Newspaper Page Text
-?t?t?fc VOI?JV...N??7,.*?7(i. NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2?, 1894.-FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE TIIREti CENTS. NEW CONGRESS DISTRICTS. A BILL TO REFORM TDK GERRYMANDER vl' THE LEGISLATURE OF IMS, J.' WILL PROBABLY BE INTRODt'CED AT THE I E I'.iNMM". <'V THE BE88ION AT M.IANV AKD WILL <;IV?: ADEQUATE Rl PRE .-'i:\ ; VTI024 TO THE Kt'ItAI, ? ? ???G?????3. rEUCORAPlI .1 . . ?. ?. : Bl'Ng I Albany, Dec. 28. There waa a sensation to night ? ? ? illticlan?! u h ?? they heard on ? that a l.ill would be Introdu >ed 8?^ ? ' Legislature met r apport] mino the ta o? the State. The present ap? rii made by the fraudulent Demo >? -? - ?tur ? ni 1892 aft? r a fraudulent been taken "f the populatl :i State. The enumeration tra? made In ?' hen II ? .??ill? nil to se< ure an a - sus In tli rural .??struts, which are Republic ..ii ? in th* other hand, the ? ' ' .? ? Hies are rowdi .1 In the ? Inti r ulatlon. As was sh iwn ? :? 1 "? ine In 1892, th ?usands of all n? were Itisene by ?? I ? ?. ini enuini ? ? ? lies ? N-w-Ym k and Bro klyn, : latlon was - ? - true ] . portion? Tl t thi R rural part - : ? w.ts m id r ? ? have ! ! ' m ? ?.p.? ? Itiet ? > have ? Leg il ?re. ha\ ing ?. en ere In g< ? ? ymandi r ' - ? ever a ?shed in the Th Sp ., : 1er was I Sew-York. 1 V .? : - ? ? I Re| ? - ? mpared wll D .it of this divisi ? ' ? . | ?? ? . : the thlrty-foi ? It Is trui ? il .? ! ' ? lati elect Novel part> can ! recogn ?es the ?*as a ] ? I wave, and ? litlons the Demo rati , ta gei ol - ?men. :: in leader? b< Hi .?? th U thi R - I ? : an party shoul I have an equ il With elee? the State' , s tatlvef at Wash : of the R : radere -, ? ? Ject, - ms to m< that, ft? r thi of the Demon ? that the I ' ratte I-eglalatun ? .. . ; ? State ? ei a Mil - The State of I ndlana ? (. the Democrat!?. ] f1- . ire ol Stau will ? pportlnn - ? ? ? ???'. ?.???'..? ? ilonr them b ? Stai the ? in 1er ? f ? .? ? t ??.? now -a e si . Usti The Apportionment bill will posnbly foil w the linea of the new C< nstltutlon where it provides i r Senate districts In New-York and Bi Th?? Constltutl nal Convi igbt that the 130,.? Republl an voter? In New-York City ought t>. have an p irtunlty t ? secure some tentation at Albany and accordingly h .?ike.? ..m tiw??? IsMUafMitaMy ? ate district? among the twelve uistri.ts assigned to New-York, leaving the Democrat 1. party with nine distri - Thi same plan was follow* I ?? Brooklyn, several Republican disti ? i out, wbili ... mi r< pn ? the I ' :.? ' rati ? pa: ty wa II Un? doubtedly * i:? publican C ; in New-Y ri ind Brooklyn can ???? ? I out without Injustice t,. the l ?? ntation in < ? an also be Rej an voters in ? ior of ? ? ? State. It Is rep ??' -'.'it that Mr. ?A rl ?? may to Albany to-morr w with his wife .. ! family, and tak?? ? ( the Executive leid a c nfen ? ?? al Ellers f \?. ?. ? ? ? of the Sta;?? Finance ?' -!.:??' ib ui thi if the State Tre isury, li loss of |I .6 rallini ? m the In taxatlon laws. Q vern r Fl >?? ? : was b? sieg. ! I la) al the ; Democratic polii me to Mb iny to try ? ? ? ? ? ? ?:????\ es and J ) es. of Brook ; Kenneth F. fi ??;?.. .? ? G M Kane?a 1 - . Si ?? I I a doaen bl Y. McKane and the ? tlon thi s In the II i ai 1 III l As? mbly distri t? of S ??? ? ? Mr. ]????? f r S ith? rland, Mi Kane r any of ti t Th- Govern ? il? lor a pardon for a ? Imlna ' a: ? ? tor O'D .??? 11, J ? l C. Mur] ?,. ? ?.. y to bring a Ni w-Ye ir's gif: ? thi !? ...t Splegi 1 househ il. '? < ?? -,, to N?s 1 ' more paj?? re In ' he TA ? EU K>li THE nOKTOS SVBWAT. ! i,,: g ? iton Transit Coi ? fternoon rote I to tal of ? ? tin, t).?.? ii lymarket Bq ?an prop? er?? ? the Boaton and Main Railroad, Th? I feet ol Ian !. of ?? ? ton and Main? R illroa : own? In ind ha? In the rei has - ? ? Uaine Railroad and th ? to i,.? |, ?. . ? ? ? .??- '?? f ,..? for thai ? ????? d In f< ?? : ? ? :. .,i abo i' as a f.>r the whole ?G>?? h . ' been taken for i? : ? nil foi tl It I* pi that the ? oh tract will not be I?" ;i" ' that a ? ??? ? :?? "? Haverhill ? ?H- ' . ? ? can be sold r. ? vay. LOM? mill: WA1 ?* TUB STOKM. bVlby ville Ind., Dei '- Yest*r?lay < venlng H Leavltl ' " Maple ini , ? t.. drive from th Ir hom.-. louth ol Sh? Ibyvllle, to atten ? ? party ? llstanl Met the part! ?Un. ? ... ?, h ,i, thi toi ? thai ? Uav,?? nte ? with th? > ???