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guv** of a boatswain. The Englishmen landed at Thuty-ninfh-t soon aller '?- o'clock. Their straw hats, blue utiifcrius anti yellow legging! robbed theil) of anything like- ,i martial appearance, but iheir well lill.-d eatridge '"its gave them a grim ami formidable aspect which no amounl of gold Ince and padded i ?? sta i "lld equal The other divisions wen* less prompt, bSSUUM thu Ir.insports had t<. go buck lor them. Among tho last ls arrive wore the Rt s*iaiis, sad uhr these subjects of thc Czar lined sp <>ri the Illiliv-ninth-st. wharf, lt hsssass evident thnt these . burta ol the ttmoon Darth would overtop anything dee in tho parade, I-t they were all ol a height, and over six feet at that. All ulong Forty-eeeoBd-st. there waa tho b'istle of preaarntion and expectancy. Slitting orowda of spectators worried expostulating 1 iltcemen Calaaaaa "i happy-go-lucky sailora snd scll-im psrtaat marines wert marching and countermarch lag to ih'*ir positions A score of carriagee were drawn up by the bru house, waiting for tho gen? eral IBeeni. Several aquuda ol mounted police trotted up and down under Inspector Con.lin and Sergeant. R. veil, who baa led mon* military grandeur up and down tba streets ol New-York lhan .any man living! The gorgeous red-eoatcd marines from the Bake drew turill little bursts of appian.-/-- wherever they weat, Their partly commanding ..fliee-i sa! up..ri a big boree, which evidently didn't tully understand ths English code sf signals, but no serious difficulty occurred. The detachment ol American marines, with the famous Mai ino Raml of Washington, were also a star f'-nturc ot Ihe morning. cis'isc. Tin: .iRiir.R to march. Finally, and it xvas xviii on toward ll o'clock, till the detachmente of ths naval forces wen* drawn np on each side of Forty-eeeond-et. in their pr,.per places. A msfnifleent specimen of a mounted officer on aii equally magnificent npeeimen <>f a horse, xvho had Lien trotting up and dawn thc lines, xi it li a smtueoque trooper on n thorough brad ix-himl him as orderly, looked the array over, saw (hut it was good und the order to march was gives, Ep >>ltli and Sixth. tjvfft tit/* Xaval Reserves of Xew-York and ^asea.h.Hkt1ts were druaru up on opposite sides of the street. Their sale faces aud white hands were in Btriking eon* trait .to the br"!u.-d cheeks ami brawny fir-ts >f the rvgulatiori tars. '1 hey Mood ut attention while thc rc*i*t pf Uie eoTumii marched between them. Tho ___eaaachese>tta men held n "buttery of nmebine naas and howitsera, aad thereby haaga h tah*. Tlie wheels of these modern gnni were Uep^ on by old-fashioned liuclilitis', and whenever a bat? tery wou|d show s little buist of spee.l in the effort to form a double column, the iron carriages xvi.nhl bounce ever the cobblestones In a way that would J>>ur.'-'' tlc* linchpin nut and disable the* gun-carriage. Thia wna trying te. the young officers, hui, b.-ing true sons ol Boston, they used only dictionary words in the emergency. Before ihe column started' hones had to be provided l ar a number of iho naval officers. A orr **p:.ii'Uiie number of mounted police wore re queeted i" gel ofl and walk so the officers could Bronny their saddles. This stunned the crowd. Xe. ..?:.* doubted that any one .ef the officers Could work hi? ship' ofl a lee shore or b'.i.l his men oul on the yardarm in the most terrine hurricane, bul hors.- navigation is different, The horse's 'om panioniviiy ia unlike a ship'*, and la much more diffi'ili t" tri'.tmt with a cutlass between oae'a legs. The poUeeeaen goo.! nature Iii took reefs in the siiirnp-sriups tor their gue*rs eef the saddle, and showed them how to gel a clove hitch oa Ihe reins. Alter much bucking nnd Wing, the horse flotilla bon sway on '.rs course up the street, The horses didn't exactly understand it on their part. Same of them made more leewey th in head? way. There waa only one shipwreck, however, and thal did not result seriously. One big, black jKilice horse Which was bein, rolled by a 1 Sibil? ant, xvho would not tell his name. _.rew lirt-d of the shipper and started down Fifth-ave. al a twenty-knot sp.-eil. Tin- lieutenant wig-wagged to the signal-corps tor help as he xvas bom past them, and UsUteSSBl M'.1 ledge Davis, of i*iat troop ol gallant horaemea, responded. At Thirty-iiintli-st. he ''nine up xvith the runaway, but just as he grasped the bridle rein both hoieee went down with a crush. Luckily neither ?>f the men xvas hurt A SinUKOI SH,HT POR NEW YORKERS. The march of the -milan xiii* unlike anything Xew-York ever Baw l.-fore lt xxus a long pan-, rama of ibo higheel lypea si phsslcel piaweea But there was m. nonsense. Ne Isetitioaa seoea rorie* of any kind were allowed. Tliere were no fgwe-ri-g shakes to heighten theeflecl, n" padded shoulder* and gleaming cross-belts to aooentaate ihe aaanly shape, no white gloves and natty mar? vels e.f He- t roane rs builders' art. Loose Utting rhiris that bali disclosed the brawny neck, shape kss hats nf straw- or canvas, baggy tiotisers thnt lonniBSted In yellow V-__ings whose every wrinkle told "f .ut*!.--- -ease?these be thy sartorial gods, 0 s-ons of X i't .: ??' And y.