Newspaper Page Text
HARMONY IN FRANCK. DEPUTIES AGREE IV) THL MINISTRY'S TKO Tt ISA I.S. THE I.1QIDI*. TiX SEPARATED I RON THE BUDGET by a von: OB BS. To Hij-nii; B0CR8B TAX ALSO VOTED. Part*, April SB.* In tho Chamber of Depettaa to? day M. I'lytri.l, Mlalster ol l'lnnm.-. .tated lhal lha Government wouM make Ihe -puntinn ol ti,.- Nquor tax Hie l.i:di_.*t B Question "f (emt:.I. me. After Behallag thc question Ike Chamber, hy a vote of ;i:i7 ie. 133, de*Med to separate lao Bquor tax fn.ui IBB badgvt. Tin* ni inputl.- paused Hie Rourse lix Wll l<>-dnv l.y a VOt* "I 417 I I 7*. Tim Seii.-.n* >adopted loduy the budget .?.** voted l.y thc Dupiith s. These iw-o Totia of Iho eYaueh Chandler show that tlirn- i- bo mteaBs1(init*indtag between Ihe Dep? uties and Hu- Mint-ten in iee Hw tola lo be per formed l.y Ike lath r. M. Dupuy** Cabinet U cont-ldered and admitted tn lr- n tiu-iu.*? Mii;i-iry; a ?? Ciibin.-t d'affaires,- ?rba a nl-taoa l.s lolel rarely poUUeal quea Uons sever-iv atone, uni! la BtteaB only ta practical business (iii(-*itioii? which tatoreat the cuuriiry- The li.O.t Importun. elf these i- tin* prompt votllig Of the belated IjIKlp-ts nf Ire'.', mid I SOB. The Rltiol Cabinet lost ninny jir.-i lou, linurs In politicni aajaahhtaa, aad Ihe chamber Bctaed upon the Brat pi-et.'.xt t. overthrow it. Tin- heel evMeoce Huh lt was only a pretext wMeh mis aaaigbt for I thut tbe Deputle- luive univ vnrcd What they refused to M. Ribot, the -s-piiliitiuii nf Un- lii-uni- l.-ix fr iii tho budget. That mis ree-nlr. d nL-.ii hy Um .-.-nut'-: and tho two (Jimmi.-rs wll] now, lt is Mpoi. pull together In accord toward Hie ti nu I roting of the tim budgets. The cont-tiiutliennl exlsteaee nf flu- LegUlatnre will (*Ttd la August, und new -alfcllOBi must take place In the full ut tin- latest. it muiid be Bauferoua not IO bUlo the liliu tues nf tin- c.iiuiiry tl .-ri n i t ?* 1 v Bet tied tin- opening of tha electoral rampalga; anB lt is to ucceieriit.r tin- voting at the kadgtl that thc liquor Uix hus invii BOPBMteB fruin lt. Then- is i.iso another rmotlve. iimt tax 1* a hara lng question. Ila unit ii poiBtl !?__? Io Hie fabrication ol alt-olio], and it ls Balled lu (lie uticstlim ol Hie '? bnullleurs de rem." nr lii'iii" baller* i.r distil? lers. 'Hie vintage pinpi, tors enji.v, uiuk-r .some regulattans, the pru liege ot Blahing alcohol from their 4)1111 crop-; and nny change retauvo lo Hint prl vii-ge would greatly laflUODCe Um efertoral cte- iu tim wine districts, lt 1* probable, thei-efo-e, thut In order not io add io Un- excitement formerly created hy Un* 1 anama stands li tii<u liiiuoi* tux question xx iii nut t.. raised by the feghuatora after the voting nt tim budge.-., 'but wll] lm nUmioa to n main a.s lt now stands. MEANT TO MURHEK MR. GLADSTONE. XOW>*SEND AUJBOBB TO II XVI*. MIX IN WAIT at Tin; pnF.Mir.u's BOMB. London, April _.-*.-?* The Pull Mull (iazettt ** states that on the day the Utah Hon..* Rule Mll was passed to a aecond reading, William IBwbbm... the man un? der arrest on the ik minni charge of lui vm- lirott a revolver unlnxvfully in B public place-, hui really on Suspicion of having intend-d to us-n-*liiate Mr. Ulad atone, lay In xviii! for Mr. (.lad-toiie's departure from his home xiiih the juirpo-c ut .murdering tho Premier. Townsend mts armed with a loaded revolver, and aaa deliberately prepared to .shout Mr. Qla-BstMM os soon as ho came within roath. When Mr. Gladstone cam out of his house and the would-be assassin -mv him, his purpose weakened, for thi reason that Um vener? able appearance of the Trimler reminded T0B.BB.BB of his own father's appearance on his deathbed. The pistol slipped from his Bogers mid he rushed into the park, sank <>n n bench and hurst Imo tears. lt ls assoiHHl tlmt Townsend made bela way Into the centrul hall of the He.u?? ol Ct mmoiis OB thu same night and vigorously denounced the Home Rule MU. The police have truced Towns-nd from Sheffield to this cltv. Ho arri v-M here nt. 5;*_i> o'cloek on .Saturday, uni (here-fore it mis n.*t possible for him to attend ethe t nloni-t meeting ai Albert Hall, where he at firs! xv*s rm pooped to have heou Incited to his determination to sill Mr. Gladstone. Townsend's father ls alive, and (Ines not hear the slightest resemblance tn Mr. (Hud-tone. Tb* family history of TaWnaesB Indicates that he ls not mentally sound. BISMARCK ANI) ANTI SEMITISM. BELIEF THAT MIXTl'RE OF THE RACKS WILL Pl NA I.LI Sl.TTLE THE QUE.Tl ON. Berlin, April 2^.?Herr Hardin, a Journalist, of this city, has had an Interview al Fited! kihrwah x*Hh Prince Bismarck on the subject of Anti -Semitism, which ts at present playing an Important part In the political affairs of the Empire. Prince Bismarck ex? pressed himself freely, and left little donut as lo bia position on the question, in substance, lillico Bismarck said: "I was never a friend of the .lews, owing lo my "education. 1 was lu IM" tim adversary of Jewish emancipation, which 1 subsequently favored in IBBB, because ihe lale Baron Blcichroeder appniialed my national projects. The reappearance of Autl Be Britts Bl aller an epoch of specnlatloii ls natural, l?-caiis.- the deceived people confound capitalism xvith Judan-in( In ISfO Ihe anti capitalist mov-meut could have been moderntod only by the safety-valve of nntl-.lewlsm. Tbe Ahlwardl ern will result In politics xvltu no lin porlnnt or lusting con-etiuences." Prln.e Bismarck added that the adoption of Dpul means against ihe Hebrews would be Melesa, and ex? pressed the opinion thal ihe Intermingling of the He? brew and Gentile races would gradually bring ulxuit a *eitlemenl of Hie vexatious question. The lone of the Interview was uiodt-ruic throughout. TROUBLE IN* SANTIAGO DE (TBA. TUE PROVINCE IN A STATE OF SIEGE-BANDIT. SURRENDER. Havana, April 2 H.?-TM province of Sn nt In go de Cuba has been declared In a Btate of sleg'. A telegrum from Ilolguln, province Bf Santiago, announces that ive of Uta be.ndits concerned tn the recent robberies In that district have biirrendend themselves. Madrid, April 2S.?" El Correo," newspaper organ of the Government, BtatBS that armed bands hav sppesred In Hie Interior of tiltia, and have thrown the Inhabitants Into a panic. "El ("orreo* adds these details concerning the "Elgbtv armed men appeared at Ins Tnnns nnd twenty ai llolguln. They pillaged houaee and ahnaed Citizens, (.rent unenslne-s prevails throughout the eastern dlstrlcls. which alivu.vs sufT.-r most from revolutionists and bandits. The uprising ls supp..* ed to be th" work of Cuban exiles In the Cnlted state*. lhere is bettered io be no cause for general alarm on the island, ns the Spanish troops art- fully able to copo with the Insurrection. TROUBLES OF AUSTRALIAN HANKS. 