OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, February 09, 1894, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1894-02-09/ed-1/seq-3/

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< *OMP**tOMIt*** -Fi'ttTlIKR \"lB***Vg
'.I-' THE M!N"i:iTV
Irv Tri von urn to -nil* Taini****** i
Waahtngton, Feb, i .Ute*- a struggle lasting
nearly four h..mf*. Mr. Bland and hla followers
to-day -urrco*-.,' ir carryln** tha motion to eon-*
Fld'-r the Silver Mil i-eporteS by the majority of
the Committee tn Coinage, ard about i (Vclocli
he took tbe floor t> ex-dam and defend i>. A
few silver Repubileans voted for the motion, and
t"-,->--e woi** Bcatterlng Democ-rallc votea against
lt, but mont of tba Rep-jollc-ana and nearly all
the Eaatern Deniocrata refrained from voting.
The only New-England l>t-riocral who v,?t.*<i in
the affirmative was MeEttrieb. of Maraaachu
notts. No New-Torb or New-Jersey Democrat
did so, but Erdman. Krtbba Reilly atv! dibley,
rf Pennaylvnnla, voted tor tha motion. Th" ro?
main,ler of the affirmative votas were rnsi by
Poutheni ard Weatern Den*--*crata an.l Populists,
and rho HI 'lion was carried nn tho third trial
by ITT yeaa to 4 mys. Speaker Crisp took
pairs to have his own vote rec *rded in tha
affirmative, although it was aol neoeaaary ta
eomplete tho quorum.
The votea in tho Hous-* yesterday and to-day
on Mr. eland's motion clearly Indicated that the
concessions o' Popullat-I>mocrata to "aound
nvnoy" principles were neither sincere nor Inst
inr'. Na fewer than aeventy-two Democrats
who on Aiiqnst 28, l*-*):.. voted for th" uncondi?
tional repea1 of the bullion purehaalng provision
of the art of i*:m. have recorded their votea In
favor of Mt. Marni's motion to consider ,,no of
th-* most mischievous and vlclona financial
-flaeac-rutrag that was ever favorably reported by
a committee of Congresa The namea of theae
backsliders ara Alderson, Baldwin. Earwig,
Btactr (Oa.), Blacb (IH). Brecblnridge (Ark.),
Brecblnridge (Xv), Uro:/.. Bricbrner, Brown,
Bynum, Cuban's**, Ca ruth, catchings. Clarice
(Ala.). Cooper (Fla >. Cooper (Ind.), Crain. Don?
ovan, Edmund*, Erdman, Forman, Goldzler,
Gorman. Oreaham, Hammond, Hare. Hayes.
Holman. Hunter. Kribbs, Lawson, Layton. Las?
ter, Lisle. Lynch, Marshall. Martin (Ind.I. Mc
Creary, McDannold. MeEttrieb, McGann, Mo
Kair*. MoMillin. McNagny, Meredith. Montgomery,
Oates, Ontbwaite, Paachal, Patterson, Paynter,
Paaraon, Pendleton iTox.i, Pendleton (W. Va.),
Trice, Reilly. Richards (Ohio), Richardson
(Mich.). Ritchie. Russell (Ga). Springer. St mo
(Ky), Swanson, Taylor (Ind.). Tucker, Tinner,
Turpin, Tyler. Washington, Wells and Wis*.
These converts appear alreadv to have for?
gotten the "cuckoo" hymns which they sam?
with more or less enthusiasm last August under
the Inspiration of Administration promises of
"pie" as a reward for their efforts, ot the
seventy-two Democrat* above named forty-two
also voted last August against tlie Rland amend?
ment to revive rhe limited coinage act of 1*,?$.
They were Baldwin. Rarwl-f, Black (ill.). Brock- '
lnrldge (Ark), Hreokinridge (Ky.), Bricbner, I
Brown, Bynum. Oabar.lss. Caruth, Catchings.
Clarke (Ala.). Crain. Krdman, Forman, Goldzitr. j
Gorman. Gresham. Hammond. Hayes, Krlt.tis.
Layton. Lisle. Lynch. Martin (Ind.). McDannold.
McKttrlck, Mct'ann, McKalg. McNagny. Mere?
dith, Ouihwaite, Patterson, IVarson. Pcmdleton |
(W. Va.). Reilly. Richards (Ohio), Spring**"*,
Turner, Waahington, Walla ?n,i wise. '
If the seventy-two Democrats who are voting
with Bland now had followed his load last
August, unconditional repeal, instead of passing
the House of Representatives by the overwhelm?
ing majority of 131. would have been defeated
by a majority of thirteen votes; or If the forty
two Democrats who than voted against tho
amendment referred to had followed Blands
lead as they are now doing, lt would have been
adopted by a majority of aavanty, Instead of ba?
llal rejected by a majority of aeventy-aeven
It is evident from the foregoing comparisons
not only that th" votes ol Democrats yester?
day and to-day in favor of silver Inllation more
truly reflect their roil sentiments than did their
votes on the Silver Repeal bill, but that If the
Administration d> sli.-s the defeat of tho pend?
ing measure it will ba obliged to bentlr Rael! and
n-sort to means which wera found to bo so potent
and effectual last summer.
B****M "f the i.riKlnul "cuckoos" In the Hons-.,
who accept and wear the title with an air of
pride, thiiik that lt oui*ht no longer to be ap?
plied to the whilom "sound money" De***K>C**ata
who became backsliders yesterday and to-day.
One of them to-day ""Uggeeted that "chameleon"
waa a word that Stted tbaaa fickle statesmen
better than "cucboo," because thf> chameleon
ls noted for the ease and rapidity with which Its
color changes, and also on account of the fad
that it can move either of Ita eyes Independently
gal the other.
While the fililustering waa in progress a re?
port was circulated to the effect that a com?
promise had been agreed upon by leading advo?
cates and opp -.lien's of the bill, which would ap?
pear In tba form of aa amendment which would
b>- offered or accepted by the majority of the
Coinage Committee lt was understood that
this amendment, whi n waa said to have been
proposed by Secretary Carliale, provided Brat,
lhat Treasury BOtea baaed on "aelgnlorage"
should be Issued fruin time to time In amounts
e'jual to tba anion:;: ,,f "seigniorage" bullion
coined, said Treaaury notea lo ba redeemable,
Bot In "coln," as are tie Treasury BOtea lssu-d
under the act of lags-, but in standard silver
dollars worth about M centa; and, aecond, that
rVetion 2, which provides f,,r the coinage Into
standard silver (lollara of the remainder of tba
bullion purchaaad under tho get of I8M, and
for the cancellation of Treaaury notes which
may ba redeemed and the substitution of Treas?
ury notes theref.,*-, should be dropped from the
bill an-! brough I for wp rd ;is a separata measure
if revived at ali if this is a oortract outline of
Beera u*ry Carllale'a proposition anl li was oi>
talned from ;i member of tbe House Committee
oa tba Judiciary to whom be communicated li
he p*ropoeea to try to Boat Treaaury notes re?
deemable in standard salver doUara alone along?
side of Traaaury notea that are redeemable In
either gold ot gllver, and to c-reate another kind I
of currency In addition to the kinds already In |
trXlatence. He also conaenta iha: enough bullion i
to coln U.H4.C81 standard silver dollars sh.all ba '
abstract.al from the amount now held .-is security 1
for th- Treasury notes Isanied iti paymenl for
said bullion, and b* Idi) commits the Admlnlstr.i- j
tion in favor of rho proposal, n 'hat "seignior
aj-e," which under tbe law cornea Into exlatence '
only when the bullion from which il arises baa
beea erolned, may i"- "antidpat-**!.*'
?MNIiaTaTUfjfi tub iisvi.t Of" OOlKAOaT*.
This propoaltion is di"- iiaaed in tin* vlewa of
the minority of tba Committee on Coinage. The
ininorl'y siys: "Wltboul going Into the d'-ijva
tl'-n of the word or the learning of tha i.-xi
rographers, lt ls safe to say thal under every
definition eyer given In connection with money I
"P to thia tin,.- seigniorage is a rawali of coin?
age, and ,,i)i\- conies into existence when coinage
has boen actuali* completed. An examination of
the use oi Die tmtttl ,:i ..ur statutes win verify
thu a*a*-*rrtlon.''
