Newspaper Page Text
THE LESION OF THK BELL. Kx*r___sin_-:>T n u.i-is n to the chil i__EN. A GRAM. DK_tIONSTKVTl()*N Oil TIIF. ARRIVAL ll UBERTY _ RELIC AT IRDIAXAFOU *. Indlaii.ipoii-. April __&?Tw. Ive tbonaand children _.tl_ollc und Pl-Oteotaat, each carrying an Ain-ricu (lag, not a few with tho starry einM't" nrappsd ol. .hem, all cheering and entbnsUstl*. ?"-'- Ihe Ubertj Bell on tts arrival ben today. Tho children nil fcnew Iho storv of Ubertj Bril; for ? fort ni ?-'lit tat JOOOhWl have been idling them 111 hl?to_T? '?'?"' buHdlnga on the main ihoroughfar. ..'nd along Ihe Uno of the children, march were ga.'iv brdeeki-d with fla.-- and festooned witta hunting. The train bearing lin* bel", arrived from C .luiiihus. < *-''-?? :" ,; o'clock. Whoa the rooter* edge of the city woe reached the city's brill rang ont and a mil Ute ot thirteen guns was Hod by Ihe Indianapolis Light Artillery. Thc car c. plaining the bell ww mn' lo I switch on Tennessee-t.. wool of the Union Merion, wh.-re lt was view., by the thonsondi or ehUdvee and adult-, anil where lt I*malled until ll- Jonm "V to I hlcago was _?___. The Committee of A." rniigemeni- went to the station, and from there pro? tended with thc bell's c.-cort of forty-live. Including Mayor .stuart, of __10d_JhlO_ the city's guioti, to tho Capitol, where this M bool cblldr. ti and many thousands more WHO already aoa__hb_>_ Mayor _d__.ll pre sided over tho BOOttBf, lien- the children sang I>u1 rlcitlc sours end a band jilay.d Naliuiial air.-. Bx-Preatdt nt Harrison received hearty epplaaoe, and addressed himself to the children ns follow*l : Wy Young Friend! and My Follow-elUzens. I nm glad' today to l?. a cit laen of IndlnnnpoHs. 1 am gaul to participate in thal Worthy pride which we till feel at being able to make, before theo-, ili Uagulsbed stranfers, Mich a mnmilflcenl exhibition ol our Indianapolis ecbcols, 1 think 1 should Ant, for you, tno-t alnoerely 'hank Mayor sttnirt, ot Phila? delphia, and the g.-ntK men who accompany him. b.r their kindness in enabbng tbe rilUene, and i*sp_lally mo ehUdren of our schools, to see thi- areal rein, the LlU-riv l.ell. We aix; grateful t>. them for haring tn pactoaaly yielded to tile request of our cltlsens to give ouch oj you a favor.-d opp .rtunitv l ? eve thia liligi nu..resting rebe, lt ls oniv a bell, and a dumb -ll at that. Ii lia ipohen it- peal messnge to 'he world, ami i~ now forever .silent. It i- ian tbe mi? lena! thing thai we -hall look upon with interest, lt ls tliat which li typifies, li is ta. cudi.ring thing for which il stands tba) kindles our heart* and our en thusliisiu to-day, ((heel-.i ll the old mn and the old women of thi* eonntry shall ail _?>-<? their senti? ment and lotci'o Ibo exercise of tbrit imagination, these givut thiiics win l? preserved among the chil? dren. 1 rejoice tliat there ls a nt;?ils-titice ot patriot? ism in the stales. I rejoice to believe thnt to our own hearts the flue: means mor" to-day than ever before In our hi-tor.v. (_ieers.l There are more people that love ii; aiid thc generation thal ls coming on will love it mor<- fervently than th it which ls PH.-aili? oil the etafe. (Cheers.) 1 rejoice thal the Americas tlag iloats over more of our achoola of Instruction b>r tin- young today than ever before. (Cheers.) 1 nave read with Interesl within tho last l.w days of tbe lining of the Hag 00 the Navcsink Highlands of New-Jersey ; that oar ..wn People returning from foreign shores or those worthy Immigrant- who seek a haine among ns shill catch sight of the starry banner when the laud lifts itself nbove thc bordon. (Enthusiastic cheers > The flag at the Highlands; the Bartholdi Statue lifting the torrh ?f liberty la the harbor are good obje I _?s-ms to those who iniu>. to be American rltltens. 1 had anfrigned and lasting pieasnre rn tho bel thal <>n. of iny lari public acts wai to lift lue American Bog over n great steamship lu Ihe harbor nf Ihe div ol Row-York. It wns liberty Ibis bell proclaimed, liberty throughout all the land, to all the people thereof: and bow arooderful thal nearly i quarter of a century before, when the committee of your Legislature >>? loud an Inscription for thal bell, they an cots, lously foretold tho great act it was to perform. Let n never forget thal tbe liberty which thia bell rang in was a liberty regulated by law (cheers); a liberty to l>c free to do as each one pleased only so far as the rights Of others WON int In __?*d. 1*1 us lenrn again tatt great leeson thal no worthy ol.jt-cr can be promoted exec;* upon th" l'ui"s of social uni lawful oubadsston to pnbnc authority. (Cheers.) Mot labor not Ihe Church, not thooe who pretend to seek with nnonthorixed banda the ends of public Justice ean promote m,y of these uri-- by acta of violence, li ls the law, casting its shelter over every household, arming every man tn a panoply thai should be Im? penetrable, that tnalics our Lome life possible and um school* what they ure. Thl- ?id i.oii was made In Bnriind. but it bad to be reen, in Am.ilea (enthusbiltlc cheers) hefore' lt wa- attuned t>> proclaim tbe right ..f self-gov? ernment nnd Hr- .-on il rights of men. And therein lt was a tv i.f whit ..ur tn .{tatton* have been doiuir f..;- that greal let-mine throng of Immigrant* from nil lands wh.. heard Its voice over I ie .-rent waters and came here -r.i.;. ct- to 1." roast Into free American rtthteni (Cheers.) 1 vant to thank yon for ymir patient attention and to Leg thal von viii exenoe ow from farther spereb.ln order that von mav promptly .-?? thal for abbi, von hove e ? semHed-thb old hell whleh, if von aili bal open the eoJa of your hearts, viii t .1 yon the story of our heroic ancestry nnd of Ibo origin >>f mir Gov. minc'it inr.r.- eloquently than any speaker can do lt. (Cheers.) After Um _W__*__ nt tin- Capitol v i n- completed tbe children, accompanied by tbe civic and military ooinahothmi. wturned lo Ita bril car. where they amrched rinse til? on either aide. At 2 o'clock the i.cii wiih its escort departed. OFFICERS OF THE ACTUARIAL SOCIETY. . si_.v_r.vi_ PAPERS BRAD at tut. . .mi M1 I.T IN i -> - N r.W MEMBERS. Tbe Actuarial. odety of America, compilied of w.-ll Known Hf.- insurati-e men. lu-ld Its annual meeting tn the bal] of tlc- Kew-Yort lire __d$rnrite_, N... Bf Na-san st., yeetordoy. I). I*. Feebler presided. Tho membiii appeared brighl aud smiling, ond showed no signs of the doeoroni revelry thal look place il their (limier iu the Milo liuilllng Hie i_i,:ht before. The following mewpttl were elected: llow.-Il W. bb John, president. Aetna: Emory Mcclintock, lind Vlie-piesldelit. Mutual: bl. untield ,1. Miller, MCOOd Mce-preri At nt. Mumal: israel C. lin oem, oeerriory, Hashiiigt'.n : Oaear B. ireland, treoaarer, Maasaehueetti Mutual. Boehm. The two bow memhen of tho coun? cil ora T. B. Ma'iitiisy, Baa Life, Montreal, und D. ll. Well-, tonne taut VliiMial. Hartfoid. Th. following papen were rood: "Mrnple Endow? ment and Insurant >s Inv tiring :i Return >>f IT. iniiinis wiih -tapio or with Compound Interest,' i>. 