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HETTY GREEN'S FEARS. PHI BELIEVES CONBPIRATOBS AUK TRY INC. T<> KILL HER. roNViM'KP THAT in:': PATHEB ?NU ?CNT WEBE Ml'RHEHr.!? MR. BARL1NQ BAYS HER CHARGES ?GAINST HIM ARE I ?1 Whenever the name of Mrs. Hell) ?Iren la uv-n tl-med. the mini Instinctively think-? of u'-eit wealth and i? Inclined tt forget tha? perhaps Hetty Green has a heatt like other people, an I troubl? ? heartache? and loneltnei People hai ? '? was eccentric, ani an explanation of hei queernea.? satana to be ihai -??'?- tiriti!?, belle?*? that s bi ? ? of C inspira tor.; I >0k th?? life ,,f her father, Edwai I M Robinson and of In ? aunt. Sylvia Ann Howls Ken Bedford, yens .mo. and are p iw dally her own life and the life of her chlldn ? Glaaa, she declares, baa been placed In hei l ! within the la?? six months, btorki of' wood and utone have been hurle I at ber fron windows as sue was passing on tin? sidewalks and people an? con? Usually threatening her life. She has ?? dread of meeting strangers and II Ii doubtful If ?he has talked more than three ? mi to newspaper reporters m the las: ten years. <'ne of these tune- waa yeaterday. \ Trio.?'?? reporter recognized her as she was welkins down Cedar-st. She must be at least sixry years ? 11. bu pass for a woman "f forty-five or fifty. Her st. ;. pringy ani she Is up stra;u'M. >Ur hair Is only a little gray lier nose ?* strong ani sharp. There is nothing about her that Impresses one as extraordinary? Hei ''" '? sallow ind hei ?mall ,. , ?, ?) ea have ess lo ?k The stori? ah ? p the Cheapness of hei clothing are nue V'esterdaj ?he wore an oli green dies??, ihe oversklri of which had been pieced all ihe w,??) down, Hei ghouldera were conceal ? it I.t.- nntlly tilmmed With .ie? beads ani vclvel He; bit was Is keeping wltl the rest of her garb. \> she walke 1 bri=kly down Ceda . ; ?oked for ail th? like soase 'i servant - - ? mi het an I pre in??, ? ? , .-.:. ?. home ? ?????. Migai ?>? : - .?. In hei arm-;. In Die Stokes Bull i ng i ? '?? ?'* the ? ',? va the ninth ? ?r, si ifter t? 111 - th? ' ? " Burn? ''? Btayton A H igen'? law office that shi hi ?see Mr. gl i\ l< I ?? ? r. ' wai with her. "Mrs. Green - with you cure t" reply "What do they .he w ilt? ? ? uti ti? ?? .? Tribun -? t . a! reporter t ilk? ni.- of : li- law \ ers yr>u hav? ly th ,t our mit; 1 w aft'. -.-;? !. I ' ? SUI ' ti."" ? '."' ?-!)?? ask? Ima' iw ? lice, i?rr*^ -r tv > MUS. HETTY GREEN. 1 il' ? ;t n.; .: BS ?'? ? fl ? :'? lh< 1 ' !' c te "They say you don't know what you ??? "Who are > ou?" "Tribune reporter " ??<?h! ) don't belie?'e ? ? And here the door oj- ned .?t. i Mr. Su ner, Mr. Hagen, ? ime ? ul "Her??. h>-r. : You musi noi annoy Mrs. Green,' said the lawyer, nervously. "He wasn't annoylns me," sa i Mrs Or en "All be waits Is ? fall ?talement In The ?? bune, ind 1 just sa s ? And then Mi Ha- ? is : pei ? ? Mr.?. Green's ear and dragged for Into his private ufli ? ?. When - five min it??- lar- : ?! ;. li and hi?: chi"' .1-tl: ei ed hei to the sireel arounl to th? rfll Title G I Trust Compan) ?? ? - At the o-!? ?? of Burnett, - ? H in? ? the s: a \ (Hi ? ' :. .ias ? Her grandi ? New-? Iford whaler und trader. a ie! ! ? :,. : ? ? , h . ? i- - .... fort un? It ? How toi . . ?"?. ? With !ie:? . ' i ?'..?- :. !:,? . .?. ?. ? young girl Hett) it ILt fat h r had lam and ? : :,. hi : ?- on .Inn- 11 ah? found ind dj Ing H? her in broki ? . he was in the he conspirai ira a . . killed him in the hope of get nng his mon? H es irne i ? ? ? of h? r own iif.? an ? :-'? husband. ??. Gl H- toM her tha ? New-Be Iford; Mr. ?p?< firn, of Lord, Da) tt Loi ' ..- hl? ? v\ ).en the will w ?? ?.'? e, |? w ?- f ? ind lhal thre.? ?ecuton I red. t? ? cleri in thi* clt] ?? ? ? Inalassi of i:. d . pi iperty, she recelv? I ,?-??.? right ai ?' 0 In trust to go to bet h? Ira al h : Mr. Btayton, one of her lawyi "Hetty Gre ? ha? Jind who lefl hei room b foi ?? she ? It, wh?-n she foun lb ki ?? who was respon ibi ? his death." Her father had scarcely died befon hi wa, ? : liaek to New-Bedford on : ? find that Misi Hov land, 'h?? on*) mother she ? ei knew, wai dying. ?;,? ? .:,?. ?atead ? all of bei ?.',.-,??.???? ratal . bad bequeai Institutions at, i clt) d partmenta In New-H <?ne of these ?,._-, t ,j, - ; - was mone) ?. ? build Vw Bed? ford a sag ter-work! A Mrs I're?. % resident of Nes Bedfoi !. has strengthened Mrs. Green', belief that he aun sai murdered by alleging 'hat ^in called - n Mis. H -w land and was horrified lo learn that ?..? tending her had been giving hei dot ?Irons of laudan .Mrs. (ireer believe? thai her aunt murdei by eonspirator, who a ??? nun of politi ral Influer ? in New-Bedford She believes thai ihes? men or their agents ire pursuing her and her children 8he declares thai her sea had hli leg Injun ? b) a rayaierioui ?tranger, and as ? ion as h< again walk wa? attacked In ihe itreet ? ? ? his kri??'