OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, March 19, 1894, Image 10

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th:: board ok editation no li
)-! CAR . f POLITICS mai
It has lons been regarded ss s fresl hoi
the clttsens <.f this city tu be ? Comml- ? -A-r ? r
the Hom-.] of Education. The olBce i.-- ona ot gn il
j war tot soo i an i - rvlce ren?I?
the Commissioners is entirely gratuli ius, t ?
la purely ,.? ? , ' ; itrlotlam. To be i,r, IdenI of ihe
i ,.i of Education wsa long considered :i high
honor, because lt wai purely ,1 labor of love and
?-ntir<!y removed fr..m poll or rerl on.
Sucli was the high level on srhlch the C minta*
glonera of ti;. :? . ?:? i .,| Eduratl >n st - ? -l until *rlt In
s year or twn sgo, trhen Tutti tany Hall, becoming
boMei snd b il l< r si its poari r In ? -a - !. I
ln.ik about ? ? Ita ti. I.I of i
ll nice." aril began displaying Its fine hand In the
V tat l of Ed icatl n, xviii- h remilte i In I
of Adolph I.. Benger in January, 1893,
<if the board. Doers lo thli Hs rd had
been kept out of politics and president! had been
selected purely "ti liteir merits, snd in the Interi -<
of tbs public - 'boola John I.. \. Hunt tn iy ' ?
sMsrcd the las) of the long line of ebie and
ly men who have sjrsc l the presl l nfs ch ilr in tho
Hoard of Education After November ". 1892, Tun?
ga?ay Hall came to the conclusion that Ita
cf pstr I kj narrow, and the eontr I ?
annual expenditure <-f over M.000.000, the bulk of it
being In aalarles, waa too tempting a prise tobe
left al ne. and f rthwHh orderi w re Issued from
th" Vfigm ira, ai ; thi "p ill" ot gan to h fell
The election <" - president to the Board >f Edu?
cation wna to be held ..ri the iccond Vft Incsday In
January. ISM, In ord) ? to understand the els*
Blflcance of the electl n of ? president of the Board
rf Edti i lon it mun be understood thal thi ? "
bsa the power of appointing all ihe standing com?
mittees on thia board through which
portent work of ihe public achoo! system, au h aa
tbs spi ti nt of Behool truste >? of rn.- d fl
wardi (who in turn nominate all the teachera below
the grade of prlncipall and principals, t-i I the pur?
chasing of school sites and erecting buildings. In
fact. th? president of the Board of Educatl
"tix" hi* committees ro aa to have almost aba du ts
, ? ? | | of the M, " 0 or IS, lOO.OOO a ye ir pati
This was kn..xvii t > ihe leaden In Tammany Hall
long ago, terr there had been an understanding be?
tween all political parties that the public
?honed !?-> kept out of politics, and ibe Vflgtrsm
wanted to be aura of thc other departments of the
city government before it essayed to absorb rhe
public schools. Bo thst it traa not until sfter elec?
tion In November, 1898. that it fell strong ?
to reach out to the public Bebo. ls.
since thnt time it has been eti idlly and Bteslthlly
working out Ita end! In the Board of Education
until now it kai the wh ile lyn m tba lutelj
power. After filling most honorably snd ably the
office of president of Ihe Hoard of Education ' -r
nearly three years, Commissioner Hunt di
to run again. JU* natural lucceasor wai either i
Charles lt. Hubbell or Robert Maclay, both men of
tiigh standing and of more ti: ir-, usual ability. Aa
Bn f.vi! ?: ?? if th. chara ter of these men and tbs
total absence of political motives In th lr mil
e.- iking the office, it may be laid that each it ? 1
x,., |y ? . ri gn 1 indld - in favor of the other,
but Commit Hub lated on i
pines ?(':;? - '?? r Mad y, ana the Istt t w iul l
undoubtedly have been elected had not Tammany
Hall Include I politics In the board R
the superior fitness of Commissioner
mes xvii, worked as the - da of Tammany Hall on
thc b , ul approached Mr. M iel iy md nth
that they would k!v him theil supp .rt If l-?? would
follow thi lr advice In the m itter ot si | I ng ? >m*
mltteea, Thia Mr. Maclay promptly r-. ;, I to lo,
xvhereut.nn ihey cast shout for another candidate,
and chose Mr. Banger. Mr. Banger was a Tamn
Hall man si 1 xv.- elected. Ths committees fur that
year wer* nil arranged to suit Tammany Hall and
everything weal to the satlifsctlon of that oi
satlon during the year. (
On the Budden death of Mr. Banger 8 few weeks
ago, Mr. Maclay xv.ts sgaln the choice of many of
tbs members of the board, bat bs wsi opposed by
the men who do Tammany's work because of hla
religion. Mr. Maclay helnrr a Protestant. They
th-"i pot in nomination R. linnean Harri-, s Cath?
olic; but word was received from headquarter! lhat
tba time hil ii,' yet come lo Dominate s Csthollc
es presi-ii-nt of the Board of Educ I n, snd lt
?would be better to pul up ,i Protestant who would
do th*- bidding of Tammany Hall, rev', tor that n i
mn Commissioner Charlea H. Knox was appointed
and was eiecr i by a v ite of 12 to I,
Mr. Kn 'X ra ? memh r of the Tammany Hall Law
c m mitti e. whose I lo d -'? I sll esses
of violation of election lawa lt ba l been the p dlcy
or Tammany Hall during the l .*t year to lill va*
esoclefl smong the the II ird of
Education a ? that lt xv ml I r ntly with
a Protestant majority ls Ibe board In thc
year, however, the Protestant! who wert appointed
avid) ntly lit, tl -v of th) lr
voune the nay the !? ? - -? ted, Thl waa par.
tleolarly ah iwn In thi ? iee ol Slr. I.lvl .
openly announced thai red Mr. Vf
as tru<".'.' f..r the Twelfth Wael, hut he adi
that he had been "ca ? down" In fnvor ol
Tamm >nv candidate i '
han. ari ! voted for him
The make-up of ths standing committee! <.f t>.?*
Board of Education for 1*91 plainly ahowi hi w itib*
servleetly Presl lent Knox has I ? .ul the
wish--; .:' Tammany il i snd hai given over the
J.ubli'' IChOol ly '-rn I I -til to the
gnerclea >>f the wigwam in F irt*m h-si 0
?h-> most Importanl ,????.- I ird ls
that of Commltl.n Tiuiteea, whl h hi the i -?
er of nomlnatlna ti,.- n wards, and
these truiteea in turn the nomination of all
the teachers below th tl. In order
to have the power ol i hera for $, ?
publh- sell il -:.-'"tn. Ta ni inj ll .ii Brat
have thi- commit.n ihi t ? - - r ? ?.. 11: ?. 11 of truitees
In irs power Hon complete'-} xii Knox h,.
this for Ta ninia nv Hall arlll b..-. tn the make-up
of this committee lu. .... ncr !?<
chairman. If, i- a Hebrew, Iwavi work**!
with th- Tamm my Hall m< I ird. Hi ..r.i
Mr. ii'iiri-n ar.- the recoanlsi ll
r.-,w in control of tbe board. The othei m mbera
cf the committee ar.- Mr. xi ? i Cat lie, and
a vice-president of Tammin) Ha ; Mi Mi-Harron, .
f"ath"llf .iti>l a member of Tai . I1 -,i
Goulden, a Catholic and a mern ? : ??
Halli Mr. O'llrlen, a Catholic; Mt
the Bxecutlv? Commlttei ol Tammany H.
other membera ol Ihe conmiti * .. Mi Hubb"ll,
Mr. Rogers and Mr. Wehnim, Pro'estants and men
who ar-- not associated with 1 ; Thia
fives Tammany Hail lix mei
wishes. ,m i ? ? ? ; , | i ? Tamn ut v Hall ?? \
The r"?ult of this COI
on Nomination of iruai foi strati i i ,
the Twelfth Ward (In w-i-h then tl ? .
like |Q i. 1 ;??) if ichera) Ta il ,.!
wsnte l a ma irlty of the ti., nnd
In ur ler to ri .'?? ,- lt waa ni ress try I i tun out Mi
Wormier, a mosl excellent man xvh. baa ?..?rx.-i
faithfully f..r many years, and ta i :? In hla iilaee
Michael Callahan. Thli ? . don. ai I a
many Hail hai control .>f the ich > .'- ? ? tl ?? t.
