Newspaper Page Text
Mm VOL-r.!T...N?-l7,r>78. NEW-YORK, MONDAY. DECEMBER 31, 1894.-TEN PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTa LI HUNG CHANG OUSTED. VICEROY OF I.IANC-KIANCi MADE CHIEF ?COMMANDER OF CHINA'S FORCES. OBSTINATE cotraoe OF tiif. ?hints?: at ???? WA-BA1 SHE JAPANESE ADMINISTRATION IN v.'.N'iiri.n working: well. London. Dec. 3?"?.- A Central News dispatch from Peking says that I,in Kun Yi. Viceroy of LJang-Klang, ?""t?? b ? appointed tn the chief rotumand <?? all the Chinese forcea ? r-stin?? 1.1 Hune ('??.un.?. Liu K;i:i Yi has Baked to bo re? ite.? ? , f his new office, but in-? request ins !,????. / .'. .?. 11.? i.- ??. Hi v- .? to ?.?? in.? impeti nt. Tbe Central .\ \ - .? respondent ??? Antons t? legrapha: Details from :. - '?' Sai ?ro? firm th first re? porta tliat i. recent battle was . '-it with; great ? ? Th Chinese were strongly In ? ? ... .1. They had elevi u ll . : . - nnd some and v.?? r ? a ell handh !. The Japan re re] ?;:" d with h? a\ .Their rcserv? fi ?m Haitcheng. who had expert- ; enc<d c . ulty ? n t!'.? mai h owing to the f:. ?? . ' i thi in. a I they made an ?1 h r ? !: ?. u. hurrahs and shouts of victory. icy carri? .1 everything. Tl ? .1 ?; an? se ? ? i y had 450 killed and ? ? "h??ese 1 0 kil ? i an ? ow ?? ? ? : pursuit of the tins. ? 'ne \ iil ig re ot Jualnlng \ . .? the Chinese ? i- ra ??? '? ? s Ughi ? ? The) t ? ? pref? rre ! ? ; . had raptui ? ige pre-, A dispatch t. thi Central News from Tokio ?a) s: ? ? "lzn.? who commands tii?? Japanese m my in Manchuria, reports that the natives ? greatly Influenced by the clemency of ?. . ? ? thai ? anj reeld nta wh ? ha l retui iiii? with their : u I : - snd are willingly aaalsting the ln> ? lera Markets hav? been opened, Japanese currency . ? -. and tbe Japanese Administra? tion is * irking well. EX-SECRET ART FOSTER BOUND FOR JAPAN", ?"hlcapo. IVc. "<?. ???-Se.retary of Stato .I??hn \V. Foster passed through Chicago to-.iay on his way t , Vancouver, whence h?? will sail for Japan on January ' '??.? v.tu represent I'hlna In necotiations f.r pas ee between the two countries Mr. Foster ? i to discuss the merits of th?? dispute, hut r. | || to ?? in lersi ? that he docs not repre? sent the United States In the affair. \\c has al? ways been friendly toward both China ami Japan. un! since the ?ar began :.? had followed the news paper s.nta but did noi care to express an opinion based on the ii.formation, even if he had formed ont- _ TWENTY-SIX MEN PERISH. BRITISH BARK OSSEO WRECKED AT ??t,?. HEAD AND THE WHOLE CREW LOST. STORMY WEATHXJt ALL OVER EUROPE?M ANT CAPI/ALITI ns IN TIIK UNITED KINGDOM AND WRECKS IN TDK NORTH BEA. Lond?n. Dec. W.?The British !. irk Osseo waa wn ked in a gale at Holyhead early this morn I ng1, ?'in?} with her perished h? r entire crea of twenty-six men. The Osseo was driv?-n ashor? baokof tbe Holyhead breakwater. Her sii distress arare first haar.; by the ? lastgu u ? 4 ij'clwk in the morning. At that time it waa pitch dark, and great wavea were a ishing over the breakwat? r. In spit? of the danger, the guard proceeded along th?? breakwater, and. hav? ing liggt-d up the rocket apparatus, beg i:i firing lifelines tn th.- direction of the wreck. The faint light ? f the ro :keta so? ? disci -? 1 the fact that the vessel had l>r?.k.-n in two amidships, nnd that the mainmast had fallen, ?-rushim; :).,? lives out of several of the crew. A f?w eun Ivors could be seen clinging to each bail ?f ihe ves sal, and th. ?r pit? itI.-s for help c ? lid be heard above th?? roar of the storm. Aft. ? man) failures the coastguard su . ????.;?.? In firing a line ? ? r th?? wreck; but by ail on board had perished A lifeboat vainly tried again and again to approach the wreck. ? ? ? vestige of the bark could be seen to-day, and there Is ? ? pert o? any salvage, Several bodies have ?.. ? ? washed ashon ? ??,., oaoeo was s bark of I.S99 ; ns. She ar? il Fall ? ith ? ! ?? '?? mix r 15, fr >m Tal? la'., and had i.. ' n order? ! to A its and wreckage wash??d ashore on the ? ?if Lancashire indir?'? that the British ? ark Loweawati r has been loat. She left Qaraton it, tow on December -?. ivitli fifteen persons aboard. Th?? haws.?:? parted In a gale, and tbe tug took refui.'?? at Llandudno on De?*?nber tt, which time nothing has been heard of the Loweawater. Reports 'f stormy weather continue t . be re? ? fr? m all parts of Europe. Numerous smaif wrecks and casualltles are reported in Great Britain and Ireland. .Many lives were saved by llfeb The ? the last tw days did enormous damage on tbe ? aats of ? iih-rn France, Bel? glum and Oermany. Seven lar??? sailing vea ??.:?? t wed into Bi 'roerhaven In a i.;? lly ttered ondltlon Several coasters stranded nnd some ol th? seamen aboard were lost. The ? ' pa kel service aras sus? pend? d ' '? 1 t'-dav. ? ever? gale la blowing ??? the Baltic, and navigation la ?.;?.? I< l at Copenhagen. A heavy mow has fallen in ;h?? north of Scotland, and tw . railway tn-ins have been block?sd on th?? t?a. k Berlln Dee M A st rm In th?? North Ses Issi night lany wrecka off Heligoland, Stads and Roato k. TO LOOK INTO CUBA'S CUSTOMS BY8TEM. THI : i. ; . ? . AfTROVED BT THE SPANISH CABINET MINISTER ARARZUZA'fl DENIAI* The Cabinet haa approved the ; an Inquli y into the Cuban cui ?, Beftor Abarsusa, Mil steT of Colo? nie? denles the rei rt tl ? i,?? ausa? led d'il the Washing;! trameni srrans ? tarili list with Cuba directly, POR ARBITRATION WITH ENGLAND. ?? .?.?. Mi:i: m p., T" BRINO OVER an ADDRE8?, -i'i.M..'