OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, October 20, 1894, Image 3

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?-nest a start coimasrosiia-n or***:** nuatrKti
Elmira, oct. lt.?Of the thirty-four singularly
.-lequsi and Ill-balanced Congress districts into
gd-jen '?''' ?~'ntP is ?'?"'*' d,v,'-*?** under tho terms
j- tne Democratic gerrymander of ISS2, thia one,
the XXIXth, happena to conform ir: p pulatl ?
m->*-t preclaely to the ratio of representation
Ax3*, br !h'' Federal statute. The ratl i ', .sen
py (- ngrew :1 ;*'1 wan 173.9W, while the popu
j,,; n :' ihe four counties which compose thia
district, Chemung, Steuben, Schuyler and Seneca,
.- -. ius oi I1*!.') t . 17167*. In the
r,.:- - ililli i an i Hi rlmlnatl .ns of the
portl mment h iv-- b rne
v,--. great severity on th ? count li n ot centra] and
T-wstern Sew-York, the chlei strongh Ids of Re
; || . ?? the State, an l the ac '. lental or
lnient:':'.1,: exactitude shown in Ihe construction
f* inti ? r ?. , i the *rlai ng In*
i :c-- t done to th n pron in. ed Repubil 'an
constituencies which surround lt. In which iii-*
- if populatl n over the legal ratio In
,.r. -.**.-? sti td '? n ...""O in th.* XXXIVth to
. I tn the XXXth, SfsOCO In .h.* XXVIth, and
sj^aaj in the XXVHIth. It i** apparent, more?
over, 'ti ?? cl raer view that the XXIXth C >ngr< aa
TSattlet which haa been made somewhat sus
??Iciously Identl al In territory with th-* new
jtXVIIth Senate Dlatrlet, was cul oul by :h.*
;? -. ? managers al Alban** more with ?
^ . ,v io ri,*-"-tine certain personal ind partisan
r***igei les than with any il**.--lRn of set
t.nc a itray example of equity or mathe-1
ma'.!'''.l precision In apportionment Ther,*
ar*? onl.*' two Democratic counties In central and
western Sew-York; Chemung, of which 'his city
ls the teal of government lying midway In tin*
Muthern tier, nnd Seneca, fifty miles or more to
the n rtl Ided In the heart of the lak*
r-: ? G. .graphically and commercially, Che?
mung la plainly allh i I ? Ihe counties of the
Susquehanna I iain. Int i which Ita waters drain
through thc Chemung River, Seneca. .<n tl).
other hanil. r*tret hlng northward between Lakes
s-i* r and Cayuga, ilmosi t ? the border >l On?
tario, has all its nit ira! afBllatl n- with lt i hes?
ter aii the counties of Ihe Oeneaee Valley, Tn
bring I Sethei them two Isolated Democratic
r..::.c:l: :?'? les In n Senate and Congress I?is
trk't. limited, as fai as possible i-*. population,
va*-- the nnd mbti 1 p Hey of I fi linera of the
pren apportionment, rp t- 1892 Seneca and
r ??-..'. ;:h 9 'huyler an I T mp
kins the old Elmira C ixgi - Dlstrici ? -called
?alway close, btu u uall) Repubil an. On rh.*
other h irri. -n thi arrangem ?,: ' r; ? it.
tr - | I hopeli --!? sci aral I.
Chemung tx I with 1 11 Iming
Repubil ai ?? unties of Steuben end Allegany.
By the ai*l of ? ime Ing nlous elect! >n fraud
lr Bei ?:.' dlstrici was
carried In iv''" by the i.--:i ratlc candidate,
Hosea H. Rockwell, if thia city, who received a
certifi^at*-- of election fi >m the Stat. i iori I les
on the face of returns which were afterward
shown to be cl arly spurious. His Republican
opp nent, Col n-; N yen, ? Bene ca C unty, car?
ri* l the cont, st into l and thi n bcfoi
the House of Representatives ai Washington.
Tr;.- Democratic Eleoi ns Commltl.I thi
}I ruse, al I he hi ad - t which x\ ? - . i
T. O'Ferra'.l. now Govern r of Virginia, divided
Mr. Rockwell's title I i be Invalid i I thi
r-^tlr.p of Colonel Xoye*. Senator Hill, the
I ilitlcal patron of thi endangered i< 'ka
***r-il actively Into tlr*- fight, and bi ghi all bia
Influence* lo bear to defeat the Eli I ? i
mtttee. He au ?? d d, afti r a bl ggle In
ihf* Houae, made memorable by Mr. Cobb's fa
nrous Inqutiy: "Mr, Speaker, when was :
and by the fi ry O'Ferrall's r parlson ol Mi
Cleveland ami Mr Hill as rh.- ll n and the f x
of D?-m .eratic politlca Doubtless, when the
apportionment of IS92 cam.* to be made the
dd Congress district, for which Rockwell was
then -.fttlnsv would hiv.* hf>.-n retained :. I
bur for 'iv embarrassing eire imsi .i. ,* that
its population fell ni ir<* than 60,000 short of the
ri'-xv ratio of representation. Readjustment waa
therefore effected by shifting Tompkins County,
with i's 12.000 population, int.. the already over*
????? I- l Broome-Chenango district, and by ab
j- rblng instead Steuben County, \v;th a popula?
tion of S1.000, which Jtist filled om th*- alters l
Congressional ratio. A nexv .Senate district wns
framed on exactly tho satr.o Un**.*, arni i- v.?h
generally understood that th.-* ra.** for >>v<- s**at
or the other would be made by ihe Hill leader
of schuyler County, Mr McGee, a rich coal
airi railroad operator, with large Interests al
Watkins, the county seal ol Schuyler aa well
as at'Corning, in Steuben, Mr McGee was
nominated last year as a delegate-at-largc t..
th<- Constitutional C nv ntl n, arr.! his im<-\
pected defeat a' the polls has somewhat chilled
his political ambition. "J">-.- XXIXth Congress
I'lr-rtric: ha;- evidently been ..-irv*.! out however,
In rmtictpation of his candidacy. Otherwise, in
the Interest of greater equality among the dis?
til rts :n this p.,rti..n of tho State, there ls no
possible reason why Yates County should nol
hi, *.-f. been detach* i from Its neighb rs In the
? ng -'? l XXVIHtl and added to this much
smaller constituency. Such a transfer would
raise the total p .pulatl >n -<f th< XXIXth I >
19?.O00, and reduce the population of th"
XX\'il**':i to 192.000. Bul the equalization would
? ..i , vcr i"-". x*otes to the nei Republican
Strength In :r*- former district, wlthoul seri
ting the Republican majority In the
latter, ai I "h:? fact alone ls sufficient to ac
< i foi the . 11 ? ir*- of the framers of the Dem
. ? . i ler t'- -*trlkc so pal -nt and rea
ronabli an avei ige between this.* two < n
tiguous nrr'l easily convertible districts
? la, tl-,.* natural Republican majority In
the new XXIXth District ma) safely be pul al
from 1,600 to 2.000 In 1892 many circumstances
ned to i'.'. the Ri ; ibllc in Electoral and
Congressional ri. lo; an abnormal majority Ow?
ing to th. . : ? n disaffi 'thin ff thi f wera of
Sei al r Hill, Mi Cleveland : I thii
Chen rr.c. by 749 votes, although the Dem eratic
majority h is been for yearn somethlnj b I reen
x ? ; 1.20*1 Schuylei County, the early home
?' - nator HUI, where an anti-Cleveland feeling
ali :. wi i Itself, i'i vi. General Harris, ri a ma
Joril if 921 Beneci C unty, always close, waa
carried by Mr. Clex*cland by *7 majority, while
en, the c ntrolling factor In the district,
rolled up a majority of 2,2(9 for the Republican
<? tori President Harrison carried the w-.--:
< r.s-:" . nc* by '?'..<>:>. Th'- Republican candidate
far Congress, Charles W, Glllet, of Steuben
County, ran an almost even race with the Prei
-Urinal ticket, getting a majority of 37!'. Th"
wholly adventitious character ..f this sweeping
victory waa shown a year .n'.<-r. when, na ? re
aull of thi desperate effort of th.- Democratic
State ma hil to sustain Jiilc ? Maynard's <-.m
rii'1a'*y. the Democratic majority In thin county
Waa pushed ai high as the notoriously 'irrupt
ponUcal :. ? : ;. current here could carry lt.
