Newspaper Page Text
??? FCXEBAL OP CLAREXCE P. RVTAX IN MAN'V PEOFT.E PBESENT AT THK SERVICE NEWARK IN MEMORY OF THE HEAD MANI' ? ?< ": ? RER His DE ?TU DEEPI.? BI ORETTED. The funeral sf Clarence i:. Rutan, who died bu?1 denly in hie apartmenta In this clt^ ?? is held at 3 ??, m. yesterday al the boas? of bis sister, Mrs. A. c Neumann, no 13 Mount Proapect-ave., New? ark. The L'i. Hr. Christian, rector of CJraee Epis? copal Church, In Newark, farrformed the service a cnr?'??? to th?- ritual of that Church. The bod) of th- dead man key In r plain oak coffin without hand!?-, and having a eros? on ihe lid There was a profit Ion of flowers, conspicuous among them ric'.r. Ine beautiful offeringa of Mr Rutan'e New Tork friends In the hat irade, many of whon et? t th? funeral Six nephews acted as pall? bearers The burial was hi \.i.t- Rutan family plot In Mount Pk asant ? '? meterj Ami rei ent al the ? rvli ci and ?.: ihe grave s re Mr and Mn?, ?-': 1 O'Sulllvan, Chart a ? ? j.?.. M. Saui ? - George Connor Arthur ?. Waring, William 8. Crossman, James ll. Muir, Jlei.ry ? I Thomas Hodglnson, Joseph Drummoi I, Walter Greff. Charlea Biggs, Claudius Beatt; Joseph McGovern, Frsnk ? Retlly, all of th? Ne? ? ' t ' tri le and klndr? ? trad? -. Mayor c.-.}l Miles R. Hsnchett and Joseph ?Vhltman. of Orange The famlt) recet?'ed many telegrama and nes ages of sympathy. Mr. Rulan was a man of strong friendships and fine sympathies. The latter had m til an Hon In th.? atructlon ol I lory In Orange. Mr Litan had observed ?' workmen employe?! In the making department worked under the moai unhealthful conditions In r.ll bat factories In building bis factor? he reme? dl< : ibis bv providing against dampness His fai tory is said t" ??.? on? of the most perfect In eon Btruction for lb? comfort and health of the em? ployes that esiste In the hat trade This la due to the benevolent car? of the late manufacturer, who had the hearty g ?dwtll of men he employ? I, Mr, Rutan had been a successful and prosperou? l .? manufacturer for many years, In connection v. ? his busli - enterprise? he had visit? l the chl?f eh . s ti ledly, and wae well kn wn sad much esteemed in ta?? \\<*?? ?is well a* in the feast Most of the successful ind prominent hat mano'. rere and wholesale hat dealers In all part? of the country knew iilm well, and he was extreme ?y pop ihn , ? ? lances li? bad a greed main itlached, admiring and levot? 1 friends In the Manin:;,m Club and In other organis?t -?? ?? which he was s member his many admirable an 1 char ict? rfcitlc? ideared him to all his associ?tes, ti? ni* an example nf Integrity, up? rightness an i ' nor in all h:* dealings, symi ithetlc, kind-hearted and friendly In his ways, able ai , brilliant Intellect?! avoiding displav or show, anxious to sacriti own r ?? . ??-?? ai. ! '...Sor for thi and enjoy mei f his fri? ? Hi I bi rved th I fid '.Ity whl -h his " ?op? ? fri? - b '?low? ? ipon him H ? a 111 be : i by large numi t - of Influ? ntlal and ? uou? men ii Ve? Y rk, p Newark wh re. 1! ? brother. Will ? masler of Newark ihl? v? ??? by Presldenl neveiand. I i| ? ? ? ?? wark, an ? has affa Mr if tl approval and pralsi . . : N< w irk. ARMY AM? .?.?? XOTES. Waahtngton, Dec 24 Se retary Herbert haa di? ll --? Adunia! Meade to order th? Atlanta to cruise In the Weat Indies, relieving Ihe Columbia. nnd to issue orders to the lattei veas? to ; iior'h to Norfolk from tamal ?. as soon as th" Atlanta starts south, As the Atlanta bas been reported ready for ?ea, Ii Is expected that aha will g<1 a a ,n the ? ? -? nt week. Secretary Lamont lo-da) Issued the onler pi Genera! Bwalm on the retir? ? . ? Armi. The orde' Is isso? i by command of Major-General ajchofield and Is ilgni ? by Seci tar) Lain??:.!. It read* ai follows: Brigadier-General David C Swaim ludg -advo cate-g? liavlng attali y. si ?, is. b) dir? tlon ol ihe Presi ent. ? from active servi ? His date, un visions of Section : .'it. Revis? 1 Statutes. He sail to his tome. 'Ihe travel enjoined Is necessar) for th? : iblli Bervi ? Secretary Herbert pproved the nf the board onslstlng ol Constructor* Jlans cm an I Bowles, s-Hh ? omman?!? : ford as pr? eld? ' which was by him tc r? ;?"! ? u| on the a ? the battleships, armor? ? cruiaen and gunboats now building, ?vhlch may b? advantageously dis? pel led with, the i?; r? is? ? facili tie? for extinguish? ing fire In a? ti?,a. which should be provld? I, and to consider ihe question of celling Ine sidei of th?? living ?paces ? those vessela a it h papier ma h? or any other substance less Inflammable than wood. The loar! visited the ships at Norfolk and Philadelphia, arai made a detalle: the alterations ne? led In the case of each snip, recommending the substitution uf corrugated Iron Inatead of wood for bulkheads sa thi Texas, in many cases, and ol Iron Instead ??; v. . ?,?. ? ladders, wherever found. The board ??;.,:? embarrassed for warn o knowledge concerning ih?? fires In the s the month of th? I Rlv?.? to the amount ol rk and combustible material, us to when ihe fir? : oc irred, I Ignited them, and the facilities foi ing, ss to heii facilities for extinguishing fire, and a* to Ihe piai e of le mat? rials, such sa oils, lurptntlne, alcohol, paints, ether, ?? ? ird .?.-? lares ir,.? ?.?. hen reporta ? orne ?? con? ing ih? ? details It can ?Setter ludge of the n? ing? Accordingly, the ?Wretary ha? give Ihe I 'nlted Stat? * na .-al .. nd Intelllg? nit offici ? oil ? t as s?.. dil the ne* ? iry mal on lh< the practic? ?, Freni h and Gen a hen the -???* ha ve : ? ? il icted with ihe mit ?mum amount of w.Iwork a boat I. Th b lar I a bly Im prei ed with th? tei of loin? G xas. but thoui work could b. slth, II Hn portuiity ?y< re permit experii ? pre? paring ?an pi? ? ol berti ?helving, lock? rs, metal >i nl ???-. c? Hing et? ,, ? hit h should he lari: I) tn fore, th? ant of th? Norfolk l'ani be allow? ? io carry on such ? ? Th? board de? Ian d Its? f not auffiel? ? ' ? ma in? to xpress an opinion ..? - t.. . hethei suitable f? ?? ? . in a Is. el hi] ll ?? els coi I ?? ? ? how ev.