The rninority then quotes and commenta upon
tne pi*v1k;.,i.s ,.r :j,.. various coinage atatutea of
nie Lnlted Rtatee, aa fur so they relate to
aatgraiorage, -and continues: "Hence it will ba
"?aa that tfeere is an i , an bc no 'ai Ignlorage' uf
"'union aa long .is i- remains bullion, and tba
Brat section ,..? the bill .us ? . deal wi rh -tome
thing whl-h d.,.-., n0f exist. Hut the majority ..f '
wa eonimiK..,., erroni.sly aa we think, sa-.-k to
caang, ?,?, broftdf>n ,,?.??.,,?,nii ?f ,ht. ,v,,n,
"flotage I., cover ihe difference between tbe
r,?il. lh" hoWon "n hand and its eatlmat-*-]
Trie Ko-ah"'' "r w'};*u ?' WOliM produ -,- if ,-oin, J.
biliHrI, '""""? however, is not substance, ?,,, i
u rlaT" ,"."', eo,u' ",t any.hlng tangible or cor
"VaVi7? IlK "Imply the i'ai'.h and credit of tbe |
irniV; #r">?" hundred nr.rl twelve and one-half '
n?i.. V ''andard sll.-r ara not a dollar. They !
unnn ,k ',rn" s'Kh wl",n '^ ,,HVf* engrafted i
?Imni. . th<* f""r''""l> ot the ciovernrnent, not
Bimpi> of the amount and purity of tho gllver,
This rare gem, a lovely green by day and rich
ruby clor by night is difficult to secure without
blemish. We offer to-day nn inc (reparable
specimen for $?"". the purchaser will secure a
J. H. Johnston & Co.,
17 Union Square, N. Y.
but that Its exchangeable value shall always be
nnd remain 100 cetus, not In other allver simply,
but In any money of the Nation. Whenever the
Government ls unable to make g.i tins guar?
antee the coin sinks ai .- to Its commercial
VA'.!i:s NOT lN'HKASKU BY i.r.,;isi,vn,>\.
"The real Intrinsic value ,>f the bullion in the
Treasury cannol Ire increased by legislation.
You .un Increase it* exchangeable value by oil?
ing the element of the Nation's credit, and that
Increased raine remains so long as the credli
lem,tins Inta ti bul you can sive ? *u il .-\ bange*
able value I i copper hy the same process, only
that a larger element >-f national credit mual be
added. You ian go further, nnd Issue Intrinsi?
cally worthless paper certificates .,: obligations
i.;is.-,i entirely on th, crcdll of 'h.- Vu, m, and
while thai credli remains unimpaired an.l un?
tarnished t)i?-*'-> obllgatl -ns bec ime a par; ,,' the
currency equally acceptable with the hybrid
certificate! Issued against a combination of thi
real vain, of the bullion and th.- added credit
of the Nation as proponed by this bill. Any ?'
these devices f,,r ,u: enlarged currency can be
resorted ta in an emergency if the necessity of
lh.? Nation requires, but the credit of (he Xa | n
oughl never be traded upon excepl in eas
necessity, and then I: should !?? ,1- ne boldly and
frankly, with no Juggling or alelght-of-hand de?
vices to mlsleid th,- people a:- t,, the real nature
of th-- transaction. If such necessity exists I -
day, lei lt bo frankly slated and falrlj demon?
strated, nnd nol hidden behind manufactun 1
definitions and false methods tending to mislead
th- pe iple."
If Mr, Bland had accepted Ihe suggestions
which are understood to have t.n submitted by
Peere ta ry Carlisle, he gave ti" hint ,,f th.- fa
In his speech opening the debate in favor ,,f the
A*-Ti:u a i..'\'.; nan** thb norse BKaixs
otp nu' wn.'i.K
Washington, Feb -1 The res hilton presented by
Mr. Bland just before adjournment la-.* even) :-. dl
rertli i; theBergeant-at-Arma t-, tal;.. Intorurtodjr |:.<?
nh-i.-nt r*t**wibers .lal nol pear fruit Immediately, for
there ,n-l nol appear t" be a quorum ot Democrata
present when Ihe ll uss rael Ibis morning. After the
resdlng of ?':.? J umsl *m r Ii.1 s- mt! r !.. hsve lt
eorrected, and move l to Inseri Ihs anni um erin ni i f
tho Bpeaker pro tem 'hat 171 members answered t->
their names ,>n tho inst roller-ill no quorum bul thia
m'tl..n was v, tel down 'Ht,, 1*9.
As Boon as i' waa decided nol lo correct the Journal
an suggested by Mr. l'.e.-,i Mr. Bland nv red togn Into
O nimltteo of the Whole p, eonslder his silver seli,**,
lorags hill. Mr. Ked. however, made fie j-.mt ot
ord.-r, wM-i: hs i..-i" t ikea advantage i f before, that
th- Bergeant-at-Arms had teen ordered to arrest Ibe
ai.ien? members?about 1*0* ind the presumption mis
that mani- nf then- menders were pre-cut anl iv, uld
vote on the question. lb- ass.-rt.-,1 that a member
c,,uld not vote while under arreat, bul the Bpeaker re?
plied that the Bergeant-at-Arms had made no r, j. rt
to the lb,u?.?. and .he House therefore had ru, knowl?
edge that any members were under arrest.
Mr. Reed thereupon, ns a quest!, n >-r privilege, .le?
nt re, 1 that the Bergeant-at-Arma be required to appear
before the bar of ihe H, uae and rep rt what fie i ai
d-,ne under tl,.- (pedal trier, but the Speaker ruled
that Ibis waa not a queatlon of privilege.
Mr. Reedm ired to -"--consider the vote by which tba
-resolution ordering arrests was adopted last night,
and after considering the matter f, r som.* tim* nnl
reading the authority which Mr. J{>-e.l sent up to Ibu
desk the Bpeakl r rule,J tl ;,t ?uer) a motion >.<is In , r
der nnd c.u|ri i?. naade.
Mr. Bland (Dem., Mo.) m-v.-l t,, lay this motion. ,,n
tlie table, and on thia tbe House divided, ia to ts. Mr
Reed demanded lbs yeaa and naya, and ti"- r ,i waa
called, "ii th- pm!,.ul Mr. Reed -. nc', -n was tabled
?yeas ic:', naya *-0.
TRACEY LBADg a rn.int srr.ii.
Ar 1:20 o'clock .Mr. Hlnn,I tBOVed that the RoUSB
ko into Committee "f tbe Whole to consider lbs
Silver Soii-iil,,ra*,** bill, uni Mr 'Tracey (Irem., .'
Y) nske,| for a division, which resnli -I Teas, 11(5;
n:'V". .">? Mr Tracey made th.- p .lat i f no -i ? ? ?
wh-*-*eupcm Mr. liinnd called for tbe yeaa snd rmv-.
mil th.- r..n was called, 'ih.- Republicans -?????
ally refrained from voting, anl tl:- vote waa i?T t,,
c ic ,pi,,rim and Mr. bland moved a <-.'i ??! ths
II,,us.-, un -.h.- foot and nays Bsveral Eastern ai. I
Northern Democrats remained dumb ..r \-???? i ,-,
th<* negative, while ali th.- Popullsta and ra nr .,f
ti.,- West, rn and N'orthweatern Ri publl -ana voted in
the afBrmatlve.
"n tbe aecond rollcall, when excuaea were In
orvler. Mr. Shaw fRep., Wi- i. winn Hi.in,- .,'
bia colleague, Mr. Babcock, was reached, asked that
ht be excused.
"on what excuse"" asked ||r Livingston, of
""n none nt all." replied Mr Bl aw defiantly, "ex?
cept that he in al,sent, and I desire to have him
Some o.f th* I>enio,-r.-.tn nicwecl nlt-n.-i of flfrlit
ln<. hut finally concluded that it would be wiser
not to preaa tr,e natter io th.* point of a dlvta >n
and y.-iL,a ari.J nnyn. and all Objectli n aras win.
drawn. Before the completion of the second rod
call. Mr. ni.ind. having learned thal '-:?? members
had answered to their names, moved t-> dispense
with further proceedings under ihe call. This waa
rum-e.1 t.,, and th.- question recurred .<n laking up
th,* BaUrnlorare WU. and the r-.u was called This
diHciose,! -he absence of a voting quorum, the rote
as announced being id '?> ?'? Mr Uland moved
a call of the fclOUSe, which was ordered.
The cali sbowlng ih,- presence of SSS members.
