Newspaper Page Text
Total* . '.) 14 27 M 1 Clam*, p. iJ tl 0 1 0 ; T-ul* . 2 5 27 13 1 Boston . 1 0 0 o 0 ?'? 0 -i 0 0 New-Vork . 0 'J o l i o o o 0-2 Eortied iubi Bnitea ?>. Rew-Tork I. PIM baie i.v err-ir.-lynton 1, Kew-Y-Jik 1. Lett oa i.a*-- Boston :?. Xew-Ysih 4. litst Baas mi tall?Wt Nichol* 1, "if Klug 3, lett x rat..- 2. .-true :k out-ll)- Nichol* 1 hy Ring 1, br ( rale* 2. Thr"--li-" Mt?Dari*. Two-baae blt Dennett, .-sa' hits?Hatti, l-nlb-r, Lyn*- S.oleti ba--*-Long, Cuiiuil _ !-.???. Barbe. Doable plo- - Melanin and Tucker. HU by piMc i-imi.-i, burke. _-*?.*_*d baUs-Doyle ?_? I'aiplie?OaBary. *'m,.* ol game -1 44. Till. KKCOKD.S. Club*. Won. Lo*t. i?ei et (int... Wsa.j_est.Per <-t. _-e-.el.iii_.'J 0 1 ("'?? : (huai--.. .1 1 .BOO Wa.hl-.R-.eii ....ii 0 1X100 Louisville . 0 1 "<" V<"t/.n .....1 0 IXWO Nrw.Yoi* ? 1 -OOO Philadelphia ..1 o 1.000 Brooklyn .0 ' ?""" M. Loul*. j 0 1.1**1 | l'itt*biir_ .0 '- i" tincinmti .1 i AQO I Batalmoie .0 - -ooo OAMI.s Irt-DAT. New.Ynrk Va. l'..*t"jn, at Psta (.round*-. Nc vt-Yura. philadelphia ra Brssklya, ai PbHaBslp-ls fct. Louli VS. L'l-il-ville. ot M. Louis. Cincinnati vs. Chit aim, at (imiimall. pittsburg ra. CIsvetaraB, at riMaburg. Baltimore x-. TTaahtagltlT. at MslttasM-S. Kuile and .Silv.-tts will li" th-.- pllrtHll in the came at thc rom umuna* MUsy. The game between the- Hartam A. A. ?nd the Allerton leam* will take thl. afternoon on tho ki ".und* al -ins-huDdreH-aThl-elirhth-.t. and KiirhUi-av.-. BEATKN IN THK FI HST INNIS''. BROOKLYN F1ILS TO OVFKl'OMF. PHIL 11">*.L PHI A'S EARLY LEAS. Philadelphia, April 2*.-Fight (hn.i.aiid. one hunilteU ind forty-two persons san* Philadelphia taint Brooklyn In the opening game of ghi ?.a-<.ri (ee-dny. There wa* no ?eicet parad'-, len tue rlub- marched a. ree-s thc Held behind a hand and the IpSSBMSSS thee ltd. TM kSSM team batted freely In ISM llrst Innlne. mid aaewrsd I lenad whlih th- visitor, enid not *. Th.' Hreee.k lyn pile hiT nettled down UMfiafMr, and hit* mott MO. Wejrhlne ir?? effective until the last Innlnir. when th Bridegroowia ?-ored three run* on two eliisl-., a (L.tiblc ? nd a batter hl( by a pMahed kail. Bovie played at (lr?t for Philadelphia, and slgnnlir.-d hi. Iu'lial tn* laurance by making a double anil a Itagis mid si.*ullii! two bases. Thr score: PIllLADl.LPHl.x. BKOOKI.TN. r l b po a e r lb BS a e Hamilton. If... 1 1 3 o tl r.rlflln. rt. 1 I 2 o 0 Thompson, rf. 1 0 1 0 0 DeUhanty, cf.. 1 l ii o o Hallman. 2b.. 1 12 2 0 DotV*. lb. 8 2 11 l 0 CHun-emt*. c.... 0 16 10 Reilly. 8b. 0 o 1 1 o Font/, :t ... 1 l Bein,-, if onion Bro,.ther., 1 tl. 1 2 'J 0 0 Dali :c .... 0 0 2 I) o Ku *ji, I o .4 a 1 C.r- iir-.'ii, mt... 1 2 1 C. I ?"*????*? ". " " 1 ? *? : x ur' ui-iui wi... i . i .. . fflte". **. ?"" 2 | Kli.nlow. c. 0 14 0 (I Weyhlng. p ... 0 0 1 t ? I (talla, p. OOO I 1 Total* . 1 7 27 10 11 To'al* . ?" 7 2tTT H Philadelphia .ii atauini 0-t n.nek yu .0 0 10 0 10 0 et?I Earned runs-Phlladclphla ... Itruoklvn 14. Fit-t kass br e*ror*-Phllad.-lphl<_ 2. Hiooklvn 2. Left uu bi*. iTilladelptila 4 Iirooklyn ".. lirst i,r_m-. ,?, ball*-ntl Weyhlng 2. ntl St?*ln 2. streicfc nut Uv Wevhlnu .'? hv Stein 4. Two liaae-hitu-Hoyle. ClemaaM r^-1nin Cor. 'oran. Raerlfl-e hlte*?Reilly, dements. llamilUju tV-vh Ing Burn*. Brmithere. Malan l-at-e.-llaiiitlton. Bovl ?' 2. Bteta. Double stays Csefatsa t<> Rktaudaea to l'.'n,..f.? er*. Hit bi pltrhei-Rv Wsyhlae 1. liv stein 1. Wild PK-h-Steln. Fniplre- Hirst. Time | hour,. -?? ? HA MKS IX OTHF.K CI Tl Ls. Pittabiirg. April 28.-Cleveland again defeated the hom" ?***?? to-day by the aeon* of r. to 4. nedwin SMlWd la te pilch, bot -after a triple, a double and a -Minde were ??d? off his delivery In thc third ii,nins by the Spld.-r*. be waa relieved by Khret. Baldwin -uld he *_>i*alnc1 hi? st" In thl* Inning. F.hret pitched good WU Ute rc.t or tba gorflo. In the ninth, with two out tod the acurc g Us aad a man on third, Zlmroer rame to the hat and kasckaB oat a long blt, winning tha gama for bli club. ChWda waa hit In the noie by a *wlft grounder and bad te retire, Ewing taking bl* place. Clarkaon got caught ARE THE GIANTS PIGMIES i BOSTON ALLOWS THEM TO SCORE TWICE. M.IV-YUKK'.S IDOLS ri'.O.MISl*: ?0 ?0 BKT-KK ArrES THl.Y HAIL 1-KALilSLU AWHILE. t, a.m BU v M.-'-'v. iminrn 12. BslUaawi e. 1-OtWjSSt 1. nrcokiyi. 5. tieve.aud 5, Hitt-fJie I- ?? '?(":'; a* ?^S_ ' tatcago ll, l-UMMBBU I- ?*** *? f-'***yu"* - sae ??...nt.* -teaMi mm ??? ??**' ?-'? -nf ^""-???t 'n mom, cha.aetrrn.i. US?*e*te?? ...r...?_e.,ng u, . ___u irarrior-j e'r.un New-England, liox iii(.*o BUabty BBseaau waru.. - - ton wans and BSSSta bs* hall ar,, pretty bard to brat ?ino I'olo ..round* a MM P^SSBteB a .rand r Mghl tatt .esterday aRerassa, whss tai Bssteual Lesgac i hsjapisa* ' ... fe>rniallv .i|?*ti"*(l. (.audy coiori-d Hans .Iud *ea*<eii "a* rerni."- i - --?* from llanda .ind fem <** and flutter, d md t tinting floatixi rrom . ., ?.....,,? ari ?xiii? Ihe ll-it lcm primml-- a gala i ,n toe April BM * i" . , . ...nret tm tm s '?? "",l- *f** had beea plaei-d ? 11, the grouod m SMTS th** t,..,l lm- nml ,??? ??? na * wim H"'"' (,n"'r"'ld htwlViwoBa, nindi* _* pretty a Dal a is a t."a L'r'"'" BWMiad kalgM SVvi trod BB. l_i BBS BSMsaari sad UM L'ataolk Prstc-tary band. Dre*-cnt, and IriSd to outdo sack oth'-t in liv. iv mt Jmmmt nonie. Tue ooth Begtawal Band eacerted tn.- Boutoii team ,0 tke tliamoni at i 20 p. BL .mud ni-rciec cr'',, o: ******* Irt"" ,l1' sp-tii-Jt*. ivii. ii. howeiv, nitecn MUMlS* lat. i. tli CsthoUC Prut ctwy emu. of oo pieces, id Bm Utaat* tarwaiU, ih-' spptsaie u*. dcarcnim:. and li.t'-u le.r Beveral niinutj*. The croud iiicfcea ont it- fjiorlt.* | lay t- and the Um was enough to snatter car Orana ated nerves, Wen m" gsrsa t-'-cjie at i .00 p. n. . avery In the xa*t taetasaie na- aecapted wbUs the sisw-a m tin ita :d. were jamtiici Jr..:e* ara* .'l^" a linc of -pcri t.n - around the held, and ??Dead Head lilli" beM Ihswssnda n^ore. The .eating (Bepaclty ol th<* Rrouiid* ha. bees pined at i5.(ioo. th-- ?*, nj,;,, iv" w?. eertalaly aol ?uflicient. lt was thc lui p -t cnoi-I Ulai hu- vier mt ne*?e-d in epcalag sani<* In tins e'ltv. and it t- .clduin liiC'ed. that Mich a croud I* tren al anv outdoor -ixirt in ttu* or any o:h-r .try. Inc police arran|;e oientfc were p"?n.ct and ther- wai ro erawSlag, aim ui.* UOde (rriurit.lln'l heard na* directed ai UM elevated lall reid tiyeivni. Which -lid not handle thc croud as well *? lt might have dr ne. All (he New-.Yolk player! SJ rc heartily applauded when Uiey MSfpeU t-o the plat. . Th* *icli..irie extended to Connor and Ward was especially iMSity sad Hard re cetved two bea"i..ful floral elfin. laptan Hard. CsptBtB Na*h and Fn-ptre UaUBlJ h, id a cousultat.e-eii lejjarllm Ohe tnteipr?t*tl->ii ot tnt iul--s hefore- the (rame. Bollon-* easy rbtoty na. du* to the superior cpr.ditton of thc leam and capciially t-> th- pitrh.t Ni, hols had teriih-" >p?d dud he i ever piu-ln-d a boiler caree th|n the on" yc-r-i.Inv. Kvery member of the team, wlich ha* just r*turne*1 ftom the Seuth, wa. in ?up*rb condition. New-York'j- d?reat wa. due to peer batting and Vt Mns'i, lack of condition. King'* curves weie r*tr*d for 'en hits ind Ha earnf-d run. In hal! a dot.-n irnlT.Bgs. liane pltehepd the latter part ot Uie game. The Hiar.t* had ?he lead whrn a little thing happened which turned the came and decided the vle-tory. In the sixth innlne there a mau on lli>*t. and one out. Fuller left hi* po-ition te cover s-rond base and is he d;d so, Tucker ..