-i. ihat with proper I at mi nee can I found for ? hli bave ihe re i'ii*.t.? rjualltli ?, vis., to conductor ?' heat, non-combustible and no' sub feet to fl ?- Into pieces ?? splinters when ?truck b) shot. 1 .?' the b ittlesl ' hue? ' iregon, ?.?.!.? h are ni ? ???it., the estimate ? ? osi ol the t>- ommended rhang? ... ...,| and on the oth? ? ? ? roj ?? lionaielj \. - . By din ctlon ot the Presldenl ? ? I honor in the nan e of Congres? awarded a? follows: William ii Ward captain Compam ?: 47th Ohio for gallantry In l adii an a: -.. ill upon ?'?, ' ,":''? :' ' ??? liter) \ let Bb . the nlghl ol Ma) .: - V, i-?. ?. , aptaln, cui pal ?, 124th New-York, foi voluntarll him Ball to Bav? los .orini,and .. : the battle ? ? vani.? \a. May 12, ISM; Carlos II Rich serg? nit, ? Omj mj : ?, It h ?'ermont. vetei u unteera, :.ns| uous gallantry, in saving the Hfe of an officer of lu.* regiment, at Ihe battle of th.? Wilderness, May 5, IK4; lames ? Stur? Mon, private. Company I?'. ISth ??hi??, for bravery in advan? Ing b yoi i the rm? of barb- ai ? ? hi ee ' orni rive prison? the batte ol Kennesaa Mountain, June IG 1864 Lieutenant '.?.'. P, Potter in.- been ordered to the Naval Academy, and Lieutenant H, W Ho.igei to the New-! ?? a Nav) ? ard. Ridi wen opened al the Bureau or Ordnanr. Navy i?. partment, lo- : Ishlng KM semf-armor piercing shells. Thre? bids were r< celved, all from Pennsylvania firm*. The Mid vale and Sterling companies offend to supply the ? indis -,t 2J cents per pound, and the Carpenter Company bid 24% cents per pound. The shells unload .. weigh about | OTS eai h. T/?"/./,/ m nil: MATHEMATICA! ?OCIF.TT ?iie e ti ? isl ? ? itli -.? ? ' the American Math? mat cal Bortety will be held In Hamilton Halt, No, n Bast Forty-ntath-at., it 3 p. m Friuay afternoon. The j.? lent. I>r. Emory McCllntock, sill addn s ?????. ;?? ; R ilph A, Roberta will conti ? paper "fei a Certain Class of Canonical Forms" 1 - .lection of offlceri will ateo tak?? place Ing la the Us?? of candidates: For president, \<r. George W Hill, Wesi Nyack, N. v.; for vice-presi dent, j'r ifesi 'Hubert \ Newton. Yale College; for secretary. Prof??! ?r Th ?mas S. risk?. Columbia College; for treasurer, Professor R. > Woodward, Columbia College, and f..- librarian. Hi. Edward !.. ?tal :???. New-York '//.7,.l7J//..\ r?l 0F DIMEA HE. At the meetins of the Medical Society or the County c. New-York, held al the Academy of Medi cine, No. 17 West Forty-third-?!, la ' night, the subject of "Disease?, and Disorder! of ihe Stomach" was disc us sed The meeting wsa largely at tended, and the raper? were ho?..<? ? to with mu h interest, They were technics! In character. Dr. Monis Mangi? opened the .)!?? usalon with a paper on "The Tstae of Modern Methoda of Dtagnosle." Dr. George B. Fowler read a paper ?in "Modern Dletetie Trestm? l o D eases of the Stomach." and was follow? ? by Di Jacob!, whs spoke of the modern medicinal treatment The surgical treatment waa spoken about try Dr l?' Kammerei after which a general discussion followed, In which many of the physicians took port li'/a/- MB ????. LOXOBB ????? IT VERB TOMB, Mayor Gilrny has approved the ordinante chan? ging that part of Kievenih-av. lying between Fifty-ninth ami Sixty fourth sta. to West End? ive. The avenue from aWxty-fourth-st. up has bv ? ?..ill?-1 w-ai End-ave. u?v nome time. Jnetrutiton For Both f-exes.?City. '!?" THE EDITOR OF THE TRIBUNE. J Sll : You will beai m* o l ha? ? r*?! ? mutin! Impubi? during ili past fea p inthi ? ? ??- leadera advised ?f ??du<-atl?inal inovemenia, md dl ? ? ? ? ?...,; a hli ?? '?- ' ? ? ?pu 11 gnl in? ind dire ????. I do not il ? '?? -i I wai ? ??,| ? ?-.??? ! Inai year, .,i m e??nti an ?gat? line, . ip ik ..? :, particular Un. of ?? 'u- itional work, there ???erned lo lie ;. feai lhal I mlgh un. niwlousl) ei ? upon He .?lit nil prerogalivi for It wa? ?aid ? com* Instances, when lime waa ? ? ? ind choice : . ..n,.- ? !.. lu'.-ti th? |iag< ..?.?] mj , !',. . mi ii lai ? ig ?utter. Vain ??? I was I wa? .. this an ? ?? ?, dui Ini ih la ? fi ivhrn li ha? - ?? m?? ? '?? ?i inai Ih. whol. I Ini - ni Thr Ti ' nlng p? lice Inve ? ? , and Ih? pre?'ale. nf the Repul.II in iwirty should lie . he??led, I i.^i.. k.-pi out. Util I whnll) negli I duty, .a... .-?. ?? lb, Lexoa femminei I? ..: >ul ' fold II ?..?. ut ih. \f ? - ? ?? ind th? ?' ire g. 'iitiw .? ad) to la I I wai ? ??? ilon to a school that is In ? ? ? indltlon ,,,,... ? . ;? This Sill ?ll - . . ,11. .?.?. ,?. : ? '...' ih ..\ ? , ;.,] ; iy-thh ind ? III ? ? gin its ???' ?? for lb* ? . o Is*.', fi IV? tie?- ?.,? . January :.?. at '.? ? This ? " P. .. ,? .. ? time ? ? iter, anil I ?! ? fi ? h???!? tat. to e, nun? nd ?,? ' ? ? ? ? ??? ih pi m ind ilaughl rs. As . ? *? H S PACKARD, l'i-s'? Idi EaVl 2*1 ?? 1) ?iT??RD lu sin'IIoS COLLEGE s. ,;. - il OK STEN? ?ORAPH. . ??] ??? nn 1 I".'? Kalt S3d s... ? ? ? Rei ima? H ? ? W. ;..? d ly, J auarj 2, ??? ? S, ? ! foi pntsp ? lus. S S PACK ? RD, I' ? rat he merliti, sr?iboi i?F Lanoi in I M?:- : Squar* (car. 2S(h-a(. and B'way). Rranrh,?* in the principal Amerteaa and Bui .-.inclu?a ? New tien. beglni not?. For Tonne; Ladies.? City. MADEMOISELLE VELI IN, SCHOOL TOR GIRLS. Reopen? Oct. 31 FIREPR? " ?F SCHOOL BUILDING. Iflo AND 102 WEST TIT!?' ST. COLLEOF PREPARATION__ Miss miinoKs? sci? ol fo: oirls. N<? ? It Clt) No BS Weal ?t?'? -? . Mrs. SARAH 11 EMERSON. Principal A frw boarding ? pit? lakrn. MISS MARY i: AND MlSh KITH MER1NGTON. School f r Girli wnwved to l?i I,?? ? lvenu? S'HOOL < F THI! SISTERS OF THE < IHR !t. Found?? by Mr. gvttranni Reed ISM Addreu Blatrr-ln-Chanr.. ? and s ? S3J it._ rffifjg Missus i.l.Y's SCHOOL FOR ciEl.s. RIVERSIDE DRIVE. ?With and ???? Street? N'??T-rlt. \' ?\ NORMAN INST KTa ??SO, ??gj West 7! ? ?ntrane. No 900. iFound-rt ISBT.) Mm* VAN NOR? ? ???. ??