The swing of the pen lulum was sud li n and vio?
lent Maynard carried thia county bj 1.209 votea
?var Rar*iHT. while thc Democratic stat.- ticket,
'.?"??.?.ci by Cord Meyer, received a majority ..f
1.2*s. Beneca County wenl r-.r Meyer by SO
*.'"??"?*. and the Republican majority in Schuyler
fell fr.m BM tn ASS. Steuben, on th'- contrary,
Increased its Republican majority from :'.:.i:i to
1471, ar,-i Palmer carried the oi^rri.-t by a net
?.'?aj'.rity ol i y;i Baxter C. Smelter, of Schuy?
ler, th.* Republican candidate for State Senator,
who waa opposed by a Democrat of gn u per
?ona! strength In the district, pulled through
freriltahiy with a maj irlts of 1.211
Or- QHIet ls again thc Republican candidate
fir Congress, having been renominated with
i*"t opposition from any quart-T Hla slnKl
Bmm nt r-er-r.ee ,-.t Washington has prov.-1 emi
r**ntly satisfactory to his constituency, and his
* ?lection is practically assured by from -'.'""'
**? IM majority. Mr. Glllet lives at Addison,
ItMrishlng town In tin- Canlsteo Valley, and
?WMely known in the whole dlstrici as *r sue
S*??'U mun of affairs. He was a studeni al
^-nion College when the xv.ir of t.'.'- Rebellion
"fog* r.,,, ;..?] ,.ri Mt graduatl m. In 1M1, Joined
'i.?8CtM seir.York Volunteers, s regiment ralsi I
? -Reuben County. He became regimental ad
?""'ant, and after two yeara of active service
^as discharged f..- dlaabillty, having b ? n
"folded i-i action He has lived In Addison
?nee ih<. w,ir. and ir:.- been engagi d In man)
""bortant buslnei i enterprises. In DnTT he was
?Ppolnte l p *-;?..;,st,?:? ,f the i wu. serving one
wm. Ha has alwaya been an ai live Repub
hiA an'* I-1'"'"'""'.' ut party affairs, imt h-i<i
?wo no el-* ti-.-,* oflli .* until h.- wis chosen Repre
?**ri'Htive in Congresr in 1892. Ml Glllet is ex*
???ted to carry Steuben County, where h. has
Jv?1 .""?rsonal Strehgth, by 2,500 or BABB votes,
*"?'* *0 majority ir, Schuyler, '.On or MX), Will
for ki 0fl*1*' ""' ?>n?OCratlc major!!;, ijlycn
?W f,p*'on''nt ov Seneca and Cho'iiiini?.
?.ne Democratic candidate ls G. Henry
Practical Results?13 Years' Work.
-'."by ES'JST, "Vi"V *1",",,V far"1 "**? "'??" ' '
rxvlrr M* "' "* -' Premiums Rial '?? thre* Tl -m*?id
Ur, in.,,?n-*'" *TW? *iindr,1 ?> S*venty Million Do!
T'*' Vaaam\ni'n,* T *? TIJwt ,Ml: "n S*v"n "Md**-! ind
M,L .H ?n'' ,*>1 **ur;.lu*-K.-."rve -Emerr**nev K-irrl
c^*Ji,:o1I';r.tr:;r;iVwt-'-""???*??*. <-?
I H. HARPER. Preaident
it'.m-* Offlce, Miitu.ii Reserve Building,
*lrr*a^*A-iy. cnrn?T of DaBBB St.. MeW-Yoftt
"*"* 'or cii.-ulars and ra;**s.
Roberta a farmer an.l tobacco grower of South
i rt, .1 Kuburb f this city, a few miles -\ wi the
Chemung Uiver. Mr. Roberts ls running on a
P atform of opp rsitlon I i both th ? Wilson and
Gorman Tariff bills, for he speng most of his
nm.- last wlntei and spring In Washlngt. n
working unsuccessfully t . prexeni the reduction
made by ri l> mocratlc managers In the tariff
rates on Sumatra leaf tobacco .Xs Mr. lim
hos p. face ,i similar re ? ?? i of who'i sale opposi?
tion to the tariff legislation of 1894. .Mr Rubens
finds little difficulty In pushing hln Congress! nal
canx'ass among rhe Democratic voters In this
county, by whom ii.octrines and p..li<-i*-:-.
enunciated by th< senior Senator, howex-er
heterodox and Inconsistent, are accept l as the
sole basis 0f true party faith, Mr, Rob rts ? ?
p.-.--s : ? eari-y Chemung thia year by 800 or !.
Itj .ir.-I t.. wit- in Seneca by BO or 100
v tcs He iri-s no *-.ri..i-,.*- expectation, however,
of reducing Mr, Gillet's majority in the .listrt-:
lc low the ?.000 mar*-.
Five Assembl) seats are also t.. be fought for
this year within thi llmlti of Mr. Gillet's con?
stituency, Chemung, Bei.a and Schuyler hav?
ing a se.^ each, and Steuben County two,
Three of the districts are safely Republican;
on.- la normally Democratic, and one ls exceed?
ingly close and doubtful. But the fortunes of
the State and Assembly ticket in ;*.ii five will
have to iv* considered in a separate letter.
Baranae I,ike. S. v.. Oct 19 (Special).* Thal ths
Democratic party i* doomed to defeai In Sew-York
Btate this fill ls fore.-ast ty every indication of the
campaign. In Franklin County, where Hill's frlen.ls
have ..lw.ivs iieen Sl, numerous a.* compared with
Cleveland's, the leaders ..f tbe Democratic party
ar.- Inactive, while the mri-.s of the parly take little
or ii.. In ter esi in th< campaign, Franklin County
farmers have suffered severely during the 1 i*t two
>? irs, and a big vote will in- polli I igalnsl the
nominees of thc Democracy. The canvass b ..,:;?
Of the Repubil an** a:,* al.,-ut completed, an.l the re?
sults ar.- Indeed surprising. Senator Kilburn silt
yesterday thai the piur.il::> In Franklin would ex*
i.I by far that of previous ..ears Everywhere
throughout the county Kepal.Hean mn's-moetliiKs
are being held, while up to date not a Democratic
meeting has even been call. '
In Clinton County, the h,.:n*- of Smith Weed, the
Democr ttl I " i ? wi i th. head of the ticket
assumi s alma. rael revolt, and
Republican plural y In years may be
looked for. .-v-iir!-, Weed a;* | his ir. nds lia-,-. ? ?
forgotten now Mi Wi ?! wai "turni I down" by
Mr. Hill, and thej pi ipose lo reclpi stein a waj
? all pleasing to tl.uidldati f r Oove
Thomas V. Mannlx, chairman of :;,?? Ri .v. ui
ty Committee, says Clinton County will give
' ri ?-, ani Saxton s pljrallty of 1.500. H,- says
furl er lhal h ver km w tr-e "rn.. In ?
rats were s.i
w^h count nations. < 'lat... thi party'n n. m
? mbly, !-? ., r ..' .r. r ii nins
it i n he wli
not want tl tlon. T aro vi ira iga i ? ??
... ....
bj ...? r a 'I rant?
in ? ?:: Si i. * ? n n the i: ; . I ir banner
the pal
? ul lock In thc Republican
r. -?? I'nnven ri ??
