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SOCIETY PLAYS. \VH<? IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MODERN S ii'lMTV PLAT MANAGER, AUTHOR, PUBLIC THE TRUE DRAMATIC SOURCE OF THK PLAYS NOW IN" VOGUE ??? bumming: UP AGAINST THEM. I.o'i'l n. ? >,? mber 1?, Th??? controversy o?'er the Modern Boelety Clay continues in the columns "f "Th?? Times," not ?ritbout asperity. M; Tree, h ?wever, who seen i .c first Inclined to resent the rather sweeping criticism on "John a" Dreams," has ree v.r?.I his usual serenity of mind and i.- "pre? pared ? ? admit" thai th.? propriety of producing such playa ? ?: the stage may fairly be dis? uased. He even grants that "the Woman With a pas!" miy have been Been to ? frequently upon the stage ' I be? He pies la however, that, if she has, the fault lie> with th<? public. "It is th" ep ich, ei t ?he actor or the author, that is ar? raigned." T h it is not a new point. It is. within ? tret limits, ? ?;?,,(1 defen ???. .Mr. Tree mast rthelera be aware that the mansger ami th" public divi'!? th?? responsibility between them. 1 leave th?? author out of view for the present. The attack Is on the manager, not on the author; on Mr. Tree rather than on Mr. Ha.1.lai Cham? r Mr. Pinero Hut 1? t us k??? p the limitations in mind, for the) do exist. The manager's responsibility la primary. He seeks sometimes to creati as well a? | ? gratify a public tan.? Take the case of th?? so-called Living Pictures al the Musi,? Halls. The public did not demand them. The managers provided them, ami it Is an open Question how far they divined and how far they provoked the appetite for this kind .?f thing. So with "The Second Mis. Tanqneray" ami her successors; am "K Which, at a considerable distane.?, is "Jor.ii a' Dreams." No organ of public opinion clamored for th? appearance <?f l'aula. There is nothing particularly new about her. she is not an invention: she is an Importation. She trod Ihe French stag.? long before she crossed the Channel and mad?? her curtsey to an audience of British Philistines and Hrltish .Mrs. Grundya nt the St. James's Theatre, Bhe is ihe offspring of Augter an ? "f Dumas the younger. Mr. Pinero is niy her godfather. But I suppose it occurred one day to this ?ii,? <-? *-??;', playwright that human nature ii eiiher - .. f the Stratta of Dover Is, ?after all, much the Fame, and that if the fallen woman had so long borne sway in ihe French theatre there was no clear resson why sin? might no; ?.??. up her throne in the British capital ais p?? s. t himself t.? sec mpUsh thai bit "f carpentering ind euc ? ? !. No doubl be r? ti? :??? ii*?? tiia*. beneath the decent disguise of a foreign tongue, she bad already given expression to many sin prising sentiments in this wm.? respectsble metropolis, and tha: th?? respectable public, so fa?? from re? senting her intrusion or bissinir her off th?? stage, h,nl taken some Interest In her proceedings -if. i given h>r a sort 'f welcome. At the same time, th?? respectable public seemed content that Bhe should remain French. F r an English Clorlnde or an Kngllsh Marguerite there was no demand the supply created it: reversing, perhaps, th?? Isw "f political economy, but obeying the law of human nature. "I bold," says Mr. Tree, "that au Immoral play is one which deals In a spirit of fllppan J with those pass) na whl ?.: the ver) 'entrai fact .f life." Judged by that test, "The k* Mrs. Tanqneray" H .m Immoral play, at on* plain reason. Th?? whole pia) mums on the resolve of Aubrey Tanqueray to many Paula, and for tha; resolve no convlt ng ? adequate or even plausible reason is given. ? wanted io give her a than ???." says Aubiey. it i- pitiable in its Blnsslnesa, Hut what, dramatically speaking, is a spirit "f flippancy IfaJI be not t ? assign a llippant motive for the very central fact of the piece, the fact or act upon which th- Whole ac? tion turns? Th-refore. It is, among other reasons, that "The Second Mrs. Tanfjueray" is immoral. The public is invited to look on at a tremendous so:lai experiment, and the very basis of it crum? bles before their ey? s. If that be a work of true art, what. then, is a work of false art? If that be moral, what can be Immoral? The Immorality of a lie exc. .? Is all There is another limitation upon th?? resp nsl btUty "f the public Th?? Land ,n public is. In a measure, an untrained public. It judges a play t ? oft-n, not by certain Lxed laws .>: prim .;?.? J of dramatic art. which at?? Immutable, but by th- sttccess "f its appeal to prejudice or capri ?? er by the soceess with which it steers clear of prejudice, it judges Impulsively It requires to be Interested; sometimes p only aska tt be de? si ved The playwright may play almost any trick, if he be not dull, If h" have a story t ? t??':. If h<? can appeal t ? certain sympathies which lie en 'he surface; s unetlmea e?'< ? ?? !;?? and the sta<. carpenter enter ire. partnership; Motes o be be th?? fash: ?n; I I the ?. t r or th?? actress be th?? fashion. How are you g";ng t ? held su? a an a ud?? nee as that primarily responsible I r a ? amati' Im morality? Ton musi not be too gross, itef e 'riditi?'!! "f success Vet, when things have ? 'Mie to a tei'aii: point, yi . ma) even be ,. arttnesa Th? Masquerade?." ? public which a ? ??|.:?-? and applauded thai play has I le ! no small part of its claim to a el :. . a u;? n Immorality. The profllgac) of ? is open .?;, ? shameless, whether >uu treat it a- s ? .? ilion of morals or a ?????*??'?? '?' art. 1: lias neither th-? ?.?!.?? ? r the other. Th.- Prench pub? lie i- not squeamish in mora.