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ART AND THE EMPEROR. WILLIAM THE GERMAN ATTEMPTS TO BRIDLE THE MUSES ? HE GIVES A GOLD MEDAL TO ONE WHO IS INCOMPETENT. Of all the muses there Is none so truly demo? cratic as that of Art. Tracing her origin not to the throne nor to the aristocracy, but to the people, she displays a tiuly republican Intoler? ance of control on the part of either King or Government. Hence it 1s only natural that Ger? many, which has produced in the past and in the present so many world-famed painters, sculp? tors and designers, should Strongly resent Emperor William's Ill-advised assumption of the supreme arbitcrshtp In all matters relating to art. His subjects have submitted to his arro? gant claim of "Hcgis voluntas suprema lex" in matters connected with the administration of the <?,, rerament, in diplomacy, in th<? drama, In ? ,::>?, history and literature; but they began to murmur when he- attempted to impose upon thorn his taste in music, and have now broken out into open revolt against his endeavors to tyrannize Gorman art. Ti;? ir rebellion, latent for some time past, has burst forth with an intcisity altogether new In tht annals of German ' yalty to the throne in connection with the EmperorO treatment of Herr Wallot. the architect of the new Kelchshaus, or Tala.?- Of the Imperial Parliament, which was opened the other day. Professor Wallot is uni? versally recognised as tne foremost architect of the ag^ In Germany, and his original design for the legislative palace as accepted by the authori? ties was ? very grandiose and magnificent con? ception. Financial considerations have necessi? tated the modification of some of the features Of th? building, while ?>thi ra have been forced apon the architect sorely igalnot his will by Em ? r William, and hence tho result Is that the < nstructlon is not quit ? so superb as irtglnally projected by Herr Wallot. It still remains, how e\er. a magnificent and Imposing pile, well worthy of the object for which It has been erected, and an in no way displeasing monu t, of German art and architecture of the nineteenth century. All the recognized authori? ties, both Teut.ti and foreign. In questions of art and architecture have pronounced themselves in this sense, the only discordant note being that to which the Emperor has given utterance. Not only has he publicly declared the new Relche haus to be the "verj a. tue of bad taste." but hi? J gon? to the length of striking the designer's j ra?!?* fioni th? Hit of gold medallists at the re- | cent exhibition of art and architecture he?d at ? Botila Th- gold medal hai been voted t.. ???? Wall-t by a jury composed of all the most cele? brated artists in Germany, whose verdict, repre ??eating that of th. osti?n, might have been con? sidered as definite and Unni. Emperor William, however, to whom the lis; was submitted for linai approval, deliberately Canceled the award and substituted In lieu ? I the naraV of Professor Wallot that of an utterly insignificant ? rtralt painter, a Mme Palma Car'aghv. whose work is of so indifferent a chata iter the Hanging G 'mmi'tee of the Berlin Academy refused to ae ? ? ; ? ? to any of bi r pi tun - or. it? wails, an ? ? gola title to the favor of the Sovereign is thai she palnt-'l sevrai portraits of the Em? j peres whl'?h, although questionable as w ?rks of I I rt. are ve:y Battering liken? IM s of Hli Teutonic Majesty. Th.? manner In whl'h this ittempl ? Ibi ? 111 ? ?f the Kal?er to Impose his ias?.?? In matois pertaining t?? art np a the German people in ? aerai, and the t rt world in particular is Big? idfieant, and calculated to lead those who re member th? Geraaany "f EHsmarcklan times to bettove that the end of all things is g| hand. Not only has the press I every shade of politi? ; ?don been filled with protests against the attitude of the Emperor ? the affair, hut the National Society of Architects and the National Association .f Artists, the two principnl orginl i . ng of the kn. l in Germany, composed of ail that to m?gt eminent in the realms of archi? tecture and art, jointly Invited the professor to a groa*, lumpiet. at which ? vet WO guests were l-ios.-nt and at which the Emperor was guyed In a most merciless manner. Thus the ? bief < moment of the sarlndpal table was a model of the Relchshaus In s 'hwarsbrod, cheese and coftfectluiMiy. Th?? d me consisted of a cheese cover. Tho "Germania" on the t?-? wa? repre? sented by a smart chambermaid on horsebov k. the horse being led by a footman In livery. Th?; whole was labeled "DerGipfel deaGeaehmackea*' ' |t*M acme of taste?. Another Item on the pro /ramm?* was a gorl of automati?? machine which, when a "gold un Jal" was placed In the slot, would pet for in "Der Gesang an ihr" ?'Th?? ' Song f. Her.'' meaning, of ine, Mm". I'ar Ughyi. The joke. I need not say, li* p in th'? j pgrodying of th?? name rf th?? Emperor's musical '? ??. th? 'Hang an Aeglr." The lustre hanging from the celling. Which Is known in Germany as a "<Townlight-r." was in the form ' '. ar. oid ortnoUne. Militarism was represented by a soldier who was administering a fl gglng t ? the u"h"r mas?"? of the population. At the ? trai to the banqueting hall there hung the repr? - f of gold medal, which a lady { paiiit?- was trying In vain to grasp. At the end of |)m banquet tho chaJrmaji presented 1 lot r Wallot w,th a v. t? atti, saying, "Th?? new Rei - ig , ding. ..? whi-di the golden |n ? rip?, ? stand? in invisible letters, 'To the Gar man PSOBSS,' is g triumph of t'armati art." This Oasssrvatl ? of II.balrrnan has reference to the fuel ? "r.gina! plan of tho building, as drawn up by Herr Wail ?. there was the in? scription, "To the German People." but by com? Emperor these words an re stru? k out Oorasaa artists are to be congratulated on the ?i Ir 11 f Independen O they have displayed, and tin th-lr manifestation of opposing the endeavors of the Emperor to trammel their muse In the rame marner as he has tried to do In the case of iilst ,.->?, rlrama ani music Th? "celebrated his? toriar, trun Seybo!. ?t may be lemembercd, was subjected by the Emperor a couple of years ??o Id much the same treatment ag ProtaOsgOf Wal 1'it. being deprived of the gold medal awarded to , h.rn by th.? Imperial Hlotortcol .Society, and d?? barr.