1*. Phehler; *Jk Comporlioa "f Australian mai Ameri? can Mortoltty continiied," Blcbard loee. Australian Mutual 1'r.videiit Borioty; "Retihepectlve Form* ..f Volnnttoni _ -Mette." Max li. Feller, Aetna, Hart. I rd: "Error In Age." .1. (>. Uh liter, London Life, London, Canada; "Ihblea from Hr. Fort. 'Healthy .ng'jMi Maloo,'" H. 1. NCO. McKentie, l'uitng Hie aftwooi the tiui>' wns devoted to the _scu--ion >.f ? nnmber ..r poper! rend al the lui meeting in Boolah. Th.- n.-xt gathering of the s .hiv will be held at Philadelphia In OOtOher, wlieii tho P-ipTs pWOOUlOd yooowdog will be dtOOMOed, Tho following were made memben of the tool ty: Loon Morie, I. Marta Dnpray and IC. Oomooo>D_aoa<dr, memben ol tie French InotttntO of Actuaries l'aris; Ern-t \V. Beot. Auisicrdam. Holland; OeOTfll Leah. Wellington, New leeland; Gardner L Hamley, Alexondor 0. Ham ay, Cuiu.da; wiiiiatn B. Fhteroon, KoTwlcl^ Rngland. Among tiioso pyva. nt yootefday were David (.. . 1__>. ITovlnclal Life nnd Trust. Philadelphia: .Tiuns M. I rule. Metit.poliian; looopB A. De Boer, A. M.. Hotham!, MoatpeMor; Qoorge BU. TiiveBmo. Hnri for.i; Boheri (.. Haas, a. i. a., Bnjoltab_; Charlei lliklcbriuid, Conn_tl(ut Mutual, Hortted' chailes R, jones, Row-Tork; Oimpi ii. Klrhpatriek, Prudential, Newark; Jame- m. Lee, BoffcaMre, PtttoSoU; Charlton T. Lewis, Roar-York; I. h. Lnnnor, rindonllol. Row erk; B. p. Maroboli t'nion Central, cincinnati; \v. A, >_- hall. Home; James Weir Mason; II. J. Massenger, Jr.. MotrOtOBtaa; Wallers. Nichol . I'nlte.l Ftst>a Industrial, Newark: Sydney R, Ogden, Mutual t. neut, Newark: c. B, Nil J, Mutual. New York: Edward J. Sartellf, Stale Mutual. Worcester: J. II. gprapne. A. IL, Actuary, Connecticut Insurance 1),. parttnrnt. Hartford; B. L. MaMtr- Ph. D.. Manhattan, Ro?-York; Wilburn E. Starr. Stat.- Mut ul, Wo_0 ..r: Samuel E. BB_weB, _maoyl__a__a Mutual, I'hiia lelpbia; John Tatlock. Jr.. Mutual: AivMboM A Welch. A. h.. Phoenix Mutual, llarilord, and William D. Whiting, New-York. WEEKLY BUSINESS REVIEW NOT FAVORAP.I.E. Tbe business failures reported to R. (;. Dun __ To. for the wesk nnuibered 21C. |or Hie 1'nlb-d _ ?. - ind 22 for Canadu. u total of 2:h, mmpaioi with fO-1 for the previous week, and 211 f..r the correspond ki| week of IAf?2. Tho weekly review fe ie?s tarot ible than lt has been In a long tim., nnd the alton? ion 1* sfimmarUcd un follow s : "I__rtdent Cleveland's decision ubout rodeoypdoa If legal tenders, all admit, has urrestcd whit threat Oied to become a serious disturbance (ioid otporti lave ceased, sterling eschange ba- fallen to ti. IT 1 -2, pm. gold ha* is'one luto the Trcusury furn liostoii ind other cilies, and rates for motley have declined (?om 10 to 4 1-2 per cent. Stocks have been strou^-er, faining ubout hi 60 per share for the week, and pme produce markets are rtslna opaln. Yet cold Sd wet weather and monetary uncertainty have bused distinct depression lu trude, collectlona are (most everywhere behind, and Interior money markets po growlnj. closer or more conservative. Thc bbare of the Pennsylvania and Maryland steel com lonies has arrested what Improvement appeared lu he Iron bnslnc.. while the woollen and cotton b_ kutrtee grow moro unsatisfactory. Reports from jU farts of the country Indicate that trade has been nob retarded by bad weather aud unsettled money iit.iri.ct-, und complaints of poor collections oro gen . ntl. _ GJLROJ CAL LVD TO ACCOUNT. ni: city cf.ii. sends a j..:, ti;.: to him A PEW I'ofNTs. BROUGHT Tt Till-. VAVOP.-- vt TEXIIOM ABOTT ills FRIEND Ml*.. BRFXRAR. The City Club hi- senl the followlpg liter to .Mayor Gilroy in reference to his dismissal ol the marges mode hy the .lui. agalnal Street Cleaning C'.iiniii-sioiier Brennan : Al.:.; Pt, ]-??:. T- ti, ? May ? o' th ? City 11 Rew.Tortt. Deal sit: We i.av., n.t leen honored ir my i ???inn fieni vmi. bal 1ihv>- l.t.:. apprised ot your decision in tin- pabHc prea* >?' the nth of April; ac gladly adopt tbe theory apoa which you have p corded ta ti.a- publlablDi year ?'?? Idea, fbi we understand it to eenatttute na :niii.laotiia lhat oar charges, te..uti. i I'luciit ia ii,nu apslnft M>. i::? inuit, before yen. m. andcrrtead hv yea to i?- heeoghi ni fat belan tbe trib? unal of putin ? i inion. Yon hove i*tat,_| you cake to tiie pahUe; ?.? now bet to stun eera. Th.- chaiaes arged by as aoaiasl Mr. r_ unim were thal he had tailed lo eamply alth the plain pm*, -fla "f tho law win.ii ic waa appointed to execute; thc .hum..' oal of there provision* of Ibe hw was in no way.affected by snowfall ot climatic ceadittoaa; _ tbe rentrory, ibej rare entirely ladlee adi ul al i-oth, and were briefly j f IIOWI : lt na- BM. his dnlv bv the Mw if Ap'll 0. IBM, tir-t, ta iii..vid- un cthcient onlfmnMd farce; loeood, lo apply thc bloch lyatmi; third, bv mirare, tnt u neem try by -il', i" leece the ewaen el track* t> tai;.- permits eade? whick they woo. br brid responsible lot thc eleaallaeoa ..f tnut |siu ..t ia.- ?___ occaplcd by th m iiiid.-i- tin- i.- i?.-1il- Tli" plain qaOOttOQ before y u via-, limi Mr. Breaaoo eaeeated these |__a_ni ri Ihe law ei aotl H ic h.d. you ju-nih-d in dlsmloslag ti. charles; ii he aol, yea nero not budded bi dis. ?oloriog th.-m An eMcleot oalfBtmed fore. Foi my mri nn abb davit- were produced hy os in rapport ol 111i-? therre. Three idMovIt* wew prodnccd by ns in ?_>___ ri this ebaige. Mr. Brennen's eoaasel H-k.-'l t.. bars ti... al ti...-.. excluded <>n the Mii_seljr lecbalcat i_*m_l tint they r.f.-rr.d to lavcsHeatloa h.mi ? lebee.acnl la Ihe dam of th.- .hare. -. How the Met thal the dat* of Ihe Investigation wo* before <>r oftei April a effected tbe lame, we on om able io onderstood; yon. however, tat clud.-d these allal.ivits niN.ii thc r. quent of Mr. llrcimiiii's c.iiiiisci: hut no reesoa, technical or other, coori he feood either by him er yea fr >'\ blading tlc a>l_Vtt of Mr. Rewhoargri April IT. relating '.. ohservotleni mai" March lt; uttidivit eanmioed s .pe.'iti- statement opeo mit petal, and was eootradlcted arithei hy Mr. Breanio mm bb couns. l. Moreover, if Ibere had not been ? tingle ait. davit -u_iu.(d t>> _ii>i*>rt tai- charge, every nun. wooten and child. including yourself. WOO a _0__ to the in edi.len.y of Mr. Brennan'* _o_alled Dotfenaed fere-; anl yet yon have net. hesitated to stn.- voa did int lind thia charge anatataad. iii.- block lystem, _>r y.?rs ev.rv expert and every i.iiic-r nf th" city goveraaMM who hu hu. lo di with -iroet chiming ho- agreed in tln> i-oniltislon thal UM III nfl* i.f Rew ?York could only t>e on the eonOIUflQ ?f allettlag le each iweeper ? ii*. I area ol street ratface for whleh ho could Im> held rsfpouaibie. The dlflkulty ..f deiiii- thu prier to Apiii o. imij. wa* simply one el i \ pease; hm hy thc lea ol Ap n 9, 185)2, the conualsatonet m. MthoHied lo loereoM hi* force sattelcatly lo edee! Ibla ood to call epoe the Blahing Fond Coamds-ooera f.e 0 special appropriation therefor; Mr. Brennan did not delay aa hour in asking fo- Ihe oddltlooal sppro. i.i thc ?