-nt a int past wn. rc inlier generally Hand*. Had he \*een tn hi* accustomed place a Usable pl:y xrould hax - lcsultcd ard live run* would ra.->t baie been male. H'ard .ent the champions first to the bat. re.ervine the last inning for the t.i.-int*. Long, th- t.r.t l?te*r,an, led o!I with a pretty hit to centre field, and arter Carroll had been put out Dully dupli. ati-d Lear's teal. Dully im? mediately started fur MCSaB, and ?hi!e he Wai b run out Long .eorcd. With two mi'ii on banc In the third Inning, Boston agata tri-1 the trick of having lbs Giant* run out u man between nr.t and -??? und. A clever throic hy IVard to thc pljte eapturel Carroll, and no run resulted. The (Hants Weis put out In short order for three Innlncs, but in the fourth on* run nos made and the score wa. tied, and the crowd howled merrily. Burke was itraek In the* back by a pitched hall and weal t" ll--t He nant down to second like ;, streak of li_ht. Ilurk- t....k on Tlernan". long fly to ri^ht BeM, and he Mored on a neatly executed sacrifice by \V?rd. In th* next Inning Daii* :.-! off with a drive la left 6e!d for three bj-es, and the thousand- re.-e nj, j, ,,,,_ man ind made mur* nol-** Oihu ha- bess heard at th- I'-lo (irounds In year*. The new Otaal had beesflM a popalar idol at one mlchry sn nu* of hi- aim-, lull, r rould Bot bring hlui home, b'H Lyon* could, and did, hitting safcl} to centre Held, and I'an* - ? t-d. King then went all to ptaSSS in th.- sixth Inning, and his curve* were batted in WlSty dir-'otieeii. th- . hampiotis scoring Ux-e run., and Batatag the frutid- e.f tal Glsats sore Indeed. McCarthy hit .-af-ly tn left fl- ld. and Hurd made a clever catch of .Nash's Hy. Fuller ran over to caver second just ae Tucker hit pa?t the unguarded territory. It wa. a Pn ky Mt and it was probably MBBMSMble le.r the commanding lead that followed. Lowe hit tn Ml tleld and Bennett followed with a two-baudr past Butke. natlsg Tucker and Lowe. Xtebsta then hit ta ce-ntre- fn-id for a brno lun, and Boston had ?i.\ rune to two for New-Y.-rk. The crowd yelled fejr SaSSS, but thu Hoosier thunder? bolt was reserved for to-day. Kit.g. however, wa* Mal to the bench and Crane went in to pMeh. He did ail right In the seventh luting, aud it was not hi* faull that Boston scorod three more inns in tim eighth inning. In tins inoinc Bennett and Nh hoi* nen- , ut ont and Long tried to strike, out, but Do-ie alloiM'd Un- hall to BB*a li.m aud Ijong reached ni-t safely. Long then stub MCOad aod he ?cor-^l on a hit by Catroll to rlsht held. Du:lv ?:--o blt safely, and McOaiShr "a** SSBI te-, hr.t on calii-d balla. Captain Nash then Int safely la cen ire held, Bearing Cairoll and Duffy. After th.- fourth urning the ..lantn were belple_x before Mein.V's etragetic fsKehlag, and they made only two base-hits during Hie remainder uf the Kuti--* Here ls the tabulated n*ult: BOSTON. NI'IV-YORK. r lb po i fl t I ii po a e Long, Sb. 2 1,30 Burk". If. 1 0 .'j B o Carr-jil, If. 1 1 1 o 0 ? lK-rnau, ri. U 1 1 0 o Duity, ef. 13 10 0 lllaru. 2b. 0 0 3 3 0 Mriarthr, rt.. 1 3 3 1 U I Cut-tor, lb... .00720 Nash. 3b. 0 10 3 Illili., 3b. 1 '_ 0 2 I 'iucser, lb.... 1 1 14 0 0 1 nih r, .?. O 0 12 0 Lone, as. 12**0 | Lvhiih. cf. (12300 Benn'-tt. c. 112 1 Oj Du" ie. c. 0 0 4 3 0 Nichols, p. 110 2 0 Klug, p. 0 0 0 0 0 THE TIMES, LONDON, Says of Apollinaris "Its popularity is chiefly due to its irreproachable character." a ii balk in the third Inning, Bdvaaetag ruo men who vere on ii r-t and lorond, tVeather Bae; attendance, 1.500 li... -eena: loveland .n i a 0 o n 0 o l-l Ittsburg. .1 :. 2 o o ti l ii 0-t liii-eini- Cleveland 1" I'ltU'ourg 7. i.r, er- Cleveland i. ritt-i.ut. 2 Bxt-erie* ilark.on ind O Connor; Ehret.*i in uni Miller. I'mplre -Lynch. if*. Louts, Aimil 2- ut-t n*.., mea were ent la the hud Inning to-day, iv. r vu made * tingle amt Brodie tat }||init fi,'.lawed Wltb double*. Thc*. t?'B earned tun- Be. idea tim ganie. Thi Brown* madi one rna in lb?? BM -ii error*, imd Louisville neared the nama wm* in the eighth, ie* l*-.e*!i.- WU ld'* ll ,,,,1 t|,.. pj,j -imrp Hill brilll Ult. ute nd mn-. 1,720. Tba icore: jOUlavllle . 0 0 o o 0 0 0 1 '1 1 >t. boali . I 0 3 0 0 0 (I (i 0-1 I-..-.?:,it. Le.-ii-iille 4, st Ural* s L:rier-- l...'il-iill.* I, Bl Lniili I- Batt--!??-- Hemming and Harrington, .l.ii-i.n .ucl Iii,en.* MrQuald. i un un,ut, April 2?, lu-u'i and Iti- "Colt*" Bad weet revenge on the- borne leam ko-dar- llutchln*>tt .ii.hed a masterly ir..-,w tor the ii*it..r.?. The Cincinnati* mild du little oi aothlBg with hi* delivery. They were poverie** uni the u-ii.u. won wita plcat-y ta ?para. .-tendaacc, 2,0' o. Tba tt te i lu.ii_? . i e. .-, n o 2 l ?_? n-il lue intuit* . 0 0 I' 0 0 0 ii li ,1- I Bii-e nit*-tiiiiHem ?. Cincinnati 4. Krrora?Chicago 2, inrlnnatt ti. Balle ri**? liuti-hiaen and Klttrtdgoi l.-n-i, .ii* mtv rlaln and Vaughn. I 'lupin iiiisiiim.": n, April 2a.?To-day'i gam between Ute flTaahlagtoa ami iiaiiTTne-r-- team* ?a- replete wiiii brill* ?nt gelding on the part el rn.* home .e. Ron a*?l?_ed n a double play thst wa* the feature nf ti. ? raab i E*per, niul.- lomewhal ?ild. pit,-herd an effective game. Wadsworth nn the other hand sra* batted (reel- ind eave any tu Schmidt In the eighth taning, who did l-ctti-r. Weather clear. Attendance, ll,OOO. Th- K rc: Kaltlmore . U2U|000 10-B fVaihlngton . SIOBOS.O 0-1! lin-- hit?BalUmore 9. M.* i -1.1 r, ?_-1.. i j H. I'M'!- Haiti nor- 7 11 .i-i, ii-*-"- Mi 0. H 't" Hen?Wadsworth Schmidt ind Mllllfran; I-p. i and Farrell. Umpire?Mclaughlin. Provide in-.-, April st [Spesclal).?Biewa BcffMeB Dan* nouth her' r.,.,;,,v tn a bally contd*-**! game, ivhit. Steted ti Drowa and O'Connor for Dartmouth, the latter raving exeellenl eootrei al tbs bali, 'ino ?coie down .:i 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jortmotith .0 ti 2 0 0 0 0 ai Haran nab Avguata :c Sm in?ah I. A( Cbattanoofa?AUenta 12, Cbatmaoegi 2. At BtrmtBgbam? nirmlaeham 12, Mempbli 3. At Mobile? Mobile |g, -donurotnety 4. At U-ar! .-tuii-Mao.n 12, CharimMa 4 o-:i 0-2 HAULANDS ON PROBATION AND CANNOT PITCH. Cambridge, Apni *.s (Special).?Il ?*_- learaed taAnj hut -Jack" Highlands, Harvard'i itar pilcher, baa beea .Ut on pr.tiattuii and will therefor.* b- kept 1MB pim mg ii the I'r,nc, tBBi. game Muy c.. iii* leave* Wlggla and plien a- UM i""-i ' !? lu batt.;y whi.h Han.nd can ion put Into the* ll* ld. _ mn WESTERS LEAUUK cr.t;ani/.i.1). Kanvs (.itv. April ZS.?*rba Western Uaeebsll I. Mg - ? aw orgaalMd y-t riv wiui six club*, and tim prospect* ,1- ihii t?n ii"-- i'r-* will ct.-. I- i-r- the leaaan mm talrty begaa, Twe long icaaloni wera t.-id yeaia di md Bftet mun di-- 'i ?1 -n the (allowing ctttea wera [e,D,,e-d into tie-* league: Kansai City, Denver, Omaha, ropefca, iiici.t... I*-??... ii i. thought that Leavea* ninth. and M. .I?pu. M.e , wm aba saan m. L. C. limul1.'II, a -Well - l.:i.. vu ba-iall n.mi ind presbteat ot mk* (Md Westra Ueagae, Una elected pveaUwe and Jau.e-s iviiiiti. i.i, aeretary and tnssaier. A PROTEST ASAlXS'I Y.xi.i: cati ll l.l'.s. New-Haven, april 2-.-it ts stat-d tt te la-aey that lMtl-u teen im- pi -le-- el i.e-'/;* alni LteenWiy, Ul-- null 111,, li limitiltl, i.lillie r- e.l tl..- S ila I ...le -? bl.- drill Ib-jiii, Thi- win rid dually crtpyli tba college t.*.im aalesa lha lUUtte'l I- pi I' li.d Up -J- 'lill ? TUE FIFTH HAY OF TIIF. SRRNtRRS RACES. le Hiing*, april '2-*. On the filth day nf th- WatatagtSB lork.y Club tben ara* i targe crowd, i'he Hack wm hcaii. Flr*t nit, p-i-s- ei'-n. Balling UuM^qasrier mil.?Mat*. .merit., h.,ii, is.