Ward, na it hai of almost every other -.-.-..r 1 ii, : ?
citv. The truite-ei al present are Thom-! WI
a Cathilic; william E. -Ullina . Tammin) I
Of til" XXVIlIth Assembly District; R nert r
Rice'. M chat. Callahan, Catholi.
t the Tammany i-.i,!er In in* dlsti i
Antoni,! Rapines, it i-- no ui isual ilghl lo I
. of T immany nv n ilttins In
waiting for the truiteea :> get thr., rr':
im,'. when they have some favorite person t. ap?
All th.- o:>i..r committee! appoint) I by Pn
Knox hay,. i?-..ii arranged on the - ime Tan
Itali baals, and the Wigwam now i ,-: h ta of flav?
ins absolute ron t roi i.| the i ubllc - -; ?
Of the fifteen Handing committees, ?*,rlr? Ti.-** or
Tammany Ha:: men have ten chairmanships Mr
O'Brien I* chairman of two Important commlttoi-a
and i.- ,i member of six committe*a .\ir Harris |*
chairman of te. mi .? member ,-f f...ir
Mr. Guggenheimer la chairman of tw ai ! . member
of four. Mr. Hubbell, although one of the oldest
members Of the board; Mr. Gei . nd Mr Roe-rs
ail Protestants, have no chalrmanshlo ar all but
M.re,O0_'?*n' M~ ,;";:- Mr ?oul)le.n. Mr Byneville
all Catholics or Tammany Hall men, none of wlm^
have ....rx.-.I or Ihe boat I aa ng ia ?? ,-r Mr
Hubbell or Mr. Gerard, have received chalrm-ai-ini
from President Knox. v
Prom The St. Louis Hi si -I >,mot-rat.
"I am pera malty scqu tinted." ? ii | Mr Arthur ll
Butter, of New-York, who was vii .? friends
at the Southern last nikht how v. rv . .
work out ii puaale afp?-- having the kej
"with a man who haa Invented *,ra,. of ihi
successful pussies of rh.- day. s .me of hil Inv.-n
tions have lir.uik'ht him in a great deal ot mon.-v
tn this country, while ..th-rs, which li- h ?
riicht to foreign houses, han noi yield< I him th
same pereenUge of profit ?pn an average
duces one new fizzle :< week, and ilthoueh h*
takes a ihr")- roorrth'! rscatlos ev.-rv yeal and rell
gtousty rer-o'v^s to rest hlx brain during hia trip he
generally flmis fresh Inspiration from Ihe ,
of scene, and bringa lurk xx Ith h!.n I..-;.- .
than those h?- works out at borne. On more
0-SOCCaaion h<- has Inst the kev to hil
and he once aoM ? puade to ? London Srn
then, ufter prizes ha.l t.. -n offered f.,r rta solution
and everybody had failed to solve it he forsot the
trick himself, ind ttatural'.v bad to return the our
chase money. He is siipportlnj- the famllv of a man
who went rrazy try inf- to puaale oul a device which
haa t-.ncr become an almost everyday affair and In
many othiT rtsr-ects he has demonstrated th? fact
that the life of a puzile-malcer ls not erttlreh' a
bed of rosea, although lt vie',.!-, an 'nconr- to him
at any rate, in txctss of that earned bv a Sunreme
Court Judge.'
t. x. .1 . , Issi twenty-five !
ira bi ri a i; i ital air. i ri old. Ii
vary fr,,rn CO to KW. and I pi
ri Of tht !'?::
... : d in mak ng a u
, . ... | | .,. | . The :? wn, wllh a p >pu*
Hon of ai, .ul 10, ?? ix Ihe home of i
ii . b ? Im as men. who wer. sttrscted tl tl
tl ?? beat tv of Ra I ' '
ho )ls. culturcJ ....... : ? il gov*
? . ihe i ii I gi wth of Mon! I itr ui i- r
town has i ? i
..... . . f govert idoptlng I
iori law r Into four xx.ir ls. T
,., also gi xv, r to the Town i' in
. and thia new feature 1 i glvei the Den rac;
,,.. for the local ? l< tion, xvi ich
? | -)? -., | ? ,'i April. In vari
... ? thi ugh the Lan ' I ' >rder C immlttee
id the Prohibition band, the Democrat! and Mug*
imps h ive id li niy manlfi ' l a lively Int. ri it
the lien ii i -. lo i" pa - ? i bj ihe <
I .... io s. cure ni'- co
,? Ri public it,.- wh ? li ive b ? n the i - me
-, cuiii k for the toa n tood gox
know tl ??? opel, f atti
. .int,i the Conni il on ' i ??... Ie*u?;
ncc they xxiii attempi to pin ??? the Ke|
.a false llghi n thc liquor q
In order Hers to a I ' ' ?
ld in ll. nd) ri- n's Hall on Sattir.lax night to effo -I
Govern ienl I '. lb, li re*
: ii: es. There w< re ah
nulli i ami iwentv-iivc voters present, but the
-publicans refusi 1 lo enter the trap set for them.
[i ?? tm. r. rotei present wi re John lt. Liv*
more, Dr, c. KV, Huller and Hugh Mullen, com
, ? i . Rx. ? Hive Committee. There
en other leading Democrat! "ii haul. Including
..rv A. Miller, xx ill! rn I. - i ii tm. It R. C.
? -.? ? n ll ?'. 1 >nl rn v, E. \ Rr . !!? y, ll. ll. Bpi) a,
ml Wilcox. < -. I: c, ,',). the Rei . l>r.
ii.Kin. i ? i.i- ? ll Ri ker and T .*. . St. -
ii ns. The vr dill itl mist - w? re repn - nt l by
din H. Anderson. J. Addison Richards,
obi rt -l. B. Whit ?. D P. Mi rrltt and Sam
I i "rump. Rut til-- bulk of Ihoi ?? in the au ll
ice were Mugwumps or Democrat!) callina th- m
iv?? Indi i" ii li nit, \\ ho ? :? line in ami ate with
? "short-hnlr" I '? m - 'iney Thi a. iiclu ,'.:???
uwai i. i.i ij 1. Mun h . lathrop, Ami , Royd,
. ???,;. i' iti lings, .'. nn. Hrower, Merritt, Noyes,
n, !..::? Il, Topllff, \; X ii al" an I ol
Much of 1 v. i- ? ,?. ti up In f.-rr:
ana i ir attack. The ET ihlb lion coi Ung. il fa?
red i ? ,,? in!' ni ll< ki ? in the ti,- I II
-.. Pr., i: : I ile Ira The Rei ir
ri, who ls In sj. mp itl
. pi . : thi!. "I-- I ih" Repul
, ir lie ; mi n,' wai I i ? s ar-crj
it ai nil ..sk.-.; whethi r thia wa
i assistant ll , ibilc in . lub. If so,
he Di mocrati to help them oul
? tho mu 1. Ev. rything ? ' a ' ? ;. rall
.k appian I. il to th. ? ho, I il a hi n Mr. I; ?
? if the ii" '-'ii:: ? ihi iminate a I
ade up of Ropubllcuna he would \ de it stmrght,
.. -?? \ , - lien. ?
The meei i not a ese as a
fion-paj in" ni. ? im my, ll) pub
,? I be caught by the bal I
The Republican Organisation of tl"- VIIHh .x-^
robly Diitrid had Its flrsl mo-ting at li
r.i tv r. i:': . Tl ri ! rlct has b-ort ITU j
ioken cf as ui ? m isl' n f.iv.-r ? f tl plan
ommltt.f Thlrt). I ni?hi howi - ll
? rey, who i ll Hugo
iwak, showed lhal with only a week s >rl over
?' ni :. lia I ? ? ? ? ' -.'? ? i ??
ni '? i Wp ? :v. fa\.,r ? ?: the new ii)"..
he presl :.:it ..j...ii. I tl ? ,. ? -... ? . a ;.li
.li , : . ? ? . lent, nnd whit)' li" a i
?hn v. MU! ill uni ? in
. ll re, elveil. |]i . il I thal tho Igh the X nu:, \
n.i.i' I Hall I. t -i.I rt ?? !., i iii the fi il, it
In I ?? th) li
he nea movement wai not a din ipi lon of th
i rty. it xi. -?",;!.. a reorganisation ut the old
' an pai 11. wn Iii ranka 11 ?
. pl ? ? .ii. i put tina In Ih lr
Ince i young, vigor, a and tr ie R i itbll. ai
p-', irli's R. M Ide al ? -i- ike, ??, I al th) ? nd of the
? ? -,. T, ni a men bel
.iii of the organization,
Til - Ri publ n On iant i of ihe Vth Aaa ?
