Newspaper Page Text
you uv.N* 17,412. NEW-YORK. WEDNESDAY. JULY 1*, 1804-TWELYE PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTa VIGILANT'S WINNING DAV. jg WEATHER TO JIER LIKING. SHE SAILS A SPLENDID RACE IX STRONG WIXD AND Ri il'OH SFA. __-_ ajuTAlCKIa DROPPED OUT DISABLED. BUT SHH HAP MO CHAM'K l>F WINNINI,. AS THU VKiTI.ANT HAD A SIX MINI'TK LEAD ANTi WA0 IXCRBABINO IT WHEN nu' AOCIDKXT of. : !tT!!-::> Bang" ? ? I***** *Tnlv Tl.?The Vigilant tc* aasttad herself gloriously to-day In h.-r Bocond fontest over the R yal lister Ya. ht Club course far tho Reai?-< '? mn?o l ire's Cup, v*0lued it $250, ?nil B rash prl?e of Si"",. Some of tho lustre of her rici ''> ",s ' ">; hj the failure of the i: tannin to finish. r.i:i noa riv three-quarters of the ci: rsi" had been sailed over when the Eng il*h ya bi carried away the Java of her gaff and ??ped li ?? ? The lead of '.hf Vlgllani then jbou'. il' minutes", and as the breeae held ajaoall) N >hl'' doubtlesa w ?uld D0V0 in gfjaged ? lag* several mlnutefl In the last three I ga of tli-' c urse. -fher--> wa* m >re enthusiasm when tho Vigilant came daahl! g ai n sa the finishing lln-^ than has attended my victory of the Prince <<t Walea'B rotter Gui al mea. a ? screeched and tne ai- : with ? mlghtj ro0r from a thouran! lu I) ihroati George J. gnd Howard Ooulii. with a larg pa f fi nds. foll >wed ihe ?agara over ? "ii the Atalanta, Rvery Engli'h yachtsman spoken to sai,i ll waa ap parent thal Ihe Britannia had no chance what* #ver af I 'ii' when the accident occurred, British : htsmen wi i aaa the Vigilant in the races a; New-York and who have been en* thusia?*i ? b ? wen red al th" fulfil? ment of their prophet ll ls th.-tight tha* Bhe would ba> ? beaten the Britannia by about nine minutes ? lual time If lon the last tjiroe legs : ?-? a* much aa sh-- bad flonc h; ih* e second 1 BOTH YA. HTS AWAY TOO ETHER. There u.i^ .1 itr ng resterly wind, with a ajual'.y ih Ker now and then, as the ya hts itoo.1 rat .<i f the line, waiting for th boom of the tarting gun. The wind waa I brisk for club-to] b, and b nh >*?< bti i ordinary canv - Tho pun I li 00 and the neera - ?? -l f ir the lino, Kr,,!, C;,-,s? haul - ;i the -? irboard ta< k, the Rri to wlndwai !. B th ya-lits cr ssed at 11:00.12. and ma 1 long 1 I d wn th" sh..;.-. the Vigilant ?? wa* :?- the we 1 ? agaxter if !?'? Britannia, which tf- n farareachlni in tho Vigilant. When went I her tack and si Carr: ;kf< rgua mara ' Vlgilai t had mu h the ?ja'.pj. sreatl ' SI 1 1 in led tho mark boat one minui - I of h-r rival T. : ? ? vigilant . ? -'? ; Britannia . The nve-and-a-half-rj ? run from Carrick fergus ti Black Head with the wind af*. B.'.h yachta all Jlb-t psalls. The Vigilant gained, perceptlb'.y In the spanking breeze, and rounded the Black Head flagb .ar at ll UJB, two minutes an - ' Britannia, which turned at 11*54*39. From the ringi** mark tho Vlg int flew, 1 wring th<- f ur and a half n ?? mlnutea and tMrtv-BlX seconds. Bbc rounded thi* Brigf*;* mark at 12:13:04. and tho Brimrnia gi 12:15:57, the Vigi? lant having Increased her lead by fifty-ta 1 nd*. Tho bent tor tho fla**1- at off the clubh fnm Bripjs wag made li ta 1 b >ar !-. with s*.is hissing over Joe rails. The quli knesa of the tannin In stays heif.'-.! her I 1 gain a few .-'? on this three-mil'.- leg Vlg tnt rounded tho v ? rr irk two mlnutea ar. 1 forty-six a< ahead of tho Brltannl t. Timi-: h tn ? Tarllanl . I aa>teBala .12 ~i _-". Ia the sh.irt tacks down along the ah ri the CaiTickfergui markboat the Brltannla'a wonderful quickness In going about di n tbe advantage ' the eenti by fi ft >- - four second* Bul the Vigilant still led by one mir.ut.- ar I fifty-two eeonda when the yachts turni '. farrkkfergua In a bi foam, as f I Vigilant . Br.i4r,r,.\ .. . . Larger fJbi I were set In the run '.?>? Black Heal al ng the north shore nf B Lough. It was now a rattling wit 1 aba fl tb* port beam. Th* Vigilant rounded the xnarkhoat at 1 I ?:.?? Lough foul - Bte* anJ thlrtj si nda ahead of the Britannia, bastag gaini and thirty-eight <*<?? m Um - - ,- '-.i-haif mile 1 0tr? tlmi-i ?? - hr they turned the Black Hi id mark. m h n, a vigilant . W'.anr.u. IN A VIGILANT WIND. ll, waa .. ?:. ,-i Vlgllani wini, with a ??toppy beam sea, hlthert 1 bupi ? p0r a^BBaal? tai imei>. which bad ct; 11 ? ,,1:i |0 Briggs J"* ?ind 0 nd quarter and waa freshening to ? twenty-knol breeae, Th. Vigl J*nt had a steamship gall ..n h<-r. Sh-- covered in* four and a half mllea at fourteen-knot speed, and put ber rt* ? minute and ten aei fore aston,. Thi? thi mark thus: v ? h rn 1 i*-oUt . 1 .-. aanaaala . . j?::, 1;, The weather qualities of 'ho Vigilant came ?Sf**8***.] ??? 11 I ,r ri,., home ?bi u ?'???ting ? nd a whistling wind {???delighted the h?*art of Captain Halt'. Th" '?riant los) ..... ni , ,]s ,,, ,.>,,. Britannia by fre* B*** ??''kl.-.g. ? 1. as sh- has ,, ?*? hf,r Buporinr quality in pointing. Ov0r ?longer li t nfrequent tacka, she would ?ave Increase.] h-r lea 1. Aa li waa, fl.- was arfl mir.u:., ? thlrt: seennda ahead. The thur **"' ' ' ' '"" h': ' 'n "'" ?