Mr. Bland moved lo dispense with further proi.i
Iuks under ir, hut Mr. Tracey (Dem., N v.i contin?
ued flllbuateiing, hud called for a division, and (hen
for the yeas and naya an tins motion, The de
mund not being seconded by a s ifllclent numln r,
was refuse,!, and Mr. Cockran asked for tellers, A
aufflclent number not having seconded this request,
lt wau also refused, and tbe Bpeaker declared the
motion to dispense with further proceedings under
th. hill io have heen carried. Ti..- .pn ti.,:, recur?
ring on Mr Bland'* motion to go int-' Committee
nf th>- Whole, Ihe yeas incl na vs wei.- demand! ..
an-! rh,- roll was railed, "-i tn- last roll-all the
vote was. yea-, itt. nays, il The rote in detail
was ns follows:
Yens Messrs. Aitken, Alderson. Al-.vind.-r, Al?
len, Aniohi. Avery, Babcock, Balley, Baker (Kan.),
Baldwin, Bankbead, Barwia, Bell (Col ?, Bell (Tex),
Black (Ga.), Black (111.), Blanchard, Bland, Boat
ner, Boen, Bower (N. '' >, Howers (Cal t, Branck,
Breckinridge lArk.), llrecklnrldge (Ky I, Brets,
Brick ner, Broderick, Brooksbire, Brown, Br>'an,
Cal,ai,Isa. I'n iniin-tt I. ?'a inion (Cal.), ''aru'h. Clarie
(Mo'." '"lark- (Ala.), C..1,1. (Ala i, Cockrell, C.mi.
Cooper (Fla.), Cooper (Ind.), Cooper (Tex.), Cooper
(Wis), i'ux, 'iain. Crawford, Culberson, l>avls, i ???
Armand, benson, I rockery, l>onovan, I room tlc,
fjurhorow, l-*drnunds, Killi (dre.), bnloe, I'i---.
Kr-i::i.-,n, PVhi.in, Korman. Kunston, I'yan, (leary,
Ooldxler. f. ,., ii,i|*i,i. Gorman. Orady, ilreeham,
Gr I flin, Hhii (Mo.i, Hammond, Har , (lams, Hart?
man, Ha li. Hayes, Heard, Henderson l.\', C.),
Hilborn, Holman, Hooker (Mis .1, H.,ul; ki.
II ... ai, iluntir, Kern, Klefer, Kile-ore, Kr.bbs,
Kyle laacey, Lane, L-atlmer, l^twson, Layton,
linter, Linton, Lisle, Livingston, Lurns, I.
M., cox Maguire, Mallory. Marah, Marun, Mi-Cul
loil M'-|,..un ,>:. MrUearmon, McKttrlck, MclJann,
M, W rr-. Mehid|-hUH, V -'.nulli. Mi Mlllln,
McNagny, Mcltae, Meredith, Mon<*y, Montgoniei ,
Moon Morgan, M- ?? . *\*-*i;i, Newlaniin, (Mien,
uuthwsltc, r.iti'i -I. Pay ni er, Pear-on, i ?? -1??-?-.
Pend loton (Tex.), Pendleton (W. Vt ), Pli kier, P it,
j.,..,. Reilly, Richards, Richardson (Allen.), Rich?
ardson (Tenn.). Ritchie, Robbins, Hayer.*-, rlht-w,
Hlbley, ."-impso". BnorlgraBB, rlprlnaer, Stnl
rltockilale, Hton< (K>.). Htralt, Hwsneon, Sweet,
Talban Tate, Tawney, Taylor (Ind I, Terry, Tucker,
Tnrnrr. Turpin, Tyler, Washliitflon, Waugh, w -ii-,
(-A,.r (Ai.i. William- .lill. Wllliamn (M ? ? -,
"Wilson (Ohio), wilson (Wash.), Wino, Woodard r.nd
Rne iker Crisp If*.
\',!v- -M'ssrs. Daniels (Rep., N, Vi. Hall (Dem..
Minn.), I'lK"!: dion,.. C un i and Ryan (Hem.,
\;, ..,-? Populists, as u -ll as rh.* following Re
t)i,i,i,- ui" voteil ...'ii. the Democrats In the a (Ii r ma
;r,.' Messrs. Adams iK> i, Altkln (Mich.), Avrry
(Mich) Hal"-"'- (Wis.), Bowers (Ca!.), Broderick
I Kani ) Cooper (Wis.). D ?.ltl a (Waah.), lil Ib (Ore i.
Kunatou (Kan.), Hinman (Mont.), Hilborn (Cal.).
Klefer (Minn.), I**acey (Iowa), Linton 'Mich). Lucas
it* Ut, Mina (Ul.). Hoon (Mich.), Pickier (H. io,
l*oat'(III.), Shaw iUS>. Bweei (Idaho), Tawney
(Muini. Waugh (Ind.), Wilson (Ohio) and Wildon
Amid* applause from the ITwaocrats the House
then ivnt int" Committee of the Who;.-, i, .
i.?ler th" Ulan,I Silver Be|-*ntonu-S bill, wini .\|r.
Hatch (Dem.. M1'-' ln ?1"' ,''"'1'
m.\M' I'.xri.AiN.s i:;.*i mu..
Mr. nand, in openmu the debate, explained de
provisions af tba "lil. The iirs- section provided
for the coinage of the *"*rtS-*nloragS ->.- -,-aln .,n n^,
coin-iue of silvr which bad accrued ta Um i;.v.
ernnn-nt limier the BUV4T Cur, has.. ..t ,,r .;;uy u#
:n'?i \r? bullloo will coin mole doiiars than it
ciritB he -aid lhere I* a sain K.>!n^ on con-tuntiy
While sliver .?> being colne-1. Some men ar-Berted
that there could be no seigniorage until th* whola
?rm-iint of the bullion was coined, but neith-r th*
? ' Tetary of th-- Treaaury nor he (Mr. Wand) held
!*!'!1.ni"W Th" ?tti I"""Vldes for the Issue .,f allvei
certincatea an! silver notes en th- seigniorage sn"
ne remaining silver i.ul.ion In the Treasury, snd
that w-h.-n theae ar- r.-l^-mM hv tb- olivet lo.lBl**
w coined, they shill nol be reissued. Ti.e bullion
was lo be ci Ined inly for the redemption of Uh
C'rtlfjcatea and notes. Tbe proposed bill wa- nol
. .- ne ? i-| :.? ol ri leem ng the t- itea Issueil
'?Mer th- Sherman law, n-,r would lt interfere wltii
.,,?. ?""'??"I,ti-,n ,,f those notes. H.. thought all t'-,
."Yr bullion In the Treasury should V coined,
;"" ?" jool as ?);.rtlficatei issued ,,n them had
"-n i-e.i, ,.,?.,i ,|,,.v ?bould no: i,e reissued: when
<n?- si,ver dollars were once paid out, that ought
i > he ? m.. i-m* ,,, ., . Pl
'-ir Bland waa surrounded by most of tbe mea,
'.'or, th- floor, snd was the targ-rt si which theil
,?', ,'-' re evelli I, bul without laking sn*, effeci
,'?' ':i "Im At ' ts he moved 'har ;??.. commute*
!'/.';'? -,.:?- I to He then often I a reso
n rescinding so much of it- order adopted yes
?' ? -av evening -.- requln I tl il the .rgeant-a'
'" - "hail,I arr-*si and brm,* before :*?? liar -.f ll'.*1
??'itite any members who iver? sbsenl srlthoru
? e. ih:? Wis agr.1 lo, after a brief dlsctiislon.
Mr, I' -i.-i, ? I ?.-in. Mo.), on behalf of Mf. Dingle*
I ?.' '?? w< '? Irom the iotn' commission to Innuln
" '-fP**rtm ?? .-? I:ni na ,ulm,.us consent for
;'?" Immi Hali ronslderritlon ,-r the bl'l *? r-**culst
- -finking >f pi merty r.-turn* by 'he , ffl ? ? r* ol
ne (. ..... mm->nl Ile , -rc tined that this hill ha I th*.
J;,J iimou-i npproval ot the commission as well ii
t i -??: -tar-- nf the Treasury. War. Navv. mi i
interior, whose departmenti were chiefly effected
II the proposed rhange which slmplv provider! t ,r
un fr.milty I*- miklna returns of j,; inert) In the de*
The bil! WSS ai-r'-.-l t. Wlthoill ,'.-:>.'.
nnd ther
ti. Y i. il
ir motion ,.f Mr.