>...? , wcam? ih. Th? i ? ? ' carried. I ?? <',r? futile Won of theti .. . ? ? ? Th? ? wei carried I ' ? e then to ? . orta have prov? rl consciousness amputa . t . : . .. II . . , . HI - ! \. lr i/t ) r.\ ) ' ?? TS OX a DOLi it Boston, ?-. a?, The Debenture li Com- I ??ny. th? pre? leni ?.f which, ?lln Adama, charged ? ?Ha . ??.?, zzlem? nt, d? faulted hi? ball a*<J tal:? r, ?, two N'ew-England ? op! chi*!!?, .? , ? ,.? than 170,000, In ea cU;..., ?. . . B|ven gol?l bonds, ?/hi??h ?^? '? worth ..? |,r.-'.( nearlj M cents on Tt'* onte, ol the company ha? beei ? lo?. . th? ?raltur? nold, ,,p,? Lawyer M.Kay ? -tima -i. h?1? | ?*af..:. ol the rompany will reach ab<>ut l^.ww. J? th.- asset, there ?s s claim for about ?6,00?? oj , }?>? fund? ?r the defuncl Amerl in Building and ; **an Association cf Chicago. ?WA VOTEkSOH I'ABDOJIB A* AOED ??????\ Albaiiy. i),., 2t Governor Flower to-day " t?*xi the aentem of Dentei Finley, who ???* eoe ?"??d ol ?? ,, lei in the second degre? In th? city ^?w-York, and fenten?ed to imprisonment foi ?IL?.1" !'"i' ????"? for lifts ? ?'? ? "?? ,"1 'V.'i Bi?". subj. . ?., etatuton commutation foi goo.1 5-^vlor. This vili s.t Kinley at liberi) on Mon ta,*.v ,Ie h?a served thirty-four ?''?'"-,;?"'1 ?ou' ?ontha. He wa? sentenced for the killing of a om*n with whom he lived. ? THE FIRE RECORD. RUSHED PROM THEIR BEDS IN PEAR. ALARM AT THE HOFFMAN Hol si: ?? ENGINE COMPANY. PALLED TO FIND A BOILER TENDEH ADLAZE. A !ii?- alarm was rung In from the bos al Twen ty-thlrd-at. and Broadway al 3:30 o'clock yesterda) moraine for a supposed outbreak In the Hoffman House. The Are engine?, a hook and ladder and Hi?? attendant firemen were on the spot two minutes '<?''?'r- hu? the/e waa ? ? trace of flam? ? anywhi re, ?*V( about the clothing of Florence Masterson, who tenda il:.? 1,1. s in ih.? boiler-r.? in Twenty-fourth st. After satisfying themselves that there was nothing to be done, the companies returned to :!i>ir stations leaving Masterson m the hand? ol an am? bulane ? surgeon. He h ? ! been alone in the boiler-room when the ! bl( \\ ? R , :,. of Hi.? steam , ... k- .,:. I lh? -?? caplng steam nil-? ? tin? place. Scared aim..-; out of his senses, Masterson began excltedl) t<> rake out th.? fire under the boilers. The result was ;>? ? ? Mm irount-rs on in.? urn] ?.,. h1iik, |h.? phatr .?:? which he h id be< ? sitting, Then lie si r< irm il "'In !" and "11. Ip!" an ? w llliam L. Un unan, the night watchman, after running to Twenty-thlrd-st. and turning In a Ore alarm, came to his assistance. He mei Masters ? rushing oui of th?? door and ?mothi red the Hr< In the man'? ?mou clo hi ?. Ih- bod) and l< gs were sllghtlv bu an I in ih? exeii his fill hi he had his head ugalnsl some bjeel tini a deep Benin woun I. \n amb ilance wai die I ir.d he w the ?? ? -York Ho pita) A number id servants who sleep In the house left 1 the building ah ?ve ? house ?. w hi ? the) hi ird ? ? ?.t the; ? ? rm I. HUME Rl'RXED IN ??G?? RIVER, \. .1. ?? fire o irred In South River, seven miles ? im ?? a -I'r .? -\. lek, ? .? . ..t S o'elo k yestei da y morning. \> royed t ne of ; he fine il In Middle.- \ lOunt). it was the home ol \\ lllam l'olwell, a wealthy retir? l merchant, who, with his family, la at pn ent al Washing ? Flami s ?\? re disi ??? ere l In the ? < llar ol the ha ise by Kills Vai il-? I ri t?. fore .. o'clock The onl two o 'upants ... e were a ervani girl an ? Van 11 Ise' ? sister, ? Ing ili?? nbe< nee ol ; h ? '.un,h Van Hise Into thi ? ? ind aroused the two girls, who were M In .. ? upi ? thi r dam er. 1 ? hardly di ? -? ape ? befi ?.?!?? ? til building was In ?I.un ?, As the village has no Fire Department, the house, u ith all it ? . ' totali) est royed. house was a ? ; roundi d ? : t?? atit ? ?? ? I..?- \<;11 amount to nearl) ?'_'">.O0O, partlall) cov? ered by Insurance. The ili attributi lo a di fi live Hue _ BAS BABEFOOT THBOFGH Till: SSOtT. \ PLI 'KV YO! Mi Jl USE) I?1RL HAVES HER FATHER'? UFE G? ? ? ALLANT EFFORT NEARL) KILLED H) ? ? ? \!. ' ; \ ? "il.?.?.... a ? VVestfli Id, ? .? . an ? I family had s fi m bi .r._- > ? ? ?lai I ? ! on 1-? Ida) To rt-n ran a ? I in her bai feel Her aci .... Mrs. ?'il!?? .? . ? '???.??..??. tcht-n ? ? . ? ? he fumi s mil. Il ?.??.?? H< tried to ? . hut i ? ned I to the kIi . ? on the 1 ? - dr. ? 