OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, July 01, 1894, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1894-07-01/ed-1/seq-4/

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If was a most . ? r ice
germ extended lo the me tins ol tha Con > I land
Jockey ? nub .
The at tea far up In the
? -I ? ?
learn :
te' .1 i dil igtlal fr ."i
th. action of the at->*
Tani. Hm Btost | ck. jr lr. America, from
ri lins nut!' thi :
looked upon as a:i err nd an Pea pi >
IBS think that 'I himself
In such a way a Btakes on
Tl ?? Comm mer Friday thai
aa I serioua j ? i ?
i ?
dulse I In mai
j.rr itle :.'?,- Aftei
Tnr.:l ah.. || 1 be I ?-. ? r '. ;
BBOSt Ol , . i
nothing irorse than t-.tr> t ?
Til. Commoner, a
In ?
Th.. Basti rn st ilwayi ea
tr> mi ?
eal wish The; stone-tat all like the Wi
? ? :
Til.- truth ls that racing la i nduci In fal b tter
ji-il more popular snd mon I I rrj* style In
th.- Weat than In thi Easi way* The
Western officials an
Eastern of. know theil
mn' h r:-,"r.' i horoughry.
trainers, Jockeys and horses far mon
keenly in the >Vesl rr.ci i" thr- i:,it-i In the stew?
ards' standa i-i the Kirst thi ty of some
of tho u1 -
overpowering aa that sf the L'nlted States .
Bot til.- i ailed Bk tea fla) il . ia ai vestural
fri'..'-. ..;? : - .,i . ?:;-.. la usually .i dismal snd
disastrous failure. And some of this (steward* of
some of the Eaastern racetracks . rs rn* tim -s i.-i I*
ur.-s in ttie prevention or
Tbeoe steward* ?!.> noi ala - ve the rac -
with BufBctenl care, they da n ?? a a - p
the records of essriwra trainers, j uk.--.
a aufflcient energy and 11 ? They
? : . have .i : ree of paid ? .perta lo I
ail thea ? things, a l t" gt r at the ? ?
v. . - al tin- ' i m.my turf
Borne . f the tut
ti ?;:? s of club and
monta which t supy a gi ? : i
at few -'f th.' lui 'ri' . srh
in -? - : inda In various parta of the country
are ao convivial In their habit pend
nearly ;.il thoir evenlngi n ti. atu Ij il Ihe turf
jiroolema through itl asea not i
turf 11 ll) ? Parki ural. a Cia
and a John W. Ooff -men ? !: > a :i dig ii l delve,
and watch and ? .ri. an 1 ?
, x. i a 8 lety I >r the Pr vi ntl >n of
Crime, wi;li a -
v. in not he lute to dre i
lal ' the de ir, hold eui
Parkhurst fir.-r began his w irk of Int
ward, he sr is r
In the c....- - which < ,ri ip;
poll. ?? ?
various Iii
goold possibly command To-da> Dr ??
IBs Irrae nt of tb t people of
Nt ar-Yorh at hui back
Um v. hoi Iruth turf at all
snail rn !. reviled and t
n>'> pur. r. no I
tho most i Hal turf li
i t I all or ai
bound by the closest i Tammany
I ? The turf net li a corni
entire revohit. n, ,1:1 .-.
ti..ri just . - . many Hall n.li
i i ni thi Wi
applti d to dhthoi
ai-' : rr moi t th in In tv.-? i: isl I
frequency of th -..'.- doe t .
t ...
> ind to I rtirat
ln? . ffleial'. '! .. ;? ? hm
lu tho East with mu
ur .ij jil.-1.
If the starter lind not bi
on Friday Taral a \.- ri iii ri
Waltser and Raima].i tl nd tifth racea
iroaterday. ?'? . . i would,
beyond qui by sn
ami le n and I extreme!]
unfortuim' red In that ra-.
would not hu v.- take) ,
? Both in the Metropolitan and Suburban I
caps Tu-rul kept ilamapo la a good place, t ?
loaders, from start to finish. Tl propel
way In which .^l t to be ridden, aa
XaSral's brilliant t pi . But Garri?
son ls eaten up v. Ith
the temptation ? oehln 1 the
hold, and thi ni ? \ erj obi ?
thuMiasm li} thi theatrical rual hleh he
sends his mount to the front. That I ll a/ay In
Which he n li Kan .. ? ester la y. /? hi
ridden t..ll li exactly the same wai In which
M< tr ?;? ia..ii an i mu'.
tirlian, Kamapo woul bj a
length al , iib I Ha ma po i ? -
hind Ihe .'?
l to that in which hi
Bt ?'?? sn l thal
was ont- of the ea rn rh. history
of tho turf. Garriso ly vio?
lated t).<- i-i ? a'ii n
were Ki von by James R
riding of 8t. I.oonai In the Hen
he lest tba h< h Re i
tlon. of orders In thai race, lt hi had obeyed the
Orders whii h he received from thi -
i-eonar:s fa aro won thi Ri llsatlon.
Mu- in ,.i-.' -if c. irria m's thi itrli il un
comedian i-i'llriK nt; Kamapo
.was no go -! a rai wu lld
nw w ri f Sims, who wa et, had nol
'?truck Ran , l witn rr- arhlp when
ii- ir
hoad I va* a clear, i on
?: aua caae ol I Ij who
lwas wat.- hlng thi - pt pei
1 ii-? ind | bly ito- Ju Iges. Men who
?bot .ti Han ju- t, ,.
sr-rn chere Bimi
mitu-l frt-o!y tl .
When Buna iruck Kan tpo .. I i lt aral gaining
tia Hanuuet bo rapid 1) have
captured tho rac- by an Indisputable mirgln, ll hil
s^eed bad n"' been checked by thi foul. After the
foul Htmapj an.l Bat ed the Uni
and nose, anl thi Judge*
dead heat for bi , ?? r>-;.\' a K
The Judge i so | the ?!?-.. 1
beat between Kamapo and Itanq
look vi Dorian, wno wat tnlrd beyond tl
of a doubt, .ir least a iii neck before Ri
The lodges, however, gave thli i plac to I
Thirl rooney wai only $100, ano. ' ?
la no ont- two-thn ?? i ? . - year.