Tracey ,|i
IT lg RAID that THK IKCOMg TAH wu,l. BR
Waahington, Peb. I Th,* putfpoate of the sui.
commit!.f the Benate Finance Committee
nhich is dealing with tba Tariff bill to reeaal
thal imp,,rt.mt measure >-ti purely revenue lin.-s.
or. In other words, t,, adopt as a guiding prln
eJple the old Walker Tariff act opens up an
Interesting field of possibilities. Th- composition
of the Bub-committee, which I*-- made up alto
gether of Bout hern Senators committed by th-ir
public utterances and bing r.rds tn the prin?
ciple of n tarlfl for revenue only, Itrcrspectlve of
its effects upi n protected Indus tries, would ap?
pear to warrant tlie expectation that the near
bill will differ fr,,tn the Wilson bill in two un
l-Ttaiit points: Plrat, In the abandonment of
the Idea of free raw materials, and. second, in
f luci,1..nial protec
1 under a strictly
tl..- omission of any Ira
Hon that ..innot be re
revenue tariff.
Tin- action ? f the sub-commlitea niso threaten*
to affect the fate of the Income tax amendmeni
Insertad by the li,.use.
At in vi |- this nv,mini,' Messrs J,mes (Ark.t.
Mills anl Vest, the sub-committee In charge ?'(
th,* Tariff bill In the Benate, retrained their
labors, and, with the exception "f Mr. Jones,
remained ai work until n,?,n. Mr. Jones being
called away by an >th>-r committee meeting. The
committee is miking rapid pr.,j.*r.ss, nnd last
night sent to Ihe printer, for printing in con
venlent form, n large number of tentative propo*
aitl ma, s ? that ihey might be In better st,ap..
f,,r th" deliberations of the committee,
Experts ,,f the Treaaury Department have iie-?n
assigned to .if-.ist the committee, and nil sp?*.-,|
p rsslble wi'l he mad.* t.y lha committee,
The sub-committee haa aboul ooncluded thnt
lt would l.e better to hiv.- augar contribute a
portion to the revenue than to levy n tax on In
cornea Kaw Bugar will probably t>e required
to pay a duty of ah-,:' il. '.;rths nf a cent
I i p lund, ..n l the refined article l cant. Ir-n
ore will probably nol remain on the frc- li-*', aa
proposed i>\ the ll-,us., bill, bul will bear a
tariff of 20 or I pei en I ad val irem
Qlovi Ilks i . lc, articles of luxury.
will probabl) ba allowed t.i carry tbe duties
Oxed by the ll luse
Thi rsi inlonnstlon obtainable ls to tbe effect
that the tax ...i whisk**' Will le- raise) al i.-.i
I ? ? ents beyond that flxeil ihe House This
matti r will pr.ili iblj be il flnlte \ -?????,. i i.
ri iw
f.-.-:\- ? ? ; ighl to bear up >n
?-..??? ? , pm ii . ;. ai the dutiable
Hst, and in th i 11 ?? Daniel Ib one
,-r the in-.- Ii- -.? in - ?, I
? , th.is-** who an > ;
t i kn iw -.ii lhal > Impracl ibli
they ii-'!...- ih it a d itv of fi au 30 in I" per ci ni
may be pul "ii eua I when I lee rc)
tic- bill.
Wool la ca | the sui ll i great 1
of nih-1-.' ? - and jusi whal lu dn wllh ll ia
finest! , '..., has nol been determined, fol
are ii,,-n,i,- rs nf ? he imn ll ? and Influi
Sennl a n un t he tl ir who are bitterly ? i .
t the ol- hal i: ,
, ..., iain class nf wn .lien gu i- pal
Monia-iv -.. ind knit go xis, were ls
the -in,--..ia,- to-day, bul nol for the | i
po.i' Riving '? .timon) ni , iking arrange.
men ts, foi that hns i.n inl ? '. -I bj il.rn
inlttee. still. Mi--,* men gol ll.'? of nomi* of
t he a nd ha I sn ? i: nesl la ii In
which the) ? l what, fi im th.-ir point nf
rlew, appeared 11 b i he In i lal.f I he I rem
era il Hide on 'iii- subli - I 'i'i, re ls a slight
disposition ? i pul ?' small luty nn wool, bul I; is
said that this ?iii i.- *. , utterly repugnant to ihe
ma Jori ti nf the part) lhal lt w -ul I not i?- coun
len ino I hy Ihe '. I >n mitti
The commit tee hi a practically agreed that
th,:,, shall lie a duty .-ti ingar, bul Ihe o\h,-i
rate bas nol I.n flxeil, although It has I.n dis.
rusaed In s more -a less Informal manner I >!>??
thing has been a,rr.1 upon, however, and ih.it
ls lhal Bilgai shall be mad,* s dutiable article
The majority of Ihe committee ls favorable t,, a
tax thal shall give th, refiner a shade th,. l,est
.,f lt. and enable him lo compete with the re
fined sm-ir nf other .ntrles thal would, under
an equal tax on refit..-,I .-md ran sugar, operate
to the detriment of the reflnei in this eui nt rv.
The Income tax ia already found lo be a
stum!,lim* block of no mean proportions, and the
Indication" are, as lias already been said, lhal lt
Will n,t be a parl of Ihe Tariff 1,111 pr,,pei lt ls
not unlikely, though, lhal ll will be reported to
Ihe s.nat.. as an Independenl meaaure
lill. SENATE , >>Nsr,'lilt** Mit sTKWVin-s RESOLU?
Washington, K.i. I Tl ? reanlutbm heretofore
off.t..,i i,\ Mr. Stewart (Rep., Nevi, rjeetating ll
rn be the si'.f the Senate lhat the Secretary
of Ihe Treasury bsa no suthority t-> Issue bonds
,-x.t under the Resumption act, and that tbe
money derived from the sale of bonds Issued under
thc nel cannol be applied '" any other pur-poss than
aa specified In lhal set, wss laid before the Renate
? , 11) Mi- s:..iv -n rn- lined ths resolution by
a ,-iinc; to it the following i lanae:
"And In the opinion of ti..- Senate, lhere ls no
pn ? :,- , cd .-in- roi the sale of bonds f,,r tbs
purpose sp ?Ifled lr the Itesumpttoa act."
Mr li ir:.-i il'-iii. B, '' i moved to r.-f-r the reso
lutlon to the CommliK.ti the Judiciary. Mr
si,, rn,an ii; p., Ohio) favored such refj-renee. Mr.
Qua) (Hep., I--tm ' said ihst the refbrence pro?
posed would sm,,,'- I,- giving a de.e.l' "'"rial 10
the resolution and thal il would be a Justification
of what Ihe Sena.or fr".. Obi knew te bs an
Illegal ad
Mr. Morrill iHs-x. Vi - urayarra all Ihs pr.li?
tton, ii- understood that gold was being drawn
oui of th- Treasurj by the presenlatl..f 1'nlted
States notes and r.ne of the propositions would
I ,..,, | .,?. s. retan '" "-' ??*??*?*" ***** """",
y.., there waa ., , - Ivs sUluts thai ITnited States
notes cannol be cancHI ' tun rana! bs relsaued.
|? tl.irse of a (Jesullory "**-*n*-ei*sstlon. Mr
Teller iBep Coll said Oval -*? wanl"* ?" mmW
what the American Congres. was gotos to .1" with
tbe question of d.-n-I*-'" - ? ?'?-"'.?> ****"? *??*
?aid, that no more S per cenl booda on a I per ,?,,,.
baals ould t"- sold " ?*? ll,",auv '''-nain to?
day thal if another j.. ?.??".?"" ?"??"? ***-" ??ers-J, it
would be a failure, -and ibi-ww *o, ,,.. sadd,
,..... ,,, t. with tbs qt-es-Joa whether lhere waa
,?. ., rontlnued deficiency, with sn unknown ka
, . , ?f jab* ,,i wi,ether thors should bs some
effort mads to'ineel lbs <"**>?*** -""?? s""" ?
syrrtem uf Bnance. The ?nadll a'Hie country was
now thr.ai.u-'i. and Ibe isjen c rhoihai Ibeea ksod*
.-si in the denunciation of "'? ''""''" stan lard ad
mlttel..rth.. ?""> h.-.l ."?? ? "' e.?. ?r mil to
,i..Vi- ? way oui of 'this disastrous bad dlsgrac-*
ful cn.l.llon." Tbs Fltmae* ''"".nnife bad heen
entire)) silent "t> ?'"' ouu*Uu*i, sltltougb ''oni-reHs
bsd been in saa-aon r*-ia>rtlcally since tin- :ih af
ill-rust last Th- deaslnant party had beni silent.
