Newspaper Page Text
^mnocmcnto. ACADEMT OF M ' M- 'J-v*-* h.- Dlash Crook. amid.L'. i ii. itu'; > -., *,.. j, rmaon aad ? ie' .,, Le,-I I I .a. DIJol *1 Hi.a i l;i:-2--8:1*-A TSXaa SM*.*, lilli Mini IV THEA! Ill - I*c (ai eleni.. casino _? ia cud ki kin.. || M.i, Lecture. ( OH MDI v i ni ii R| _-.. B-Taay 1* | r. DALI v , .;. i , RI _? - ,:,.. R . 1 ? -- ? WesrM In Wix. 1'tciLi. in ?..!?.: 2-6:18 Du OD! I Left Bel 4 Film AVIM'I. THEATRE - IS * IS ?* - v, ton N lill tTRE ' - I.*, ll- Fuel ind Puppets. URAND Ol'ER.1 U I -I ?_ v - ...,-.,!:,. ll.Ililli., in -, Till ll.:: - ' : . t's .-ii-. HALL! i| DPI I; \ ii-,; -1 :.? - ' . *, -? i MOTT'S M.VD1SOX .se.'t .nil. i ill a . ll'. - v si-o-a Trip t<. " hil K"s| ,.i; v MAL, ? 2 30 8 -V Le ? '?? ?: iii. *. , ,;:. J -. n 'I ? i,< irdss .bu MADISON se_t ALI. i, 1RD..N - lil tua ? i, a. ( ki AS ll IF] IN Ol'! RA ll"! SE - - 1 ? ? Dual I-,, ?... -NATIONAL ACADEMT Ol DEMON ind Dodg Pr:/.- l* i mt PALMERS TI1EAT1I . iO-1 ? I tts ,,! Dol_ei i.Lol M,v i Da hi ani. _rjj . he Aral ni Xlghu. .si AR rilEATRI --:. Bl th l Ji T'>nv pa-Tun .-* . pei. ii -a-Vaud vina. .Mun .- _ ARE i lil. i . ;:.. - Ki i ol Soclcly. Iii ll vi .., ,.i , ii . i i ni - . ,. sixui ..f LU-. J lid. i to Aoiu-vtic-uiuiUE. Amu-'r, A* i.a,...- - 1 i.. ?1 ...... ll* li iain, -m ia, - bu i - ,e ,.el ?? \. ll . - ill' - iivlll . ? - llUllt--rl 1 i . ion.* I inane lal ) lilllie , Eluate lui Me .tin: >..r ba Help Url,'..: Ri ip 1*. a * Motel. . . Dag . it -- ii ;. ii ? ' ? ? ,. ? \ Dentil* , xi,.. i M \ ii in, Pan ti Ililli 1 ve lt ie niter*.., Notice . 7-v ii .. ut .. .. .. -. Uu-inrcG _Xoilers. Money Ti ht Vcmn In t'-* fi, !,,'? r- end cari .*.,,.,gn ? I tl-- - r, dl| , ..; ,,.,-,, nt I i uki. ???? . in ii Chatham s,4. No int r -' ?:. i> .,. I',., I.oi.t. : : - IND v:. i . tt .ITURul! Ursst Vaia ij ..: at] a- a . Pi *J ii SeLLLLW. No. Ill 1- ill ta- * H. Y. liiihi .Ne. ....:...?* io ....... .- l:-... ..i... -..-. ingla ii r ' ?...*.. A m is. ino ? oj y, DnilT, 7 dara i ? - Dali-, without Sunday.... .*- nu ic 200 'JO Sets. Bu. dat 'ir .nu. .. . C" l (Jil ill) tl i ts. Weekly 'I iibu ? li. . Bets, eS-i i Weekli 'i i.i.i ne, . . 00 .A rta. Tilt.uiee M. nt ti I v . _ 0U . 23 CU. l'e>-io4,'e prepaid by 'Jiu- iri Ludo ??.*.* pt tis h-r . It - stated lill POSi i'.l ?Th* lu", r ??'?'! * trur, ? i cen! poata-K .tamp be a" \".l to ?veri io| of tlie Daily, Sunday, or Semi WceM v 'J t '-ii- mall< '- r-r local del ir. In Ki w-Tt rk CH i-i .-?:..- i met L- i.; '.'I by nib Brrlber. Iliads rs ur bitter served ly buying 'her Tribune fr n u n*t>n*i! nl-r. Foe ie,v I-ortaoi -To till fo rc! cn ronntrle* fexcep! ' ula and Me xl o a , nd * ? ? i t <?-i 'i h * Simd ii i. leuiie : -j renta u ""iel on' Dalli Sen -Wc nix Bad Wsejur. Thl- pctogc nus! he' Mid bv .-?,>>- ml-t. RI 11 cr i iN'e i s Kemn tr l-nat'O Older, ; '*pr*>* Ol I: ("hck. Pn't - c..-*! <: Litter. Cul ??- l*e.*!il H ??. tr --nt !n nt, uni I Kiter, aili I - st ti * 'S'Hr're itali l"-tv.|, -.-, Ri inch for advei ?-. -.?? t J* ? ? f,,?.ein , xv.. En land. Zfrto-llorkDmlw -Tribune. ?*-* ? ?***?? FOUNDED BY HORACE CREELEY -SATI'RDAY. APRIL 2l?, I-S03. FOURTEEN PAGES" JIU M H.- THIS UORSISG j*,,*, i.. ri. it*-,., i oi rv pntiM V t ii ti, g i .tr. i tho lind ???:. na it*. quested l'i ti, ? ? iuvcrliinclil : lln? l-inlgi-t iras votes] by Ibe S"i,;,i.r. it la ill *.--i .bat I iwn.r-.end, xvii., n.i. iiii' on Wednir- l.n . Intended to shoot .Mi. fi lad*-tone, .eu the nigl I ol l . ual n a linn i.f il..- Home i: ile bill. I - R-d hsta*** rora mitti- wh_c_t examined Ahlwardt*-. ilboamontB fiiiitul nothing in them t>> sustain his charges against (jennan offlelala. - Eight tlionsrinil -Brarkmen in the E. if navy yard ut "?."?ute.-, Plant . iv*' t on strike. * ? ? VI ?.-n i ai riv.-d nt Wini! >r from ber visit to pion '. -? Dom tttii' -Wu-i ii I'rov c. ol ** - Pi i* ni, hn. been removi I by Superintendent Lathrop. ==.! white *?-ttli-r* witt kllk**] by Hie Kavajoa while i.verii i ttl. stolen by tlie Indiana, wbo arc dow oh the warpath. Tlie Liberty ?>.-11 ti-.i. li.-.i In lianapoli. e.n jt- tvay t. Chicago; .*\-i'i.-i'i"iit I lorri-on delivered an ul (i)-i-w ni, it li -| |.. Ihe -? 'm. .J-? iiii ii -!i ,.; l'::,. pity rho i .' '. ie 1 lutd *vt- it her al < Ki-.i { - in .'. liiulte- lt ri---- r, liol*] thu VVorl Pt T.i. >| 'u lng . \. rciaes Indoors. Jud .-? I!.' ks upj ? li' 111 . t. ., 1.. Burt !?. ?? ..u ? : the Tole I i, Ann Ail..>r an I Noi th Mid i*_:iii Uiilroa I. li u.i- reported ihat thc Manhattan i ?;l Omi pany, ? ?: Ohio, intli a -ir.."?.'"? plant, had been alv ...ri .-.I i y i!." .-standard ' cl I - mpany. Dai id 1. l)j*. !:l--r. e!,;,r.,.,| wit li :, lin I lt] ? . t .-? bun u niau, t . escape, a*as aci| tilt** i. ( itj aod *- ? ie,ni 1 a, :-;ne.i ma ri ni's an I ors landed Irvn i!,.- i,-- in t .,- il iIhuii I. -., i ii pni'ii'ii'ii e|.,r,vn Kiltli-i!..-. nnd Broadway to t!:-* ' ity II..1I, where they were revlew-ml i'? ll ." Governor and Ma .'? i. the u.ltiiirnls i ping present; a diann Waa iven for Hie nat*al offle-rs nt ti.. Hotel Waklorl by Uie Chandler ol loni ?merer: Preaid inl ? - *el ind na*l with un n-i i lent, i: uring bis bead l.y falling Bgaiaal i.i- carriage; I,-- start.?:! fm < lii'-p^o t> take part in ti.- World's Fair exercleea, : Hie Hoxton team .l-i-it.-.l lin* Nen-Vi.rk men by .i ?score ol niue toat-?N ,:,. th- ..pening (.cnn ? ?.: baw-1-all. , ;?. , lfs , |,|, e__f_MUBB Alumni Issoriatjifr Mayor in regard tu ?Mt ii *i, np l'-TT.i,--,, , , ;,,.,,,,.., Brennan. his n-t:,ni ovi active nun i-\t"..-]i,e-,'v stronn und.-r M"ril'*;i:l ..f tt-adii ;;, whit ;, nu- i:i:t,- bui int Kir-r prirrrs mer** gimerully tho l-t. bul e.irly nuiu.* ii.;.- lu.t always lo*-l The el mlns was dull inul heavy. Money on u I iul*"d Bt I 1-2 p i eent, but momcUtarily totichod ** per ceut, 'li.- Wt ?:?:-, -t ror to-day. Pool. rjloi.i.v v.-u'li,;. willi is ?? donal ra ns toward niKlit. i'.-mn. i-e ire \......,,j,.. ; i!l;:..-.. ,;-, ,|, Uric-; K.-.i -?. 1- : B .,n .... 50, A ji rfcel (Iny brought t > n close Nfiv-V.irk'g -vccoiitl jmtt in the celebration of the C'olum Lian aiiniv. rv.irv, whit h lei* h -n. on Ihe v. liol-. a gratifYinn iucccas, with Haws *n few and slii-'hr ih:it in evcrj generous mind ilc.y ,*!iiiiili lo iii-i-,iiii .inr proportiins. 