-t the spring and vigor ?>( ri]iest manhood were ao e-ftdent beneath it all, the courage and ths hardihood born "f a life upon the uncontrolled sci fur fruin the petty meanm?es and cowardice of the land, were bo plainly to lie read upon every ?hroaacd afitd honest lace thal the pale-browed Crowda of city me.i who gaced from curb an) balcony along ihe line b*lr a new sensation that mad.* IbeSi Slap Hi'ii* hands and break forth xvirli shouts of half-a_:pluuding, hulf-endeuring Import. First cam.* the United Stat"* marines, handsome speriin-iis of ijiat most efficient and deserving. Hut lirr!" praised, arm ol the service, Behind them marched the sailor boy- of the white war* . ships in the tiver, arms as tln-v 1 a--ed the Stars uni Stripes >f the Naval Be se*rv.". Their ranks were straight us strings Th.-y walked upsn the bull sf the fool rather than upon the heel, and their faultless lines uren preeerved without the kraal apparent effort or conscious riv Iny. THI TARTAR'S PET OOAT. Xe\t rame the Englishmen. At the head trotted the mu*""t ol ll, M. s Tartar, a dignified billy goal with a gorgeous red blaehet. Hi* goatshtp wa. reeeiv.-d with great applause ami laughter at every stage <>t hi- |n?l****a The English tara were broad, deep-chested chaps, bat all the iner'.i iver-' dwarfed by their leggings sad the boy? ish set of their garmenta. Tbe rear of ibo column was guarded hy ths marias artillery ami the Bastian guard, the tin. -t hedy of their kimi lo the worid. The hrst 1 ad ttStforms nf rich, dirk c.dor, the others won* the flaming ps) whicli ia aynonymou* with Fnglieh military power the : arorld urauad. Ti eee men were tall, nml lh.-'x natty niil.-.rnis Bhowed ol7 every inch ol stuture that TiHture gave Ihem. lt might am. hav been stirpri-iu-,' ha*l some of America's hot-hca led citi rons by adopting heaved a bri.-k at iheir heredi*, lari" foe, |hs ?'i.-1-coat." bm .inly ihe heait.-t apphius-* billowed those stately policemen of the sen. But the Rus-niuns xvon the surprised admiration of (he pepalaet. 'lo the tunefal messuree "i then Utile bru*>s bread ibey marnhcid. a band nf ginnie ihat weald have gladdened ths heart and excit'-d the man stealing propensities ol Frederick tlie OreBt They were simply great. Tlieir whi'" sailor caps with funnv little tail- *,r ribbon _lut!er ing out I.?hind could not diminish tin- simple dignity ol tlmt git-aim-ss lim italian* als. *" rush's! th-* ssason*' m the mattel ol lashion tor tho heal l.'i' ' \ coming out with straw hats They carrbsl their Buns berUnntally, with Heir arms depending at their sid.t.. like a apia taman who struck a rough piece ..i urn us/- country. The Herman ranks were filled with yinilia, smootb fac.-d nieii where Saxon skins hi'l tmt yielded entirely t-j the broivu sea Inn. Their eyes were eoftened witii th.* thought of the comrade lying dead in their xvhite home np.ui the tenter. i HiNill ?- LAROE i -iNTiN-ii-x T France, xvith lier character.slie OOUrteey, pail - her si**ti*r republic the esmpltmeat of sending a large delegation ashore. The r-d top-knot, heavy ekaapsaeh and murderous-looking sword bayonete of her men gave her fotces a distinctively enurse t-eristie apiieaiaue. While th.- Baglieh ami tin* Ruaaign constituted one extreme nf absolute unifnrmity. the forcce i of th.* Araentfne Confsdet_|tlon tvpiii.-d ihe com pSSNe na!un- of her p.-uplo In their rank* were j men whose faces shinned Hie pale c-ust of thought that characterized tbs most iut^Vectual youtli of I HODCMAN'S MACKINTOSHES Nl'llsilllc lind "M*, li-.ll. nnOAHIVAY. il 11 e.t i'.ld **>!.. I or. (.rnnd M. ! Aili. Fl ri li An-. Hold. ? t.-?_____=rr ih>* Massachusetts naval militia, while shouldei io shoulder jvith t-heae marched the Ibick-lipped Nubian type The Latin and thc Saxon, tL?* Celt and the Mongolian, all w.-r.- Hore Last ol ihe naval column caine the brazilian thunder* clout! 'Ihe band ol inu-i.* tbat beaded their de-* luchaaent was black a- tin* frowning si-i.-s of their formidable battleship. In every raak tbe negro predominated. From sturt io finish Hu* lin.* of march aras walled in by curious and intel -te | crowds stand? ing on tiptoe t-e . what manner ol men these were xvho came troin every coiner of the globe to make ;i Yankee holiday. The- police struggled with the pushing multitude !>? preserve tenth Hy evenness ol the lim-* and then- recently acquired -reputation ol "uniform.-d gentle-men,-" au l they p.-r.- eminently successful in both attempts, From ihe time Governor Flower's smiling face illumined each specific locality, till Captain Wendel's etlti'-ated charger amused it- rienizone, th.-..* n.i,- ;i time apace ..i an h..ur and a half. Tb.- head of Hu* column reached (lie < itv Itali aboul l V" p. in Below that point the para |, dispersed, the regiments returning t" Iheir armo? ries, the Milora re-embarking i?.r then ships. GAY SCENES ALONG TIIE RIVER THOUSAND.! CO TO SEE THE WARSHIPS; (RAIT OF FVKRY DCSCRI I'TION* UPOR THF. Jim -?ON-PIYINC. OITIC1AL C0.RTCsic8. T'ntil the mair*- of bu April sky Mended Into the x-.