Newspaper Page Text
watt ' \??u\i.W-ie,^ fVEW-YORK SIM>AV, APRIL :\). l8W.-rWEIMTY-FOUR PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE NEWS OF EUROPE IRISH VOICE-BAKED IN LONDOX AGAWST HOME RULE. XHKINCREATOKTHKIN-'MKTAX MI. BRYCE AND THE _AIICA_TER M -aOI*-IltA___ THE ?VU. OEMEVO~1EE. OM UT maTO-UE Till ROTA- hCADEMT -MR. LIN 'OIN. ibt (aata if- nm tai-" *__l ftaernr**- -? "' '"?''' rr''"""' ?"' -?"?'"? London. April .?.-Tlie Home Rule record of th* svr-rk i. happily ti ahorter ono than usual. The \raWAt al Conunona has a 1>i i?-f respite ttMtM tho n?-w eoei__on. The two attempt* to fan th. }'om? -.ul'1 f""1*. which is at ??'"?' '?"? ?' -1 ?<"'???"-n flre &?*-? bad r,? ??!__-_?. T_fre waa ti moment on Thu., day wOpb tho accidental discharge ol a revolver in l.ownm_-st. tho before offer*-! norn-- prospect oi' run-ins popular feeling. The pveninc pai-ers _____ounced in their jarge*t type an att-_ipt to shoot Mr. Gladstone, and Mr. Sext..n ll tho Hourn of Conmona ant a qneation to tho Hotnc Secretary In bia largeal manner. Bul not.iinc hts yet ---ne ol it. Theta wnw bapee in Homo Huh* brea*.* thal tho dietur'.an.oH in Betta* might ho turned lo their Marpoo*, The man who drenched llieee hope* In tlio cold tvat.-r nf part fact WM Mr. ?To'"1 -N'or Uy. He Megrnphed the Seeretnry that ample protection had horn ntl.'toil to tat hu? hes aappeaed la I* In dang** af P-ateetant attitok at or on** the shipyards, that nobody availed himaelf of thia protection, that tho in? juries inflicted oonalatc 1 of a text blows and ki- ks that woik was going on as nsmil, that Proteatant workmen os, their Catholic fcllow-workera home; in sflort, that thor" was little foundation for th,* e_aggerated a-coonta enrreot In London aad rotuilod with further exaggeration to th" Hou?a. ol iion-,m-..,.s hy thoso intareeted in outrage*. Ou tho othor hand, it is clear that large numbera of workmen in Harland afc Wolff- shipyard re eonted tho patnence, not of Roman Catholics, hut of Hume Kulors. Thor.- and elaewhere efforta wore made to dhow ili.-in ont, Mr. Wolff wired his mon: "Jf you havo any icn_-j drop i? They had sons.- and dropped it, and thor.' is ordor in Itelfast. Mr. Wolff, not content with this, wont to Belfhat and read Iii- mon a lecture. Other t'nionist cmployera aeconded his efforta. But imagine, if yon can, a Home- J.ule Parliament in Dublin, with Mr. Healy and Mr. O'Brien coercing llelfosi. What da yoi -s.ppu-o tho reeult would r>.> ? 'Jin* impression tindo by tlio Albert Hui1, nn-ot hui last Saturday 1- ? deep ono. The 1,200 lilah delegatos who cain.- tn tell London what one Ire? land thinks of Home Rule were hull from Hater, i:_f from tho muthern count!**. Ton thousand Londoners aeeembled in Albert Hall to welcome thom, and to list.-n to them, It waa an extraoi din.iy -H6M. and n-.t the leaal extraordinary incidont ni it wa! tho speech by the Hi-Imp ol l?orry. Seldom is mi-li plainness oi speech heard from a prelate He adopted Lord Randolph Churchill'-, namo for the bill, "a ir<\n betrayal," nud dcclnicd that Homo Rule would make .daves of the minority, "and sm., when have a-n-lava-l freemon be*-n denied tiie righi f?f resistance?" a.kod tlio Hi-hop. It wan .. deinonetratlon tho like of which Lon don, tho homo of demonstration*, has nerer aeen. Othera followed it. T_ere were dinners. r?'.-?'i> tiona, speech,.*, and a camon party at Hatfield. Th" Duke of Devon?bl***-, ono nf tbe moat ngncioue and prudent ol men, and Lord Salisbury, ono of tho Dior-t caevgetie, agreed j., their assurance* to thof_- Irish dclegatca that England would never tb-sort them and that Home .'nip again*, the will of Kngland i? tba m.-r-'st chimera, ih'- Lord Mayor. an ardent Catholic, received tiic;ti alco, and declared his entiio gjrmpathy With iho Loyalist* of Ireland. Tliat sympathy is all but universal in tho ( |ty of Landon, where troe Libatnlietn has lons* hoon and still if, tho prevailing force A r.-iliamontfliy expfcoaioa of it may be rend in th* thirty pagea of amendment* to tho Home Rule bill, about 500 altogether, which ara' but tho loro taate <>f what i_ tai oome in Committee, .--arila mentaiy expenta now enlculate that the committee bta-e of tho bil] mny laat three months. Sir William Harcourt 1 u> achieved tbe diatine ti..n ol producing a budget which everybody iis likos except himaelf. He had to fnee a deficit 1 ?r tho earning year of a million and a half atarling. \\e tm- it hy adding a penny to the Income tax, the penny i>?-iii_ eatlmated to prodnee that -.hui and a qaai-Cl ni a million more. He admits that this is mere nviio'shift Haaaec, lt is not a fair us.- ul tha- Ineome tav, and it leave* untouched t.ho-o very anama?ea and Inequalities ol taxation which most disquiet the radical mind. Sir Will i-un's exenae i- lhal there ta bo time to deal with the (loath ditti-s or with a".v other linaii'ial )iK Ikma whleh would Involve a large readjustment of th-* Incidence >>i taxation Huh- bloeki tho way. lt is from ono point ol view a Kufllcient e\cur*o; tint nothing cm justify hi- resort ta aa Ibereaae of thc Ini-ouie tax. Even financier! like Mr. Oonehen, wboae view of such iiueatinna ii patety technical, cry out againat it. The ineome tax, said the lat.- Chat-cellor oi the Exchequer, ls a gnat ii->a-r\>- only t.. he reaorted to in ur-at eenergeaeiee, Sir William's une nf -,t merci.*, ta cover ? detii-it is. in Mr. Goachcn. opinion, unjust, and it ls not finance at all. Bat then ar.- two much broader objectlona lt is a p.-iity move, ami it liri-?"., with extreme **f*verit** on a claaa whleh cannot defend Harli The political power of the filadntonlanx n-t-. >:> far aa England i- eoncerned, on tho working classa*. Their rontrlbutiona to Ihepuhlic revenue are alu."st wholly indirect. Thc-, pay a little on tabarea. <>:i tea, on whiahey, on beef, The laeaeae tax does nol reach theta, because their inconn's do not renell thc limit I- which i? legins, Therefor- it i- that a party wlricli leli'S (,n th.