The executive Det*avrtaaanl ?"s Hiieut. except i?
maws-si thal tbe h-ndthrift ayatata of running In
debt be continued. He thouKhl thal the Secretary
of the Treaaury bard it"' power t? issue imnds.
Th'* Socretary knew now. fr,,ni rhe condition of
things that he would not be able to sell lionds
UI,(Ur'thnt power. And he (Mr. Teller) wanted
Congress io determlns. ones for all. directly and
Speedily, whether ll was to sniKirest some system of
revenue-gathering which would bring revenues
' enough '?> th-- Treasury t" maintain the .-relit of
the Qovernmenl and pay current expenses, or
, whether it wa-; to enter on a system of running in
1 debt to the amount nf I10O.0-*O,o*-0 or ****O.*r*0.<Xl**>. ir
I running Into debt was to i?- continued, without any
attempt r,, lucreasi the revenues, the debt would
? be incr-asc l by 'I,"-'."1"."" before lt stopped. Hs
concluded with the d ?> ls ration that if the dominant
party did rot act in the matter ll Mas the duty
of the minority to m-i*--* thal tbe majority should
1 Rot.
Mr. Gorman (Dem . Ml I moved to refer the reso
, lu;!.m to tbs Commltti.n Finance, Pending ac
I lion on that motion, the morning hour expired and
\ the resolution went over.
Mit (Md.isi.,: rt'RXISHES THE list, in p.i:
Washington. Peb I Secretary Carlisle ti lay
s'-n' to th.. Senate, in response to Mr. Stewart'i
resolution, full particulars regarding th.- subscrip?
tion* to th- r>'.-til bond Issue. Th- total Blrot
ments mads to subscrloers nt mt.jj;, tbs "upset*'
price were MO.TOt.TM, out of ;: total par subscrlp
I tion of Ut,tS*\tO0. Kids at prices shove 117.2*3, anl
! ranging from I17.SI to WO sr ti accepted aa follow*
Thin National Bank, Cincinnati, "hio, IKKt.ODO
1 r-irisi.-re,:. l'T'.'L'i; T M. Moseley Wesl Point, Miss.,
fJ.ON registered, HT:":.".; Salier aY Stevenson, Phlla
I delphla. HO'.onO coupon, lt7.2Z">'Kutaw Savings Hank,
1 Baltimore, 130.000 coupon, 11T._ ?".. People's Trust <".,..
i Brooklyn, M. v.. "-?".'""> registered, 117.215; i.. Voa
! Hoffman ,v- Co . .*?? ??? \ or! . PD.noo .pon, ll
.1 Mayer, New-York, *''.,n.".i r-egtatered, I17.2S;
American BXChangS National Hank, Kew
korie, **-0O.00u coupon, ir,'.:'.,. Kider, Peabody ,v
<','.. Boston, *Zj0,0WI registered, 117.227; I.'-. Illgln
hon A.- c.i, Boston, B3O.0O0 registered, iiT.-.'j*i; central
National Bank, sprint.ii.-id. Mo. f-,.'"" registered,
HT::!. Mrs Mattie J, Berry, Athens, Ohio, > ,>, : -ts
i.-ici. u; T.. I-;. ,i. Hanlin r. I'lnuvlle, La . IXOE ns
ist. red Snow, Ambrose Snow. Rockland, Me.,
110,00* registered, 117.B; Daniel Vt. f.m
grove, Marlboro, Mas. 11.040 reglatered, I17.""T7;
?t K Ton.-,-. New-York, (BO roupon, I1T.M; Pli-al
Natl. i. al it.mk. AI,IL,i I, le., *la,i/-a registered, li;.'.'.',;
?' .1. Cooper, Oxford, S. C., 1100 registered. HT....
; I'eople's Trusl Company, Farmington, Me., """O.'-ro
coupon, ll,"'.,, ll. I-:. Tilden, Trustee, Chicago,
tin.,mi coupon, 117.25; James conway, Harper*a Ferry,
Vf. Va. M..',-.upon, I17.30; Mi iris Mark. Herkimer,
X. V., $|.?.,.,-., i-oupun, 117.23; I.. .1. Lederer. Balil
I more, lino ,-,?.,,.,,,. ii: j',. Van Sehalelt -*.? Co., New,
Vork, fS.OOO cnui m, HT:'.",. Firsi S'stlonni Hank, San
Francisco, Cal., IlitO.OOO registered, il, '"?; Heldel
r bach, LU,-Ih.ii.i.i ft Co., New-Vork. ll'm.OUO cn
\ von, 117.25; N'atlonal Shoo .,nl leather Hani;,
New-York. K9lO,irO0 registered, 117.26; Hank ?t
British North An;, ri. a. New-York, ,-'.-'.""
'"uoon. 117.25; All,anv County Savings
Bank, Albany, N. V., $T.',i-?i roupon, 117.25;
J. v.. l-eggeii, Moscow, Tex., pi,000 coupon, li;.:'.,
Merchants' Nat.il Bank, lloston, J'.'"."", regls
lereil; H7.*S; Lawrence National llnnk, lawrence,
Muss. .*.?>,.,?, coupon. 117.25; Wallklll National
Bnnk, I',,unlike, i.s.,.. N "i . -..?,<?, ,. tinten I, 117.25;
Heldelhach, Ickelhelmi r 4 Co., bciouiiI Ohio Valley
National Bank, ll'to.u'si coui-on. 117.25; Cald?
well a Bunker, N--w-York, |ia.in"l coupon, 117.25;
Charles C. Huike. New Vork, -?- .ipon, 117.25;
Meri hams' Nat,,,na! Hank, l*:i ninon I, Na., H5".U*0
i-ri-t, ,-. -I, il? .'.',, li \ mi, S l.-,:l:io|,. I.il o ir. La.,
li."i" registered, 117.25; International Trusl Com
pan.-.-. I!,,-ton. |;.?..???. ,-oup,.ri. 1!7 _'"?! . L, VI Morrl*
/ sou. New-York. ji..'-'?" rextsti n-d.ll. .''?. I', B, Mort
i (??(-'?? Company, New-York, -.*,"* registered. 117.21!;
' K I! ,111ns, HOI ??? .'. Ill Ihei >'...-:?. ,. tJ KU fl COU
p.-n. ll*".;, stein Brothers, llaltlmorc, jion.ooo c< i
pon, 117.27; Hank of lirltish Norm America, New
York. >'..-,?..ipon, 117.225: Klddei IVabod*, A
New-York, '?'- "*> ci.u-.ron, ll" - K lei IVabndy A
Co., Boston, *"*"-0,(r"*i register, i. ll; i: Rollins
Morse ,v liroth.-r. Boston. SO"."" coupon, ll" Cl;
uti ? Valle) Nan,nai Bank, Cincinnati, Ohio. J'."" -
OuO roupon, 117.26; National Hank of llepubllc,
Washington. l? c., for First National Hank. Cin?
cinnati, ohio, ll-".1*" n-.'i-t- i .-I. 117.312; li 1;
Mor? A Uro!her, Itnston. tl""..*oupon. ll, "v
Mayer Berliner, N?*w Vork, M.500 coupon, HT ii*..
Flrsi National Hank. Itronham. Texas, I ?"??> r, i
Istcred, ll" Sn; K isl Tenn -? Natli - il Hank.
Knoxville Td,:.. }.'-.-.*' re-clstere I, HT"".
W K N*-w*-***ri K ns.is City, Mn ?;-.. coupon. 117 i',
H- plt-'B XatlonsI H.tik. Ilurllngton, Uro. *:'?."".
tec,".i.ii;.'.-..i ll Hecht. Boston po.i.'Oi coupon.
:?: ' M mufs firers' Natl Hank Hn'th
V. 00 registered, 117.50; Roche a Coulter, Baltimore,
j' ? -?-, . upon ii, 51. Mi idi.,: t-' Uian ?
Compan) Chi, nco 125 .upon. 117.52; Nail nial
Hank of Redemptl l Ita I n, p.)."f?l coupon. 117.52;
New Kn rel ai I Ti isl Comp*.ti* I- -t ', ?"?-,,?---ai;-,-c.
M7 55 I' I" Tr-. K ' ?
117.576; Kidder Pea boil y A* Co ll ' in ?..,"?'. ll. ' ?? .