. BT .':..4 COMMONERS IN rAVOR Ol THE PROPOSED TRBATT London Dee ? Wllltan Randal Cremer, Radi? cal ? ?mber ?if Parliament for Shoredltch, will sail for > ? s ? ?<rk ??? th?? steamship Teutonic ???? Jan Mary | As delegate ot the iir.i/iisri advocattss ?if International arbitration be will take with hin ? Igned by M membera ol ih? British Par? liament In faii.r of tin- proposed treaty ol arbitra? betw? ? ? ? .?', ? : end the ['nil? d States M>. Ira that ih?? algnaturea to the address I I; : ly t.. members "f Parliament ? ? officially connect??*! with the Qoven ?.m'ir.? them are mosi <.f ti,.? Liberala the Irteh members, and many Conservatlvea ??????<'? I'nlonl ta Mr. Cremer will deliver s copy ol it??? sddresa to I' ? dent Cleveland and to every m?-mi?er ?if ????? i'leij?. PASSED BT NEWFOUNDLAND'S COUNCIL, BUT Tin: OOVERNOR MAT MOT SION IHK BILL OVARANTCEINO THE BANKNOTIGa St. John's, Nf K., inc. :;ii. The Ooverassenl car is ?,?ii fiir th?? gnaraataalng of baakaotes through th?? Couniil lust niKht by a majority .if 0M. Tn.-n.? has been cnsidi-raiile opposition to tin? aags Of tha? rn<-ai<iir??, aril an attempt to defeat It fall? l a few days ago ^lroush the prematuri? puiill ? ? of the plot. The diSSattsfaCtkM With Die hill Is ao general here that tii?? BSta?hoMsM h.?va? de? cided to rail a maPN-meetliiK. at which resolutions .nil as ???opted petltlonil .? the ?oYOTUOt to r?-frain it'.rn attaching hla signature to the measure. Th* I'nloti Hank's snarehoJders will hold a meet ,?? to-morrow, and th. llrrat l.uslness on ihe pro i ?? to be transacted is the r<-moval of t'n?? pros? ? nt Hoard of Directors and the appointment of a Sew one. The condition <?f the I'nion H?nk. It Is ?aid, la satlafatstory, and Its isa dins shareholders r.i confident of ita success, SS the Hank of Moa? ? tl will assist in <wr. way. sad the Oovtwnmenl provide for BBS lai ?. ?. dation. A FTRIors GALE IN NEWFOUVDLAIfD. i?t. John's, N. I'. Daa ?50.--A furious frale ranted here nearly all last nicht, and the neas were so high that the mall rt? ?ruts were detained nt this Place for twenty-four koorai It 1? li'dic.??'! thnt tbe xtorm has arrought mu.'h .?-?G?????? among the <oast OfkOO craft. LORD RANDOLPHS CONDITION UNCHANOBD. Ixindon, r?ee. 30.?Lord Har,l<,)?,h Churofclll'S <on ditlOP thi?. cvonlng was reported to be untliarujed. THE KAISERS CHRISTMAS. DISTRIBUTING THK PRESENTA AT THK POTSDAM PALACE. A TUBS FOR K.VI1 MEMBER OF Tin: IMrERIAti PAMIL.T-THI MINERS AN!> BOTtALIBM MR, RUNTOira DINNER. Berlin, Dec. 80.?The week began In fln<? holiday weather, clear, mild and aunnjr; but it rloaed ? rain and cold. Nevertheless th?> Christmas trad?? was admitted to be pood, if not the best in the last few y, ? ? The Christmas festival In the New Palace In Potsdam opened on Christmas Ev with the rus tomar)' presentation of Rift*. Every membri of the Imperial tamil) lud an Individual (ir tree, rut In the Potadam Wild Park an?! act up In th? Shell Hall, under the Empt?ror'? personal supervti n, The sire of Ihe trees graduated carefully, ac rording to th.? Importance and age of Ih? ? ?? ?re. The Emperor's an?! the Bmpreaa'a were twenty feel hlg-h, the frown Prince'? wa? ten f?-??! high, an I so on down to thi little Prli ? who had ?? ?prig bardi) above thr? e feel ? the afternoon thi family ilined In the Apollo Hall, and then wen! to th" Shell Hall, which waa ablaze with ihe llglii of the ? land Hers and numb ? ? p ? ' The tt es had be? ? d corate?! an : ligi I : mid.?!? th? Emp ror' ; ? m.-il supervision. The ompany m iir .1 carol, ai I th ? : : or ai ; Empresa distribu? d the prei nt*. Latei the En ? ror ami Empresa entertained s fee Intimai friend? at a dinner it? their privat? apartments. ? p NVedneaday, at the Emperor'? command a malli ???? pei : ?? mam e of ' Han l und tiret ' aa? ni the ? ipera Houi e for the am . ? ? ? ? ; ? ? Imp? rial prlnc? * and the ot hi r chlldn : '..iii't. Although the hou?e Rai or p ? lie, i* waa not half-Ailed a fact snowli dt Une ol Int? rest In Ihe doing? ol the In family, a? usually thee? ... ., ins have attracted crow d>?. Empresa Pre?! er Ick continued her visiti t? tl hospital? throughout the week, distrioutlng rmall presents and exchanging Chrlstma* greetli at with I ? patients. In the Emperor Frederick Hospital for Children sh.? p.issi ? ? wh le ?? moon In - Ing from bed to bed and handing toys to the youn ? sufferers. The tirst National congress of German manos nv-t on Thursday and Friday in Baaen There ara? only limited Interest in Ita proceed Ina?. The So? cial Democratic nias .f the delcaate? wa? shown plainly by their hostility to Ihe Christian Miners' Association, a concern which mix??* theoloiry snd Socialism in its constitution .?til forbid? the mem? berahlp of avowed Social Dem?crata, The dele? gates agreed that religion, politic? snd trad ?. unionism should !>?? kepi distinct, although resolv. Ing in almost the samt breath that 8??? al Demo racy and infidelity were essential principles of trades-unionism. Yesterdaj the Polish miner? closed a three days' conference In Br?ala There th.? deleaate? avowed openly their adherence to the Social Democracy and prepared ?> plan of agitation, which will be extended ovet all the II?? tr?ete of G?