*"* rntimi aP** .2:10:49 WiI">la . v ,,, |s *.^??l ***? l>'uth. 'ii thi four-mila Btretcb to th* vi ',erg'i:v smashing through a nasty sea, bell.f *'afit :"X ' ' l!l" "?"?^"?TfltgertB, i , ab >ui ala minute*. THK BRITANNIA D18ABIJCD. "bil* ne?nnC the Carrickfergus mark "n ,;i" ?an tack the Bril | lenly came up In the ^' ?*?? '- id : ... ,-, 1 >methlng. it was ??Parent later that she bad broken tba jaws of J- gaff. The shackling Iron fell to th,- dock, j.'k'og Captain Carti r , n the side of th" h.-a-l *to Jj* i'Ut' t,llt '?'?'? " '' "'-'v hllr' Th'' a"''; '""'' iCL.1.'"' lo 'hal wm ii occurred to Oeneral tai7rt*,n'"k"": yat ht, ihe Jubilee, In the l?*t ,-f Slat 'H *'s at N*w-York It ls th ughl thal In .fn,an,llil's mishap was due to hi-r Jiiniping aaaaaa "'iK whi(>h ri',"*",* the gaff to thia-u ?or*** clearing away the wret-kgffl flhfl jr tB* .v f '?' h'"'?? ? giving u[. the <? inteBt, which thin*. ? '' h"!'* "'l* now regarded as a bum TVvu,,:"- V1?'i?'" at 2r tn "runt rounded the Carrickfergus mar.* bat raul r;;' " '' ; vf,r '?""? 'ourse, ami, under tu ?,.",,"' u'" regatta, defeated tho Britannia EtB?u '",''uP?nd the cash prise, which doubt W tnilL ,llvl'1"'l among her crew. Sha li >ua* d *5**a*!v "n Ih,> u ' Sh* finished at lioUrV' t ' 'w'rl"K '?'" flfty-i ii:- courae in four ona, o'ir,.'v;nlne "--nutea and twenty-eight Bec ?aotB ,- u * rai" "f a?mewhat more titan t<-n lum. .Va * "ur' wl,i'... conalderlng tha nwnjr ???"*,? fn,,rt""n m?ea of ham windward work, PfobBbiv'!1'111,'.ff*t' ,r -'" h;"1 '" ' " Pu**-*** ???? ??hour ? ul<i ?*v* r"?"'"' 'i"- time by half "ot 00LT- "" h"r v!l l"'?>? Ai,u ??wursd aha did Ww.w'T/" awlftly a. abe would have D*had tho Britannia been chasing her, SHE WON ON HKR MKKIT.S. Bm 00 LONDOW NKV/SI-aVKHS om THK j * VIGILANT* VHTOItV ^?.nv- JU'y 18-"Th? i*?y News" aays of Th. ? >acht '?'" ter,V,,Bntwn'l?- ?l! her ",,r"H- Th<> r',f'** w"" ^?aanla. Thr w\?,.Uu>.;'''l*l''nt occurred to the *--?^^j?n^J^rUannla'B long success needs to Caatlaaed ob Second Page. ,!'. YAEE ON EYE HY TONGUE. AMERICANS IN LONDON GIVE A BAN? QUET TO THK TEAM. a rnn.i.iANT COMPAMT A00EMBLED at tiii" CRITERION RESTAURANT BPEECHBB HY Mi:. BATARD, ('ATTAIN HICKOK AND SIR RICHARD WEB0TRB -TAM: 0ONO0 ARD TELLS RESOUND, London, July .".?Tho American colony in London Ravo a Vale supper his; evening in tho Victor li li ..un of tho Criterion Restaurant. Tho guests of honor woro tho members of tho Tale athletic tram. Tho company sm down to tho tables at ll o'clock, Mr. Bayard, tha United States Ambassador, acting aa chairman. <m .\'r. Bayard's right ?1 i Hickok and tho rost of tho Vale team, Alexander Brown, Jr., E. H. Cady, D, B. Hatch, J. B. Mor B in, A. Pond, Jr.. I.. P. Bheldon, ? ', I' B W. s. Woodhull, On h. |efi ? ti Hlr ii. hat I Web Bier, Judge Andrews, of the New York Court of Appeala; President Schuman, of ii I'nivr sity, Sir John H. Puleston, >?!. P.; Judge Patterson, of til- Buprema court of New-Tork; Homy Whit" and officials of the United Btatea Embaasy, and attaches of tlio United Btatea Consulate-General, Among the i,thors present were Rlrhai l Harding Davis, Henry Wellcome, Walter Delmar, B. i'. Stevena, Bradley Martin. J, Phipps, John T. Lord, Francis Pendleton, Colopel Chesebrough, willi un . I>r. Oeorge Field, J. .Morgan Richards, T. Vf. Mattox, bf. P Orace, Harold Coolidge, R M Qallaway, lit-nry Bey moor, Q, \\. Van Bl) k. John .! Coolidge and Dr, Donaldson, Altogether there \vi?? i' ' ;-? opie i"? The lara** room waa decorated with Amei sn and British iiaiis ml ti..- arms of i Btati ii lin im, ?:-,. Behind Mr. Bayard stood a si :..i.i with wings outspread, above the ea li waa a r. p;. s,-t,tallon of Bartholdi's Statue oi Llb rty, with an electric light In thi uplifted ba d fl wai a background of blended flags, flowers and palma The menu waa printed on i ii parchmenl In antique style. On thc red Beal cover a*as th* a-ord "1 ali" in tho .entre .,r an Ami rican ban the na mes of the t. a m In fa... i: ul I the Tale yell. < >n the back were .1 pl t ii of an eleni landon and the names of Ihe Banquet Com? mittee. UR BAT \Kl i's il \KKV BPEEt li Al.,,ut l a. m Consul-Oeneral Collina, who act ?] :is vlce-cbatrman, Introduced Mr. Bayard, who wa* i ? elved with i heei . M i I la] bi Gentlemen friends and fellow-countrymen: W* are all frien ls. Although we are n ?i n ?*? all f llow countrymvn, we were once, I shall never forgei thia occasion. If I did noi think ii ., ai-riout . upon words, I would give expression I thi dlstoi t-? ii- "Tal* fellow* a>ll met." (Lausrhtei I I American snd every Engllshn ? wltl A rn erl a cannot contemplate wltl ? ? -t ito comlna across the Atlantic of a handful ? i ei ige vu.. in v..nth t,, irv a hand rn tl country with tho rigor and skill of the There i*- onlv one toast to-i i ?-, My young friends sittint- on i!.- right, tl in le la t he.mi n como i i- '? t > test th.-ir best a**alnsi (he i- -: of Knslaml. 1' w i? noi barren \ li tor-, (hal I th' vi,'- I I strongest thal weni Into the lists lu . I ? Monda >?. bul vlctorv was no: Whoever won won i -ht to a In. t me fa -t in thc hi arl and min l of every m in pres is "fair field and i i favor." If humanii any duty, lt ii i of Ju noi pe rm I ( f.