-l from any fur'h-r ?_ooaSS to the State ar? chivi ?. his offence cestststlng In his having In his Heat history of Germany publish? I some impal? mali ?? r-marks con? ernlng the father of the young Empresa, and in having sacrificed certain political legends and romances about members of the reigning house .,n the altar of truth as contained in aobsr ofiiciai documenta, with re? gar 1 to the drama, th? Empero? has prohibited tortala pi ?es from being acted at Berlin, has Ineisted on the wholesale modification of othets, and has caused compositions representing his owt: in?plratlo?i to be played until the performers had nothing but empty benches before them. And, a.s far as music Is concerned, the news? papers throughout the Empire are full of ac? cenni? of people being arrested, placid on trial and seaiteooed to line and Imprisonment on gssargag of lc_o-iiiajesty, the offence consisting In. having expressed uncomplimentary opinions about the Emperor's composition, the "Sang an Aegir" H would be difficult t>?' find any grounds for the Emperor's assumption of supremo arbltership In questions of art. ah the great artists of the Present and of the past age* have sprung from the iieopie; their origin has bun of the most humid? Not one of the reigning houses of the Old World ??ati boast of having ? roduced an ?minent artist, and although princes and prin? cesses are as a rule brought up from their ?orli?st Infancy among the most artistic and Picturesque surroundings?so different from the ?ordid environment of the youth of most famous l*lnters?yet not one of them remains on record as th ? creator of anything "Worthy of the itami? of *? ?T>rk of or?. The only connection with art to Which they can lay ? Ulm is as patrons, and With a few exceptions ouch as the .Medici primes ?f Florence, it Is open to question whether their Patronage has been to the advantage of the Wus? For, If the royal aspirant to the role of ?taecenas hua on the one hand furntahed artists and architects with the material means of put ting into ex?cution their conceptions, h?? ha? almo?! invariably sought to Impart his own per. sonai individuality and influence to their work at the expense nf art and of the artist's Ideal. Royal and imperial patronage of an has always been of a supremely egotistical chataeter. It has been exercise 1 not for the sake of art itself, but with the object ol Imparting lustre to :he reign, or ?June to the name, of the august Mascenaa It has trammelled, rather than fos? tered, art. and if ??treat .?inters and designers are Indebted to emrerors. kings and princes ' r the recoilrces which enabled to produce masterpieces, it must be remembered that to secure these resource? they have been com? pelted to humor "very whim and caprice, not only of the roya! patron himself, but also .?f the courtiers, niaacullne, and especially femi? nine, to whose influence he happen?.1 to be sub? ject EX-ATTACHE. EDGAR FOES MOTHER. MAFTF.n G???? PUtxTS AT HETt PENKFIT. A ram an?l interesting relic has recently been purchased for the Arthur Winter Memorial Library, in the Staten Island Academy. This relic is a larce folio comprising "Th" i'olumbian <??? tinel, from January 4th, 1?.?.:?, to l?eceml>er ?Wh. ISO), Published Wednesdays snd Saturdays, by B, Rus? ?ell, Devonshire street Boston: IMI." This volume contains, among other matters of much historic interest, an account of the perform? ances Of Mr, and Mrs. Toe, the parents of the poet Edgar Allan Toe, at the Host.m Theatre, dflrlng tlie season of ISO?, It Is niso of peculiar importance in the biography of Toe, as It settles conclusively the exact year and place of his birth. It was while the I'ocs were playing thai en? gagement that, on February 19, 1S09. Edgar wan born. Nearly all the biographers of Poe. follow-in? the untrustworthy authority of l>r. Orlawold. state that he was born in Baltimore. The fact that Poe was born in Boston, during that emgage ment, was discovered and mad; known by Mr. IL H. St odd.irrt. Mrs. Poes benefit occurred on Wednesday even? ing. April 19, 180??. Master John Howard Payne, T'ho had Just closed his engagement, "consente I to play one night longer?at her benefit." The advertisement of the performance and the editor's critical remarks on Master Payne and Mrs. Poe are of obvious inter?st: BOSTON THEATRE. Kor he BENEFIT of Mr?. PoE. 17Mrs. POK respectfully Informs the public, that in consMtience of repeated disappointments in ob? taining place? during Master PAYNE'S engagement, he has consentid to play one night lonjtcr-at her BENEFIT THIS EVENING. April l?th (IK?), will be pre? sented, for this night onlv. the celebratoli piety called. PIZARRO: ROLLA iTlrst Time? Master PAYNE. End of the play. A pas ?etil and Fancy Pane??, by Mis? Wnrrall. An f?rlglnal Address on th? subject of the Drama, written b?. ? gentleman of Huston, to be recited iv Mr Mi ?USI?:. To which will be added, a new Comic Mpcra. In 3 acts, never p> r'ornied here, called, II. BONDOCANI: OR . . THE CALIPH ROBBER An editorial notice runs thus: "Master Payne, we are told, finishes his engagement at our thcatr.? this evening. We are happy, as much fur the r? putatton Of the town, as for his Individual It.ter ?st, that the house on Monday evening, wa? full and over-flowing, it wai a small remuneration for the delight ani satisfaction he has given thi town. The claims of this Judicious young per? former are not obtrusive nor adventitious. Me Increases in interest arel ??ratification every time he appears II? has no stage trickery to forests! the a; pause of superficial observers, lli '..-ici is to personate the character which his author designed; and to give th?? passions. If x\?? may tie allowed the expression, their form and pressure. In delineating character, he shows ex? cellent discriminating powers, and what is highly us i ii a? wen ns pleasing, he give? s correct pro? nunciation of the language of the author. Ill? voice, a.