? being Injured ?o thai I - to i?? amputated. Mr. Btayton said : itei ? that Mrs. Gn emn'.y bellev? ? ? thlngi "Sh< :mp)ica'e tin . \. t? of her father's ? I rail Mr. Stayl .. "but thinks th? ?? iple are others mor'? powerful, s ? ? ih? ago ,?h" foun ? glasi :: ? ? . foe 1. Wh? ? ? was it Hempstead, L. I , ?asi summ' ran the bous? when b that he meant l ti k of the original trustees but ? ?. H< iry A. Der llag. of No. !?"? ' '? lai st., li |??fi H? by Mrs Ci en ol ; ? tas estate of bei fathei Ye rday he wo at Mrs. Green's allegations "The whole il a lie," said In , "'and I . .?uhI hear BM Bay It .Mi Gn n doesn'l sue m< Th? eaae to Barling against Gi I one for ? Battlement of ihe ? of il executoi trusties. Mis. Green ?dth ? ?? or sin Is guilty of wilful falsch. ?? father ha asea dee I twel efoi ih? seni Inventor) of ins est it? Sh ' ? v. List? Is her letter: "Juni 15. 1MB "?Jentlennn I bsv? to reque ? thai you will ??:. swer any questione lhal Mr. K. II Green maj ask you on all matten about m) father's business af fairs. 1 wish you gentlemen ill with Mi Green on all matte:, ol Importan??? ? ere advice is required. HETTY II ROBINSON." "l tell you the woman la crasy," t? went ot "on this totter m* old ?.kkeepei who la noe dead, wro'e the following Indorsemen " "l'hlr. was written when Mi. Robinson wa warm.' " Then Mr. Barling requested thai all further " ?jury i>e mal? of Everta, Choate ? Reaman, hi? aitornevs. who gave out Ihe following statement ?? uti. ?? of >?:?. it??-. choate ? ?? an, in, ? No .'.' Wall ? "Edward lieti Robinson In his lifetime was s client of Evarts, Southmayd ?? Choate; he died June it. PA",, Heiuy a. Barling, Abner ? Davi ami Edward ?? Mandell are named .? the will as executors ami trustee?, and w? ha ? lince been their conns? 1 Se? far as ivi know, Mr Berlins Mr. Davis and Mr Mandell ha? ? u ?ail time? beei faithful to 'hell diiti's ?? - ? toi mi I I uste? Th?? litigations now golii? ? p ar? bea ?Kann: Mrs Hett) Howfui i R ?1 II en and others, simple t.. |.:.-???:? the se mi of the ? eiuitors and trustees, an?! have ??????? 1 ? ?? lall) tied. The examination of the a??? >i nt? li pending before Mr. Henry ? Anderson aa referee. The procedimi:?', hav? been presaed iti behalf of OUI client. Mr. Barl'ng and will he to the end The statements published in the newspapei ..? ihe 23d fast., In so far aa the) by dire??! ?tatemen! or by Innuendo, Impute an?, wrong doing or neglect ?.. Mr. Barling or th? other executors or trustee* ar? untrue. Non? of the delays that have taken $l-<e? in th'r, litigation are owing to anything that Ir. Barili.s ha? done or desired." KNABE PIANOS. NOLIItA. EXHIBITION OB" M'.Vt ?RTIgTTC STYLatS, ? OMIIIMM. HIGHEST DE u,i,(?i'mi;m' i\ Mt'SirAL i\n DRIOBATTVE IRT. 148 Fifth Avenue. /?; /1 ; ?? t ? /?; ? rs fo r s ?: e ? v. THE IWiOKKEEPEH OF THE SHOE AND LEATHER HANK SENTENCED. TO HERVE THE TIME IN THK ? INO s (?G??? PEN ITENTIARY IHRBCTOHH OF THE BANK HE ?.??? TO INTER* EI>E i OH IHM Sminici G Beely, the defaulting hcokkecper ol the \ ,? onal ? ?- ? in i ?.? ither Be n M wh ? ?res arrested in Chicago on ?>? mber 11, an?, lasl week plead? ? guilty to ..?' ndlcimcnt sailnwi h!m for d?fraudlng (&** ?. Jes ? SEEI.T AND HIS LAWYER ?T THE BAR Ihe Sail ?nal .-? s? in ? Leat! r Q u It 1 ? m iklng false entri. - an : invert ig ihe : years In the Kings .' luntj P< the l'nlte I States fit ilt ? ?" ?? ?? sum n ? '? .?.? ? by .-? sly I ? ? ??', althougl liona freni the bank eilt ol Fre lerlck Baker, srhli h had been goti sevi ral years, aggregale i ab ? il I3&4 ? ? was 2 :23 ? i, sv hi ? Beel) wai ? Bile 1 la l .. ? ? ?? '!?? ..-...,. k .-ui: an I won ? white ? ? lark-checkere?) ll< ? , .,n I walked to '? . , resti lei II? sa , ?.,,?,??. . .... ? ? ty marshal. Hla ... ? Frank ?'. I and sail ? . punishm? ni H sal I Bcelj . ; ? vas I not ?: ' to the ? Fenili ? I Judg? io ??? (1 . ? ? In ? . ' ? t said: "1 h?1 law musi pi iti t the bans others from imm iting ? :?.-.. John M. t'i - ? '.,??? Bai k; Vlee-Pi il. l'ea ?? J Bea ?. a dire?;? , enten '. ?urti um and I * .- an in Ihe real I - ? : Mr. Fea ind ?? ? ? , had a ? e v le s - theme ...... . ? with the Judgi ha I ?old ( e bank's a ? .-k .Ml An-? ? : ? I mil lie 11 ?.' ? Beei) ... ? removed from the ?-oui an ! taken b ick ? ... Btreet Ja '?'i:?- max muu . it ut?? |. ten yes ve yea rs " ? ? ? ? ? > I ? c .n lu ? ih? e tua lime ft be ;: b ? ?NXIOl'H ?BO G THE HEW Alili . ; M ' M ?ho ? luse l ; il?? arri I ol ?an ? 