< -- r, i. ,n and prejudice to beal I an .'.a 1 :!; ? - : . *.-. (hat a contest bet* rv!-. 1 arith fair play Ifl!.' America an I l.nglan I. the ull Queen r the President, the I. - il - ?' rn mi have fair play I ?:ii. The spirit of yi ?!? iv ii <? ; i in .j. - mai ought pi ? ever) depari ?:?? ni thal ever* man > If thi hall .'i i\. ih* rii-!i t.> sell hi-, ,r at hi* ,iv\t, pr ff. bo Wi in tho athletl | | . .,:. | mia 1 th* right. Individual man musi I ?? .limItt* \ \ . ? Judges "f rh" conn lo thi where j ? . such ja Ibi ? rn ? .? ? ti..n musl n-, i ii, thora the cona lenee?! S Turning toward men. Mi ? l i.-m : ;!.- hopei ' itu I It Ia thia -..iii. -? o ?? - .- -t:. i i , nan s irnot.-. I am aure thai you trymen who cami iri youi h in '.-, in f oui f weleomi ' kins'i, ,-. '? ? i -ri hope, > oi i\.. ? athleti re t with gi CAPTAIN HICKOK'S BEPLT Mr Bayard thi n proposed the toast I team, m.ik. i nt f by I !?? iilu and Mn !..-..- V iii, ?j cries and eei for ll thi "i ai-- captain rose and s| lows: I do noi kn iw what ? ? say lt I The team c im* over : ? ae, do with theil V rk, had a good vu) lined at Osfui > off on Monday, lo ex* lon, srere lost 'A. hope thai the ?, i: - ,m v.::: t ! ??? ? the lox" ? Imi 1 ! ? n a ? ii.i.k iii" ht ; -? ??. lt. In of ,"ir frien'.- Oxford r.->n I ilrly and square'.)- I do not kn -v. what waa the mattel vrlth . ? ? Certali they wi .-? as rn' I hope for another trial II tnt thal Oxfoi ,-. ,t America, when we shall give them a* g I i r,,. j,t. i aa tnt nave us, I gui as that's all A* Captain Hickok sat down th, tl * Tale yell, il-Oeneral Collin* reminded the li im 'io' they would have bad bi tl - we ithei r. ll Interrupt* 1 by lou I *s.-r. v.).-. mill, a brief speech H< ? Kia 1 Mi Bayard, and begged to drink lo thi b< ilth I ? ? distinguished man representing America. Hi ? ? ? ! I mual say thal I warmly appri date Ihe ir American frlenda. l would i. ed on* blt if they bad won aa a reward foi th*-li pluck. I admire th.- grand way In which they tool* defeat I want to tefl m Tale friends a lesson I waa taught manv -.-. n- ,iK" never know whether a raCB j, ion until ii i- over. It la Ihi sa mi In every . mteal In life. Main- a crli k< t match has he, n ir th.- laal wicket. I inpo that these con to.-:s will continue, .irid that oar best ) lutha will ,- , ., roi a tha AI lantl -. sir RI ? ended by toasting the health of .Mr Bayard "A cit laen or tho great Republic and ?? worthy successor of. Illustrloua predecessor*" After tha .treat applause with whi'ii the toast waa received had aubalded, Mi. Bayard arose snd said "l th,mk God thal l represent America. I fi I deeply honored for that, i mean that the name and fame of our country .-hall not ai my hands lie dla* pa ra ged." Songs ind .- nveraatlon followed until 3 a. m. The team .-mik; Tala soul's, to the great delight of the audleni * Several Tale profeeoora and lludenta visited the H ae of Com mona yeaterday. Mr. Mums act. I as iholr filide. .1 WIOTOVB COES si Ul hi lt SHOT. Connellsvllle, Penn., July 17.- A riot occurred at the Morrell works of tba Cambria Coke Company late last ni*;lit, In which an unknown Italian was seriously wounded Imported men ara working al Morrell, and th*- strikers have hoon irving to In dues them io ko away. i.a*t niKht a crowd of striker* omi took h number of men on their way to work, and attempted to talk lo them Deputy ?hor!ff? ordered tin- strikers away One of the strikers fire.i a shot from ins revolver, which v.u. answered by a volley fruin th* deputies, one ,,r tin strikers, an Italian, tating shot thrum*)! the leg Another report, which is uncorroborated], says that three of the strikers were killed. TELEQEAPBIC NOTES San Francisco, July 17.- "Charlea Sweeney, f rn,. ,,t ihe best baaeball player* i'i thc country, had i charge of murder placed against him yeater day. He "sh ' "Con" McManua In a saloon quarrel on Sunday, and the victim died >< iterdsy. Trenton. N- J., July IT* Jes*o Bj, Hansae, th. Hoboken pension agent convicted of receiving Illegal p.tision fees, waa fined ?'**) by Judge Oreen '.n th V'nite i Btatea Diatrict '"oun to-day. Cincinnati. July ll -a apodal froaa Burlington, Boone County, aaya n mob of twenty masked men t?,k Loula i.iifeii'tta fr.m |al! shortly after mid? night last nlstnt and lynched him. La fa ni et ta waa ,i|. ano had murdered a farmer named Will? iam Whitlock. NewburK. K< ? '?? J"ly 17 A. W. Brewster, of Brooklyn -aid to aav* been at one time a auncoun in ihe i'f<- 1' i'Utmeni, le arider urres: her- char/, i with passing worthlaaa checks. Among hi* victim* ure hotel-keeper*. hoiirdlnK-hou?e keepers, Kr "Ts and others He was hei<i in BBJ0 i,nu f,,r examina? tion to-morrow. Chicano July 17.-The City Council Inst Righi oaaaed an ordinance ?elvin*: to the Lnlversal His Cnmi, nv the rlsht to build sn.l miintsli, x ir> works at,T o lay gas moms In ai; th,- streets snd allara of chicano The mw ordinance provides that -? >. shall be sold to property owners at $1 a thousand root and 10 ner cent of the receipts of the company , shall be mfd Into the City Treasury. POLICEMAN LEVY IN A CELL. ARRESTED HY INSPECTOR CONT.IN. CHARGED with HAVING TAKEN BRIBES PROM MRU, THCROW, WHO TE0TIPIEU BEFORE THE I.EXOW COMMITTEE. Polloeman j{ ... s Levy, ,,r the Hlghbridgr i '?'