6**_-*TE"N\SION OF TIIE STINIiAr.l'-rj.iVr.I'.NMKNT TO CONTROL BAYIXOS B1XKS. Melbourne. April 2**.? The stoddard Danit of Auitriillii has suspend.*! pending Hie rec listructlon of the Institution. The ant hort BBB capital of the hank ls ?1.000,000, nnd tho isai-m fund and un? divided profits amount to ?125,000. The Standard Rank Vs* hud a high reputation, and has numerous branches. The subscribed capital of the bank xv_s ?507.555, of which ?_2.VJ.57r. was paid In. Its iron hies were caused by the withdrawal of d.-puslts. The Government of Victoria has announced Its decision lo amalgamate all savings banks now con ducie-** Independently of tho Government with the Bostoffice savings banks, the Govern ment of the col? ony to h?ve full control and to guarantee *. OCEAN PENNY POSTAGK IMPRACTICABLE. London, April lt, OWUM IV. E. Loder, Conservative member for Brighton, made a motion In Ibo House of Commons to-day for ocean penny postage. He Bpafea at length la favor of reducing to on.- -penny tba p?.stnl tariff tar letters passing from one Brltl-h colony to another, and between any Hriil?i colony nnd the mother country. Arnold Moil.-y, the Postmaster Oeneral, Mt. Gladstone and Slr William Harcourt, the Chancallor of the Excheo,uer. es-fsoaaed th'-tr approval at tho prtnclpl* of Hie nioiion. i*n matatatned that Basnet.-] oonstderatlon* mud.- u,,. change Impossible ta present. The motion wa* withdmr. n. AHLWARDT-S CIMRCKS I Np;:uVKI). Berlin, April 83.? the notorious Anti M_ltlo member of the MebutaB rn tim received another Mow from tbe I|ous?. The sub-committee gt tba Belebstag, appointed to examine ihe docu Ita BBUButted by Ahlwardt In support of bis Ot corrupllon against present and former I el tbe Govern ment, submit led Ita report _-_JB_ Tho committee Ands that theie ts nothing ta the documents to prove the grave cbarrrs made lt Ahlwardt. ? A B-UtQUBT FOR MINISTER GRAY. Cilia tt Mtx-oo. April BB.-Arrangements are being ta giro a banquet ta intt.-d states Minister e? bta arrival hore. ile ls expected about ai. tal wooaa ot Aka American colony pro 4 bBitamital bbM walch a__ afc*-, ta Mrs. ts The Great Success of that new -social centre of fashion, tbe "SHERMAN -SQUARE HOTEL," was largely -lu*' to its exquisite fur? nishing by GEO. C. FLINT co., but Flint (Sc Co. cnn fnrnish with neat? ness, beanty anti economy whenever a hotel trishes to give nice rooms at very moderate rates. The new "JEFFER? SON," 104-110 .East 15th St., josi com? pleted by Mr. Chatfield (of Pequot, New London, fame), is so favorably fixed in all particulars as to cause quite a rush for rooms, and doubtless will be filled iu a week. Flint -X: Co. lately received from Europe the Tapes? tries they designed for thc " NEW NETHERLANDS," iv hi eh, iv hen opened, will be the finest hotel in thc world. itvap. irita of retiring Cnlted states Minister Bran, uti tile imii lust. COLOBBL liri.llE**"'rr LOSBS HIS mit. London, April -j-.-t nl.-n.-l llugln** Millett lins 1*-i bi* .suit, for du mag.'* -,?? ni,, i against John Passmore Edward*; "The Weekly Tim.*'' ami "Tlie Echo." The Jun in the rase to-day returned a rerdlct lor Hie de?.>ln!:ilits. The ail"-u"d 1 li>? -l ronslsled ot ? rrtatempnl Ihat Slr Clllirles Dilke xv. mid b" "Ile flttCsl I ee||.*i!*--i|.* e.f Colonel Hu:-!;.-Hallett iii I'aillatii. ii', ani thal "Sodom anil Gomorrah mmld le" tlr-tr proper consitliiencli**."* Tier' alln*lieii waa te. a iranda] In whicli CoKmel Hughe* Hallett HUS llll'llflt mellie- nut-* IIS... ull'-ll ll.- WS t ineiiileer of I'm li inieiit fe.r l:>.. li.---i.-r, ai.l Which l'-d io lils withdrawal from political Uta. EU, lioilF.MIAN VU-LAOEBfl BURXRD T'? DEATH. Prague, April 2-.-.1 large portion of tie- iowa or Krentzi.erg. a pia. e >.f aiu.ut 1,500 Inhabitants, near lientM-lil. iini, Bohemia, lias peen destn yd l.y Brr, Tin- contingiiitloii swept arra** 160 linus's, --ix persons perished in tin* Baaxea, ninny ol hen were Injtir.-d, and al...ul .*>oo bare I .--t. their homos. -_? EIGHT THOl'SANTl IVOKKMI-.N ON* STKIKK. Paris, April 2B.?Klghl thousand men employ..! In Hie Loire Navy Yard struck ut Nantes to thy mil marched shouting and singing thrungli Hu- street . Trontile i-5 aPprebendcB a.nd tke ttOOfl have been confined in lue barrachs. QfKF.N VICTORIA BACK AT IV I ND* on. Linden. April '.'?'.?Queen Victoria, xvho lins pnnscd fcyoral week* In Florence, arrived ni'li bar -'Atc xl windsor Castle to Bay. TO SirTTI.K THE 1TI.M II SHORE 1)1-Il IR. f-t. Johna's N. Y., .Ipili SS.?The British Govi rnment has agreed to neri.-pt the proposal of rhe Newfoundland Legl-latnre for the s.tlle nu nt of tin- French .*.iv gaeaftan. The Gladstone Government viii ik-' relnteodaee Ihe obnoxtana Coerdoa t-ni in th" imperial Part la Bient, tait reojoeal ti:.* Newfoundland Legists ture to continue (be temporary net e.r i-.ei ir di** purpoae of giiitt'* time* feer the completion ..r aegotls Hons fur a permanent .neasare tatt-tfartory t.i both countries. This ie-uit is atlrlbatable io tin* nc;i..n of the (ippi.-itioii party in the Newfoundland l.< _.*!:i mr.*, niiu have fought tin* Blatter fur Un*.*.- years. PIERCF. AT PS IN' K EDWARDO BBLAICD. llallfax, N. s., April ?_'.-.--A terrille i-t.,rm swept over Prince Edward's Island on W.-oti.-*-ai y. The -clio, uer Anna Bell l*- a wreck Bl Mai.go._Bsh, and tbe lasing I'aini ls n. ,.t cariboo. The wtad Mew forty miles an lioni, and lt nus bltt.-rly cold, with heavy kiiow mid hall. A larg.- Bamber of lotti r mm vere blown out to sea and undoubtedly perished. Pow bouts and tlu-lr crews were btawn out t., iee from Chaos Cove, uml .--Ix boats nn.i InHr STOWS fn.m Black Point, Four men were ptehed tip by a tug off Foint Mas. Two nu ti narneeii Howat! arid Johnston, of Cnnead, arere Mown og la their little gooks Bh'"ll, and had a Barro* ?? .upi* from drowning, They men rescued, attar terrible suffering (rom .*.x posure, in au unconscious condition. __-. _.- ? REPORTS CI* A Ri brJIAN i PKI81KG DEXIKD. Ixmdoii. April 80.*?The si. Peter-burg correspond ent of "The Itally Telegraph*- ssys that tko rectal reports of a peasant uprising In Southern Rassla nml the Bonoiquint stopping "f it." Czar's train sre tiiif.jiimletl. I'lii. train nu- belted for a few minute* MM Charkoff, be sojs, to replace ri rall wlilch hud I.ii torn from Ihe track. Otherwise the dar's journey was neel interrupted. TBE STANDARD OIL'S LAST RIVAL GOS!'. RETORTED AP so urn ON OP THE MAXI! ATTAR CO. WITH FBOPERR WORTH ttir.imo cfio. I-lndlsy, chlo, April Q-i (Hpeetal).