? :? n.-ral N. M ?.
. :? ?? : ? .'..-.-.? -. ?:.::?? . ? ?
riff 1 ireful estimate 1 rom I. ??
i ? ; ? ? a plurality
I-. |i . . . i ral u i -r. i?? ' three n.>ri
- . hows I
lUI .-? :. '? ' ' 11 ? r .?? .
? *? other :,..:. I, the Ri
? than evei inlted n
pi -. ,-? I : ? make the cleani rn
irj kl N >i them Sew-York.
Binghamton. N \ . Oct ll When Brie train Na
l rolled into Binghamton this aftern i in b .r'.nr* .1
Bloat Faaeett, ol Elmira, li wss mei by ? ?.
committee composed of all th" prominent Repubil
ians of this vicinity ll- was entl ?? re
celved and carried .rp lo tl;.- Bennett ll le] I, a
I fore rt was time for Ihi .1 ? rs to ?.)?? n I he i -?
leading to the ? *p'-ra Hon-.* w.-r*. jammed. When
the 'leer* di'J open, the ru-h was something tr***
mendous. It la estimated that :'..??' people were
turned away, notwithstanding extra I I been
ii | Hage foi th varlou Rei. in
club* O'Connor s
eli ?? 1 . r.a.I rr ari au I Inti 111 I Ml Fa " Wh. ri
the applause ceased Mr. Fssseti said In part.
For the first time In mar;.-.- yean t ls a saci
i.. act ? i ; a i ? i ? ? ? ' ' ? '?
.: ? ? lown. Thin .-.:.??'
.-..-. lan l urn. a vi ry unpli ? nt letter 1
'iron Gaynor wrote Borne ,??:??--- ... I
.-?I. tut being unable to i.n th. I" ir. icratl I
B n thej : lun l ri mai not so pal
si ll a '? it. Iklate li wouii] tak* loo lon?* to ti
all the I- tters Tarnma) Hall has gol et ter from
i ? .....??
We've all t ?- n poll ? lo Ihe hool of i pei
for two year . ami me have never paid so mu h
money : >r I? ni before lp lo thal Ul i
were prosperous, bul were no) latlslied ll
the peopli .f tl ?? I'nlti ! S- - th.
tho .'.-.il War io stan-l th* I' mo r.,'.- Admlnl*
tr.-iilon. That's a pretty big price, and ?*?? i ive
li ,1-.. I a le ? m.
?ular thal I'r itectlon n< x*er falle 1 till Fr< *
. was tried. From lfflO to 1890 over SS.'MO.riOi'.n-'O
ka: rm- * li i -ri In i istrli ?. and tl
from th.- McKinley bill. Thi i i ime t.-.-- ?
ill our Industrii thal def* i iii I ri
? ..? ff - hedule wen i ispei .x!i -.v*-i? ?
. . n. Alt. r the Hue ir Tr.isl * trai gl< I the
Democratic party, the Sugar Trusi stocks wenl
To he n Demoi*ral In Sew-York Btate rn*-.ir - to
I... v. hat Hill. Sheehan, McKane. and others have
:r i .. ll
Sothlng should allow HUI lo bring rellrlon Into
J.e.litres, as he ha. .lorn. ll* ha no 1 . lia lo
set om* religion against another. Our ?
to worship ?.- we pleas" ami Ihe Rermhl in | irt;
lo;t- pev.r nald oni wonl aboul rel [lon, color or
rs . Tie- man v. ho i eeks io r.--. Iv<
senslons is a fo. to order and an en.-ni:.- t.> lie?
s' il
Congressm in fl \ flrow, of Pi i
vania, wss then Introduced end made a stirring
???"" n a* -
Till* A. P. A. BUOAROO.
At a ratification meeting at Stuyvesant Hall, So.
HS IrVesl Beventeenth-st., sst evening, s letter wi
rea l fruin John Vi. Ooff, which said In part;
My duties befon the Senate Committee prevent
m. I : ..rn a I lr- - lng ariv p ibllc ne Um ?' Uni " I hi
present campaign t r.-^'r..i this ver) much
-,? iii bea greal pleasure to me to me<*1 mj fellow
cltlsena in every wai l and dlstrici In the cit) I i
. * pl ,in to them t" the besl ol ion ll I hi
l, fore Ihe pi .pie, lr ls nol a conical i- tween 1 lera
ocrats an.I Republicans. I' ls nol s struggle for ibe
supremacy of a high or low pmte live tar.ff lr ls
.* mp.) I I*.''.-- 1" t?..-n ire peopli an! an In?
ti ie In 'I band of political marauders To win tin
battle the party lines musi be obliterated, si I ile
cenl and hon* I ?nen --r all parties must loin hands
to demolish a political institution that im- brought
shame and dlagraci upon the nam. of oul elly,
Iirlv. n to desperation, tl.my, having no political
defence, seeks for tome Issue lhal will t.'.inil ;.:??
i. kt"ra of Sew-York City to Ihe real question ..:
si ul: -
Tammany. In effeei a to the people, "Cin*e
your eyes to our organised plunder. Hearken nol
to the vails of distress from the victims of ..ur
oppression Trio .. deaf ear to the tales of cor?
ruption and bribery which have astounded Ihe
whole civilised world Think only of this terrible
A P, A, question."
lt is a s.a. f. conjured up l.\ Tammany ? n
doak to shi.-l.l Hs mlsd.ls. lt i an Instill t*.
every cltlxi ; of for. lim birth arel to every mi m
ler of a particular religious belief for Tammany
to unload Its political >i.liles upon their shoul?
ders an.) !.? a-k th**s.- cit I tens to .onie forward
and to . i?ume I ? fri. fitful res|?on Iblllt) of Its
record ' : ol.'rai . rim. - I l-cllev* thal the vol
? ??*.? thal will ie gulled oi f li ti n i b) thir* '
ghost Of Tarnma. '' own irr.kir.i- Will be Very feV.
Th.- Issue raised by her i-- . falsi <.n>- and he
knows lt; bul lt ls the only thing lefl to her. Our ;
country i* loo broad, too gi it and too liberal for |
euell s hypocritical leam I . ?.i
? \ Handbook for Votti In Um i .'-, >.i N> ?*.?
x,,.!-" ls the title of a little Look of Immediate
; ra Meal value which haa been prepared ->\ .xii;, i
i: Conkling, author of "Cit) 'io. >rnmen< In the
Cnlted States." This tim. iv work presents v H*l
of nfti. res In Me* tort to b nih I b) election snd
appointment, s Btatemenl of expel I ? .iw <-\
ptenatlon of Ihe qualifications ol voters, thc more
Important sectkma ..f the election Itara, extracts
from tic- Penal Code, Instructions for watchers, ?
list of offices tn he flited on November ?* aral of the I
constitutional aincn<Jmentn, together wah map.
Tvhich show the bonn-lari.- nf thc AMerr.iin and
Assembly districts This llttli book which ls pub?
lished iv D. Appleton *.- Co. si b loa price, m ets
tie- demand lu a comprehensive bul convenient
llttl. manual, affording the Informailon of .*.h,eh
? ind m..si in need arni, as there is nothing
ol the im* character, Its value will bi promptly
ap| ii i clati I.
? HIM: AND I . ; I.E xDISO BriRIT.
Th.- antl-HIH sentiment of Brooklyn Democrats
was voiced in no uncertain toneaatan
In the Academy of Musi. nlng. A vast audl
.m ,- croa led even part ot the building to lear the
addresses of ex-8ecretar> Fairchild, of this etty;
i: la H i m Bhepard, ti ?? I ead ol the I ?? mi
Party Reform Association In Brooklyn; Fn lerlc
W. Mir.i,.i.-. of Mayor Bchleren's cabinet, and
01 her.*-.