'Iiii. city did ii* I-a ii Veil in October, and ii lia* shown tin hocnl'ul interest and enthusiasm in the Dava! and land displays i-i tba la-i three day*. The parade yesterday nas viewed with intense sat* (?faction by a great multitude, few'if any of iihoin nill ev i Main 1,. bold *',nh a nov I pro rcwiun a. nus teca ia Fifth ave and Broad ii a.i. Cbioago h,is been Buffering from aa nugra* vated "-pell ol weather'' for a fortnight or mon', and in ranaeqtience the proapects of u l.rilli.uiil.i -ii,i,v*v|;;i opening ol tbe World's .-'air next Monda] are n t bright. Vnleta tii ire is a dcvidc<i ebange foi the better goon, Ibere can bo do outdoor exercise**, Tbe greal per* toaageg wbo are to have a more or I ?* ron* npiciioiis jiatt in tho opening cemnoniea are alrta'iy beginning t'? reach Chicago. Not least among thc distinguished arrivals Boon to li noted will !.?? ii..' historic Libert] B.-ll, which ivill be received nith due honors to-day. after its triiunr^al prafieaa fruin ihe Debtrare i. Lake Bliobigan. Prison Sapetintendenl Lathrop has -,r-n u great light. After exiMMntiag Warden Brown, as th" n.-nit ol a li un i'd exanunation al -Sing '-iii'- on Toeeday. he raddenly reveraed him? self ie t 'l-day and decid d on the summary le moval of the Waid-n. This \g ;, gtep which ought to have been taken long a'.m. In effect, aucb a aian as drona ought never to hare been qppointed to io responaible a place. It na* a political appointment, pure and simple, and no one can bo inirpriscd thal demoralization fol? lowed in tl"* jni-"n. Ii ia a satisfaction to know lhal Urown'a ** pnT1 hag not lieen strong n _*.i lo pr vent him from retiring in disgrace from an offlc ? for which bo bad no lit ht ? * v, hn ever. ?? *? ? Tho plan* for removing the University to its new site north ..I thc Harlem arc taking on a practical form; they have, in fact, l*een sub? stantially :c_i- d upon, bul one or two changes may ye] I. ? uni!.-. The mosi impoitant ijin s lion ! 'fl - p :i f r decision is the transfer ol thc 11-.- .-ni 1 nivcisit; building from Washington .1 ?. Tl e ai -??-' i th' i- :<> d pends upon the i.-;.,n-"- made by tho citizens of Xew-York lo t!. :i:??. :,' for ?200,000 which the 1'nivii-ifv Council puta forth. There i* no guessn il. nh ni the sum naked for i the amount i. (livid <l ind imir parts, and thc Univerwt-* BUthoritic" I know ali.,illy ju-t how they propose to use it. Thoae nho subscribe cither large or -niall amounts will enjoy the consciousness lhal they are doing a ?_'? ?< '<1 work, both for tbe presenl and Ibe future. Wo hope to sec a generous ie-in'ii-e. mmm^^^^mmi^mmmmmm^mrm rs rs OF TBE NEW suv. Now lhal thc town -h ms of the neck aro over, ii nely not be ill-timed to i>"ini one ol iho oa ii m ia's. Americana are not a nation of holiday-makers; Ihey enjoy novel spectacles and engage in the festivities of a naval or a land paia le with effusive enthusiasm i bul ihey invariably exhaust themselves over their pleas iii.s. :in-l are ready when the hm is over to icfled -.-I. fly npon thc significance ol tbe per? formance. Whether the naval manoeuvrei and |iorr'-*i ii* have equalled or fallen below pub? lic exp-. i t; 'ii. lhere arc few Americans whq I havo nol derived satisfaction from the thought lhal tin ir c nintry ha ? l" mi abbi to make a M -ip i-t -I'.!. ? npp ?aianee nith is gquadron in ll-i-t i t i, ali cal ? xhibition. The rirenm ?iain"s favored Ibe I nited States Xavy, sin-** Iho foreign ships, with perhaps a single excep? tion, could be classed a* (*iniisrrs; and it was ia ihal branch of tho service that Ihe earlies! attempts were made"for Ihe creation ol a nen He t. li' there had been a large number ol I battleships "f ihe lii-l class in tho Xotth le'iie'i. the compari-on would have been less favorable to the American Xavy. As it n;i*. Admiral Uh rardi'a Heel bore the closes! and ii' -'-i (lineal inspection, and Americana had jiisl i nm - in. i ride in thc achievements of theil design is and shipbuilders. Ii i> w ll ;<> be modes! in a*-*erting American rlain.* respecting naval armaments. At lea***! i * ir European Powers arc markedly in ad? vance '*F tho United States in tho symmetrical ,'i,i.*l inicnl of tlc ii- naval resources. Bnl iii-a thc melancholy decadence ol tho Xavj a i **??_? j* borne in mind, thc Improvement during ;!:?? decade is mos! remarkable. I'er* haps the la-: satisfactory vessels of the new Navy are th. which werai built from Eu ii.|.:iu tle-*ir_'iis. Then are iie.t many ol th se. for the ill-judged attempt to .li*, i.,lit Ameri? can - \|t ii talent was no] persevered in : ami ile- new Navy ;i< a whole i* ii"' only built in a i-ii-ci i'i- na;*, bul i' is also essentiall*! original in d'sign. ll tho naval review had been dt foi red a single year ti.- comparison would have bren oven molo favorable between foreign and Am v..ui ship*. Secretary Tracj during hi* administration did nol duplicate a single En*: li*h design, and provided at least three lypes e.f naval construction so original as te. In* fairly mii juc. Tl ese aro an armored cruiser Miperior in ev .ii !?-].?<?? i" tin* El ike: a commerce destroyer with ;i speed ol 22 knots ami a coal endurance sufflcit ni lo enable her te, -nil around the world withotil replenishing her bunkers, and a battleship with ile* highes! defensive finalities. So] one "f these nen types nas i. , i. -.nt d in the iel lew. Whatever differences <.f opinion existed len years ago respecting thc necessity for the con* struction ol a new Xavy, tbe policy is non itippnri .1 -> strongly by public opinion that feeble minority protests aro no longer heatd. Tho review this week bas served a useful pur* I i-.. in arousing populai inleresl in Ihe nfew Hot *. Am- iii au* ii,,t only feel tba! Ibey have al la i -'tips of war ..I which they have no rea? r-on i" ?? ashamed, bul tic. ara also com inced thal the supreme ends <-l peace and natl-.ual security have been promoted by the develop? ment ul naval resonrces. With the rich t mn* of th ? m aboard expo-** -I to attat k from Ibe in-.-. 11 Cul Heels ul mn ri i imo Europe and without a Xavj to defend them, Iho chances of wai were multiple'I. Non thal there is a formi? dable Heel ail mt and nnder construction, and lhal foundries and shipyards lune ihe plant for forging guns aad armor and building and aiming cruisers and battleships as mt-"-' ?" , i ? ..iiroii.