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LAIDLAW SUIT DISMISSED. RUSSELL SAGi: WILL NOT HAYE Td PAY HIM DAMAdES. JLsTlCE ANDREWS DECIDE*- TBA! THERE BfAB XO PROOF THAT TIIE P1.A1XT1FF WOULD HAVE BEES" S*\F1.II IN ANY OTHER POSITION TH AX THVT I.N WIIH II THE DEFEND-NT PLAld'.ll HIM -AX APPEAL TO DE MADK. Russell 5"age will not have to pay n rm! to William R. Laidlaw for the injuries wblcb 'be tatter received In Mr. .sage's onie when Xoi-cro--- .xplodul a d> na mite bomb In lt on l.eceinl?er 4, 1001, "*<>, at leant, .lii-dlre Aiidr*-\vs, in tb- sup:, un- Court. ieoMoi >''?-> terday. but Jooeph II. Choute on behalf of Mr. Laid? law declared that Uie cns-' would he taken to the Court of Appeals, und lt ls po-dble that Justice An? drews may be overruled. W-tOtbec or nol Mr. Sage actually did am Mr. Laidlaw Bl a -hicld for htnailf WlU never be ]udtrlally d-tcrmlned nnlc-s a nata trial -? EX-JUDOE NOAH DAVIS. taken Mr. Lildlovr " gently by the lund'' rind eoaoed Um to move a few lori Um probabilities are that he would have beru blown out of exlatenoo. Ht- ebal leiigrd any one to mg Hint Mr. Ludlow wns In u _alo position but for tho action of Mr. sage. This point about whether or not Mr. Laidlaw wa? lu a safe position, and would have imaged uninjured but for tbe action of Mr. Sage, wu- the point on wblcb thc case was tinully determined. Ex-Judge Xoah Davis lollowed (ob,nd .lani-s. and he declared that tbe act of laying hand- upon a P'-r aon constituted u violation of the rights cf thal per* sou, unless Justifiable or excusable. Ibo consent to iiich an act must not be gaiin-d by lratid. Mr, Mtge, he said, hud laid hands upon Mr. Laidlaw after he bad received a terrible warning, rind Mr. Hag! must bave realized thu! ha was deall ig with a lunatic. ?? I Socs any OM suppose," be nrk-d, -that If Mr. Laidlaw iud known whut had pmasd bdw?B Mr. nun:- und Maralan, be wt uld bare allowed Mr. J USRW m V^XiMtmV latte ws mt Mm ^f^^a^^^^^. JOHN* F. DILLON r-FEABIBB FOR MB. S\<;1*. gage ta place him between him and tbe noiduird' He BOOOrted thal Mr. Oege, In laking hold of Mr. Laidlaw's hard-, aaa gullly of au iib gal oct, vdiidi mu:le him liable to Mr. Laidlaw. Jsi_tice Andrews taterropted '.b*- orgasm it lara, and said that tlc* Baportata point In bis mind arm nrhother or not Mr. Sag.- by bl- act. bul ri moved Mr. Laidlaw from ii place of safety to on- of dancer, lind whither or not proof BB thi.t point BM nec.-Miy. Hr laatraeted lha caaaael io aaaBae itamteeivee i<* these two point*. Aller neem ex-Judge Darli bogia bte argoona! BOOdn, and OBOO more he wm interrupt!-., bv Justice Ar di ea*-, after tu.- gal bom apeahtBg for ii tow ada* lites. ThO Ju tier tu ld that Ho Jury would cVci be altewed lo lind thal arbon B roon: lui! been com? pletely .battered and two men killel, a mun lu thal room <i uid have aoeaged u.iinjur-d. ll- vooM beor Ibo eomud on the other side, however, en tho notal lnadr by Hie plalutllt, that bis Injuries svere ell on ih tefl ride, mut were rattaed hv the fact Hint Mr. Sag*' bad placed Mr. Laidlaw it: front of him, lu the J. a.Hoi', walch tllCj stood whet, lb- cNph.s on o . sand. Mt. thoo te then ul g i-d forcibly that thi sull was for Hr- particular Inter*-*! uhich Mr. Lund nv hui r celvt-o by tbe Hying mloslln which -trult him by reu-on ot Hi<- fact mat .sir. sage moved him to th. pn-ltion wlik'li h?' occupied wli-n thr bomb exploded. Mr. cboa i- admitted ibat Ibe tajnriea doe ia thc shock were not g..od reuan for complaint. Bul h. , on send ed that 11 araa due to tho parttenter position tn which li- wa* placed that bis body was eu badly lacerated. Mr. -boote declared thal Mr. Laidlaw ought lo recover fur thessc injuries, unto.* the Court decided Hist ll tims.- missiles bad ind -druci him otlieis would have don- -... After listening to arl tbe ar-_.ini.-ui Janice A dr-v - .ltd ll wu*, p-rfeclly pish. Hu' Mr, LlUdteW could not recover for lnjurho lo lils bealing, eyesight and uervous system, which wen due entirely In the shock of thc cxplodoc Their was a teflon of prod. bc uld, on Hu- iilleciiiloii* that th- o' her injuri - hsd been caused by the fart Unit Mr. Sae., moved him from one place to another. Theretne Ute norn plaint must be dl-ii-ls-id. Mr. Cheeta aid thai the cns. would ba appealed at once. The testimony which oran given belon< the mot o', to dismiss was mode inti simply that o| ._ physician In ot. Vincent's Hospital concernl"1! the extent ol Mr. Laldtew's lt juries, and of a lib nd who had known him for year*, and testified io the plaintiff's good health previous '<? the ixploslon. TBIP OF EOWIS GOULD AXD HIS GCESTS. A private excursion party composed of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin" Gould nnd their guests, Mrs. George F. Shrody. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight M. Harris, Mtea Jennie Shrody and Jared O. Baldwin, which left this city oa May ll on a trip as far southwest _. Texas, re? turned on Sunday. A member of the company said ta a Tribune nporter yesterday: "We visited the BTorM-B Fair for eight dayl, and wen delighted with tho mognlfleent buildings and splendid exhibits. Our EDT, tko fionvoj, whlcli lay la Un*) yard* ot tba RL'sSEf.T. EADU LISTEN I.Vf" TO TDK ".R'd'MF.XT. la ordered. But as tbe cns.- stn;,ds at pnoOBt be practically admits all that Mr. Laidlaw Ohargea, for Hie reason that no testimony whatever was put In IO contradict that which was ottered for the plain! HT. Mr. Laidlaw assen,*d that Mr. sage, knowing that lie had a madman in (he office who had threatened "to blow him imo eternity,"* BCTQiaed himself behind a visitor who was in bis offlcr on business and thus lacaped _ei.o.s Injury himself, white the man behind whom be eOBOSai was physically wrecked. From a j man tn robust health be tan-iime almost BB Invalid. Thia was the way In which Hie case stotrd after the plaintiff bad put In all his testimony. Then a motion was made by Colonel E. C. Janies, who was tbe leading counsel for Mr. Sage, for a dS-!ii!s-ul el tbe complaint, lhere were mooral grenada fm this motion. Colonel Janie" said that Mr. Laidlaw's Injury was tbe result of au unlawful act to which Mr. Stir* was not an accessory. He dw-lared thal lt had not beru proved that Mr. nape bud been guilty of any wrongful art, and that Mr. Laidlaw had failed IO prove that his Injury was 00000. by Mr. Sage*! BCtlm. Nor had lt been shown thal Mr. gage believed Xor cross would carry out the threat which he had made. Coloael James declared that If Mr.<- bad not vCahn-h Railway, served a- a hotel. Mr. Gould was ddrputed willi the asceleat condition of the roadbed."1 J TESEXES'THOUSE IS A BAD COSDITTOS MEET!Nd Ol' THE LADIES' HEALTH l'RuTECTI VE taaoriiTioB bibb bi -hrixklix'' M"'ti:m COBDKMBED. _ho in-eiiiu ol the Ladtea' Health RmtecU-m Aa. iodation Waa held iii Ihe bom- of Mrs. llcrrnum, No. -il) We t 1- lft>- .six Ul -si., yesterday. Thirteen m? Lei- wer- pr.iii. Mr*-, lletea Mel preaMed aad Mm. 1. Hird was secretary. Report- ni th,- various coinniltti-s were r-ad. Tin" report of tbe InoaureT showed thal th- association had i* balance In Ihe hank. The Tenement Hoam Cmnarittee reported thal ih. big Imemenl hon? Ko, :.:?.