-i-niiiii.ii line* nf nnsel and 'I,, long sfiernooB wore away, thc North Blear was jetterdsr pav with crnfr, and the Mlsades gui- bink tbe eli', of mighty ?BBS. He!ween Hie towerlag cMSl BB one ,sl<|e and Hie hlpli l.tillilingv nu tlie oilier the river lux- Wo- a Barrow vale. From the height* and lbs level shor'T. Hiou-eHnJs ol people tooled Sewn upon lbs long lines of Vessels Which :t- far si the eye niiilii l'enrU. All ti"- allen.n lhere wen shrill plpiiu- us the captains "f tli" riffei*enl r.I* visited .-mii ether, and several time tbe gun* ttt foreign men-of-war Bounded explosive welcomes. The river wu- teeming nith nie mni brilliant "iii' color, From masts iiiul .-pur- Mght'Colored pennsnti untl flea guttered in Us April brevge mia thc white at-am guests. .Ml nfl.moon thc fl-et of screarr.lng tug, sud -t*r_-ii-r- ninv-*ii up uiui Sewn between tbs ranks eef t!.- cruisers. Every cruft wu* und be? dizened iilti (lug. bbS bunting ol the nm-t forftooa lue*. T.'ie-*,. Mere |,nndre<ls of people, laughing U'l'l chatting, iiii uncon (ioui "f the fact ibal Ihe rtringi af bunting wm. ii goaled aver them wees mytag lbs nm-r horrlbls Hiing*. The rignsl dug* over one trim inti.* iteamer were loudly proelaiadag I", bunting talk Ililli tin- V. -.el Ul- -IllklllK, Illili tlie-r-- MH- Ill'IllllB aboard, unit tt.ii lbs engine* vere disabled. Ihs e-itii'i*.* im b'eird th.- foreign men-ol-wsr paed st Ihs display of signals, potnled sud -^stlrulsted snd hurst iiito iipr.eiiri'.us laughter. lt aas a guyly dressed carsvan, Ihe vei eU ahlch carried the rxcur toa parties. They Rea -ign ii- efdlstrem -hie by Mde with i ie lags ol Ireland sud Gereeaay, and NI* ..i hunting bearing ligurei aatlke snytWag sean ..n lbs earth "r in lbs firmament, it iras i happy, laughing crowd t,r ipectalenn ??vi'-:. Ihranged Ike decks "f Ihe -teani' r.*>. Tbs eight*. ? i- cheered ther srarshtpe, shoaled BRARIX41 TUETRI-COLOR oi* FIUNCI'.. friendly greetings to the oncers, mid waved their i andi crchlefa and ombreQas In the enthaslsaai ??( ibrir i'dii'lP i'mi for Ihe i-'rlin i --iiiiii. ree i-!.*-.troi"*r*- which lined ibe stream. There new worried pur, nt* arith ine|ul-i'iie* children, yoang mea aith Iheir saliers and youri).- iiitii i.iii. i p. ..pie's tilters, Fruin *eversl pe rs sloQg ibe river saearslou boat iiiii.l*- trip* np and Sown Ibe Hue, They guv., i.. ibelr pu* -? ii-' i- a chance lo get i ?.-?-eel flem ol the Dgbiiiig vessels bom Jtwenty-lblrd st, lu i Lee, Jofyaniiu. " Kino of Natural Table Waters," " A* ? pleasant, palatable drink it ;s unquestionably preferable te. others." -Landon Court Vin nine. one who wanted lo go aboard her wa* s-clcom.; ll nw utily necessary t*> be taken mn.-- ike Muter, Virdtori Ub |,- !;? I- BMBterS. thei nemile I BebMlt la C ll. el. , Ill-nV' and below, i.|..<l int.. Columbus'* ..un rabto, ien Ibe lied he idupt la, the chair where lu* mt, (be ? it:ir* bs ased ; Brent forward, where be il .?! arbeu be gasH feT Ibe lil t little ..Il tu-' Nell U'l.l Ll: He;,| nfl. ;i||l|. il. nhill-' lleelHI III- rilli' IO Hie till) lille, (ef 1 .1 * I I -I, i p ", thought of tl.e , baages llme*brlBg?. A pretty _iii in a i"' dress snd a Jaunty saih.r hat -ai .lu- iud iii Hi'' how nf ihe Santa Maria talking t.e ber companion yesterday afternoon. A tribune rep..rt-r overheard i.-r ny; ?? 1 ibouM like tei Blay righi here nil lamuter." '?Tii.* hnatBMB, -hrrretl May, nt Ninety Bfth st.. -.lid tlmt lu- I,,-..! oerer -?-n -e. tonal people who ?mnted to bo aboard ??' bani In nil hi. Ufo und ba bad l? ito _i boalBMM thirty years ai had tr.>ne sat le tbe santa Marta hom bi- deee_. Fifty rents mis charged for Hie' numil trip, du. boatman alone had carried over 'im) people, a Mull estcambaet mt- hourly trip- around ibe Beet fruin nd- wharf, carrying fully p.,.pb* .ic li Hip. Mn- un- lill,* nnly long elle.llgll IO lee.lll ll Il"l lilli 'lill Il'l Jil -,- engel -, Illili M mel wai Ihe di Ire to mate lae Irtp thal |?llee hud te I"* railed lo keep Ihe crowd* from Ihe Boats. .inst below the Nnu-tj*-imii it, landing I* tbe iimi-i'ii River Vat bl l lab house, Mvste beats pm out for tbs iic-t flinn thai landfall frequently. .it Mn. ti' eighth ?-'? am the dock* ol tb.- Carada .xi Kimi- ('-al Company, and lhere it ls thal tbe launches from Ibe ilp formlug tbe brod <.f thc ile.-t land ibelr otU-er. mid rrexvs. IVe .hip* lying e.n Itu- i-l.I.-. Ibe Pilli.-'ieip.,in. Newark, Alltintn, Ploke, Australia ind Mugli-ii-nno, u-t-- n>>t open i..r gi in ml i -ding yr '? i I.e.. ? oilers w- r-- not p rn lit .1 Bl all on Ii.e liiilui' lpt-ia. Hil' N. w ? ik. Ile- l.!:i^-u Hie .lii-traiii. Tlie -li'tit.t !?-.-? lied ii Visitor now and Iben, bul railing m.- nol m-neml. i ? Marri lb lille fl ul ;,|| ll||e. (|l||l- || hT CU 11 _ Ila I . Uli-l h.-r i- and tuen sere 1.,, [iHuiile and .otirlt-i . In -leMlllg (lee I :-!'?.: . lISMII Ihi I lp, i I.-- entire i nlii-d -i ?<-? rpuidron alli ba open .,, xi-it.,i_ lo-dai (mm ii b. m. in t p. m. The -utti.e rale am be ? ? ? ? i\.-1 ..u nio.i ..,' ir.,- ot ier men-of-war. Men all) !_?? detailed tu show visit ra / J the officers of the Van speyk, Admiral (.hernntl nn' siuir and U-eaeial BcasieM ead Ma stair are expec?c< tn l.e present, ."-onie of those who will respond tc toasts me chauncey M. Depew, Warner lim .Nordon -Ueneral E. ?"