??' itation, waa arreal i y< lerday afternoon in the police al if.-ni b) Inspector Conlln. The arrest waa m.i I,- ..a .-, issued by Judge Cowing, of the C in of General Sessions, charging Levj with The charges were baaed chiefly on th* my .,f Mrs. Auguata Thurow Before th-' Lexoa Committee some time ago. Thia testimony waa to the .tT' ? t tim: early in the present year she kepi .1 disorderly hon*- al Mo. tl Allen-at., an! thal Levy, who waa then acting ai ward 'let.,;.v under Captain Moaea Vf, Cortright, of tho Bldrldge-Bt. police atatlon, compelled h-r io pay him fiao f.,r protection. This money, >?,, fir .is Mrs. Thurow'a t* tlmony went, waa col bj Levy purely on his own responsibility, and Cap? tain Cortright knew nothing about lt. Th. warran! Issued bj Judge Cowing was sent lo Superintendent Byrnes ear'.j \- erdej afternoon, llspa ? pector Conlln nun l/i ?? a <- ii. ii..- Hlghbi I Ige ? I ii ari .\ ? i and h, ? \ place I uni. r .ir M. wai permlti . : . . ,n ely '? ,i, ii. -s an I ? ? .- taken i ll, 'quarters and wa* p.a.'- I In a r ll. H the tue: t -I,.--- officer -.n ony *? vi n before i. x v. '' mm ? Chi rgei ii noa pei ' ns ii Inst l.o\> before the Commissioners Besides the bribery rharge he i accused bj three men of Inducing them lol commit perjury. Tire men an charles Caerlner, alia* (lardner, of So :." ? Stanton**! Charles fl lilas John llroa-i n So (' Stnntoi st . and \ lam ' Ihai her, alias, \> Usia, nf No 33'i Stan? ton : 1:.. e men s re employed by 1 .? vj a I was ward i tallon lo obtain evlilen ns! I I disorderly house keepera Levj was Lorn In Sew Tork Iwetitj ? .!.' ?? ,: ago ll-- i- married ii l hil pr* enl hon:., li ai So "tis West One-hundred n l-slxteenth-st H* wa* appointed .>:, the police force on l>ecember I, 1*30 He i- io mike any at a i\ hatei ? r TUE "NEXT M 1 YOR* ESCAPES. V. P HARTLEY OETS ? H'T OF BI.OOMIXH DALE. TIIK M ' S WHO WA* M \ NV Till I UN ?1 - c.-. V " ? IN f A N K 1 befoi Ihi Sh.-i ff*s |H1 . 1 ?.? it .. ti, ? nerd iy t." made hi* I ile Al ? lom .:t. I is -.ill Bl \prll im ' it .. ile) * bo ha* little I In Third tv ' I qneerlj and from then until June IB. when I ? ? , ||y vrorse Harttej la n thal Tamm iny wa* ? ' ? elf only Wig ? ??-?! .1 picnic, whl t Harlem River Parl ai iribut Thei I .-..?- ? ie for Hart ley for Mayor" ai I fa lil; ? ? hara- ler Hi . ' ' -? ? ? ? -... mid flt - - Hart! '' t po r t o of B - Wal ? 1 . th' ir condition 1* ? stei mine l In Ihi ? ? 1 m .in riley ci : 1 . ? In I slept 1 I rei nj v '? ? r M ? ? ' ?>\ ' ? ??What re j 1 thereT' he a-k. 1 ii 'Into ? \... [ did 1 g Wilson'* keys, bm i - ? f k. ? .... pel At B ? Ihe % to the I ! !!.? . raised 1 H Port IA lils slsl ghtel 1 fact 1 ' ' ' ? ? ' Ce- I hr. W. K. hold, tl klan of 1 ?: \\ : mm, the attendant wh key ll 1k> . i ? .- ' 1. ? ? . - , ,- ? ! man ? 11 tl ti) I times w .'il . ' he ha 1 read In th* W ltd'* Isiiilid hr. hold 1 'l ? ? " for 1 ? ii .- ? . i! W who had 1. en In 1 .' Harilej r ? ? . ? . , . 1 ? . verj conservative bush ttentlvi ? ? liei., me ?? n..., ! ? W ii-..--, wa* 1 1! . '?...?-.!.:. I ijiiralty. ai . n on Ihe m Ii ? ir* Mr vi tated thal :f ,1 T .tun, my Hall nfl ? one mr., the "tor to pureba. :?? '' na Hal 1 ry tell \ I : lary, as h* would b* .1-' ted thi ? ? M iyor lt took only 11 1 ? te* for the Jury lo find Harlie) ara* In* in* and unable t . ! ike care of him ' prop* rtj -... I en * ? '1 at her ret | l*nc? last night, wa- In a hysterical ? md lt lon. Al IO o'clock lat. nil ht * received rrom Hartley saying that he was al Taj lor'* lintel In Jersej rlty v. h .-?:?. li too ill io leave h-r hon--, bul ah* will make even possible effort lo esau ra 1 lier husband is. TBE ALA RA M.4 VINING TROUBLES. ..NLV FIVE lill! iii' IN 'HJi! BATTLE Yi-i-iiii: BAY KS >i.1.Mi 1 TO WRECK A TRAIN Birmingham, Ala., July 17 The killed In ? lei ii.,- ;,i iii. Pratt mines ara Benjamin W Tierce, chief deputy of tbs guards; Jim Oambhlll, negi , miner; havid .ion.--, nogra miner; John Re? gent, one of the atrikera, fa (allj wounded, aino* iM* i. , I,, mo. n ia n ni kt-i miner. Beside* R gent, act ral atrikera were soon ta lull turing Iha battll I .' they wore carri -I off by mi-mi,, is of the mob, an 1 ? caped Porty-two alleged tn.n, rs were arreated thia morn* ?1 a charge of murder. Plfty mora will ie- ur rested. A mon ter cltlx na' Indignation 1.ting nu held here to-day, snd, 1 - tha excitement la Int further vi.ici l-1 feared Milltarj companies ar arriving from varloua points, B) riixiit 7'?i troopa will be here Several attempt* were mad* during the n(Kht ti linn railroad cars In the yerda here, bul they were unsuc ? -fal. An attempt waa made t 1 wreck |/oulavllle and Nashville passenger train So 1 bj breaking ?> switch. A reum of terror seems t., le? on. Corona. Ala., Juli i: The lockhart Coal Mines ri--,r here were pertly demolished yesterday by dynamite, expl 1 lc 1 lin il tan lusty si tu , ; john Kelly, .1 minei and a number of mu..