-ir v.'te? puts tm gartlan nf ti.i- new burden on thom. Sir William Harcourt has. m fact, adopted a the principia ol hi-, l ni,;a-t thc maxim ol Mr, H>-n Tillett. arith whleh *,-??:.t h.- wooed tho suf? frage* of "filf.ird. ti\i-s ihould be levied liv tv- pom a.l lind v .iio -i ii. lhere ls on* qualification: they aro to ba paid in this ease not ?>'," tho ri-h. bot mn-ftly bv Ih-me ol mrde^tte iiieoino derived from th* profesalons an., from small trad's. The hulk of the Income tax t (firived (i?i:i jgcinmta not nxeecd| _ $4,1-00 ya-arly. It is a las, mil >.n pi ipertv, bul on brains: bat sui-*- i* i? ti.a- middle .-las?.- who pay it. aud ataee tha middle i-i.a---.-_ at.- t,, lonscr n majority, a G-ndetoalan Chaneellor of th- Ex* chociuer is eontont to extort an lniq tl itali* trthtite from victims who ca neither re?ist nor i.-_ont his action. Tlie Ministry ha* paid oft part of its i).-!,. ti. tho lahor vate hf carrying the mcond ri-.rin,_ ni the F.mplov. r-' Liability lull. Theie mymt a debate, but no division, and the party -am will th.ra' foro \h> los tiirtti ii this manann eanla" be ropr" antod to the Ndh-riai artiaana aa a party triumph over thc wlcke 1 Tory lt was, however, opposed by Mr Forwood <..i behalf of tha ianploi.ii. uni by Mr. Mathew-, lat-- Hom.- Secretary, on behalf of tho public -.either epeeeti waa aniweiad. The bill is simplr a pn'C.- of legWntioa in tho mi r-st of a Btm*le class of tho connnunitv at tha. cxpcnsi. of another and loss nameroaa elana, and at the expens" of tho community itsolf. Mt. thfOO Jjas I'a'on attack.-d this nreeh (or |ot*_ bing Un- appoiiitiii.-nts oi ?aglatratea ta the bench In tho Duchy of Lnneaat-1. whereof h.' is Chan e-?llor. amt eaae BflUaal him is not an easy am,, tc anrwer. Till ho took oftico fha power of ap? pointment . ntod with tho Lord ..loutonant, Lard -Wton. who was a Libertil till tlie Ubini i>art_ wrecked by its leader. Down to that time, I RHO, the proportion was ?___ Conservative* ta I.. Liliernla. Lancashire bring Itaril strongly i ..? -? r\ ti iv.- Rut in lancashire, as .-I-. wh.-ro. the rrenl majority of the best Liberals declined ta follow Mi. Gladstone, and the Gladxtoninn mag? istrate* swindled to one-filth -.f ihe whole number. Mr. Bryce iel blmscll to reform this melancholy stat.- of thing*, lh' nen! Loni Sefton a 11*1 >.f magistrates whom be warn.-1 on the bench. When Lord Sefton, who*, action baa b?_ free Irom -ny party nias, declined, Mr. Bryce revoked his , powers and fell bach on Ins right 9* I haneellor, which a Libera] Government ind tranaferrcd in 1870 ta the Lord-Lietitanant. lt waa an arbi? trary act, and it wm follow*- by an exerciee of tin- newly acquired authority avowedly partisan. He admits that ho ha* appointed ir, m.i istratra, nf whom ns n-ere Glndstoniana, and twenty-four workingmen, moat, it not all ol them, also i.l.d -toniana Three oul of tho 1*3 iwere (..niontets. it cornea ont at the name time that Lord Herschell has been engaged still r.lTTi-o lnra***ly in :. similai Indnatry. Tue Lord-I bane >llor ami the Cuni e -1 0 i?l th. Duchy ol Lancaat.r between them have added to the Lench ;,.s magistrates, ol whom Slt are avowed Gladatonlnna and mom of the rent workingmen. There waa m. need <>t these -Mt:. magistrates, except ta redress 1 party balance Such it- Mi. Bryce, defence; surely a curiou* one for an advocate of purity in politic*. lt is the more distressing to have to relate then* thir.s In Am.-rica, because Mr. Bryce ls notoriously the friend of the American Mujr*femp, whose preference for purity amount* to .1 passion lt ir- a pnnsion which lends the Mugwump ay-ate matieally to revile his own eonatty t>> tho for eigner, and on no other point moro atrenuoualy than ah,mt civil service reform. He inturated Mr Bryce's mind with his own notions, whi. h duly reappear in Mr. Bryce's Imok on America, and make portions of that book untrustworthy, over-eolorad, and even libellous. Yet when its authur ha_a to discharge in his own country what must ho railed a judicial duty, and to provide lor tho administration of Justice In the great country of Lancashire, h.* run* tho party machine at tull spood, and rank- th. Lanrairiiire benches With mon who will do what tho party wants done. Tho Hull smite continues, hut tho atriken aro fighting a losing battle. Tho,- hav.- no adequate f' for a cont.-sr. They have resorted to \ io. lenee and to Incendiarism. They have lost 1 great --haro of th.-val.lie aympatliy on which they counted, and they aro quarrelling among them aelvea, Tho employe****, meanwhile; aro nteadilj augmenting their supply ol fn-e labor, and ar-- m confident of meccas that they have rein--?--?l ta arbitrate, aud aro not eager for direct negotia? tion with tho mon. Te tho ta-rm- they laVl down it Vorlc they adhere! They will employ unionists. if there nie unionist* who like ir, u- employed. They will not allow them ta manage their buni? ne**, or to Bay who oise >ha!l and who als. shall not be employed. It In, itt other word*, 1 struggle between the trad-- antoni and the Shipping Fed? eration, vi whieh the Shipping Fe-leratioii is ahow lng Itaelf the utronger. The unionist! romplain bitterly that iho Federation is trying ta smash the Unibn, hut a* thc Union ?.- als., trying tai smash the Federation, its rlaim tn commiseration in ii content provoked by its own leader* i1* not obvious. If tho men havo a righi to enmh 1 ? -, why have not the employer*. The combination of the men was aggmeiv* irom tbe ntmrt; that of tho employers ls an act of aclf-defence. Mr. Balfour, brief speech on Literature at the Royal Literary Fund Dinner on Wein.-.lav h-.s started a discussion on thc position and pr_*pe_-S of literature. Tha. diacnasien i? les* fresh than the speech Mr. Balfour speaks a* one wli rte sired t-. break with the tradition! of the Vj. torian epoch. Re flo-, not disparage the great n,.