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TOASTS TO THK NATIONS. Tin: i-__5nvrn_s esd is a giu-jo) ban qcet. bas nnt slim ? leutci rc; Lieutenant Buckingham, ,,r (Ue Dnlnhln?'i i,.,,i?.i it RVtcelev Hunt -. .r-c-irv ur c?. l-i,il*,,|..i,,i i .*; tm Fri ivs rd K. ('apetiiirt. of ti,e niie-i'--",, ?'I lie Baa ?utciiiiiii of iii. A-aatdabaa, Baidgn iv n Fanni ine netariM of nil tb-t admiral* of the te* ,?, (-,?'??,.'.,' HoMrlcli. of th '?omiiiander -I- IV - -unciiid* ..ell.T.-ll Ucl.'-; f .Hill:-.,*! ,,.. I*,l?. ?Hiller and Captain BocVra . CIVILIANS VT THK rABLES, Atoaag the other gUCtStB xxere : iniiian. M. liles., .inuits ii. Colgate, *WBila_Ti"'"n\l John, Eduard Kemp. I- I..xx loi.ii n. Marlun ti ?terr, Robert A. C. Smith, John 1.. Rlkcr, liirl.e-'i, Blakeman. Har! I.vmnti. A. F. ltemera JI. m x Ho_?r*i. Re-rtnald De Koren. K. F.llerv And. r.ut, l Adrian..- teak, I.timmi-. .Marshall ll St,,' lory. IVHilam H. Hollister. Henry J. lam ,r, {}. ****** m. Wheeler, Aaron Garter, Frsm-ls ?*".. williams ?J5*"", H. Parker. Oliver h. Carter. John .1. Nekhrr' viZ. miberia. Henri- IV. fnnnoii. 0. IVuldo Smith! "?Bi H. -Camp, Richard Irvin, Willam H. Oran. PHBKX1 kPCAKEM Tl.iAic.y. WECBBHIg rou THU LAMTS Will. II S1NT THEES SUITS -ru NI.wy.r.i-.*** UkRMOR. .tte, all the naval an-l military dispW "' ?>? Joh m which powerful mea^f-w" timm other *.ntr..*? acted t'other to ?1" honor ?? J* "Zn ot Slnlcs it xvi,, lilting lh.1 ti.ndto, f (he festl'.Itie-x .hui.l'l bo ??**? te auspice, ^.jiiiishc.i t" advance the 0( an organisation eataouaaw ? . .? ..f thc coaatry. Alter the mercantile intci-eMs of mc rn ? U .elnar had tnm.hod tatth tbeir sal?t? ... Timor al tho -Nation>o Ttoaiaamt, and tho sailor, and luariiieo irotn the .nany lor.*i a SB,,,, in tl,,* Jarm.r bad beea ttmtttoi through the principal Zerta of Hie metropolis it came the turn ol he Chamber al commerce of this city ta play the host. That hoily <1>'1 tWs royally Seldom bel*- 'hw> hwi *? Van? anJ ?""?^ 3 gathtotog ot men at a feast as sat down last niflhl in ihe beautiful dtolng-TOOm of the Hotel \Taldorf to enjoy the hospitality ot the ("handier ?f Cowarna While lt wan ,1 warlike gathcriai m ihai among tho 300 men present n majority -ere ll uniform, thc speeches generally dealt with ,rad.. an-l commerce, lt waa the view of the t'iiaUih<*f of t'onimerf-c thal -the nation thal mle.* the e-onimrTCf of th.* world, rules the world." Hie dinner lear iva** -se! for 9 o'clock, but at that hoar the suefrte -gd hardly began to ar? nie at the hotel. Soon they began to come In Mnii(K ami before lon-- admirals, viec-ailniirals. u-oor-nmmmm captain*, aad lieutenants ol the NW* mOBBtmm, clone's, majors, captains and liciteiiniits of tbe j\rniy, and Clvfllana in their plain eSTeaiag dress mingled together In a pict mnaamt Anamk, the put from the epaulets and ihe srohl lace gleatotng brilliantly uiiel clankinif iuclodtoii?.lr. There wai i -tola tabb* whleh rtrete_hed around three xide. of the Itaaqaet-liaU. Aloxandri E. Orr. tb" vice*-presidcnt of the Cliamber ul Com anftme, lcd the way to the dlatog-hall, with Vi *. Admiral Kamokoff, of th>* Ruasian fleet, "'i his ri_ht arni, and Viet-Admiral John <j Hopkino on hi.? left. The ..nly depurations fri ih?* dining-room were on the Fifth-ave. ride., where flags of all the natieM repteaonted were draped behind twa Ameri-att flags. A IIAN1-SOME MUM' (.MlV. The m-'iiti card xvas an elahorate one. On the Bntslde al it was the seal of the Chamber of ''"ai? mer.., xvith this inscription directly antler it. " Hati'i'iet teti'le.i.l ly the Chamber Of I'i'h ni-r""* of tho Stale of New-York lo the offieers of Foreign and Ualted Stairs vessels, e-acortlng th<* S|;;nish curalo]-, to the Haters of Near-York, l'i i Uay. April the twenty-eighth, 1893. Hotel .Waldorf. * 'iiie um. nu was: Hames cn coquines, !.Haut lljr.i?,. Taltai mette i-iaim (AnaoHUaao PaiiaSo . "ril-t He ba-* a Lau. i1- BhM (Hud -h.-'i! ? l Berg 1-onini'-. tntk? ?? Xla-trals faiit-ii-i', U'ontct catari Bi- rte inn rn o-qulll . d'acm ci 1' l.t.- pol. nouv. aux. 'Pomeroy *_-'*, Q ukaadsn, p.rut imperial, Ito eden r i.ian,I Vin Hat ?Sort* *t en S.irpr.-*. , Anpit* u<- iiBiep-Erar-r ea t. *iie.\t*.? icaateau Meateo, ti ir ?. . :.- -: . i hapoa trill*-, aa Il'l-- c. ? ' ii:, ?? -1 lea etea l'uii.Iii.-M H.-let e-aiai-'.. l-l nr-itrs, V Uti f'??;?-, F-Lit*, nesi t Cafe, Llqueriiri Varies line i hatui-ic.-a ? An excellent band xvas con. eal.-tl tn one of tin room*, adjoin _i_ th** baicniei hill, and throughout (he dinner it played airs familial' to the mon ol the various nation** ther? leptcecated. lt served to prc-v-ive tliat ripirit of hanni ny, fellowship an I good feeiinc that has Veen one of the ni*>st pr m. ii.em inataiM of thc entire week's eelebrationa, French, Eagliah, Spanish, Ruialan, German, Ital? ian, Holland, Brazilian and American naval ofli'-r.-, diplomatists, army afllcers rand buainees aad pru fr-wionni n-.en of Sow-York sat ride by side, ate, Omni; and talked togothet and were on the -best of term*. It xvas g righi such as ha* m*v?*r before been M*.-n here. THK NAVAL MKS PRESENT Tin- .rand mur h to the dinina-room was nol played until s :.{0 o'clmk Tbe air Delected by tlie Land was " Hail Columbia" To its -(r tin - the (Bests marehed down ta th- banquet hall, lr nas a brUltaal proeosalor M?*ml)cn< ol rh.- i: ci'ition Committee, in Iiioii plain, black eveninn (tuits, toole the arms ,,f naval aivl army o'lif.-i*. wlm uti" ioail.d down with glittoriua trill an I ;old bee. There Mee- about 30 -guests, and nearly one-half of tlt.-tu in uniform. Thc tablefs wer? nr'-'i'.liy decorated with mr.* cul flowers. Alexandr! E. Orr, the ri.presidenl "i tlie Cham? ber aj Commerce, -ptealded. Seeerotary H'-c-i; ol Ihe Navy iva.- to occupy (Ip* seat eef honoi at hi? Tho Secretary wenfto Waaliington . I ? afte>r;ioori, anti Vice-Admirral Kasnakoff, of Ihe i: i?ian Seat*, took bis place. At Mr. Orr's Im* nii-diato le|t ni Vi.*.- Atiiini .I Sir John tl ll"|i kiiiA, of the British licet (lovcrnoi Flowii ant] Colonel George B. McClellan, the prv-kltmt ol tim bnmti if eAldermen, weet-e sandwiched lietwcon Raasiaa uftior*. The (tovernor could not speak H...-Mau aid tic J: isalana did nol understaud a nord of i.uah,h. l;.(her n.val men at Ibis table and in th., dlnins room n.-t": ?eat Adiiii.-ui lian,, i' (iherardl, Bear-Admiral A. B. K. Benham, Bear-Admiral d'Abel de Ubran, of tue l-r-nrh Beet; Mugiiaahl. ,.l the Hallati Beet; Heal Admirul J. li. Wulk-r, R.-or-A.! inirr-i i, ju,, r. j j.,,:,?. Bear-Admiral liiho ? .,.-ar de Ncr..i,aa. of Hm Itratiliaii Baa-*lilp Ai|uhl-,?.iin; Knr Admlral l-l. li, Howard, Neave de Juko; Captain ' C. Wataoa. of tl.e ?au rr.-ita I--..: tiiptil!) M. Weird, uf the Mlantonomoh: ("aputn Zi-Ienol. .f :'.* IMttiltrl D'.iiskul; t'aiituln i*.e..,i,*...,,.* ,,( ,),,. Ru?,lai ? imhlp Ueneral AOniirnl ; t'aptuln -ila- I a Hey, ol Ihe Newark: ?.?'I''-'"! ll. I'. Hrkliia. ol the | luirl.-loti; C'aptalu Parfait, of Ike Joan inn; luptnllt VVHUilin I,. \. Hamilton, ..? t e make: t .ptain r. .1. 111.-_-11 mi. ..t ?.-? Atii.iui. ? i njt.-.ii, i,. w *-.,,,,i.,*,*. of ihe Balli mor.-: Captain iv. i. Arrb-na. of Hie Van -p.ik; 'iiptaln s .. HHIand, ,.f rt... Anal ralbi: Captain ii. B. nrMgraan. rhW rn -mn ,,f me Itillndeiphin; <ap(.,n .1. s. Ibirfcer. ol U,e Philadelphia: Cap? tain s.rter'*. nf the Rina; I iptnln de Libero ol ihe i.luvu.,ni itaasmi Caplain a. <i<- Krieaer. of I liviala; (jipcilp .1. p, pi,mn, ?. ,,,,. yi,,^,, |,., .,,. : captain rri.nk M'il.t. -. ol Ihe Yorktown: fommnnder Mwln Uh.te. ,,f ih. ( ,?.,.,,r!|; ]*,?,. Admiral nach-Kd, ?.f the Kaliedn Au-iasin: rnplnln Kit, loff, ir n,e Kalaertn tugosta: Cnptatn llenler. >.f the Ar-ti*,,...- (omtiiander Koellmr of ihe Keepdler; Com tna-i-l.-r Hr.i'l1..r4. ut the R.-iiiilnston : l.leutennnl Com manrter Bpim ol th.