. itr ct haa laki n 'hi- r, omi nf tl I t f'hai
'. )-:!.-ik- Association, ai No, 152 Grand-et, Aa ll
.??;r..? were already c mfortably furnished ai i i -
I'd, .-ill .li.- li Ul gf wi r ; .: h a si I, an i
av ? i .w 1. ?ii made the h ada .,; i f thi Rei
lean p>..nation <f -h.- \':.. Aia.-mbl) i
Co i.f. i almaiion could have been chosen, aa ii I
n the hean ? f ihe district, li hih i ??? pan
- do i;ir w .nd< rfully we.'l, lespiti I hp fad
'Johnn; ' 81 mpi n -ayn tn thi ? i Its ?? tk
ng his Inr-1 at lo defeat the nea .;,.-.:: iv. ,u ,i .
The E. B Harpei R ; Ile in '"-il, had sn enter*
tinmen! at I.w I n Vo. lin Willis ive . on
laturday night, which serv<d as a "hoi
["here were pi echea na ult. tat lo
larper sent a menage of congratulation lo the
dub. II" v. , -? ui ; :? ti i ? pi ?-? r.t. -is I.- ha i to
ittend the eli cl on ol the Lotoa I 'lub, ? f which
ie i ? tr. asun r. This orgnnlzi Hoi ; ?
? ::! SUI eel t i': aron " I I 11 ' I if Iii.Itlg
nen ol the Noi th Bide In pol I
? ?.
In the effort to bring together v-.-n Intel I
goven nt, and - ter munlcl
rnmem ? Go I Government l ibu are n >w
irgania for this p irp ? ?? In the \ arl
.ua .\- ? f tl ty Each club
Inguiihi I fr im i- liter clubi b] etter of
:! ?? ali habel I- la i ? Itev. I b; man that I
jluba xviii afford opi irtun -\- i r effect re work
In 'ii" line of better munt Ipa I government by men
abo have never seen theil ? ,r r . -., r, them
iclvea ??? Ith any of the n 'r" under
taken for this purpoae. li la ' in i by the lea I
tra p.f these "i'i!,.- that their at i i. r - i--- ter g ?
pra I In ll method!, a nd en ?? fr.<?
from any partlsani ti "<i.i>?r- ently
irganlsed li Good Governnv i i ib ii. ..t N
i: itt- Twenty-thlrd-at. Club R la comp ?
of the Xth, XHth an i \l\ tb A mbl 11
?? ? I- i , . are at tract iv< fun - ? I, .... I
I i being lupplie i with m .. ia n< ni i
i : a is 1 he i. wil,"': li i
i. w ll] be Incl .-.i .ii, ? '? ntrltii
. In conni ci m s Ith ?? ich o
-dubs, ?
smoking :. i bil nd a hall. The ii ,
? la tl, and the ?-. , - '? ? c. ni - a n
a yea r
The following ar" the ? .i!i<-- rs .-rM trust**
flub I'.: J. Augustus Joh n. j lent; K. K. lilias
,?- ll
j.i-.-T-i lent; Hal
i liar les Tail, rr- I tl tees, I hal
xx ?.. ? , r Hames, i ?li*. - - r ti Harton ?.. F ll. Hen .
i: F Hil -<. lr . x\ ill tm ll irm in Rr wn, T. Prank
Rr smell, p '1 ir--: i I ll . I . I. itt, ll ibert
| ''??;, |, Ivltnni: 1 |.u:?,r, ; Rd wa rd F. Etti
r lu.ar i lt. ll- v ii . .1. I ng :???! Jol mon, Renonl
I'.-K'A.!. jr.. XX 'an, Ware I.; I;-, ll. ll. Pierson,
' ? M r rx Henry Rob<-rti, Alfred ll.
Bwi ... rici Tatha n, .i. N. \\ m^'.
iini-<,f tnt astutest wlndlers who airer found hla
v . behind prison bars i* Daniel C. Cstop, xth'i
on Thui i.\ waa Betti by Judge Glover, of tba
Philadelphia Cltj Court, lo Bis years' confinement
in tbs Eastern Penitentiary, Th- clrriun-rtanees
i.: ),:-. rase are Invested trlth peculiar Interest for
drygi?? !?? men, snd *??rvi- ss sn illustration of the
Bne sri of robbery.
On Batunlay morning tbs finn of J. M. High .tr
i-,,. nt Atlanta, Qa, received a telegram sljrned "<;.
p-. Camp, (in.ri Hon-.', Philadelphia" Ths tele*
i . ? ? n tal np i sn ordi r to bp ii to Mcasrs. HUI fifty
I of w.ish sl'k. fifty-four Inches Wide, at 31
Mr. High himself read the telegram, and
although h>' h.Tl never beard of or seen xvash alika
of that particular description, hs, aft.-r consulta?
tion with his manager, replied to bli unknown
correspondent, ttr-kii.k' him to s<-n>i on the gooda
At al,.,ut Hu- salli" tlni" that Mr. Ililli was read?
ing tbs telegram st Atlanta a smartly dressed,
thickly built, business-like looking tuan entered
the drygoods li..us.- ?t Strawbridge a- Clothier,
Market-si . Philadelphia, and entered Into convsr
?allon w-iiti Frank H. Evana, manager for thi
house. His nama, lu- said, w-ns Daniel C. camp.
sad ii" xwis a leading Eastern representative f,,r
J. ll. High, This linn ii ons of t!..- strongest dry
house In ths South, and tbe mi-ntim, of ita
i am.- was Mirridi nt to Becurs Mr. Bvsns_ respect?
ful stt otton Mr. Csmp th"n bought silk io ths
nf ii.t-.sj. _nd in payment banded lu two rer?
un*-.] cheeki on ihe Maddoa \- Rucker Banking
Compan) of Atlanta, bearing Mr. Hlah'a nam-'
Mr. Evani waa iltghtly 'louiitful sboul his visitor
and when Mr. <'.-itup asked f. r an advance of Koo
on th>- checks ho was told that th.- cashier was
sw. and a ked io ? ill again.
About an h.mr later- this tim)* nt :: o'clock?hs
nm,in appeared, and Mr Evana th-n told him
thal aa .1 M. in^-i, a- Co. win- known to be a rash
bouit and i ,.t sccuitoroed to <b'al In i-herk- he
would require a certificate of his Identity before
payintc over any mone* in th)- mean time hr- had
telegraphed to J. M. HU'h. asking if sny person
na rn ?d Camp hnuirht silk for th-m in tho Rait or
was known to them. Detective Franklin, who ls
employed in HnnrhrMfS's store, followed Camp
ind saw him cn-?r I Qirai R
the teh . rn J. M. H.t. rd) rina th.
) ail r.iv- 1
r ? ? . . from Alla .mini* all
knos ? of I ? ramp | ' '
I the first
? . im from J. M. i h. and a forged letti r
,f Intro ? Hok" Pn Ith to John
Wi -..ii" ?: :. In ll )? let Bmlth Intni lu.1
. ?.. :. ,.r f.." J, X' HlRlt,
nnd a . ?! . all h'
favor the I ? ? put Mr. V
maker '?? the proof wi he I I to
' ' .
tunk'-r ?? ? ki for St
When Mr. Evans I '?- ?'?' Ihe
letter ami l rank*
I Mr. Cai ? '
-, ? i 1st ria
.., i.. i'i- ? ? . thal
only acted
ii., hns a ;?? ? r?r I 'ri thia ? Itv tn
Ih - Ht, r tl ?' ' !?-?? ?
-,: Timbi -
nml i'. hai bi mpai I h -1
bill ni ih* M : lon !!?? it- . He ls a lawyi i
? ? ? cnvllle. 8. C., where he was once Solicitor
Tn The Tribune nf lasl Monday there appeared a
rhort account of i family threatened with eviction.
though the rather had Jual returned from a long
confinement In a hospital and wai still too feeble
to work, and one of the three chlMren was bo 111
tl ? i physician's affidavit declared thar removal
would ri ill !-. Ita death. There may hav- been
many cases equally sad, but thia one had b n
brought specially toa Tribune reporter*! attention.