-'.'.th of A|.t-;i foti nils.!,,. r Iii-lilian -'ititi, Itt. A t.. the Board pf Ra_aate a staleaieol <.f the additional appropriation reoalrad. This atalemeul contained Ibe _? .p.?-t for "1.-100 lnt>oro!s at .WO per iitiii'iin. t>. wit 0900,000," The boaid did aol delay la gmatieg Uil? re. i|u.-st. tai ea ti.-, inti ..f Mav. 1802, the boaid appropflati i ibe s-uii" ns fellows: "1,600 laborer* it OOM p r annum? 1000,000." This woe on loe irom of 8_ over the ei i I force, for the oamber "f rtreet cleaners employed before th" pomoge ot that oct waa n.>t n?.:e thoo tm, ?aewei n.ud.- i.v Mr. Bteoaaa ta t)i" rhargi ..r not havinc appHed the block system i- that h.- tiwi at*, n.jit t.. apply it ou the 1-t. (if Julv, IBU, To quot hi* ('.vii word*: ??Tie- praetlcal rosall, hearever, el tali method wa* fo i to b>- that the Bamber >f nu ?.i- very murk t-..> maali to do o Blt lent werfe'la th.- :ir.?s assigned t.. them, the >:??? partmeai bering at oe time lo all mare ti. i -a sweep. era, Instead of the it.iiviii.uin allowed la the law, i i i -. V : ency arose ri <?::* want el a -uni. lent ?ppropriatl Tin- s,ni. i main* th- eoofesslon that he h?d IA'S ?wee] - thai i.- to my 075 n fi-- wiatt to the last v. ur. n al-., roo total He- film statement lhat tie- ui. eaey aro-e t: m Ihe ? ml of i snOK-i'iit ippfepetatloo, and in. umaeh m he did i.ov?? an oppropriatloa, ahieh h- i!. i.i.t hesitate m deay having had, lt put- apia bim the ...-; mondilly of nut i.aviiii. the full eowptamcat of I I I allowed him by th" law, for which a special sppropi ? .- ..l labu d at M.- mm -t. The ooswer <f Mt. Breeaod further nate* thai thl* plan wa- abandoned on or als.ui Ihe i-t of Roi th.: ;- t" -at. bel ra Th. t.- wai my uowfill et dlffl iiltv ,-_iisinc oat ii Inclement anther, and yet yoe d. not i.e*. .t.iti t., Hud that le was .notified la tt-sndenlng the attempt t.- apply the Mock system, "when u.ndiuon of thc neath i *''i the emergei.>ue_ tbrreb it. neeeaaary foi him to eoneentmt I li forte and rend.1 Nm lyn nt ol deaning by district* in_f__a] and lu ? I McthabP?." The tact lt- that Mr, noMian gel an .,?:? prial rn t f I,POO mea; that he Increased his forci - ? i ITS aa - . .-iilli'-ici.t ti apply the bio .; -v-t.-m over . me wt.i..).. nf ti,.- .itv of New.Yorl thal le- has ??..I- 'l kl* lm apaclty I. ipi ly the I.. ..-?-? li | other sy-t.-n,: tim- the ittempl n>'i- by bim ti i lt In duly w__ purely abortive, nnd that he linn-'if cou? lls-.-il that bo shandon _ lt oo Kovembei ls'-- Mr. Brennan trim to -m. i_ himself by io lusafflclenl __ppre< ?k ? that he hod the tall ippeoprl it n. V..U ? u. defend him oe the groand of Inch n at woott :?: we ihow that hv Mr. Brenaaa'i awn ?.-tenif.r his attempt ?t* abaodoned before the laclement oeatlici ? . i allure t <j remove tinks. Fen escnse Mr. Breauaa'! Mian to execute tala part ..f the law by the i.-l-.-i .binti- tn the . : TiKlii.r I ni.rt Con__D_s_<_e_. Tho only naaaeol M which tbe gjaklag _md Commlsolooeri ure lolled Op_ hv (_ <? law to Intel v.-ii" In th' Tr.ilt.-i |. -,. give th.-ir consent _ Ute of ;i vari for ihe lei of these um ks -nh-?>!>!. nt to sei^nr.- at.'i prier ie mli Th word* ?.t til" law ate: "Ibo a^ui commtastonm af Street t leaning it. hereby oathoriad, arith the iou. di ind ?pprovol .,f the Boord oil Btaklog Fond CemoHmlenere, I i. I-.- a s-utaii..- raid ii yan:- te which tut- traebi, etc., ?hall ba tak'-ii " An cfliclent coiniiilislontr would have ?ecured a properly fenced yard. >.f whi.-ii tb'-te are oan Ui>ds in th>. .uv, winna a week altai the i>h-s_i. ai ti,. law, ...nd woaM bare - lean d tte eoaaeni aad apples al af th- Bond of Butting Pond Ooaimtsahmers wilbla laefbm week ti.-i am i laateod ri doini thi-, tie- i sinic-r, apoa his own ibowbig, laateiitid himself v. ith wrlttng i.-t.-rs t-. ibe rarloaa muohme ut Bm u.a_. aakiaa ih.-ia wha*. they pripoeed to do m eaeeatlea ri tJe- law; iu other words. iTklag them to do what it w_ his duty t/, d..: and vt hen the homd did adm him a ya.!, he, on the litu of A-."ii*'j, declined it. ?- .tag ??eely aatavtttag t.. ti-.;., la!.).- dtlMas"; Ibla v.ry .ard, liowevoi, bl att/.r. ?raid OMeptad, and vani li not yea fe need, in vo'ir deririoo you nwfee ao retaieam io the continued us., by Mi Brammo ri utpea_gri ?. ow? mot mnoet ? - ia Ma in i-.'irh neotber, iaataad il ehoop icowi ihot toa pt to s.? m am- weather; you stake no ito.nain t>> _he ...n tiiin.-d aegteet by Mr. Brmneo le meal tai ii.? tariag ti.>- >*icht ii.mith- ri fair weather whleh preceded the winter mea fob; yon amke aa teteremei n. lahoa, garbae eu.-., which a. amolatad la eomegiMn. of the taeSelency of the "hoi.- rtf-ixirtncnt. Bat we ahataln (tom enlarging on them petal ami in eootoat aeon tM- .? \,u\ tui- mm alta the pobhe. gauri tra y, i Bl I,i.v, Chalimoa. .1. r.. lil .iii|>. vv. HAKi'.is BOOMB. THE THIEF PMOTSD TO RF Til* RKOTPr.R. .loin, Batftb, of Thlrd-av... end Tlenth-st., While pas .in_ Martin I.yon-'s sinhle. Bo. 17.". Baal Minti Ixl -st., UltO Tu---.lav Dight, f-miid UM door '.pe:;. believing timi thieves had brohea Into the place h entered timetable. Throe men u atomeni tater malled out of tho door and down the riroet. .-n lt.. pur ned the nun uud soon overtook one of iii.tu. t,i hb horror, however, the nriooner proved io bo in< own brother Tbonao, oeventeon years old. Bith the spirit of a lioiniin he sin render, d bini io the perice tuan who had aided in the Cheer. In tin. Harlem Toilet! Court yesterday Justice liurke held ti... mm nnd ids two companlono, who ororg rongbi later, in gi?vx) botL PRIS'iNERS' PLANS TO ES'A PE FOILED. Camden, _ . .1., April 98.?tank Porl-r va i. b-as.-d from tho Counly Jail, n few dayl ago. This uiuinlii. ha di-elosxi ii jjiin by vihlih two ieoperatr eritatnaB pnfaaod io eaaaao from ibe Instttntioo. Aiiiiuii; the prisoners In Ihe jail ON benjamin Had son nnd John Boolnoon. BaMwoh ls g ilomonl n,i. t. Hndoon i- a riv.r pirate. Both ur- oM ______ and i av.- boca in prtaoa bi law. Porter's glory vms timi Hudson j,nd Itublns >n oflerod hi:n MS lo MO Itoongh their window Lar-. Porter iwXnOOd. , Tie y told him ka wns about to be reamOOd, and might go vv>ll have Nome money to -.pend. Portee says ka eenttnned to refn-e, hm that th.-y him np lo the day he left prison. In lolling his ntory. porter said the mp ;, had slepl saws. Word wns sent 1o th<- prl .fi .ifllela!-. Tln-y ninde nn Inve .ipatlon. which proved Cie trutii of Borter, story. Hudson and BOktMOB luive koon ! lue. . in edi* from which lt will ba almost __pooo__ fur them to escape. A close watch will also ka Inp:. The Marv.-l of Uta marvellous age I- thu Empire State Express ot tho Kow-York CouU_-a .lng luxury., ak PLANS OF THE UNIVERSITY. -Ml.I. THE OLD WILDING BE REMOVED? \ PROPOSITION TO T.IKB IT 1" THE M.W BITE ii-- es 10.000 r.i: sri -1 iubi u. The council ?f ti,.- University <>f ih.