*?' B'ra? ??? '? MATTHEW?. Vicr-Prili. Boya nnd Toung Men.?City. NKW-TORK BI'SINESfl COLLEGE I29th-?t., N, T.?A live, practical school ; da] ir evening Addr*aa f I alegue. CLEMENT C. GAINES Mount Morrli Ban? It". ?_ UNIVERSITY GRAMMAR -h.'"L .v.' '?.'. f Mil ?? lJ BStl yen Off? ? thr i?.?t faclllilr. for th ? ? : I . ill ,i -? IF ?! . .'i t: Al . ? ... ' : . ... I in the Prit ? ? Apply fjr catalogue and Ini mall n, I I ICKIN50N JR., Prln For Roy- nnd Toung Men.?Country. |> ORDENTOWN (N. J.) MILITARI G I . il. Il RKV. T. H. I ?Ne. >N. PRLN ? ?'APT 1 ? LANDON. COMMANDANT. (?????? Acaden . ' raai I, I ? Conn " ? ? ? 23 - ? ; .? ? ? ' . . ? . . . ? .? f? LMWOOD si'll' " ?I. FOR I? ? at Mill ' "a )?,??? - . tirf run.? a ' ?Ir sons will d well ? proflt by th* ad ? ? - ..??-:. I I? In arssln: irlni ? - FR INK M II ??'? ; ? 1? i^iRFIELl for Ro???. Fall I. Cons Cem t n*s it igh mental and phyi w f H .?.? . ? ?- ? H Bin ? ??? I IVreehoi di: '? ....... : ? ? ? ! ? ? ? fi r y, ...... -] ?, j u II. . IV I IN- ? \ \ -. nn.? after ? ? Et RM ?? \ M L \| APLEW. ? .?? - ............. '. .... ?. ? ? ? it le? of Ufe. Boye enter be. ? $ "? .1 BHORTLinC.l ? M L I ?V ?;? ?:? ?. . n i X ? ? I'. ? .!. Wlt-S' iN. A. M I ?W G .L'UN S .-'H? ?OL. SIN.; |isoN. N ,-? ! ? ? . ? ' HENRY .1 LY ?LL and KM1L ! ST. Jl ?HN'S Ml'.It W: ? SCHOOL MANLR'8. N Y Ri Rev. F. D Hul Ml ??? r,. '.'? t-i V? -'. k. Next term begins ' I1'?*? Foi Toung Ladies.---Country ST. MARI ? SCHOOL HARDEN CITY, S V AdvantagM of New Y nil sp ,. I.?. 1 ?? ? , || :.??....-? Study. Knie t,.il,une.? sin?;!* roomi wRB an. itudy pnr: .ra M ?* JULIA R. PARWELL Prlnelpal. nin ? pupil, enti ??? .i ? . ? ? I ? I SUB rpEMPLE QROVB SEMINARI rings. ?. T. I - P. c:!..r ind pttonal ? urae? foi ? ..?.-, teachers CHARLES F DOWD I"? D.. I'r.-:d?n? ... . ,?.,-? J XNJ: o,-,,, ?,|. ? ? rdlne. Dav and < lieg. Preparai ff ? ? ? >.ar open. s?;?,.-..,.. ?,t?? Por eli lai iddreai M:? THEODORS R RICHARI ?9 1" ? M:?a SAl'.A LO! ?8? TRACT, A ? ??? ,?? I ; il Orrmani ??.? ? l'I.liad 1: . teacher?. T?"'?' ?R A. Ever*! I f Tal* Univi and Colui ? ll*s* I .,.?.??? GdlOol Q\p,<MUlC9. A?-.i'.N''Y Miriam C nippli?! im ?? prof? ?. ?. . ill de ; - ? . ? , .,) .. ? ? AMERICAN AND ? ? IS AGI iu| ? Ilei l'rol - ?? 1 ? t , lo C 111.:??.- Beh la and Familii-i li ?.'-, to M ? ? ? VOUNG-1 L'LTON - , jar*. DtiTiMiiq IrXtn?fnuo. A LEXANDER M ?COR ? ? ?. ? .?. ? 109 ULI 5&TII SI Prl va t. IBERNANDO'? ACADEMY, ?'-' ? -? :, .? -.? Qu $'.; | ! ;... - my I. uf. II . ? l.i ? ? k?'a .1! pupila* convenlen ??. Em ? ? ; ?p GEORGE I NO OBI FIFTH ?VENUE and private I-?? -i? M??, ? .... n.? n? ?? l? rep.h'-r iti (new) Th. Amsterdam. Steamboat..? |300 TO L 'SKiN. 12.00 TO WORC1 H !{, luellnn lo AH Pollita K.iH SI ' '?' rth ??" BSdD iWD M Steamer? CITI ?? LOWELL fnewi and CITY OF W?JH ESTER in CFommlaaloa. I.rai? Pl.i (old nuFF-t?:) rj. ? j' . nn Deabmiaae st.. wach :... itali ? 30 ?? ?. A r',.:, Orch. ITS OB '.e', I'lHIi'l. J.VM.L RIVER LINE FAR?. RI M ' ED ' *:i ..?. ? L ? ?. . f ? le : . . ill point? "1 ..?? PLYMOUTH ind Lll.'iit'M li ? Al ...!.?:,;. j.. , ? , ??. - . : ? IL. 1 ? f Murra) .-t.. w?-ek ? al 5 '-? p. p. ?TONINOTON LINE laaida r?.:?- to H and ? ? East ? reduced. Si ? . ? .?'?. ?. li . ;.? ? ?, ? gaily, e? pi CIAT8KILL, HUDSON AND COXSACKIR '?. IU Iwv? <vtv ?rrk nay at 1 ? M f- un Piai ?s io't of V?v?t HUi st.. connrctmg at Hudson ? pu l .toa t ? Albany R R >TEW-HAVES KAUE 11; Kxcursion. $1..VI I Steamer! "Richard Perk" and "Conlinmtal" ? ? '.". i. R., dall) :i ? m ami il.."." ? m is n.?:.. ?. ? arri?Ing In ' m* foi traini t ? M* Iden, ?? ? 'f?.: f. Il '. ? N H After Januai ? i, il 30 ? m. iieamei c-ai (t. r? porai II), fr. igbi onl) ??tiro????. 'AMIftIC?'? CBEATBST RAILROAD.*? ? KW YORK (entrai. V^JJ HUDSON RIVFR R. R. Fri.m ??rari C'entrai Ftatlon. 424 Streit: baili ? il. la.'.-H ,-a:.1?> Liiipir? stmi l.ipre.? lari?,: train ?n litt. ? L'I. U.aO A -1. baio Kast Mail. Fai .Syracuae. Ruch*?te., la, fi.,,,., Niagara lai, ? CateafJB. I?l?:t?l A. M t?i. lit Sunday. laa> i.xpre??. G?? all Im portant .State [finta liiKI ? M - liad). .*?oihuentern Limited, for Uncir.? nati Iridiatiiip"!!?. SI. Lenin ani Chicago. Stati ? ? ?? , ii - indi Weal ?? ini Pi i| ,.? Albany, Troy, fcarut ? ? 4?:iO 1? ?. -Dally. North .Sh'..e Limite.?! Lue lieti?,it 8.?? A. M-, Cbkrag ? *A0 i'. M. (iilHI 1 M. IJaUy. Kar AlbaO) Troy, buffalo. Cleve? land. Detroit, Chicago cincinnati. Ht. UauS ??8? I v. Dell) K"i Troy. Saratoga, Burtiagtoa, Platiaburi ?? ?? I Moatraal Ti.'tll )' M Col, Kor Aulutn Load peint?. ?, NiaKjra trail?, < ?? ,'?,.?.?. Indian?! lia, si. Loula, ? linaK?,. 11:00 1*. M i Mil), only Bleeping '?r paasenger? Ior ? '?lei liiMi'-a ..? hi? Haiti. 11:15 P, M l'an>. I'-r ? la)l'.n, Caps Vinrent, Uidem burg. iiei'iii.,'1. Detroit, Chicago. . IS Had N'ighi Lx.'i'i smela?,? night. Fot Albany, Troj Buffalo ? lay n . Kalla ? ?krage. Indi ? M ?ru! :ti*t? |? M Dali] ??? ?|,t Siis?Sf. le Hlttaneld, ?t? Ilari? in ! o lit? a. W aient ? i*:.u<? Cars ?n all t ?? ? ? .?agri? traina. Traini Uluminated b Plniseh Ugni ? e ken. ?ini Wagne? ??????? ut fJrsnd Central Station. IIS, 2'il 411 "Kl Uo,iidu:i) SI BSSI Mtliat. Line In Hmlclln*, *'4i.' Ili'.ii'lii.iy, 8? ?'i.iiiiDliiia-av e.. M Wnl ?'.'.',?.? at ami igetii-st. Blatte?, New-Tork: OS and 7?.*? Kull'.n?! and 74 Broadway, ?. I', lir ...kivn llaaaaica ? a? -k?<l (nun botti ne ie?i?lewe ?,? the West,-et Ripreas ' ? n.i'.r.v JOHN M TOl.'cKV. OKOnOE II DAXIBLS, Qentral .Maiii.w-r. Oeu. Paaaencer Aient. Railroads. EMSYLVANIA RAILROAD. , mithin?? f??) nf ?,'.?p?,?. nal ? ?tri Ian it Streets. ?? ?? ? ?:? ? rVOVKMBKR is. I MM. ? !?.::?? ?. ?. ? ,\.-, ?.is ;.. parlor Cai Pittai -us IH.??? ?. M. PENNSYLVANIA LIMITED. I'll ' partirent, t ni ? .? ? " * lion l-'ar? Irrite? l'hlcagn :? ?. .': ? ? -? md ."?'-'?' A. M. cinci. n ,. ci" ? M. Irdiai n ? T.45 A M. ? ? :? \. :i ??.co IV M, ci?! V" \ ? LOI l? l'.xm Polin m .