-, p.? ;? rly bo dslled. An author run? lit ;?? risk who lesves morals out of Hat he will be bi ?Ughi t,a stem and sudden reckoning if h?? vlolstea the stccepted canons of dramatic ar! on the Stag? The French audience knows what they tn- The Ktiglish audience ?! ea not, an ? it is be ?. .-<? they do not exist here that the public is Bet aceountable for not enforcing a strict? cen ssrship up m bad plays, its education Is yet to Cjrr.f-, N. doubt in the lung run public opinion will i' In agni to bear on pui.ii offenders I do not MSB public opinion in its cars r forms; th?? Lon? don c ?unty Council, for instan ??, t that eminent OMmcfllor known to fame?as the McDougall, or III hardly h-ss eminent Mr Parkinson, Th ?SJMIc In tn?? long run will m? ????? t .brat.? Haul Pry than they will tob rat?? the ltid'e.n y win? h he alleg-s, for th- most pan falsely, a* an ex.-use I* bis existen? The press la a more a' turate guide. "Public opinion," observes "Tue lime ." ? ; ???-??ay sum? up th?? discussion in a leader, "i? a thing difficult to gaug?? with perfect SCCU -??ir, hm ..f many partial tests w?? tin.; O?r letter b*x. on the whole, one of th?? most trustworthy." ft? writer adds: "If ws Judge by that standard, h Is evident that mo.lem society play* excite k?*n and widespread Interest, and also that th?? K*n-m? triti of opinion is unfavorable." That i? a voi ?.? likely to be list.-Med to, and Mr. Tree wall understand what i; means when h* is warn-d that be has brought his war.?*? to ? failing nark??:, it means thai the effort to tattupiant the in.i.'aiity "f th?? French ?'???? to ?he English has had no better success than the effort if Influid there has been an effort t" ?s t*M>h .n the Kngiish mind th?? accepted French sans of ?tramali" an. ? "all them French laws Of course they me not French. They nt?? uni V(Tsai Hn? t,?.y ar.? French in th?? sense that m? are p,.,).? g.-ni-raiiy accepted and applied In ?""ran?,? thai, elsewhere. The ert mad?? the Im? morality less flagrant If not less mis hiev ais. "h?ri the probi m-play, or th?? pr<>s:ltut"-play. ?Ai beheld minus th.? art which partly y,A'?" *nd parti?. embeUished ihe original, H wsa seen to be in ?s.-if a heb on? thing. Mr. Pinero to ?????? extent, and Mr. Haddon ?'haminrs t.? soma ??-?nt, ?lid ah..;?.? .? knowledge ' ?o-ns forms of afantatic ar:. Then? ?- ?lever ?'"''k '" "J"h" :1' Dreams- Thttm la a delicate handling of dl?eu!t fftaations But ?t has ended as w??? s??? An im? portant g' ction of the puWIc protests. 1 d.? not ***? that th? run of the play has come to an ? end Th?? manager commonly trento a corre? "' n ''""? of thla kind aa s ? imf; h gratuitous ad? vertlslng ?tnd rejoices in the censure as well as in r".' Injudlcloua friends; among whom ? ? Rev. Hugh ?, Chapman is entitl? it,, froni . seat. But Mr. Tree may see reason to regret the ? !'l's' "! dlecuaalon; whl h, II la true, he dl 1 not begin. fl ? may the authors wh ? "f late seemed In con? sider lhal they had only to fall In with what | ih. y believed to be a prevailing last.?, n will probahl? be some tin. i?.f,??,. \\. Henry Arthur ?' '"' - thinks t: prudenl to produce .n? 'th??, "Ma. - . queradera." or before ,1 leading manager cares t 1 I'1" i: ? ? 'h?? stage. Mi. Jones, it Is said, ia writing a play tv.,? Mi. Alexander, t.. follow Mr. Henry Jam? b*s "Guy Ounvllle" for Paul has now bei im.?? Guy. It win be curloua to si whethi r ihis discussion has Impressed upon hin, the pruden.f decency; or of attempting to i"? 'ie. nt. is a flavor "f historical accuracy m tl:-? remark that "win ? a manager desires ?" have 1 luti.? variet) in the way of a plaj : which doea not turn upon adultery, lie his to engage in a prolonged struggle with the play? wright, resentful ,,;? p,,, excision of what he I thinks Hi.? finest thing in his pi? .?. ." VY?? hav.- heard 1 great deal 1 f late about the i ennobling Influence of the .irania. ?..?- than ? uno actor and manager has lectured upon i\ Th?? stage, i?' you believe G?.?.-.? gentlemen, ?s a j pulpit, and ih. y at?.? the preachers and mitili lera "f a n. w religion. The ?,,int ho? 1. ?en press.?,! t..,, fat- Ait has notklng ??? do with p.?.! hing or with religion, lei Archdeacon Par? rar say wii.u ?,, likes; and he has prohihly written mor? nonsenso .,n thai subject in his new volume than anybody els.? ever ventured I M put into print. Ii remains true that many 11 picture Is ? better lesson than a sermon; on ????.itti..? that the artist never menni it t.> t??. And the same is true "f the play. Bo long as it. teaching Is unintentional and Indirect, it may h,? valuable. ? sen?.? ?'f duty is fatal, and s ? is seif-'.'iise!..nones??. There is where th.? pia vers :??1 playwrights have ??? 1?? Unir mis? take. T" their conviction lhal they have a mission is .in., what their present censor in the leading Journal calls th.? Inflated eatimatea '?.' th?rir position and functions In which th. y frequently In? dulge. Th.y a:.? invit.-i t?. stop posing .s tea ?? era, and atop discoursing upon the lofty aims and aspirations of their art. if th.y will relinquish this.? pretensions ani modestly regard them? selves as purveyors ??:" amusemi nt . ir tip-? ? ubile, they may then shift, as was said sbove, .1 good part "f their responsibility on th.? public Then .ils", th.? ini" me.ininn and Influence "f th'lr art is more likely t" be appi?? lated. It will ??.? art f? r art's sake; not for the sake ? f a ? rmon s I? ty must, in any < ise, accepl its share of th?? . dlum which the e ntlnued glorification of tin? prostitute has brought Upon the si :l?? . up :i foi thi .- tag?, Ba well as up ? ? ty baa don? ? spoil th? m, or - ?me ? if them. London, in its treatment f set reas? s. pi ibabl > at ,t. is aloni li world. Ir. r.? othei Eui ipean capital has an 1 in ; aran Ing-rn ma Th?? : th?