-?? and S.!??-;.? ?? |s worthy of ? tn.itk that nclth'-r th.? Essen nor the Breslau r ? deb ited th.- Anti-Boelaliet b II The "Vorwlirta" viy. that th?? s? la! Democratic 1 >t put ii's are recalvlna from all and telegrams of sympathy si I ?? eemeni Th?-y ar?? -.??e:<??1 t ? stand firm asa nal Ih? \ s illat t'ili and tt:.? Emperor'? attempi t.? ? t'ni-m in ihe Retchatag, All So il : ? prejudice aalde, it ?- G? it that the preaent lll-natun ??f the So it ii ? ;? ; man Stat factor with which t),?? Emperor mum r? "1: ?'. Chancellor Prince Hohei oh? ex| ? to ???> t> rub ' ?? Wedi ? - lay, Th? ai ? ili ? of hla miii. Alexander, t?' rie Councillor of Lean t;nn !: . s : ? ? the Badlcal ?lor la In honor bound to r? ? ? the Belch?! ?-? Thi "?? ? pia ?* that the api Intm ni li mei honorary, brina? ?' ' t,?. salai y. and then o way will :!..? < ?, incllloi ? leal* lat re dutl? Mr. Bunyon ? dinner ??:, Tl Italian, .i.ij mea? ;? Ich ind Bavarlat Min ?? ? Mr?- Bunyon had ?? dance it ih? Emba ? on the asm evening. Twenty couple? wer? ? ?? ? . HE CZAR'fl ENV? >Y BECEIVED IV THE !'? ?PE Rome, Dec, SO Prit ? Lobanoff, th? C special savoy, wee received by the i' to-day. Aft.-r presenting t.? the Pope as from the <>..?>??. Prince Lobai iff ?. \..i^ happy to fulfil an office which rnabl? I hit express hi? veneration for tbe Pop? snd ? ? th?? good will of tbe Osai whi . ? ? The Pope replied tha t 1 ported the principles of order and p? ??? . ? ich a? ? I the Csai The audit p ? aras held In thi pn en - of tl - Papal < ' urt and lasted ten minut? I the Pope and Irince Lobanoff ?.? ed t< gether !..r three-quarter? ..f an hour. A GERMAN ORDER POR CASIMIR-PE? Paris, l ???'? BO ' 'cunt ?. ; ? ? nan ?p lor In behalf of tt.?? rirand-duk? of .-'ix?? Weimar, has preaeuted to Prealdenl t'aslmli Peri?-r Ihe order of th?? Whit?? Falcon, In ? - ? honors paid to th?? body Of his son who dud at Men tone recently. This is t!.?? Urei dem in ordei conferred upon a French Prealdenl since 1871. ? -? ? DREYFUS'! PETITION FOR A NKW TKIAL.. l'ari-, ????'- M Th?? court-martial In th? case of Captain Dreyfus, wh?? waa G??????:1? condemned to life Imprisonment for h?Kh treason, will to-morrow hear the Captain's petition for another trial. WHV M DE LANE88AN WAS CONFIRMED. Paris, Dee. '.to.? Tn?? report is confirm? I flclally that M. de Lanessan, the Governor of 1 In lo-f'lilna. wh?. was t.- ?,,.,. d by Pre? leni ' ??. ? \. -?. rday, comm inlc it? ? ofllc il t.. Raoul ?',???? t. the Edil.?? journal M. de Lan? isan was a regii : u .r for yeai RAISING Till: GERMAN COTTI iNSEED OIL ? W Merlin. I????-. 80.- Among the tariff amendmi nt? contemplated by the Oovernmenl I* an the tax -p cottonseed oil from t to 10 mark: Th?? .... pai . - admit lhal the Cirtti ? ,-'? il srould .?.-.. ? :,;- Incres ? keenly. Risili.]) A M 1 ? BT THE GRIPMAX. A WOMAN ?? 'RT WHILE TRYIXO TO HAVR t CO ?.? Mill s AVE, OH HT? ?P KOlt HER ?? . RI? ard li rrens, forty-flve ? ? u ... I, ? ? ? at No. KM Oolumbus-ave., .it I 10 lasi itt? mpt ed t" board s cable car at Blghl I ? ? lumbu sa) s that ? ? th? . .i ap] ro ? ahe s?? pped forward to ? lana! for th. ? that the BTlpman stoo] ?I >t< ? lo ? ??., ih? ? ar si ?? and gave hi r s rid km. kin?' her t" the around. In falling she ?ti ? k hi ; hi . ? M ' ' '? a pile of six m and Ice an talned a severe ? alp sound over the lefl ey? an Uso badly shaken up. An ambulan ? ?.?,.? ?urn ? , from Booaevi II B pli il and bei I were dressed by Dr. Comstock, She lb? ? ?reni :?? ber h ?????' At the time she was accompanied by lo-r ? ter, Mra O'K?uriw, who said that prior to th?? accident they hai attempted to stop two car? A 0 .1 ?rh? Uvea al Ko. 161 Eaal Fift) -ninth ?? . ? ????? ? " d the allait- and Bald thai :t ?va? an outrai?? G man Jame? Faulkner, of the Weal Slat) idgh station, la at work on tha case and expects lo ? nd th.? gripman. He was not on th?? ?pot at the time th? accident occurred A MAIL DRIVER lll'ItT. ?iniriis Smith, asad staty-flve years, a veteran mall-wagon driver. sustsJned an injury at n o'? lock lasi evening by being knocked from tha Beai of Mail wagon N". tai Bleecker-aL sad Broadway by a col? liHion with Cable cur No. 81 Smith was crossing Broadway <m his way from Branch Poftofhc? A to Branch Poatotnc? C, ob the ?Feel Hid?, s/hen the accident occurred. H? WM thrown OB t" a pile Of ?now and ?ot Beveral had gashea in tn?? lefl temple. ll? waa sneonseloua when tafeen t" Bt Vlncent'i Hospital. James w. Weir, the gripman, was ar rested by Policeman Walsh an?! locke?! up at the Mereer-et polies station. Hli RIOHT THIOH FR^ACTURBD Micha?! LappeU, who lives at No. 317 Weal Thirty? Hlxth-st.. an employe of Stelnway's piano factory, attempted to beard ? ?able ?ar al Flfteeath-et, and Broadway at iad o'clock aixt avenlng. He fell an ? sustained a fracture of the right talgh. He waa taken to New-York Hospital. g STOCKHOLDER ALLEGES FEA CD. St. LouIh, Mo.. Dae, 88. -Ernest L, s?iuire bsgaa ?nit against tin- National Hank of Commi ree, W III laiii II. Thompson (president), Themas ?, Miller, John ?., John D. Coaltar and William ?? Daniela aajtlag for |?.888 davaaagaa Iqulrea ? han ? ? thai the d?fendante conspired t<> give the Bt Loula c^r A vie Lubricator company ? BctltlCUa credit of 8100,000, the amount of Ita claimed paid-up capital, thua enabling the shareholders, ke alleges, to unload ISM hiia? es of stock on the pla.i.tiU. The pUiu'lft alleges the stock Is worthless. THE SPEAKERS/IIP CONTEST. HEADQUARTERS OF FISH AND MALBT IN THE DELAVAN DESTROTED. A88EMBLTMEN WHO PLEDGED THEM SUPPORT IN rilt.