Hut J. VV, J: igei of D rian, waa fairly
entitled to tho third rn n<->. and ii:>* buyers of one
(wo-three tickets In the French po il* oi
trtelr mi.r.ey fairly ur. 1 h neatly, iu< rer<
tunatcty deprlvi I ot ir by i en or ol
Che juiiiros.
ij.irrison, after the race, \r
against Sin:- While Garrison ?in in thi
makin* his ' l.iir.. i crowd sat
?inlv one iplnlon m the crowd, and tha! v ?- thal
Oarriaon waa was-tlni? h u tim-. and wa '1
would never dr
lawyer's horse and Michael P Da .-?:
a foul. Mr. 1 '?' > - and a p ?
in the turf, an l i ic ng
ThJ Cooey Islan I Jm k. \
awe rocently when thi Dwyer* and th. M
threatened to give race* at Morrl* Park on the
Fourth nf -Inly in opp - - eepshenU |
meek).. Hubnmti 1 :.. tiie Dwyei M :r.- term
liwvrn ms ear to one into
their W t>
but it may :
The sti tear ls si
unei Btmmoi .i.-.-i other racli 1 me - Hot no
Intelligent p traon on tl
fend Michael P. Dwyi 1
for a foul and I reiuai 1 to allow
the claim .,:
At Ant lt was thou, rr .-,;. v sj Uld le
dlvldid. and ih re w.uld I ru iff Bul H
was ianrro In "ne of hi* rh njdei I after the r
rjafichaei F. Iv-; 1 In David
Q ? 1 ? ? ? ; ? ?
of tha mt ney, bm Sir. I >-? -
have a run-off. In the bi - race
Ttamapo waa alway* tl ,1 ? .
strong sec-ir 1 eh
race the b lokmaker.s ol ??
some of them on.y t '" IO ai I 4 to agal ? Ram
apo: lu trees weni to
of Melia-. F. Dwyer'? We wager* on l
duced a few ol I mahen I offer I to E
against Ramap-i. a" I onlj T te '? agatnat Banaa ?
r*or ir.e run-off, whi^ii tooh place iw"iit\ mi
For bilious headache and all other
conditions resulting from constipa?
tion, go by the book on Beecham's
Book trot, pills 25c. At drug
stores; or write to B. F. Allen Co.,
JBG5 Canal st.. N?iw York.
ifter the rare, ;he betttng was 9 to in SS IUU1
: went off .-!* s canter, snd th* pace
arai arotesnuely il w np -. the nn.il half-mlla.
rhon S tn* a-nt lt?nf)uet along rapidly, arl Oar
fa him with Ramapo. But
i; imap i got so cl se to !'? ?? quel ai
post 'n th- homestretch that Sim* ua l rt-..
fr<?-!y on Banquet, I'ndei th* iaah vv- drew away
ir, i sron ? aslly <-\ .1 >rj?rh
Tbs ? fl 1*1 1 the a e*t excitement
ini the in 1 st Interne ? I '.?e'iin* Th*
h "-iii t. it ne - ff for many .1 laj ind
min> .1 month Nea Hy all ra ,
- ;.-ir,; ai 1 v ry r icetraek n
ii brave, ec iras* u* hil la'.a, srh 1 srlll
ick Michael F Dwyer'* horse* .-??? quickly I r
? ? ? >? w 01 l *et back the horses
m ???? obsi.? t owner
if .-' ? ? : ?? ? paper* of New-1 rV morn In 1
i mid tell Ihe whob ti ith at all
ab ut the turf. rh.> truth, the whob trutl I noth
:? rh" troth, and If all of thom would pub
? ? ni'i. frank fr**. , ? *ln
eera and brillia pl crltl Ism* of turf abuse* 1
many of them present to theil reader* 01 ?lltlcal,
and .1 .. un- topb 1, tin r.o Ins 11 -?" Istlona
of thi Kasl would speedll) be compelled '?
m nt extensive and radical reform* ml Improvi
ment* \ few of "h.- papen ari plain ano
ap .k.-T- in r- ? < abuses now snd il--: Bul
: . -??'... i- Holli sbsotutel) "Ontrol th* turf
column "f one paper bj employing the turi writer
of that i'ii r rei
thei appear to have tremendous Influence ii the
any ol ? paper* Bo 1 he whi le
truth a* to the Inn r deals and barcaln* of th
turi I* concealed lo a lamentable extent, rmi In
case* th* nupportera ..f the racetrack
??i th* Information In r.n.iri to turf abu*e*
to which rio. are fully and fairly entitled.
The unhapplnes* over the nfth race, over the
action "' she steward* In refusing to allon n lust
and proper claim of foul, mil over ih<
the judge* in placing Redskin third Instead of
who mn third wss followed by
base For 1
j .nt. I'r dei li i. '. ' eel 0.f tl 1 isl
ill men who have had anything to do
with racing, m. lospe:- must hav* been tremend
for ? 1 > ry! bins haa ?r I him 1 le
? ?v. na nos 1 ?-..- ol lb. ?? H ed 1 Idle,
? wicked 1 tem] ? r thal he I 'r ni
ble ot Ihe po, I Mi Gebhnrri own* Rodmnn, who
itei 1 le 1 ai - . . nd * I... wa
heavily backed al m '.hon price '"? ? ' rtreai many
lend* of Mr Oebhar.i. Bod?
man \--.ik first nt -h.- Ilnlsh Ol rio- f
charge wo* mn lo that he had gon< "ni of
the course. If "lt. dmi ti went out ol thi course, *o
,-ernl (then . but ri del rmlm I snd -11
I ir wr ? ma.b to take the r.n o from
" bael F 1 ?wi er got the fifth rm e, -.1
i ??! fei tl; pl tin ami Inca u?i ble foi
been committed. Bul the steeplechase war
iiw.i'- from Mr Oebhard 1": pvldi thal many
of the sjiectator* dbl not consldei convincing
Lynch, sn expel ? whn
ought to know the co 11 ? tl >m iRhlv, ? ?: ? Bod
mon. Th. ruc! ri llcutou* I
and ? ?? ? - ..in it novel lo
I They v.- re al ollahe l uri all
? -nt and half de -eui rncetrai ki of ri I- - oun
they were reeking
a "h froud Ti., re I* no 1 ? think thal
t. .;?!-. ? made h n
esl ai I kept ro at Sheepshead i: - ,.- anywhere
else They an well known ... b f ul with fra il
In Kntrland ou*;h1 ni 1 1
Ilkel ? :.
ny time, Th. n, t"... thi ?
aro too (langet
nly n few day* ai
ought 1
.-;ij,;.r, .-.,...; hy law pi Plight ore F wor men
by far, h?' . bi ? n killi led In prlzel . 1
Inst hundred years H un have l>een kilie.i
or crippled In steeplechases snd hui ?? Why
doei ri . las permit the*. ) ei N01 impli g race*
Wah* ?-. rid li n by Oarrl* n, ???? i* it 4 to
iki :?? for two-year-Old
? pull W 1.'/-i- ii ia Impr >v. '.
amazingly *im ?? he wa* it M 1 I" rk
? "? ? ? ? on In
M< '? I :? r threi year old rilli ?
