Newspaper Page Text
THE MARKETS. "TOTAL RECEIPTS TO-DAV. r??*in?. bl !?. ? ?? .-.. !.-.|.??.... ??of ,- | oil l ' < ' :???:. ?:<-?. ... Ve;-*, bris. Egg?. c?s?-. 1' ir. pk';?. ? - ? rsetil bbl?, . ? Oatr,?:' i ? ?Torn, o'lrn. Oats, '.-.--.. R??. I.U-?I. Malt, bush. Da-ley. hush. Peas, otisl. Hm on- . Or??? ??? '. bag?. Orea??. \V.-<.. Hide? I ?leg Hide?. I.-'? . .\'.-\ York. M.'.'ii a, 7I?> 11 ?p?, bale?. 12 122 M '-??* . bl?. '....77 I. sin, i ??'.?. Vja Bp ? H tun . bW?. .. . e-i i ?a,!., turf, bl I*. . ?. : ?'? ,'-.!. W?l . .. I? JT'.l ,- ' ,'.. bbl*. 136 ? P-X*. :. : " P ??: . pkgs. '?'?,: ??.', ? kg? . , !7 ??. ' ? .'?? ? ' | i ? .118,41-0 ?*. Xo ?VVI t ?>? 1. i . gs .. . . . . 1(1 ?'?,?, Lar?'. keg? . .. ?1.550 nutter. ; kg?. a ?... ? -?? i kg?. . . t.HIO Bice, pkgs. : 71'-', Tall ,w, pkgs. ..-. tVhlskev, bbl? . in tvoo!. o-'i-*. t?i4 \.M QL'OTATIOXS. fron. Ne 1 fi undry 112* fo Ko 2. ?of!. '." '-'?? f.teei rail?. ?. it ?? Lea.l . tU Copper, l?U? '.ngot... fi 4.. ?v,heni. N- I red Oat?. No 2 mixed Corn. No - '"'x?.l rr.ff??. No 7. ' 2.2 it ;i : 4?" 2? 4 OK II ? :;r 7 nra 3. .*.?(? Minn patent It or... $- i Sugar, granulated.,.. 1" ' II"*-?. rtre???.; l.*. 1- .'k. me??. . : * . 1.1. : prim* ' -v, prim? ?I i ???'. family :? i Beef, hama f.'. ?P. 00 tTh?.?* bu?h.. ? On'? ! i.-'. ? ? ? }'? i Rean? Fl'ir bbl? . . flout, ? it.. n Cemmes Dea', 'A Ones ?? H?v. bales.... Hops, heles... Cottonseed m?a 8ilm?..i, " llcnke B-... ?' ? a EXPORTS TO-DAT. .. :-4 7'-J r: ?In lb. . ?5 :::. Aid Refined p. - gil? ?? -?' "??' '.",,- Naphtha, arai*. IS ""' 1 71 '.' ?? .?tonseed nil, pal?. :'.<- "'??? 72.1 I.u?.. oil, 1.-11I?. !?7.a44 17 42.? I'. -.. bl?l?. l,r'l 1 ? '..7 III ?' bid? . Wet i > Reef !? . '"'i ??-LI i:,,, m. lb. 723."ara ??; itS-J I lain? T*>. 49.1*00 : . ? i. ? .i B*o.a?w v.* t.o.i o-.i. gala . _? ".;i Tallow, it. '*?'?'"" ,. ., ..,,?-.,?. ureas?, lb. _? _i_ o? 7r." Bullsr, lb.? "?? 4-s? -?>-.<?. (??..??;..?. Tb. I?7.2S0 gat? l 4-'.? COUNTRT PRODUCE MARKET ]? .,? ?>? eh ? ndio? ruesdsy Mai I MEANS AND PEA? ?*"__*.?. K . ?.057 HI iiav ? ? seek: Beans, 121! "Exports, be?:..? i:*n pkr?. peas, ... ;.',.. bas? b?an? Domestic receipt? ii . ?ase. bul much if the ?1 ?? .. Bun -i p ng notnt? are quit? ? .-..?, nKdent In Idlng. Th? ' era a ? ? nil? feeling ,\ llttls on- : rertaint) ?? ' - ? ? th? market, and - ?hetr pur ??? ? ? ?? :" ol the m men? ,.-,? -ri -,, .. '..-w ? give ? ?. I ?upp f ., -ej,.,. n * , ? i???? ? ma.-k? held ?i,- ? q ?? '? '-' ' * Bu-.-'? o- I ??In ng i Isc? ?r.-A- !ba*. ?re ab, u* ill? best here the? ..;?? ? rrtber ?B ? 1183 fol KO .1 - 51 ''. . .Uli:,- ? vellow ." ? 1.1 lv M- ill , ? the good mark? ti .? lave . i- ?ha I? l Mil?) color, in ' Ih? ear ? ?re of tre n, v. selling ,:? t pea are i. I ??lable is .?,? held : : more White In i ? ! ittdn*?? I..ii?. had a 9 ?t ?2 io ?--lit.-ioa lima In fair demand, with ? the be? lota g-dng al 12 ?A Nearly 1.000 bagi * I relg medium bove change ' ?ndi within s fe? day? al il ?>" tiuii? gen?:.-.11?. and there is ? Arm holding of th- re? maining ateck. Tin ?leamei Scotts, ?rlth ??.,>,?, bag?, I due to-meirow. >;r. i i^ ?1 ?? and ?? ? ?k W? quot?: Lean- domestic marros-, eh Ice, per bush, S3 45: i ? common u? ?.-.I. 12 t0?j*?2 '" do peu. $1 :?:.. d?i me?imi Si S.V o., v hite kl Inej 12 Si >?':: i". J?? red i. dnei 12 I" d-i turtle ?oup, *ts:,f??l '" lo vello-? eye. $2 ' 5 do lima, ?'ilii'..mi.-i. *2 s-?.. '-' *? I : ? . medium. SI ?0 ?JI *?'. ,1 II 7" ,S1 s2'j. k!" SI <>.-.-,;?l 0"? . ! bas?. *i ?*i (?-??. . Scotch, ft '?7V?I ?1 lo BUTTER Receipts : - ?? ? ... SO 'o-l ; .. - ?.\\- Is le Kur. pe. l.eW tub?, fhere hu? *en a rapid , on- ;?. Ire? -.,. ?.?..?- . which In "??"? ha? forceil a d?-. im? in ai! ? iber ?,r!s ,.f both fresh an.I held g,, ^ly varying from l to :: per lb. Supplie? come for ?.id :?? .- iH I ? ? marketi hav. w< ?ken* excf??i\? olfei - ? saw ho? ful le would be am- attempt ;? hold value? ip o-i- while stork ?ra? ? cumulating ?o rapidly. Acting upon a well founde.1 belief that ?ubstantlal rel ~ Ih? ugh .. material r?-du'ti.'T: 'n retail !!?? es. t the s rates dee- ike thin ;? -slble. lt?*all?i? have been a little I r m ?ting the situation, and a bettei n fact, ? ..... ra I ? ? ? ?fore to -..\ '? hu?in?-s? Wiis over, and a tteadlei ferllng -?'?' '? '? be ,'..?..? on highest - Kxtra fr?'?h . ??? I? nos ?? ..if-?; mainly al -?' bu :,r?.' le?? was a? epted In .. few IrstaoH? '? ??- ? were mxtou? to lighten UP ?heir stocks. I ligures th? marke? wa? nomina'. It was Oitti. ,..- to ??? buyers i i * ?1 Ih? go. I?, ?no value? were sholl) ,, matt? ? '. n-k nation, ll-l! rream erv la offering a? !"'oi:. - ? and Is seldom Imiulre.l for The trade 1? running un i ? fresh bull? old Sis?? dahrj - irge ?upply, bu? ha? i ? call '.I, ,! holder? do ! ? :??? 1 like I - I I l.i.N. \l- ii .i the ? ua ,?? : Irr-egulai quality i i lor - .. ? -i. and much of the I ??? ?? ? ? ? :,i Billk flavor im ,? ? ...'?-? low-r and ;?: a.-: demand Exportera bonght upward | o:' i.??l?i ?.,,.. . -.. ? ivntinenl ai *?';iii'>>. and ? ? ? jH *ntv nuuc i ? ???? had It ?ame range W? ptol Ken 1 it'er Creamer*, fre? extra? IBHR20c; to llrsts, 17-j I'l-.c. ,1 . ihlrdi -? nda 14014 . .Sta-? .lain, half tubs, fancy, KW/IV, 1.? Welsh tubs, fsncj IS, to ??? ,? :- first? iHfl'c Imitation creamery, I ? ? 14 el."... do .-- nda 10011c iVestern lalrv 94114c; fa-1, rjr, ?mra? IS, . do Ih rd? l ? Bist? - 111 0 I ' ittej - -Creamery. Western, summer make. 10915c; do State fall make. llfHBc; f?taU lairy tubs, fancy. IBc; do fitkin?. fancy, 16c: do '-..:.? or Brkln? third? to Brats, I'V-'e l^c. factory. ?H?10c. CHEESE -Receipt? ; r ?>ek. 11.TOO 1 i??. Kxpor-?. B.&SB t xes. U?:-i?r.,.r, .h- ,.u'-of town .i-.- and the s ?nda of ;.*oal "obbers a ;alr quanlttv of st? ck has bc.n in?.ve,i ^iir.n-; th? wi?k. -,:. : ?!.?'? has b??B -i.ign' liatden Inp tendency to value?, particularly on ?me an.l ?an-> full ?toe:;. ?'..I* edg? stnali Colored ar- now In compar?t i???:>? light ?lock and iirm at ISc; t??,m'. long lines liave be?n moved -.- i ..! a choies *tra,le. worth, ?ay, |lHrf*ll*fj . all i lia ?. ?i fa'r -x---.- Small ahite < un ?tit! be foun, a a) 11',.. bul most holders a:? genei ? ly rel is - l- ? . -? . sti ctlj fane? lot? fb! . - than 11 llig ? rg? r?*d J -b a: H'sV 'I'". ? o?. . ? lit lO I le | - II igh If there ' . pi ;? - ?o lower | rade? >,f full cream are ui ?n ? and there I? so much I - ? mer ?? -??? Stat? . ' ? ?? - ? a-? ? avai'al. hai are not in? lined I ai I'ari ?kim? qulei ?lus id. wi ?? .*-- ? . ? ? full cream, fa:, j ttlake large, ? ... : r.-il 1 ?-.???. ,!o white, fan > i i"-. ' ? ? . f.,i :*. fan ?? 12. ; do ? fa? IP?'-i II? .- .. : ?