*, wr* killed. Tne mlnea were badly wrecked. Tba deed is charged : 1 atrikera. 1BTEBPEEATE TALE OP COLOBED MFX. New*Haven, July 1" Tha Afro*Amerlcan League h'ld a somewhat small mus. meeting here last nU'hi in the chapel of the Dlxwetl Avenue Congre cnn..nai church, the purpose o! the gathering being to protest Hxainsi certain outrages aaralnst thc colored r*eople ..f the South What the inaetlng la !; I In numbers lt made up In wa mit ii of utter? ances. One speaker gamed Willis declare, | that a Winchester ride In the hand of each ealOCad mini In the South would do mora good than .iii tli.- resolu? tions and speei htnakltiK In Chriatendom. Another s,,,. ,L,.r .ul.I ll.i.l If Ml...,,iel un,I ?P?.. ... nailers iii vifcoroua terms. ng certain Southern A COLLISION IN THE FOG. TWO IRON STEAMBOATS COME TOGETHER. TITR OEPHETTB RAD TO HF. BEACHED INBTDE EORTOWfl point AND THK CETC0 HAD HER Hl'l.l. DAMAGED TH! PASBEX OEM r-Al'l.l.Y LANDED. Two iron steamboats were In collision yester? day afternoon in tho dense fog ,,ff Horton's Point, nnd as a result the steamer Cepheus now lies beached on the sand inside the point, with a Chapman Wrecking Company force at work on her, and tho Bteamboot Cetus ilea at Pier 1, North Uiver, willi lier hull ba,liv damaged, part nf tho upper deck and th- poota supporting- lt Brnashed and the flagstaff broken "ff entirely. Th.- c.-tus i,.ft pier l. North Uh cr. a' 1:15 p. tn. yesterday with captain I,. I.. Morrell in charge; tn., pu ,t. Vf. Quinn, was on board ai.-.. When "ft* Kort Hamilton Captain Morrell said lu- ctn-..lintel,.,1 ii dens- bank "f f ig. Th" whistle* were kepi going and speed waa Blackened. Suddenly through ih" fog another whistle waa heard, and in a few mlnutea, while 'h.. vessel was nearing Coney [aland, tho hoarse shrl another n ci steamboat wa I ai i n I he board i",v.. 'I'l.-- signal tu rever ? engines waa given, int before murk, headway had been ih.- si".mil, .at Cepheus, commanded by Captain William ii, v.ui Bchalck, loomed int i view, a", i ?ic Cetus crashed Into tho third compartment of the C pl.dis .md II.l-l it quickly. Tb- ,'? pheus, win.-ii was making tho finish trip fr.un Itt !. IWaj H "ll I" tb" ? i' '.. had iwent ? ? i - ? * un board, while the c. tua had ,i crowd ot ab ul 2SQ LITTLE EXCITEMENT OS BOARD. The Uti ? menl thi re was 1 isti d ? few minutes, and beyond a few screami ni i a ?? :' i fllghtj ? id mn ri in ; he '' st ra pp* I on a life i-i ? erver, there was no i I i pani Captain Van S'halok, f the ? ns, n ti/ 1 tb ii iii- deep li hull of his vessel would probablj ins, her lo tink, e ? li- i ailed I i the Cetus to Bland by .ucl 'ak ? off lils passengers Thia waa n un'. '? Point, The i.i- I at p. m, TU' i MEN .-' KW Ti ' H 1 VE UREN lM'i'.T. T\a . ii;- n wert I i One of th< Hi ' ' years old ... ,? ii- , . . I and ? .. ive ha - idly cut i- ii ?lim Th ? ? Iii iii- C ' . i \ , ? || :r,- ? f th< . u ? - ? boa ts ?a ? ? ? throw nf Nor I. 's P ? ..... ! / , j,.. Ii -n ?- Com pa i fl [ l ' ': ? Vf r* ng c imp iny sen! Pnlni and bring i ? - . ? ? ? - IN THE OLA RE Ol F1RI1 IE LIGHTS * \ I ? v !: MI i: ? ? IN . ? ' - ,' \!!Ii Fi I.MIil! ' ' - ? mei ? * tnak - ! 'I!- .' . - to P ? . .- i ' i I I : . wen t I i ? ?> ? I ' ' . : ab i-lt th I t . I . ind pori . - ??I i that I their * Th, ? 1... \\ . am l ilmei ha N ,riri Eight ifter thi i \ ? '!.. nffll '? of the , ii" ll isl.,', II."- tl the clere: told a ? < Hen Hrrl th.- pi '. ? ? withinil h?*r |. i ? s il ? 11 I'.,rt that I . ' ' ? ..lum- ii I ..f th, ?? I ? \ .- inlurv. not ul.i the | ? ? hu-i i-. i tnt ii. iptaln Cral i !. -I . ,,-: k characterised the rui : i ho p i *'>ngei - ha lb ?? . men, ali of wu, un were ? -'. i it. unborn lu ntl . mid ll iv i- -,1 t':ii- th.-- -;..-".!'. - nveyed th, pa .aengera from i he boat to th t and th* lt ii tu in I. w in. h .ii. I* 1 them il ? ?? hi* return from port it i ?; ,!?!-?? .-. ill make a f, i ttl il rep irt of thi writing i" Captain Deal portatlotl of tri ? line, an l also to tha ,r.i t!..ri flos. INARCHY AT I\il> ASP BOUND POND, RIOTER* r.-'IN'ii DTNAMlTr* ROPE ISLAND lil:ll ,< irs DEBTRi i\'i !? BOMB THROWN i 'NI 'lilt \ TRAIN 'MuiVlMl rROOl Guthrie, n T, Jul) ii- Rlol r i i destruction arenl on lo aa.) woree than ever on Ihe Rock Island I: ii ? i,i One bridge waa i I >wn up with dynamite, on.- imiii, i, ., . i a ,;>-n.,in!!,. i, cai, thrown under i train carrying soidlere. Telegraph wtrea cut, irita gua ni* fi r d upai, and section men driven from their work wer.- some of the oceun * daj .,t Enid and Round Pond. County Utorney ?.*her, .it Round Pond, was in the banda of a vigilance committee and was roughly treati i e? iping hang? ing only liv the Interposition of several citizens. A ,. m ,.r terror prevail*, anl th*- local ofllclala are afraid to bc! Th* handful of soldiers an -ai elj able io take car* of themselves, and cannot t>r?--.-.-i.* outlawry. Oovernor Lowe to-nlgh( Issued a proi lamatlnn c iflln 1 upon all ?