a sar prised (.dance in u?. direction of the voice, -I wi h th.-vd keep him rfaudlng Uer.- an hour,*1 ;.;<i ? wtrj Utile woman trying lo get n gUmp i-of tb, p ? form and lushed face under Um arm of ;i big blne eoated noBc*?nan who Mood righi In from id ber. Mayor Rltroy did not lympntuizc with lin womnn, foi be 'ame ,u hlng ont and met Mr. Cleveland ju ' as ih- gate opened. Ile greeted Ibe Presidcni cor dfally ami Ihe iwo shook k md . I ie Mayor led Ibe way Into but private office which opened on th.- lobby. Scarcely bad (be Pn idem disappeared wheo Secretary Willi* nolly rtll ?. lessb acron the park to Perry'* pharnaei in "The sinr building, ll- returmd In a few minute* wit Dr. Un sven, nanagi r ..i tn- druj, i ire, * bu a roil of sticking-plaster and i pair ol irbtsor*. 'lin pre ld, nt Ind net an l:,Jnr\ h\ falling again t Ho comer of his landau as be was entering it n I h. Victoria llot-i, producing a alla i abrasure near ihe trannie. Tbe Boa ol blood bad I., Hopped, bal on Uw way down the wound began lo bleed Dr, Graven applied Um plaster and wax romptl nested for nabing ? neat Job "f the Preridenial wound. A rumor reached the crowd I at :i Tam nany indian had tried to fake Mr. cieeefand't -ral!". The rarrlagea of tbe Cabinet drove np ind nn ? m.! if. lluka Smith, General Ureahan, larM-b and Ibe athen were escorted bj nx-nbert of Uie Cele l,ration Committee. Thej were enndncted Inlo Ibi private effiee where Ute Pmqdenl ww hnvina bb doetortag lane. Mr. Cleveland was t, i,, r, principal revlewlni ogseer of I i issrade en I ? ,..-. ? i le n Ive t ., H lutes of the Brui dlvtahna ol the column, bul it di nm cone around the turn iran Broadwat I ?-. Clti Hall Pbrti tint fl |fl*S0 p. m. Ten minute before li Ula I're-l.l-ui mil kai eooatUatlonsI advise! entered Ibrir v.-til'les amt w.t.. driven down Broad waa tote Cortbti'li st., tad faence fa Uw ferry, e. en ines look th- train for QaVauje. There wes a fatal cbeer a> tiwi due.- throng! the ssesnfa in ti"1 I*1"1-- bal tba people were getUm Itred. Half an hour taler Mnv..r QllrO] luirri-dlow: fae trout steen with Preatdinl Mclellan at alt rich ,?it gaceted Mayor's linmbal Daniel K. Dene ran Ufa leR' Marshal Donecsn bore aioit the Mayor': i lld. nueti; ci Mavor Kd ot \| ,. , op. | ?? i daughter-, .-ind . . I ' ! . . ll party ol wombi ' i- ' ' i i ?? Ul .. ||,.. < Itt i tuc Il t nts i i ? up;' r ?, \ s. M. Mr. I \, ,. i | - ? . ? ? ? i i Hld| v \. I on i J ll h-f ?1? rh .1 ibu ll. Mri V. MilIUM 11 ? 1 ? \ ? ? p. N ? i: -. of 3 -t who i ? . Itv il ,|| befor lh< pron li ob ' Hie pttrt leo and saw Hu ' I r the first floor outside of I I ? I wive* ||, I , v ., d foreign, were i Hie May. Ka? '' . Itt-., rees of Ho- : I nd ot ? in ' ? bu I ? In ' of i.,iit-ral ir.--: W nmaud pan I tb. ? ? lag ii,. I, i< ni : , ii M H ? Ik ? Ma! or' ? il ?., n.i rlerl . lo nm Mr. . I d fl' ' :' ?i1 i pered order, nt bod Into Ha- huUdlng and t. '?? , >r fen extra cm i rei p , ?? ihh ni Mi M i ., . ld ,: ' "The \dmlral ure .I out, ??d he n. VII I m.. Hoi. i .. Idol ? Hie ne* i rou d.spatr ami wall lo l Aid r ria dvi id n-iep ? ? ? :? "?" v.. io I,- Hair a Hair, and ? : would pi .v. a Iv. lo ' ' '?""' td Ix en "d If ll ol hlnce be Col ? itlon l? I ? ' . ?. ,i -,:.,?? nt re. trill, "' '" " I'"1 i . ,1 etll ll Hr rtt|U. I rn n In ??- 'i lui lu Hie na> il rt"..'? ? '" > ? . ?? ' Con nit .i 'I" '; HIKl |,:nl irepd Ihe d -' i1"' mi) ol Ihe Hm ol nun d IJ b> H.e ' ni I patrol, ?.rsll ? ? "'??" , ;,, v. Uh Ibe muni, lpn fl ? tm ii,.