'a ? m ? ? two r?.,.!. ?, a h ? .??? .? ipatnir? but I ? ? ? wa? ?. mi ?. Thi ? m in carri? l hli H ..? the hou . an ?. li ivlng h.t ..? the - ??. mah? I ttpsi th? ? hlldi n. H<* ? i?. netrati d to thi uppi : H ? lldren were uni ? is. He cai both fron, H :? ? ? . , ? .? ? *- V. ; t'omltlng. It would ? ? ' to the kitchen to put oui ild ? the ? ? ? The ? ? ? ? M r. i mi ct her. ki ' ? . ? . .? , '? e window. Th?? ? ? : ? ? ' ??..'! ? by tl ..... ?;..?? ? ? ? ? ? . ?.., 1 the I.?? ise, and It I " I to pr?venu ' / BOXES TO />/ \ ill IS ? SHI D. ? MAN i ? il'Nl) IN AS IPOLAI ::' W ? I.V \ |IR(S ? ?.? ? lOIj! : ' The bod Andrew I. twenty-two yea room at 2 . ,. I shed in M irg m ave. yesti rd ly morning ? ? tin ? ? ! ; . ? [Oil The plaei whi ? ? ?'? in Isolated ..... ?. ???? man Fag in disi ov , p ,| the ??? ? ? The dead man ! i:p In H?. w.ty poorl) ? . ? : '??? ?!?? ? aa . | t . the ; . ??? statioi Latei ? ; learned that he had with J >hi S| ? .?.?.?? Spiegel told the | . that I?.? had 1? fi Bel I at th< shed, when h . ? ? ? ?. It Is rup , .?t!. ?? wl .? h? : eatti thi ? ? f< II a ? ? nd '? ' KILLED OS AS ELEI iTEi? BOAD. THE ?."??? OF A MAN KOI'NH ? \???;?: AN BNOINE l\ I: ?? - >K '.. '? When ?? train on the Brooklyn I'nlon Elevated road wa ? unnlng m er the bi I lg< ai ? ? ;? o'el? ?. : ? ? ? ?,.. ... r felt ir a If h had run into h bag of m? ?!. He stopped the train, and, Jumping from the cab, ? forwa . Ith his fireman. The) found the bod) ol ??? man. Ilia ?. leg v\a~ firmly wedged under the forward truck of tl.? ??'. ? i' look the united ? (Torta of ? ,,, men to drag oui ihe ??? dy. The di id man ?raa a bou I fort? ? ? Id ? wa well d ? I, ;,,,i in !.. ???? ki '- ???? re found letti ? aibin ? ? I lo Johi 11 ? ephi ?? No. 114 H ? \ j., und t" m? imi man al No. I5U Fifth ave, ? ? floor, Newark, ' .? The nutnbei <.r the en 87, ,,., | thi ?? J? in Holland. The iheoi j adv meed ?.oiml foi the .. I* thai the man ?? il from the bridge, ami, p uiiconsclouH l? striking ihe rails, ? '\ until the , une slong .? ? blame atta p? d to Hm . r or lin man ol ? ! ? 11 aln. G? FT VUE OF OSE "I TUE G??? ?,am;. \ ? ?, . ? ?? .'?'?. pul ? Mai thai ' M Into ti;?? .. IhU aftei noon ?? red Bu L n ke) on tbn ? ? hai ? of robbery, hol ? steallpg and munler. Lackey wa.?* leadei ol the gang thai attempted t?? bold ui Ho Katy expresa al Wybark laal August. He waa ?Hill" Cook'i second .??! the recent robbery al ? me ami li know p to have kill? d I leputy I ,,(,,., two wee) ? hi liattie between Ihe Muskogei rleputlev and "Tom" Hoot. William Smith ami himself. Jaml ?? he knows when Rool and Smith are. Luckey will be taken to Korl Smith to-morrow. ^ . UXSUKS. WEBB .4 ?/? ??.? CHOKB\ Toledo, Dec, 9 Al .? meeting hold her? to lay, which waa attended l?v John Jacob later, W geward Webb and other New \..ik>i-. Mr. Webb ?,,,,? Henry ? Blj were elected directora of the Flndlay Fori Wayne and Western Railroad Com pany. The proposed Inspection of the property u.i- abandoned on account ol the weather. ? iiUM.rt-silU? BVRMED Al PEN MACOLA Pensacela, Fla, Dec, tt, ?? ??" esirl) hoir this morning tit ?- wai duKOvered on the Norwegian ship x,,.?,,.,,.,. ?? ing m this barbor. Thi nie had .? ? ? lei ibi? beadws) when discovered, ani :i strong wind was s weeping ecross th? bay at thi lime . mg m inai ? wi ni promptly lo the ? but owing to the hick wind uns unabli.; vt-'i which la a total loss. The AustrUu-j arsa of ; SIS ioni net. Sin? whs built at Portland, N. M, In jh7j i<ut salir 1 under the Ncrweglan flag, and Is I owni ? al Flekki fi n !. ? rway. She arai ! ?ailed with til ?feel if ? ! ; h had t ? ? wi !. FROZEN ON THE SIDEWALK. ! ? BROTHER OF SENATOR ROBERTSON STRICKEN WITH APOPLEXY, mi: ???.?, KEAR HIS H. ..mi: IN PKEK8KILL LATE ON THfrWDAY NIOHT, ??? WAS ??G??) YESTERDAY ' M< UtXlNO. .l.i. II. Robertson, a brother of Sena toi I fi.'ge v.. Robertson, who la a member ol the Lexow Committee, waa found dead at ;. ? o'clock yesterdaj morning on Hudson-ave., In front of the (ktspel Mission, In the Seventh Ward of Peeksklll, The body was froaen stiff, and M wat evident that Mr Robertson had been dead for several h.s. The body was iw ?overed by :. man named dale, m ho was on ins m ??