K -.n m-r .v Becker. Haiti,-, l. ll''.*".il 'ii. Il7.7"i;
H ll ti Coiinrv Hank, Shepard .iii.. k> - ?.:. i -.,
i*- er*-d Il7.au I'llsabetl F I.?::;-.?. ;.. rlummlt,
N .1 , t-" rei , iii rf I, lt" SI ,; ll imldetori ,\ ?...
Baltimore "T-n.irti is,upon. HT dS; Northw, mern Na?
tl..,,. ,i Bank, West Superior, Wi-, ll ? ??
i. ,.. i H7.S25 I- ? - ive. M irllNiro. M
- , re-riaten il, ll" ?'.. National liar: i of th ? ii- -
i?,i,ii, u ?->? .... [i , for First National Bank.
? ? oi i , . teri I, I17.S75; F
H. s< -t- k AV Co llaltlmoi .ii| ni, 111 I
Firs! N'atlonal llank, Hrrvstcr's, N. V. *
coupon, n*. ?: Bchrelimlller, New-York. '-*1
? ?? ic .1,. 'Cr . I .outs Sch ra I -. New York ll'.:i,,.n,
li* ,lam< - I - * Bi I ' ???;
Natloi il Hank ' ,'???? i N? a Yi ri
: - i |.i>i-i N -.. \
liri i: \ .
lit Bi , .t rd N.,ti.a.al Hank, lb -
I-- '. ?? Ji
,.,..,,.. i, , ? - , ,. -. ? -
S uitbmayd. New York. tP'.on -
I ? l*-.rg A< ::-:???
|A , ' 1 . .i ?? : HI, al. li,!-;*.
r. ? \ ,? ?? ?? ii :. \i Mn . Ho.' "
rom ona, ll*..*."/.; r J \ an .-*'-?? Pa
N ? ? lend, ll' Fr '-d,
i I ? -? -. ' - i
Vf. Rvans, i: ki ?n, Ml. I i i- '- lerwl, ns I
\ - x , . H III'.! er I.
Miss .' i thu ri ne i; i.h - ll ' > ?
lt* 111; ll ll Cool- \\ hil ha'.l. N
Itt ' ' i ? ' ' ? llnnk,
i- , red. Ill
ld, ? a, .',?.. l: . -:i. tl". Ul; |
. \ \\ ? . , S'ew-York M -i.
li* u ,; ??-: i' il .??? kn IV |<1 m. N. c.. -ci , ,
: S .*-. \i- . n *.,...:,, ?:
reglsp I, ll* '-, Brndfor I Nation
t a I. r- ;. . ?-..*,, ,... V,| ;:
l.irth. New N -rk. t'-". c.,,..,,. li-?.;".; Il ??- M I
Knro. u nshlngl tn, til ?- ? ; 119; C ?:? ? ? r
? 'ru-.... \',' ,-r, nat in, Hun. n I ); '' ilumbl ,
National Hank. M nn ipol - Minn., K**t. ??? '-?? I,
The r.|p(i of gold si ihs Sub-Treasurj yestei
?! i ? m account of payments for subscriptions to I -?
new ?"? per renl i; i. .r i.-i,, ,.? ...o- am .-nil. 1 to
$1.?.'.:.:<!*. ???!. making the total ?:?.*'.".' *..i The pai
ments resterdn) :-:,-;-i-l-i : -. . small ;-t ,;,??:. ,
,,f gold, bul lt is probable thal tbe nw result ,.r Ihe
bond sale will Ire sn accession ol ll5.oiM.oiai io ths
Hold balam.f ihe National Treasurj The ri
l-elpts lil 11.- Sub Tl i-;:- lp - - '. .-' nlwhl r ,
ti,.- "free" -mid to th? old H ???. reserve point, '
alihnuch thi- will nol l?- shawn In the Washington !
Ti i mu jr si Merni ni un I tl t ? in -ri ??
The - iii ? ? f Ihe receipts foi ihe in ? h -
Ut ih aa. inn I ' il ? ?- c M i Stn ?? n a mini, ? ,r>
scsi.. The cum-.nt pries i-esterda- ? , - li,' 175,
.iK.iinst 117.223. the hi,s.t price ni wrlcli s-'i-tus
Car'lsle obraimil ,?::. is f.a the bulk ? I thi i-- ii
MI'.MI'.l.lis ,,| 'lilli I'AIIINKT TA Kl"! A ll Wi'
IIII.I. .M'.Ki; Uti IVK Til v\' I.' 1 lt.
Washington, Feb. * si-,,rtiv after J cclocb to?
day Secretary Carlisle anl Beere! ai j ?: i * - -....: r? cnn..
to tbs Benate wing ??' the Capitol, Mr C
rf.i.vi! t., the i,.a,, of Rccrerar) f-<\, and Mr.
fire-sham to tl.- marble room Almost immedlatel)
Senators w? r-- ? n drifting to these ??.. poin
un I rdmultnn, ? ? un nan-.'! .1 sell vi tt was n- I
In Mr. lilli's ti iri. : i ? the .-? at- C'lamh r. H i
in-i, :-ir,,,?| thal both -,i the Secretaries caine to la
whal they cou'..I foi .Mr Peckham ll :-; .,;?>,, -ol
thai tin- private -,-.;?. tiii-' ,r tie r- -,ri,s |_nninnl
?m I Smlln were si the Senate Chamber ,,n tin
s-nie in:*-?-,;.... ,i-. h irk Mi iH'i tonk this ,* n
.-1,11 lei ??.- i , hal i\--. .mi beg ut his ;.,',..,i -, .
Mi Beckham with rem > ? I viuoi
i HR i 'i:i>lilt \i. ii.::, ti, >S i.wis
vTasblngton, Peb. v The art r pi ding the Ped -r.,i
Ried lon laws aros signed by the President shortly
iift.-r 4 o'clock this afternoon. Repreaentstlve Pear
s,,n. of Ohio, Ihe ch linn,.i -,f the lions.. Con*
mitt,-.-on Knio'.',..,i Bills, and Iteprea a ta tl ve Tucker,
of Virginia, the author <>t th act, brough! tl.n
rotled copy t., the White House. Mr. Tucker hod
with him a gold pen with which Speaker Crisp
iin.i Vi,.- iv.-.deni Stevenson had signed tba hill,
and Mt Pearson brought a blank receipt for it,
which he proposed t-i have ibe Presldenl sign and
preset ve tne slip aa a sou*, i nlr
When Ihe H: -.lint had signed the hill and th
receipt with Mr. Tucker's gobi pen, Mr. Tucker
told of a remark ex-Sueake* Reed ms la Ibis morn
big when Ihe repeal bill was anonnced In ni*. Hons
"Ballot-bos Btuffln-"." drawle,| Mr. Reeil, "hos
la?; U-,-..ni., leg lllxed."
Wasiiinitton, i-'ei, i (Special) Congi"ssman-ele-ct
cj'iU-i-' eaeac apon tha Soot ot the lions,- of Repre.
y.-nia'ives this afternoon wblls thal body w.:s in
se-isinn. lia Bras escorted tn- Atnns .i. Cummings
grad was pleasantly greeted by Bourka! Cockran,
Mr, Ho.--rt and ..th,-is ,,f bia D"**"*oerat*c trolleaguaa
from th.- Kinplre Stat,. Hs halted si lbs desk ol
Mr. HniToiv-i. ,.f MIcdli; in, who sits In the fr,,iii
row. and received ni-, beany congratulationa as
well ah tli,,^.. ut man. oilier Republican Repre.
Bentailvsa who galhered around him. Mr. Cum.
iiiiii?.:*a thea escorted the Conrcresaman-elect who |n
the lirst Republican Representative elected from a,
New-Tork Cltv district sin.-.- Ashbel P. Pitch waa
chosen sa ii Republican from the old XIHtb Dbi.
tri.-i. si*, year-; ago to a aeal beside Mr. Reed.
It was **ii|*Kest',.| 1 hitt th" ?'"'? ,h'"- while ^rr.
ll ?-n i-"*lK'-.|.' I I nil I Ul'- III" I ..,,,.. -?.ill,- .->, r
(lui-cK wis recelviog tbs (j-rmgiaiulatlona of Repub
lleans snd ..'iiers Inside Ihe House of Representa
ttves to-day, hu lat,- opponent. Colonel William I,.
Brown, waa hearing expressions of condolence ?n,|
svmparhy from I * .,;.? rai- In the eorrldora mitr*M(
ara* a polltlcnl "oblect lesson" of no mean pr.ipor."
lions, snd ona which the partisans of Free Trade
After the Honeymoon
Their honeymoon was over,
The timothy and clover i
In all the summer fields was
turning brown.