*, i'?i. ?? l!. . ,. , oomm, : fair. ? ? ? . ??? i ,- n-gi 1.'.|7 B'ar?- ? . ..-'..[I ;- 17.80? ?an , ? , *. of in? ? - .. | '.--.. , ? ? l:i*t Thursday and Krlday ?Vi n aufflciem 1or urg tnd ?t. -? !... ,,n." - - hal ?? i r ? ven I on is .? i. But on M r. !a\ much :-,-:? ri-,:,.? on:- : on :?:..??.,,. ?'. .'i the mark ?i ?? It th? Ii ? ? v .. fair.? j..-' .i ,, '..-? - dr i ? .."... 'i .???.... , the | . - material Increase -f au| In ??? !.?..: futui.I g a genera! desir* to g?l aump-i,,'. ?tan I on a e aa rai - At the sev? :. -ra.:?- has been g mark?! We quote: Jersey, fresh, P?;r dor, 21 . State and P.nnery vanla. 2.'t--. . Westen 83c: s ,;?>. ?:? :?: .. PRl'ITS KRESli P.. ?? ??- I apple? foi ?*???? k R ?'.14 ' ?: apple. hSS I ill ?? Oull aP,i v.. .\ few fan i Northern .- i of extra I?r. v TV.n-? ? . . > ??? tot at Ions, but : ? lop '.-... s are < ?treme ?. large pan . * i New-1 frull n ilng il ?:;;$:: --, ?' in1* ??. .? ? ?? .,.;:.?., allf. | i. ana rather quiet; pi : ? V ...,,.,.. . . ... Bpy. ?. -.. to . ?? .'..'.,.m .. ? ? , ".? ??,, ,\ ?,. ea|.. ii ;,'i, grape er I et, l4S22c ,?., ?. -. . ? I < ; | ? ? . ! ?3 T<i1i%t. oranrj -, ?.-a i<,\. i'^it'., 5t Havana i ?t ?:; .?'?-u$' 7'. IT.;-!-- DRIED-R?c*lp?. f* -???,- B.2S5 ,..**, ,.? p-i" S..255 pkg? RI ;p*-* have 'aU?n but i??v ?-.?;, ?-,*. ; , , ..?. -, ?j , : , s r........ .... . i,,,, ,,.,,. | M 1;. ,.n M ,;ill Joi ???.-. ? ?? ? ji -??;?- -, . o?, have ? t-llned t?? firmness, i it ?j? iwl qin.iabl.? higher. Bu ara lo-J-ong ?or ?on lr.< i i ., ?..?:. Mired i ng s He n ? n* ??? i tan i ?rel r?iri ? I : wanted ..- tin ? ? .- ai ? skin?, Iiav? :,u'i ?? cm sale? ' ?. > 1.000 bid? al .ni., an.l il - baa ??? ? ?4raced ., -.??adier , .idlng nf ?:?.., ?ma!I lnf*tior U*t? '. ''i?, ?n-le? i .,- . oo, ,:.., ilrel fol ? a r?e? ? . ?,?;:... i o-. Aa-.' -.! A lim.t f?:r in We r, . ' *',?'-. do ; -i*:,- ' ?.i,*-?:.. .., r.un-di Cf. -.- J . lSf>ISe: ; imj : . fruits at im- ?lan?,- 1 pi t. ??? ?? -1 ??.- ??? extra fane; ?SS ?? .'?? ; ... .... mm m t., R-, ..-. M .',.-^i<::, .. .;,?. ;\r.--. core?and :? ,?? -,.,, .rated, 21 !.'i- o, -he: : le? it?, :.'.i:. ... ; ida. kle.rne*. ;,- ,r. apr- fornla. l2M1Bc I ?ui*..-I. ..(.:.-.. , ? ? :/? and quality SOyler ROl'i !:?? :?? : ? ???."? . 306S ba!< . ? ;, ??- 2.M0 h.-i.?.?. tius.nrs? i? 'ill in .4" ??: h'oreigi .! tlnu? a.? t.'.i with t>* -*crk ihai i? going foraard on direr? ? .. fi >m iln- u'mi and 'li? forwarding of go-ids I,, .i.'?' ? .n ? time .'ii. , is th? ?nterlor of Ihle Uta te, ti,' ? - , ?' . . . ' Irai ? .-i. ?*nt m !....* i.iu:!..-t nui ' kei? for hwhii? Oui bom? brewer? arr- ?i||| iperatin? ni a , .? ?? I ?nd-to-mouiri -..;.?. M '.ir a? new pun-hase? are ' ?v. in. J ' i? i:.."""' '?. '.".a! thej hav? a good ri?-.i' ! ? ' ? ? -. ro;- a! ?,-, 3 Price? ?re ?-.,??.. , ? f.- Ice lot? ??'.'' ..i? getting in ?mal ? -mpat-a. ? ?v. ..... Ktat? and Pi ilflo ."-*?.?!. ISB3, ?he. ? KRyllc, , So f ,o o, pria?, vi;'.. . ,. :i.ii ? ' , !.?'*. .', r7 . i?.,i lings ? - ?i*. . .... iL 2?3c .'?< '"I.'i K . --A1.i*. : ?- ' lip] - ? eau?ed a ?.?a,,... d*.?::-..* on i f ?? . ? ? ?took, : wls and ?hi i. mi falling ? Be. Bui a belter ti.?,'e i? b? ng ?xp?ri at -? ? ?'? ..'??!?. ?he Jew? nor? *>? ~ for th? loi m holMa?. an:, with only m ?-1?'?'? receipt? eg. pe " :. ? i* recovery .- orles* ha? already ?suited. i\ ? a - . hlcken?, pe? Ih no.'?'.'k ; old i -o?*?r? ?. , ? ok'i?, ??'-f?.v duck? ?.?;? p..-! nOBSSo; ;?-?-,. p?, pair, ?lilt: "7. pigeon? pe pair, .caiv.DRESSED (1 eipta for ws< ... 9 Sil | kg?. 7 rsd? era? light, bul l?. I \??? k : esset! ??S ?. little ?-,, '. ?:? and ordin?r) *,.,... luraeys ind considerable slock had ? b* carried i. - '??? this weel arrlvala have bees .i,,?l?r..te tu: : ?, ? rail ?: quk and priesa h.,\e ahown !:*tie change, '..?.,? :-.- .'??i wosthei ?I it.? .'!'??. oi.uple.1 with a,) tnir?!'. I,.??* given r> little ?rmei ion?. Phllsdeiidi . ;? ? :? . Brt? for fan,-?- ?inaiii? W?; lit! ,te f: ? !,. ! ? per f l?l(| 1 : tau ?*?/*?*???. n! -I: ?'?.?.-'? . do fall r,,.-is'?r*. 2t?*f ? ? , ' mod?rat? * vi i [It.. .. , ,. . Phiisdefpl.'. : ?V- ||U '? i-, f:??,.-..'.I- I: 12.-. ?*. > uns torn?, ?'-?/:"? ?n? ?iliadelphla, bri II. ".'- lu rsiu?lng hlcken . I9v!a do Wsstern, '-/.:i f?.*?i?. Veetetn. '?ui". . 'hicks, "<?*i?:."? . k*??-?. ~,?j in caieon?. I'!i.lai?'.p!i i. 184.22 ?' Weatem ItOlSc Vtt ?jut???: Mr. I fr-z?n tnrk? * llfflS-; ?: ckeni I0Q1? ?sarta, B#Mc; Anrks, URISc: gasas, ??in oami; \v.? ?e? n.. prim? heavy *?.:* ,iu, k-. arriving a few prMtjrj-sod ',i- meet f.iir demand ?? i ;? ... but mo-t o* ,.,? i- ei,,-? .,-. ,,' i,Sh? i;,.- bird? >r am i em.m..!, kind? ;.n which there ,? very litt), le-nand a?er. at low pru-? Wc .^io*e: Wild diiek. lanvai ?. .i?*v Mr. r.?.. Ml SO .1 mallard and b!i. ? '?-nrroner kinds. lS^SOe. Eng?-Ji sn ;,?. per r??jh?ad. ?K*tf/7r.c; a temen, $; tangei ?? HAT AM) SI HAW Mark?! alRXtt Ha.-, nrlme, p?v i?,?, p.. gdy, H'?? ?i loi Ha.-, mime, pe- i.?, m ;iK*j7r,r ,-, ?*0 g .,, ?.? ,' .. A"-, d. ?h'pplnc .V? la,ier tr,* ,.,| r.,??-,V elnv?r BStfdSc. Ilv. r'r??, SSmta. Oel *',aiv aOOttV' POTATO!:.- A.*!.' VBUETARLE? Re.?',.? ? . . toss fot we-*. .i?'?c; bbl? dooteetl . Importa TtJ _a. and -Mil b... Arrh-al? domeetl? t-ot??-*? ?ithter ?E wiih ? mo -c.e demand for dealraW? ?. .. ? ?,? L. Z ?h'-?*? ???s .:ne?- F ti foreign arrive, u ?? ,-i u ?',' .' -r..;. ?tea? s?.-??- pot.??. ,?n-,?i firm i?- ,ii.,.t... oui?!. ity. Ontaem Imrrits?. Arm for fancy, bu? i .;, and weak fer tafear.'.*, quai ty Cabbages firm. : ?? n, ^,l> an,, ip:r,?e.-h higher .?.. i Inn. W- quote: P, M.,n,,?|. per bb.. $?'. .'?o .' liu'.ini. $? ! LaM^rn ..?- *?'in' is Hebro*, an! wh'te k.n,l? *2*f?2 !."., Jo Btat? It BTfg 12; <1o, Sretrh, *'.' 2", sweet poiat,*--. ?I :?>*?*,|2 r.o .i..|?n ?rhlt?. I?*t*.. 7 -i. KWS2" yellow, $2if*5.^i ,'abl.a??? Danl-h. |*er Its- ?10'?i*12 do. domes!:*, SM$C .Vlerv' f*r l'O srall,- t'^if. Turnip? per bb:. 7r>'-<r*ji, -.quasi.' 1 250?1 75 Par. , .,? 7r..'u$l 2". Kale. 7V |i?l -rplnach S2W-j!" Tona to?? K?- tVcst. i-er isni?,. I24i|i ;,., ,1... Jin-son t: ynSSS 20. do. Vton Is, infer?? ?!?*:? talion?. Ilirima. El '?km. *2 ?D'ati. ; ?;.|,?i. ?2'??I2 :-? Lettu-e. l-.ori,! 1 per hsskel, SI .v,ff$2 ,*.(k do, Bermada, per ? r:?'?. II "?'./?2 ??' SUNORiri"?i"'e?n>its steady: hand-pi????d rpio??,! ?h n?? #tltc; rpan'sh shelled. No 1. 4Vy.>, Virginia ?h?:ied. Ne 1 .i.i:?'., ti ney ?steady: m.??*?-.-??? Jobwn? ?>ir,an : but llltle ?l,'l. al? t'i'.v?ine:i., ss> quote: Whll? ?lover nmlii per th H'.il2-. Im.-kwtieal " . \--.,.'-l ? ? ? l'ai If m .. ?c; d.. S .uthern, pi r a ?' "*? ?' ? w*i firm ?I 'Ale i>-r tb MILK AND ??REAM The .1 a ' ? ?ver*?? i? ?,;??? ?' ... .