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ACTIVITY IN STOCKS. SPIRIT AND COURAGE SHOWN. THF GENERAL ________ rONDITIONS RE MAIN UNCHANGED. tiAl.l.-c AT-Till. SPOCK F,Xi -ANOK, APR1I- T* SAI_F_S Ol' RON Itt AND PANIC STOCK*. 6 I on-.m. i tal Bk 1:10 '2b Tiiieeiu'* im ns 30000 Ar* Tic L K I* Hlutf V N a 16 loot A: i t ,*s I I- .-. 10(H) d.. . *-_?>, 10.00 At I . S |e J,, S%~_ Pl. s _ 4O_0 do. S-OuO Al __ rac In. 1000 North Mo Isl 11. ,v,.v/ N rac ? ea tn 8 SOM de .'I ( "i .i I* ' OO00 du ;t1 Coupon.. 107 10" O d'. 1st IV. 110?? lmoo do 1st i f.ii|H.ii 117 . 3000 .Nurd ii l un _;?_ i (,(,d ....... .->_.' ' ll OOO (ir- Mit LUM tis 9*1 100ft do I'enaoi* 10000 Au*; V. N VV 1st _)*. . 5000 p.., y _l<t Isl .)?..) ian KUI lal ('. i._i'*i 1' V ('. <?M ls 4000 Cwt X J UM ..112 SOM do . J.">. I'ni'ii- ih'Aa i <iu isnooo du . de 'as imus \rm>, \ i_ mn do . _<X_ l hes V (i (, |i.., ? \ j KO 0 un a oo .:., ea. ?_' i.O'i in., .103 .10. 10.1)0 ltymo 510u0 .00-1 1 SOI *0 1. iv thl di do j ooo do -oo.i i ( on 2 00 do .... (.OH. (vi K A l-t I "ll 2-t? Bl** ROO) CH SQ t'onv -V 104 4ooo oo la Wv ts a-l-a 6 _*(> ( \k in Caa ...? 10.* 10 0 do v (i lono ( v N i?a. ut 10) dn . .KKK) di IO O C ,A\.t ba in 2 00 ( 1 lc Ind (,M 110 T.i'Oi IH kio I' H V it I ;.. '-I OOo" iiOCO Col MU 4s . .VI', I '.Oil" 100'.. <1o . '?- I lu OO *>0(i di . sn S000 Urn <_ Kio ii 4- Hs. ., I OO nt fie* ;., .".? si-,i4 10000 Past K ', . ?'>" ','1 1000 1. leim Va I Le Con* (.".rt Sa JU lOTO do. _. HOOO Uo _ '.il 12000 Ev * T II lal 11', 6O0O d'. . Ilfi *tOI_l . :? . .Ul- (.(I 7-.l.!i ?? 40oo y vv id, i-i rv. i, 4 nun d'..looa, HOito do.mi ;-.f0 I-. vv & n (. ut i-,*,-. 100.) Int ft (.t N,.r 1st Co>i|KiU? oT UL'1-. 3000 du.11A :."0.> Iowa . .nt I t .'.a a-, ?I.. I SJ I Ah 71 7H's 7 7*. 7.' _?> soootj i'._ r. 1st pt lae -'-o lOUCl'O do . Il_ .1.. 7? : I'tO'-o 73. i MOM ::i (OOM 1. ..HO UKIIlO 2 on-'0 ;>. .0 IO lu. 0 ?Jiooo 10!S'0 SOM ' KKK) flu 2.1 pt in ? do. do 19 *3. -t'J ... 4!t_ ? 4*?, ... 1-1" .... 48'4 ... IPS 48 _ 37 87-a _M_ ?s S3. ?.'(?(0 0 3d pf in Js 2-a _1 -*?_ 27 % 2-(U ?->7_. 27. 2"0o Kan iv 1st Con..iioi_ ion 0 ,1,1 i*0''n do )U)i4 :,o.'0 rio 3000 |50M *?? i 1000 I,a, led" lia I, ( o of Si 1. 1 . .. 8r, 80.) d' .. Bl*! .WO L s V? M So Div l..n . .U2'4 1 n_ '.... _ Ti I0__ 3000 Lou Ev .v s- L Con* >: lm 5_ . ?-:4 j*ron 1, c Nish on? k."*. If. I.o N V VC ( on 102 1000 I.- .li V T Nf ;.li4 soon d-. .. .01 Def 111 fl COOO Pm's CC ft St L. 4V. Berle* a 1_ 5 .0 itt ., v- vv :*i ( ol Tr nat ?">- 111 _? _? flu . 41 .nu ' (lo .ll*. OOO RIO (i VVo-t 1st sr.r. sot 0 I50M -un V vv Kt Trust Rr. lp fr 02 .?.OOO St I. A- Iron Sit Ark Prer. i-i 104 lf)O(K) St 1. V: 1 Ml Cl ins KV. st 1.41 Mt ?'.- P. .-/lOO St T, SthM lia' 67*1 5000 SI 1* M S N 1 -t ( ..USO) (ia . 1SS '.OOO St I- NI t M 1st Da ko., Kt ll .Mi fno ?- Val V N I'. Cs M so00 geeurltc Corp cs 0 1 I'.o I VV l? n's 2<'no mi-h Cent M ts 101 imo fm v r* ? I*t "*? 7? 00. >0 Mil V St 1* |_ MO'"'. f"o .I Ino-rt* '.M ' .Mo i.iv it K'l'i moo Te _ono mo'ei snl. 12s :? 00 fi inoo du Md-D D.v .?.-.?"?I 1, 4000 do .10". loo-*) o.. Tenon] Sa. 10s loon ns 7, (,?i,j j_.,i.. 6000 Mil fi St T 1st UM t? >..r;es ,\ O' moo m 1. t- r i?t 4. sj-, S'OO Ho .(ei. ???", I SOM W i. RH 1st .*? 3ft-0 (1-. . nev 1 DH ft C Kxt-.IOI (KO do soi*. Tol AA*ftT 1*t IM iMK'O C P (i'd .*.? Col Tr Nt* biF. OS-i, ' <V\n r!n bl I' . O'.l 5000 U P l*t, 1fi!_. D'' 1000 do. 10SV 700(1 ,|o .'?OX) Mo KV Tex M.. 43*. .MS.,. M, ? r, \?w ,].-,:., r-C-K) M * Ks (itd ..1 .*_ lc c Niih Ct-th ,on IOU1-. 10OO N V S'lM) i VV )?t Rofund Sa.. 107"a 2000 NY CASI L ll 'C. tnno Wah RR _ DOO d-" *S. TO li. vv s Gtd la nf!", :?(...n do ... mow, eoi-m \v nv VP 1 t 101 1S0M W N Y fi T '-'1 -.,714 8000 do . _.7>a THE GENERAL LIST. UAILVVAV __TUl_K__. i .uiun a_a Open. l..(,u. 1.. .i ?(.losing.? __har.? Al T t ts 1 At A lu... . . Bait 1 ern.. ... uo trist. Be..) a VV t-f 3-2 ll-.-: n v 1-. ,-k. Oo pr?-I. Can . -1 .;n. Can fae.. HA _ Oom of N j.h. _ Cut fa. _:7 1. _:o'? Chic __. Alt . ... Ch fur A _? Di-v. Ch 1 E H. . ao iii_. Ch -Vi __?*__? 7?_ do prv't.120. 1-0-. Chu- x -\ W.ii.i lid ao pi-tl. Ch K 1 i 1* SK-a C Bt f MftO _a_ do pis-i. C C VfiM b. St)-* Col H V- _. r '.'7' du pref. Del _ ll C.-l*__ Del L. A VV 144 _ Den fi R ... 16 "do pr f ol _i t I- V A '.. st do 1st prat- ... do Sd peet. ?>_ },\?!l V I ii ... Mint fi P M 2.1 h ,,l .North pf. ... O Ii VV V St 1* lil Cern. 103 low* cam. do prt-t.. l___k. 1 v vv 2:: -JU ?do pr'f. . 7 7^ < . _. L H a. _ S.130 130 l.<-i.i' 1-ianO. . _ V M I' Lou ft Nasb 74 . 74>a. 1_ N A fi C. 2-. SON IiSlL- 1. ? Man I.i.-. 140 14!. Jill h l nt 104 _ lOr.'-j M.. M-t rct.s us, ia. do pref. _ .. h v T 13 a. IS*. 00 jiff SM _ S3 ilo FM 4S'? 18'? Mob ** on1? . >? ( fi si I. _?'.) .NY ( __ lill 107 _ ts -t M*4 12??*_ 1..*. JI *a ISO I.O', 120 1.0_i H3_ 143-. 143. 113., 17 ti _. JI . S-'? 3 CV il . H_ 103 103 7.*j 128. 71 JO i'__! IO*1* 1,-4 13 _? 21^ 2J-. T'S isa*. 74 JO li iVi *2 toss 13"? 1 t_! SC 4. ?* 54-4 c. 20 14H a. 13. 9 _ 10j a JO ns 70:? 1... 100*a 74 _ 20 ii. los Ki . 40 13-V, 21 IO ' 8,310 100 1,013 1_ i'di ioo JIT c fi 1>il. 11 do l-t pr*f ? do Sd I'M. I >'Y LE \ vv _ fi VAN i: 3 NV Ml fi li . >? V V Nor. .. do pre'... NY 0 fi VV NY I fi vv* jo BB 107. 17'? _N _ _ li'. 17 OH ... ir"f. N >r fi w -t do pr I. .. 31 No. th l'a. . ION. do prt-f. . 4t. . Oltio fi Miss. 18*4 tihio Seat h. 44-4 V li V N_ ... O B I.VI N . 1... 1. . E. . fl,ll V ltend SO _ C t \.Mi. . do pr ff. .. ? Hick V VV 1> 7\ d.. i,r f. .. 81 Ki 1. - vv do pr -. .. 18. 1st f _. U'll il., pr f... . Ht 1* Si \ M 113_ N.'ith Pu SOJi T.x fi !'??* 7 . T A AiX M 17lj T"l ft il C do 1 rel. fnlon l'?f f I* I> fi Wabaaa , .0 pr.-f Wh fi. I. I do I r f 17 17 08 3J l?-_ 40\ 18*4 44 hi 7 _ 31 11 ?> V .10-4 107 17 '3; _?_ 0. M?i 17 ?1*1 Ki*, lS->? 44'4 30'4 118*3 :.0'_ 88 107 17 37 2J*I 8. '4 SO? BS 107 17 BO 21 . ;n", 2iS Si\ -I '4 30 14;. JJ '4 140 lu 10.*. ?*2 Jt5 fJO _ left JO !4?| JO. SI 14 V 1 8 16 (.', 13-. J4 . 8*. SI ' SM 107'4 fJ-J ir _. 200 .7 . . 37 io 21 ?__ 3'..3' . "i-i 1 1,"'.-..'. 1,'Si Sift 1,-4 lo KHI _3 .0' 3 ISO rt 17 M ls', 4IH: ?J7'? :.. . "i 'I 17. l.T? 13'_ 37 11 ION, J1L. 37'? 14 10*i '-'1 -J 81 . 14 In :1 18. ?;;__! 31'v 10. SB. "ii IS ia J 7'. 1H_ .VI 7*4 80*. 12. I (Vi II j 30-4 13', 41 77'i ,_S4 18 I0_ ie" -.i 1!> \k Oft*. B 32 I.-.'-.. 3. -i iOO .CO 50' 204) .'40 . 00 1 100 ?.00 t*-_ 2:.417:issu BOS 100 !'.-? 2i. 1(5 lu : (1 31 4'0 f< 10 1 I..1! lO.tSi So 84 _.if, I OH SI - ID*. 2 ?? SO 118 _'0 1, .'.0 ? Itliln io. ? IC8_ 108. U9H 107. I08_ 131 I.-. I. 1M>4 IH'4 ls ll. 61*. Ol.* 1 xp . . An. i sn, . Am lot .iii. 47 <i? ptet, -'', Ani lii-t I'l 30 Aii!"r -M. D'* Am TH fi I Alli Tob pf. '.'-* |l\.NV VI. pf .. ii i: . ... i 1 it * N . C fi .*s v TH . Chic L's 80. ( ' i .Inn.- K Cit 4 lev fi PH. ? ?,.i t'eal Dev tx _ Col I fi 1 82 d', pr f. Col fi ll c 13L.' Com (nil.