The 'l '?? ol eviction came, the ? ital day, snd the
few effecti were put on the ildewslk. The family
? : .? in anothi :? home of poverty. Then
came a kin I ? on an who had Jual -"-ii the ac
, .. . i in Tl ?? : rib me, Bhe wa , too late to save
them from being turned out. bul nh..uld re
,!,. ?;, ;.-..? , ;; itreet, and he did thl A month's
renl for i Her roon wa - paid in advance, and
. food for th< r temp .r r- a
. ive no name, "I ut." sal I tl mother,
? i am .-.!o I '?- iowa lt." (?n the ime du j a
sum ol money a - I ni
willi ahii li to pay the rent of tl : fm
., .,; pill I. ttl
Thl - home \\..^ Indeed - memb* rs
al m. f >r Hie du, lor ??? ? coi ri I In hla
.,,-??, - Ile I "ii
Hat univ i- it pr-tl HUI girl
nev. n. i: ti: the n I lu-ifi-H
from a Mu| ? ' ? <5l"K
on lha r pat lt I
reached her ai ' :!" ?"?
..... ie n xt," un : i a ?
?| he worn in who hi ' ...
'a attention lasl '. \, --i, but t ? ii
I -.
heel tl ot
w ia,, ba ia ? ?
? i ?
-.... 1 I ? . fi ?
know that th.
The vlaltor at ol
? ? :
i ? ?
. ' ? I
? ? ? wllh
.? -" p!l It
-. -
This I ' ? ' ''? Pf "
r this family UH
ne th in I ' ? . "tal
the) ? ' '
?? i
? ? ?
r ni
lief bj t ? '?
- . T ." ? I
R., F; Mrs. Il ? ' n
H en Ja I
Rl| ley. $5 I ; T. M ll
1 .!. I) F )t, ? '
? , ; [ a
? '. c.. I: C., ' ' ? ? ; K I l?e C ; ? I
I I _tilli ?? Ktran .' ;'
I:- rs,
j-.-. Oswald tl
: the Ka
l.??ii" H. Il
s. E. c.. :
ri es ll
I Rrew
THE El Uni l I \i MARNI I
. "
There wei ? ?
Pates | ? e. but
the market
of new ) mi ileld. and thc si en ly
I rici ? . .'.-,.,
? m* i wei
expi Ti'.;. ntal. and tl >?
... Rjona
of a dang) i ? ?.-?;,? ;
i m ?? ? ?
The pl| porte for March to dite pron ?
for i '!?? r
Tl ? ? .. . l ? . ;., (ch irterri
t , the ''?:'.i wi re
I iel \ r ?. im i-i |f
Roi ? |e|y tem
Total i irrela .: '.-',-.:
Ax- r ? ? i I i- ,,, ... . ? ? mi .
Rei ? ? 1 pe ro|. um WI ! ar .', '', ,-..., ,
i ? In ban - 2. In hulk, ind C21 centn
? a at X" ? V irk, ii rr ,- ni i in harri N an |
.' 00 :.' ? In hulk a' Rilli ulelphl i I il |.- ...1 xv i s
-? ' ' I at < li Imrrela mid t i*eni - In hulk
Naphtha wu unchangi I ni '.;., cent! ti g-allon
. ri rpi it itlon' remain. 1 ar | i r:- ,... s ,,..r j ,,
1 I Antwerp. I . ,,t Rrenu ri
i an 1 :: l*lCd. per Imperial gallon al I. -.. i >n
Chlrar , March 18 (Special). A report thsl weevil
hal developed In s cargo of wh al i. re, compelling
the cargo lo be unload. I, overshadowed .-v..ry
other Influence yeaterday, snd ma le a weak wheal
mark't of lt. May opened at ..- ,. aol i between
-Ri and .'?-'-. and closed st ?>', cents The tn, ti in
regard lo tbe .-art;" were really nol rery aertous.
A leaky vessel probably had most to ,| , with Ihe
trouble, heating the wheat and developing tl,"
weevil In thal way, H it the xvii, at bears took the
i io t ???. i stlonal view of the matti r, and the wheal
wi re pul on the di feni Ive. Tbe markei is
mails -."ii ir,;, on thi ore, because of the
.r.uni- ato ks h.-r.-, over :".'?>?, a-.i nf all grade!
The other nea wai rather buldah Clearances for
the vm ? k xx -ie Iai.- ? . .:> i'?i buihela Ii uas -.t ||
predli ted lhat th) Visible auppl] would -I- ? r.-.a -
I.,".'*" bushell The Western weather xxas per.
t", t. Minneapolli and Duluth i,a i 337 .aro. again*!
.:?". ? i r - la t year.
Corn wi- weak, fine weather, large r.lpn ari!
a weak .-a- h market belns the factoi . Ma) opened
nt tl*, and rlosi*d Bl '???? - cents. There were :;.Vi
1 can . Ihe estimate for Monday was 171 ran. rabies
xpi-i- lower. Cash corn was lucent lower. Shipping
bon.-.-, were Milers Ream and other floor pro*
fesslonali were active on the sun,- ilile. Oati were
the weakest thing on the floor, .'..--ii oats wen -,
cenl lower; futures were off almost a cent. May
.--..ld from ""'-, tn :?:'", and cl iei| .,1 tn cents, Re*
ceipti were _.; cars; the estimate for Munday i-;
823 ...rs. There wai the san,,- Interest s.-lllii^ ,,ats
a.s 1 io i" a as retiing corn.
Provisions were lower, Armour arid other pack
era leading In the selling. I'ork i,,..t jn centi a
barrel; laid 20 cen ta a hundred; ribs i:'.. cent! a
hundred, .M iv pork closed al II07&; Mar lani al
KIO; May lill! al .?'?.',:. Ther.- xx-r.- lin*, hogs; the
. estimate for Monia-, wai 3*000 head; the estimate
: for next week, 140,000 head.
PUtl "il Mav Wheat on th'- < url. wi re "\, calls,
Pun on May com xv. re ::?',',; calla, :;:
Liverpool, March 17. I p m. Beef 11 kiera offer fr.-*h ?
, extra India mei? ?.:-, ni "4! IM; primp lin-.*, ni] .,? ?:,.
I-,,ru Holden offer fn ?: . prime mee! w.ni.m fin- eaiy
; al Toa . ,1, medium, ess.. ii . Holden offer
moderately; ahorl rut, aboul ll In IS n,. tlrm al 4ls.
I'..-.,,-1. Ilohlera nffer iparlnrly: 1 "uml>erlani| eui. aboul Js
1 ? ::'? lb, iii ni ni >???, hort 1 lb, about ?_'.". lb, ? I
57a; loni rlear nu.liv-, al-.ut ??"? lb, .- rr..!,*- ui :u-. long
mi.) anon i|*ar middle*, aboul BS lt.. iimna -o ;:u', im.
Shoulden Aboul 12 to ls lb. mi" al S3a pII. Che***?
Holden nffei eparinslr; Amerl sn nneat white and colored
ll :.,;? r.i. Tallon Mollien nffer moderately; |,rlm*
rlty dull ll 'J,.s ivi S|,lni- ,.f turpentine ll ,|,:
?psrlnily; ,!,;ii ni '-'J- Potlena.1 ,.:l Liver] ,|
; dull al -"a ad ir..?m The auppl l? i"-r. rommon
al Sa ',- Lard Spot Holden offei ap?tinily; ?
Holden are rx.) nfferlnc; prime Vf.ra *i"t ?teady at
riT- 1.1 XXli-it- Holden offei moderaiely: N 1 2 r*i winier
?tead] nt t* lol Elouf Holden offer moderaiely; St.
, I/,iil? fancy Minter dull nt III Sd. Corn?Spot nn! fiitiir.-*.
Holden nffe epartmrly: mixed \i',.?rern aped firm nt ,t.
: 10.I; Mamh firm al ita Ki',-1 April firm al Sa Sd; May r--u
?' :??- y-il. Hopi at I. ri! a Psclfil Coaat-Huldera offer
' aperitif!], dull ..1 ii j.j
*, ... .v . .. Kl in h IT. ISM
i 1*1
I . .. .. rt, Hp mp. na .
. tap ; - -. ','..
fol 1. I . .,.;''';
. i , i bhie... ?:???? ?" '??...:,
barf*. "" 'mi
. ' '.V --,'?.,,. . i'.'
? i-ks?. -.' , w . ....... i -"'
. ?? 1ST '"1. iPih ? ? - '?. ..,,
....-'-- ? ???? :;
? ?..??::?..'...?;-.-:::::... ???-- \ ????, t
, - . I-7"" ', ; ','.?:;,. ) ;v.
Oatmeal, bbl*. 3_J l-l m. ???? '?',,,
u?h. ' ?? ; , ? ?' N '. , si
. ? ?-"?" ' ? . [iee]
.Tl ??" I. r.1. Bp . !'..,
. T.T'ppI But! -r. )..
. '?" '.
. i i'"i Star. li. pk*:*- ?
,.,. Tallow, ; ? . . "..?