-? is to be <x;?? t< '. has the tones of Juve? nility; t"it when it shall have ettalned ihe note Which freutet? maturity of age Will ".ix?? it. WC are confident his personation? x\in delight the ear, as much as they now do th?? ? t "We un ierstan l h?? volunteer? hi? service? th;? evening for th?? Benefit of Mrs Po.?, as. Hola, in Plzarro. This circumstance -md her merit, we hop.? will ensure her a full house ' \ copy ?I Mrs. Poe's favorite song, "When Ed? ward [.?ft His Native F'lain," with tii" mu??! ?? composed by Mr, Hook, is inserted in th?? volume The Arthur Winter Menifirlal Library has been further ?nrl"he?i by various other choice volume?, bought by William Winter, It? founder, while re? cently In f-cciand. \innng its late acquisitions In the dramatic !.ne are u copy of ,1am. ^ Peni ell'? Apology Mid ? Copy, In I>r.?h. of the First ? I tion ?,f .1. V. VtMdel'fl "l.eewcrilalers' I.aiitopel," -.uh lt?hed at Atnstei.lam In 1'".47. The latter || .. : ,? tar??. Nin? volumes of "The ?>???? n Magasine,' ri luting to th? period froto 17.';? to 17-.?. have also been added to th? collection by It? foundei ind ?? ? ? volumes of "The London Monthly Mirror," 1TN lu IMC. ir///;.v the OB1MISAL Has sn serve. The New-Yorker who is forever Indulging In fan? tastic ? leas broke into an extraordinary lament the other evening. Ai be turned a corner he beheld a poUceman marching s prisoner to the nation The fellow's head was down, he slunk along In a cowardly fashion, and b?? kept Ms eyes from m>ct ing people'? look? "Where." said the nun of ?trange Imaginings, "is the i-.-iminal with a really splendid nerve? Look at that miserable creature. His manner shout? from the h iiisetop? that he is a prisoner, and o t'.? crowd follows him and stares at hirn and Jeers at him. ll'iw could the ? opi?. help* knowing ? at hi was a pickpocket, ? highwayman, or perhapi only a ?neak-thlef? Doesn't lie show it with l.;s hang? dog look, his cringing, bis ?nenking gait snd bis fear of b?!r,g seen'.' "Now, wh'-re ?s the man whi under arrest Will ?troll ??a.sily along with his captor, rhattlng with him pleasantly, noticing tilings that h?? pannes, iven nodding cheerfully to ? ma fi nary acquaintance?? Th-.t |? th?? tort of ? prtsoi ' l want to ? ??. Wi have ail sen men walking with poU?*emen wower?? the;r fr'.?:, Is. When a man is IniMM ml of ? r.ine, or detect?.j crime, he can walk and t ?ik witti ?, police? man as boldly u with s barber, What l want t. know iu where ii the captured prisoner with ?.? ?;.. Hill ;i I.? : ve and so.! a t.? a : :!. ,? When he is being marched to the s;.iti..ti h? can pretend that he i? ..ut for an exercise walk with hi? fti.tii. tt,?? policeman? If the miri bad real nerve It ought '?, be an easy thing to da Th? right ; ?rt ..f ? man ought to i.? sbie ? f...: the people ?rho might see him going to his ceil Where la the criminal with buoIi a nerve '?rid why do we never .-????? him'.'" Wh?r.? I? he lnd.-d'.' The - Imlnal ma;.? ?how ?plendld nerve In trying to kr ? ?? of the polli e man'? han.??, but when be ll in th?? close grip of the law in- nerve melts, snd tie hs? no courage, no bravado and re. spirit Why? Perhupa that is a subjei t for moral discussion. srrEiriF.ST CAVEE FOB BMBABBAEEMBWT. "What." asked the Indulgent husband, "are you rolrig to do with an inconsistent woman, and how are you going to teach bei never to make threatsT' All nf Which means that hi? wife had Just b en telling them something that amused them, but not her. She has not livid In her present hpuse long. One of the things that she believe? In and a very pood belief It Is, many husbands will say- I? that the woman who Is at th?? head of the bausa should do h?er own marketing, sn?? dropped In at ber BUtcner"! in thi afternoon, when she was on her way to a matin???? at the opera, snd gave an order. Another of her principles is to pay spot ?ash for everything she buys, and to run no accounts, but on this day sh" had forgotten ber pocket book. "I did not BSk them to charge It to me," she ?ahi. "I did not wan? them lo ilo (bat ? <?? I lain. 1 thai 1 hinl forgo' ten my pocket Look, and that they were to send the purchase to my bouse. nnd on th?? next day when I ?ame again i would pay them" "And. would you believe," she ?aid. opening tur eyes, "that they refused'.' And I said to thcrn. 'Very well. th?-n, send It around, collect, and I shall not com?? here to buy anything more.' " .So far no good, but ? "And do you know " she ?aid, with the moit Innocent smile In the world, "that I went there the very next day. an?l have been g??lrig there ??ver Hince, btBCaus? It's the best shop and the mo?t convenient, And (hey looked very funny when ? came In and gave my order? as usimi. I think they must have been embarrassed." THE TITLE WAS WO IOSBRM Q?MBTIOBBD. A good historical story Is teM of (he ancient nobility Of the house of Hohenlohe, lo which tin? present German Chancellor and rh<- new Sti.c balt?-r of Alsace-Lorraine Ik long. In the Napoleon wars, and later at thi Congress of Vienna, thai po?ses?ion? of th?? HohCTlohw were mediatised A part of them ?ame within the bound:, of Wur? temberg. King Charles asked the head ?if the Hohenlohe family. In or.1er to prove his right to the title, to lay his nubility patent befare him Th? latter answered m ?? letter 'hai he no longer poss?-ss<'d (he original patent, but l.e would send some dOcaSSentS which woulil provi? th? am lent lineage of the family. These document? wen : '???? description of a tournament In which s ? 'omit Ilohenloho bad laid a Count W?rttemberg it) the duisi. ? document dcHcrlhlng a marriage in the house of Hohenlohe, at which g Count Wurtemberg carried the train of tlie bride. A letter setting forth that g Count Wurtemberg owe?! s lot of money to a Count Hohenlohe. King Charle? never again asked for th? Hohen loh? Datent ut nobility mSE OF THE BICYCLE. NOW ON THE CREST OF THK POPULAR WAV!!. FASHIONABLE PEOPLE TAKE TO p.iniN?;- CLVRB AXD WREELtNO PARTIES?XEW IDEAS IN MACHIXES That the bio-cole "fad," if "fad" It can be called, has taken .1 firm hold on fashionable society must certainly 1?? accepted without question ut the present time. The evidence is s.. < ompleta that It would bo aboard to attempt to st'-ni the rush of cycling's popularity or to deny that society has the craze. ? if course, it may be held that, llk<? others of society's passing pleasures, cycling will have it.?, day, die and be burled with no mourners at the funeral. But then the history of cycling's entrane,, and progress Into society's ranks des not show any Indication that such shall