> Ead Oeventy Unst ?i. waa in a bad malton caadlHoB. it wai decided lo report Hi- Imam to tin- Health Hoard. HMO Dartella, ol thoOomaBttn on the Condition or otreeta, ngOVtOd thu! "Ihe street BprlnhMai system I- a fane." Thr Street-, .-h.- said, weis- ill a bad condition. Bbc al-o reported th*M Ihe public dump at Seventy*, t. wa- not heil property. A rewluBon wai I-a-sul condemning the lysteai ol street sprinkling. A o! Ci- resolution will lie sent to the Mayor. DISAPPOINTED HY Tilt: WITNESSES. THE COMMISSION nOLDS ONLY A Ultl El' S1.-M0N. nie opening scs.-lon of Hie Fairchild iBVeotlgnttBg Coiniiil-slon teated les., than thlrtv mtautm ireoter* diiy, bul all of ihe commissioners aspect t*. gel ths'ir *l*s a day and expenaea Just lb*- same. Thc coiii iiu--lo!l suet in ti,- Large Oflice at 10 o'cloel" lind remained ta merri eoaauttatlon for som" lime befor the floors were thrown open. Tb WO was hoi a wit? ness on hand When ibis wns done, but the Oom* mteeloaaco did nm hare away minutes to wuji be? fore Appraiser Cooper, with a bundle o! daeiUBOBtl iu bis nrins, ciuie In. Instead or putting him UPOB Ibe stand they hud a secret consultation with him which li:-ted nearly half an hour. The monbon of thc commission seemed to be much agitated when thc Appraiser showed a numttcr of documents to them. Thc Appraiser was greatly In * urned. Alter this discussion bad lusted for some time Daniel Mu gone, ibe ex-Collector, said to Hie reporters ibat a number of orttaoaM had disappointed the commission, and Appral-cr Cooper was not gulte ready to testify, so tbe open hearing was delayed until to-dav. Appraiser Cooper said lu the afternoon that bc was prepared to thaw by thc .invoices on Hie that th"- linn of J R. Bim (IB 4_ Co-, whose Invoices li I charged .1. c. Wi-wall, the examiner, und-rvalucd. had paid over gBOjOOO lu uddlllonul duties and peii-illles In 1001. ??Hew- lons a period do these Invokes covert" '?only one BOBOOB." WBi Hi" reply. Thc Appraiser added that he wu- ready to testify that most of thc .-tuff told by bis rieeogtopber, Mcphen \v. itaiiBll. waa **tatao." Bnaoeti is occupy? ing a peculiar position, lh- bas no* been ut work duct* bc gavv bl- lestlni my. rind bc aral ihr Ap j,raiser beith leeton Hint be |,ns nm been suspenden. ll- is -nil on the payroll, however. Bassett ls the man who, during tho Investigation of thc eughr frauds. In tb*- closing days ol Mr. Cleveland's former administration, refused io ir-ilfy, on tin- ground ibai bc wa-* u I'l-Utideiitlul clerk. SVSIBBSS OF TUE CMVERSITY COTSVlL The l'nlverslty Council held Its lad Beseting 'or thc preeeat OOHege y-ar on Monday night. The following member! wcrw pi*V-?ht : Willlr'in Allen lintier, William fi. Opdykc, Boen H. Mooree, <;.-orge Munro, Dr. John Edd, Frederich Buber, Israel s. ll.-rson, William F., Ibe R-v. Dr. Jlcnry M. MavCracl-en, Charles R. Flin! and Dr. John h. Muuu. Th- paymeaf list weeh of *.-ii>.xxi upon the college grounds at l'nlverslty llclghla was reported by tho treasurer. Tin- entire liability re? maining i.- gl90,000, agalu.-i which there an- pledgei estimated a- amounting to one-third thc mortgage. Lem than sioo.oou win clear tin- University prop? erty of all liabilities. '1 Ut* acting professors of thc faculty of ads and science w-re all m-clottcd tot neat year. A gill of 1.1,WO for a Bftae for tin- h. st essay by :s senior in poBBCOl selene, offered by James Cordon Bennett, wa.- accepted ond i- i i is- hnoom a- th.- .lanie- Gordon bennett Prim. Augustua is. JolUterd, elected io Uta council to st**c<-.-d Hr. .hen XBytoC Johnston, waa udd.-d to the Exi-cnilve ( ominltice. Wondon courses tn chemical analysis ur- betag given In the tir-t part of the Bummer under t_- care ? if rh- prof?-or or cl.-ml.-iry and Hi- prOfeaaOT of analytical *-iiyini-iry. io continue daily for leven weeba. They an open io itadenU who havo ibe nii'-? a ry pri-|.:ir,itloti for laboratory work. Tbe sixiy-lifst university COOUDencemeat takes place to BmrrOW evrnlng t'.i COrnegle Music Hall. Th- alumni reunion li to be held Friday evening in the Cnlventty Building A llvefy Intenot l- -bown by many alumni and un dergrnduatee In contributing tor the Btes lor Ihe new Interntty housei si I'nlverrity Heights. 1**" ol ti,.- fmternlttes hav- aloud, received lubarrtptloni wtih-h Insure th'- succesi of their enterprise!. Thomas >?".!'.?-. oi it,- ola ss ol '*ij, i- the chairman ol lbs tobit committee of tbe aaren! fraternlttei aud te lead lng Hi ? movement. .EV til PORT.1ST PEW TRADE DIRECTORY. The fourth and World'- Fair edition of Bright*! "Australia, india, ci.ina and Japan Tmd- Directory niui Oaietteei " bas Inst been Baned. li al-o in? di. .I-- canada, South and Centra] America, Mexico r.iul Cue Weil Mies, and lt ls -aid to he Hu- most cu,pb te v.or.; of ti,e kind ever Maned. Ii I- ii l.k thnt ls un excellent guide for exporten and manu facturen op*Bing trad- with foreign countries, bring practically the only International directory pubHsbed In AmiTlcu. (o-orge Wright, No. lil I niton st., I tbe publisher._ Sll 1 I'M'RWU El) SEABES llROCGHT TO TOUT. Captain Non*,n and Hu- grew *,f Ihe Aawrican barb lilgriin. wliich was wiochcd on a reel asor thc Island of >and ( av, arrived ber,- yesterday on the Clyde Linc Btenamr Ueorge w. clyde ( Th*- Pilgrim av boond from Philadelphia for CtenJfnegm, laden with coal. Sui May SO IBO Pan upon ri ;?? cf near Band cay nn'i sprang a leah, The crew reached the ebon mfcta in tb- bark*i boats. Tin- .easel wi_- a lot,il wreck aud when righted hy tin- Qeorge W. (lyde a lew days agu was breaking up. TUE CARAVELS START FOR CB IC ADO. Tiie Columba- eara-mte Wpm their Joiirn-y ti Chicago yesterdaj morning ta tow of the Lnchenbaea tug Triton. They li-fi Ibelr and,nmg- in the Xorth River near Ninety idxth-it. at 10:30 a. m., BBd ghortlj r.ii.r noon pus-.<i the Battery uk Ihrir (roy up the Baal River. Hey passed through Hell Qate Into Lon-: litead Bound. The white cruiser X-w.rk followed them and near Fort -chapter tOOh the laate Marbi in UlW, Thc Illira wa- nikon la 'ow by Hw Xavv Vari tug Iwumi ann t(, the Till on was l.-ft Un- tu 1. ul towing ni.. Kino. Tbs caravel! win in- towed tteoug'i tin- st. Lawieuee River und tm- Omul Lakes to I ni cogo. Ai Qoebe* Ibey wBI br taken In charge bv Brltlih tu..-,. lEWACIBS FOR BBBBBW charities. Tin- will of Immt Mielh" ilnci, wlilcb wu Bled Iii Hie Oilier of tb" gBIIOgOM yesterday, gives lo -Mount .-mul Hoepllal -*?-'..*?(?); Hu- Hebrew Benevolent md ? upii_n Asylum society of ih- city gt Bow-York, .'; th.- iioui- for Aged and Inflrm Kebnwa Bl Bew-York, ?