Among those present were Alexai i E. ''rr. tr-..
Rev Ur. Theodore I.. Cuyler, St. Clair McKelway,
Cl ;r les Fre lerl. A lam . Hi nr) Hents, J. Warren
On ene, Albi it A Hale). Archibald L BV
.? i , .\ lam Roi ?; ? il Roy, ll, C. xx right, ii.
Vi Maxwell, T. Q Shearman ind B. Perri Stui
Charles J. Patterson called the meeting to order,
,,:. ia irgi Foster Peabod) was called upon to pre?
Tin* Drat speaker was Charles B. Fair Mid. "x
Beerctary of the Tr. ..--'ir:, in hla addresa, Mr.
Fairchild told why, In hi^ judgment, it was nee
? .11 y to nominate a Democratic ticket made up
of men who were Democrats and believed In
Democratic principles. Mr, Fairchild spoke of the
sending of David B. Hill to ths Coiled States
s. nate, and of how In tbe culmination of the great
struggle t<> put into effect th.- economic Ideas for
which the Democratic party sro..,; he had an op
portunlt) to take s po Itlon second to no man In
the country. But he proved false to his trust. Ills
.-p.. hes were more antl-Democratle than those
nf the Republicans. Extraordinary ability wss
shown by him to thwarl the greal purposes of
his party. Had ll been decided '??? the voti of the
senior Senator of Sew-York, the country would
still be under Ihe McKinley MIL Tel he ? ime
home and went Into Ihe Btate ("aarfsatlen, and, led
by the unanimous voice of the convention, he was
Induced t" take the nomination for Governor to
ave the part)
Ko" wai . \' fl .-.i-l had a hearty welcome a ien
. i , ;,. ix Mi S ?? pal i i. I ti. it th
..,..., ? .;? nr?( of the Di mo ? tl Part; Re
ni Mi
.-? a. pal i ? hal ? nae 1 B. natoi HI I to con ' -mr.. t i
ll .? rn ?? ??? King* ?' ? mt; ? ll ' ' ",:"" r";*
who rei used to support Maynard. Boody or P
?,v ihelr ? ni l< lions, as ii- a i\ Ise I ?? year
.!>,-.. So one doubt! I thal Ihe lt form Demoeratr*
were right in iv.': and I tad, and ihe) were as clearly
righi In HW
Mr Shepard charged upon Senator Uro respon
blllt) : ?; : I. rrl ni of M lyn rd an ll
reve .:*-i In Sea x i rh 1 he 1 ?? mo i ill ;-.rt-. woul I
hav- :?*.:. rn ire
David lt. Hill nol I. Oovei I
rhe great ni the State w
? . t,. | from i r I nv n uk* i "rokei u i...
?,, | s.han Tl f tl
... m. r i , ll would have b?*n n
nor for a poll'
The ret .;:, io power of the i form?*i n
? ?? . w a. -1 I. ? ? *
lor lilli'* < Hon t m ? :-'
party, woul l mai.- i velati - Pre lency end
I, an I maki hi* rs R. publics
-....? ? -i- t ? ecure support for fl
ll ,. from tl Pn lent ll wei I ?:?? .k :?
? ,
ihe r. form s< ni tm nt hi*
, not be l es* I i .a
f the lu n ral ? a ho had n
I'pon the loca sltuatloi
strom ' rt nf I
' '
i sd- n V '?'? i:
s nat
th'* Rex". Di ? nd lt. It. M
.'.rth. _
ALL ANTI TAMMA NX I Ht. K ; \:rr:.x . ED
rm*: IA li JW AM
Th- I', ll pi ' d' r ? i ' ' ? .'?..??'
met i and a
, , .,*. | the Ant ' ? he ii Iii
re] tatlvi
or*,-:.:. t the faintest hos
I The Sti i. ? rtti - are th-> ?? * * nth an.: last
,*?... \* ? In tal ..Hon,
an : the union ..ri the Sevenl I that
of Tamman) ls therefon
Thi meei ?..- was I..-I 1 al So M Seventh Bl early
In the evening, -ir I ?? ii i a .?? I rn ni :? r by i
Harrier Charles Bte klei i ?? and offered i n
? -... a , ? ? . - .????? ? : ? .
it thi ? and which
h.ii I III I Ht
? '? !. le w. ,,r ? ? ...iv;n r* I I! al Ihe ?.??ai.ri itlOU of i
l- .j.-.i.i i .-ir-i.iii ??.:! municipal ll kel might, ..: .? i
..trier clrcumMan.-es, be desirable, such action.
lu ever, i tht this year be open to misconstrue.
:,-?'.. ? meni t*. tho m po
nenl nf rho have come to bellex'e i hal
? h bul . certain
? ? . lol .
? tl- Iri., ? ? ? ll ntl Ol
to Tamman-. Mai: h ? ? ? en >--,* irm
ll ): ,., | r!tI
/,., * In thin crlsl ? ? . :
Inst ci,r runt ni nipt mic T
man) (Jin I ? I i i .rjrn
nol Iv p.-i milled lo outwelgl t" ? ? ??
? ill. : U an . Netting the formei ai Ide, we
h.rue ihe llckei hi id. ' b) willum I. Strong for
the ofil e of Mayor ..r Va Vi *?-* and John \\ Hoff
foi i '?? blfl ol ll rdei wc p ute ulai Iv
recomn end tl ? no lo il 1 amman i andldate
be Indoi r| fm an) offl * whn by ai
trn' committee, and thal *??"? ' lh?TI ..r, two or
moi ?? \ ntl 'I amman) local . . ??
'?:????? ll give theil
i ! ,; pori lo Ihe oi ? -.ho mil
I , ? ?' la I h ' ? ? r* I. 11. . ?
rle Tann.i.in . Hall nomine*.
ia*lng ih- ri a ::. >? of thi n |>orl W llllam x
lg!, i, William A Han - Julln Hal irgei
i -rn Rubi i ., -.poke In stn ng appn val i I ll an i ll
wi i.i'.. ti, m< rr1e.lt* ithoul a d ?*
Kent Inn ... ?
The . ttee of Sotlflcatlon will .
lr. murd M I ityre, Ml iel \: . Mi ... v---.: :..
John P Sml h, I. ... Bl. - kb r, Will mi -. KUI ai i
J llarburger
Al ld Importani ti irk wai 1. ar \\ ii
I im L. Strong h< " ni Bl irtevani
t. ? ? '? rda) 'I h, re wa . conf. n nei ol ..il
rn ? ::? pul Hean district leaden il Tam
? ad. i -.. re pi
the ca mp ill n .-..**
man ?*,.- :; 1.1 lo
ni al ... and rI ? \.
thor .. ... |-*ver)
? ? i ll , Itual -. ? n-i
.* he found lt ii his district, The reports were
uniformly encouraging. Among the callen .* lei
da) were es ." tm i Hei v*an i 'ott, James O'Brien
Charil .1 lil ell, ..! Rochester; Polio Justice
Clan n. e VV Mi ade, William Uro. kn. ld, V it hei
1 m. ? r . Hi m. h.ii RI : ler, .-*. Judgi Erm I ll ill es
Congrei ? in in j. ,1 Adam ? and i\ ?' Bha) ni
Mi Btra . .. al waa halie I n - sn eui*
?'??'.? his wanting lo gel In oul of the rain lc
th ? ; n i ni t'.i .-i.,i ;.i Cook was nuletlj 'ubi I an I
ovei it. and said lhal Straus was a ia.it, good
J idge of political weathi i 'He knows when ll i
lime io look ...it foi sheller from an ImpenUinx
: torre, said the Qener.il.