be the case, it? progress has been ton slow to be classed as a "fad." It b.?s not "boonie*1" Its way into fashionable so. le /'? arms, with the glare and no'se of tru.apets and Artworks, bul its advance has been slow and .steady, oo slow, in fact, that until lately it might have been cloooed with the pace of the snail. Thor?? wen many reasons for th.. . .nmoniT thou beino ' natural aversion to th? rouit OT??CERATIONi T WIIKKMCrtS. ; publicity of the thing in the lays when ?v?n a man riding a bicycle was -'tare l ot in the ?treet?. . while people otonped and gas? ? with ? pen-eyed ? wonderment nt the strange siK-i,t ,,f H woman ' opeedlng along on ? wheel; and she did not have to wear bloomers, either, locreote o sensation, nor , need ?.he be anything bul s modi i f propriety SO I modesty. Th. mer?? fad that a woman was riding a bicycle was enough ?o colled .? crowd of l'irions people, t'rmt,- shopkeepers to their door?, ar.d nil with foce? every pan?? in th?? front win? dow? ..f the houoe? along her ladyehlp'a rouie. Then, again, Wcyele-rldlng ara? though) by many to be dangerou? and even anhealthful, and ????.?>?? .?ml Btoiiea were wi 11??r? by olleg? ! outhoiitles to pr???.?? thla Thi ?ping position adopted by so man;? of the bicycle rid?:? m< ?aid to Injure th? lungs, and, In fact, II ????? deilon ? that the pru. ti'-e wa? giving on undue develop meni to (he lower limbo, tending to shrivel and ?brink nil the Other muscle? It. tl.e body ?n I arms In compari? son. Bui "Old Pother Time.?? who I? credited with changing all things, did noi neglect hi? opportuni? ties in the cycling business, snd now the approach of a bicycle in the street es ? noi Ihe slight eel Interest unie?? ridden by a woman, mil even then or,?, the passing notice due to her e?? it all time? That there may have been some female martyr? before tin? happy condition Of affairs ' arrie about it ?h probably heel not t<? deny; t. it they '-?? be ?nil ;o bave been few ond fir between, snd by no rm-an.? ?.? nuirteroua ??* In the case of many oil.or "fads" taken up by S ??? ? tl I ?til? can : ? ? .?r- ly etti . ? I to a it ? ? intll ? eai r growth of ? etj .?.?.?.? md the adop tlon ..f the bleycli : ind ?? 11) growth s? ? ? ?__? fes m ??//? ai ri ,T II JORONROT ??G? CHILDREN. to popularity Ol the tnrt we? the be?t kind of a foundation to Insure Instine sui cesa, and. couplet with ito recent enthuolootlc and ?entrai accept? ari ?? by nil creeds nnd classo^, ali rondltlono and ages, is certainly p?t?? than enough te mak?? it? former detractors throw up their hands nnd ex? claim: "Where are we at '" WHEN IT BECAME POPULAR. The conservatism of society did not p'rnilt It to adopt the bicycle erase at th? ?tart, neither was It drei taken up by the poorer people of -o elety. it wa? loo . ostiy a pleasure for the latter to ihink of Indulging In The middle eia??'? were the first to accept Ihe bicycle with op.-n urini ?nd to take It Into their homes and make much of It, ? ntll the lisplnic babes prattled from their cradle for a bicycle, while from grandpa's warm coiner 0? the chimney hearth came also the desire for a Wheel. And so the bicycle oralo grow until there I? at lean < lie bicycle In almost every house occupied by the middle elaas, while in many of the houses every member ol aa entire family has one. Should there yet be in this greal 'it?.? a miser? able SCCptlC as to the popularity of the bicycle, he should be captured, placed in a ?las? CSge and ex hlldted in some enterprising museum. One has only to ?.Islt l'entrai I'ark or t'ke ? stroll along the Boulevard, or any of the avenues uptown, to see proof of the popularity of the Moycls, At any hour of the day, on holidays ?nd Sundays, these place? ut- thfOagOd With Wheelmen and wheelwon.en. ???? and women, lads and lassies, boys and giro?, are all out lav the hundreds, and there Is apparently no limit a? lo ani? of the riders. On every tine afternoon the bicycle riders bowl ahmg in a seemingly endless proceeston of young men and ?roman, boyo nnd cirK siuid old gentle? men und matun -looking matron?, in the throng are ministers, prlooto, laoryero, fudgoa, actors und adressas, nun of foahhm, clubman and ths season's debutante?! and now? and then a family group, all mounted on'd "OteedS" and travelling aloni? al ? rateo! speed which in the good old day? of one's puritanical forefathers would certainly have been considered suicidal, if not "flying in the face of Providence." Not long ago the writer san s family group of bicycle p ?? which included four generations. There ware tha great*graadfather, grandfather, father, mother, and ; "iis and il.uitfhtci f. The youagOOt of Ibis family ?G????? wi:s 0 rou:id-fuce,| i.abo of as uncertain on ogo as all babea, and the eldest a ruddy. h"ii? i, white-haired old gentle? man of ?evanty-odd years. The baby was sitting in na oddly constructed little ?cat of wir?? faocenod on the ? ios: bar in Iront of his f.Uher'a win?. I. The sotogsnarlan was riding on?,? of th.? lotooi In? proved rood 'oyoleo, as wars all tha others in the parly. It was s differ? nt BOOUO from that of a few years ago, when only an occasional bicycle was foend In the I'ark or avenues. The bicycle of those days wa? a peculiar-looking machine, rad? ically different from the bicycle of the present time. The rider was perched up on the top of a | great wooden wheel, with a little wheel trailing , behind He looked as If he were In great danger I of tumbling off forward and break ng hi? neck, i and from the horrified expression, which often ?eemei: habitual to the (gel of the constant rider, he evidently feared hi? probable end?the pre? monition of which he had probably many times bad through bad and unavoidable falls. It was only the most reckless people, such, for example, as the young man crOBBld in love, who took to the diabolical machine. Bince the advent of the safety bicycle, only gymnasts and tr ok riders ?ver essay to mount tie old-fashioned, big-wheeled ina-hlne and attempt to demonstrate the uses it could be put to by anybody regardless of life and limi?. WELL-KNOWN PEOPLE WHO RIDE. Among th" hundreds of bicycle riders to be fern on any fair day in the parks and boulevards it would be Impossible to give ipeca to a larg? enough list of names adequateli to