-* ho.m. i. h..!*. ;:??????,;;, i ll . i. I,- | clotht . ur '.' '??" '"" .'!,1l " ' .?,... i I lo-' .' lb. i.nln :'.-< Wbell lb. . Wt.iU.1 I" pi s-jTBl 'I I'' 'h< ???'*?*' '"" ? Mell. md-. ? rfa-n ll be no r. ?? ? here." fell on Ibe Md, ??'.'' ? ' ' " -. Ihe Tam..> camel n.ey had no Iroll '',.'..',, luiicl. at lb.- Hotel H Mort, ami ll > w re ag.. ? out . i ? Isn't luck had M i fr... Hit ..peniup lo ll.>l ol Ibe grei.lng* of Itu "'Tin inert w.. h.lp for ?? l^\\n,'k,ihe' mw li. ' w-r mt.vernor I --ll awl H. Mimi',.1 .md mn ofl. -?' ??',*' ??'? ,':"'"?. and rid nt .. In - Mdermcit ? ?? Hi > w r. ..p.ri.., I,., .ime ? m ?;?? ';.'", ' Ihen- wa .I lil adnu loll for Hie lawgl\e| Ol Ibe Con i.i i 'omit ll. .. . , ? <? it,, end v, ?,,. the I .immonalty. ur- eiioni I Mid Udermai. Heirn. "They've; h.:.-.. ll Into ... enl .fte. ihe Mayor. .'* , 'v' M"\\ ,'""?, ,'" ,.ir for Ihe Waldorf, leaving ?"? ?"???; " " ,"". "Boord" alon, with Ibe n-mmu. of tbe vi"; " ? width lill hm ?. ?"' "" ???'? ""'.,"V ,.f them dared io peal loud en -agtt to reach Ibe I Mayor' ? jack ori Min.Ks when iib* ur wsw. Tin: III., i , ? ?' " '?'""' ' ''?'- IVIN INO WITH BOTHIKfl TO BAT. Tbe nn.d the mari'"- for"" Iron tbe nen of-wai ? . iroiltd Ihrongh Kew York onida Kl ,i |, t i.| ? irs wi i Ihey < Imbed aboard their ll al * o'eJoek yesterday aftert.i. M had beei a gre, ? ' ' ''"'" ' '' ' ' i'"i'1"1' (nil of work, and v.-t net arbon* om tba) mee ibm i lea nw, foi ali day l-n-' I||,,V li:"' ""'"' hl""'rv :''"' div. and :. hnagry lllot bi never ii I appy i rn More than once, ? il-. gtood In Foril weond il walling tor som. on* , r ,,,,.-.Um-. " BrMI Where ii... tx I l? !??? ,!'" ""'?'? v. . ii,, ,. un.''" ""? i:": '?? '?'? .i,.i :. nan '??" r':" ? l,": ' They w.n up ;,i the -njiri-?- gen, and nbortly et 7 o'clotk ware uahlng ready fa ?" -1 bore, cn .;1(.u 1 Icomiug rt wa- tn tooee hungry their first anrnd In t I, rent ibnard -v-ral I d ibe mt n rh ni lng -??? t over I ht tut,-. Hie ? I. gs. ? Hhem wi n ?] I iv abo'ii pl lying , ird I I ? ?? ? . .. pirade," *a|d ? ol rd >? M ? was thal we didn't ?' / to drink." ti ?! i i- .si on ..i li, r bout - I nut lea ,|.??,, .| I ? ?' 'rations .md drink ... tiie britishers, tiioagl Um; loo, sere a hungry I lad to r.a.'. tb< i l?.iit-. Il tors .-md :n 11 in. - w. r- antli i lld I- f ire -undou li I. In id* 1 kim ?-..!, i- turned lo dav will riot il th. lr fr. h--t. \ irv in i v por THE DPFli ERH I'.XTKKTIINKII W ?III1: W U.I 0 U tl Tl ft THE p\K\l)l M\N'V ' IMPI.1 Ml XT* pa rad t ns ,.p in si ll ? Olj Hall ll ndred - ive i ' :,??? ,! .dh . r ni tbe Waldorf. Il ? ? fl lr und -.ti- thor Highly ? ' wi ? wen hungrj siter I u : im Huff, i i bl. - were pl iced ? tallnmm al Ihe left of n an i Hw bin. keon ? wi , ? ?: . r?r ltd with il id . u ul Marl i. and : . I .1 ;,' ii ? ,1 along Ihe , ?? menu wan M. ? of Ibe or i EU' ll d i'i ? . nnm indi . w. re t ,!.? ', ir..-ii Ibe ? it\ ll ill , ? iValdi rf In carrli . lau o ring t>> the lark of carrin i m wen obliged bi ride uptown In the etcvjtid -tn ' ?? ' ni - ?0 pn -? nt. i i. \ n-re ree. Ivi I ii i< -. enleri d by a i omni it ? ion Ml ol Kb i : t Bel ill. ld, James Vf. Tappin, lime ii .? ii m, i I. t . i i.iri.-. speaki r William . - xii nd on Kane ami Jami - M, Varmint, Ml th. uni. er of Ut il-??? t ? wi re Int lied, bul lim ... for Ihe parade bad In lake Hie it-i.i, Vu, ;? ,.