-uner-.. second. Fagot i'e rt 1 ,,,? 1 itt), .s.-e end rae-e, bandi ap. purse S&uo, ona mlle?Anna )t. won. Boiler e..-..nd. Bairat, tuted. 1 .na--1 ;4'.i. Third me-.*, primary ntakee. gas tarisajs ? Apao?Usa won. Domingo *.nd, I* Julve ti.ini. iime-i Od. i o.rtii nea, aaa uiki om*--ixt.*. nth mils*; pur..- s.'.oo IV.-t, boater ween, J-p ic..: .?.-. ..lal, Ueorga C. ti-ird. in:..- 1 :.".:. Fifth lace, handlea;., st-p'.-rha c-F. me W'.n, I*, ph In secmd. I'at Oakle] tl. id. lim- ( ki. Tbs e-iitrle. for p.-day are ne fOitowa: Fi:-t race, Bve-elahUu -t a mlle, .-liing-Mar BlrB, 115; ilnii,n-v iiiiar*-. 115; Bin kl..ii-.. Ill, ll-..jamln. 114, Karly Blo-nom, 111: Mullet, IOB: l - ? ?:. *-.-*.. IOU Hlppona, IOU pooi J una thaa, lo-l; isailsbury, H'*e. Hand*, un, in.*. American \aAy, (00 Atheleoa, '?- . fleay berry, 97; 'lillee 1-,.,-b*. '..* ; I I,, '.".l ?see,md raee-. s.-iiing. two-rear-old*, hair mlle?Edith, 10.'.: Liidle.iv. Kit. !-!!?- Met. K'2. -speedwell, lol; Loving Heart, '.?; : Brun g-.'lina. ??. i .. ...'.,. M. Third race, malden*, thtee^aarVrr* of a nilli?Max, lld; l'ou.t? tai.*. Lou Rhett, Bia. k ? iiiid, Nsrmaadle, MaMueer, IOC each; /..nine. m. Headlong, ii". Poarih raes, Nattoaal Cammi stale,'-, -.iiimr, otu. and iipe-.|\te-.-iith mlle*-(M-t-.eil. I.-i,.t, Hst, Hu-ta: Mi All Night, n.i; I'l-imur. J***. Filth mee, bestea hot-Mi ?ii sad a half Intleagi Daneaater, i<>a UalbHggaii, BM); At.atiU, ba;'.i 'e.i Deception, 88 ; Ini'.-tiy, 147. -Mxtii re..*-. f.,r banter*?capuin Manning ir:pie croea Svlil*. V.ui'i-. |iW) e., le ; .,? lima, 11.11 nev. Itaoger, I J.l.i'l Inp..:-.. 1541 -o- ti. THE MONTEREY .-.Uh TO BR DISABLED. RUMORS TH IT SHE Hil.]. BE INSPECTED T I DAY KV 1 NAYAL BOARD Ol I.Ni.isl KRS. Vallejo, Cal., April 2- i.-|m-. ,:.i .- ii l- bow report il Hint the ci:i i ip:... vi-asei donti-re) i- M'il')U*Ij iii-.ui,Ld. ibal nei boUei*_ aiv leihing bndly and lhal di nn.rri.M- :i board ni engineer* will begin sn |n*u*-e Hun nf her machinery, auder order* Iroui betreinri llerbeet. l?e. dny* .?..?,, the M-.t-r v tali Hw Bare I-iiiiel N:ivy inul nt..i went <i"e?n lbs ilfrt-ani lo-an uulrequented .-1? t. where sha Bncbored. ii lir-i lt was -nd iiiiei bet propeller iliad bad been .-n tiiiiL-hii in bing nibing ie-: . bul Hil I generally ltl-le. ilel.ll. *l,e |, .lill ;,!!? ||.,le.| H, U,,- s:. Spell, an'l it I-. nnii rei thni ibe weal lhere tor ihe pur j.j-b- ..f nu overhauling ;n,.i repair* wlthoul pnbllrlty, The Imllcr- ur. uiM lo be mi drtcrtlv. thal un rb qunte Kteana pn**sure cunno! be mnluialiicd. ni.I li ls tv por t<ed Hit' Ibe vcisel** b.ilidei., ti., i'nlon Iron Uwrka, '.f -uti l mii* i iee. b-ivc -nt s large im-i:-- <.i liieii to begin tbe l'??un*. " TIIE suer ts SOCIETY." From The Boston Budget, Mi - Goode, i lu - wa* one ot Ike larges! lu Bon da) -<li.-el. There were eight member*, and aol ihe brUBl Illlleellg ll.elli lill*. little Mllnmj Allillll*, il ii.i.ixv boy wltii big brown '??-'?- gUati-idng (rom a ll.l.l <,f iii.ii.?. one ii.e;. Mia* (.rH.ei.. atopped ber lennon, and while the bum "i cblldUfa i-.i..-- -was coming from the other neal*, began lo (ell ii.e claw ,'ii.uui the-Sl.ui lu Society." H*T Mori*** of the lilli.* nick ejiie. and tbe aged Invslld* who aere ivi1'"'* .1 my of ll gb i fruin Ihl* iweet mlnUtrj linen t. tl the children, and Mary Brown wa* -.en m turn ber bead sway. Then Ml** (Joode weal oa; "Aad now, ehll dren, vii..-!*- -ie. you aappose '!.?? name c.hui- lrom.' They call it the- .-?iji-t in >.,<icti. \\i?. ,.,i, t.-n ?,,. In whose memory lt ws* formed f" rini ? ws* ii" snawer, and Ibe children wire leal in Ml-s (..,._).- wa* quiet for a .-en.mi. ?? ivin.-e life wa* li. cbUdreu, that wa* Immperrd on till *iil>"-r Ilii'. tm1 li tluil tried u, -,| ,,,,1 |nt0 ,, lur-.--r Ilk, Into a bigger u.-iiii ol extatencel" Llitle Sammy's ey* aparkled, ??An. Hammy, you eau hu, caul you? Him was ir."' ??Dunti", Ml-, l.l.l I ".-pec-, ll must Imv.- Leen Jonah." - Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil presents a perfect food?palatable, easy of assimilation, and an appetizer; these are everything to those who are losing flesh and Strength. The combina? tion of pure cod-liver oil, the greatest of all fat pro? ducing foods, with llypo phosphites, provides a re? markable agent for Quick Flesh Building in all ail? ments that are associated _with loss of flesh. Pr*Blr*d br Soo-t * Oomoo. Ch.mut*, Mai* York. Bold hr ?ll draggiM*. AGAINST HEUBEAUX. HUS LAST UPRISING IN SAMi) DOMIXOO ASSI**TI*.n Wnii ll UTI IN NOBBY AMI MXTLl-.I AL.. HUT DBBKATED uv ii XVTI xn Ll Pl.,mai v. T o I h ?? BB11or el T ii <? Tribune, !,lr: I haem it bul rtfht te place before i.,,, Ihe roHowlui beta in rouuectton arith .mr attempt te. overthrow Ibe despotic govt^ameai ol (-t-neral ri*,--.*. Ileareaaa, IhsUessoi i.i ibe Dvmlalean BepubBe, wk ma rn;., fut Hw p..,., ,,? v,..1]. ;,,.. ,,..,., cbaraclertaed bf ilmo*t ev.-ry -,,,..,,,.. ?, h.rtnrlly. -Il'.i ii -nj.,ilrll ?( .,,,?,. ai-Btba In Turi*** Ulanda * l<>ft '???ind Turk iini.t in i.?iiimii i,.uiie In |_e 'lennis'ip Alfkg f,,r Jamaica vi Ibe evealag ni Tem* int, December -j:i tast, sad arrived bi Xm_-i.i viiitl.u. th.* 8Mb, fr.,m wbeace I departed for m. rilOltia* Ly t|?. |* yt , ,,.n ( ?_ ,u,. ????:,,a ()f -,?. Tlib, arriving thu;.- on January :. tut. After .eiiiMiitin,,,, xx-11:i I,.neill- Luperon uni Moya IW ee hu,| f.,r .,,,?. ,lril|. [m|M |ni|lk. ,;,,.,.,. |? ,.X|1., ll WBI tl" Heel tint I -I,.,?1,| ;,| ,,?,,- pr,,.-.1 le. I",rt *" It-lute uni, inn ,M1U,.,.. ,,, ,.,._-,,nu. inn, ii, .,,?... ?'?"??'"' "' IT'- lil. tn lllppolyt. Vi u-.i-ti m... li, .,?r ?ndenvor ta raise ., revoluiton In DouHnlcan territory, m.i nith tin. oiijc, i ? ? vl,.u. ! |,,--| -.,. Thoma* ..ii lanuary li uni Brrivrd .it Pori aa Prince via Jaemel 'ti Ibe 21*1 ol -January, I |,,i,iel Here p.-r fect-y ciiiin. uii Hm ??,r,. .,, , ? ,,,?,.?; ..f the much lamented death rn M. i |?,V Hippolyte, Ibe boo "I the l're-l.|,iit; niul .i- || w,,. |mp ...ii,:,.. ,iii,|,T i,?- dr rum.tancea, io obtain an Immrdtaie Intervtaw willi ibe Pn uie-nt, I -,m ti,.. ,.,ii,,,r. ,,( ;,n ,,,,. prindpal news | pup I*-, i.i uiie,m i commnnlcated Informalion e,f roo itii't nf iilieiiiiiii.u ni ihe bay ?f Hamani bj the nov "'".'" ,,f IT'-iitent 1|.i?.;iiu ),, ibe lilli, el -I.,!,, contrary io ihe will "( Hie dllxeni nf I'e Dominican BepuHtc, uim nrer ey.ii BOW pr. pure I ut iill harmi-di to i-e.i-i ,, (orelgn occupation ..| ant portion i.i tbrtr i.el,v,,i rountry, and mi ihi- -ui.j..t l waa ni,iv lapported bi* i.nitre llayilan pc-*-. Se l. n- 1 .i.iiei convenienil) Bo - ?. I addre.i ? iiuie i,e l-r.-iti.rni Hippolyte ashing un Interview, uml stating tn him th,- ,..i|.,. ,,f mi preaence lu ni* capital; Inn lt ujipeiir- ii,u in r_.- ndrlre e.f two ..f 'I- prim Ipa! iiitii*t.*rs I,,* di-cllned lo iee me "li. laBi ni, Ibe mutter, hi,,. ,,f ,?,. _.t,t l.-n,. ti ihi* Mlnl-ter ..f Interior and Poffce) i have alnre cause la think ls li, rival ililli ililli- (,, Sile .-eel lilli 111 Ile* eliiil,* |,f the PreMdeaey; but. however t:.i- nun t.e. Hi.* Mint* t-t ..I Foreign Affair* ni- given mil gowen tn treat Wtlb Hf "llicin'ely inul iii bedail ..f (be If. -ri. nt. uni I iilsn received a visit from ih- private secretan ef trie MlntstcT nf me Interior appointing nn Inter new iiit.t Mm. l ut mi.- called on lum and nus mme 1 lian deBghted nith (be Und "irer-* ..I BS*_Stsnc* ?Thick -AB-re gable ie, m.. <? ,?,,. ,,?[?,. 0f ,;?. I,,,v.