-.I eltls. ni to aid In putting, a Btop to lawbreaking, and off-rl . BOO i ' ward for ths arrest ol soy i I tba person* gulRy of arson Wichita, K.m. .inly l" Th- foll ados telegram waa aenl Issi night io Acting-Governor lx>we, bj C. D fi mk-. Mayor of lt ?un l Poi I The City Marshal ha* i"^n Inst ru ted to enforce th, ii llnsncs n |U i ng the Roch I land Railroad I i stop Ila tr,iirs .it the ci i ill th, main bu*tln< * ol the city. H.. will begin i i enforce lt on H.iturl.i> next, and I apprehend trouble from the ralli . i i ruarda, an 1 therefor* requ, : | ol i ni:..', ri-ii-s tronpa to ssslsi him In enforcing obedience of thia 1nv Thal there will be i fatal conflict if an attempt be made to enforce this ordinance ri ne doubt who kn av Of Ih- tetnpei Of the railroad nun aili the people of tbs iowna. 'l's.*.* ? mire Rock Inland bridges wer* burned out al Round Pond and -.nth of .'?? ul i Enid yean rd ij rah lld up there .'ii d.\ More troip* arrlvi l al Enid lan nlghl ' of the Bover. townsite wh i ari Buspecti I of being opposed t , th" outlawry ii-.,< peipetroled ir* siHl being drlvi town. un: t mi n ORA TS KEEOSI \r. Most** (.Jlnnelll, three y.irs old, while playing In the yard In the r*>nr of ln-r home. No, Bl Baal Thlrt-enth-st., was taken suddenly lil yeatei I iy and fell to tr., -/r.eui.). Her mother picked hei up and took th? child io ,i Srug -' ?t Bleventh*at. and Avetme a There lt waa aupposed th* child was suff?iiiig from poison and antidotes were admin* (Stored They afforded ni relief, however, ind a 'Bellevue Hospital ambulance waa summoned. Tho doctora, after an examination, said tho child bad drunk kereaene. She died at 2.10 lu th* afternoon. MINERS KILLED BY DYNAMITE TERRIBLE BXPL08I0N IN A COLLIERY NEAR WILKE8BARRE. KI. HIT MEN m.ntvx to PIECE0?THE <*At"SE OF THK ACCIDENT ROT known, as ali. , PRESENT WERE KILLED. fnr TKiiiiitu-ii to tiik marja** ? Wilkesbarre, I'r-nn.. July 17. ?A terrific ex-j plosion of dynamite occurred in No, s colliery of Linderman '<- Bkeerat'r Stockton mino, near here, thia morning, killin** instantly eight mon and leaving none to tell how the accident oc? curred. The men are: Charles O'Donnell, miner, .?.ii" I twenty-three, loaves wife and one child; Andrew Sahel, miner, aged thirty, leaves wife and f"ur children; John Prembone, miner, aged twenty-six, loaves wife and two children; John Kohbed, laborer, aged eighteen, unmarried; An thoney Mencaretx, miner, aged thirty-two, leaves wile and six children; John Krtnock, laborer, aged twenty four, leaves wife and ono child: John Matofskl, laborer, a^o,! twenty-nine, leavea wife and three children; .l"hn Brlzzon, laborer, :'.l-' -i twentj -three, unmarried. About 7 o'clock O'Donnell, who waa the store? keeper of the dynamite used In th" mine, went down th ? shaft with the seven men, taking fifty pounds ..f dj'namlte. Tho men were to work In th- No. ?., ur lower lift ..f Ci.- mine. This was ih-- li-' seen "f them. About an hour afterward .'.is :i tremendous explosion. The shock :'. it throughout the mine, and the 200 men wh. jus! beginning wuk made ail speed '" the 1.1.a ..f ih.- shaft, under considerable lilffl eultlos, th" concussion following the expl having extinguished all their lights and raised ? loud* "I' d isl. fl ithei I at the fool f tl if th ?>? fem l ?li il iii" ? ff f th* ,.>;,,: ,.,-j .;, were ,- mflne 1 t , ?? iy of the third lift, and a re ?? q .,. kly formed by Bunt k. After climbing over ihe wre k ai- ol - -.-. ii -:n" ?? ??? l cai-? an 1 three -*.ii d they rea h i the i .rc of the accident, and aa nail flame of their safety lamps gradually lighted the place they saw a horrible Bight in . ?' r a dial in of fll I ?? I : . Ranga iy t eadless and limbless f the eight mon. ii which had irma or tw i : us |efi up n lt, Ken- of the hen Hess, and Ihe other* w that ll was Imp n albie to Idei i n ? tc i?- inkel i were pi ui i and ,l ?? p irti >na i t tl" 1 Hos c irrled I i the : ft shaft, a Wi re lal I mt as w, ll ts ] le by the I I n elgh iib! ? f ir any of th ? 'a i-.-i.iti-. - - ex pt O'Doni t, to tell ! i-i urning over i he ii mains of ? s..n ? :' O'Donnell' wife ga re I lb ut the time tnt o ? ? id .!' her husband's ? ls alread is) gi It la en tried t i I I TAU'S ENABLING ACT SIGNED. IT \vn.t. BTIU, ii: MANY MONTH*, HOWEVER ul.I', .li!* TUB TERRITORY CAN JOIN TUB si -Tr.uiiii, .ii . ,r BTATEft Washington, July 17 -I'tah prac) : ed Into il mi I night last nliih-. a .-. -i Prei oct enabling the Territory . ttl i tha ! : in. There was nothing ? ? I '. til ih i i ?: hoi:. r ;?! w hl< !i an or* i" ii polnl ? , ted roved, Grover Cleveland," on the ? iii;: ased to be 1 Thi ; - I by M r, Rawlln . ,' ? le . hi will pn ? ? prettj suede caa Tl nteal ,?. applicant I * Bl ita? li i ' r. illy eligible In population and wealth er r dj -? imy an i ti,.- Mormon ? "burch boa . Pi - I a pr >cl i:.i dyga ? I'l Ident In Nov inlier i ;??--- im ?? !-. sd ml lng i -ii: Into th* I'i ? ... "i.!i the two - ;? il In favor of i .m.- m. N I \.., I ui ti ;? s hen a Stat', In 1*50, nt which time i now forming the Si I I.ill i.e. ti* -i Nie flrsl ? i- \, hen I ii ii:!,.mi \ una .ni 1 bl* Mor limn I I Malt Lal Cltj ni it: ii ? mun ? nllrelj Mormon until ii.ii n Pa .:i. K i lr ta i wa* bulli in l a ? !. ii nt of ;? ??;? .it': in aa* ler du ?