*'_._.>o, and tbe MoateBore Hmm for Chronic Invalids of the City or New York, gUfiOO. These b gillie- are lo b" paid imm.dlatrh . Tlc testator, s ._. Hoary ft. Mell Btaaor, r>emtri .100,00:1 lu tunk, and li*- two deaghtem, Mary Anna Henriette aad Jciiiri. Benetta lehotbeBaer, ur,- tock io receive a tru-! fund of Hie siiin- iiinoiint. In addition io I'li? lli.-e diiidi.-ii receive th.- i? Mu. of tin. esUH* The tiartetor Ippothts his ?.ann-r. Alfie! -. Heidi lb.,di uni bi- -ou, Henry r. lehelBrimer, exoeaton ol his win CREDITORS CARROW F1SD Ills JEWELS. Nathan Milouion. mull aboul May 1 a di riler In J.-weliy nt No. 7. Alldi st.. was Birrated by Deputy ' FOX on Monday , v-iiinjT ?,?i lechcd np in Ludlow ______ .ian ou un orici tamed by lodge lugra ham In the -ujireme Court. Solomon was Charged Lv Samuel 1 IrarJd 4 -vin and Taylor Irrotlici-, pawn liokets mal deal-r- in diamond- aid Jewelry in the lowery, win, trying ia defraud ihem hg memtlag bli -I,ck of _?odr. and giving lo bi, ?tfe and other r-iativrs gaaatlttoi of gtemnadi .-md jewelry io Ude ? "ii ,-! the'roach of credltoi-. llru-ki <_ s.n Us-rrt lhat the def.irdani ls Indebted io diem in u?. ima of I8J43CB, and Taylor Brothel ii ptaite lil* liidd.tclirss to Hkiii at P.370O. AceortttOg to Hie iitti<Ja\lt. ol s. Flru-ki mid David C. Tuylor, (he two men vlsi led .-"olcmoii'8 storr In AloB-Ot *.n April 'i:>, and saw i* lae stock ot goods then, whub they valued at .3,<s*_o. -evcral days ugo, when Taylor called agalti. he found Hie place stripped of nil Hie goods, and even. the safe and llxtures wore gone, solomon told him, Taylor d.-jsisi-d. thnt the Sheriff had come ann siln-d all his goods on un execution. Inqulrv on the part of UM plalntllts, they alleged. Beared this atste incut to be untrue. Yesterdny the defendant gave $1,000 bail aud wai released from custody. Exposition Flyer.-tarte.t 1.000-mlle train tn Om worid,-ov._7 d_% bl tho HtmrXvl lAtulxtA, ,-, ' J MK. CROKER WINS AGAIN. DOBBINS (JtTS THE BABTOW STAKES. BOT n.iN_E BBOMGI IS L'M'LArd-l) IN THE winn r.s. Mn- heal wa.- blliidin-.' and bBsteriUg ta Ihe Mt) al | noon yeaterday, and some thou-and- "f people ooo! om to Monte Bart ebtagy to eeo'the mctag, ant ta i port with Cu- hop- of buding cooler air. Il-nrint hu-les played ai>out lae etabhoaae aad ginni itaad, ami min and woona vvim dnnh aothlag with alcohol i ta I', mir li. r Champagne nor nilli! Jd.p. nor anv of j lb. lon;. Ii-i of Iced lliibl- which looa po tempting iii tue gin?, lim which in reality Increime .nattai ta i reducing ihe bodOy lempemtan, and wbo did um iii quiei Ihi militia about the chum-- ol winning or loo tng money on the horses, passed Ihe Bflernooo wint? on; teven mitering Hut the betting ring was teeth* lng with -uiierlict.-,| steam, alni through the BCOM lng mist lilted pallid, -ombre, matlem enatorea, ilk. loot souls (a the phire *,f torment The load pin of the -kies were loosed botan the third race WO! run, und the two tracks soon r.-.'ini,Iel thc murky stream! of tin- Missouri and the Mtealielppl th- d. lug- wbh !i covered the hind from the tremradoaa thunder itornu injured the racing nrlouily, especially thal in th*. Withers Kahrs. With ii dry track the WUh crs would have been dl-puled Stoutly, ta tu-t llmr, with ii elem flutab. In tbe mud and rain Ur. Bice, fl celt subject lo bleeding in the hood, i eost-og from the ('Idcou A Daly ruble piling, d his wh>- homeward w.-ll In front of that cowardly cur Raiabow, willi si, W.-ili.-r b poor third, and Prince George fourth, while ?aether m-an-pirit-d ms al, Lidgerwood, waa next lo la-t, and .Manu- Haly'- 090.000 Colt, slr iran*!.-, wus at the eatreme rear. The Withers wa- ti bllierly gteoppotatlBg race In every way. If ms rain bad fnllen, lt I- probable that an OXdUOg ttraggte would hay- la-en leen. Hui. tn fad, the utfair wai i siruggling funeral pre camion down ibo homestretch, cad tbe tim.*, 1:48. WUS inls-riibh- for this trad;. ll via- oin- ol tb ? poorest specimens of a Withers ever looked upon. liotii Don Alonzo aini Governor Koraher were Withdrawn. Mr. Crok-r Blurted Mace George, and. tbereforc thc withdrawal of Dm Alonzo wus ex? pected, slim- Hardy Campbell trains tte bones both of Mr. Ciokc and Michael P, Dwyer, and the two owner- lardy run their entriea a/.li, ' each other, alt bough BaBgaet did dofeol Lone-! reel ta a race at Giovanna. Rainbow, that degeueiate and uow thoroughly despised son of Longfellow, wa the (avortte in mool of tba betting, bat Mr Wither was backed boldly and heavily, and BO 0 Muir, almost. if not <iuiie, agaa! to ibal of the baching of R_*h,!> ar. Priam George waa third la favor In the b'-tting ring. Dr. Rho, ofter bis eaBapae ta the Brooklyn Derby, dm- to bleeding, was sold by olden A Daly ;?r gb.000 f, 1. Pootar, a colored turfman. The colored followers of thc rucrs put a gnat iiianv small bits on Dr. Rice, but tbe odds against thc colt would probably have been ubout twcnty-liv- l.s nae If Taral lind not ridden Mm. Taral ridbig a Ohettood pong would b<- bodied by so:,."- devotee of the turf agaln-t any athel .arkey riding lamplighter or Dr. Rico won the moa, with plenty to spare at tbe end, but if Uie Jockey.- bad h. ell ehOBgOl li la almost <ertuln thal Bolnbou woaM luive -? cured the sVliln-r-. Cndoubt-dly Bolabow ha> fallen oir Mamwbal -lucy ne oma Ihe BiooMyo Derby, milking a -iroiig pom all the woy With 1-- pound In the saddle but if be had been liddon ta the Willer.- In exactly Ibo -ame way Ifl Which bo wa rldd-n ta thc Brooklyn Derby, Dr. Blue ironic probably nave beea vanqnlsbod. LttUedetd roda Recfeon very w.ll li. tho third rai e In Jud tho right am] ti urta Otth ber, bat he rod- Rainbow with Ul lem skill, discretion and Judgment. The ureB-baowB aad popular "-.tie;*- ,,f the on"*cU siabl- and all their Mead! teat Isis-"- -uni- oa -lr Baiter. Fortoae baa beea niggardly lo them thia nason. Bul Ike uno amy io Bil Walter good, and be may win a rich -lake later. If the iraeh Ind been dry Ibe pam wouM hove bean o amcl fa lei and mon trying that Dr. Bice wottM hove Collen a bleeding almost io u oorUlnty, and dropped out of Ibe race. I! wai tba rain which s'ave bim hu ,>p portunlty. Gideon a Dals regretted Ibo! Ikey bnd -old bim. for lu Hil- ringi* !-"? wllh Iti PIM roch f..r Marton, it- toog lorfrit lat and Hs r:.i-*">.? added money, Dr. Bice w,,:, mom ihoa the ?3,000 tm wim ii tu. y -old bim. Prince George li a raul] <"h. and *i ? nutt 1*22 pound.-, lt BM] I'h- IM Hill h< tad.- flta/lOg power even lor a mlle. Ila.'lv Campbell hal not beea lacmmfal ta getting Vukviiic h. n- te show _ny itsylng quilltei thte iraaof, and he may be ???pull) unlucky with Priam.-Boorga. Vern tnlnen lu this country, or .-iht < tn?*r, run handle al once -?