?? Van Viler, ike Hex*. Dr. Henry ral Dyke an'l Oeorge ?'. Da Witt. -rn- ? MR. CLEVELAND STARTS WEST HE COULD SOT REVIEW THE PARADE. HIS BEAD CASHED BY 1 FALL-COURT FLAST?fl THU I M.I 1)1.11. Preoident Clevelaad BM nut review Ihe lani parade yesterday, lt wai nob altogether hi- (milt, ?p.- parade did not reach I ?? city Hill until an hour after I ?? tclululfd lime, and tbe Praddenl tnt arranged to start for Chicago on a special ir.iiu which wai 'o leave ice I?nn*ylvanla Railroad als* Huii in Jersey City at noon. Mill another piece of -*. ?*??? *h\a n Vt/ ' ' *'-/; Sktrt^ ??-?&>. mi: [7 . i FROM A RRITISII MAN-OF-WAR, ill luck attended Um. Sfben entering bia tarrtaga at ri..' Victoria Hotel, t.i star, for tbs Cltv Hall, ie -lipp.-l sud his forehead -.track lbs thia ..f tbe fer ? tn-**. a pt-ii aa bul. f-r -.. long iv.u- tv* result.<sad HieTB. un* ? EonslderaMe Bow <>f blood lt. Colonel .rge B. Mt*Clellan, Controller Theodore ff. Myer*, Clarence iv. Bowen umi tba oth<*r mimbi ri frietii the Committee of One tfBndred appolated to took "iii for bli comfort lietped him back int.. the :.???!. Dr. -*- ephen Smith Burt nu* called, and a iponze and :i strip "f rourl planter mended the brutes ? r lime, ii.-- President snd Ike members of lbs ?Ta** m '-vv.v-v/i UH tl thk iir.\ri nr tim: OOLVM* or PARADE Ri a iv. ut r-niltfl thf. r.r.vir :wixn PARTY hunchee! skimmed ever Hie water flinging a*tern Mt nf pay bunting, mIiIb li looked Uk'* l,rilli.-.nt. baiter Biol Bitting ov.-r the ihlmroeriag watetrr. Ender He uki**- of ipring and resting upon a rippling -tn-nm Milich Aanred In 'he Mnllghf and reSected tie.- buss ot larquolss and lbs -gleam ol crystal, ihe mighty ^Mps lay ai anchpr, i 'poo tinir decks tnt\\ moved aboat, mid tometlmes Ihe gi itenlni musk-H of a ten tln-1 . -.uld be ism. Loaded to tie- water's edge and rreeplng h.uii between the two lloea ol ?? i for! re., aere hundred nf :...iit- mul bari.*.--. Every lug, barge, -...m. -KUI. painter nnd dory atreBui tba .'mri-eir seemed tn lee- b,i, daly yesterdsy. Then were Mg river bim) - ? i i kteamerK, whose once whlb sldei aere streaked uni (darkened, and veaeeli which mi other ".. i-donn have ?erved r? lake lackless fl*hermen on Ibrir booti Hood's Cures Mr. WOa, Frit lr We*| Deists, Mimi. Saved From the Grave Scrofula in Face and Neck Blind at Times Hoods Sarsaparilla Restored Health Gained 33 Pounds in Weight. "1 tiller lieCn B len* gTSBl ?'ir!e!.r freBln a leriOVI (MB ??! -'! 'tula. Kl I -1 b 1 a i _? ? ? I, i i i,, u rBSM Iii my leek, (.-reen mg Bl big a* a |OOd-llled BpplS. It. ii], BS BSJd a-* beac, ind iftei dm-e*lB| it t'. i bead tbi Betta ..'.l lt, and lot lars year* it tm A RUNNLNC SORE. Thsa are itwtssSsd ls bostlaa it ap, bm tba disease beess te. Seppesi in my lae e., ableh (rould Mell up *od ail**.-t my iw.-. i wu i, ..min" Ui j nert -,, liiHtiwd ..ul .noilcn tlmt I xxn. Idlnd. TIM iwelllng aroild -il.-, et-* in tt.e n.aidi-- -,f tba Biters soo --, tbs( i ,,,ni,i -, .1 lltllt*. Well, I m.* lc Uii- ? ,.nelli!,.11 i,.r al..*it a feral I vielit to cie-iy |,liv?i- 1:111 lu 11,1 Iowa, ali Bi iiieui, Hood's Cures failed tu li. lg BM levi .ml Millhill* could I,,. Qom '" i'll.- BM. Hit I li.-r.-uli lu tin-.e 11...eel. Satin, lill i :mi 111.. 11 1 hat! BSeU a bSUbl mil a hall tl,., -nai'ma in my fare hal riit.itll) gmt il.-ri. I I. 11. .,., laBlBg the iiicdie in.-, an! ip 1 icu M poaad* in (relgfct I Have Been Perfectly Cured am now in L-T.-,*] bSBMb .md iijiiiitiein!*, suv HssdTi Bet* ?assails need tm* (rum tba s-mve. TcSsy 1 bm ... bs an ?tout aid hearty a- BVSI la ny Hf.-.*' 11 Xl. um. li, Went Hi-f-Ui, .Minn. HOOD'** PILLS eur* (oiiMi|*iion by ISS-Miaf -._._ p.Hit-it:*. ?' 'iuil Of liiC a.iii.- i.ui_- csiiaL l*..r ?_?'. eenl lae lght*e r could tove i ride Bnd i lie ll eef Ile- ibetlW. leidl-, lhere U e| ,- pill 1. ll I ll I p' iiii-ii, mho look people ta Ibe reweb la ro*aboaiB and mini- fri,ur!,- al...ut |hs rOBghl. Ol Ihl and tie ..f the .bep wlr ii t:.** light .raf (Trie ii n. dat ri mn. lia I..1.1 :.. ll'T- e.f the Boating ll..tile, nf til. naval oflicer* ari* aol ail dUplayed v- lenlay. li *,-:. a ii n more d *v. *..i io afH-bl ri?tl , aad th. r ? Ha* lint ii _.-.-_.. :;.i r*--*? I? 11*?lJ ul vl*lle.; I, "1 ',.111, . lhere aero maa] (riend ol i ie oflker , whu neut mit In Un rtvei in It-am lam Ih . ll inn of them wei*-" aB-epiaiiiimi b b.i ibi you . lieut mt Brod ? n Ign . wh.-. .j,,.. ;, el iti .1 i.n k lr' un i ie Uro nb-en ')!?? un- ?: chain "t Ihr Inlernailonil Beet ivers let Blip at llamptm Road*, not tr swsj Iiwb * i i.-.i i .it noted ber i. prelty girl*, li i nobody'* .* ia! Hui lathed bIioui bi Ihe iwlfl launch-*, hore diem over Ibe rippling, gb-aiulng river. ll list ?? I.ii "i i ." ?? i.i.i. i ?'! Bsyi al l' iv Ml,lill,.- . ..' Hie Kill nf lill" .A" lill.' le.-f" .re. ur ll might ,.:-.. >.,.?. ii ii:.: pe red not liing . mba ., rn ?!?? tu- nu . mil ltt|e?tle Oe' el-1-.Iilll- I I.llej-1"*. Lat.* I,, |hi> :,':. i ia .i Vin 1,|iulr**l Hopkin H lt' 'I th.- Km lilla i iii.K-iip. sud ?..- r--?? r.-.-.t wltb Ihe i- *,, -.. ..i, ., hi. run',, i-tiiltli him. A few m.ur. u' Ibu i H, l.r: /ll un Hml-*. r. Mi. Men iii'.'iilnpai i d 1.1 il llUUlber Ol ..timi..