-ru ment. Arms, iinitnuiiiiieii, mama* and every other i"rjtiisit,e te. overthrow Prealdeni lleuresas'i Bespotkua we-ie- fr.r.-ly r,irerol to tn,-. au,| every pledge WBB l-l I'll me tii:it tm -inn.- -h..nhl be left anlutned ta order ie pr.--rn- the iintutiuinv nt tl,,- entire l-luicl .,f Unala Domingo free fruin lue Invaatoa ol a tondgu Bat-tan. Inn .-v. ii Ht t';|. itage I ini'i rame lo Btmprei the ilncerity ?.f M. Dupuy, .in American fm mi <ntn.- t" nie ibe v-rv Bay hut mir Intsrvtew, r?l u- .1 to rn iiiiiui-t word for woid what had trsnaplred brtween M. Dupuy inul myst?'?(. sad n.ivi-e.i mer i,..t ie. place tun mue'h conffdence lu lil- pi,,mi-.-. M. l.e -pilli.- V 1 r- .lit ul I,, <_?? emile ll lilli.-relit lll.ltl ? roana, gentlemanly and intelligent. We andentaod ? .eii other, un.i daring my la] la t.." llayilan capital we bad fre.ptetii t:iiiv?, in which he rsptalned '" me the reasoaa why :,i. Uovemtni-ni :? .in-<i t>. ...tuppe-ni-.* ibem*-*lves xx11:i mn revotaikinsr*) part] on i?.i" ?- ia -nil. nnlesi timi part1- waa organised and led bl Otk ? ?nil Key ea mid mv*.li. i-i which ??-? t ?i *.* * ?: i let ,x t-ni t-. ii- .-y.-rv ss**d?tance. T>> i:,i- i sgreed, sad ltiiin.-.ll it* Iv ?.nt lu Cape llre?'i. where 1 nmt lien .-mis Beyea and VUIanneva, and ? ? -.-- * 11? -r we tamed a ] r.-v.>1 ii? |..n:irx . i.mmlttee. un ihe day of mi nrrival at Ihe taps i addia ied a note tu tbe delegate ef |he (iovernmenl In rommai t ni tu- north -met -aortbwi ? p. rai, ,,f nun. aad that genUeman, BB OM i.i.'l experienced tullt?.-? i-v ..tin er. rxpre*????I hi* desire Ibal I iboabl meet Int Ibal same iy. lillis*. After our Iri'-n I. w he ill-jute --I lu p.-r* nu Prinee u private m?*.*ii-.*r IM. I. Helta lllppolylel t-. H..* I'r- lieut, fr..n ?; NU ke r.- -I*.. I In rwclbiim to give u* all ti-*-, --en-i pr-.---- Hon at i I lane*" In eetir enlerprtse. I obtained u bran ol money t.e merl t ie t!r-t requlaltei ol t ie revolail >n, ami lieueral Bi ye Weal 1" i'eiri'-r Kong* ix 1 *: i Hi.wt, I..- .ii t...riie. fur Ibe purpose al orgaaltlBg Ibe revolu n.iti.iri army, and l al the ume lime --ut .i rummb r-ie.n ;?? I'urt de Pals ander l-wtonH lu.-nt .e-..| mi privale secretary, with iBatmcttoaa r.. . art i ?? -? uno ii!n? t.. t m inpe au expedition >.f DoaMnlcaM vili.e uer.- tb-Te pr* pur-il lo J'.Hi BS. I,.. VaiBll ar rived **- the c*p<* In open Bay, *nd wu. Ibenc* ?! ? patched by me", with ihe ii.ti?nt ..f tm- llayttau BB iborittas, to t:-- >perl "f Caracol, i*u v.u:*' oi ? from I'.-riie-r (tange. i>n the evening al Mur... ;i I l-ft tke eape ac om pal ? ,i bj mi --r. tun uii'i -i guide, and Buring tim night i jr.ii.".! iv- revoluBonarj Iroopi undei yeoaral Keyes, snd *fer eoncerUng a pian wr named Hts n-Xt ri11.r11111k Witt s.i.-nt, rn-ii. nunn* il<-? lee bib,-, lue frontier, which sre did .>-. tbe evening al I 'a* gt i. wltb righi v ue ?.. nu the uiuriiiiiK ol the nth are attacked sad -ur ried by aasaah, after a iwn boura' Bgbt, lb* village e,f liarabo, which eked a Quilt a e.f tua tu.-n. la thli engagement we suatalned the H.--. ed twa m.-n i. ; i. while th-- enemy'i tam vm* eighteen l> lied Bl d wvund ad, ekcddei lam ofltoeri wbo ca. mm i? m durina the butti-. Al '. ii. rn, au Marek l- we'altocked I ? strong ri.rtr.--.-i ..f Dajsboo, which wa Ibe krsdqttar len '.i rissldini li-ur-uux'- army, Ib i .* deparimt-nl ol M..ri'e Cristi, wtlk ii prrtaon "I 3U0 m.-n, while me aamberad nnii -ei-iit* Bve, kavlag bad rn kave tlilrli nn-n in but i limp. < mr otr-jert In naklng i - Illili. Ill.'llt M.I* eellll IO r.'"'.III. Ur- 1|,e te,-*e|| J lilli U. Hie . imbat began '.ur m.-n be. .i-n- .-X'>'? i ??? d |.i---.-U (Ml lo the- b .IbiumiuIiiiii ll. III I"- "HU'- iii ;:.' loan, Hutu Which We bsd ni* i > -"i ??fit' i.> tl,- ll.C ".III villager 0| Jus ,,, M.-ii,t. r, laking elllll u* "U* Lill-.1 sud WOUUdetl, ..lill IWO Ile ti, Whlb" Ibe ? II- !? j I"' IWelVf, ll..|. ii- i,'.. i -? ?! .ni addition >l ti.mi h.-ii i? our fun?, iiinl -?- the Hay Ha na In ,i in i ute proli-cti*l our relreai, a.-t-i* t* t -ubi eh--- nab-and braun in organise e?u- i,.i,,-. which bad una He rea ?*! v ITU in.-ii. in ord?*r lu Briars I lernbalxa, and I in* > >t -it III" i '.ililli.I'.l. llb.11 between linnie . ri - tl I |l.i] al.-.I,. While thu* engaged, mi Ibe m..min.- v M.,rh il, lie gOl Illf..rill:l1|.. I lie.Ut (bf I."il.-III..f e,| I.,ri I.iIhi;.* Dial it wai e.xp?????? i Ibal < Surd Alexi. .i Ibe ?sei-r.-mrv ni Nate lor Ivi-in tVorhs, M. Dura ?. would .lu.m.i M.n.l- /. I Mern Ibe Linelii (evelina Wblrh exist.-.I beet Ween eeir ? I-,. and ihe (layHsu Bulburin--* ?*? .lu- ib*ii glBd I" he.lC "ll lill .'.l-ei -I ll H. Wllllh WI" i'll ll" |,.i_.,ri p. believe WOllW Ih- nt h.-r *? i? li >n ni u Ir lend li n.ruie lu US, Judge i >-ii ..! ..ur uipn-e xx 11. 11. lui.i- i.ii, ne- nerer lummoned bi iii-n.-ral .n..iiI and Xl. tn Ibe i.'-ieriim. ttl ll ,u ?? .,r:U I ll formed iimi tim I lay I lan i."i. ninn-nt bod .1 ? -?t.i - -? l lu <! ii- mur aend ii. e.- prisoner* In * .p.- Ile. i. w> wit tbiuideninirk, i.ut bad bo <>p',<>i! exrepl lo nubmll Win ll Hie ll* ,,' l-l. i.e! I Bl OBI lte*T-l* Hi'l BOl III Hill XX lt Ililli t lll.l. ll Ile ..Ililli lui I.UV.1 mein*.*! th- i, ?..lull.m. bad benn lurm- n.l from lh"' Bl ?*,.ul-. li'- p-,II"I. taken I.l ll"'*- "Ul'I'l lier ellie' ;,| arnn-d on lb? in* i- tr tn mil rn oar Iel I en fruin mir :i lill Ll lilli' tn le-. ll WI f. ell day .Itel et ntl) f..I* (Jip- 11.IJU. ill-i re- , ne r.Iv. el on Ibe road re-ni-, informing u. lhal ???m*t;ii Lnpe-Meti Vi-i |u*| arrived al Hie e.,p.. (rom M.TJr-oma.*.. utiei had bmugbl With him monet etnHi-zli lu m *??' all mir ctn.*n-"tirie.. li I* a algnlflraut fart Ibal a lur-.-. amounl "I ihis monr) wa* in Hie- i*t b diafl Hie llayilan Minister In nanto Domingo on i?i*nenil Hippolyte, t hi- I'n.Iii-iii nf ll.n ll. ul th.- Ofdl r of t.-n.-nil, .x Minister ul PorHgu Affalra ol lleun-aa -.. Thl* llnvtliiri MlnlMer, l.v bl* Irearhery and 'Inutile di-illng, leems lo I.nv.- 1.ii Hie author "f BU "ur trouble, nml iii* in il .ti- lu lin. ma 11 i-r are In I.nins u lth lils f..riii.-r mimi. lt. lin.' in"' B?drr L"l leinil (unni lc- ci.miiittt.-ii irearlirry Bgalnal him; in Hu. revolution nf ihe liberal snd I.rm- lt-?-t H./. hil- nt Mlra-goan-a agalmK Uatamon; later -till, while emploved under ibe riovernmenl of LegltlaM*. be man aged, nn the downfall ..f tint i-re-iil-m. tn r.-ti.lii lil* l*.-lil..ti un.I.r Hippolyte; um! BOW, siter bsvtng (.'Ix-.-ii ns ever] siisarance ..f M.inlenance nml gund b-ellng, he left Ihe aiiltil B,f Mtit.B Hnmtngo, ut th.- Instance nf Prenldenl Heiireanx, uml <aaxe lo i.?! Hippolyte ut Uonalvoa, umt Indnced alu iv Borne III" nil- t'. HUCrlll.e Us Ile Ce-tl-l-ul HeiireiltlX's .'lilli,', Illili. Hfli-r I,llVillg glVeB ll- III'' ,,.,.,t ,,,,-l*.i| pileliil-B*. nf BUpBOrt, At the rape 1 sought for anil nbtiilni'd n long In? terview xili'i MlnUt.r Durn...?. -vim Informed in- nf the experted visit of Itesldaat Hippolyte, before whom iv.- aould tay aaa grie-aacmt ami ask f--r n-iir.---; bul the ve-rv <iu after thi* Interview we received hmm lil.n un Intimation lhal iv.- would he exprtrrlH t.. leave llnvtinn territory tn the Americas rteamer Osama, to an t'mi Bftarnonu fe.r Turk*, i-iun't* sad Nen Vork. An-l we were thu, hastily compelled I" leave Harli ut'tinni being allowed lime la arrange our affairs. We nt Turk's I-iimls nn Monday. Msrek i'i. lt woaM Berm thal when tm- new* reaehed lieueral Il.-iire,.iix h.- Iboaght li tim good I" h- true, uni ut Utile- ll I-pri tl heil Ihe iJiBlllllllcilll -tenmerr I'.l IVe-i.lellle t,. s.