represent the number. Hut by th.? following list an idea may be obtained of the popularity which the bicycle now lias in society ami sntong Well-known people In diff?rent walks of lif.?. Among those who have recently purchase 1 and learned to ride bicycles are Mrs. William Ii. ?'ahderbllt, Mrs. William .lay. Dr. Carroll Dunham, his sons, daughter? und nieces, of East Blxty-nlnth-at.; Miss Holbrook, of West Forty-ninth-.? t.. Mi.: Btnlly laeliQ, Dr. T. F. All.t.. Mr?, r. H. T. ?'oll!?, ? Ppa'ildlng Pe Qsrm n lia. Dr. Btearns, Dr. Kemble, Dr. James. Mis-? Oemldlne Lampoon, Richard Halsted, Mis? Downing, Dlgby Bell, Paul Arthur ani Frank M?r ? launt, the actor. Edgar .Saltos, Miss Della I ox. Marian Story, Mrs. Butler Duncan, Miss BUmson, Mrs Lawrence, of Last Nlnetleth-st ; Dr. Loomls, I?r Htlmsnn. Miss ??Iga. Little. .laughter of Mr-. ?? ?? Little. Prancls M Bcott and daughter, John Nielsen, Mrs. Oeorg? Hoffman, Mr ani Mr.? Regi? nald De ???????. li-rer.?; and Mrs .1. Watts Kearnev, Mr. sad Mr?. Charles O. Prancklyn, Mr. ..:. . Mn James ll Bookman, Dr. and Mrs s <> Vanderpoel, Mr. ?ni Mrs n Aymar Bands, the .Mis?.?? Qllbert, Dr snd Mrs. Pifferi!, Lieutenant mi.: Mr- pettini, Mr? John A Madden, Mr. and Mr? Clament ?' Moore, Mr and Mrs stanf..ri white. Vr .ul ?.n- ?: O, Remsen, Miss Bessie Ward, BUshs Dyer, Jr., ?' Wyndham-Quln, Misi Remsen, Mis? Virginia Pair, Charles P. Alex ander, Mrs p Victor Kewcomb, Mr. snd Mrs George ? ? - Porest, ar. ? Misa l.oui-.? McAllister This list, it win l?? ??. n, includes prommenl pee pl?? in sedety, physldam snd lawyers, sctors and actresses, suthori snd nun well kn ?wn In business circle?. Th?t cycling ?? be<comlng lust a? popular in high circle? abroad SB It l? here mav be Men from a ll?t of bicycle rbler? published In the latest Is? .? of "Tii? Bueitsh Cyc!l-i " Among the mm.? given are th?.?.? of La ly Angels Ht. c"l?.r r.rsklne H?rene?? d?? llrieii.-n, (he Hon. Mrs Burke, lori Kennedy, the Ron <', Baren, Marquis ..f Carmarthen, Lord Oranvllle ?; rdon, Lord tlrantle) Loi ? llrabourne, l^.t ? Oullford, the Hon. C E Bingham, the Hon, Mrs. Mostyn, Lady Morel Ma< k ? U Leslie, lb? Hon M s in lys, ti.e io te?? of I it ???! ?.? ? ?. th- l'ari ?.f Portarttng? loa, Lady Plorenee Bourke, Lady Palrbairn, Mme. ?,..!, Andra?, th?? Duche?? uf Manchester, and the p.a Stephen Coleridge, ion "f "? Isti Lord Chief Just, ? BICYCLE BCHOOLB. A? in this country, the bieycla nevi?*? ?mone the up;?#r la???..?? ..' ? .?;????.? alr..i I patronise? th.? ?. boots, of which a considerable number have ie centiy ?ptur.g Into egtstenos. ? ihi? city most of the school? ?r.? on ?'?? W.? f Bide, irt the neigh? bor!".??1 of Central f?rk. There .u.? probably ? dosen Rret-claM schools, which profei to Initiate novlci Into ths mysteries of riding thi? j. -Hilar modern vehicle sn?) Insure sgalnsi broken or serious fails during the procesi Bach school h.-i ?ex?.t.?? (raine.) attendant? .ind teach ?r?. bright young men, wh.? rid? iti.'lr wneela with all ihe gr?? e and ?kin .,f the tes hers of horse? man lilp When ih?? nui.?. !?< tiro mounted on ? blcyele, ? broil |. It is buckled ar ! the waist, to Which ?- stinchi ? s loop Th?? attendent graspi this loop ind wslki ?round on the Inner ?Ide of the track, ites Iving the novi.?.?, while the letter works tl,.? ire.? lies of th? bi cyel ?. As the novice be? come? more confident, ? strap ah lit ? \ ird long ?? ? d to tl..? belt, lb?? -t ! twlng held hy th? at. tendent. Ti: ? rider ?-?rt. ?, : ..? ? . ??- ?- t. ling m th. assistes???? wbra ihi? ?tage ..f the tuition ?? r?? ? ?.e ?. lut he i?? noi ??? ? miking progress, however, and, if moderately clever, la ???? able to "go ft stone" .m ? make s publl ? sppesrsnee In the r irk or on the Boulevard a? .. full-fledged rider Th? usual course at the school? la five | ?sons, each of on. half hour, snd the charge ?ceni s li ?on, or Vf for the ,.,ijrs. l.. - on? In fenpy rl .m- sl?o given ?.f the ; hoots, where man) of the teachers sre smong the best known and skilful riders ? wheelmen Bealdea tiies.? schocl?. several of th?? retail establishment? of bicycle? have track? laid out in their building? and teach every puri has? r .if a bicycle hoa to ride fre? of charge. The sldewalls in some of the riding schools sri padded to prevent Injury t.? the rider. During ? caavaea of the blcyele schools made by the writer, further evidence of the popularity of cycling iva?? mad.' apparent by their crowded condition. At every one of them, be was informed, the Instruc? tor? bad mora pupils than tin?! could sctually teach, and tickets were being sold arranging t.? give pupils time in the futur.?, much th" sain?? a* engagements ar.? mad.? In a dentist'! office. The writer was also loll that the proportion of women learning to ride vas larger than that of men. Of conree, there ara mor?? adult? in the Bcbaols than young people, who ??? not so much afraid of falli? snd prefer to teach themselvea to ri?ie with tii?? ail oi their companions. The Schools In this city and Brooklyn, It ha? been estimated, ar?? teaching ?&?? pupils a vx-Ar to nd?? bicycles. There are also numerous privat? clubs when? menili??! a tire taught to ride. Among the new club? reeeatly organised in thi? city Ii the Michaux, oemposed >?f peupla prominent In society, and which w.?? fully described In ? recent Issue of The Tribun.?. Then the faMiion.iid. colony ai TilX'do Park has alai ti.,aux ?, up, ? ils gat. to the cycle and cm ? cit. d It? CSSlno Into S Cycling rink. Horse? end their trappings ar.? not so much thought of at presen; Lakeview and other wln tcr resort have bj all goeounts siso welcomed the bleyeli with all th? abandon <>f school-children over th-'ir lat.-st toya At ?? ?rporl liso, Issi itim m*r, tbg bicycle came prominently Into facht? nabla notice. THE NUMBER OP WHEELMEN, it is extremely dlnVuIl to obtain anything lik. ., correct knowledge ..? the ninni.? ? of blcyele rider? in tills city and Brooklyn, but ? .servatlve >?.??? inaic places in.? number st *".???') An spproxi? male estimate .if liic numlier of riil-M In tie? United Blatas li placed by s high authority on btcycU air.iirs m : .????.?r" at least. The .'ninnai output of tin ISO or more concerns In th.? country engage.? in the manufacturing ??! bicycle? i placed bi the ?ame autliorlt) at "??,???, The output of a ?Ingle factor) rang?? from forty machine? ? year ?o igoOP. Som?? of the larger <??