-.. . Con C Ml Coiisf,! >..- . I'-'.-. i) m a ki n . do pr f. Di- A VI'.- W*? K-d F. 1 NV 122 C.fii F'"' Ifi^i Iloim- Min . Huns v I C Int I* V I Kfin fi Ml.h. K ftD Mil Kio fi VV.a. lac .. (StL d.< \ir-t. Mnhon C It du pr"!. Van n*?ch Md l al. .. do prof. . . M-X <>.lt. Hex Nit Minn Iron. . Nat Cord-. do iff MIStKI.I.ANT.OUS MOCKS. .. ... 1_ 17 M V, -; li's 118 B3*a 1 ir* S8 I UO I4*| TU 1.7 ??sr^j oi 08 BB BJ_ 10') h.7 *8 Bl 100 11.-, .-4 7 OM Pd 13>_ 122 101 12. IS. IS 1.1 1.1 Kui li 170 SI 127 10 4 40 ? - 4 122 '..I.-. ?.'.?'? IK 00. JO-'H 3 rv. .-,< 81 81 _ 108*4 do ir-r N?t Oil, ?? ( ( f?V Xor? Smith North *.n.f-r. 0 _ ont si Mia. I8_ OlS- I"' I- . . r?f Mail. JO . mm coil. pitt* v vv if _. 1* Kt VV '. ( l*nll Pal 'si SOI tim. k? I Min ... do prff. Mt 1* I Sat ?It Wat fi O ... tm 1 v '. 1 ... Ht L A VT M ... (to -..ff .. Tfnn 'vi 20 T?! P fi VV ?r s Kv. .. V S Huh. r. 00 do pr'f. Wella-Far iv . Wr?t C Td. !?-*'* ?vi', 103% 1(1 ?s 1 OS*. Blt '?'\ 1(S_! NB lo*-, ^?t. l-.-. 20 B8_ ?.?ni, 00 lits I8*j 1'-."-? l-l f)1 IA*_ 17 " -?'? 1 B8 IO 119 rt - ' 'I 84 ? 1% ct 11 61 8*4 '8. SI .0'4 20 v loo ioo 7 o IO roi soo iii 170 10.1 |.v. 20 I" 17.1 111 SI;_ 21 H. . ^2*4 PO-* rxi.isTH' - Am Sus f*.'f.10.7, 10-1V IOS** do pret. 88*4 1 B. __ Alt. WI <-oni HO SO Ho imi $ 8 ft A. _ I pr-f... Tfom vii '2.9'. 8.08 2 tr. I_*_vlll-> ... .18 .15 .15 Mit _>*_.... :?M>3 ?H. 88 ie pref. 82 tah 82 M. ___ v I Mia r_3; HO i'i--) DC. I_84S lo ?*% 07 >? 7H 3P*i 102-, .. , HO tl 25 SS*., bi SB ? 7 I 11*-, 248 1 _ .WO 1 0 0 _ iri_wlli'i_lia_ti 1 ? 1 ___H_________ Phoenix .14 11 .lt .14 .14 .18 400 Total shat-, for the day .382.0' ? Ex dividend. SILVER. KU illili ccrt_ BS. 81 HALES AT TIIF. CON-ai..! DATED STOCK AND _BT_OI_CUM EXLHANt.E. STOCK... Open- lllgtia Low. Cos- Knaro MaaPta, li 7. rat. eel lag. Mela. Am ? orton Ol . 4.1', tr,\ 48. 4>.?4 100 Am Sue Ref*.K. 101 io-.'*. ](.?_?)_ ll ._0 At Toe * s, . . BS 33 SS. tV I hie l_M CO. HO?, H'."? H'.', 85*4 I hi" It I 4k P... BS. sr. _V 89. Cul.* I- ir 1 _v. M. M*i BS. M_ ('.ile Mil ?_ St I* .... 78 _ 7*. 77', 77 i Del I_rk t V... .III... Ill", 111-. Ul' 20_i 74 _i 48 . SI *_ H.''_ 401. 17 DIM .. C F. ?_".-. Louis v. Nash . 74't Mn I'l 'fl- . 4H . Nnt C'.id. 82 Na- I.f* d . .. ... 37 _, N Y L 1. C v\ . j;i.. N Y _ N>*.I.n. ... 31'_ Nfir Pac pf. 40', N Y i) 4- VV. 17 1 hil t Kde.SO IV.h t VV II . 7*4 atind-.rl O.l .._.!_ To! A V a- N M . 14 c s lttih>ici 58 ruo i Fae . B7 _ VVraVirn Cn o'). ... Qilt Tota1 j harri, i-uld. MIN INC, VTOCKfl Rest . r..>'..h.-i I 71 1.70 1 70 i . CoiBMarh Tun .io i enatoek Tua tomat At i roivn Point .1.10 1/1. IO-.- ._ leadville . 17 Monte I ri-to . 3 1.-.. 12s 14 117 _ B2 _ 23 7<<? 4 T's fiO.. 37*s, 2 i _ 30 U 30*. 17 28J, i -ti 12P lt BB BB** HI-', 211'. 74 _ 4sV ?.'I . 38 214 _n*a SO. 17 87. 7. 12s 14 18 3V'? SO*. 1:0 410 4,020 :.. .n Kif) 10,0. 30 2.800 .Ii'i BM nn 3 BOO 510 100 80,080 20 .".il ,'iO 40 ?70 2.770 ._., .VO Monte '?pin ..-.e.*. Phenlx ..1 41 It .. .13 Biarra __v*i_i .l.'tO Yellow Jacket .13'. lo .14 1 10 01 17 8.18 .10 .11 1.10 .17 3 |8 .10 .14 i io Ot .17 .13 1.50 1.3.-. 13 1.51 1.3.i .13 1 .IO 1.3-1 148 l.ioo 1.110,1 SOO 1 IOO :.oo SOO 180 1,800 leo 100 Total shards.6.040 HONKS. Che, J- (Milo 4_- _ . . BS 81000 D.I ft lt Oise.103*. ir:*.-. 108. MS*. 3 OK' l.rie -Jd .ti.87?_ 87-9 07.. 071-.. 2 0" . N V ("til ext '.a ?103?i 102*4 102 . IO'.", S.COO Kan Fa.- 1st .on .110*4 ll"". 1lo>? hoi, I' C lt lt pf Inc IB*. 18*4 _ _ 4>". 25.000 P V R 2d -.f Inc 81. BU. BS<_ 8 _ 10 ono I* _.- I*. 3d ut In" ... 2B SB 27?i 27', '.i.e.." Tot St I. V K C lat. 70 . 70'si 70S 79'*? 2 OOO Total ii mount. ..802 OOO t _0. .NU PRICES OF I'HII.ADI.I.PHIA STOCKS. BM A**--. 1 1 _ _. A kel 1.1.1. Y*l-v.. ifi\ 41 p A R SterS....18_ 18 0-10 1. I. C .. N Co '?3 p | i; ". M 1* 77'. Northern Fae C" I'"-.? 10. 1* * ll 1st pf 5- IH . Vi.rt'.f!!. ":. , f 1 4. ?. 80*4 I* V ll .'(I pt ?*>- *-?.< Fenn ll ia bi bf. ip 8 _ 31 if _ "'4 Phil * I .iif* .'(> 'Mt 123 4S I" SS " "7L> iso CXOSIira PRICES OF BORTON stocks. IV.o-1. April 88, 1?03 WertnesdavTo-diiv i VVMti ".(Ia' Tn (l:?v Aid) __ Ton.. . f_ , 82. j A'lititl.- . O' - *'-' r.o . 8 Albans. 21. 215 Ho t _ Monl 84?- SB* Host A- Maine' 104 181 .1*1 t- MHa... 287.800 'hie Hur A Qc 84 PB . ! Fia-kUn ... .. ll 12: Raatern R F. _.110. li1'.. K-.taarae UK HH (????eiiiii 22 _ 21 . ! Onlnrr Fit ii n Fa pr. Flint V F M Clint __ I* M pf. 70 OS KC SI . < ll 7s.1lH Uh i- r. I _ s.o-. !>-. V1a~- Ont... 17-j I"', M x C...,t 'Oin . 10'4 If. N V * N F. Bl _ SI _ N Y V N F. 7s ll* ' 18 Old Colony .101 1-)-*i !'.'i''t>ni .om . 3V. 3_ P.itianl pref. 81 n en' i-.'n em pref VI M Co nen ante I'.- Cop -' 2 I'.rnaM.-k ? ..15ri I-'"** An -i-f e. I, "o 22 22 Raelee 1. Co ?'. ?'. ?San niepo I. ( o. 15 11 W -I, PM I, ('". ll. IO-.. Hell T.I' 193 U__ 1 unison St Sit 20*4 20*g Water F iv, .. 2 2 l-l', i.'.tt -in'al 8-9 0 1.'4 j V I". 1. let.hone. fiSVi vv ? ? Cent pref. 4.'. 1.1 Rat. V- Hort.. *""?? B_ .CO .00 .ie., Fleet ie ...100. 0'. WHAT WAS DUM; IN STOCKS. Friday, April '.'"?p. m. The st-ork market wp? reopened, nf tor tin* holi? day, with {treat- spirit and coting. R_.dlt_s araa the pnl (sentr.* of Intrreat, nn.l the tranaa .loni in it were nearly one-hall of the total bnaineea. It oponi _ axe-.iedlj Bl an advance ol I pei 'em ?hove Ihe lao! price on Wednesday, bnl Ihe fir . wai the highest figure. Tho reason for tho move? ment wa-> tho prop...) ol a n<*w ijianio of honda, which Beena to have bei-n well received by f >r Hen hold'Ts of thp stock and hond-- of tli*" coiii I any. The plan, it is urged, ii>"i<l? i e_oplete r(*or2tini7af)'n v.-\tli maeeamente "ii Ihe stork and Income bsndB. It ihe scheme ohould ii.'-'*t with . icooais, and perhaps tbt-re i- no reason i" donbi its accomplishment, tin* holders may discover In fim<* thnt tlioro ar.- varioni methods of ievyins an assessment. The nen bonds ar-- t.. preeed** tho pro 1,to nco incomes, mid to that rvtont they impair the value of them. Tho possibility of div? idends o" the sti.'-l- heeomi-K still more remote, and while the funding l"r Bve yeare of inreresi on tho ponoril 4" may pi oven! an Immodiate in ticasr in tlio Axed charges, it >.u__lit noi t.. !?? overlooked that at tho end ol lhat period both thc bonded debt and tho Interest chargen will have been linn .sod by tho operation of thi* pro? vision of tho pla. . In other words, tho proposal merely layn another heavy burden on a ."in pany already over-weight ed. lt ia no wonder, therefore, thal Ibe corly advance in th. pri.-o of ftoek and booda was no; maintained. I" (act, tba -c"--< al one lim. nearly touched the pri<-<* at which it clo**d .11 Wednetalay, and aft.-r a slugsish rally n* Hnsl iiain barely etceeW I p-r ?e_t. The other stock* which were -it all active moved downward from the <-fart, '".t they aulTered tinal hilsea "f 1 por c-nt or moro. Distilling nnd I at'lo Fe_l im_ in . nearly il P?r cen! on renewed r.