Bel I' mi t fi to 1. defeated hi ? Kontl
gen a was sevond
:-i\ an 1 ?
Even 1 ' ? ? .
; must I
iii b di 1 ot ) --ir and thi* v.ir snd 1
lore hei I red
hi . ? ? ? .
now si
lr. thi Michael P. Dwver tai I I Ri
rs, and wh.-i
? . ? ?
only 1 1 .-?-.-? Hut ron
? Im fr .11 start 1
. lt
named thal
? ? ? I make 1 np
I . . .
..:, 1 Ital
the I
? :. mm 11* was a drong f
]?'? ?
1 v . a I! a ti il Mi rrt*'i t ?-! 1
reef I'M r?Mani ? ? .
HS lb. il 1 I '. 1 ?
? . .
1 z 1 -
W. .1 Rp* r?'? h. in ? 101
I 12 1
"7. ' : 4 1
Ht ... (Ore.ni 0 ?*i 1 >?? I
?... I 4U-I
MtstU ' ? ? ? J ? ; .
v. I I
J.. Co; ',;? Is "3
1 >? f -i- lengthi ill lent ' "?
Sl-V..-. ? PHE BPRIXO BTAK I I - ?
12.50 I. 1
? I -il-, 'a I. C. Wallie* I I ??1 In -
125 n ..-111
I1S...... ..I-'--.. . 1 1. 1 7 1"
il K 1' ll .'-I r - V.
na . ? J * 1 a--fi
A uni Kool, 115. : ? 1 20-1 4 1
1:12 2 ??
Watl**r ?t?alt ' IS 45; Ha'
; v
',?. 1 by a half 1<
j- UK RM \ir. ST AK BS I - I
ll.MO add I
i Mable's b. f. Bel li n ? re, 1 v Bel
117 n tm -i o?l ft?i
li. 11 M ti a lr. f
? 117. ?- tn? ri*i.iia 2 r. oat
r.'a, ti. f. 1 '?
?: .",. 1 7 1
in.'ii a?e?n 04-11
? ? 117 .' 1 11 ?>? ? ." - > 1 * 1
i -'i
Mutuals?1 ?'
*:, r? 1
v.- n by a neck; two 1. ?*?*'? betsreen e. .nd and
it RACE Bi Ulna Ou? rmi".
I,. Kn a; I Ducat, hy ) a* elver?
. 2 tr. (Bli 5 ont
W 1- Daly"! ' ? - 4. Ht ?
fKeefe)2 -' I '.
I gt C 'I ti. e. T .rn Bkldn.ore, 4.
IOU.(Tayl rn 41 Tl
Ml** Maude, 4. Wi 1 ai HU).iRelff) 0 1" 1 4 1
Ymir Art?n, 4 ul (car. ion.>u. U ?-'? 1 '? 1
Mr .--.- - 11. 1"".(Penni ?' IB 1 D 1
? 4 111'.(Uro IO V> 1 ' 1
-. . .(Bf - ? -i ii ft" 1 '?" 1
? ? ?: . '> ' ? I.- .!? ? " '.-. 1 - 1
? .1 .(l-yi r -1 " Kai 1 4' 1
I. rt l"7 .(J Reagai 10 WO 1 4-. 1
Tim. 1 rr.. 4 :,
? tn 85 place $7 IO, 01 B, iw '.
..... ?..,.-. ',-?:;? 1*50, "ii-, two, threi $7 I.'..
Tom .- k .1.. .-- ?. 1 ?. ll 11 ? li*.
w ,n by a 1 - dlatanca 1 ? l ?."''
FIFTH RACE Hai I ; One and ia *lshtb mlle*
M 1 Dwyer** i?. a ; . . ? .
,!?'- Ella T., aged, 122 Ri.(Binnu ? B-3 B-fl
. ,..- I Nth r. . ?? 1 t: mini, i, 4, I2S
iii ?,. ? ti 1U Mt.
.. r. Rcdakln, 4. ni
ii' Dospetli ii 15?1 Si
S in2 (ear. M:t',i.(Hamilton) 0 * 1 2 1
:,'.e;. ?? '1 B-l
1 :.7.
?I",.' ' ?
M uuali Uanqoel atralsht *1^. SB, jia'-e ?t 20. one. two.
three rr. ??' Ramapo *?'? '-'"? I'1""" *" ?*-? ''?"? ' ?'? (? "?"??
, ,.-,. . two, three *7 40.
1. ; ),. .. Dorisa wsa certainly third, half a lenr'h
tb* dasd-heatera, bul th* ludgea pieced Redskin
.. .(81 mal 1 ti 10 f.nt
.I< i.ll 1 I* ll 1 'J ii lu out,
?j f/J 1 :?.
Slutual* Banquet BtraU'hl *1 BB.
v by 11 length.
B1XTH RAC! Handlea* eteepleehasa. Fall ateepl
s l Howland'ab. ir Lucknow, by Zorina?
? l-'.'o. (RflgllBli) 1 20 i ci
? ' ? ' Jap ml a. ft, 140.
, li ,1 ill! ???-> 2 4?1 7 ..
11 iwland'i Mk. a. U ??? il, aged ISO
.ti -ni. .'.1 :t "ii t Sh 1
tray, 4 181 .(Bl arni 0 Bu I IO 1
1.dey, aged, 153 . (Donor am n 4 1 B-8
n, ii. I.. .,m ' ? ri
I. 140 .Mara) b 13 4 I
aeeo, iud .(Pineal b 2? 1 4 ..