;;u T..I.?. hhd
I :??
Il ,-. i a
?:- ?
i, i',*v.;::: i whit. ? .. n*?
:r,:: Whtakey, bWa. M'
Wheat, hatti. '-'.? '.:- ,.v'','M'j1.''
n ile buah.
i.'.'h-^. V.lV '.'.'.'.'." XS Lui.ri. oil. asia
na'd ? I. galt- -' _
? ida. v W
, . H ITI leel
bbl!. 1 ?'t?- "? ? lea . .
iiran, Ih. T -;'- !; ?? ?.'"Sf I, \
.a i.,r. .. mn ii -ni *??? . .... ,
.... 11--' I** > th ..."?<?:>:
Ip . ... ? ' ? .?
ll fl . '" ?""'? ''?'" 'W. "'.
*'M I"'1 '?" '? '.,. ,n ,,?
? - i ila... :::<? tlutter, ttl. ???> ?'"
ll I.I'i-. Ha 1-? ". '"
Ir n No 1 foundry.113 M I Oats, V ? S mlv-l.. JH
S ? rrav forse. ll 33 M la.?? Pr '"" . -
Steel rall! . 21 ??? IJird prime . ??
????|.i..-r I >k* Ins ' . i' '"-' i I" . '- -','
1. id, bulli n . 3 3" Tallow, I Un- ..... *
-. 7 . ir'. Sugai n mutated .. li i'
Cord atnve. 4'" Iteef fan ly. - "'
Wheal Ki. In I . Il ? f ham? ;,- 1' ??".
;? r.n p il. ni ri ur. .. 8 WP il ?>:-. dr< .1. IOU ??? ?
i' ttl .s ? 3 mia. I.. 13 , l
-.: ii ii it. |SOl
I'nTTiiV The ma-ic I I al e of 3 t > I
pointe, lt opened fp,m I to 3 pointe hurl-.-. M
rall at T.Il< lin to T 13c, rsll eil lo i.i)
..as.-i .,rr Ju.-' ' ? I lose, ri wins al T )? ? . lil
I. ;. . ; rime bette] I III I ll ? M' Cb ?!. ill" rn ll Kc
, ... i ,i i i .-t.- thnn
li i a-ere ? ? ; ..... t aol ?? .:
...;.,. t| aaa iUl, Inn ted
- uni l,!? Al tl ?? I., ill
here fer.. I .? ' -Itlon I
t: ., ,,( -. ? ? thiel ? et lina I
.. |R|, ', ul -'.. r.
? ? . I
i ? ? i
- -
? '
, . ..
, , , .-.
? .
? ? ? ?
lt ll ri I
: i -.
. ? .ii '?;: -
V ....
... . ??.
73 :.) ? ? '" I " ?
? ?
?' '
? ;
nli ? ? ?
?? . : . ' ', .;:!--.
-.i '. i .; r i T*l
; . . 7 c : i : f. 13
. ? . : ? i ? ?
I ?
: :. ...
? ?
. ?
; . . : i. lu.... i ;. X-,
? il
: . ?
? ?
? .
- ?
i ...
p iii, ir..
?? r
. . ?? ' , ?
? '
. :??"> ri
. ?cai i:..3pi ir. an ir. a
.... 7 ?" ll tel : , - , ii
. 11 ?? I ??
-. lt.ra
?.,:.. . . .
HM.. il |
N ? x ?'. ? i.f.ii Toi iar.i.i
. r r. .: : li)
.: ? ?. ::.,*, ;?: .,
. I.Mi 173 I I IMS
?'* . ( )' s l.l |.ll
1 Hi ? dellverlea. 'J.'''. I
nina A i ? ?. i'l ;
? . I.T3I '? ? ' i' .
.?-:,... *Ti;.i??i ?::-.?..
na iTrx t.T.i mn r. 17 1
:' - ri.1 fur Iii , 1 ? fte, . ... et bm aleady I 1 ?
I7V- fur Rio 7 .m tl
? ? ? ir? lin ? In In ? ? ri
t ? Ul i.ri.-a I
le thal tl ? la a fair dlatrlbuil n .
: ... 1 .? ni * N . T .."? ii. per Iii
Mild col 11 in oorla
? ? . ? 1 ? ..
Fl 11 lt v\|. Ml. il, 1 lie fl 'ir ri irki t to-day w
tf-irl- ? I X'.T'. hl||i
? r- te-ini ai t . : a-li li .r , 1 ires) 1, ind - ? ?
? 1 n|li
ltd ? th.-m ? ? '?? ?,. day to da] n* .? . n
? ) 11 , ... -.'*.. 1 ii, -i
*a :??? . ?:. . 1 ?? ? >rr|ve; lon |>k f extra .
|; .. n billa; 1,3)11 1 . ' - --. r ni
??-??? *? t i-i) 1 aa " iiin 111 ita
... bi 'ir.,- ::.-.? 1,1 I* at $3 Sn i ,
I'l.iifl Market ati'inty, with fall ? Mm I.
.???'?:-:. . iri'.'KW III: tl Mark-l i.
? ? .i:\Mi: xl. Market
*- To. I . ? ? i. f| -1|
.RAH Xii: xi. \! irl i linn, in.hit, ?i id ll
- 'a.".. !'? - . i-oii) -?. kV <v* . . li:: I- Mai
V. . i. t. i|,i ii i| ),, Iii r?, wi Ih, s;, ??,, ku ,. -,
Hi, I.nt. lia*; -harpa, :?? ,|.r.. . illy f- I rfi ry, fi
nj , h |,. sn,-.-,., rottone.I .al, ll I.
Il ?-". ? ;| mi al, fl l" r$l IS
.;;:.xi\ .VIIKAT ll t - .. very dull market In srhi
ii ?? ii ? iiilniT. u l-l, Hui tuatl ,n? >?? llhln I
I, ?? dli ti., re a*, m. i ' l>e e..) kl. ral I. eli il I
' ale al Ihi Wart, althoush "III id mr erl i" rta ii i ol t
?' ai il a t- lal ..f :: 23N.U0U l.uah t
laal Seek, ... nri-t S.K'l.dai I lah Ihe |
' ? ? -.ii '
?i , ll ?',? . ;
i - . 1 ,.|f. , l -'-.,- in-ty eli
prlcea ai 13 o'i : -I. I in Hu curb lhere ani fi
! l!" ' ?.ta den lopeil, ihe mn :???;.
-. al cs bid l - - crop .a. l ?. .:
? ,i ? . th* ...I- Ice* i elna thal um
? >,.mir quite rapid .-? ? -I, nil I
; wii.at i-ii riprlni win ii aei Uni haa l? run, and la i
I m.- |rti?l i- I rapldl) wh.-r* Ihe a und Im ii
i -ii. Thi Inti i ? ii.ii- ni of i\ h.-ii. thia week ?
? ? I- ? ?? ? ol a-.i ii)i)i i. . h whl ? with th
i. ;. .rted In r.i.,.|-ti-..a'* | , . I ;,? the b .
? it, it,an | :.?..i.-i htmh derrenae In Ihe lleible XL
?Lu-. I' ieil ii i i ??. k. re i .-iv dui ind f,.-. Inn ? I :
Wera OOI ll'un.a.,m. ., 11 li ..., , f,,i, ,.\|,.,m |,..h,i,. .. u
dune. Solea m Ind*.! lu.iaai Imah of rall \. a r?i| il
n ri May it. elevator; in.lah Mo I hard Manu
ni IK* over .M.n. fri.n tn ,i|. aflofll and -*..?*! '
? i Hiern ? xt.,. m Dlore Hat alorn
; f. r iii- Kern Vorh irnde, and lA.iaai : i i. nae free
I -'.'I. all,,..i In nil. ahlppeni tnuirhi 13 lomli .V. a i
. a Hi- ? 1 -.- waa quote*] ... 1 llndeT .X!
li at in snd May prlee delivered ami t,
??). I*. :.I. al|..iil. |||] p|oa*d ul li'.-i,,.
i'ii't\ The porn markei was i)Ulel ind -,,c ut"si'?'.,
? I int Inward iiiid.lin developeil quite i lutle und,
? - - and - >ld off en ll) i-lii ? , riiilH
' Ple< lui" I r ll.av The .!.;..,,.., | ,., |?.