- ?. ,, i th, ?' ? ? ; In and ne?r lha elt) for lne v.? ? en ??? Ki ,. i ??-i ?. .f .". .;.. 12 ci ? -i . i I 124 ? f - i ?.? ? : ?'-'T milk 1 : . ? ? ? '" n? .?f ?-' urn !.,,.'... .???? i i ST.* ? ??.? ' m! I :" \.? -V,, '? ', '?'?>? " ? iln'l? ' ?? ICS - ' ' '' , , ? ? -?in ' an?! N"' en ?' ' a ol tfew-11? / ., i ;-,. . ?.. .,,- | ?.?,.??., ?? '.' '?'? I , ? ' ,:, ! '." in* of ? >??.. : '. ?n , v? ?? -,..?... . ?.???:,', -,.??. nn> ,f milk ?,?.'? '" . ? ? ? - , ,? ?< ?n.l ' -.'?.- ? ? ? ?.,,, y,~..\ -i.:.' ' nr.. 17* '?.'?? Of ? ? id? " ?d l .??/?v. ,? .? - i i pa'.| f'.r 'I plua '.n Ih? i la I ??? ? - ?' '' ': > ?? M)1Vr K? hang? pi. ??; a' $13? s can. ? ; : T1IK OEXERAI. MARKET REPORT. Ne? Y i?. Mar h ,"? ' -!?'? COTV?v " ???-,>? r ?'??...?' ?'.'.? In th* .r et, Th? ????'. par' nt th? t-'? ' r ?aw S'eyj little t'a." With "? f? . ... '. ??-?'?!,..,.'''? ? g ? I low? prie Th? opening ?li quiet, Ih? market I ~ , ;.? |, ... m? ? ,..?pri I,?'"r Iher? ??a a ? . ,. .,,,, r ,. . ?;?:??:- r .'. ??? . ? . ? . ? J pointa ??Une ?nd i ? wei Ml l??? ? - Trad ? s ,1,,.? ? - kef ?? Lls-en ? ?- r?.' "? . | i. ,.....,, ., ? ... changed pi, . ? . ? ? ? llv? i? Ugh: ' ?.? ? ??,'.'.?' ,Vh?n he mor? nerv, u had bought, 'h? real ? :... f the i. ? i ? '?' ?pfaarenl an prli ??? w?*tk? Th? ?cell n? era? assisted bs -n ? !???? re ???:?? . which were cura -, . erg? | ? the da? Th? t?? i omted -, i'.iiaai bat.? Th? actual clgure? laier wer? '."?.4! t I cl?? making tl ? ?? I?! - fn thta ?reek TO.**!.?, hiles: ?*tlmni?? for rh? w ?.-,-. a,.- 1.".:. ??ai bale? ogalnsi 1'.i.'.'?'.?i I .'?-* last wi...;. ti ? New Orl? ? ? Ipt* were In ?" ???timntea and were Influential ,r. the declin? Th* I recentl) In ? i >i ?tlnn. thai cotton irad ? ?? n. Improving, ?eemed lo lie ? ?ntradlcied In Ih? ?i*lem?nl r i he Fall ni-? milt? wlilcti foi rl'.' quarter rndlna Mar ? 1, show earnings ,?f "nlv 1 97 per cent, ?? ?I? h Is meldere.) s ,a'h?t unfnvoraMe ?IV-wIng There was n ?Ilghi Im P"oviin?"i, !:ii.? ?n "? ?i.-ii. Which ?a.- h. I ? '. I the r.-l ? rta? "f liner*! ?xp rt? :?"? Southern ?market? ? the t'nil? I Kingdom an?, ih? Contlnenl The ?.???:? "? f??r Ih? da> wore '.'ScTls h-i!^? |;.>.-e';,t- at Ne? ?,;'...,-- for to-1 ?..r? ??tiiii.i-.e.i ?t i ???, -,, .'.?a?, bale?, cga nal 2.?tSn laslei ??ptmdfng ?lav last ?-.?ii, ?;?! i ?!??', hnlei last ?e?r | Receipt? ?l )1 '"i?? ?'? wer? *""'?. 'al'-, c mi ?red will ; '??'?': j bale? laat wees and 'i 142 bale? las- rear, ?n?l ?I M.-mplil? ?'.."??'. in: ?a. ?gainai 703 bale* l??l w? k ?nd 12?. bat lei ?.,?t year Op?n:n?. int'E? ?rd -1 i? lo-d?) and elOStBg bid? Ih? : previou? nlglii an?! !??? vear follow! ?Open- li.g.i- Low- ?", ?tni ).'?? !-??' - ing. ?a' ?" day nhrhi. ?,.... March .'???:?? t.ttt '? -<i? ?"? ?'"?' ?'? M ?'? ?'?' ~ * ? A;.:,; .;. SS 5.52 5.41 E ?Mr?.*' ?'? ?'? M 7 51 May .B.5S ?"? **i B 52 '. r.-ro.. ?tin? . ?'?.'?'.? ?'? '?'? July .'.?il '? ?'?I 5.6*1 .??::?.?'?' August .S ??:? ?"? as :? ci r? <?-,?'? ?? ; September n ?.?? neo .-.?-,:?r. ?',s 7 7? October .r. 74 ."? 74 7..70 5.7211a.TS .'..72 7 7" Kovemhor ..S.7S "7a ."? 7?? 7. 7?.<i "? . 7 ?'? "7 ', M December . . ..". 7:? .'???? .'.7'.' ". "-".'i". ?.'. ?'? *l 7.85 Mark??; el n 1 ??? ' .-.c.-l ? -' i 'Inta d?? ,n? compare?) ?1)1 Salui l?y's lo? ng P ? ? T ?n?ferrlble ? ? .,? ;,.,?, T ? I s?le? '?<>???. bale? N- v V il, , ?; ??? . -;,,?? ?;7i :... ?. grovs, 12 :..'- ?, ? Kx|??ita ? i : ?JI-...T ?., ? ? ' "-..?'.!. 5,lN?3 tele? ?al?? lia? bale?, aiiv-h M. 149 ' . ?a Ti tal ' - i '? ' ; '?? .'?IH ? ihu? fai ? ? ??? ? ' ? ;,;'? ;'"'? ? Krapoit? ? ? ? ? HrliHlr a ??' ; I de?, Krane?, 5.7M ' Ineni 17 ::_'* .. Thus fi ii? w? ek: <;,?,,? I l??l??; r,a-,,, ..:?.:,'..?- i'ontlnenl . :?,";l ..?????? . '.?.'.''? 7.".: i al? ? New s ? ap ilei ? . nd in .,,,. -.i. rep rte.1 I ? niraci Mkc I l?J, i" ? t|, ? ?poi ? ? i? ??. lull .-...?. ?, r. .'-.?-. v hi. h la ?.,?? hang, .1 mpumi ? Llverp "?' .?!?' Si? ? o'Ion qui ?I I I ' III im?. ; . ? ? . ? u t- i, ?? ??. pta ' i r?JU ? -- - f ? ?.- npl mil? ? 1-S2d. Fuiui l.ft. ; .. qul-t, g?n ' ?'I l2 ? ? : -,? ? ? Murr!; 2HI? Ma :. Vprll 2Hcv ?Sprll Ma? :".-'? Ma .. .Siigu?-- - '"?'? .- . . . \ ...nil... :?>- \ ?:.,'..r I ?? ? ?ii.hei :i??7 - l>? ,, j. .-i,vo.?:..... Mai ? ?. i :? ;????.,.]? . ? I, lha ?lull i-ol'. El Then wi - ?)? da; ind th. :?? u tel ? il. i .1 .:? n?l in -'.'.-? were gen i Hi? marbeta ?? Havr ?? . :: im u -i ? i 44.?aa? '?a?;* n? Ih* world'a vl*lbl< ? , ' nMi i ind narehous. I. ? ? - I ?? , lion , nveyeil nothing.kntl irll ?rai?i has?? Prl? ? wer? In to 13 I i emeni atli ? ??? ?! ? ? llniiibiirg ..-'-i al :. pfg ..?!...,. ? Mar?l ? r, pfg?; s T?; r. ? ; '.- M I) ill ; V . I?l II.. ?? Mai ?h, SS 7.'. frsn ?; April i I..' I ? ? ??:",:. nee I'.? qulei al I.V?Vc?i - ? .,..,,?? '.?"?. receipt?, l ?..??' I'??.-- ''.t-,,' ' ? ?? . -??,?<? ?..??o tegs; ?In I. -. >?"?? .??a? Bag? Kan? - re -;?- l?.wn (..-s. -r.. ,. '.'.",. ?cat bags; ma?:?-? quid tl I5.*ilj lea ?an, - for 1'nlied sm??. Februar) IH.???i . The Dutch a.i> ?????n- ? ft I t ? ? I ? I .! i Hnai . Ja? i?. .'?.':?'?,' . T! ? ? \! ? ??. 1 ? . ? '? I ??'?. raci? ? . qulei ,-\ n ? 10 : Int? idvai .-: ? a ?-?:." Lag? .?.- : llowi I.aat N ch- I -w- ?nosed I ? eat. ??! March .la rai m ?r. l? v.., u :?> ia 10 April . 14 ?'.-, 14 Cl ,i ?:-? ,U7.? 1.1 7S May .It .",.", ii ,v? ?a .-a,., i? ;,. \: :,:. . ur.:, i ?.'.'. M ."? ?i ? f-i 19 20 !.. v . 14 i?, ?it ?'. ? 13 ??, \UgllSl . '4 "..?', 14 ?I?' 14 7'? September. 14 .V. 14.Ml 14 "SItil4 .V. 14 :?c ..?.t-.., . 14 :??. M/,?? ?4 .'..... i? :.:. ni?? N, ? mber . ? ? ?? ?u u ?'?' 14 "?' l??,?ml,ev .14 4", 114?? 14 ''.? .Ml 4', !.'? '.?? The *rat!st)cal p.nlllun ?if Brasil i,,ff"? 1? aa f ?Hi ??a: T?-,Ihv Ves'.-r :.i-. LeM i. ir New-Torh ?tock.14?, .a,?. I.-.7 ?,1* 101.? Ilalilmore at?..-k . -\> .",??( :i.77?l ;? :?? New-Orleans a'?..-k. 5,81a ...7..s 7.5? Hlork at all p??rta.174. IV' 1??? I!<2 iasaT?; New-York dellverl??? . 27...*^ ;: 44.? Baltimore deliveries . ."?"?< 17.1 New-Orleans deliveries .... SSO 5S4 1 ?i T-.tal dellverte? . :?*.'.-.? ? ..i7 m ?.??.s '.- U .IM?..,.?. "7* i?a) :-,:. - supply . ?11 1?: 142.102 Hl! 17? Tee market for >:? 1 ft. dull. Spol No 7 flu! 1,0111 I? quote? ?, III ?lo . No H a? 1:. . i, i:,-., Sil,-* lo-ila ?rere - ?? ? l?a? I: ?.'??? 7 ?nd S p?r 1? ?n !?? . \1 , ., ll.r >a .??e ? ...lav were - ' tes* ?'??"' \?i-?l ? an. prl ate I? rm.v .,? 1 : ??? ,,- . , ? ? ? liRt.'GH Th? opium market loci n ? ?.. .??? parllcnlai 'lue | , . temalna <'.'.?' , ? ,?-".- though poaslbl) this pi ? Id be ahaded iijkm . .. it it) in anil. '?; ?lion "f a I ? , n .... ftereni ? ;?,- s 1 !,, . - - . ?ble ..a? about ?'_?;?', wlih -; ? up ? 