Time .'. 30,
.,]:, ... i ???? tail w.-i^ disqualified f ,r alleged rua
hlns out?ld* tl ? ?
?1 uuali i.-.i-in is (Howland'a Stable) eiraiat.t tro. plaf-e
t-i i. 144 TO; J Ht TO, one,
two, ihree *I4 4:.
Redman ftnlahed first, two lengths rn front of La taow,
FIRST itVK For Ihrei year-oMa uni upward, which
bar* run and ne4 area al 'Mn maiiliii; |I8 each, with
ll.OOO added. Futurity C mr*.-.
Ktaastea .IM MnriinKham .IM
Iud ir* Morrow . lie I.iu-rtln* .109
.113 Joe Ripley .|IMI
\\:i>i jim .in Factotum . ? SS
.IOU HVKlnWIle. H7
Bt. MiixllTl .Hhl Mel!.;,. M
i.irein. .pm Oovernor 1 !f-r . i-r>
I il.I"'i Anni- tllah.ip . H4
I.mu.' .mn Prteiee Jobs . BO
i'm: .MM
M' RACE TM!-: JINK STAKES. For two-year
o:<i?. iso each) s-uuraanaed ""ti raine of t*.6?>. kw amy
Pnladin .125 'Mancheater .118
i->axio .IIB .Wad .118
Havoc .ns veal . n*
iii- Commoner .ii* Th-> mutter .IJJ
v .nv Trophy aei linc .HI
1 ''l.-.tr-, .|]tj
THIRD RACE Handicap; for three-jrear-olda ami se?
ward; gan . - h, arith H.ftB) added On* I
Koori .122 i'.in I. lil.: i .!"?"'
l-l. V! n/.i.12'J St "'?:.* iv . ""
- o- ? ';.- .UH Herald . BB
ForRTH RACE r r three-year-old*: new-winners dur?
an h f ?-?'
. I ur" ?
I. i Kearney .127 Joe
Star tnre**.117 Mal
< '-nu- .112 I. r.
Fri 1 1- iv' i?- . 112,1
i. .112 I..ir!.rf
ll .112 1
'. .
Cl . .,
lo ? ' Tm
H.-- ir- .IOC Vent ...BB
i- ? .ita .i'-1
? ..- . tn ... :?i
. IOU l rania . Bf
. lui' Ei .I"'
lr n ptn* dlr! . ?.,:?? ??? .... BO
tn*Little i i ...sn
sixth n \.i, tri-i, wi i
. ni
. 121 i" i- - .in
.122 ??: ???? mine .112
i ? Reach . ; . lil
. ' , Hil .iii
. ii; i..-: n "?? . Ii*<
. : ? . UM
Vounsi .iii
T ILK ' Mi (SO THK Tl I'FMEN IX' 11 ? I:N
y. \LF HOI
Many shrewd men who Kr v. the rope* md 1
Insl le working of rsi ea sat
-?'.- ni" to ??! iee all tl
t ill ? n thi roney 1 ml J key Club v
ri- ?. ? vrlll l mg b ? renu ml il' The
f 'ure of the aport ? fifth rac Han
wt* >n Ramapo Before the raci Trainer Hyland
t .1 I him to gel off is if the rai * ?
? of ,i mlle, and If the | aral
h.-.-i> up with Ihe leader, bul if tl ? pace a i
t i place hla hoi I lo ? p
lu tn there until he wa I mt for th ?
? ?-. ride him I r all he a
ll ?? r- lal
w I- >i the Hag fell I: -
nut w i t iken b ?? I-. I
? ill the way down I
le. When (Lin
through on Ihe rall i -
moved np, and i ittle-1 ip the Bnapi
effeel ?
Oarrii ?n tried to tal
? i hi* ? f ???? by t iii li
; ty. anu 1 Issie, who ?-?
\\ ? ? ? ? ? ?.
f thc i
? . . , ? |
ma le by I >..- io ami Redskin tiarri
? . ? ill for il niel I
i few ? it nar.quet'
* . I him to throw
fa.I I ' ? "ii 11' '
- - - :
Pate thi
Iel judge*. ?
A lan
? ? ? ? ? ?
agreeable to
? lil)
11 ?
kl: "Ml r . ? ?
, nt]
retofore I
bet ti i
Imv.. .,
but ri
? - . it J. ?!
While M. 'li leon w i - aba
. -
war ol
.. |?
rid* i -
? ?'
? I I. - - ? ?
il by I
ba '. i* en ' nd I
, .. ? the rut ' . ? ?.
pwd I?? ><, an I evei
track was 1
w et*s ? ' " ? Itel
? I -I
Many em "et
for anon I hefori
neal not I ? l ? rai ??
A lal ' . '
M. H. Dwvei i
se. rattle,]
track i ' first
? ia ma le the
lion In i
?.s a* going i bi r ii-iit ?? mme
. ir il Iel i I exhibit lon ot erv*
ihe part r i. ks ? eal and lu i ih ??'? 1 one
ht* w' ', int ;
?Si..i nu " "..- fa rei m ??? r i an end There wa* a
lona delay I na r d ? ? I F i- ?. :<
? lebhard'a lt ? Iman wa* tl
; ? To thi r many person* a I i
? it r . avered Idenl
conn** ' ? I Ly R idm
I lallfled i .i going the wrons e urse Lynch, who
? rldi rf Ro Iman. I* a n uld and ? ? ?
baa* i<. i that thei inc f t
i erick (lebhard I*
un and should le- protect. I by the rsclns
An efl rt i betns ma le I i hav* the decision
it ?, l h isea and hurdle ran a f -rty-i I ra after
tl ?? . j???-. io u ia ir , i who
w ill .inill d.irlt fur the r
Council niuiTs, Town, June 30 trrangeroenta have
been made for a match race between Allx un.I
Robbie I- f>r ?.".<." i ' io take place on July
I at 1 alon Part
? *>
liOtidon, June H \i the auction sala of tbs
Queen'* atud nt Hampton Court t i day twenty .-i^ht
yearlings brought 15,033 and forty-five hr.Imare*
mid foals were Bold for I1H.984 Baron da Hirsch
pal l 14,00 for lbs mar.- Wedlock.