. )? lllrur nf l-.iiK MiitT. and Ihe 11? v*.-. teej rather Imlli
' '-?" :' l?nte decrease s-.u?,h |n ,?,..,
'?? ? 'i'1'-'. -''"' i iii r la i.' i" ti partial! nf** t \fy ., ,
rreaae in ertpnrta, Ihe movement ft an Ihe (1 ? n
? -howlni a ratlins off nf ails...., |(U,h .|,i, wreg ?, |,
??Itrndalreel'a" eaporla were uni) l.3TK.?!l hu
l.tili.uai hneh it..- prevloua ?..k. rn, ihlr. .???-..,nu i
eatlmalea ??! iii- vlalhle were ? little une.-rlnln I'i
, rum wai dull amt weaker Salea in. i,,.|...i i ? ,
elevator; ..ono buah il -tr.'-- drttvered, early; :i load*
U lerrna, I ,, i, aSoal fur eiport, and 3 cai i
"teamer , an nt f.:\- elevator, Du ihe euri) Mnv ?!?
ai )-' e.......OATS lu natl lhere wai a wn quia) tr.
'I""n;' " '''"' '?" ,"1"" ;i ""-p1- sellve m..:
nward noon i.a were weak here, I .
Ins "ff ai iii- I ,weat .,, ., .,. : rteellne f, i ii,.- day of
a** nata wen .ii.l.-t and weaker
Included ia.... boah x,, ] !.?,;!.
eli ,t.r S.000 bush Na 3 White aT%?l.1Si
buah No r! while ni mr.-; i;. iHm |,u?h irT. i, ?i,i
3Mf4le, and li.uai buah track; mlle! v , ?;? ,
XlM.'i Market dull: uniraded Weal ern. f-tfaa, '??,.':
:.,.,,. -,. r.iw-,1 m.?s-,..HAIt-Kl M.-.. .:
N,. a Millan',...-, lia..,-,). . ?.,,., ,,.,! iy,....,,. ?.,
iirp'KXXiirxT M.,,i.-, ? minni t'.n_dian: I
" ?? - - ?'."?. c.. a,i.. rt K Kt )8 .a.r...,. i xi ,',
aleady. with a,-.| demand, el pt .VMftiuflo i?-r lia? rt,
.tore, lim thy lUrttei atasAy; i ?n?i' .,' n^.r,
Weilive fer I.,ninan-.,*, ?;?. rloslns nrl-e, nf ti... nra
nus dav and for ihe -r.rreapondln? .Ute list Mar '
Open- Him. |?,VN. ,., . .
XVheat- mi. ,?. ,,, g ?g* }?
M?> ."1-'?^? **% OS', 63'. IBU 7
a fi ? ?' .v.'..:?_ &.' '???' ?*
?-..:? .... ' ?_ ia'. OB- KN
ember ... V-1', '"?' . ''?'?''* ''?''?
" i . . ? ? ?
April.??? ?
.I3*? '-' ? '- '
. .-. ? ? .
.1 ??,- ..-V, 13 , O * ? ?
. r1''
March _ ri;-,
,*, m M
12*| ..l_*
u E0_
? ' ' r polnta In ?' \"%>"\*'
,. !;. u- i Wa, Krii-i btu-,
i-; .., w ? .... i ? n, i ma.
? . it lt ,'?'" SO
. 'j i'' 1 '-:l
, i. . . . p! 13 '' ?
. J ** ??;
Detroit . 1 13 a l
r a. . ?i !'"
Mini . ITI .
Duluth . M .
; ? ruy. ll .l
: . IS 1"
T >tali . 3T SM Wit *"S
? . from ti
Pi l^uli . a 3(1
. !
Ii-irdl . 1 1
:: J
. TT -l ISI SS) IS ll
' c. ? ? mi port?
v, ? r i. . -''? l A Tr. ... l
i . I'l :i Ti 17 .
. i" ii TU na .
!?.??, . i .. - '? il.
-...?..?< . r. :; ai". li .
Total* . ill IT 113 IBO ... 1
i Rap ri fi m til
; Mew-Tori . !', . . i I .
: . - 13 lt .
lore . 8 '?' : - .
? Kow-orien na . I "? Wi
Total. .33 imi lld -'? .
X'. ll,ASS! H IND SYRl'l S ?
hut there wm aome inq I
ii |< mi. The ' ?
... ? ll -. ; ?
Ile . ' il . i I ? ,i ,,.?-?? ?? 13 ? ? .-'' '-' ? .
r Tja . fall i ? .- ?!. 111.1-' .
.? ? ? , ? ;? , ':.?
RW M. sa-, uti'jj -T- i: ti 31 i
I Mila; Inr, a I-C
... ? .
rn -i I nvirhtn
I quited lt St 1"-'
.- I '.-. ? quiet.
i ,|l s Th. ?:? at ??? adv P" 1 ? t ni
with | I aa quo)
I . de ?t.-ndy brit qi:)-) al
_|_3 -'' -
. biair.e i
? MU- :?;: ,? .) lard nil. n- .
M raw. A3 Ami n ai. boll I, ?"???
?? FrtKIOIITS Iteiih fr. i-' m ar,
|>I.I>- of . "
; i. a |." t? ?? - '? ? n. ITi
i i, - su ? - ? a II
I, ? .? ? ? . ? i -r. ; '
ia:.- t.rd: )!
I ?-. : .i ? .?;:'!. ?
p. nott ?. i; ii-u
' . I ? ? T ' ? ' ?
? ?
? ?
? . ?? , III
report I
13 3.i
i "(Ti lona, lei
I ' i ?';??
I I.e..|
v_ .... . ?. 1
. . ? . I '
M In". II
? - . ?
i * . - ?' th. iii
; ? di KM
... . .
Mai ? ? IT
I' \ V -
1 Sir. ai
? ? ?' I
fur lo i.i ll ll
l' ? '
? ? .
? - i
: ' h A
:??'?. ?
? -..
? ',
? ? , . '
... i. ? '
- ? v. ?? i a't.
- , .
- ' ?? ... ? .
c il* XT RT PR< ?!'!'?;: MARKETS
a ; 7 i-'.i
I Ul. MV
? . ? H
tl 4)1 ,1
I ' ? .
:. . ?
? ? ll| di
? rt we note a little
, . ital
? ? ? .
.j . ,r ;-,
I - i nf nil kInd*
U ' -.- 31 .' ? ? UH*; Stale dalry
i i .Iii
mi I'm . ?'. i'i i lubi ' '? l ? A .lita!
- ?
u| Hill, li ' ? I Ul Ile; Wi "tern ' v - v
: i , I
. i undi '",:.' ,|.| butlei i leane I ,. Slat*, fall n I
? '" I3'ii lil-; Si ,??? .1 ilr .
|e til.ll ? ?? '. ll ?..
it to i nd'. 11'ill , ia HiulS' -
m pi I il u the usual -?.?'.. - ira le a .- re
I I, ir al J were nol lirra' tn an)
ia eaten t there a I n im i
I'i lera I . in I - full im and thi
i .-.-?.?.???- ... ? inti r pt ide
aklma ?'??? ,| iv. it.d . etn ,11 ??< Mv. r
il! " . im. lane, colored,
r . , ? ? ' | . ... l?.i4 ,
Kl ll ; do ? mu ni. fair n , l
i .1 i ',.. itt* I in, i, 13', 1)13 ? mm ??) i
choice, t) : ?m.i I" . ??
i: fn I .'..'. I,'. ,? me 3"ii3c; I'ennaylvanli
I '.?:.-' i market al ht d lina Thi
... .. nt whil- i
ll. ; pn '. a gi li ? ..1 ? I ;
ii- I lower | for next a
?I . Itiuki-* ll diltl, lilt In ia
, i , ? IV .. , '.
I, Iip..i i...: i! Itl . ' '?'? ? lier ll. Il
,,i Tl linday, 'ii lin ? ? ? lt i-rn. - n,
' '? \ I ? *r Al.rl'., at 13\
...... ?:
rn- :-r iti .. . i ?? I i v.. ,|..| n
h. Dalt',. . -? au.,, rn I ..... iIuck
x- ,- . ? i. |.-i ,i a si, ... - | v.. ?tern
'.>r 31 xi pi ; il ..-, i, ;,' -'
na l Itl l ..- r'UKSII Ap| li - qui. ? ., il i in ly etea ly
i'l. ni efl li cl price*
?? : I "i ,1 ? I : ?". n Ith
quality. Si raw I., i; te
Il In lila ll
v.; \( ? ,,'i ?? x; ph (.llal.l
IT ti fi .'al; d > | 13
lin Indian Itlxer, *l .... . <:t. a . na, $1 ;,,. , )_? ;,;
an ,| ? fruli >'- i$3; ? mu i In. ?: ? ? ??? -? lvxIm-itI, i
It florida ; i.,,:- .?"