- CU-otyx- c. pt;,,,, ,l?:,,, Oar. In tr I., vega, of ti,., infanta Vaabel; Captalii. Tore art. of tin- -Reina Begente; Captain Bodrlf-o (.ann.l. of tt- '4'tivl 1'it.t i : i .,plain Victor Coihu . ol Hie 'ur* ?v.-l Santa Maria; Captain .lunn Vlgnaii, ,1 Hie car a-ei Nm;,: Ltenteeaiit-Cofnmander A-a Walker of the T-anr Tt* < aptala carvsllinsi .f the a: t'oni mander Pranu, ol ti,.* llu.snrd; Comtnatvler ll I. Fleet, uf tto Tartar Captain '.. Ulorelle ..r Hie Do rall; Captain Jose Pedal. ?i ti,,- sn,",-., Rap'ann: Cap tain Meaensos. of the Tlmdeiiles; Secret a rr Bowe >f Ito Hlake*: Clue Lieutenant Handemao, f (he Hlake: Me:,terian! sl.lney A. <4laMMon, uf tlie dil ,?,_,? Mell teaant Sfatnit teagasder. olin.- Veanvtaa: maa Ueut >u aut ll*. 1. Putter. e>f tue |.Illlafl, ,,??, . n -,,;,,..,',?,? ?f tue Baaalan warahlp Blmlirl iXmikoi* Flaa Lieu tenanl Willlain Kllhiirn. of the Kewarh Plas Uetiten ont r>e KoMeti. ol Ike Arelhav*: FlagUentenanl Heel ?ir,tt,. .,f ce lafanti Ysabel: Fte*-Lieut en.-* ni lu ino of Uie pttia ; Uealenant I", v. Fletcher. <.r the t uah ?rv ii. >. pa i..uni. neil;,, . !,::,i._ pf, Haskins. Win? ni Rowland. Thoma* Rosevear. .1. Lane both Er.' .aimmin. cieorg*. f. Hodraan. JH_. M,,,t,,.,.-. milt \V _8_ _ ?-? "I' -*?_-??-''. l-'"?is VVInel Willer. .i'll- J Min.. Lyall, ......... u. ,.?,,... ?,,,,.?., -. lw.ii ? er*.-ndt. Jan.-. B. Yarnum, Jeremiah >hlV'-r '_? )i'-'"- '"- '"' "? Bmwn. John Xewi >n. ? i-f-....'""!"1'- Vl,r"'1 ??? s"1"1'. Gilbert ' '?'? < lisrlni a. .(-iiie-nn. Henrj s.,- i rederl k * "*'__* l'"l,us.,1;- ('?''.""? <?"???"" l? IVilllna John , ' WT. William K. Hodge, i .....-?? li Ittton. John Anal in ,-t v.i,.. Jam. a W. Tapp.'". ??He* ll. Lodi ?,.-,, 11, Walfc-r >. Jirtin-lon. Wa Mw H> - J?nw, John D. Jonea, William ll. Jnrk_>n. Henri '"'? ..nil -iliwii-z. liualov c. Hopkin. I ; _:> i- W. iiit-inan. Reinhard .rdent-crg. J. sinrl ir \i--,, ? i-..n :. award Schell. Louis M. How land .leilrn A. .ewart. "'?-? M. -Ullnuin, Rle i.nni ,\. MeCiirdv, William ll. ?I.!', l-.ii. nessir -. Manon, J. A. Il viand, r..iv-i ll. irker, Nanine! i. Criers, Jobn V. __rnu.n, B. r'rancl*. vie. Frank W. ('bettor, Jolm rtnane, lli<* Earl -i bera -tn, Morrie K. Joanp, 1'hg rle* Huller, Jame* ? Burden, |).,\i,i \[. >-,?.,.,.,,,, |),.?|,.| i,. Man. sm, anb-d 1>. Mangain, Jr., e..fte ?. Hickok, Mrholai . l-Hliner, Ueorge .\. Robbin*, l_nnl* M. ll ogene Kelly, David M. Stain-, l>. Willi-. Jam. . Joseph I. Rhoaie, John ll lni__. Calvin _ Brice. Klc-ird M. om. ornery, ,\. Willard Kinsman, .lame-, tl. Mm-''. braham u. Mri:,, marl ea A. Dana, Homer l_e, . Talnall Lea, Da rid Porter Heap. Henry Dall ry, ?-. John F. Praetor, An.pia.__a D. Jnllbord. William - Strone, John h. Krnur .v. J. Edward Minn.-. nivii>n Ive--.. Thoma* ll. K.-iiv. William A. Pwnbrnok. .liam V. King, Henry Malllard. ("harte* Mull, Will ini l\ Noyc. A. l;. Hilton, Henry lin m. .irii'i.t, Wendell, Robert M. tfallnway, !? -iv B, n ry Villa rd. renie--. is. I. strim-ili.-in, .lunns Mr<-re-rv. Anpi-I "elgol, William Lan.- Hooker Ulovannl P. Riva, maro RaMaaano, Ralph J. Jaeobe, Bwante M. Hwen on. C. c. Beaman. Beth M. Milliken, John II. Marin, VI 1 li_rn ll. 1". rl.ln-a. Jame. fctpeyer, William sui,erne,ii. 'url,is Carransa, Antanlo A. Da Oastilho, Pani >'.\i .!?-. John i: Hauler, Alexander obarovaky, leary A. I andgraa. I/iiN si>-rn. laaar Bl ern, william it'ilm _.-. Oswald oiii-nelorfer, Allred R. Mn eon. Henry ?i.rl-li. J. B. Hot-ikl**, Charles _ PnlrrliHtl, Thoma? -. Rrkert, John t. Terry, Henry <>. Haremeyer, Rd .?'tr- N. Taller, Warren . mu,.?i. . Collin* l.. Halrh. ioorge ll. Soul hn ni. viirirl.-- latin m, Fm ncl* I-.. 'lirirl...r. Joalah J. White, William M. Harrison, Lia lenard Stewart, Heber R. nish..j,. William Jav. John .. C .kerlll, Altierl e.. Ropes, George Wilson] ll.-nrv '. Hulbert, rbarlee r. Homer. * w ..r_.- K. We.., 'hurl"- ll. Tenner, Al_ed B, Maleolmaon, John T. -Min.-. R|< hard ll. Willi mr. 11 nico Prtfer*. Horare Ui ie. llorac ? Pnrt?r, Blah >p P->tb r, Abram -. H?wltt, ui'iii.. Dodworli Pen. Donald, -ewan Harli nm, David r.. ivlson, William "'. Le G andre, John l.Aiii-inv. William ll. i: i1i.tNi.ii. Howard r.irr," Award J>. Mama, General l lt: .gerald, e,.?_.>- p. aliynn, Ad.utnnt General r< rt.-r. Hi -.orr W, ly-rs. Mn tl hew Clarkson George F. VWor, bendore l>r> l.-r. wihihm ll Oranberr. Orlando M. ?arper, Henrr W. Maxwell.'.eorseT. Dnv.aon, <-. T. an .ntvoord, M.,nu- Ru .ell, **. Mlcholn* Knn?, I. V. n. Ibtrden, i ' ? ri. - I, Mint, r.'.i'ii Bool, '< >rn. lin - jj, nil.,, William I .ii hiinan, ITarle* p. inrhnnan, John L. Ar's. Innnllinn ll, i-rnir-. ..'I- P. (Inrke. -. u (.ykendnll, Alonxei P. onorer, Aaron Curler. Jr.. 1..-.- Kuhn. Wnahlnjrton .'llaon. John A. Bliaeni, Jr.. 'ohn s. T'ln.-v. John '. Townaend, ex-J ml p.. i.-nrl_ P. Pair, Oarnr B, Innis. KriL-.n.- i'la, .forel, '.. II. l.r.rf...'I. W. s. lowne, Rdward I-. Reddall. ?.?_ti N. l>-.n'r, Henn ,11-n. John P, Atei.i-.n. |r., Henry C. Iierlln, ii'i'.-n Mridriv. .1,lim J. Blnclalr, David ll. Kln_ jr.. harte - K. Miller. MU. <>i'l- IIECIXS THE -M -KIN'.. Coffee ,-iiiil eil ran were noi served uni I after i o' i."*k. When Ibo smoke from the ei_ir_t _ ini lilt- U.rMi to ns .-ni Mr On lMpi-il ... imliT. He w;i- wannl] grectt-. I"a_ "i what ie .s;ii,l iv-'**' To y itt, pe-nilt meu, officers of Ihe nn vira of Ibo Old nd Now We,iliis, win. have honored our Uoverni ii:ii ii,.- j.r. s.-i,,.- ..f your i-..-iii-i 'l\?? *i|uadn>n* i Un ini.r.s ol our harbor on t il* nu _>kleni-i in-ra .on, Ihe bamber of Commerre ..( Hie Slule ol Nev York, i-y nr u.idexi mercantile aasorlatloii In Hil laud, len en yon ri v.-rv cordial wi-li ime t-e Ihe rommen-lnl i-'nipe.lls of Ihe t'nlle-d Blatea. We eateem willi nv it your i'. 'ni .ni,, ai' ? iiiriii ?? nf mu- Invitation, li u Hording ii- ll.pportunlt) of Ibanklnt you lu nils iuMIc way for the |.nrt you lutv.>IT _*ll.<-lj Ink.-n n ri-sUiini. ui i ? li . In i h:ipp> nnd nppropiiati Banner, Ihe SOIItll ulini\>-r-.-irv ..f iii.- morel Ven1 iii Aiiie-in nil 'i-',..-'.. Never before l.riv-- v., niel ibe npporl inlM ol vlewli -? In oar ?.,:.i- ri naval Isplny ni Hil maimllude and rbararter, and we a ure yon we bight, nppr.le the klndl) Inl.-re I you ? -I.? - taken In Riving ll *ucce*_ ,\.. hearlll] coi rrriinlriii- y>>n and your r_pectlve coiinirl_ ujioii .--liri; -in ii nobie lind i-fficlenllj ei|lil|.pe-d ve_ il war, willi ii. I.-1 rii-.t ihelr excel! nc. and trenfCIh, i>1-''. i;. our,-l. ihe nioal ? ? n?, 11\. ?.it, .-ii.irils thal we inn have lo iii-uie- n continuance il nu- bleaalnpe -.1 peace. .-.:.,. i \ii'i io you, gen I- in-1. "i .spoin, we ei>.-n ihl* -i iitii.i; i ppoiiuiilty e.f certifying i'i you ih?> ri - mel iwir m.. In whleh, on ltd Ide ol tile .tlaiill - ii> iii iii>- name and memui-y of i'hr_tit-_ ?? i'oinin ?ii-, un 1 ihe gre_l i- ?? i.. .'i who con tr >. ???i lin - inie- , f \..rn . i inti li ui ii indi 'i ? I llnlr 1 i poaaible foi . i lumbui t<> carry oul bli high n pira lona mi l M. .'-l elesilny. We recoil v-iMi pleiiMtire, geiitle-men of Duly, .-.ililli your united l-rrder. I* Hi ieiir,,..ii.: creal dl*covere_\ and thai while Spain \.-. pr , llvldeti 'Mil; i.lin the plor. ..f :.'- _.?:?.!' arnieve ??? [i-.eii, ii '' yuin- ]> >p|e, >, r, il ll ?? pee pie ol K ir -|> . ?am* man ii lil- g.-nemtloi who rould make Ulai creal arhlevemi-n1 p_ Ible. lAppluuae.) .Mic we yeinemiH-r witi srailtude, gentk>men _ Frame, t!i>- man) fn\.,ia v., recotved From e nntrv In the ,iirlv dayJ ?t' om iinttoruilltv. M v.-: ve.'i _.-'> i-.ri it-_: ii. ii ihe length and t.r>.rtui ol 'li rurel ' you win linet thal ih.- n ime "J 1 ..__?-1>- ?? i v. iv warn place h all our heart*, and ih il lor Hie V'l. White iiinl blur- if-, ."ir l'i-|.ii!.1ii . ;,- weil ri- i,,r _)?? Bagai of your and our -I-.-, repnblle* e.f tin ,\. . \\'..rie*. l:rri/.'' and Argentina, who?e offiier*e we nl-e, I-.--J,.