Cl li ago. .lim- U Tha c., ,. j jury to day re?
turned Indictment* against the Hawthorne people
for keeping a common gaming place and the Wash
Ington I'ark Club for maintaining s nuisance There
i- no natute on which the Washington Park Club
Indi tn.-iii oin be based, bul the jury, In looking
up tin- law, f..iin-i thai hollins tripe or skinning
ii->i were Indictable offences If these operation*
wert attended by unpleassnl odors, and reasoned
ihii th* amell from the etsblea must be unpleasant,
and the indictment waa Issued,
Poughkeepsie, N. Y., June IO a match raes s ta
trotted here to-day between the geidim* Wax.
entered ano driven by J I'. Gibba, of Fleetwood
Park, and Baby, owned hy James McClanahan, ol
Fair iiml ll.-no tirol lo mia Aiton* Hie Urn
Olva prooUsa to t(??- ocean reyas** sf health and pleasure,
but lhere I* s bi i ? >, .?.- of arstera t i ba psaa.-d thnt
rinn mountain hi?h in rough sreslhai and srl*voeol
turti th* ansecostomad al itnarh, nt. partksatarly if it
1* that if un invaii.i Moreover, the tibratloa of lbs
neaefa bull easaed hy tha mot los of the arrew of ?
t a rhann" of Willer sad Intltiirle, nnd st.rur,it
IranaltlOBa r.f tenit>?-r.-itiire. rnnno'. without a me.lirln.-il
safeguard, ba racounterad with lanvualty. Far sss ates
n-r?. mi.i prejue-etsl mfiueneea of air an" water, 1! ?>
(erier'a r-t nrn-l, lllitera ia i mnn-liir-l eaf-Kumd. T.iirt*!-.,
yu mm,,-h. marlaaia eaaaaawwiaJ iravaHars. and Bees**
bound n i ??? eeysan at inland faust, aheald aiwaya he
j.r. vated with lt. In. ..ii.j aral ],. f,,r malaria, rheumntltm.
neuralgia, ileapleiane**. lott of appailla, lick baa4a-.li*>
bUluuiDcaa sad e^-iftijetita _? ? ?.
are tnstsatly relieved o. i perrnaaeutly eared hr
-t ki lb pn ;. ? i bavlag a J ir in the bouac In
sae ..f
Tl.ls otnl : ' i'-N'r;. '? lt ll IP
PILES . ile nal or Inti ' eedlng.
CALDS snd roNTRArTION fr in Bt'RHfi. TORN, CUT,
r LACERATED fTOt'NDM or BBl'IBES, and la most
I 'al Wi ' ....
I-r- , '?-;
11.1*1 RI'MPHItEl ?' MEDU'INK
\*e? fork, an l dHven ii- A I'. McDonald. Thia
? . it he thli between the* ? hi raes, The
ir i wa* tor '.'..->. <;,?> m 1 was tr. rt. I
..-. ? t; won 11' Baby.
I h-- second match a ia for lin. Qi ? K.OOn a sldi and
na* to have been trotted last year, bul Bab) waa
ifl and her owni lld 'h.- t .rf.'lr. The ms ten
< . i side Th
: ill-- heats. The first
. " -.. a -.nm ; ?? i' ii,- io . ... thi first mil.- being
rotted i tab ai-.. -con 1 lie.lt
I, ,r .- i,, ?; .. ,|. '. ,..-, j,
91 ni i. . CEN
C ? ? ii . '?'. hen ti rac ns b gai
ai ' a weall er W I* 'I
Queen iMbell v
. . wa* run n i
? i muddy tra k. M
.. Rh Ml Iglej up, sr i i ma le
..(,-.- ? . ? lld do w i thir I,
. . Clara Bauer, a 30 I i i
ridden by Ray. I
? ,. i - p. ? ra ' ntnon
? 1 up
? e, il
lally by
; for
< vania
third. '
15,000 add* I,
; ii
i | ? ?
Fifth rac* purse tl .on tn mlle
- . .. .
? ?
I Iii'.
PHE Ni: v. ? S fl DAT
Tl.ith '? " Rochelle
lei iwned
y li. H. Dui ' "'
- ** In
. ? ? i... Flin
ed by A
?.. ,- ? ? i Ihe
Mary C ? :
Tl ??
Kill ' nd Adel
CLAM 1 -tn ? . ?
' ?
ii vr. n
? ?
- '- ? ' ? ! .
? ?
- . .
Melita ...... ....B .--.-ii.
Addi* . '
, , - I- I.
I ?
... i. ? i i:. 11 .".ills
B .... ?. I ' I ?
Ol i
"... . 12 no 21 Md nut Snl*h.
. ..' :;i M 4 -.'??. "| ,i ?.,-.,
- ?
M M 12 Xl 17 4-.VI 1 121 on
4 Ml 'IO | .- ,i|
. - . . .'. I i S|
12:31'21 4 29 - ?
i'll" l FEET
I-' HO 02 4 J- 20 I EM 27
SI i .. ii . i.
. 12:33:17 4:01:01 S 37 'I
Ii IS 2s io 4 '? . "i :. i; .'i
12 ti M ? 1*1 M
. 12 27 i*i 4 ? ;j . ,
.I -' .' I I I 4 ' * i I .
\\ sahlngi n, '?.- ? BO I trougl f low i ire i
fr. rn Wealers Tessa th rou h Karn.
; ? le i lr low In I'1 11'. i. \n .'?? i ..f I iKh
preeeure ie rent nj I nfl1 the i i sal ?' s-,,.-:i gealla and the
N 'i ern P*
. . . ni-. I ill i - .'I ll >l. r
lippi Valley Th* lemperatur* ha* risen i rt
the los ' I. ha* fatten In th*
Northwest and ha* remained ne*rlj stationary elaea
F- r New I ? . 'and . : I istrrn Nea rorlt, generally
rmr: tooth r . Routhw. i a In 11
r - i" ??! ? t Tol mbl* '' -'-.n Pennsylvania, N'.-w
Jer*ey Delaware, Maryland *nd viii
st lah t ly warmer rn vlclnlly of PhtUdelpbla; varlabl*
r ? North Carolina and Routh Carolina, proliably ih w.