--, nus v .ii ..lin .1 iiii (...ani ihe rmi i-i iU'd him.n ihe j-1 * - x t ir. luiru rorih Into u i 'i ? gi --iini:. lh ? mad mi ur "al, lied the Cl.Jilli- ul 111 >K"- and th" tlll-ll.e- .,| hr--. ?uni rlu-eird Ihe lirszllliiii Minister and bl p.cs ihey ame I. <?:. from t:.? ir vfadt. ?Ill I'SAXDS VISIT HM. RAI-iTA MARI \ BOATNI **' Ul VT 1 ll illl'l -T ll'.i'.VIN.. li "ii TO *i iii: . ii; iii i. part nf Manhattan leland ahlch border au Ihe Hudson i-i'i'-ii Twent] teeomi i. and Xlneti .,. -, i. na- h. 1.1 been -" much ol aa ? > 1 ? j? ??iiv? - point tn (lu.-"- nh" idea or aralk ?>r ,,bb yt .,.,. what lhere i le -? ?? i:i -?"???'I ?*?'"'?* 'han at tin* presenl lime. i au m..i, ami ti.-niul* .'I people passed ap end ilium Um RtversMe Drive yesterday. Ali ..f Hmm lOOked "Hit nereis* the Mlle riler '<> the t-'l <"Jl I -hip- nf mir r.-tii,ir quietly thors at laahor, and sees! <ef tin-ui "What ti pity that prsterday na* nnt ns to-day, nunn anil -pil-n-llUe." The '..;. nf wsr, -viewed freer tho haul af tbe Hud viii em -ni ii ii dui ii* y. -lerdiiy. inak.* B r-i).*ht lu, preaatve and peaceful, They --tr.te;( swsj Bown ii"' iiv.r ni ataMy lin- -. rttrally Boating their count rte*' cibIb,!,. ai tin ir brad rids Mm queer UM caravel! i.r Columbus, fonnilc** beats of all *i/e-, mni ran lim..h.- pam an'l repsu, ?*iiii.. trots the thors a non Bering, admiting throng fate uii thee -e.ii., nnii iiii tbe Behght lhal a Bew snd i-'riitiii picture Inaptre*. lin- rani nf Thur'du hui made Un- Riverside hank*. fresh !<n-i green, and all day long rhlldren run about uhiie paten11 -it iimi watched, now looking al the Beet nf -inp- iee',,r,* them, bringing the Umnghl ..r nat. ami t_j? ? ri ai ti,, ir children playing on the green, and uitii ih.-m Ibe Iboogbl "t peaer. The --in,?,ti, highway waa Ihronpd arith ramage* fruin early BtorntBg iniiii sandown. Veblelei el all Besrrtptbiin Sbeeb-d bi, but eUffy Ihey carried -,?. footmen. Kaw and then a coarblng party drew all cn- irma th" iiv.r, t-r s Bamber "I Mcyels riders sllrsrted iSltentlon, while on tbs bread wall akmgttde a iream of psdestitani tiniiid eonslsutly, A f.u earle t.t,,n_* (ditton to th.- Urn ? -aw ti,,. hmm hr* ?.f the warsMps pul oil for bore, towing their boatload* e,f marl. ? -I.**/ arortb Bering! bat it na not until nfl.rn....ti. when the cr.mi- came uptowo from Hue pji.-ni,., tbat RlvenMo rari. mn m ua llvcli.i. Tlie raravel*, nf nil Um il* t Bnefaored iu Ibe HudRon, atiraii the iu..-t attention v.di -iL.|,i*. There I- an odd fi *. Innilori Bboal Ihem, i (celina ol reverence for Ibe man waa tami i,, .<,u the SCSI ll. il|| lllllelll.1l || Illilll III -Ile ll I |||f|, -, n,|.|(|.., atal io lliilrntli.ii |nr Mm, i iv. r :,,.> im ,?.,,,,! . |?,.n -,,,, tl.e Bania Matta yesterday, The Plats Bad tba maa wen imt r.r.uiui:. Tnm the landing at the tao. ..f Ninetyu-iplith nnd Ninety third -t-. -le-iun launrlw* alni ..mail rewheela tamed almost a pontoon bridge l.-ln. cn lbs -Lure and lbs fann-il c*r:ui-l. Kverv Thc BUarni.i. cd , ure for nil nick h*adarlir_, Neaialgll or neiv-u* hearUcl.i**, lt iiij__.j._.:;uti. iru; boiUe io ? ii.-r i' - l bi si ?i ?'? eiplal ihi ?? urkln -?* of the . w bi in -*. n TillRl *. SIX "( RIX1KS' AltltKSTKI) i iii I:*-: m IRK "*>' THE PART Ol is-l*: '"!'?''. vi. i rmi un xx:, ni - xn N. ih.- lal e-t ..f . tntrolling ihe i road ul . *: ? rivei -ual ii. Un1 highway* during lbs naval rcvles B*n ii.ui-.i.e*. ami Uk land j. ? r.i"i<- yeateiday re] ? ' * . ' n p -rt of lb v.-'Ht e!..' , by ll ; ? ? e 'i m.!,,. il,- dlr < ie.'i ..f -npe i lui ? 'il *. no- . Ki .-rv one fa millar wltb Ihe 1 -ll- . ? pe pa rt nun I '. I,.ii, p ? ii , b ii ? ? ,.' |n 11. lor Mi kuna :?-*_?? of I u-i doini ol ihe (rail rnltj uf thieve*. Ul unn itally Irong men rj hi rome ie. i l* Bid In ii.. . ih m oi rritlral i-mei .:? in j. lt ba* ie. ? .: ..ct ..' i i.-u (bal I ?? never forgot a tun In otu an. Thl t. - olly ext IV Ibe av ? ant tt ut ol the Xi -i Vi rh ' ? rool .'* I :,.? li. ).- - tor's ;:.? :i Ot r>- lo !??? ??>-ti Cl ? : '? whi rt. ap] -if nil]. .1". i !? I lmr ida) bi d I'i 11? ?? nd tl- i- nit- ..f Hair ii.ile l.full,- - )???;.? Bili.elli I.t I'elle e 11. a li, 'll.l rt ,-r - N-t .-, nil Mr M, lr l.ltn-.rlf bad .i..-it_-. ol . ul Ibe four h Into v. hb h il,.- lin.* ol mar, li i i divided ye lerday, lil- eye* uer ever watchful, and a nuinlx-r ol ?Mi", ll m. r- ii, ni, ii, i, due bi bia ..'.l work. IV pli ? ll-l WetS ll* alli ull eX b lilllie tl, .il; 1 II.lie ai e,r,- ti. or ,,iii.-t ii.i i? fore ihe p db eUleit - ? ii.;,. Thej ii slade Mb iai I MurraV, Iblel, ll n ?mum Voting, pt. kp e ie Robert Hi pkln . pb ?? pm kel . William Luumrr, bIIbi III; >?<?- mar; J il n Lark*, plrkpoeki I . J ep , M irtln, Lover Joe, pk-kporket; nullum HUI, |rir||.u-1 ll, tin Ia -Hunte. Bili Kid Mo m. pb v.... 1. I Hill ian, Hun rn, pi. kp im h- 1 . I.- i" ' arith! b, ulla* Har l.-iii i".---i.-. abo hu- bing been known 'ee (he p lice; Annie- .in-k-iii, bBub Jennie Join . Rober! MiKlnle) plrkfkM-ki'l; Winiam Harrigau, Inirgl-u sud pli-h p..B i,.t t"narie* Wll-uin, alu- linke! Levi, burglar and p'e :-p,-ei.ei ; \1 iii 1 in In lr.-ii*, pi. hp .. kel ; Mill I.lill Henl). pie I* I B l.e I . \. itll.Ill Hill;. pie |,p,.e-|,e<t . .1,11,11 1 1H-, pi. i,|..? k.