-r. .rio ol an isa.uo of bonds, while Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan fell "*oi i per c-nt on the re? port thnt tho eml .rraeeu-nts of the company had on l.-ii in a r< _i -_rship. One tevorahle feature of tho market waa tho risiatAnoe displayed by stocks which have an international market. Hie) formed the principal exceptions in recording Hnal cni'. _ but unhappily theae wore mall, and tho dealing! i'i the sioeka liu:lit Tin- fjonoral tlnriii^iHl .-onditiona nn ehange.1. lt la now admil-d lo ho th-- -.ot th-1 to]i .- of the Oorornuenl to postpone an isaue "f i'ond* until it ahall he forced bj a serious emergency. Th* fntllltr af banka outai.le of thia ri^r giving gold .'?*) the Trsaanrt ta demon strafed hy the fact that th" not told in |t? vnnlti* i* not increased by tho operation, A renewal ol the outward movement ol gold would further deplete the T_*asury Flock "f the prerimia metal, and rho sdvsnce in the rate, of foreign exchange point toward f.irihor exports 'fllF DAV IN TIIK M. i.M) .HARKET. There were no tVanaaetions in fiovernni*?nl bond* at the Sro.u Exchange. Iho Oral Mas for both classes of l* won- at an advance af l-l per '?ont. inn only half the Improvement waa main? tained. The elosing .notations were as follows : ti .1 v.-ked. , lin' kaket. V. s. ?*_. ism. t;.R.rnr.8?. 188S.1 os cc:, tim, .tl nt V I tf Jt. rur.O*, .Hi". ]o7;-.. . . per r_ri r?e '.r.i r.s. cir tis, I807.11O*. ... ????4. ma; na. v a, eur.6*. ttPA na-. .... l.'.S.4?, 1K07, r M).1lS*j l'Har I'i., 1888111 ... .. - < ..1 ..U-..I*...* Illf l)_ Tin* hiialno<? in*. homl*. waa limited to amall *al(*i of Arkansaa 7a, taaned in aid of tho I lille Rock, Pin- I il nil and Kew-Orlean* Rail luii'l. at 15. of city hank atocka Continental Mild i- al 1-. i. and Tut'l.'-m-n's 2.1 at ll-.'. The feature of Ihe seneral bond market wttn the activity and atrength of the Philadelphia an l Heading i-tn'T.. They <'i?'nod willi an appeannc* of buoyancy at advances of .1 to .'. per cont. Tim prices made In tho Urst few minutea weis the Lom for the day. hut tho whole of the Improve? ment not Inst. Oeneral la clofiad with i nain of 3 uer c*nt at 77 1-2, anl Of the income* lir-. finally Rained .1-4. and Ihe ot hera l per cent. .Vt'sjiin tho Undina leslies tra lin.; wis litchi and fluctuation* were narrow. Th. total tranaactiona amounted to ?ii.niit st. .m.ono pu vniuo IWerrnco is made lo om full renou of hond salo . Money on call ruled at shout I l--; per cont, with renewals al .'.. until the middle, of thc after noon, when the rat*, waa advanced quickly tn * por rent. There was u,.t much done at tin-. injure, hut considerable loans were made at Ba.* \ftcr the demand waa aat___ thc rate foll ti 4 j.'r cent. Iho i I.arin. House .atom.-nf waa i* follows: Exchanges. Si41,708,7.16; balances, $..?._{,<.._, I'lio Sub-Treasury to-day waa debtor to tho Clearing Houae 8l,n88,_S2. Tho businesa of tho Siih-'lreasnra for tho week ended to-night in? clude- receipts nf |l'.,437,4*i.-., and paymenta of . 1'..'..*tf.*i. leaving th- genera] balance j **'*l.-:3.21 . au.iiust S* 1, _l,.-."..o ou April 51, nu anparent loi* of if.i.Os .::t-.'. Hut dedocliDS Irnm | tlio paymenta .. :, for n.-itis which affect only Ita account with Ihe seneral Treaaury, its sain as affecting the Lank- is fl54,82a. ' v'i* opera!lotta locluiled : Receipt*, .;,:,n ;,'.:,'?.: payments, 9-.077,inti, with balances cf 944,4] ii.:.! 7 ciiii rind 9>7,191,70] currency. The r_it_l Staten Treaaury bi Washington received to-day 9377,433 National hank no. ??< for redemption. l ho oust.un-- receipt* were . 1 76,21 :>, the internal revenue receipt* 94&B,464, and the mincellaneoua receipts 91 8 BM Tn-div'a. MTashington Treasury atat?_ncnl of caah "!i haul and deposits In hanks compares with the figures of the lani previoua -tit.un nt ns follow! : V|.r i _.'7. April 2S. Differ, nee* Net troll ...i i, .,,11 _ _'.70_".H() In . 4C.7 w_) Net l.".(il-t..|i(l. rs aa haul ?_?! Mlfi.osai _r0.587.f21 Doe. 7_|., 1 -.7 Net nllie- ,,? h'd. 10.000.407 IO.01.4 1:17 Dec. 'j "70 Actual "o-l. In the Tt__ij vaiiitu cr t. ? ? t?t_ 11 d 111 jr "?'itlii ?:.??. . 8124.07%.tO. 1138,412,78(1 Dec. aoaz.npi DtpaMi 11 i.vik.. tl.ZB.BM ll,884,881 lae. _.'70.0J.'i N.t cash h?! BU- .19S.101 ?134.S()7..S8*j Dec. 1301.7I_ The RterllBf excha. ?i. were strone and higher. The advance wh* chieHy in short nilla, and for that in Mtorling draft, there wan tho pretext of higher rate* for money in London, hut rate, on Continental point* were a.] .. rained No gold wu.-, taken f.,r export beyond 9106,000 for Gan adu Following are rovi. ? I quotations for actunl husinc. : Hankers' hills, ^4 R.I 1-2 and $4 SS for lone und short st-Tiing reep _tivcly; French francs, ."..ii l-S-aod .vi .v. i_ch_ai_. M t-A and 08 -".- . lu London Brttlah consols were ateady ol 09 .'{-id for both money and the account. Th* Hank of Kn .bin. lost ?23_0t_ hallion on hill? anco. In the ""(Mm market money rose to -* 1 . por cont for discounts, and __ 1- P'*r eent fOl daily balances. The Australian failuwa an* ne ginning to exert their naturel -__?_?*_ Bat silver advanced further l-s to Ms I-ld an .".nc* American ra'J wav dwiM advanced nader th? lea' of Reading, but (ti the dosing dealings ?I'"'"'.' 'j*'51! ! a fractional faction. Reading, however fell . per cont. At Paris French 3 pw <__tB rallied ll eentimea to *n-...->... Simon Borg, 1!. C. Martin and A. Uulenhofei havo st-nt a circular t.. th- honrlhoMeis -it tn. Savannah and \V.*.i.'rn. Columbus and westere and t'olumhii* i.n,I Rome Railroad rompynies r quest ins thom not to deposit their bonds nniei th- Hollins plan oi reorganization, "leysny wwi holden repres.tntin_ u large numher ol nonda oi tho.- rompanice havo alreadj united foi mutual protection, and that nn agreement if. 'V'". l>r7 pmed which will Ik* submitted to all the bord holders t"-dav. and thHr united action re?jneste<l . Itv an unfortunate tsIR. raphical error tula ctr I .ular, which has appeared tor two or three dayl i I tho ju I v. i tiki n u roluinn- of this paper, w. ii*.' I to suv thal th-* aifnera ?.f it requested.nondhahlew to deposit their bonds under the Holltna pim. Thia vvas .ron*. ,\..-_ r**. Borg, Martin mi DutOo i lu*.. r ask the bondholders not to deposit tl. it ; bonds under th-- plan named RAILROAD EARN INO!.. CIIICAOO A?D LAST IU__IOa_ ism. iho'.'. isr?:i. V'i_:.or nf tull - . .JOB _._*?? eerala*! ?mtp week in Ajirll . *M -I" ,*"??*? *:L* ,_Y, Jaa.1 la April . 1.1M.WW 1,170.800 I.S89.0_ I |||l alu AMD VVKMI.KN MK "ll MIAN. KtuBber nf a_ea. 404 f? ..<*-] rinrrt wee lc in A J 111 -. - SSS. 21 .(,..((:! ??<.-?<?. lim. I ti, April SI .... 481,8TB B14.41B 88.14. (IM INN ATI. JACKSON AND MV K1XAW. SamOet ot ml)** .ttl BM J44 .ian i ti. .vprii fi.. ?_??? :???> i??.i_ SOB nt ( ol.I.villis, SHAWNEE AND ll.)