-nN TESTERDA* LESS THAN hNK Ql'ARTER OK THE REPUBLICAN MEM? BERS IN ALBANY OORADT STILL l\ THE HELP. [BT Tr.i.KnitAi'ii t?? Tin: TRIBirxfL] Albany, Dec. 10. The contest for the Bpeakership of the Assembly, in view of the ? ? 'red character of the day, went on here mere? i? In .n Informal manner t .-day. A doaen or iso Asaemblymen arrived In town from various perl . the State, visited th ? ? an lidates fi ?? ? s" ikoi al their respective headquarters, and In some a???- announced their preference among ??..? . indidates. Bui there have ? .? ye'l arrived :' ? mrtcT of the 103 R publl an Assemblymen: so no prudi m Republl an ;? ? ti? Ian d eme I It lare unequivocally thai thla or that n would be f?r il . .?.?'. ? M ilbj an I i g ran ll i ites, b ith led '! Ir h? ?nl ? irl ? at the Delavan Hi?? iir.? which il h tel ??? ive thorn burri II) i" in-'. Mr. M il! y s ived ail bl : ? ' : line ? ti ?? d pie li?? t to n imln ite him for ?? PI i.. Ilk? ? : ins i,? .i.i . Il? ' an 1 Iil?? pli Ige? in his ? ? ar? al ?Urli ulti In . '?. . I. II.? .ini ?un -?'.I ? ?? ?ul i . martere .main at ? ?? ?? ? mi ire 11 ?? . ; ai irrow. i \ i-mblymen who arrived to-day were : vlded between iir. Mal ?y snd Mr. Fluh, bui th r? were anme adherents : Dan li Mnswnrth ? I Ja mea ?. ?. < ?'?? ? ?.?. ?'-.. ai rived here Thia mn?lc the c ? ?'.in- Id? ? '.?. ;?!.?! the two leading candidates, Malbv end Pish ? ?-. ?p..| ?,? the influence t??.?? i ? ? ie?l to rain tu th? ir au| port the vnt? : the ??? im.h and ?Vinsworth men. Hut this rl in suppress O'Orady and Alnsworth failed. Mr. O'Orady, who came here with the other members ..f the Monro? County delega? tion, announced thai he wa? s candidate for Speaker and a ?uld looh around f..r s good man?? hours, surveying the canvass <>f the .?th.-r candlilates and supporting his own, before re? Urini as a candidate. As for Mr. Alnsworth, he remained In New-York and reported t?? be doing some shopping with hi? wife This led t?. ti; ? unkind r mark that it was Sunday, and ul ? not ?be running around am ?ng the dry Ii atores, but nust be engaged In some kind -if "trading." Mr, Alnsworth has ? ? une ??, have II reported "f him that he had promised t?? make tbe speech nomi nating Mr r'lsh for Speaker Mr Malby, as Mr Alnsworth's friend, defended him fr.?m thla dir? suspicion, and said then was absolutely m> truth In tl .? st??i ? ng t;,. ?? men who hs ? ?? ai rli ed her. ?? ' ? li dared for ?? Mail.\? are M< sers Smith and H ?? St? uIm n; K? I II i?I Clinton: vV.I. ..f ]?:- ex, and K .. I Kulton and Hamilton. ? 'a . ? nent politician ?? io aid Mr Mall?) ? ? ? ? . ? . K? 1 ? : st 1.1.'. ? . ? ?? . ?. l" ? ? ' hall. M ? ? ? . I ..... .. ? \ K*ra nk D. I*a . : . ? I and Philip W. Ith? Inhard, Jr.. who I? : for 8| '-ak . r Then .'. I ' \ " ? n i;..? k?.?. khuls. of 1 ? p. pleda? d him tn.-tr ? ? ,f the <!? itru? lion < ' the ? ? ne . f th? a the l t.. m irroa lo n ???!. nf Ml ? ?. - il " I -.-h |il< . .Ml. ? ? : ' I? M ' ? .? . .? , ? II?? ? ,? , Iton 1 ? ? tloi . Bp ak? : ol Ih? ? ? . ilty to bat? 1 time II? ?? t?-.,,. ; i; no ??" il ha? done p wa tbsolutely Ini ?cm sble To aIlus him lo return t.. the parti- rank) wa -rou ?ly, ?.ut io put him In au? h ? honor an ? t owei .?- S;?, ak. r ..f Ihe . ? ? f ran si ?? .? I do noi pre? t. ,, I to aa) what power la behind Ml l'i-n. ? ? ? noi tare, but 1 r that hl ?? II ' ? ?? ?" a ... . ? ? pr? umptlon, .?t ? hla ??'? el on would be a Linn !? r ?ora* ? ' a ? Im? I ire not II he la ? ? ?.?. Mi Morton Mi Piati snd ?very other ? ; minen???? In the State; I knoa ihe piOple ?"? again*! him snd. apeaklng for the rank nnd 'ii?? of honen! Republicans who elected <mr ? , .?.. ? la.i ni! I thla ? ?-??ml.I'? I ' thai h? M?.mil nd ? ,.-..; ?? Malt.? ?- ? ntltled to ? rtlon, ati'i we ar? going ? lee' him .?r know ti., r? a on shj. Ill I 1 PERSOXS /</.'?? Il M />. I'KW'TI. ? ?...;- .?? THE ''"AST ??G < '? ? ? .? IM Bl A ?;i:i: IT HAM IDE TO I'Ri il'ERI ? Kew-Orlesna, ? ?? 10 f'aptaln Matbli in, of Ihe Norwi rlan ateamahlp Yumurl, 'r..ia Manta Maria .?mi la, reporta thai Fearful rain have tallen ???. : I ? t of ? Olombla. 1 he , : ? . \i ll ?. ? , iahe?l away I heuv), and about - w ? ? .? Iros ????.? In I reen fori v ai d fifty I wen ?? ? ? ?? ? ' in '?? numtier ??ama.??.? '.?. the Hood Tl ...... ? ?., tnia Maria ? it m I h< Rio Krio, ? ?? ?! \ , : ..i t?. r?d?iilId lh? " id ai I l?rl?l? a, aa .? ihe irack, I ? b ? ? ill ? ?? ?? ARRESTED JCHT HE FOR 1 Ili?* ninnisi;. . IMI EL ??.\?:?:??''. i ".'.', IMPLICATED IM ROB l'Ili!.- ITP THE M i' ? ?:. IV AH TO HAVE III ? ? ? ? Ititi ?? TO-DAI Samuel Haninaton, ?? ntoe-looklng, well-dreased vom??? '?.!?. . ? ? ni ? . ,? . an ?? ?.."? l before Justice Hogan In Jefferani Market ? Ice Court yet tei la . ?lian?' ? with being one of a gang of burglars ? ? . ' ,;? ?- p 'i'? tai ? ? up the SI ite P.r aevei .1 months, ll?? waa arrested at Klghth-ave snd Thirty-sixth t. "ti Saturday nlahl i>y Policeman l ? erlng, ol the We il Thlrt) -eeventh st atatlon. The ? by Detectives McDonald and Mai? loy, .?r the rttchburg Itailroad Company, who have been working un tin? este f..t.veral weeks. '??>? gang to which Harrington la said to belong have si '.