| which Ihey were In command hack In tl v. .nd only ll e admirals willi ihelr ifl j numil liding officers were pn .m. Ibem wen' Vice-Admiral dr John Hopkins, of Ike Brill li i| . !:? ii : Vin Mini ral K ./iiohoif. ,,f the ?! i|u:idr.ui: i' ir Ailiiiir.i, linnrrofi t;hernrdl, ld ir Vdinlral A. K. K farnham and Rear Idmlral J. ... Walker, ol the tmericun il---:. Bear-Admiral Mi . nu ul ? In Italian Beet . lb sr Admiral .lei \ I. of tin |i ll ,|ii iilr-a : K- .ir Julio i ,, ur de Non.nlia, ol Hie Itrnrlliun war -hip Aquldii i ., n n ii..:- c. H. Hov..,rd. ol Ihe Argenlltie I XeUV. d ? lah,, . < -pi.ilti .1. C., td ii i i mi i ,,,. t iptaln i- -ii.i "ti. ul iii.- (.-n. i ii \. I -1. i.11 : Captain Parfait, ol Ihe Jean r-m: Captain I" V. Uamllb.ii, of the blake; i ii ptain W. A. Mrii . ol Ute \.ni Kpeyk! Captain Holland, of (be illa: Captain Sartorl . ol Ihe Rina: Captain di ,ii-i.'. ..I Hi tiiovannl llansan; captain A, de Krieger, >.f Ibe Hynda; Captain J. P, Pipon, ol Ute Mugl I. mi . i ipi ila im. ii ? I. ol the Kui -ri ii Augusta : i nptaln i:- ni-1. of iii- Ar-ihti e; Commander Koellner, ol i'i seeadler; Captain Ju in ttorria de la \ ? fa, 1 Ute lui;,- i , \ .ih-1: i :i(.ti.lii Jose Peredes, of Hie Rel nil Begenle, and Commander Fleet, .,r the Tartar. li-ld- iii- naval guest* lhere wen' presenl In uniform t'etierul Loni; Fitzgerald and -tali; Col.I eewnrd, ni Ibe Bili Regiment; Colonel Appleton, ol in- Tin Regiment, Ueperal Cavanagh, of Ibe BOth Ri gimi .it : < ofalielx Ons ne, of tl,- T1 -t Reginent, and Camp, ,.i the --.I. and Commander Miller mut Lieu tenant Wa I Inaton Irving, of ibe Fir-t Naval Rattail. ami other office! ot Ibe National Uuard. i ere were also pi- ? nt i?n. rnor Flowi r an I Maror I'limy, Daniel K. Payne, Cherie* Stewart Boyd, John v. Keller, i.-on., r. Davldsmi, Jordan I.. Mott, Men eral l W. C. McCoj, Isaac i elln, Henry Le Grand Cannon, John ll. Inman. 'Thomas Kelly, Evan Thoma-. Andr u Biddle, i.-n-ial Martin T. McMahon and i ol- R, I lint. ll was (be lind Un* thal Ihe naval gneala bad m. i ii.Metala i,iii rlltoena ol Kew-York Informally, and ia- r. nv--r-aii-.n haturnllj turned upon tbe cordial reception which Ibe vbdton had received. There waa not onlj a general bal lhere waa an enthusiastic ra pr- . .f appreciation and delight .rn Ihe pul of Ihe lt. i,-:i nai .1 officers at ibe manner fa whick they had I?n entertained "Von m.' treating ns magnlttcctilly," said Admiral Hopkin- to one ..r Um committee, \ mimi ii- Ubran, ul Ihe lr. neb Beet, ant thal ,, would not have imau'im.i thal the taU we*, i d ,,,,111, affair from Ihe brilliant assemblage. H seeine J,, |,|?, nke an Invli Hlnn ball, where all iii- guests hu ht , -,, ni! e'llIlT -.1", te.. i i. ii thu decorations, the music, tbe attractive ,.,,,.,..?!, v and Hie efficlenl management were praised i,,,!.,. ,v. An io the naval review and Ihe land .,:,,.,,p. '. uni. h could net be wild of the pL-a-iii. li th- 'nt..iii>. "i"1 "f fae *""A ingalta ?nnecled from bringing the nation-, together thus on friendly t-rms. rte- In-t-il al.oul au hour. THE POLICE HAVE KO TROUBLE. bUPERIXTEXDEVT I'.Vi'.M'.s MAXAOEf lils Mix with ti.i.i I'lioNi: OEOEM. The poflce I;.pt Um great crowds within tMUnda ?tong Ike line ot the parade with lees, trouble than at th- time el the Cbtontan Oelebratton. As tn the farmer occasion they had no elabe lu their banda, yet thy were obeyed wttb good nature by tbe crowds of eagre sightseers when it was neeesaary for laen to order people back from the itara. Th- whole fan of tho (liv's poll,.