( KIN'. Nun,!??! r.f mill 181 181 J11; ihinl ?.ek in A i". il 810.7-ftl B11.8_W *?.???'?_ Jan. 1 t-. April il l.'t.OlT ITU.'.'..?> _-I7,_*l III IK.'II-. I.VN.*aINi. AND NORTHERN. Niiiu'fr oi mile* ... asa a:- __3 inud Mi.'ii in April... _.<.'? ?;.'_?_'? *--,..' Jan. 1 t. April 21 881,201 SIlfBB a_a_S_0 EVANSVILLE AND INDI AN VI*" I.IS. Mmaberaf mlle* I-'"' ?*_ . !?_ Tl,lui t*reci( in April . B8.IS8 . ., 12 ?. ?'.-' ? lui: I t.. A; r -'! 87,018 I014__t IOU itt I.V .\.\. V1I.I.I-. ANl) RICHMOND. .Niunhrr nf attlee . 103 '02 '' Third weet ... April. 81,0_ --'-J Jan. 1 to April -I . 81.V8I 41,80. *NT. -Il.l'.i'.l. HAUTE. N.inii. . ,f iiiii"*' ... -Taa in jai ni|i_ meet In April.... 821.1_.t _ t s'f i PH MU Jrut. I m April _ ... AA; ?_.ie_7 _.7_ H.l.M IND PEKE MAK.I I.i I I-. Kember at n il?'? '??" "-': ._ ES j ii ro weet In April BW.-VV. ..?:(".. _,.?,. j.ui. l tn April -I .... '?'!'? I0S Oi? _ '?' BOO -i"-' iowa i i.vru.u,. N'.inber cf ml!'- . ?!': 487 JO] Th rd m..-ii in April . 8.8 _ B82.101 ?.( ' . o Jim 1 to April 21 (00.808 .'.f.i.'.'i.', .'.ll..ITT I.AKK KI-IE AND WE *al KI'.N. NaiAber if mlle* T'.".' 722 .-'-' ititr'l "f'K ni Aprl .. _t.1.'_ eSO.'jTC t<8 tHl J.h. 1 . April -1 .- 884.108 8_.78S 1,08.7lh LOI li-Vil.U- MKW ALUA NY AM' I 11 lt: ALU. .f h..i. ? '..(T M7 187 Ihlrd wee- In April.. SIT -l"0 .'.?.'.:< til '-' .I.ui. 1 to Aj rll 21 728,844 848.510 .- ' - ? NiiKIVil.K AM) wilvil KO Kamber nf a. .. i "_ I "". ' ?" iiir 1 meet In Anrtl . ri" ? ..* .*1_._0 i_'0,.l.'?l Jun 1 t. April fl ... .',...<. 50? 2.74" :." .'.!'i".T-' i Ills .Pl. VKl. ami mi;.. Month nf Mae li? Uro** rarniiiR* ... muyin. ?:c i.'" .870 so. l?| - iii .H.- .a].I- ... .-.r.a.i.", .,:.?-*!) r.|i. T ." N.i remine* ll io nib ?1_ _0 - i Julv 1 t.. .vim,h 31 ....-- .-un Hil- ... <*?,-> ls lill I ...I" .._.?!_ operating exp?n_f ... i i?._*,.o B.20M.05* :..:.(>.::.i Nfl fur f) tf.nt. Bl.SH.40at W.07J._2 B2.78S.728 ( l|l< A-." Itt UI.IN..1.1N AN|i ..' I .i y Mi nth of M, >'-.-.: i-i - . .lil . .-'?? ? . i lt -- ? ni ti. fi - .. 12 .*??.'.-?;.. s.i.-,.- ; .; ?<..(.?.; .... i >p. . H.... ? - ;? Ii- - ... 1...?; ;;(,- ._,,,| ;..?.( S. ? f.n tee*.. ? - - , I - ? .inn. i t-. Wan li -.1 ii' .- ??.,Linc- . _o,. "I.i -?. ..j'. ?.i". I''.UKM Opera t: ni e-s),t:ee* . -I'M-.?<?: li.t...&._ Set ter a month* 82.12 .an i.i .?? - . .: I .: -? I, . - - 2 _ ? is .tl. ... t. lilt", 0 S'.r;T-i- earn i -?- ? -? :,.'it B7_.482 ? n. nett. Ciiii.v." MII_WAl*R_l vND bT PM I. Monta ol M : l | 1.710 '? T.'l .,!?.?- . . - *.' I (I -".t _ Til.(MO I op. mini.- ? ? \. i; - ..,.., l,.',-,;.".?(. i.'i ??? N.t coralon ... t'iPVM sl.074.0t_ *i oo ? .in..- l t.. Mar . -ti ".n-. N- tl-fl .. 021.1. " '*.'."!?."'.. ?-.". ,,i: I.'I i ipi -ii.: r til . ia i.i .(- .'? ( I". ? _? , I . IT 181 l.'T Nd fer U ?!.?!.' i* 87.811,_8 18.85 ? ?.?' i LEVEL ind CI N .IN KATI, till ??" v s ii .?> i I.'it I . Month ,' v >...-- ..t,,...- ._ 81 .OM.80* ?:,)?-'? ?? Il 9U2.4I ("I <'._- e\| .1-- T.I.M. - .*? r,s .-4 tip, \.! ?.-. 1 -.(? ni Jun 1 te March ttl - i.r,s. .r-.inua Hlo 1 ?<-. um en.i.n. ;.(.-? *n 1.,: ?___ ? lp I.-. ? ? ; ? - T ?<: '. !?? -v.... .-.Il v;,, Net |,,r '.. t. ..,!,.- . *. '.( [?* *' V.I 1 ? _ . _ lt.'* ( Lum. - 1,841 Ml 2 "ll 1.4 I .si.rpp.- .-urti!.B-. BHBU.US7 11.214,88: l_.7B_l I'l NNsVI.V V MA I .at .f I'.ti- .r ? >,: Mai li ,,:?.-. carntnei 8l.2is.7_ 85.440,8. I "'?- I np' ratio* ? \| ? !!-??- ..'.l tal I .i,.-.-i *.!_-.( -,.| N.t fi.rt li,ks 81.8*17.422 ll.fl. I.ST.*! 81.772.087 Jes. 1 t ? Marck :n ..- _r1.H1. _?..'.(' .1 flV?7U.842 IIB MU IT'J OF-ritliil xprmoet IO.ti4H.SSS 1l.i-.--i 12.-_S7.42_ N"t fer A anani.... 84.88K818 B4.S80.7M et .'.or T_ [West ot PIM_ itt Merck. :i meatlw, A U'l-.-aaft |n j.r,,s_ ruralflf* of II70.01H *I'_"'*.T ah 11. r_*e in .-1 .,-'- >,i .... 211.SOO <;sim..-, a tte rea_ ls ati cirntne* ol M_ 'no -i ?..;. _-. M.WVnllK LAKE, A.NIi VV|si||.\ Month "f vi;,, 1. _ .iini.'s . ?.,.'.il .'-"I 12.472,ISC - SIIAVl op<raung 'vp-n-.- 1 isiiaTi l.uoi >90 1 ri'i.i-ij N?i .jfiiiii-- --? ,!???. -..,... --i.n..,-, i), .ii,.-t proportion "int to lemamt Hmm .. 104.883 i_ 1,(1*. 118.087 .Ol . un,inf. -ill,744 IUOH 2 . ?11 ia '._ ct 1 t.. vii,.. 1, :.l I.n.S. 'Kt HUI 'a _ 4 I .'.' T'.'' "-I ? 1.7 1" . . I SJ'I -,|, I "p.-I..'Ill ' .a; ., ? - 'I, I'll p.I il'll'i'ij .,.,,,; v.,a, Set i-iiii". tl 1 ll 2 I .".I'. _,'!.'. lilli ?4,H.V2.!H1'I 1 _" _?1 ? t I I. l*.l ll"|. ui teasel nae* 1.2X1.188 1 it'-.,-.'"* 1,814.1. Kal fur e a_M_a_e. 88.878.800 _.8H0.1 . 18 888,777 iMt*t>irra etc DKYnoosa at .rt-W.ToKK. Kn- thi? wttk? IS'.l lv-ij I,., I l.n-.rsi ^t the |?itt ?1 no* 11:1 Sl.807.027 .I ->','. '.lo 1 m.>?n nn tn. n..iri(f_. 1 b''i i.Ti.'.i'.T I ma mt snl-. Jan 1 Kilter"4 :?? ti, |.,ti. 4l.2K-t.-VM c. n i.i..l :,:, 1-1 ?? i jiiini'ii mi ike h .11 k'-t pi ??'". m., ia.] 111,731 ,-,, inn ? .1 Ki _or_.VN |.\vN(tvi. NARKRT0, April SO, I |i in - Xes Vorfc, I'.iuisvl rania an4 Bra) nortaa. i.oini-, ?_..?. :i..-? rm .linn Partite, Bfi Ta; 'IS I |; .1,, -.-,-,,11,1 cornall, 100 1-1: st. peal rrnnmim, -<? 3-8: n. ,? York rent ral. 110 ia: i*. 1 1 -jtlrnnla, :.-, 12, Il.-.-nliii. , ll 12. M- vi. .tn (f-tiiriil mu 1 |,r ,,?| I".ml-. 08. The .-un..nut ..I 1ml!. in altlidnii-rii fi-..iu Hi'' luiiik ".' Kii.Timil mi Li 1 11, ,. e>> ?-?_?_ 1, ?.-JUT,".'". limul ?: 4-. Cii I ?_'. I'iirls advice* .im.I- :i pey ..nt rentes .il '.". fr.-iii"?* lin lt- tl 11111 ? - foi' till' llilotllit. Xiiiiiiunil. Atchison, Topeka,& Santa Fe Railroad Company, IC Ml I.IC *a| 11,'Mn.V, n.t. J7, IB8_ Income Bond Conversion. <IIMI I VU OH, lloMer* "f l'NidN TK1 Kl LOMPAXTIJ TRUST Hi: cK.ii'is tat in. "Mi;>.-, .1. |, .urti eau ?,,? receive new s'KioMi MORTOAl.E ( LAI?B "A" BOX__] In .\. ? h.. ..- tii'i .m. ni_i appiirallaa il Anent ?* of Atehlaoa COB |..l,l I MON Titi ST rOVII'AN*. OK NKW-VOKK, NI) ll ron ?l _ 1, v. Vrw-Vork. HAKIM; BRO - _ G_, I.I11ITKI). I.iiiuliiii. Knaliinil. 1-or :i.-r.iiiiii(<l_l..!i nf I....I.i- wi., lmv.. |,P. ., iinal.l... lArough "tn ont 1..1 i.i!.i,? eircaaiMaii ea, tn eaavert theti la* rome Bernis. Um time fur oepotti ..f wnw lu- teen ex. lesa, '.mu farther 1 lice, ini n_ch beMcr* rsa n_ ra tel Vi! in-.v M.- 11NU UOKTttAieK 1 I.ASs --.v" fViiMis, DIM-XT in IA IIAV'.I, fm INCOME BOMW nmi.' t<rin- nf t it.ulai (iK. Helmut \* nilli. li... nea BECO. D MORTtlAOE CLANO "A" BOKni HA VI iti-.i.N i.i.sir.n <.N inr. ni w-vokk mto ii BXCIIAltOE .1. XX. UKI Ml A HT, Tie .,1,-iu. TH'?; M'liiN'i TofiTU HARROW MONOPOLY rp UL PUBLIC ore hereby notiiied tli.-n in thc a IT.,-!... ins nf .vi .i_im efferlaa for tal* Bt.000. Oin) M |*r emt ruiiiiilatli.- iK.ndai m.. St.000,000 sU.r'k or. ur? the follnwlnir f_s.a ?n_ _dI*_m4Io| rtaicmeal "Under thc aen ??naeemmi .*f whi.