>?! adth the retail ?? in td" nffalrs of :v' ? Terrttoi ? ., ? .,i ; .? .- v i : ? l ? . i itlon Ol Brown from I In 1880 ? ? S ii! I. ik-- pital ... ?!. ii.-i: Inhabitants, an I ' >gdi n, with ' Hilt I.ak* |. ? u had the I'tah Ena aa rlth ? - . . ,: - pn - N'ovembi .' . ? n \! u ch in x to frame i ..-? Constitution for ACCIDENTAL DEATH, i WEE UNKNOWN. THE vi'lil H'T KliVl'l l.i "i IN THE PHIfAOO EX ION* f ?..-"?- POBRIHLT A\' ITHER vi '" Chicago, July IT Th-- onlj ona of the wounded ra who maj bo .. td. I I i 'ii" list of t . a plosion la M.nine.- < >'Don? nell, the lead horse driver of the second caisson. He il. i a; Mercj Hospital Buffering intensely from burna an l bulli t wounds. The whole of ins head la swath d In bandages. Th* other wounded aol* 'lei s are i ??!' irti l doing -.-. eil. Deputy Coroner Corbett Impanelled a Jury this afternoon to Investigate the I the death of iii.- four loldlers, The Inquest was held In the Hj li Park Morgue No ifflcera of the I -.""ry or cavalrj troops were present. The Jury rendered a vi rd! ? nf ic i th, cause unknown. A rim lon will I..- Btarti l for thc famll lea of the ? k.l..' !. _ _ sui: <>r TBE PEABSOU CORDAGE COBPAXT, Boston, .lull 17. The Boston News Bureau ex i i,:: Pearson C trdage <lompany bj stating that the Unlti I States Cordage Company and the thn ? concerna outside lt rn ri mpetlng sharply, with resulting low prices. Mi. Mccormack, who controlled the Pearson Company, refused to Join in a working arrangement for restoration and maintenance of prices and offered to Bell. Accord inglj the t'nlted States Company pays j", i ? i-ii for the plant. The Pearson Company's capital is ii manufactures 12,000 i ma of binding ,i year Th* Pl) n i Uh C mi iny an ii' lor, ol I'hllao I ph la, will work harmoniously with the I 'iii, ! States Cordage Companj as to prices, but th< re will probably t-- no contracta between them. WEST rtBOIXIA remits BACB AT WOEE. Wheeling, VT. Va. July 17 Tho La Hello, Wheel? ing, Warwick and West Virginia China Companies, the four larges! potteries in this country, resume I work In full nus morning, after a seven months' lown. The men agreed io return to work .t\\ ... i ., - Trenton pot tera, at IV: , er ,..,- ... luci Ovei I.MO i mpioyi i are ni Thia l'-av.-s ;...? East Lit ii practically nlj workmen holding out against ths reduc? tion. TBAOBEEB OP KANWAL TBAFNIXO COWTBWTTOX. l'hll:idel|itila, July IT.- The first convention of the .Minuil Training Teachers' Aasoeiatloo or America began at the Drexel Institute to-day. In th., absent.t Public s.-ho.,i Superintendent Ed? ward Brook*, ot thia city, Qeorga Aattey, .in In? structor at tr;,- Central Manual Training School, de? liver ?-! the adlri-t.s oi welcome Kes|vonse* were made by Qeorga B. Kiltion. of Springfield, Maim., and fleorga Robbins, of Frankfort, Ky., the respec? tive president and secretary of the association. DEBS LODGED IN JAIL. TO BE TRIED FOR CONTEMPT. HOWARD. KELIHER AND ROGERS ALSO COMMITTED BT JLT?E SEAMAN. THEY HAD REFUSED TO GIVE fSABS BAIL. TKETB TRIAL PET F<iR MONT-AY-THF. <~HAR<,0 OT WII.Ft'M.Y VTOLATTNa THK IN'r.NCTION I00UBD ON JULI 2 HORNE Ot'T BY TELE? GRAMS FROM DF.ns TO VARIOC8 ITRm LEADRM WHICH WI*!'.*-* READ IN rOFRT FI.F.AS OF Till-: DF.FK.ND AN'TS- OOVUBBL. Chlcairo. July IT.?There was a sensational elk max larc this afternoon to the troubles which have been disturbing railroad circles west of the Allegheny Mountains during the last three-weeks, when President Eogene V, Data, of the Amerl iii Railway Union; VI .--Presl lent George W. ll >ward, Geoaral Secretary Sylvester K>iiner and L. W. Rogers, chairman of thc Executive Com? itun.- and Eli' ir Of "The Journal" of the or ganlzatl rn, were taken to the county Jail and ln aa prlaoneri of the United States, for violation of the Injunction iMtied 'ri July 2 by Judgca Woods and Grostcup, restraining them from combining and conspiring tu bindar inter traffle or tbe m ivement of United 8 i-r ::: lils. Th,- Imprisonment of the chiefs of the new Railway Cul 'n was not in any sense an arbitrary Ung. \";i ugh predl ated upon what tho C urt regard) I aa an in-n .-md defiant vitiation of ord.-- pre\*i usly Issued from Its jurisdiction, Pl irtunity was afforded to the defendants of presi mini,- bon is for their appearance in court i week hence. This proposition, however, waa l .ii th" ground, as emphasised hy Presi? de:;: Debs, after the Court had rendered its ulti matum, that the principle Involved w-as one en? tirely ? iib |n Its nature to admit of the lefendanta availing thernnelvea; of any technl I whl h might I)-- regarded as loopholes in the laws. Many persona volunteered their aid as ?men, but their offers w?re declined, and the ? : suffered themselves t , be taken to Jail in 1 lo ked up. There, unless In the mean tlmo they should, tire of the Incarceration, they will M . '. i.