- City ol Stew York held a a__lng y_i_daj lo dlscn_ ihe plan for tin- new unlver ry building- '"i ' nlv.i_t. Heighu, and the ptah os shown In the pet rnpunylng cal wai *ub_anttally agreed upon. li enough ph lge-> ar>- ive-ive I, (be old t.tul tiii.r In Washington *l_i/v Will I- removed lo tbe nea ilt< ; if not, n new build lag vii! be pwtcd. The building! will face wesl loward :h" llatlem River. On the Wi vin be the dormitory bnUdlng. on Ibe righi thom of the - Dopartment; In lb.- centre thc moln bnlldlni tot languages, pbilosophj, library and chapel. Tl grounds ure twenty acr. In extent. Dr. Bad ....:. ii mane iht- iO-Viwliig itatemenl ul tl"- plans and pur . . ? i is notable it met ure.' ,"-,-t "???"? ,:; ,M7"V"::. ' ?,..?.,ve und r.,. ??T1""",a"""","";.,':i.. ,ri plan Ol M. Kim. Bead .v White if .I../".- J1 ,. ,, .. J ,. as follow ' . _ lObll* ' ____,____. ' ' , , .,,,eiiir>' thirty f".i in heigh!; ,??y Ihe, entre ..M..- -. < '. ^.. ,:,:,.!..... lb,'tongtng- 1 .n " *? "'"' "i"1'"' "' 'I" miI rv ."? n.:-.-,.,. occopv ~u_TS__r_!_^ , ,. ,. ,?.lV i-tiiM -li l?. Ih.'re free if l!. aid ll 'V W.V' ' "M " ' _. a- ,.l ntnono li"' 'i"" people 1 :'",i:r',rv.lM,N;;.V'n *? ???I,. ,.-uit?re ? rlhofi_i^bnudrrdnnd.flWW ?"" "", ^"a.,;":".'::' I, the difference for Ibe SC.rSgt^rn,^.7^v;r\;: ;rr?r.^h;.*^ Any .?,.. ..f the three Imlktin who have made bri. >?. _ ? -in _ft' fy_ _.ii? ?- i i '^mSt^la.ii^e^^iil M 1*' ^^^_S7l3_^. r*^*_. liS _ SpBfe?* ^5i!- ^:-5^- <_& i J jh v . w >* Rr a '-iiiti si ___;._*/? _ __ ? .i ^8|__^7/i I ; _2p_?_ ' .?'?.ttx&AA+raar-TSter.X'l _ _..,??"?___.' a_?-<_,'' V. -~'-?? ??* -fg__-*_*-T-' _??, _ -r-T-. _?__??__? ?_''?' ?''?***?? ..Av dUgaWUilil -g M _0_M -.1 _* JW /VI O' __*TiW.-_WrK_-__M?a_*W_%h_. pose* for tl i nen ?porter af', r t Tb.- Nea Yoi! antverrity balMIng* t>> ? Ung nf th.linell: Tribute ll'|'"IH| .1 I "I ll" I...' 1 I.I _. ... ..I" , .III Ul ll . ?The N.vv Y.uh 1 niv. r itv bal received Md- fruin three prominent builder- for removing ito* bistort liiillditi_: mi Washington s.|iiar. nnd rcconstrnctli ll fireproof v.itii a n. vv east fr.Mil mid vvlih nt>W interior at 1'nlve- Itv Heights, vi late lt i.e.. "tv-. I r th Binary, ih" tun-um, the chapel, Ibe language lull and the hall of phy I.- and electricity. Iii' lui ver.sity Connell mu-! d.-cide goon between removing this building or erecting wholly nea strncturi . They f" l untiling t.. adopt plana which vv.ii .,i>iit erate the old edlflre until they kano Invited ritlteni -viii i ?-. i;.,. f. ? ? ition In ?' ? I n nnd i* movi ll ?? imlldlug tli" f..:i..1- ini ?;. oa ?? l'i'.ines _.| be ;o i'i i..i for ant um for biiv on>? of Hie Petr .?!???.'? num.. to I." binding Valen ill ? 'l.tlr" -inn III _mU.?S)*U -hull lillVi l? ? li -n Ul. il. iTini.->l Muni, for plfli>?- iii ii b ? ul i lined bv ad ? Ip- nu- iii" ... ..i i-- ..ii..-. VVnsl.lupton r-.,ii..r-, I.. | n here phill* mid dr vi,.- mut U> i:,-p- > i> ->l." I n.t. i- t:," un pie.-. ..I Hie ||n> IVnmen'-t Adv i .rv i . in ri. ii t.-f. nnd I . nit* ol Arts and - ? . Of tb I lllV( ?-??? I'"' '. Mool-.', of Indnver, alli d?4ivr an nddri li ni'tnon ol Pntil ?I,. ede, lld >v'ei In Ibe univ, .tv build big. nnd afti-rantd ll- re .'ill Im> -i view of the io ivet itj .lil i to i . ? v ' "ld'*, Inoiiidlng Ihi original phntogriitih of the l :.>; an foe, and wlml ls .uil ti. b. th" oldi st t> I'-rteiii In .-. .-I. i.i .? WILL STA TEX ISLAM) ll.I VE A V AC IDEM Vt Tins qui.: -io\ to BE SETTLED sn .\- v i.w-.r BVII ALREADY SUBSCRIBED. A meeting of ih? trustees of "... staten leland Academy wfll be h> 1 _ on Mny B t<> determine whether or not the n.-w building will lu- erected at .? or 1... indefinitely pootponed. If Staten l-lnnl I- to hnve th., refining tnflueno- of inch an institution; if li- vounc i?' pl.- ore to hav.. rdncatlooal farilltle ?eeond t>. none; if ihe Arthur winier Memorial Library is to i?' tua.!" available t.. 'le- public; at.! If ih.. Curtis Lyceum l- to furnish Ihe long__li_J BinUtortuiu for ln*trurllve und "> hil entertainment, further delay rai.liol I..- OOUOtdfl'??(!. Tho tend al si. George bai been pnrrhaaed .md j.iiii f..r with money received Brenn obscrlptions,; t:.. building will <ot 170,000; then" baa been -??'?? crib-d and p Pl I'i. gSO.OOO; has l.-.-n sub_1 payable on demand, BId,00O; tier.- have i. .. f...ii.d.d two u>ho_- atna, imoontlng to -..OOO; ... contemplated mortgage that ran be easily <;.r . >i i 130,000, ballin a balance t<> ic iel >.i i.v Irnrn. (Mit.- ? .bacripttoM of PSMftOO, in a rirenlaf I * d i-\ order of tho urged thal :'..- n malnln ? um must be raised i Mrtly bj n odi ilona of BS. to .i few huudret acadt?ny I* a corp ration and bs ito k I- rc l ilv i- ...(*. al e_3 > ' tru-(. il 1 -.-J.KHI st doust n rlpll ?'. T!u>->. who prefer lo found -c;...l..r Mi . of which the. "i'd h. t.-n. mny, I.v Miborrlbing IS/MO, proridc perp ' fi-.-., fasti .. ti..-, foi i n li ? ?' ir nome I ' giver durti -* l '??? snd bj Ha tm li tin n di. i I,...,.r -ul,-, rli.'e.i - -.iii h.- romMn.d Int.. _?.-? .an,. f,.r th..' p .ip ?-. -? ?> iiui ? lol I ll. ni. already ai ure. :?..'< ll I ' 1 "*1 la Idnnd Bve lu memory of __>rgi William Curtis Por Bve thl- bi- v. > n before ti... re Idgnl of Btsi j 1 ,tl,|, .,.,.? |. (. ?? ' ... al . . . | ? > || i. . fv ton ? -ipi. aifusly al -? ntl In .i nunns HI. irv fm i'm- . ini p I ? ? tart -n ' Arnot, th., gen mri eo_ii_tt_ "t ibiohhakki ? -ul. i rn., rs ore ihe foltawlng: H. _ UenuMler, A. p. Boardman, Rcorge Cromwell, .t^->- li Bak-y. tames vt. Davis, Willam M. Donald, .i r. .;. i in .ti . . barlee l?. Prveman. I.o.h,ir W. Palwr, i: - i,,. .h. c. A, Unit, ii i. Hort un, Adolph i. King, W. .. M.r-h ,i*la. . Mi-Name. \ j inif. hridge l'.si.,r -afhutldt. Relt-hard ..-?!??' i \ leaton, I?- witt stafford, Augn?ta Iturapp Di ted.Tuon Beales, Al. i andi D I i- ?'. ? Km-lu- i.e.,r_'. Il, W ??>?' Si ? -Vii.I..lo Winter, ('laren.?? V. hillie.ti. la wi, I. WI.pp; ll '. >nlii >. Pi.I HE THOUGHT HE WAS USELESS AND DIED. mr. <--!> cotJ-TCiUElt rt'T ni's tiiroit ini ?i min .it 'ipr.ii n; m i m. no 'i-. Benjamin W. Buchanan, abo :. .i bren i Mott in ti.i, city for ibo. Bfty year., killed ..?If yesterday nc ming hy Juinjdng _om Ihe rool ol Die Hu*e ahoy honor, Ito i?>- Woahlngtoa Place, iffer 00 hud mt hi- thr.a' with I la/or. Il" Wai ,< v. 1.1-. ihree yean old. ai .ut a week ago be and ?- aged wi?., moved from No. io _mrtt_ ' lo norna on th.- top flo r of tbe hourn In Wi ?la'", ile had boon Buffering fr m Uv pepsli for ? -.I.j monthi and bli Bim i made him deepoudent, le iiad said recently thal ic was gatling i i be t>>>> >ld to he u court crier, and he though! '.t wai tin." ,.r a niiiii to di>- when le- sea .<i to ba <>f n ?? tu the lOrld. Recently ko made a wtll, .roving i.d ..f ia prop Tty to lils Wile, lt wu- sahl. When kc left th" L'OUll iou..- .rn Wednesday le- ibooh hinds with i.i i ? . ?lilies th -v mid bode ie n. goodhy Impre* Ivelr. vt ?; a. m. yeeterdey ic I _ i.i- viv tint h.- waa ?nins to th.: ro . of thc bon ? to see if a Utile fr. si, lr would millie him fed better. Half un hour tatar _ was men to (ump mr tic coof lo tie- ridewalk In road 'if Ihe Boneo, il- woe -en .