1 ? ? ? ? ' . ,. ?.,?. ? ? hei but ? ; . reward. ?? Fai land ihlnki he li I. and Ottici police foi a'hu nia< I" I ? i),ink ti?.? at.? , t t.. : lo ih. ?? .?. ? ? 1 he) ai ? ? 111 i 11 g, I ...??. . , ? for the Up. Th? ;)..?? mi .. havi di elded to in Hit the bank may give M ... l ?.?..??- infoi mi . ? j lawyers thai ? i .-o i?, oiled thing at al ? the re? ai ?! ? ..- .??? . ? arrest .. .? Ion" of ? ? !.. and the Chb-ago men had taken no han ? In th.??' ?. I Ion ih" bank ?.?-? : 111 sal.l li? ,?.?, .i ; id to k? ? ? ? ? he bank . offei ? he pola e offl lals hi ? ..f. inder Ih? Impre isl n thai ? li. l-ai^k will ] ? Intel >i i???. ..; ? .?. all Ing am , ; . uf thi ?,? l SJJOy ni ?M l.l f I h II?/ \.?/.?. BROOKLYN li'.TI'.l. KEKPEII - ?Nil I.IQI'UR ?? M.EI . HUElT ??? ? III. !?? 11 . | HITIONH IX THI? CITI The action of Ihi Brookly a Exi ? Board, b) J a'hli ii the Ik en -? f< ? have been loubled, has ? i much 'ornmeni among hotel and ll?|uoi stori keepers, who tt.n.k themselves a*rongi . ' among rltiseni noi In Ihe bu Bess, wf.?. the action taken la one In the right direction, ?? vsa-? -??? thai - in* slrall ? ti ? might b* taken , by the Excli Hei irtmeni o( this city, and last Ihi rei u ti im th it lour e might tu Im ??? ???? ? ? Itti Im ni VF ? , ; I .? ? 1...?. ? ?|\ Al the ..iti??? of the department i' ?..? Hid that : there was t,?, concerted action between the Brook ? ! New V ..i k b ?.! : ? ... ? tha ? t he Increa ??? it. tha |M * of I ? ? Brooklyn ? ringe that ? ? ' "only about even ? Ith New-? .? ?< in the matter : of Ilei ? J ? mea r. Bli hop, thi a ? and chief ? lera: ? that the am >unl re illsed fr-.m ai will amount to nbout tl.aXKi.dOii, I uni that through the operation oi the present sys ? i? m the revci u Increase's, while :(:?? number of I lie-? ? . 1er. "It Is noi g? :.? rally know n," sal l Mr. illshoi no mai ? ire .. ili ?? ???? for Ihe a ile '.? ; s Ine, beei ? ? ??????? uni? si hi fumisi I cl ange ? ?.? e oth< rens A man coming from j out-of-town who w.u. .. place for th" .. Ilquoi n, . ? in - .-? curi ?orni o ?? ? . .?. Is li m ?? '?. Inni, arni !.?, this n ans mber ol harm ? nos foi ihe /srions grades of , -? Issued by ? he depai Im m ??? ? as follo .?. ? ilrst (.'lass license, Issued lo .. -, .?, ????!. tin ol ??>.?! ??'."-', i-osii I Mi w hen ? hi In Is less thun $+i c-c n seeoml-elasi license Is al >"' The ice, store II en se, known ? >? Thi ? ? ? ., iranl llcensi known .,? '(.'lasa :. ?," Is li ned lo places where li no ha : and .? hei ? Irlnl I ? 11 ? ?. .,nl?? .-.? .villi food; ? hla cos?a il??. Thi ale ,. id h< ??? ?.. u ? . ? . led lo pla< ? ? I.? ' '? onlj p .m drinks.Id Grocers and drusal is who ? ??il ii-iu??, Ii) the measure and b) thi ? otile and w im have no right ??> lell ?,?, the glass, pay i'c"> for , :i storekeepers' license The druggists* license, I which la Issue?! '?'< li igrlsts w?c, *. li liquore "on ? ? ?? rlntlon .?: .? physl Ian." ? ost? I.'" h, nddllion lo ti?-, ihe hoard Issues ?Inn i* a- an ' additional li? <?., ? ?? Thla ? -eis tils), and c.-miioi be Issued '?. sny person ?? l??. Is not al . ready Ihe hoi.lei ol h license The "additional" license permit Ihe hol?ei '?? keep open all nlahi. ; ,??,? I? applied foi only by Ihe proprietors of halls where there ma) tie ? n ? ? alnments which las! Ion ???? than mldulKbi Ol these "addttlonsl" or , "ell night" licenses there an only a fes less than aix, now In operation, '? i?? numbisi ..t llcenaes in.w In fori '? in Oil.? ? It .? ,s abolii. IMBRICAS* '? RC ROPE AX BOTEL*. The following Imi I ana have been registered recenti) 11 Bui peat h ti Orsnd Hotel (R imi ? \i> end Mi ? w R Moti, Mil Moti I F \V. Faxten Ll( u len ini and Mi lllbi ?, Mn i*i?i Miss < ? tusen an I Mr and Mri John F I'oombs, New Vork; Mr. mei M?^ r e Jennings, Chicago Prank PVlck, Fit: : burg, Hotel Victoria (ixindon) Mr mi Mrs Up plncott, an ? ? p ??..?.?... Philadelphia; James ale Fald , ? ? i\ imi r, Mi and Mrs c ildwell, and V.' H Dalley, New v.,rk. J w Iones, S|.nngfiei l. and G p. Haney, Phleeg ? Adelphl Hotel (Uverpool) colonel an,I Mr? J. K. Neal, Ml s Bhlrisy Keal, Mr. ?n-l Mrs Brad ley Ma>ri!n, Morris Rtreuse. Miss Portesene and O M Bwan, ?** ferk: W i>. ataadell and Mr? w E. Brierman, lioston. MONEY Foli THK SCHOOLS. AN INCREASE IN THE APPROPRIATIONS. MW'.f: rtlLRni S LITTLE TIL! WITH J \i 01 | ? JOHNSON THE <;<ni!i 00\*ERNMENT I'LCB ? ?? ? Msyor-eled Stt mg igaln ml as ? watchful ob? server at yesterday'i ?.un? of the Board of Estl? mate and Apportionment, when the appropriations ???a u?,? Board of Educati ?? fw IMS were decided on The total sum of I4,9S2,4Z111 was allowed for edu? cational purposes, m I32S.OM nun? than last year. The all os m. ei for le ichei?'salai p placed at 53.4A1.31, an Increase of 1295,010 The sum "f m.Snfl wai voted foi free lectures, 114,000 more than for this year. The children's lid Bo lei) got 1137.000, an in,-tease of 113,000 The coal of supplies was In- ? .I io 1300.000 from $l?i"..7'?n. The chairman of the .supply Committee, Mr. Mertarlty, want??! BBA? 000. .1 Augustus Johnson, of the Good Go?