- ' ? S? L'i'?, ? ? ?? nd Chica li tl 10.43 ? M . St. ?, ? 7 P. M rhi. ... R ;? M ??..?ni !'. ?I. WES P.> ':'-. ??!: ? IS ' liman Hleeplns ind Dinirg Cura m Cl ,- ! ? ?? .??| II ""? ' ? ? aso '?' ? ? neu .1 ?? 7. ?G, ??. SI.-KO ' ? Pullmnn ? ,' ? m ? :-' . ?. ,? ?. 1? ?? !? . 10.1.1 ? . ? . -? ? ? . ' V . ? Von ??. V. ??\???? -??? EXI'tiRSS ?'????? ? ?? Bleeptne Car t . ?',????.:?? ? ? ? ' elfi'.' . ?? ?MIIM.TO'? AMI l'Ili: SOt'TM. S. * .io. ;. ? . ?, II ?. ? ?? I.: ' "Con .1 :*? 'I'M 12 IS ? - '?" ti > M t , ?-'" ". 1 In .? il? Pari, ? in i ' : 20 11 Unii?.- Carl, : ? - ? ? ? ? Ll t ? ? ? -... ? . || ? | ????? H ?H ? ?1 ?:?.???:??'-? ?111; ? ? ? ? ?. ?. .1 ? < '?'? ? ? . ? . ? ? ?oui .1 ???. ?. \ LINI '? ??? ? . 1.1 -. ? . f ? ,?.? 1 ?:"?1. ? .t?' ?? ??!! ?! ? ?. Una ? ?. .!, : ? and ?? ?? ' CHI'S ?PI .? :?. 1 , "iti" fUII ' Ripresi t. ? M. ? I'??': OLD POINT '.'\"???1?? ? ?? 1 V'opil.K \?? '..?,? , , . ?, - ? ?| . ,. ? ? ? ?? ? ? . .,,.. ?. ? ? * r ? ' Fort ???, ????? ' : ? .?? ! ' ??? ? ?. ? or. ?. ? ?t? ? II " ? ? r ?: ? ' ?? ? ???'. G? ? ! ne ' ?. ? ? < ' . f. ? ' nd F tint ? ? " ! ' \ ?.. 13 in. .1 m "? 1?? . ' ? ' \. ' 1 ?? ?" f . ?? ? ?_'?> ???p ????? ? ???:? ??? 11 \. ?.?n s s nu :. t. ::? ito |'??? ? Ll Itedl t 1" Dl ? ? n A M. 12 t " i" ?'! :: ? ? I ? , ,, . ?., ? ', ? .1 12 1.1 ? ' ' ? 18 - M '. .t:? Limi ?!) lo ?. M. 2 <D!i ?Dlnl ? - ' ? .11 iDlnlni; Carl :? iDlnlni '? ? ?? ' 1.1 * t' P M. ?_?|- nihi. ??? ':? t .??? . ? S .... '"i I.HM ' ?.?.? ? 2i : ' I! ? of I ? . ?? ? t ?? ? c . r , ,, . ? ? .,. ? ....,,..,.. ? it- '?.??? ? ' ? . ? ? - :- . h it.?!? and n t -n-ea thi ? p .-. m. Pi'.rv ?st ' r wi .on r, CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW-JERSEY. t F il ?? un ANI ?? tini ?? ? F r I ? ? ? ??. 7.1?, ? Automatic ?? ' ? ' ? f ? II t?? .t. ink .? ?? . .?? ?:, ? ? ? ? . ? ? .. ? :?? ?? -? 4 ".? ,: ?? ?. M.. Mon r. ."?> ??? no ?? ? r.r , ... men. ??.10 ?. ?., ?:??. ? 20. 4 ? ? ? ? ?? ?. ?.. 1 ?? ? ? ? '???:?.;.?!?! u ?? :?? p r':t Sun? ? ' \ kl. ??-?? ?. ?.. 19:11 ? Irli s .. a ?t.. 1:1??. ISO. 4:00 fei? J?.'i P M . IM? ? ' ' ? ' ... ? ? ?? ?? 10 ? M. 1:10 11 ???? ? . ' ? ? ? ? r Tii ? M ' I ? . . ?? ? :? ? r i \ ' ... TOR LAKEWOOD. ? I M ? ' ' ? | 48 CI-40 t. TT- 1 : ' ? F - I IIS A. M ? ? M. 1.48 P M ' . ? | - , . .,.??,? ... .. ROYAL BLUE LINE ' t Hark and Bar* 1.48. 4:4 - ; li Mandi ef 143 ? ?? 1:4 Ti ' Filli Al lllllA. ? ? IV ?. ?,' ? ?V \ HIN '? 1 - I .. ? 3n. S ? ?? |?? ??! ? ?Carl 1:00 '? ? ? * ?'? ? M . 12 IS : '\.\: ? ? ?' I2:lf ? l ? ? . ? ? . , 111 AMI'?' ... - . - - ?. .... ?.. rt-'V.k - I LEHIGH VillFY RAILROAD. Stall,tin f. ?I. if ? nin Nil*, A. M. ? . t litio t. M ? I :iMi ??. ?? ? ? ?? ' ?? liti |?. ?. ' ? t .? ? > - ?. - ? ? ? :?.??! G. ?? ' .-.?-. ?? ?? ????? P. ? .... ?. ?'. ??, ? ? ? il:?.?? G ??. ? ? ' ?. on |? ?? ? - ? .' 1 '?. ? ., '?:?],' ?.?? . ? ? ? Ill ?. , ? ?? ? ? '.? ?? ? ??? ? ? s | | II \ ? II Mall ,??? lu ?.-,?-l..rl. t????? "t Unrein?? ?? li ,1 ? lirl??? eli? r ??. et? ?1*1111111(1 I It ? ? ? ?. l'Ili Uli ?????? G ? \ It? l'I? ! st || ? ??.? ? D.a ??. ? IHK I I ..C II?' : . I lnl'N TAIN W e- ? . ?. ? I ILI.11 I? : HAP ; '. ' I ? ?in id G?1 TON IVILKI ! ? ???{': ? . .... . ! LMIIIA. ? ?ll ? ? AM ?"'*"' ? ? ? ? ? .1 II poll W'F ? ? . C :?? ? ?,: no a M ? ' ? ' ? ;? ? .? ?.? ? ? Iti ? ? '.I ? . . ? . . r. t f IB'. I ? c '.' V ? ' ???G. \ ? , ? ! r un P M ? i ? ? ' ' ? ? . ???., ??. OI'TII i'? PHI l .... ,...;.-? , ? ? | l'Ai.'? l'iiffel t ? ci il 11:33 p. m .... ? IH A M , | ?. . ,. !i ? . , \i Il'ail I ?' ? i ? ?.? ? .- ? !? , ? ?? . I m Lui ??-; MAN A MMODA 'S ar 73 ? ,.? 1 !? . ?! .? ? ?? ? ? ' imt.u?. ? ve.. N " ? ' T2fl I ill ?? : ' ? . ? ??? . lau , ' ??,?? ? farm .il ? ? ? ? '."; ? ' '?? ? rWMPAVT ?'il rail for ani ... I ? .,.!?. I ,? ? ERIE LINES. . .11 1 II for ?.?. Ulng? ? .11 ? ? : II tt'hl m?' a ei. . I ? I " ? ||, ||| ,.. I ?.??? , for V.r. . . Uli ?'???' ? uni ..?. ?,??? ' I! ? fiai... ? . i: . I and B*l. i X'ilii ' *?' ''? ' '';* '?"??"e I, lid ? ? fof Chi. ??"" ., , via ? , , , Lake, arrive? Cleveland ' IS .1 III ? ' , . ? ?I | . , l'I? ? l.ilnl a:. 1 ' fi Inn iti. ? ?mini ? ar. f'.-'ifl ?'? ''? ,! ?' ? v?-: ?,. ? , ?- ?? ... litigalo ""?" '? ? -"? ? ? ? >?? f ' ????: ?tt, ind Ih? 1 ? . ' ; -, . ?, . .:, ? , : . .SAM S. ? r p. ??. \ , chauuuqua i..: md N lasara KaJi?. '~t ?> lie?.le,. I'? llllfinlo. Chi? ? , ? and ' ?? inn il ? ? ??" ?. lile TAHLK I ICK BI ?ND Pt'LLMAN ? ?? ' '." :?' : ?:? '..?y ir.a Kant 12.11 ' ? , ?? I Vi -??.?. . ? t. ? . . ?..,, Tork: ?'?'?? I ' ? ? Brooklyn '.">? II ? II ???ken. and ??trsej ? ?? Siali Fin? Tranifei ? ? | ,t, calla fot r- } . ' ' ?- ? ? - r im itotela ? le ?????? "WESTSHOEER.R. .,.?., fi.?!.; .- .Ili .???.. ? .?. UJ t t.? loue, and ?.'? mirini -a aarllei ?. .n. f?,., Franklin SI : aiUU A. ,?l 1 ally, 1.? .al t . BulfaJ i. ttll?i ?. ?I. i?,.? ( . Mi.on. ? m... Syracuse, I: ?c Buffali ? > F? ? ?? . Chicago; exc-pt Batui : &ii.~i P, M. Dali f.i Albany, Mostrasi, ? ??.??. Im? . ??? ? . ? ?-..f...... Niagara Falli T.r..nt'i. ?>?. iron. ? ? ? and Si Lout. 7?13 ?, M, Dalli ? ?. ?pi .lunilai. fut l?tica, S> r?' ;n?. Sila ?, ?? ?',.?- > Albani ? ?? ? gvrscuse, Rochas? ? Buffalo Ma ?? 1- mir. Toronto Drirnll CI.v.I.ikL ?go and -st For ticken, ??? . ar ? ti ? ..t pi m ? il botala r '' G LAMBERT. Osi il 1'??'"Murr Armt. HAI IIMOItl ANI) nlll'i II. II. UH ? . ll.-lltllll.ii e. \l .? ?ll I li u I ????. ? ???.-??? ?. I I liei II un 11. SI. l*?n|a nini Ali l'olili? \\ ????. I . I.l.jl.l.. ' Alt ? '-';.'?? ALI. <J..?!.??. L?-a>r .Neis-I,,, k. . l'.'.l "I'M, I. Halli ... 'Ili (AGO, I..!'? y ??.? i: I . ?..,:.:. I il PITTSHLRiJ, l ..s. ? .n.., |2 ir. i.ikip ? ? UN?'INNATI, SI LOUIS. ?. .-? .. ??... <i <?. |. m For WASHINGTON. ?.??.?? MORE !' HO ?' <:. Ili 30 . io I'll.??- ?,.?? I .'Ul 1.1 I?) ? ra. ., gundayi, ?.. un ? m lining '..?? ?:0? p. m., ? 18 Blghl All train? run dalli ? ?? ?; ? 3:80 ? m ? N'ORI'lil ly, ? tu ? n, .