-?? nevers] thousand dollars' worth of gooda from Cambridge, ? ? On November M Ihey looted the Btore Of .1 11. Can?.?id nil attempted lO get away in a baodcar of ???<? Kn< Main; Railroad They wars overtaken by sn express train, and ths rar wee smashed, but they escsped with their booty. Il aras ahlpped t?? s Coles, No, :i7i West Thlrty-second-st, this city. /The detectives wstched tin? place, and bom after? ward Harrington appeared He is the h..h of her (Irai linslia id, ??f Mis. Wllshli.?. who llv.a at that n?,ini"-r. Harrington was alh>w?*d t.? paivn nearly all the boot/ .nd was then arrested, Nearly a wanjonioad ..f stuff was recovered from the pawn ahopa. Harrington has been ??n tin? ?-1 a ??.? and in Ihe Rimira Reformatory. Hla mother said thai he was t.. have ?.? ??? married to-daj to a respectable uiiiiian. Tin? young man la a brother ?>f Leo <'?>????. tii. sctresa who killed herseil In the old Hartford Hotel, in West Twenty-eighth-at., in IM When fifteen sin? had ? un away und kilned tin? I?.iff ?Opera Company. Her beauty mid.? ber popular, and ehe was sail ta have married the leading man of the company. They sepsrated hot long afterward. Mra, WHahlre aald yea tenia y : "Oeorg? Sw?ret ruined my daughter'a nf.?. and bow my son has disgraced u>? again." ? Hsrrtngtos was remandtcd by the Justice. The ??? tectivea lay there wtn al Itasi three In lbs gang, One, II"nani II..a?, was StTSSted In Troy Saturday nlnht, and another will L?? arrested in Cambridge. lll'.OKE THBOl ?,?? THE THIS WE. Butler, ? ??., i"???? ?.?Mart? Hooking snd Oeorga Beh?teter, ?if Batter, whits skating thi? afternoon In a pond near bara, broke through the lee. Hoskini Boated beneath th?? lee and wa? drowned Bchul t< ? barely managed to grab tii" edge of th?? lee with Ins hsnds, and thus pull him? aeif io th?? hard toa, '?ho bi>?J> uf lh? dioAued nun ?i.? recovered. DELAVAN HOUSE BURNED. NOTED. ALBANY HOTEL GONE. SEVERAL PERSONS BADLY INJURED. ONE OF THEM FATALLY. IN ESCAPING. MASY TlIRILL'Si, SCEXES WITXESSED. lirSTI.IN?; ?'???.???????* ?.??? ?G?8?? ?.?? I "it THEIR Um FROM THB FLAMES SPEAKER MALST BAVES ma TRLTfKFUL OF PLK?QEB ATOREAT PERSONAL RISK A BROOKLTN COUPLE v \i.i. ? ?: .\i THE THIRD KLOOR To THE STREET FIVE HL'N DREO a; i.hi: - lavi SKETCH OF THE ?' IP ?TEERT. I UT TaUEOHAPH TO THB ????1 si: ] Albany, Dec, 80 \ fire which destroyed th" Delavan House caused the Injury of a d??.?? ?? people ami perha ?a the death ??:' others, rudel) Interrupted the canvass "f the various candi? dates for Bpesker if the Assembly to-night. Sev? ersi persons eecarj ? death by leaping from upper stories, nnd .1 hundred pi?ns, son?? of them .?un mg the tn ?l promlni ni politi lana of the Stole, were nearly lost In the blase, The flames were disc .? r? 1 about 8:20 o'clock. Had bu ? ou! m the middle of th.? nlghl the dead would undoubt? lly have been numbered by s 'orea Th?? famoua old hotel waa crowded, the usual <111 .r ? of guests being Bwelled by many persone who hsd come t" sttend the Inaugura? lion ceretnonlea ? r Morton "ti Tuesday and the opening of the Leglslsture on Wednesday. A considerale number of Senator? and Aeaemblymen, several Congressmen and THE :? ' ' ?' ?t'SE. .?? ?: or 1er.") many ? - ?? rien! ? - h 11 al ' ? ? ? lake part In the Is of 1 .'. ? ? , ... I ? and f r t!, ? tinllllng an I awful utter led I .ith .if the ? ?; * V4 ho ' sa no thronged the I h itel, if ? ? ? ? tirs at the time had aa varitiag ca ? dramatl ? stl) ?? ? ','?? rien ???. nly known vlctli tl. ! . IV. H. f rax rl -!,??' ? ' MAN. It? ' ' ' ? ? 111. ; ? ? ' ? ? I, ? . t?. ? .1 ????-.- ? ? ? ? latea for Speaker, '. rgi R Malby, of Rl Lawrence, and Hamilton of Putn m ha ? hi ? Iquai t? ra on whal la known as in.? flrsl t'. or of thi ?'. tel thai ?-, one nigh! up. Th.? number of Mr I ih ? wsa .'?7. and superstitious politi lans remen that it was from her? lhal R - ???? G nkllng and Thomas C Plat! dr. 'ted theli i Inn fighi for re? election to the Senate In 1881, and thai Levi P. Morton mar.? bail??.1 forces II itesi for a seal in the Federal Sanate when Frank Hlscock eras successful In 1*81 it lurni ? out, ii'H*? that Mr Fish's chi?! ?? of headq lai fortunate than Mr ? I ? ?1-? sul! near th?? main Muht "f stairs, while that of hla rival wa? ' tdistanl In ? remote ? ari ; ng. THK FLAMBI BTART IN THE CELLAR The tir? s ? ? by the elevator b >j m ar the fool of the elevator ? I liar, where the fui . if Ihe hotel >? is k? It waa In this fu??, n, ,? the ilames had ? r orlai 1 ?? a making ? downward trip II the first floor (l : in I?. ? hen he in I tant later h thin stream ol ll ? lee from ? ? ?? ith TI had gone ? f< a fee! further when the names burst up through Ihe track b t \\ ? ? ?? ihe flrsi Ho ?.?? d. and Ihe bottom of th? \? hli ? ] boy, \\ lldly ? ? Iti I, ?! ope I the ?? ir and, ti"t waiting t ' "i"-n t he do ir, ? ra hi d hi wa) through II Already ?? in? of the ? ith on Ihe ground and Orel ll? ?? .rs. had been warn*?d by m nsea ? f smell an ? ?Iaht thai ?? tir.? li.? ? broken out Th? ? promptly rushed to gli ? the alarm. c, m ral Theo lors l. Po le, Ihe gallant one armed veteran who has Jusl ?.? elected tn Congress lu the Syracuse district, had a mo? ment before lefl Mr. Fish's n m, and he dashed barkjlntn It with the esclamati ?: "The hotel is on' (????:" A J '/.? ? people were In Ihe room besld m Mr, Pi ?. Among them were Assemblyman Frank I?. Pavey, "f New-York; Wllcox, ?