*ernment clubs Council, wai present, en! .??sur?"! ine Mayor that '!?" i ri.: ? ISC was <b inaliditi by th?? ?.p].? gen erall) as well a the Boat I of E It ? ?Mon "l woul?! lik? io knoa something of your cre? dentials Mr Johnson, permitting you t-t speak for the peopl I believe you are Ihe gentleman who -ii l thai ih? , hlldren had lo centi nd with Ihe rat foi possession of some of the school ! ' 'That Is true," answered Mr .lohn?, ?. "and 1 ha?'e good autl ?rity for the statement. My au? tboi ty Is Jai ?b A tills." The Mayor thought ihe Commissioners better an ihorliy then Mr Rifi The appropriation for the Normal College waa in . ' ,.. d from tvj?''.""1! ' ? t?-?"."" The Commisi.ere oi Accounts receive l 132.500, ?? Ihn )i.| la--: The sum of 12.000 was appropriated for Recorder el? ? Oof! l-.'- ? for hli lalarv as ? membei of ?be ] Sinking Fund Commlailon and ihe same amount a? a m pi.t of th? Board nf Revision and Correction ol ?ssessmenti ? m ng '? Ihe Indisposition if Register Levy, the appi ??? l? ? -'.? f. ? his nflli ?? war pot tpone ? ??? In? ida? Thee? appropriations were also : Foi' fee?, ttt.oon; Board of Estimate, li ih 'tor. ind - ileri of s'elght? and m? isures. I 15,400; Examining Board of Plumbers, 11.020; refund Ing 'in? ??? ?l ana chart land ? ! foi taxi ? and e.ments, 15,000; for Dr Charl??s ? Doremus ?:?... ., m cxneri In Ihe Meyer poisoning ease ?.'?". The boa ? I adjourn? ! until ? ? morr ?w. POI l< EMEU VOI /" ?? "?IE \ l'Ili I/?.?,.' Mi: ?? UNES ISS! ?. ?? ORBI R THA? G?? \ G?? CAHFAR1 ?PTER JANCAR1 ? ??> G?? ?? III ? ??????. ???|.'? -.??'.?? ? ? : ? - ? ? ord? to ihe ???!?? ?? ?.?:? ?? j est? rdaj .-'? ti..n '. nf Article Kill of the m a .dilution ? . State .?? Sea ? ?? k ll r ereb) prom ilgat? ?! r..r the it:'.?. !? itlon and guldam ?? of ih? ?? ? io wit s? tlon ' So ;-???? .-Hi? ? : o? ? ? rson ed or ?? ? oint? ? ??? .? ? ubi offl? ??. und? ? ihe la ?- ?.' this Stat? shall dire 11) ih Indire? il .? I ,, ? receive ?? consent ?" rei ?? ? ? ?, us,? ?.? benefit, ?? for th?? uae ?? benefit of another, eny free pase, free transportation privilegi ?? dis rlmlnai on li iflegraph or telephone rates, from any pel corporali >n, or ":ak? us? ol ihe -ame himself or In conjunction with another \ person who violates urn provision ??' Ihls se lion shall ???? deemi 1 frulli ? ,.? a n !? ? : - .'.all fOI fell bis if, ., ??,, ? ..? tri? ?Morn? j General \nj ? ?? ... ,.?!',? ??!?. m ..s??? thereol s-ho ???.?? ofTt ? ,,r prom I ? lo ? : ubili offl' er, or pei >i elected ?? ? ?. I to a pul ?* ? ai ?? ? privilegi ?? ? ? ., misi? m? anoi and llabb lo ? I? imeni ? ? ? ; ? ! No pei ?on '?? offl pora t loi ? ?> free I . : .1 |.\ , ?,,?.ibi:? . he pi ? ? ? from t? sili) ? ? minai prose union Ih? refi ? '.' ? ? shall l ime." I oli? e foi ? lYtcei ? . ? ? ? .?...? I . ? !... ? Uree t|y. nd. accept. 1 receive , ? ? for the us? nt o' Ihei . . til it Ion In ? isi ? ? . .?? from an; ? ,?? ?on ?>? riti inothei s of a miademi ? forfelis I " mil ?.. ?ttoi ?.? ?? ' '.? ' Ali memi ? f th? poli ei ? er? ? ' ? r?gulai rat? . . ? ? ? , ? ? . trier public < on ? ? .? ? Bhlch trai . ? ..Il privilegi .! ateamboai timpani?? ? ? 11 ? - ' '? ? |.Jl to un III!?, t - Ih? al ? imsts . ?. d You ? ' ? ? ? ? ? ? 1er I mand at each pi? da ? pi loi ' ? Janu ir; , ?ill have t free pa ? ? ? fare || ? ? . ? . , il perl ? !:???! riding m. w o.iid ? oui ?,::?? . a A Ml) l'I loi: ?? i: ... ?? MEN TO SPEMI ?TIKI MAS . Ml Dec. 24 ' the Am.?. . gill ha?e I ? ? ... ? ? ? . . A ? u, and ?? 1 ili?.?? w u at? thti moi ? . ? . . . 1 \t the ?? que?i ? I d? fendant?? . oum -. he ? ? rdel > as to make 1 It :, . - ? llmU all'. ? '? ! if COI H t ? ?. ? ? ? ? . ? :,' ? ? -??? : ? begin on lai in ? le? s mia ??'?? when the ?; ?vei ? - .hall ?'? ? ? ? expli ? I I ?? ?? , l thl test to fa Itale tin? ?? ?ai pro ??? ? Ing* which will n?? Institut? ? lu fi?? ti:?? men II lied un all ild? lhal ? ? hab? ? t????? lim iTect of freeing Ihe men m th? Santa Ke case, a? the e uri u.?, had irti II tlon ihere, ? ? the cases were separat? ? ? ? ? ? ? alt r th llrectors an t il m ?? ttii ? ih? ?? I? r.u out of jail lu the ?; ? ernmei ? ? thl means thai all of thera will have ttt serve twice bi i???!*: ai under the ?? .final m lei ', .?: the Court, win? h nade Ihe iwn sentences begin ..:, 1 .?:.