' | "i.. i in west ei n pori. a
|\.r Waaf. Vlrfflnt*. Weal . i Weat ern Penn
sylvania, Dhta and Indians, generally fair; variable
i. Illino!! pt - .Uv ?hower?; slightly warmer north ol
Rprlnaileld: ?.h a
In this illarr.-vni a rm,timi.ni* white line shows the
ehans** m pr*a*ur* n? Indicated by Tr- Tribune'* ?eif.
r- lins ' ' te* Th4 hi ?han lin* r.-i- .-..-rt-, ll
j re aa observed at Parry'i PUarma >??
Tribune Ofllr*. Inly I, 1 a. m. --Cloudy we-ithet conilnued
v. Meeds**, wirti ?.ll?hr rhana>.? In 'he i"iiii..>rntiire. Th ?
l*sip*ialur* ran.-??'. fr m ?'J ta BS degree*, 'ti" sveras*
(77) being i\ higher than >.n the corresponding da* last
Tb* weather to-day i* likely to be fair, alu aouuweat
ii ? IO, Lr-, klyn & [Philadelphia 13. LoulavtD* 0.
Baltimore D Cleveland 3. j St 1/ ut* 10, Boston fl.
natl lt, Waablngton 0 IJtew-York vs. < bi-ago. rain.
rittritiiirp. Jntie M Ii WM B slut-irln-; match with
Brooklyn to-day for the firnt three innings. Brook?
lyn lilt Colcolough for ii home run mil three triples
in succession In the third inning, and (Jumbert
ibstltuted. Th ? ehange worked like a chnrm.
for the visitors could 'lo nothing with him. With
two men on I non and one out In the eighth inning
(Onslow threw low to firjt to euteh Donovan nap?
ping, anl tmii runners scored. Thin eHnebad the
A great running catch by Stengel find
sho.-h's batting were the. features. Attendance,
4,000. Score:
Smith, If.... 4
in, rf 4
.'.. r.
.-. o
r !:? r>" ri e
3 :'. 2 0 0 T
'.' 1
rn m. i
tititnhert, p. 3
n 0 to 1 ' Tn lara)
o n r
** 4
-I il I 3 o n
I .
1 O
2 1
shm-i:.-. gb
Bu '? rf
;? mn M .
Kinel iw, e..
. li. 4 0 I o 0 o
Total* ....87 fl II 24 IO 4
i ll, pi n rn
oorj a t
0 ii 1 4 (J
1 12 0 0
2 I 8 ll 'I
2 2 0 1 o
1 2 I " n
0 2 lo 0 1
o ll
87 hi 13 27 ll
irg .,.1 5 1 0 o r, o 3 *. - m
.I o :: 0 ii.' 0 'I
' ? rbiirg 4 Brooklyn fl Flrai ba** i>y
. rr. i I'lttahur* 2 I'-.--.kimi I. .. fl n baae* Pittsburg
... . i. i alls ' 'ff foleolough 1.
il n . kimber! 8.
I. li me ran Khlndl*. Three bas* hlla -
h, Hums. I" uti T" haw hit* Behlebeel"..
? , ? ir ri (Ire hil :'-m"\. sn.len bsa*
i. 1.11* ploys?I ??.-:'. Umpire
M ' > i . I garni I "."?
Won. L- ?? l
r* .. .17 IB
; ... :. IS
. . : ". 20
i ...33 2^
' ; 28 22
,; ...il iii
rail ?? Won I. ?n
l.'o ' 'll
? li mis . .
:.- ?' Wa
sr r. SQ The Browns won to-day Ly a
n.irr iw margin. Both tenn- played well, the Browne
Frank gent a
i.nn ?? of ni" kin 1
Atti (.COO B
.-iii. 1 n i o a o :, n 0 11
. lu.; ' ? IO '?
lita St. i ods r., rot n IR. F.t >-b-S1 Lmla
m Battei e* clarkson and Pelts; I<ovett
iii.; in*H. i "?-:-! r- ? H
Cleveland, .Fun.- SO Clevel I ont like a
: Childs, HcKeat md Ti ? tu did pome
work early In the g rn .-' ? lidding nnd
poor base-running later were largely r> <; neible tor
tl'.' defi ir Atti mlance.' 1,0
md . i 0 i 0 " '> ? i 1 I
Baltimore . 10 0 10 1 I I " I
Baaehtta cleveland }, Baltimore i Err ra
lindI 5, Hal td N rung at 1 Zlmmer;
. - , - .
nnatl, June SO.?In i ps to*d ly P ir*
i . Washington only one little scratch hit.
sss hatted foi ng'u ? nil th,
? hits in the game The Re i
r ii. over the ; i leventh and
? : rural. Attends 1 - ? ; ? >r
. 0 0 1 0 0 X 4 ? a?H
W.tshlriictot. ... n a a ii 0 0 I.I
gton 2 En i
? ... nrrott,
T ,i hil in I Xi irph; . Mi n er an l Dug lal. Cn
? Ile tried a new i-f
lay, < ;..rk, lat* of Pnvsnnah, who made
? ? ' ? ? ' ? the ?? Phil
won ?? ? - lenal
by Pi pper, a new pitcher fr ?
only tr ree hits were
lt ti
. 1010000*0 I
.13 1 I I 1 0 0 X ll
Wp il i. 14 Kr
? i Batter!***
\|.r. ,f.-.-. pepper and ''.uri. Vveyhlng anl Bil
At Hinghaml -?: rlngflel!. ll
I tt ki Bbarre, Z; it.v. lenee, i
lt El
\i . .in- i Buffalo, 1-: S) ?
13 (Second game) Bi - ? -.1.
\ mo i :.-?" Nil. KINOS COI NTT WHKKl.
Fullj.' . : ;?
... \\ > ., ?
a ? re well r. pa -l for the
M aft of the
i ? Park and <- mey 1*1 in I Ra
li In the 1 irJU r part of
i St I
-? .? . ? k. >.. ;11??
T .- ? ' io ?
?.r in lstftl sen
track ?
roi ? ratch
\-i. ni the
!?' J.
E. C. Ba'.d. Oe-ji r. TV. F. Mu
?? ?