-los, when a police iiitn ass called, und lt via. noticed Hitit ka hud ont ito throat p..fore making the jump. An ambulance ms .till.d. hut tho old mau died before it arrived. il* body woi sent to an undertoker-a ibop la thr nine I. i;u>battas wai hon in lula 'itv, lt was Hld, and ins u tillich, r- apprentice In Centre Marka) when be i-ii- ii boy, Later be wai an uaber at pier*, or nm .-ao-ii'. At - te- Hine In- wu. a doorkeeper .fi iarnum'l Mu "Um In Aili lt., at,tl he vii. doorkeeper t (a th- Garden when Jenn. Und mng lh_e. lil? ias a member >f the old Volunteer Plre Deport ra .tl mi became a polltictan rn i noll woy. PiHIUeal nile.M.- can _ hi- appointment ai a eourt officer boot nrt v year- ag. I or man] vat- lu- bad charge .'. prl ..mrs In trali-it bom '?." Tomi.- to l':.ort. n recent yean be waa 'h.- eourt riler in the tl Henri .?rm of thc .ipr. tu.- C .uri. Pu I.nlian-- .,nlv child, a daughter, wai killed I.v allin..' from ii -to .p thirty >?..! IgO. II" bad nu ii -on wno ii..- in ibe elly. SEVENTY CAMS OP BMUOOLED OPIUM FOCXD. mofon Fall-. N. v.. April *-'-i gtprrlal). i: bert Ia-ui. th'- colored brod waiter ri the International ii>i, found thr. morning neat tic i.ri.iu-" hading lom Doth leland to (.oat Island ->-v>.i.ii pncl i ? .'hhli io him oontalned itrange hieroglyph-s. He iHik on., of th.'in in In-. Campbell, who pron | -iiii:i ii unokbig opium. The mutter wat ropoeted (. Hie CUStom* Officers, Hld OW '?! Hi" (erie lill"Mllh.(I vv.-niv com of iii" opium whick had evidently been innivied ..v.-r aad h.i ender Ihe brtdgi ;t u th. ni| . - .ion <.f Ibe ..liners .hat tl.I- ls p,,ri ,,f i.,,. ilium brongbl ky the noted imaggl . -ai ? __>nn?_.y, f Toronto, who was captured Wednealay .OOStOBM I Milli Mix,, U.T. Willi revel,|y cai - I ||?" tuiT Kenned) wa* known tn have a "imp- Mnd n ? ibooghl lhal he marnte. i? _?.-?, away i,, , nenin! aad secrete lt. Ma on, Ihe waller roan .r ii divl-ion ol Ibe Bn i ' ' VQQEBTIXQ Til at i PEFAUUEE M ABMtXTED **..u Franetaoo, April B_-The Boord of Dtrecton f ihe Vetarane1 Uome Aseoriotioo al a meeting tari iKht passel u res.h.-1,,,, calli:.| thief of Police CrOW ?Vs nttenllol, lo tho tari that .?.. Treasurer Kev,-.. ;^_^_^:?,a_w,,.'v!,i_.;:'\<.%.f,-\vlVi!\,1t./'. ;'^'' *" ..iv no a,-r", ?.. E,,K_dt_^^5?g.J55g TEE MARYLAND STEEL COMPtSY'S OMER* BalttmOM, April 2_-Tho Maryland Hool <-<,.nn?,v .hld, wei inn, thc h?,Kis of n receiver aboal ?' reek PAP, Na kook given a large order _g Hool alls hom tho New.York, Row___a and Hnrtf .,t intlroad < ompanv. Tb- roth MO |0 bo 100 ,_??rl, nd rid Md high. Aa dally output of thc rall alibi U steadily Lucreaslng, Tbe slilpmenta but month ?\... greater than for anv other month rinco the plant aros pal Into opemtion. The schooner J ? >? p ino ha ulled from _>parn-wii I'olni fur Havannah ..iii, r?_ io; nf >t,. i rails. The rhooner Poug-n. (.i-l'oi. la loading '.uki ton- for tbe natl- port. rEICEB AND NOTES IN Till: M.iEKETS. : : i ?rr MACKEREL ARE EXPENSIVE MEDITER? RANEAN ORAKOES P'.V. Several cargo, of fine mackerel < ime Into pori ti.'-, u.-. h. bul Ike demand f.r ilia roving ii i pnivid ? ir:, ii (bal Storth Riv.-r dmd were negk-ctid al h.if i ?? price, and almn*l . much wata)pnld for largo fresh mackel la* for ihe cultlvatid brook liwtl nf bong I .ard. it took ::. _nt* tu gel fr- ti mack ... I ..f ti, ? larg, rt* ind ?0 .?? i ? ? tm the im ill-r {tori Rivi :? roe *had, dc pin Ihe lm .| lu the pr. ? ... . i the Ibonsntid* . | i i Um-* iii Ihe .. ?.. . ld I for 00 cord il Xorth Rivi :? l nek* for 30 ents. - ?-.? i. rn roe il id old ' IO cen ta nd th bm k for 25 cents. The i Miming nf tin fr. ni Hie warship on. i I in fae North River awl the dlitnrbai ce of had Dsblng the rivet i.v the B. ?- i ihe effect of Hmll tl ?:'?'?' had from l hil riv. r. ? ..' ii h nf nth r .'. ? ? , Hm . .rip... : ? lld !??? 1. id from IO tn B I ? ,. : h ...-,.'. r, ,-. _ - IO i ? i- .v td Long Isl ind bi ???'? -: ml gi mid . mi 'I i i rook Iroul " . - - ' . d to 12 l-l! nuts; di d ? ' . i ? I " io < 12 1-2 C( - - ? ; | ||lbn1 1- i . ? : I ng Isl ind . i" .uni l_: i 2 ?... ifl .-. n< r>i '?? i\ p'-r. 12 Ti! >?? ' l< : _ . in ind gout hi ru -; ' )?? ....... ; . tov n. IV -in , sri r frail lore foi -1 8.1 ? . from I Iwridi isl 15 cents A few 1 ? Hf. rt.ii oral gi - ar. on bill . ? bulb ..' Ibe frail le.w eon un >1 ?? ' . . ? ' Ibm tn the Florid i I I md v.. .iv. and out of st J ?? i fornla frail do* noi blt - - i i i ? k .1 by ? . .1 ur. p In pop i bot of I illfon . n i . ? . ;.'.. th.- bOI, ll ill . ? '? .. i ???' . .I,,. >r ht I 7 rents from the ooo si t" Ihi market. Po ibl add H, thi >" ' '?' Ihe fruit on Ihe w- -. i d l .. ,, ? - tt cost Kl02 to land i l-.\ of lull f,.r|i .-ri!,.- lo IM city. The _d_llan Import bli r \..:- rt . nnd pap. - and bo xe Ma on ? f.,r not moro t '?" '?" ,-' "' Ti" freight dot ,\,,,,i sa cents, In ... n. '..- ean lord hi* orang-** city, .il Uh in ..t mellon for W and ck r i profit, I. are the eondlU n lhal n>l it ti u iain, :tii oratan- mun Ihe Pttol Atlantl marketa, April>. the i"in!,:,!!'.- >.f the broiler iee n, ? h.. demand tor IUi popular irade ..f poultry buting nntil September, ind reaching lm brighl bi .'u'> and \n "i t. broiler* should noi Weigh li 'han - 1 - i, r ni r -I pun.'ls to Ihe pair. Sn-, a vv.11 br: an pontt rv di!il> r. pe king of ihe eondltlon* ?.r toe poul irv trade in large cltlei nek ai Mea York, Bonton ml l hlladelphla : ??in January nu hud Utile poultry on Ihe markei ? Wi-t. rn: broil __ are not murk i" .-mand, and price! are verv low. Tlc general rnllit-.* pricei ai ti.i: lime i.f tbe on c.lunion grades of Wi t ern poultry, drawn and heed _, packed in bone* of loo pound, wright, ore about i -Ilona: flu ? .hp lens, io to 12 i .-nt' a pound; fancy, 19 t.. r.: fowls, - lo li ; du ka, 11 to 12; get r, l" to ii : turkeys, 13 to i">: tu.-irhv or Phlladrlpbfa rhlekens, ... ill--, w !u- ?, are ne -'Iv In N.vv Jen v. 'ii.ii range from IQ lo BO ??? ni ? pound. By Feb ru .rv l thara i- a demand for _fi rm li- ami f..n cblckeni, hatched i-? September, are now aboil. -titiill lota of them beginning t; arrive, and if | od, soft, yellow-mealed, ranging from Iel lo 29 rente, depending upon the leeson, Ibe demand ?I apply, utiii sim more npon quality. Phlladel pbia rap om ? begin lo arrive, ranging in price from .'.I i" 2. im' . Ry March fall chu;. . dre lug .; io - m- m re n pur. viii command good i'i:> ? if Hit ? in* first rta ? itork. ind any fall hatched cbleki after Ju.*y I will bring fullv na much imi drawn ni b**_ ., vi'.pu |* _? ... ?.| .,_, -j .-'nt-, a pound when rhlcken* ar>- Kelling lu Un? iv ntl. . ? i I ? iii- tia** slock I me.,!, areli fattened m thal the br. , I b ne dwi md -n.-i; ,,,,t like the kc 1 to I : v i>ll "? Ill-toll'!. v. M di.,|, , |, ,,,|., ia. lid, noi ri.ii.'...i all np nr torn, no pin rent hen l.-f. in nor H.- bi and f.--i lefi dirty, . .uh ? ?,-',, i mini, nought after, and alli command _.*>>>i prices ?un >.