- It cuni! lo Hgbt ta-Bay thut tlio Btandard OB Company bas secured entire Control of Its chief existing rival, tIn- Man liattan on Company, and Ihe inlier kai become entirely BMrged. The Manhattan ita* been f..r (our yean the chief, probably the only, rival of the standard l'i Ike ohio tel.I. Tli.- company wai or ganUtil ,l>>* Ihe Mun'- New-York mtlltanalre who ?oM tho Lima (ii Qowpany oul t.< the monopoly, wttk a capital "-I."]-, e.r gsijOoo.000, .uni within Ihe last -.ix mouth-, has Be4_nlred properties worth Pl.000,000, Tin- Mantattaa fer. >-?i rh.- standard to raise Ihe price of ohio mi from 15 cents per barrel to 4- cents by paying an advanc- of _ tani . Il built Immense it fineries ut Townsend, wether and other i?.int-. throughout tills State, and mad.- Itself a Battgerout rival. To du tUs lt baa Bunk millions, and lt died, ft hard death. During Hie last yar Ike Manhattan Ims Slade Beaty contract* tii supply Oil, and upon learning Hil-. Hie Standrtrd began buying oil nt advanced pipes to sqaease them out. The ros,., and iii.- Mun -battas ls want la bairn lost mHUohs on 11* Jaauary 1 oiiiruii-. li reaebed li- limit of opposition snd resource, nml guv* np. This l* the targes! oil Baal ever made lu the .Mute, ggQ looks bad le.r Ibe PTO (lucr-, hs oil xxiii drop to a low BgUre nnii --? all indications (all. Tbe property transferred bj ibe deal ls valued at gIS.OOO,(X>0. KNOWLEDGE lirinj-B comfort and Improvement an'l tends fta personal enjoymeut when lightly used. Tlie many, who live better limn olln-n,, an(| enjoy life more, willi lose. <*\ po nd it ure, by more promptly adapting tin* world'a beat produeta io tte Mada of physical being, will attest th.- value to health of ii*- pine iit|iiid laxative prineiplea embraced la the remedy, Syrup of Ilga Its excellence is due to its presenting in tte form ruoxt MOrptsbld and pleaaaat ro tin* tu-'e the refre*_iing and truly Inncliciiil proptrttai of a perfect laxative: eteetaally tito Ming Un 1 B< toni. ttpBUlag colds, h"iidachi*s and lovers, ani p.*r_uanently curing OBMllpaUon. It lu* given sutisfaclion to millions and met wiih thc ap? proval of thc medical prol.s-.ion liecause lt a.t*. <n tho Kldnejns, I.lx-er and liowels without weak? ening them, and it i? perfectly free from every objeotlonablo substance. Syrup of Kiga ls for anio by all druggist, in 50a and fl bottle*, but it ta manufactured hy? the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Fifa, and teing well iaformed, yon will nat aooept any substitute if offered. FLUSHED WITH SUCCESS. STRIKING WAITER! SWELL THEIB i:\SKS. WAR I.i.i Lim.:) ox* DELMONIC I HEB THE ROTE BRL'KBWICE-COXCEB IONS ELSEWHERE. The novelty ol "bring <.n strike Las se. completely csplared ibe waller. Ihat Ita*! inn* extended their ??;", Hom, lot- several v.-,-'*- the walten -'.w Ibelr keads iieitimi-ii wh-n mme enthnatsatle walt>er toM them ihai a ?.-.;,. ol t ?? wallen lr. Del_BontCO*s v. i t- ','-. All Ihose doubta were removed oa TbaisstaT evening, wi all ox-apt aban) hall a itasca ta Ibe wallers in Ibo r-t meir struck. Yesterday tM mn ci.ucl.l.d iii iinv over tiu- -tui. -* "f Birth'. -fh*** men made happy l-.t'-r hv the anneurrement or genenU iirlke in ihe li'"' J" Lmgerot, al Eighteenth **;. and Fifth-ave., ind in the Hotel Brunswick. Trouble j;i ... i -; . ?!?;* was n-ported, bal Ihe strikes ii Hm- L-tgrrol and BrnMubk were t-r the great-*-"*) Importance, lu tii- Logerol Ibe greatest Inecmrenler-ee vu- caused by Hrs* strike, which ???' cnrred -:??-nt noon. Ibe strike in the BruMWtek ; . -. I 'ul l? Il-Ye- 7 OVlOCk IH.I ol.-I ill". Wll'tl Ita* 'iu_-.e dining-room was full e>t gutrsts. The si-rlotl-ll,-- Of tile- ejjcllOU eef tlie Ileete'l Mill' cr.' Ailinn. ? na- appreciated yesteitta) in .rilli.-*. , ii,-r ih ? hull which aas giv n In Madison *-.uar Harden in honor nf tte naval ofltaera. After Ihe ball hundreds ru ked over lo Olmo leo's. Moro tba eTdlnattai.iM be explained lo tkem Ikey had Oiled ihe restanrant. Mr. Delmonico explained lo ih,.,:, t at lil* walters were on strike, BBd that, much t.. i.i- regret, li would be Imposs-M* t" scree t lt, in. The crowd departed greal IJ dl'an*pottted. The service was Untiled nil .in iu l?'s. The walten In Ibe ..if" BIB Bot itrtke altk Ihe others, u-t:ti*e chief griev.uiii- was agnlnsl the second head walter. The walten rn Ihe rafe have beta employed the:." many yeats. They know all Ito regular pat rom of Ike |.l:ue; ikey profll well Hi. r.-i.y, and arr well satisfied nilli th-lr condition. In Ihe greal restaor ant. yesterday inornrog, and during all Ite day, lhere were Buny disappointed men and women. There ii,Te only about ten wallen lo serve them. Conse qnt mh lhere men delays In getting meals, aM IM u mil large Bnmher of gueeta ? nii'l Ml be -.ried. Mr, Delmonico la Bnb In ats refuaal io grant IM demands af il"- wailer-. ?I .rm Bil theta places eaaRy,a h.- said yeaterday. "The t'r-t re'iiiiretii'iii In s nailer I- lae uillity In upeah * tanguagea. I BM IM Bwlss atnl Al Rattans ran speak two or ttn-.-.- or four tonging ? I -hill gel nome of tl. fellows, aM with laro-weebs1 training they -xxiii tggke rxeellent walt-r-. 1 shall n.-x-.-r employ any of IM men who -irul; lit night. I have found i noogh -en ot araltrr i.> servi mv gu.-st-, nf course ?'? iiai'-*,nt a-, many walter BS we had tatara |M -lill*'*, l-nt In a tiny or lW( everything will be muring smoothly as Mfore." TM restanrant of the Hotel Di I. ?_* r.*t was tall of guesta si 11:30 o'clock yi-slerttay tm.ruing, when ti.- siriii.- ...I urre-.i there. < "n Thursday night Ih went ta Mr. Morton, Hi* munni.*, r. i.!..l Bl Banded an tacrrese In Iheir wages. Tivy wanted ff'.-ft a nieetitii. Their demand was granted. Flashed with such?--, an.I Imp .led by fl sense of power, tlier iv.nt io Mr. M eriB.n yesterday Bwrnlng anel t..|.l him Ihat th.ry iimi changed tin ir mimi-. They had tboagl ? Ihe whole Ihlng ??v.-r; bM "slept on lt," and M*a they wanted to tatami their former Bemand. Tax lout Mr. Morton Ital Ita | Md come lo ll.mclusion Ital |Q0 fl month was not enough for them. Bo tl i inid iiin ihat they i-"i .I-'i't-.i i" aah Wm lor BBS a Bl nth. ? "Why!" ex. iniiii.. i Mr. Morton, "tari Bight yon wanted BOO s month, i--u got that, and now you come beere a f.-w i.ra latei sM want PS a montfl m..t-e*. i suppose if i should agree mw lo a}*ri fan fHH a month inn would i.-ura sgsln (""-morrow sM ij. rm. n.i .fit).** Mr. Morton refused to give tko men whit they asked for. Twt ilj r.-ir of Ihem Kirn- k .--?,I V ? ' ? te, UlC A 11' 11'1 - ? ? I|l . 1.1" 111.1 !*' ?* l , ||l "!- I ' I! I Til iny Center, al rwenti Bfth*st. sM (Bath ave. i few walters refused lo strike, tat tbe hotel ? badly crippled ail Bay. The -pnprtetor l- Richard de I.,ger..