-ii mis eanaaay ?ni r.?j, ti.c heaeBt oil iiu<*tinn reese*, oe thr eaatSar win awi or control ill nv. ipotfnt and ether tiihti'' jn, un. r*l?n . ana pat _t No. 43;',0f)T on .Npruic Tooth llarroma MM ere iripaied tn moiiiluln all our rrrhln pe nut'oiitm or other?i?e. The bapertent fact alee tti*t thv. Re-ea P?_it iM'lf' In 1- ?'. I- .atffull, kftpt fi-.m ti.o imbltr. lilli. 1* tu.- m. - lni|H,rtAi,t pit-rii of all and mh _, It explri- anvltudy . ?n maki- tiptoe Tooth !l_ mw. |? taite ot it* peal ___aaepitjr ?ni ,_i BO r.-r teat bri.,w pr. em aneea. A. R OELBIK, 1 _, JOHN O'DONNELL j Own in at Tafut. LowvlUe, N. Em _"-? ^<_i /.ndiui-il. | "TOKE. Apr., ,'l-th. isr ld. 1803. ond our ld _. e*B_ wc hiv. can*, n't Terminal hy* ind ar belle_ a noun, ilnmidal to tilt- Ui'!::, at - u-1 . .-W-YOltk. 'VI"-'1 . "? 1S?3 _ ____ . i'uri IE r. PTONB, MIS'-KS. WM. I*. CM pi- <,l-ou* .. , L WM 1 BTRONO, J. 0. MABKN. olia IIIOMV. f. I'aVAN. Pisass. OENTLEMEX: lt .erring to your li"' ot F i o8*wer of the nani* dato, we w' ? .. ._. ?..-. ?? thu BicD.nia-.ea r_ .mal by* pi Hf r?-ewm'ae.< the a_Jr* _ asa mtwm _.,,' I teni. ,n_,d.r,, Mt whenW-l. ?*?P***-_ ?? ?."?? I that their reorponl.atlnn ls p_et___ ' pasta mat ?iii i. .-uiiiubie m. pno vantage ..f all M. i__r* holder-. vv.. aif prepared to eel _ your i_nee. and teni be r..dy to aaaeaaee _ i?_emai ea. pb_ of _o__iiaUoa. M4 to form a vatican to aa. r*rrt_ the mate, m Maa . the s, yeral Ul-f a.,-untie, of tho Terminal I...mpaiiy. itt.: Mi per fe?t Beat. KUe per eeal 8__. Pr?:,.,, _ Meek *n? CMHBsa Mae*. a_K, aaisaaaB to your litter of V_ | Neve hen. d-poslted ____ ni In amount-. ?uf!l. lent rn lin-iimm that Um holders of mel *-">utjes (eaetaUj lela in your d"**lre tfnl ?" B__8*l ?B-Wlrtl th- work Of I oar 81 oration. lt m.. t Ih*'d Mat ire ale elven fill authority tn In, lull anv of the s., ?unties of th"' Terminal i om pan y ?? den. sired la the plan "hen announ.'i . and that each depoalter. bv his .vs aa* h authority and hi* con .__ Mal ill Hi" t.Mni? and |88_8_a. nf the plea, HflMll .ita eeaeeeaMaM ia dei**siud Meek, Mall _ ItitiHliaarf with aa. I. we presume that von a. I ea?B_B_ate tin. ,? ,nt. tits of till* letter tn all _48>ll of KMin.i.i.d Teniiliii.l MO. k | nnd __. Wt tsonld further suv that in meh event, _ shall Ih- pr par.d ,,i, and aft-t VI.uid.i.v. April 17, l_ 1. to -.,-eiv.- at ..m.-. Ne. SS WaU .**. ea.Ito ot Rich rn,.nd Terminal securities, ns above, and to givu our tun (s-irarr ree* pte, _e aim* In negotiable form. Ipon'tnent nf the |.l.i!i, the.e tompni.rv re? lit b? ex. han.eabie fer 0'ir loorgaiii/at.iun rer stned hv thi dali. T_*l Cowpanj. '!?? ?! ::n of til . "Ipts ill).ates, neunter Hhl.-h ( omp.iny will l?- th -livered to us for the piirp. ? of th.' reoin.iiil/a yean m rv truly, iiit.i (Signed DREXEL, MORCAN & CO. TO TIIF. MOXeVMMA OF TIIK 013 rsa I E.\T. Till ST ROM) . IIVl. rta < 'KKT. Titi '?*T BOM! . raaraaaaa arocK. I OM ?IO. -TO( li. or TMM Kiohmond _ West Point Terminal Railway _ Warf house . ompanv: BlPHI_8 ?-? 'l,r forr?oln? IrllPi- Irom Vles?ir?. liri*.cl, >!<>? cii ii A Co.. *'?' licrcliv re.-niiinieii.l nil hollier, ul lin uliove sn-tl ll I ii", lo (If posli ?dmr willi >lr?sr?. Vlnriiiii Mt _. SJ Wall .rei. Mew V url,, nt mn .- nn.l Iii no lalee than Mny 1, I*sfl3 in onler to I hem of )onr . o-nprrnllou nml lo enable llic ni to | tilth lbs rearganlzn llnn sa 11 ll Ihr lins! |in?silil? delny, ?au. li ,. io urn- is. in our opiiiiiin. c?.i-mliil for Ihe pinn, non ol lour lutcrcsls. WI 1,1.1 * M P. (-I.YI1K, i.iiOHi.i. r. MTOXK, KAMI Kl. TIIOM V . vv I l.l.l ttl K. .THOM., .1. l, ?l HUN. TUONAN I. KIAN. ' KICIIMOXD wn %%T - I POI.XT ll". ?.'.MIN AL KAIL w.vv a Mi VVAI'.I-.M' " . _? COMPANT. wi..--. ... Pu- fore_reiB| lett i to ir_ _eon__rida| in hy ?? iri'.y heMen h?ve bsm id'.d tri.? thl* Ho^id for ito Infer- fetlea r.?-.i\ii That tilt* n_t-d reeewMadi Um heUee* ._f ? rli.' -? - tie* nf thia . o!nf??:.-.- t.. .; rpaati iheai im ii, .iat -v with M.a-r- lu.-af-l Mersas a Co . on u..- tfriii* ? : ? thc ;,-i?|..-' s eatwat la u,. li li ??? r I. I< I.VN. Il VV ., OAKM VN. V-- --a ? be. ratal 1're- ie-.U _KTIS0P0IJTA\ TRI ST .O.MPA.M OK THK lill ar M.Vl.HM'K. Ml. :I7 VND 111 VtAI.I.--*T. ( Ballal nnd till pins. M >00.II.IO. Drsiptifii'l bl ?Mei et ti. _mpl_M i ?>? rt as a I'fal ippos.! rr win r.a...... u .'e. - .I ueney ia lal re?i a | i :,- ol or :r_n.?f'i afcut ol tr.-t- ? i _.--. nilen*. vi.* * ? .-yt ind ese. .'? ... .... tru*ti tram, i>.-rv<:i? or ? ?rpo ra'itt.a aa ?- !?? _r_n >? lena* _-- ? 'b . - ,r cnta Baale* THOM IS ll 1 I.r. HOI- a-l; IT ld. Bl l i'.i.l.i ul" K i> ivl'i'is VI I*r -- dent. CHA* M ll M*P -."1 Vi ' i'ra-ident. in v i i-.i.v . iii tv _W_tary. ..roi-.'.l. I) COSMKY A-,: s__rr.Ur-, Titi am - viorius i. jnsvr, D 0 MILLS. A ..KA. ll. IvIN.. H'.l.Dl.i'.ll K D TAl-rF.N VVAllir. . HATCH, HIM.I IV MAi'.ri.N, [ifUl.l V i I.I ?. ll 111 111 I- R li s||, p J ll.iVV Aili, iv I.N.., His I'.V li plan r WI 1.1.IA.VI A M.A r_R, . I' III NI INi.TnX, VV V| ll Til.LIN".ll A. T. XX I l.t.I AM I. Hf If,. ? .I '"H".l. IIK.XHV '.v vKP.K.N ll vi: ni N .'Vsl.lH (,,.:i! N I.i'WtKft ll I WiOX. i ll">V1 \s il I 1.1.1|.ll ni I W I I.LIU r.l'BI KT HOE, JOHN l II I-.I'.V Reorganization of tin* Onlral li. H. and Banking Ct. of dcor tia and its Allied Lines. LIMITATION OF TIME. The ."? ?tut... rhaif - al ' the ibavi i- i rei i_jii, . a rii..t ii B?a ina .uti,in iu ronti. and \...<-.a Ut lt nt lar(. ?:, ?,.mi of th.- sr ?ir:;.- ..... e^l pf ,n, '? pian "t leaigaaltatlea ?> te ji-ti. u>>. eplalea thai '>. ,'i .?..**??,.-r?* .r? ."*?? '-li 'J-' *C?I'" l 1 I- ) ;?tl ? :r> ld j '.n'en_* rea P'lltM to 8, t!i? re*ifliu.* uss re?..uefl ? tia evt .d tl." i'r,? for th'- f".- (-* .t nf leeUftUe* I,-,...., ''.-?! ? ? ? iu tliat lt !e?,T\.. Mi? nuin to .Iva -r. uriti. - lbere_t_>r, upoa th* Inpoaltlea la lu eiacretloa . i.f A |?e,.ll'' ul til!' "' | '! . . 'I* li-. Bl .'?! Ol He- ? li.:- ttl - tilga _ wm i vv li.vlil i.n v r.-.irv. ReferrlBR r.. the above, 8m Mei uitlbi Tm-t Com lum i- |...ia.i t. receive dap nu td -?-? Britte* Bn__ tue aaa ?f reorfaaltatloa, tamtot nt ahirh can ).-? hud at lt.. ttttt until Mur I, ls.1.1. ?Hg ii I I", t ls i it/,,! .; vi.|. I',.-,,lem, \l iv v. "lil. vi HI SI, I-'.I TO THE BONDHOLDERS OK THU Savannah and Western, Columbus and Western, Columbus and Rome Railroad Companies. Hollers r<-p. aentiae a lam Batouat of th- booda ni nie Ihore rotui _ii|e. who itv dlMatlsllfd -rilli ii, iioIHim plan ..I r-ert m.i'.hm .,,,,? .,. | u, uni. i-? ?,,,?! i_ il. t as ll ? l: tl lit. ? 'n |.|t>tee| Ile ,i lm, , -t. imudlioldftra request., in I |., |, ? |. ? .,-, Hie elli! ll I ru-I I on |. lill ..f S ?? \ ,,,;, ,,, I ., , , .. . :,,ei,r, ropk* ol hbleb un I. had on B|4ill< allon. Nrsoil. Ul' ' "tlin.l.l. - Bill I - I II'I fm Bl] I,,,!, |- || ?; ...| k. i. a a ari v I t ll iou iii* nv. .MON HOII:.. Jil Susann .,, ( ..immure A. Ul TI Vllul.ri ll, VIII- ll,,|l,l,H_. _ I., i.i.ini inn. ? of Nu vi..i- A in., I . VV.,11 Nt. Street Railway Bonds lll'.lTI. VI-.