- Iiff? r.?:: e l" twi en tl ?itIons ' are, '.r - ime of then to th.- Eng ictress; and not .:.:.? t ? ty. still, thi distinction to which they have attained has ? iter the notloi that tl .? H a siili.ii,:? ; . froi which to annoti \ s.?? nl views, or, ; lert ik?? I he readjustment of tie :? tweei heretofore wide apart Thi nei -? I t sea and pi ? writ? ra drop that t ? ? r for all ? oncern? d. T? rebel ag linsl ? ing conventions does ? I n? ssarlly make ? ? in a reformei pron t? lh< su ? s^ ,.f his ? - form, ? r bla owt ii? will do thai :?? st bj giving us y. ? plays .if. ? a 'inn? them well, ?J W. S A FEW CBBIBTMAA AMVBBMBBT*. The variety theatre? are ail m?kln* their astiai efforts this vve.-k to outshine themsetvei in boner of Christmas. At ?teeter a? Bkri'a last night new features of the programme were th?? first appellane? kera "f Miss Amelia Okrver, 'he reappearance f McAvoy and May, in a character ^k- t< h, and Paul fJtnquevallt, equtlibrlat and Juggler, ?ne new ?? r- The remaining features of Ike Mil were the ???? thirl -?-ries of living pictures, including "Blln I Mans Buff," after Makart; "Evening Prayei "Christmas Eve," "Paul and Prancmca," after Dor?; "Home, Sweet II en?-." "In Vtao Veritas, "Hick ?'f Ages," II in Markart'i "M ?I nil -'." "N ?Ml" an'l "Evening," and Pi? leriek Remlngl Last Stan!.'' which reprei nta of G eral ? - last battle; M and Mme Bruet-RI? Or . Prench duetttsts and Imitators; Mil? Em nia? Mlle l'?tre-, u, .? ntortlonlst; liai Tschernoffai ? ned dogs; tie? Brothera R is imputisi iti ? ? :?' , iru .? in a new - ? ? ?, . and th Brother* Porreal ?? ? Little s'? t? ne Hlghnei ?Pi peared for th.? lit?* titn? al Pro tor'i eaterdaj ? Ight? ???, ?. eara old and welgha < and ? ?.? pounds Her exhibition ol dancing and feata la performed dally at II ?? m. and ?? ? m. Then la 11 ei ? w< ? k. Including new ll\-in*? plctur? titled "The ? si i:?,i,|., r," "Watei \> mphi." "Vi Inter" and ' ??? ? etta" ; thi I s tnty-mli eretl Pi which . ? . ? ... i. . Ige and a chorus tiogei ind O'Brien. Mile. Carlini and her performing ? ?,? in?! monkey a; the ? ? us; Walt? ? l '? avi ? ind his marlom tu Hurt an : Benni It. dancln reti ? : May. In "A Pleasant Tune". Hrennan an?l '.??:?.? (laskln, tei ?r; Helen ? Kllroy, Cooper and Stewart, Klssell, Mabel Van, lin ?? md ? ' 'lai en? 1.mmodate the h, ? ? .?? s ill ??? ? it 9 a m to day, ?'??? ho .r ? ..tIlei iban usuai ?? ? ire !? - ? , less," ? pan im me II Mii?e< ? ? .. ll ? pilai li rll playe I Piei rot. mpsoi e the ? rlpilve mn ? ' Vin ? ?. ich ? un? The comp-ioy. beside. Mlle M?-rin, Includes Mlle ?? M Passar? Ilo, M IV 11.?di Morin li ??> to ine pani m me ? feature il the Musee thla week la Santa Clau Bach child who visiti ti,,? Musee thla \\??? s r? cet ve a Christmai ? resent. sili <>r A* EX O LI AB sii! uni VI AMI HARD Denver, Col., i>- '-i Judge Hallet! In tke Cnlted gtatei Court to-day dismissed the van of John i;iiti,r,<? Smith sgelasi the Maxwell Cattle <'???> pany et al Smith la a sherlfl In Kngland and the defendant company la ?? corporation In New-Mexic-o ????:,,?.- Judge Hallett dismisse?! the salt for want of jurisdiction, but wltboul prejudice. The names ol the li-iri of Rosslyn, it.?? imk. of Manchester, W. B, Strong, of N?-w York, and othen appear In the mil ? refera ? ti.?? leasing of I.R4.000 aerea of the Maxwell L?xnd ?.run The plaintiff asked foi an accounting and Ihe settlement ol a dispute ai lo a certa;? m irtaagi There are bonds In the sum of ll.rxo.OM Involvi ? OKI PRODCCTIOX OF L?ADVILLB. Leadvllle, Col., Dec. 21 The Btatementa of the gmeltera for tki year ISM show tke bullion pro 'ri.? from Deadvllle ?.r. s during IHM amounts to ? iao,074 Th?? gold output for the year Is 11.994,? ?MO. aa Increasi In gold over IM production of 1191,040. Th< tonnage ?>f thla camp for (he year is ?ggso] tona of "i>. an Increase over last ol over 22,000 tons. Tie- aggregate production <>f the l-esad ville mines, 1979 lu Ue)4. tocluslve, In gold, Bllver hi,,, lead, imounu t.. ??;??; tr?.it7 Tke number "f ?,?. ? engaged In the mining, smelting and ore I kaullng ?.usines- In ?his district is aa follows: ! -, ,. . ;? , smelter bands, KO; ore haulers. IB0. During tke last year Ike four i^udviii- ameltera thai eie rullili:.?-? ihoArkansas Valley, ? nion, hi* metallic and ?Slain?handled 290.2!? toni of ore, pnxluclng i?'?-i'. 134 The baiane? of Ihe bullion fr.'tn thla llstrl??'. wa prod ne ?? by the valley ? m? It? ? ; IRE OX .1 ci/ TO! -ton, Texas, Dec. 94 tTBAMER. Oalveston, Texas, Dec. -i Pire siarte.i in th* eargo of cotloa an board Hh ataamsklp Avons, which la lying et her whmf. ?it IMO o'clock this morning. Threi thousand balea of cotton will ? ,i,iniii-.' ?. ? total ??? ? Mil I' TO A ?? KW'TORM rill R? U. Kingston, N. V?, De?. U (Bpe? lai).- The ?:>??. ?V. ?? Anderson, psetor of ti.? new 01. James Metre. diet chur? h ?d th'" ,-ity, kai recelvi I a ? all ,. oonsTegatlon of tke Waahtagton Square Ckurch, Ke? fern, which he t- said to hav< ac? cepted. He esme bere a young man tiv?? yeara ngo and bai ?bored auoosssfully annum? h - pee si.? Innin,; his piistorate the llttl?? Old OfcUlXh edifice baa been replaced by a fine new structure. Th?? meeting of the New-York Conference win soon he b"id in t?a- handsome church, at which urn. ih.? ,;,n ,,f Mr. Anderson will probably be r..ti:>. ? by the ? r< aiding blshoi OFFICIAL PROGRAMME AX.SOUSCED. FIFTEEN ?G??????1 ISVITATBlXS i.-.'l-U. FOR THE INA t'OI'RATION CEREM? 'Ml ..