-e if deners! i;..v.. and aiysell were t-uiiv gi Turk's Klnnils, .*,,,(| ,,, .lS(,.rc,|n u he roold ntitsln from the Commtnli.r bore our expuhdnn from H: l-liinei* :i- he c.ii,x:ii..,,-,| ..ur preacnee In Ibe tn li bornood e,r -Santa Domlnan i conrrtanl menace i<i bl* ili.v. rntin-nt. I !n! Ibe |)le*r.*ur,. ,,f geHna -'"I"' "f "'" "fli'-r- nf li Pr.-Id.nte, wi,, s, ,,ri?.,| determined tee demon-tiratlna nf n,.- 'art nf mc being her.-, mn i bad ti" li'-lt-ttl,;!, in leBlns them trmt *?? bm. bb I had Ihe breath ..f Hf,. | -!,,,uM m vt r r.s. *ntl.m-d nilli l.elrerul He?nreallx'* uml ll"" ti-l!"itt..lll.l "-..vertr-ient ,,f ,,-,r .???.,,,,.,?. .1. F. M* HI 11.l?>. ? iv. i., April i, lena. -st. TU. YOtJKG IVtiMKNs CHR|?rriA-l A-'1' lATluNs. To 1 Ii <* Ktlli<,r ? - -j- h 0 Tribune. Birt The fourth l.ienniiil asaston nt th.* Teung Women'* ('hrl-tinn As<nc|Mt1on* of tbs Tnli-d Btatei and the prniincc.-. o-v-iir* in Mein, Ohta, April 27 no. .\t t|,|s convent-or, the matter <,f hruMai a W."*Id*B Young Womens cbrlitlan A*>oci_Uon bj Bahia with the foreign awirlatlnn. will he decided. a* this 1* an lutetnatlanal eeereentleu of more than unlliiiri' Iniciesi in lbs ni.mlier* of thl* orgunlMtion in every part <>r (btw lara countries, win you kindly min-." ymir earreaBoNdent lu Toledo to sern aaeh tiav in inn! paper u* full aeeounl* nf tn.* pr*ice*i*!ings s's v..ur -pun- will b)towt I'.I.I.KN I?. F.1R1VKLI. i hallinan liilernnllniial Ciniinlttee Voang Women'* ' bristian .1? ??riuili.ii*. Chkago, April Sd, i-;i:i. ORIIVA-fCI OP A PUBLIC SCHOOL -TANiron. To t ii e Bd 11.1 r nf T ii e Tri bu bu. >lr' As the ucl-, nf ptiullc liddies ure Ins! sui. Jed* nf rilth ban, 1 xv..uld Ilk- tn Hive publicity to He" ilngalar emu--., tunt the Board ..f Bdacntlen 1 puraalng, ai 1- siiown Ly the tattovrtag itali mia I ..f finis taken Irnni its -.Ii.i'rnul untl 1'nicHce." I WUS Jnnllnr nf Grammar Schnnl No 'Ai. In West Thirty Bfifa -t., f,? gently idgbl v.???ir*, liv the lu** '.vi* ni ii,,. Boori ,,f Bdacattoa a Jiinltor's latery I- lilli'!..I lill.. Iliil-teel) |*.-,rt - ll- re.eelV'S Oft- -neil month, iiii'l th- thirteenth li. s.pteinte-r. If Hie Sup.-.-. n.t. i,.i,nt ,.r Behool i.tiiitiiiii- (.-ititi. . th.-tt iii.- batta, lng* a Janitor** rt.arge hml boen deaned daring n r-iimm. r vneatton. rI.i-. cerHBcale, Mr. I) 1. v. lae, 'hen m,| , rh.I. ii'!, nt "f tiri.1 BuBdlnga, re fused i" r-lve. sBegtag tint tin* bnfldlngi under nix* charge bnd uni 1 ? rn cleaned. Mr. Dit.Bii-l-e wus sppolnted Sii|eeriiitentl'-.t In I--';, in 1--7 tii- froid ' engineer**1 waa removed Ireeiu Ibe Manual if the- Beard nf KdurattOU, nnd nil the mechanical imrk ni thnt budy mts Blared tinder the superintend, nt of Behr*-*. Huiiding*. I appeasd ita change, beeaaae 1 Mirved Ibal Mr. Debevotae wns imi nt tn lune , 1K11 rna "t bealing eenr icbool bulldinc*. ill- engineering demonstrates ibal lm wns not tit fnr tin- pB-iihui. h.. beard mv lanawage nnd BM nol give Hie (.-lillie ut.-. ii..' -<l,..i,| iru-tees nf ii,,, xvnrd CJOtl,) were .satis li.-il tlmt the ivnik hud I...11 properly done, (ind p. Hu- Hoard of F.dui ntluti tn pay mv claim (see board'* Journal, l**-", p T'.tli. In April. I gao, 1 petiiintied ti..- Board ..f Pdaeatlon in pay un claim, nutt piiitleeti un- referred tn tl..* Com milt.*.* .rn By-Laws, wblch, Biter s tborongh Invest! -.?iiii..11, reptrfted in mv favor (nee board'* lournat, 1890, pp. :::,, ali, lui thi.. report wns rend tu the bOald nr printed ll) Hi- minutes the- D.-lee-vielse ti.i.r.-l I.i'l li i-.f'rn "I tn tim I inim e ('i.ninilt t< e, and kepi ll lend, mill) th- report nf thal Committee lind Imi,ill. upped inn' kill.,I lt. Tin- Finance t'.untnlMee reported tim' -Hie Board nf IMwruH'U bud mi Ibe ti iiii n. lui ut.Illly tn pnv Hil. cLiim"* is,-* Je.urnul i-'.?i. p. Tli. iih'ti ti,*- report nf th- Finance nilli.-,- adopted, then. Bud anly then, nus ibe report "f tin- lim.mill.u on l'i Li,iv* In fuvnr of pin itu* mv claim t-e tim (."ard nf K'luciitlnti ; read '"ily te> give lt :i legal burial loee Journal i*m*>. pp. Ii">, I(171. -1* there* un- nee min..rltv r.-purt. un nm. 1 .lu,.nt offered, no! .1 word utld i.i nnv merni* r nt any 1.(lng "f Hie beurd against my claim, la 11 i,..i strange Unit s imdv ksvlng the yearly r> ? nf tim lt..uni nf Ed ural toft -leonid no <>n r-. ? i?i snd keep lhere, refusing payment, univ he ron ? -they nave mt ile* Bnnnctal utility tn pnv Hil* . I aim" I hui.* Irled th- In". *!ted the Mayor, nml on Ibe ?_*lih <.r laai Mnrrh .indue IhMikataver derided I hml imt a l-cul righi lu -?'" the rliy! tlmt I coald .,.. ii. I nf i'..llir,ltU.II. I WOVld 'I. l"it I .lee lint *-.- l|ei*T tie- 1 "I'll'it <"f B lill', nr the- (Le Lleell , f :, ,,iirt li nu f.uieir. en, give t>. the Board nf Kiln. nti.... ii,- -financial attHHy" tn p:u Hil* claim, ahlch Hie h.-? e.n I'.i L.n-.- declared lulhl uml ]U.l ll p.i'.ii'l... Il KN KY M'DOSOI'OH, >... H.7 F.lglitb-avr. N-ii Inri.. A'.t il 2-'i. I-'?'?'<? I F. NI ISe, THK. FIXITY HF TIIF. c"l.Ii si ANDAHl). T ,, t I, .* 1*. 'I 11 or ol T ll - T I'l i. ll II C . -ir: nm -..'I Undi) ?permit a Umelaliui t.. reply t,, ii,- communlmilnti ni Mr. Patrick Hara Murphy, p ri,:i il -<i in t.B.tHi - last.f your ?-' mable |ournal I Mt. Mm phi- uya: - rh. ft.- (..inn .*?? of diver means repudiation Bnd ipollattah lerp Ihe dlnboneat debt ,,,., ? .,, ii :.\ i wt*b !?? -hlrli their obUga Ibm*. Ti..- fre.Iimi'.* nf lllVer, >.r bim. tn! n-tii, menu- tin- -gradnal lm reaae >.f Ibe clrrulat Ing hietllnm i" conre*pt-ad wtlb, and in proportton tei. ti,.* growing pnpulattaii iiii'i ihe mult Ipi) Ing Bemandi nf bindnea* ??*" hal ?_? i. 1- hut "m- laatanee te- demi D tuite tn. foregiHng note Ihe wonderful Increase of the j.. -1..rt... .?( t .-1 ,.1111'ri iiitu-triiii-.'ii i- not Intended lu advance ibe Interest* of anj ipeclal ela.*, Tbe aim al Kale ll- .1 ll lp *l Beilul !??- te- 1." |l Ul- Vlll'l- '<f IllnlleV till* mme nil ll,-- l.ur round, se. itt t'e- emt ..f i glveB period IV' .lei,|,er Hill tuei be- < Ulli |lelle<l t". pill UV.I dollar- ii I,- it be -. ..titr.i. t.-1 f..r mi.*, ur vice- v.-r-u. ill tin- argamenti dir.*. t.*.i sffstn*! ihe advocates nf free e .,,? i.*. .,t; i... b pp tied ul'., "i' taree r.> the cham? pion* ?.f tbe goM itandard. It Mould not be n ram pilli.!! nf J" I?.I lillie- --ll.lll talk Utlll per.e.lllllltle. i. n-i t,, ,',.,i and darken ju-t nt tne tune when We li" -si llt-'ilt niul Ibgla 'll.'" llllllle V lltl.-tl.ell K fnr rearLtng in Hi e (lepta, and extends Hie BBtaBeal I..I.,,rn nf th.- individual t." th"- asoel eotaprebenilve tlttHlr nf >tllte. Mr. Mcrpby -hts: "(inld ls a fixed xtuiidurd under ali,', t,,.- debtm in..tue' fr<*"' htmaell freetn bli Ju*t obligation, ron*et|iient1y ll l* ver) distasteful to bim-** Hold I- net n ii.i.'! itandard. li I- ?obJeel t.. the btw* nt -lippi', uml dell muI I." -nine ii. ull lither cuni lin.lill.-.. I...ld I- imi eVeB Hi- -tnlldntll ol .Bille, r total Villon.f iii"n-1. s'"l'l. -Iii ? r uml paper, I ti.?? ,'andard e.r value, iv.* -..iii bri. irtlh iir. Mui phi in ullin.- \,ii n debtor e.nie.,,i t. him*.'If (rom Li Ju t bb iiiiiii,ti uniier a -Incl- gold itandard. uni i't." 'I'i lim ti.- iwrtnlt tl,.- ii riler tn make ii prediction! |t I. I'l- III le-- thrill tile* I-uer- I'l. I..I 11U. * r-" Ililli I. lille*, m.-n et .Neil Yurt! nilli.imi* .mini.Instil* 14 metalll CHAKI.!** rf, MBINI K. ? 