-. ON Vl'I'l.l' ITION J.MESN.BROWN& CO.,Bankers ?!i i KIMIt >T.. N. \. THE STATE TBUST CO., m w ali. m_aar. li- -Mowina . .ni. rn, . .lue Mai l-t. laira, ur parable ..t ii. . ..tu. N> B V (Uk ? itv. S?. ..till ,\\. lin.- R. lt. t "im.ii ( rna* Iomii ii. ii. Denver (__d and Wai r M..nie Ca. (.r.-.-im I ti lia* .mil Mle. In. Llfhl Ce. lint ? i -inn. \\:,t i i ,. .T__ :ti -1. :? Totrnahlp VV.vr Cm, l."i! inn- ( niii.I] I.tL'lil ami Potrt : ( i. I'oit Raynl ( .>. Huff oik ( inntt vv,i-.i i .. VV.-i I.,| aad Kimi-lu. II.-, in. Btr.1 l*,v C. I. Q. .vi'VMs bortttAty, GOLD STRIKE BLACK WONDER MINE! f__>a?.-r Int eal rd In thl*. **l?eh belori- ihr urti nil. lone*- __,?? -**_?? l"i ' rim .win , n.- ural ?.| '"r" IB prl.???. Hay |J, will aoou doublr In Taine ?livtdrada thia ____?_ SI. aud rum ?Toci crcr__ i*a it Now OOCa Mil.viti:. Vai.ik ??un paid and tonret aeni*a_.iaa_4?, ____?_* _iT**_i' r?>',nr, *-"*? f"" I"-"1";'*- inott/tr free. atSt aa\tnt H'h 'r" "" 'v""""u" M . "ni"- Ctt" _a_i__,__S*__i ??? lltltl-V Trr?,urrr. **e VV i> .ungi,,u ?.!,, Ilooni ll, lloaton, __Jv__.D___^ "*"" ' -N??''?f**r. '" Hr...d?ay, uoom L >c. \ork, _,e_ tull putlcilar* lilli bc Blvcu. ** .financial. Consolidation. ohio _ MiaaiaaiPn railway co. ..ndbalto. ov ohio Murnwaaraaji k. k. co. Limitation of Time. The. FAR.-KU-.' LOAN A SD TRUST (.OMI* ANY ot Sevt Vorh I* now rrretvlna tb* *_urttle? of thu _ meta jhiiueta, -mder th* plan of ^consolidation '_anl__*ly ap. proved at the meetings of tewmtMf holder* held In London, leb. 13, IMA Tl), plan prr.-enfltiK 8e_l_ ean he obtained from tin* Trust Ce. or of the Committees or the secretary. The *ter of th* BALTIMORE and ohio hail. HOAD COMPANY to .laiiuil."' th" new KOCK AND A HALF PBR CEICT. ..OLD l.oNDS on whi.-li MM Mn KOlldotleii (lepcnda is conUnneiii M the piopos . jilin lie. lng .KoMITLY ean-led out. Notice I* hereby ai?cu ibal the lime for ibo P.a. chanar" o( v.'?i liles Itt cvien.l-.I Irom April l-l lo Mn*- I. 1 .1.1, by Wfeleh dnle deposits .lll'ST bf linnie lu order to pnrtiripnlc. datld a rn ll 'b, ison. WILLIAM L. Bl LL. KUWAItll lt. UKI.I.. JOHN ll. DWI. JA HE* ll. _IL?sON. KIM. tit T. WKI.I.K . Nev*.York ( oinmllte.- ol Ohio nnd -Mississippi -sliiirrholiters. ll. I. NM NOI,V. I ll VIM.I ? VV llllfll VNK. Will lill |l. HOI,-TON. JAM EH -sl.O-V .lr.. Nrn-lork fomniitiee ni ihe llailiiuorc uni! Ohio "aolltllWCSI.I ii Itillrciiil to. EDWARD BRUCE, fee- .'tar-, Me. 2 Wa,I st. I'ersons havlnp CAPITAL or S.VVINUS can Inves'. lt in un; BIRKLECK and receive SIX PER GENT. PER ANNUM. lull information furnish. *d apaa uppll.-avon. Corn -jioiiii n r milted. THE B9RKBECK, COOPER UNION, N. Y. CITY. TKUg'UUES. lion. Charles s. PalrchlM, A. Atualani. Hon. ( er bvhurt Isidor 8C_aa, lion Abram > Hewitt, a Augaitaa Heall, iM-'ns llys.o D. K'idv lien. John fl VV_ dc aid, Koli Ililli Tl. Sn,lill. i."-u... H. Hehaah, Oiimilo M. Harper, Wm. ",. Parii. open 1n tv from '.) a. m. to ."i p. m. Monday even ln.-s until il o'clock. BARING, MAGOUN & CO., ? < Wall Sit**. Pern York. BILLS nr EXCHANGE ANO !.l n"B-_ nf CRfcDIT ; l_l.Hk lo nil f._r, ,f "h? world V , I r,? .inf _r*_ ki: bm io - -..a i teetrj. Men. ,. abd <">?* Wan Indi**. TO Tilt; ___-_H.KHOUI_.IMI OF THE PHENIX MINING COMPANY. Till-, IN Of.i ll.1',NI.I) tia . rettieafN tn u.t a- a _B_ i .it..- for the r_fganlMttea ?f |he eevpeny under ? plan mi i__n_nt, dei ,\p ii i.rii. lei).), . _ : with Um btate Trual i mpauy ?st,, bhn i??? - ? h ? dealra te obtain th ? beneflt of Ute plan .f r ,_r iiii/uii".:i i:u.t it.-p.-ii the . -.lin. ate- ir their stack, duly ender*-, a I th Till. STATE TRUST I 'OM. PA NY, ,;-i vv.iii Rt., sa sr before Maj lat, 1898, ai.<l pay un *-??? - -ii.- ii ..' !,.??,!?, cent* pe ihan>. They .rill i ? retire (rom *al. Tr.-i Conipen> negotiable reorganization cen! floaten pf depot lt The holder* nf praetleafly ai} ti- -, ottpapA deiit. ma-t me, u,, '.yr!, .j.i-tii* lg iM ? ' ?: l.nv 11.*\<? 1. -, nni'.'imr tif. m u.. |. .. and bold ra ol "... r 180,000 *hir_ sf ft,,, k 1.1.. ,: . :? a | r a.-1 thereof. The i.i.." i. iv be ui-ie Iel .it UM ofii-e 0f On Mate Trait > otnpiny WILLIAM > vi.i.rv, Till "l""l*.i. ll .LKMAH, (.1 "l'.i.1. H. KI'I'.M If, , Committee. OREN P. MOWMIKM I AMMA ai.D'N KARHIMAX, | ROSE, QUINLAN & CO., ?i_h.ii_.i_i: bivkir* (ARK WD MJUfAOmiXT OF n_-AT__ J_*.?l UKAKI'.OItN ?aT.. CHICAGO* Cani.cra and Orokfro. Wayland Trask & Co., Bankers and Stock Brokers. IS Wall -reel. New.Vork, trans:..-, a rejtuiar bankin* bua;B?*a, Incl udlnc the pur , h.--e and ??.?? _ UBI ml Ulta ot ___!__ dealt In at tha _ evr-Yo-a Stn, k I-., hang*. WAYLAN il TRASK. AI.FI'.ED N llANKl. . Kissam, Whitney & Co., Bankers and Brokers, MAIN oi'KII I.. 17 aaOAB si', Hills llnilillna. HIIANI ll O. _ KT.. I'll VIiuIUob Ave . ror. -Lld-T. M.'. K - ...a BON Db -???_! and told for > a an ur upoa IMTRIUC8T ALLOW!.!) ON Ilf.l'OSl I- Ad OL'.NTS. -financial meetings. lill. . I.i. Vi.I.V Mr. ( I Ni INN ATI, I lil. V .0 AND ST. Lol 1-. K _1LVi tl i 'iMl'A.N V. .IN, INN VII. (Hilo. April '.. IIW. NOTICE i- hcrtliy Ki\'i\ that 8 meeting of Hie -lt.. ano.lei- u'. Che i '.eve.and, ( in.ii.iul.. ( hic:i_[fi ?..* ?*._. Loni* Raile-ar CHU pawl e'U lie held ai tb? adie* ot la* _ .at i) In i.v ' '7 if _v.-M.ati, '.Mn, ea vVtduo*. daj- the toS tay et ..?.>?. mil. at ie._ a. Nj . to .?nii^iJer ai.I taie ?? tior. upon Ur- gufist'.ati 4 inakinc ? mortfage eoa.'rluB o.l the riliwo.vv ieus.d Hues, aad iirnnrrt. "f th# i ? i> >' to >* ure bond* no: psreedibi t rt] nunton* ol dellar- About laenty-alM tntlllon* of donara i.t -ail i_ia- ui be teeerwt *? retire .-etui., of the e'ltsu.lim-; bondi noa ?_n_d lu- inortnce oa property, i>r mb. i,...-..i- t ? r<\>'. Hv* million* <>i dollar* ut bond* t" i." used to reimburse the ire:,-irv foi *. vm, ,-. for i-Histrucllon and equip ?? lil ind t.. in-ovnte M. ana to pay for aiii'"t:,i n ? t(.-r.. -nt-, ronati-i'tion, ind ...lilli.,, i ,-.l tb. ot .ie ? i" remain In the treaaury tor ru _ .r.1- ..f tne coniDenT : na treater -uni timi ,.i,e iillllou dellars Cf tue -silo biian-?? of nond- ;.i lu- I.-'ie. |B anv one ^ear AIM !?? ...n-'.l'r e-.A tala" upon alvin, authortt* t.i ibe Dlr. tors of this i-onipany ?? exl_id Ita lina ur rail wa, to th* ll* of !?? !? r-.i:.M. ?? Sob Ubeny, _ J I.... viii.., ... ut... or ii.ii". ."i Uieu iv coiistrueUni nen linea ?r ny . ? irjrtlni ?(:, ?'ii railroad ._i|>aity o i . ... 0: I'l'i. fur IH" "-?' '?f s'I'-il line O' liles ..r liv |>..r<- .lia. 'ul- Iihs'ii" or ntlienal? a quiring irii'k. !:.i.- end terminal fi. lillie* in pan ur lu whale, either Independently af :n . i'iiiif-t.n i b th oilier rompaBle* i ne tieck trnns f?r luosa _ii be oi,.*'. at u.e .-i,a.e ,.f i> lalneoa on tn* li'tn _*r af Ajfti tt-p.i, uid Pe jwii- r|?-n -I jt the opening of lv_i'.e.s . tie Uti, dav of Mar. l>!'-' Ky otmet tAaPaa h..kra I. I l_>BOKN, .S'.'retiirr .