-? Sun.lay. ? ' NEW-ORLEANS via II .? . ??? ? ? ???| Chana? aw ars Ih roui . ?-. ? ? ? m: CSI .vis? y. ra dally. - ?i.i it:? ?' ? ', ? ? 11" ? ??? ? ? ?1?, s< IST it...?.?'? ? ? ':?? S.T) Fulton St., Ilrooklyn I ? . ? , ,. . , , ?: ,: ..? ? ' ?,?<?? ? ?' Ti ???'? '"? WIR ? "II for ??.| cluck b.-.ggag? .r..... h..? or retiene* ?? .?. tin.?: u REAL ESTATE BUSINESS AT THB EXCHANGES. There was active bidding in real -?tate al the Broadway salesroom y aterday, nh'ti Smyth *? Ryan I offeriti, under foreclosure, th'??" four-story dwell , inga, ??-, M, i'?-, and IW West Beventeenth-et., | neu .?m terdam-ave., on loti 10x21x1012. ?", ??? ? ai 11,000. ?? was evtdenl tha! B. Hermann , anil ll. C i'iirrbr were Intending purchaser?. the , lattei raising the bids from ?-00 to tl,'??) at a time. The property was knocked down to Mr. Hermann for *:??.>?'. Nos. 162 and 164 brought <-'.'." and I22.S00 respect iv. I) from William J. Nleklaa There ??:?? also sold, under foreclosure. Nob. ZfiO, ?. .'.;. 25s, MO ?nd 3S4 Weal One-hundred-and ?1 ? .???-:. ?even firee-atorj ?tone-front dwell ? Ings, Iti and IHx99.ll each, N' 250, 252, J'.f and VA : ? , ? il ?H2.70A from ?Vllllam .1 Nlrklas, Nos. Ja?! and ???? broughl 129..17.1 from J. ?'. Otcotl and No. 244 $12.93S il fi ?m ti.?? plain! ft John V ?Toldine, offered two choice lots on the : - nirli aide of Nineiv -ninths; . i?.*, feel east of Co? The? ol ! f" t:,?? plaintiff, Including th? i.. ?? i Interest, ft $15.8*2?), The other ili ? tv? : a II "'ir ?. ?!. ? ,Thc close nt ihe real estale market Jn?' before ,? ' ,"?,;; undertone; su much so Hi" : ,. . ''.ti?!?- are preparing for a aome ?.?.!.it t r ? ? market after Lie holidays Even th?? ? market Ii ??lowing Increai I Urmness, and moat ?? ti. rat?? is vv er.? bought b. th?? it Intere ?. ir was noi ? thoui consld rabie ? >ni| Htlo ? ??. outside bidders. ? ?t.f the promt? ent ih?? steady absorption of new nousea I for "? ..pat ?? F. Kin 1er .lohn ? ? I'mberfleld. ? ? ? West Beventi fifth ?< . ?< four-etory brown stone h. 25x10o, for IBn ? W II ?rothers and Morrla Bteinhart hav ? houghl nl : ii Countess Montsaulnln the whol? weat? ?? ??? ? lam ave . from E ghty-eeventh ? ?ntv "Citli -! . I?. :: ,? ! .", fei I in each str? el ni r?? ' In ihi avenue, making altogether elgh ire private BM1.I ? ? ?? ?? ! .' ild for l'an', H Pugh. ' ? ' ? ' '"??!?. ?? ? ?aA Amsterdam-ave., a ? ?? story, store ai d Mar house, 25x89x1?), al s Il II. Liidlov. ? ?? hav. soi I the foui murili? building and lot, 25x100, Xo. ?? John foi .\n-ot: I'helps Stoke*, io James i: ion i. : ?;?. no Mr Btokei purchaaed th?? prop ? r' in '*-?? ? ? v,". ? ? ?' I'ini.erti.'ii has aotd through F. Zlttel the ??? o :,.i\ lirnwnstone house. No * ?????: ??\ tin??:, n? n Central I'.irk. West, for about ? ?- I HEAL BSTATK TRANSFERS ?ii? . and . \\ andell . f I A V ?. ? Rai ne; Tw?nt\. ?tit Cumpl? to . ? |(.l ??? ? ?? ?. 1.400 112 a ' 140th ?.?-?. '. ? * ??.?.., ... henllns mi I ll irrlaom I ? ? ;?- ral ve ? tui:? ?* '??? illh, 2.11 ? II ?!. " ??:??,! alfe .... ? ..?? ? ? 20x100 11 ? :2 ? ? m ; ! ? 2 - ? ?' wir? t.? William II ?; 300 II, ] ' - .? alfe ? . ? ?. ? ? ? '.? Il I'.o 22 !? ? ; > . M ! ? - ? ? .?.? ,-?-. .? ? ? , . - ?,'.'? '.? ? , '"?? I"?.' . ? Han?? I ? ? ' ? 1 ' ? ?? Mil . 1 ? - ? 1 ."??.?.? ri non ton I ? ? ? 300 ' C HU II ? ? ? ? .? ? . . ' . - ? ?? 1 ? ' 1 ; .? ?? ?,?. ? ? ? ?'. '.??! 1 ? ? . , ? ? ? ? - ? ? ? ? - ? ? S??'?? -. 11 Kai ? ? non ..????' ? Men ? ? t ? ,- ? li ?? p . ?? ? * ass MOI GAGES .-.?!'' Il '??? ? ? ? ....... ?ll ' ... .. ? t:-. - .... ? , k a?*. I ? ?,?. ? . ft ? * ; ]? ...? | IVWi 17 000 . ?. ?.? :.".. ? 9 BOO ? . 1 ???> Il . - ng ?ni ? ' '.' T.'-i Mutua I .If? .? ? ' ? I, ... !.. ' : . IV l ?. v , - < '??. ? ?? ?? ni ... ? ? , ion ?I N ? , . .. ? ; nmi ' ?.'..? Il , ,. ' ! ,-eai .'???> ? if,, ? i.? I Font ? ? ? ? 1 II 1 ? , . ' ' I7.-.I I. 47 fi ? ? I 300 ! ? -? - ? '... ? . ? ' . . 11 ? I In n k, I ?? Nu II ?bina ?? - liei. e. ? , Um Harria V ? ????? h, lin r , I .? .. 800 ? bird Ward 1. ?il I I ? I I . G, !. , ? | . ? ? ! ? V 1,000 Building || ,?'. -? 11:, G, (? * 2 t:?? ?- .,?. ? lai - Il uni ?vif. ? ? H? Im* ? \ ? ?.- John ? ? 000 ???? ? ird ?.?.?'?? pai ?. ? _?|?? 111 ,? S? , . ;, ?. Vyar Estai.?. I ???? I?.?. ? ,. l'I, ,,'. .,,. ? ?ir? lo Irwrb ?? IF Hiding ,! I I n I I Il?t h -I. L3> I fi ?? G ????'?? It"! T.'.T.'.n .? .1 v. if.? lo Amalla Kr.n,?? ?.'???? \1 ..? ' . I,en? llehl? ?. ?? ?? ? ?. ?. .? s mi.t II? Imonl Village. ? , ;?..??> | ?i .??..;.?! ,i|vr llulldlng Au n n f . , ? lian - lilrdlns. ?' a 3d ai ?, 11'-' ft ? ..f ? loth ? ? ? n . 9.000 ill.l :' s-lrt) ,N-w V .iK. In III? I -, ? .?.,.? | ' S ? vine? Bank ? ? ?i?i ... G??? C. tl ? . I An,-'. ? ? ..?. ? ? ? i. .o. S0.ISM) ','BI ; i??i faction G?leo of t. cui (Potate, c 111 : ? : 11 ? ' s sai.?: op ? \ ? igniti ? I '?' ? ??'? I ? ? li "f ITU .ice?, near Prior? ? .. ni m De?'. .11 Is'.'? Bl 2 ? ? :... ? ? ?. ? In. Im ? meni -..????? -? ?. i'i'i. dwelling; Luv? barns, lami .?? Muh -t.???? "f cultivation; Onus p??? . .al? ? iltlvf Ad ??." " \ ANDERBILT, ?'p?? ????, ? .1 Cfitn proTjcrtn fot 6ulc 4 A. FOR IALE (ONLT THREE LEFT). \>r> Ll-ia u ,\>? llru.ri, American Baa*meai, Colonial Styl?, ?.?? ,. ta and 19 w??? B7ih .t NlW, prrte. t beautifully rtni.hrn and everj way un : ? dal? al ??.??.? 882.000 W ai. liman ? ? pi ? tabu < CHARLES m ?.? "-?.,,.,? Colnmtais-ave. ir! TSd-sl Co Let Sor ?noinciio jhirpoera. OKI MKS ?? ?,?t TEMPLE COURT. * -x ?'' y ' ? -? ? '? ?? II' ? < '??? 1 rill V I I I ' f 1 III LAMI.? WliniNl.. ??rula. on premia??, :. li? -kumt? ?.? l'Oli II I TNI', sani .ff,..??. Polier Building, IB Park Row. Reduced ? ' item tie* till Februar? I, Includine one Urs? ..iti..?. ?????? ?Uh ., numhei of others. Sub lease. ?Pl.t?? ??, l'i .., Mutuai Reaerr. Fund Mfa A?* .cinti.,? Rull '?- . oc ?-?.? Lu.,,, s.,,..., Uiiinniiol)f? QaMartaeitt? ?? Cet HOTEL BERE8POBD, si ' -? and Catral l'.ni- Was . eerj ???-" ?'