'in.. M. Fi..duce Bxcbange .ipili ita, l-e'A. A MF.1IhIU.1I. OF -'"UV LKFFhlt Iv r it i I. ? K.I I l .. r ..f T h e Tri 1. UUU. Mr: lining tn the lodden mid unexpected death e.f .1 lim lett* H-, e,f Ptatbo h. l. i.. ii complete rerord .,f i.i- it. a i ulm." r uni*, enable, Th **- wk . have beea bun* nml li BBaoctated with lum <1. -1 .-<? thut -i'i, i shall ti.rn- I-.- nindi-. IL- un. d- cruded lc un .>' 'I"- early touch cotoal.l* who ? iu,.- tn IT *.t l.n -ld from Ita* Net|iei-I:il|,|. Hie. mid il Inlf rent liri* ii.-". The h? Inherited Wei, originally purrhnard from Ibe IndUn*, m i I* >t t .-.I :i ft i-i ward bx ?*' paieni ?: th- llulrb tiovernmenl, ind ?ub . .|ii. nth i ?et.t'.niieril bi tin- lii.-ll-h ? ...-.*.-emir "f NV iv Vork ii li'ii Hi.* ?* nt.* hml In*..une ii lltitii, po*** I 'll ii,, bouse iii ii in. ii I,- im- born and lived, mni from xx Iiiiii be wa* burled, mi- a hundred yt int "l'i. uml I- elie .if ll.-* beat "f tim mill i. ..f . ..inf.ul il.l.e tel niel 1,. . Mr. Leffrri* -received i.i- eduraltoii ut Rn in" Hull A.;.. I- iiii. the Be.I laai if nt kui ? .f li .lu - in. ..rp,.int..I bi Ibe Kr gen I ..f Ihe l'ill v.-r-itv nf the Kiata ni Nen Verb. After bring grad te.:..i u.*, ti,.- managemenl of in- taraUly estate, uml Iib.m fat lime i, iiii'i. - :.*.uiui increased, and ii- re f.iiihi .'A\ <ii . I nrged. For inuiii uni- he* wai u trustee "f Bia inn* Hal Academy. Willi i.i I ter, Bm, tier!rude L. V'ander bill, h.- lin- III. In U.I uml ll Hillie .* e,f Hie Ml-.|,,| Illilll ll. D' ..I' 111* Whick WI- b.VIII) ll- il S;,l>. bath ri.I ami lui grown lu bes Burnishing church. During th- !??a uii,-ii -m ..??.l-ei m.- imi nur tn mi- i.r the Bri members iii ih.- limul ..f Hue, thu uf ih" Ketornnd ? ..ii ul America, li mi- a H. libel) ll Wit- lilllie lill |l| III.ll,e nie- .lill |)P .111 II I >|e III y.-iin. nt., and be unite te el Invaluable lervjce. I ,,i mun*, h.- nu- n member **f tin- li einl bb! C..I11, i I I,,11 nf Hie l!l-fell'll|el| ( le II I .ll. a'eel ,.!!,? nf III,- I ||, -, I I I * I I I : - C * "I H IlllUlll.r iB.ll.ll.llf ??. Ill t'l-- X . | 1 ." TI I I - ). Kef.rrmed (Hulrhi Cburrh "f Hi- vUlage ru- man* i'i he hud I.-en ntl ntli.-r. IL* lin- <>t 1 ? - nf lin originator* and mi. elected Ireaaarer "f Hw lintlm-i i.n- Company, waa ni -. ,.i.f ike original memlier uiui dlr--. L-l- nf th.- liiilhii-h 11 iite-ixi ii K-. Company unit feer tome rear* tin- pre Meal e.f um board. lb' wu. Intimate)] associated witt Judge -'"lui s, of III.- -tnt." leetlrl nf \J.|n III .. lt) n|| I h.- ??>,, III'- Inf p|BBl||, l|||? l|,e. illlltellill llelfure I.f lill- ||IU|| e.r li.ilbu li. Iii-. I _r Herts, iii Hu- time nf hi- deal tl, un- a .linet,,r ..r rii.- Iirooklyn Bunk, Bbw of ik* luiii: I .land nate Deposli fnmpuny, ami a iruatoe ot the Lune Island Loan and Tru?i Company, 1'. liiiti'u.h. I. I.. April ill, latK!. A BALE i-n; TIIF. li:r.-il lilt FIND. Tn tl..- F. -I i i ,. i* n I T ll ,* T r I '.. u ii i- . Mr: iii.- if ill Ind.,-ed I- ti,,* ptm ...ds ,,f n sui, h.-hl In ll-e- 1. inr. I Untie. I.ukeiv.ind. f,.r Hu- li.-nell nf ih.- Tribune Freeh-Air Fund. Thc *itiiie.s arm either iiiiiile nr mil..led by Isabel iind Antnlii.-tt. I'.iiii.iilt, uud timi Were nhle*.! In Hi.- -ale bv (Tar: Botdl nml Bania slevin. They arl*h Hm money ti be ii-ed in wading inti" children io the country dur lui.' Un- Bummer, K. I,ll.elli.i.i|, N. J., April 18, lreOn. AI'l'(HMi.l) p.Y !'(i-TMAMTBB (iF.NF.IMI. MI.KS To the F. dilnr nf Thi" TrtbUUO. sn -j Vauv siuteiii. ni n-i in priority of paatmaBter In Hie ITattrd sini.- I- ii -iirix m cunt.-, li npp.?r timi I.*..-iv,ii L.uiii i-i, ni -garth Lkuslng, N. v. nus tippuliiled .lune. IHQA. I un- appointed lp Feb m.uv. i.-ii. i ii, lin,i re'C'ied nor mi- rvmovee during Un- liar, und hnve hud'iu-.l .-Inc* I im- ...inuit..I med l.v .Inlm M. Nil.-, I'nst muir r lieueral, inure Iban Bfty-twu yt*ars run, K1UXKY (', I'lfl'UDF.N. Balonton, Ol . .Mn ?_-!?. 1803. Thc Treatment of Constipatioi ami Onlinary Dyspcpsln. Slr Thompson, flu* tagliah profeaaor, Ik* lievea thal iii the vist majorit*i of emmetchronii constipation mai ho successfully overcome bj ii il"i-i> of lin* eje'tniiiii* imparted Cui-tdmd .-nm titi >ill difsolved in a tumblerful of vruter (hal a pint), calli even iiioniing. and if ne_?eeai. "ii Roing to oed. Outdoor exe>-_i4 "ill lid id axeman nateriullj l'*a onlv tho genuine, which has Ihe mr nature of EISNER * MENDEL80N CO.. Snit Agent.-s, ISS and IBB Fianklin-st., New-Vork on cvei*. buttle. Look out for imitations. Strangers In Town interested in artistic work will find themselves repaid by a visit to our art roomt, reprcsenting the different styles of#architecture, including those in Romanesque, Italian, Renaissance, Elizabethan, Colonial, Rococo, Louis XVI., and Empire; where is shown Mantels in all woods, Fireplaces, Andirons, etc., in all metals and tiles and marble* in all colors. J. S. Conover & Co., Warcrooms 28 & 30 West 23d Sta CA NA DI A N Q FA RA A TINE. ITS FAILl'BK as a DEFENCE AGAINST DISKASL. . BOWIBB Till-: sf.f.ds OF BMALL-POB and TTPHUB ALL lill-: WAV B1.1HF.I.N- VAXlOlVFl. AND HALIFAX-l_.01.AMNw A (JAKLOAD OF 1.M.MK. K.X NI Sj IN TIIK NDKT111VI.ST. Montreal, April -o (Bpeelal).?Batk on tin- Atlantic and Pui'.ti. musts of ther Dniiiiniem nf Cauada, the liieilicleiify nf the quarantine rvguIatloBI Ims bren proved iiii. Mason, i*;.ti.-nt-s MBerlng from -ntaU* pox nnd typhus f.-y.-r, even Bl thti early period before tin' ni-ii nf launlgranta luis began, bava t-iud.-d the BUeged rigllanee ol tk( quarantine nWrtala al Halifax and Vmie omer, and tiree univ IbOUnndl of tullen lu? lu nd. i hr e nee:,- ago wu lum Jamed Cook, un Baulah tm* mtgrant, arrive- in Montreal from Halifax. He bad paned tin* quarantine rxamtaattofl il lita latter place, hud tiiiie-n u l'tiiiiic Ballway train, and in n rrowded .ar pawed tkrougb Nota Scotia, New Brnnaurtck, the -*t.*ii.* nf Maine, Into Um I'ruiTnc- af Quebec, nnd on arriva! ut Montreal wa*, fnuiul t.. ke i *aSering (mm typha, f, rer, itmi piampllj laotated. , His Bellow paaarngrn. however, wera allowed to pr.B. *nnie nf Iii? (rent Wi*! by n-n nf te, tin* Wnl.asli and Chicago, Other* by tba j ?'son*' ruiiil m -I Paul, nml ii nani Int li,- ibe i inindia ti rinitic Ballway in V-Tlnutpeg and tbe Cana* iiinn Nnrtiiivc-t. Thus. rBdtatlag Hum Maalwal in thr".- dlr.- theil-, proceeded lils "ellon-travellers nilli ail tba attendaa! riaki thal iheir free pa bbb git eugen* dend. Bot until they hud i.-rt Montreal una the nature of COok'i disease dlacorared; they were, there fur.-, allowed lo v.n ob wtthoal nny alarm bring ral*ed ur precauttaai being taken to Insure Bgalasl ? lat* ther outbreak, .?still another and graver ease of a Sha nature ims Ju*t taken plaee..' mi April _ the Di.inluliJii line -t>"iiuier laiicimicr arrived Bl Halifax erith a lui ol Immlgraiit* taken un board ai i.lverp.ol. A fair proporttoa ol theae people i.a.i rvoeauy arrived in Uverputa tram Hamburg' ihej bad Bude iv* latter l.l.ele* Hell* reiiili /.V.iU.-, ele.Ul i.n* 1 elli.BIB C llj-,l|, I, ?1 el l-l lllls-llil. |||e I.lllilll. -I i I, ., a, ,11-1 ii I, di rilli .HU. alni (hely Here al.tiioli^ lunn n -poul...nfc en lue Better .lu-- ..i -sm-eli-u lui i-.,,ii t.n.i I heir nay in Canada'* Norlbweat, Aa Wen- meero* paaaengers, una ail passea Hat p?rt oiacrr'a exauUlt* nun mi Halifax, in.'i reached Nuutreal e.n Apru ii, iiuu mr a ien li,mr. iiBrrc ute centre e.i .1 large group Ul cnn..-in *'-'-iir'|-* iii Un- iiniU-nist. ralina.. \l,.u here, tuen iney proceeded iiv-t, alUiouga Beiore a-aiing Montreal li aa* irvelj .tated ..m* <>i Ibelr nuiiiiH-r un- saBeruig iram loflie kum ni ni-eu*-.. 