-, 'full-,- -rilrit.-, we !::i\.- n cordial r.rm fraternal re paru. Ge ntlemen ol Ihe I'ulled Kingdom, lt un- frrttn your kin.-. i....r- III, ol Kngland, 'Int Dil t.'baml-ei . reived lt* rBarter i rer i century rimi h ,, tarter igo, bi i li lia* i ? ? ? ; iard_ wll very Irnloii re ??'>. lm ?-. We tn re on thia ilde ve Mfnntli , iropht wlil ii h. ? . I-, --.el ll|f ----- nt: I \e -ii ll,III vAl' .li fl ' ' mpi lltlol ? ',..- i.'i.v v-:,f- i .-... Willi I III .' nil.-s, 1s beld .:.j.-> i ... e .:.ill.??,:.-. i i. li :.,- :-.-ii .-ft. ._ challenged *lnce, we still hedi and win , \, r nm lo bold lt, for we de ir... prl i1 ;.-.? r ip, Lt '' - reason thai i? fore I ? i n in ,:- from \ .ei vol r Queen - - ta lt her >in. ? lil li un-. lApp-nil*.".. Vltbe ugh Hie Fatlie rland ' Its ibm* for hoi ri to ... I of Km .i'? ve,., --viii lind. _ri-ti'l- i. ? n iii i ;-?! rnritiv . ?h.-reV.-e \... may go ibroi el mil i>n:' In nd, ii wm ni welco li ...ur meilher long le, "I lil* I. no) i . lb men of Ri.-eshi ? un we Ir.r > I..- li -r.i;e-.? .1 i ??. i, . mb _ you lo our ahore W ? renie I pira m. . tho t H . '-"'ii i;rood Duke .\|.>t>. a m by i.i genial cn ii?? -. and ti ndl) ? bj i lm .|f ii !. . ni l*rl> iVd? ?? -i ?'?:??? I tt-igi io th' in nd nf frli ti-ship ilia! ' nve ev. i . \. li I : ? I our re pe ci Ive ' i lillirie . Nor >l > - genii men of Holland, ni lt wa your oncestora tough! . - .a ol lionm-nlile und uprlghl d.-nilng ? I r -iin-n of 'iii- land, afxl who ae-nuln-el . i.. pun I ri ?>? "? llb-. '.. .lise, t ? .. . ?'. held Iii - ,-l h Miiuhaiinn I .and from Ibe Indlnii . on ilil- elly now it alida. I.i fane, fora momeul gentleman of onr f.-wi navy, Ihal we b_ overlooking youi ? i.iii??- t> roi-dial we-lcim. . We web'ome and rongriiulate \-. nn v. tm. li i I eon done mi>i i- now doll . ? ? vn thal place u|*eii Ihe !;l_-li ara thal properl* I??? fong* 'e. Ihe >-..v nf lb* i ulled BlBie-a. \n.l noa ?-. i i'. met!, ;. i mi III. , III < losing, i" Otli - )on I for which I n-lv ??' eheerful re*pun ? from nil ii i in i Inld iii wu In mi: urogi ,.i<. bu! I lm - l! inri li" obje i-'i ' ? for th t ir- un lu ? nr < i ni .if- - of Arrnngi mont* if Ibe pre, ,..-. ( :, || ,?? ,,,... , believe me, Hi" _nllmenl ls i_l the Ie i ? :. li,.'. . ti, ,,,-,: Raga, M" i iy thej wars m.-i i .:'., i,i,i.' |i li ? 'ti ? n 'Tanka - An_ ir: iv , ii li ii" ? ll ? .* ball > ail I nr rea . dui :- en l*|,lj?*, eaeh foi nthel i. ,.r ii .| (ti (Loud Bpplauae.) IJISIfOl1 |?OTTKI. S1'E_\KS FOI. F.NOMNP Nh Orr's ape. li iran l.Uv apiilaml-l. 'I!_--_.. was :i I' lin i i i m.I w ill i" nil, Ilia, . to (-iil'iiii).iii Spain, t" Frane?, Kngland, i ii :i-:i| lier many, Holland, ll i la .' Hi nil, I] rc e'-,.e-el enthusiast ic _rr*-o>tiiiga Ai rim- clow* ol lu i.el'lnsM Hu- hand playctl "Hall t>i tl,.- Ch. f.' ||i> tl.i.n propoaed ll. <n-i Ional oi the -.vening ??'Iii.. Prt-Sdonl "i Hie 1'i.n.ei States," which wa tin:nie standing. Then li" propose, iii- tuns ??(?uni Britain.'' 1 _T) one .un*-", Klassc. .sei clinked, il.- ii-iiT .nm was i;.i*-'(l und u ih*e iii.m ht wiih di .mk lo the mother eoiintrjf li -I.. Ilfin.', I*. Potter responded to Mn- te.i-t. ii .sji.eke- aa foll w*-: Mr. 1 !??-iel-ii: rr-I ilentb-inen "f lb* (linnile-r i 01111111 re >? : I l'.< rounl mi -.-il Ini.'l '. un ni iii i-i port.<ll1 ,?,:iai.,li ll, il ll i nu i. ?? privili ge lo I il Willi :. '"ri -I ll <!' Hugill III .I ri . ? l,|, lr,. I..-".i proi.'I. Til"-" ol you, an I I fm |hei vin- tra -'I >'"" "f wi "in I' wa* nm IrUe I ij, lowed yettlerlaj iii" aomewlml tnsij mu-. ,, n |.,.,. j|,.: i . f Hi" I lilte 'I Mm. - ' '|>i.I i-f . i In- | |||, ,,, -mil fro i'.i-i ii"' might} .n.i'.r ii. ni Hu ,i., ,,,.in.n- reprraciiti-d in Ine-imparabb- pagi-am I ii,,. \,.i> : ni Un- llud-on, -iiiiil. i venture io ., never barf l lt. (App_u_.i li wa* ,-i momem wh> ,. mail el ol i om po ri on di a pp nr, . in n,.. impul if admiration, mid when whatever ???? _. und .le -,\ luilevi-r roi >i- we wiw li, our ere land our Ueart-e m.ri ? mingled ? '-I"* I "'- "i udmlmibui and applmi_ >,,,, | \, nun" i> ?'> ll1-" f'r ,"a"> "I ?'"" there -,\. ., necul nr snd ? -I"-* >?*' Intereni s- we j,, nobie -hu.- ci... htMii their lopm.i i- :!.- i.?. rbic he empire of ?.- al BHtaln. (Applauee. h, l.Miklng ni 'i";;- *:i11" ";- '";"?'?> -ti I for ho much Ihey -i""<l- u'- l-' .""".'?-"? Hie hi ti.rv ni ll in i -ni;', .-'n nary, which baa carried tbo*e (.dor-, lu even . Uni.- und baa plalitc. them upon ,.v.-rv -> ...wi, r iu- min. (Applause.) wc y,i,? ?, . ; --, '....,, Kuiplrr which coantH Its mibjccl* bj the hund. ,-, ? i i ,,. k, v li ' li 1 lypl a! Of I liol .. ami Ih elle rule which hat -ood l>>r Hie Brhlevenulil 1 !??, -t in cIVlllMl.- We i-.rn. ,,!.., ,::? ... ?.?. ,. iv ,1 lu roe -. of England, ? ni I. ??- Kr- ke und Pi Ms|,,i- -mel lln-lr i-".-. who tum cd Ih lr (tie,, ?e , . ... ,,?, ,,,|,:1, hm*] weal f?r mid whni ,',,v ?, , W< romemlier thc Irlumph* ol leillbiitB.| ?, >.!-,,, .ml Ihnl Incomparable culnr iii- .ncllHbman In arm* r?*?tI? un nea and .bora, wlil never knew when ll Vl'- i-'-;<""- We . memli ___ lirlialn. lor we aw -:,,,, r- and beneflrlnrl ,,r ene- taw* '-I Aif.-el Ihe OlWlt upon Whleh Hi- hiv ?f ??r Vomme...w.-iiiili are baaed:_we remember li fr thal le.i-L'ii" <t* Cbaucer and SJiakeap ;,r... wbl 1 ti t?,?-. "I ;;;i- rontlneni now, and lor ll _l_,_ trlmillilis vvi.leh lit WitneBMd !i> -re t"d J,., ii.-.- of tne might. s<- - fr..,,, which they aprai ,P^__Tls _ffonT"_ ua here to-nteht ?,,?,,.,.._ ? , f .I- _.vk inters on wlil< ii the glorious ni ._?__. _Mrf*Lf ?ft_ mgUaUman, lo* Bri* (r new< .1 applause), '?111' Allie ile .III ll. ,11, tb. ba tl have learned al lier h_Tnd wa- ,,,,,. 0| i , . i ancbon "f ? 'Ai,i.lin-.- i \\ ma] I* _ V-.:i_M, "_.-.:"-'^':11 "-:_,!, her f..r wu? sil? ls laugh) h.-i rhlldren In Hil. lan. ;>nrt wi ask "-.' I"l"r*'? '" '" won I,- ol ?? le *. ??''???> '?_.?>? ive Wiled al ln-r band*. Appian I Ure yow. Mr I,. Went and gentlemen ol "" ' l"""l'*-r "f Commerce of >. . York, fha* rn - impire, " "'*r hlnnven."1"1'"!"1 "''. * ?- "?"'' ''"* """" ""L1' ["lowing t.nn an_ k,.? . .,,.,?,,v viii!, Ute """?-? ". "'*---".i.- rnH_iy .,11 iriiund the world. i ny v..h. gentlemen, ? M.,,...,, ,.,.. Qneen of Gi-nt ni nm and Ireland, and .1 ?? *-??l--ul- - and dapendem ba. (AppUnae-.j EX-JUDGE il-wi.wu r?.i: RU.SSIA. Th, in-vt t.mst proponed wa* - Rusel*." Kw Other -I.'ep draught w.,s ,;,..-,.? | , ,;,,. pow.-.-. l.v Judye Howland . .ni, ,,.lg ?,,.,., ,?,,,.,,? Thc ph__n? en.iv j, a-_i_? | un: ol a -n. ' ?? I"*' ' "''' one ol iv :,??,??,.- ?_*,.-. of Bu/ope. aeronipaiilcd iv lu- _iigg,.Uoi. (hal m) Um. I Umlied. l.ituatlon |_ liKl. ,.,,, ,,, ,1,,. clergyman wno wa* ir i-i gr,.,, ntutl ,,,, ., M|.|M ?iio was very HI ami i oug i Hie ,,, i n. ?ppr... hlng, He aald I.. Un- mlnlaler when he arrival A liave bee . * -1'-"' .-"'i.*-'- 1 rm, p,-,.-,v -|, k :,nel I nm .'.Ir.ilel mi lime i. ihort aud i waul yon io pra. ?'"' "'"? Vm mn . be brlel bul fervent.' iLa light erl. Mn-! of tu who -ii al ii,is table, Judging fr.mi tin opportunltl. 1 hav.- bad ol beurina them 'I.s. .mrs.-, in,ill il,,- ret-ulremeni nf Mr. U'laraeU't greal tm* -ll. r in thal iin-v have a,.,.., .,,,,,.,. , ,.iM ( ,,., _,v.-ntm-m l.r-il. and remembered tuon ;.,., , , , _ 1V.. .f,.,, (laughter) bill I el ubi If lr, ?|| ,:i,.lr ,.x;?.11, ni .- t'.-v ever Nil in ,i more genial and at traci I Vi i mpany than Uils. We lim,- here Ibe |.?, n-oreseiilollv,-* ,,f len ?nil,,ns. willi :i|| ilia romance ,,i th.a. I ?? ?p- ndld lils.,,ri. and tradition* ni ti?.|r ,',?,,,tri>-s runt iivvn p. Is,,lal eli.runt. jin,| [an,c i? niril." tli.-lll welcome nm! Intereatlng, Already Lav.