> many high-dan hormi ii an owned by Mr. Crokerand m i Dwyer abd do Justly- to ? Vi ry '"i.e of thom Lidgerwood I- probably bi blat-bearted mlky and nabhed 1 brail ai feet rmi fm the Withers. li? lias an abundance of spaed, bu' Banally nluaei tu exert Mmaolf, *-.r rrrui'i- iiiii*i Improve prodlgteoaly crer ii nianing for ibe win,-rs in order to moke ii worth wi,ll- to nod lum to Chicago to tal.- pert in di Aim ili .ni Deity, and Mar. u- Daly may Ih- compelled 10 walt a long thoo telita li- gd- bach '? ? giO.O i which ii" pui'i for bim. Bat bte yaongei brother, 1 obblns. r><i, well Iii lbs mud and ciiiTl'd off Ibe Borton Blahes, Dobbin- wai ob adds-on favor:'.. es iimi" ot tu- blab-dan two-yeat *i. ran eimliiM him. Sle look up i_.; poonda **id guv? aoay ?elj_ht in bandsomo -ivie. - . Mr. t'rahei captund one id Ibr IWO -tak'- ol HW ihr\ . The t.r-t ini- in the boob nf Cm sleeting ana foi meideu two-jeoi old . Bu many ci,iib- cs mr In t',.,t the .N'.w Yoik .lm key ? lui, grnervmsly divtdrd I brm and gav- another 01.000, makin/ IWu rm . Hen leven r.i,- wei-.- run yesterday in alar* ..j _i_. Ilamilion rub- fur better Bl -Morn- J C..ii al Bli] other na. k. ll*- w,,n holli ol Ilse Bret two inc?. tn- iir-t wirh Assignee, a handaoine ch ?lnui -??. ri gpendtnrlfl and MaM ol Athol, the pmprrtj ?>r He Keen*-., and tlie _-*riind witta Ango I Itelmoot' ilnrilngham. tu- tetter -'-a.. an odds-on favorite. A. i Jovner, Mr. Helmut's trainer, i- bb able shrewd, discreet and careful handler of bones, and Mr. belmont's rolls and nub-, under bl* iudkluu management, will win many prliesi in is.ri. I'l.e belling ring mode Mann- Daly'i III V rt mil sain l.ii.-.i- fnv" rite lu ibe iii,i rare, but Buttbew byrnes nnd good luck ar- strangers --? far itel erason abd -am hue:,- wi- unplaced. Uni BOthlng I -nil I ?? -ii"! In prul-c of the rilling ol Mld.l-y, either on sam Luna, or on Candelabra, In tb- thlni ru"-. The handicapper could hui b- arruied ot l__~hnrn tn Reckon tn pi' lng onlv lld li-, on her, wMle he put p's ot, Kiiti,ap ? ntiil IO- on Candelabra. Bechon is a r< rna rid Me handicap man, a- ike proved many iim?- nt 1892. ii- ww seven on Ramapo in rom pelling him to rive Rrcknsi -l\ lbs. |,\ A ter eau in*, a great d-nl of trouble at the punt, kirking, curveting and lashing about. Hm hoi gin.' hi front. She h*d nil the way, but wa- stopping rapidly ai Ihe end, and a competent ll_-hts.-l.rti. Joi key on Hand*, abra v mild hav"- defeated ber. Ka ma po cooM nit roarede la *. Ibu, lo Rochon and ti? to Candelabra. Bnd arm beaten badi/. In the tlf?li nee wright- w-re j-i tim above Ihe -? il", win, -perla! i-tMUilimi. tttonenel] to_h np ld< lbs and overcome Ion Worth and Monowai. HI-TAILS op thi; RACING FIRST RAI i I-, ii-ni-ii Bro year oMa Opec lal .wi-.iit-. liv.- tartouga. I'ejtln.. tal. V 1 K. fe V. P. Keenes ch. e. Assignee by N.-idii,-ift MaM >.f Athol, iii : ( till Itll lt Ul 1 _ I .l-l I. A. fe A. il Morrl-'- di. ii,,,,,, in iLltilell-d _? 10 1 4-1 "Astro*- *_ Campbell'! blk. e. Bte*". ii ? "I . In ni ri l-l l-l HollUIrr, III. si .,,?. ,, to i ? , s_?, I,,un-, ni . (Midd l< i o c '. i a Marv ICU. 'A. v i\ i. -t..-. "71 ?? | Warlike, ill . i; iiivO ll 0 1 IO | Bab] "'H. Ul oar. ll"'.., lb. I.,,, o loo. 1 |(, . | ll-,,-- ! ii Mutuiis- A-it-nf- ktnlgM 047; plan 010 SO; fi,,,,,., plan 11? -?n Teaorioui did not -.tart. Mary leg tm ., terieng, thea v.,,- pmmd br Iliad. Dava und s-ain Liens, ?,_? .,,?,,? .lue b< iiim). At tba Munta Uki,- ma a greet deal ,.t ? ...nih,,'.' .-,? i ...stun;.. _____ bone teemed beal ??? gulai i? tbe raU. thm Lu:,- om baled hy hire i. lia-.,.. rhooRh ia m -nundi' brain at tba Mme. a--.. ..,,8 eVOT to bria n.,on llb, I; Hunk, aid Orrin. I ,,,,-.| no,,,, Sai-gi.? Tkey aepanied m me ead ead v-i,-.- .,?,, by tvi, i,-i,eilis; Onuaeeeead.thm teagthi brion | li rr gawa wi,,, beal Ham Lom a brod, ii,,-,.- were -cvt-rgl -?,?^ i -iii;- bette* tko sturt, aid a driay or Bften adnotei UHLOBD v.Mi.-in BMlden loo-rear-oMa. i-pxlal vuigiit-. n?a nuteogi, U* tlln.*. Him,ten Millie'- b. I!, Ilurlliirhuu,. lo |; ,, ? ? ,ilii|i lindi,- ll.ul-. HJ I [Damn .,ii | ;i - , , C. PVlnbinaa v ..?n\. tii. _ _?_, j?i. m liam-.,- Mable's br. f. Oulds I0> |**>|ni?l i ii - ?, llnrbc't.,,,. 108 . (W. IS...? ,,. gO -I |n | K""-'?n,r\, ".?Ml. ,r,,o SO. I I. I Aurel tin 111 .... . .M.,,,-, o IO 1 | i ?l|-1''.,V"'i nt . (Tanti 0 i*- i :. 2 Dram Mater, n*. . (Bergeu.o So-l .--i ... '---I 00-9 i?oo!!t^Hawoo,tott ,l;""" T i:' ,,,a", ">*''? " Harttagham Bmpty i,iar,-d wim bte hoi,*.,., u-k m. the mooted ui ti,- -tan v.,. baid brid ..ii mm oay ami u?? In a common ilnt.T bv tlir*. laogtbe; Bt, Juli n mimi. a length mid a lulf bcf?r, Oubte, who llarrlaitoti two lengths. ii,e MOedaaeeak i.air iverved _n ava ti, mano, but teteOfUOd with nothing. IVrraiiln was Wttb* OmWB. Diam Major w?? oiitiuu from Ihe itnt. TH UH) KACE-Handicap. (>?,, ,,,,1,. w(\ . -,ixt.*nth. lieiiln-.'. J. A. _. A. IL Morrl;'. (h. m. Wg ko... by S' Pliur?Hcrhapi, 4 yr?., Hg g ? . ,, _ ?? r. *_. . (Llttldleld) 1 ?-5 1-2 J. R. A V t. Keene', h. h. Candelabra, 4, 10.1 ? ??. tkHtreletlS '6?1 4-5 Oldeon and Daly** cb. e. ___maj_i h. 108 .. ? _, 1A. iHamllton)*! 0-1! t\~S -M-Uulton. i, ?W.-___..^.M.tM.(Ji^iiWul0iy fl g-l. y-6 Lin-..? r, BC . (J- Humbley) 0 10-1 4-1 ' . Tlnic-1 HA. MaloBll Mil km "trail"!*! til l-l, j,bee OT Wi Csndcl. abri pia-c av, ,;.-,. A heavy sh,.?er mail" (ho going .loppy, and Kc koa who wn on her ? Ht bebovter, delayed Ibo Bart Mien ndii,it-... At i'-t -b" '"' "ff '" temi, inside tbs obeta ??r ibo raaateg ami ooo np 1 Beek Oandelobm eeadng ? ni, 1 pi*!, at th md act iimiri alpetag bet on th. post Ilnmllleii OOla a -ir,,,Mri-.' ia ??? iii BBHUtgOI. lh) mu- lr, nu IntiiiilM" inml, \:i-."ie and uiici rtaln. Ul i-u ap behind knkm la Mm Mnteta -md ???"iiu burg mu.- tlir.i'.gh. bm li" BOIBOI Bad lcm.' bruk 'rll Little diid palled asor ls ms roi sud -hut him ? u. Thau be Bmd 'i-f BM "?''??it- t. ge ti tin- outride, but 1 ind* iib-r, -i,ut bim uti in tint dtnettoo, ai be had a | perfect right t- io. Pluolly kc om obliged t. give it nj, ii ? j. bj. ..vii fadt that. Kim:i|i> OBI ii-!, Ilr-t oe m..rn"I. Nu mm teckejrahlp i,a- beau nm toi y, ;ir i:.,ii,|., om buotea thm iud a hair laogibi hy Caadftetea. limte wm outrun all Hie tray. tot hui hail BABTOW maki.-i. tn-.- im*rrarilia 1100 mehi OliMM edded, gpadol origtais. ala furl aga. Bettine. St. pi. Klrbard I'rofcet'a ch. e. Dobbins by Mr. vi ,u. ji.".i-_. !?_-* r . 'i.t-.>:;<?_?! 1 .-.*. '_-.", (',..:M:ii?i <ili '? I) ?*.?.??. IO** D.-V-'tti_! 4-t il .'. .\. stii'.-'. h. >. S.I EvJ-te. '-I rluiddl n 1 I-.. lilli KH (cai ll'l..OF.iLitti" i.-i.', *J M-t -.'-1 st. Mav,"1 ns . .- (lilli/) 0 10 1 :,-:: Avon, 118.dlro'LO 30-1 IO-1 Tm.- mu tak- n. Mutual' ii-iii-i;,- wnlgbt 0020, (stace ?7i;r,. Oeeooi |.|l(e :- BO st. .inii ir, (mt.irio ami Amwauga oen oBhdmwUi nnd Dnpol "as added. The ra.c was tun ifl 1 bttadteg -tun uml the lc r ??