1 ha I baata Jobbing intlllei .... ?. I? ?? del . t2 ? ? ? ?.' 7 ? ' ; f quinine ? "? iteadll? an 1 ,1 ?? mai kei a maintain, tea ? ? . - ? llliua VI .- ; . . .? pe?l8i ? : . esa? ???..'?? ? ?* i is ? ??.:.?, .-. i- aa.-! hrmneaa, Man ? -. ? M II r.,?"?.. .''.u, Gin fair del ? . ? ?few S'.a'x Btate bl ,,-;,r.i; : F.ii!'". AN!? MKAIj Tl. .. i? a 1 ? pul through .1? flotii ? da? ?Ii ' ? ni a M'.r .,; , ice to I it* of ih. . ?. ? . ? : 11 nd then ? - - ? ? ? . ' ., ? ? ? ? it .-?, ,,.-?? - ?rere I.?. >.??.-:; In 1 :.? .1 ? t'? :?? ?<.? ?? . ..... for eapon n private ?mil ? ..... mir? :- tl ?. 23 ? ? -, :.'?? ?.? - ? . "., 2? si 'v :::? :???? 1.1,1a : ?>: )- : ? I.V. l.b ? n - .:? , ?? ? ?*; ;:ii :,;:, i.. ..-, -.?. %:? v.??.?.? :,,? .;.,, ? -.? - 1.1 *?.? ::?? '? '??.'. , . ... 1 -?.,, ? >-'??-'??' ? "? ? ' ? V , . 1 . 1 ol 52 ISt.*'. ??? ...U1 " m s II., ?Mai n n? Kale? 82fi as ?I tl 7" I'.'.' I '/?' I: \',., ? - ? ? - 330 ? ?? ? .- ? ?2 :??v? . in ' ?'? su: ? 1 51 t?. 1 - . , I, , ... -, , 11 *2 '" . .?c- mor? a.? *?? V? y? :H, , 52 J??... . .RA?5 Ml. SI/- Mai ? ? ,. i,.,. ? ??. a* 1 o?,,?! m line ??;: w, ?-I ??..'???! lia '?: ?'"'? li:i:r. Mar?ei qui? 10-ih :,.,-.?.-. ... ? .??..?.."" ?., m '?ri:..-. ;??. rt, :.; ,!<i ,., ,,. ., , , .-. . ? ? ^"?.aa . ; ,, ,-, {,< ?o-, gj jo, ?? ?. ??', 'asi I'.kion I'lrii'n ri:i it. The ia * m to be fairly well nc?ini . , 1 . . ,.. ;. ' a free] m ... em? a' I'urrunta .?? . : ?t..- ilemand limited 1'rur.ea ir? -oil?, 1 ,,- ? ,,.. il'blng fa y w-11. ?ml ?.?.,1 ? Nutaati ? ' ? ? ?? W? .,...?? Ha lair, a, Valen la :i,.'.4,4 .'?v?'.l*- ?} ? a';f?.:.-.!.. I ?.'?,-(/.'..,, ,',,;,] ..,,.., ,1','ir, ,i, ram? .''.(i::s Turk lab |,c???s. f?m??l 1 .,..' nil? :. ?11. aim .?? ,'il.''.-4. . Iliay'l n?it- '. ,,1::'.. walnn'a .'???! :o .. n ??????. ,; ,\,-,\. . : ?-?. i? i:? t-'OREIQ.V UltBKN nun.- Lemon? have develop? I ? fa? ? '"'.- .'?"??.>!' ?. fairly go ?i ? .).n ? noted Orange? en ?. lead) request .??,?? 1. .. ..... ,-, liberal rip;, n,.., ?., -. . ,-.,,,. ire ?lead ?rape? . ii?'.<- 1.10, IV* rjtioi? lemons, ?1 -:,,:?.: ?,ri,nt-e. tl '.s.'.ir, 25; grape?, I?, :.?r,|t: 2 :.'i. 1.ana? .'.v., ?i-i.'... pln?appl.K, }:.-'ili:.. ..,? ,?. >_?..?,..;-, URA1.N ssiii:s,' The wbeai niarkel ?? ??moderately :. tiv? and i"?', ?i ?i... -,,,,i Huteeqiienil) I her? wsi .. ?Ilghl r?ilv, which, howes-ei ,i?i ?oi hold and ?I noon ;r"- ?'"?'? " ?1 abou) the opening (,;? ires Kiill laiei u?r? ?<* ? ^?,-? .??,: ,,3,|. n,|(?h ??,. ,, .vetneni I nan .?. '?'i,? ,|? ;!r,. H, tnf ,.,?.u;?K ?,*? on ?llaop ?'"?"'' '"'': a1 ' - '" from ,'?.,, . sod ?- .?,- ,.1, , m "'?''"??'"?, '?' ' ?'" ' ' ' - ? ntlnenl il market, . ??P",i! of damage lo , , ,,,,, Wer.. ,,,., ..,, . ,, ., .,? 10-da) ? adsnes -,,,, r, impreialoa waa ,i.-i i..- m.n k?t would respond m ???? ? ? |, ? - ? , ,,,.?.. ?dvice? from da] I 1 da? . |. . ..., , ? ?j ,., ? Ih? ?T.pi on lb? ?' 'i.nn.'it ha? I.,1 .1 ;.,.',,- 1 , "'* Tbi weathei h?, been inaaii ?? ihrougn 11,? s?s 1 1 and f".?? lhal ? ??...,?,,. ,.. . ?I" giowin? ? : ?, baa had quit? a Utile Ii ? ? ?paling?. The recen) huyin? ,1 la .. .... ,., has? t-sen rathe die. ?, lea, 1 ,,,. ,,v lnn? , , Bn ,, ,.. damas; i>cnt)n?nta, market? bar? 1.mpniving r.?r lay?, ?pparenily gel ling In ?nape lo .-..lian.. If th? ; ? '.'ti- of Injury should Ins ?,,,,:,,,. , \-, hile 11 ?? ' '?' nenl has 1.n ?howtn? ?n cdvan. Ing i-n.len 1 En? market! liai.- been , >mpai?l|ve|y qul?.| ?nd 'lo da] Engllah hou??? wer? rallier ,..?:-.:.,. lurlna ih. e?r|? ;,ai. ?'. ti 1 aeasbm I nier loi ,??,,,? ,f wh?st al ?j,nng wheel markets lu-day were ??.,:,.,,?:: ?oush (lie ,, '.; ?ago lu.teJIl 1? ??!,. ih iri) all aim? ? ? gainai 3UO.0O2 buah laac ???ir, wllitei '.'|,;:i.-, buah aa-aiiial t.?. 1T1 b i?h. >'.?! ard ,,.. ?i,,,,, ??,, r,7:, u I3.S7S bush; lotal -" -1 ? ? -> ? 1 buih ?gain?! 4U?>.V |.,|.'?, Kxi .,:. 100.274 I?, h, eg . ?-. MI.7S8 bush The 11 id? Iri II.? ?a.?-" n ?'I- ?111 III, in, ;,,.,,? ,., ?bowing * (.ill* undertone of ? ?vlne?i ?Ith-mgh - r.e was Iberal. The cloa? w..s falrl] ..1 '.''!>_'? nei declln ?' i ?heal ?..1- moderalel :,.? 0,1.1 bush S , J real ?old cl h lia- .,? ?, m, f ., I?, ?lore; Mm ? ,, .1 ?,- .'.'?? . I?'.???i buss ,,i 1 j, .\;.i : ,, ,. ?Soal, and L'?.?-"?? Uu?h \o ? bard wlnt?, 1, templa a- SSI? ?'?.??<??? Kxp neu ? . .1. -,..? enllr? mi.???:?!.?' in .-.-?..? ?i-? foi rorn wa? dull and ;,- The opening ?how???l a Hill.Mlon r,',,o ,i,.. :....; it .??? night, .,;.?! wlih ????? narrow r',, luallona all da) operation! wer* ainall, )h? ,,,,??>? showing no ? hang? 'i ?? buying a.t?, ? 1 ti* 1 " ,? ? 1 ihe ip ning waa fair, ?,r , [?rl'-ei rallleal ?llghll . bat Iher* *?? so demand ol moment ? .?-l? ....,? ?.?: modera!?!) .?? ; 1 ??? .? Ilttli ?,. r? iu:-n'?t having 1,-en shown ?io- la si i-v. day? foi a? . n , ? insum? i . . some "f th? private cable? hav? ?dviseti ? ,??" ' . mdltlon ,r ,,rr;?"M in the i-orn mark?ta ?broad Th? r? lar?,- stuck ol .'?un .:, farmer?' nanda. aa report? , b) ',,,? Wt-jlern paper?, ^ "ii.iiuh n?i an ?-Beauraging feaii-re, although ih? '.?i?* ??? ihln lb? !.i?. day ..r iwo imve Indlcal I 11 cl lb? G??s rnmeni "? ?'?i' ? ,',1,| ?how Ilghl slocks s..)".- of aM, rorn 1 la] ?v?-,? 5.SSS bu?h N?. ? ?."in at \) ?v prl?*? ,1, ?toi , Ma: ? !"???! .: i?i, . n; 000 bu?h N'o t ???it iBapeoll n ??r HO , ' ? n i.?ioMt. ?.uai bush aagratled ????ti ?1 slay prl?e, ?l??ator. in.I r..Ofac buah ?team-? '-'?rn at 41 \ dellrered. .OATS? 'I'll, niarkel f ?r <'-ita prss 1 mpl.I) ri-:; le.'t?d. Tli.r? ?,?'..? aaly a fr,. 'lona: -. ,c-,a'.i,.n !n p.-|. ?i all ilav M,?i ?,, ;ni-reat eslclbl'-d oulsUle ?>f ? very ?mail Imsla. a? on local a.??iun?. The ,;,?..? was '.'U',.- net ?l-'lin? ? ?a.I, Hta were dull sad eA?.. 1 s*:.?? tv?r? filial? lajih. a? follows: lll.iaai bu?h No ? ?r-?. alereior. an?: ' i.,fi:?,i? , . delivered; l.iia.c bush M.? 2 ??&'-2*'!P*CJ "?"""" ","1' "?'"'? whl'" ?"?7'iri!'?". i-?HI.Kl -Mark?, steedy (?rucrted: Mo 2 Milwaukee, m ungraded M ??teri?. ?a?BBc.MALT Mark.- nrm Quoted; U?etem. 7?>074, .S?**s*t>S Market ?t?.?ls Quoted; Clover, |S 70?-* 75; llinolh:'. 56 l<?a?0 ?J<?. nt'CKWHEAT Mer.;-; ?tesdy Quoted: Bl'.vet 1. So?; Japanese, .M*t.',4c ,v.- give f-, comparison m* cloalns price? ' im pt? i m ?D an I to? ih? ?!:??? !" adln? ??? '?? to?? I Wheat. ' .1 me lui? ?? ? ? ' ? ? M ? Il . . Muy . !?.:. . ?? March _ ?pri: . . r] . White! :.i . M- . . '"*' It . i, ; . . 4* . IS Hlgh I. -? ? - ins ..'..'. I, ntgbL - : II i-. :; I. uils... 1 . . ;,?;? ; 96. , I lr?a Isl ll ? It Bl ?A'l |*0 ?'.? It ? H M ii neupolli ! o. Uli Indiai Total? ... i .-',-|.i, enti ( in. ui; , ... Ml.? uke* si. I..... '!?:?,! . . hetmll .... Peor?a . ... M into.o huluth . Kill'.,' <'i!V 131 ltd i r.s T isl? . it.pi? at At! inn V w-Ynrh . ?"