* Albany, I ?, .? :i Th?. following official progremme na- Issued to la] -.,i the Inauguration ol Qov ernor elect ?.?? I ? Moi ton on January I i"'?'1 a m. Procession starts from the Executive Mansi,?, t,. the Btate Capitol. I'latoon ol polli e, 1 ?orlng's Han i Tenth Battalion, ?. a. S X. v.. ? scori to the Gov. ernoi ? !? ? ?. ' 'arri ir? i . ?,. , ? ?' Morton, ? lovei nor t le? ?. Ad Jiitant-General 11. \ McAlptn, Colonel s. ?. Marciti, military sei retary, and ih- Governor's staff IO:?o a. m Governor ? lower and staff will re? ceive ?;..\.??,?. ?,? ? ?,,,.,,., ?,,,?? .- -1., ir in ti.? Ex? ecutive < 'barn! ? r n a. m. Inauguration ceremonies m ihe Assem? bly Chamber, Secretary of sta:?? Palmer presiding. Mil I 01 i! Kan?i Cray. t. Hie Right Ibi . U". c. lu?an.'. Address, b) Governor ?????.?:. The con? stitutional oath will ib.-? he administered bj the Secretary of State to the Governor-el? t. Address, by ? ;.? nor Morton. ?.' '" ,. m Public reception a? the Executive Chamber by ????? Governor and >t ?rr until .' p, m. ? ;? m Public reception a' Ihe Executive Man Mot? nut,! ,", ? m by ilovernor and Mn Morton Secretary of State Palmer hai issued about i ?"? ?> Invitations to the exercise" in the ?ssemblj Cham bei?, which is no? being pul m readinesi for the occasion. The members' desks and chain hav< been removed, and a int.. platform has been erected, ?ditch occupies the space between the massive pillars on each side ol tn?? Srsstker's ?lesk. 'ili?? Inaugural party will enter from il?? .-s?? ikri OBITUARY. Till: BISHOP OF HEREFORD. London, lu?,?. ;? The Right Rev. .lam?- A Hay, G? I?.. Bishop "f Hereford, .? . I lb- w is born at Wakerley, Northamptonshire, m 'CIT. and wa- edUCStl I at Hranthiiin and ? irikliam ichools ani St. John'? College Cambridge Prom IM7 ?? ISS3 he was vicar of Madlngley, n< ir Cam? . . and from ??? to ISM Queen's Pi i ? r ?' lb? Chapel Royal, Whitehall. He was elected Vicar of ?.??? l- In Ml; was ippolnt? ? t'ai ?? of Rlpton iwo year? later, and In ISM became Bishop of ? refoi I ll?? married m ?,?? Kraners Turner, ? laughter it Major William Martin. ,.f the Henna! Arm) Miss PRANCES Bt SB Lor Ion, ????, ?_? Franc?s* ?? ,|. a |. Misi ulivi waa born m ?. ?niton in ,? . ?? ?,??-? thlrt) years ? . ? . r. ? . ? . - ? ? ? 'Ui led l : :: I Cam I'll Schools, W li "-? b? i ?,? ! "?". ani was pr ! ? th. ?S? Misti ; offici il places In sevei BELI CTIOXS I ROM IIII Mil!. PRESItl rKRI ?? ??'.' THERS. To ?.: ?: ' ? r ol In reply to Julia C. r1 ? he fathers of |? , ? ? ? ' Hene.-a! Ass. ? ? ...?. a* a ' "hi? t?a:. ?mi as for Ib \ ? ? ? ? ?. ? . ... kindly forbear I , ' ? . ? tie Pi ? ? ? IIEH Hronxi Hie \ V . I ARK THERE TW?) AXTH?">NY J ?I.I.AIRKS? , ' c.? !.. ?os ' mmltti ? ? ?? ???1 was t ai ! ?-.-f I promised 'to tal ? a ? hesvy real estate own? Aooiit laro yea my church, I apok .nl mentlone ? rt..? j:? peri nan ? - ? r the nanrs of tb? Ir arivi ? ?;??.? ?. v?i r? Wl ??? that h?? ??! r,',: imi, C. ?? . ? .? Hon 1 ? :? , answer?*] ??? b? wa? th.?? Anthony .1 a.u re then In t h? tha' if b?? coul I prove that he wa n queptl ?n I should b? ? t:..? chargi as publie]) a? ? ?.., ? made U > made ? I I l ? l ? ......... ... . . oth? r Anthoi y J. Vltalr? N'en York, i- .? IH MAHLS? ?N C PETERS ? ? ? A WAV TO HELP THK IH toll ihe Editor ' ? Sir : la It too la te t < ? er) house mother ? ? fore H :.?!?? r it. hut afl pleasure to il ? . . 11? p I pa eked ? a r? ? for Ih? "enement-l ?. ! ! ? , .? : ' ? ser? carel ; ?n?l darned: ' I r th? , ' ' be appr?t ?? fu ? It was aal from ' . . an ' made in :. ol ramili? . ? enabled to pu IT, li ? ? . : ?Ion? . li ver) . ? H o ir Ha?? Il i" ??: ?"l'i i-re Is thi ??? If thai ? !'!?'? :? ih more ? ? bui il:??- S. ? '. H :? .I a roRRECTH i.N ri:- ?M Mil G? 'Mis To th? H Ut? r of ? s.r In mj leitet ?? M .,? : t-met : moi nlng? Tri ? ?. ? m' I the ? t ! ? I "permanent" ? in?l ? * r?l ? rlnti I "Wllloi idopted Irj ?. 11.noi ? . Itase alloy ?il etc If w is form? ? ly pelivi " but ? hai ? ?.? for?? ih? ? um? ? ?! As tn. printer"? rnlatak? f what 1 wr< > 11 m a y I ? s ? ) ? ? ? r rec? eten. .,:. 1 oblia? ?Nrt??N ??!.LI?.- STOKES ?? .?- York, ? " -? I! a DB. /;.//>'* 1,1','iisT Tu BABTABD. i:,, mn, I " ? "t The will "f Ihe laie Rev Hr. George ? Ellis was to day filed In ihe Probateofflce It gives io the Massachusett? Historical Bociet) j!'?',.' and hli bon???. No it" Malboro-at., with Btibstantlalty all Iti content? it also gives 110,00) t., ihe American Antiquarian Bo?'let) The ?? malnder and residue ol th? ? tati li Kl reu to ihe I'tesid. lit alel fellows ol I f.? '? ? I ? College I.Ii stilili.? a fund to I.? known a ih< "Harvard Ell Piarii '' In memor) of his son, .Lain Harvard ? I an alumnus of 1*62 Tl ? proci ? d of Ihe fund are ?,, ?,. ,|. ,i by the presld? nl and fello? ? it their own tiiacretlon. savi that Ihe) ??? not use*! for the Hlvinltv s. bool or for the Theological l" partmenl of the University. f -. ?, IB EXPLODE? M ? ?*' BWA I Chicago, !" "I While ell) ewer in ???? tors were in Ihe subway al La Balle and ?dams st? ilus morning there waa a terrlfli explosion ol gas followed b) a aheet of flam? ri Im twent) feel from the around, I?. McKIsnnlg?n, of No ?': Boston ave., who caused the accident bj llghtlna ?? ? indie, had his face ..? ? hands burn? Edward Sullivan, NO A3 IvlL't' :iv> Was I'l'i.'l n'oli,allv b? Inlial ??? flames ???! had hi? ????? and handi burned; I??,,nnaii John Costello, of Haltlmore-ave South ? ??!? ago. was burned on hli face and hand? The ground was shaken violenti) and Ihe crowd of pedestrians wa* thrown Into ? tempor?r) pinte, ? /?/,?. ? ih ? /."> ; n i:i ni i ? ?/? / BSABT. Trov. ? V . I" -, ? Th? lb v. lu. .1 Ireland Tu ?.'??? e??!'