>? c. p?? the writer wa?. Informed, ere overrun with order? and sre constantly adding to their plants mid facilities. The United States export trade in bicycle? I? not at the present Unie of much contentici ? ?. and l? chiefly confined to douth America. ? few are lent to England and France. It can safely be said, however, that the American bicycle la the best machine of the kind In the world, and will sooner or later command more recognition In foreign countries. Few bicycles are imported Into this country, but Ihe United States ?s a lark'?? Importer of ?vhsrt Is term?'d In the traile sundries, consisting of lamps, bells, ?addles, chains, etc. The tariff on these articles, which are largely made In Birmingham, Bncland, Is so low that th?? manufacturers there can undersell their brethren in the I'nlted States. The American bicycle lias approached BO near to perfection that turt.ier improvements, the n'ir.ii facturers say, must necessarily be slow, and con? sist moie of ?'.'?;.iil than of any radical .-hanse?. Vet each manufacturer la constantly on the alert. ond some pretty radical 'lian?;??? in th?? make-up .c a bicycle will be seen on the nanchine? for ISM. They cannot by any moin-' i> considered dus to mero whim? of designing men seeking something ??iw ol Which to boast, in order to obtain mor?; trade. Almost ail th ? flrat-class whei !; will be ?quipped with wooden rims, practically ,? new Idea, The wooden rims wore not popular at tit.?;;, but they an? now driving the s;c i. copper, aluminium and olio t kinds of metallic rims out of the market. It Is alleged thai the wooden rims stay truer, are light, and do not rust the rubber tiros as tho metal rlmn ??. Ani?n?,? th? other Improvements will be a nnrrow Ins of the tread, bringing the feet closer together; ? decrease In weight, ? stroighter top bar. and last, t.ot by no mean? least, ? ?? duct Ion in ti.?? retali pnce of aboui 20 ?-? cent. This means that th" m crane which last year sold at $'.?"> will bo offered In the coming season at from BOO to $12".. ?'hi? fall In other gradi bicycles will b at??,ut the sain?? In proportion. ???,? manufacturers are paying much attention to bicycle? for women, caused by the recent Increas? ing demand. It Is promised that the woman's bicycle will fully equal thi man'? In every Im poi ta ".t G? sture and detall, A larger number of bi ycles f-?r women .in now ?. in?,' built with diamond frames, and .ire prac? tically ili? same as men's blcyclt '??? .;? ,p frame machines will also '.??' made. Although the demand for tandem bicycle? has not Increased In the sr.m?? ratio is for the ringle wheels, stili some manufoctuiera are steadily, mprovtng them. A splendi.! machine of this kind, seen by the writer, weighed only thlrty-fli ? pounds. As one woman solai "Th?? ?and tun are so handy in the country, whin one wishes to stop at a neighbor's and ta.k.j her out for a ride." Some of the bicycles used by the racing-men will weigh onlv fifteen pounds DEVELOPMENT OF THK BICYCLE. The extremely IlKht. handsome and useful bicycle of the present day was preceded by some queer freaks of the inventor's Ingenuity. The first one of which there is any record was called the DTalslne, invented by s (Herman, Carl von I'r.tls, at Mannheim, In M7 Tirs was _ peculiar nnd simple affair, consisting of ?? bar about Uve feet lone; and six Inches wide, supported at each end upon o wheel, the front ? ne ?. ine to attached that p could be turned loft or right, I'ke the front wl eel ? of a carri ige. Th?? rider sat astride, of the t..:r and propelled himself and the machine by the ? action of (us feel upon the (.'round The rider presented such a ridiculous appearance that he ?., ? much amusement as h?? went along the avenues or through the parks, and tbe vehicle was dubbed "a dandy hors.?" The man was ? died a "hobby-horse rider." Il .s dlAcult to ?ee how such a machine was useful to a person's pede? trian ? ..wir? of locomotion. The l?nil?lne certainly dover become popular, and yet nothing letter was discovered until IW, a h...n Qev ;, Iml soll, ? cooper of Lanarkshire, Scotland, ? ?erted that h?? had Invented S .rank-driven machine. That is h?? applied pedals to the "dandy horse.?? Then it was iiiat what I* known as the velo (pede .amo Into existence. Ml haul h Co of ?'ails, sint one of these machines to England, where it made something of s sensation M Michaux Is also credited with being the Bra! to make on.? whe.l of thi velocipede larger than the other. Thi? form? ? h? bicycle. Then M. Moon, ais.. ., Frenchman, made a bicycle of Iron ond steal. This was about the >???? 1870 The hiith wheel velocipede, ?: bl ; tie, achieved considerable sue ?. England, which was helped aloni: by ? rider making the trl| ?f?' mile?, from London to John "' ? treat's, In tourte? ? lays. It Isgrather difficult to trace the Inventors who made Improvements on tbe bicycle from iSTO to the present lime. They are numerous, and among the machines Invented were those called velocipedes, manevcloclters, blbictors, trtvectors, a 'et era tora oHcpodes and other outlandish nino? They wer? horn, however, to die early ??. l uni in ??? ith After t?:?? saf? ty bicycle, which ?? only o modification of the velocipede, ? m.? Into or? ?a tie early par' if IMO there eaum rumors of 0 hollow lire, filled w?.?*: .tir. This was the beginning of the pneumatic tire ond the credit of it? Inventimi ij given to James B. Dunlop, a veterinari surgeon, "f Belfast, Ireland, although ? potent for an Inflated tire w?s granted to w. K. Thompson, in England, In IMS Kothing cam.? of it, however, and ti??? patent expired in ISSO by limitation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ a LOXDOX mimisi;. KR ARTHUR BOCRCHIER TO miss VIOLBT BARXES From The Lady's 1? toi .?'