*, the ihe miiip* non. ciiu !.'? done "... , , . ,. . iiiiiiiiii-h. d and the danger ol war iv gre*-; .. . --ui more secure. A power ?--?';;'- '?'"?.?oTonly a '-"".d thing to look :,i ,? .*-*?*ii -Icu. Imi ii Ls also a useful ami ne,.? v.ii.i protection for a great nation under the . uiiditi 'it- ol modern progress. WHAT WILL El IIMi) ho AROVT lit lt is pi.ny generally conceded thal if an election nas t.. l,e held in Buffalo this spring -li*" liani-in would I"' emphatically repudiated. Thc passage shortly Inion. t|*,. Legislature ad? journ 'I of two Infamous m>easurea striking down home mle in thal rity ha- aroused tbe popular indignation. Thc reputable nun ol Buffalo, whether Republicans, Democrats or Independents, ire united in denouncing the lic'ia il wrong which Sheehan wantonly per* petrated against their .itv for the nke of pro moling ins own Hellish political ambition. In ih<- light of his cotirse on thew two billa be ?tands reveal' d : i his fellow-citizens a. a malig? nant foe of Un- hum,- interests which ought to have lound in him a resolute champion. Itv nnans ol legislation which is properly to bc regarded as th.- meanest sort, of a job he ha* reduced the Police an'l Exti.c departments of Buffalo t. hi. subjection, 'i'he city bu been insulted, humiliated, disgraced. Non- what is Buffalo going to do ai,.,nt itv II' thc ipi'-iy related to a material nuisam ? thew could bc no doab! about the answer. Tho nuisance would i.e abated promptly and effectually. Mut will ihe nuisance of sheehan ian. he abated a* goon a* it ian lie.' Tho Buffalo voters nill n-.t ge. a cha,,,,. to (|,..,| niih it until ne\t Xovembor, when they nill l,?- called upon to choose a Senator and As -("iil,.,ini<* i. Th.* Lieut" nant-Uiiieni. r and hi. he hrs, there is reason to believe, are laboring under the Impreasj tn thal between muv .-md tho fall the storm of general indignation will sub ride. But even in (.iv., it does not subside thev expect, we may be vm-,., go to linn the Voile? ai,d I.wive, departments into machine* fur the preservation of the hie ..f the antMtome rale rici;. '-The' Buffalo ?_*..iirir-i.** ii;., leading Democratic joni aal i-f tlie cty, m. et- ile* emer? gency nith a raaolote, patriotic spirit which is Worth*- of all prairie. In an article on the situation nith which Buffalo finds j:-,.|f -*,?,. tran, d it uses this language : Ute dttaena af Halals afeeaM tgn tin taatt aa. Iirrpnre for Iii- Itraggls. T_,r. rln;:st,rs ?f batll -.-ir!!.-, cr.- i,..liinu lor parti |".,1|i|i-, grken thHr own Interests are at Btafcs, Wit. b!i_u__. ia. citl was ?.f Bnffaln , ire f,,. part] polltl arhen ll a ?' fun? e,f lb" ?.'Tnitnniit-.. tii- i-iiti-"- '?' -i areal go-n-rn uprn; iini i'i n pols tion ?.' Hie rlt( ire at if thli ?..*? -u-ri .v a lure 1- W . -ur.-Itv t'' I*- m..B ? c- B.f IliifT.ilo - ...nil tove :ti-lillirie.* aad n :?? .:'. :- ? :.. ii i-i iu ? ii -ii and mt ni Hrelj io t*' a'a Ibe li lit I i i u Inl i the fare ol I bi ir De rn wratl Maror bj di rep tabl ill - surei; i'.-r- imuld l"- en sig i P* rn - rats In D i , ?. ? -,_?-? t,.. i-.,. n; da-wat ll i -- ml' upoa the arin . , I L-'ee I :, nae of lin lr | Bul the i- ,!?? i- t,-v,ai.i snd stove part tr, lt i'i V lilli '? -? di a---- r.i .-? ol .li/e-l - lp. ll SP ' In u*i !!;.-:, -? ., .,v?? air. pi .;?? r sppre tall in ot Vine I an li lt iti mt an I tv- 1< -I* lin- iln . . rnnn-nt. ro till romm inltj ll i ti iii il i - '? ? ii i* ;i* rex, bin i. lt utt,,-* lb ? material ai rn, ll tu inoral in-Hnre nf ito rlty. Tins is plain and sensible tall., lt has the righi ring. In what "Thc Courier" *a; * il , gpres es thc s ntiments of a large majorita e.f thc people of Buffalo. Bul il it* w< rds are tn bear good frail lhen thone there who be? lieve in hom.* tiile must promptly offed an organization. Indignation meetings and in* ? iiiivati eu .lit .iii'- are e\c lieut so lai n* the* go. Em th y must l.e reinforced by thorough organization in everj ward in Buffalo aad haul, -persistent work il the ring which ha* dont so much to bring Buffalo into disrepute i. tn bc viv pt om of existence. Let Sheehan triumph in thc Buffalo elections icu fall and uhat nill become ol thal greal and growing city's r pu tat ion for public spirit, for courage, fm ability t" guard hei own bes] Interests? Eet ii come to be understood thal -lc ? ha:c-ni is th" established "ism" ol Buffalo and what nil! become of the Buffalo boom? Iv it likely ihat a tomi which atte'-ts lhal ii ii powerless in the hands ol the im?*t iinscrapulons of bosses .viii continue to thrive? ls Sheehaaism in all that il implies calculated to create, new enter? prises, tfi bring c i;i*!*f\alive capita! ard in? telligent labor to Buffalo? Thousands <>f Buffalonians must be asking themselves and one another such f|iie!*tit*ns as these jii-t now. The outcome ought ; i be an ci.nih Iming pia, tail movement against thc lin*.'. And il cannot bc gtH under waj al too . ar i a day. _ TUE WAITERS' S TRIER. The strike ol thc waiters for higher wases anel tli?- righi to shave or go unshorn as plea** - them has a--ti!ind somewhat Trouble* mic pro portions, and a greal many |?ersons who paid ip, attention to il at tho outset are bt ins ''.iee.] io make up their minds uhat to think aland the matter, li is our impression thal the pub? lic his not lately entertained the highest re gpect and all" lion for hotel and restaurant waiters. There ha* I..- n a r neral reeling, if ne mistake not, thar ihe tip. which iised '?? be n voluntaiy expression ol ?.'"???I-will cheei fully b stowed in appret iation ol cfHcienl * i ii.e'. j* -no longer given and received in thc , oul.i spirit which could make it l ilerahle. Thc fact cannot have <-<ap.l ueneral nboervation that the tip iv now ip i .'iiii ' \|"?> ted a- a mat n r of course, birt very often accepted withoui -.. lunch a* a i\i"i?l of arkhowlcdgnient, a* if ii mcl" transferred from one pockcl to another in payment ol a debt and the obligation to gratitude were on tho payer. If Ihis were the fad c.iiiniK ii .I. '.-?i.;* would pn *? n1-* a " Thank iou" In.iii the n-i ipient, and -nc ?? il is I ii" precise reverse ?>f Ihe fact tht om --: m is im |iertinen1 and irritating. If ii" aro n-.i nc-t ik* n lhere is also n ?:. neral, natural and proper ft - ling thal ?? iit< i - a* a .la-* pav t .. little attenti m to Ihe duli ul pei sonal chanlii. and thal Ihe i.e.