!.latid Cu- evening hli fiftieth anni mi??,, b s rei ;??! ??' Hol) l'rosa Epli copal Church, of ih ? cil Thi RI ??? R< ?' Crowell ? kian??, ? ?. H . I.1..I'.. la-lei ol 'ii?? Aie.m., diocese, conducted tha ervlce? ami spoki n term "f Lit- : ? commenda tu,n ,,f in. Tucker, who Intro?.? ? ?? choral ser vices Into th? churches In Ihi? i-ountr) .? special ?. , in ol Un? musi? w is ti* rendition ??) ? it pllced ? b.?.: ol Ihe "Mugnlfl at" ano "Nun?? Him' ?, impose ? -t" ? til foi ili.? il n b) I " ?: ,? 11 ? >| ? ? ??*?. organisi of Tiinltj Church, l*Midon li'r ??. i..?. w:s hi reclpl nl ?'. many valunble liu-ludlns two sold lovlna cup? and .? hand ,m< allvei Inki I ind end ?? the bitter from lh< : '?" men of the ? ? i ?. a f.VSl ? PIITRH ? i V. Newark, ? ihl ? Dec, .'i. in J. .? Mltehi ?I was si,,.,I , sfl b II nrv 1.. Fulton, ad ? I trat ?f M BI m h? M. Fulton, I ?? litote. Ful? ton rialme ths.' ?ul hi a Ife'a death bi carrying scartel fever sertns into m* h ,n*f Hf -? I that tilf doctor did not take pi ? ? after v.jlling scarlet fever patient?. holmes and nun y s. ? TWO REPRESENTATIVES OF BRITISH LABOR HOW ???? l'in .a: in CHARACTER \ni? IN '?? im ?..-. \s SHOWN AT THE DENVBB I I .INVENTION To the i?: m r ol The Tribune Sir: I.Ike Paul and Barnabas, loan Burns, M P., ?ii ? ?-? ? ?? ? Holmi - ? entatlvei of the British Tradei ' nlon Congr? s to the American Federation Of ?.,???'G. have ,|. ;, ,? ?.? one fr "P the other John Burns hai a ne off on a tour of pyro? technic orator) with ins friend .1 William Benn, also .m M. P., while David ll lir.m remains here until the cloi ? of tin convent p Sever were two men more unllki ? ml ??? a c itnnon mlssl >n. Burn I b) nature.iRtLttor brilliant, Irasclbli and - a ?atlonal, bul vain, la king In and roRimoa-sen??, Impetuous and fond of applause David Holmes |g Just Ihe opposite. He la an englishman of 'ho pilotici, hush. John Burns's head is in the clouds, while David Holmes K> ? ps his feet firmly plantel m,.u, me earth. Holmes is modest, while Burns Is a braga, ?? ? I noticed an evident expresa!.f displeasure upon Mr. Holmes'a countenance while .lohn Burns was getting off that remarkable speech si thi ? Theatre ? ? eek ag ? In reg ird to Ami ; ? ? ? II ? . ?. ? ? pi?.? ? Si .??- ? ; ivernmi nl end Ita administration. Thla morning I aaw In one of the . ?' an Item to Ihe effect thai Burna and II . pies have ha ? a falling out; that Holmes haa re m-? ? t. .?:?? .? ,.? nn upon ihi platform with Burns.? i- disgusted with the manner In w.i?, h he La . gpri ? d him ?.;' In ? gard t , American In atltutlona and Amerio.m condltlona on ikorl ac? quaintance, Accordingly, on m; a i) : ? the conven? tion hall, ? called on Mr Holme at bla hotel ami was courteously received He setmed rather pleased at tke Ides "i being pi iced In tke pi ?per lacht l>.? fore tke American peopli In the columna <>f Tim Tribune, After a few general remarks, I Bald to him: "l have tx a rather surprised snd ?omewhat offend?*! as .t? American cltlsen at the abusive >?? pressions which Mr. Burna haa us??! In r>k'irl to some ..r "in chief cities, snd his remarks about our (?overnment, Ita ? dlcy and tie action "f tke ?p ? .lent of th?? I'nlted .-'Lites in regard to tke insure?? ? tl ?? of ?a-t Jul) " Mr. Hi tk an ? ???' wlon of deep re? gret, "Yes, I am sorry ' >r that. I do not like i: .? >t th.? prop? r thing ? > go : ?amlng ai ? in ? ind th? ? -tati ? i.p ..n ? denounce .> : I |) All talk ahmt ? ' h I - being ? pocket ? litici ?G hell that .vas very h i .if? I .?? thai ? y ? .? ?;?\ rnment?ohi" I 1 I lowly ari pi a re-r? "al t ini "I been rather In reet." ? ne I t . Mille), Mr II itlOI I ? ! r. ?? li? lil?; furtier upon t .? Mihjeet, lu: from ail I have I heard thai e ol pr >? . ? lohn Burns In thla ? Un on t Mi Burna will rotui? t ? Enel in i ? ? .'-Il .ko ?IIS ? ? ? ' .1 i f ? ? ? nt ol conven present ??? ?!. ! ',; espi ' the Am? the ????| of Denver, ? ?? m) ? ' ' t I ma ?? - . Ill?, ' ? ? ? ? ? m?; ? "M ih? ' ? .???;? ? ?. ? : ben *? al who was ? tunar In the . ?? ? him a? f'..;..'?c "Mr ? ?/ many tra las-union members "f ? ;?? .t Britain, ..p i how .... "Wi unionist membei ..?. , ? John Bui ? - an?! a Scot I J. ? Hardt? ? '?? , - ne that way ?" IHI .!. ! with au ??? patience with ? 't'' , , .? at. ? ?.? .il in il?:,?, in I, bul ? ? s lallst; I aa* ? I to ?? ?? ? .. II ?.' m u.?? it 1 .'? ? - nvolvi I :a ta -a empio) 'is ? a.. 1 lhat?" lacti) ? ? ... r? ? ? . ,\ i, .? .? ? do with ' . diti al ? , ? . i..? uf IFf "I'll expia -, ? .? latini fi in ? ni of 14 irken ? nl in t. ? ? ? . ?. are ail oppoa? : ? , ? ???,.? - ?:?? n f p ?? .? ? : ? ? . nore I ? . .:, I .?.. h ill havi ? delegai ? I . the) '? ? \ it? ? u H u ??? the Aa..?: lean plan of r.?; \\ . :. overwhelming to matters, ? ? ? " ? ? npl.r an l th?? employe i\ .?. take re lates e> matters, and In : ?.,, : emai kably meni " \lr. Holme ? .a ei nn,?!.? ,.t . . ? involving payment to the piece, where .iti ?..? i"" arda long ??.?? gomi times ii" ; > ; IS . .? I- long in 11 ? as remedh ? bj a la ? pass? ? in Parliament at it"? ? ol the tradei union. pelllng the mill owners to ?give a cu I showing ? ? .?.:?!?. f mat.-liai, numbei ,-f person employe?!, .t?. s. that th.? ?.work ?. could ??? applied hoiiesiii it?? a,??'? ? "Socdallim m our rani if- i comparative!) ?? ,?. thing, .nil p ?? completely i.? .f tradei unionism We have arrived .?t a ? atage Dur people are, ss ? rule, straight? forward ira les unionists, in I opposed to going Into OUtsbll 0 'I ? p'i.llcil ?inestinti- ?\,???? do noi ? .:.?.?? ? us as s ? This is the result ..f thirty ?t fort) rears ol hard work to establish the system John Burn? lolned our movemenl only about ??'? yean si ? ???? Is naturally \i\ excitable man, snd has gone off Into .?ll ih>? nonsense ?