*, the Marquis de ' r..l*n . Winn -.e.n ten t.-relav .ifieiiioB.ti li i.j,,.rt?t- be wai In thi MMsome dlnbig-room o| bli Mtel, -nlng amps ter mme ol hi- guests, ile wai sngry at rv- Btftaa <>t Ul wah er-, ami -.-.lil thal be pro].*i lo nerve his guests him-elf. If io-, .un. nm || wm Beeestar. t. turn away Dearly -i."i*o persons from tbs hotel, An amicable settlemeni aras made later la lha day wltb th.. Jlot.-i Watten1 Alliance. TM u-ltan arba struck yeaterday morning alli sot be re-employed. Tii.r Irenes that oct imd on 'i mi Baj rvenlng ?< tv- etiiiiii.-r boar In Delmonico*! wen npealtri al the tMiuir ta.ur la-' evening In IM well-hhowB r-s lauran! of tM Hotel BntMwleb. Al Tile. ,,, i, ;, iwi-nt] f" ir walters <i''it u,,r.,. Almost even s.-a*. In t.."* reetauranl wi.ipled. Tha strtte wss ordered arltMut s momeni'i warning. lt caused ? ?!, Iderabl.nfaatau. Soflte of IM gu.*-*- left i - .'? lauran!. Olhen wer.nteuled t., wall s .1 be -??tie-l. aller I -Jang delay, b] tba tl.r,- Baller*: .ii.I ii.,t nitta. AU- -eel. ..' Ibe ulrike a i ?,,:?! t., i Tribune i*-p trier i ;? the leMer of Ihe at-rlta, a- i .1 loWl : "Al ball pj i ?? o'clock Mr. Gottctaud, IM maa iig.*r ol i ,- lunn- ,i i, ;,, e..rue* lo iii'* .-.ill: *? '.Bill-He. ai*e Vee I prfllfl te, .trike 1' WOUM X OH strike ll the other, dla * "?Yes, -lr.' I saM, I ien yon ran gee.- Mr. Gotl rliand *.ll. I loki him tu.ii l would gu if li- wanted me to. At len minuit-, pi-t 7 ..*? 1 -? ? .? I e -Uti i4.i glVi-ll Hie tdgn for a llrike. Aud .ill Hie bofn Walked nut except a Vu ..Iel Mys, IMI you rall 1 ii in- ..f Iii- hotel, iv. I. ive I,- ii tv p . long. Aboul tue-tv or twent) in- "f us galt. 'I ?? dlnlns room wu- lull of people when we left. Mr. Kwell. Ibi proprietor of ihe WI Maur Hotel, In Mont na I. wi Just aboul io lake a Due dinner that hs*t been prepared f'.r Lim.*1 limit wen i..ur demands?" wss saked. ?? We wanted fUO a mool i. We li id ot ly I" ? n getting -J. a me.nth. We gol only QM ii m.min nulli April I. Hu.,- thal Htii" we have I.?n gelling if--', a month, lie' e,..lV,. mked for KOO mi' Again al ii o'clock l.? in-lit a<" BaMd Mr. I ...H. Vim! i-r -in ,i in.ur'.,. *|: you Bani tee go, go.' Iii said. Lut we I hough I ii-- v...ui'i ii..! itrtke Ihen, beeaase then wen not many people in ibe restaurant." When Mr. Gold baud wa.n he .aid : ???se.lll- IBU.* - ri !>1 lo III-- that til- Ililli- I. Ul*!'-- gOlng to Mt rll..-. I aeiil ii Iii Hi- I* Isurnni un.I ala lei tiler ivnllB i -I-..T . i.,i ar-' Ir-utlii.- me m.,inly If you leave me now.' I will nol mike am . ..n rei lui -b, Un m. The guest* w-re willltu* t.. serve theiii-i-l". e-. niul forego Heir t ti?-ii tr<* |>..rtl? m. etc. I cnn -easily lill ihe v.i. .m. I? caused bj Hie striM. None, ol Hie men wbo 'm. k lo-nlghl will .-ver I. employ ri here egaln. Then" aras some Inconvenience bul ll- r.BBBiu Mullel-, the- ,e..,f,. Maller- ;i!id Ita' few uuiier* abo remained in Ibi restaurant helped ti? ti, imii ti,tong!, all right." fggkl i unity girt* in ibe GnM 11 ? .i ?-! struck 1. lords; in * rni?.iiin with the wattan, who -inn li llie-|e- on llltll-il v night. The Cllfe* a lui restaurant wen prac!le silt 11" "i ii) day, 'Hu- toltawti'g I,,,t?l* BMde ronc.-.tloiw to Ibe walter i ? iiifii.v : rhe iSriMvenor, Fifth tvontii', san Remo, Net.ida, Langham and Ht. lien!.. A .*-?tI?t. of aboul au ii-.;it*- duntton preceded the gniming .f the Increase si Ike Grosvi-ror, Mon Dimble l expected lo-day In several uptown tanlly he.iel.. SILE AT THE 1,' I.V #7.17 7.(1' ATHLETIC (EC lt Th- nu, non nata of ite properly of the Manhattan Athletic ? lui. h.. ce-inliiifil nt Ihe home ,,f tn,. , lui,. Muill-i.t. live, iitf.1 Port) Bfth-BBL, xf'--'J -r.l.-iv. 'IU ?ales mule uren ..f lurnttnn nnd bltcten ntenslta. j.r-ieta mr.. reaBsed. JM iola aili M -ontlntKd till morning al IO o'cloek. At 3 o'clock ta tM ifter boor ih- Lout- at ita club bootbonse, ob Hi" Harlem River, will I..* .-ole!. rJTBXf ITALI AMS MILLAH IR A SHIVER. Oleao, N. Y., April -*?- Albright .*. Blmpaoe's m. r nt nu* Lawrence si . caved in nt 9:10 thia morning, burying live Italians. Two ol them w-re reacned and lhre? Ulled. -t /;/(; ooh Fine him: TO stov WOES. nevetand, April ?-'->. A dispatch tana Desiemer, Mich., says: "-Orders hue bew recriveB bera t i ibal d-.Mii ile- i ..Il..v nilli-. TM Colby I- .f id,. 1,,-,-t li-i'ii min.* in Hie t.eegehie range. Ko neaM I*, riven lor tbe Briton. One iMasaM uta will lie thrown bill ol woriu" t AM,I DAT ES FOR HARVARD OV ERSE IRS. Boston, April 2- i-p. .inl.. Candidates for the in vacaiui.e- on iher Board ..I nv.-r ee r- ..r Harvard lol leg* hav;- been chosen. TM men whose terms expire i.i?? Me-sn, Arthur r. Lyman, Moses Williams, PranclN c. Lowen, Samuel Hoar aM Roberi s. Peabody, nml of these all I,ul '.tr-. Lowell .ir- .-ll.-il.l.* for re .?],., tl ,ii. 11 "e.*.. I' lll< ll I,.| fOf ill*- ( Olll!l|e|l. <-nil*l|t DllV Hebel ar- as fe.Hov-: Robert M. Hone, of boston; .lune- a Kunnin, ol Spring-eld, liraawaideai af the Conon and /litany RallraM . .1 r. HMson, ni Boston pn ld. in .f ih- ii, i: TrieptoM Can snj . >CMrtas v. Bowdttrb, ot Boston; Kdwta P, Heaves*, al Boaton, Baperintendml ol bchoolsi Dr. leann R, Chadwlcb, of l'.o-*..n. Ubrartaa ol iii. Medical Li:, ur, Asaoetallon; K.tiiani H. ie,.ie., ot Boaton, H.iniiii w. Cbaptn. nt Hom. un ini.-r-i -f in- Board ol [Muon Commlastom-fa; tu n,v Uharies f. Data, Bf l.o-toe . Aaguatas ??. Bultoch, ..i Worvrater, lairfdial ..f Hie Btate Matanl Ute a- unm., Company; william F. Wtarian, at Boston; D(. WUMam Margi* in,-,.i,, of h.,-h...; KnttaaM Item, ri boston; wiUtam /??n"i.m'I; '?? (il,"M;';,: Erntt Wtltam a. linne...!. <amt.rl.lge, fir. .,?,,? rfom.,, Jr of ,??ton. IIUHhii. a Oaaton, ol Hoeion, and the Rev. Ooargfl A Oordon, of Huston, pMBflg of the ?ld South Church. ? m Natural route acron tba oonttwmt "America'! Gwatest lUl_road,'f _o No*W.YorkCenU_L ,1 All desire foe liquor tennanent ly removed. The Empire Institute. 146 West 4-d St., New Vork. offers an im? proved 'scientific treatment for the cure of liquor, morphine, cocaine and tobacco diseases. Each ease treated individually by physi? cians of high standing, with regard ts the physical peculiarities of the patient. Not a single failure or unfavorable physical result has occurred. Xo detention from business is necessary. Call and witness treatment. Highest references. IJIHICT.IKS: JAMBS lt. PITCHER, A. D. CHARD i.r.n pail wilso:*, ? ? ?? oog?, h. cocbt LAND? DAW. RAI LUG AF INTERESTS. ANOTHER Ct'T BV THE RIO QRAXDE. Tin; 11 Hi- S BOOB TO MEET IT AND ALSO Tu r.\ ; KR Til- ' OLOBADO 1100 I' Chicago, April Ita.