?TwaS morning, she sat sighing;
Bedewed with dismal crying
She puckered up her fore?
head in a frown.
I Floors sadly needed scrubbing,.
Black kettles needed rubbing, '
Her castles in the air had
toppled down.
When lo ! a great magician transformed this sad condition,
For Gold Dust Washing Powder's wide renown
Induced this bride to buy it?as soon as she could try it
No happier home existed in the town.
Gold Dust WashingPowdcr
Sold everywhere. Cleans everything. Pleases everybody.
Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., Chicago,
St. Louis, New York, Philadelphia, Beaton, and Montreal.
nnd Income tax would do well to heed. Messrs.
Quig-- and Straua will 'nke their seats In the Hnnse
hs soon as tl.eir credentials are received.
TO 'rm-: si'.xati:.
Washington. Fd*. 8 -The memorial %| the Na?
tl --:ial Wool crow r-.' Aatwclatlon laid before the
Senate this niortiinsc by Mr. Shertnan recites th.it
the association was eaile.l to met In Washington to
present to the Benate Finance Committee argu
nients In opposition to those provisions of th? Wil?
son Mil prepMlng to put wool on the free Hst
ari.I to reduce the ri'itl" s on woollen j-oo-ls. The
r quest of the association was presented on Feb
miry tt to thc chairman of the Finance Committee,
?nd was declined the memoral ?'.1 t??s. with the
Information that arrltten communleatlona would bo
illly considered, An oral discussion was greatly
desired to sive wool growers an opportunity to meet
queatlona thai might i.e propounded, but that being
denied the aasoclitlon subtnita lt-- memoria!,
it aaya it representa toora thaa 1.??"..?*> flock
masters, owning ali mt &0M.009 aheep, witta an In
veated capital ol tte aggregate value, nu.ler nornnl
condltlona, of 1600.000,000 expending annually Tor
labor 1*3.000,000, with an annual product In -v-> ,1.
tte., o', more than f*ll*UNM0ti ex.ling bj mir., thai
-C*,,00Q,0*** the total product of American ralnea ?>f
gold and sliver In the year 1*01
The Inveatmenta thus made In and f,-r sheep
hu ba nd ry arere inv:*...| ny and never would t-.i v.*
1.n mal.- hut for the acts .,f Congress of March
2. IK7, March -. IBU, and October 1. IMO, all -,-iv
Ing protective duties on wool, Intended to secure
fair prices, ender th--m sheep In Teased from
"-*.*T*7.*61 in is;., to t7.171.5SJ in .lanuary, ISM, anl
th., wool product from IGO.102.ia" pounds to Ml,.
1:,.'.,.;.>?. p.,un I*, with continued adequate protection
f,,r five years the number of Am-rican sheep would
leach over 100,000,000, producing C0O.OQO.aw pcunda
? ,f wool, thu* supplying all of every kli.d need-d
for consumption in the I'nlte.l .-'tates, beaidea fur?
nishing an abundant supply of mutton. In vi u -<t
tr-.--.- conslderatlona the memo"ial presents the
follow lng propositions:
: Without pron*ci 1 ??* .lu;:..s f,,r wool, sheep
hu i mdry In lha L'nlted St.i;.-s will soon be aub
?tantlally di ?troy ed.
1 The substantial destruction by free wool
-,f the Am.-rican sheep husbandry would be a
grievous wrong to all eognged ju (bat Industry.
To pur wool on the free l|it w lUld l>-? an exercise
,,r power by Congreaa reautting la bad faith to
those whose capital Ins been Invested la sheep
nd ry.
I The weona dont i>> free wool will n..t ba
alone to wool-growers, it would be disastrous to
all sgrlcultuial Industrie*. Thi ilestrui lion of
flocka ul sheep will null,ir.tw the demand they
n ???? make fm pasturag . hay, corn, ami oatt lc
Importation of for-lgn a - rill In effect ba -tn
mp ., ? 1 inn ni m.-.. thing* tint gj -.. niak? lae
" ? tuna In ; 'tiing I ? -?? thin ?? into a conn ry
in which th*.*.- ls alrcaily an overproduction.
tli Fi ??? w. would 1,. 1 unous j nil ither in
lustrn-s au,1 useful emp,o>men:*i. Nearly one-half |
the p pu I it ion h engaged In agricultural pursuits.
li ??ruc, a, of the wool in 1 is tr) a mid Im
io Improve f.n m 1, :., er ci build
to ;<?,..,:/? merchants, ki. --.->: ola, coi
Frei *. villi Impair thc phillie ,,t the flov
ernmnnt lo maintain In Mr*- country a sufficient
amount ,,f gold io supply the demands and t,, avol 1
pani, *). Th ? destruction of ti"- wool Industry will
an annual drain of gold from this rou nt ry to
I ? i.u foreign wools ,.f iSi.t-uMron ,,r more, lt po
foreign woola had 1.n imported during the laal
ten years there would hav? 1.11 no paule,
Hhi -i- bamir; nnd it. aide ! I nd nat ry of
wool manufacturing have stronger ? :.-i to.- to pro
ter ito.1 tha ? anj other American iudii 1 rj l> ls the
almolutei) N'atlonal Industr;, reaching Into
? \-r\ .**,,.. a a . t.-i ntoi v , Ita magnitude le greater;
Its prtxiucts .111:111: be i*ontrolli-<l 1,, , omblnation*.;
? - : 1*1 at- 1 , nm pen 'Utoi-. bi : lil .... (hi ,, -
-?1 burden of taxal. than .rr other Industr
ami Its ? t-.ii mil.: glorj is thal lt ,i-,,p.-als to patriot
t-tn t'U prote, Hon .'" :i means ,,f adding t-. National
1 -? .1 uliir.i*-. a-ion millions ol ... r. ,.f land
i* In. h would other*) lae be of little or no value
'1*1 ? (.IstliiK dutiea on u tola are, In view of
hanged conditions since 1830, the classification
of wools nnd the method of administering the Mc?
Kinley law. no longer protective, but are foi reve
n -.?? . ?r.>.
II ci: be demonstrated, tli" memorial naya, tint
free n *.,i will not permanently give cheaper cloth
lng. The issoclatlon protests against free wool h -
lt ls propose,! to linus: :; U-....I1 the country
? ail. without any request fiom the people
The petitions for lt .ar.- so few lu number as to i... .
II ti erl) insignlticant. It mai well be doubteil
whether an- :.,. isure ever before Congress brought I
out so mau-.- proteats Free wool attacks the agri*
cultural Intereats, and thone Intereats were now
more depressed tuan ari other. Inatead of b*-ina |
..;: 1 nm r,r hostile legislation, tiley were, as a
'i- Uer of justice an,I soun,l policy, entitled to the
fostering care of Congreaa
I-, n.t.. .wi:cs OF TUB I'MIN'.'I.i.itk PARTY un.I.
PROfOrKU I'i iI.ITl- A I. Qt'**J"T*OXt* T.? T1IIC
\ reception will ba given to-nlgtil lo Bdward
lilitke, M. P., al the hotel at No. Lin Broadway,
by the Irish National Federation <?f this .-.ty. Mr.
Blake arrived yesterday morning from Montreal,
Canada, where ha had been staying for the burt
few weeks, il- is Member of Parliament for South
langford.. He lias made addi-rf-rmea In s,-yerai of
the large cities of the l'nlted Slates and has tarli
ii warm reception everywhere. In Host.,, alon.- he
eil, etd IS.ooo for th,* Irian c.ins... which is uwler
the leadership of Justin McCarthy. The re-*e***ttoa
to-nlghl will laal fr,un I o'clock until ni. and it ls
...;.ed that all tha leading Federation supporters
will I-- pres..nt. It. Thomaa Addia Emmet, preal
dei t ,,i' th.- irwii National Federation, has Uasued
circulars requesting all the members of the aaao
clatlon to be preaent.
In the in.an time the Parnelllte party In this city,
nh 1 ar.- oj.; 1, ted in ,\Ir Ml il;,- and bia ass iel it.-s In
the British House of Common**, ara determined
that the Member f,,r South Umgford snail have
an opportunity of answering a few queatlona before
he leaves Mils ,*ity for Ireland A meeting of the
Farnellttea waa held on Wedneaday night Dele
gates attended from aeveral Irish *-*-d?llea. and a
re? 1 lotion waa passed thal the ll.m. Rdward Mlake.