???? ? ? ??' ??.?.f rooaai ?,? inn nnfur n, bl 1. Apply at ..m?.? ?f le,tel. DULL DAY IN STOCKS. THE TRADING UNIMPORTANT. CHRIBTafAi HOLIDATI CAl'SK STAGNA? TION GENERAL ELECTRIC AND BUOAR THE ?FEATURE! SALES AT THE ST? >< 1< EX? HANOI l?E? EMI'EE 24 DEALINQS IN BOND! AND LANK STOCKS, 13 Fourth Nel U:<..IK?S ??*? Mich ?"?nt <'.n 7? 12" , 2*i000 So car ile Non- BOBO do .121 ????? . 2?, 9000 Mil ? ?? I' 1?' 2???? ,1 , . '."? ?' ?? ? ?>1\ ... .199 ??,?.???? Va Fund Detn 2 I MS? do w ? ? IH.. Kill'? .'!.< of ????. ??''? T000 Minn A St 1, l?t 20000 il.?20K. Ill?, low? .'Ixtn .?2G, .;..?.. do .?30F. OOti isissi do Pac IT? .?2??K I l'i', ?.??m Va ?.- I'? f Tr 21?.m do .11?'? It ?? Stamped ? I'-"? ?'??? ? ? ? ? Ist 4? . 81 10000 o .?BF. 134 SOW ,|o 2d . l'i'.? lik.Mi do . ISS) *S?I dn . 40'?? :,.??. ?to .??'!? p tanno ??. MV a .'?<->. a ? di . \-\ ???? do. I?'.?. IV?) ? ?? . 12S ??? ? ? A ???? 1?t. M', Tinn? ? T * S K ??.? ???'? 7<"?> N V i'a SI L 4? |ir.", ?.?.??? ,?, .?'.i .mon ? ? ?t??? i? ni', put. d'i . 09% 7IS.I ? Y ?i A IV Rrf ???. . 881? ??.-?"?? ?noti r?o .WS aooo do . ??1.. ????? .i" . ???? B000 N l' Ist Reg...11.113*4 2000 ATASE 3d .'mou d. .1124 .: ??. i1sssA..s9 I7'; r.???i d?, l?i, il..?? lu?! ft N W |i?. s?., 1000 .1. l'un ??. 27L Il???? H'v.,1 A T*li A?- I..-I do ? "I Tr Not.??. 7*', ||| Chn Bl.Il'", (VSKI ?ire Imp C.,n .'.?. )!?S . ..ll?>V M.iti ,1 , . Il? ji>"n Brooklyn Bl 8d.. ?'-"' JfsTOO Or* S I, o? Rete, s?, TV '.'? ? ' . f N I ? I M Bl 1 L". '.'??i do . ss 3000 . ? ,t- .. ?'.n ."?? lus 3000 Peo ?? t ?' Chic BOOU ? g " RAA l'Iv l?t ?'.in ??. BOU |p| .'.,? ?? .. . !?.".? 30WS) ?? ?? ?! d M 4a... 741. 10000 ( ? It ? >1 Con Ti 194 1000 ?. 74?. ?'????? do . 121', Kl?.?? d. 74', ?;:?."...;. ? ,. ,., ?,.? ?,?, .?*?, ?. .? ,? 7.". 1000 ?? ?? ? W ?' ? ?'"?" do 1?' pf Ile . 2?"> ?;..?,? 7? .1214 l??f?n do . 991, 3000 do .121 l.????' do . 2? 1000 .? 'I 1, ? ?' Co I ."?TOO do 2d pf Inc. 17e?, ? n . :<:\ "(??m d. 17?, Bisa) ' ?; ? ,? ? ??;? 5? I (MS -o??? Rio <? Wem l?t.. H'.?S 7000 C Si ? ? 6 ?? '?HO do . H!i-, iv.? .127', KSK? St Jo * ?. I 1st 10000 Comilock Tunnrl Reti . G??', IK |ne li Btpd, ? 9000 ?? ?. ? ? Ml ?">? ?"-', 3000 hm ,?- iti., a 1? 1-2 I"????' Hl LASE ?On ,-,?? ,?. . ?.? I?.?JOF. BOI. 9000 ? TVA?,' '??? SOBO do ?; M tl? _103 Hold 'e .... I'??' 18000 Si I, South? lit. 83 1101? Osi II A S An IKS?? do . 82?. \i a l' l'i'? ??, t?'-' ?"??s?? do . ?;:??, 9000 III Cent 4? 1069 . BB4 -'??*? St ? M A M 1st ?.???? Kan ?V Midi 4a.. T?;. i'unrt? .12"'? ?i??i ,| . . 7~? 1000 do .?2???4 'ju??i is l'io ?., Denver ?'???? Si ? A s C I?t..l2t? in? Assi .I07 ?? ?no s ? ? a ? ??... '?7'. Toen .F, ?L. IBM. 109 l'irn S V A .N' E ?la.... 7.* IM? do 1.? l'on ... 7.'.', UH??? South Ry 1?? ??. ;?.?. BOU) La ??? L Co f 2I??I i. . Pif, Bl ?. 1?' r.? . . ;>.? 47<?.? do . :?>\ 8000 do . B94 i?**? do . BO*jJ 2??? I . . !.?.'?. .'Ifl'"i !? .??| |nr?i do . i?24 .Vini T A I' 1st ?? . .<?. *7 1????? ?. E A W ls' G.? IHI's 1'*?? !" .?-7 looon ' ? j.i Sa .. ,109 t""?' ?)? . ? s,.-4 2-K.i |. S g M S ||1 .'??? T 81 L * K C I?? ?'? u . . 12m, H 'i. .UP, 3000 o 21 '' ? ? .128'? MOO o?. . .il 14000 do DU Bda....lia M???" I' s (?ordage I?? ?.'t pon i,-h A W H '' - I"??' f B Lealhrr ?s ? p. A??t .Ki7 3000 Wab R R l?t :.? 1"4', p. . I.'.CA, 2<?Hl (I. ICI*-, I.!.. .10B | I"*? I?? Deb s,- ?? ?.'u... ?Ofl) ?. M ? Si I, CM ITO0O Weal S Otd l? . I???S ;??.?,. .?il II???' do .Us.?, fmi.i Manhattan 4?.. . t?7 :?"<?< W N V g ? 3d .-??m m? ' i- lai let. ,133 R''i? 2G ???? M? v In? 1" 4? 71 40O0 IVI ? A I, E l.?t SOM) Mieli C '' ?. ?? .191 Wheeling In- W TilK OFNERAL LIST. RAILWAY ST'i'KS. ? lual Mies - -?"ic?mg- ?~ip?n Hlg?.? I. "*. Kin.ii. li.d. A?W sold. Al T A - G Hi ? , ? ?. ? . ?4 1.979 ? ? ??., ?" . 4 I1?? ??? ? Rait 4 obi . 99 ,;?*? ? d ? S'A pf ne?. 4 , 7 , - Huf R? ?? * I'. 22 : pref .? ?2 ? <'ai: Soull'in. ... '*' ??' - l'an Pari A . 98?? .? ? , ' s ? . 884 '???'?'' M .? 994 984 '?''?? '90 Pacifl . i? ??? 17, ?: , 17. 17', ?t?, 17, ??.;: \ . ... I IB . I -?-f. . . . HiT?-, . ? n ? ?.? tl, 7??, 114 114 :r? '''? - ?';'?'" A ?I 111. 90 99 ?' M a Si I'. 914 98 .'.?', .'"'?, '.?'?, :.7>, 8.912 tl'.?': I9?4 ? -? ,? ? rthw. ?T\ "s ;?t , -?t , '?t , DI4 ?.??3 ! ?.??? 141111 ?' ?: ? ? ? .. Bl?? ?>2 81% ?2 ?'?'? ??-' , 910 .? .-? ?? ?? .? . . :?.:;', ^? ;:??. . 113 . c c c A St L. :i?4 .1-?, ?'<>??. ?'^,?,, ??*', ?'?"? 9 - ' ?.", K?'. -':'. "?-'", *?'? ti I! V 4 T.. ??.'?. \'\ t?;'. IT\ ??, IT , ??" ; ?-' 8?4 ?'2 ?a ??'... 127 127 127 127 1344 127 s '?- 1,4 '.???? Cl 1?:.', PU ,l?2 IS9'?j H?1-'?. 7<?i ? ??.. .; ??"? 114 ? ? peel . ... I'-' , 934 ? ? I : ll.. <t4 i" 4>? tf f? 124 99 , ? ? A L M . . .. s ? I? t . pref.. 4? (it North pf .. . I"' l"2'j ?i n w a Si P. is i'? '.'. 1*4 14 -' 900 pref 24 I I . 24 '-'??. 9 To? ? ? . rrti il . 91 91 ST 91 M s; ?.?? Iowa t'entrai rt\? ?'*? ?? ? '"? ,; ? ' 1*? t ? pr-f. 2? 2rt - L K k W.?. les i?**? .... | do pr?f . 7-1?. 73'. 7.14 T-14 Ti 19 .% I. s A ?? - 1974 lin?, 1974 '-?'? l*7 i:,T'"? *** I ? ,? NU, su . . t. ilag Nasi? .'?IS B94 894 99H ';l'? ??**<. ? ""' L N A 4 Ch. "4 T4 - . 21 2? - L ll I, I M I 4 loi', p.l , I??!', 1014 '"?'? '"C 200 " ? II, ..Il pi . . .. 9S4 20 , - ' ' ??? M Kl : Y. 19 1.1 , - lo pref EI4 M M ?', ? '.?''.', 2T. 284 874 274 2T . -?" i?. i? ? i? . 194 11% ?.? , i'?? X i" 4 St L '"? ??i ?. .' H '.??'?'? f'.'S 99 t? ? , '??, ? . B?] n ? ? ,v .?? 1. 19 14'? .... d? 1st pr*f.. T" - ! 9d ;?-??* . M M .... S ? I. K A W. 10 I" 10 10 ?.?>, :?'. 210 ; *f ... 90 22 . ' . , 924 934 :l- ? ?- > :l-'-? -*?? M V N H 4 H . IS8 l'.sl N \ .? .? \? 154 15?, 184 L'? , 154 184 ?:?? ? S T S 4 W., 14', 114 ???? pr?t ... 41 4,1 N'orf a i? -t . ?' ', B . '. , 84 ?'? '? 1??? ' . ta i? . .. . N ? I-, . . I t 4 4 ? , I IIS . ' . !??, 1*4 IS?. i?;\ iss ?t?, m M ; 1? ?"'Han :? I? l? is ??? 29 .12 o s i. 4 '.* n.. a ?. , _ , p. i??? ai: . . . .t SS .... ? | || ,|J 1?l 18 tV. IBS 184 4.4?'m I' ?' ' .. s ,. i;.?, 144 il??' ?? ?? . ??', 144 *?'