> to work. Mi Robert on'? feel were toward the curb and hi< head reated aaalnul Ih* nalaaton bulUI tl thi? polnl the road Is hilly and the snow .m I Ice had froaen on th? sidewalk. Ml Robertson was la.? seen alive al about u o'clock Thursday tn^hi when hi :..:??! from Coroner Apgsi opposite the railroad station, t?, go to hi? home. Mr. Robert on appeared t ? be in his usual health and ara? In good spirits when he left the |.in. ? Il topped, bui ti.Id was Inten u I ,1 . utl ?ng wini swept over I im ? ?Id ? hin derburg. Mi Robert : id to ? limb th? hill to r? ? h the con r of Hudson-ave. and Washington . here he lived. Hi had ? ached the top of thi hill ? hen he was .ron by ? iha ? I thi cold lii -?., pu ? d that 1>>? inlghl havi on the : . in fn nl ?: ?1.? ' ?? pel ?? sinn, und fall ink*. I" came um on? ? I As ion s (laie dl ?? . red ih?? 1 Coronel Apgar, Who telephon ! to Menatoi ca..? son of th? Unding tor Roditi .?. ?? to the ? ? ule a) rangements to havi the is ?) ? movi ? Thi t : ?? '? hin brothei u ?? ?. to h< ari an , I..? believed t: .,? | -, from a ?Uh.,,], ? Mr. Hot? rtson, * h ? wa : fty-elghi !? :?\.?? ,? Mid?? .in I | h rei :??.\? ? ? hll ??? Il Kol m., ?) ? ?? ? he was pi ? Hii.l for u riunitici ? . , ? ... und .? m. mli-r ol I he tin .? of Tritate??! He wa a vi *( l'el ? ; opal ? '? ? : .li ? ?., lievi l lo ? ber ol ihi tlrm of Sax ?ft Robert ? . . \ lopsy ahowi d that atmpli of deal 17 // ? ? ?? IA7) 77//. ' Il 11. Si ffl li /. " " tu \ ;? THE il? ????!?, s ? ???? ????t?p? \t?: ?IM!,. - ? ei t?? da) and adopted a ? lion pi ti:.? a;?-? ? ? that h?? I ITS ? ?????? IMI'AIHI 1> ? ? I ? ? ? ' know ... . ..._?. I I ? ' ? . ? ? MISFOKTI \ ? - '?' ! Mil ! M.\ 111; ?. 1er. ? ?*. Powers. I I irti ? The Court al ? \ ? ? ?? I ? I ? I ' * e| ? I ? / ? ROA ? 17 ? I Itti ??? (III? Ml t ?1\?. THOl'RLE ? \ - .? I l. '?' II?! I?l N... Ni'l.H ? III. I.I.V. \". I '..\I.MI ? I.I ? he > ? li br itlon of thi nlversary of the Manhattan Liberal Club, al No ::?> Kasl Kll le?nth-st., ? and up ? ii . hefon II was all over, and th.? dui ? ? ? ? ? ?.. ? ? it'ii ? lui Ing ... lb-Voted to ;,.' ,'?.,:. V\ ;' in M Donai I, U .?? ilpti r, rrc'l ufi th? m. mbi ? ? bj ??? tit ?Iti v...: k of thi ? ? mmltti. whlli ??? ?: ng ol lira p ? and free speech. "We have allowed," ha said, "an tini ? mltt( ?? t . trample on the libi ? ties ol thi peopli to walk through il?. Con tltutlon ol ? 'niti ? Stati -? end ih u ?entire mm ???? : ? . ? of tl The) i: iv. piai ? ? mi ? on u ? und c ill? ? thi m Ihli \? and liai ? ?. .?. ing them an) redress" befon i. . mid ciititlnui there ara? .? etorm ? >l 11 >m ? u?? .m Hem ? ? hi p ? ? ? ?? .-.? do* ?," "Shut up" ai ? "Thi ?.? sow ? 'ommitti all ? Uhi " TI upi u laste?! foi ?., inj mil .'. ind when ( "hall mm ri l ioti had ? h ? dm ? ord? r Mr ?? Donald continu ? ive thi . ommitti ? doi al verj little," and t.. confusion alni noli e, on ?) ???? . ' a nd : idei . how . i?.? dl approval ol th? ci riiaddi Ui H. VVakeman, thi Pol ?.:-: ? an liliale ? ? the ? ' '.m of A| peals al the reci nt .,. ? ? n, call I-on tin mi ml* ? noi ? . foi gei ,?,,,, ai ih? Liberal ? lull an) mi. roiild ?? ik hl ? mind . The upr?j rlou scenes were ,? enaete I when VV. ?. ? m mat?). ? . launched Into a Indiai peech lu thai ..1 Mi Mel innubi He ? |? ike al li ? fth, bul III ? hl ;?? ? h eould be lu ard atxivc thi noi ?? li, ?houghi ?'.? h ""i done bv the . ommll t? ? ? ? declai Ing himself ? Hall man, ibi "wo are vestal virgin* ? ompan d with tl ? ittack us." .... temeni ????? uli e?l ini w ho could stand n., mori. end the peechm iklng ? mb ut,. ACBEA ////"i /'//' ?Ol OsT.V. Duluth, Dee, Zt fomplalnts ?rere flle?l in the Districi Coui t ? da) by A R ind E. T, Mei riti In whb-h F. A Stratton ai ? ? F. Blngiser, ol Tenne ??. ar? a.. use ? ol swindling the pialntifl . ? ,.? >;.?,??? In cash .... ? ?.??? In notea. In March, IW2, Bt rat ton and Blnglaei approached II Merliti? with ?> bu Inei pro|to Itlon whkh on Ils ? face wa? excellent The) repn ented themaelvi ,?- holding nine-tenths ol th* ?lock ol ih? Mona ? h Coal nd Coke Company, win? h ihei ibi o*.? nil n? ?.? ral r.i h ta and privili g? ? : ? .?>.?-? ... ? . . , :..?. ..?i u ? ira? land? In l'ik. County, ' ' Btratton and Siam?? ? t.>ok the plaintiff? oui to Pike Colini;, and ? ho wed them ?? loi of valuable ' land, which the) laid w.>- all own??.I by Ihe Mon? | arch ' '.>ai and ' oki ? Omp inj The oui.k ? ? atl fai toi > and the .le.?I wa? cl.?. The ?? ? ?.m up ?.','?,'??? in . ai h and bo in ? thi mselves to pa) ' <*?.....