-The Beaver and Rta Grande gnxe "? t.i , ??' tot rales another cat to-Bay, and :,- anuoUBci-d the h.towing round irrtp rates: Denver i.e i hlcago, rTt". Denver lo bl. l/.'.ti-. -gOS; Denver tee lindi's i.i: Ibe M-SeOUri River Beal nf Bl. Louis, X'il). ii. mn were a surprise ta railroad men, tm nothing iini i" ?'! Bona try them ta meet Ihe cut from tym ia p(_ made bj Ihe Rio Grande several dayl ago. The Ben reductloB trill be good our the Roch Island .-uni Ibe Burlington, Ibe Wsaonrl Psrifla hav tag protested spinal Ibe t.n itt being made aver Its iiii-. The .it. i,i e.ti. ii- .-""ti as lt I- released from Its contract arith ihe Wratern l*asaenger Aasorlatton, will announce a Ihrough late lrom Denver lo Chteafs reduced in Ihe same percentage as Ibe rates innonnced tu day by the Denver and Bk) Grande, 'This WlM make n runnel trig rate el PIS ?-?' Km*.. ' ItJ lo (TilcuR't- Beegtanlng li.rro*s morning, the AtclrJ -e.n will mot a rata ot fl hom Denver lo Pueblo mil all Intermediate paints. Ital ween any ot lhen (Mints and Aspen the rale will be gi. The Hebel win -ie*..iel el is- over lh- I olorado Midland tiri (lu- between Denver and i'n.riiiu. These rai'** will prohal4y stir np Ihe Hgbl in L'otarado lo ita boging point. -The general Impression now i- ihat ta tang a* lae Alcbtaon road ls brid by Its ciMitrsei Ihe Western Passengef Association, Ihe Denver ami hi.. Orande win conttna t>. sth ap troahle, but thal a- -*""l SS the X". lee" ll Ix II""-" IO ll_l.t -is lt . m. .--*> Ibe c'.ntll.i Will i.vcr. A>! l.tiMA i; -OH iou READING. rr ivis BK ll -'*' DI UK * TUE BOUDA. IX HE*M gonn ritffi iBADtxa herb ri mterday. The daring nf tbi (few-Yorb Btaeb Baebaage on ThursBa* wa- taken advantage ..( by tba Phtlalelphla st.H k brokeAa, whs bal n > aaval review ta tajoy. lo -I.m- Philadelphia and Reading stoeb ap ' The BBBounre.nt <.t ita plea (or tba rebabtHUttan ol the rampaay's Bnance* waa lbs Batenrible cause ri the rise. When Ibe *unk Baebaagi opened here yesterday l-bei*. wai u big crowd around ibe BeaBlag .... and ronslderable eictleawm prei*alled foe s time, eptrri traasscttaM Brew mad-- st pricei rarylng ill the wa] fr..-it *.** io :.'i- Bnl ths New Vorken -niiieiie.i ta- bolls n-h with Kock, sud tab prict declined to ?2>::i t- -21 l ?>. The lut price, howarer, ibowi ii ii*?? pim over Wi laesday'i ri ma nt l ii per rent. Tbe total iransacllons in Beading ran np i" 177.-n.l ?'iiir<? -?. er <i|ii..l tei o.-.l'l'. -iiin... of ? full' ur eflOO pr i tin- itaek, PMlBdolpbta sent r..*.Inred dtopatehei ill day tong regarding ibe new Reading plan. Bul lt i? ex tr. tn-iv rt.-*ii*ffut if ll win gs ih-wagh wlthonl -?;: ? itie.ti Olin New le.tii bondholders. Tbi general morl iristt bondboMers Bo ari rtsltah tin- iden of funding ilu-ir cou pom tot Bve yean, which I. part sf Um plaa. a ni-i-titi- af these kondhoktara win probably he railed I" a -JeW div- tee roBBtBiT the .-. 1111- * (1 - - r i. Iii* i?i.-f*-r:*-i tarome bondholder! also ???>J?>-< r t.. ibe ene tl..11 nf | '.".i" H I.i itt) bolHt. iihea.I ,i( 1|?-|r ll.II. Tu iimi e.n,int ha eatrleit ont Wllhoul the as-, ni of tbe iM-ome I...lillee,iii.-i-s. If (bey linne..- tu light. The of mi ii--.**in.*ii" may, however, lend lo tassen tu.- opposition. u.TKKKH <ti* A RAILROAD OS LOKG island. The iiiintnil ta*mag Ol Ul" ItallMlldl ll ai Ihe steinway and Hunter** Print Railroad Garnpang nas lr.ld v.--t-rdny nt the .'oiiijmiiV. ? ,tiler. Km, 111 Ka*: li.uri.-nil. st. Th.- toll..wini- <!lr-it<ji* Wen- elected: viiiiir.iii (Hrinwny, tl ear ga a. *-:.-inwa v, (,'bsr>a a. ii- 'ur. ii D. Low, Wailer c, Totter, ll-HIT A. ? a "hil anti Loni, lon U.-rinnh. Tba BJreCtOfB th.-n rieeted Ibeoe afltoers: I'r-.lil'n'. Louis Von i.iiiiuth; vice-president. Welter r. "-taster! secretary, uiui rarer, i naries I', li-ll ir: e.xe-i-iillve ce.iiimit i ??-. WlUtam steinway, 4..-irp"* A. steinway sud ll. I>. Lou. ?? ? - \\<>i*k BBOtTM i.n* THI nf.i:i:aski (KMTii. i.maliii, April SB IBperlal).- Ai tu:.I -vi i k mi (?,. RobraSba Central Krilrood wa. bein-un (bl* _sornlng. the iiBtii|..-iu> lui* |)iiii hi*.-?1 lund and I- Bcqulrtn*. property t-,-, top* grounds, and work near Jcgei ---ii sejunre un* already hoon began. The company's bridge a.i*.-*- the Missouri River win i.epleted Ihli tall Tbe hue win reach from Central Nebraska to Chicago and be n Mg rn. tor in Western railroad altair*, -e- it win be Hie onii rompany with Ha own i ridge ex.* in tho I'nlon PaclBr, .-KinNIK I.l-.s OHIO l(.111_r* ILIMIXATRD. Chicago, April ?-*?*.- At to.iin*. meeting tri Hie Weat ern Chicago Railroad Association lt nu* sgreed tee .?tiini nu*. nml i in s. rates to Colo tn bus, Newark and oilier Ullio p-lllt-. DIBC1 BBIXG i: III Hull) RATEB. There ine ? nun iHended meeting yesterday of tbe presldenti of Ibe roads In lbs Jotnl Committee nf Hu- Inn lb Un-* niul tl.-lr Western connections. Tbe -iii.j.*e-t 1.1 Worid. Pair rates wai ibsens-.u. without nu radical action on existing agreements. The rom plaint ..f tu- Brie snd ti.-* Peunsytvaiila n i-. li-tf th.* rontraeti mada by tbe Kew-York Central wita -? x -*r..l excursion sgencta* f..r itop<over privilege* wss removed by an sgreeraeul p"rmlUlng nil Ibu- ie lill.ItV ll sleep ole r I'll lillllle'll lieVe-IS < ll il l>- 111 Il'l frillll t'1,1. sgo. aii sppllcstton r..r redneed rates ror s large puru ee( ?-1n.i. I.r-i freem Ibe London Priyteclinh In it ll ate was refused, as Ibe granting e;r *ei. i, ? privllegi woold hove Ird ie. a ?-?.ral rei-neai (rom other ichooh iimi bodies. The M. l-l Plat.* road, which n-centlj give i.oii.-e ol Uh withdrawal (rom Ibe Rastern pas senger iiiri ?in-ni, ws to cancel Ute notice. Chairman AMace I. Walker reported thur i bsrmotilous spirit prevailed, hut a number ol iiueritons were' i- fi lt. he- KetHHed ttl II Liter I.lill;,'. MILL AIL Kl THI DI WITT CUMTOR TRAIN. ronda, N. v.. A|)ril 2g.- Bnpertntendenl narring' ton. ol Ibe Mohawk Dtvlal.'f Ihe New Vork Central mid IIiuImbii River H.*. il ru.ul. lu eley kui- Ballee lu nil ac.nis thal lin" Do Witt 'linton Irnln would pas oi er lils iiiii-ioti on Monday afternoon, on ii- way to lh.* World*-, fair. Ii will be iIiji-tati by raglae N... BBB, ju-t i-iiiit by the New-Vork Central, The (rain win r-tnp i.ii Monday at each rtattag la Ibe Mohawh Valley live minnie*, ta Kile the public mi opportunity te. iee the iii! iruin that ever ran on Hu- nata, Albany, Avril in (Upeetal).- The- recaarbable -peiii ..r rigbty-slx ami thr.*.* qa irter miles nu boar wat ii ai- by tin- World's l air engine No. DOO, of tba Central mid iiu<i-e,n Railroad, whleh broughl tn.* Rmplre --int. express from New-York io this elly to-day. Thu engine will draw tbe ropmentailon ol Ibe primeval train ol tin, mate to Chicago on Monday. Alf 0/.f> BER HER MYSTERY CLRARRS lt*. Ranger, M.