'lill. IBllllB.r HU- XX VU, ll,Ul..1.11. lui l.he-ll th.Ill .-eileen e.i Um imlu leiicncii schMlee-r, a itallOB lill) i.i.. nil.."- vast "ii Hun Arthur, e.n Line- atiprrtur, ' .?? I ul i MU I,ell I'ne-.tle KallMai pnisi.laii -? , i, ?i mal , lie pat leal, a. i-BUa, was suntertng n-.ui cn. ken-pox. lae inn praeeeUed aud lue pauem gr-n uni--, n.n Arthur "a* reached aud iir. Han lhere prououiit-eu lt u ease ul ..muli pe.*. Am.mer immigrant waa mea discovered to On lu with il)'* tame a.?ase. i.ui tim train praeeeUed i" Fort William, Hue." niue- lurtber ?,'*!, and le re' imt ,nr m,u. *ule trucked xxKli Ita -l.xtj tii.* paaaengers extlUNlvi ni ibe tn-" intau-pux pal tenta, rbeu rnaaed a couta I nf autboritj betai-en -ile- .-le|H-rlllle>lll|e>||l* 111 th' UllUllJll I'll. til. K.lllll.ll. nith lae re*tilt ihni Hie passengers lu iii- anialt-pox cur Hern dejjrlii.i eef hum uml ..H.-nlieiii lm- a prnuU nf liull ii da>. I'he* i> inTiil -. i ii*-rt ii I ?-liilt-ii t. William Whyte, nf -iVInnlpeg, I.nV.Ul? be-li Hdli-eit ni the -T.4t. ..f uit.ilr*, determined thal rm* cur muni uni proceed lurtli-r ?e-el. .**ei lc* gBVe bbI-iIit- io have- lt r.-lunnii -asl to taut lort William, mid v. ny between -"eVent lort William alni l"ot1 Arthur, lin- eltl/.eli-, ..I baal loci i.i.niiiii hi Un- lauri era im.u.t.t t|n*> u.t.i xomo thing to *ay mid litudaied thal Ihr euc um-i mei ta niaiii there, foti Arthur's ctUteoa Weer UkrwUc Ue terinWdC thal tlio ear .-'in i ii ld not enter their baUlwIrh, und when ibey learned thut li nus raming east iii_;iiu ,l,,lll l.i-t ioi, ntl.Ililli, li'I I " lll/.elis ill ntwd mr.. -HU*. lint., and a tong rope awaited H at the entrance ol in- rnilwm yuin. Meanwhile, Ihe general *ii|-r;n lend, tn of the eastern dlvtatou. Br. Hay, it Bclindher. -*UVhlg il:*c<ii,-|-."il Hi- li a--* nf BUpertU teiiiient -ahyte- requeel fear a spertal engine io run ? asl. timk n band tu the auril-r and caaw lo the aid of Un- Hurt Arthur people bj ordering Ute -initllp-x (rain h*-si again. *i? - tba* mved lha Pori Arthur ?je*e|,|er (I,,, (rouble eel !,n ll I, li g Hie e ar lo Kori ulm tim long rope aftm-waid, hie Uovernmenl Imml gi allot) agetit Wa* ni ii -fae -lute- ot . x. it.-m.-ut over the metier. Titer- be was nith neventy -ix tmiul grants an hi* bund., I Wu uf Hiern III nilli -tnullpox. nilli im i-.i ami mi chance ol Inolattng lei- pn tiru le or properly Bilolaterlng lo their wauls, nu* un* lae ?pp**al Ile llllllte* te. lu- " -HuT'e-lt V '* lit I lie lull .lliliutu people ni..ii he ;ii_ilii returned t'l.-n-: -Fnr ihmi'b lake give un- a nol ber Br, so iluir 1 Bim neparate the rest en ibe nae*senf**r*rs from Ita* In i.pta ami fuiiiixile bulk i.n*. "(.Ile 111.* Hie- U**Ce--.lll *ll|.|llle*. Ililli I Hill t il I.C ckargr, ini.u after and walch t.'tii cara.** Tub request nu. irauled In parti and Ibe > paiient* ..<- noa ni Fori in inc mr, nmi-r proper B*tedl<ral erm'. Hut ifi*- real ot the Imnilgrnui* He-re- nllolliel to pru e..I. lill!, t .le IVSHll Illili Im*Iib|-b* t\-|iiiii|i.-ic "a- rearhed two m-er-- .et their number a*ere x*it(? in- disease, uml lhere are ibrre sus? pected rase* al tl?- pre?nt i um. All of ibe party, ii..iit-1'er. ur.- auder -ni.: police siirveUlam*e In a ? ini rum tit-- HaUoB tli-i"-. The Kt'..noe ol Ibe grant*, however, who travelled In <>i tt?-t- teri lou* of thc train, have -iun.-red over tha country, aud a fmn,.*r eui'iei-n' nt amallpox nay i- 1? < k< ?t r.?? b* b Mir.- feSllll e,f these- Inu-e lint I,nei- eef Ire-.llllll, Hill,ll ' grants imiu rountrtes where such disease* a* .ai_ll lox, lypbu* and ev. ii i ii-.!, ra atv Un..mi to exlsl. I- Utf III.* 1*11.111. .'eU-l, I.H l?* ?W tllilt Hi Bmpreai or ladle nrriint lehere -aol inore limn (en dm* agti vi lt li four rasea <?! -tnnllpex among Ibe i vie-Hui steerage passengers. These patient* Bro -md t.. tnive been placed In au I-..Inti..11 ti..-| lt ul ni William's lle.iei nuai-iiiitiiie tia Hon. rmi from private ad-tire* ?e-cii-ii in Montreal n i- known (tint .mnUpox ba* noa u iiiiislderable 1...uh..1.1 lu Vancouver ind other plate* lu linn-v Columbia, having b_vn brougbl ther.- i.i t nit..?-.- Immigrant, tin th- L-anadlan 1 m Hie Ki Iway's tl.l,l-|e.e. IIbb l?,;it-. li.I- 1,1.,,Illl'l" slut. nf nillir- I* iiiiiiimi/.ed i.v Ihe Canadian PaiHrtir Hallway, nml m. alfi (senile reporis are showed over Hie rompany'* lelegraph Hims. ..f which lt lm- a Bmnupoly In Hie West, 1.1-1 -rii-snii smallpox broughl 1. China and Julian pt-.-u 11.alli MU.*t i.u-n-*- in I'-iiH-h ColumUa, mid travellers Montreal*.- n*-u.e- The V cirie-li"I'.ilclll Illili, ii* a i'..ii.c<f.n-ni.-, lh.*lr ,,l- lell le. on- Imlf nf tail.f Ihe pr. ...liiin year. Tlie disease, Introduced In Un- nuntn-r, . in?il llrltlsli (0IU1111...1 to Calgary on ihe h'orthwwl l*ralrie, thence tn winninee and ? 1-1 fur a* Vari AM har. The remembrance .-r lite vtnitatlou al Ihe latter ptare a-ai aha) t n.l ii.-.-il ihe .ttl/.-n- t. tate.. *u h v 1< >l*-i. 1 nie ..* ur-*- te. r.-l-t Ihe fobiltllg apon ihem of lin- pnt'.eiltx lu-1 weeb. Add-.I lo the iilenve- there ls fre-li r'-iisoii feir alarm In ii -tnt-un ni banted tare by Ibe Hamburg American Packet Company, which brouglil Ibe cholera ship* Into N-11 Vork lasl seo.: "The Hamburg-American Packe! Compaay'i -team sh',], lickhui.rii. from Hamburg aad Aulweerp, nailed fri.tii tim latli-r pori for .Unlitrenl on April l->. She ha. i;T:i tteenwe pasaeager* on board." Tl.steen-.* paaaengers *' are of the fnniiUnr rlasa Hun ihe 11 ii 11. lim i_ vtn.-i H ;i 11 Company usually rarrle*. They will rome tn Canada by nay eef ibe si. Lan renee-, uml mil undergo nuaranllne ai (Jroase Island, l.-lnu 'l!||s >tatll1|l Hus cnilellllled Ll llli- emu mille.* nf in,- international Hoard i.r Health, wheu Ihey poid lt a lu*t season, mid li- ra mini >u i lint vet con.ld..rill trictivorlhy. although, ll univ be -luted, extensive ult.rations mid Improvements have been maile and aiM.r.1 sime iben. There ure amny proplt in Canada arba regaN this dumping of Continental Immigrants Into Ihe provtnee* a- almost <*r,initial, In vl.-iv of the .-xtrein.- pn-cautlon* timi aught ta !>?' taken in rocird lo 1.pie from dlsi-ii.einfected dlstrliis. Thc I**.iiiliili.n Federal Oov ernmenl has the- remedy in its own kunda; out, np ?jinre-ntly. the tatt Mt I ve for tl.nforxenu-iit n( thl remedy can only be broughl aboat thrungli pressure BU the part of tba Culled State*. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. M1BIATURB ALMANAC. S.imrl." .101 | (.el il:.',l | M.h.11 s,*t. 1 :_?: | Muon's ace 1 II I'. Il TO-DAV. \. M. -Sandy Ho.k (l:".|ii.,v. 1-liiu.l 7 *_>l ll ll (iii/- fill I ' P.M.-.smily li,,,,1, 7 OM.m. Uliind 7:3'i|Hcll (late 9:20 t lECOMlNO STEAMEES, TO-DAT. Ve??*t. From. Llaa. CalHorola.Haaibaig, April IB.j*,. Hu... \.. ??? lillie" .IIiBiiB ulam, A|erll pl... Neth-Anct I 1 au,),au,a.Mi. tinsel April Si., I j I".11- .?*,munn,1,1,111, \|ull ?_'_'.Xm. , 1,-iiii \enpuit.iVIiiti April '.-J. l'a* Hie-Mall SI NltAV. Al'ltll. KO. AlaiUo .LtVlipaal, April 'ii. '.eileen |rui-B>>*?iela. ...Ola'Bow, Apni ?_?() .. ... AneiiBir lo, Utetogno. ilium .ipr.i 22 .French Tiena ' llo'fcri'lut. He 'tte.dum. April 10 .. Ketti-A mer baevta.Hun.*. April Itt. II mils liner I . Ml MUV. MlV 1. I (taBl .I.llerp.iel, Alli _l.XVhlt- M-er Yuinurl. Savaaa, ipili ?2",.N. Y. and 1 uiu UUHWlSCr STEAM IHS. TO-DAV. Vtasel. Line. For. Mall* (lew*. Ve*?el SUI* Ch leter, American, Soulliampton. d :U0 p in ClivuMla, Aod-Bb "-.ia-_ejn._.. g :00 pm SPECIAL LINEN SALES ON At (Ol NT OF REMOVAL. james mccutcheon & co.. Are offering unequalled values in Damask Cloths and Napkins, all sizes; Huck? aback and Damask Towels, hemstitched and fringed; Hemstitched Linen Sheetf. '.'