,.l l'l:i ITS I'HIKti Ivrraiin.l -'???. no Imi ovemenl to
dni and Ihe ext fl i rather .
ti, Weak f? In,,- fol ?:, il ..;,,,: v, - quote; tpplea , ,,.
.,'? !. fan. y. M.U'.. .i . |irime i ? .'?,'... ?, . lo1
?ra ,!?? ? ,ii'.in n tn I - I . . .1 , \, 11 -, , ,
aa iii li I. fm ' ?: ? , ni in ni ? . I
'?,.- Slat.- fancy. f.Wie; du chops. I1, il1.- . corea nnd akin!
IV, 11' . i ? -i '. , |i -,.,u ,-. , .- ap n ,i , |a . ? i. ;.,,. 17
lah iip' ui.|"-I'? I. tW(7c; do Norlh t'arollna, i-----1- -1. fancv. H.
1KB | Pin > "im ri I. choice, T.,'-'. . riiapla-ITlea, ll'-air.
. ,, i herrli . lo.. Ile; hu ; .
..I npi ? . i; i 11 : ? ,n . i- .. -
H' H'S ? tiona na vet nf a ta
n - lhere ia ralbi |, n y ,.||. ,, .... ,.|- Mernii"
holdlni ,,r tine irrad.-a Wt ,;u ?'? Sea I'ork iltat*
?Iv chid. ?-. I'.- lin prim. . IT ' IV; ila i : ltn " lo |ivi I, ll .
I'' l ' I"'1- 1" ??',".. . ii . Il ii, .- iai, IMO, i hole -. ra
.,- ,1 ? ? .mm. n in ni lints
RAY \MP STRAW lt. -eipta libel ,1. demand Hitit in
li pri ? ? liar. i. it. ..<,, u ? ,,. . . Hay, prime, per Uki !r
'a- "? ? '?" N" I. ?Ki'ih'; ehlpplnx, .-',i.V. . do rlover mlle,
le- laKitno; ,1,, clover, c. .?:.' . at raw lons rye Bott-a
lt. -!?? ,:..!?.? il,, nh,,ri rye |*a
ill- r-'i t.TKV KIAXK No freah ??.!) In to-day. I' dei
'-t had aome nrdera io un. and prim* fowla ., uld hnx
ih.' Pi ",'-1 ?' :i"i - I). .. lo- h.- .. . .Il,-i Kaia
i . m.?:?"?-" xx- (,?.,-: Kowla, per lb int*lo . rhiekeni
',,? li.,:. ,?_._.,.i r.H~),.,?. ,-,.; ,lllx..., 7,,,. ,|M. . | . .,, ,?
"'J 1'. T- '?"|"*1- '1" Western, T".r?... leeae, |,-r pair, *l
of ll 3,; (.ir--ns. per pair, io,..m.- .... iil!i:.-tsi:ii r,,^
"?I 'i"' P mn ? ' mai'. in Huh) ???- ? li ul . rn I
id? mun ll .ti are ri ,ae|i ,.| ,,?..| ,,,, \-vl, ..* ,,,,?, bul bj III
oi real nnennii ,,f froxen poultry and advlrea nf mmewh
1,-,-r aupnllea nf freah In Hat,-,t. Hie upw.inl ler dem
/" (" l'rl'" ' !'ls '.n cheeked XX- quote: r*or fleah kllle
l.s turkey!. All hem per lb lOflfl, . ,| hesvj ian.. Utim,
??'" '??"?"? ?"? I'lHadelphla, ll,,r, , cl Ickena, lera.-, |..?ia.
""' do Wp tern, lu,, n-. fnwle. IVestern. prime, 'a-li- ,:, ,;
at ene areli arlu Inferior, s,,:,,, oucka -i.tll.-. ,.--..? Wea
',,,' i'-",,,." ', ',''"""' Weatern, ll la do Ph.tI.ol I.,!.,
' ," ? ,',V ri V ' _'r ?'?"? ?'-"-?'?"*"-??'' vv.,..,-' ,.
:": l^^'^.x: .,:;;,!' i ,""??"? So
l.u non- i,--,"'""r""" ?""?'"'" '?. "..;-.. ?
I-, .1 -in' '''' ''""':'' ?? ??'???? >'"'?- We quot.
';'"' ,. !??'"? Per iii /-n. -I flu ill 7fl; .? .Men rtove,
vi . ..', f,.l ,rXN" * W?BTAIII.-H IMial .ea In lari* au,
' , v',,- ,' "'"' ""' uiiiii,j- (-tl nm .na .t-adi hi
,...? "'fj.'r a.s." i' -\u'"u '"<" Kale demoralised and an
ft !;; i .?.,.'";'',: "j s?***? ?i>hs?es Ui_?i.b!.,,
.> * i i.,.)?).( i ..a m m lux and no Mille f,.r them exeeni
. lower srkas nun reoMvers cute to iccept Tom.toi
ateady f"r f.'incy. bat aearaca iradea weaker. Pol,.!/?.
Maine. M T.v.,*_ 73 . ,1 State, per t,l,|. tl SOWtinr'k
j, .... per bbl. fl a.v.i*l ca. do -rttlah mamun.a fYvi_
?l "; do Itermudii, aecond crop, ts Soots; ,| , "rm_ai
< new crop, *'"'" du Ila ina ':,,..-,.-? Sweet^otiSi
V ? land, per bbl, t3 TS4VI3 TS; ,1 , other Southern Jeri?
rra..sa.?p. Onions white, per bbl. Matts | - , a,Kt
at r,n. ,i , yell iw, (I a:.-i*i TS. t'ahbacea, I", mia ',.-:i- _Z
T.Vfitl. Turnips, white, pei bbl SVIAOc; l , n__
ala, ai rr.. . Pquaah, I. , I-. ? I ,,. ,- ,| | $2ff|*jfl"
la't'i". ll' ?'' '?. P"r ?! I -i. 3.Hie; da Florida MS
i , . r. tl-.,laa:.. I'hirleeton. per basket, ;:?? ,%i <t-n\tt
', per crate. f3.$3 .VI S maali. Southern tan
.<i a.". ,.<! rai. Kkk [il mt. ii rida, r,.- ia,i a c., m.
do, per half-hbl box ti :. ?,-.'. ,, ?"?
? X.' Ml ??. ? Iv Weal, ,..- ll TTWiS?
' i-i- carrier aa-otrt. Okrn ila-ana. per crrl-r tl 7Sfft?
I' ppers, ll 75(113. Kal-, .v. ?r..lk. per bbl, r**>*i3o*
Splnach. i. 1.1. Il'-ill .17. Aapurairua, Charleston tier
bunch, BOfJSOc ' ""
Res x' rk, Mareil 17. i<*na
REEVES I' elpts. ft cars, or 100 head all for aUurh
\i trading: feeling ateady, city dre.*.*..) matt
?' -? al ",?'!?' per lt. f,,r nat.-. To-day* a cable
advtcri quote refrlfferated beef Belling ai ~,\. \?.r jj,.
American ateera dull it 9(91(1 foi i |?.. .??imnt?d'
.!????-? ii weight. Shipment! r ported, with th- |S_L
lion "f SO aheep on the Trinidad.
PAI.VRS univ i .-air r.Ived, and aold il IT ar, r*r mo
tb. Keeling ateady. hr. - t. id) ll .'.ll r ,r
- : vee li; .v.; io- for i iii try dn led, and :r-i4c
for little ealvea.
KHERI' ANI) I.AMR8 Ri -elpia, ac .nra. "r SA". I head?
1 ll cars for t'l- mnrfcei -r, I ;a t to butchers.
v*. 11'i ! fair dem md; Iambi ?*re
a.- . i x at T.ii aol I ? tl KOfftj IO per
iou it, ? prime si,?;, and 13 -???-; fo> ordinary
ie lambs. 1 ? .",./T- per lb
l>. Hantniton: IM State lambs B tb a\?r?ie.
ii H al' pei lui lb: DO do, Tl tb ? tl TS ao'i di sj
lt.. al ll T". :.;?. xv. a ?? Ri tl t fd -,:<; Tn do r,7 m
? ll i" !":: ? i, .:? tb at MM '.ti Stat* aheep >?.-, ih*
.' _s_;s7'.; io? \i... T.-rn. Ld |b, gi ftSSTH; " de, T.i tb. at
"o Dill ni :::?? -? itt al eer, 00 " I |4
lltim- .x Mullen: IM Stab ! ri; - kT p. ar ll ?TV lift
do, 7.1 !'? al >??:??-. itt cull abeep IS rh il I29n
D. McPhet-nn _ c 213 ? n Iambi UH th, st
|3 133 ' n weat, lau lb, al >i lo.