? Phil i del pi .1 Balllmore . . II ??? -.. Sea . >rl?.in? li? ns ii II! Ne? V rk .. Philadelphia Ii ,?t. n New-Orleana ,'? ! e? i. . ?-.,' ; loading 1 :?-...?? ?.'? .. ,...., ?ere in non . ? ' 2l.t*?i i ? !,n. . sgalna? 11 " ? ?a, . ., i .- m !? M <? ., i< mp -i ' ? . ' ? ? ' - ' _ , : , ?1 ? ? ? - - ? ??? . ? ' ' ' ' ' '"' .'???- I ? - ? ,,,11,, J .11 ring. 1 ...??. ?Ill ..... tit, !!. I . i i : l.KAI? M It M ! ...?,?.. ! ? ? HUM : " u . ... ? ? loi i in ?taught? . i , ..... . ? ??? ' . ??,.-.. prll-ei ? nd I ? ' ' ' , .. ? ; i . : ; .il-. - "? I" - ? '?.' ' ' '- ? " .... .... i ,,i : i ill .: . ; , r - ? ' ' I. ? ... ? ? ? 12.". LI -- M ... ? . I ? pi 12 -' ' ? ? ?, m . ? ? nd he? i. . u ... ?????. ???... ..' \ ? .. ? ? ?.? ?:.?-. .?.,,.. i i ..- ? * a! :l 12'- ? M' 'I. ?.SUES INH VRt'l'S -, I I r i:-.- ? . . ? ..... parativelv light and ?l,e !.,ne ?.! ; ..,.-? I ?lead rdlnai .'..?? . ? ... . , ? i: ..,,.. . i I? , ?to- k : II >. I.B4I l-sV '?"?? i,t?ll?.I ? 1. I > .. ... iiIIj ? ? - ? ? : i ;?? ;..? i ? ? ? - . -? ? " ?? - ? ?.ii.'-. prime. le'tnr,., <?. 4??. ? . ? .?:..*? ?nmmei ?bit.-, pr'ni?. ?. ?** .. .!-.-. -1 ts.-ri an raw. 3? ;,.,. , ilcnita i?*? , ? LAN |.-|(l.pill'l - 1 irl ' ? l-er'li r n. i. ? o no n ape la nans* srltl . n 1er??. ? ? ? ? gagements ? . ?!..? ?ter? ? im era, - I ?d? ? ? ? .. +t |? |*r..l!,. Id fp.n ? ? - Msb ,,, I .. ? gral?...'?????.. ' ? '?'*? !. ., . ? ?? .-. . .o ??.. -.7- ?.' p? ? . rk 2? ?; i i ???? s ? ?, ? - .i 7? nd. L ... lard. 12? Bd: 70 boj ...... S'e <|ii ! . ' Mai *<? : 11 . ? ? : . ? ? Hi? i ? ma?ket . , ? ? ? . m , ? ... ? ? ' . iffali ?,.. . ,.. .... : ? ? - ? ' -, ? : ? ' Ila I re i 2 Urn , ??- 1.571 : I H i ? ? r i -....,., |....... , | 2 ?SIS , , ? K lnr?I? . 27s i net : fur, ? ... | , i ?. .'???: I ... . . ? Ih . . * ? .. . '?' ??' ?. ?. Ma. ..n? 41 On ? ... .. i >. . ?I ?'.' f New II?? ?| - I .* . -, :??*??..... ? ' . ' . \\ . -, ?11? i ?I. PI p ..... , , I ? . I! ? '... I 0.II. I- : ? i ,1 , -. .? I. ? . I . ... I - . PORK Mark? *: i -,-, ' ' . M? -.III.*.,.' ;.. II ' UI PROV ? -', . , I ? ?; o.., Ri ? ? i ???.! Kxn *? /?? ... ?1?. IlKI I flAMi M ? ?IT . I .Hi .-- I I. ... >i I . . . ? ' ? . . MK \'i >' PI, i ? ? ? ? I? v . ? a? 14 I.? m Ih i : ?, -, .?. ,??? M irkei .-. ? , ,,t( Pl.kled haim Mi ? ? ? ' ? . ?? ? ? T ? i .1 nv 'i m i .? , : ,i.' . . ' ?V,. . I.ARI. Mat) ?! ... si *l Sal? - '-. i:.*..,?',... i.. ? i . ij'i- led .? Iilh ? ,,..ii ,, 7 '? . linen? 7 I.'? ?' H ? . I a* d.70, I ran. : ,. ". i?r . ?'? K?< i ?:, Ina! : Mm R1?*E The markei ? Arm en both ?lorn? 'lc and'foreign ? ii... ? ?? i ? ??? ! a ",-? .-;.,, ge, . .|f!|, ,,,,. " lent i, ih? ? o,, i ? ?a- ? . k. ep i -? ? ? lb i.,. .,? ng I., ih? light offering? southern -, ??d movement fi ?". II??? \ i, i ,-, ?si ir.l i ' ? de?I ? ? h< I i .mpstatl? ?It . ?- i?l l ?.nan?! .,,? '.. i- i ilnl: i ... p..i.. ? I ?an ?| mai e'i -'.,,- a ?V i. p.. . , ,,,.? n, ii '..'?? H Ipts, i ,.- Ii , , ling ,n.o, .... i ...., 712 I!?', Mi k?, igull ? ' i '?: "'. ... sale? olean.?1 estimated I57.Ii.Vj mi again?I :-i', i ?', - ? i ? .?:??? up? rail..) ? l led , ? ???!? ? ? ? Ind the I'arolli ? He relpia, clean, i :'-::.?, bl . -aim 20.9S1 l?bl? lasl ?/ear B? es, 81,21.*? I.hl? -,.??, i - 17.140 t>L|? laal demsnd; msrket llrm "W. . ?' i Ins and l?nil?lana ...iiiiii i, '? ordinal y. ?'.-,'?.^1 .-; :.,u rali ??, fair, ::',? i !*.-,.! 1,, pilme ?S*/4*,i-; !., fan? V, ?', .' .???. .....,,, ,i ,?. , :; , : i i ?, i . . p ?na, , : . Rung ?? n In i n?l I '.,"2 KI'OAR The Lou,i o markei ? ?lead? ,' linchan? l price? n ran? ?ugai ?rttll. i- ? ? tes? dull and ,i i.. ng quoted .ft* I ?id I U ?"? n,- l?nd??ti ,- ii poi ? : ?I r>7 mai tona, Th? n arke, | * . . ? '., m will. .-, ,,. , lerateli , ilemn ice? fn a: I'tiba are not ea| l.i , , rtani . ? best !np ,,n ,',- , Itnatl ,n 1 h?- dli ? i Imln it Ina l 10, pat ii. . a igai from b ml? payl ,. ountrlea, Ii ? ? i peeie.l, ?.I pruhablj be moi? than o?r?, i i. ?ii anfiel a III* .??unan -\|. :? ii until I a both raw an ? ? : I Inl male,] , ? -.. rat? sill be , |, . l,| b? ? ?? mid lie nf Ma -..,,. ' i . ,...,- in-day s-er? !>1??. bag*, centi fug?! ?.'.-. i-bi at , .?-'.. ?I in,! In I to go l.i II. .loi. BSD Ion gllsh Island mu? - ?'?? ul . ll-RV It Prifugal, '??'? leai ? ? gu?.|**?l al 8c; muscovado ?'? t,..', '.'I! IS ?ml moll ?- v.- '.'7 I1'. ft ti.i.- : i? m m at ii ban ' , n ih* i.,? i. of ? ? .... i | initialed T'.l:\,,,, Th* i, ?rke? :.,r ???.! leaf ? mtlnuea gulel ! II ,'? ? ?lead] Huyen ?em rulhei Indifferent, luit In .?!.? of I..,i offering? change? ar? ?jmparatlvep, light mi,.- renorled in-da? were if., ?*, .-roi. l>'a.': p. un -,-lvanln Havana .,' '?'' -i M* i IS , - IKW Zlm me i, i..- . io. case? I ?S3 VVI?con?!n Havana i'- 2S0 o..|.? Hi- m.,. .'.s.'?Sl 06; ?.*? bale? -,.u, -in, i.. *-|2 Nil in WOOL To, wool market leema to 1.? holding it? own v"lv v*n. ihoogti ?)?? irengih I? noi u marfced aa I ? ?''-" anj i.aide ad? an? ? in i?i I, ? Instance, b :,ier*. of XX .,!,,. ii- ,. are asking i7o nul a nulck and good buyer can be? all he want? al v less thai l'"" bsvlna .n established b) urrenl mies, Th? ml*? h, .-.?-m f.,i ih* week ha? been fair, the transaction? '?j'!'"" ??'' ' ";'-i'" i.ids, of irhlch about V... - ;"" '" ,'::! ." ' dom-sllr and ih? bah. r.?relgn There i ?-t., ? ,,f opinion ii? to the future ?al.**, mov? ?l?a!?r? rlstmlas 'hai Ihap? mil be n very neat fui ui., while others of t " . !?? ;',r?"nVr l"","' ""'"?" """ ""? ,<"""?,l """"lion* ;...!' ,.....".' ?"''' "*,"' ?'iir?!.! mi.- material in pur haam by -aanufacturera In many Ived :i MlMs-t<wy raflua i? in.i, i, maw?. ?? material lner?aa? ll.ol In th 'Hi"? nuiiiufii? turei ? i >f ?rdera, but Ih? ran;'" of ?45IOC, r'nd spring :, t sbOUl til? ?am? ran?,? XX O Ir at Ute old vetee f I f.'?.??. ?ad ?'? is til Uuyei ? f I.,reign v ?k?1 ?re ?Mil lakln I . ... .. ?:? . ffering? In lha r man ?fa? rur? r? trt willing ?? ? ? , ? ? mal In r" t bop? lhal ?he. ivai lai ?? li iriklng a wo I ..... ,,,.;..? i.- R? ..,??? K MARKICTS. I.,.,,, r- .. :; 13 p. m i ?? ' Bxtra_Indl? ..,, |,. ,? ,.?; ;. | *l.-.|,|v at .?3* Od. I'oik ??: line n, ?. .', ? ? lin? . .: . M..' - -?'?? Il ? I?. ? Il 14 in I? , .. ,,,"., unil l?n : ? il, aboui ?S t . :?... v. ,,, rll?, ib ?ul 25 Ib, ??? .,i, . ,t i.*i i? . ? .... ?t -- ' . Ion? .?'. ?? ? . ? ? ' .' ?B f ' -? ?< ; i? ?,,. ...... ,..,:. ? m? ri. un llne?( ?hil? et 41 ?kl; s ? . .lured ,,?:? al :." ?? Tallo? Prime cil? nominal .-..?, .n ,,l oll leserp? i id) at 17s IM. S| ? ?r turpentine firm ai 22? ?kl ?:?- In i mn >i il m ..? la 3d I...; 1*1 Im? IV? ?? ? ; ? ? Il SI ? ??'