? A great deal of Interest centred round the wed? dim; of Mr Atthur Itotircbler. son of Captate Hour chter, of No ih Gloucester Place, Portmon Square, and Miss Violet, daughter o? the late Prebendary Barn??, molding at No. IH Kari'j Court I'.oal doutht^lCenslngtoa, which w?s eele brated at tho Church of St Mmh1 ?. Kuri'si'ourt s?uare. on Sunday loot, December I, The oflfc latlng clersy were the Very Rev thi Dean o: Hereford, th?? Rev C C Kation, \ of Huston, ond tbe ??", r. Ker Gray, of St. Georges, Aibemarle-at. Th?? church was crowded with friends snd spoc t l'or? eager t.. oriti ess the union of ?i. popular a roupl? Sir .:.'se;.i, Uarnby presided at the cr?an, ani the service, which wa? choral, was most im i . ?? on ? beautiful Thi Mil. graceful brldi . -?? -_r ^yr?' ,,V ?*, - ' -? *?3 ;-**''?:?' ; - ?1' ?? ? ?-:?..'?'- 4 ? ? ? 1 k< ? very lovelj ai she was led to the altar iwhleh .?? hrilUantl? Illuminati ? od I h candles) 1 hei brother, Lieutenant i: W ? Barnes, 'th Hunsirs, who pave hei awa The bridal ??own was of ahite pearl duel.>e satin, the bodice cov. en ? rtth whli? accordlon-plettcd chiffon, srlth strina? .??' pearls and i?earl ?Irdle; ?? ?? laments ?vor.? diamonds ond pearls, ond she carried an ex? nulslte boii.juet presented by dir Pre ?. rick liait?, s sii.? was attended by foui hi 'cemalds?Miss tn? gela \.inio nth inni Miss ?reni Vanbrugh (sisters of the bride? Miss Louie bane Pox and Ulm Edith ?.?. . iwo o: whom w-r?? attiri ? In pink and .v h 11, ? striped silk skirts, with pink -?''? bodies covered with white accordion-ideated chiffon, and bishop jgfca* ? ( lenenti and Mrs and M r.' l.ouls. . |..u M ?, the other two wearing id US nnd while made up In the same way The gold boat's and od.ins which they wore were given by the bride? groom, the hearts] bearing the initials "A. V." They hod lai ? bio k (?olnsborough hato, trimmed wiiii violets ai?.? salile (alls, and carried bouquets of violeta Sir John Dixon Poynder, Hart., ? p., supported the brldi r.? is ties: man. After the . .un.ony the neddlng guests reassembled at No. ??.? Karl's Court Road, south Kensington, Including t'optai ? and Urs, Bourchler, the Baroness and Mr Btirdett-CouttS, Lord and La Iv Hot h field, Karl and ?????.:.? . of Ktlmorey. Pleld Marshal sir Frederick llalli.:,. .-'!: loh?! und '. ?. .-'!: .i.-liey. Lord Kenyon. leen Williamson, lord Ashbourno, Mr, .1.1. ? Hire, Mr. and Mrs. Itati, roft Air. Bei i.o'.iiii Tree, Sir George ?md Lady Joseph and ? ody Barney and Miss m? 'li.!'.?- Hauret, Julio?. Lady Pollock Sir Preierlch ond Lady Pollock, Mr. Forbes Kobe it ?on, Mi and Mra. H A, Jones, Mr. and .Mi I! rman Morivate, Mr and Mrs. Krank Har? ns Mr. aid Mrs. Clement Scott, General A. K. Hideout, Mr. and Lady Henrietta Car bury Evans, s-.r ????,?.?-ins a." I I. ?. ? ? IL.trV Later in the nay Mi end Mrs Arthur Bourchler left en route ? ? i .?ri? for their honeymoon, the bride dressed In m .us??-?'Oiored cloth '.?or floured pale pink silk; I . :, .? ..f i,ec..i'<llnn-pleated chiffon, and Gain?? boruimh mouse fell bat trimmed with Violets, bl? muff, and sable tails._ Mr lOMrehlei i?, ????*?|.pis tlilnk. rather a ??w , ion act ???, but, at oil events, h.? u ? delight? fai fellow, an <?:;f"rd man. and a decided favorito' with his inule. Lord HothAeld, Misa Harnes is known on the stage aa Misa Y<uibrugh. lier ?later. , aie also on the -i.i-c THE CHRONICLE OF ARTS EXHIBITIONS AND OTHER TOPICS. ??G. (N'NESS I.ANnarAPBg-rORTRAITS AND PICT? I'll EH ?? MR. HIDERT VOS-A NOTE OB Tin; ARCHITECTt'RAI. DECORATION . OP THE CAPITOL AT AL HANY-FORBION ITEMS. T*i?t Thursday evening, with appropriate eeremn? tt'.ca and the delivery of a stately addre-s by Mr. Parka Godwin, the exhibition of the Inness pict? ures was inaugurated at the line Arts Building. It nor.? remains accessible to the pub'.Ic until the lit of Fe-iruary, but th?? length of time ut the disposal Of visitor? shotil 1 not lead them to postpone their first ? ?lamination of the co'.lection. It is one to see at once ami then to sea again and again. It cannot be too often urged that Inness was one of the pil? lar? of the American school, thai he would have ndorned any group the world over had he ever care?! to Identify himself with any on? movement, and that In his Independent art Wl posses? one of the richest source? of pleasure which modern land? scape ha? to offer. Accordingly the present dleplay ll an ??vent ?if unusual magnitude and call? for a special manifestation of Interest on the part of eveiy admirer of what Is rare and beautiful In art. Appreciative study of this exhibition an?l a cordial recognition of the true greetases which Inness ex? emplified ought to ?io something to destroy the fal? lacy under which so many A ami nan coi'.cctors labor. I?eeause the painters of Harbizon ?ill such eu premely good work and did It at a time when such work was rare. It has eften been assumed that the famous group of 1S30 acompIUhed all that wa? ever to be achieved In their province. Numerous as ca? pable landscapist? ar?? In Amertct, they ?utter te till? day from the competition of Corot. Kouueau and fue rest. It is a healthy competition when properly regulated. It mean? the maintenance of one more standard of perfection, and, moreover, we can ni-ver have too many masterpieces of th? past. Hut Inness, with the splendid ?weep of nil genius? reminds ns that the present 1? fruitful snd that It 1? rich right here at our doors. No EurO |...iii school ever produced liner work than he pat forth, and not the '.east of his services to his co in try will be pcpn to he the Impetus he gave and will continue to give to the development of our National art. The Inness exhibition at the American Art Gal lertes will be openeal by a private ?,'iew to-morrow* evening, and the public will be admitted for the first time on Tuesday morning next. Vt the Fifth Avenue Art Galleries there are at present the pict? ures by Mr. Hubert Vos which will be found briefly discussed below?. When they are withdrawn on the Sth of Januarv the space will be Riven over to a collection of Orlentalla that i? to be followed on January 17 by the old masters belonging to Mr. Louts H. r.hrlch. These are the Flemish and Dutch paintings which were shown recently at the Fine Arts Butldlag. They are to he sold in the neighbor? hood of the 'S'A of next month. The next ?ale after th.?. at these galleries, srtC be of picture? sent by twelve Of fifteen American artists. Messrs. Dolph, ('??Min. ?'rane and Murphy arc among those who ? xp?? t to ?hare ?n the venture, but a fu'.: list will be made public later. Th?? Academy has but one week more to run. The doors of the exhibition close next Batarday night. The paintings by Mr. Vos. at the Fifth Avenus Art Galleries, give a pleasant but quite unex? citing Impression of his talent?. He I? a ?kilful technician, and a realist who puts Intelligence Inte his work. He somehow misses the higher possi? bilities of hi? craft, and wh.le he I? unquestion? ably a refined painter, with even a dash of sentl m?