*.. April BB.?About twenty years as.. Dariel Morrison, s areal bj iportamaa wbo Bred in aa "i.i-. Hiv, gras wardered and robbed in u haming ? amp near MoBSObead Lake. Ill* 'ruble, wlieini I,-' lind t.l-uiissc.i a few dais befeue, nn^ BrrSBted, but proved aa shut. Tba m-ardersd bmb's relative* ami Um aatborttles nw'.o nil posriMe eifnrt- to discover ibe giHty p.-i- n. a tatter Baa ju*t been recrived hore containing Ibe Information that a man uawd The xvoii.1 (hiag me Inion nbon( riehet* ia bb.i i.-ii ing obs, ant the narri ??? know iboul nasta l-s I* o*i havlag My OiJ BsmMlsa Cl_ni Mes. Markham died a few weeks ago in Bonan/.! Clly, Maia, and that on his deathbed he confessed lhal he had killed MoirlBBB. Markham mild that, penniless and Beapemte, -bi was tramping out to (ircenvllic, when he overt I*.).-; Morrison, and la ike attempt to commit robbery killed him. Markham made his escape in'o Canada, and lhen went West, never ri-lurnln*. to thi. part af Um country. A FALSE ALARM ARO VT TUE DUKE. III* BROTHER, MARQCIB BARBOT.EBi BAD A BLIGHT ON THK train - RO ALARM I l.LT. rittsimrir, Apr.l ?_..?*.-The Puke of V-ffBg-B -nd -HA party passed through Pittsburg to-night on Hie way to Chicago on (fcc c. lur.ibiaii Lapps*. The train was about twenty minutes late. The itatemenl telegraphed from Harriabarg tbta af? ternoon to the effect that the Duke wa* intering from an attack nt heart dis.-ase was an error. Cu:ninaiil<if nicklin, wlm I In riiarge ol tbe party, Informed a prats representative Ihat the Duke ami. In ft*"', lt* .iitir- party, exe pt th.* Dakf! brother, Marquis Bar bates, ur.* in ii-e best possible health ami enjoying th-.-lr lu-nlili ta Ibe litiitu-u extent. Commander Dlc'.i lll -rilli : ? prevtans lo tbe arrival ol Um Hain Bl Har rlsburg, the Marquis. v.*i:o ls Bboul i;rty yean of aga, complain, d of imin in MM heart, a trouble to wblcb f..r yin* he bas been mbject, especially after >ander gotag (atlgne and expoaare, ouch as was experienced iu th- Nu val levien al Rew-York rBBteaBajr. Al no Hine did Un- MiM|iiiss condition excite statin, bal bs a precaution i'r. Dunotl nus snaunoned and accenv pantad the party as br a* Altoona, from which h.- returned ta Hanlsbnrg. i?r. nun.nt prescribed a dimple remedy, and assured the Marqata thai x-.ith u taw boura' r.-t h<- aruaM h.- fully reriored." Th.* uni*,, was extiamely tired when be left tlil ciiy i.-i'niay, havlag ta-rOg cousfihlly CaUed up ni i? attend receptions, dinners and bull. In his honor from the tim'" he landed, twa weeks age). Un waa obliged :<) int up emly lu the BMCBlag to receive rf-tlegalioas of nil soils und be wa** nol allowed to ?.'0 to bed until lille at Ill-flit. lt was known by the member* of bl-* party thal tba severe strain was telttng upon him. and Ih-y il'cm ?Ives hal ex p ibu mI it In a \n*t degree. In addition to Uta ni-.iuo'is reremoaltii ihe Duke -p-nt a trying, ti:e somo in*, bonn lu th. Deabcossaa-st. ferry -talion .rn bi* return from Washington Wetdaaaday, walting fur Artufu i;;:;<i.,aiiuo, thc Bpaalsb ConsulGeneral, Who wi- to lui.l Mm, hut failed to do sa. .Oa Thur da) bc hud io wall on tanid tba (i-nerai .Helps (or n..-.iii three hon-., befor-i the aaval nvt-.w began In tbe uiiii*; of a iou, dtatrrndng darak it wi- nu account or b's oaoesrive fatigue and te) ?-e;.[Hr miv Bide c r .'tn .lil ?.- o.i lils el. par!tire lhal ibe ink.- determined ta -t.jrt tar Chicago early i- tcdey miming Instead of ar a e'cBoek lu the altarnocn -r-. hat been srranged, Tbe Ducal party r tarned (rom Um bail y t-t lay ilng before i a'cfach la order to g-t a. mach -f -i. ri posdbte b.-iei- their early .-.tart. They left the Waldorf shortly after o o'clock. Hardly my otu-bi.- of hm putty bnew that tboy wen going nt lhal tim- and, an they bad wished, no one was on band to Md them farewell. OearfeC Boldt, p-.oprietor ?f ibe WaMerf, who has been rarcfuOy looking ont lor Ihe L?iii;.-'? iomi.;i, said yeste:day lhal ail tii*- party seemed well when ih-y kit lbs hotel, and carried Ibrir grip* in their han'!*. They eni -red carriage* sad we're .niven dlrectty to tiie Deabrossra-est. itatton of ibo ivansylvnnta lallraed. whii- missing Um North River In Uri fur, tami the-..- looked bach woewbai ngretfutty ni Um etty w hie li i ad entertained them *<> tavtsbtv, bal with sigh* tef n iii f that -.. um. ii ni th.* Kirala araa over. it nil* a heaull.i.l moilun*" mid the warships rould ia -e-,.,, nj, u,,. nv,., bngbtly gleaming In Hie.- sin ll*, kl wi.bli the iiiiiv-hoiii.* .l.Miil- Inul ibUI ol! ihi et::', before. Man) rrafl tt sli descrlp:lons xv-r* pu -in;; up nnd titeiin er across the river, nnd brion I.l." ri. iii!- I hl-ii uer teer ;, into the IjIu" Al jersey -.Tty Uley rate-red ti." private car Amphion, ahlch wu- pultad emt of th'* !'? nnsylvanta ital lon hy thc l> :1j express. one of sm: eua ss men is trouble. PATRIC! SMITH TO BE TRIED FOR " BIEIXO BCFEALO I'.l.l'( TION RETVRNS. BaffalOi, April 9S (Special).--Anktn lieutenant Governor Pbeehan I- lo defend .1 ben<rhman, rSarged arith obeying tba Demurratte ordetn to niter the ie:urn. in Buffalo Issi rieriloa day, Th- bbu l* I'jtilck -mii'.i. who ls one ,,r o iio/.B-n elect bM In -p-.'or- now uni on bail, charged utth tampering ?sith Hm raturni suRtateutly to bmBb b majority for sheehan'* young IHend, William 11. Love, wim was a candidate for superintendent of Maanlton. Lavi would have boan litiri!.*a Into BBB > on (he Strength of the "'lxi-d"- returns inul not the pl?i been di* covered I ?- tba i?i_lliiiiri! ol Ibe police and the ne (?Mental preservation of ? tdltato bea ot ballot.. Congressmen Daniel H. Lockwood will as-i-t Bhenban in the defence of smith. ?l ihaU -move the rase sptBst enrich smitii on Monday," ?*nUl D-ririet-Altaniey Qniahy lo-day, -but 1 nm informed thai a stranuons .*ir..rt nill b<- nmde lo pul ibe rune uvet :..i tbe term. Affldnvtti will be 11 it-t t-bawtag thal Ueateaont oovamar StaibSB ls 011 ii dcb l.-d lu N.w Vork, an.l thal 'Hr..' I.... li llBJUlI I. Ill lille lld elie.- Ill tile den I lilied Of ill* tl-o'll.T In-law, lor these reasons, snd because it will be ihowh lin**.* men ar- Smith's lawyers, ibey 1 latin io 1.stilled to poriponmeni. 1 shall ..1 taluk oppose any drisy sad otr*r every apparition in my power to a poatpouoment. i [eel certain ol -ii,, ? -- in ibesa cases," UAW ./fr..'. IM A F.tSIC. IN EXPLOSION IT *1 I "i'IU ll EXTERT.UXMEMT I'AI'SI s a Mil. Ill'SH. Wilk.-I.arr-. I'.-nii.. April M.?During BU ??itteitr.ln eii.