'I*., each candidate foi Ai emblj In Kings County
thi- circular baa been seni by the Consolidation
Thi league non represents 11.000 enrolled voters
In Ih. ? lt) of Brooklyn. The . vote) * have kepi
' ri of .oii-oil.lan,,,, with N, w, Vnik en
"'?I* -">?- "1 pollllcH. for the) have ri ills. ?! lhal
tt ? maller I- i ... Importani nnd lu too i
iii'i'i with the material prosperity ol ever) cltl
sen io rise or tall with the fortunes of any politi?
cal part
Tl.-i\ rand tates in whom they are ii,t,.r. i. i
:t . yt ,, ai. those for thi A ? mbly, for upon
J u i m ly rall Ih. resjion Iblllt) ul pu ling Ina -
upon 'I. gn ai subjei I, Bui thi ?. Insl il thal ev. 11
- ? ndl late -nail lei the public know plainly and
unequivocally where he stand on thb uue Hon
1 in ... .I" of these II.OOU voters, .?*. . Ihi retort re
';?>? -t you io male whether v..u appn,v- or dlsap
prove ol cunsolldatloB with Sew-York nnd the ad
lu. ni lerrltor) as provided t.i in the Greater
New-York hill
li i- only righi lo state to j ai thal this letter
ha*- been senl to .-mtv candida!" for Assembl) In
Kins:* County, and lhal youi reph will :.?- put. | he]
in i very rn wspaper m ila- two ell
'1 he Min. Asm ?? bl) DI tri I inti Tamman) As
? latlon held b meeting r*t nlghl ai No Kl I-: i*i
? ? - ' ? i-nl.. i I H. :;l" Hman \.as .han man
ai ..I i' Ri el ecrelary, Addresses were made
i ?> Bhi ii Jan es O'Brien, Otto Ki mpner, .\ I..
Parker, Captain T .-> Madge, Mark M. Pomeroy
and othei
Mr O'Brlci atts ked T. mman; n . rn i ul, and
Police Justli Dlvver In particular, He als,, con?
demned Ile order Smyth f..r hU re ommenitntlcti
. il i'. Poll. J . ? rex re;
rea i: ..'.i ' "olonel Strong a
"You erm .!.-.,.-;.,i on ...in a t'ounty's giving
from : IO t,, ; -? ,;. ijbll . ? majority m Novem?
ber," said .* ? -.?ini.iyiri in ?:. m. \\i, v. ,.; Auburn,
to a Tribune reportei al Republican Btate head
quartera yesterday, "I don'l anon of a disgruntled
RtpoMlCM ni the r-NBt**, BlU'g b**M*s*1bM lu Cen
B-oadway, Union Sq. anti 18th St
Elegant Stock. Heat Bee-eta*.
tf*ianfaef?ee**V Wrlne.
trai and Western Sew-York were all I ri one vein
i.. r ng for .ot..*-.. The Demo rata of Auburn are
doini nil their work to save Hill. The registration
in ? a-- u ia i H.* larg, i In ll i hi tor) lai ter than
In is'-.: and the people are anxious to gel to the
polls '
Among the callers al headquarters y. iterday
were ex-Yicc-Presldenl Morton, Stati Treasurer
. lolvln, Judge \. 9 Houghton and E, J Ors 'ki tt,
? ? Saratoga Sprint* ; ex Assemblyman Sanderson, ol
Walton, and Lawson S. Fuller.
Buffalo, Oct. re Senator David lt. Hill arrived
here from R hi ei this aftern. He was ac?
companied b) ex-Becretar) of State Predertek
.'..ok. Colonel John .-' McEwan and his private
secretary I. K Locket I The party was mel al
the statl n by Daniel S. l<ockwood, the Demo
cratl. candidate foi Lieutenant-Governor; stat,.
Committeeman Norma** E. Mack, Editor of "The
Buffalo Evening Times." and Btate Committee?
man Augustus i' Scheu. Ul I ? : .I was the
:.: ii io greel Si natoi Hill and the tao walked
nrrir In arm to tin- carriage In wnltlng With the
two Slate Committeemen 'lo- acre ilrlx'en to the
Iroquois Hotel. Senator Mill wenl to hi- apart?
ments and for som,- time was closeted with Mr.
I,... lin.I.
Benator Hill refused to talk on th<- withdrawal
of Nathan Straus -t^ candi late tor Mayor of New
York. To-night the Sinaii- addressed a meeting
of ?..Ut*) i.plc ::, Mu i- Hall His voice haa Im?
proved somewhat. Congressman I<ockwood also
made a speech.
r. T Adams, of P, T. Adams A Co.. bel i.. Liv?
ingston m t ic Sto k Ex ha ly 110,000 to
I*.,.hal Mr M rton woul.]
OKNRRAt, M.Sv.Ur. I ?:? ' 't's.- METHODS OK
lt XII.I., ia I) . H-KRATION.
Si iri) i-" r-r.-r.i managers and other gennral
? ttl rs of I lars t and mos) mportant ra i
thr .ughoul the r mnti y wei , ? ei
\ Hallway As
Hon, which w is hei I this ? t t Hotel Bru
wick. I'lee-Pre I nt Thomai of 1 Erle, who
I been vi pn nt of the assoc
terms, pr.- . Hali
it offlci
The flrsl the a
. .
r regard f ll md i
X let ter I
? of the Intern it ional Railr
1, id b. en el
Bulli* tie ml lo I
i,..-, ? , ? .-.?*.
In I xi nfl. i
lt at t
I ? pre*. fl - ?
Ihe Master i'ar I
X! , ? ? " \ . it I
pera t loi
f the gil In th>? W'ii
, ?
... . .
; ? ' ?' > '
make, I ter
f various I
al 1 a pr
-..-.., i ii f pro
f the lime of
u ? ? .lock
ni Intei u . nd i
1 . ne SI
-? '. .
Tli iN
.1 Edward Simmon* ? '? fl
and Northern I
It .' M.r-:-. H n >n Bli ???? ,.-. I \\ Al n Butli I
'r , mari. 1 for < 'hi. igo ?? ? lei I i The .rn
will be presenl on Monday to oppose tha moi ..
to expunge ll nli*rvent!on In Insure suit,
?ame da)
plea titi ? ?
? tile Railroad I ........ . ,.
an I Tnist i . ? mortgage
y w Ith Ihe law
lilli : - i ra.!*1*! by foreign
? - -, , ?
lt cpl : r
? : . . f the Sorth
.-rn I' t. UWlllg lo Un*
dem ??i ?
recently rtliern Pa
tn* han In I , I ' ihn H
\1 I'lei ? nt, who, with C ll fur
..... 11 |.
Tl it. nu ? , that oul:
Ihe hoi , |<
Tin I-"
the liol . ?
? hill A
... ? . ? ,
? ?
i .mi ..ri : he ai islted With
ii <? t a ii 11 y I
.1.t. III., oct. 19 lt. Il Cat ipb : r. ti?*ral rn ina
i ? i- ,,? - ? ? I. . | n-sl
.!. nt of Ihe Tl noan!.-. ' ' ' -. >' 8?'l
the Baltimore and Ohio, i
.1 XX 1 '..? ?'. Uh' a - - - . r i il ni n i ???r ul- th.*
Grand Trunk, and .*. P. Gn *-n. nf Wuulsor, Ont.,
Hi-re In Jul ? ' looklni fm for I
Hailn.. rs ai il ohio v.. li iad Tl ? ? are I
pa.-tl ular Inti r. I In Ih. I Itailwa*
i 'nnipan), '!.? I I* onmi ... . Pow I 'om
P in) and ihe Jolhi ., | .
i ii. thal tile elecll I v. 111
l?- extenili -l from lan . pori lo Chi igo, li,, Jollei
i? uverha ed at a . I of pl -. ?-? I he
, |(. ti |,* I ghi and K I plums N III be i-nl.il
'I-,..,, latemenl on which Ihe Baltimore and Ohio
.linet< i*- recently declared a dividend of ? p..,
/F^SS^^ffu w ~
Itrlr.trs Comfort nrd Impriv-Tn-'nt and tends
lo p. i-n. ii enjoyment when rightly used Tin*
many, who liv.- better than others, and enjoy
ii:.* nor.*, with le.*s expenditure, by more
pr.mp;j.. adapting th.* worltn beal pri du i i .