- yon ron-iccrcd the land end tram the- Hm. ...n effected thc lodfmeiil ri! Forireas Monroe uiuii vi.u .ii" on your I.wini voyrgea, your l'n.i-ss win prove t., have been u triumphanl more mi" Hie li-nris and home bf Ihe people, (Applmise.l lou have alor. ,,r v.isei,.m .ml moat agreeable . Apt ri- ii, .s t>. ai cantala!.. Judging from pre. rrporla vmi mai have thought you met a lair type ol Un- .iii- nf -\ m. ri.-, ,,i Hampton Road* (laughter.) Walt until the wniftierful n.n<* ni mis countr*. ni l's rii I."st nml iiiipar.illele I prodtirl nre spread before .\.,n daughter), then .mi vein not aondi-r ut Mi" myateriotu power >.f linen "f Troy, who s_ Na Hom by Ibe .arv or I hr fascination of th.. Queen "f Ihe Mle, wi,., made turora inrg.-' tl.flr .liiiv rmi il.-'ir 1...lin -. If v..ii alioul-i lake, hiv fur iln ins. |> .-s al. ne- should i._ \,,ur choir*, and I hon :h purling wi). I bim rcli.iti.i |-. -i, .vi-b vu e.eui lim ll their mon,.) - ...trill lie ve,ur object, wc ure- {ital now objecting lo Hi" exportation i.f gold and trying lu maintain un ros- iw-. (Lourliter.) w ilate v.-r ymir nationality, v,,n will timi n lan.-" and prosperous roiiilngenl ol li In ihl city, Ihi majurit) uf whist* municipal ofBcera, however, lie-long lu lhal one Will. :? look lu Mr. (.Iud il one ,, - lr- -n' and lieliovc, 'I..ii. w hen un Itlabmati iii. lt* hornu . Un r?> i- tm aiige-l short. laughter.) You will Bud here n wonderful power of br - * develops aa \,.;i -..?:, ihi -?.",.ir- .m. Some Inepilring -i-iii' will be m. v.-ii i rr-;. you whnl yon i Ink "l ll I* ronnlry. nnd if >ou g. lo tl" World' Rnlr nome ad Vrlitlirol p.-rseill M.riv rt li Opinion of Chicago, ii i i.ll_* ti. -iv thnn ii favor*!,.;, opinion rnnnol be I,,, . I ghi* . Inn., nnd win condoi >? t,i the pleasure ef Ve,Ur -ll'.. ll-flllglller.) Veen will I,;IV->' Op mri nit. n admb He wi nd. r* >.f mir nat nra I .eeii,ry, nave ni Ni:, .mim Von will be Bide lo np |.i,.i...-. ri... reply of nn .mcrtcan Naval officer I', .iii: r,i. ? .] |h Univ wbci each h ..'. 1.n main mining ihe .perle*rlt> ol lil- own rountry iii.."-, r . grand -p- clarie of Mooni Vesnvlu In emption, nt my* nero** H ?? Ila. nf Maple*, 1 in -t upon t r ii -'"'.I 'hed i_a?c. " How, loo di i. ' .mi hnvi-n'i poi nnyt! ng in \mertca that cornea anywhen ? . ir ll :lt. ?? So," replied Ihe Yankee, " ?.- haven't _?'?? ri Vesuvius, i -it v^. havi gol ri waterfall tba! ronld pm timi thing uni in le s than Ave mlnnt_." (Immenae laughter. ,\i i Ira ku v ni- nrofes?!onsl In -lix-1 will h>ad you to admin i magnlflccn. lurrete. hattletlitp, which In ? ... ? line ? ? ' i conv.-i Hon v. Ill Kngland thal nel er anal] .. nlnlaln s flee I np ? ? ? .-? '- lake Ul upon pill's, an I ol ? Hal ? i|. i. uri- fears lt < I the ni m?' ptierle com ii -.lon fron Ihe I I ?? Ms Km pp lint i ne.-d noi rel irs. ? ? ? iperlene - - m ?.. ne. Von would wi ..rv hi iheir I. liing. We *h*H keep j on ? ? : '.'-!? ? nnd t- In nh lo nari VOU. Al lld* BBleof the i Ihe J> I ge Bl ' ! ; ,1 li..nv ..1 ? .? pn moti r ri ? ' .-? H display ? an lin ve ni hmid lu Hit-altair Hie -i.nlardi ?? .... . . I b?'ln Hie ir Igl'H Vt.! .- ? I l-l ? ? ,.-? |. , | .... .,? . ? | ? i ii '? nf land. ig ? Umiied. . Hu r.i i; In li'; n la ._; ter nd i ? Sea i.ti ; ? ,' i *.r pilvnti |> ? iii ii i-i ilculnr I - ' ?' i ..- -ii . | il ? lr, lui. .... t ie ii, In mu ri .nd.-w'* rn ? ..v. r s.KNl.l ' ? 1 ? ' . >1 . i .... ?,.,., ? li.rill. I . r . i ,. ?? . fn .,, .' .? \r. Ile lu I ? - -..i. ' il r...'v.- t ,? r. |. .Lu,. .- ?' ..v.-r |(*-l,?0.>> :?..?.. ii real _nme on tb. ilioi ? ' ? Gul ??' ; ni i ?' din ri - '-. v -f I ' ?pp! i lt ? i i,i'r ir Iii I walei In lb ? ? n ? n.- we were I den th strm l-l, ... I the 1 ?! 'il ii ii tit.-it. -1 ,,e, r ... e>. . ? . ' v.- nil 1 ? - ll 'I- linrl ,. .1 fin tl. .ii i ? ?. ti- ? nnd bj ?' -.i , . - . ? m.iii. ii.. I it nlem .'-! ? . eal ? i ll -. . ? ;, .mi w ih< fl - Ih.-re him ' ihni ti ? p.-*.t ni ??! ?',. mlgbl tl nf Europe a I* lind i,.w know fi-.-i what H ?nved n Ko \merlenn ?!, . I-,- -i ? ounti ? ? ? ' lhal In rle nt ' inp) r of agony .or Hu i.f hli .i'll gull Ihe flag. It ? rmi i iiptnln wh ? ii ?! Ihe . - I ? : .? lief f ills r.ti.-li-'. broil, r I- < bl.1 I Hib-ker lb in > -.?'?- ? f il loVfll Vim i lr ri .? ? t-' - r With _rrn'-'il Bpptse ; ;-.r'. in,et- ? |, ." erl >| tlinlP ni ' ? l -.'? > n lo- I r.-.. >l' Ml I.) i . ia nd nf lii-nth-n " Ihe ? ri ri mir -I v .,n Hull i ni liri .in- ir ir - iii r.i<-, i rom ? h-r whiit,-vei . ? ?? ; a.- have I In ri ? | yon onr In-tirl ll >lrv . :i on the - md. r>l_ I In -, -. lia nd bii i .in koks, il -, th" - ii il ? : appin uv. i i. s .1 i-l ?? ll-.-.*, .'ninl's midi ,,- |,rig|)i arni "p-irkl ii* Ile -<a i Hi ? < ? -tnp inv II" I .III ri li Uni- I nf u.I ami ns n lu- li were n .?! willi iii i .. t -.i i ..I t; j. - \V\iM I I.I.1.1 v?.. |;i.. in; k'ATI l? St Hie iloee of e> Jii'l p I lo win nil's -i?>-,li, ' . . i ? ile.. ni Kingston, pri p.I Hire - du - r -. lm Hie I -rt ol Husein riicj w?*re ,,..-. i VV 11 i i .??.? . , S ? c Viliuiral Ku i B_Cf.ll t pin . .,, n,.. ^,?.,.,.|, in Kn^lisb, lim expi_. inns ol i!,.. |.. ml thil 1C ? a ? j _ t I'ris |i,i th,. I i,it...I St ri |.ie .-?.,,,.,.] uj|,| Upplillls,-. ii.- mini: '?? ii?;? m. r, r I think j ..ii \s.t! . blom ir: ,i .-.i I |H uki . -ni ll ? Hu I /' i. . bill I Kill li v Iii express our !? ? .lui. nnd lake 11.. .,;.;,.,, ? , ?, ,,, ,|,, (1 ?, Hie pi-"-, li, lill ? M . -,nml. i ., t?,,?| i,, ,, i , ,| i-niai i ? ih-Sii iii, i; Un In i,, ti,, i ,,j|..,| Hia|, as n ... i. mil . |||i Hie p. ..j.I.- ..f ' ? I'I ll'-d -'??'? ' \|'l'l Ul '?' lin- In veli: n.-vel ' ' ? ?.'?" riv. t lu ii iu Hie didi!-Ililli Of lil ' v.-.i. ll I ... .1 Iii ,., n| Ixe our lim- Hi. 1.1 i, mid liii-.ii ii-nil ' ? r rle nd i lp, mid ? nd ? i .Ilillnienl*. i -|lpluu ?-. i .un \. rv liappj lo i..- liii Inn rpr. n-r ol Hu (. rlltig ..i me p,s,pl. in Hie people '.I Ibe I lilli<l Kl id i Vpplull r.i lind bl' Hie people Hie I < - . , \,,,,|..., r -i' jamill r. li a. \. !?? - ? 1.1 .i \ ,,f the N . npoke liriellj io tl..- lem et ?? l rum -.' ,i- follow ?: Mr. ("halrai ut: I ? Kn>n li ii. il i ten we> mi. In Am. ii ni Wuti r Iii- ?" .se I bel I . I . I tin I will, in our noble harbor hov., i-urrh-d Hie mind of i ?! Von ri un I-i k lu il,, vi-li ,.i ,.?' , i I .. U flirt ll- Veal , the fleet i IWllllV ,-) [III line clips, i mini inde I I.v i uum rn- lira- . eni.ilni: Die ? .," ap like Iii, oil I ? I .li ol ,\l ,-i t. IT'I, ,,l|. i Hie War nf "III- Involution i ! is. I ,, , I , ni, I in Hu j 11. p-1 diin ' ol Hil Nalino. I he i nit . .int. i ,.? ii., n.I ..: ? ?? ? . Null m. ll ?'?'. . li 1 >t. in il,,, frier I* .lp ol nil md ll ?? i-umlty ol rn nc; hui ll , ,., n v- -i- forg. i i . -ri?.-: i-rvl ? I rain c ren i- red ' ? lld* ..litton, nml Ibe greni di bl ol gr*Hind, we owe her i, ,i i lu lb"' '.???? ?? ii n our i xl i. ne ?? de |.. ii I' i mi ?! ? ?! Bervlre. -i. les ii t... i.-. i linn ?? I un In i n rr -ir. lid, ind ib? i? i.i t i ,.,! i .-rv. iii ul-rhl i-.l I IH. '?'? ? ' >' ? III- I '?> I 1 iv * " i I i i'll. .i _ .. ,. ? vi iv iii" in- lid . uilnu. i i--i'.vi .-ii li ' i' ?? ami .'.?' I nil.-il Still ? lol : ii I.i i Ililli ll I " ,,. v r lu br ike ri III ii" ? ? n'nri. I I iffllt*." ? *V pl ll i |;.;,l Ail.iiiinl II AU_ l?>- 1.1>.inn. "I Hi" ri'ii'l" .,,,,. ,. i li I i" i.-inini I racy, H.- words re ,., iv, i| h r< yal greetln - lln\ wnw low, bal fnll l-e-l , ??-. ., .-,... -. ,,f Kent I.nt. ll" .--.iii: ||||. gn-II. Ill J, ' .- ..lie-Ill! I.inn. lill.I ." ?. , run., i ,n iv i.i|?|ii ni ? i ..mi in ..ii linne grml Anu-ri , ,n , ii. - v ? are 1.1 iv. .1 . (nod .Hon ?. I ? nd ,1,. America ll pe .dr, I -_,.l i',. Vrm r! i" N'SVl ""l l?. > abates fur Ibe honor nfid nrn*_,*rity "f "ie l? ' ni--* ht .rn- mi! m- -. rm pro '-n'* .?? I ,,11,,. si ile . ..'i'i lo her mimi ."-|"' li I Pre?ldeiit, i Vpplaii c) I-- Kllery Antler* n ?? .' ?? i.t llalj anti K'-.n \,m, Mai rn.-Iii, ol Hi,. Italian Beet, i.-pli.-l t" lim i.KM.i.'vl. PORI ! I.--si II1UGUI SI'EETII. (..?n-iril lloraee I'mtr, apuke un " -|..i"" " was _i.