? *" St L S? W . . , 4 , 4S 4?, 14 4', B3I pref . ?' , ? , 94 8 , '"?.. 100 I f l'A Dui. ... 21 9*1 pref .... ?'. KSI .. . . ? S? L M ? M 111 113 ?? , ??. , ??, ??, ? si, io Sud '?? ... 104 m', io?, i" , m'?, i" , :..?" :t7', 37', .t?'. , :???, tt'i', .".: ?? r-> .? ?.ir 04 ???', ?? . ?.''. ,,v, t'S -is?? T A A 4 ? M. 2 2 2 2 2 ? 100 .'?? a .??. 4.'. 4? d ' pr?f . . . . 75 SI 1 . ni - IP, IH, It'?, IP, il?, 114 7>?i ' I ' I ? A ? 1. 8 4 Wal iah ...... . ?? B4 184 lis 134 ms i."S ti Hfl U ? ? ? I a L K I"', l"S 104 i?"? 104 104 . 904 ?4 : 'r.ii. I 4 _ MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. ? Kipn ??. It" li.l All ?.? S Sua. . ICI . ?m ' ??? ?? .?Il 24', '.'? . -?? 24S 24 .?,'?? USI nref BS?. ???1. ??S "'?''?* '?'?' ? '"'t ??". Am Dial Tel ?? ? S3 4.. _ ?mer I'm ? ... 112 113 113 119 lio na IO ?m Tel 4 Cab. . .. Bt M _ \ ? i I, pref,. li"i ? I lo .... Il S So III Df. ISA . li ? ? V \ Uif ... 102 . n?.- c H S ?. 4'.? . ? . Isr KAM.... e, |??j .... e l t? Am t?! ... un usi l'htcagn ila? , 72 13' Tl*t 111 7i\ 71', I.UOn C|e? A? ? il-. . l.">7 ? .? Coal Ivi. . . s :? ... Col Fuel SI.... 25 ?4j M . . . 1 do pref. Tu ni .... Col A? II '. ??, li?, _ ' 'in ? alti??. 12*. ... .... Cumalnrk Tun 00 .OB "'? .03 , . t.SOU .? ?? ?',,,? ??'?? . . un 33 _ ?????,?...? ?; ?. it'? ? 13 I83'?i ?::.? ? 133 ixt na i'.?? M ? Fi ??. IM c.1, ?I?? pref. m-? i f ??.?? . ?\ n>?. *% i"', i"', i?"? 14 sea Ed ? ? ??? INVI . ... . ?* lie ileneral Klee . 33% :r. S3% ^S ?4 f.MS 1 Mining.. .. 17 . Kan .v Mi? ii . s , m _ Keokuk ? ?? M. ... 4 ... do prel .... is . I .. '. ?* i*t la. 2?"? M . . . , ,1. pref ... st?S nu? nv\, mm. si s:t ,,,, M.lli Coal Iti. Ilia 11.1 _ .!.? pref.,. ... 100 . Man Beach ?'. '-' ? .... 1 Md Coal pref. 41 till _ Mei National. 2 _ Mian iron. ?in .... Nal Lin Oil. 17?? in? _ ?,?? ? >n? ? 'oil. . I s .... .S if South. SO , No Am?r Co. 3S 3S _ , Nai Sl| s <1?? 1?t pref. 4?l ?o I ?to 2? pref. ?.?.'. ?. <">ii? Sit MlB. ?? 1.1 .... 1 i', e Imp. 11 la _ PacliV Mall. 31?? 22U _ | Lenii Ctml. . . ... 20.1 Api ? l'Illa ti, VV pref G3*, .?3S 13% .13?? 33', 34 1.1 G Ft ?V * ?'. Ill . 1 Lui; Pai Cur ..IM1-? IMM 154 1.14 HI IM mi Quicksilver M. 1'? IS 1% IS I', l lim di pt?f. 15 . Hen? * Sai. 1*0 . R W ,1 ? Mar. U.M, nei, _ SI .1. ? .i ?i I. ? .... Bt I, A A 1 ?. 37 BJ Tenn ' AL. LIA, 1.1*4 1.1 l.V<? I.V., ,.l S00 I T?x La?? Land. ? . . 8 014 .... ' V S Cordage. .. "S D, ?'? ?', S% ?'. 2.474 do pref. 12 13 11*? 11T, IH- IIS -"?' do ?.id . . '.'.'S 2?)', 21? 2n 'JO 21 27.1 !' S Kxpre?,. . 42 4? _ I S Ruhher ... 41?, 4.1 44\ 4.1 4C, 4? 1.630 ? . i.ref . It? M M M 117 Os Kl Well?. Kar KB. . 10.1 11.1 .... V? .Ht I II Tel.. ST'. ST', ST S7'? Si!', ST?, loss LNI.ISTK!? STOCKS. Am SUSSI I! f sic, M??, s?.? BSU W?', S!?S 12.301 ila pref ... I??-', BO , UH', '.HI*, l?l '.l|?? HM Am fob ?'?? . ?.'?'? M _ Hal Siale le,?. 2u'? :.?>'? 17", IS IT'j IS', I.SI1 Lui So S ? ?. 3', 4', _ il" pref. H us _ L ? ??,? iloti. !.r. |M .... Nitiioinii Lei. I . :;O? M*| M :t? :i7\ :(s', inn ? l't plef. M S3 II S Let ?-". *'. Il So pref ... u?', ????1, ?'.!?', ?ins m?1? M in? al iba res far ili? SS].70.7 t? ILV Lit. silver Hui etti. .. ... . ili ? ... N .. SALL'S AT THL <ONSOl.|HATl;fl STO ? AND PR, TIl'lLKI'M K.\? ??.????. STOCKS .ti HiRh- Lew. ??.,. Name?. inn. .a . ,? ln- H Amer gggar I:.' . Ml'. s:n4 Bs4 BBS G Afh Tip ASF. 4S IS !', t-, ''?' 1 llav State ?la? . I?'j l'i 1* , ujff j <?'?'??" Oes . 72 G2 71?, f|? ??; ? ble ? I A Pae. ?C. S3 ?.I ', SIS ! ???? ? ? O) . 7IS 71. TP, 71 , |9 ! i-ili?? Mil A si p . ;,7\ :.* ..t?, IK ES ? <?!??. A? Northw . <iT , !?? 'aT1 . :?T?, ?? , !>? I I. ft W .Hi!?', Hl?.? . lili?, pin r? I l>i?t ft c f. te, n??, :>?, in', - ei\ f.-n Bee . ?| ::? , . :?.:?, ,,,t , Loins A Naeli. ?.'1't, .'.I', 11 , :.;f4 2? ? Nsi tesad . :is'. :t-. .-.* . ssu * N Y ?entrai. W? '." , 're, BSV ? l'Ini ft II??.,.Im*. I'', "? ? I?'?'. I.V, ! ??. Southern By . i"'. i"?. IS* m ? i ? ?? s r.te.1?*.? . t t sj ?s a, 1 lA'esl linon .M% -T ? -, . *7 Torn! ?liar??? sold ... . . Sl.lS ?"??>.-?. ' At.-h T A S G I. ... ?Il SI ?I B| t-n-. C S O R S A 1st.... ??'. , ??'.1, :?? . ?.?:., S Laelede Ou a? . i'-'. :?: i?.'?, !? .n,? Mo K ft t 21 . 4rt\ i?,, sftj ??.-, .??, 1 si L South? 3d. ?:.'. ?'.'.'. B3S ?J, t ,.? T lai Bastami. . 2"?? | MINIS?! SI'ii-KS ? lie?! * Betefcer.t* i* M <* vi I Comstock Tun .SS 'el ??? m ?my, ? '..n Cal ft V.3 7G. ATI 5 7.'. 3 7?.. ?,,? Hal? ft Noremai . ? -? *? s? ,,?, LeadvllL . W I" .W .M -,,, Y. Il.tiv Jack't .42 M !2 ? .?.,, Total selss . .. 2 7.V) CLOSING PRP'Es OT BOSTON ITO ICI ? Omet Ml ?? 2t ????? S un?.lav ? - ?? . I" ,. : Atck * Top?? ?4 1% cal ? II? , ?.?., ajg* : ? ft Albany. SOS 2"* Franklin . u?, its 1 ??,.? * Main?...ISO |?> .?.. - >.?? ; . r* ? ?In, Bur I Q) "IS 71'? '.la . 2?' 2J I... ? R It Ss. 121 121 '."."i? .BB% ?? Pitch R R p' ?? ST*t sT Pama . . 151 ?? ? ft ? M. H 11 ' ?nnlsi ? ?. ??., U ?:, ?- | p M Bref .'l'i S5S ;;"?' * '? '' ' ' 4 K .' SUftCB 7*121 . Sun IMego L C I j L R S F B Ta.. '.'1 M IV? ? Knd I. Co 2 1 m 2 : il ' Mu? central.... il, us l-h T*lepi n? Ifti m M???. ?'???? com.. ?S ?\| i..,in- n St a .. A | N Y ft N K t r.. 3C? 3.? Water ??? ??? :?? ?ja ? Y A ? B 7? HT', HT-., ? ? te nu, il .; % ? ?nd colony .iti?', ISO ? ? ?? na w R itland com . . 2 . Bulle ?- I ? , ?,?* ? ?VI? >'???? cotti . . 3 3'.?,Gei ? :..?,?, ,;, ? I AtlanM'.' . !" , I'" ??'?Stlnah? U* li. ??. , SSS ? ?),??? ft Ment.... .".-"? IBS CLOSING l'Iti? KS OF CHICAGO IftXTKa, chlcaa l> .? ?*!?. B?tard?! 1 ???. Btrawboard . ?'? ?? , Lake ?? ?. ?.,?, f a c C A D Co SO I4t? Ini ? ? ? ?? ,11 ? , ?? ? ? Co. 12'. US In? l S r <? :? 34 " :?,.' ? ft M i-i ni . iW 2?. MACH 13% ir. Pack * Prov. . SI WS M * '' Il ??' -? , ?SA. l'a.k A Pro* pf. 3.1 13 N Y Bli ??SS ? ? ?' ??. . I'"?. IS?? ? ' ? ? , .... CI up? ???.... 7IS Sin ??? \? * ?' ?. :.;?, ih?, Diamond Match.US'? u*'. W CI ft R R ?.-, \? closing prices of Fini ??