-nt ai i!k* Methodist Episcopal Church al Pblrriew lasl night a terrible panic was raused by Ihe rxploslt n nf .1 mlxtun of powder nhed tn prodace ratovH lights. When nu- explosion occurred the charch nu po ked with people. Men, women and children am de a m.-.d ru - ti (or ihe doors and trampled rm one aa. ther ta their wild rush to escape. S ? one was Ulled outright, hat lome are- -<> s rlulv llt)'ir-d that Ibelr deaths np* -probable. Mn. George Edwards was holding a baby ht her sim*, which was tom (rom ber and stepped Ott, und Its iKUll frm lured. The following ar.- Hm Injured: Alto Brawn, ? bumed and Int.' Injuries; RUM -'nli'i. skull fr.11 -tureil Iv le-lttg Stepped BU and barned iiIhiiii body; " Marnte*- Hellnfrr, cul uml bruised shout h.-a-i an.l body; Mn.George Edwards, bead ru' nnd bruised; I...ft. [lean, .< bruised: Lilli.- cbercer. burned shout fie sud braised: .1. C. ('ol boru, dru! ri t, leverety i.unied and hurt Internally; .'. Mi.~i.-r. u'.ut bead. Many other, arauae aaawd were' lui le .nm d were badly hurt. Eos ll SICKIS80S U.I. lt ITU QFIS'SY. Chicago, April i-i. .1 dispatch tn-m Detroit says thai n-n M. IMehlnaoa 1* agata m. tin* tim* arneb more ?eriouely than hist weeb, when he '.iu.i au nf.ol. nf t.'il-llltl-i. Por several day. In- was iil.l- lu li? nt hN Ofltee, but yest' rillv Mr. l)lckln-i.ii WBS again rompelled ie. lalo* to bli bed, raRertng (item ? re:um eef lari w. .k"-. dtaordera, 11 hb h hav.- iie.w Beve toped Into .|iiliisy. Ile li attended by Dr. c. G. Jennings niul a tralurd uiiisi- ha* also been railed in. HE TC EPOSES ASSESSl.xi; THE tlCTCLES, i.ow-11. Masa., April ?_-.-?. i*i-ii), ipai Assessaa Wheeler says 1l1.1t be- propose! I" n-*e-.s bicycles. Th.-re are about 3,000 wheel, owned In th!* elli, anil he s ? -, m. reason why iii.-y .should ma be taxed a-s we'll as horses, in: ku.led ms wm iyitii sr richs i.x e. Los Aageles, fal.. Apni BB. Thc Jury In the eas. e>f llenrj Bently, charged with Ute killin-, of his wita. funnel iv Mn., hy administering ilryehiilria. returned a rerdlrt of gnUty of murd>er in tin- degree yeaterday and ilxi-ei th.- puBlahmeat ri imprison incut for nf.-, rh.* can iiii* hean oa trial far Um In-i iwn weeks and luis CXriUd gii\it Intered. Mrs. wa. a Wealthy -ipanisli ivoinnn. Bently wa* .1 poor (ieriunti. und hi. -mnrriige 10 Mn. Noidi.oii was apposed by the Utters *ois. a few days arter she died lin ion* CBBMd tie body to be e.Xlllillle.l nod .III exui-.llu.itioil lu ba mille. iiin.- wa- iii largs auantlUes in her ..ioma h. ii x*n, -howi: that Really BdaiaUtered the medicine -h.* tonk during an Ulaees. Tbe >sro_acutlon showed timi b linnie was found lu Bently 1 trunk sft?fward. coutalnlng strychnine. The eiidei.n- wu. ail ctnum ?tantlal. THE HVCRRSS <>F EUCEIHBHAH IS (Hie.Clo ChtoafB, ApHl St,-The Ducln-s of IiiulliiKliam mid ntt-iiiliiiii* arrtv.xl lu th- rlty this aCtTtio-n. Tlio Duchiss ls oho of (ir-tl r.rltsltr.s mon prominent women of title, dbe win nanala in aueago fur a few days, altar whtah shs xviii reran to Bagtand, having completed a mur ed the world. hill! FRO'I .1 ll 'ATI 'll M.W'S elf lt RI SC. New lluven, Cona., April CB (rsp.ei lnli.-(;ciir*,'e f. Hall, of ibis elly, iii-d 1 -Mgbl from Injuries sus? tained In 11 bi-iitul mtui-k mud.- mi him last --nturilay night. Ho wis walking past the local Juli when Hie Bight waio-niun. James McManus, billed bim aud plaoe htart aadar arrent, as he said. AX INDIANA MIRACLE. A CASE THAT 1LVS ATTRACTED MCCH ATTI TION. A WELL-KNOWN CITIZEN WHOSE LIFE WAS QB, ?Maimed or m aoair erjotiro health AND STHF.N.JTH-THK PAUflCt-'LAR-S Og 111!. l.K.MAUKALLl*. CURB AS RE. LATED T ) A MN OIITER OF THE CRAWIr'ollDSVlLLE JOl'RNAL. (Cn?'fo:dsvllle (Ind) Journal.) Then is pn.taiiiv bo maa tatter kaowa sa uti* citr than O. M. Johnson, </r "Mit," a- : * l? faml'lar-lr ..??lied hr ei??-rybodv. Six nw ntl . BBB lt w-oji Ihe SSaBMB ntyiirtf* that "pew Mit had tart a tern nure- dav. of his life," hil physical condition halag such tua: not one of his hundreds Sf Minds n-id the -li ht. ?? feSM of hu* WI tiring th- *nti,. ti.' r. lb- i.mi about di riiKtiiii'i! all hope himself, etd. (l<-iitlr, und nu., .onBb d to hi-, reen ar.d h-d. unable ta walh oi te, strata tn sin* bnstasn whataver. a r?<-r* loatallVB of thl. paper wi.., hr cnjoii-d sn lulita:.:.,- xo. gaatetauro wRb -Mr. gehnaea for a iona number of veari met him watttag briskly un str.-< t, Ue-la-, and in a-ton lia. m>nt lagUh d of him what hud hfSUghl so wonderful g ChSBfe in Iel* BeMMBiansS and otnlitiun. "What ims ii,-ta all tui*, Mr. Johnson?" waa tai i|ii.-*t|e.ii out to him. "iv-ll. sir. four d', did lt. and what 1 mean bv toot p's ls Dr. 11'Hlifi.tis' flab l'ill* for Tale People, a r**niedr which I esastflsr lin-linallie .*' our mpsrtal ir., at SUM taMNBMd, and asked Mr. John-on U. gin lu i-i lii.-ll;, i.e.- pai ti-ulai s ot his lllu* sa md lil. ifni eiue.. ?Well," ?i:4 Mr. Jihn.011, "far a number o! yean 1 have- had a comptt.atl.-m ot trouble., the. ii -t ssrieas halag spinal arni ..r-riu'ii t.-.eubl'r, willih ns yuii Know MOUg"! me pretty m-ar t-itli'., gr M. M.? (il nd. i!.--|iain.l tit my recovery, and i hal hut nttic hope myatH ri evei tatag about a. tiny agata. My health hetpt gstag tio.-u bid to norse un_u l bseseSM perfseUy hriptcss. 1 wa. unable t.. n.-ik a rispi ""'11 n?t sleep, ima ni appetite-, I ju-r. grog and -mler d and ii.t'ld n-.t .ile ti. t-t leli.-f. Dilyan lana did nc im -.-.Mid; iii-ltlu-i did all the- othe-r r. n,,'Ur- I tried, .-ind I beRcn I hav- trh'ii HOUfh n.< Heine' in the lase few yean ta .teen a di ny Mire'. 1 nan In tim n.l.etieibv, boneless and l.elpl h. eor.dll.oii when a fri-Md e-iilloi icy nit., ni .?!. tb a N-BBIta ble cure BtaBBgh tho "BM ri Dr. U'llliniii.' Dink MRS f-r Tale lv..pi.* and ?jibsi me to tey teem, l tatt that, pechora lt nus a u?t rhe nee, and procured a Mpl lg of Hub PUM fior.i Meiara. Nye _ 1',o<j.'. th- nelbkiiowii drueeM-. ihat wa. about .ix mouths aga, ind you *ee what they luie dun. fur n.e. I mt. u new man BOW. 1 hud n-.t heaa taking Dr. IVIIIhiru.* I'iek rill, loag Whoa I l--i.ii to lind ao liu. pir?x,-iiii-iit. 1 ..nv t nt I Iud .rt la?r hit up ni a remedy (ia*, had rtrtae ta it: hops renuaed sad t ceaRansd to BM Hie* i.iii* (mi coutiiiU'.-l t. in.| tove In hixalth end KreCgta, and while I am not the StaaMBI "rm lil th* . Itv I iin a BOW man a!Vijr<tii r. I Pe, wen, eat heartily, -l-ep MutiiHy. th- ej|j*7y, in trouble ha. entirely i.*ft. I e ii naik briskly uni um enjoying Uta a-** ?r yera I ? u *i'l-. tata Ptah lld uit.ely a WoartMfUl oin*, and lui ? ic" nd' 1 lt to a .bi u.b?r of n.y lied* nh') have boee ulniilariy BMIcted. vt by. I c innot t commend tho remedy w* hbjtay. Ji.t?t thlni;, fur nearly a yur I OBUM f-eAt nt-rnd up to take a atltk ot wutei wiuiout e.