-t ; John - .-pp. iii.i.p... i.e-i ; liiie.uuei lin -h. bundar nnd ph kpnck.i; li.n.l Uo h.-ii. iiii.1- i:..i-i,i, pi. 1*|r,1 kel ; .rgo Mc('n>s, alla* Tuohey, pickpocket, nnd ?.rte Kim:, sneak thief. AU th,- pu Were eUVfBled bj the iintchlul deledlve* i * 1. ? 1 * - they liad 1 chanre iee work ml*clile_. N.e -teei(*ti property waa found In iheir 1.-*?lon. HIM*--,iiii: Ijinski: |.*i; DI un "iru r.i:-. ii,.* .linn.u I* 1 . h.* 1_i1.11 by the liol] ind S.letv t. Bight ill Hie lintel Wal.l.irf III Ii-b||"iI' ??( il.liner- of ide Dutch warship Van -peiii will ba elaborate in every detail. Nu pain- .,?? expense mil be spared by Hie rommltlee i.e mahe it 1 . H 1- eapecled thal nearlj -_:-?? 1- .pb alli lie present. The illnliii--.m "Ul be ?!-. .eat.-1 xx 11 ii the Dulrh Nail, uni Bower, Ihe tulip, and bb or. he tm Mill play fajnlli.ur liut.h, il" p.. evening, v.. -i.l. A cool) Itt'll.DlS'd UP nt n run down systi in caa l?, acromplisebetl by tho uss of br. Plerm-a Uolden Medleal lh. coverjr. A long 1 rucasBtau ofl ib-.-a.-.-s atart -ti..111 11 torpid lu er and impute blood. Take it, a.s yi.ti ounbt, when feel th.*. Brat lymptom* iian* k'U'.r. lost "t appento, duUness, depression) ami you'll auvi* yourself lr,em something ?*. ri>,ns. As en appetising, restorative tonier, t,. repel diaeaas and 1.mill np tba usedad Bash aad ?trengtn, there's nothing to ceiuul ir. It I'oussseveryorun Into healthful action, purines sii.l eanrfchea the blood, bracee np the whole system, and ro itores health anel li^or. l'\.r every dissaae canssd by a disordered liver er impure blood, it im :he 1 mtv' fmoimm- -*1 'r-d If it^ loCMl't l*-IICtlt Ml cure, you tiaro yo ur j ni-uey back. \ ? whe Tere to be* Wi mm nunn*- mr ?? view, left lb*** otel toon siter 1" o'clock. Tbe m-m ? ? . ? Kith titra n't'- ?*? retsrr fimbia, -. -rein*. I mii-le, .-ai. -ari -*nl- . and .**??'.et.t rv Horton, .-. retu-r Lamont reviewed th.- nagade from n ti ih 'ii I I III lt ? i l'i'' ?l '? ni an! bl* Ct in 1-. r,i..n- ii, r,* in* t lu Irani <-A "a- < IU ll ?*' br Xl.ii, i* i,.b* c.. *.*. i. escorted I em '-> I ie Mai >r'. i- . ', I t -i I . ., nj p.. ,: ? j , . . 11 reopened sa I ; de necretarr, waa a ? ? ? ? , a: ? ph--, i* ind aoaie Uni ... ||o returned !?-?? ("raven. I?r. Perri mill i> o' rj arti le*. T iere ena - ime p-r, lerln; bj c. ,'?'?? and thc blee_tng waa -t..p.- ' i ii, Idenl treated Ihe accident llg '*?? He m., for, ,ei to leave ihe - Ul Hall ihorilj I ton li ..', li* :.. Ju | bi Ibi b< ..-I .i Hie pr.- don . mbt be ??-ii up ii..:??lu.ii. i -? can ?-?- weul down Mar I. in \\.-i ii., which tva* found i" be no blocked ult!, tri . k* Bl <1 Vi i .' 111-" <:i rel a-_??*. Could I,, i gel through, not ??'.*'-? : ii- the effort* of Hw a.- n mit the driver* -f t'i" I'nrlott* wagon* i.i make u wai for then Thi carrin--?"* acre I urned imiiiud ii ?'. ci !-? ii i ? v* ni Hon 't. I ni Hill itreoi uv,, n. hh ? ind. I ? * (?my ".in h-:t for th- l-tesl .',. i*-. e.ll , :. ! the ? ri. I i |_e| l'i la ' ? Illicit al fill mis lee walk. Iii- Ihey did. and Hie pto ,, ion deni dow ? v.. ? i. tineen, .i : ic Wiidilngtun -i '.t t,. t'.e f ? i. ii nunn !???! < .-ii-i.l. i ibis ut tendon from lite driver* In the aireH uni ib- nun keimett, and Ihe It.-ai. ut ft?- pi.-ntl.v railed I.l*. bal Inn poii-u* lo Hie appian." whirl be reerlved. Th., vi. ol Ihe i 'Mint .-Ul.u'l*- nh.i >*.r** t,e go ?i i |i .i-.i v .uu ali, eli ni ih. -p. e lil t rel 11 llin'li tie f. nil... ai nut-bed .i.r. i titi, and Li a tew mini I- - ? |our ? . i . i I ..:?- ,,-, i r. Wofl I", lair -p. tile." hltd iM'gilll. -**??- r-*t:ii*l Herbert Jllll"*d the I .. '? lil'* parti lu .I.i ,y Un. Ile -iel* directly !r,.rn thu Ile.lp I'l. i iii Ini !? i * :? Bl i* I.-, i lhal He I'ie-l'li::' and -,.r-tu:i ii-i ' .;? ti ,ei (bb iir,.h around iiluit tu-ile pince ibu Ihe Dolphin yo?lerdav, lr ?:i* lmptmslt?le tn Let Bl ill Hill' el I le' I' el. ia," |e-lllt lill". Hill! il M-tiMiilnital report iipp.* u*..i declaring Ur*, i leva lund hml i ??? n ?? h.*.i tu leave (be IMpMn and ?_.. lo IVa-l Ingle ii nu n aprt-lal t rn In . >ti B4*rounl of n -uiIiIb-ii lllueo*. Tbls vu- wltlioiii foundBtlon. sin u.ul ib .Vaahlngton from Hw Dolplilu l> prevtoua amii it' iiiB-ut. ? ? ? TIIK .lol l.'M'.V I WARD CHICAGO li.iv i"is MAUR nv lin: pm -mi* l's TRAIN IM' I'l IV C.. |1V i.N e. lill! u Philadelphia, April BS. The iperial ?Vnn*ylvanla ii iiin ea. i t..iiu. bearing Prextdi-nl t'levebnd and bl* party, arrived In Wi I Itilladrlpbla aoon rfter il o'clock ihli iiri.-rn.i. The train mt* qulrkl; transferred from ibi Sea 1 ck dlvlilon lo Ihe nain lin- l.v pssi Ing through Ihe Tretghl yard*, tnt, ult.r engltiee kai i .-.-ii changed, ll lefl (or Chicago. Rm nain nt iratted nn especial allentbm, for ibe owupant*< were known io bul ien. the pinn having i?-.n cm neil nm ,-.. Bl lo iii,,1,1 a (Vin..n .j ra! uni g- tl,,- lir.eii.l -I. -t.i t i*.ti. Ai Flfly-i.mi-i. Hat ina, a -hort Btstnncc tej.i the point where Um nain bal ehanged e-n lm a I.Ile-r -lee'- Ka* lillCler lee Ink,- ,? |, :|,| ||. \ III Inboiham, 1'y ii'.rti* of the u.