Ihe needs ol physical being, trill attest the value
lo health ol be purs liquid laxative prlncipl i
. r:. <.l in ti..- reined*, Syrup ol ITlga.
Ita excellence ls due to Its presenting In ths
form ni tal sc. cptabls and pleasant to the taste
tr,.- refreshing snd truly beneficial properties ot
a perfect laxative; effectually cleansing the aya*
tem, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers, and
permanently curing coiutipation. lt mis given
f.i r.i.-n .ri h. milli .n snd ii el a Ith the i|
oroval ol tbs medb il profession because lt a.-ts
i,ti thc Kidneys, Liver and Bowels with,mr weak?
ening Un rn, nil ll ls perfectly (ree from every
objection ible substanci
Syrup of Piss is for sall by all druggists in on*,
anl $1 bottli -. bul i* is man ufa. lured by the
California Pig syrup Co, only, whose nam.* ia
printed on .-\--ry packagj, also the nam... Syrup
of Fir; and heine: areli Informed, you willi not
accept any substitute If offered.
cent for the six month.* ending June 30, ISM, does
not Beeta to have hf*en clearly un.lerrif.ood. It
shows that th.* net Income for the fiscal year eml
ed june .in from ail sources, after deducting Buted
charges snd charges of all other kin ls. and also
deducting dividend on the common stool*
fm *-i\ months, paid lam May, and twelve
months' dividend on preferred atocki and
all payments on account nf car trust-i
and .ash sinking funds which are pxy
menta ? n capital account, and which amounted
lions to 17(0.000, I- ahout **-*rO,<Mu, out of willoh a
dividend of 2 per cent haa been declared, amount?
ing to $500,000,
Th>* much-talked-about Amsterdam stock proxies
of ti;., Mollison Company, which both the Pro
tectlve Committee uni the directors claim to hav**
ir i. were sa..! yesterday to have Peen given
to the dlr ctors, bul this waa denied hy th" "***??
t r.vi* Committee, and th. representative of th.*
Amsterdam holdings in thi* city positively assert*
ed thai neither sid.- had yet <n~cired th** proxies.
Doth sides need these proxies to win th.- election.
Th.- ticket for which the directors are soliciting
proxies is composed o' John a. McCall, J. A. Blair,
T. IV Fowler. \\' l.. Hull, f K. Sturcis. H. .!.
Bcrwlnd, B, P. Cheney, jr.; S. ?'. Lawrence, il.
A. Nlckerson, C. K. Hollldny, C B. Gleed am! II.
It. I nu.il. The Protective Committee win probably
announce ir*- ticket to-day.
To n .. i: utor ..f The Titg tine.
Si.- Wit] you kind!) Inform me th.ronrrh th" col?
umn- .r' The Trih.m.. when is rh.- supplementary
registration da) in Brooklyn, and .-an a college
Btudenl register on that div" P, R, HIBBARD.
There i< c.. "supplementary registration day"
in Brooklyn or Sew-Tork. Th.* \:-.=\ days of reg?
istration f ir inls election ar-- Friday and Batur
:' ti \- week, October 26 rm 1 27. A <? .li...-.*
student neither galna t...r loses a r<*?!d<*nco by
attending college lt his home \a In the city
where he is pursuing bis studies, that city ts his
residence for voting purpose*, if his hom? ls
in another part of th.* Stat.*, or In another State,
his vol.. must b>* cast thom.?(Ed.
MIKIATURI) almanac.
mri*-* 8:17 s-.itii.-t 5:11 Moon rises s bS*81 Moon'* sp* 21
A M Sandy H'-ik llrSSiOov. I*l*n.l 0 r.2 H. :i <;n-? IM
r Xl -n iv ll '; ...''.... Island 12.2H'lt-ll Oats l.tl
X'-Mwel. t-'r -a Waa,
i:: m .r. ?????: m., Oct <", .Neth Amer
.Uvery -.1. i>.-t ri.Whi-" Bur
i, ? I iralm . Ilavr. ? i - IS.l'r* n-?!? Trans
I'mhrl i.1-. , ... 0 ? 1.1. ?*'?"? ii i
.1' - r rx Oct 9 .Hamb-Amer
!.(libral ? ? ? '?' .ll.uni. Ai?
li- ?? .-. . . Lu. .. ? ? IS., .l.aran.rr & Il lt
IWmuds .Ilarti 1 ??. .1-' 13.Qu-N-r
*.;.?. .landon, ..r ii.Atlantic-Tram
.Villi. Im ll.Oen ? ? ? ll .SOI. rd
?id. l h.n. Ort *?.National
. Il ..' "' 7 .Wile n
. Xii ? . Del 7. Wilson
M< -n;...-, ? ? Ti IBKR S3.
R.-rlli .fl ... "rt ..ai** .-i
? . ' ? ? . ? r, i(rt IS .Vllan Ht ile
? ?? t ll.Mi.h ir
.Rotterdam, Ott in.Neth-Amer
.ll.IS.N '. Ia rd
. . ll ? ? 1 ** . .N Y .v ? ba
. ? ? ? i ? M . i rbtuml ls
!: n :,;? ? .? ii .N O Lloyd
Tl. DAT.
X'ssiei. r*r. Lia*. Malls ?: ss T-aset sails.
t , ? .- l| i - Hi* i'- ? -a. ;i(".u:i 6 "o I m
? , 1 i*un .ri. 8:OOs m !' SO s rn
.?"? ???- -. n, r ?? ii,
... N il Ll ?? i. * '?ii\ m I".n
Quebec..... 9 JO .. n. ll 3(1 .. ni
i i . '? ?'?" s r-i 12 uo ni
Xtlas .10MS1 i ni i-.: mi in
'li!' .1 ' .?> a I I 1-' ?". rn
?) ? -la . i .... lo '"I kl in :? Oil p -*i
>r....11:110a m l *00 ;. m
... 11:00 a m l roo p m
? ? le. . . 1 ,00 i- m rr.,*, p ni
. 3-00 p m
M . 3:0Opm
N ? ? '? ' . :'? "" P rn
Hamburg Hu ml ti er .10:01) b ra
. .1 fO p. m.
\'.- Bremen M tl Lloyd . D ?? .. rn V. N m
; , R?d D....11*00a m 1:00 p m
SH 11'Ul Sr. SU WA.
PORT >>f NEW-TORK HUT>AV (M't'OBHI 10. t*****-*
i i Smith, Liverpool October 10 and
*-i. .-? KM .join n* 770 steerage
ll Mr*.ltl-.n.l Kers?y. Arrived si Ihe 1'*r ut
n.*r Llandaff f*ltj .hr-. Hunter, Bristol Oitober 2.
- . i I cabin and ila plats to J
Vr rived il ll - Uar >- i p m
.-????-. Oetol er ?'*. Hei*
i . -..-?? irs .'? a-. . tirlstlaiisand t;. with
niii. ind .".**i ;ie.m*. passengers m li .1 .?..rt.'*.
* I ul 'li* I?ir at S -. :??
* e|*i r ??'.?I. Muller, Hamburg October 1.
.? *. .;.,i Heye \r-t-i**l al Ihe Har nt 4 p rn,
-.! ito ni--i Kraft Hamburg uetoher .t. with
I tn Pun. li. !" :j- A Co.
ki iii rn . rn
mer North. Parino, Han burg Pep
i. in i silas! to .; apel i
i the Ba rip. m.