- wai on tliiiv, and more than half of Ute police nun had bren sfattoned ulmik' th- reata of the parade before Ibe marching coleen was terned. In We ??; Forty-second-et., end ulong Flfth-ave.. as far as thirty fourth -I., there w--re ?bout :>ihi police? men on duty, nuder the connan! of hispecter eulin and Captains Price, ttebmittberger, Klllihn. Hooker, Brook* and Pickett. Inspector McAvoy had charge of iii- police rm? fran Thirty fourth st. to Fonr tccntb-st., bring us-l-t-d by Captains Mranas, Rettty, Murnhv. O'Connor, Meakin ami Washburn. Fran r.-t.-.-nth -t. lo t*hambers-st. the police wen- ai? re, mi by inspector Mclaughlin and Captains Haughey. tia! lanker, Boberty, Mertens, McCullegk and Me bert. Below Cnanbers-st, ami eboel Un City Hall Um pafftoe lines were controlled by Inspector William- and c.t|> tuln^ Crone, Cortrigbt, Thompson, Devery, Stephenson, Donohue ami Bergbold, During ibe parade, how? ever, all of the pollcenen, Includlag tbe Inepeeton and captains, were controlled by .superintendent Byrnes, who nat In his .dh? at police Headquarters With his ear lo a tctaphone receiver, and U-pt track of everything tkal was happening. yu:. btrmehn wen mn, CARE. I'- police telephone ami anbafanee itattoos .it interval* ilona ibe line of march, lam fa Feely second i., and tbe others al Thir'y -fltth-st., Twenty Hi rd it., Fourteenth -t.. Waverley I'I.ic-, Canal rt, and Murra) -t. Inspector Conltn was al the ttatfans In Forty .:d .1. ii number of lines lo talk with Ike Superintendent wklle Hm ntan-blng ndunn was bring formed In thai -ir?t. Mr. liyitn - hud Ike ix.lic ? do all thal wa possible t<> pr-v-m th- delay nt the -.tart, ii- waa kepi inform.-<l ?.r every advance and every hall in the marching column, and be could h ir tn- Lands playing ami the crowds cheering fran 01- .-al ol tho lour tulle rout- to Ike other. When Ihe end of Ike procession had passed Thirty-fourth nt, he --ml to Inspector Conlln: "Have til "f the hool li* removed above Tblrty-fourth-st., and send the police there back to mutton*." Mmilar ordera v. given '" Inspector N Avoy after Ike prix.---iou hid p.--,d Fourteen!h-st, The complete systen ef t.-l,-phone- enabbd Ihe Superintendent to relieve the police on duty at any part ,.f th- line ea soon as tb. r a>rvlrea were no longer required. When Ihe par id- w.i- nearly over he said to In ?11'.? Mi i nugi Un al Canal -t.: '?..,. down lo i nami-r- -t. mid pick ut. aboul a hundred nen on your way. RstaMlsk a drong line there to heep ? ? crowd from Interfering with the carriages In Mnr raj -t." Then lie calbd Inspector Williams io the telephone at Murray- i. and gave nore olden al.I Ibe ? irriages. ??Ti,- crowd tthonl tbe Marra) -t. booth is very laiv-." *-lr. Byrne* *ald it one lime, "and the booth !. i- been movid iwlce on account of the throng Hi I--- i:u pen -r ibe elly I- like the snail end ol a wedge, mid lias t-,, ||tt|, i.nt for the crowd. It is a long time duce t.,. r- wa* a review of ii big parade i- ? ? i lt) ll ll, I I h.".-r io hav- tbe review up lown, ?... re t. ere i rn ir room." c.il1- for tbe ititi1 ni itn ?-- along Ibe rout- of Ihe pat le were repealed '" Mr, Byrne*, and h.- was able ,v i. ii then t ul i,i-n no --rion- accident any. ?:..-r-. I be rails for t ie doctoi - were nosily In . ase ? ,,f fainting from fatigue or excitement. Till BUPRRIXTEXBEXT N \T|-rl tn. At the close of th- parade Ihe Superintendent said: "Everything has pa ?cd off ni?Iv and without s, rioiis ?t ? i .\. rn. r- b i- i... n i,.. at ? nt. i.i of n --ri u- nature along th- line of march, anil the poll? have hail no serious trouble. There wa- hurd work at -..m.