. M. W ),<:?? No - ? -"i wlntei .?"?? ?i li * ?!. Ko -' ?? ' w n? .'.r,i ai .".s .':. i '!???,? st. i. ?. fan Mined ! - ? '. ''?"H et 4? 11. Mm -h la |d; s? ? II ?lui . I? 1? , Mi lull ?I i* I ?,??. ? ,' .. t. l'a .: ? ' I.lVi: STOCK MARKET. DKR1 Kfl " laug terer? ??,.-' ? bu) n i ? a! 7' ' ? ?celling ?? ?' ?mall * ?i vices fr ,?i ? ' ? i ?! <? Sew V-rk. .?,! ir ? ... 1???.*> . car*, ?i ?ir? ! ?????I I?; car* for ,o ?. ma Inly foi expor? ?11? ?. So ?'its ?ii,?.?- ! nails ?? sld ?? ?low, f. i " , 'i , ? , ?. at |i?. I ..-?!? ??: pro ale c?l f Ore? I lii it? ? uol - ?frig? r? t,,r beef raalci hi |i ? lt>; Am?rlc?n it????i* alos RI , . ?' Hi : eight, til \"'-' !? ?i 11*112 x?, lb, ?Ir- -'?? i v-i fhl. title ind 1..?'.' rhe N r, ." . . , .'.' floldsmlih; on the same I? imer, '->''? i - ? .n .. 2, mo quart -,- ??: beet r , N ?:??.%:, i ?, ?--i ? r. "i will tick" nul I ?I '?is?.' in, ?ml i7?> ?.??? : f..r M. rvildamllh : I c f?es. ? rk sailing .Vedneada) caiTl?? LOSS quartei ?f be?) foi Kaatmana i'ompanv, and 504 qu?rten f ?i I?. It. Rh rr.ian. r'ALVRS It.'.'ii a ?|| ?few Vor.; markets, 2i<? head. Stead' f,r vend ai ?*??'? i ?7 GO per '?<?? lb. No ham?-anl nr ss .? lern cal a aal. .?in- ira aid ?-eel? stead) .?? 7-, 11.- per lb; ? untr) dre?eed (Irmei for k.I st??a*k, with cl. ,, ,;'.!'.' . ?nd Utile ?ralvea unchang? . al :;??'??.'>. - Judd >:? i*o.: BO ? eel?. II?. n. iverag? at $?;.-?> i?r K?? IT?. |. McFhei. ' ? ? i". Indl?na ?Ive?, 1.1.1 lb aitSfiO n? k a finira m ... ? us rt .-.? M 12? . 2 f? 1 calves. I.-.S It. .,1 tl -j:, !? ;?,?" ,\- Mullen: ! seal?, 13.1 lb, ?i 57.10; 7 do, IIS lb, at $?:. 2 do, i,r, ?: . al 13 I ?I.,. 121 lb, si f.V BHKPir sr?:i. ?.sur..* Receipt?, 10 cars, oi ?.ISS h-,1 4 ? ,:? onatgn? ' dlreei i butcher?, and ?', i- for lb? market, ??'????Itn? i,.,. -, i ;!? sheep and ;??'ii*. mil pn le i good trade ?.mo rr?w. F.i. , , i? Im* ?hi p ? i . ? 7.1 | , U 0 ?? oi '? itarv ? i prim? -i 7.1?MS -7?. i nil ?... ?nd l?n Its at |2 ?'?''. s ' ? ?'?.,"? n irkei id -"'n* M. high? " ?..? ? i "l.. <>r a' ?f'J.VK.ti; p. r head !"??? I ? ? ? . cml ? ?. ??? bul ?? i !? , nlr-.1i ?1,1,1,.? higher ?lpt1 o. i ,| . ' ?.' . <?i ' II . . rt-tlet l> M. r; ?? " .-i . IOS Indian? ?heep f ???? ???? ?., ,-, ; eg? d m ?.. K?rj n 121 i inr?i, lam? MI ::? ." >i7'.. I'"' -I,'.|, ?nd lam??. mJxe-J . ill's I 31 Ib, . ? u -,.. Wilkem n '? Shen ? 1ST. ? Ib. ?I -i 5 I odd .v Ce 17? Michigan ?n.1 Weaiern sheep, !>-.? th. ? l- Kase: t." ' . 127 "? i 54 ?2? Il ? :?.??? n larntia. 7" th ?I 5*? ?''? ;, i ? r ??:?.'.. 71 Ib, ?I S3 '-7' '-'7 im ! ? i 7.1. ' . L- ?? , ? : . ira "? .". 101 I ? "1 ?I ' - lerer* dll ?-. ? ' ...?.;?.. ..-.?' '"! - ' '? v *l I" ? -1 - ? ' . ? ? ",:.;? - ? ? selling n? ? hi? v. ? ?? :. r?: m .ti Ul ?'. ? S" rV'o? ?a?'. : ? .?' ' ?.;.-?? . I ai I? : 111 Kit Ml RKKTSI HT T!''.i:?',t? ? l'H. ? Jl ?'.lo ? ,???.- fan '.. 72u head foi - cme l m ? ugt IW I , ?.?,.,'. le. I ? . i? . ? ? ? ...? si : ill a, PI lut a ? . ; ?-..;. . i ? ? . ? ?? ? T .. . .: -:.. . ?.. : ...... .,? ... ;. |nw. ... t.. mm f.? ??h? V r? - .,,..' ?p m ... '?:??' h? ? . ... . -..,? |i.-, Il ' ?' ml? i: ? , . ? ? ?-.,-, . ? . ?c a? a,..! ...,?. ? ?.? - . < ?. Mark?! ? . I ? I ? - ? - i. ?..,?>? . ? I, ? , ?- rr? i ... Ma'kl ? 12 ' 1? ' "? 2.20" ? ? ? ? i |ed ? " tl ? ?... r?sa? ?nd Ind >? ..... ; \i ,-w-i at??d) Iles ?..??. . | . I, ?11.-. ?. ? - . -, p Receipt?. 1 non ? . ' I i ti ;?o ? . - ? | . . i, .. ?i .. n rai ? ? ff.t eteera. |S ''-.<'. Ki 'I . i -? . ..??:' ?4 ?'"?I? ? ? I. .. ?i ? -? ', ih er? la ?>>l?*? '?*. .-il f?*? ?4 !?'ii54 15 nu.?h?. J ... ? ? , gs l Bsp ? ? with?*?, Jl -.?.,?.-, ?lira ?? ? .??:?. | ?! ?ln?4 3D, fall *'.' T??u i.1 ?:. ? - ? >?? '?'i 99; s ?I :?,..t'?. t*. lu *'. r?? ?.r ?, ? fair lamtat. ?.' *?r?4*r*M ?5. nu i i /7 oi n: tDK I Mai ? ? . n. l'.trn stead .; ,.:-. Ma a? i .... . s- . . -, ? M .... ? . ? . . ?" ?* .... . n: ;.' < .-? ; . i > ..,.;? ? r lirali ? . , !l*>22 . , . , ... ...... ., , , ... ? , | ? , lt.itl?r dull; S'.'?I i ? . . . ! " ?l : limit? firm; N? I ? . i? .. '. ? ? . '.: . ??? .... -? ? - : - ; I ?ira N? ! < . ' II i ni 10 ?ai ..... . i,i i I h a l I ..?. ' . . ' . ... I. Mill I ? ' i - . . - ? ? ,-. ,1 .. * 1 s .,? -.- : ? '?: N " v ? ' ...t? N?. v ?| ? ? ' seal ' ? ' . :?? ? cl I . ? lia? t?, Mi. . . Il . !.. ?'". S ? ? ? ? 11(1 15 ; : I0n IS \t | .1,1 t. ?? ; ?? I r, J7 . , . ? m? . prices N,, i i : . ? . ? ? \ ? .. api .?a h i ,? .V.'ir.ii. !?) ? ainpl, . ?? ? ?. 2 n, i', No J , ,, . N.i 2 i it; s.. i Haxsee I ?i ... b p-lm? ','?' v i i .<-. no ?. mitwl mesa ;-? I . bl I. tl" II ? ?!?' HO crd, pel l?i? He ??. lo., : ., ? ?'". :?."'il.". 25 An ?I . .-? .1-ici ?Idea lb ?edj ?'. :,,. ii?..'.:.. ? ' . dim he.) ? p. ?I '.?? ? ?c n |l , if ?i ' ? cteil,g)4; atan.lard A ?I *?? p. r bid; llneeeal ? ???I b) Mi- Kail? ?al ?.???' oi ?'?i.|. ?'. raw, 37 htilled 00c, i?n II I'rodure I "??:? '"I Ihe ! llltei n. trkel ? .i. . ,;, ; .vi.i i? ? ? in . 17. . ? .,,.:- m? i.-, i:....^ wei reakei , i ; i. . ,i.. ?n I'lm-ll.l Mai ,. .'. !'. ir lulel ?nd i h ing .. f ??.?? I ?' ? ? ??- 1.1 ?.' ? ?? it! 13; i! ? .\t? . ?I ?.Y,i tl Btl -p.,,ii; pit ?" ?:i ?>',?:?;?? aprlng lane?, >?.''?.',? I- 7.1; ? : ? rfJ '-? It ? n un \ ? -in. Si: .'?--. ?-.- *.,. ". it firm ind'' active, bui re re light; Mi 2 i ?I, ii.. ... :?'..-. . ,in !???! ,if,re.| bui pn.- - ? -t .u, d ? ; , ir? Ilghl n . 2 ml?? l r .?? . . ?'-". "? ? ?'! ?r II? .::? . i rar mi?. | .. i:. ?'??>???' ? , i ? I' cri.te a 'i ?? an i run . m? ., aio;.,. .|,.,,- rneas t!2; ?tear ftunlly, $13 In I ? al demand, iteani leaf 11.73. kettle ?: I" prime atea I U 40 ? . ?. tiled mestl loir ? - -.1?. rt cl??ra, ?? ? ? ' ? ???! . n tin-? an.I .|, m..i..:, i ,? sic. uldei ;?? ?. >h, rt ?II, -.,.? :,: , | , ..? h,?,,, , ;. ,,r . '?'?' - ' cl receipt? ??., ?Jemand I i???,, ne ?r'.>. , v. ? ? . n r m ?nd ?ctlv? ?,?!? ,.? ?? i,i... ,| ?i ?_?-. Ml ? prl? - '.-?, Ihr \. ? rl is M '' '' ?'? u heal In ?tor? ? peni : weak and " ? ? . ? nui.. rabie Kurop? in nd? !, ill? ?ras ??? le I, 'I he movemenl In ! ?i -??? M ?. i li-.ii upene I .ii :,,?.', ?,.1 -I ? ? ' ' ' , . hard ?. Intei ml (hi bl,. | ??' M ?' Samples ??.?,,? In llal.t uppl) .,., ?r ?i ?:? i?-??il N ' - ,, ?. Intei add , ,i .,,,.. , \o | .?'?. IVIr.'onaln ?hite winter, .-|.l',,:.l, harte? " ? I ??? ? ??! ?live, and i ??? pie ..|.| al an advance ?.'f ? ? .?..;,'. . i. \-(, 2 Minna? >in ?'?4'?i.">i; ? Dal I firm and artlv? under lUrli? ,.Ipta end ? >;.! ahlpplna demand Mi J whit? /I ?,,?:'?.:? II1 ? it?" ??? ".i ,? i ?,i fan demand a, .'..:.' for No I. ?',,,,1 nr i ,,,,. t. m demand an.i price, Flour very dull ar?i pi .