-I* which rh'-y di-|i.ii-.- are not al all commended lo the palate by Ihe hinds, heads and apparel ol the dispensers. We are' uni prepared t'> - ii that waiters ara degenerating in this respect, fo the public i- probably developing a m-ort (1 li rate r.ivt.e in .mh matters, and this mai tn ronni for t'i" Impression. Bul rcrtainl* ir i* line tlmt au improvement would li a* cwdiall.t welcomed as it would '"? promptly rccogniz d. These considerations, therefore, and especial I.i the feeling ?ri__"**ti.]*-i < ?! bt I if* syatecm ha* ein.t tended, we think, to ally publit i. n nith the walten in Ihe Hrs] si i_* ? ol controversy. Moreover, there hi* Ikj lat k nt ii mpnthy on tlc ii part a ith the ImnRn and thirsty, manifesting c-.lf in ?> detcimiiia lion to Iel a l.n ?_?? numlier "f pei -"ii*, n warning ts i.imo, -.if-ed and nn*? t a ic in- ..f ...inp. Uiie. :i".is*:..-i c. their tlc manda, lt thc effect ol these um wipaoionatc t:i, ij, - bas ie- en injini"a* to Ihe e atise ul thi waiters wc sec no rea** n I ir r* u pi. ? ? Ihcrca human n itirra I" ing what il * tin th.- other hand, the it tent men! whi h the application "f the fcc sj utera bas prudm ? I is tiu- directed exclusively against iii" napkin beorers. Then* is a -'.ne uhat general ir-crccp tiein ?,f the fad thal proprit I rr* hat fusten d Iho system, tn ??' ''*'' ?' ? b'nst have laken ad \;,t,t"- "i ii to maintain a ra i1- <a was which they could not other* i?c en toni*. This i* ip.i an auret able realixatlon ; foi lhough ii i may ba mid that, inasmuch a. whatever rc i mun i*.iinm the waiteia i. cen,. . ,,n? - out ,,| id" pe,,bets ul custom' rs, ii maker, little differ j < ncc how ii iv transferred, net ith. I. -- th re is a well-nigh universal feeling thal the real source "f payment ought t-. I..- disguised in ihe ifviauiani business as ii i- m everj i thor, an I Ibo burden ? ?! rash - ttb-ients burne 1.1 th ? employer instead ??! the |>atron. Thi*. iii think, is the strongest position wbb* Ihe wail tis ran occupy, an.l ii i;,. i take n l..,|e||i and def. rel it rigorously tl...* are likely lo i-ec-niil popular sentiment on theil -pier As f,,r their demand for freedom in the u*. or ri'--'l'.t ol the razor, we are <li-p .-..I to think lhal they aro unwise te, complical ? Iheir agitation with this issue. Thej will y. t mn* cecil iii arousing a tempest among Ihe sons ol liberty over this matter. 1'osaiblj the price less heritage which the fathers transmitted i-> their children ought to guarantee to et n man absolute "jurisdiction over his ,,un rapiilan al tractions <r repulsions, and a- an abstract pii.po.iiion tbe ii-.'!)! lo iu.ii a mustache is capable of bein)*: defended nith aid ir and mic ? ' s-. Em in ih.- case of waiters the inclina? tion to curtail thal righi i* prevalent and natural. Indeed, im- have mn a parti le ol 'I""1'' thal il a breed ol hairless waiters i*ould bc developed thej would !?? round c, mi ,, long felt nant. TARI Fl Ul Idem .sons. Our g.I friends, tbe profesaional reformers, have hu upon ;l non plan. Despairing of *ur* ceas la Int aking doun ih>> tarin by uthi r mt an -. they propooo thal the Governmeni si.|.| bor? row money, lt aili -aol n ed, thej -a,-., to add dune. ..a sugar, or tea, or coffee, il it will omit issue eeriilicai s of indobt inoh* for ihe ai rea rs ol pensions, amounting i-. 940,Q0f),<i., fcW.00.-Ui.vd. i. ... Then there ran be taiid reform, and thc revenue from customs can h.* imi down, and yt t there will romani ? lough for the other ripen* * ..r the Gov? ernment Thi* |g .-, bright idea. Tn tho present forms ..r cnirreney' it would be pleasing H. add "tariff reform notes." This would help thc nh"!" people to understand Ibal Protection pays its way, while Free Trad.* ha* i.,.,.??.. Also it would be pleasing to sec a Democratic Administration begin with a foreed loan, li has power io offer securities which romebod. mighl buy. Instead, it proposes to force ihe pensioners ol the Nation t?take notes whleh il docs not lemur, to offer lm sale. TWl would , . , ntm 0t it** -affection nnd ?ni. v be a fill** iu a-||1P l . ,i i i i .,,i,Iie.|-s. and at the -am* c -p .- for th" old *".'li" tm On. - r ., r ,1,,- beauties ot " tai ifl foi Hine a c nf.*-ioii of t u "' ... _ ., ?.,...,,, of raising revenue. ll Vi lice ol ll a.s a III' -a ., * . ,,, i iM, cheering to ne old ot routse tins would ?*?" " ? . ' ,.,;..i,i have to pay a little .hav. mi <||. rs, wno nn'-'iit oatt ? now and then to gel ****** ?*?>? '. pi.-i.ll> a* the notes would not be exact* Lal and would nol bear interest, until Con Brcss could bc broughl to provide for then ;..,?, ..?.* .ann... guess what might then bi determine! Perhaps Ihe notes w?Jd be anew kind ..f legal I ndci-s. bearing no interest, which would be a plcasanl outcome for the lucubra lions of hard nwnej philosophers lil*-* Messrs W" Iv ami Atkinson. Ul ,hf> Dote" ,,,1>;,,t beal interc.1 in silver al the option of thc Govern? ment, which would also bc encouraging to then ,,l,?? , .,??.,.. in- there mighl be no provisioc at all inch' f"' '?"? redemption ol the notes sincothe tem lining revenue of the Governmeni appears to bo all mortgaged, in tho estimati uj ,,,? phjiosophers, which would be plcasinj lo (ho teterans who maj haveto receive them Without am provision for redemption thc ?tariff reform notea" would be somewhat under tho weather, sotospeak. But if redeem? able at all. ile."* ?i*hl bc rodeemablo either rn "old or in "coin* *'t the option of the Govern ment, which mighl ai any time mean in silvei dollars. More gold notes, *stitsl at tho rate ,.f s;, non a year, would make the rapidly ei. e r a*ing gold reeerve look small. Mora -sil? ver not s. iv-ii.d at the same rate, would make the pensioners feel ugly when they have to paj a discount to gel them cashed. What th. philosophers propone ls not particularly imper iant, fm* Congress will be likely to toto tin other thing or nothing. li i* ,i nie ? idee to make the old soldiers tak< tlc iii-i risk and beni Ihe lirst coal ol tanti rt form. Nothing moro ch lice and beautiful ti illustrate the charms of Democratic tariff re? duction could have been dei iscd, and the effect up,,a public opinion would undoubtedly ht quick and considerable, Ihongh possibly not quito uh:.i Democrats might desire. Men whi ha\e n. i - r been able, in all their lives, to de t. i thal llcpublican tariffs were in anj tvaj ., hurd a w mid I"* instructed every week thal thc* Government lia* to run into deb] t" iti pensioners h cause foreigners pay less f"i tht i i.i ilezo "f * liing in Ami rican marketa. Men -,,).,, remember hon Democrats ranted anti raved aboul thc "fotced loans'1 when green? backs were Issued would delight in the .spec i;,,l,. if ii in liar* should "levy a forced loan . ,, ,?,,. p. i*-|,*!', i - in ottler t e pay tho coal ?