-points to keep the crowns In check, Decease everybody wanted to gel fa the from row. but there was good nature ind patience enough lo prevenl Dghtlng." i lie p. lice - ui ovi r Ibe wires to tbe Central Oalce reports of the fallowing i ase* In which the unbalances were called ulong Ibe route of Ihe purni.-: .ioho T. Keene, a sailor fran the British ship Tar? tar, fainted at i anal -t. Nathan Metxger, No, i'-il Mxtl -v. fainted at the Mme place and was --nt t.? a hospital. Ml - Cynthia r-nn.f. Ito. 2*10 CanfaMge i'la.-, .i-i-. > csu. was hom- mint Fourteetitl at, Daniel Slugleton, ,: Brooklyn, ?a- attended at Ibe CanU-et. heath. Jobi kieabgan, Ko. 36d Madison Ml at Broadway and Rrooeae-et. and received ? calp wot.-ut. Tim.,tl,\ MrOulrc, JCo. 110 Eleventh -t.. u.i- neill t> lil borne from the tVaverie) Place, MU* m.inch- Brady, flo. :m wa?blnglou-Ni., falutt*i in Bnaidwa) bi Murra) st. and ens neut hone. Al Ihe -ame place Joseph Blair, a member of tbe Say .1 Reserve, fainted snd wat ail -lided hy a doctor. Mar) Kens fainted In the faning al Fourieentb-st. ami w.i- teni to .-i home, at N". 337 Bast Four leellth-sl. Frank Kramer, eleven years old, t-ll from a platform al Flflb-ave. and Fort) ?', and wax --\.r-lv. An unknown mau fainted in liv Hull Curl; and wa- seal to a hospital. I..i Hush, No. I::- Kldrtdgf-Hi., wu- wnl tu the Uuuverueur li" ptlal from lower Bruudwa). MANHATTAN I UMPANVS lNKITI I ENCY (R'MPING I'ROPLl OCT OF V HIMS AM' l-l.XV in., , v yu; ?w ni U i-t.\ 1 FORM, 'I - M ? an Klevaled Railroad gave i beautiful example ul lt- ai idute InelBclenc) yesterday, A downtown train mail.,si tn nm fa Rector-st, was liter Hy J.a,,-I with uncomfort'ible people. 'Cl? uain wa- H'heduled to run lil i;,,'or-t., and ever) p. i un who boarded lt wu* entitled to !>?? binded al thal staiion: in i.ict Un M nbultan Connan) was pia. in ail;, under contract to deliver those passengers al thal pint. At Franklli d., however, Ihe nain wa* ???d and switch.vcr t" the uptown track io take ., I.?! ..f passenger* walting at the uptown latlou, Hie people nlreed) In Hie train were lisstll) ii i,i.d ..ut of tbe cat- to ii.- downtown platform. Iii-i- were so main ol tit tn thal they rrowded Hie pla I tomi t.'o.n -nd t,, end; *o m.inv ol them that sile refiling traills, alrend) parked to the doors with cotnpn'sstd liumnnlty, could noi lake then on, ?,i these pu teiigi-rs, wbo had paid their tar.-, and gol ,n their train to ^0 t<> Rectors!., were driven ?ul midway nu Ibetr tourney and lefi standing on Ihe platform because later nain- could not accommodate Ihen, 'lid- is the arny the Manhattan Company robs Mer t. pii Paul, professing to give transportation to mi.- set ot passengers b) Inuring others like -win.-. Tbl* i ibe -..rt ot rapid trend! thal Um Manhattan Elevated Road fund-he- bi tills city, and thU i Ibe sort ol a raoOOOol) Hint th- Rapid lom mi .-.lon.-r-. w-i- over-eager to make a pernaiu*nl di grace to Mew York. VlslTHRS WU" WERE lil. ARE BETTER. Th.- lilli?-, from which Secretary Herbert has h.-en mitering lor several days did nut prevent him from gutng fa Chlcogo yesterday with the Peestdent'a porty, although be had b) no neena recovered. Ile cnugltj a s-v.-re cold during the voyage on ike Dol pblu Iron Hampton Hoad-, and it settled la Ms throat, ii.- reviewed tbe ti?t .m Thursday, bul wa- liol nhl- lo leave the llolpiiin lo attend Hie re? ception at the I nlon League Cluh, the hall or any oihcr entertainments fa which he had been invited. The tlrst lime Mint ne left the Dolphin after arriving h.