-I i l" : '"i Till vi \N I' v I l \N 1 I.i ' I UH I.hill I I'll 1.1 I M v\ l "Illa .pl I .'- ts'.I i .TICK I*- lid" Li pivrii iii ? iiinnal ol th. -i il.-ra i Un vi .ni,, ian i ? . -i, I., i t i ? ii th. lion of d uni sn. ii .,rle i lin-M,.-- i- min ii p>rli eooie |m*I :? ' n.t nu Mill I .- hi ld ?! Ihi . '!.1 Iii ? soi , si ? - ?nd li-' IihI Vwiiie in th L'lti nf N'.i \?.u mi VV.-d -?:, vi,. I.,!,, i nn.l ,? r_. ,,-, |? _. Tun-', i I ?? I.- * III ? ." ? ? ii vi,,, ,;,, \\ ,. |_t, injt. md a<||| ,.,.,.. .1 Thur .ai Vi n nih i;..i.i . . i ef in. li.. - a?1 t l> ? el. rs. I HANK I.NOS. N VniKi; is lll-.KI.i?Y ( _\ KN THAT A i.1 n.-tiiiK of ihe itu. .in. ,.i ra ot ini. Nt_*i Vu UK ,1111.1...i AN ll bl Lula HAlLltOAU ("MI'XNV l,.i. t.. .ii i-Bllad ami ...I: i? held nt tn.. pnii.-i|_ o iti , of ? At i impauy in I'leveioadl iihlo, un ti..- tir.-u eay .f May. \ i> i-i'.'t at I" il o'.I .eli a. in. for the peipOM ind lr I tb th* ..nje.-t .it votiai anon Um approval of a lontra.'l ?r.h ihe lam. sliUHK v.Nii mu un,an .... .Ill 1.. !.\ll.l\AV I ...MI'A.N V for the |_se to IJ.O Nt.VI \"KK. lill' vi.O il\|l 81 LOUIH KA IL? UKA O i ntl I'ANV nf a MO ef the pren.i-e* beretOfora ii . <t nv -ad I.VKl .in,;'. \M> vu. |||i,-,\ _ ICTII I i.n lt Al I.VA vi _lMfA.Nl a- ti perl f il* main line mi rieiit "f ??^ e-tenan. ...-'i.v from a not n I in um I i V o. I" SKI UK. ' Ml' I M titi A i "I N I V MW. VtiilU about t .iir-iiftii. (t-.Vi i.r i mile w. ??.*, |' ,,f Ute i yaj loan m.'- thereat, ? dietani ?? ot about Bah! isi miles to a p'tnl tn tne Village et _I.VI.K .lli.l.K, ie mid cou ni - nix. K_r__r. vi-,\\'-i;.\t;i.AMi TKLKPIIONK AXD TKL a-a I .tl vrli OMP v.N \ To lit-* si i. M ..'tl. I- ti ... annual h ., : inc ..f the atevk i. Iders ol tn. s.-.. i m md ,'. i-|.:,,,., ? and iVh irraph .?n? Hill I- .I ll ... it. onie." el th. ? ? .a , I-i erinn lt--!.. K.ti Xo '. " ni Ui. r|tt ,,| \,?.\,,iv .ii Munni'. Um Iii i 'i i. ei n.M is-.., ni eleven o . i... -k ii ile I.ii.i f.r Hie InII,.ii.n.: purpos . l-t. I-,, rheo_ Dll-'ter* f"i tin ?-1 ? - _ i ? aj_r mir M. Ta transl,,!, an. oilier Inisinrss that Hwy tin n "Villi i nine before the lin ti - iii., transfer book ?iii i.- .-.-,i fmw the t-i dav ,r (prlI lo tbe 1st tai or May, both da>? lorindi.. lu ord i nf Hi"1 din s, \v. I.l.i HOM, N a-Yurk, V|.i:i 1.-.. I '. t...,-. hiv. uiiici ni NI.. Yul.K (IIV VI AKitl,!' CIM, I'l.r.Y '.'?. 1.1 il.I. . I Kl .1 I. SKVV.YtlllK. _'.'l Vi: il ia,;: ?PUK RRCIJLAR ANNI Al. Milli Nt. ol I flin Vnilli, .inn.-is in i ... Si a vari letty Marbi ('.? ... -,.s?i-i stn _, I .ween i-'l: r al .?.I .venn . ?'l he I" '"I In ' ""I" ' I nli. i ll.., I, mi the llr-i i.f _y, it thi'..'. In I I' vi . |oi il, ? ell timi ..I !tvn l-ni-le >s tot tl.ii-iiii.i ..ii I In i--.,.|\ ? il,.. 1.,., ,, f the Board uf Tru ?te >?s *?d >,.., i.i \ m ? u ?.?....- (-? ,,. nittee. k-UAHMt'S (.TKIU.l.Vti, se. Lim. /inaiuiiil (LMeuioiiv. f\ELAWAIUS AM) EIUOSON CANAL COM WFPAMT. New V..ria, March WNh, i8.3 ihe annual i rellim ol the st,,,, ikhnlu rs ,,r thia , ,n pativ ..til be held it iho etti,,, nt tbe company, _l I'ortlanut-ai , lu mi* ria* in Taeaday. Um 8th u.iv nf May aent, tor ihe election of i anaai'ia and r..r otboi baalneaa, Tho polls Bril) ..|h? nt ly o'l'lnek noon tunl rein .In open er mn' hour. Ihe naiisi"-r booka will lie , I..-.J timmi tho los., of b"isines? Baturday, Apr I -."iii, nil:il tho moili? ng of Wednesday. MIT lo. Hy order ul thu ll.anl ot Minjar ja . M. ULVI'IIANT, berntary. % Ditribcnb Xotices. __i( _&___'__?, tiu<- il_i mikatisto comfaxy OK NKW-VOUK. NKVV-Ytil.K. March 31. 189$. A QUARTERLY DIVIDEND OF OXE AXD OMI-ll _.l- liv, PERI KXT. -ii th' capital *_ k nf ti I* -ot. m.'iy l*. b cn dc ad a aile MAY 1ST. IgOg, ie -io. K:. ,.1, i? of ie,",il at Vi rn., oe laaturJav, tm l.,J'U DAY of AI'RIL. towt, et n__l tlim the iiansier booka villi he den. ... bi. reopened Mac _ at io a. .u. I JOS. WILLIAMS, Til, ni__ OKKICK OK THK IRTERXATIOXAL ANO i.i;i;vT RORTBBRK RAILROAD CO. 183 Broadway Kee. Vm* April '.'5th. 189.'I. COITO.Y-. due M.iv i>f,i_!i.l. ..f the following bonna will be pa.rt at tm-, otiio vii: I IN 1 l knia I h'Nai. V i rll KAT N'ORTUKRX 1ST VITO. COLORADO Ililli"..I; t'OMfAXl l.*_T Min. The Int. re.t due Maj l-l. 1888, n| -"'i _l_ Mott_p_?e Coii|??, (,rilli, ut.-s .,r Ind hte Ines- ti ill b' pall at the oiii.e of tin- Central I'ruai Company, N.. 5-i Wali--t.. upon pros illation of sail . ? rtilh at..-.. _li. li. iikn.son. A?*l*Unt Tren_rer. okkUk, sorniiitN _?A_Vii company-, 391 in .'i-i.;i- Budding), NEW.YoRK, April -j*. I8_ COUPONS due M.iv I, ls.i.t. fKim tho fol lotvinir i-ond, win be piid on May i and VhenaMmt at thl- off _: (,aiv, -I.., i. 11:? 11i-i?tii-j_- ?n i sui Antonia Railway Co. ( Dlil-ioi. , In i morts* ? ?" per '-et.t N. T. smith, "*ofI _7T;"T,T* .TlT. -Lvi.TiMulti., m i,r lt ll < " , il.vl.TI Molli,, tarli 98, U_ 1MIK OOL'POXH due Mav |, i.Li. on the |-.altlnn>r.. Bell Railroad Kirai Monea? ?'. i?.Mn gold bond* Brill I. poid at th- Lr .> ... lum-- A M- a,i. iK()7,N llli') I III ii*- t in Ni'H-Yor. ii ,'l Meeai_ .vi.l.x vNi)i:i*. CROWN v sons, iialtlii.irt*. _ .. H. ii Wt-, Tri-tir'r. OFFICE Ol' 'lin-: YELLOW I'lN". i ii.vii'ANv. No. in Beavi .st. NI.VV- iORR, Alni; 10th, if. 8. rp UK BOARD OP DI HECTORS haw this day a. declare, n dividend ni * inr .-.tit on Um Krefern _l i"f this Company, payabU- May Nt tu tMockheMsre ,,f ...ord April 10th. 189-1. Tianefer booka will be ele*. d An "I 28th to May ii, 1S9J_ C. vv wilsoV. Treuurar. THK DENVER v RIO i-KA.NIJ k. k. i.i NI AV YO RI* April li l_M THK I10AI.D ? F DIRECTORS has thl*. dir ____rlai_ .i quaiterly dividend ol O.VE FER i km -.? tue preferred _j>ltal -.'otk .f the .ompoay ont of tho net earning*, payable .vi y lb prnxlino, The tn.'-fer to k* 'f the p et--rr d sm-k will .io?e at noon Apr.l 99, ar.d reopen o,, ;.:,,- morning ur May 18 l,r"x,,"?- O0-.roi: ?-opp.-.,.r.. ( : ;..- Ij..|id. THK NATIONAL CORDAOB KOMPAXT V KW. YO UK. Iprll 7. I* _. THK BOARD OF DIRECTORS ol this Oi_* pint- hat.- tin- dey declared the n'.-nlar ipiirt.-nr I div I .ni nf TW.) |?ER i i XT on the piefe i il nd uni. I and uNT.-ll vl.i- FER CEMT. oi ti,'- (om mon Stack nt tim Coin;.ai.v. both payable on the l-t du .,- \'.;i\ neat, ?? ' the transfer offl<** "f ute Componj 185 I this eltf. I Tin- transfer look- "ill rio** April M -Z 13 M.. mid re* ; ..pen Mei - Beat- at lu A. M _._ _ | ' ' _0 WKAVKR LOPER. *_?___ i VOfTCB. _.- I."Vin.RD IXVESTMEXT COMPAXT. On null iifl.r Mav Nt. IblO, th.ip n- 00 Len ba . ' int. stn..iii C mpany d lentuiei -rn I tit ? t-napa n* m g_ar? ai te .1 loin* ?iil b? redeemed on pre tenta! on il Vie niti of th.- Atlantic Trott Company, N .. 89 VV.IIIatii-t.. Ne-.. York City. _,__? - MT.AN TH rBI SI COMHAXY, sn n.i william st.. NKW.TOIUI ' ITT, V. V I rp HE FOLLOWING COUPONS ARE DUB j 1 ino PAYABLE .vr mis nun i. os .v.