<( ? ?. : illsm." "What .1.. you think of BymfMthetlc strikes?" I ., iki ? "Si m.' ??? ? !" said he, #lth an expri il in ..f lisgus! "We hue nothing :. In with ?ympa thetic strike . w? don't go Into .ny ?neri thing ??? thsl We .ti!. . ,. ?? iti. ultli . ? .cully, as I 'mo? I? \p' Ulli ? This mornlns I -ul ??? Mi Holmes: "Aa John Burns hi? leen til I ? go off Into Socialism end Into th.- rrltielam of tmerli in Inatltutioni from what he .. ?, in the in ? ? -.? ? ? ? tin of ? ur citi? il ap ??.?.u?. to me u wonl I be wel1 If, In ? formal ad .'?. . you I'oull Disopie your views ?? p liripoi tane? ol mfln ? - ? rs le union an I other l ,i, ,,? tl) :?? n u? ira ?., riti? upon : ,? busln? J relations existing between employer an ? employe " He replied that he might have some? thing t ? ? that -??????? ?: In Pall Klvei or Itosi e 11,,., thlna Is ci ? . ?. ? ? ' ? li ilmes u ho ha. .i.p.'i n ? him lelf -?> ??, in lly, in I a h ? ? . ?mi*,!) refused to lie kinger Identified with ,,, ,. ,, ,,,,. , rldlciiloii nnd . isulllng lira le against American Instliutlons, ????. n though thai as- : . |?. ,i ,,,,.,nl.. of the British I'arllan ? nt. will | I* ive ???if- shun ? M-ltl the pi >l eind re p.? ? of the ? I merle.?? ? people J< ?SKPH NIMM? ?, .Ir. ??. .,.? . . I". I-, 1994 ? ? ,.,..;/ /.? ROMTOS MELODE ? ? ? , ?,,,, ?.,.,, j| iSpe, inli. Button Vane'a melo di ima "Humanlt) " wai produ??ed at Ihe Boudotn Square Theatre tin- evening befora a crowd? I ?.,?,.., t?,,? pi. ,?,? ? ol n.(k r ol "The Soudan," having ?? militan background, altnough II demand . scii.ic artist li greater than In thla pia) ? even In "Youth." At Ihe end ?< tke third act is ? ?word ? imbal on horseback The irta* la ef tke most lurid and Improbable kind. Horses Like an ,,, ? ??, ? ,? In the I lev, and the villain Is of th?? d*rpeat ciye. ll wss well produced by a clever coin paujr?. ODDS AND ENDS OF POLITICS. LOOMING TO THK LEGISLATURE. ? CHAMBER OF COMMERCE LOMMITTM WHICH FAVORS INVBBTIOATIONS OF SEVERAL ? p v ni:r ?RTMENTS \* the last meeting of th.? Chamber of Com? merce, held on December ?. Chartes stew.irr Bmlth offered resolutions for ihe appointment of a com? mittee to mgke an examination as to the neces? sity believed to exist for a legislativi Investiga? tirin Into tb.ndltlon of the various municipal departments of New-York, similar t> thai being made bj the ?.????\ Committee Into the state <>r the l'oli.?- Department. Th- resolutions were adopted and Pn ildenl orr appointed aa m? ? of the committee Chart? ? St warl Bmlth, Oustav ii Schwab, A. C. Bernhclm, .1. liars?.: Rboadea, and j Edward Simmon . The committee has made an exhaustive report, which will '? te ? to in. chamber at i; meeting on January ?':. Mr. .Smith, the chairman, cui yesterday tirai the report presented Importan I fa ts relating t" the various ? 'iv departments, and drgentl) ? i'??- ? ? tie appointment f committees b) legislature t?? -i In the coming year and make nvestlgatlona on the Lexow plan la m? a of the depart? ? Mr. Smith said thai !':? lent Orr had i. ! ! ! un ? H. Eckel ?, Contr ill r ???' the ? 'urr< ncy, ? i ? pre ? "t and make an ai I' it the Ins of tin? ?!hambei, but he Intel ! I thai the Im p >rt m?? if the commit te? ? rep p ihou l 1 ..a sight of on tii c uc ??? nit, ? ? : he a ml I on the reading nf ihe r pori bef re Mr. Eckels began i" ;.eik. Mosi of the ai. m mit tee appointed by th?? 1 'uitit ill .??.? ..f Seventy ? ? look artel va ? ?'- vitally connected aith ? ? ? ? munlclpa govern m.-nt and report their re? ? it, i ... hive completed their lai? n?- Among those who will present ih ir reports with a drift "f :? gi lati .? n?? >essary t ? bring about .???* r??! reform? a? the n*xt meeting ol ? Executive Committee ere those charged with iiar !'?;;.? Disposal, ?instil ll Schwab, chairman; civil Service, Everett P, Wheeler, chairman, and PubIL Schools Stephen II. Olln, rhalrir.aa The commit tee In charge of the >???? empowering ? ? vor Strons to remove at win all the heads >f municipal depart? menti lia.*, i; is under?! .? ii-?? finished it* work and is ready to ?ubmlt th?? measure for tin? approval ?a' tii?? full , ?mmittee. G is H NOW CLAIMS 18 V? ?'I'll*. Ubany, Dec p "l now ha?'e sixty-eight vote?." sal I Hamilton FI h, Ir . can ?date for t:, \ Speakershlp, to-night. "Laul week l mad? public a Hal of tin mail- w who had |.l rdged them eivi ? ?" Vote for me. and that ll.<l 'en? ?! thai I woul i ii IVe ilxty-three ? .?- Since mal list public, ! h iw be? p promlri I fit ? 1 cann ?? ?? thl ? ? :? Mn- nan f th? membei ai they I t .?? !? |U< It? ?! !?'? ? ?-".?? KOTE? "I '//' ?TAKE There will be special boi eri rmancee ro? de of "Claudlan" al the Amori? in Theatre, "Prin?*e ?nanlas" al tha Broadway, "The Cotton ? ng ' at the a ? ?? M . Sport M< Albs ter al tie? Columbus Theatre, "The Maaquerad ? ? thi Empir 'Llttli ' 'hristopher at . ?? Garden, "A Milk White Flag" ..t Hoyt's, "Hoi, Roy" at ri,.? Herald Square, "The Flams" at the Hat'!? ni ' i|i? la House, "Noti I I ! ? I ? "Doubling ', ',- ? tl Irving ? 'la? ? Tl ?? A masons" it th?? Lyceum, "Esmeralda" at "t, ei !..!, Ar ?ui ?? ? ?' ?' ? Stai "? ??? Mu? ? John ?on" at the ? I "The ? ov ??t th? e irte? nth Btr? et, :.???. e ?? ' 'rut '.? ?" at Daly? ? ???r -. ???-'? - A Rial' and IT??? tori, and ni'i'-i?? by th. ?:; or? i at Hi.? I?; len Muse?. 1 ??. nee of a elng added, ?!.?? Mill perl ? ? ? Rob Ro? IL al I S ,,?,???' 'Idi? ai:.?, will !??? ? 1 ?.??.? ? ? mat will ? ? given ! . ? ? ? : ? ? : r 11 ? s .'. iiii im F. Hoey and "d'il ? Flam Harlen Op? Hous? S;...! ? ?IcAllistei the headed b) Hobei ? ' iri .,: ? : he ?dor il enfeld den) Ihe m? nl ma ?? re enti; ? ? s| i?? ai next - ment thai ? ? Ml ? -. ? .11 ? Rtnain th? . ement ami control, aa heretofore During thirte ? ) : - ha ?? left ind othei ?? ere ad led to th?? com pan) from tune to time, us is always the ? um ?,tii lar?.? and Important organisation? of thi? character The principal members of th?? com? pany, Including Miss Ooernei \ii Frans Kb.