>< Seneca, and Rogers and Baker, of Onondaga, and several newspaper corresponden ta, Mr, Fish pul on hla ?ilk hat, grabbed his overcoat and a handbag, ami walk??! hurriedly Into the cr?rridora. The i.iiii'ts had preceded him. Great, allow names Were already stiikinK their tnngUea from the shaft, ami the heat waa perceptible. Th?? party at ones inarcheil down stair?? to tin? lobby, It was tilling with eni'ik". Curiosity prompted ? abort delay there, bul In a apace which may not have been more than a minute, the smoke drove all ?nit from that part Of the lobby int., Broad? way and Sten!,en-?t. Till?? FLICHT PROM MALLYS ROOMS. Mr. Malby':; headquartera waa in a ?nit.? en ten??! through room No. 4.?4 Thla was n.?.u the middle of tb Broadwaj fronl of the hotel. With him e/ere twelve or fourteen friends ami sup? porters, Including ugnerai x. M. Curtis Con gresarnan ami Congreeemao-eiect; County Judge Kelkkgg, of Plsttaburg; John n. Drake, of New-York; Mr. Loeb, ?>? stenographer, and also atveml newspaper correspondents. Tins party had a pulse stirring time. Borne one cam?? with the aniMuncernenl Lhal the bouse was ,,n fir??. Strangely, en lugh, there ? i ? lini.? encH?menl a( Bist Louis J. Lang; ol ??Th?? New-York Advert?a r" walked oui int.? iti., bili t<> see whal ihe trouble uas. The oth era lasnalned, although -hey rose to their f? ? Tb?? s.-.m had i" turn two cornera In the corri? dor before be COttld a??.? th?? Hi. He w? nt buk to ISO. 461 Just three limes aa fast aa he hud come from It. Ills startled look was not needed to emphasize his cry: "Tho hotel is on fire; get out as quick ns ? ou can!'' The men started out at once. Speaker M ?'by grabbed his hat and overcoat, and then, recall? ing that in hi? trunk wars valuable papers. ?reni t?, the Inner room for it. He Is a big, strong man?the kind they raise In ?St. Law? rence County?ami be ?lr.igg.??! that big trunk nut Into the corridoi? Here came the startling Intelligence that the Ore block?"! tin? way to the main staircase. The smoke rolled through th?? corridor in a dense cloud, and as the men ran hither an?! thither, seeking an exit, th?? fumes became stilling. Half way between K<?<>m N<>. ?I.'.l snd th?? main ? tal real ? Is another and small? er one, which th.? guests, having never a-atd It, didn't at Hist think of. They rushed hither and thither, evary now and then stumbling uvcr Mr. M.'ilby's big trunk, to which h?? clung Th.m ex-Assemblyman Qeorge L. Weeks. ,.? Queen'a County, a candidate for Bergeant-at Arma "ff: ? Aseembly, wenl on a reconn .? rlnj Loir. He th. unlit of ti.;.s staircase .?ml started to find it. Th?? smoke was so thick that It blinded snd partly suffocated him. Hut In? dropped on his bui?; nel knees an?! crawled along until he rea? hed vint proved the avi nue m' safety. He ?'.nil'! i"> longer Bee those whom I?- had left, but his shouts brought them to li ! in. All wenl down tt-?? staircase snd from ih?? hell entered th.? billiard-room. Th?? door leading to Broadway was locked, but no one stood ??? cert mony long, ami two or three broad-l acked St. Lawrence men daahed th?? ?>l> stacle aside snd ail were in tin? open air. M??. Mslby hail started to take his trunk along, ?ui he ?lid It. HEMMED IN ON THK FOURTH FLOOR Hut the unfortunate beim?* who were on th?? upper fi ira had far more hasardoua escapes, an-1 him?? were so seriously Injured that the hand ?' death has perhaps only ficen stayeri for a bri? tini??. Th?? pep!.? who fl ?eked to the ?cene wh"n th- word passed nritir.o. that th? Delavan Hou.'e n tir?? wltn - I Big which will lureh' ? .r dreams to-night, The most dn ? ? ful ?? lire waa t!?..? f.iii ..f a woman ani a man fri ?:? th?? fourth st"iy "f the i'-! h : I ici !?? t :?? Ir w ?? t > th?? fourth floor when aware "f th?? -? w.i ? Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Heilraan, of tlyn, who wen .nd to be on their wedding and Mr. and Mrs William H Cooks, tt?" form? nt of th?? Nation il Caah Regisi ? c.;n?.?'i?. ui:. home has been in Dayton, Ohio, but ? bo Intended to take up his residenci m Albany, a rope bad been lowered from the ?., en above them, bat by sin:?? terrible .m I rea? hed only to th?? third Apparently th?? Hellmans were in a fr> n/.y ? t f.? ir, for they seem ? ? ? ? ? ? ih f r th?? rope t igether. They de s.?, ? , ... wh? n, reaching th?? . il ? : t':? rope, they I 11 t ? the street A shtid ? ? t?? rhi ?ugh the hundreds of spectstors Th? man s ned to hat rn himself out i tii? building ar I landed on th- curbstone Tii woman i-truck th.? slanting roof ?f the balcon) ? m th?? ?econd tl?>r ami bounded out Into th?? street. Th?? deep snow doubtless I roke the falls of both somewhat, but their groana were awful to hear. HANOINO BETWEEN LICK AND DEATH. These tero injnr?? ? persone were removed to th?? off! ??? ? ?:' the Direct iry Hotel, across the street, nnd th?? crowd thou saw a third ligure coming d iwn the rope. It was that of P? oka He dls ? ivered thst the r..p" wenl no further than the third floor, so he si ? d on the sin of the arlndow there. The flr? ha > l ng ago mounted to th.? roof and ?as spreading all over the great structui ?. I Fire Department wss Just arriving ? 