-a nf it_ '.rentost writers, but he .mint- t'> the generation preceding his own as the ane which felt their influence mo-t strongly- Inaamneh, however, a* they have no anoeeasota, tho younger Intelligence of tho pre-ont dav mn*l _.< somewhere for inspiration, or somewhere far model* Ml P.alfo'ir'. refuge I* tho eighteenth century. He is, of course, attacked for vent urine t>. .jiiestion tlie supremacy ol the second-rate no.-ts .-md third rate novelists ot to-dny. One ol thom nyi thai tho eomplaHM has i_-en beard dorina ever? period. Another Insist* that only poeterity can judge fairly, tho nana! consolation of those whose merits their eontempomrie* fail to recognize. Bul the public, in spic- of it-, morbid Interest in in?-i< novelty, silently agree* with Mi Balfour. There is of th.- pres.-nt <.r recent generat-on of EngUlh writers no one who attains ta the front rank, nave by the partiality of tli- clique to which he belongs That renaiamnce of art which 1 inngoine Briton not long sin--.- announced,'or al least anticipated, is not tn be - -"li in this year's exhibit!.I the Royal A.:.dcn.y Ii the exhibition escape* the imputation "f mediocrity, i' 1- tar tlie .st part where it pnifirr Into eccentrieitj. Even that i a hopeful sign rn an Institution where the reign nf the eonventlonnl and ol the oommonpltt-* baa been si, long and hu aektom broken, lt ls aa '? a certain numher "f ranvwei from the llratt'in Gallery had hoer silently trana-t-r-re* lo Bairlinn ton Houae, IVrhap- th.-y have bren. The imprn sim.i-t is bera and there visible Ita 1- not In himself a beautiful object, bul h--' relieve! ll*1 monotony. Th-re 1- a _'"d ileal ..1 work whieh is ambitious, ton olten an ambition which uvei leaps itself. Ambition, like wUMlom, ia not alway* istitted ol her children <?i the few renlly caps hi.- and 1 nt-? 1. -111 >?_ painter* who nre th.- sta 1 ..1 tin- Academy, hanlly 1. its at hi- in-st. or i ad'-.|itata-ly I'-pi aentcd by his this lear's pict ires A gloom baa fallen on arti a gloom deep also on the ...mme)', in' Md'-, think many ur thc artists ll there he any mystery In tlie reluctance oi the pnblie ta invest money in vi..- Int--*! producta of ih<- liri tilth School, it will be dispella_ by 1 walk through th-* paH-*ri?-a <>i Burlington 11?.. 1 -.? and , critical glance at th'* licnsure-i winch cover its walls. Mr. Lincoln, thc American Minister, and Ihe lauri .nterican Minister t>. England, -ails |,,r home next Saturday on the American liner New-York. II-- will leave behind him none but pleasant memories, and will tnke with him the hm wishea of all Ins own countrymen who have iieen for four veais nndei bia jurisdiction, and ..i a .:,-..t com nany of Rnglisli friends His tenn 1,1 office has treen a eemparutl-el.. quiet one There has bren lor ono thin,, a ? "i lii-H truce, and tin- Irish patriot, here or elsewltere, has been content thal the American Minister should in- an American aad not an Iriah-Anierieaii Minister. Mi Lincoln hai shown himself competent and cnreful ll.- waa we-lcomed for his father- uke: he has been lik.-.i 101 ins own silk.-: and in hts diplomatic carrel tln-ra- is noll.m.; fur lum or tor his frienda to re iret, except that tie cid <>t it lia- arrived. ti w. s. FUM-H-*. COUU-tt-BIJ TO IK BXtXt'DKD. Parla. April TB.?Tht CUamber of Depute, adopted to-day, trttboot a disarming voice, a aioilon ibat .ouiis-ia-r.s of foreign 'inii -hali net in- a?adtte*) hen after to thc ll.iu.--o. _ TH- BOYA! PARTY VI sir POMPEII. Napic-. April 2ri.-KaiP',-". Winiam, Kian Humbert und linell- ?ivcs, veal to-dajr throng* t.- rntm and >x_a**attoni a' PompeU. ri." Impreu ..nd Qneen were rallied In ledan chairs of anili|nc de-ipn, ami \vc:o rii'-ci-e. both .'oin--- mid returning. DHU) AT THI MO-fTl OAMlAl BOI LETTE IA ll.:.. Mee. April '-'-??-Aa tMiettf .\n-Mi.m named Miciiaaiis iliad at du- roulette table tn t.,,. Monte 1 ario Caaliui to du... Ila- hud Im-pii p.ii'il, rmA ?? \ll)Vi -,._., tor some tltuc, and was ?-urrli*d by wrvantl to tl.e - _*?m-. Ik had uiu'cd dalli lor w ?<._?. A TORNADO'S DUE A VF UL WORK. IW. NTY-oNi; PEOPLE KIHI.I!) IN CISCO, TEXAS. OVER loo INJURED illi TOWK NI'.Ani.Y Wll'i.a OfT-AS-ISTANCE iM.l.r.n FOR Denver, Col., April 20.?Information i*- loot re? ceived h*-rc fr.'tn Cisco, Texan, t.< fha- effect that a tomado struck thal plaee thia afternoon and literally wiped the town out ol exhrtenae. Many person* I.ave !,,?.? killed and the Injured aro numbered in tlie bundie I* Dalia*, lox.. April co.---Tho Nows" eorreapond i-nt learned in,a, pn menge ri on 'he east-'".tm.I (iain this ovcnin_- that tho destruction by th. cyclone nt < ise., nra* simply appalling, 'lhere wero not more tlian twenty-five to thirty houaea lott atanding and un to the tim- tho train passed thee, about '.' o'eloch thi- afternoon, twenty-one dead bodie? had lieen recovered from the ruins and then- were ten or twelve persona mia* iti_. Srron., on.-story bnlldingl arith walli two feel thick wore lasvoiic-i to tito sr..und. A heavy froitrltt engine and a whole train of o:ir-t were 'down from tho track and demolished, nnd several hundred fe-t ol sidetrack tom up. The number injured is something nl.<- ino. P. II. Coleman and citizens from Weatherford w.-nt out thi! morning to ronda-r any assistance poesible. Tho building whick Frank Hickman occupied was Mown down and his live children killed Tins evening May ->r Levi roelved the fellew? ing t-deeram from two cttl.ons of Weatherford who went up to Ciaee this morning: "Town nearly nil <leni'>lish<vl. Twenty-one killed: 129 injured Hundred* without food or Aelter. Kui.s'- m\] tin- relief poa?ihle, and send to John P, Patterson, chairman .".'lief Committee.* The fallowing telegram was nam r-.iv.