\_ Al Tl.I*. Till. I I KM DAV Ol MAV. I-.'I: ip.i.ii ii v ino ii,te-i?,,i,i company, bene* U. Bell .Hie Wat. r Con pa nj Burton stock Car Coiiipmny, n-il ( lti/ei,-- ',:- . l.l-'i. Com poor of White Pinn*. i ..lim i.u- Hocking Valley _. Toledo Car treat, Abo. i ol.nai.i Ku I c unnoiiy. Water Company, Xorth Carolina. i, i south Bay We. r company. Uti r.- stock ( ar Company A-8-V Iron ' a i qiipuiei.t ? on pany /..', Y.A2, Z-3, C-lv_t< i, n- ii j i nen Railway, A 88. L'.lm. Wat. ? Company, T.\ <-. Mobile _ Ohm . at I : :-t. Villi. Middletown I. .-ht V Powei Company. .\ V t X. J. I'I. pie tl' i nllipiliy bi. S irfolk v Ki nth. n. Railroad. i. \ w??-. VII -? nil Railroad. Penrli Wat'-r Compaaj. T- \i- Luau Aeeni v. ii ttin Ktrect Rai Ina* llnt.r-tiaw Waff r r-impany. ^_ PACIFIC HAN lT ""* i.n ni'.iv DVVA v Xl W.VORK April 18 1888 rpiIK BOARD OF DIRECTORS have this dar J il". !.,r.'1 n qua !?'?'''? dividend of taro per cent patah'e oi and urtei M,-, | ;,..! j,,., irjn.r.- l,o-k- _ 111 be p...4 ti Ma.v 1. I_i3. THK INTKKK^T'npon .ho-Jonr- .ifMoiTaage 1 p.,- ?nt honda of TIIE OHIO sOt'THERX 1: ur, ROAD rOMPAXY. toe May 1-' IMS, will 1 ?? 1.1 '? n and after that date at tho I ctiti-l Tout Ci pa ? li Nw. v vi w i:\Ksi, rp'HK A.MKRICAN KX? HANGI. NATIONAL I Hank. :.'.s ii ..:-.- Sea Yoib April i'i. :-'.'.. At a me. ? na of the H_i i ol i> ?? tor* held 1 - day a dividend of illili 1; -.VD OXI HALF '?<? PER CEXT ? ? ipltal .-? ia -.t.i- dc peyahl* Mai 1-' p x. Tranafer h.?."..- trill eloae ibis dat ond leopen Mat .ita KOWALD Ill'ilN. . Ci-hli r. ld! Kill NIH s, 1:1 IT HANK." ? NTIAlt III-ITI AVI . t" I! DEPOSITORY STATE "K XEW YORK, NI W.YORK April 5_ ISM ry HK BOARD OP DIRECTOR * have this da.r 1 derlaied a Dividend af three p?-i ueai tri* of tax ni/. ni" May i-f. 1888, until whleh date the tran*f.*r !>,.-..? Vt 111 he , io__, vwi t, WORRELL.. Caahier. Public Xotuc. AT A GENERAL TER-M of tho Sup___ Court nf the state ol Xew-Yorh hi d la and f"t tba i-n-t Department, it the I-Ry "i Sea-Yort, oo Un ..^i dat ,.f April. I-'".I I'r.-.n: Hmi C. ll. Van Brunt, i*i.- ._'.__? Junien. Hen Mo-ran i. O'Brien, Justit.-. In the mattel ?.f tha appll atl in of th- I ?-? 1: t 1 Kr;dj? C..i'pa:.-, fi : th? npuo Intii ?? ,t r trr 1 --.. . r <)ii !_ii!.!i!_ and filing Un |?'tltl.! Ihe l.j-t Hiter Bridal Company dated Hu twentieth .lay of vpn: I8f-S, Hill dU|y t.nllel fOI tie a[ |..|ll|tll|, 111 Of O sinner*, under and In piirauance ..( the provNli .- ?t an j, t of the I.. Ila'af.r" ur the m.,.. ,.f Vew-Yorh ma titi.'d "Ail Act further tn provide rapid transit ra ll way 1 la ??Rle* hHtiiiir o.'r .1 milli n ? ta ?- pa-_d Ja rv 31, i*<'.'l un.1 "f ( hapter WS ?f "te ia.,. ?f tutti, an-endlad the same <mi rn. .it- ai - ? ? .*. -? ind aupplei iitnrj m said ..- '- an 1 in p'ir?.iain??? >"1 th?? , - - ..'I. of lan tn Ina whether the rall* ij a t..n ni.1 ind des ??'? I In -"' :?? I ' 11 " ? ' ?? to f* ? ii-tt-ii,.--ii .nil ,,|.:;i!..j bv the Mid I .1-' Rlvei llrld (-ompa_:.t over, th-tt'iirh and alnn_; the slr, et- anl avenue* In -ad p.tit:o,i referred to and on reading ann- Hiing the adMavlta of ttif* follow lae Hatred Individual^ verIB et . -p.- tit .5, a- foL lons: Louis Zlrfin.' \tnil*d the tuentlfth .lav of \prll, 1 tM; Dd _i*t Wehner, W ll (irpeoter Kot. rt Olenn, Knnrl* D Walker and Jone ph K.I.." t r ?:? I tnrll I'A 1 w va anl Un* tehedale* re'.rir A to In aa ld iffldavlts, and annev.-d tn said petll in ind 1" ? bea ri nt Kdwarl 1.1 t. r. ind .-?? vv. Wm .-,".? ,,t ,-onn ol f - Hie petitioner. du motion ef Hoadly, Lauterbaeh v Johnaon, ittornera f..r -.nd p.'till.mer it I 1h.1t said inplleation be h. i_ at ? Oenoral of thia Poi ri to be bi 11 In -.11 liy on vi n 1 th. 1 alii .! |ti SO . 11 ind that not!.-. I - h ippl it ??! i,.. given le, tin i'i'l ' el hy p'it.!:-h.:i- 11 .opt of thl* ardei lally foi tw?. a eek-. In Thi' Xew-Yorh l...t Joiirn*l, ll,.. \e_Vorh Dalli I ?- Hie N w-York ller.ld rho N tt-YorK Sun Thc Xew.Yorh World The N-..-V..-C Tribune ai-'l The Pre**, - .en new?panei_ puhllahed in ?atd .-lu whleh i_ hereby d'- natta I f"r the pur;..-., of makliiL' sii,!i publl itl"ii. w 1. in v ,?-.v 111.NRT n rriir.ov v.xi! I Cl rx. IN M'RSt'ANCE of tn oitler made bj Hoi" 1 11,11 t vv Bookata*-er, one el th.' .indi;.- nf tli- t'ourt i.f I'onimoo Plena for th.- 1 Ry and County ..f Sew.T .rs .ti n.e rtii div ot April nottee .- betebt liven f. all i-f,i:',i ra ,,( ai -1 peraon* having rlalm* 1. lhal John U't !?--> mi Reeknid- lately dienit bualneaa iii th . Ity f .Nett York, to ire-en! lon-. With Ihe toil.hers. th (tun v. Tin.-.!, to ihe sins. ni., r*. thc -ii ene. - ,.r -ni Joba ll. m ann Ri kl '-"' f?l the lien'Mt .f t->.I ?..?. 1. their pla ?? ol ci. -1 tli .- ti .s.n.. t 11 oth . ? lt ii- tn um V! ".c N..-. u. in I >?- ' ? !t..n KX'-bill Ru ld ? .' Hun. ..i.r bquare. .11 th* etty ni N'ew.York nu or before Ute .mn lin of jun??, 1- 'ii lu'd the 7th dal ? f vi rll, I8_*. I**"'!* < ?_ Ll -I'" C. J , ? . vi. 1 IH-l-KN v..: 1 11: j x -' T1 ?? II. HfltNIIAM Viol Kv I-, \:;? n- I fr V-s e.?* (IO anl if.' ?.'Mon l'\ ha'J." Bill dlnur N ? -Vor'i CRT. tjotiio. ^^ ADAMS HOUSE. ?JOO L-UHT ROON - -h*. I'KR MtillT ANO I VXX lilli. Two^e Roatturant. tVapalat Pr>e*. lOiii-Avc., jual balam 1 Ilk* ... A__a UnnenenaM -lim rc. ADV un ii".-1. in Piopneieie. OSCAR I'l.i'itrN' I'.. Maiiauor. Celt L'n.a ala pia- liol tl, BU.Il ll f'-. .i-e.-sib'e to all P 'ri* *sfc ai'i-i'lp- ita lr >.id Depota anl -Si. amboa-*. HOTEL CAMBRIDGEr FIITII-All-.. INO :t:li?.?>T.. R. v. CeaUally located na: the theatre* and ail point, of interest Al'l-IINTMKXTS, .i.VICl. and I KIMMI tirstt latte. A telnet hone f. r 1 ?? r 11.... -a realdenre. ll i NUV VV VI. .1.14 !'r.,.r( tor. (Korinrlt nf Ihe Al >. marl- Ilot.l.t "HOTEL RENAISSANCE7 KIO sT.. Wl.vr ilK .TH WK. rnj:i_.?, ama _bm Baw ba _anda t..r aaflwta_aa__a for yearly ieatla_ii eenaneaelnd Nave__t 1st. levntal bpai__at* heleaglui t. funuiio* going uh:->ad .-an bo reiuei from May l?t _ APPLY TO MAN Al-KR. HOTEL BRISTOL. 6T1I AVK. AND 42D ST.. NKWYORK. AMKR1CAN PLAN A KAMILV J'OTI.L OK Till*. R10HIGR ORDF.R FOR .EttMAXKX t ASP ruA.\*_i__,N I ucl sis, K Rt, KAl'.l.K m CO.. l'roprlctcn. ^THE SHERWOOD^ kMRRII vn I'l.lN. _r 11? Ive. earner llih -.. New Yaefc. KI.KliAVT >l ITRM OK ROOM. lt* lin* iliiy oi- i-i cmU. URO. VII KIHI lloet'in. AMERICAN HOUSE, BOSTON. lunated In bii-in.s? rentfl car Um Stahl Gyflel and 1 oort Meuse, Army mid Nan ll adniiartar*; HQ a tl pr .liv und Bp __. i.l-'X). A lilli.Lil*. l'r..J. Storage. \T imo 1 iii .ns' btorage \Var_en_. -?:?. .'.tl and '.'ItiV Weat ITth-st.. liioadit nt .-** pa.ato r ...ins f.r turnltute, mirr. r-, baggage, pinn-., and we _ ban? died; Menai paiaeneer and tretgnt rlevatere; baking _4 eli.i,|iin_i atlendid to: ..ul.P.l nv for net in. Ill city Bf country, luauetluu Invited. Tele_>hot-e 113 3_k?