-i'ti-.l M_hu.ui__ally. Ai.R "!'"-r ''-1"1 |\it In* M, |>r. -in. ni : Annilia |- In rn .11-" iscklng in .ipi,1.1 li iii ? wi ..f the 11 ilngul :,.-d lum"- v-,l,1'11' "_ w |,,'? uWU_ed-lo lier Iv 1..:..,?_., powers In "'I- *"-.-. win-li I- -mi an imp nun .p., 1 ii our hi. -ry. foi lu this \ .fl 'and hl.orj l- recorded noi br yearn i,?, ,,v event*, lienllemen, I n-h rou !" n" V""r .!., . ind 'irlnia with nil ibe iiiiimrs io Hw Bunny fnini i-f """."lumsi Applauae.). Tl,,- spiiiiirli Minister, _ .b MuryiiHUna, 1. ^lled for his couutry. lt... caused the wildest evil amthuaiaain when he said thal In this malan. . "* l mt..1 _at_ l.a,, exceeded ali ..i its ronner i.-as nf Jelferaoaian almplicity. At tin- eloae of ia speech he proponed as a toast tlc- President nf '." I nit. ii stnt.-s anl its i i.ii.i and wise Con nation. REMARKS of Mir root I'i" yoong Argentine Repu bil - wns well looked "??r hy Elihu Boot. li,, applauded tl." energy r thc people nf th.- Argentine in their .'ii-.rts t.. reset, th.- repuhlicin form <>i government, pas ii: : <>. all tin- nations the Argentine Repa bl. smb. Ins,ly raaemblefl mir ..wu. -.villi n complete ayatem ' >:i'i"s r.rv Inc- th.- Idea ..I local government and lalnialnlng a *tr__g national organisation. Tin- peo lt- ..r linn |{. pui.iii |mve carried nul their pu Mic iipn.v.? Tti.-tii- .-md Introduced ? -v-i.-m ni broad re K'li.ti- toleration and i democratic policy, nt Ibe .nu- tim,- throwing open ihe country t.. Immigrant* ml welcoming the oppr.I nf all Dallon. Tim rg en tine H.pul.p.- i- th.- mosl progresalvc and a- tn-.-i American nf Un- states "f ii"- .muthern -ti e.f il... Western llemtapbere, and ii ls lilnii lime lint American* .ooM recognise Hie dow. Intimate roand ui. which the two countrtea st;,nd. They r.- -M.I- In spirit and tact, Like oo__ve? thc* rr ? government ol the people, for tl." people BOT y the people. (Appian-...) Kent-Admiral _ <.. Howard, nf tin* Argentine Eepiiltllc, thanked th. who had done honor t?. is mutiny, ainl declared that tin- Argentine R i.ililli; would alvvavs fee] th" _j.-:it.-st regard t> h.- motbey "t Repnhlli?%, th" Unite, iStates. Charin. S. Fairchild, .a Secretary nf th" 1 .':. rv, apolse f ,r itr.i/il. ll.- paid that the knited .tate* li:ul particular _nae t . -rent the iri.-mls <>f Srazil i>,--;iii?i- tln-y had mrr"-'. nut iii" manifest! lestiny nf this Republic, ami with all his heart m pt..|..i?il the t.inst t. ti,,, people, tl..- I'liiintry ml tin- IVaidonl i.i th.- hist Republican ISuvern n.-tit tn I..- formed an thi* American *'>!!. The Irazilian Kcar-Admirnl, I iii fae>m ile Sornnha, n reply pt.,p,,-..,i the ti.ast, -'ii,.. People ,,r the lm*rican _. ipiihit _" Krederie _ De t'eyater spoke of Ihe glories of In. Netherlands, >.i its phtloi-nphern, its poota anti t- teachers "Holland nive to the world th-> ?tintiti.' pro. and tIk.ultIit was Indeatructlde." hs apeecli iras lull ,,f brilliant phraw . Il>- wu stand Ihe toast, " Holland, the Mother ol Free Mil Irs." Captain \V. A. AWiena, ol the Holland ship, ii'i milv a word ur two In reply. He thanked the H'n|le of thc Tnit.-il Stnte-s fur In* welcome and ln-"i: -Pith a toast to lim two oountries. . U'l.l, OM_ I ? ML* C1IOATE. A I.mst of applause greeted Joseph ll. Cboate .vinni in- arose lo reply lo the toast "Germany Ile Mini : Hr. I*i?ld.nt ieinl gentlemen of Ibe rhumb, ol ?..ruin.-r. -.- : I l.nv. found " minti elltliiiillv of late In mn!.in.- n.v . ii undi: _.? I 'la'.-."''? > -. lu making hiv ..|| understood Iii inv own loWn Him were 1' not for il." late.* ..( Un- hour, I du.uld Bah lo iddna* yin In ihe rujrgi. language of thai grval Mall i i ve vim i.i.i m. -i, ni., and I fear lhal Ihe at niggle V.eelllll |.t ..?.-. fri'iil I , IlliiriV "( HIV il 1. 11,-tl, .-. lill- creal and lormldalile Xiii Inn I lint ?voil liuvi> nov. nam., Mr. President, * nuken *o?iobl\ for hemelf in i ... quarter "f n reiuurv lhal sin- inn vv.-n t,. ba -|H.k.ri for l.i-l nnd I'.i-t nf all. I\|> pl.m-i-.i. ii ihe ni c bimbil* rtiuld have looktil out, n perhap ii did, fmi.-.-? of i,i- nins iri >u- deaccndjint, upon Hie event* ..f .li" last few el.-iv-. vv.-ll mi. I Tn- f.rhillll, ?Till'* Aiminn thal I ? _ ? v-i.l i I ml) ri wli..liv lu v vv..rl.| . fm lu re I i. ..-ld .I,.- navlm ..f nil un- v<..rid holding a polvgb-i i.nfen nee in Hie luilb i of Xe ? *i ..r i; here I t."iii>lil lita n-preaon tail vee ..f nil Hie wn ri I ii ii natl >? ? if Km ?:?? ui m . in mu I bi nu ni ai nm. i>f wei ...m.. ii. Cotumida, inv ii.liinil.i.i Ibnl 1 discovered :iii.l ...I upi. .I .i- 1 -,iip|Ni.-d fur -i-.ini alon.-, .ill making ihem*_vi?? n ? much ul luau.- ll Kbl her, i- Indeed ahc i-NDi In be, Hie runiiiinii ge nf all mankind - T ? ? foren ml .,r ,i tm . i:t'ni-i:i,!ii nmong Hiern all, n new and uniti i lier ? differ* illili.. ' n- much from lim i-ermin. I i1.iv ru iM. free bi 'i nnlle I .me ibn dill from thal r milne ni s hleh i i !''?? ii t ? Ihe map ??' . n Hotbi." i \pp: I -t- .li poi ni :'i late lm n ri ' ld of litihIi ? ii we owe i Hu rent iii rnn ii N'nllon li ls uni . Ih mi-i Kati il in ii. ii".ir own Ulta .rt<>u* VV.-tsh in,.-..' vvr,. ,r,.-.i_-.l lr: t'..- ntl. ??' - ? Iniggb-s of nea thal irled nien'i ??..-. I ? ' ??? ' I - Ibe r.-.-l f.-undei nfl ? I lei nan SatUm, lr vvt,.. made the Herman, "f lo-day n posalbllHy, j-- ?? ??>! in W.i-til- .-??.- . ?? nt. ??' lt h lin ; nidi -i lien, ral In ll ? arid lo the ii . .in. -, . ?.-n. r., I tl. "I ... " .I ?.,,.-,. .?,,.. now I 'ills' p1 ' Mr ' ? , Itealth "f '.?? young and brtlliani Kmper.f i>-r n perpetual pp.-isrtv ??. Kuti might) pcoplo, over '.v hom lie ii ? - - Mi <>rr, itu- chairman, tl. n .nun. nnel thal ,.r|t ..| |._rul for lils W|s|,,-s lie ha I ll.I i 'I' '.I |...n I lie repre_ ul iflve ol I ir.-1 [bitalli. Rear \ Imiral II ,-_??-. ii ul tl. laal Tl ?? I* ?.r- \el ininti paid i li ti ibute te: kimlne - >.i ihe people ..I t: .... -.rr 11... ...: , onie t:. if li ? ami lils people lind i-" _ve I i " ihi iou.h one reallj kindh brothel tu sn .'Tut Ile pirii-at-.l th" -."'iiims ..f .Imiral (il ?: iii f..r li..- in:iii:i-"Hi>-'.t ??! the 1its-t in Tin- Vm-il ...ii oraton*, and rloaed willi n tonal lo tho ? \n?r,. in Vivs and tits './.."I Friend, Ad? miral ".lr. null " I verj me st.I while h.- wai - j. ?:? km.'. ..ii'i the t.'i-t w.i- drunk while lite . m.I i laved '- Hall ' 'olumhia i- ? tl.>- dinnei "f ihe Cliamher ol Commerce m- _> THE I tl IC ag tr t Mis RESCUE I ';//./.. \ i;..vr u v*. -vvvri ;. vi. \>. 11)1 :iil Bid sill)- WI. s|||-. w.s Tllil v OS n M.' Ml? lissie Doyle, daughter of Ja met, man met mt tha w- ten fnlon Iel grapl olBce .it lori i.... u .s ...val from drowning In ih? lludaon Rlvei ,,t - o'clock nlgbl by lt_ men "ir ihe l*nlt_ - ? ?? - ? . ?.ago, Tte ? .-ii : woman li 11 !..?? ? ......i ont -.. ihe vvnr Mp "lo dellvei tt messiigi Ui n of the olRri _ I h - - i rwny lite l-oilt ' I., I ' v"i i ni?cd Ihe boa lo Hie gil of I i .m< '?? I ?I ' . .. ?? ?, ' ,?'. lcd v> Iii i I tbe ? l-i. rh, ?::??: ol Ihe il. i 1 . t ..nt ii t..mi ??> r> ? i.rer ? ',? i wu mp i hoot, w.i. found hall .i n ll- ilmin Ihe li sm I l hil Igu lin- 'ii.i. kill.Bl III I'-'.'- ? I ?' llpplbl nu tb tt had if ? ??-?? pi r. bj md then iw lita MU Doris .. u la. land iga n ... 7.1//.' WOMES J / Till I ! -Is'' MT'IVI Wl> *-_._N..K OP sviiv. isl. PM yv.n -TV i ink \r in. svv.iv A du ri r j.' iv ihe i. I wi men i- nu cnnii.witi rnoigh kn iM 'Uj lobe i .let rlhv. -in was Ibn- nf lin- N.-vv Volk Mirri.. I A- ... I.ill.n ld 'I I nlver*,l> >>'" Bl Hie -?. J ll '-I la hi eVCI j lng. Ti.e ii un ? "1 'li- <? -cia lon I- nnl i.m f.n illinium .-I Hi- InatllnUoii . di-i-rvedlj mehi | ben In lull .landing wiih righin and privHeg.. minn ? i? ? .oas al i 'll IP br iili-i--. Titi I- lui I' npin | I-. in ?? ...:n->.liege, of -vir en-. leilver-|n la Un- sm . ??? or. I- -.ul III hiv.- lier Un irs. t.