-iiii'- ulumbiaa Ba po llloil, and I A, H. IMil. uer, a ui.iii I,-: ol lbs l'.nii -jivaiil.t World's lau- (? nmU lou. Ilarritburg, l * nu.. April ?-??*. ile- i'.- kdentlal (rata did uni lop -n il"- i nie.n im-,-. bal rolled through iin* i,iK ohed,* hundred.ot people sud gathen-d lo ace ibe .li ,iiii-ulh..l nm.Hr-. Ii.-ld.-nt 4i.x .-iniiii waa alandlng up..n ih.- rea* pis I form and bowed ie-j.eui.-n> to ta. chi-i-i h.- crowd-, VVIUtam lt. 1 u Uiw, a m. t-nger ai the tutti -,,. _ : rhai ? ? ni a large, I...min.I. iienl bein the -ai.- I'n atliucnt. Il ? in.ii.m'eii io boord th.- irnln, and after budina li in the I le-llletlt -ll.ll BllgbU*] B MinBre ||S.I * II,,- -'.|l|,.ll. li Hen -t. Un- tram .lopped Bve intuit.-- ulill.. th. .-iij_lii*? mi.* .:,an,;,,i in,- i'i,-ii|eii .he-ok banda mill ;iii ii h. eleni,i leiuii him. urn ru hundred pcoplo Ililli Ila" lill.le'I ?. |h|* p,,|nl. Al ., Te luck Hie- traill continue I eui I* ll .u . (J EN RRAL I- I.. Il 11 RS i "KIA ll 1? Ueneral R, i.. Haye*, seveniy-tto yeera old. of Uh?<.inii.'hi. N. .1., be .un.- -.iiiid. niy ill yesterday at lii.iaiiiiiiy and i e.-nani st.. while fatchlni Hm prn ee ? .nil. Ile* WBB Ijllu-ll |<> (. ,11 ,*| Helli* lle.>p||;|| ^wn',',',,." "?_..'?"J?- "'?. "T* ******* lrom ilCmfleld. '" ta *" ""H ly "" J,yni*"' * FACE ALMOST RAW Eruption from Ilii-ili. Doctor and Simple Keinc-dii*. I-'uiled. Cured In 3 Wecka by Cuticwra. to than:; yo'i f? Cn- nod tl,ki CUTICURA lieut tl" .? ,|i,t j|_ I e .-||ltj,?, ^ ' ' ?: ni-.nt li, '*? SSI ti.ucB Med Mag -I |K*rti.iit. u'lt Milli .-'ella b en ultel nu; la. SBd BS Brid tn- Hur.r t,e be <:....?? far lt Af* *iu.p|rr i.-li' - ssd v.-, r.... J de, aili' gtrid. At ll*' I thieli^ht u nv ' I ll I i'.l KI.MIUII - ,2g th-- 1*.-ult I* noiKl'H il. Mi vu|_ .i-.-: i i li' I ll*. III.*iI nih.-, ' ?'! ! ,r,, - a ?'? rr. At the' t li** ??_ lll.t C.llllll.-ll '?* 1 Ifl 'I-*- ? I' I le. I'll* tr,,, f.e. , wi. BeUno*! in* lt levikeg ?. i tli-- .ii..- .i. u burn ii..'ii I h..* ,f ttl, /A *";? C-l -Kl . "i- |?e.*l*1 Off, aal ult-*- tttmg 1 ^-*- s- i tares aresk*' bis *.r um iv* iii t 57 ki;..i K Ul un li ?*?*? carra I did 5 ' Ct flt'I'RA "Cull aa,< bb| Sj mu h. hut in. result ha- rhanged nv u.tnd. 1 mi: nev* bc therm. IV. A. DANO, 174 ililiat*:-?t., -tswait, g. I. Having: had ai 3?cra--aleri ?'il*' of -"'""ia BB an?:* m-Q kiipp of tiree vc* ?' -und ne I "ti- ItidiMed t ' tri > I U. TH' KA Kl.MUM h.**-. ii ii-li nu*.- ?'iieil HBBiiid nith eonUdeoie reiwoubead theta t,, ,t,;. ?: aili l< .ted. J. CASTES, IOI !?:. UM rat rt, Nen-Vora. Hi.-ly Cuticura Resolvent The? new Kleid and Mun I'ulll r an I jr.-it.*-l ..r , lune* Rea* lu'., intitlullv :t. rieaii*.- the bl.."*! eef nil lu-purlt:**, mul thu* reiiioin thc eausf . sod - I Tlt't'KA tn.' great .skin (ure, and (I Ibi KA mi.H*. au < i>, - ? s ,,B BeaaMttsr. extert.aii.r it" emil ihe rills an'l aralp sad te* -tuM the hali.', ?ur- evsiy ape* ku <*f ait'eiii/uig ii.-iii-ig, burning, m-bIj- sod pimply dl-ci-c* of ike -iviu, icalp, aug blood. .1 litlKA, BBB.? .-en.XP, _5-\; SFMOCVEXf, el- Prena'el hv the POTTER CR':. _Nu chK.micai. coki'oi'.ation. Haman. (7* "Hov io (ure 8kin l)Hen*??. ** 04 ]*i_cx, AO lUti*. tratiB.ii., and SMllSd tfv" _,-.- ? bb. rf |l'L.._S, tlae-klieaa.. red., tkmffBi ?nel olly ..'.i.e cured hy i Lilli HA .*-"-'AI'. I CAN'T BREATHE Chc-t Pilot. --?. BM ??? aVeStUMIeB, KseklBg Co>ieb, A - t'jii.i,. I-;.., n.i. and Initii' ...t...a rebei ni lo one minute I.r th< t ut ia uro Auti.l'Hlii >Ptaa*rri S laing like it lor W, ig fl ll ES It.IC ISC, IS ti BM AU S T, J*Q Ill.r.lilS AM) POltEMV Ml" ITT 111* IV Tildi's* AM.-; Ol" PEAgAHTR ll 'Mi:r.r*."?. ll. rim, Aja-ril it. The dmuUi li.-i- til red all tlio rural Bfattflct* af lbs Empire uii'i-tiully Habla to iir--. .-md miny reporli of vMane Brea am received Bally, in w.-t Uennaay aereral f?.r..*r. nave been perttally deatreyed and ike autkofttlra of GoMenig Inii.. fori.i.i.bii Uta MiioKini of alpara or uMorerai pipes In laai streets until Beptenbcr. Many iiie* l.ii.. |? ,-n lieclte-l bv eeeui.t.-r in-e.. Whtah r> t.i.x - -1 iii.- combustible BMtartalc Hom iii.- path of tic* gamut In lb ??e-.\;ir-.iii -eural iiiiage* have b-eii partly bumed. The iiiia?i.. i.f ki.-ii_.iii lu Hi- Black K-.r-.t im* 1*- ii almost eUltcratsd. Tic* lin* wot darted by children pliii Inn v. ith BWtCbca J/il'--. e,f ThoiiVinls of j.u.iiiv An- lioiu.l.f.s In Western lienrsaay, and troupe hero been -ent rut With lents nnd f.I ta relieve them. In .lu-trt.i lluii-'iirv tareel und iHIhk.- lin* :.."?? .t- ivi-ruti- _ in Gi i iii.iny. UR SOOTS SHITERS SETTEE SOS WORSE Another Bay wtthout hnportsut cluu ri- t> be re. irded in ibe caaa of Edwin Booth, abo i> dangvr* omi) -bu at the Players' dub in (.rum rey Park, V'-'e-nliv u.i- th>- day f. i- a kop fal report, an*l lt b.nile uecr-iin-ly, the p'p-'rt Mug lbs I Mr. Be dh mts ir anything i little better, ll- rcwtlnaee, according to the aocounU oe' iii* physician, Dr, at. ? i-ur imo lu, lee -le-e-|l Heil. te. ie-l " X . Tl ..Iel ,. l.ll- ! ,. ll-il Ile ll t. Dr. Ire-iii.,nt r-uilin sihtit the night willi Mm is u-nal. All tliat lil* pin-ie lan mil iii- friends .-?* I al ita to do I- t-e watch iiuu. and null ie_i* .- -juc- development-tar better or worse. MRRTISOE AM) SSTSMTAISRRSTE. Th-- sanes! .