- ??:?.? p?tenla in wood pffei n *:i |.i,r | fi ???? ??.till 5323 lukeil f., rhol.?e hard. Mill Muff? ?re ? ii ?nd ??!,? ?i.-., la .|?i"t.',| .it ||4 2.1>f/tU 30 Mbldllntra r?n?e ?t .*ir,?.i??-. 2?S. I?r??\ l?l.?na firmer; i irk si??."?? r. ? ??:? a.?,i ?in.'ai Ma? Prime ?team lard f.; 4?? ? sad ???. ?'??'. V.u. Minneapolis March .'. It ?a? i ?ralptng wheel markel ? nil through witli th* limns feeling ??< Ih? ?...-k etene ?hal mo.liii."! There n. r, ? kwd? ..p.n.'.l aold for .??,,,,,. bui Ihe ?, ,. ? dragged Ma) rloeetl i.?,.'!i\ ;.?',., . i*.ii?.i , da) ., .??? ? ?ad rioeed ?i 5?*4tJ*fl7T(c, .lui 'I"'.',. ?? ?????Ii .' .".??','. opened .tl ?I..- ".?in?', an.I cl..1 i.r ;,*?., i.,? .opened al 57??c, ?nd . I.?.*??.I at .".?1\? tTaah ?rhe?! ?si about ?t ads. with Mo I North? ern selling at .?.? . i i.r elevators have -11 aboui l.'ai.iaai I,Mali Hin??- Su lu? ?1 ". ti It,,' miller? at I',,- ovin Mai On track, N . 1 liar?,. .V'Y . No i Norihern, .'?s1,? . No ? North am :,;??,. receipt a l'a| ..... against .Kl, ?ara Li?t var. Corn No :i s. lo? 14c fait? No :i ? litre. :m',.,., Klour steady i? J..I ?? . ,* ; 11 for p?llenla, J?.'n;.-???_? .???-, f,,, |?,w,".. Pi . . ?i BO.iinO bbls; ahipm.ii,a. 24.087 holt Phlladelphl? March 5 rioui Rur?n l?atJferen1 on.l ""??a?'. ? mostly m .mall in. bul stock? lighi an,i nunh held lt.- r:,,,,, qulei ?nil ii,:.h,iiig.?.l cbotce Petin ?v?vanla, ?j to p ? 1.11 Rsickwheai Sour in ?mall iuppIv and .pint .i fia-mei rare, ?i .?,.-.,si 70 pei Hai lt., as la ?a?ii.litl. Wheat weak. Owu.g t? Indlfferi nc? ?if e?.i?iiler? and t:irr<-(i?-l |.r?N-iir? to ?,-ii. Closed BC l.wer; No 2 r-d March. .v.t^i.'.irV. April, ?'."/'/.*.!.-.c; May. iWOBB?, ?? June, ,?.(,'.'',? , orn ruled tirm under in derate offer? ings, bul foreign demand cor.tlrued light and i?::l Jol> bera ??? t- buying only for actual ?rant?: N> 2 for weal trad? <??'/<?'?', . No 2 mts<-d March, .Ti/i ???.-?; April. ;-??(-,. Ida,. 4*?Vuls,.... June, ih t'j p.., . Oat? Offer? ings moderate; rrarket rui ui l?x*al demaad for ?- light, Util? i. ?* tloi . trad? in futures: So 2 ',''.',,?: So - shlti March. 30V?' 77. . April, i'.'.V" :;; , May, "tT .tr-, Jun?, ::7'o :7:.... llutter unsettled and 2.- lower: Penpsylvsnl? creamer] ratrs, IBc: P-nn ? , prim ? ? ? ml? ?Be; do Job* .? -.-: ?settled :t- lower; Pennaylvanl? Draw, -o. Chi. firm; f ?" de. ??? 10 , MI\. . Pro\i?, >n? ?lead! ; uerr-ind ::. i" !'???' I'll? family. p*r bbl. '.?'??H pork, - : ? . i. i. ham*. -?-"*? /II. ?r'.s. ?,V- .'???; ... : ,.t | ... ?. ?.?si... ; ird, pur? city ,...,?,. -, |p ... . ;., ,:*,. . .; . .] . , i t ib?, 7 V<c*'?' ? d" ? \ -. ugs! It-tin?*! rlrm, dem in I Pout toe? flrm. fair!.- ;., live: Bnrly Rose hoici 704/7.1 ? '? d fall to g.1. ?*?*??-i . New* . II* : .. ciBnce, ,.-.;.. ; ?;. ,!?? ..r Main?. < h ,| -. .,- -ii ; V f. g ?id, ?KM ?'..'., . Rurbank? ano s, il , N -, i r ? d 004*3 ' llh*i si - ., ?... ?n ??..,?,... |, st i, ,(. March.', n ur ??*ady: market firm: _?"0', . ; . : ,| . - ? ?Ci<i$a Xi; fan, t. ^.;<*2 HI; , !,.? ?| Mk.ll I?'. Pt-.n unchanged. Wh*al lower: re* ? ;:,:,; ; i-v ?hli m ?"? M USO : nah M ??? h, ."..:?-. Hay ol?,. Jul> :??'..i'..:'., i'orn ?light!) lower; March, 4lC- May, IIV; Inlr. ???,*1 ""' lower: March. "i.-...- May '.':?'.? '1-' Marl I weak; ?I Io? ? al it ' pork' Standard me??. ?1"?" Lard ruin- eteam. ?.;?., choice, ?i;:.', Dry ?al? meat? Bh ulders, 4-... ig .?! ?,,? .-.."... teal rlh? :,.':', ?'??' dear. S.45c. P l*acke?l ?houlden "? , i - ?'? , ?heel dear, Be. High win*? $128. Wool Mi- ,;?. and lllin Is medium, 11 ?. IS . l.iai.i .?p,; low, 12914c; llrht Mn.. lOtfllc; he? ? line, N-i!.. Texas and Arkansas medium, 104918c; braid und low, ?CIO?-; light fini WWc; heavy line, ?iiT. i., i-, m.iii,- hard hurry. Be; Hruthern hard ??? 7 i. Jobbing, P. lb, IV.- ; 1 it'. ?"?'. 2:, Ih. ron tie?, .:. , hemp "? in?. '.'? pel lb. Lead I .,' .-2 87' .. :-;.? Iter ' at *2 : 7 Tin: TRADE IN I HICAGO. Chicago, Mat-ch :. i-i.ill Wheat today w?? w?ek, ? i ripped '; .--.i and .?:?,?-.I ..? ab si th? bottom. May opened ?I :??' , ?old between f.4% :?n.l S?Vi, and closed ?I .->4',-...-, ??. Th? I-',.- , ?? -athei ?*.,? favorable on I th? for- :gn marl; ?? ? ?? easier. Thai ?raa the Important circumstance, t). selling h?r? tra? led by th? New I'nrkei particul.irl by ih? >\p rtera. They wer. th* I.*..- buyers '?: . There w?r? no ? quit? aa anxious aa ih?j to In] The ? aboard r< r- rt?d a lirti? , art ?i wnrk*d ab ui 30 lead* in a'.l; but there ? la ' i. thing don? In in- IV??? Prop reporta f: ui. rh? winter a ?... ?? let? a-ere r?y>ruhl?. Receipt? In t! ? K rth- ' v ? ??. "7 cart, we!? 2-*r? ??eger II -,n ?aal year. R?al isrd j clearance? were ? rl\ m derate, .-??s,,??. Th? Kur penn ?uppllea for Ih? week, I.SlO.talO *v?r? 1.900.000 i??? !h;m > th- -..? I, before, p -,-.*.? figured Ibsl the .?-?-r-a?.* In th? world's ?.????'t>le .. mor. ?? would be rot miFh rnoe* han : h*.if in? decrease f r th? corr??pun*tlng ?reek last year. Prr,fes?|or.?l? her* ;, ? bearish alasosl to .i mir.. They ' say that the May liquid?. will b? th? fa? tor her? In- i aid? of two week? ??:? .?as rather erratic within * . narro? r..-,_*.. \ rent. Th? c'.ore final- ?a? th? ?am? s? Monday? Ma- ?p?n?d at ?4*4. so ,i i..-??..- ?-, .. ,| -,'. ? I ' -I ..: 14?. R?. 'lpt1 ?v?r? 2"7 an?; Hi? . itlmate for *. n* ?? '? 7." Th? !???? price --t the 'da. - ?. - mad? ??n '!.i flgur?. Th? decline In ?-'?? ,' ,".--! ...rn Theri ara? r. demand at .ill for ? Shipper? ind . ish handlers c ntlnu* rather bear? ish. Oar? ??-.? ir.c!ln*d ? ?? bui w?r? rery dull. Mai- s..;.t between -!-': a*. -' ?? I ?! ?ed ..' 2','4 ?i*l:-r Receipt? wen Ififl . ? ? -? i mal f?n to m rr n waa rtrighl .?-,.(.? and an rarlt ,| i r: s ill : ?? r? i ? i atfainrl rh, i? ..??>, went Into the ?i ? Ith , la ? ??? '1' ii de i ? ? - ? - ' : ? ? ?? ... 1 2i'?. 000, ?ho? ? i . ? .... ?' p rk. 7', cents; la-,I '.' ? || ?*.;,? a m liter ? r r ?vmpal ?-.,..,. Th? pr i :--l, r ? p. rr? raid th, ?-! ??:. in ! f- -m i'. ? i? lexi- -. ir.,-. an lntp??rt?ni sign fir .|i?ri sen SO.Ofkil ? ? , ? ?estim?t, foi to-morrow ?rita ::**.i? ?i If W v*:\ SI ??? IR MARKRT. , - . ;.i ,? i, ?_? ?rji - marl ? ntli ues ui - -, | . \ ?.? f,, ;, alight ? nrteni In rhe ,:-? ind nree| h ?re and n Matan?.-.? rr -gate ? i-t 7-?.. I. ,if. mo?lh f,.? ? ? -? i.;- .?- ha. Th? ?? il tire demai ' ? , f\ aver wl?l de from ???'..? ? th? ii The croi '. ?? ?i. will be - ? ? - far advance?! .n ?bt? ? i|m? li? ' , ?- ,n* . t n the plantation? .?tent bv the | "iti'i ?if Mtiinui and ..... . ; ? .: '? '? . ? ?ntl.i ? ? ? \. ? ? . ? . urrei 1er? I i ? ? ......... B ? ? ? llllng ? the ruling pi id t not I , . . . BOt'THI RS ' ' ?' 'v- V. IRKKTB ? ;.?