>i I*),, i ado t',e-.,ii--*. Ves, ii i* altogcth< r i lovelj idea, and far too bright and beautiful ?Vd t-j bc r< -ii:/' ''? "SO.VRRODY HAS TO DIE. I.a-t M. 11.11.*. the citiwns ol Denmark, **? C., lu the- numbr-r ol live hundred indulged in the luxury of ?Ml.I-???I.<l. brutal murder. They ;.. eh a a.?_?!??. named John Peterson, strung him up a;,e| til!" .1 hi* bodj With 1'iilh'fs. John Peterson's crime was iii* c.lop. Some one ol I,,-* -up." cahir had i rmmitted an a**.mit wi i wh lo girl. Thal i* sn offence which i* apt t< excite in anj community the worst passions, .-?in i* einiiiitiiit.,*-. where there is a largt :,.__i.? population mt .nt tully emerged from the brutal ami degraded condition .which i ili,* iiiiiii! jaherttance "i ages of slavery and ? this ci me i i anj all nc t to p -.petra!! - ihe inn" white population to a pitch e f rage bordering "ii insanity?a madneaa thal a..i 'i:i_' bul th-* shedding of blood ran assuage lt will let \*air I..1 tiie* *h.ii processes of law-, nor for ih** groofs ..I guilt which in all civil? ized e.iiiitti-* ara required io be indubitable before the extreme penalty i* administered i.irs ail appeal and imii nev. i I"* re? voked, lt ?!'?? * not alu a.i *, ur even oft" ii. COB* teni itself with the swift taking ot of tin offender, hit laps with brutal satisfaction the ii. n-li-h d Kuhl ol seeing it* victim die by lion u?li nil tie- -accompaniments of in ?_?.? 11:..11m barbai ty. Thal ti*-" hundred dtiaeni i-f any i nmmiuiitj sh tuld lise up in a body and ? ..' han i without trial anj one rn in ol anj efoloi i.i an. offen o does imf seem to us :.. l.e: ken bi encouraging social condition. In th.* ca* the citizens ..f bad ii"? iho pal iath i ft :? their crime lhal thi ir \ ii tim mi. guilij if tlc ieif--iie-'' rharitede tm the ? ontraij. he wi- ? lainly, and by the -beat testi* in* ni pr--ii,l*. cntirclj innocent. Thc '-'iii wh ni h* e.a. rharg'*d with as*>aulting exon , cr. i him. " I dun'l know hun." she raid, i hen conin u* il with bim " Ho don t look like him ul all. Ile don't talk lil*" the "'??li? lle i- the - mi" c dor: that i* ail." To U.e i_ih -- ii n i- p uti I win ther he"l inked lil* ?? the rluhl mau'' she answer d with an un-pisllnod "Xo," ami with < 'iu:tl positiveness sdded thal die I know the mau nho a?-**aulti d hor if ihe -au iiim. Thal would -?'-?? '" bc ei._*li t.. i dj the angi ii si e.i nobs a- te. thc inm i en< >? .f.l,. nl't. is n lt ???(* cpi :?!? 'tull conclusive. Bul bc na- '-..I Ih **?-???" ' 'dor." -.? wh -n the rn-.i. were told ?'"? reauli "t thc examination ono of them **lmply said, "Sim.ii" ha. t., dj ,' and ii-a thej balk John l*'t"i-o:.i and ?.ti-un-j h-u np anel iiie el hi. p a,* black I" dj full ,,'? Lui'.:-. Thora nas the end of John I-, (iv,.n. Cn' i.i death mill rold blot I *d , icily, not because he had done anj'thing thal deserved it. Lut bemuse he was of ****tho same ' ol.p" mi'i - mic mn. nbo had. and " uimcoody Inul lo di.." And a ('.i.iii. p > Jury, taking up the forms of law which had been mi cruel I j di ic d ih" demi man. lookt il al Ibo work of ihe lawbreakers and said i.ii iheir oaths thal John I'eterson "came to lu* death bj tungin** uni shu] wiNinds al the bands ul aboul iiie hundr d 1 ni/, ti- liiin int end i tl to inflict the I miishiiienl "f "hath up.en him" for hal ing com milted an as-rault. Grim travesty of law and jli-.ll! ' And tho lin- hundred iiti/en<. having *?;? r*,] their rage, ara no doubt proud ol having ria ? lit.ii <l law l-i the violation of it, and ol hav* ing administered a less*ra ami a warning i" nigroen nho are tempted to rommil crime by killing an innocent negro who na* "ut ibo sa ino. color" with a criminal because "nome bu li had i ? be killed." lt iv i.. thc credil ol -in h ii"\i p i|i iv av - The < hail, .tim N.-us ami ''"ini'i" aili '?Th" Atlanta Constitution" thal thej denounce in Ihe mos] unqualified terms the savager, .ucl imil.,niti ..r the Denmark liv hundred, lt i* nol likely thal any one ol the murderers will ever bc broughl t.> justice or villi, p the l"s. "i a moment's liberty for ih;v Inul il crime. Bul ii is quito |>oaaible that if -mh fouraals as Ihoae we hav,' named, and .Hie p. p presenting the int lligenccand human iii ol the Southern pcph-, hold them np to public execration ns cold-blooded murderers who kill without provocation lor the sake ol hilling thc leaaon may not bc h.-t on other I'l'iii'iniiiilies. Ile* Medical s,., i.-t x ..i Ihe County of New-York lin- li\?'tl its eye un Health ? lUiecr Jiraklna an I ii t* idupted* declariug thal thc Jenkins I'illlllll.r tl.elp,Ji eel ,| III: I .1 ll I 1 ll" Iv l,\ Ile, IIP'UIIN l||, Iii .tin- k 'Iii.' ll i. -rn I -lr* e,| the ve., i,-ty -...-ni lo iverlook the fad that Ht ?Jenkins la mit maaag ian his department on a medical and sanitary asia, lint regards it aralaij 11 ..m tin* political .nut B.r h..ii. lienre then j. an eotamoa .ground r"r ihe-m a.-,-i, on. Dr, J-snkias claimed that. ie we.n pieaeed lu Ibe ?tiietara i*u__*_d wtom his work an I methods hy the recent convention of health ifleM In this etty, When it conns to th* County MedlosI Society, ne preaame that be will simply saap his Hagen aad dismlaa the whole matter from hi* mind. -m according to ??* *-'^''a, Oeraran geographer, 1,TOO,non e-niiai-" miles ol tli" earth's surface still romaine aa*_hab-ted? Aasamiag thal his Beares ar." eoneei, it will not be B-C-OmiT f"r Bama time yet for mankind t.. _.iv<* order fur pi^ns read? ing, "Steading roora '-uly.'' lt \n a leeky tiling for the- I),-mucra ts of thia -tat.* that they hnv<* had wise Republican I'"'M liti.eii to fall back on. rn* etan their extravagance in the Legislature woald make a mach more un? comfortable Bhowlng than it do.