<?. additional li li alleged that the Monarch ? : and Coke Com pan) did noi own an acre of the Ian ? Stratton an ? Binai ? ? ? - ? abolii to pui land trad m thi noti ? ? Ulli imi th? ?.ni ? on which h? Empire Coal Com pan; was Marled was turned ovifr to the Merrill?, It ?? ?? l?-ged thai ti.????? men ill?! noi porch. more than 45.000 acn : and that it did noi coal them more (ban UN an acre, whereas they bad sold to the ? Al' rrit:- at about III I ADRIFT ON ANGRY SEAS. FEARS FOR THE LIVES OP FIVE MEN ON THE BARGE SETI1 LOW, PARTED FROM THE ItlNULEADER WHILE IN TOW TO BALTlMuBE TI1K LATTER HOAT IHU ?I OUT 'lu ? ? G??? BEINO ?'?.-s?::? ABoi'T fi ir ino? ii<. The coal barge Rlngli ad r was towi i ? I poi ' esterda) moi nlng with ?? ?tor) ol the storm on her. The bai gea ?:In ? >u?l< ? and s> th I. >?.?. were o? Ing : ... ? from ? ?ton to Baltimore, and were caught oui ??? t!.?? si irm u Wednesda) iiiuM. Al V o'clock ?? tha? nighl Ihe) were ofl Fire [sland. The steamer Santull wna towing them. The rtorni Increased in fury, .m I as they gol oui Dom Ihe shelter ol tin Long Island shot ? ? ir mendous pea was en >unti ??.?d ? ??.ili? ..?? ?.? munii .? ? ? ? he nil I and ihe ingr) m . Ihe bai ?;? bi 1 :.?? 1 ?? -? m in the Saiituit and from ? 1 th r. Thej wen ? ovided with nails, ?.?. hlch the) sei, and Cjptaln Ki ? u. ol the Rlngli p li r, tried ; 1 make this ?- ?? ?'? managed ? 1 ??-' 'ape with .liiii.-iiitv from h ?- M m ? on I beach p Thurs la) afternoon an h ???? off ili High Thei"atut,' ("'iti I him yi lerda m t iwed him In The aptaln sal 1 thai the li Set h Low her mils had been ul.iwi a way. and he h > waa 1 ??? ? He wal hi d the Santu : Ime after the towll ? ? ? ?? ? ' . ; ? ??? hei Fes tei 1.1 . . Han ? ai having arrive?! ai i > la '? ? ,- - ?? was at once irdi .!..?. Il '? lie su . ? re und re? fi IM,.-.11 Bol ? ges ha I rew 1 of l Hill In lo ? Ti ? ' , ? ! . , ? ? ?,??? ti ? ?? hi h ? ? 11 h 11 his rhi vi' an ! ?? ? liver. ? I be? ll ? ' . ? HEY W \\T Till: > W'l >S i'1 ?INT LIGHT . . ? Vil? ?1 V ? ?. ';, IFFIMAVtl : ; ' ?? t?: ? ?? ? rm I pilota ? I'eS I \??? ; ' 'I heard I ? bou I ' I 1er the I ' ? ? rag ? t I ' hi " ? ' ' ? ? ' ? 1 1 '? ? er Veda. .1 ! .. ? . .1 V ,, . ? 1 ? li un. 1 lb ?.? |"he Urli Mistel . Ihe Molili ? * In o li, was tow?? I ? ? M.-rrltl ? ' ?. ? ? . ? itle.l fi ind for this ?? ? , ? ? rVhen off Fli il ". ?! ?\ nlghl ? ! Ti ir ! is n. ? ? ?? I, ?. ihe bark ? lisi m pori Uh ? ff Fire ? 1 until u? weath? r moderated ?. when :h? vo) age for this port wa 1 he lug mei hi ? on her way and ' ??. ? ?? her In, LOSS OP LIFE FEARED IN NEBRASKA G?:?>??|.?: in THE l?Ri?l ?? IIEOH>N ????? Nil PI BI \\|. \'i '.II o.- IIP I ? imana, Neb., I >ee ? The stoi m 1 sep ??? :? thla Sti 1? \\ ? Im ? mtii u< d thi lerda) ieverity last 1 Thi temi? 1 itun fell thlrty-l In twent) r.iiir hours. ?p >n < ??? 1 ? ,? ? ? ? from \ ? in ? . 1 '? nln . In the Black Hill ?11 d In Mi All trai I yesterda) Th? was tw di ? below a it Hastli ? moi uno-, a???I I at Chanlu was light, whl h ? . in the droii tri ind of anlmn ' 1 ? ? I..?, n t ill ne li e by ? ????.?? ? 1 ? . ,. ih lati m ?? froi ..ri he 1 ? ? 1 .? !.. i\ ? now w ould ? nth ?.?. d. roy ?? l? graphli die it ed thai l< ? o| Ufe mu I havi followi I thi Idlszard It ma) be several days, however, before ni li Ipati d < alamitle will be I nos ?, for aoni ? of 1 he ?.?.orsi ?!? luth itrli kei ire w Ithoul 1 lib id and teli ? itlon The . 1 lai coi re (Hindi m f a Im 1 ru a ? ipei. wrltii fp m thi ? districi last night, "l'i,? 1 no doubt thai Itila bllsa ird has 1 Th? 1 ipli .. ? ntlrel) wlth I 1 of th.?unti? then 1 ? nul . ti.; .1 ??.?. ? Noi hin . . bui m ?? bui ? ?? . hip The |M opti h vt no u nais to carr; them to | of snfi . . 10 we shall hear of ??. .! di ' ha .? ?? Ih.I " II itx u ? 1?. .im. . corn iioiidi m ol "The World Herald," has |usi returneil from a tu.. a ???!.' toui int.1 S...H ??\?. ? lei p Neb? a ikil : |g ite Ihr reporta lu eli illation o| il.?? deatltutloii m Ihm portion oi ?,, Ri .t. 1 !,. !? ili ni ?,. , ,, ?. Ih rough M.mtli ol Bufi ilo, 1 >av. 01 Llm oln, Keith, Ferkln , Un li o k Cha ? Hay? Dundy 11 ? 1 I 'nuil o 1 10., be thU ' II '?? I l'i I II ?? ? m,nil,? . part?cula ri) il Keith. "? 