>;:?.??!;?a iTTOCKS H'd A li A ???' ? ? ?' a Imp. 72", 7:: Penn ?: ?: Set :,? 1 ? .! Tra? ? .tels 3n .".?, ? ? ? ? ? I? 71 >. 7?. ?? pie'? . ???, .Vf - ? i It I ? ? ' . S BJ ! Lettish Vail?? . aas ..?. ?? .? ?: 3d ..' -? ?: . ira ?. c .?.? ? Co . ?74 ?-'.. ? a ?: :<?'. ? ? 3 ISK i .... ? ? , Li :??, 1??1 ! ? - ?'.?. ?? . pref. ? ?' 17 ?? t '.-. i?j ? ? A R ?lock t ? n; 7 r IS <>? THK ST<?c,< EXCHANGE. Monday, I ?. ? ? m. G? .ms ..-ii. us in sto ka were ?\ remely Us> i ???.!, and tli-r?? were t?.?? divel pm?mti f |s> ? portance to influei.luotati-jna, whl h re j mal ned practically al baturday' g rjrtces. | Th?? influence of th?? holidays v. ?* ??.? ? ? ar>. J parent, the dulnesa which Is generally th? pria? clpal factor in the Chr'stmas ?;. irket j being mor? in evidence than usual r ? Street contented Itself with sp? ils Ing iboui the pros* pe< t- for l*:?"'. end th ?ugh -? me I ? ratorg 1 wer?? incline?? to tsk? .1 dismal rlew I th? fu I ture, the majority tig . : . . _.? better than 1*94 The Improv? ! cot liti ? ut , trade ??* reflected in the rep? rta ? railway ? i:n iiiKs In th?? last ihr??? W? ks has b : coursglng feai I the genera . and p. "j.!?? wh ' are on th? bull - ; ihelr .usu rncnt* for better timi - it noi for in?? unfortunate atl mpts of t Congress t., meddle with the cu itlon, ' and the uncertainty of what ? , mpl -p, ' there would be m r? hop? : neaa riri I??s f ir s 1 h ing? liter January t. There was no e I engaged for ex? I port to-daj. in;? foreign .\ i" ? ? sliij. al ti?,?? . :?.-. ? ..? ? n Tiv ? nil ' of th- continued drain >f 1 I fi j ury'a gold res? rve Is not 1 pr? sent Indi itiona it*li ka - j tn. letup for some tint? t 1 c ?me. It ? ) estenta) on trusts >rth) s ?lent Cleveland was again thinking .' :ae ? .?j reserve, and had sen; an ??- 1 I Wail ? tree! t?. find out how another b nd i**ue would be reeeiv.'il by ?he New-York banker? Bankcs who have k'?.?. a glose wstch on the inree <>i affairs believe that tic President maj force?! to aak s?? retsry Carlisle to call ? ? , ' na : ? another bond Issue sooner than h< had ???? pected, but they do noi b .. t? ? prove attractive here while the Oovernineni bond )v? ? 1* in Ita er??*? m conditi n ind C - -? ,* tinkering with the cui ren Th?? business .1 tuallj eki amounted to only H,Ti m Sugar Reflnlna;, i II g, L'nlte ! States Bubi er snd ? of that ' '.i** furnlsl wa- some liquidating >: t 0 me r ivering of of the busi ? u between tre lers l isee sold a ? amount of S: ?Paul ami Krie N? s-Y rk ?? ? was weak, owing to a ren? erai Electric ad van ed mi thi *? lllng 1 ressure of ? itut I I , une of one point In Unite I tt.a ige, t lei bi eiii.-.l : be due to the sa lively larg ? bio i. bj a ? " W 1{->? lining de lin? I ', Th? ; a In the trading, an I the market ? showing little chang elth? r wa; ?30XD8 THE FEDERAL TREA8CRT. There ser ? leailngs In U h? Quotations w? re sa : ? : ?-*? ? ???? V s ?? ? issi, - ? ?? ? ?' - continu? 1 .t 3. ST ... ,r.a ? ? - - 1 - 1 ? ?lit ir. S? l"<tSJ III 1 - 1- IU07 ii''. 1 . ? I? ? : , ... f S. 5a, 1004 r. 1 ltT'? ll?S ? ?? '*': '"' ? ??? L'.S ft? !:?'? a 11 ?". 11* . ? ? - ? ? !* '* ? ??? 1 s ., .. ?-?.? ; .? ? 1? II . ??? F.S : ?le I*?.??. I". Twelve shan e of 1 Fourth Nal were sol l at IS9% In Stati aal? * of S uthern l'ar Una Is. p ? ? an l 24, and in \':??.!;; ? Fun led Deb? ?"? - Transa? luis In ralli ? i bon Is ? I terestlng as tho* In il i--? and a - ? only 1851 000 e ?ulti resul? In mil) l "u : ges. A firm I ne provsiled . ' * were made In most cases, bul ? - ? ? ??* , linci \ t ' ?'. :'.? Th,? Rui Tf ?? ir) ?ras deh! ! lions. |M ? ? .7 |?- ? ? ? I ? ? da) wa ? 11.997.-79, made up ? j of $1.214.?? an I a lies In .?I ? -? - ? ; ! .lev's operations in ??????| ?: ? ? I u u. tits. L'.:?'.'?'??. i.-i; ling 'J "J* ance f |1?.?M.WI ? W '? " ? , and 87..????7 urre. . ?? ; : day and Mon lay were M..9KI ' ? iy I menta ?d.701.75.1 Th.? united Wales Treasur) al Wai ...??.?! t .-.ip $.'2?..?:-? ? .in? nal bank ' demptlon. The cual .nia receipts w.*n ? Internal revenue recelpta IT57, ?????. and the m lane ua re? 'Ipta $'.?>. Iti ,f To-dsy's Washington Treasur) al ? ' rash "u haul end dep alts In bank i-nmparee siw I the ?Sgurea of the laal prevloua ?talement aa ? ' lows: |. ? I'? 2? , N.i gold ?? had 980.901 IBS 1-?"??! 871 ' ? '- ' m N. t 1-kiI l? '?'? . _ ,?^ , ??.? I...I..I ????"? '?-' "?::? *?.s ., -??: \... Hlvrr on hi ? 1*3 vis . ?21 BAB ?? ? Actual < ??h la ihe Tr??ni'i vaults I o? er OtltSlsnd . . , < .;- '?? Ig? rei.le. IL"? IV. 77< It'.T 21*** ?!"? *r??4 Deporti, ?? Dani l1.920J8a 11 MM.S12 ta Ks4 ees* bai"? ? ? |??9.1??.99? 1-e? ?**.*? MONET AND ??????? MARKET? Min.) on .all was G?? ? per "tit Time '?"/*** Showed DO change fruii Saturday's figure* ? ? "' mereiai pattar r?tcs were also unchaiige?. ?? ? there was litt!.? demand for ?ccommodatloa. W.? subjoin a table of nt.?* mi-I" ?? "" "?' **Ul> latlona furnished by Um busiest totaaaa: , ? ????'? ? fj?M?t. Tini* Moie?. j romni. r.-.a. V* er_ ?ncill .'.Odierno? tiFio? 9 Stata. 3 mo.? 8???|????? ? ? ?2 _i_2 1 ?*? 1 ?%??? 1_? _!_*_ ? ??^ The price ?.f domestic exchange nn Wew^erl ?? was ?iuote.1 to-day is roHowa at the pla?M named. .'hicaKo. T??' premium; ^'*<0"' ^ discount: St. ?. u.s. no trading: *????',??* ,VV .L Ing ?? discount selling par: Cltarl? st.,.. bu, m< par. soiling ?. premium; ?<.?ii t ran. la? ' ? ''*n io,?, telegraph ?2?4; New-Ori _ Hank cleatinga wer* aa follows ?*' ';,'.,l,.',"h"V named: Nem-Yorfc Eachanges $.4.*w.."> , g? asees, $4.'...;?.:.::??. Chicsgo Bsehsnge?. * ? ????;* at?; balancea, |1.?*.0I7. I 'hlWelj ?hla- ?? ??hii.gcs. 99.lt4.992; balancej 11.'???^ more Kschanges, ILtEtl?: balan?a, $-? -?* Th.? prl.?,? ?f commercial bar stiver n the raar k.?,. nominal, per ounce ?****? ?,?,-? m. quoted at SO. In Union bar aUtw was town l-Wd. t.? ttt'?S?. per ounce. Th,? foreign ex.-nai.aj? aiara-rt t?* ,,*"?] steady, ertth rates pmctlially ?nctangd trcm last week. The rscafrts of cotton drawings iron?