-ro waa winu he went ta loin the Presktanfa party ut Jeney etty. ll- wore a dannel cloth about kta throat, tad was w.-ii wrapped up. On Thursday niittit he hud mon lover, hm was fading better fnterday morning. The othei promin-tit pereena who ha v.- been lil rete reported ai meek bettor yesterday. Lieutenant Governor HI.han, erho was ?efaed wiin a cow ge ad ve chin ai tn- ii,,it-nun Hon? mi Tuesday, waa Inprov? ing, ai th.- Holland linne it was said that itaeernor Russell's 'old hud not prevented him from enjoying hi- in-als and going uhoiit. Uoveruor Flower leagued when aaked if lie was feeling better. ?Whv. 1 have md been -hu," he pata, "univ a little he...ho I.e." (tavern or Flower win return to Albany this norn. lng. rd'ECIT, \TIN<; ABOUT Till'. AMKKU'AN .-HUN. Now- Hull thc Cokinbtan Naval ll.-view has h?ll otliilatlv completed Hi.-r.- I, natiira!l\ a coii-id.-rahh .iin,um. of -pei ul.itlon Marted as to what ls to pc d'ne with the several iMfn to tn.- Untied btatea leet. One of ike Denten who had come on from Wa-hlnc ton yesterdny made ont tins .-lol-ton of a prop-;, ,?,?,. and was strongly Inurened thai lt would be carried ..nt iii nellly Ibe mainer iii atgeek be ont Mead lt: The .sun Franetoce and t karieeten i<> no kaeb to the I'm 111. Staten), from which ih.-y cain.-; th- Haltltuure and ll, lillington tu ko lo China, thc baltimore to fat the "airship; the Newark <fliig?Up). Atlanta ani Con? cord tn form a new Kuropemi aqaadKU' the Chicago itl.-igshlpi and the Yorktown fa ga to the Brazil or tooth Atlantic Rattan; the Phlledetpbta (flagship), Miaiitoiioiiioh. Kearsarge, Detroit, Vesuvius and Cush lng to form the North Atlantic Snuadroi). The Dol? phin will tube th-- place <>f the wrecked Dispatch aa the yacht for the President abd secretary of Um Navy. MRS. CLEVELAND WAS NOT ILL. A OHAXGE IX IICU FLAME MIDI'. NT.t l->s,AKY BT THC. DELAY IN THC. UKVlKW. Washington. April 2*.- Misinformation regarding Mr-. Cleveland's programme at New York yesterday was responsible for the r.'imrts that she had been tak.n III during the naval review, and -(impelled to return in YVu-hihgtou. WM caine back In the nest or spirits, unil (lils assented; ls bi lier iisuil good health. The facts III Ihe net fal are Hint lt Waa Planned Ihat Mr-, t l.-v. land should return to Wush faftea on lll>- train over the I'. i:n-ylt-anli. Kallroad leaving at j e-tfafh Tbnrsdaj afteruoan. The imur for Hie review having bran lard at IO:!!') o'd.rk a. m.. ii was mppoerd lhere would be Him after th- Presidential nerty left tin- Dolphin to n-tiirn to Hie hotel ;i||t| thence .1 riv. lo Hie station. Ihe poetaasjMneni of tbe rcvi.-w from to::ti> ta i p ta. made n les-arv u Change to Mrs. Cleveland's pro ifranime. In-ie:id of flinging to the hat Si. Admiral (thernrdl provided ii tug to ta'.- Mr-. Cl. vel:nnl. Kn. Ills-ell, wife of the finl ne st 11 fli niel, and Uta ITt-ldcnt'a private aeeretery, Mr. Tbaeber, from the Dolphin at I o'clock and carrv ih"in direct to the Pennsylvania. lUllrnad plier In Jersey City. The baggage, which consisted of luind natcbels only, ama taken from ina kotri by Mrs. LVvefanaVs maid and received by th.-m ott tin- train. Th- paru I ravelled In a private car attached to tin- regular train, and ,-nriv.d In Wash logion, according to prom-am nu-, ut about ll o'clock. OSEAT CIU'WDS OE THE IlRlIX'.E. There wea ? htoclbMto on Ibe Bridge yesterday after the land parnta, bal nrtom leaeJta wert pre ventad hy good jinigi-u-nt m the part ..; the police ni-n on duty al th. N-w-Y.rk end. Ii-tw.