1 kin . l'hase, Hayi .1 id l'unii ib. destitution la estreme Almo : ??.. thirds ..r the peuple 111 the?.unti. - are dependen! upon i-haiit) ? "< existence There la little or no fini in ti.t\. ?,.? chips are m man) placea il.ill?, fuel The rema 1 k bh mild a ithei 1 nil thai ha ? pi evented Iosa of II fi 1.. . ? tp There i> im inouev in ? In count) treusur) to h. I|> the de lltute, liecausi In fifteen counties ol the Hi ii? aim isl no 1 ixei ha ire bi-en 1 old ? ?? ? 1 .1, June Tl ?? ? hlfth m have lefl Ihe country . and onl) 1 h< iii m-own .a in Thi 1 .? 1- alnn a a?? 1 tin 1 ?? No ' ? .'? 1 ? ? 1 ? ?. ed at all 1 . 1 ? 1 ?. . .. . |.t In Hi. ? don il llrig.lied distri? t ?. an 1 ditch Irrigation ? noi po alble in ??..,,. of ihea counties because there are no streams. Mosi "i th destitute live In sod bouses. There have been only 1 three crops rniscil in ntn.? yean Heartrending ease? of dcatltutlon and aufferlng are heard of In I eevry township, The pr?sent cold wave will cer? tainly cause death to a large number of settlers if it continues and no ;???? corn???. Fuel, provisions and clothing are ?.led, and the railroads will gen? erally ship them free if sent t.. th.?unty commls ?lonera at the county seats <>t the stricken coun t ?? ?. .1 BLOW AT ANDREWS. THE GRAND JURY MAKES A PRESENT? MENT AGAINST HIM. HI* 'Ml.I UK RtXCK 'III!; HNOW 'AMI. TO MAI.? u iiMOTION Ad?" ? THE CITY WORTH) "I A ?FEH im. ? ? IN iv ILIEEO PLACE BRINI ??.?? \ iln.N (SOWN PON IHM. ??',,??? t ? 1??? 1 " ? ? ? I I ' ..?? I I I M ?? ? rand Jury of the Court of General 8 . ib ? in?? |. ople of New Vork yesterday by :? aeverely censuring W. B, Andrews, Commisi oner .?? Btreel Cleaning, tor his Inexcus? able negligence ani utter Incompetency, a? thown condition ?? the streets since th?? ttorm of :?>. The poll ? ror.( m?? city waa associ? ated with Andrew* m the presentment. General wa ???.,;.? yeat rday that insten?! of censure th?? llrand .1 iry had ? .: seen Im way ? ?early t. ??.' -r \iidi ws and i"it him on trial for mal? : ? in "e in ..ill?.? ind gros? mi tuse ol ih?? public money. ?'??.? Grand Jur) ? tiled attention to the ? uiditlon of the ? Ity's t horoughf ire? dur ? lii two da) s, th?? restili of the apparent \ ?rea . ? hl .? partmenl t?. ?!?? ? ?. .? h Ui h .u? ? ni? ? : ? mow storm Particular irei wa? laid ..a the large appropri? with which t le ?.: ? ?? tning I1? partm? ni was provided, ani tin? want of Judgment in using ? There seemed to be an utter absence of the th< dep ntm? ti'. The ? ? .1 ? .? failure ??> ? ? force th?? city ?.?. ?. : , ?? ind ? hi t - were ?e? ? ? '? ? ?- I ? ? ' ; ? ? - ? . ?.::?; t ? .111 I'li I the utter t condition show? ? . ? . ? ? , ? , | .. !.. . ?? .?,, . u.a. un ??>?,,. ?.'. iii.^ pproprlatloii f.i tri f snow waa $4 ? [I ave ill the preaent an >w how I am i..i: dtcappeil, both ? "? ? ? t zoo more men wi r?? eng iged by ? ' and ? .: lo woi,, ???? ?''? ANXIOUS TO I>'i t??: \V< IRK. ? I.T T< ? (SET THEM TO HELP : il.: PAI ALLOWED Interi . ? ? : ?< r? - .-? r?.::??. ? ?? for ? 60 .? day or bllzsard require, The I?e| reet Cleaning Ivertlaed ? ? ... ? It I al ? ? ? ? id red Am? - Ilf I \ ?. Buperln? ? . . . -? ? ire ? tren were pu; ; ? work ? to clear the - .: of ? ? ? ,. mu h Thi lei u" meni h ?? : ? this It ha? hlr ? i . . m ?? la ?'"?? m limi Iw iv. Fulton, Cham? ?, : C;uial ind Grand ata., will be cleared Iti si SLEIGHING HUG ELT ENJOTED. ioti u ' i;,' DIT AM? s?? M ERE THE KW.O00 w mi , ,.i Ml UKT Tl RNi a T8. ??.>!,' what fui ?tl to ride In a one-horn open ?" s.. on ? inii a poet, and judged from the . in t'entrai Park, In Bt, Nlcholas-ave., ai '? the Annexed jDlatrtcl yeaterday, thit poel what he w ?? writing about, The snow which Weiliiesda wa? il entirely destroyed by ? ??.?. II irdly. There w.t^ lots of ?I left . . ? \ lover ol sleighing ? ? a ? irk ; | nl thereat. The i:n??:?? of the ?li Igbbell began earl) yesterda) morning and ende?! earl) this morn lux. Kxactl) how early cannot her. be told, but th? big pn ? ? G? Dune were still at work bef. ? , ? ? ? ,,: the bella" ha l rea* 1 to ml in ? ?? ? hi uded < 'entrai Park, and out nu l he rouds n. > ond, ? -in the Park yes lerda) ? p al once brilliant and non-brilliant, as . ,: a? tii ilclgha were concerned, bui a? for the who drove yesterda) over the "white velvet," , be -.? l that tins all enjoyed themselves, and thi humbler th? "turn? ?" the mor? fun there ?? ? mi l to be. Wrappi ' In costi) furs, .it?? ? In smoothly gliding ?. drawn by haughty thoroughbreds, with c?