- len month* lu Ihe year, lu I'd,marv Ihe demand foi bi l.-n begin* lo Increase, amt price* gu hah. r. in March lin*., n-neli 25 or :to renta, and bj April t h.-v I. Ve ri .-.elli.I '??'? eui-, and during this Ile if have. i> ul, ap. lom Ind I.-, cent. K'tti i.e.. if In;-.- nn.l ll:., .-fi.n run v.-rr hiirli through Mav ind lo tbe middle ..f Jane. iii,,. s,,ft t ? If lu .inn.-. 7 or - Doondi t., du. imi,-, xviii' _ .-. i,i- i,, (be ). .lind. Put vvhii" meat,. tM_r di..!,, ni .'.ill :, . -i ? titi .?? ' lt must be I ..ii" lu ii Ind thal Ibe Bguraa npplv to wholesale lota, An addition ?.r alstnl b a .ami _ alli give Ike rm r Ibe proper Iden of Hie iel iii raine . mr: NAVAJO OVTMMEAE SERIOUS. Durango, C,,|.. April 2*. tat Navajo outbreak ls ? amii - alarming pmportlona. Ret tiega ure *..cur1ng ammunition nnd nrm- here lo prated thonmelvoo, Ono ?M|r repor thal Ibe marion, \v<>leh_ und other r.-.11? ? 11.?, it.- mrroended and thal a mooaamo is prob able. ("Vh. ir Waite bi received ._ telegram from Lb uti nani nnmmer, al ihe igency, gating that Mate ? i" t_l io repress Ihe Navajo war. .1 MEW IBAISTAXT PVofessor FOR VALE, "?? a iiiv -ii, conn., April 88.?Dr, fomre .1. Rqhft -oii, i men_ber of ihe foully nf tho shady ugo Academy, of _lt_>urg, ki accepttd an aariatahi i>n. f's oi-l,|:, li, \-[lU ,,.,,.nth off-Ted him by tin- Yule corporation, ir. Dobinson waa graduated from i rll... ion in i-.-i. mid.i afterward took _ pm fooaorahly lu n,.. college of Montana, h.. obtained bis doctor- degree from Vale in 1 mm, after a pool graduate coarse and ? fcur ... -gad* (lf ,.,., , ... , pMio-ophy in I.. .;-!.- t ni'., itv. ii- _-,,, ',, .*. ut.".'", ahmad. le alli >nM- upon pp. , ,.u ',.,",,?' ,,? jr ht,MEST FOR Till'. STATE IN .1 BAMDMLMT CAME. lUrrhdmrg, Penn-, April 8_-Wndgotim.on today derided the i0an tux suit agataal Pkilodelpkla, uud gave jiiditi.ient for ,|?. nata tn tho stun , f ,*.,-,n :i,i Hie -mt wns for the tun on ii 1. _n for 1 ..,, trpmiail the defendant cannot amil Itartf or _ tefe i_,_ ,_ _?_ Iho neglect of its o_c??. "" l **"* A DAY FOR FAVORITES. RACELAXD WINS IN A CANTER tut: XADlSOft stvi!lk-s tokkx-faii. srom AT EUZVItt.TlI. Five favorites tat home In front nt MsabOth ye. terday. Th" only one to toll vvas Cegonto. Ht should nm have lj .ti a favorite, lb' i*> hog fat. I'i-i.t mallen Iwo-ycU-Oldl ran in the tir.-t MOO, ii half lillie m r.inil.l ?. Tho Madlaoii St able*., buy lillv lo', ii. i.v .Mr Modred <t ut (aris-iinu. waa tbe (uvorlte in th" batting, bring bached doma to iM tn i ol Ihe eloae. [token*! breeding Indicated ter mud (iu;.|[tie<, .-ind rite Ju-ti!ii*l Ute conMenee of ln-r foil... ?!-. by lakh* Ibe lead ooon aftar the -sturt and winning In tfce eeriest poorible manner by throe lengths. Dalkud i de. Mr. Kelty I- doing vv.-ll Hms early vii h his two-year-olds, and they ny ho kan _me better ones in hi- il ible, R. i;.ivle'.? bay tll.v by Vocalic out of Fleurette wu- moon. PT. i:. Daly's bay . li by Remotion ont of tiara A. third. The track was drying f-.-t. a warm treater, wind picking up tho moisture Uko a iponge and Inking lt i.ii away to sea. Kr. Croher _l on tu.' rail before Ibe jud,.'..-' -tand, knocking his boola together In ihe bright sunshine. Ho aranied v.-iy happy mid con* telltid. I c. f. ond Clement were withdrawn from the leo ml nie,., nv furlongs, lea ring there lo p: w. ll. Roller's black gelding Dalsyrian, '<? QuantreU'i bay .' : a .iiy-Qu F.l, A. Lakeland's hay coll Hoof, PT, c. Daly's baj coll Alcalde and the Keystone Bttble'i boj coll E.tugun. A prompt .tart noni Alcalde n_ la font, bul be wa- soon pas*, by Dalsyrian anJ ? ? ? ?, who roo i ipgetber lo ti..; i. nd of the -ii-.-.cii, where Ibe lotter retired. Dalsyrian t:.".i came away and won In o canter by two lengths, Huey second, the luune distance before Alcalde. Al tins point -? lilli" Dali entered tho rtewarda' bos aknie lo commune with himself ind nature. UrifTIn rode Dalayrlan, who wan tho favorite. Huey wa, second . h..Ice. '? >' Jobi -i now called on Mr. Croker, and ??Iiollvn" kVhah-y j,(i,,, ,| >? lilli" Daly in theati-waids' box. lu. i.i.l,...,, p. Knapp, at Ol v ire, l oked i>n fr ni ih.- grand _tund. The ittieiidatK wa much smaller than on Thura day. Many person* Iud l_ou detain ed by tbe naval parade mi iou (ate t, totc.'i the train -it i .2 i. M< ; Dwyer ultbdri n bli coll I'lutcau from tbe tleivmoiil -lal.. ,. leaving Charter, by Ibaruxu* out "r Ada I'll., io i.ury iii,, whip, ft|th gold tassel, McIntyre and Longini were al a withdrawn, chart, r Wa* opp -il bj .1. -i ? .,I ?!:,*, hay ||!ly Ellen M.. cc'.ding il. i _v, i.v lilniyur oul ol I'm H.; J. A. an A. II. Mom-', li. coll Wolsey, by Hampton oul " ... i,", ?? i... A. Lakriun I-- I i Hllj Io ii. hv Holmbi on) ol Uv-ology; J. M. irifcvtt' bay lilli- Ulance, b! l; i--'..i out ol tillmp ?-. aud tbe i.i.-u Island _ab_' (be.tuui gelding ii..i. ..... hv Macdui] of Bentl iud". I 1.1." l> WI a vi.ii-j raVOril ? at 0 Iii .'.. Mi I) I mott rode. ir.>i.ii was _cond cbolci nt _! 1-8 lo i Klghl to 1 wi. charter** price. A good tart ?'n" altfa U'oUi-y Pi fi-oi.i. bul be quickly b-l back, Hymn Inking the lead, clo_lj attend _ b; ti bin Jo le and < hoit-T. In the strel h ulanc came awnj and ihaklug ? ll her howes without ?-if-r woo hand* down by three lengths, Josh- second, Elli a ii. Bli ui II. wai n Iden In i .:.,.i.|. ! i/v. Indi ..?!? iii iii.*.-i- hy (ii Ulm thal -? ? ul? tu luii. ate a de Ire nu i . a in. p.i,-.r Jol ti on, c.:...i. i Hyde ind "Hen" biedekc Wen c. ?? ipa I "i the -i Mauls' box during ihi race. Kr, Croker remained below, Arnon.' tb spectators in the grand stand wai A. F, Walcott, ni a bom bl- partier, John Campbell. II." pree! d.'it _ Monmouth Park wat oul lo ice Diablo i ti i i the hut ru''-- with Long*tract and Rncclund. lt, bradley'* wella nara Virgie, hv Kin; bolt, oul of Virgo, came from tha nar and cap) ru race ia .i bard drive from i lu Wara ,. ... --. i "- ? ? tuut horse Largbetto, bv JU Ju n in oul ... P.-v-.i.-t. -... io beal _. t*. Da lr'* bal i | ? to, I.. Klngdii nd eui of [.Ighl mia, tw i.. ? otb* r el .: '?; wi :??? J, A. Rate1 ri >r l ubi J. _. Bari ilomcw' KcMUrtr. ? . roi oil in front and l-l t ? ll. bead ol I i where ie- wai passed b) Lepento. : I Ibe lu t lui ug Virgie wont to tbe front. Joane) l.ambley, w... i de U-panbi, bai a diaogreeable babl . '.?? ought i" break blmeeH : irtbwith. Hi i- ...ii ty ii Hy looking bock, which, ol neceosity, ao*_ : lm lo i ...??? inn-- Haly s:,,,in r>->|.ilr>- ml- ji.iie-v to attend t.. ba .>?--. ( int nd, Blue Li.c'i. ( utttonooga and Jagk Lovel wen* wcij li. iw a fr_n i >? Sith ran. In Wbl b i ? ? ri were tu- Cbeiapcake Stable'* hav Billi ?... i.v bramble uni .u Young Dui ??--. M. _ if'v.r's chestnut i"lt Harv, i, hv Onondaga oul ? i ' . i ..ri.- I l-.-ii .v c...- ...?-?:.( gelding _iell i tl . nd IV. ( Dal)' bay t oil Ingot, llarveai ridd bl i -? Wey, wni ..n ovvrtc!elmina1 fovoilb' al l lo 3. Lilli . . wi - apportcd bj tbe ** talent, who bet 1 ? ?? i ... i ? !.'