-d bv Mayor Levi hom County Judge Davenport and .Mayor nrare*, of Cisco: "deco has been ale stii \i-d by the mont de*t ruc tlve cyclone that has ever visited Texaa. More than four-fifth* of Ihe people are without houses, Th'-ro aro many killed and wounded, llo'p ia needed to burs the dead and take ..ire of tho wounded and relieve tiiis,. who lust everything."* M ,"i l.-.i h...s called i ti.ting of th"* eitiaens of Weatherford to tnke meaaure* foi the reliel of tho aufferera. R. 1". Willie, who in r. d httrr on the Texas Pac Bc eastbound train, w m at Cisco an h."ir and a half. Ile says that ;.t thal tune twenty ? ne dead person! Ii ri I.i found Over ion in had ' cen counted, .mot the dead arv: Daniel i ale-ion, K M Whitoaides, ?- Slma, M: f "harlen Jones snd child .- d Mn J. T Thompson Five children "t Mr. Hickman who were in heil :.>;.,c|i were or ahed '?? death hy ti ?? fall a houae Hickman and his wi ?? had none outside * what the marin., noise was and were hlnwfl efl their feet, Mr, Hickman was aerie i-i. Injured Pooca Agency, I. I , April 10 -A tornado \ this ii.']..''' rho..! last evening, and live people were killed Hie-, p-ere "Jae! " Keithley, ht* wifo nnd two children, and < liarlea Ja. ison, of Habana, who was rlsitlng tli<? K-lthhty'i I-A.. more ol the KUthley children were Injured K.-iihl.-v h\a-.' in a ha -? : i-.- * rai 11, lillie siriith oil'. I he I ? ? i'..'iiniii?li. i In i rhanty opposite Reithlej * wei.- .-ii.-!:' l.-sa.e Indians I.-- ahantj wai away, but thc Indians escaped Injury, Tin Mim-Mif-l-l im..n \r i \ii".NDK.i.i'.r. _t. I..,nt-. M ... April SD. li.- InhnblttMi- ..f Baal l/nroadelet ni. beenml i more frightened \t tl ?? rivet li"i.i!i* lo ii???. Xli'-n'v Ul* i.iiiti.ins nortli ?>'. nula" town apposite i a'l-i.ii'-iet sf* Inundated and im-.-nt ti:,- appearance of i rail Inland *m which, -,, ii t lin... _.-)? ta- tr-e to|M ri->ni ihe Mud In Caron ata-ia?i. im.; ir. anolbet rtrer en?i "i and parallel iiltl, tl,.. Mi--i--ipi.|. Mi-! iii,tli, i- ti a- win aim- the lill, ihilillls ,,: ) ;i-l I m.,ml' 1- t t" tin- .s-' ? .'I ? .|.i _f tii-if bonnes. -?_ -_ SA FA JO 1 Mil ASS RETURNING BOMB, Till', BETTLER- I'Ki I'-al'.iN', I-.:'. \ POSSIBLE RI MW Kit "I IK'.' 1:1.1 1 '.irn 11-_.-'..ti. \. ?:.. April _:>. A party of who have returned bet*.' direct fr..m Wayte'a lillian -lui-'-, .-uni I ha- Methodist imii.1.1 mi Mon, re; tri I isl tba' Indiana bare ? to -o bat k iii i b ??. i ie >? aervatioii. There are no ImaM-dlate leal ol .it. alli k, ttiough III Ihe pi.-, lil . M lt- tn. nt mi niiv. BIB) pi'- t| :::?''? noe. Iceni Plummer, roaring li*??uble, ha releaied iii- mor-'-rer. ul Welch, whom he t,.ni Ind.i tba IikIIjIi, lu ani'.ml' r. 'I'll. : gen) is || lh. ii . .i.-'ii'V ! ,lilli'.I. Il I- thought l|,i. be ill'l tu.t li.iv nppuii en -11_.-11. na he ?,i- al n., alth no -oWli't . nnd ihe Indian-, aeeina bin belpte-anei*., look ."i ..f it, li. u\. r, April SW, Although Iroopa li.-.v.- been called lt t.\ tli ? iel th i . iii ii,.- san Lui Valli y, tot ].mt's ii,,n sRaln-ai iii" rakia of ii," Navajo*, the in .Hr,ill,ai-ar- thal few, ll :ni> ul I - m. Sill I" m-eded. Il a- lii'll; I, ImVi I. Un mil Iii I ba lr re ITSlI 'li . Aiina-ai in.-i: have pone forward from Durangu and oiii.-r point! in -un ih western ."olorndii In ulBrlcut numbera lo pruli-cl lh. people, and Iwopa arr In ie,'linn s io in.iv ii need. ii. .gi tit I;.nt tilomow, i lii< r I.-.::, lo, Hr. W.ill:o.? :,tel Fnuik I" Wi. lefl Iruraiigu lo da. for ? <"i. ?., ni-a- wttii iii. Indian i, Im] lu to na them theil foll) and i" omi tl," noni,I". Meanwhile tio u< ni ti.-is of tin- Colorado Notional I Jua rd, In in-over and elsewhere in ile- -i.ii , ni" Kallina: ordei lo go lu Ihe li-o'it. lh. I,i.ll.hi have Rom- link to Ihe reacrvstl n, hoi ni outbreak i fa-an d. liuvernor Waite received a .ii patch from Durango nh . i. would ? timi tlie lumi ol Indi rn wi,li, wat headed jre-alerda] np toward Ilia Honli.uni- \ ni Icy .I li''. lni.l ibnliged n- r. The dla patel, -aid that a i inrler had Ju t arrtvi-d fi. the oniii nilli n report thal Ihe N..\,.jo bad lamed ?bout ai 'i rei ro "I ii"- rivi r, bul ibal ibej might i. tin .. nt hiv minute lt ., i|i|. il tl! it tliiriv i. tnlly armed and equipped, bad Marted for lbs fal ,,. n-oiii'l". The t-1?. i irn na ilgncd bj Heneral Tar-iey, wbo bat li en I" Ibal pail >>' lbs eounirj for "...'? til..'-- The I tenet-1 h.-.-in- lo tlilnU lb. movement iii lh. Indian iM-roNM tl," river and nark wu* ni'i'lv a ra i- to il'-iiiv.- lite s.lli.-r* ..- Io Ibelr Int. in I'.n . Tin I. -.Lu. prevailed Ibal, ?'''"' re it.-lina int" their nwi.miry, Ike Navajo- would nguiu iidvnnca lu at iii I th .uni make anolhei raid, tl ?i. Cn Inii :. i" Hu I'nluradii I., To me*?l anil. un emergency, ihe ritlx.-*n ol Ibal region have .n armed and mv In retidlneaa lo receive any attaeu. ??-m - MCSDEESD Ills MuTlll.H ASH WAT SS 1.1 St ll KP i;o. iiioiii. in April ?.'?.. Burt-. ? _- ?" lute fellow, pare Mmvll ap lo Sherill Bnrbanh to it?v with itu- itatemenl Hut be bad amrdewd Wi mother. 'Mn. er who were ?> t.t ? ? Bi-rfce' ? hmo ? |,i.lli.I oil a l""t III.' bod) of li.- \a.-.1. A'.-ol'lln t,, the -'"iv i.aa i,v Main.' Iiurke, be Wtfoi borne mle om Monda) iii.i.t. rrarcd --ii!, dilnh ll"' "?"' "? | wm in bed and he -i,,,i tn-i througta lb* ll'-ll'! ?'l-;1'; si,i- slept. An entiled crowd -nu." ':<!"? ti"' loll aud Uura. will i..iou in- Iv nih'tl bef_t*_ awrnlng. -i.v KXTISS Ililli.) FOIBOEED rtttaburg, April _.i.-a r_11111v n.ii'.e'i Banter, il? lili, at West Liberty, I'-im., ? too i"'-'" "'" "f P1"*' borg, rtett pofoonad roaterday- la-flar ralies pii."> iiihi pa-nit ry for market Oe rhundaf l"' Bartered ? j.,.ni of slops and n-itis.. (rom atone uoii bodaei on tli?> -omi. _l*1r of tn.. ,tta ,..|tii which lo tmi lits st,ul.. Among tiie xtnlt -on- found several .tale .p,ti_.- cakaa purl of ti,,, eakea araw Orn lo bia family ?" '?'', :l"-^ tba r.-t u.-re fed t" Ihe chlckenn, ?.: alter ..ll of i,is chicken, were dead Th?, ima . ...... .iii! not warn bim thal 'i" eek?