-rt. Ml?* Jaeger, Miss Lau. M: Merkel ai ' M: Her mann Hin? are under contraisi ? tha Messrs Rosenfeld foi years t.. conn au of them ?ill have prominent parta m the nea play with when Messrs. ?'ari and Th.lor I:.nfeld will open as usuai m? season ?f the LillpUtlani -ail:, next fai a/ lilt: BBOOKLTS TBBATBB?. Misa Lillian Ruasell reappeared at the Columbia Theatre m Brooklyn, laal evening, m 'The Grami I lucheaa " A bint?? sudi? ? testified by fr? the ? recia tlon '"It foi the ft mpan) \ matine? II ? ? ?lven lo la) Nest week ??|>r S) r.:.! ? will be ? !..??? i \? the Brooklyn Acudem) ol Uuali a week'a en gag? ? ? ? ' ?!.?- orni a. ?? which prewnted "A ? ; ?'??:> ? ;?? ? al Daly a Theatre was begun last rhei . .11 i?.? a ma: ;:.,?.? (,. day, an ? ? "ti - ? ' i: :? -j . - - ??. -- // / / DON ? i MISE AUA ? r. i: -? I ? ?: ' I'.-. ?ft \ :.?. ? I ...k nl ice ?'- ? Mine near Gem to-da) Pal ? , inn??* Carne) .ml !?'?? lertck Bnell were at Work ;t: i?ne of tin- -1"|?? -, u .. :i | ? - gave .\.?-. .c. I ? he :? ? ??? men f? 11 loan ? ? dti ... "\ ? y ? irr. r \ ? ...'.???/ * KILI.I ?? Savannah ' ? ? . I ? <? ft I Qultman sp lai s.iys ; infoi matlon ? h? killing ?I ?.? lunt) ? :?? s iturda) pu -. ii ? uraull "f the mut 1er? ? ol .t"?? Isom, show . thai ti"? total lintel?? ? of victims ?- ihre? The) an s.u.: ? lylor, Ell Fi larry Sherod 'i'h.? ?.,?? ? ..f arm? . m? n. about .- ? ? an ? fitti now at Red I . abo c Mn? " mil? - ibove the ???? ? ot ? arami ? ? ? .' ' inded Ihorougl 1\ Be l'chi ? ? ? : ; : Ko trace of ??'avert) Pike, Isom'i murderer, ha? \?? I? ?? . .ml th.- general opinion is that he has I ? ? ? m \ / ; ?.?? ITER ?G.? DOS v. BI l??-? idi. M" . I.e ol rii" m?'-; not? I . oh,tei feller? in the ? ? in Ho? "????.? \ Jail here, h? ? 11 ?? -??-? ?? ' Marysvtlle, Kan., aft.:? a chase ot leverai yean ?,? i- John E. Blttell, am) I was captur? ? ? y l'nlted States Deputy Marshal ?dui,* ??? ?- the head "f the gang m Oklahoma, whose den was recently discovered, an! in scattered spurious dol?ais and halves In nearl; every State in th?? I mon. II I II Ml. JOTOVB Hli' PRE-EMINENTLY \ CHRISTIAN NATION, From The Nea ark Adi'erl ei Whatever our mlng'.ed ll.? we are pre-eml\ a Christian Nation, and ili?? birtfida) of Icsu? is with n* a tiu.r a:,d gladder holida) to la) than I' is m Bethlehem of Judea, where Ural .-'.?.? ? ih?? star ?>f Hut coming LONG LIVE SANTA CLACS! From ib.? Boston Herald. Mi.? Santa Clans myth la dead, ? ? tempor?r) Not much, Long ll\ outfit! a ; ? "-.i ?alti ? '1 ? : and bis whol? CHRISTIANS AND THE NEWSPAPER From III?? Chicago Inter <., ? m.? of the more notable features of the ? ,a... , . an,?,. ,,r chrlstma I th id? ? lai ?? :?ti newspapers cot out ?? ?.r ol the da) Th? ?? ? ditit'i - toa?, vary lot!? in oita. but they are ail and alike commemorative "f the one festivi da) common to si! ? 'hrl ? ?. i".t; A LIVELY oli? GENTLEMAN. From ? le- iMiiTaio Courier. it ?. evident hai there' aome life m ? lie old man yet that is, Santa ? Ian* THE TRUE LK8SON OF CHRISTMAS I'm.m The Boston Journal. The ini?? lesson of Christines ? no? round m Ihe crowded *h"?'s noi in Co? throngs ol package laden ? ? man il ? upon tha stre?*ti 11 ? coi talne ! I" the lids .if that ohi volume ai which modern Infl titiiti aims its flippant scoffs, bul wh. hold upon : 't:ii of ?... '.rengthens ?uh iln? passing years EXTBNSIl Ll.'. fiRSKRVBD. ?? .un The Atlanta ? on.-l it ??? loll The great Christian festival which begin? morr?n evening will i" observed by ? rasoi ?? No oth r day Is ''lit iied ??:? so la ? number of the human rei e. ??????8? FA ENT IN HISTORY. ? "i oui Tha Mall and Kxpre . The bulli m Jesus waa the greatest event possible ? to human history In it we see Deity stooping to ? humanity, and humanity elevated lo Dell) ?a ? Him without restriction ?? Imitation, was th?? ??* I ?enee of ihe ?billhead. In Ulm ?an humanity in 1 Ideal perfection. | M ir, a fi; CLINE ?riTR M BOMB, [SHE TREADS Tin?: BTAOfl "" TONT ?? ' t ? ??'?. WHERE .?LI. Ifl ?tl..' ? Th.- general G??-???? thai waa aaai If? u I al Tenf Pasta s 'ih. iti?. kuM night area aas ratio e ..f caksJ ?and placid content thaa of r...t"ii.? i>y Margal?! ': f'llns had et me back; si,? Mesad "t? ti"? Maga la a G?i.itt. -? goan, ?uh mlldl) refulgenl spengi*?; ?h? romlc songs; she i",.k the au Ihn.?.? into lier confidence; ehe waa al home; ll vas gg ?? gke ha?' never been away If tke critical ? ifcal has wearied ret Maggie that la to Bay, Margaret 'or : these two yens could Dnd sn> changa, Il ?ils that ska looked ai..mi two yean younger, PllSt. M;-s l'Ine sa.- railed ' KrlT.ds." v.hicii -he said waa patketk But her style ?lo?rs not readily lend itself to ; tl ind ..fer one ?. .? became comic Then ans sang "Nothing??? Tm Grood for the Irish." Then ?.Inas in It thai ere extremelj c!e? ?? end aim al worthy et re productlon, bul ti ?- not really ? rth while, for It would be Impossible to r? rod tl manase In which she sang them :'.? im' ????? t?: gestural the winks, tke looks, thsl multiplied ttw effect of ' the linea h> glx, si I?? ? ' el ?" waa tho next song, it la not nee It la a fervent ?P peal "ti the rut of Miss Cline t.? i id he ruler of \. w-i ork City, with ??< ' T un Kail -p? l with tke poh? " '? t ??? ??? ? d k. , for a b ly-guard. ' tfter s!l ?hi.? excita? ? ladles and - enti ?.? ? ? ?? M ir aret, "*??? nul get to work, and ytni knos i'hen ? wort ? ? . !< ii ?,?'.." sii.? ti?? reu. M'' "? * ,? ,?? m ? abo '? a tight li la araav I ,.. g ? m, h help III '': ?'