1111 >m wss efltlcsl In the extreme \ ? Ml ke G 11??? fren th" windows fr ? whl? ?i hung the rope, at. ' the f-ar was In every heart that the frail strand would be burn.?.! il,.? upper end. and he would thus be precipitated ? . ? > street ii - ries foi help were heartrend? ing. ??? ?? bun ir? ?! \ . . ' ? him en ??? irag ? ? ? ? ti": l"t go!.1'h.? ladders will soon b ? "Keep your nerve," came from envious The r rm, attiri ? in black c ul ? noi be plainly seen, and everj eye was ?traine l m catch tlon. Hla pit.' appeala eoul I a' tim? s be ii",nd through Ihe shouta "f those who bade iki heart. At last the ladders arrived, but th?> misman? agement of the tir?? department made one heart? sick. The firs! ladder, far t?"? short to reach, was raised by twoecore willing bul over-haaty hnnda. It was placed lust In the centre of the Steuben st. si l?- of the building, while Fooks, nteadylne himself on ihe rope, which might an) instant give way, was at the second wlnd?>w ft.on ih?? Broadway corner. At that time th?? ladder was far !?"> short to reach him. Boon an extension ladder was to light. As man;, ss could grasp it eaasyed to rslse it. Th?? welghi ? ? real that ten enough could timi room for their hands Then half a dozen polea with ends in th.? shape ..f a somewhat flattened V, were brought, ami with the aid ?>f th bidder was place.l against the wall. Hut the firemen who should have directed tin? work of their tremendously frilling but unskilled vol? unteer assistants, had allowed the crowd t ral?.? tin? ladder so that It'i top was a Score of f, et i" ihe .?ist ?.f where Fooks stood. WORKING FOR A HUMAN LIPS. The crowd had been BWSiled into a multitude, and In? uts !,??.?? anxiously at the delay. No* the urent building was In a blase In all the upp? ;? parts, ami ll ivas a QUeatloo as to how long It would take tin? (lames to reach th" rope A great murmur, broken by .?hunts, bidding th? man to lie of good clieer. swelled from the sur roundlng sir. els, which were crowded for blocks. Meantime th?? heavy ladder was betng alowty moved. First the bottom part was shoved over, but s., earnesl were tin? workers that the top near!) fell over. Tl?.,? ??\--? end was plantad In th.? ?now ami the upper moved along. Another shifting a; tin? bottom, ami then of the top, Slid then ih?? ladder waa under Pooka Hut it was t... abort, and ba<l i? I?.? extended. Inch by inch the topnoai rung crept upward. Then came band? lapping and shrill catcalls, for the Utddei reached Fooks'a f????!. Even then tin? man was dased, and h?? heaftsted a minute ??? tor.? descend? ing. Finali] h?? began bis crawl downward1. Cautious'} he made his way unni a ?1 /.en arms ?. ? ..; him and icii him awsy. He was grlmj bi a miner, and his clothea wer? torn. Mis. Fooks. who was in her room, had escaped ? " CoutluueU osi Secoud Fa??. ~~ | DR. PARKHURST CRITICAL POSITIVE THERE WAS AN UNDERSTAND? ING OVER BYRNES. UK SAYS THAT THE ????????? OIVEN" BUFBBABIBNIMMI? ON THE WITNRB8-8TAND AND TUR St'RPIUSE SPRINO AT THI CUm Or TIIK INVKSTICATPiN WKRB AU. ARRANCHI?- MR. I1YRNK.1 AT 1IKAI.OI ?????? ??G????. G? I HIS PRIVATE P?SBTBBB. Tin? Ltxow Commltt???. its accomplishment"?, pn-i th?? sensational winding up ??f Saturday*? proceeding* afforded by Superintend???! Byrnes'? li tter ?if resignation to Ma/or-eled strong, fur? iibed the principal topic <?f conversation yestee? ? i.i> wherever man Bongreffatod. "Will Mayor Strong retain him?" was a lead in?,' question whenever th?? Superintendent*? ' .11? ll IS 111| tlii.ill .1. l?r. Parfchurat was seen yestcrdayby a Trlb? une reprew ntative. Wh' ti Baked t.? comment i?n the work of t*M I.? \ w < ' .niiiiltt?'?? h?? said: "I hardly think that I ..ught to say anything, t , p-, u ii... lubject adequately would take a real deal of tini?' There Im ? great deal that I could say, but I wtll i"?t make known my en tlre .?? Btlnwnta t.?-d.iy." "Have you .m ? l'i frese reading th?? teatimony ...' Superintendent Byrne? that there waa a pre vious understanding between th?? Supcrlntend ??tit and tin? Lesow C ?mmittee?" h?? was asked. KO DOUBT IN HI! MINI?. Th?? ?!? Ctor smiled just a little as he aald With emphasis: "There is not the slightest doubt about IL In fact, I am free to ?ay that I knew aome time ago that th. re ivas an understanding between the committee and M . Byrnes. I am not pre pared to .?ay that Mr. ?"?.?fr had any knowledge of it. but the understanding Involved the manner in which Mr. Byrne? was to be treated. Just what tin? understanding was I decline to atate, but I knew that Byrne? wai not to be badly damaged. %* "l llr<t mad?? i.p my mind that there*wss an understanding ?hen I heard that Byrnes waa suplying the ?mmlttee with information. I .! vi know Just how l"tig ago this arrangement was entered Into. My sentiments in regard to Mr. Byrne? ar?' the ?arm? now aa they always have been. This understanding between Byrnea ?.?! the committee did not affect my views or the vl.'ws ..fthe of the aodety with which ? am Identified .'??ward th?? Superintendent in the i'-ast. I haw been lighting Mr. Byrnes "p??? years, and be hah b en fighting us, and I am firmly of the conviction that if I .are for the sal ty of our organization I ?-annot afford to be c?me ??'!i<"l with th?? enemy In any way. shape or manner, l look upon Superintendent Byrnea aa a . natltu nt p;?rt of ? system that Is cor? rupt, and for that reason ! do not believe it la ?arise to have any dealing? with him. OVERTURES PROM ???? SITKKINTENDENT. ?'