- 1 mild not ba wen dom Uv, grrui'l mad till tkey bad run a tarteag. it ma not prolate : d -t,iiL-'ii-ii hjc tatara Bil th brid ma arltbta an eighth of ti,e tii.i-ti. Dobbin- koota Um lead soon aim the strut led ai um mar rad m pugteg up by tem kagtha; Despot, iu 11 iiridn*-' galah, seeaod, 1 eon i>cf,,re si, ?Ki "-.. Tl,.- -'mt mi pctsnpl and fair, i'll! il v.M V. B'ITU Kits STAKi:s-E.,r thr-1 .ynroMfl $130 each, i*.Z.OO0 add.-d, tl,OOO to *..r,-iul and iS.V'0 U third. Oil" Mlle. 1'. Pmiei*! rfc. <? I>r. P.i'C. by fl n on il.1--11 lli.iiii- Lee, 113 Th (Ta,ali 1 j. v v a ll Morrb'i 1 - or br. e. Bain Iko., i__. .1 ..ItUeflel 1 ?-? (in.*-1. StaMe'i b. ir. Mr Walter, I--' 1 iliigc-tt. _ ?'TltU'-i I,.orC". I?'.' . H.-lc l'l"v 0 Hettliur. tt. l'l. 8-1 :;-i st. liomin..,. 120. Ldr.-eii.oo 1, |2S sir Knncta, 122.. 'A I 1 lin,, ult. .1,1 .1 10-1 0~. l-l 8 ."> ?l-l g-1 ?.--I .I .'input H< k- is m-i .Geirlton ') c 1 Time -1 42. Mutual- Dr. Bte! omigal 1*6 SO, pla 1 ..'I lg; Bato bes Oil IS. n-ii Ateon and Gov. t'onk-r wer- taken out, Aa 1 vi. m -UH "li- lind-. Hr. Hbe bd gg gag 1,111. Katebow second. LMgerweod third, th.- steen rtruafl eui, srr p rjo'-i- leotateg on tram Hm r-ar. *roiic. ant th MiM.r.iT,, Taral putted Hr. Bim back and Rainbow wml I- ti,- trout in Hi- -ti*, h. a quartet nf a Brita from baan, hr. BMo agate to-k rh- Mod Bulbing noM get .ci; hbo. Tyrril h-v-r mav-1. Th- Doctor Unaly walk-d ta, "inning by ibm leagtki, Ralotoa mead, Um maM oistiiv 1 baton ate metier, oho beal Prion Qeorga boll u le_ft_ Bli lu,el- failed t" laawer ohm on l(.- mv-r got nt-ir Un front. When la-t --eil h- ms armvtOg In hnd out. try In if IB gel away ri .un tim Oklp and ?*j 1 -.1 r. LttUefU-ld rodu Batabeo without ritter whin or mm si.VTH BACK?Opeelal eoadlUioi. bi\ lorim - nettie c st. 1 -.*. lg I z 1 Pl. out. M. P. ISWV.r'l Ch. r. StotlellCll, br hlOllC h.nse-N-ii. i yr*., nu:-. .*.. (Lambicr. 1 1 I'.- :- hin.-iii A. bon'- rh. ??. Kor' Worth, ;i 1.1 ".(Cia-.'o'n '..' W .1 11 Macdonoufh'i eh. r. Monowii. ;i, 1.1 .. .",: ri Tum 1 IH. Mutua'j--(Benenell llralsjht **i-'0, place gggS; Pen Worth, place ?,'.! IS. Il hm no ...i.t-'. f..imi,]. y could not pet wada Stooe 1 . I. en s'.oiv meUgta to ll.ak" n rn- 1 w i'll th- -tier li.-, taotcrtd iii frjni all Um my und won audei a doubt! poi' ij ? length. Fort Wattk od, liv-- leugtba beten Mi ? al si \ i.M ll kai"E-l'or all ag*-*. Belling, bono rar Bettine. Bb l'l. W f_k. land's br. h Willie I, , bv Val-etto Miranda. .". rta. 100 f H..,:ltoii 1 1.1?10 I-'.' I 11 pim btal : ?' li '1. Lr.. ..rn, .".. 100 (Lan.blev 2 2?1 0?4 ... ll Bes-ton*' bf- ?'? Bpeculattoor*. Ita iTeeai ri 10 1 -i 1 W id ? 4. ie.' 'J. La.ribl?v 1 n ll?1 4-1 Vat ' oid ?'? 103 fcai I"'1* i_h?.i_ z-l t)-f, lim.- 1 '__*v. Mutmlss?Wlllle L. Knight 4'.* .',0, |.1_ ?? BOIS; Ev pi 1. .? el os. B ' 1. mada anriy ill o' th" nanine and w.,r, witt ? ? UstOt te *i"'' bj ? botb. Eli'He .-? ? .md. UM fill" lilian~i brim Sp* ntettea. hynam iirenej badlv and ss,- .,:. i:,i,t LamMej cesUd da te k ap him trna I s... u.j'. ... Nu I bl f"i in- w nu 1 r. Till. HOURIS PABK ENTRIES TO-DAY. ih- Brioriool I* amt* - ??!, tte 1c--2-n.u1 ? al Morry I'-.r. Utatm will tt Hit V?n B*Ml btetam at tu.* (urioiuis, ., I rt-e tnt lan )-ai old-, and the Ihciiv DteBMOd llaodlrin i-r all nc*, man and sae alala nm mites. l-i th" Hr t rm-e lUiw-i trill b *t I, - apled an--' Adalbert. Boehboma, Oyheeteo, Kiddm aod MU-? ?. - Matti! ?frn-it ha* usn-I 1 ? Kiu-KStninK rall Pell aflei that t>nn- - ,.r seed teUeoa, John BeUr, who r r\ie od I. arrtvi in Mee Terh u. iinv ea Ihe Mramahlp afo r a tlln anuad Sh- word. A u.t arith *n '1 ? to cr. i-r ?? |. inlarltv and th-- beal ? ? fortune Prim.. John ?,r mn Iii th-- -, .....d ro. today, .,* will alu, Mildrid, II.1111111:-. DeeepUoa OM ? ?.? Rem Ubi ia I 1 lt, Um Vaa Bael Muk- -. Oolorto, Meddler, Thu Dull] r rouuosten "in tak- aad Kt hirer ?.il be eera rn imbil.- r-r the Drat tim- In ? - a Use'Cherri 1 ? 1 .? 1 ? ? - -I Bandi ip, and Man, Itch .,.. *.- -. I.???.!?-11: 1, -:? i|.n. .- ,rnl otlim "rll .?!-?? ron. th* nerUna el lb* Beet iwo-resu-ori tin:-.- Bopraao, K 1 ?. ir. uti .'??'... nu i olhen la . . .s. i.i be uf ur.. .,n."n,u Inter* -1 jl, .- er- iii" ?iitri"-- |n r?|| ? ? ?!:- 1 ;?. v, 1 Hw Ilene: - ip Bte terlei c?. *.; -t, . HO 1 11 irv* -?. 117 1 . .... 110 Se ktiair* 1. 110 Adllb ft . 117 1 Mill - s-miri-h.Hy ..11 1.nii ba 1: bellini Thr* rear-old benn f 'm., * P.1. hn (Bi a ir-si^ sIM ... 10. 1 ni , UL' I In ???:. ? .Kg nie ti-snlnloii (Clan coll 1131 Vtt Malloy, lr , Itt! I ,1-n. 1. lils I. nardu . loo !>. rptinn 107 iCbsi nt . M .lui . IOU la 1 . rc 1. inda .lid Fid 1; u irv 1;- \ ,v\ m -.1' 'si vr. 1 - s 1 - ?' 1- , -I _.M add.d. rivi" fun n n Midd! r . ll" S ? UM . Ontario .... 11"* M i> mid vb pin .U'Z ri .- IH ll) l-r... --.. _ IC". I 'I? 1 ll .. I0S Uri ll lu. '?-.> rot'BTII BACK < lil T. UV DI A MOX n HANDICAP SE.*>"*-. lidded. One mil sod 1 -i-'.'-i. I. A. st A ll MetriO*! Ma'- HO v Lakrlind- si ,|>i,.r I, -.nii-*'. l'l-uni-k r II Ml ' "iirii'* T.o.ornl'.l ll Kin - .1- Slab!, s Killeen . ll ?? ].?,?? ?- sir'Miit'ii'-w . !' Vt <? p.'r-. 'Bolero .?< 1 . I.l'.tl.-llel l's Tl," IrOBBMHi I i IP 111 KV*T.-T?o-v. iro'.l lilli.... Vive foil", -. Belvia .ll*|l_adi Roeemary .11 V.rd-.ll-** Vu:"" s__>,tano . ii'i dib. t rn, ti,., way. ll. Min Lilly . K'nl K-inri.IIS Imo ? 1, II-I Bri ?.,. -? ilhAoarer I IS I to*. Patch. SIXTH KAi'L- *-lim-'. . mllr. Mr Arthur - ..JOH 1.. gani Alma ll. KU Two .ii--. li .1 1, , UM ! I 1 ? ' 1 lill IPI III) IIU lin 110 101 TWEXTY SNOWS Tn BE DEAD, VICTIMS OK TUB l'l'1 -BTE vim: DISASTER THE * I' 1 ? 1:1:1 N" 1 P.BDEBT IBBEMTRU. Regie Poss, Tea., Jone ?'..- Tbe work of neovetlng Iii- I. <ll-- of Ihe vidin.- of th- min- disaster neat Eu-ir- I- pto,. i-iiln-: -lowly nnd : the direction Ol (leora! sp.irc, tb- -iipciiui.tid-nt, who ls vigilantly ?warded ind Mbiwrd by Ibm pottretnen with c."Kui wim b- t.i-. si,.t,,.n i.,.,ii.s had beea brongbt oat and pl ic 1 In niflltM ap lo S o'etoeb in-t evening. 'lh- -erm h.,. report ed Indlng four iu?ii* bodies In a ?ii r,nt portion ol ii,.Ino, bat w.-re unable to briag 1 hem out, bring orerrome by Ike leal Btmoopktre. Tbe bmii". of teven i. ?ew found in our arorHag of iii- mine willi picks* ami iboveB lu ibelr h:iu*l.. They hod evWenilj been orereoam wklle BlIompBug to bulbi 11 nail i", ward oil Ibelr fab* fora time *ii.-it Indignation 1- frit both hen and in Pledni Ni i-' al ito ;,ir--t -iiul imprisonment >>f Oeorge, ii. risked bta Bl rr taaol three Bam in un B-tempI t ' enter iii- mille and -ui- ilragk*-*! oul. in an lii?ii? bl- rundltl n. Jndgi' Mnaari Valdea heM sp.-iuc 1 --poi, 11,1- i.o-inr-- ii- mooed Qm mino lo be d ..i brfurr nil ihe rn Inert were oak The Bilne kai r.11 n lu al nveml plans on aeeounl nf ibe llinb-T- bi lng biiriu-il, but ll l_ olbin wise nulli Jliled. .-_. . ? DOTEBltOR MORRIS K0M1SATES A RRPVBUCAB, Hartford, I'. Jane ?:.?<iovern*ir Morris this 1.riuc -ni lo Hi- Home Ihe minn* of Milton A. f-humwuy, Bepnbllran, of Killingly, _*> br a jud..