? neu 'resa 'he ban I. ??th? r sin ? ra ai ?? I do ll 01 at laaal *0 not With her t'?.?? tali ' ilws) ? ????? in jus m thi rieht Isci ? ha ssM aha was hoarse and could noi sing any more, and ah* ? ? km ,1 io help her carry off the flowera II la ss to tell when Maggie Cllis la hoar?.? aa it la to t. II wken ? negro la Mushing There are other entertslaera ; I Pony's thla w?*k, ourse, but wkal of that'.' Mr. and Ml? D? G reesl ar. clever dsneera and Ike) give ?ra!? lass? iti in? of ballroom dan ? ?, but wfcen Mi I ??? ? *? .-st. in mlmicklna the manner ol one wh'?m h- ?-.?..a . .w, ? ' iys "Vouna ia ly, w. m??! yo ? " t'"r me with ihe next bine* "' It ms ? ?rei -h-it . >? ? knows mon aboui th? ? '!? ? p? ??' the \ ir..-iy . than he d ?? ? sts ul th .? of es >r the Patriarcha The Fortes?! ?? SI it? rs ? re "???* .,,.: bere ? ut ?nyb dy wh ? siw them ? ill?upa? the nage w .u'.I kt? ??\ fi it th? ? were Eng ? ?. I here nas of Wales ai I of A mei ? ? to ? ? wlih tn.isa I Et g|,. : .,, ? ?? .,? , ? ? ??F.--..iin ? ?.. il a ? ?? ? - i.icMii ? ??'ii|F nu'? Kstrart ?t Beef. '? ,V \RRIRD OWIUHT wil.ii ?: \? ''?- ?'?' ? ' ? ?,a*"?,*aat t, , mi. a? i-in min t N-w x ? -? ?, ?. Pai ? ? ? ? ' i. > J . X '.i '."" ' ' ' "'"."l'?? M .' J1 ?lir a D. TX. N -\.nk S l v,:., man must be mi^rs-d with tu i ?. ??? ?? ? ?' '? Ir? ?s. ini n. BETKER '" ' stale. ? ? ?Jaral TL. .? ,| IM ? mi. ,. \- . ? 321 il ? M'ivlna, . M . rs. De ? s; ? \? : ? - - ? - ? ? . Ann f the lue - be hrl.l in I - ???rtaB N. -I . ??? '? ? ? ' -'?? ? 1 ".' -, vi ? ?t: ?e. " -'? ' ? ???? ? ?ear - ? W ?'is"' ? a Sunday. 33d last.. -?as |? \\ . ? Mr? M'tll . . J?Kb MOI \T HOPE I'KME G??1 . ?I o tin I I lop??. \\ ? ?lc lie ?1er ? ? ?? ill > . Telephone :???". t?ib it. ' ' ? MEI KUY. Itarl.m I '. ' I ? : ! : .->'. | ? ????. Ott'K.. I?'. L.i.t l'.'l ?e ?? leg ? I, ?s ? .'- itaa ?t ?a call, B?rt .19 ?urctul Xottcce. Onagra * ? <?.. IM IND T.! BMOADWAr. v. ILL SELL AT ?' ? Tl"N' THlTtSDAl ArTERNOOS \TJ;.'I.'U'K. ? ' "LUI' Tl"\ "1' I.WY IlOOKtt, Amenta.??, .ni ! BngU? L ? '- >? liti Ile l'iiiiiit'a >ulla ' -IT 5??..??. I ?. ??? .sui?. : M Ti*. : - ?n.) F ?fi ??. i t ihe ua will ha nitick . l'K PINNA 804 Kl ft ? , " ? * inn (.11 r I'ln.toF-.riiitlirra ; r.?4 or lllt l'Rtl'KH b) le'i'K ? "'>!'. 1 440 ;?? Ran ?.;?.?? _ " ? ?ni II?er OII-? ii?.?.-ll. ?I:i??r> A *'??.'? KM' ?.???'? ? ?'? PI l'-IN ? Q ININI i. '? ? 1 ?V then erad taf _____ G?.? tolti ce *?.illc??. .'' will Ti'Xsl ' \? ? ? ? ??.?t ?; , via ?.un ??. ?per ? ini tVKUNKSPAl MB ? ?- ? s. ? ? | ?? ? "per ? ? ? .mile. |U , im . fir :. , ' I ? ' r . - ... , ? ????!? ? f per S ? - ? ? n y ' ?' v '' ?? ?'Inl 12 ir.. f?r I ? - ? a. ? ? . : .'.'????? ? ? p-r - ,? m. far ? ? ??? ?teanier ? ? I'lti.i \> \ ? ? !.. : : Port ? lirect, per a g ?? ? \?? <i ? w \? -.? ?. - \????? ? '.. ? in : ???? ? ?. n. f'-r I 1 .1.tiers ? ,???: I'll It 7 a 111. Ilrv? : ? ? ? ? I'rrnal ' ?.'l ? ! "p??? ,? ?.' .','. .. c. IkUppI ie p ' .< m 1 G ? PaelSO ?. ? ?. Advai a (let? ileai a . | . ... ? ? \. ?r? Hand. | - s'Im.i. .? K? ?? ? ? -ay ., m.j for Korlunr liliind, ?. ? ? -,:?.?? ? ??? ? nt? of ? ? m \ ? ? , in ... ? ? ? imp tin?, ? '-?guFat: ? .1 '-era .?..;?. ...l ? p*r riaada din ?r ? a. Itclterdai lei ?!???'. ' p-r \s rkendam'i ..? 12:30 y in. i?ipplem?ntao -' ? '?') f Fiance. Switzerland, Hal) Spain, G fui?..] TurVey Brlii.h Indlj, , ei ? - !?' Br. tagn? ' ? Ha? r* Pump* ii'-'i-' ?- ! f.- ?? ! "|,?t ,? .. ' La G ? 41 esct. ITtnia M ill? ? : ihe s... .. ?\ ? -' | Bini .fn.m ; i lo IV ????????- :*. at ?;;.? ? m Mail, fori ? ? pan ?*? ? ? Citi "f IV u ing ? fr? ?? ? ; ? . t. '? up io ? ?.?. -?n,?..?, '.'s al ?'Tt" ? ' ?lall? i'hlna ?ai tupan '??,--..! uni y ? pei ipre?. f India l'ancoiiveri ? ?? "al at ' ? Weal Australi! w hi. ?. are for* ? 1 ' -? ?? in Fran? I up t ? impi, ? ?B, ,? ??,?? ? ? ? arri? ,: ,' ?. ?-York I isa? ?,". tiriti?!, ?...?- ? M ? ?'hi?a ind J 1res G? T?a ? .?Mil? up t? lam?an ?li. h? rt .10 ? m. Nt ? lustrali? lem?nt W?al ll Ha I ? ? ^ . Ilfowei ? .f ??: \ o.. ,\ .-r). rr* dallj ? ind up io Jana ?? ? *B al Ma fer Haw? per ? .fren? Kan l'rai dall up lanu ? ? "? at ? ? ? m Ma ' Newfoin ll in I, b? rail ? H .nra?, ? Kramer, ?I il I? ? '??? ?? dati) al ? ,t? ? ni ? ill? ' '' by rail ? i' ?? .? ind th? "?? ?. it. im* . !??-? al tl Lilly a? a " ? n Malle f, ? ul . flee ?tally at ? ?? ? m f... f -?? ? nei - - . ? ... ?ni ra c rt Tampa, ?? Malla foi ???.? ? rr. ? ' ? ita .?????. ? t!. ? . ? ???. ? il vL'l ES ?. IIAVTOM ? - ??atar. \. ? . ?; ? \ . '.?? ?? ? ? II ;-:" l.rii?tion?5 Notiere. ? ?' t?lXON will ? ?? . ?. ? ???!!?? s'!..?' I'.it.-rnaela Thurnla) 8:80 ?. ss. ?? L Mia. Lek??, oafs n*ti*t, Mm I ?, im -?'??:-? ? ? Il SOI I'll Iti ?'????? .HI ?;. ? M.? II-.n ai r . eoe? Rei ruderi k teiiry, h i>. p.i-t,r. M ? ? Day al 11 o'i ? .-: al muele gaga ? .,,.,. ? . ? < ?p'??'?? OK ?:?????\?. . ? ? g?.,. aad Baak? ? I ' ? ? ' . I>a) Holy l'un muni?? ai s ,,. .rnlng ?er II ? H ?? ??????????????? n .il 11 1(. . lllltN TI M?? Minist.r in ?..,,?,?. ?\ ,11 preach ai nierniiia ?.?? 11, ??. AU . cordiali] no",.] UK ANI) CHRISTMAfl SONO sli:\|.-i: TO-NIOMT SI H.inlio! mi. a - Mlwlor ?. ? ?? .-??.?? i.lonel HAIlLEY, JII-- Wray. 111. ?Inalng r-.-ange|l?i, ??.| Kin??, l'iiiiicliti ?? Singing ???,?, ?\,;, ,?. n ft TAVI/IR, Iowa'? c\. in- vaneeUat, ??? niorr?,? ? THE ? i'I.i.ii'.ia ri-; ?hi ?- ti ? - ? CkiMtssag l?aj ?ill b* held in ih.? Marhl* l'hureb -.??s ??. ?ng Bili ive., .t It a n. Sermon b) the 1'^ RliWARD H '?"' I?, i? sp.-.;Hi music bj choir, and ?inut-g b? the lOllegtate fluiteli ?'In.ral. A ."Pliai ? ?? ratead??! ? ^** SANIA .'LAIS AI" M KTR? ?POLI ? V ? HALL M \Vr?t Minsi t.. iint'ii '???!????.?? tre* I atlon? .. Ig mudo and prearni? ? gr? at nlgiu al lb. IL,11. kiui Seal fir?, ?nine early. "?