-en I and :; p. m. it tonk Unod Ifteen minnies ta gel from the str.-.t to Ihe tuk-' ..nice. Babel waa ohfilncd by turning a pain ol tba crowd tate the prom-nude. MEED lAMWORD HOLM A KR BCTfOM*. Jared .-.lidford. Deputy Mate mi|s ri it. nd-nt of I'nhiic instruction, who was ftaytag fa tbe t.rund Cnl'.n Hotel with Mrs. Sandford, and who Ntnaaaji to Albany last night, had un informal reception at the kotri on Tnur-lav tv- tiinyr. w h.n a delegation of Baleen of the I'nlted States Navy celled upon him to pey Ml. ir respects before going to the ball al Maui- .li N|ti IK (.ard- n. SYMPATHY FOR MRS. POTTS. HEB TESTIMONY BEFORE Ml' BAINES. PROOF TH\T BEE DACOHTEE Din NOT TAKE MOEPUEE. (.iorgo Kalnee, (favernor Plower's c,>iiimi-s|.,ner, will ctoae hi- Inuring cd aJtefrd nen evidence tn the euee of Carlyle Vf. Haul- to the General hen isis Building io.lav. Il- Keel ? long ---on v?i.-rday fa ih- toi-rtrooi'i In which Itarrta was trivd and con? vict..!. Mach -vinp-ithv kee deservedly keen given to the condemn.-.i murderer's ?ntber, and yeetaeaagi iittenthm vhs ca'tod to Um net that tbe p.,i-.>ii.d girl's mother nus ii-" an oi.j-ct af pKj ami ceea> mlseratton. Mrs. Potts ha naflerrd ininti >taee 'be deatk of tar young daughter, end ker tong ardeen* ?ni the edt teas -tn.i In court have net keen the lea-i of h.-r trials, sin- waa do-ply ejected yi itarenja cf course hardly a j<?t -f i. -timony In beer of Harris ha- been given in th.- bearing whack am not passed on by Recorder gnytb, and which I- not already h. foi- Ibe liovernor. Mr-. Pott- gav- the ?nrongt -i po?IM" proof tlat ber (laiu-iiU r w i- not a niorphln- .at.r. II. i word- ure th- moro ion vlni lng h. tans.- -'.,?? nat not been vindictive against Harri-. >he -..ld: -t"n Hie day 'f ntv daughter's fatal lllne-s I -HW ber, sh.- wns feeling very wei. and Indeed was radiantly hippv. .-she show .st m.- the hoy containing tbe pHh whi. a ker husband had glyn ker. -he said sh- bid -.ili.n -.m.- mid th.y had made her sh k at the stomach, -li- wanted to throw ta.'il ont of the window, ibe -aid. int had not don- -o keenan Coal had told her they would .h. ker good." Mrs. Pott* declared I bet dat hoi never told Mrs. Canaan and Miss Carmal, that she had a doubt ebon) Harris's snil', a*- kef daughter nigbi haw lulled her? self. Mis Potts had talk.-d with the - worn, n only three or four linea. Mi-s Cannan cane to -e.- the ait.- because ber, ibe young wonan's, name had been n:-i:tl. ti. (i In ali unpleasant wny In tin- Karita trial. Mrs, Potts said sh- never hail aaurphtae fa her bouse, Hair a ti,,/.-ii a--,, lu,- of ttl- dead ghi. including. ?everal n-fco had i.ned erith ber, lesUfad ttorf never -nw any j...",!-- ur nil!- in ber bedroon, and never heard bet talk ot laking nurphlne. Uri Byron v. Tompkins tUended Ml?s Petts m fa i er lt. t--i'. .nut gave ker nedlctae ontatatag nta> -l\t!i "f a grain Oi opium. Il-r -Wein unfunded] at om- t-> the ?! ag. Il- waa, lhere fere, ..-ruin -h.- was not a morphine eater. Hr. Lewis, woo also .ti i .-mi .I ibe giri, never na anything to Indicate Hut -!.? look th- drug. Mint, Day, prim ipa! of ti,..'?rk s, h....l. .it whi, a Helen Pott- died, -aid th-r- v\..- ni pl, beg iii ii-r r lom when h.r fatal Hin--- uvcrtaok ker, ra> cepl (hat broighl by Harris, she 'old Mis.- dy fae Wad . .mg i" tah- -..tu- tliat nigh! ami did not a ant t" i?- disturbed afterward. Uer physician h.