>! a! ! le -a'l.t-,?? In extending the lime Judge Wood? said I have no dialre io see the?? men ?;??:.! theli Christina? In Uni In Ii t. ll wa? In m\ mind : t .\ . ?,.| the ??? ??! aentenr? vo.untaril ,: counsel had no . , . te I ii ? lain V?alker iaked that ihe pi loner? be made : , give ball but Judgi Woodi allow.? ? ? hem t?, go Ir ov. ?. re ogntsan? ? l'i? ? Pre? di nl Howard ? wn Pol present In cauri President l?ebs took . cheerful vlea of the probability of spending di ?. nth .?. . ? "It l? foi ihe good of the ?ause," he tald; "If ..?? ar? t? be kept from expressing mi opinion? ????!? ? strike ii soins ?'?? and proba blj ?. convicted ?>: inutili if som.-?.11?. I? killed durine Ihe -??ik?? in . ed b) ua, w. want to kn...\ it, even it we have t. pend fiv? ? ?? In lall ?? ?? ? ?? ?. ?? " //// h"'. DID ? "/' /7 ?? ?> ?.\ ? ? /? Ian ? w ??, refused to gli ? h .1 ffei in Ilei ?? ?? ? ?. . :? ? He we ?t t ? ? ???.? ?hi Sun t ? ifteriiooii al Sixth ?\? . and Thli tleth t by Polli ? man I. m of th Weai Thii tleth si n '?'? a bull pun When I/ogan a anted lo ait. ? ? . ? ?t..r would noi allo? lt. Il?- sto ?1 ov< ? hli m ? ? 1er, who was > eeplng quietly m thi suiter, and ? ? ? he polte? man to pul b- ?, in I rill inm. Then l,ogan w .k? up C.illln and tot?! him to tell ii?? dog ? ? tot him be an sied C illln . a ho wa . in a mi I Ion, as,i ? ?. and I. ?gn ? took p and ia pup ? ? lh< Weal ThliBeth ? ti ?.? ober pup waa locked up with bla drunken ? ? l n to it ? yesterds] p ? ? hi p Colili a is ? bel ira .1 lesti? ? H? gan, I le flog ri wllh him. "W ? '. ; it. what hav? you gol lo ih) fui -??If'.'" aaked the lustlce. "Talk lo him, pup," said Collins, In ? wh pei The ?log al once lumped up on Ihe bridgi and, with ? low a nine, gal up m a Im gging altitu la "Are are sorry?" continued Ihe dog's mi ? Tn.? pup whined loudei ind mon forlornly than before He looked ai II he would er) In anoth?i minute. "Well, voune man" said Juatlce lions., "I'll lei \ou g ' thi- lime, en account of your dog." "T ?auk the ludgi. ft ill)," a d ? 'olllna The dog Hood up on his hind legs, gave one short ? ?) rul yelp ol delight and bounded out of the.n room I??, : !? hli masi. ; COSTBACT? FOB tilt VB?STISO. The Hoard of City Record met in the Mayor* yesterds) and awarded contracta for Ihe printing and lithographing foi the etti departmenta Tin? total amount of contracts swarded wat- im. BIM The tirm ..f Martin ? Brown received ihe Bon's ?hare, amounting to ?tXeMM for printing ani ??1?)3? for lithographing Other firms ihai received contracta for printing for small amounts orare Hiepher Or ignn. Metropolitan Job Printing Com? CROWNED WITH COLD Q MEDALS, INCLUDING CHICAGO, 1893, Kronthal Tin: nr.sT of AM. IMPOBTBB TABLES WATKRS. Sold li.v nil ?.???t?? llrnaal???. und Wine ll?-alera. pany, Jordan Stationer) Company and John F. Hahn ? ?a. ? THE conns. THE APPLICATION DBNIBD DgFI'TI i.iSTi[.ii,i.Ki: BTORRH NOT TO St'BMiT t,? \\ EXAMINATION IN THE ILLKOI ? issi ?: or '" ?'?.?'?? ?: ???G?? Judge Andrews In Ihe Supreme Court, yesterday denied Ihe application made ???. \ B'lllis Light bourne ani Jepson O'Rourke fer an order ??' I . rteput) Controller Richard ? Sterra f" aubmlt to .m examination m regard to m alleged ?- ??? ol $;?,...,.., of duplicati bonds The decision ol < \n it. i\ m full Is .1- follow - ?"??,, aflldsvlti no? iubmlKe.1 .1? ? ?* obi ate tl?" nblecttoni to th-? firmer affldavlta, wl '?'? pointed mil bj Mr. Just lei Patterson when ? similar appi!? atlon ? 1 m idi lo him Evi . ? Ion In the i" tltlon 1 till m 1 I? up ?" Ini ?rm ill n m inn that thi i"?'?' "??? ra si He Ihsl Muli? ? Informati m an < the g? mi belief are atalements made to Ik-em by \ W : 1 Mghibourne and Jenson O'Rourke, m.-l Ike ail flavi! h) thi ? g< lier? H presenled. In which Kiev state thai lb 1 kn * lhal Ihe it .'? t. t ? 1. ? I In the 1 ? till ? .?. f.,,. ?..???? if Ih? ?.???.-? g? nil? m? f ii ? rever, tal 1 tar; fa a hlch '??'. is io show 1 he ii 1 ? an) know ?? la? , the sul?)? t. ind th" -.? a isei tlona "f .... ? neu thai hey know the ? 1 ,??? ? ? line 1 in th. ? t.?? m ..t?? irui ai ? . lusilf) me In making tMs ? r askel ,? ? i',| il the (?ontroll? ? Mil- office for many \ ,? ,r an 1 whos? ...???' foi h iest? ai ? il administration ol Ihe duties of le? office I, .?.. 10 far a I an Ini ?rm? 1 nevei 1. 1 atta *? 1 ? ' pei THINKS SHE niNl.H WITH SPIRITS \ . . ,\i\i; . ;. ??. \, ,?? ?;? KI? ' KXAMINE INTO .Mr KANIT1 ' '!' ? W 1: U.TIIY. SIMNSTEB u llllam Bm han made an appll? atlon In il??? Com moi Fleas, Chambers, yesterda) for the appointment ,.? , . ommlsston 1.