.Mr. ityrnes has made overture? to our so cl? ty. looking to ?'? ?-op.rati'.i with us. In cor? roborati.m ?,t this stati-ment I can refer to the time tre wert having .?..? much trouble with the Grand Jury, De Lanoey Nloofl said to me: ?Why don't you tak?? Superintendent Byrnes Into your confidence? He will aid you in I undlng the captain?.' T>> which I replied: 'No, no: be miglit assist me in pounding the captains, but he Is in the same box with the captain?, and it is ?>ur duty t?> pound him aa u. ll as the captain?.' "?>ur soci? tv started out with ? certain ob .1? t in view, "id the only safe way to accom? plish g "d in ii ? )in?? ???? laid out is to follow tbe lin ? strait t Y.?u cannot afford to accept favors from a man Who is working against you. [f you mortgage your houae tbe mortgage must be paid "ff. and If it isn't paid off it will be fore cl< ?si d." "What do fou think of the Superintendent's teatimony t.. th?? effect that he has i?een sert ouelj hampered by the Commlntoner? in the |.? rforman ??? of his dut) "" "1 am only a ?.r little PreAytertan clergy? man." Mud Dr. I'arkhurst. scornfully, "and what has takin me a year ?>t two yenn to do. Superintendent Byrne?, .viih ample power at ills command, woul I be able to d.? in a week if he were so min led." "What will be th?? outcome of the present sit? uati. l'I?" ' I do not wish to prophesy ah..ut that." re? pli.d the doctor, Jovially. "It is not safe to prophesy, especially if th.? papers are going to print it. But I expect t.? have something pertinent to say in the ?ours?1 of ? few days." l>.? y .u still adhere to your blea of a military p .li.??? system.'" "Tea, I still believe that such a system would be best. But I have been misunderstood in regard to the matter. I am in favor of a police system "ti a military basis, but not necessarily with a military bead." "I>o y??u regard Sup.rint.ndent Byrnes aa having been brought up in politics?" "I cannot say that I so regard him," answered I?:?. Parkhurst. COLONEL iTROXO NLEXT. Mayor-elect strong was seen by ? Tribune re p rter st his lions.? |n West Fifty-seventh-st real rday, "Will Mr. Byrne? be Buperlctentleat of Police under your ? .ministration?" h.? wa? asked. "That Is naturally s delicate queetton at this ?tage of the pr.lings, and one which I could hardly be ?\?.:??! t> answer," replied the Mayor-elect, wh?? refused to talk any further on the aubject. PACKING IT? HIS PRIVATI PAPKRS. Superintendent Byrnes went to Police Head? quarter? at I o'clock yesterday morning, and spent four hours there In packing up his pri papers for reti: ?vai. ?? ? .is.? Mayor Strong should send his reaignation t? the Board of Police ?' m mis loners for acceptanoe. "For ac ptance" la the phrase used by the Headquns?? tere people generali) t?. describe the s union which would result, should the letter .jo for d to the board t.? set on. The collecting of his papers was ?lone by the Superintendent and his privat?? secretar**. Ser ir-? ini l'Y.iiik Mangili, in Mr. Byrnes'! private ioni. The shutters ? ? t h ? r > m's windows were ? as is usual on Sun lii, when the Superin ten lent is not there, and no one knew that he had ?.? to Head itiarters until after he had di part? .1. ih Superintendent's reaignation waa the only 'opte of discussion around headquarters yeater oii. Regret at his probable departure seemed, liowev? ?. t" i>.? completely overshadowed in the amazement a? t ? what would happen after rie had g ??. and whi re s competent successor could ? ? itu!. Inspect? r Conila is the next otti-.?r in rank to the Superintendent, and would be first in the race for Mr. Byrnes'? mantle. He enjoys the distinction ol being toe only Inspector un smlrebed by the teatimony given before the Lexow Committee. But while an excellent routine officer, he is not r. dit. ?1 with any remarkable executive ability , f th. rank and file Of the department. Inspector McLaughlin, the present head of the detective department, is considered a more brilliant officer, but the eviti, n.e l.rought out by Mr. Goff will tell against him should there be any contest for the Superinten lency between Inspector Conila and himself, inspectors Williams and McAvoy ar.? both regarded as out <?f th?? race, the former being condemned ?by hit record. JUDOI i'??WING'S VIEWS .iuilge Bufus B. Cowing was chatting with a Mend at the Plasa Hotel yesterday, when a Tribune reporter asked how New-York could best make us?? of the knowledge gained by the investigation of the LeSOW Committee. "I believe the Police Department should be reorganised from stem t?? stern." satd he. "I think Superintendent Byrnea ia riaht on the question of centralista?* the power in one head. Politics should cut no figure whatsoever In th.? department Why should there be four Po li<<? Commissioners ?my more than two? Two ;?i?.' In n.? greater danger of being tied In a vote than are four. Th?? department I? apt to be a lame ?luck us mug as the responsibility Is di? vi.I.d. of course, the objections will be raised thai a commlaaion of four Is needed properly t? supervise the expenditure ?>f the four or five millions that It cost? to run the depart? ment. Hut we don't have to hav.? four or five city chamberlain* When I say that a thorough reorganisation is neceeaary, I d<? not mean to say that the patrolmen and roundsmen are be? yond redempt'on. Subordinate? will not be I