|tiall) hnughty c?Hichmen and groom? on the box, ??ms lad enjoyed th? smooth gliding motion of her sleigh, K\ ? "Pal O'Connor," with the "oui ? ? man' an l th? "chllder," m cupylng a drygo idi box .?:? runners, w.n in*: .is happ) .is "my lady," more Kamll) ? irti ? were In evidence. Then were generally .,, large, o.'d-faehloned sleighs, and ? ? .; ? in Ima and grandpa, papa and mama, p.ipa and mama'? prett) laughter and the young ? ?u; ?. man*) in?? pretty daughter. And when the young man surreptitiously squeesed the hai ' il |>apa and mama's prett) daughter, the ??? ? folk ." who plainly san the .it: in, tried lo ihos Hi it tnev hu,? not? and began violent conver? on t rn ? nathi ? and otnei ? ibji And in. ?.? ? ? ? .ill ha ; |.\. The dark ???.la which spiead ?>'-? the city yes lerda) afternoon onl) addi : io ih? enjoyment of ??'..? ? hese , ?ou ? presagi ? mor? nos. ? ? nu im m????? lelahlng, ano tli ? In turn mean ? m. fun. Si Nicholas-ave waa the scene of man) an exciting "dash" yesterda) Here the driv? era ? ?! Ill.led horses can ?-v.? free rein to their atei ?- .uni race ?a their heurts' conten? And ih.-v did rhi outttl of thi "sporu" consisted general!) ol . ? hoi ?.. one sleigh, .? buffai ? rime, a fur co it. - .. . ? hai and a "thirst." This tasi was ? .??? ? .,? the road houses. In tin? Casino, al Moun Bl Vincent, -ii "Habe" Case's and al e\ n I pia ? all along the line the bai ? were grow led, the ! issi ta heard in the I in I un.I jollv ? ? .??? ? atorle? of old ilm? winters, when tn< ? led tit?? thi middle of Jul) . Vini the aXahing . I noi with the coming of | M . ?) men ind a n.I s ?sorted ^ euiiW noi "aie gh" in the ,| lytlme, took ad? va ? tagt ><( the nlghl t?.? coachmen who drove yesterday were fearfully {.'unitimeli on Se>enlli I'nge. DENIAL FOLLOWS DENIAL. WILLIAMS ADMITS NOTHING, PRESIDENT MARTIN COULD NOT MAKE THE SAMK STA ? lb Hi: CONFESSES THAT POLITICAL ' ?? .Wli-KHvTlONg Rl'LBD in.- cu i:-i: as ? OMMIMlOKKIt that svini?; WB8T INCIDENT KBVERAL i'.w TAIXfl CALLED ??? LKXOW COM. UlTTEE ?.????.? TO BND lis li i:i.l'? KBWIl '?- TO BAY AFTER HEARINO KI l'i.?: INTENDENT BTRNES Polli* ???.-|.. ctor Alexen 1er s Wtill :.??< afte been known as tin- champion clubbei ..f th.? force, and then? ba- be.?? a long-standing belief among ln telllgeni men of t rit.-? city that h?? i-? th>? most cor rupl and graipiikf offlctol of the ?* iiepart ment. <>n sccount of his examination before Um Lexow Committee,he may be known berenfttr also as th?? champion denier. His examination waa nearly, ii not quite, ? 1 ?sed yesterday, and to the Lis: ?. was u Rant in his dentato of the ?hargea of corruption which have been made against hint. He did noi hesitate more than ones to give the II ? Un cl to .1 um W. G iff, wh ? ixam Ined him. He ?us free in denoun Ins H* liar? and perjuren everybody, high or loir, who had made charges against him. He dented that be had taken a cent f"i blackmail in th?? 'TendertohV when he v,a-? th?? ? tptaln in c imntand "f that pre? cinct and allowed disorderly houses, gamMIng? house? detta of vice to Sourish there, ami he ?l? u;.??I th.n he li 11 reo Ived tribute as an Inspector, li?? went so far m to deny thai he ??????\ '.vaut a "dive" was, and h?? appi trad to be tinm .? ? i by th?? effect which su h an ??xttaurdi nary d< nial re ited. IT MC8T HAVE BEEN CORRI PTIOK MOMMY. ? n: ?? remarkable pai: of the testlm my which Williams gave yesterday w.-.-h:-? ;? laratlon that William ?? Kliess im ? paid to him tb il IMM for nothing. He had denied under oath that he had been Interested In the whiskey concern of which Mr. Fileni ia the president, Out be le .???? that out of friendship Mr. Files? had carried ?? ? ke for him an 1 had paid l ? him what had been lii.? ? :,, : ,?? sl k : raus.? linns. Williams said he never han In) <'? J ? ? i ? I ? ? r- In specula? tion and had no account w..n Mr. Pitees. He lenled thai the alleged itock transactions were intended to ? over ? orrupt transactions, hut in? ut terly failed ? ? give 1er reason for such ex traordlnary payments of money. It has been I : th u Mill imi usi ? big authority to cosa, pel liquor-dealer? In the Ity to buy the whiskey sold by Mr. Fliese'? c impany. When ssked ye?? terday to t.