> r I lbll?ll I" '.. ? 'lm ul rn il vs-, 'll i ?? .linnet- wa ibe ?' md give ii bj ihe Ne ? Voi fl IB -klllll I. and li f V Iii"ml., i i.f I'i. ri ...j.iii.ill Bl lendi ii. a i'll Ihe prc ide nt, Byron r. Natl hi ? . i Kew-i-k, rn tn., bead "f tl" table. . -rn- ??( Ike lin ml, r vmi John 1>. An llb.Hd. e standard 'iii connection Mi Arrbbold i pn-sld i ,,f |hs I-- ard "1 Tra I. ? ol Ihe uulversliy, an i hi taken lui-..--! in the in illation, baal nlgl In- iiuih.'ii.I thal he had -iv. i Chuucellor i , 1 sim Ii'., riv |Q "Vp. ml BU) amonill i.f ii. "in v lui. ear) l<i pal Ibe nnlvrt-l) nthb-tb grounds lulu t:.. siiape mill *iuip tin-ill. ind i . draw on him al -i_.-i fur Ibe ulm.uni. lil .lr ip ___, it. Andrew*, i.f Ihe Mel hod I i Rpi cop e'liin, h. spoiii- on rn.- ii.un n and Kdurailon . il l..-v. v.uiiiit.i . alden, on ? Hi- Tie Thal Hind i Ih Kef. I'i. A. .1. on -Iii.- I .-liv of I .. HM-." and Miss Jennie L. Whitbread, mi ? \ Alumna'* Kxp. i li rn e .' ? .llmr speakers >? > r- py, Jame, la'lllon ItnM-h I '.lilli, r nf - Tbe I nive -i.v M igaslne" ii" ll- v. Cl, ult ll. Bitterly, and Ibe Rer. Hr. I. M. Vernon, dean . the i.ll.--. "f lim- Ait-. Ul her* prmeni we_ Dim -' l: I I. ? .... II., i ..ll. ..- . ! I m.- VU . . William I f Rowe, of Un- Ifew-Yorb World's inn i mimi lm i \v. Il, ..iii Mien, ir..minn tn ul . John'* M.i l'ruiii?'. ? ,i Marlua, ol "The KyracuMe siandard"; Pl ii- .i wiiiiriiu ll. Ives, of _evt-n-i InalHuie-, lionokei Vim-ni Udrtdge, i.f ibe brooklyn Hi KebonI. Franc. K. Trowbridge and Un Rev, R, i Tipple, ni ..i..i-. i burch. /? i/./i. ii .s/i/'.s- /..tM- PMOHKAMME. l'..\.-I-, vvsi.i'. fir.-w.-ii recital i i.ii i. .et I., t:. place .ii the i .um.-d- Music Hall Ibb aftern.i ?_::;i. o'clock. The programme vviii i.. ,i- fallon i ?!_i>__q<. i aniaiale . t I uguei l'?. Honda, A ii ii "i . . Mn/uri .-a.I I BP 111 ll ' Ih). ? , I'ipil .n- . h ,uiiia i.i Set lm ,,??. li i ri/.: . 1 Mar ut ka. li i'.h mlnoi J l.ln.l"- I- ii.ij'H ' r .harp m.nm . t'luiplii e. Ral h..? ul I Val* . . flat I.- ? ?? le I ru. ... r i.r..-.. S'"fir' ' pm*, , I l limit iii ViiyBI i ni ' ' Ben t-.t .- . i 1' le ii n ->? I-, ii nj >i ?? - Ma*! I. ii: rm: si mm ki;. The 1*: a nimli i- IJne i-e-mme i?> ? ? i? _.-?- aervk V|iv 1 , I.-r il rr- Cullin c lull rill I 1li--l ll'i-i-il- li- 1 vu lier "'lei Nu. 1 J'.? N. U., f'-"i "f *'a" "-'?? 'i 5:! p. m. dally, > m ' pl *- rn i >v ? 'i '!'"? ? Bteanu i. ara c i ceded lo equal lu all iwiparta and t>. -mrpaa-e in mm "nw nuv,.|s nf tiif>lr 'lu-- In Ht* world. _r?_ bV etea., lighted Lr liv. -av lr'.ttl. |,,.| in avery Btatetoom, lacy pre?eni In even reaped ii moat pettert i-erv-lce ol watar transportation ol tl ste. A Ant-els- orchestra on euell v-cai-.-r. (', SANTA BARBARA CARNIVAL I BEAITIFC- n ST1VAI. IN HONOR OF IBS FLOWERS. i .i'll';. i ? -.' vinii.> li. Mumm'-i Bs I ra 11 r-v I -i*.n un- greni ntieiilton for ll* natural dry ncaa, purity and epinllty \i; ? ; porinne Friri .1 will be found In i>r. l>. .1 _x ii.-'- r.vp.-i i..;.mt. wh n ini.. i i.v .i teven fold, nod ibe many l.nag or rhjruut hi.ii H..m, which nome follow. Thia ni.', r ir..!, ii.i- m. i iii.- approval nf two moral nw ind I lo-dsj ?? popular, nala nn.l eltil live ri- "Vii-. linn si-krepri-*. In rr ? il nf kite in ii ii...ti . livering, lak l?i "WU,lt's 1,1 Mill ' ' ,, ,., i -it. i ..-i i . your i W I MI'S I.I vol.I.IM, it i, :i?. i? -t. Th.. Il, ni.O- Ilene '"" Sl_l li ii- UBI |. live SI _, I ult.,i. . ? ?? ? nv [or Pile*. Hana. li liv, SI * I..ii.,, vt Druggist*. _r__ hy ii-, i rn m. 'lunn iiinp-i.v. bea ark, N. J Tin- flew 'i'miiiiii' Arr Ideal Pull,, ..i n, Ini i State i .. .r.i. iisiipuey, 0_! William .st., i? thu Id.-ul linn id ., i .,: ni tn name, MARRIED. BALDWIN l*iHIT 'rn .Vi',1.lay, .pill -Jilli. IMHI, li Win ll tl. i ,, . ii i,i.i.i,-i ,,r Nich ii, ll linton, li I" 1.1.n.. mu I-il. | e , I H.NI-DI i wiillTlei. lt Hudson N> ???>.. ? . Thurs. lill. Vp li '.'.til. Il Hi" I -lilli . ..1 III' Illili.'- .|||a li Hr K.i. I-. S. Mrbeni'S l> l> . Vtilieiin-tle- Veri'iei ,!,. -hi.-i ul Mi and Mr* John V. Whltb-k, rn rhaii-, v ,., ,., [--u.-Uli t. if N.-iv Vnrk. Ul'.l S|| WU.I. Vl'.l' VI I., lim-li. iii N'-iv Vin,. K l> kl ' '.I- (.-ale h. I'onn., .'.. v it M I irrlngtoo, Kal il l ,!"..: l Kirk Wlllal i, to Jan . - p vi'.i.i-* ? i"N I'nl.soM \i the lb form. . Church, in, i \ \ .. .... VV.,1 -,.--.! .\ Apiti iota, 1* ii, ? i;, . i Ko-"H Wrlir) he, _<.-.,- Fn1_ni. of l-lerniunl, K. _' 10 -i, - r i ,, ..r H ... -lyn, H. v. ,, viii il M*< UM ll >.i Wedn _ai v i.i ? ;:,. k- ,,?, ,,, . .!. .I .li" liri . - .la DM) V\.-t Villi at.. |? ti,. Hf, I ? M. Xive-i. ..I I. Vi i.i Utile, .l.iii.iu... ?( I. .Pliruii-- M. '.ri.P. .-.|.. I. lirmllVIII.. Vf, li lilli ,.| Sea V i,vii i'i unwin "i iiniriii,. vp ii nm, i...:i, ut Md Kuri Uri-ie I'la-e, Brooklyn, bt the Rev. iharle* 11 I il i i nm- I', ii;,ii. Uali'll I,.lulu Mimi, I, r i.f 10 "-?? ll. I.' vals ,.I Ui,,..?Imi V V ii\/,vki. -i;ai.. i;. in, April ST, I _>-i, at ni,, ii,,!,,,- mt Un- liri...-- p.uiiis. lin vv.-i r.ttu-?i.. Hi Kev. _d<ra_ , ii.mi_.-IiI>>.. omriaMng, I li .ii i Inp,i Np.,i-.||,., rlauirhti-r ,,f i Hui's i; .irague, t.. frank Koatei Hi_ri ail ni .eu \,, k, Jl SMITH V> K'l.t. t >i n ,, i VV,il-,,.-,ln vi,1.1 .ii. tv lin: It.v. J.. | __ Iva*. ilsiy Lnnis, .luuohler ? f Wm. -jiiatn, oi paUetlas, le^u*. tn lio.dc ..-?on. ol uttsUwra, _.<__. upww tkW KEVB MnUK 1.K1I.U.\NT THAX HVF.Il 151 Ti .Ul .-A VVI-.I.K DEVOTES TO WH.Cfl.l UTQ RPHIVa AND ITS lllAKMINi, -TTEXDAHTI. Bania Barinia, CU., April 15. \ Boothera __ fonda winter, with its brighl skies nn.l balmy dara, luis numberU-i .i>-ii. in - fur nu- averaga lui stan, and e. p'. lally (,,, the- people lire minni,-el 1? ll,.- wnful variation* nf a New.Vorb dl_aaU. Bal ?,f ali Un ltiractlona of ibis rountry al this leaaeo naas otkesa s_ _ Btftklng nnel -i? bcaattl. ns Uh Howat ?nmi vu!, which al Santa Balbara mark, the rai of His ?rsrm winter nnel th" begBuilng nf Um vt ?__? -lm imis -piin-. .\t thia Him- Santa Ba_ara. Fragrant with Ibe breath af r>.s. . aad e.r orange btoaausss, and gorgeoag Wttb Ike plnrie-s of ih.- tiri, lum- gowers, i? .?mn. s ih, Mecca for wanderer, from all pun- of Hie country, gan Francisco people aweary of Ike win. ami dual of ii,, ii- city, come l.y Ibo linnell, ls (a Santa Barbai . travcllen doing tin- manda eil Kesteo and the old nii-ii.u- of extr im- Southern California rame burning to ike paradise, mid from i.eis Angeles and nil Un- towns ol Ihe mm Gabriel Valley these ls a general li.-elra ... thia lund of tleiweis. _,M- a week the pilgrim* iii.v,. nu, ,i the quaint little .-ity to arotmew m. , null during that week lbs teatl .ties have be-.-n unceasing. Tin- ipiyetl- this V'-.-.r here been more elaborate than ever. Tbs Plower Carnival began tbi_ fenn ago, winn i.y President and Mra. Harrison wrr.- bera i j give added init-i-.--t tn tin- occasion. At t.rst. Un iti'-iupt wns ini-i-.-lv lor ii llnwcr elisplriy, bul In the -mn i .Uni.' yean the manager* have tri . te* BU-ke up rnrnlvalH even more beautiful than thone celebrated rear!} al Mee and Monte Corio. The result lin- berti that, anger Ibe leademblp of Rowland, of New "? <"it Qty, vvin, ha* i.i- winter bone ln-r-, the etttaans nr -ima. Barham ha _ maia thc lower (calival tba .-i'll" t gala .-v.-iit ol ih.- year on the Pacttte Coast, lu tills work tin- managers have been helped bj many Eastern |.pie who have come here tot tho iwo or three inn-t attractive weeks <>( the year. Fer tiiis -.-ii-Oli the Wriiminril. i-, nf I'l.llade-lphiil, willi m.lliy fii.nii-. Pf, _>ward Wiih :u.>i his party <>n ?'. special unin; w. 0.Johnston,ol llttaburg; K. M.O'Neill, K-ii i.i- of "Tbe, IMspateh"; De Wolf _ shoa and il. ii. lii-Uriti, nf New-York, and nnuy others bare helped IO milln- li..- i:u niv :i| ;t success. For thc days nf thc carnival the losrn bas b".'