-.d given heil Hie none medicine before and had told taff tim it laid not bad Its Intended effect iterance ?a had been ii mus, d nfler t iking lt. Half a d ./-n [s-rsctis ra. they wouldn't bebeve Pr. lliiL-h s. Klnmeufb, Who -aid li.ld Mi- I'olM morphine, under oath. Joaeph ll. L-it-rt-. whesn reputation ls wiso iiniiii-i.ut accurdlng fa th- nfl*. davit- , I -\ei-il ot those who know him. told au'ng st, rv in an astounding way, ll- ra Inly ...hi ihat h- -,,!.! Miss Poti.s morphine virtually at Wholesale. In on- month li- Mild h-r l-ti grainy enough to Lill lit" every dav of th. month. ||- ?ld unison a- lie w.n.,I Mata eater, ne ednttted to Mr. willman, i. i'-m-'- wa) <>r telling hi- dory weuM hardly Inve rarrfed conviction with ? ?neb len i-eti'irkalile narrative, William P. Howe -all yesterday that the -tate illili! tliiit h.- had advised Mr. W-llinini In the Mean . ui.ii of tin- Harri- case wa- true. Il- did not expect t> be railed Into the c;i-o. and had (Ivett his friend th- benefit of Ids knowledge and experience. lt h.i- I.-n patent timi Mr. \\-ninan nu- conttanedj t.. conduct tn- nani- case with ell hi- force and energy sim,. Mr. How- bectttne lilts opponettt. mamithim txcMAiroM coMimn Tbe Board of Dejv<*tora >.f the Marittan Aeanfa> lion of the Port of New York held Its graf m?ttng yesterday. Edwaitl a. Atwaed {*aj*esfeVd. ttoorga* ... Lori WM |'h. toininitVes wera appointed: KxecwUve, Edward s. Atwood, ilngk Kelly, Alexander >. Murphy; finance. Ctaytaej Platt, \V. A. I.eiHilhoii. I., s. lt..main.-; a.lmi--ioii-. \V. Michaels, P. A. Dayton, ?'. I{. Norman, lt. a. Berrie, John T. Min-r: it.-. Oeorge T. Hay, l*. li. Pelee!, P. P. Nichols, p. \\. loniish. .1. i', cotupl. lints. ,i. \v. park.-r. Vernon ll. Pr .wn, lt. .Iiitr.rv, jr.. C. P. \V righi, \V. Y. MehoK: kWT, J. A. Coeenaek, I. c. brager, c. g. atonetee; aaaaeuat. r. vr. Doun.-, A. .saul, C. P. puff, i-.u-y. '. A. McCullough, lanes miss i oonha, p. m. limmen-. Henry b, iiuiit: snasdy, Vf. A. Iratllban. W. W. caldwell, p. lt. Daliel!, Daniel s. Bowden, Oeorge lt. Burrowa, Martin c. Ebel, Alfred (.narin, Jul Pl.itow and ?. IV. Mid th. .1 FERRYIUHT RI SS HfTO I RR?. The tiiKl.'Ktt tarry mid the P.-niisylvani.. Anne* boal N<>. B were in toPiaoMi reeterday morning. Til.**Terry was neared nlongslde tin- John K. Moore, iit-;ii- Caatto (tarean, wangi the annex boat cam,- along, sh- wat ,,u her il o'clock trip from .l.-i-sey (itv in i.|o.iki\u and tenn leeling her way through the fog. gae cain.- t.?? n-ar shore, and rea tata Hie Terry. The Utter was considerably dam? aged, and the Moore had her lippi r works criislnd fa. lite annex l*.:it was only -lightly damaged uud pre ct teed ou her trip. JOIRS.UJSTS O.Y THE HERST BISMARCK. The Fllerst Plsmur.k. the fly,.r ?f Hie llHtiihura Atiierhan Mn-', whlc'i sal lid frum Southanipton Apr! -M, reachisl this port today, making the voy? age In six day* and nineteen hours, a g?sl voyace for stormy w.-ath-r. The ship brought 4:);j cabin and MT steerage pusse:^'.-.-. Among Ce former were Uettffy P. Allen, military attache 0f the I'nlted -tat? Legation nt st. I'et.rsoiirg; <,.,iisiil.(;,.nt'ral B. Y. Hess- Wurtogg. Major eaej Owen. Dr. ('corfe C. S. Clionle, pr. S. Y. Cortelysoii and Dr. Julius Euget Kelmers. Several of the passengers were English loiirtiiillsts. .Muong them wen- Jam* iJordon, of ?The l>md,,ii Morning Post"; j. u. Oeweu. of "The Yorkshire Herald-: Vt. Hellier, of "The Marlu.- En gtaeer," and Norman tjtultli. of the National ~ adbttahTa