- :i i :ii:ii* of ncxr week. The pr ?? Unga that raaulted in this climax istltuted In rhe I'nlred States Circuit Court thia morning, when th" apecinl counaal for tha United States, Edwin Walker, and United Stateo District-Attorney Milchrlet appeared belora J ige Beaman, who bad been specially eum I f!' tn Mi!wauk",- for the purpose, to pre? sent, their information agalnat President Debs and hia isa dates, charging them with wilful, open, dally and hourly violation of the sp!rk arni of the Injunction Issued by JudgM Woods ind Gi isa ip on July -. Il was oontended on to-half of the Government that the proceedings : lin's after the Issuing of the ha* re simply In the nature of an asrB*ra leged offences orlarlnar.y stated. Instill I .f relaxing their efforta and intentions, the Information charged, the defer..'.ants by every In power had endeavored to increase still farther th.- obstacle*. In the way of a suffi? cient movement of railroad traffic as Lon*graa0i under th-- provisions of the inters-nte cimmerce tot, as well cs th.- transportation of the United Itates i specimen Di&PATCHEB BY rnns. i In support of the contention ?'? the Govern- " ima, which had -?cured from a telegraph compony under ir '. Ti.. -??? are speclmena i ' the wh lo: iri ii- i l. Booth Butti, M mt The i-.n.-ni managers arc weakening lr smite - ttlrtl in f irty elaht hours, comp.ete paralysis U n Potatoea an I l< ?? are out of sUnv r-ava ; uy a Kiln. E. \ . iibbb. To w F. Smith, Grand Junction, Col I- .... |] ? ike mor* than Injunction* t > move trains. ,;. everybody out .Ve ar* gaining Broun 1 every K. V. DfcJlf. '!' ? following tel. cram wis sent to sewn Vj-. - n the Chicago and Eastern lill- ^ thirty on the Northern Paciflc. twenty-four on the Santa Fe, seven on the Ulm. ls Central, aeven respectively on the Rock Island and Mil? waukee and St. Paul, eleven on the Wabash, live on the Chicago and Alton, two on tba Bur ?. seven on the Chicago and Great West*. ,: ?: seven on the Big Pour, six tn all on tho w nain Control and Michigan Central, and, two .a h on the Monon "iii Brie systems: . iy g. \\"e have assurance that within forty-eight boura every labor organisation in thia our rescue The ligrht is on .r tuen are acquitting themselves ilk- hero**. li r.- and there la on* weakening, but our cause is 1 t'\ ,i dosen going out In his place. L'very ' ? must .j'..: now ar, 1 remain tut until the flcrht is \\ rn There can be no half-way Men nias: I.Ither for us ir aRalnst us. - in thia hour. Stand erect. Proclaim v mr manhood. Labor must win now or never. Our victory will I"- positive and complete. B V. DEB.-". Oth? r '.isp it'-hcs wera th. bo: Ti charles Pink, Oakland, Cai To call ."it the troops is an old method or* lntlmU :; . violence, Hive ,-very nun st.u: i pat. Troops cann >t move train*. No scabs In worl 1 to All pla. ea To H. Vi Kilns. Mein! Vernon, 111. Call out Air Lin-, ind Iel lt be understood thia trouble I* one of capital against labor. Thia ia no ? ,-i which children or childish men have a part. Strong men and broad minda only can realst the plul icracy md arrogant monopoly. l>o not ha ? th- tro.u.s. Injune tiona, or a subsl Quit and remain timi, commit no vlo \tn ul-ia Ballway Cnion will protect all, ? r members or not, when strike ls off. E. V. DEBS. To af. Knit's, i',', ns Falls, Idaho. The marshal cannot Injjre you h* ls simply as slstln*r capital t' enslave his brother He Ines not understand h!.< business, K. V DEBS. THE INJUNCTIONS WILKI'LEY VIOLATED. (?nlv a few of these dispatches had been read when Judge Seaman Interrupted to remark that sufficient had been sh \vn to indicate a wilful an 1 d (liberate violation of the Injunctions; and thereupon counsel for the Government closed with a prayer for the attachment against the defendants Indicted and their punishment for contempt of court. An Information, aomewhat similar in its terms, was then filed hy Qeorga lt. Peek, ganernl coun? sel for the Atchison, Topeka and Bgntg Pi road, which ls in th ? hands of receivers appointed by the Court. This information alleged specific in? terruption to the traffic of the road after tho Issuance of th..* injunction, and made a separate and ,u.s:;n.t prayer f"r condign punishment upon I ' bs and his associates. President 1 >el>s was tne only representative of Viet lcm Hallway I'nlon In court during the morning session. He was accompanied by VT. VT, Erwin, of St. Paul, special counsel for the I'nlon. who lisTitred conspicuously In the defence >,f the Homes!, nd rlotOTB 01 Pittsburg two yelUS ag : W. A. Sh icmak'-r. of Sr. Paul. Mr. Erwin's law associate, and S S. Gregory, nf Chicago, r.inly leading counsel for PvsAdergaat, the as . i.i ,,:' slayer Harrison, v? hen the rapraaentatlvea of the Go*, eminent finished their arguments. Mr. Gregory took the ground that the informations failed to charge any one of the four defendants with personal participation In violence or destruction of prop. erty. and contended no case had been stated which called for the coirnlr.anee of a court of equity. He laid atreoa upon the argument thal the <: iveinment was moving for th? protection Of railroads, and that its power and authority were being exercised to vindicate the property