|Ulre Into tl ? , u 1 Marth 1 Bu han, 1 i| hst? r, f??n ol ! .? '. II ? ?Ith him ..t N" IB H ? it * ven ty? re I ? ho, ' I , ; p||i 1 ' all. f. ? tl ? tl 1 ha? i? en In in< foi ovi ten ?.? .1- ihsl she foi ? llvi 1 In ' ?range ? ? . wh? re she amuw 1 herself ? ? ? iys, Ihsl ? 11 snd I sel foi .... ? . I , is the onllnually talking ?.. 'le el i-1 ihmai ?...??, ?he a ?? In th. Bloomlm im fem Mar. 1 unni ? .?... .? ?- ? 1 ? - '? . Ills? hoff appointed Charlea ? Morgan, bert l."."\r.? as the ? - \ mm, ? , ir ? HE BENEFIT 1 ?F MRS AST. iR ? THE RUFEREI ? >N THE It!:? ? ?RT OF ? \ \l ? s ,. ? : . ? . 1.s CONFIRME!? luatlce 1. .?* ? ? ? ? the S| 1! '?'? rm ol of the ref ;. 1 g upon the a ounts j ?. ..... ? l . f , ! h ? 1 ? ? p Istor. to < V'tliiam ?. ?? tor gavi 1 ? , \ -? , \ -. ind ali 1 1?? prop ? property In Thirt) 1 sot ? . ??? 1 that f ? ? I be devoted t ? . fu Id >;?> ? .. ? ? '. ? , ? . ? ? , ?. : ? ? ?\. ? ? Sudi F 8. ? u ..??.' ? ? il? of the ini ? ? rust ? ? , ?? f Ihi fund ?t la to |S . r the b> ? ?? of ( ? . ? ? ? ? 1 . . ? , \ ? It ? 1 .?.?.' ; ; ' HI IS lit'K HIM IE 1 LIFE INSI'ltANi ? ''' 'Ml' VM 1 ?. . ?me Court y< 1 fore Judge \ tiilr* ? -? motion a .1 ? mad ' ? ti ami a |ur) .n thi ill bi lught b) ? ?,? ? 1 Fund Life Insili ini e The plaintiff .. that thei ? ont t.i t \? h : he ? !? f? 1. In.? |l ?1,1 11, ani he lie- ? e I '? e that amount ? I.?? 1 Ialiti.' ? ?.?... f. ? ? attorni I let man \.ii on, ail? ? ? . ' ? hi en ti 1 ???! Into an agreement mili the compan) la open up ifcelr bualness in England, and thai he sai to receive .m mil Ion on ..ll bualness thai was done in 1,1?. terrltnr) foi .1 period ??? ten vears after he t?i,,k iharge. The answei admits the contract, and puts the t.-inis ol th.? tract in Issu? ?? IVIIIIken, for the defendant. alleged that Mur.? cannot ???? su accounting until ike iiiicstlon ?,' feel were determined, and lhal Mer.? being no written contract. ..I the tesili.,\ would be oral ? h? ?... fa, ts would hi?.?? t.. be decided first ludge Andres - reserved de? i?ion. ? 1 ut hut h ni r 11:1 Ml VI um ? 1 // Thi Sinking Fund Commission met yesterda) In lh< Mayoi ?'f :? ? ' ? ..n of ti .? I-,. k Board, .i-k?? ? for lh< amount fixed l.\ law, ?,???,???, foi thi mal '?f u;.r th" i'? ?. ?'? ? irtmeni for the coming > ??..! ?'nu il lei Fitch s.u.? thai .. < there w.s .1 larg? m .?\|.? tei.?,? ?.p.u.n hand the department could ?,?.? gave the ?:.???>.""?? until Man ?> ? n? okl mallei ni the t illun ..1 the North and ? ? ? l'i ? Hi reel Cai llalli >ad Campan) t,. |iay the prope? 1. IS?? of il '? ? ? Ipta tie ? , .un?? Up li ?,.????? Kell.iKS, th. iwner, appi m I, und asked lhal the road ??? absolved from paying Us back percentagi .. ll ? .1 ilveni Mr Kellogg said he thought ti.,? 1. id might 1. ??! 1 1 . mattet waa referred In ' 'ontroll. 1 Flu h, and the boat i adjourned 1 1 t / 1 1 /;/ / n "/./, I ">.' Iff/PP/Vfl if, v. The volume foi IBG ol 1 hi ?:? ?? 1 of A.ricen .ml Foreign Shipping." which is the twenty-seventh annusi Issili ol this valuable resistei and classifica? tion ?.! shipping, Is no? being delivered to subscrlb? ? 1 ? "The ?:? e I" contains full reports and par? ra of ..?.1 ly??! vessels ol .ill classas and nsllonalttl? -, rules foi the construction snd classati? catlon of Iron, steel and e.len v?asela; rules for Ihe construction .??>1 survey of stcun miichlnetv snd bollera foi vessels; provisions t<>r Ike Installa? ti"ii ol eie irle lighting ind power apparatus on hlphoard, and much othet valuable information of special Importance to underwriters mi.| all linns m pei una Inten led In shipping. ,\ valuable fea! . of Ihe Lek 1- found in Ita complete lisi ,.f ?htp I m IM?? 1 -, dryd ? ka marine 1 ill ways, etc , throughout the 1 nit.? 1 Sim.-? lis rulei f,,r the eonstructloii ol Iron .m 1 steel vessel? are Indorsed b) the I'nlti I ISav) I'ipartment. The work Is approved and li?dorse?i b) ihe importani Boards of I'nderwrltera tu the I'nlted Stati ind ?? 1 epti 1 bj fu? p h inta snd underwriters throughout Ihe world ss s stand ;" I 1? ?*tsti ? .n. 1 els ? Iti ail.I shipping The pub II U ? p nrrlc? Ii No :; will am -1 VOXBT FOR THE BORtlTAL*. A w Klngman, treasurei Hrygooda Auxiliary Hoapltal Be turda) and Sunday ?asoclatlon, reporta iddltlonal 1 illections a foil 1? Prevtousli acknowledged. B,s7f; George 11 livid James \ Hearn ? Son, Dunham, Buckley .?c Co and Henri V Rothschild ft Co., each, n??; Hin.-k A fluid, H.nii Sampson, I M. Valentin?? A Co uni Sweetser, Pembrook ? Co., esch, BO; Oeorge F Siede, Whiiin * Collins, Bacon A Co., Townsend ? Montani and George f Knight, ea.-h. $2.".. in? total to d-'ite, December 24, is ll,*?? LITTLE ONE? HAD ? FEAST. TWO ??? DINNER? Fi ?I! ITALIAN ?lili. DREN in THE "BEND." Tt'RKEY v\r. rtXIMOS fll EN BI MR? ?B OR PHBLBS STOKES BRIKO ??? TO BBARLt 4<.