-f uv Nsw-Torii a ssl wy si the Archaasteglcal lasHtala sf Anama mu ks -. ?: at liam iiti'ti Hall, Cniiiii.bia i allege, -* t M p. ra. ts4ay. Thei Amphion iii--* elah psis n- L-t prtvsei caa rt f-.r th-- -?-a.*.en Bl WilUr-1 Hill. MoOmA Vei-MB, li-' Bight. I'Ml.-JMJr Henry lt. tf- -ia*, th- tmrnomtg r tmt Ute dab wa* ssstssBd ly Mme*. x'in fin Heads sod M-i. King. Thc n-iiiib-er** lasslVSB *pei ini atten' ie>a ?'LaadBlgbltag,'' "Xun nf th- Miara*," Jtu4 * Th<- Utfl and tic fmaaj Cat," ail given ky tai club. Th- Hex. Dr J. MP. <: man xvH1 leefeUa Bl Tcirpls li "i'll I OB lr- terna L'BNMtSB.. .r ae.' L'nil_ri_M j-ee,"*. ,.|| > ,-|.|,ij nu..mtier. TbS Ili.tera.H sn :?ty Big bald ii lir'lert <- the I.i.larc S. ? ii-l.i... and Kl- ve'iUi--: , Tu-.iiy .'leam**, wbaa Albeit R. parsam ? .: read ? | ip. r ,.? \.w l.lBht I'prti th* li!.n-.e'n, Aiitlfjrltc . f th ? Nntn* .>ef .lii.erh*. and U.e WgaMcrMBl -r UM Ann- ..r tlc liiUcd *?tJ*V*." At IbS ?**'iiiiiay aftenMSa SSIVlte al the Mn'* iRitRats, go, -222 Oawery, Ur* bevealh PkeshgtaMau Church gasreet uial l*r f. ---.., Valentia***, Um caitssl ?..loi-t. -eui take' part. An.,. P. IV.Wt Wit) Biak .ia olil ? -. All -I lill l-l I .tl,* I'l'lr.*! IVll! At) .1 Ie* I- | !? lee'lUg ue-n by Mr. K?t>- rt B '*? -it. Wt m ult-tn-.-u gt 4 SfcteSfe at tic* li*-; Flighty dalh et, 1 -:au*.li ri Us Touag Moo's (lin* A*-- ' The alxty-nlatb Baalveriarr ol the An: rlcea gaaday* * ? Iib.-I t'tiie.i "ll! te l.-ll tn th-- K'ft'i Vi-iii' Itapti.. Cbarrh, ii' -*t l r. > - -: \ *,, ? I rn evealag AS ?i: --. ? mu bi l.y th- Brr. Dr. _ ii>.n-, af Iir-. ?*!;.-ti, Dr. la.ic .1 arel Btba .. - _,_,.? MOTES d' tue staci:. T'e tSOtk ;? H-innaii.-? . f 'A Trip lo liiiuatniin" u*. tho M.-xlljei-i .Sipurc TBSSSN --ii- r , ii- I ISM BlgBB. ll WM . v. rated by ru,* piaataiBlluii --t Um u-.a ?ouvealr, ?v*a lltiS tlUIr- Ma* a bleel/e- .'.at.a'.t -.e' Wei..lal BtfOBg bvldlBg ,ii.. ti, riunurit-r la Uh bark el bli aeek. lt li t.*r u-ixl a-, a rompanltai ls tae lange e,r tha widen, whick nas dletril uteei e.n ii cereal -itiiiuir oecaalaa. M>- i.t.y Bdiaaad ulled sa ITe-taesBaf from - Bk. .nt pt. a .,11 tn.* Havel. M.** Baaaaad wtB iiiak** hr ur*i in-ri au appearance eu Monday, May a, at IVtiy Fit*. : ? iiicatic. iii.* u?( p >? ?r "FBg \\'Giiiu_t.etr- i * M -- iv ?> i whian uud hei bs*?pani argil br glvoa ai te. i Ale nu.? linoti* thl. .i.lilii,'. ll'ilu.iiii II. ( ia. Bil laka brave -f Mb fri nd* a: th mar, ptaftaj "U- JahB." lilia l.ubi (jia.'r baa been rpiBBgrd f i Ihe pori .'. is-ol a taa Isrikesariag rsvtvsl ol "Enutat ' i.. ie la 1V.1* ti. TUB a'.illeine at th,* ena. ,.t e-( t.. -.-iliae *i UIT lani- tu th-' IBiphllhfBlra -: ll.-- Mel*. -, - p.a. ... la mm : Ighl (rai arid t" i"* tin- ia -.-i bit :. lt boil e'len up| ? linnie* ut b* ti*.- -. fa ?.:, ). .. a* crowded in ei ry pa ? lie ia-t roucrH sill hi tal* if tern ssa. rn- aiiiiniiii. en an- .- n-adr Cir the u*.,' ? t . i ia Brill open f.u lbs msbsb sb Maj lb lr rik Hl't/. a, tun." nanami tal th I'-asbtaa*' ., ? pail.., lull .-nd 111. ? "lui' ?<?'?.'. ii x. i ttl Hie- e,.m:iiu. U.i ...eW i un.'i-uv "i .>,-,-BBi-ii,, nail .*ir*. iwiifi ,*i > '.. *??? iH'ITManwinn Hebwetatti aal Com* Qatkamknaf, ot Reritai Mi M.-'- ii.j.,. m. xi..... i .n?-ei e.. I.. ,..i n; um and 0 ss issi ( . ? - Hatasa, .,f In-iiitu. **!' IAMBI e .en marni, i juhu gebsuler, United .-t.i i Net ? VW* Ti. kia -a-i? iv Patter, ut ih.-. .n. lili'llARD STORMS LOCKRD I I' WITH MRASOE. KL I uni St,.rm-, a l:ui_*r. ivll.-e itudMll Bad A -.?ii of Hennaa Munn*, ot Park nuke, wham Eotkn | (--ell.t llitiil-iiiiii*. T. Mitii-i.n and In- f,.ll..uer- tOM ; iptred to rbeal and talmud, i- ia juli bi HaebieJia_k , cksrneg xinii petty larceny snd s**taHng in cu# j sp'racx. Killumi -au*, l-l..un. il .,1 lite- BirSBt Qt 'di I BMtber, taut ber and -*i*ie-r, lugethu with .-ina ? ?*?? i .lohn the Puptlat, Waa, Waa i-*m. Br*. WbbIi ; Stewart and .lane l|..i\ell. nml ?! peiiut-'l-'U ; tn xi-h tin.m. jp. mtenxet tn be i-i lyuiaatby wi* linason ami his peculiar rrUg.ou. oeremunies and-'11" ! inned ut Hu. milon. of Justices -Smith ami Wo**"-****-" I dike mul Iii folk Ridge xi lm hud ..-cured IDS : amata, li.* Informed Mnsaun lhal he mao* mam * lull Investigation ,,f tin- ckargi" ol I--ni pine >'? Tbe li ngkalred evaugelbii gtket Uk-uard ts -'"te i lbs home" and bring io the Jail *otn< in"'"- sue * I sum of money hidden lu H.liar. Hi. had BM sa ' ret|uested, but l..*f. r.* ke left Park RHge he ws* ir rented, lb- wai token bark In tim Ila. ion-ad* |su In charge .if .-.ii i.iiu .1- anil locked up lo mi anna next s-tiitcmber, unless i-nii-.i m #1.000. wk-sra (-.peeled t.i be graduated rn Lue. tnt InknJ* uriest mn, ii |? heart, althougti Mns*(n says laen -mii bappmlnpi m. amii-dlug m .i.-d's desire, mi" ??? thc U*st lu tl.e .Hil. noni; RfBAlft roil fort ix lien if is an jv from the noiae, the siiiojic, md tb.. crow.lH oi tin. etty attueta ilrVomn Hon:' Hrook Uah all cn*, ci.iii.-nn u. ?c.*-Telford p*v?"*i streete, nbltwulku, ekutiie lighting, pure water mid goad sewerage I .anil la clieiip, tm ure ****** Sepd for our l>iok?? llome-e-eekeie,'* to JC- Sj fierce. Bouud iltooji., _*.. ...