.i but u iiin-s of colon.. it iirts been a Amt when i.i Morning gowers in.'i Hi- brighl bte. reign _preme. The fragmnrt "f Ibe ruse, nils the sir, sad tlie lilli _tt<-s are aMase vvi :, tbe waving popptea. And OTer all ii..- sun .iiin-s from ;i c-ioii.iima sky upon Un lillie town, settled comfortably In Ihe bot_s_ between mountain and ea. In ihe background the round_ -iiiiiiniis i.f the Santa Vues tange a.ftcned i.v the . i m,H. -uri Into Bowering Um- ..r blue and pink; rn ti,.- foreground Hm inarki** cl tuc wave-crests ibosra brlghi sgalnsl the dwp aapphlre ul thc rolling ocean, wlilli- ii,.- ii,ii/,.ii i- broken nv the blue peak* <>f _ntu Boaa, .nit nu/, -in Miguel und lbs other Islaaa* thal muI the bays. rbi daj ol rejoicing began lbl? yeai on Aastl tl wini the Flower Show. Here in a large pavilion was gaihrt-cd ni, Immense profusion >>f Bowel, displaying ..ll iii.- varleUi . f tl.intry. The oli ado. - ol ii Indians, the min?lon houses ol Ihe long-dead Span i-ii padres :u.el the green BeWs ol bygone days .?r. all represented in tnlulaiun; bv Ibe i_rii.,-ful de . ol Bowei i. ." Wednesday was the root mom t pr _. i*l ?:>. fol l, ve.ii i,v the Halt le ol Flowers. Between the blgb bank* "i people on diker i'i" "i Ike broad avenue w.i.- eiiive-n the gay equipages .lu.Ui-a om In avery roiue v.,I,',- i,.-.ii,.., willi iii. and t...t,la;illds of be lutlful Bowel . Al tbs head rix white horses dr.-vi f bu-., i un; 'in,, el lo npic rai ina g.' noa . I or. ..ii ,,i the boat, ".iv.i'ii wttb eada lui*-. reeled ... v;iv... ni green pepp*f laava*. Thu turret, io:p lealetl sn Dache - io*_, revolved l.wly about, aud ... loimldsble run.i belch. _ birtu >1 ilructlon . ,,? ul i ?-? b ?'??? A dosen Utile boy* and ni, ;, mu.nm., rolled about ita* Bowery d>'k . li lil -I ? le. Ul v W i ? r.'i -'? W i lllllgto li'.innied in Bull and white, nnd oman <? med over nil in wilow and vvt,,i.. ti.-a. is. iii.- landing _ u? . vvri, :irr..i ri iilli.-il Well ? ICCUted ill Ibe T . . billow ed .i long proce_4_i i pur turn au lour in ban Ja, libations, cal U and lan .-.-ii.-, victorias, fnrm-wagon*, *urre ys at_ buy. b'? .11 .. living muss ..f Bowers, I...!?? were lue eluini.v margin rites, the purple- ..r ibe - i Lt brolt?, : H?- bia te ? i . marigold*, the brighl green ol ibe ti-.-.-m-s-. I.,., gold.ii in.', ol Hie mustard, the lavender ol the iiolei*. the _..v ..( ihi moss and lichen, lhe orange . impptes the while ,: i...i lill-* iiml lbs hoary plumes ol ibe pumpa* gm .. Ilul above all and over . I! Were Hi" r't-.-s. _rrirl.Ui I- i f Ibe lemls hung nlMiUt th" horses' heads and gn-ai nn--s >?[ every? where. At lin- end .>f i'i" pi cearion wete ihe lum ? ?' nf ilder. ni gorgcou tjument. with never ceoslc.g paiior.ima of color. There were Spanish cavaliers. milim ? . r. i ni.I B ?! lu li -od'i merry men ai .1 ni un ollie! -. Vnd tin ti nr n _l..'ii dgual Ihe Battle of Flower. i.,,-.i torth rang ibe m.-irv war ri lea, and ?, ? mil . r ... tm Lr.. le rage.!, unlit the avenue wa* , impeled deep with the p iii ammunition of bud* and tu, up wai ti":ivv with ibe hrenih "f Ihe emshed ItoWeis. I. . -I,,, eedli .? dat ? nf Hie romivnl vv>r>- illleil with - othei Jnllltle uti Thursday wns the tilting to'-im-i ? Uki lo .i lonni.' ol Ihe i Iden ?i.v . lolkiv > i Hcilcan game ol coigns, "ii Fri la j Weie tin lu tin- evenings Ihe |.pie dlsp ried 'lim-.iv..s nt nb -ni promenade roue.rt*. i ? ilimns of li ill ... i- the I ? rival I'.ill of Frldnj i ?enty right \ mg -iii*. >;i i * j. - -?-1 t > rep ? ii di frere ni dower, .; ii"i through tho mace* ai-d lt is er dance, w iv|i .- lo '. Hld I', vi ' .? -..'..:,_ ..' |||,> br ?'? -? Little I -.vs di. s-..; .?,. huM.-rllh-a pur*ned Hiern Illili-r . I,"-., h ,,. k !?? ? - hm '??. rib ail lb ? : (in >lu.illv ihe ii .wi r- fud' i :,w.i\ , -.- !.,'. I much lt lill the inn- I . pl ll big llivrllllll V -. rulbd buck, '.ll iii- In . note vvr,.,, nil Hie vv,i,i,.iv ,, .-iv.iv U hil h bad till-l Hie i .iii'..;....- dal . nival >'f Flowers. ifl PH \i i I.i ns ny TWO I'OLLEQES. An agr ? ibb cn i riven ut -1 evening si li Mod ison -?". -i. linrd.-n Conrerl Hall bj the Ulee, |lan]n nnd Mandolin Oul.* .f Columbia and Cornall. lin- vinni .-mi liislrumeiitul > I.. ti .ns were excellent iv performed r.mi w.:- mitch enjoyed bj s larg.' null.ri.-. Among Hi" pill- I."' ?"- vv.i vi ll .rn ? .i-it. Mts, l.i.'ils \. Bell, Mra, Jame* llenkard, vii . ii,hiv Itrai-m, Mn. r. M. Ludlow fhrysHe, Mrs. vi. i:. i .. .'?, vii- Jo. ph Corm ll. Mrs. Charles l li . m 1. rt. >li lui.t. I- l.r.vl. , Vh-s. Wlllirim talbert Iii,.,. , Mrs. t'lai-iee -? Ba), >i.--- ? baum -v M i . |. Mi n ? '. >'r li ih, Mrs. ...- u-. -.1" Forest, Mrs li derle lioodrldge, Mis, .-ge ll. Iludgman, .I, john Joy, y'i- i. l. I".'- vii John Lawrence, vi,--, -s. iii Low, Mi-, li.iuv iv, McVleker. Mr*. Charles \\ i mien, V|r-. li,ul, V. Otis, VI,- ||,hiv \ |',i-|.|i. Ml Frederich J. el" Iv-'."-. Vh-.. lli-ntv r. Poller, Mi iienrj v Bobbin . Mrs. ilen-ge r, sbrndy, Mrs. vi. i . semi Bu. I.. Mr . r. I, v _eiil. Mr* I .niel slim n. vii ?.. .1. s p i - stout, Mr*. Henr) F. ralniir, vi, - rn ii. Il Tiior r. Mr . .ii.iin Townsend. Mrs. li mill.rn I'v ? ml iv. Mi J. ll" mu.1 VViiinwrlg it, Mrs, jam, vi v.,i I,.hiv. vi - p. Kgerbat Webb and Mr.. . Wllm.-rdlng. MARRIED. ASAX-WALKF.P.-On ihu-.__.i-. April 27, at the Church if th" lt._v_iiv He ?t. liv the Rev. . Park>-r MSSga. vt rs .V. WU Ker to lt. ll .vt Msson. L'TTI.r.--CROOK-On Thur _ay, April 27, 1_.9S, by tho Rev. II. lt. M"i,.i'.:i .11 Jennie L. d?eij_hter of Cb**. I'r.ioi., tn Henry e.. Tuttle, il. D., nf ilrooklyn. Notices of marriages must be lndors-Ml with lull un.- und uddresa. \l DIED. itltl.AXD-On Thur .av moolna. April _!7th. at Wash. liigp.ii. 1). C., af tm- a brief lllne_ , J"'?:i lieulan d, sun ot M Westley SM Julia D'.rland, in th'' year of hts ag". werai service* "III l>- h?id st __iot Church. Wappinger a Kail*. N. V.. on *s?iu_?v. April .Jib, at 1 |* ia. sj.i:,| ,a- will _ attn, li.-el to th- tram leaving _S Otbd Casual I>t-imt . Il iSg e- m. . returning to Now* Turk ai li .!>> |. n. KIXCKEBHOPF-Oa lil-lay. Ap'll '20. af pnsunionl*. UidS, danell!--i- nf .l"hn C. and Jeannette Biln-*.. rt_T, In tin- jr. th ve-ar "f her oe*. TT?T TkmatSJ. April _'7th. I.iike C. Co,'., eia'd 1 .M'l. un. ral ? ___? at in* lat.- resides*. . _______ Sat uMay, Apt tl '.Mi. at 10 o'clock. it- i.nt at Wins..., font). ORLlKs-At i'oiighleftep*!.'. April *_ th. 180S. WalUS ? mlle*, 0_.l Te', \e..-l|-?. - un.-ml (linn hr* l*te residence, Bunday afternoon, at a a'ckiek. OOOB?AI Ilitil wa aa. x. J . ou Fridsv, April Mah, Dr. J Smith Dndire, jgeel M. .merill r:om his lair residence, ni Me.tH.av. at 2 p m. .i.NiA.v-Easarsd m. teat, ?t lakewood, x. j., _ Thursday, 27th Inst., Phebe Ann. willow of the late ('?ptain i*i_e Kiji i.n?toii in her .ti. yaar. ?uncial *?? vices will b. hell at h-v borne, . stoaasB-ase., Clifton, s .ten Island, Saturn. .ftern>?>n. _*_ in*t., at 2:15 o'clock. Unlace* will be In waiting at Clifton Matli. '". arrival >>f train i leenn.etliiir with I :S0 berat finm whltehall-st. ;ei-nu., ?i,ii tri.mi- lime, a. Bte rm. ut private. '.('K IX-On Wednesday night. April '-loth, ?t hi* nt* rest. ei.-iie-i-. -jil irving .t bears ilaeae. Mwast H. I'., k>l. si-'e-d b'A jeal*. ll. renata* wera temorat to hi* moth.--'* re.idcnce, _a l_tlisi.. where th- fiinrrnl will t_n piara OO Saturday. A| rll i'.nh, ul tu a. m., gantt to J... Jo.eph's e, l-.'.ttt-_. und \lnths\e , w-h. r I a solemn rceiuleni Will lie Olli-'.-d. nt.-rnii-tit at Wai diawa. K_-_TltUl_-_t H.le Haven. Ureenwich. (onn., April 2Sia, l.'lrtii. vite ot John H. e iou rll snl daughter of ile, .-rt 1 aim Kala J 11 >U'lagbaas. i-rvi.-<_ win be inlet at hr '..ile r____, on friday, the -'stn Inst., i.|.i arrival of the train _.-u\ie,g (.rang e . ntral l>> |.it st 10 Oil a. ni airrai-c. vvll Ire lu walting. I'.isvvni.i--At Meridan, I san., ea MM _sb day ot Anni. if.i'A, ot pneumonia, J ubi, aaa ... <_risvuiia, _g.