* of 'li- sup, dor- lour: f?r righi yean from laaaam l-l, 1804, io -m-i-,d Judge 11 .ni'1-i'-v. Mr. ghamway i 11 proinlii-ni Windham Coant) lawyer, forty four years nf uk'-. Ile am 1 member ?< the House in t*-.-,.; rind I--**, uiid waa *-"iiii,,.- from Ihe Willi Matriel in l"*'.'l-'ll'_. He ls the Url lb -pilbil, an Humiliated for 'i ludaeahlp by ?>"v. mot Morrl 1. I'ASSESOERS LAS 10:il AT THE SAEOE OWPtCB. tog th.- ti.-t lime in d.\ y.-riis iii- Borf_ *>itice "vrr-s used for thc nci'pllon of Hi*- firsl rubin pa-- ;i ."'?r-* of a rtroamr. Then Birlrtdi yeetorday ike d.-aiiiei Artllla. from Na -m. vvltli ft nunU-r ?t poeeeafim, nn.-t of whom arem nattm oj Boaom. Th.- Haj-p. oflice wu.- prepond for their reception bf 'he aprclul order of ra; ni ny Carll-lo. AtOOOg 'bein w.w, taraloa colored tatala, who an on iii-ir s-_._l___t0 Kuro**H"' -*,ur? Ulty ?Wl11 ft* CiblblUon (-111.1. I Jl: ROBBED itRS. GLORI,B C. WILTSE. MOTET INTKL'sTF.D TO AX MW UNI IJ spECELATION. El BBmnWemteUuB of over gil OOO beloii-lnpr t Hie aMna af Ckptola Oeoraa ?'? wilt.-, who rom riiiiii. <l tin- Bwtoa ut the time of the llnwallni revcutteo, eaam lo public kaemtodgi yialitdoy wkt .Milli* BterckeOSN was irneted by Detec'lve Srr geaai Von (.'ilchti-n and Tr.-iiner. Th- pri-on-r 1 nny y- yean obi. i.ui toola maota yonogtr. Tv liulletn-nis for grund lurcci.y were found nguiu Hhiix-.i-nsci' i niniith ugo. i.iinin win? _<. BcojaBtetei with Bloaekeaam who 1 of F.i-11-1: birth, several veins .-urn while li cminnd ,,f ih- training -inp Mloneooto. IHaaeBaam was i. st -ninan, and lil- latoBlgeoeo ntlrticted lb notice ,,f the commai'illng oltirer. 1 h-n t'ripl.ili Villis- y-js transfemd to the endme Ho*u>n, hr tool the ? rina" arith bim. When Llnprkeiis.-'a term o enli-.linell exi?lr-d. <'r,ptain Wihse employed bim I brok uflr snine arOBBfty which lie own-d in this city Btenekrjne hud a. wile and child In _-k_tel--~*4te, am lie blotch!, them lo lill- cltv lo live at. No. l.S'.V Miidlsirr -vc. i.'.-spi.-ih \\ ilise owned eevetal apartment lu us s 1 rir-tnv"*, near Bgbty-oeeond-st* and .-onss> othe property. Btenekeoeee colleeted the nnl md too! general eterfe of Ihe bariaem tBklrt of captain mr Mis. Wilts, Ile won (hr confidence of both of '.h-'l by lils telUfBlncm inn* in!-.rlty. Wini- the CBptall nae on duty in tao iviii-.- Ocean, Btanefeenm?? bega lo hil Mrs. Wills- ;,Im,i_ lil- nm with whlli moue ? ("Hld be male In Vail Street hy speculation. ll ?old her thal if abe gove bim 1000 be could lasreoa it to ?*.-(*() ir jiree n,oniii.. Mis. Wiltae introated 111 sum to l.lui and he rduri-il .?"><)<> to lu-r in the ap pointed timi-. Loot December, Btenekmeee 'obi Mfa. Wtttm tim she enid mali- money by baying BtOCk of the (on -olid;,'eil lois Company of Hi.Itlyi'. MM P''V'C Mfl ii rb.-cit fd- 10,100 and nu rider on I. Ar e. Worm-er her bankers, for a note lm ...oo.), dated Augnri l 1007; another fm g_.00O, -lated october IT, lotfl ?ind on- for -**???._.isO. dated M.,- i-. l-dl; twelve -har or ih- Security Hank of Mloeepolte, wodli *H'0 ; ihore.a mortgage -i-jti-d Amt rm. ihs**., and a satis faction pi. lated Decemt. -j:', l *ii_r. All tb. pupen except the ene lu-' Bined bad been deporito by captain Mlltm. Btenckaaee go. tho arttelcs ai OeCembei itt last. [roten! of buytag rioek of the gm -ompany, th' agent sold Beading, denarii Bectric, Chleagn Qua Bbrttngton end oilier leearttte shod. Tin- marlie weal against lilin, aini lo* soo lo-t Hil* muon''o ?ii- cheek und the money be risni by pledgteg llb bullit stock. Bra. wilt-e ncovevd the other papen Blanch* r, -.- fl-.I :,"il on April ii "rot- her 'lin' BO bat I'st bi>r moue* lu ipeeulailon. Barty in May, ik wein h. foi- iii" ??rind Jurv ml Ind bini indiet-d lld ni:.- ard child trent to PhllBclphte, iii"! I i""?'' them lu- wm traced t" n-vdaii'l Detective Traine intended t>> go io Albon* for extradition papen ? .isivrd.iv afternoon, ile n'*l Detective Vol ?.-.i>ii',. , hooover, mw Blancknaee Bolos Into thi ir. k'l-r.-r'.-. Office and arrested him Judge Cowing lt (reneral Bea*mi- committed bim to Ibe Tombs foi Mini. Ho -:,id be bnd nt urned > thb* city to ge ? position In "ii" of Hu- municipal Ooortmoate throng. Keglitcr Levy. _ BATH om: HUSDBED TZAES OleD. ITS CENTENNIAL * I.LEHKA'I [OM HE",EN I'.d'I.Y BISTORT OP THE T0B-, huh, N. v.. Jon* ?> fopedel).?ThtobmBlliai vUtefi l-i iii- valley of the Coahoctoa Blvtr regaa lo*do| io oetebrate tbe rentennlal Bnalvenar) of s- ntabBik milli. Thc, ibo-llim;* and chl-f be ll nen !?_;,. of t'? piiic wer- decorated with lags Bnd baaing Maa ?ind- ,,r former rratdeati had gathered to lake p.m in the cekbratteo, and exertteea were tart ut He Carino Open Hoare, al ntileb the btetor) al Um villa_f .wa, given in de'iill. Beth luis hail nu In termtlag history. <?v(r 100 yean ago th*- lm apoa which lt stiind- arm bought trna Boherl Morre, the BOtOd Philadelphia banli-r of th- tim- <?f (li- ld lu don, by three wealthy BagBshmon, _ir william 1 ui -iv. .i din Hornby Bnd Patrick Colquhoun. '_.>n purchase Horn M.,irl- complied over 8,000,000 omi In We-'-rii Vow-York between Seneca Luke aadthe Uenesm Uiver, Bad extending bom Pennsylvania to Lai.- Ontario, They form <i i < apomiloa kanora u ?li, Bstete of th.- BrlBsta Anoctetteo,'1 and naolvoi lo adopt sy-ieiiuiUc meaaorm t" <al! Um a'ti'iilhu ol -"-tiler- to their land-, and lo -eil aa mari of the property bi possible. They mloatei a.- iinir ng-iit Charles BlUtenwon, u loromi liipi.iln iii tbe Britte- Army, who bal once been In ?_-' i lilted States ai a prisoner >.f war. williamson cnaa to the Dulled .Katoa ir, 1781, paid tba tirst Initrinui ol tba pnrabam moaey, and tsptereg the Oaaeea fons! ohleh hs proposed t" -ettie. Ile enter.. Mool -ru New York from tl,- south, making his beadejuat ten for a time .** Bortbumbertend, on ina w.-t brunel ol ibe Susquehanna. He believed that tbe Wooten Br w-York -ini-,rn ti-- would make the Basquebanni their avenue ol communication wira tba mo for com in-i.iiil purpoaes, with thia l<l'-;i he proposed to ir.. ptenten ol Virginia and Maryland that they ibouk i|;m-f.r il.-iii-il-cs and their slav.- from in- worn oul,'ion of the south to the virgin i mntry o Ihe Ueneace. Ball.r- aral ti> be Ihe seaport " \'..-h rn .N.-w York, iind IhO Misi|ii-!iann.-i. Hie I'ln-mtui :.-i L'onbocton wen te be Ibelr ...uni.'.- ?.t ,0,1, niunlcatlon with that port. Bew-York was nut cou -d. fl by bim to be a riv ;*l ol Baltimore. Mt. will.,m-ou , iab-0bed Bath In I7:>::. tiamln; it all r Lady H.itli. laughter ol -lr uilli.m Pulteney Hu predicted to bli employrn thal lt would be tte hugest citv lu Western Bew-York. Bath bu aol be . un- tb- d'\ Its projecton expected, nor even obi ol th* lui:-- viii.,_.'.- id sh. -bits*, bul U i- ? plo- ll v bicli tunny men "f large Inflssence bave llv.d an* in whlcli many -till 'iv,. Many >.f thrae men wit: noir [antills 1 ilteiidtd Hie centennial exercise! to ?hiv. Among tlein vu r- sherman s. 1;.