M t: ,u,n: : mi oi i*a n .-,- tr.
MOOS R.-c ipla, ls ran ?? arn'. 1 ad Kona f-r *a!s
elive x t?." IS So [?? r l??i lt,. >',,untry
dn aed stead "? - fl
Ruff*! M ' 7 ? ? . ? nail 21
" ~ ." ? ll 7|o ? ';
t >r -ani ? -it, i:',.:!ir, head ? .
a S30 I ' ?? MM
?? ni rimed a ttl ?> fair
t ii-, f r al heavy wl'h
? .? ' ' . ' the paal ai :
HT'. for wei .... |,e*d. for
-.. oi ,
0,1 P bead; ti : , 2.40(1
? ' ' ' ? f
\ .,?, r? .'I ?.,,.) ' " ... I". ...
?' 1 ? ll I ? " f
? I "? ' '
, ?, med tl rh. 3 ins
.. ,- ? I 100 ld;
? ?- ? ? ? )....?' || -edd ,
ll "a; | - ... ? I ' ... ?;. *r,fjj| 2*,;
. ? . .
? i a.".
? -? '7 (*mle rta
extra al L
14 ... ,
i. pta,
? ' ?i .". <) 7. i
iii - ? <i -., <i --.
t\ :
<i -..
? ; ?. -??,.- - | ,. -. r, 4
ai 7
? i. ? IT ? ? THS head: m-i-V?t
P-e in pri)-**; na - l
< I -
I , . to make a
.<!"... . , ? ..
. ? .. , -
,. - .-??-? ? * i -, . -. i -
lt .V - ;?? ? red from
i at 13 Ti
? '
?: ?- ? Dcht market
? a
wa nnd
*.?'-. -. I -rn.
--.'.-I I
I ? . <i ? ?
ll 1 - - . 1.
? '. -
? ?
* ID; ' : ? - i ' i
, ? ? r ? I '-ad
. , ? ? . ? ' . . Ilea "Mr
-.- ' ? 'k;
? ' '
I'. . ?
. ? , -2
.?.-.' ld i*5
- . ? . . . l. ,
? ?
7 ly. Toni
' r
?7 ? -..rv ?:. " : hird
7 ,
f No 1 - S',i I N rth
\i ? ,.
? ? : - i
I rr.-cul ... rt
? : * a )?? in*, N'o 3 I
DI . ? N .'
IV*, j a
. sa ? i ??
^ .. --. ...
n- "
HUTT ; ? *'? TS.
lld j t
RS TS; I ? ? ? i .hi,
I . . - . -
15 fll
,. , ... .- ....,- ,
??' . . ' ? ' ' t
I .
- .
; ? - pei :
X' V .
i. p-r 1
. ? ?
? ?
ll ,..
?'?7 I
*: I OB
ll .-a
.'? lo".
r, kl
,. ..,
t g
c +')
ft STU
Fl WSS quiet.
p . . waa ateady. No. ]
na it. STo; No 2 rea,
... . N.. 3 va - a ? , . S ? 3 n > ?? r,
S i 3 I "'.-'? ."..'? ; No I ll ll 3" -? I.
ti IS; m?-aa | i. per I - 1"' '?? W S?i
' '..-a
...... \ ... tn whiskp
..... ll IS; autara, eui loaf,
|S 13 I I '???. atand '? '. "A." ??* BS ' 'n
Ute I ? . ? ?? , ii . v. |
31 aa.-; choi ? .'
L. ? I ivor ld 118c, Ki*^- wi *
? ?.T inn ttl. Mm li -: ? -? ? tent, Ri I
12) | ? ?;. ?." ?' ea (fer.
lt - ia wi ll ai tl
, Sn 2 red, SS rn ? The) ?
receipt! are I
\ a ? - mia
. ? ? ? ' ? - ;
2 whli ' N ? - miKi I 33 , ? r
111 sn - - |I2 TI
(11 ,V 112
I ? i
ti ?
I . . 7 ' A " I ? l
i of d N' ?'? wets
Illa Mai IT.?May p I 'ind
wheal ? i from even to 1 r
. Julv ' "? tracks
X , t ' ' Sn 3 aprlns. ' 1
I ? ? ?
: md in i nand Kya
? \ i i- . N ? 2, IT
S'n 2 whit v- 3 do. 32c C m gu
N ? i.::>?. '
xi IT.-When lal a ' wm
i .liv., "-r
Mr,, - ? .
. ?? TdaVi cl - l-l- ? p -ned ar HOS !
.". ?- ? i' .- i u h ' J
???? ? i
f the No 1 V ???.- :i aol I I
- H r- '.'o . ..
mnlna .... . . ?: .
al aW?it 37 '*'?' I'bla for 21 -t
I .kera', ll In . Il IC, with eiti ' ?' 12 IA
ul and ah ? ? '? I*'"
. ' ?? , , <],. ?.'.-. ,ain ',,. and ' -'"'" t ?' t>.
I'orn Mille ... t
:. ? m ? i ir N ? 3. H . ?< 31 s .'? ' ?:-'? t
:. -1a i . ? ? i- i?l
philadelphia. M 17 ' ? "?!
ii ?
al. I ) K!*V1 ' ? ?'".''
, Ul . tpril >',' "".- Xl : , B
\ ?? Il . .J \ H
Mn v. 41 lc; June, 4211 IS
. | , - ; No J
x- v . Mav, S?A,f
;rT' . . Ju ."?? ..7.1, ' auppty
. . < line . ' r ? i t hil '*?
?J),-. ,| ? I I ' '' ' t!r><!.
Si i. mia, xi ri h IT I ? ill P '-^i
sa '.-.. Ill; extra fancv, I ?
ir. #2 7StiM il tl"'ir.
>:, 7". .?<,', i" rn x ? .1 ill il, : ... i " ,.,. ?
: were n me bul l-Uiatern b - ' Un* off Offer.
. lng ( rendllv obtn I al tl! Ssl ' _
n .u an I ? ' i ? i nckeS
?., ,,i ncr . -i ?' ? " '*'?' ?; fix lo il RS W Iii it ''""''?
\ -,,.. ll!. Inls, v.'.- t).ailina!. C ri lour Maren,
, :?:-.-, . ., :.. i (.pi l. SS .. r, i. li ,: :: xv. 31 Sr,
. . i iin .1 Jul' :'.'? bid "i- ? i w-r M iy. "?Vj
?r July 3i',\,- aeked will Bk i-n
i ,.,,:..* <ia. I...i i imi;.. iteam nominal .- ? l_T
H aalt meale Mimd nd cl ar Ml - I Si
,. ihnrta HS Mt. Rama-lt i?d ' ? '? "** ." tV
clear il'-- I " R'sb ?m,va atesd) at ll 18.
t I .ead assler .-'al ?-. 3 i "' al rt 3>i arid .'. cars '
i - - ii <.', ITH and nore , Ifi I at th it warnow
I brid Brtnly.
i:.,l,,. i-n M.-l. IT foti ii ateady: nu''.link*. T'.c:
.. los middllne, H 13 ldc; a ml ordinary. ( *
ir Ki"*.i receipts, 1,018 balea; aales, 1.131 bales; a*aek, .....xii
Norfolk, March IT c .,,..,, tirm: mktdllas. *?**?_? ,,',w
mkldllni. i.. l ' ?'? I ISr; nel and i:i-'?! "T;
?: relpta, S.al balea; exe rta i .i-iwlr*.-, .".no bales; ailaat ??
i .,, ?; at< ? ,. MI.22S hales. ,,,,...
i Savannah. March ll Coil n dull, hut aieadv: nilddlinf.
TH . toa ".''.linn', ii... pwd ordlaary, i;v. *** ""'?
pt in-aa r.Ipta, SSI hales; e.ports loaatsrlaa, lal" raia,
aali I ?' balei ito. u W IM bales, ,.,,,?.
Kew-Orieaaa Mir,!, it t'otton Heady: ?'"J i"1'.1, ' ""?
T'. . mlddllni, TV; l">v mi.ldlini. ti",-, it-'i "f1"1'..:;
Btic; net rscelpti, rt usn halea: iroaa, .1 wt I iwei "E - J
to Oasai HriiDin. ai.tra) i il-*: to Um p'ortlnent, s.<?
balea, asxWa, 050 bales; alvitU, 333,307 bales.

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