>nt In his nature, he has neither subtlety nor delicate suggestlveness, and invariably throw? the spectator back upon a purely material considera? tion of the portrait or picture before him. Taken on those grounds Mr. Vos Is a man of no mean abilities. He has ease, surenrs?. a firm and vig? orous touch, and in die animation and truth of his portrait? he is almost captivating. You feel instantly the presence of a likeness in hi? work. thai he has mirrored the surface of things with lOtisumm it? ?.?curacy, though he has had nothing to say In regard to the hidden character of his sitter. In ??ther words he is clever to the verge el being photographU. and In any on" of hi? can vanes, in the poltra.t of Canon Iiuekworth, in that ??f Mr. Ensatarte, in those of Mr. ODrlscoll. Mr. Molta?, Mr. David Cfeltette .Murray, or "A Dutch Hoy." tne air of life, of movement, i? swiftly con? veyed. Ills color is respectable, not always trans? parent, but smoothly and harmoniously handled, and, on the whole, productive of agreeable results. It is better when Mr. Yo? Is employing a lighter medium than that In which nine-tenths of his pictures have be,? painted. His pastel? are ex? cellent In a ?inlet way ?see the study of a ?enlle I type, which hung? near the large almshouse scene), and the "Intenor <.f thi ??root*? Kerk in Kdam," wherein water-caler and pastel arc ?.ombined, I? a suave, artistic ?ketch. The best color-work, and. In fact, the best execution he has put to his credit anywhere outsld- of his portraits. Is shown by Mr. Vos In the big picture Just alluded to, "A Room In th- Brussels AlmihOUSl,*? There the scene Is well bathed m light, the values are kept well In hand an?! in ?uch passages as the brushing In of the sand;, flour texture he show?? that he ha? pon? dered we,| (he Frenen tradition of "faire vrai." We wish we could sa;? that Mr. Vos had more in his art than we have here pointed cut, but when we hav. praised the quaint pictures.pienc-s in his Hutch "Angeles." when Wl have paused for a moment upon the pathos in his picture of "Les Pauvre Gens," and have once more testified to t::e ? rtspnrsr of his outlines and the fcreible ver? acity of his modelling, we have said all that in justice can b" ut u red. and we have offered no ex? planation cf this srtlst'l departure from the ad? min.?.? ton.? and styll of his countrymen. There ll Indeed M explanation of a sort which would pnent Mr. Yos as an orignal painter, taking a lias superior to that which I? cultivated by most of the artists of Holland. ?in the contrary, he has no very remarkable individuality, and in ex changlng the mfts which his race mtirht have given him for th.? manual deftness and rapidity which !?? has apparently acquired in schools other than t ? ? Hutch. !.?? ha?? bartered lentil for luperflclallty and distinction for commonplace. Hla work la capable ani in a prosaic way entertaining. It Is uncommon!) thin In quality. ??mo photographs of th.? new gaga ontlons Of the Cap?tol at Albany ?how that the de ?igni r, Mr. Isaac O. Perry, has in one respect at leist tro I worthily In the footsteps of hi? prede? cessor, Rtebardson. Here and there among the capitani and la other places where the nature of the carve I embellishment would permit, he has caused portraits (,f famous American? to be Intro? duce!. It is an excellent Idea which can never be I too frequently in th > adornment of our public buildings. In l'ari?? tlie plan has before this been In use. The great church of Sacre ?lOeur. upon the height? of Montmortre, |? picturesquely dec? orated with gnrgjDJ les. which preserve the linea? ments Of designers, contractor? and diver? officials connected with the <onst ruction of that Imposing monument Here in New-York ?. me years ago Mr. It.?hard If, Hunt took a step !n the same direction. The lovely \TsnderbUt house, on the corner of Fifth? eve end Flfty-second-st., is suncouated on one of st.un?' on ci?se scrutiny ....... . ?ope.?.-. - w...^. heroes ;n the history ..f ihe Nation, and there la something very gratifying in the appearance which thev present They have been x-clehrated with good workmanship and their ?'fligles have been placed with good fast?. A precedent Is established which future designer? of muncipal and State buildings would do well to regard. Yenlce I? to have its first Internat!inai exposition of tin? fine art?. It I? to be Inaugurated on the 22d of next Apri'., end will last until October 22, 1891, Twenty-five thousand fratte? in ? rinse are to be awarded, sad tbe committee of artists pledged te SUPPOSI the enterprise With their names, and If pos Mld" with their works. Includes a number of the most powerful painter? of Europe. Dubois, ?'arolua l?urjn, Henner, A'.tna-Tadema. Hume-Jones. Leigh ton, l'oMInl. ('arcano. Michettl, Morelli, Israele, Mesi ig, Villegas, Zorn. Krover and M'inkacsy are a few of the men who have agreed to do what they can te further the success of the venture. It is a .'.-? ipi'iiirittiicti? t ? imd no American name In the llHt of cainniltti'ximen. fcveu if we did not have men '.ike Bunee and Duvene? k reildlng in Venice, wc should have som?? American artist Interested more or less ofAclally in the exhibition. It Is.llkely to prove one of the most popular lu Europe among European artisti?.. Just through the love of Venice which everywhere exist?. Few artists there are, here or abroad, who do not owe something of In? spiration to the lovely city on the Adriatic, and every one should put his shoulder to the wheel, now that tt Is to he set In motion. Statisti, s -"sty good man." ?ll?l the severe lady "have yen ever stopped to think how much money is wasted each year for tobacco and rum?" "No, mum. t hain't." answered the object. "It'e ft-takln' up all my time Jlst now to rigger out how many pore families could be supported on the prie?.? of the extra cloth women put? la their ?lcevei."-(Indianapoli? Journal.