- i*mit?Uni-d l?.l-oii. and tl..- t m.liv. iiii-iuitit^ rt ve chlWriii, ? : [he remainder, lae < iiiM,-..-. were ie?-_ -*? H'i con vulabins. A da-cior waa -.iimmoned. bul ? Bvo-ycnr old l>-- "?- Bead bel. he arrived. Tbe li!'- ol a ti,,,- v.-ni- niri i, di-anatred of. The phyUetan thinks iimt tl.e other members ot t'"' '"""ly will recover, alibtiugh they nre ran iii- ***** reranar i_ t.ii-u-'ii'_ an _i*.-.-iig_ti'.u_ SHE IS A FLEET MAIDEN. THE campania BREAKS ONE RECORD. m.Hi.N'. ntl. TWO ROTC ll ES LOWEN POR A nitST TRIP- MU- PARU REATH 111 ll OVF.R. V.',timi the sh.,,|,,.v ,,f tin- Ooddesa of Lib-riv. and] hall revenled by the Aaahlni 11_rlav-_ about tto- pedestal ol the atat ;??, tl.e t??____niii_- -nt Cunard sti-imc- Campania teated li-' night. She reached Sandy Hook at 5:2. p in v-M'-idav. alter break lng tho maiden record from lJt__-__towB. Sba ?nade tie' v.iva.,. <-i si\ daya, eight hours and thirty-four minutes Uri average rita* ..i ipeed was 18.. knots an hour. Her engines were not crowded from atari to Hnlab, a.fl her olHceraaa. that aha tan only ar three-quarters speed. No r-tlort wai iliad.' tn wm tl.e lani, ls from th" crack American Line steamet Paris, bul tho Cunard nflirinla are looking rorward t.. a content with tbe proud queen ol lite 'lin. Campania covered I distance >.f 2,8_fl mllea she started from (Queenstown Inst Sunday, and passed Daunt"! Rock at l ..?:. p. m. on tiiit day. sh.- mw no trace ot the parla, ami it waa with grim satisfaction that Captain Randall told yest<**-___ morning that be had -'-en m. overgrown steamer out Ballin, foi an ooi n i.-i-.h.i. lin- graceful Paris arrived .it this port early yeaterdaj morning, ami Innded liei passenger! many houri '."fore the big Cunnrder nw. hod Sandy Hook. '1 h.- ait was thick .md foggy yesterday, and tho cedar. At om end ... the room in a pi*. >. ani at thc other ,-mi mn organ. Tlie oflloen <>f the L'nmpnnig arc: Captain Hains, t |,i,|.()tii,er Pierce. Fir. t-<-dicer Talki, Second-Officer Wright, Extra Second-Oflen Dow. Th:i'.l-< illieet ('Ur.-, Fourth-' 'flicer Mackenzie and Chief-Engineer layton. The Campania had i?o lirst paanriig.ia. 1 ot second cabin and .60 ateerafcc passengers, making a total ol 925. Tlie nain.-s of thc kat cabin passenger! were: Edgar ii AUter, William AaderSSB, Roha-rt Anderson, Willla? ah-:-. <rins_-r iii natl nag C. BaeBwIia A-h mon. C. E. Atklaaoa, John Aii'-lilnvnli\ .Jinni's Hun. I. ll H.-iK.-r, Il B, Bamford, A. J Rai?M, \V. F. Bear-alee, Mrs, Baardaleii, Lord Bennet, I. V. Imr, M,-- Birt, 9. iv iiii. .-vii, Mn. Blackwall, W. P. Bouverie, Robert Bejrte, Mis? oi"<*- Brewaa, Mi*- m. ii Bre?-M li. Braaaer, T, I). M. Bam*Mo, CeneUus C. v. Burran, i-\ ... Barton, c. Brree. ulargs t'tut-t-iit. Phillp i: Claaa, Hm Rsv. Dr. Coawey, Kr.nk <'"tt. W. CuUinC, Ms. Bay, Mr. Oaf, ii. u. Bea*, i. W, Besets, Mrs, B-tnla, \V. I". Boaga, Paul La M. Breast, Mis,, a.. Byaa, ,i. w. 1 alu "iii-, i. .1 navel, .Imii'-s Finlay ISO, ;r . Ml" M. i m.,n-. I" i ..i-i. .1. Porahebn, i> r>. Fraser, Tbooaa, jr Mis. ii lt, irii.iiiiti-. i . I-;. Goad, Mr*, (toad, V. a. I.. ..h. i. J. L. ileeA Stephen Oalder, Mi Oaather, w ?. liaater, HIM ** Had?ad. Ml-- M. E. Hadlaod. a MsrHa, ... I-:. Henderaon, Hamuel ll< iikin-.. Mr- li.. Hyland, Mr. Illingworth, a. Jacobson, JsKea Jet ah ww, Q. H n .Lam's. \|... James, A, B. Jafcasaa, Mn. Inhaaaa, M.-s .,., ??? Ken, Mi-s L II. Kin.-. tiidre* Laing, c. laajole, Charis* Lancaster, Mn, l.m :>-t- . Fred I*-*, ... ll. I. --. M. T. Lefebvre, E. C l.'-.h.T. .1 I'. I.ea - Mi-s I.,?? 1-. Mrs. W. Ughtbety, [' A, I.i -lit! "ih-, Mirari l..|.,;i\. I Lansdale .1. W. Mil, In. loah, lt i. .'.iii lt h. v-I Mrtean, Mt- Mela an, .1. A. MN. ai. '-. I'. M'-ll'-n T. M Mlll-r. C. A. MR hall. i i i. n M.---r-. B, E. Mo gan, Mia, Morgan k. O. Manay (tba Mii.t.-r ur I'.iii.m,; iamea Marrar, -Ira. Murrar. Harold P. Masker, Mi--. Alka Maur >-, ^__.-?-J ? ??______ad3?-"--': us ton. -'nWAtmti.ti.tttJrt^AwitaWn^.ttrtj **^ ,,-..?,. ? -aa.tinrr n,i-^|?TiV_fii<iit|iia???"_"_'-"_"-*??_' ^aWa... _* . .*. r . -*. V, .V? a .'. ?'. .'rt a ? a t ? - a ' J-7 **_?_?;-fir* ??-_ ..: - " I ? Till'. CAMPASI \ Campania aral not sighted from r'ire Island 1 nd. r ti..* cover .1 the misl ahe glided pasl ..Sandy llo.,k and dipped into Quarantine jual a* the sim pinking bl-Ion tbe horizon I . health officer permitted hei to |0 on l"r \.*.y lo her i-i'-r af ti i ? I rid . I -lie went as fal .. - Hedlow'! Inland, when- she mat anchor anti i, \i.i,o.<i h'st night. < iptuin ii it ght that the handling ol tl..- big -tcamci at liri pier would he atte i le I with . onelderable rb-k. He cone kided to wail until '. o'clock tin- morning. Vernon II. Brown, ? ?? senior mcml-er ol tha- Brm representing i raid Steamship Compons in thia city, arent down lo the iteamer laat crenlng on the mail noni I'!- tclier, and sent hark a message In which ? sid tl ai all wa- w.-ll on hoard the monstrous ?.. .-.I H.. spent the night aboard, fliers iras a crowd of .urloui people at the i -ni nd p .-r ! ntl erei In ? to iee the big I amp mia \aari--si mt., ],. r berth, and there waa a crowd ot .li-:a, ?,. .nita i .."iiio ?rheu ti.Iflelnls announced ti,a' the il ? ?' lea "? I er and ? ? until '. .. ta t . ? I. ? voj .." "i the near i mai lei was attended by no serioui accident. Atti leaving tl.un, where site 'Ai- visited by man*/ prominent -, iii,, i 'uni .iv! i si rte*) out upon a arno .tli ? ?a, md arith i doudles sk** overhead Vow v. mils w.-ra. m.. lent.-, and the big bulk rei-teal lightly upon the boson ol the raters, fin "ipili .-. there - re lighl westerly wimls, and on tire dav following lhere came chill 'lasts ir,.m th. north. On ii.'- Iii day the Campania ma?le ? run of l.'r knots. lt \\,is nol Until 'll. ill - da.V that th.