Urilla),- tim >??*. i; October
H. I Xrrtved al the Uar Bl
hut \; t ria IB I B thtiji Qenos August SS, I-v
.' > In SO. Mel iga 0?*tot er 1
.' - I.IS -.?? ??:..?. ? I ISSSftgera
ll ? ? - Ih. .he H?r al IS SO ; m
ii i .\-? Ort tans ."> .lui... with
1 I .'I
- -. ills October ld
with mdse snd passengers ?* > >*?' l'
.. ?
? ? ? ne, . 'asktll, J ickson- Ills
ii with lumber i Tetlow Pine Lumbei Com
-? ? '** a- . -.
? i : lenin *r. New-Orteans i> ?ii.tvr ll.
.1 r Van SI. W*
Mini ...- Burg, Savaansh, with
I ? lt 1. XX ilk. i
i Richmond and Newport
mine mid | 1-* ngers lu Hie Old Domini a .-'*,
? ? ? *.?';.* with h.i.**- aa l pas
? ?
, 1'hll del ph li with mdse
? il ,, ii. r !r< a m p rn xx in.l southwest; l '
??I " \i:i:i>
?? iism ir Hind hi J. '-i'?. Msnagus
p rte Ki.-.. .-;:- imshlp >' ?
Hamburs II
, ? ? xi .-..- . i. . Jam .i I*
. i
h. liri n ? -. \ ? i -
.-. .
, ., . ,.:;?: a. 1 lai re v l' *
i (Bri, li ni li' ? ??;? ol '. :: n H
. .. ? >? Kills, .-it .'nix B a
v , ? ?
', ? ileorgetown, Dem I, W
' l
n. I ? . il..:i-*- ii ...n I .!,? ?;,'. r-.\ |||?
I ? ? -.'.*. .
8,*ul on ililli 10, ll nj.-r. Rotterdam, tr,.i
I .*. I
ill Wile -a (ila* - iw ll. nders. a
Wi . . !' hie, .:. i ts Ca
er Alala Ii Prince . lt!'. . Ildlteh, lire..' .-.Mi.
I Um n ? I. li hi ? Seager
.?'!? uni t**et?i i'll) .Mi , Barclay, Urlstol James Ar
? . .
IBO. Lu* Port su Prince Kingston, eto
Pim Kui? - ?; a ;-.
Ste*mei ,-,n.-i, , n'.n. SehamburB I'.-nrinil ui-.., B,o
.lulen... ." ila Hal- nu ?->? '-**i ti.-li. Kdjrs *i .'??.
Sn unei Rio Orande, Bars) .w, Brunswick an.i Fenian.
?Iii , .'li Malton i Ci
Steamer Kl Norie, Hawthorn, New ? >rl. ans .1 T Taa
r . Turki Island, sun Domingo
rn* . ?,.. l. ..... ? . pi ;*,!? ,i Po
Stenmei N rweglun (Bri, Christie, (llargow An,.ia
II hanan .ir... (irtffltlii 1'i.Ter fur orders ?
.. live Hr)..
?r p.iiu.ir.. .in.. Thomas, Dover I .r -reders -
CUM ive Hey*
H Ml.KI"
i ri William (Url for Bl .tnhn*. Mayagues
ami I ?? -ri ? e. I.. < iiini nie itwtchl Xntwerp; r\\ ..f Haem,
h i Korie, New-Orleans; Alguaeata, Charleston
sn I .ta. k>- ii, iii*-.
i ? HIRIUN l'iilt'l*s.
, :? Aili dir), Hi. ii..M- ii, sailed fr-m London f..r*
New Vnrk iri-toliei in
Steainei i.i' lllsmarek iO?r?, Alhers, from Hamburg
i.: New i-.k, illed h.un Houthami.i October 19
st.*..ia. , raurii iBri Jones, from N. ? Tork October B,
,i Liverpool . ii lober IC
st. h.. iVvl. iini Nicol, tailed from Liver*.I f. r
New \. . li -.a.. . IU
.... -nullor In iBri, ? 'a m; ?' ??! I. from dlasgon
f: e. M .viii, for N. *i V ?.' er IU.
Si huh ?? ? in lliuiirhi i'nilsen*, sailed from she-Mi foe
li is
? Pim li in .in i. eatli 1 fi rn Shields for New
V :, Del .bel ls.
Kt. im-T A kalis (Bri, Cart. il i from Shields f..r
Ni fork " i liei l
? dieri. J..ri -*?;.. from Hamburg fr
Ni h Vin k, !?. i'd Dover ... loboi 19,
, i . ill. hm nd Hill (Url, Perrj fr. m New-Tork
i ' Lind I the lelr f \\ Ighl I <- lober IU.
un. ini la illr), UcKay, from N ?** Vork October
13 for Liven 1 pu ? ?: Bi n ll. s I Oct. ber r.M. nt
l l.i.
Steamer Pruials (Oer), :<iir;..??. f*-.,m New V. ric. ar?
ni-,! .. Hamburs l iel. i Ifl
' i a. i iliani Sk J.-di, tailed fran Copenhagen
? ? . n,
(la ...?;. Rees Ing, from New-TorB, ar
Na|>|. ' > .ber 19
ler iivlnsham Hlrl, sailed fi. ni Qenoa for !i ?
^ rk ?'. ' i er lu
m. .m. N-a trio iit.-i. Mriand from New-Tork Onto
ber l for ir..- Mediterranean, passed Tarlta . >. ? .i.?r IS.
Steamer l-*.il I.- (O. . Thalenhorst. Nea V.uk, vlo
? Ubi ? i 'ir. srrtved at ... a .a . i. t. ber lu.
?n. Pori .v l -ii,!.- iii,. Morgan from Tofcotxama
1, ' ia 11 logo, Bhanghal, Koocnow, Amojr and Buss,
for N w-Tork, passed Matta I >? i uer I'.i.
.-?? .ni-r li-ll-i.ii din. As-juard. **.iil.*d from Santos for
Nea \-ik ii* lober 17.
tisamsr Uolsrtdgs (Bri, Br-oara, treal stee**Tetk s?p
uiiiutr I'D. arrived at Ino dt Janeiro Octobsr la
in IPI Nil BBB iiomi-:.-'
The pr isl ra lin er heat of summer has lon;*" since
There ls now but OM ex u?<* for languor and
la.-k of tuarn ii Health.
With the return ol brad nj*. x-larorous v,?a-ther
the thorough*** areli m-n and ITOtngT* find the
prospect of wi,rsK attractive. BuelnesB looks prom
lalnf". The l.'i.lolnnt, unambitious feellnj* of a tew
iTv-nth.- ago ""ives place to HMTgy and hard
That i.i. provided ''ne Ih *.v. ll. j
Ti. th.* sick maa or woman thi* prospect ls dole?
ful. Th- thousanda nt persons whi sr rked righi
through the ho) rummer, aral tho mary whose
iracatl in, Instes I of ?*-?> rultlng their itrength, has
only nu. le increas * 1 demands oa their tired
nerves and blain ?th's ? unhappy OBCS should
take ad*-anta>ge of the lirailntr dajra anl niphU
to r-t.ire their bodies arith pure, vigorous blood
.-ml their nerv ma system with energy before the
, lid A---..:;.vertakei ;r..-.ii la their -.vak, "run
down" . tndltlon.
Palae's celery '.uti;., ur.: should be taken d******
Ing the i nth ot October, lt will build u;> tho
tired sysl >m wonderfully. increased appetite and
steady gain la weight during th.* month will
show unmistakably th** stimulating effect ot this
rcmarkal le nerve food. To those who know any?
thing; i :' 'i'" '?'?' ?ri lag .md tli" purpose of the ikt
. system :? ls ex'ldenl tint th- prompt fecdiag
...* the nerves with Paine's celery mpouad must:
be full 'W-l by a decided sain la health aad rigor
of the ? ntlre system. Th ? ls no organ ot tho
body ti-.n la ti'.t o ntrolled by th< w rv*-.-.