*,. gCoatfoUer famphe.1 hopes ta war*- gi.OOO.OM this y-ar iieeiti tin- Corporation and Inheritance Taa laws, xxiiiih meaaureB th.* BepubHcaas ivie Instraatentel in putt inn on the B<atute-book. 'Hu- tax rate .shows iciv reckless th- Democrats have been In expanditurea, but wttl.t the help given them Ty the hus referred to they would have bard work tu make a plausible explanation of their course. Tin-' taxpajTcm will nol i>-- likely to forget tbeea things when the next Legkuatura is to in* elected in November. Our -Democratic friends are makin-** berate attempts to <*\p!;iin tl.e* very large Increase of the tux rate*. Bul the- fitct re-mains tlcit a ce,nsid?-ia ble portion of tin1 Increase is Illegitimate, and can ie. ;k?oiinfed lor on no theory eenaistent with a decent respect for economy iu th" eaaenditare of the people's money. Hut then the p-cord shows tlcit Democratic -Lcg-slatarea are given to extrava? gant and iitni"t"v-tiy appropriatioaa. There seems to in* some aneertainty in Brooklyn respecting the. quality ol Mr. Depew'a hnntpr. S.iine of Mayor Goody's friends an* -solemnly dis cumlng tii.- propriety of tone of thc trenchant passages ot' tin- >_pt**ech delivered iiefore the Moa* tauk ".'lull last Saturday night. If ii wa. -attire, they profess t>> believe that Mr. Depew ??i*i not .ii.-- *-?- thc righi tun.- i..r i'. Wo iiin tell these .ji.r'iluiis cures licit it was better than ni tire. lr was tho enll truth al...ut recell scandals in Drookljrn Bdmlnbttrntion ami politics. Wheo he -eel tl,:tt ti,,, abftorption of public money by rin^s nnd gangs over th" river it> no longer called robbery, ombezzlcraenl or theft, but -simply mia* appropriation t" be rgoneeted by legtalattoa, and that franchises which ai" sold ia other Iowas are Kirra away in Iirooklyn as decorations for greedy ?,':it***liiari.*liip le condensed into two Stinging epigrams some of Hie ??wlr' of mlagovernmenl iu ih- judgment pi riubt-minded citizens have become Intolerable. Everything which Mr. Depew sm.i ni -ir Braoklyn aifairs was tran fi.jai exaggerations and within bounds ? m- ? Mention i* made of a new r-Ic-Tm which has tum!" it? appearance in Russia, "the ebie! article ,,f wi. .-nei t-. i?- ihat hair is sinful." t oaaidering bow many ?calpe Maxwell luis taara lin ?? M n.'h l.-.*t, th'* devotees "f this new religion may feel like r ii-i-fin,' him Th. ir lauron Mint. Th.- (M,v,-rti.r ii going to allow the ..Hi. tal. of New-York ami Iirooklyn tra days iri whleh t.. ex? amine bills uiTr ?tlfcg th.-.- cities. >Bot iii" ot-h-er day when tbe people of Buffalo sought an oppor t un ity to -.h..iv him th-- obnoxious character ?>t a meal ire sneaked through bf L_eutenant-Gov4?rnor si,."."I, en, Mr Roarer would Berri allow them t.-u luiuurrv. Circumstances :ilte-r cines. When there i- ,i cont**mptible political Joh on hand tho Ger e-riteer ll.."* BOl lpi-ltllte* te. ll O hi. Ilttlo llfSt ill tie* uttieee.r h;isr.- !b. put ir through. No Execu? tive ni our biston Ims I.-ut ld?self i.. baser uaes thin R'-aweli I. I'lower 'lui in ti.?- liniT:xl>> sneak legislation. Al tie (itv Club in.--.-fin_r the otln-r ni-,!it the 1*'-- Dr, Oladden, in diseuasini tbe failure BBf pity government in thi. country, sail that "m* ,,f the- -t.-|.-e in the path of reform la "the ceo Initiation "f rxecutive authority la tha hands eef thc M.ii or." We have not to ??, ? far, hosr ever, t<i >ue that tl i* step ls >.f ao avail unl**ss voters pal th" ri-ht snit ,,f Dim in th- May..r's chair Take Brooklya ns an example. A dosea years ;i..i a ne-iv i hurter was adopted, its leedlag tote t !?? being th.' u*ry thing advocated Hy I'r. (Jladden. Foi a lime ali wenl well. Mr. Seth I.oiv un. elected Mayor, au I j . - -. ?T. ?. ? t . -? I. an.l f..r fe ir years Bri oklyn ha l a mode] 'itv ***orent mral conducted "it buslnesa principles, That happy state "r tim',.* .. ight t.. liave continued Indefinitely. Bul in I8S5 thc Democratio ring gul tl,- upper hand again, and ht* kepi it since, and scandal, Inefficiency, extravagance and ir respoiiaibibity hav* prevailed. la this .irv, ,,---. ri,,* Mayor luis pra**tlcally unlimited io *p. iisii.iii--.. bul tlc- |m-..)i1-? have permitted ram n,:iliv r, :,.,;ir.r -I'l, a .tl|i il|,"ll th" 0111111- i pality tint it mil I.-- ev ???? !iii_!v hard to shake n off, In I*:"', v.lan t1..-!" na- a a,,,,,i chance t. overthrow tin* Fourt?-ratli-st. ring, enough na. i* -ta...I a' home t" :: i'-e-Tau,mau.l il sweep Ing triumph, l>r. Gladilen must go one step lintier 'ark. aal tell ii- laen le. *_,*t voters tn vote ia municipal eic *i ai s. PERSONAL lu-. I*. II. lM.'r. .,f \Vu\.tlv, Md., lie- n bronx* iip.I il ii Iii. 'i ii.i - viiti. u i i ' u-I- - t e i uni nu ,:,> il,,* valorous rlinrge nf Colonel John Rag-**r Howard, Januarj 17, l7al, al the battle ol i'ot_*p.ns. Th* i: ghi li a. ?'. I'. 1 eli : . M. H.. ls , rll.-il -ti..* rather .'f il;.' Hou*.-. ..f Commons." Au Ri ? li-ti artier romnientlug .eu ia- experled appears ac. In Ihe ll ti-- lo i.a- eu Ihe Irish Home Kui" Mil. ,i-: -I:*.ni lu I-n.*, ll,.- il,Inl -,,u ,f ih.- ||on, .rae Villi.i*. mu ol iii.* tii-t Bari ?r Clan-ndon, iii-, i mi. i, ii.ii inirodm 'i t.. ii..ii.-iiniii|,t n in 1-: i, itu-' i'ii after ii,,- i,;,--|.,_ ,,f n?. trreel Ile L.rm lill. :,:,,! -?,,,,?,?!,,,. li,. li*\..,-. ||,. I Mni,,r ut-,I l i????? Trad, r, luis t ver .line I :??, a repi ?-. inmiv.* ,,r h.- Pie-t,-:'i".ii- i.r ii,.- i:i.,,i, iniinlrv. Ill- lee',*,- mid uni.r-"l,e ii ? - uii.-. uii!, tin. ron iltnenr.i i- ?-_ belli Vi". uii|Hir;i lb-led In H. Ll-cu ,.| P.ii'.lamenl nut Ll- ll PP lilla.- Ill |hl ll .il- ? e,, V(,,.. . .,?., , ,e I'l-r.i'm i"ii "Ul i.f Itself an .int ol ti,,. gr ut l luti-re I." arrht'lthop Kenrick, ol Ihe Roman t'ult ll.? iii. of m. I..11I-. -,?... ,!,.- death ol H. ,,...,, ,*.,I | ,*,.ly. ?has i uimed Ihe riitit-r irorh >a ii,.- ?,*, i, >???,--,. Though . I.-I: i even ft an ld, he i * said lo bc -ii* i'.-li ..pi*. ..I I,, the -ippoliilmeut ol a readjutor. .lin.,,u_ii nearly e-ian- one, lu !>? -;tti:._r -Br teeing the name ..f iv..f v,.,r K. I-:, liarnard -f 'ii" lick .,i.-anni,.ri. think* >.f lum mendy as Ihe dlfpoverei ol the lifiit -m.-lin ? ,r Jupiter, be l- known anet .ni tlilre-il ailinn!,' n [mil i,i. r- .p.lia ., niue h fur Ml ll.'lli a- n ?-..m.