I for a
- lt. in I, ha I hi
I .. Ile
waa cheered I the <
hu . In ? ? lo k part ? Ihe mi ??' A
CT Earl,
. ? , '.man. li il bad f ll S
? . back part of Ih* tr u k ti I
f gome
rea a Ith cn I h C
The re ii'.t* of < ra low:
? ?? flrst pris* told
I thirl ->r1M
t ? W
Th ma* Hat.** li I
Sew- ? I S '" rt ?
n ne J .i 1 a
M march
\\ \\ N * "i
I M -nr.-h
|lu -i prize uiver watch |2A; Ihli I prta*.
.... w ai bj K r Mlllei 'il" r?rda) R v\ .
Vineland N t. A 1> Kel n. ' ? I'. C.,
a >' . Bprlng
l Time?.
. um . first ;?!?? >, ?Hvi - ? ai>. *a0,
aeoml I rue, p Ul Hr. x 120; il n.1 I ll ?Ult,
112 r I,,-I, prlio, picvel lamp, I" rh* rim- limit lu
ihli r?. ? wai lin i ? -' '" '?
I ..,., made ?? itt. n pl* t? rldi will ir. tl
.. i ii a ,, de ,'. i no race. The i eel lime
ara* 2:! IS I -
i .. mile handlrai I ia* B; Brat peta*, Crawtoi I 11
, x |, BUM ? nd prli ' le. $2 I I rl??.
ree, |I2 Won h> ll ll Maddoa > IBO yai '??" A >'
w vi' ur \ I'ark, S J . ?' M Murphj (20 yard*), R, C.
\\ Iii i'm -.-. -r.'l. !?: i Uald (?eratch>, I" ' V.,
N V . Hil- I.
4 ;i
tl rsl
Ight men In trial
.1 al lid, ISO;
I prlie c :
. iftti i- ? i .'I- lnmi> Won Iv ii li Smith (UM
,i tai Helli N ^ . W A liirtM-H'i (14.) rani*),
li v\- Nea 1 ak, second I.. >'? Boppe iii" yardal, li
, ? i- o-ii ima ?-' ii
'ii.i ill.in race, pris* "Mirer lavina cup, V>> Won
io I-' V i;. im iv. i' Oranger, .' Nani". Riverside
Wheelmen, New-York, lt polm* Bouth it..h!vi, Wheel
mi ii rid; (Ireenwlch \\ i.Imen, :; i
ihir.i Tim* * "?-'
one-mile eghlbttlon, ria** n r j t.hi*. n tv New
Tim. 2:08 Miller, tlrandl and Young, paceroakeni,
The atlantic Yacht dub haa leclded to make Oys?
ter ita' a port of call on the annual cruise of the
fleet, The Baawanhaka ? lui. will rIv,> the visiting
? m.-n .i reception, with music and flreworka
\:inrit;.- fleet .vin arrive nt Oyater Bay on
July i.
The Harlem Yacht Club win open Ita new hons,.
and anchorage at City Island on July 4 The
Kxcelslor I'acht club aili *-aii un annual regatta
on Hu- same day. A large number of entries hn,ve
i.n received, and handsome prises will be given
?, - lg
Hullywootl, X. J., June Kt.?The Holljrwood Kn
: turitv stak.'.-i and cup were to-day for the second
time w.n by "Pred" Hoey, who killed twenty-two
I Btrslghl oul of twenty ti\-<- i.ir.in. Tia- condltlona
1 wer* Fifty dolls ra entrance. IO per eenl of the
j ni ikea and the cup going to the winner, 3n per cent
of itu- >i.ik?? to second and io per eenl t.i third.
Hoej won the cup in l*l?.t a liRht breese
prevailed ind the hirds were lively. I.ii-k,? i*
Ilona .r *-t>irtin>r men wee. preaent fr.mi Philadel?
phia un I Sew York
The "it.-i Top" and Independence Stakes win be
hla.t un th" l'.mrtli of .1 ul v.
Robert Fuller, the "turf commlastoner." who wa*
arrested on Thursday on complaint bf Thomss l>e
vins, wh.. sci used him of keeping ju) whi.-h Ucvlne
gave him to bal on the horse San Jost- In the
ateeplechase on Baturday last, wa* arraigned be?
fore Justice Ol.uKling yesterday Justice Oladdl Lg
riiri-hargod lfuller oa the ground ot ln*untci?ut evl*
'rostration Before the Dark Idol*
?T11L< Bta***a****l ? _? ?* . _._ - -_ I
me of
"lind's best gift tn m.m" ls the fav.r!-. ??
plum, ot the peer, w.,rn nnrr.ul Cst the desrr-. The'
renmy, hllaaful languor, the er-stael-a of pleasure, the
?rene ?nd rapturous delight of the vlrtlrns of the mu?
lline hihlt. during the enrller *t?g.? ot th-lr dlaena*
nd while they wen- on in- einanes of UM 'iplim |f>
~rno. haa bees given to the world In th. m st graphle
Tl vivid terre*. The euh|ert hs? been l-enle-l of bf g
-aster wilone g.nins har. enwrapped H |n 'he nest gie*
e-.ua rohlng of hnlnn- 11 .Meas *nl re* |
erl-i'lR. makin* the -.rory ..f the famous ophir:, a
lassie In Kngllnh llt'rnlure
Th- e'. rv of Ike awakening Of th" mUd.erX rnManeholy
nag eaten la toM datty by rh. pale thin eletlm* af the
olson a* they pa-* s'.'-nilv aloag to reo?*e a fresh -**s>
ly of the optSte, -goon which their very lives depend.
Whoa rn list the Bstaate ?pirit nrhMi dwella rn the
drug" h*? revoalej itu pow?r and asaertM Ita Imp.**,
us mister-ship, the tim" tar BSMly revolt has -in-sed
ni the hour of terrarai-|rl<en BWSkeWaSg has a-r- |
P-prK" him f hi* ".lr.I.;" nn-1 a rliou.-,P,t shrieking
.-les Cry our from every yurik!.. ,-f tb* "or,lum use--,*'
.rm. The agony BBS?< !.v n?-v.e aril l.raln. uwnkening
ram their e;if.rr"d ? ,r. ,r. fl,; |,?|y ar?i ,.iUy\ wllh |ry.
r and ans -firmed user of nny form of
[.lum beats aftthhl blmrelf a t**a*a-|esB und-i-tone of
e.j.nlr This secret leprosy of m-dern divs p.rmea'ee
ne body, nf"l a'rl splr" Of I's \i-ilrn. uni ns surely a*
ie pursuit . f rh.- Kuril's prid >:ii> d*ere*? ,,f Care, the
me romes wh?n th' I'.-iurv gad bright tindals
? sad love ' eyes, in whoa* Hiern .-? a**a*
rea, ls blotted ' ur. leaving nair *. dall sss*, sn uf-?"e'r.g.
feless look The svs'.m I ' 'lg *?