-d 'ii var-, -.n. ral tn Miada_ Mav 1st. HIM I'll KI-.Y-mi Thur-d*v. April '.'.th, Jam.* Unto. l-il.-v. Iii tin: _i_i.h veal nf his u_ 'nmrnl fn.iu bi* int" residence, ttO. ll* Wt- . 81st- _., mi Munday staining. May i?t, at il e'clask. i' k kui lim ku- un Thufadav murnini*. Ap-il '.-7th, after B Iii-jr* rinii- Hines*, I __? Ii-ki'llu In thc _th yeet ut hi- ure |-iinir:ii service* ai hi* lat-* residence, r.i \\>?t tTtii-_ . on Sunday morning, April iiOth, at 'J JO o'clock. Please amil lower*. Kl. 11 HAM?un Wednesday iwiriiln:., April :_h at hi* Isla residence, 4,< J. il_v.n-.vo.. Brue*, lyn, Henry B. Ketcha. in th- 0_M y.-ar of lil* au'.; 1 nu rai mtv Ires at st. John'* ._> I. rh'ireh, RrdfoM-ava. mi. wu .11-1., u.i-okiyit, on Bat'ildey, April aiHli. aS Z il'. u'> luiie. ? mi.m.Kit- sudden ly, m. Thursday, April '-.7th, Adeiene K. Hiker, Witt ur J. I.. Mengel-. Heist Iva* ami fi lends ur- Invited to attend her funeral on Monday, tbe Int of Mav. from her late ii .dence, Alt, ? ,Inn.lui--iv. . ri 1 ..-. |..< k p. in. MIN..AV un li..|s_Uy. Apul 27th. IM. Jam.--' B. Mingay, lu iii- 7e.ti. feat. II,, relatives. I i.-inl?. niel member* af Mivan '.i .ve I ..-'..-e. Nu. J7-.. P. and A. M.: Mort *n Cnnimanel'-ry. No. 4, Knight* Templar, and i-'.xi-mi >t and Volunteer Fire-man's \-si>. Killeen ur Ile- I .ly ..f New York. ?'-? n-*| --tinily In? vited p. attend the funeral tttrttOt at hl? late residence. No. Iii ( hi-to|>hir-st., on __aturdav avewlag, April -_h, at h a'cleen. int- h. nt at raavealeaas ot the family. i'v.i -vt l'lnin .id. h. a.. T*- ins Tier Arr'i -?th, |s'i;t, Mrs I-uiil*e i. , wife of J. perle* I'aore. I'lm.-i-l iervl_s at Cnsceac avenue Chard, iMainUel . X. J . ISatunlav. April _ th. at A 15 p. m. Train leave* f< _>t of Ll. rty-st., e lt IV of X. J., at 1 :S0 p. in. SANFORD?fleyfrude Kllen Du I'uv Sanford, flanehter ot the late Hon. lle-uri shelton Sanford ood e.*rtriitl<* F.lleo lm I-iv. hi- ?lf.., h..rn at the L'nMsd -.._??* I..-gatton. Ilraasel*, B-lglnm. N'.vent. r leith. 18-J!?, died Xew. York. April __?_. WA, afiw ? brief lllneg*. Funeral *ervteca in _? Jami.*'* Church, BlrmltigiiBm, (onn.. on Tuesday May 2d. at 11 oVIexl.. _VF.DDF.L_? Prowti-rd, at Brisklja M. Y., March 17th, |s'.>:i li.hi. lw..idell n^ed 27 v-.-an,. youngettt aou of thc lats Tw.ddeli. ..f Queue.-, I aneidB. FunS-J -ervlc,;* raaturdav. 2MB Inst . at '.' p. in . st the ? Hal ii?hn > .it nf M. McMahon, undertaker, H4 ilvmlltou av.-., s,,i,th Braoktya. VAN' VI.1KT-At _>t__t?burg, N. V. .fi Fridar. April 2 sth. ino rt. Jamed Ku?_il Van Vln-t, in the 74th year of kl* agc Funeral *ervte_ at .. Jame.'* c'hur. h, llvle l'ark, ob Monda] May 1*t, at _:_ p. m. WOOD lin!-led lille* re*... April 27. at Kingston, X. H., -siinl: Patten Wnod, widow of the 'ate l'rofe**or Ab-'l Wood. Funeral lenrlcea Sundar ipili AO, at the funllv h.ime -t. .. 1. lu Kiug.lnii, X f vvllfi I- nu-. ?i,!..? > i . .und Y.-ud. lr., aa Thur-lay. '.pul -*7tli. Fuaeial wrvtees at the . hur.-h of the Tra-mllgni-arinn, r.n-t _vth ?t at i a-ciaek Haodar aAeraoaa, april aom. liiti-iiiii'iit ut WTeeStSfD on ai rival of 1 00 p in. train .Hilliary eider af the l..vnl I.e-rmri nf the fiat. _ states. Headquarter? -'omniaiiderv of the State ,,f Xew-Vork, 140 X'a? .i|.?t. Me. Tgr. Apr,I 20th. ihoh. < onip-itilnn* an- uiXui-med nf the death, on the Inst, nf Companion Captain .tilitert c. Wilta*, v. s. Vavy. ihe funeral v>iii tuk" placaas m. Ta_Ba*'? I bu. b. Fifth ave., to-day, at ll a. iii. i nni|ia_ou* are rve|eie*t--<l & ,,tt.*net The utstsala ami*"-i_dB>' ot BMuraiag win ba wu.rn. Uv ,.rd>'r of (lr. \et iieral WAOFJt SWaVXF.. _ S. A. e il.V Kl.KS S. sWll-T. il tired I, e , min Blruler, lt ,-vet l.leii_.-Colim-l, C. s. V., Reorder. Thc Medical 8sef_y . the Oaaaty ..f kesr>Teik. Meaibera are MajasaSsg le sttemi me funeral of thetr late sssdblate, Mill i I. Reib.-r.s, m. d . i,t I3g Weis 71st?t.. <>ii >.itur-iv. at 7 p. m. 'Tl A 111.IS CAMMOteh LIA. r -Md nu i UA__E3_ ll AVERT, l__ietet_. Kennlea r-meterT. on the Harlem Railroad, 48 mlnuta frmn tbs 'iri-i'l C rtrtl Depot. Slew Dooot al e.lh,.i lei l^-t 4.J.?: .special Xoticcs. ...- Filth Avenue An t .illrrie*. Md vni-AVi: . _nrii-,T. b.VI.i. THIS 'Aril I'.Niif.X AT J i!0 '.Vl.'r. K, A I.Alli.E AXD IMPORTANT Ct.iI.LCe.TIO.V OP COLONIAL \M> HISTGAICAL PLATE. PEPPER BOXES, DISHES \Xi> PVRXITVRE, l.i. la Hag evan pl a of the titi! Harvard College; 'tv -.f Al bear, i... gjratax, Cadaasa vv.,1.. vv.r.v- _a_ ll.-is.- Boston, trie fain: and ..ih.ra. .,;-? Merlin..- Silver, -In-Hielii 1 ..ile uni Kn,pim l urnltart, K'.lll.llT SDMI I_V1I.I_1-, A CO., _Auctioneer._ _ _Maaagsta. A. I .Uh Avenue Art (iallerie*. g_ frill, avenue, sttii _-.. SALE Ti'DAY AT Z M>0'C_> K ? him:si: and JAPANESE I'l.mi.l.Alss, SABRES AND DBESD_lf POllOELAIN, sll.\ 1,1. AND BRONZES. ROBKRT BOMRKVIf.f.E, OM. .IS *; CO., An, ii..i?er. Minn.-.i*. ? __nhlt*heil I**a7_ MRS. Me_I__Ai_i _ llu.vU.MADK l*Rl._:itVKD HKANDII.D, CA.NM.D AXD _ li i.D 11 _ H_#A.\l> J ..S. PliU. RI--.D CCRKAXT ir.l.LY A SPBCIALTT. l-'.\er_tlitn_ put up lu kU? aii-1 ??? pt until fall. For Uti,,", roferen. es. \,-., sdlr.*" Mrs SARAH . MS* iii.RATH. a*J3, Urooklyn. N. V. A John Dcl.uio OVBB THE UNLIMITED FREE COINAOE ol' SILVER f* now uuins pla. 1" tno .' .kl. lillune, betwaa. VVII.I.IAM M. -slT.VVART. ITattSi _?t_ Son-tor frouj Nev via. baekei by Hm _at ..llvc-r authorl-.le*. In favor _ I-'reu e ullin.'.', and Baa. Boswell G. tlorr. back - br R? uiitliiirlti. . a.. tint B_ In., U s slroiiK sag inten-ely InU-restlnjt elel-aW. tbs Weekly Triiciu'*, *1 a yew. copl?__ aiaggai for -.allin.*. 'A v-cet*. TUE TllinUNE. New-York. I'o -eiOlce Xotlce. i,.- r.-i, ii.l.s win class u>- n.pi.>- in ju ti-, at _tt_ ell,.- s? lolloss: SATUKDAT vt I in a. m. tnr i'lir.irve. per a. %, lilniriie. via epii->-ii?t..?n i le tte re fur I-rance. .>?li/..r_?n(_. I Isl) >|ijiii. r.Htiiual and luiia.-v mu.: be Street, tl 'iiwr I tniili" r ai 1 SO .i ai for Pkanee, b*. it/crlaiul. Italy, s|u ii PuKaial anil Turkey per *. ?. I,s Tuuraln*. via Him , nI il a. m. fur X.tlieilaud* direct, i?r *. s. Bfaae> jam. v a Rotterdam (letter* mu-l be il .r. ca. "I" r Mass. linn-- . al in u. m. iBupplemeatar* il a. ni.) fur Centssl America i-'v- >-|ii Costs I... i aim , .min 1' i?.ns, \mt . s. lill i.f I'ars. Viii lulen l.-lters f..r i.tiatitttirilri U1..SI be4lr.-ct.-d -|.u i nv uf i'ai.', nt ll a. m. fur fampt-a-hSt, , hlsps - I .__.?.-,. .ml Viiritan. per s ?. fit v of AI.\?u. Ju., (lett, rs f, i itilii, lr.mi.I,,. enO T<IV|.ain direct ,u,d iitii. i Mexican's. vin Vein I'rul, inn _ h>- ilir,-.-t_i-_ ? i . i it\ i.f Vi.-v.iinlrra ". : al ll B. IU. for CUaCSS and Maricaii... per a, - IlolllnsMe; at 1 p. m. for Scotian! .li . -. pei ? - i nsrissia. -r|a e_:is4.'.i? I lett, r* must li* il ire,-ted "pei Cl_s_la".i st I p. m. i*up|>l.-iBji-ni?ry ?? iii i |,. iii f,,r l-.m ,>|>- . per h. a. Ch.-ter. via S..uth:in,|,t<iii ; St I l> iii. i-ni pleint-nliirv I ito |>. m.. fur linn- llavli st. i aili Turk* Islalul. -ni s a, i..-.>. VV. <'l.vele-> ; ii H i" i>. pi, Lu X. vf..iiiull:iiiil i?-r st.ain.-r from llallfa-t. Hi'N'O AY?Al T a. in fur Kaatiaao (una, per *. *. Panania il, ll>-rs f,.r Viin/ and Navaallla, !_., must bs directed "pei Psiuaia" . ut il p. in. fur Hint-Hell*. p_r . a un.-;,, fruin Ken -Orleans : Bl -3 p, m. fur lilue-leld.*, mt *. s. A_t.ii---, fm.n Xew-iirleruis : ?t li n. m. for Cu*t? Rica via I.Inion, per >. s. IIUmU _ fnnn If'TTT*_SSSil. MONDAY?Al 1 p in fm llr_ll vin llshia sud HU .lan, lr?. in-r t. ?. Bevellu* ,l>-tt>-i-a fur T,? plata connirl_, para, learn ant Manaos mus) t?- drn-.-i, . "pat lii>veiiu?"i; at ?" i> in f,,r n.-M-ie puer, enrtej ?nd e .atenisls, per a. a., New eirlesn*: st 3 p. m. for Lb Plata loimtil.t- iii issi, per *. *. L-dllliSt?B I wl*anH_SIOT .