-t iin,i,ei" ;,i?i r r i.i- original fe.u- In stellar phoiographtr. Mo living man has dls>rov_red n manv ;, , ||,|s -;f|.,| Ve.UH- ?;, l-ill.l- ol' lil,, ikies, ii.,, .na ,,,, ie** itin, killeen on hi- score. The i'''-.- though, I-- lu ii-, f uml iiim. ii- nu* ui'i luiiitliin r.-r ..em, i- ;,t iu.- timi-, bul waa photo graphing a region In the Milky Way. I'poti .lei.i pl *. lils plate, hu t...ti. .1 ii looking Rtreak. Iii" iii-xl nkhl ho iiuin il Hie big mi Inch Iii I, r-1. "(?'?li. 'ii- stranger, and Inhold li men.Up i 1 "?""' '? I'n yearn sgo Mr. liarnard miv s phntog rapher'i lumlntaiil la N'suhvllle nn.i an i-iiilni-i ,vru am u.-'ir u-li--1I..III-,-. Wei, a Hve-lnrh gbn-s h.- found in.'I'''* shead e.r every ...,,? . i-.-; and then the vandeltilll lui* i-in r.>IK . r._nl/ln_ iii- genius -? Ml- :ivvi-l.,,|, .- ?||,| ||,,. |?.?,.||| ?f |lK t. ,,,,,". for four i.-ar*. During Hull time I,.* f .titi.t -Ix or -''?a i."" romets. II.- waa linn hurtled lu co io III" I.l. k ..I.-..pial .ry. .i. Rendel Harris, ,,f l*amferld>ga t'nlvar -Ul Rngland, who l- reported a- hating dlaeavered :" MOttnl MUill .ll re.Ilipl, la M||;,? ,,,.,? ?., .,-),? eef iii*- four i....|..l, mis for.,i> conm-cted alth tin* fatuity ,.r Johns ii,.i kins [diversity, Prom i--j nulli ISS. |p. un, a |,,ii,,,.,e ,,,, (-e- r, vinni, ni Ureek, sad lrom l-l c. 1 ?-., Bst-oclata earofesaor ..f New Te-aauie-ni Oreek nml palaeography. During ia* stay lu liiiiiii.*.* ii,*. Harris attracted mach at? tention among .'iiiv*lctil ?choiari bj publishing through the John- ll-iiklti- pi-.e-- an elegnul lac-nliulti' i-dillon \'< ".Liol,Imv of the Apustles.-- H.- I,-,. Klnce 1.-eeiiiiii-iiii nnii Hm,i-r,.ni College IVnnsyl iain:, ami nilli the lill I'r,--, t'anibrldge, ami ".Ince IHOI has lieen ii>. holder .if ii neal) ??aiabllNhi-d rhabr of epalai-ography. Victor BaNlot, one ..r the rev arvlvtai reteraas er tin* Preach Army nt Wsterloo, haa juvt ridebrated ali liKiih aiiuiiuiv.iiy in his native lilla-.,- li, lin N"ini.-. h.- it r-t tonghi lu tin- i-i ii?.im, rampalgg ander Marahal Davoaat, and took part In t:..* tdege ..r llambarg, On lha retnat lrom Hoacoa tn- atthdrea ni th the real ..f lu. regimenl lo HiriKiu,,,. \vi?? ga "Kdcou r.turupd Inuu __ll..i gaJUot Va ott undi-i* tin* | orders of MBfBbal N.-y nml fought ni Watt rtoo. Tntr* lng tin* .'iipiKeiiiein victor Halll.ii received a blow oa ihe beal from i tathra, which -"nt bim reeling .-timing the dead and dying, bat be mn* ot ly -innn.-i. and r" covered lulBcteolly to retarn to Ute ii>_t.i. Ile laken artaaaer by tie- Kaniva and eswdaetad to Plymouth, where lu* remained ucarty s v.-n, nu .<?.. turnlng to France be f,-ll ill: tii" t.ra sid lu r.__ III the last r-tufc'e >.f loii-iinipiloll. "So f rt Qm doctoral" lu* exclaimed, umllliig, aa bi ?-gifdrd to thu of Lia health daring tba catettatlia. TUE TALK OF TUE DAY. li li n matter for deep tkankMnmi thal tue timon lut" old Kin* i-i ni.) Miyheal SbaehaBu saa baan*, nm Into mid dhwUsi Hu* navy. Ska doe-Mil Banally fall to attila, such a rhaaea for Mag nu.. ciilef, and ln-r Bett-desUal oa tin** aaraslea nfl. angrim nit vviio know bar. Mas lbs Mhscfeassaaoa imkMal fur kaoga, ur L -li" t.-iniiuriiilly -- otr Ipt fi- d"! 'lip- itory of tii.' rick mnn't neting ali ba had and giving unto Hu* poor ass Hm .siii.j?-ci of dUcasrtoa -.g a iiTioiA r>iii-l.ii -<li.ul ela... m?i kriSf m.'"- flu teacher nus Ulnntrattag Ho* moral tiwi lbs ItMSoa ron. i-v-. om- or her rm.,t attentive u-iem-r* ansi * lit? tler fellow -Mni.i-iv -ix years iii. lol a* brtgM ax a dollar, nii'l nitli a tongue tliat uses the Qaeea's Eng Uah In a manner tkat iioiild in.,1..- tbat motherly uul -ml .-uuiim if ihe beard lt, ??Non-,"' *dd tba teach* very Impressively, -If a man i- furiiniuie .-nough io tiiak.- b iiilllloii ili.llar* in iii.- c.Hirsi- ot lils life it U i,i-duty t.)-_ive- batt ot lt at lassl to the poor.1- ??")'.-,*? Interrupted a prim little girl m one cnrn--r, "tart how many men mane a million dolkua lu tbe eawae <?f their iii.-.'' Than waa a illeaoa ror ? mom. nt, when the little fellow chirped In the eaaatk saawari **l)ara icxv."?iiticii Ubaervar. There used lo be B cartons oil-well in Veiiin^O ( .ninty, Penn., xi hleh BBVir yielded a drop of ull i-x (e-p' cm .sunday, lo tko (Nat prl.-f of tba labhaCBftaM Bat there 1.-, ii nell in lt?eek r Cuni, on. (ul., known as tin** OH sprin.', xx hi. Ii 1* unite a. (urloiu. When tli-- ri'-iv nen Bppean lt begins to flow oil, ami tie- tion* Increases In volume ag Up: moe.ii grows. Whea Uie mouii Ls full tip* -prlii;.; j hills iliive lear.-.-li a .lay. iviie-n thc iikj'jii icackea tta ia->t '?uurt.r, tu* How ..'ll-er-. J;nil"l \V,l, nr rtsttcd these purl* for tho purpose nf dettvering his Bonker lilli oration Ss xvas ? -iit.Ttnlit.--l iii the bOBBO of a Charlestown meri-h.-int. This meiiham wus so l.y the bonot oi thc preat rtatewman's presence thal h.- brought out not univ mu- but -ei. ral decanters of th.- beat U.^iiur lu- hud in the house. .i|r. w.-i.-t.-r inivfullv Marebod out tin- v.-*-l coatalalag Ike brandy, ami poured from i' a drink tkat today would b.- gruauaHj farand "a bath." ami dian;. Ike IV|i?.r In a few complacent Kuli.-. Th.- anxiuii-ly obKgin-r merchant in-1nn-.-.i I;f -Mr. Wi b.-ti-r nh. Kier he wu uki li'.t like I glan of uaicr. itu senator looked up calmly, nini in i,u iti...-t mupilfl"'" nt toles rephed, urbanely: -I thank you, sir, bat i am aol -thinly."HUostoo Oloba. ?? Th.- lie-ton .TeViiinar la rdXty jems uld, but ht) one would inspect it, for It appeals to ba as young, ii-eirun-i and iprtghtty as it ever waa, -The lowraal* 'ah- alwaya v-i-i.i-.i a great meerai Inllaaaca tn .Ww EnglaBd, and lia, beea a bulwark of sturdy r,.-pu|>. il-anism. Tin- BaagatalatlaM wMeh lt. aaat-rtramg alli bring to it are amply deacrV-dL Il la a curl',a- fact Hint, wi,Ile tha westward _BOva> imiit of tin- pe.piilatlu!! luis eoreTBd BO 1- *.* tiiici f) 1 -J degrees of longitude (0 degrees, -l minute*. 1 mcaoAg), ii.i* Btovement bas run almoal ..n a itralghl line. ii,... extrema northern and southern variation embracing l"-s than one-third of a degree of latitude tl* Bria* u'..-. r,t; <e, e,it,l-i. To put Ihe .-..ul rn -1 mn Mm ilactly, we may aay that, whfle th<- neaten mot a. iiii'tii for tin- ceatary agaR-gates COS miles, the em* 1 :.