> i. itti, ?: 'ill! DRRB '" THE ? ? mi; Som? of th? requisites for guests St 'he big din ner? whl. h ? re given ill though th? winter In New Vork at? dreaa suits and immaculate shirt fr.mis There ?rere two Mg it?.? given yest?i da?, one it I in o'clock p to arid the othei al 7"'? O'clock ? m. and the aim'?? ion to Com wa-? 'bun hands and farsa mil a little "I ticket Th?? two dinners wer?? noi ???\?? al Delmot either but down in Mulherivst Bi lb? Italian reading room, will In a aton? ? thro? "f the DACGHTKIW "F ITALY ???|iims and the guest rei Iren. Iillle and hi*, ? ? ? Idren. to wl ,? ? whoa? hornee ars In ih? gloomy. Ilrt) ten? m.Mit iioi-. ? si ?? m the ? !> ? ' perl of ih? at chili ture ..f Multa ? ? The two fee ta were given b) Mr v ?? i'h? ii ? : fu r ?? ?? ?? Ity waa ai pr? lated '??? n? ?ili HO little ? hli In p of tl ? pool an ? b| the parents of the little un??? a? well, wI e mee not torga enough to permit elebratlon of "Merr) ''hi ti The chlldn n, a ? ? ? the ?a. re ? toan and hi ind ai ras- ? in their beat sere a ta? Hum . row I. bur ol.. lien I an I respectful to tk Antonio Arrtgl pastor of th? Italian church. No 151 Worth-st., wh?. had th?? f. ?-? m charge The te" in til?? after!.? w-t.? children betweei tl,.? ggl ,.f ::\?- u ! ????. ?? In Ihe evening th?? limit ?.?. ?- ? ' sa at, ? dam ?a Italy, ranging In a*.? from ten to - \. ar-. W?re H? Bted V enjo) tl.-m ? \\. ;i. t it ? At 4:30 o'clock Mr. A of the bouse opened, bi . ? f them, the ver) ? half scared to Jeatl rhey did not remain I e ,,f mind ;??! ? '! hree Ms ' ibk - w r ? piai ed in th" G" mi ?!' III? irr?.'!! it!?. ? ny up ? ? bad ali been ? ? ?.? ? llnlag-rootn ? >?; ti., tables wei ?? with ah ? . ???;. flags hung from the walls which were draped with evergreens, and nearly I , fron I ?: ?? righi ? Sur. lay? adlo il wen ; ? .? Ih? iwarth) ? ? ? k ey? ? ' Isti if? n. Mr. Arrti grace, and 147 pair? of little bl wn hit?. Is w?:? IBped, at. I ? AJ? ?. ' . fr ?s . V.r*-?<>W p. F? - V ' Rr " ?' Ti ??.- ? ?F !i ?LIAN CHILDREN la '..? ?? ?. head? wen bowed Then li: little '?? ? ????? ? ni lithe w. ??? op, ;., .?. ? m foi gestro nomlc tin?! noi conversati nal purposes, And all ???nt (down) .Mil i'h. bill .if fare consisted of turkey, vegetables, breed and butter in scempigli In? vtia . .? ? lantll ? ream and great piece? Ol '.ike Solili .,1 the . ll I,. 11 .?!! We!?? so SlU.llI that head? did ?.ach lu the top ol the tabi* ?., they were accommodated with hlgn chaira. How ihe) ever manged to eat all th??) did la s mysterj bul the) ' licked the platters clean" as did " la k" Spratt and Mrs, Sprat? \t ?? ?? clock the lini? une? were sent to their home? and sa the "happ) little Uvera In the ii.ti.? " left ti.? bouse, each one gol a inK orange uni half a pound >?G cand) The "dining-rooms" u,r?? open.?! again .n '. k) o'clock, and the ol 1er children iia I their turn, and how they did ?ills If it wn? nearly 10 o'clock liefore the li?? orange and box of candy had l.? given to the happy children in mani ? grimy, dirt) room in th? Italian quarter there slep? last night little ones, clasping In their hand? tin? oranges and packages of candy trifles io be sur?? but enough to mak?? to-day one of hap? piness for the little .mes. An! this is wbat the "walfe" ate yeaterday: One hundred loavee of bread, 210 pounds of turke) luo pies 50 big ducheaa cakes, ?a quarts of ice cream ? haiieis ni orang?e and 200 pound?? ol candy it.DEBBAS VOBSBUV* IIYW RCBIBD. ?Merman Cornelius l'ami was inni? ? yestenla) th.? Bervlces belni held In st I'etcr'? Roman Cath? olic Church, In Barcia) al Hall sn hour bel. the funeral the Roani of ?Mermen mei m ti?..? City Hall and passed resolutions of rondolence, which wit??? offered b) Alderman ?, ? Brown and seconded by President McClellan In a brief ap?.b of eulog) The ?Mermen appointe?] to ? ike charge of the funeral arrangements of the board were Mesara Brown, Noonan, Oakley, Murphy, Tall, Wund and Muh The members of the board and ?uff accompanied the body from Ihe dead mans home, No '? Bowling Green, In carriages Carriages were also furnished for the pallbearers, and four ilo/.eti pairs of gloves and mourning badges, ordere,! ??> Ihe committee, were i-su,,i to the Aldermen, pallbearers and officials The lulls ST. VITUS' DANCE. ?Ill?: V'l'I.IA "?' ? M ' I IT! T.?; Mir????, tHiRsrnr ci-rrh ? v v Ba) POI ? en \ si. IAMI BAIl ? ? ? ? m M.I 1 TRBATBD TMI iii'im ??.. rfiagars PaM I Tkere gre, p. rkape noi atan) a lera of ?Ma paper who have m Vliua' Ian ? wt,, hi?.? ? ? ? e IR) as? s .,f || Il ?, ... , (o th akf who may ?? Ine? reati in, ? ?n^ ? ' Hi' ph) slclans ?.f ? his . mint) w. , j ? ? tknd r treat meni ?f ?.,. th. t Investlgallofi .,f ihe , ,?. ?,. ? . ? The patii ? wa Mabel ?? 