.in ifcer* win lii/.lv accepted nil that aaa offered and naked for more Kvldentl] Ihej merv noi ofhild ol billy .-. the r> -ul* ,.f fe race proved thal thei were right, .-niue I bing happened lu .nectlon with ti.i- race not iceti on a racecourse in m.ii,v rears. Thc dlstano wm only half o mlle, Thi foui '-: ?- untend lo f po I together lu pair-, ll irv. t :,t. I bill] .-. !? Il - $h>'llcj Tuttle .mi Ingot by about two length*. i, .? wat walting for them, Bag In band. Nril >u jo. i.i-v pulled ap. Ai If bj a preconcerted arrange ii.-ii' Ci.v kepi Heir mooni going, the Bag fell and Ibe ra _ wi un. Wily .. rind t>> ibe trout and l-l Into i'i- btrelcli, where il.u-v.--i mum ranghi him. i .'i"ii going on under .. double wrap Harvesi ?? walu, -d' in by a length, Hill) . second, h.ur leugtbs b ron Ingot, before I...- fourth ra..- then- was n wild seurcli for i .<? owner ..: ii,.- Ullin spring Stable, who aante. i.i -i. r Largbetto, Ile, ii neem*, via- In orreor ll Ihi '>v. ? t, nnielhing tl ti. ill I an uii|ii1d i.m. ..lui t.o Elisabeth mara: melli ttus .1 tv i '.. collect th. amounl ol f.. dne before letting bun ra. e. H. wi found al hi t, tb* I. wa paid and Lorghetti rau. HeportH ol Eduard Kelly's great ntnnlng. on K.i.iii.-, m.i on ii.'i-iPiv w.i-" lot correct. Mr. (Kelly lo ' g. kl .a i > ut t -i.ip nut bet only HIS cacti way on Keiitlgeniu. Yesterday be .lui not bel on p..'. a. her ..-. worh at Jerome Park bad been a Imll Iii .".:i seconds-. An Intimate ttiewt ot Mr,> i.mi again. Kentlgerna and lost i nice -nm. Longstreet, kith.v.r, ( alni T.-rrltler w>-r>- drawn fi-iuii Ibe I i t rai e, leaving ol Iv Rarriand. Clo' nnd lila'.!.. Iii I*... Kaceland via. i warm favorite ..t :; io :.. ie against Diablo were r- i . '.. and ai. .la t Illili .',(' lo 1. lt was DO race, Each cn ri. I in. pound . lo lim eland that waa il iii. r>- featl r. Ile gnllnpi I the entire dlitauce under ii pull and Won u swinging," ns they .-av. 1)1 il,lo jil.I as , alli def.>?<! Riot. Bdward Kelly probnhlv found ll." queer nani" for :! Greenland illly, Kentlcerna, In .-miami, iln-r, w, i noted .-..tell ecclesiastic ?.f the name of Kentlgern, n man who bad converted numerous bi The i..!.inion ..f a "a" Indicate! thal Ki'till terna 1 n Ally. r. . .- .:.??? the -ilium:.ri . : cn; .* i*.v i-.. v twee pstik. - fr malden twe-y or- _a, 0300 add., _lllnf. liri ? Bille, n ttln *. bt. 1*1. y, ill..,, ta rut I.-- b, f. Token, nv vr Mutti d ' li Kin i. 100 :? far. 1 1_ (l-.ill.inl. t .1 4-_ j* Royle'* p. f. -, by Vocalic Kleon . it... -* ..... un mn 9 a?1 c. ., tv, 1 Daly'* i>. .'.-. by Seimatlnn? ( lan v.. .-:.(J. Lambie. :t ti 1 _*-1 mtl.-t Don* tlllv. MT. (Keefe) 0 H-1 it I i'i,, /i"-- 00 [Hook I) 11 1 . -I ni |>n?| VI ||(l [Ml I'I HI ik.. (I 2 . -1 H?l llt...,lilet, llltv. >)0 1, ar 'a ? il Jone*) ll -1 lt I ir 1 on, oa < "V (j ia 1 ->-i Tin.- .. J2 _. MjuMi RAI " v -> .???;. '-.i .? - f..-,, l- ml ?p .rd. vv, i-.-i.ts 10 Bi above the eerie, belling. My,, tarloags, n. ttl nit . . I'I. vv. 11. n 11 t** Mk. ?? Del terian t,v nil. n_4__x_-l Syria, a vi- 111 m.'UrlUla) 111?10 t :i a. l__ 'lind - b. 1. 11. v. I, 1:1. 1 N-. ? ineyi ' 2 '_' -1 A-', vv. ('. Dely'i ti. e. AL-iid-. . m. (I_ainl.l.-vi A (I 1 n-:, .nogoa, l 108. il' I, _ 1- (? 11 _ 1 Juy Qa I.I. ?". I'"..lUc(lloaelO ?_*.". I m-1 ll!!, I (.li. THIRD RACE -THE Cl_ARF._0_T STAKES. Pet tc foai-Ma. _,000 idded. HThmet ri sitbet tbe lot toy Central n Pamrspo m.iu.?> 1. carty :i ir. . Mra it h.,th r, n. extra. Five farioaa ? n. .tim.. J. M. Jeffcott*! b. f. '.limps,., hv P..N '!.. - iMhapso, IIB Bi. (Mil., inti 1 1; -, 1?ri A. Lakeland's b. f. Jonie Hf. , \..,,,,.,, r. ?.* lo 1 lt 1 J Khleldr? b, f. Cll.ii lt., li:. .i.t,Hm. :i ?*,. | 1; .\ mst. r, n*< 11 jin.11. ?-, 11 si _>_i Frederick-118. (Suede ker) 0 lu 1 101 Hymn, 131 .rue. o . -.: 7 i.i Wolsey, lld 't.iitlciietiliO 10-1 l-l Time 1 iOO. numil rai .v iweepmakas t_ Ihr e-yi it elia nnd ?pa >rt whleh hana not aoa ol th's meeUag, g_0 added; milla ; ene mlle. 1'..111111'. M. 1*1. It. Il riler'* 1. m. Virgie, hv King liolt V'li .. '.it li ? Ri 111 Jones) 1 . 1 ?_? 1 w.i ni Spring Stahl., ch. h. I..n .nit.. 0, .... |..r. lit) . . 1 H. Ililli 2 10-1 2-1 VV. C.'s I., li. I. nant.1. B, 99 i.t. Lamb ley) a it-.-> out. . 'ritlniiiil 1, l, i'd. (ClrPlla. ti R-S 2 5 MM it v. aged, '?'?">. ?? .''Md 20-1 (l-l Time-t itsv,. iii iii RACK?A amtanrinh. inr Ulm joni nidi tf.vio inl.le.!. BrillM. Half 11 11 Ile. lletUnu. bl. PL M. _ Dwyer* ch. e. Ilur\i-t, hy Omni. .In." ltll-? ll.) m. (l#-inil.ley) 1 2-Z ..ot. Chesapeake BmMa'i h. e. Dilly K.. 104.. . ,.. , (<*riniii) *_! 8-1 2-.1 Wi. * b. c. Innot. 100.(J. I.i.inhlev) 8 30-1 ft-1 -elly Tuttle. HO. (N. v, _?_??. 0 10-1 7-ai amaagjw. SIXTH RacE-A sweepetakes for three-year-olds and ward. .*... o Mia. a. Weights IS lb below the (.ie- lillie and a furlong. 6-etttM_. M. P. Dwyer, b. e. Ilaceland, by nillet? *** Calomel, _*_, lo.l th.(Lambie.) 1 i_2 oab Walcott A Cainpbell-a b. h. Diablo, aaai.... ruooaam) 2 o. owl Arizona Stable'* b. h. Riot, 0, 10?. . Md.i.-i.ej ii 40-i A_a .Time?'_* :0X lil.l/.AHlOTH ENTRIES FOR TO-DAY. Thc catd fur to-day I* fair1'.- ?ood. Tho _*n__ I Malua at mix furlongs should Ut the feature, ?? toma htgh>riam honeo, inetndlng stonen.-n. feriMOi Ben:, I Hilt,eu and Red Canner ain MMmed. Dobbins, wno woo j bought as a yooihag for MMM by Richart Croaer al Um ___ gala inst fail, le amani ihaaa MMM bi tbe ian moe, atong __ a lean ordinary young-?>_. it win i ? intoreitlag to learn abribm be will poota to be ri no oeeauat, HM ._ nany ?f the youngsters that hom _o:g tor bl j: i>i.cs. ir looUs HBOaM to anything ho I* la tM MM 'lusa. Ho i, bv Mi. i'ickivP.k, out of Thoi_ and N a fl ll hrothn to Mr I-rain 1- atti a half _-_? io YoMvliic B ;i-. Hero ar.' the entries: FIRM RACK-Oae odie una' a sixteenth. Nam.'. Wt. I Nat.. Wh Mai.r d .u_ Ls iw i Prince.107 M. Hills.Ul Ji|inax .100 ?lu. k ll.Ill i.ola Wave..10g .IOU Cu ulai .101 _ '.cii\u RACK-._x fd.lo.-n-a. Phil*.110 'K.lkliu .10* A.'.al.lill f.i'ttie 1).lu* :mi .10JJLI;;.le .iud THIRD RACK-SEW A HEN jaTAKKh. bl.x furlongs (iori Dollar.121 I Cha rule .1_ >ii..c o.ll.*. I'oh-ro .117 ht.nell .Ill | v.?ikvtn.- Bella.lld il., i .1_ l'lay oi I'aj.110 Ubi .11 .l-l la"(_ BOMM..104 1 (URTU RACE-BL. furl... ?-. t.-i-ai' .li-a ii:?i oatt.loo a..n,il .Ill I La w_ss .loo ...til I. idelle .i'*J MonluUe .ttl Brio* .luO hi klni . log i-iitu rai i: bia (bringa. Fremont .lil Umg Baanaa.07 mi,,,,,, .KS. .Inila i_. '.fl I'rlneu Ihiiiard .IOU i Araiel . -Ul . 100 Harlem . Od Mohan rr-ed .... '?? I blXTH kai i:-1 iv fariaoge. Dobbin* .Ul I ?**? Cr shy.112 ile K 1|..lid vseriM -' ?.iii i.,ll _ i..II.' Tin- "fieri! .11 Knllfld .?a Bub OUmnw..Iii M h.!.:. .11__ i'llMotl .Ill Little i- rate.ii- oertte .loo WHAT A PAST0R8EESAND HEARS' ITI MS OP PERSONAL INTEREST TO CHURCH PEOPLE rv. _ ?? Thc Chriattan -___.?_.?? ml iso genial editor think thal inany .cuter i.p_f__ fall to ?_____! Methodist! und netnoaui lerm. is oi-ii*-.. ... _.,..