M. I*, should be ask.-,| to anawer a series of i*oiiti
c.ii questions al th.- reception to-night,
Mr. lt:.ike had no Idea thal he waa ?oinu to ba
eros ?examined until laal night. n>* la ataying al
the house of Dr. Killin.t. Ko, ls Madi-on-ave. Dr.
bimmel said:
'Mr. Blake will be prepared to answer all quea?
tlona. He Will cover everything In lils speeih. and
1 can't s... what queatlona could be raised, of
co-u-sc. you know.- ne ls mir ?rtieat- and must be
HI'I'I'rllKt* AT TIIK I'NIUN I.KAl'.IK 'i.l'll 1*0
A'TI.'N "N* I.U.'.M. I'nl.ITICS.
The Tulon I.ea-rue dub held Irs rerfular monthly
?eating laal *-**enhag, General Horace "*wtar presld
ltm. The main subject dlsciiHse.1 was the measure
proposlni* to *-eo-*a*anlaa the Police Department of
this .itv on non-partisan lines, with an iipial num
ber of Cumaalaaic-ncra for the two principal political
parties A number of speeches were (MMH>, In
Which one-headed, two-headed and four-headed com
mlr*slona were favored by the illfferent speakers.
Th.- whole question was finally referred to the
Committee un r*oNtleal Iteform. M. B. Hinsdale.
chairman, with Instructions that the committee
preeenl Hs r. |...rt tl??reoa on Wivlnef.lay evening.
February tl.
It was rumored yester.liy (hat an effort would
bo ma.le to Induce the club to take a hand In the
controversy as to the best ?^M_^C,^*_Sfffl1____!
Kppiibllcan parly of New-Vork **_*"*? but I' there
existed a purpose to commit the club on the aub
ject lt waa abandoned. No referenc we- ?*Ao
I.ii rue*. I nn?l niottt -complete -stock*
Rifles. K-volrrrs, Ammunition, rte.
.'ll.l BKOiinviv,
No Pay until Cured.
M ""'ti rou to 4.000 nmnrt
' for t Ireii'.irs ami Bank Rcferenoee*.
?d.ire.-i any of our oltires.
I ii cn rpo r*itrd ( apilal ,*? Siirpbu. $1,000,000
Offices In n'l l:-raer>'-l-?*? of 0. 8.
cnn p.eu. ns wnen tt
ie greet linnie
ie drink
A Moen' pack.-.-re m aft es 5 ga I iona
nf this <!<i|i ions Temper*
*.? ih? nnalyls hIt*-*s. 'til* famnea \V.iuk*>.ha Mineral
Pp.niij; Wirer ls rennrV.nl li fia,, frim ttfUOtt matter and
nh-,iu***;y *?*ro***l ,,( _n |n-,:?irltl.? mil. ta hilt* p.,-<j.*?sin*f
thu m *>t .Timi', lb te ar,' efl tc.it r***-*r**"tlal <,u.il lien IC
.i?-.i tot produ-M aajr rlef-ar-ar-*"*"**- st 'hi- ayatam ?-> isintu
in the anjo*meal at heal')., bet K la a rMtf-htM, refresh
tnc ene: ln?l*-**-ratla*i lever.-.*., tow iii Tty ir. i-KLU
l-OLUT** ? CO.. i IV.i'i anl ll Wot iTi'i-nt.. N. Y.
Elaaa WfllaXSJ HAItTMASTi wood woo*.
tun Tl Ulrl til At all Dr* <",,!?.>'? "re.A-I'i-uasista
lo tue pian i
immittee of Thlrry.
lrh?r to the Antl-Macftlnf
lan of enrolment suggested
dillina; the session
mov. men
by th
The following candidates for admission to resident
membership n il ? club wei > unenlmoueiy elected:
I.loyl Collis. Jared f, Baldwin Henry I? r?e Milt,
i mt. a A II I'-ma:;. Ff- l-ri.'k lianne. H I. Cun
nlnf-ham, 11 i rr !?' Mora*. William I. Plndle/, War?
ren B. Smith. Henry Hall. Henry rt !.ind-?n.
(??-. ir'-si Vf i ilton, Charlea P. Bmmonn Howard
Willett, John J. Lapham. Thomaa Lowry, R. H.
IN i Ot'RT,
Dumont C. Lewis, on.- of the proprietors nf tha
Alhambra, the music hali at No. ?->' Ki?nth-ava.
on which a raid waa "nada by Cantata Price and
inspector M 'Avoy ,?n the night of Janraai-y J.5., waa
arraigned In the C mrt of Special Sessions yesterday
m >rnlna and w iw 'ii- -barge i
Not a little feellni araa shown In the trial of tha
can- ny Captain Price ar." Inspector McAvoy.
Captain Plica went on the stnnd and -.wore *-*???
the I-'iee waa a licensed concert hall, anni M had
never heard any complalata against lt except from
i T. Parkbiirat'a aoclety. "I canvaaaed that block
,n both -?i i.-s of the street." aald Captain Price,
:. i could Ret no one to complain about the place.
Of course the women arba resort (o the place must
be of doubtful character, bat neither I nor any of
my force could identify any of the inmates aa
prostitutes or thieves." Captain Price's te-rtlmony
was corroborated by a half donen detectives and po
llcemea attached io the Twentieth Precinct.
?Then Inspector McAroy took the stand he *a'd
thfre had been a number of complaints tiirimst the
pia,-*-, anl that many of the Inmates were known
to him and his men as prostitutes an! tltl-*ve?.
A balf-doaea ''entral Office detectives corroborate,!
McAvoy, iin,l tim Court deliberated some tim* over
the conflicting testimony of the police. Final!} lt
decided to discharge rhe prisoners. Captain Price
anl Inspector McAvoy were seen exchanging angry
w.,r,ls while In conn
HOW in \.;itv witiiTi'iiiis \vi:iti: kukud
AND HIATKN i:\ TUP* ".'."iii;*'
Accor,lln? rn the sr-.ry rold by Marlo Tan-ianel**,
of No. ..ll Mast i.'levintli-st., the steward of th*
New-Tork Preen club, ba suffered terribie treat
im-nt at the hands of _ policeman yesterday mom*.
In,,'. About 1 o'clock Tan*,*.melli paid a visit to the
oltl.-e of -'I1 Proi-r.sso Italo-Amerlcano," at No. I
Centre at., to contribute to the free bread fund Of
lhat paper. OntaMa ot the office was a long line
of men Waiting fer food. A spiad of police kept
this line straight by r***mroua**-> hlttTtag the shina of
tha unfortunates. Tanga noUfa attention wan
drawn to an old man down whose left Ug the blood
was atraamtng. wi-.-m s burly policeman rushed for?
ward "lid kicked the rorterinK old man In (he other
|.-c to keep him In lina. TariKanelll mildly expoe
t lilllieI.
While pleading for the poor wretchea he says hn
was grabbed by the neck by Policeman No. 776 and
pitched headlong Into the i-utter. lie scrambled to
ins feet. Meedla*! and covered with mud. and rushed
into the newspaper office, closely followed by hla
"Walt until I get you out In the street again*"
:he policeman cried, with a volley of oaths, "and
I'll urrest you!"
Tangonelll watted inside for about fifteen minutes,
l'ti.-n fie started to ko down to lils work, thinking
hut the police had ;*otie. Ile hud tinnily descended
be steps of "ll Protfressu" office when Policeman
So. 77ti. who hail been tottering near by. iiK.-iln seized
lim and (brew him violently to the sidewalk.
TranganeUi says tliat the treatment received by
li** unfortunate men waiting for free bread wan
limply inhuman. He has advertised In "Il Pro
?reeeo" for witnesses of the assault and will bring
thargea agatant the policeman before the Police
'ommlHslonerH. Carlo Iltirsottl. the editor and pru--.
irletor of "Il Proaresso." has also Interested him
telf In the matter and hus promised Tanganellt
hat this sample of police brutality will be thor?
?Ughly investlijated.
MK. CRORRSfS B icu Ks.
"Judge" this week haa a peculiarly pungent Joke
it Hilliard Croker'a expense. Two tramps aro
diown In a picture warming themselves by a flra
vhlch they have kindled by the aide of a railroad
?mbankment. "Roadside Ike" remarks to Lone./
' -This1 doln' nothln' ls er nice business but yer
lever heerd of any one *"ettln-* rich at lt.
To which Loneiv William repiiea: t^amtlkm9am
"Ter didn't? Whale de matter wid Dink Crokerr"

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