- .inri,i-' -.teamer breasted momitalnou! wnres, .in.I i r tlie Brat tune felt the |mwer ol Old li -can. The da* i?v:m with light st "--? iii-t winds, v.l't.h freshened a- daylight faded and when tba passengers sal In the dining saloon t',at nigh! a (jaie was howling al th.- lu. steamer and sending ft' manies nf water turning against h?-r non aides. Vet cn thal dnj the log ol the Cam panLa allowed thal sin- had marie a rmi "i _o.'l niles, til.- last, -t ul,oh s|?. made on lier trio. Chere were many forlorn nnd meick pa* -n-.-is thal night who could "ii1, lu- in their berths and listen lo Ihe i-plaahin. "i tiie water and the howling ol Ihe gale I he hi. -*. i ri little hectic I tis* hoai ? mai ol tl..- waters and the chiding ?' the wjniU, mi when nu I'ii ??'?. lhere caine a itrong gale from lite west with violen- minali! and benvy s.-a., alie a inn ol |..u knots. Votordiiy th" weather wai thiel and f? ). and she run ex t I'-ni"'-, al in .- approat-hcil the Ania i ican 'oast, li. .ni i.n \.-i.-iil:.-. until she r-aehed -*iiii\ Hool. :,t ;,: .? i |i in si,,, ran o.*i miles Tin- i un- i.f tin- va -s -I wen* as i .How - 17.., |ii7, IS.'I- ilKI, 1.'.',, I'.', and Ila 11 - a eh i'i"- Worked an.tidy, ami site \> is not loin} -.1 h heated i'liii nala or tam li '?,.,, r: > i apldin llni>is ira cu in! lit tit -I the I-i.- vt M ill I--..-, awn* th.- record when si,,. I, prepared lui u tooil mee I he -los' ,i. i ol ti,,- i ampania, Hr. White, an I the constructing engineer, Amii u I.un.. were lioth on Imard ti." vna._-| Th.-y Ihiiii. thal tl." Cuni llama h.i* dmwn all lin- nun kn ol i th.igh '.'??ni racer. Tlie maiden voya ?? ol tlc- i ii\- ,,i l_ril ll ni ','.li'lnUi: IN..- ina le 111 r-i, days, a-v-lita-a-n h", lift, three minutes, the Teutonic on her inii'ioii trip has i n?eord ol si\ day*, loillt.-a-n holli., forty-five minni"-, anl Iii" Mu jostle nf si\ days, ten hours and thirt* minute-. I he I'iin ina'ii- th.- trip which ended rcstirda.v in -i\ 1.1\-. - \ hunts and lilt) ids inmates, reckoning Irom Southampton, a distance ot :,! :. n.ile-a li..- Campania ia the larges) sti*am*hip adm' H.-r length over all ls tl.I; breadth, .?*. ti'nie, .."' feel :i inches: depth lo lipper ileok, |: feet, ami gross tonnage about i .',. ton* Iii" vessel has a at ra I ht st,-ni and elliptic stern, topgnllanl forecastle and poop, with doa-* bul narks, and two tier- ot deckhuuiaes, Sin- ts lilted with two inti ol triph*-_'*apuii*ion engines, snell s.t capable of indi.-.ititi- 11,00(1 or I ...OOO horse-power. These aro Btted In separate engine rnoiii-, there being a lividing centre-line bulk? head, titt.-.l with water-tight doors. I h.- cueing! in..mi.I tin- huller rooms gre dotihlp, th.- Intel vening apace being Wiled with a material which i- at on-.- a lion-a-a iii, 11. a tnt- ul heal and Mil nil The ventilation throughout, Loth i>\ natural and al titi, hil lit.' iii-, ls ti.>.i.rn . ll llieie ii ample accommodation i"r 4*10 taloon, 180 lecond-cabin, and about ;.i I steerage pa* n lera, Tlie liesi apartments, and those mos' sumptuously titted, are on tba main, uppei ani promenade decks: but Ihe lower-deok ca binn nre finished In i fashion that would h?- perfection 'mt fur the luxurious surroundings elsewhere. The rntrnnce to the grund staircase li on the prome iiii.i.. deck Like tba itairc _?, if ii teakwoc I, and a largo .l*vli_lit I- in it-* Ivory-colored ceiling The banquet hall la Iff- feet !"n_ ani ni feet broad, :iini aioiin.I it- tables lhere ia Bccnn_.mol_ tnm foi im pnasengera. lt ls in darb mahogany, and thc style i- B-odHle1 Italian Tho settees and Ile revolving chair! around tlie tabb*! arc no liol-ati-i.-ii in dark ruaaet velvet, and ott thc -*i le an- prettily deelgnad ourtaina. Ihe draw? ing-room is in atyle Behaiaaance. The walls are ol aatiuu.od, bcautitul!.' caned and lettered with Ioho S'. rn-. T. w. Oakakett, M. Oawack i I. P a-" Mr-. I'"i_\ M-ss | M IViasI-.., Jntai I'll i rn W. ll. Platt, Thomu T. Power, ll. M. Pratt. P. A. Pratt |- i pratt, W. C. Putty, Mia- Baa-ford. Ul ,'-,,.',.,,.? \..| I*. 'I ic. l'i ? i -s-.i-.-_ a a,:, -ni Dublin), I. \' Hli :,:-!-. M ll ii. ? - W I'- he t-m, Mr-, til? la ni I. Il. Ms- Book, W. ll Bothwell, W. E. H. \ , Mr. Se*;. a i. m -- gejrkati -, J. ?' ? - s , . \ s . . A rthnr S logab . ll ' H. Kml _, La. II. Sroltli, Mi? .(ate- C. ?ir.itli. . . . - lerlund I.. I. C, Bpruaiftre E. K, Stewart, w sall ? . .*-.?- Sullivan, s. .*?. - ? I 9, Kylie-, Mr- *-.? - W ll i j'" c Dr. J. L. Thorne. Mi-. Thaine. Mr. i - :.-"[?. ll. W. C. T.."'!l>. Mra. I -'Mi". M V'au R .-,:i.. .-.ii-- Van ** halck, Lr Vincent Vera, T. ll Warner, I' A. Weinberg, .t- Welnrteln, Mr. Wrtalitd, I.. .- Wentworth, M ..-.? D ?>' Wort:', Mlaa Whittle, Mr. Wigan Oen reWll.i vi'' rt Wllro., tl. H. Wlndeler W, v Vate*, w ir. .i"i,n-":. Mr. S'atloo, Mr. ind Mra. Minor, -.. il ii"'-I--. Mi lill! r, I, Bebro, k. BnapUn II. .1. V, tl ii-'- !'? 1- leam, .lunr, ail M SUICIDE OF AS UNENOITS YOUNO WOMAN v MY8TI ky Til VT l-l Z'l.l s j ur; , mi \a,-> _? >I.l<T. vt un i m. h. ii i r.iisi's -\ mis ? nv - ? . , April -J'.', '"i ii ?_nt> In -.ic,11mi's iind-r laktng ? tal'll nenl Mei the dead body "f ? pearns amman aboui whom nothing I- known, mee thal ah* n lt'.- the tnt.if Mr-. Al under. Per finely int f.'iiar. s da-note that hhe c.une from no COBUBon birth. \ i:-.--"'--i-:iii.u'i at the Soutaern Hotel an iVabaah-ave., discovered Ihe woman*! t-odv In her roiain thi- afternoon arith ? rotor in ber hand and a _? around In her \H ibal is known "f 'ii- da-ad aramaa I- thut she rame io th. hotel mi April 18, la < wpanj with a ge I lemon "Uh a fail heard, who registered Mr. ani Mi Alexander, Sea Y ark City, Thejr were min h together and - n Frldaj I I Ihe man I-f' Hie elly mylng lc- would return Mundar. The police have ti" lo v..ii, upon, Xo note or arning aral lefl li iii.- room. \ pair >t -:.*??- marked "Alexander, Tm.-v. illili -t. mal Mn !i ave, N.-iv Yuri,." an I I , ird riving the nan.' Boss B. BnrghoM, Mo. l i'? ve ? One-hond d i;id-tw?