-.._ in Its loone ibis oreel _M Ho NMpaaMoM or lu proof-reader, if mn Ka lepwtw, an inerrant. The "Morah" in ;i poem Inri wai was Moonee tig printed "Mtonh," und Dr. Day in Ma --peeeli before th- Methodlol Soda! Union MM ??fright," not "tl .lit."? In the eentenee ns paMlihed: "Ila (ann) .seems to I av.. gotten Into n great Ighl in that original gardes*: end that hy the omlsrion of the "gouth-ii" -; 1,7 :i via- rr_lt_ to a arong confer, n.e. lt la ! extremely refr_hln? to know that even _ MethOdIM Jove has nodded once. A J,.Int meeting of four of tin- ministerial MB0_a* Uom nf Ills (Itv will ta- held iii the Fourth Aveniw Presbyterian Church noxt Monday nt ll a. m. Tho ..i,..t t,, be diet aaaed win h.. *Inaadntton." Two Ii. byterlao muil-l r- will pr.nt Its "HMM**; two congregationalist* .? ftoeeae. two it-form.. iDu'chi -li- Scope," and two Mothodhrii "IM i;ii nt.- 'ihe tir-t ipi nbc ra in wirti denomination: win occupy len atlnntea and tm' aeeee_ lao arintrt_, Ilie peahen in tin lr (.rtt-r are: .lohn H. Davit. , ll. p.. M.. -nil. v. . ll. Virgin, A. 1. Newton, D. .1. liurrell, Comellni Broth Professor I pham nnd W_ V. K.lley. Ii should be aided that ?__!__ Mig are Invited. _ in.. American Inatltnte of Chriatlan Phtte .phy. irtalcb ha- now been b__i Ibo pnbh. tor lea yt-ei. win hold it- . .iiiini.i- Behool nt glatan [aland lu July. Ii U boped tint Ur. c. 1'. Deem a, lt- pi- -id. nt, will he ahie lo indite nt -ollie of 111" - - ...ll-. At tim monthiy mr ling, nexl mesday ? ?vening, in Ilsmllton Hall, Colombia toil. C-. Dr. I). 11. (Ht-, ol ,-? I ai'lioloiiiew-- Chnrch, one of ta>> N'osr-Vorfc tn--n med ih.nid t'.i' ti,,, v; ,.-a. .iis.t-.- Kid- ..i>:it... .vii: r-. t ;: | ., . !? ..I- "H. 1 .. IT J - . - | ll i |..-o|lll V .lt AOgU*t ( oin:...-' 'Mi- Cb ming lt. rue ie .Hine will I.- glvil iv li,. .1. li. Di uv. of - fl..- Christian Int. l'.-.'-ii-?r.*? wm, win diem. 'The Pulptl and Modern L'nbehVC* The Rer, ur. Morgan Dis, 'he rector of Titnity Parish, another ^few?Yorinir n .nt; ned ai a poorihb -ti...--.-t- ..: Msbop Brooke, win syeah tomorrow !? in st. Thomas b cunnii before. Uki Chnreh ? h.h. his snt.j..! bring "Th.- Connell -.f Bghesus.* Tm- !- ihe fourth cf a coorie of _*_?_. mi tb -ix i ? m.,-.i (...nail-. P__ mot Rim adorf, "f tiie u -'.in i .:.'..? ii Seminary, ond l..:..i' RlVsy, ,.t Mn.vat.ili il...i". in IA* ,-,..ii-iii, will deliver tho emit. ? mg 1.1 ? .'? -. _ __ Dr. Virgin, of the Pilgrim Congregational c. ur a, win bprak nt ih" Mav m..uni.* ot tli-. iloatoo g. tn. it. il Club. Thl* l- c." brileo' nigh I at th" club. i.'..ti .v n . r righi bandied people nie p___U In i... Mu-ii ll ll. linn ne church bulletin of Ihe Pilgrim Church one --t- tome Mea of the \-u<y ?...pi., niel.r Dr. Virgina core. The grcfimmo f'r !:-? __ndav Includ-d Junior branch V. I". ?**. c. e., i.i a. m.: hermon by tbe pastor, il a. m.: malu and ( ? i\.lei,:-. ; p. m.: Spanish s. ul. e 3:90 p.m.; ( i.uc _" Mission, t |.. .. : _nlor v. p. . c. c.. T p. m., mid preaching by Hu* j?i-t"i ut 7:43 p. m. in-,, neck-day -.mi.- are i_o annonneed .vino ond more ti..- church-- ot the elly :>r>> c. ming iii Mill.'.' 'hui Heir ml-s|oii |- nil fiiinib .. eben ih-.y i.;,'.? had tv.) services mi Sunda) .md a midday '.myer-tu .ting. I... mor** vat. i".ai thi- oplul>n ,:. v nu. ami the more qutckl. lt i- takm up by ererg ? :. ? -i .miii.itioii, the better ff th. chareh and tho I"!'!'- _ iwo prominent nen in us life have poaaM away within ile- la-t week Profeaaor Doolittle, thu vice-president of Rntgera College, and Dr. Mitchell, -'i.t.iiv .if the Presbyterian Bootd of Koorin Mi. s'.'.ns. Bach wa- a power In bl- _*pectl_ d' ii'inlita llon und in the wi.ild ut large. Dr. Doolitth. la addition io h.- arorb ?- profeaior ai Ru _ree, was _. lu.-'.ant contributor to "Tho Christian at Work "' and oth.-r papen, a- w.i! ..s in author of wida reputation, in IM pulpit he wa- an eleerie* sud interesting pre ch.*. HM borne life waa ni"-' charin 1.1_.. Dr. Mitchell was mcceiafttl a- a pastor and 1 ,-i.i.|noni in thc i-in-e i.f mi--mus. .\ f,.,v montM I ago h.* tart a thrilling oddrem in AJhnny nt the ?gag. ! in.! nf iii.' Syiu*l of Ni;. as bc plea led f"i' tho ! :idillons of people wlioiii h.- had met In his j: arney : around lb*1 amid, who ar.- sim without a know kd ge of iii.- i..,-|,"i. His earnest alee for anmej and for ! mell lo carn on the great work of reaching Ute heathen wlil not soon oe ftrgotten by thpse who heard lt. <>N. TUE VEBGE OF A EAILHOAD MOF IXMVV'M*. GLEASON IND THE BROOKLYN ( ITV DISPI rr. v RI IRT Og ww. There aroi connMerohh1 excitement at Jhnctlua and .lac!; .Hi uves., neat' Kill liing, al 7 tn Incl. v.-lei-day nu ruing. Th.- trouble began when a gang of a!-mt MW niep, employed hv iii." RrooMya city Rolbroad Company, benn tearing ap tie tracks of ex-Mayor l.lea-oii's elcirlc road ill .lacks rn ave. to clear lite avenue for their own trucks. ihe eh. rh- tOPmX (Tosses the lino willi n (he Ilnmklyii (liv C-u.pauy I- I.olding to How. rv Hav. as au extension "f lll_r Urand-ot line. Tbe Bronhlyn men thonghl thsy | bud tho right of way. nial ahead accordingly. , Mr. olenaaaj baa ubout ?_.*(>- men eon tructtag t'-* roud. Thi v ure nuder tho supervision of I'. .1. Hain.',ii, I vvhii was formerly Mi. t,h-as,.ii's ComiiiS-ioti. r of lllblic Works. When the I'.inoklvtl mell 1.g.Ul thO voil, ot breaking through Mr. Qleaaon'l lin.- lils .a ,(1.111 wcrli mid npp-iiritl m_y lo drive the ..-l. is cir by lone, liariigaii NOtntaM tin-in. an.I I" . ? phoned t," Mr. Plea ann, ll.- came to the plaee driving Me boron ai a tall gallop. As -.ku ,?,- no | :irrlv.<l ttie RrooMga men tram. OOeeathMM and rested ..ii their picks. Mr. (.leasoti lamped hom his vi agon, and for a few minutes tl,,, .inalloti wot ? critical. M.- told Un- Kmoklyn iaea thnt he mal tho 1 legal right to build tile road, and lils men would he I pt*itei'ted wini.? on daly, the n,;, with? drew lind ih.- Oleeaoti wen ivstond th.- tracks, l.-ih gangs me working near th" eros .tn.', unit trouble limy follow. Mr. UloaaOb vvl.l Opp_J to tin- courts. TEM RUTCIIER'S DEATH To RE INVHPWJMP Tlic police ..purled ihd sudden .|eii"i of .Ioho dehmMt, a bntcber, tiny Man ob. bona antamarn, lust UYdni .lr-y. Dei.rtlve Vhirphy. of the __?? Orri st. aojaad, InrratlantM ihe cue ami tonal that I .huiidt bud MM iii rmi noon lime uft-r ii iiuar id with Meyer M hi tat, :l luncher at ihe obMMfcr of I Hie Ii'.ltod Dressed Rori Cm-Kini. No. Ul MM j l orly fourth-m. MMM _s arrested Thiir_:iv afu. iition ut his home, No. f,'.\H First av.-., and arrilini-l in th.- Yorkvllle MMe Court biter, ile declar. _ Hint In the course uf it (|iiarrel on MMMMav - hmidt had attempted to hirlke him willi n chair, in HM tn tempt, however, _? hod lost bli Imbi nee and fallon from a platform on which be was _M_MgJ t" tho flmir of thi- -.tondious.-, s,,.)!^,,^. ma |?.:llj agHnat a wagun wheel. He had <1i> _ Inriantly. Jan* i_ _lrMl?*hou, after bearing thc tinto nation. ooa> mitt*. Minti to tbe <_stody of the coroner, who I* i-olcd do butohot urUI tho inquest.