It |b the puttiag nfl ol attention to th^ t-ir-rns
of heart weakaesa thal fills the statistics xvith
ox'erwheltnlng nun rs f deaths from "heart
failure." Thoa .vin. a- once build up their
strength and nourish thc 'MMe ii*rv,-.v>ntre*-.
aith Paine's celery compound, check wenkntaM
of that Importani organ aa readily as wsa ka asl
of any other part of th< body. This greatest
niil-in Invlgorai r, \.--\ ??? I bj the dur
whom Dartmouth Coll. Bl proud t . honor.
Prof. Bdward E. Phelps, M. ;>.. LL. D., wis wat*
corned a.-- a iii ire than extraordinary at*p in al?
van..* of aaythlag before a* tin* command of
phys). ? natUm, neuralgia, de
blllty. ('.'.inti*-*- women, weak, thin, mere bun?
dles of nerves, aad .li-'.aged by th-ir inability
to pain strength, have be ri .-' irted on the *<ur*
road to recovery by Paine's celery compound.
Phys u pres -rib lt I ' over.
Oel Btrong aad well with Palae's . ? '? ry coro
Here i? the experieace of Mrs. William MoOcsV
lom, of Tr ntor, M .. who says:
"I hav.- ha i neuralgia for eight or ten rears,
I began to thiaki that eveatually ll would caum
my death, i would have thi.>r four awful et?
ta.-k*- la a moath, aad all the pain would Betti*
la the base ? tay brun, aad extend doarn my
ba.-k. lasting sever*"! noun.
W" tri--1 everything that we could think of,
but nothing* did mi a uv lasting good until my
mother came on a visit r*n! told mi to try
P.ilii.-'s celery ?-.n:-.;>- und. as she was uslag lt for
nen its ti ?uble with wooderful Buccess. Wt both
think your compound saxred us from Kilner craxy.
I oaly us i two bottles of lt, but I have not had
a return of my obi **n**niy sir'. ??
"On,* thlag is rtn".i. and that is the doetra""!
could n.it do anything for me. Some t n ? li
wa* ? ? ixl-??? 1 by nervoHJ tr iii.1*-, som* Mid lt xx*as
female trouble, some said oae thing, aome Bald
another, but thanks to your wonderful compound
I am free ia . more. I have .lften thought that
I woul 1 write nn'l tell y, u wh vi ri reli-f lt ls
to be free from pain, but I n*,jr'.*?.*t?j,l it from tlRM
to tin*.'*. Yoi may believe that I shall always
K;.*>ak ii k.ml word for Paine's *clery c impound.**
V . munt :? ii ni. ustes sf rel -.Milty-. Awarded blgtv
*-*.? prize* ? v rid ? ("slr. SHAYNE'S. 121 and IIB W-st
<-.?! tl Sm v rk. i the li ling fssbloi ibis resort for
W. H. PARKER, M. 0. I' IKS****S**
Till* MOOT BM1MCXT nl'llCMi'V" ::*, A "IU* Kl r.-i,
published la ISM, Colet esaesttlNS pin.su-laa sf rho
rrn'io.lT Mrdli s! !ii*>iiiule. IO vr I na wa a T.'.rdo.l Ult
foul uiriini ?? th . kaili ma1 Redlen! Aasaelfstlsa le.* ta*
?aiZB 1.--.I.V ,,ii :.\liiiu*trJ X:tali:7. Air: hy, Nervous
SL.t ri...i. i' I1?lillit> rmi all ilisertaes i'. '.J'ealt*
ur** >.f Ban, /iTT1>T?Ci "" ?<'?? the aUAdta
ageri m\-i i ' l \j U />. Lj *-5 '.iBsaiouea ta iiwssa BB
3-x *p ip xi by tel ?r. :ro-.|.- itu, ?.:?:: ;"*tiin.int?i**,
? Xv III Ul. large i.. ,k, Va-.-.-1-in.-coi l.ifsi or. .*>elf->
I'rr.ervuli*.:. ,,: ? - M .?..."'[ 1.'. i.vr.'. ililC pre*.
script lons tor .icj.o 4.1*1 uro.:, dues .,, t a.: g..;., ouij jl.iAL
double waled.
-THERE are 40,000 farnflie? in and rmi
New Vork R'ho '?? iy t'.ic
Mort* than HMM).)*.) copies ?oid througb*
out the country, each i-*a*,*, in citifs and
the lar-er towns.
rm. wi i run: report.
IkVnablngl a i I is. The. barometr*- iii* fallea slow***
III Hie '...?.*r laka ?-.:? :? ii-! Ohio - :? and '.ri rh- rx.
ir?m.* Northwest li Baa remained shunt statl nw ? it**g
lbs At|ani: >-.j,i*r sad in Ure Bmr.ti**ra neates Tae ira
i an i-f ls 'mit-.e.r off ihe Ml.;.ll- .X''..in;li raaf** . ? ! 1 .vv.-*t
aorta ..f Honuna, li ??. ataaier upper inks
r.-^-i .a eastwi rd i the 1 Ism i ..-;. ia Hw Ohio X'.il
le) snd fi. ni tie- Mlrsourl '..,:?* - . ? Onlf.
Fair \-*ai':.. rontlnurs, esrept In Ihe upper .,:?-? rvgtoa,
s . r. lue il iliiiMrers sre r..|. u i ?,: I;. r., ? r:_, f ilr a eather
win , nilau. In the Ontral .al! | i I :. lbs s .min-rn,
Uiddle and New ::n*i m.t .<-.u * with rising Umperalnrs
oa the ? ? I _
Bi i (ten En [land, :: stern N a V rb fas! ni a i**nn
uriv^ni. Ne-.v-.ie.*.?-.* an.l Delaware, fair easther; warmer;
southwester!) ?lml*.
i-'i.r Western Usn fork. Western Pinnsylvsnl* mid
Ohio, genersll) fair In in. rlor; posslbl] light taral
showers st ? ststlnni -i ghtl) >.!? r in b rth ra iwr
11. ri Boutherl) B in ls, bi
Minri'Ni: I^i.'.XI. OnSERVATIONS.
****** I 1! lV*-i: M TuCig. " >**'-ht.
L j ?.-'?' *BB1 ap HUI '.' fl ? ."? 6 . *-?) io ll
[,,., 'I".. ,.. ??-r-r<?--~T*T~r-.??."? _ , Tty all,
Iii-J M-f-i'.!-1*.1-"" ?'.. -'?-..-*-? J-I-*
I", -, **iNrii tlr'".-1 ? * ? -> ? '--- - - .'--** ..*.*-.?; i / '.?
I - * UM-?'(r-,-.r-^r "ii.*.*--. ? - - li i?ti*
na ' ' ? .Lu i rv k'-imH;, , J-1,1!, .. >? ., . ?' ... ? ?4. ;{()
In this dlagraai a ooatlnuous whits line -h.iwi the
clunr** lr. pre lura s* Indleati 1 by Th.. Tribune's self.
? rdlng The I r li- ?? i ?? ?? tats ihe tera
peiature us obetrxed St I'-rry'.s I'.iarmaiy.
Tribune OAee, Od -". I .. ta Ths sn itaer yeal r.tay
ara fair sad namer Tie- t.-n-,, -*-i n* ur.- raaaad ii.-iw. *<-a
*? si ?' i "? . . blgbsr than
on Thunda} and IH higher than ruling dag
la..- i. ar.
The weather In-d to bs fair ail a rrtnsr
?a uh Miiithwraii r.\ ** In i
For biliousness and all other con?
ditions resulting from constipation,
go by the book on fieeeham's pills.
Books free, pills 25c. At drug?
stores; or write to B. F. Allen Co,
366 Canal st., New Vork.

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