."i'ii <i Trod? Monk Pillow Cast's, i've. THE LINEN STORE, 04 West 2.3d St. CARPET T'!*8???RT 326 7th Ave. CLEANING. Telephone l all lill. IS. Send for circular STRENGTH, VITALITY, MANHOOD IV. II. I* tit Ii Kit. M. I).. No. 4 nulflmh-.t.. R-x-noB >lAs.,'"/.e^--i.?,.iir.,,,7,,/,./,ii",n,i of tht VF. A HOI) V MKDI. CAI, IN?*TITI TB. te. whom un. awanted th.* ooi.u meda*. lil the N ai ional .Uki.:, h. ASSOCUno*! for the I'itl/.B b*** A Voa r.Ti.ati.1,,1 ViUUUg, Atropkw. Knrooo* ned Pilton, rel DebUitg, an 1 nil Vj i-ntrt .inii Wtmkmrmot Alan. J'i'1. the in Cat I rn qui nli-t "lit. (.'otmultatioa \ n or liv litter l'r.i.|ie.r|ii?. with teitt .?. PKKB. br;.' Iwo*. St' IK ?*'_'. OB I.II K. OK ?>t-l.i-*.|'l{K*KKl ATlOVjBtakPB-. 12S iinalii.ilile pr.'B"ri|itioti.. lull mit. univ Bl hi* nie""'**'"--led. Dr. Parker"! ararka ara tia iiest.i.i me muecta traamd erar |.lll.!l.ll.'.l. -lui hue an e;,..rm.let* tale lhlelU?ll'>iU llt-.ioiintrr uml Kti.'Hiti.l Ite-inl them mew ari"! learn I., lu- iTKON(l, IK.OHOl -?.u ll til,*.. Review. Y>xr*XXTTkX: *lorpliine 4 turu ii. ., DI'lltM l.i-iiilni.. Nu pa* lill c-.m-j-W. 1>I? XXJIta. i III*. J. -??-pliern?. t* tu. no tx. U. (Uv of A'.i-xutidila, NVVt'uU. i . 1:00pm Ceti let 1*11111 I'.lell).- Mill, III. eell ... 11 e ll Il II Ul 1 2 DO III I.i romaine, BB, liane .4;.*) am .'.mo a rn truill < m-ai'i. |..e?l . 3.1*.: a rn nm am Mun- hm.. Ne tie.Xn er, Unite.(lain ... o : Oi) a til .*> VO * IU Suocea, Mallory, Ifal.eaeaa. 3 00pm stVMjW. Al*llII, 30. I'eiiniiBi, r-i-.i Tran-.. Havaiu. 9 00am MUNDA V, MAV I. ll v-li'i*, Hot, i!ia/il. 3 30gm SHI FF!SC SER'S, PORT OP NEW-TORK- FRIDAY, AIMUL _8, 1_9_. .1 UKI Vii.n. s i- an." r MIsBlaalppI (Br), Pates, bataan April li, m.iii ni.t*ie t.e .xe ii.,,,iii hhi-ipiag I... .vi.i*.x..*a at tao uar .it 11 :BU p rn tim. -t.n,..i i i,ti. i.i . Dal :??-. (tab-Ida April 'J, I' undue |g, alla ind.** te Mn,|**..ii, Bpeaaa x 1..U..K- Arrimu M ii,* ll ii ul .. a I... .......mei 1i!rriiiia (Ocr), *?-liul. Snim-ni'iiiile April ll, HelHlagboM IB, Uotaeaimrg 14, i iiri.iian-_iii io, aita iud-., ami .',','ti *t.- nue. pa asea gera t? k J t urti., ar. rmi al Hi'- I' i ut i V, ii m. Me-.ellee-l l-i.elle; tlJail', .-.*je. lt . I e|-* ll IIUK"ll April ll, e Kt. i liii-tiaii-iiiut 14. arith i..l-e, loo cantu and ti-i -le-iar.- paaaiagri* ia tawah, Bdyo x Oe, Arrlv-d ai Um hal at i. 1 ij p m. .-t.*.i.,e,u ataadani iiier), Loafed, ii.iii.iuir_ April 10, in I...:l.i-c lu (loamy il*ie*. Arrived at Hie lmr at d a tn .-,!.-.n.-r rr.-hti-ld (Hr). IVII-On, Uirpentl Mar h it, KalBM-ru April 4. .-*..!r.iit.. 7, klgtert lo, with uid?e to Hi*..- t Co. Airii-J at taa Bar ar ll ai. *>i--ni.-i* I'ii.- Ma.nt- eli..t.n. n*i-t. l'a B-B-fBO Ai.i ti a. Deniarara B. irh.ld-d to, i ar upai,.. 12. eumana 1- ..vita lt. lm 1.'Ullin 1*>. l'"rtu ( aljello I", (uri. BO |B, la.I 30, Aux lal.- 51. I'"lt au I'Hni-e a., witto u.ei-.. Bad pa?roger* i" k uiui nu' x ? ?? Bitten it tua Ut-f-BP-i I I-*- (Bi - CieoBau, baatoa M*r.-ii m. Rio lanvlm April I, St tnoawi -l ?1th ir**-*"' *? the inlte. >Ui- iud Hri.el Man M.-am-lup t - : xe*.el to -I ll lilli , iie-t.* v i.b. x rivera al tu." Har *t BUN p m. Steamer Carm-aa, Woodrl-B, l'"H" Oabelle April 18, . ,| ,,.,,, -i i.i-ei.nia 22, "uu ni"!-" a.i Beeseeaeee to lie i.t.m. Bli-* a Dallett. Ai/.i..! at th- Bur at 1- -14 IliiBBKT Kl OaflBB (Bi . Sauiieier-.. Cnidarl. Hntliar lpn: 13, Trlmilal IV, M l.m In _.), ".(li BMla* and |?i*-*eu e.;?* (.. I'll. I n'lil Hr.*. An I Veil Bl tin- Hit' Bl II..--H. v,,;,.r Xl?lnu*.',,irn rl'.t. Kml-y. ( lento* -.*"- April St. mth ni'i-e t.. Way-ell A: Ce. Alttved at th." Har Meian**" Verna (Bared Corttaaa, ?aeaeea, 4L_- d?yi v. un frail le B.ed, Tar t ' ??? ArrtveB at th- uar " M.e.iii-1,' Sayaadetta, ssaut. NartBtt, wt* mimi and mu ?-?? r- tu uld liumtni.u Stmni.hip tu. Sblu B li -M-t-alf ,N..r. I.i.:i.. llJ't.l ur-.* 31 dna. Hitie ii,.1? :*e order; i? * I * ' rektaa x ?" shh ?.'..?,..,- !...!,:.. ?( iv-vu. M-i-r*. Valpamlae, 107 days alt e.itiu: ? ol *oda to ll I* Beeb v Ca; i-*el v^4?&%*BBl?Cwhrt-_wr. mtem taeaaai rlouUy. ClaKARBD. Kteamer Kl* '.m:i.i.-. it-n-tui*, Biwaawlefc and let* Baudin* C H MVIoryJ'S*' l1MWt| Hair--A TmtBm l^^,^,W;;V.^,!,a''i:i:.',:'*-ner. Um^dt-T?- ?t Brwe"aB*rl suuntt "??'"? >l i*<:"- "???f'"'c'>v ???? vi* S-'-t!-\\i ..rV. M rn '"-IV.. I"- >""'*?'. OW"! ** *******' u'''i\iile?'so*-,ii (Br). Ujaa, PiaiaialB I ? K.rr i '-,..,,,.r i? .iii".omi, fmammt, Bmubbb 'M"m.-.-u- r' i'r...|i.ui- reaalagam, ChaataUm sud Jwiteoii ^'--?^.rU"MMi^;"0'-"l.avlund. Mved-n-Now-Torg &'i;i',''.,i',"i|a!i".li*i' ?"?'?'? *' ??""? f'--SMRtAM x* Boa u""'ieii'"r "..i-m-V"'*'. Cilia UliBtald. l'arry. Uar* ""'Mup^tuthuna (Bli, Ul hhurn. Tlklil-BB ? Maltieud Ker-i. ?Momera RtaaBia, Bt BTiaa* S_i **.':*,r-'' P-JSlfip t.e*.,,.!.-. uVun.v.1.* .:. Vumurl-Nor) BBiaeaai Urixhaia. un m; au.!- f Maiei BeJohaei - thi; mihi mi-stu ni' *>ti'.ami;rs. rinii.i'.N POBTU.*r OliBtaaIr (Bi M""- Barn UvmfBBl, *all*B .?.,.t??ii I,ir Ni-ii-l-rK April 'Je. "aa. tr ,".-?!?? i VU tuna {.Ute). Itarend*. from New roi* April -?' r..r llan.bur,. arrived at *iouthampum ApH_emaer Cetambta (Oee), STuitaiiiag. ham Hamburg, -i|H_ fr. s.iithiimpti.ii for Ne'ii-lorS April J... m.attar i.tiu'iei. i'i". Boombay. ?alleJ flem i*i?.?ow t.,v Neu-Veriv Alel'll B7. _- , _., ?M.-un. i Kunu ilir. Liml-lnx. tr .ni .N.-w-\e)rS Apni is fe.r Liverpool, ainael April '-'7. --.mer lu--"'-!! Victoria (Uer)! Barcata, from .New. Verk UTII JD tor llamliiirc. the I.l /ard April 2i. M........ in. -I.i'l lllell**.. .M.-I.ol.. r.-.tu N"'?"YorB xt,'i*.l l'i r,,r Antwerp, im-wil tin* UaN April *J!4. .-.teuinei Baale Jin. himi-hi, rroai Bew-Teeh April IS feer l.lll'll.'eel. IKI-e--ll Klll-nle- April *-H. _?L.r .Ntuart I'rin.e (Hr,, Mill-r. from New-Vorlc inril l" r.-r KutUrUriin, |-a-*e_.-l tin- ."?.-?Illy I -tanti April Ja. -t-mi. r i-ahn (".-I . ii.iiii.r-. tram BeW.Terf ApKl |g BlHved at Hi--ru.erhiiv.-ii April J7- . _ _ _ steiiiiiir LauRbton 'Bte. Il.eiiei., -ailed frum Rremeo for N.-ee 1 Bilk April itS. l*W*ia i'.i-m. .la.-K'-r. -oiled from Bremen (ar Vew-York April J7. _ ' Hp .itt., r I1 Caliind (Dut.h . De H.-r. ft?un Atn'terditn f,.r Baltitnui.-. -ailed hom lu.uh.v-ii- for Xew-York April tuaamrr Ooveaum ii'ort),'en, from New.torB April IS, arrived at I.I.Im.ii April 27. .-.i. nii.-r Kat-- [Br, A-hlni, (mm New-Tork April O, arriv.-d at Bilbao April Jd. ?steamer Hnniiuii (Br). IVint. China and JiDan for New. Von., pa? ed i.iliral'ar Apr.l Ba. FAISTFM OV HER II IS ll.I SHS HEMl BOOT. Pnvld tJOtf, twenty-four )ear. old. a div good* dealer, llvini,' at No. BB ta taltal at.. Brooklyn, B. li., relurnrU te. Ma Iimi.-- la-t niulit arter taBtatag lieaiily. snd e*hot liliii*.-ll iii tin' lall lnea?t. Hi. wile, who hr. tieen IU for a loni: MUM, h-aiu th- pi.tul -hot., and wk-U a ,-t-aa elfeeil neut !?> the to .ni. Sbi mn her liui.l*llld lylliK ott th.- Beer, an-i fell in a faint BOpaaa hi* bi-dy. NelKhbora lillie ut nml i--lite al Hld wa* .mum n d. but before tko lleeet-Bl* lill.,,' |. ll WU* Ila.'et. Hi. Iroth-r-lll.laW, OWlBg to be*y*i dlaaipaard habit., ima Maa BkaajB of hie t..l-lri.---. ai.l Levy, Wll'ii u>- lear uti ol Ull. a-Uuu. bcK'-B tin Bitahtag aaioBaa wtaah aaUad m int d. .nh. Hi* wita I- dal.-,'-ruii-lv III. What is Drudgery? ?33* GOLD DUST Washing Powder.