-nty nlnth-at., Sew-York, wa f,'im.I. I'pon s.i'no of underclothing the let'er ??i:'' appeared, .n > reason can be assigned tot the deed. I re li ic nam- In the City Pit. torr ipellei ' BlirgllOld " 'I' ." H'.:i----i to I ? .ntl:-"- _-|v.-n above i- i .it nf VV. ' . r. Berg i.'i'i. thc well known cap ' i 'i ni po'la-e, - . '-.- li"tii" I- al Xo. 1 I- wv,I , me .:.:?? I ind-tvvi-n * neventh st. In Ihe lllri-etnv np pearn ' ie nan ..( Vndr ? Vloxnnd r, I dealer in md ? , lal So. :.7 .-I*.' .,\. ., at ti,.. , uii'T ? I Twi-nty-i i ri - -. J TOWS ll" u:l> IN i <>x ri:MIT. rnorBl.K ir ri i.nv-i. wi yn iii.-ti i; COfKTT, "\-, r \ i "\ ri kti ii i i.i i nox. The ti nj,], growing trill of the rcccnl lown election In IVIlir.m, VVa-si a-hester i.Vmnty, |0r i-unervlaor, b* inn I i ? i-.- [r ? ise \. t ul ii . At Hie town mea' III - la t month a i ;.,1.1 I the int.-, allowed illat WU ll un Mi Mil ii-, the Itep dil rm i an Udale for Kuper vlmir. ai i I.. ..ii over rSherman T. Pell, Democrst, hy :; vole . and ihe election waa so cert Med. ?-??. ? I days I Her frla nd -t Mr. I'.n .lem ind d u r.uni, villi h im, hud, -"Ult He- re al: thal Ihe Democrat lc . ii.aia',- ?.i- declared elected bj HA majority. lt wa- nlla'Ca-d Unit nu luiiot- ron faining tit" name <>f e Dei it lc nd ii.? had Leen t ?rn behm th- per. i lim . mid i ? in ?? Mr. I-VII waa defmuded ot ihat nu min ? The di. ti.! of ihe Ra puliilcnn coi iWale did nol lake klndlj to ino :,, tum of t:,.. t,,wn i,. ard, ni a-bla I. Ike Dei.rtiDc candtd-ite was ;i meml-er, und made up pllculbin to Judge l-ykmai for a "ii; command In. ll." loivn I.., i,l |n illina.ii,- nnd recount lite kill il li ? v tail,-at ti, i|... ami When Ileli? lli Hon sn ra-r-orti-d lo -lin!." lol,mm \.-t,i-ita. he ii.iiii-.i ihe n..-I..1.-:-, of (hu ii wu i...nil In contempt, Ililli lill pi il a tin, ol *--.'.l? aral a -? nialia . o( UilrtJ il iv in Hie i.,univ lull in i-i , h (;;-,-. 1|?. defend am- ii- ex Sup. rvlMir IVI1. .li I.ii P. Iluirkins, l lail.s Wand mil Billilli Wt. t, i lions.-. Mi, rltr Jlullv h .- ii,- ' !'!? r ot un. si lot- ihi oil., lula, / M lsi: BILLS SIGNED. '."Vi i;**- 'ii iM'Ui.i: Ai'i'iinj i.s im. iiii.iy i: ?'! > ii \.\ii i;; .< i y \mi m.mints. Albnny, Ainu sp., tkivernor Plower r.-mr.l from N.iv "nil, tats pfler. Before Lavin,: the Execu? tive ? humber for the daj be ai'iu-uncrd ibal be bad Iglied ta." .Mli' amendment* to thc Excise law of ia:i y.-.i'. known as ihe Poley, Roesch and Tracey tali, a lilah, .vin, chapter, in and -'-i ot tbe laws of 1803, loiistllitte Ihe amt ire cm Ise legl lallott of the pi-.-,nt year lu date. Tba principal rhaaiDM are: l mil no lh i-iisc rxcepl n druggtat'i or store I.,. i.. - Hui," si ail h.- is-a.-at iq i pharmadst. lin- po - -ll -ll I ? v Ol v hoi- -ale licenses for various piiu-i i- .ni ult i.v |.io\i-l..iis ihat avery llcenaed p. i-siau -hali iii in illy be lulen-led in iii- Imaliifoa al ||ll |'l ll I- ll' "lls.'ll. The privttigB ni a aril of certiorari hereti'fori* i,, to iiii"s iii .:ii,.'0(. in?-btlunla, ls extended, ;i, i.ail lici-iisis only, lo Other ilii'-s and towns. Youn noan - Ol ,\i ls,- lia) tn,' l al other Illili I thiiii ihe I'u-si Monday <>f May lo consider application! na- iu ci,s,s oinde it. good faith. OS'S BDtTOS ASSAULTS ABUTS BE Pittsburg. April '_'?'? William K. Willa?Wk editor and li.oi-.-l"''.: of ?? Th" Milln hc-tcr I'l-ltlc," A. g, M.'lilians!., adltor of "Thc Allegheny Wotto,' ??ii ii. av er ava,., Allegheny, about it a?efaek this BMgn lng. The H_?it waa ihe reauH af eertala urti, les that h ,vc I.ii pub Inked In ' Hie News" dom tim- ta tune Allin a,: . m. inn-., wei'.- mentioned ll was gam rally lUp|.a| Hail ll-- Hill'la- :il.riil to Mr. U'liilallls ,i,i,| hi, wile. Hie i li'-lilan -als that Mr. Mein li.iiisi-i- ls a la.liv tisi il np mali, ind it will ici-ulrc a dal or two to determine Ms condition. Ile luis two Buy -Cain wounds, caril two hy two Incites lunn. Mr. -t.-inhausa-i- ma.le an Information ak'iilnst Mr. williams 1MB iifleruu-U, .liur_;lii_, ia__i';_.___a.__ a.?ault and butu-ry. (iUESTS OF _____ FAIK UITX MR. CLEVEIAND. THE DUKE OF VERAGUA AXD LIBERTY'S BKLL IN CHICAGO. -r_r. Tiir.rr*. met axi. ???scouted thuol-gh tbs -TT.KITS WITH ELABORATE CK RE MOM Eg -wretched weather gnu, dela tb Tin-: P__FAftA*_10_ra POI MONDAY. TbT IMMIH TO THE TRIBCXE-] Chicago, .\,?ii _tf.__.WUk the arrival of Prswk .lent Cleveland, the Duke of Veragua and Phila? delphia. Liberty Bell, all of the intrinsic attrao tiona retted on by Chkago for the successful openfitc ??- the World's Fair next Monday have safely come to hand. The Liberty Ml reached the .stu on of thc Kort Wayne Railroad laat night, nti.l the President anil tho Duke of Veragua ar rived thia murnini., Loth limier escort front the State line of an Impoatnf ropresa-ntafion of Chi cii.i. ..Mermen. World's Fair, municipal and other ..lli.-iais. The neither has still to he reckoned with, however, and its caatlaaed severity given little promise nf tin- lair skies and smiling sun shine which alone ran nive the touch of appro primeness a-'d seasonableness necessary to an open-air ceremony planned to -.