-ll what ne though! of a transaction b) which he was able I ? gt ? ?,??? for nothing, Williams ia) !: "I thot'ght it was g good thing." Inspect r Williams has been bettered to be wealthy. He told th. committee yesterday about bis yacht, li..- rammer hum?? st Cos Cob and his u ta In several banks, and then declared that he was worth not mor,? than MS.4M, not counting .. h ime in Tenth-it, which is In the name of his wife He admitted thai be had a private safe, but denied thet tie had any bonds in it. With auda ? ua frankness th?? Inspector ad ??: tti : that he had begun to prepare his deten? f r an expeet.-l fleht In the crimina! .'tills or be f re th.? Police C - H? osanna te tight : ny to the last ditch. MARTIN AS A DENIER Poll e Commlssl ner James J. Martin a'.so ? . ten?ala before the committee yester? day He declared that be never had recetrei ? ney for I ippolnl " He d??. nled that he ha I ausej ? ? ? ' -? ta si:,? West, is ti ?tifi I ti Captain 8 :.:nltt ., | ? ilk ? with - that tlatlons , . t. was turni ? ?? the Wlgws He ? Imitted ? - ?'? G? ? the ? liticai ml ? with . .... harm ? rice, ? ? l'olici? Il : - doni r canili ? of bla b - an 1 city Il His i camlnatton ? ? la ) . lenled that rdi red to la h inkb oka I ir examtnatl ?. Th.? ?ti ke fr im the ree i.rd th?.? " Thurs? \ . ? He had dS? tunli ' vlndlcati hi mm If In thought ? Une m 1th the Senate directing the tu? ition. ? ???..? - llae'.y t ? . nd to- ? iv with t gamli iti ? of ? lice Superintendent Byrnsa, iH\,r? .?. ? . ?? -? :?? ? ? .-??? ; Iga Hi V REMARKABLE FRIEND I? DESTA ri.l'ss vi'Mil's THAT HE GAVE MONEY TO WILLIAMS AM is OLAD OK IT. f.fT DENIM THAT THE INSPECTOR Pl'SHED Till" BALE OP HOLLTWOOD WHISKEY. A Triture reporter un William F Kliess last nlnht. "Mr F?lese," ask ..1 the reporter, have you read Inspector William?'? testimony, as given be? ba?.? the i.v.v? Committee to-day?" "I bave.'? replied Mr. Fliese, "and every word of It." ?Your nntne. then, you arili have notice?!, has been mentioned In connection with the Inspector's, and he has admitted thai he had received from | you sums of money ranging from $?"' to $?"?'?>. Is I this true"" "Of course it is true,'' replied Mr. Pitees, briskly. "Now, just listen in me. ? have known Inspector Williams for many years When I live.l at the ; ' \ lions.? ? went often to the station-house in Thirtieth si . hi-, ? spent th- svi Ding th-rs with the Inspector; be sra? Captain Williams than, you know ? had made ins acquaintance and hked the man like him now; and his stories of bis ex perlences on the poll? for >? always Interested me. A genuine friendship ?prang up between ua. and ripened as time went on. I was then actively *n gaged In the ?tockbroklng business, ami a number of times ? Invested small sums for Williams and gave him the pronta of tran-action.-.'' Von .?.? iiiis. then, from friendship for tin? in ?pector onl) "" ? Most certainly." answered Mr. Fllesa ?Now. Mr. Phees," Mid the reporter, 'is i? or is it not true that inspector Williams pushed the ?alea of ih?? Hollywood whiskey Is th.? Tenderlote. precinct, end, In tact, Intimidated the barroom keepera to such an extent that they had to imjr that brand of whiskey ? thej wish..? to gel along in their business''' "Your question." sal.I Mr. PlelSS, quietly, "is on* that I am bound to answer, and I do so m these words: Inspector Williams never did anything of the kiin!, .imi if I bad ever thought, or if l h.a<J gotten even an intimation that BUCh a thing vv is being done by him. ? ahould hare sl once severed tn> friendship with him and never nave recog? nizc'l him in any ??.,? agata. I acknowledge aitaln thai ? mail- mone) for Inspector William?, and the sums ranged from $!"?> to ?4??? at g time. It . was not until ? read the papers to-day ihat l be? came aware that 1 ever inaile us nun h as pi.OK) fur him. I'm glad 1 4*4," "To tefci agate to the ridiculous Insinuation tliat lb? Inspector ever use.I bis power to vhovs* the ? ties of the Hollywood brand of whiskey, ? want to tell you thai ? sai the supervisor of that business, sad II needs so 'skovlag*. The timi con ?fatta ..? mj son end myself, Van p ifs Clark and Benjamin Barker, in ??.?.? ? ceased to lake any active part In the carrying on ui th,? business, bul when ? oloncl Benjamin Allen .li ?<1, m 1\m ? had to. ami since then Its affairs have been constanti* um1er my supervision." * Why, then" ask?.I the reporter, "does Mr. Uoff