-tu-.g blind f!o:n dtartasn, and ths most exc-uirlntinu pains woull ..r|/e m*', and during thee j,?roxi.m. I .ult r**d unt.od -agony. I am new e-ntiri- Bal f-.n. their* pains, ar.d 1 nully hav.' fi Ita that I will soon be as i-ound as a dollar." "IV'll. Mr. Jnhn-on, goal frl-nd. ir; gratified VJ seo you mi much better. a"id wu: that other* uuy bs t-en-tltred by the* _,?,,. meam." "J.i.t Kiy to uny on- who mai* wi nt Int rniiition thal I v. ill fp.iy jfivc them any infoniHiiVn tliey may douro on the .tibj.e-t, and will only Ik- too glad to ?*e Mino ?< my fib-mis b*n-fll.-d in the ram- wuv. 1 know , who ar* tn neeii of riom-thlm: righi nu-, and will ur;*' theta tv tn lie- (oul p'B. Theta I* BStbtag In my ojiinlon to -inii Bum, nii'l ll I (BM li thS start. 1 hav>- tried ill bag!!-, advertised.-r* Mr. Jakanta 'aa b* tren ativ dui- at hi* place of b'isi. ne*, --n UlOea -tr,rt. aud any ma d*<lrint further infor? mation In r e-iist to lil. <*ei* ? sh.-uld -nil on blot, lt U laMty alniee.-t a BUlBCBlsa* sase, and emt which attra:ta a gnat d >i -f BtteaUsa. OW MpBrttl th-n called ui-oii M(*.<n. Nie i Boa, Ibo WOltduMWa -tnggllt*. Whs .-aid thi-y c.K.aldC-.-ed D;. Hilllunis- ptah Ulta for Phil lhagta a wonderful renicdjr. lt ts lei. than a year since tii-r began ti tell Pink Dill, and iu that tim- the- s,el-* hal grown to iue'h aa roten a* te be Nawrtmbtae Masai . Bia <fc Bo**s ml there w-re* many in Cranford-vll!- M.. .J -hi-oa who had r a..m M Inr gt-*,t?-ful to Dr. WBBBOrif Dunc i'llls fir t-r-.tor-d health aud rtNUgUk Ind" ii, ever/ ine* who BBM Dink Dill* ranks of th* in lu Uio highs..! terni*. Dr, M'iilisiiis' rink DHU an- not s pet-nt rnadMBM la the ????ii*a in whtah tint term is aeaally aodssstaod, but aro a srisnttli pnpasBBaa sm. .s-fuiiy assd in grasMl I la.-ti.-e for iiisity pian taflBM beiiu IBBSBB to the -..ubini gcaeeaUy. Th-y contain in a nadsaesd form ali thi eli'iiieiivs ne.--.sary tu Kile" BOW life and ItahlMn to tha Mood, aid loslsn taaMsnd bm na. They are an unfail* lng -]!-* 111. (en inii el.-B e- -. n- lej, eitinetor ataxia, i*i rt i?l (utalv-ls, >t. Vttu*' dame, ae-latle-a, ne'irulgi... rh'-uma ti-m. mi yeas taadatae, ghi sBtae iBBsta tri ia grippe, : nlleitof on nf tli- he<art, (Kile and mtlBU < eniiplexions, tliai tined taritag i.'sulting Hom n> rum. gBSStaSBln : ail (Us* cases iipeadtag raw riltaMd haman ta th? bi.Ksi. lu.-a Om mi,(ula. rUlotll.; i ri .li*"la*. t . Tl). V Hie ul-,, a i.. in.* lat uoahlm pseultai ta feamtaa, nril a? .up ii-*, u*. iir-aularitl. ?, ami all feiim- ?f wakn.*.-... ihey imid un th.- Meed ml leaton lbs :--i.>w of hsaRh to pals ui -an..? aherBs ta Bas ma* -f BHa lhay rited a rad. al . ute ill Jil ea* - BrisSag (TOBI WOliy, oicrnork, gr exe sees nf whaSevn sasaro. These iiii* ne BMaataetared ky the di. ivnnunn' Miillelne 4 oninany, Bi bf IM* lady. N- Y.. aud Biuekiille, Hilt., sud are *.,ld onlv in box,-. h.-artai.* thl firm's truda mark anil wr;i|>p- r, at BB .te. a box, oi -Ix boxe-s for 0/2 iiO. Ent lu (but Dr. IVIlliarn*.- Ptah Dill, au* never *old in luill.. eu lei th- loan or liiindre-d, and uuy de*ab*r who aden n.l -tltut-* in tala lorin I. Bytag to defiiud you ind hB.iilil hs BVOlBad. Dr. IVIlliauis* Dink Dill* may b-* had of a'l dr.i->-ji-t- e,r by mail fiom Dr. fRRMBBM Medlctea Caarpaag fiom riBMe BBBasaa, The pri.-e at whleh th-? pill* hi- K'ld n.aiii-n a UHH of tre-itm-nt FaatpanMvriy laexpenrixi u* nmpaied wMb eBMr leamdMB ? .r ii rilcsl treatment. Hall itruck hark, and wa* terribly dabbed by Mt Mamu with a policeman'* billy, lls wn* ptahai m> ra* . u-i luis and taken to hi* hom-. To night the iillaii reached a rihnax lu tb- death of Hall noni the ta. jori-* .iius-d by Ibe pounding UcMsnus nave him. lh- police are on the trail*, of M, Mmm*. tin ugh in dlsappeand ml- -morning on bearing ol the critical dillon of Hall, An ofBcer nli> saw Hall Just tv*-. fur-- tli- ssanoll li-llti.* Hull wu* SOHMWhal nader (be Infl,;- m ?* of Ibitioi-. thnuah by en BMBM drunk >*ii :ii_*i Ibb n-erratit an BrresC M< Mamu will be Bbargcd with msnslsughter if oaptnrad. 7UE WEA HUH liECOHT. WARMER IR THE East. ITBrillligira. April _s.-ri.- storm Bhlih wa. centril ia Ka, -. - t ,i- aseatag has .outiiwarl during the daj arel is non .eui: al 111 ?<holii:i. fold nonhi-Seterly ii.n.!*, -it!; Pera*lanai ram or *unw'. hine preialted ia Iibiui, Mlcblna, lli-<>ii*iii and Um Nort^lle?terll Bistro. e., u rilli fair weather i.s. prevailed ta ta* remaining u-tiiet- The barometer hu. rt-*.,i in N-'hra*k?. tho \ aud the appel Mba leaton; lt han fuii-n ia the i ii.;, lin: dl?'rl.*(?. (he i* wura v-iul- de, idelli Inn ai In the i'in., ami i eiltrul Mi?l-*i.ipi val!-y.. lt I. wi miro In Nen -I tn.*.uml. the Alioghaaj r?"ji->im. the or-v* iud i.'iitrul Xi i?-i**ii'pl lille*-, and I* n.iie h e-jlder rn "aie bia*, u. Kansas, Cabtade, Ulah and Arizona. l'l.I'MI.ED F,lilli isl' POR Ti*.-DAY. Dor MaiiiB'. N.'M-lIiitii'-lii' uad V--rneon'. fair: we-teily wini-. -i- hf.y eeatar. Par M?*-;i'-hii?'*tt-. RbsdS Inland ned Coanecd'-ut, n-n. erallr fair: soutlu-rly M WSBtarty wind* eimhtly cfiolcr, -x-,-i't -ti th- ii.i-i- ri Rhsde lesM-ai sadCsanasMnB. Cor Eastern New-Vorh, iMieraily fair, bur with la* rrro Ins i-taudlBeM ? 'I occasional tain by t.ieht; vanaMa nird* i'.'.otiiiui! easterly; roalei leer fa stria Praasyivaata ai.d N-iv.jers.-y, tn. reusing i-loudineai and Uueateolng a eather dining ma sBerasral -lu-'htlv cooler. Vor th,- District of Colu.i.bla, Delaware ani M-iriland, fair, imi nith Inereaslns cloadlneai, probably hdtawed hy ?ecsstaaal raia at sight; .iiRiitiy nelse. ,_ _ Ieee IVe'.ler.i I'eiiii -i ll ai .1.1 und HV-teru N-w-lorg, rlaugp nn.i ttreateatng weather; costar, MStajB IB ea* tromo Westen Rsw-Yoib. TRfDDN'F. LOCAL OBSKUVATIONa. mmmr^m u RDtlta: rUoriiuig. Night, 1 'j .1 I 6 6 7 * 'J lil ll 1 2 1 4 '. S T J* -J !0 ll 30.5 Pt-'-.-1 _5J--r_G .....i ul l.. >??__.! i:l_i.'. j..1 :[?? ri4Ai_i.i,I_-|ai ir..- u.!-7Cx l_f_ \jrjjxll1 jct...j.,rv t.ii -CT'.!.! , _ it^R-W TtjJ'^ .io.o L. jI_T__t_P 20.5 In this diagrsm a coni-inuoui while lins show. Ute rnaugi-s in pr.vMire ot Indlcat..! by Tlie Tribum'i s'lfr.** lording hariet.le-t-r. The brohea line reprtMaots ths toes* peratur-a tm olmervad at Dorry's Dhiri-iau. Tribune (lillee, April 20. 1 a. m.-K*lr weaihro pm* tatted ystu-r-lay. The ti-iniu-rature ringed hSBwMB it tat HA de"e.-ri>.*., thu average |5I? being \ of a degr"' hither lion on th.- rorroopoudln"- day la*t year and lOS hlghsr than on Thurs lay. ? _. In mid iu-ur thia eltv M Bay Hu're will probably BO coole-r ClSUdy weather. nl(h oocasvua' rain t.iwsr-l nlsov "It will all come out in the wash," u you un Pearline.