>-..-. ..1 Bul telo; lirnrrjl E. A. ivertll, I*. .. .\.: nark Bell. 0 N.-w York: Judge Rumsry, <.r ti,- supnmr t'ourt lodi V. 1 iiiMnii-st. tb- Ev. Dr. Merrill Miller, A c. Urunda sn*, ex Assemblyman dmrl**** ll. M* Muster E. ll. Butler, Bdlto' >.r T,. Hurfal. n.w-." .,.,. (??'?il'- .1. Magee, ,.f Wstktni. I!;'- exentsei In th 1 :i-iiu? to-day ...iii--.s! of nr.iv.f ter the Bev. I ir Milln-, ol nu .dillis, of welcome by Beubeii E. Bohle a poem by Prof.?,- /. I.. Parker, on Isbtortcal ad drrai by A. V M ' nil and brie! -?,?-??? lie* T.nm* lhere -dil la- ii parade ,.f i.inui -.-hod ? uii'ii-u mid mi oral lon by .sin-ruirit! .**. Boaero, CTTIBESS IS crust IT of BASE RORRRRS. Little Hod', Ad;.. June ?;. A dteputrta lo "Tb, ? ?:*.'-i'-" fiom E-iiiouviii . Ark., mya: --This lowi wu- 1 brown Into tha wlMeai excttemeot aboul 0.1, ci, ye terday 1..1"* n l-v :, bond d -i\ robbor ru liing hi and arith drawn windi.-t-r- robbin.- tte ! Bank of all v- goM and currency, antountlni 1,1 aboul II0XU0, They rome Into the town by 1 biicit ailey, iimi tefl one of their number to bold n,**ii hoi-e* \diii- three of them went Into ih- bani; ons ii the p. im ..I their "jin- compelled the mahtet u band ..rn all the rash lu uc vault, mid two of tildi nun.!.cr stood "runnl nt Ibo door mil lind Inti tin ilreri at every man thal allowed bl- head, Tbl 1 l'l/..-ll-, :,- -.1 BS po- Ible, e,,| tKkul ililli- the*, could mid began Iring ol ihe robbert, Bnally woun-ilnf two , f ll,.111. but low Imt extent I- md Known. Min-. iiii'.e'i. wrre wounded In the light- <;.-,,i?*,* .1. .Taik-in Tbomai Baker and Ikytor Stone, Tba Inthi 1 il.iu;'" ton-Iv Wiiulid-d uml nnv di-. Wli-n Hi- lobb u ii-fi lin- bunk iiny mmbc of ii,, bunk oMcteh to _" befon ami behind them, la order to protect them ?iv.- [rom ibe rllteen*. Tl.- Shenll, wllh bonei in panmtt Immediately, aad al teri accounts am ' nh n quarter of a mlle behind the robbers, ii is ihongbl they win be captured, bur 11 1- uni probabh ? ibo] win -.iv, up without a hud Ighk it 1 mppmed they an making r,,r Indian Itrritury, m t ti. - % nr- unveiling te that dlrectlaJ.. ?:A dlspstch lunn Bogen -nv- ibal ., -Mrini-h be (worn Ibe!'.-. posse md Un- robber, took pl,,-, iiMiut r,,ur mile- weet of Beatonvllle, bat givm n* piirthuliii-.'1 WDIBEET Tltrsr i.os.v PLOATED. Vi .ria, m., -hmo ?'.. Tba dlneton i?r tbe tlhtekey Trust dosed tin-ir -pecini negoltetloni hi-i evening, Ihrir deliberations <rydalll_cd Into the loatlag ol of bouda, bm tn whoa aa bom oreen lo i.m,w. hast evening them waa un ?,*-s.''v.><!,*h*i) mortgage ni, .1 in the ollie- of the county recorder, it aaa made to the Central Trna! Uampaay. The notice <?r iv it I,d ru wu I wu- s-rved mi tho company of Ibo Wolliier MsttUen. At the pre.-i-ni time linn- I- no oin- OOO* tn.iel with Ike prooredlngi UuU mn nive ika iBgbtmt inforniaiion a- to what tko otaam of sSDIyt n^ilK ls. lt ls vvhlsp red thal all the bonds have iii-.uiy 1.u sold ni a low ggure lo Hiv Intimate friends ot Hie dlivtiois. .i.v ITAI.IAS BVBDBBBB WXRCVTRt\ Dunn.-muns, N. Y., .lune H.? Marldlu, Un- Kalian, ?na cM-cutcd i.y etectrioBy al CBatoa Mm io day it, 1L:51 a. BL Two contacts vveie 00000801)1 to leal li. There were no rigtM of burulu-.. Tin* niur [er f'ir w'hli'h M.irlellu imbi tko ia nulty today was wmmltted on Maj '?. IIOB, in Bomtoga, whoa hu gat Ibe throat <>f another Italian iiatn..l (ilovuuiil Pur rdln, nnd llotabel bim lu -l\ places. Jealousy wu? rlie ciiii-c. Murl-llu, made two iitli-mp_s lo Kill bliu ,df ycsii-rday, llt_t trying to frucliire his skull by itriktog hliiiself over tim bead willi the inui bucket 1,..I Iii his cell. Kallina lo injure himself In Ibis mumer, lu* tried to choke blmaell Wllh hil hands, ?ul bulb c.. >ru WOCO l___ava______. THE COURTS. GOtntT OF APPEALS DECISIONS. A LkMBI NCMUER HANDED DOWN AT SARATOGA ?CASK. ABOl'ED. ?'n nit nm. N. Y., .uni* fl.-In tho Court of AppeaM this morning ieetetBBO were bandi-d down aa follows: agk Kiley, tamer agi. Mutual Llfr Io ; Bataam Company, Oteoaon ogk Hnmiit n, Mann agt. , thi- Mtg of liiooh!yi.. dorney ant. the (iraisd Trunk I Railroad Company, Heil amil agt ibe ?? Morning j Journal" Association, Hyman aft. Kri'-diuan. (iain :ic_ I ll md, Ute llungerf rd eompanv ttvS. Ho**i>nsteln, Trilllldr agt. Jamel, I .-cusser n.t. blocl.soil, Dollghorty agt. the Hom-, Watertown mid 0__a__Bb_B*f I-*iilroud Compoap, maahbaegrr egt. UM sMeahetma Bottwog < i inpiny. lo,U a gi. tho Long Island Halli- ad. Mowry ugi. tin- Agricultural Insurant-** Company, timer agt Hio Mutual Beaeftl Ute kmeatetion, tin- Empire st.-ue ? laeamam Company agt. Ute American Central In? surance Company, Bundy agt Newton, Dudley agt, tin- Orin of sr. Frauds. Wing agt HIl-s, l.nndull I ugt. th.- Bottom] h.- * ompany. Mc-limm agt. Wcol v.-rton, the Pooali agt. feel, mid Ikkllg rig!, tl.e Kre-s Drew lug I ompany. Judgment ufTlrni.'d, with teeta. Thr Pimple agt. Tuvlor. Judgment affirmed. Tho People ugt. Boontaberg. Judgim-ut lavaoaai I and dcf'uidaiit dl_?-har_* tl. Ootlulf agt. Stranaiiaii. Judpnmt of -*prrlal and Oeaeral Terms modified by BSeofttag from th* scope of thr covenant In the *l**i*d to be given by thr de f.iiihint the oaameamat la gaeetloa aaa. as modified, u-Itrmul, with ''"s's i:> d-fendant in all couris. Wing egt, Roaora. order nvoreel mid judgment intend on vi .diet uHli-mcd, whb costs. Il billson Bgt. ('ovrrs. Older of thi* (irneral Terra reversed, that of thc special lena albano, .iii u,-_a. ih,hms agt, Oiteaaa, Orim of the Oeaeral Term man-ret ead judgment entered ea Ihe np-***! ol the reform a__Ba_ee_, with costs to piaiutiir ai the (.<inr__l Term and lu tills court. Unslings Hgt. Ute Urooldyn Lifo Insurance c ra pany. Hider of tin* General Tenn moarool und thal of the special Tenn ulUrund, with costs. The .'.iitrul National lintik agt. ..lignum. Judg uients of spcciiii and Ooaocnl Vanna n-vei-siil, m-w trial gloated, mote to croat. Ilogiin agt. Kavanagh. Judgment modi'liri by providing rm i mle of the r>al eetato for tb_ pay incut of the tegactm .subject to Ute rights of credi? tors of leora md, and germen abo iqattobl] r-pr. -eiil Fred-tor. to bi pnid out of ibe fund bgfMO tue legBtem uflrr the debts haw bma duly e..?abli_b._ In tho ______gBte*a Court, and MKh pioieedingi bad as will uutlii.Ue procosdings for tile .ale of real ci tair for the payment of tba dents af ted alor, site und cv-" utlon of Jiidgincnt Magog until mah pro i*.edii]K, get bad, without coate to rithm party uni. ss agie'-d upon by the parties, and UH order to be _euJod by a Jiidg.- of this court. Sam ugt. the Cnl.u Ferry. Judgment reversed. iT-vv Liul gnnied, costs to abide event. * uiiian agt the Delawam and (diego Railroad * inpriny. Judgment imdliied b.v Mrilung out tho sum uvv.rd***! 