Inrm raves poSB*galOB of tho s ni, .te.per.'.ng gradually
ito n bonibl* foreboding fear ?nd angering igoatee, for
?hieh "Hell tortures" is no nan.'-, coavalal ns r-i?
paetna ?i **dll r . hi*
rte* for i lp ?? siierr-.- pr"\????? , t. ? trtng
arkl'-ss ?!<?-;? , Siri,\ tr,? vl-rlm
ease* -
Thia ir t?enil ? f th. ? ul, which t!.? i r Maded Arab
renown "l "Ood'i beet gift ?< man." ? a he
-pori f". "gui ' rrow" snd ?i bi -i ii j-.,.i. has
?Bathed out lt* n-'iulem for the dying -
To*N p In th* ?! wnward path and r.trri.-.' his steps, te
?cap* tha h^iw and en: tilde, to bi -I fr-na
ls tl r I from the seething rra'er of
'.;?? opium agony without aid la ImpoeaiM*. Th. unaided
i of the rletlm to e* ap* fr-.m tri" datebea -->f th*
plum niorist..r ts Mrnr.lv o, plunge rhe sufferer Inf.-) th*
plum user** hell the 0*>henna of burnies lormew and
op*l**B Wp.-ilr.
To eman. Ipat* 'he eufrerlng s'-iv.. f> ri hi* I ndag* ill
id hti iw of ?!? uti ls the
? of Allen's Amlni'.rph.
This remedial igenl a of
Wirri fr-.m the nen-- '?'Ms and restoring th- mol*C1ll4S
. tii*ir prism need for the pots***.
tb and
?int>- In whl h th re ls i ?? for
plum In arv form. Neither 1 IS lt require arv ..-ter
tlmulant* lt ls s ral hi ilth, whick know*
il iminaii .n with itlmulanti ' any
In I. S-.'in.l. ' -
The stiff' r.-r ' ./lute
?um.f rare, -.s'.g*.
., j , .j
? I * up n him. .-i" aili Bot r.-rnr-I lt
will emt rg* a Ith t
vs, rican blond; with ? brain Healthy act?
ivity, with eueigy ' '?? ly . . I mind ind "elli ?
' i 'a
- a-.it unpotsoned year* Ti ?? ? ll I ivs
,ik?-n with tl
The \ir!e power* ?< often areskei lyssl
v th* "i-i un I il lt will ' ires
? .... r ?
ivtng for <a e?"
InguMhed ta if lt ha 1 never ? T ilent 18
11 red ' t. to 1
i life and
f hi* own
treating the
? now In v . sa. pa Med
. . ? . ve
? -i n ir*ln - I th* par**
-?i bs
: of
-ph the | 'if
... -pt,
m his
? ? -ty in fr .m three to sta weeba,
,\n-in. -? W * wWl ha
nf pf th Ar.tlllg
jo g/eet 141 Nea
113.00 lowi |U>.< I pei a ? th,
- ??? k
tv tn
?.; ieia] I riva t
lingi' Action Ri i IvefB
, ... .
. ?: "
I. ttxm
-t-v ?..*; is' ni
- 4xa
r.eper Rid *, 13 ?nd 13 Col ?-???- 1 to S&O.
Marlin, >^ *at*r, ?' it.
..- nd S3 Cal M.00 r
Marlin, >^ eater, C it.
ftp, || gab ' S ? ? i le R -N
fr m \\>' ? ? H'lO.
BR' ? M
<^for i
A full nesorluient of
I'OHTS. >r
Tennis Goods
ant. v~**j
1.argent atsortment In th* elly
? r Han.l" "ne Calal"* .? USB
?'w.-lirn"n'? Sui pies
SH Weat -t.til St.. rv. Ti
Ks'..ihltsluit la It'll thief i-onsulilna phralrlan aol the
I'enhttdr Medli'iil Inelllulf. to
IH me.lui lioNalloii*' Mfdl.
was swarded th*
I ?.?...-lonou tee tn*
T-RI7.B f-aav od Kxhiiualrd VllelHy. *}*?Vir\!rI3f
an.l I'h,si. ul DeblliiV' an", all Ol?e?a?.a ? 11 "'???
.j" arni ? . CU K ill O ? onanlSuoa in r"r*oD os
'?('?_, t!v letter proapeetoa, with t.-stt'iioniala,
FREE. I?r*..i..>..k.Thr-*.'lra.TorWfoi orlelf
PMaevvaJlM. ?? Prt*eee*BT.?70PP-.l? nnl-uhla pre
*<?'u "ni f.'r ".'ut., aad ciiMuto ilutoases. tull gW, oulf $1.04
Uoii'iu coaled.
BOCly and
Indorsed b) eminent Phyilclani et*rr?h*'e
SOLP HT DEI'.l.il-T* iMl.il.-H
and AUTOGRAPHS ot Celebrities.
Sent Free.
|SJg)| MmnM*i".,?"?"""ir.M,^*'""' l**J
Ye-*erJavTo-day. I
?trnw1>onril . 2H
Canal Kt IWk. .. :*S
Browtna row. - - leta
llr.-?1nrf pref ... Ml
Chlo V A ?' Co.. l-l
Cf kW Co pf. 4D'i
Chic Om. ...- ISH
JmmVMl *ah^?*"_.-*s
4'.' T
Chlcaso. Jun.- SO. t
V.-t^i lav.To
inajnond Match.ll|14
MU Br*** oom. ? 15
MU Brew pref. . 30*4
N Y Ills, ult On tm
N chi. S' R K '.'4.1
Street* Car I.In. U
w chic st r p.lin

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