>t in motion a great outrl iir and summer-weather exhibition like that at Jackson Park. Uta hame learning clouds and raw, northeast winds wlivli have nude April herc another February, continued to-day to try the constitutions nf thc committeemen who had te ?hirer in open carriiities on es,-ort duty in tho parades, and to aaa. a gloom over the hopes and spirits nf all who Rcftnod destined to face tho cold and wet awl mud of a, v.ut to Jackson Park on opening day. At the ground's the rpin and tho w.ter-soaked condition nf the roads interfered with much of thc work to lie alone out of doors, thoutth insldo the bnlldlttga rapid ami encouraging pro_.e-* waa made toward a compl'-to installation of exhibits. It is plain that without a day or two of sun? shine tba t-rounds themselves and the approaches to the park can't be gotten into an entirely mtiiw factory state; nor can the smaller buildingH or thc exhibit! in tho main buildings Iw made wholly tendy for inspection by Monday afternoon. Yet en..uuh can be done with favoring weather and foreoal hours of labor to jjiv? the Fair, both within the hulldtnga and without, a creditable appearance of compli-t'-nessa-iiial, no donni, to that with which any other international exhibition was Hrs**, formally thrown open to aJjhlBiaTH The long hlddea sun --.niggled through the clouds sufli eiently this afternooa to fire for im or ten minutes B gleam of hepo and encouragemamt to the workara at Jackson l'ark. But after a brief and despairing atrngglo with the clouds the sun light diaappeared and tha -Mea were obscured again with a thieke_l_g veil .f mist and rain. Hie wimi coatinoea to Mow threateningly from the lake, and tba weather si-.nals on the top of the Auditorium tower point to a continuance of tia- disheartening conditions overhead und under foot whi.-h. after ruining Inaugiiiation Day and the naval review 'ti New-York, toom to menace., i>v a singular fatality, the aneeeaa of the even greater National function <>f neal M imlay?tht formal opeulag af the < olanbiaa Tair. lt wouiil li.- hat-1 ii, tell which of tilt- three im? ii. u tani arrival, eworted mun the railroad ela? tion out Mi.-hi-an-uvc. to-.iay created Um tn?-St narked impression on the t bieego public which Inta-d the streets to applaud their triumph?I progress. The Duke of Veragua bad tha .li-tinc tion of being es'-ort.-d lirst from aha station iip tMvn, pnd lu- itamage to tha under the guidance ol Chka-io'a police, soldiery and other lepteaentativea af ntuaielpal dignity and virtue .vis in ijve.l with BB enfli'i'-iiisiii which even tha rigor! Of tia weather co.lld not chill. The Ald'*T nieu and athel ni'-eiala in the escort .olumn role proudly in their rarrbifea, top down, o*.. poetn. thetnaelvea without a inunnur *o the ]inciimonia-l;nie:i gusts from the laka-. The Duke and his party hal tht .nol sense to eloee tbemaetvea In tiojlit and take no chance-* with thc Chicaco climate, mon- a-spe eially as the Duke's brother had bec.; taken ill .eetenlay on the way from New-Yoric, ann w:is Ulld -r a .loct'.r'.s care. The cania,..- for the Duke's stat.- had been Ulled with flowers, which tlie ladles of the party earried In huge bunches in their anns or on their Ups. Arriviiu Bl tha Auditorium the Duke waa formally presented with the freedom of th- city by Mayor llirrison, who c uild, no doubt, have spo-e.i his presenta? tion addresa in Spanish, I itt nude it in plain -.nallah out of deference to the I hieeg- public The arrival :>t the descendant <>f Coiunabaa w*-a mndo the occasion apparently ot *';-* paMfcatiagi in th-* local nea -popers of an account nf an attempt to steal t!i" ashes ,,( bis illustrious ancestor irom NB of the Wort l's Fan buildings?the rrprodaetion .if th.> Convent <>f i_i R.ibida arher-* thay w-te ___-? i.i.-ii to real in a ghi** ant Tl.e enter priaing thief was detected, li"\v.-\.-r. aeeordlng t.? the aa_ count, and thc urn recovered nnbri hen?a h:ip;>y termination of the ineident ia vi-w ?>t the arrival i- the city's guest of Colnmbna'a lepteaeatativa and I cir. I't.-ulcnt I l.-v. land and his party r-aclu-d the ritj shortly after noon, about taro hours after tho Duke, and was escort.'! with somewhat similar honors t.. tlie Ia-Ington II"ta>l, an the Smth Mil,.. The prue..-sion in honor of Ihe President was longer, aud made np largely af eaay-aoing local militia, while tlie military magi oi tho Duke cam.- in larger part from thc regaler trenna fiann Fort Sht-rtdaa, who more than eenpeaaaled i-i- their numbera by th.- genuiae BUlltary char icier ot their escort work. Thc President was not to i?' outdone by tlie Chicago AMenaan ami ? .th. i- otlicials, and rode ni an naen c,irria_c, braving the 11k?- winds as they .lid with potm I '.a.ency and etna..'. ile did not liff his silk hat, however, in response to the eheerlng which -tact-il lum along the imit", and nobody siw tin- plaater, it there was une, on the awkward s,:i)i wound which h** hal suffered ha Saar-Ygft*. President t'leveland baa been In CM?NP in*_ t|ueatl. ami bb appearance was tamili-ir. Greetoi ? urn. itv. perhaps, was manifest.> I aiver the fab. ian-r diaeoveriea af the new Administration, of whicli Secretary Mok.-" Smith gat, naturally, the greater shari'. Tha reeenna euMev Au.hew Johnson, which had ancliora-al on the I.ikar* af tin' front nf the Au li*, iium, tired twa-nf -on" '.'lins as the President's praee__teQ pa_*ed, lt taking nft.-a-n ar twenty minutes to acooiBpliah tho salute from the Jehnaen. anti. ,-iiata.l T.nttery. The Duke of VeMgM had been honored earlier with a saltifa- of Mean ii ii ns, in neeordanee with his Vlee-Adnurara rank. The Pra-siili'itfial party will bc over Sunday at the Lexington Hotel, returning te VTaahlngtan after thc conclusion of the crcnionias- at Jackson Park. The Philadelphia Liberty Boll waa drawn through the atlanta with much tlu- same eivio and military display us that offered to the I'reni ala-nt and the Spanish Dak* during a brief inter? mission this nfta'Nioon hctWWM showers. The cracked bron/..- relic was placitl high on a plat? form aa B wagon drawn by eight black horses, and its progn-ns to Jackson Park, where it waa inetalled with appropriate aaeaawnb ~. excited much popular interest and enthusiasm. The recent action ol the National Commission on the question of aatBW.Bg Sumlay closing leaven tia- general b-pen_tan beta thal the National I > nunissioii will allow the Local Dtreetaff le do piactkitlly what it plgaaM about tuiien iii),' the Fitii on Suiulay, and that the local di? rect will avail thom_elvcs of this indifference to apaa the gates at the lirst opportunity. One* opened, tho nates cannot bc closed, of oewf%