1.1?., ?,. , ighi ,. ol ? ? inclite, ..e the ? ? ' " - ,,|,. ave . thi? ? iwn The | was ,,. li -?. rould p ? ?? ??;? ???.?? ? ,,? ??? 1?? ? ? mis n all ? il la, Iritis ?,.n. mil assistance Threi ,f .,,? n. ai? ? her and gavi ? ? ??. ?. - a?. (,.. Min [Kiret) finally ?aw h . ? ? . ,.,^' nei ve building preparati ?. ? all? ? ? ?? WH Fink Pills, snd sin- tells tk? ? , n w irds it ama ? ?l long kef ninni ? < rr? ci, it, le?? ih in three moni tun? ? betti r thai tke dn id dli ? ? ? ila ?4 "?. tir? ly dia ippear ?. snd ihe pilli ?? r tlnued In a !? w months, however, slie ?? ? ?, thai the -? mpi imi liad ? ? Il I fi'ini In r system, s ? I ha I hei .. n?? ? ? ??.? im . f Un Fmk Pill? ? ? ,,p Miai all traces "i ? In aw fui 11 ? ? It ,\ ? '.. ?v,*pt ? ?.?? fot She goes to sci not Ike slightest si In leaving l ?r w , ? ,,k Fills ?? ?., lia \ ? a? ? impllsked n h , ? ? , and I an >nly too glad t ? ? ? ? mlrgi ni?? la t'r Williams' Pina Pilla n?? nta n??? eaaary to give new III ??. ?In hli d S?d I I ira foi ? ! ill gglstt ? ?. from ? ? VVIIIIan Medici tad) ? Y ' ??' " ?- ' ?? > ' ? ? ? WONT WE, IMO? BEFORE ? ???? STOCK. ???? ?? ?in?* U*>. .1 So gat, ni |o IH. ai J?, ?Viaearri ? ?. -? ? ? : ta ? ?? ? ? ?ng < ar'l "' i? ???.?? li - Live " ihf Biibj! dui ha il and sea ? the pre SIDEBOARDS The first coltimi I \. ( ?l I: - I Ii iqueni ?? I ? mp re?, lelli furniture, hu? ? prit ?s w ni draw atore buyi rs and g'ioils ili.n, anything ? Cuti in, I Irgperies, Rugs, C?rpete, < m this pri< '? ? utting : BAIMANN BROTHERS, 22, 24. 26 East 14th St.. N.iir I n Inn SajSaSSW, Il M l'?HK. \ ; \ I FRUITS, NUTS. AND GROCERIES FOR THE HOLIDAYS, ALL NEW AND OF THE BEST QUMJTV. 1>?p?. ?a and ' ?ran??- I? ? ? ;> I?? , . ? ? ? ? . ?. (ALLANAN ? KEMP. ?? ii '. - i ?r ll ??'..? ine next ting >?? the Bos The pallbearers *?'? ? ? O.r.iel ?. In,?: Ml< hael K? nt edy. 1 Un : 1 ? Moon? \ . Aldi Beh ? \ Aldi ? man Thorns latti -m -' Thr ? bun b w:?s crowd"! aiti ' , the . h'ir, h. coi Pathera Briody, M>?ian and K"li ?? \ ??, ? ?I musical irea-ramme ara Bsaast. ? ? 11.?-r?? were present ill? hat I ? \l?\or ? ? .?. ex-C lunty ' '.? ? k Patri, k in i Ka ;-?? ' Om m lesion? r ? , ? sj ? latin s ? ? Mrl.-n ,? ? Ommls ? nan, Surrogate Frani ??,*. .u ? and Mr. Flyt 'i-a ol ! \ olunteei Fire Depa I - in . 'ali ary, ?- . f. _ PEMSi ? 1 I Eh I.) POI I? I Ml V. g NI miti: OF RESPE? m U ITHOLT ?? BID. I In law? fil .ipal. ma b) s officiala of tins el y has Max Sent I ? >. ? , Alien--? S. '.,' .. ? ? ? ??? s. r irta) night a Frai .? ttahn Foster and ta /..-??? lo tbes, en ten ? ; at ??? 3?3 Broom? il ? 1.n m.? !.? b) a B im .:? I litt) while pia) Ing u e pis , ila , Itisene m the salo? ? in I, a Ith :* : the) ? ?-r.? ? men. F M.ii ictiiiiiix. a?k? i what ? ? - : . irew thi mone) from ? lb ? mi n gre ??? ? from hli bai ? ? :1 .?. p ? get ?:??? ; ? ?;?' lelof ? ( Us tti?? three ell lav na sere tin a taken station. " it the itatloi ? ? , , , m dut) ?\ ? ? ? compUtlnani in : The only repl) he ? it wai I b) Policeman Poster fr >m th? - ?'? ? was evi lei a ? aig ? ?Harris) running, ??n Bunds) prisoners were taken before Ijssei M.nket ? ill? ?? ? ?., n ? rhey w< discharged and Policeman Poster ?.? Ike court to give back tke M cent? e'l ?1 taken freni the cltlsen Senftman declared that all the mi reati I were respectable citisene, ..:.'. ?* neighborhood leclared the arrests ? man iiis.> said the arrests were ? ?? ? ' a capi lin M irtln Engel, of the KM and it waa believed thai the? wen of a consplrac) to get square with Ha -?? '"? worked for the success of the Reform tl ket recent election He la a member ? J. ,, hi ,.? ?,?*oo ul in A lUSSIU FQ* RECORDER fMTTH A dinner will be given for Recorder Siii>f;i b) the ,.pi? win. have bad official relations with him in ih? criminal courta Tke affair will * ai th.? Waldorf, and will be private In Ita H* ,?,?,?? ? h.? dinner ?ill be given on Th lay eves? in?; next. rVSBRAL OP ABERMAX MARIIS. Tke funeral ol Skerman Martin, son of Bradi*? Martin, wko died suddenl) on Friday evening. issB place yesterday morning .?t Qra< e rinn? It Tin Rev. i ?r, Huntington ofBctat? d. Tke ch ilr ? ..?' ?gee" snd "When Our Heads Are Bow? ? attth w,,.?. The body was taken to Or nwood i>*sa> tery, and ?'as placed In the tamil) vault ol lee*? Slid man. r>< ? ?? .?*. ?Bv* fr I Delicious Food, crisp pastry, delicate cal:e, good di? gestion, all come with the use of Cottolene, and it saves mon e ? as well. Its wonderful success has brought numerous imitations. Genuine has trade mark?steer's head in cotton-plant wreath?take no other. Made only by The ?. K. Fairbank Company, t'tllCAOO, and Produce Kichange, Nevr York. ? r Ifc) ^?lfJ.s*?;,.^