*?? ?!??? northern -md soatkern varlalloti ls a bul" under twenty-two nill.*-, uiui tie* flntsblng point of Ike Hue I- only -onie. -Ix mlle*, -oath <>f the starlin*-' point. ?(Itoetoa Hernia. Tlie concern whlih hal taken the contrail to feed all who may ile-irc te) Ml within tin- i drago Ex* p.,-id un gm iiiiii. la gBttlag ready to take turi- of 30,000 people a day. Ii. expects ta use a toa of coffee a day, and other things in pwgiullau. TIIK HISTOBY OT -)<>NK--*. TIIK VOTtt. I'oi.r .ton--- be roted eitiy, an' he slao rmiet late, "I'm*," Mild le-. "I IliliiK a i.ttiie i*i ii-eeitnnilii';" .lu' i :.--ii I.?? seen the Bgfera un ti... Democratic siato, Ila rada li** mule la MfaseUalea a-koBtartn'l Aa' Hld Jones; "I'm I.-rel .in* it teems quite ?lear Tm entitled to u uffi.*."* Bat Ikey -.aid: *-n*-ai ycart" Kur, v>ii .-.-, IhSN was a lattSB that was l.eMl:-.' ot the place? Ike ee.ta .? iar xx Iii. li .loin -., wa* a plain'; Aa' tin- -Uover'meot wai walUa', wita u patient vurt u' fa..-. Tin h.- or i-.'-k a ti., fur malgala'. llrst, ?tun- ?? l'i. k and rhooss/1 Tie n twas ?* nm or lose" ; .?*o .lon-* l.e kep' a ?..?altin' Far a dead man';, ihaea, II.* went down to tl.e -TttlagB, wh, re the feller had tke Jot.. .in* i.ite-re-d bim a boase aa* lat fur dylu'; Hut Hie' tue lt kept a gala', an tm' crap..- waa SS the>. Aa' Jive-, sat lu the came tery rigkla'l Aa' today yeeii'll lind ? All a wanderin' In his mind ? l'..or JoiP-v. led waitfa', waltln', Aa* Hat feller unrealaaed: ?(Atlaiitii Oili-tltutlon. I'nreasonable Han. Rke -1..,ki oh the* wrong aorasg aii.l leaved li**r iitnl.r.-IU frantically ut tin- approaching .-lr.- l .ur. "Other ^ld.* of tko .-ire.', lady," said the rot> ,'.iii tor. ??Hut this ls tl,.* -atti" -Ll- Of ll," -Mu-* thnt I nlOOd on wi,"li I 1 ....I. til- -ann- .ar tO rollie teewn. I de. derlare, leen m.-n are tbe ni.-' Bl al.le creatures that were ever inveiiud."?iiue____.u_.__t .1.Billilli. Ike praprteton "f Hw Nuaater tear ikal the W..rld'-i Fair may hurt in two waya, lirst by dlarinlahlng iii. ir patroaage, ind ..?.i.llv. l.y making it harder i.are i-*e?e.i help, The Katoa papen r,i*>rt thal tke wages tor help bas alr.a<:y gone np. owing to Ihe facl lhal ao m.un- arorkers af all kinds have Uvn engaged to >fo to I I s fur tha summer. i ?!. ir < u-e. ?W.*_." Baked ti,. Chicago Miat .iipi.-.r. ???a.,i i- ihe charge ugninsi this min " -llase, 1.,ur Anner," r-iii.el ii." oilcer, - ?? waa ohNihruitln' the ii reeta. He na* a luadla' aa tue omer, preach!n'." ?li--M uiiieii a day ran \--n s ke ai ihat iori of i.u-li..-- '" u-k.ei ihe .iiuU'e*. lu.t unkindly. Hun Ihe prisoner replied: "Mi i|u-:.-r ele-'s not I'll III i.*eeie|. 1 "11! mel rnrlilll'_ 'eer lllole-l." : Jud ki' looki l ai (hi ?'?? bim In ani.i."** m. ti*. I ii;.ilii l|.< -..i.i : ?? IV. i ;.,,-? ror tho I'..ii..- euri, at all. mi* mau i- undo?bt."dly crasy.'* Indianapolis JournaL :- to Hanover In Ike tatara am be sMa te vlsll the he.u-e in wblch Udbults lived tit lilndranee. Ii ha* been p :r.V i-*'. I-v an art aoctstf nml la to be rratotvd (? the i nditton in which it waa In tho .iii- e.t* ihe ?avant. The roofi wham Lrthaita .ii. d i- (ilk .1 with artli I- - wldt h ??? .* i ? Ion-fed to Um. Tks hon-'* ls three stories high, lt wUl coolata henceforth s valuable library and an *m _at-ery< Thg .in.iiin.' -place e.f Kant, in Konlgabcn_, h twevt r. wkteh la- allraet.el in, y vUltOTS IO IBS ali<'i"tit .ilv xi In-rs i in --: ii ii Ki-_have le.. a alu:,.i- crown<ed, t- ah Q to h.- teTii doun to ina!..- faM f'.r l.eiv l.n ? Ul iii __>.. I tie entrance and paris e>f the- house, maetker wltb li- relics B.f Ike phi!..- pher, xviii be prc-ri'd la ths . Ill' 111 l-e um. TYPICAL liK-r'i" I'.ll'I ' BOMBS. Ii. m Thy Milwaukee Sentmi4. r-iiitie* ike laai < ongn - did no! repeal tl,- -tix-en. |lll|e UU.-- at'l "Tile- 4'llltrli'.* .'ol,I II ll ' I lil- II ;i ?? titiln'ta UKgregutliSl eif in. op,p, lem-. ' Till* I* g t rut Uf ul ,t-> -e tiptl, li. H Hie I'rtsidehl I:'. 1.-lil.el li..- lieu (*uiii_r.'N. tra. any 1.-- In.ouipi-tent psrhaps he w uiUl hal.- called it together iu extra -?i.>n. MliiWI MP* THINK HIM IN PKMtMld.K. Plum The' Ire \ IC* ure* .I,,ni ual. i .*.-i retary ol ti,.* Tri*a?ury wbo hicks Ike eoaa* dence of Ike nn.-i Intelligent and i*on**ervatlve luinli ei* of the country must ie considered a koue-wbat iiiiit.r-it'iil.h: ollliial. A TAMMASC. TRA IX I KO SCIIOUL. Prom Th.- Binghamton Republican. ?in- eing* *t.,I.- Pi-i-oii l- il,or..u_lilv ii Di ii'.. ' tl? lt,-iiiuii,,n in ii- mni ngi tn--m. nu annex ,-f Tem nunn. Having veil..1 vue i leveral t-riu*. lu s;.,eo lui*.ni tine , not dl-e|ti:ilifi one lrom beciimlng I ;i-i lui. al leader lu Ttitiiiuiiiii or from procaruig .iii 'iti iiui berth In nriNon muter the aaapwei eef Tammany. 11,bib" I- tu, iiianeie ie. wonder that ci'iidemnol nc*!* devers escape fruin tke priam. ?oin win nomi*. Kurra nu qiftii wb v>.* Timm Th'* Ila ll I more Atii.*ririiu. Nen York I* ti..* I-'.iniilr.. .-tale. NeivYoik <1lf la the country's metrropuUs, lu., prl*m.-r* under lenience ol ii.-iuii na-utied from the bt.ite i"-nit il? lari. Iii * lliie-li:;:l|,,||-' iv.,, h-'lel. I'"' Ve-fdlCt lill* lilli Ipelx.l! ie Uv te. 11,111,.*. I',.* !:|e-t 1". -|>. IU ble nml etniiieiii .iii/.,-iiv nf n. u York t ni com* plaints ami charge* against iii" I, ul 'e; the -tt.-'-t (leaning Depatrimeul. There was -au *laveitlat* ti">n." Tin Mai,bi- Tammany'* Mayoi Ignored las t.-p. .tulle elli/, a... add -.,I.l llreiiiiuti ...uld keep hiv J..I.. A Buffalo politician -??'ian mun able to do linne llllh (he l.e-_|.|.itur,. rine! xx lill I ? ili-ru-.r Moiler Hum all me docem .people ol his rtiy. ma decent j.pie uer,- a.tualh lustilted by Ike '?"?'* e'tiieei- and the- le-gUlaliire. \.v. Vork I- '? ?" M't'l'lro t-i.-.-.r- ami Bea Viwh ( i:? i. the continent's oxetrmt* oil . lau Uer other Mates and cities lave the, cniiiitry. ?? - * Til!-. MIUNK-s ul* -l-IIK. i'i..*ii ti.?? IndlaaapaUs JaarnaL is ii j.ovvit,:,. ,i,,i ,),,. 4 i* xi-iinui .r.-viiiini i-.tni-l'ie "Ul rive up Hw trade arrangi-ments ulth Cala ?**< torteit from dpatn. lu f.f the fact* ikal sar Irala In -rtgkteen months nith ii,.ii and T*orto Hmm itu. Increased -fi-,tc-.?,:t-_--' ,,: -rhlch,- mis exports I spii,- iiiii.i, would lead t> *n. * a -arron der of a valuubU*, iuli_!it bc gtlgmaiUsi aa maiacss.