08 ll'iuidati-l doamgm and. as modllii-d. nilli ni**, Wlthoat coote lu Uria eoatt to either parry. Uaraeey egt. Rhodes. Orlcr __Mnaog and ju<% ineiii directed lor pliiiutllf, with costs. .-urida Itallano Bgt. .ulzer. Appeal denied, with BOOM. hurt agt. thc OaeMa eomniunlty. Motion denied. wi! _ no c.sis. Them ci?- wen ar-rui*d: The p. ,pie, rotpoadeat, agt. Burton C. Webster, appellant. Isabel g. IHptnr, appellant, agt. the Mayor, etc of New-York, rt. pottom ti. ? Mmy Kiir.ii Howland, respondent, agt. Chmteo Mu? lei-. Impteaded, cte.. appoBaul. Catii.-rlne .\. ?'. Bb. -f. lu. io-poml-nl. ugt. the City of Brooklyn, appellant; submitted. Tbe Toronto oeaeml Tmet eompnny, as mi-tea, apiM-lliini, ugt. tbe Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Ballroad ?'ompany. lauds nd d, etc., respondent. lin* Toi into Ueneral iru-t Company, as trustier, appellant, agt. the Meichants1 Hank of OO-Bmera. la Nea .orb. Impteaded. etc., rr-pnndrnt. The dav calendar I ir Wednesday la: Noa. 417, *_43. ggg, Ar7, a_o, gos, ids uni __:7. A BOY? TBBXKBOOUg ____fBM____k Tbe ii sr.m s of Oerttendl ll. BmMta nre dead. Tba toy ls fourteen yeurs iM. nnd bl- tether, (orilanut li. --milli, len bim nn mute worth -.-oo.ixxi. ile ls lil th- custody of bis nulli, MargBIOt Miillh, wbo justic- lagrnbnm, ta tbe Onptsram Oenrt. >??* lerday that ihe tx.y's Bllowance team bte ialala he toonooed tu $7 oin* u yow. Jaritoa lagnUBBB im narked thal meta o targe oltcwaas - ter m raaag ??* boy l.M.k-d liU- ii robbery ol Ute ? rial papen ani nacrvod bi- dechten. but be look lli. _____ OWn SILK KS OVER .n**O.(*_0. L. A. Poller, who mu appotated nferoe bf .lustier Pnitt. of tbe Oopnme Cant, ta BreoklyB, ta tka mM kceagbl by cassini II. Bead agalori Bdwatd .*. Moton le compel tbe Irfrnlonl t>> eenvoy ta Um glalBUC r-ri estate In Fur Boeknway, hus reported in term "f' Stakes. ll- d-.idi- that Read <*wes .rysi.ioi to b o!o -. lil- amount w;r- on the account between tno two men lu Ihe brui of C. ll. Bead _ Co. Sills <?' TlII'l.E OP WEEKS S M? SHTs LU. ES. J mies |[. Wllllain.. hus brought mme mila against, Max Damian t" tereetam Ibtoa "mot ga tn for ^l-,-' i oo each on pjaperty on Um Berth eMe oi Itvoalg st., 7ft to l_-0 let casi ot S*toud-rtve. Tau Buirtgagm wen- ah doted Bavembm -. is<-z, and wen mad.- by Mi. Donalger t* Francte H. We-ks, th-* ir.i-'iig iriwv.i'. and .i-slrii.-d Iv bim on Decembn li, l-ml, lo Mr. Wtliialila. OOCBT CAUUTOABB TOR Td DA\ Suiu'-i.r- Court ilea rai Term?Hei rt Vm ,' eat, P J., 1 Koli u .imi finer, JJ N -? W, JO, 01, BO, tte, ls., '.-.". -..,", IOI, 1 i.t 105, i.'.'-1. US, 100, UL ILL b bream lour! t'lamten -liesoi, lograusni, J.-M un , .alei.uui ? il ??! st ii o'eleek. huDreni' Court- ">|ie?-lal Tel .. I'iri I -li-'-.. I'lti--- a, J No-. 7'.... 177, -: 2207, 103 (Ut, AAO. ill 210, .?*.?:. i77, &S7. doo nae sa isa. 307, "(vs. tjd. .Li. V..I . .r.i. Ml, i'-.'-', Ir-'l. 127, fr-L Mi|,:-i.- Court ."* * ? ll l-i'" I rs ll Betel* Irriy, .; No* I'i.'.i 101 r 1012 IOU IOU, IBIS, l'-.'-s, 1611, le)- 111;,. 1.'..-,, M.-l, 1 -.I. lOSS, WU 10.4, ;.-.,'.. i,..; t'..s. sui, Wi, hot 2212. ioi, ???.*? -m r-'i.i i m.ii *-.-.ei i i rn i >n ? iMay ferme?Be. t . .. i. irn, .1. Noa WI. Ua2 2197. Ctnall CouH Part UI-Befor* Lawieoce, I?Um. ?Mo, _23"i ?052, :*.'Ls. 1171, ???--'. -'"?''". ''-'?'??*?. --*?'??. 150-3 ri ",( ilOWO, :?:.)'.'. 8740, S7-H. 1110, 8371, kiO*it, .-. ire, 870J, A'O'J. ? n mi ,, nt Part I Before Barrett, J. ii? flora Hart III. ______ Lin-ult Court?fart ll ll -I t" Andrt'ivi. J.?Canes Lum fai I"- .. ? r i tr mt l nut-d'art IV?Brion, J.-ta? fror i Hunouate'i COutt-TWal tent Belan PttunoM. > wm- Di.|ih nader, i.vdin v. Brawn. sSaikerim B_itdi uml Mirv V.. Hr--:. 10:* ' ?. ? ?. , Kui --rite's Court-ChembeM? Brion BaniOfn. H.? Will i.r ll. Kehneldi-r. lodi* j. m. KorJBnoatr: Willi .,( jiiliu tl H,ml .l.iiiic Tnpp, Vnton I'.criiiii.-.r. Mitti! nilton Behinds I'lnt/hurri. * urtu luis L. Kin.. I.-ui-c M. Kn.e.ii'ls ind .Miiis.* Sliuotl, H> r-JO a. m. Common vi-.,- .-n i ii tens?Adjourned anni Jun' ?.?. ,,iii,ii,Mii rn. -perial Term ii, mic BtethsB, J ' "*'. ii .i.'ii i". .'- Rqultj" Term-Beten tllege-ieb, .t sn- .'7 il 70, l.">. 21, 20, ''-;<. 70. TJ. 20, BS, :!?. .">.!. .'?tl Tl Tri 80 Common flee*?Trial Term Pat 1 li- r r- li-k-uv-r, I Sot B.7 l'H' vm- '.:*"??'. lOSW 1102 I0S1 l' T. lils I'V 1*247 li:H MM. BOB Til 'ir*. 003, "-*. .*?*>:<.' I'-.J" v.'i ' l?.'.;* irs-io, mit. lrsin, lion, lt**, I UK. l-.'i'T. ISfel. Common i'- - Tr ral Tens-fa i il -Bate i Ptjre . J ? Common Plsu** Trial Term-Part III Bri i D y, ,?. t i ,... tn ni Part i- ? , S'l^' c-iirt-*.' iicr-ai Term?B*fon Pnedmai. v. ?'.. tad ..ii.: r*b-.-..-. .1. Nu*, it .' s -jo. g. a. 7. 12. ("unerlor Court?Spre|?l Tenn IVfon Mc-fsdooi, i ? X..-. MO, BOS. ***'! h_7, ->2H, K_9. __?_. _?30. Kuitrrior Coori Trial Ter Part 1 -B ten Dog! . J - "kuprrior r-'it* Trial Te__B-l*n??i U sod Ul -sm juiiM?t fur (hr term ? . ._ i irv t'ouri **"?? ni Tem Brion Newbura_e. * ? Mellon-. ' cit. Court-Trial T rm Psi I B-terf I't'-iui-n-. .i. x-s nus is*. ?'.*-; 11*1 :.''?. "210 '??-'? ,. ,? ,_. t'itr Court Trill 1'erm-Part H -ivr-r. Vaa myOk,,*e Nus. 2Z2i: 2Z2A. 2334, 2W7. 2ZI7. MIH. |70| -."? . ?,n;i ".-.i? '.'?wo. 2247, 2'nt. 080 2*_JI. :,'[- - \' wi..: M-t." ?:?'."-'- -Mo*, mob wa, ?:'-,?'-,. um, ' . '];,,i',,v:;V,,,...'M!r!.i;,'l'crn, -I'.rt III-Betbe M-Cr-hy. J. -Cue oar Rielner ve. Ottenbere x- ? .;-'?.-", . . *tV\\ Jaal^;:ri;n..--1;:dV:i,s'r^.'.!'':d. :.:m: ^i:r'n,:\muTl-'',:::!: Ilff_38_.-vm. j. ,,od a-i tent i> a ld tam r* Melnt; i Mri Bndl T NCmX of .i!jie!rslU!s-i-i;?-ia Hart II-Befo'-e "teirt* i' n?d \--i-i?i.t Hl-trl t-Att-'ttievs M , ,i ., i .url sMtami N,C.)e.i'or\o-e!:.'''-.eV.|,.,,s--r:ir til liv Moil ja*. /-. ind \-sl-;..ul l.i-tibl-.vtt.cii.y lijvl.-Xe. I tj 18, _m THE ciii'Ri'll WASTS DB. DAT AS pastor. ii b, groaabte IBM Un next pootor ol tho MOBboa Avenue Methodbd Fbi-..prl linnell will be tn,. K-v. Hr. .Iiiuics H. Dav. BOW pn-tor <"f t alvaty Mdliodist Epi-ii.pai (lu.nb in Harlem, a teraml larMalloa lur- been itlvell bv tht lll.lul -?:'- ot In' Mridi-otl ?_ IllO <oiigi-c-.itioii to Dr, Dbi niui be hm Un iafe|iil "tbier culisid, rill loll. Tile ehOBge vvlll not tahe pince. ho'# ? v.*r, until next sprint*, vvbdi UM OOBtetOMO inerts nnd Hie blsbop make- Ibe BgfoMstamate, Ilse Rev. Hr. Mct'limnry I' tin* BOOtOO of tho Mi'.dKon Avenue __mr_h at prrvrnt but tb** (Ive yent.' limit of hia paetorate will be reached nest spring as al-o will Ihi lhat of Dr. Day, so thut _M0t_Mf *?f tBOOj ls cllslblo for reiippolni nient to lils present church. F*>r throe years Dr. Day waa pasior nf St. __N_f_ Methodlst Eptaoopal Church In ____? city. Ho waa .ipp*slnted poitor of Calvary Cbur.-li In 1*>.---I. At that time lt had k membership of le-ss than .VX). wblcb haa been lncreoaed to neorly 1,100. Tims tt I- ona ot tho larges, cburchn ol tho d-suomlustlou lu Um wvtfhl. _