-?? M : I !?? i ? ! ' I 1.1-Hi i-dtn-r- 17! ... ?.*: .1 . ..,;.... ?.Continent, a ISB i?' ? I? - . -. ? March .1 ? -i -, : m ml h?tng ?'?'. ! ?r mid .??? . I I-Klc: net ai - * ? ;.i?n ' *" ' . ? ?;. ? . ?. Mai '? ? ' I ' ' ' ??.-?'. i . nary. 4 7 1? ? i IS TI2 isstwl?. i ill bales - ?.< M h?!??. ?. -. 724 "? . .... ? a lirtai ? 7 IB b?i ind * , pt? 2 . ? ? tnort? to the Pol tlnenl, 5 ISO ?.?le?. 72*. be!*?; rrt ck, 67.?40 bale?. ? ?-? - ? i:..*-'T >\ ui>'-t. MARKKT. Boetoe m ,r !. S Tb?*? waa ? r?ry ?tea,)) ,1-mmd for wo..!, ?nd th? I,- - ?: 'ra.!- k?.pi? uu.t? larga FU ta ?r? i,w. but ?ur unchanged fron a w?-k ago. Territory ?resils ?n th? tiK.?t ln,;ulr?.1 for. ind ?ale? are r?r?>rt>.<l .1.:! the ?,iv fr ,m "?rl'J?- a?* to ?pialIf,, wirb the prlne'|?| ...... ,? ??..?:: ? ? :ine ind fin? medium m nn n ?co-ired ? MHtSa In (lee??- wool Mle? t "'i ire made ; - KX and XX .mi at? -? !'?? f< r X. aa I IS f.,r J I: M ran X I? wortl ab ul Ho though a?m? ... ind d< ? :'? - ,?- ,t- gulet al ' ? - , detain? n 17 ' ? \.i lugar and '? '.? - I I'ns he I : - ? and H. I i ire In ?I -.ustr.? ?? foreign -Il fr ?ly at pr? ? ? ? ??AY 'V!- STRAW Rerelpt? it \-v. Totn : * ?reek ending March .'., I*'-'. II ,. Strgw ? - Hud? n River Ra I- .1 .it 77?? SO .1. ".*??? P-fi:-.-i li in a . Sei ISO I Western. 2pi \t-?! rlh, r* .I.B70 t^hlgl Vr.ll-1 . ','. ' ind Ohl .'.. . 12 - *?,,.., '?r?-.. Central . 21? .>...*? 1?<? Ll'C|lil XctiCl'G. -?l'l'RKMK <?"'i:i Trial desltr-d in the ?',.. .. count? .' :? \ ?, : .-. .--. ? ? Anna Tubhs, Alben , ' I? ? ?-.'.:- Charle? K tan ' Mai ? .i. f New-York, J ',u ? ? ?munII Had inn an I l.?..| ? \\ ing in-i. I t Harris a 11 III 1er. Jam? I 'Vllllai v .i . '?' ??? - H ... . ? ge i . I i. ..;?-... 'I ?V. .laid. W lltam Ryan, : i John < an.eroi ?.tin ; il, tilloua, th ? nanu - ? :.-; I? n ? i It* b-i! W \: ? I il ., . ' ? ?, ' ' 1er. J !.n l-ll-n ir,. Ith* being name being un* ilr.ttffi ? '? ,? i .??'.. l dwai ii- Ii nd Man I?.He? nai -?? - 11 ?Ing ?.? g a ?. ? :. llffl l/llo i I 'eau ! ... in. bis trlfi . M il | being ti. lier real na-.i sn to plaintiff) 11 * . - ?i. \ a ,-- hei t ? ? ? ' the comptai I it I? aei ion. and ? -? i i I ? u ?? ?? ?' ? . all me) a iya alter Hi? ?? i ? ? . mn? a? ?a - ?? * day of -- -,, -. ai I ? > . ? i ,u: failure l . . ?newer, Judgment ? :: i > i gainst v.?! by .1.fault, for th? relief .. . | || ? ? I,.-- . : |> ..., \. -, '. ? ? ...i .. ? " 1 IM15 Kl" 1 N't?, v. HITMAN ?' KVYINO, p ,,,'?. vt ? . - . ? ' ' Iddress, 41 i."..: . ? ? : N.?.\ ... ? 'i'.. I. in. v Dean n ; M??:, l*?ai l; ?If? Iths name "Mo- being flrllllolia ... t , .h? : iti '? '. ' ? ' ughbj w ? Ham A it >, K U i-'. 1 ind M U ? '..???... lor ?lie .the i ama Mai y" being rtctii ? ?' name b? Ing si I nn ?. lie plaintiff) lohn ii l??..n?. Kmlly I". Berk , ... \' utha .;. ,-:, id, def< i lam? n ? ! ? : ? umi.rved in -i \ i b\ p-ii,;.. rattlon, pursuSI ? I i .f. rue, ' ?? 11 i (]* rg? t. in graham on* ? iprero? <"? urt of th? , Hint? uf N. ? \ ?! dated "?? I2i*i b" f Kebrusry, IS85, ??l.i n thai .?.,? ir-.I writ ?a a P' ??' the itimiti na and ? omplalnt. In ih? ??::: ?? 1 ? ?' ? ? I th? ??? .,n.i I Cunt? .f .< i. ?! ? k, .,' ' ? ' ?" House m K?s v,.t\ o w-ii. -- ..trl ? th? gl? ?' mpln'.nt w.i-, died, on the nn, da) of Jsnusi ? i* ??'? |i.,..?l N'.-u \ r? Pel ..,? 12 l*"S cv is., w ni iv in a Ewtxa PlalnllfT? Ittnrney?, "", ? ?nd Poalofflce Addrest 41 Wall Ktteet Sen V,il ?'."? ttiforafct. -AMtRIC-'B OBKATC8T RAILROAD* NRWYORK (entral ^^L HUDSON RIVER R. ?,. y- m Oraad Oa?al Mation. 42d street. Hi.'to a :.i i.\ n .-in,iu>. iiinpii? Buu r.xpi???). ; 1'iM. .?l nain .n the ?orld. '.? a il Daily, l'ait Mall Bur Byracaae. noche.ster. UuSal .\, ?gara r'alU. Ch? ago. lOlSO a. M Kacept Suaday, i'. > ?aprsss. K..r all im purunt Bute ? oints. ihm? p. M i '.ni: ? Bouthweetsrn United, for Clncln* , ua'.i. In n nlap? o*. .-'. I.oui? and i'iii,-ago. :i:;tti P M. li*.-p'. ?u-jday, tVest Point,, ' AIImmi) Troy, Haratuga. d:;it? P M Ually, K?-rth *hor? Limited. I-ue Detroit S 20 A. V . i-'hliag -, i.'.ii I'.'m tiitsi P. M. ?Daily. Por Albany, Troy, i?urr?i,, ( \,.,... lam?, i'-ti .p. I'hicagu Cincinnati, Ht i.,ui? li?!' ??? "?>?'? , ;;" ",>'? imraiogs, Hurtlaatoa, Ptatisburg and MoatraaL " ' 7::it> P. M l'aily. Po. Aul urn Road p,.?'?. ?uMain, Nlagsra Fa?a, CtereUnd, ladlanapolla st. Uuis, ?lOO P. M-Dali?-. ? ?my Hee-rtaa -ur psaamgu, ?,r Rocbeatei csrTled on this ira la ?:l.-. P M Ually. lor Ciarlos, Cape Vm.ent. Ogdeo?. i,mg. Llevelled, Detroit, Chicago, |2t4NI Nlghl Baeepl Sunduy nigl.i i\,r Albany Trov Hutt.iio. Niagara Kalla, chi.-ag.. *' ??M a M ..n,' iltiW P M Delly, egeepi Buadas le PUt-k-leid. ?t., Hartem Dlvtoloa. Wagner l'ala.e Para ,,n all iiuwugi. train? ". lain? Illuminated by Pirlseh Light Tickst? an.l Waanet ufficeg ,lt <i,.in,i Central But? n iiuii,lins. i?42 Broadway; ttB Columbtis-sv? yi B/??i ?aSth-st., sn.i n-?th st. Station. New-York. .1..S and IBB 1 ullon ?t . und .1 BrosdWSy, K. I?.. Hioo'.lvn Baggage rhsekad from batel or n-sldvnoe by the Westcott Compaiii. JOflN M TOivilY. OBOBOB H DABIBUL Q?ii?ral Manager. (-?u. Pasaengtr Ag?aL I Railroa?i, ?MOTAM B RAILROAD. bltTIOI'?? 'rot of l'c?.bro?i?i and toriUnlt ?tre?t In i.l??'??t Ja. uno MB, lv./.'i, ?'????' \. .11. , i.-i I. I .N i : I'.nior Car to I'.ushurg. i?> HO A. ?I. i?:;...N'M i.s am.s mv.i rni.i.-1'c.iimaa ?'"'iipaitineni si- ping, Dining daaaking ,.vi otaor?.?. Iloa ..'...>. Arrive? cbtcago U s. M ????.? t.XI A M.. ? inclnoatl ?.4?. v. ?t.. Indl.-.r.apolta 7.4.'. A. M.. ?-t. le.uia :i .'. :,? umj Tolete i> a. m. -.i??.? I'. M. CHICAGO AND ST, LOCIS t:xPrtr.?-8. Pullman si ,?...,11, aad Dintag Cent ?.o si. Louis. Louis? ;? " ?Jd ' ;. ....... Arrt.e tirtclcnatl I" 43 A. M., .st. ia?iu , p. m .-i,. ??? .-, j-. m <?.?mi |>. >|, IVKSTEItN IIXPRKKS.?Pullraaa SI??Dlng ?nd pinina ?a,* m Chicago and <J.e?.-i?,nd. Arme? _ ? ?*;--? l,?r. : ?I f?; s M.. ?Chl??aao t ?' M i?-xt day. ".-,> ?'? *?. -"ITHSSH.-'-l KIl\ l'Xl'KI'SS -l'u'.'.m?? ?'??'? 1 '?S ?nd I?Ining i*ar? t. Cincinnati and .-?t. leraia Arris??? ?.iti ,:.,-, r, p, ?... Ir n,B?poll? 10.U V. M.. a..,;,'.; ''.'. ' ?V M -" '?'"1 ""?ralas. VW) |?. M. PACIFIC K.MIi:;*'.-'. [? Sleepln? ?ar " l'itlsburg. Conn.a t ?? i ? ., ?nd tlev?. ?' '.' ?' e*. pi K, I .-?' i ? a. WA*HI*?Td.?, IM) IHK SOI TH. * S.30. 0 10.10 i Pinina Cari 11 s M 2 IS ?:i ???). "?^?n. S ?""-? r,.'! Lim ? il p?rlor ?nd ! ?..n; iTars?, .120 ti'inins ?.'an. i ;>,i i,, ., ,. , , , .-, itMnlag l'art I V M ?- '" ' -' :: ! ? ?.'? !' A. M ?.I ?.'??. ????or.ureaalinal" ail Pailor an.l !? .1 .'.| .Inning Carl .. *.?:'.'.:, ,".'rnln* '????"? " ?'? -M-. 12 1.1 muhr. ;' l' RAILWAY "PI .?! 1-a.pre??." .120 V. M. '??Ils .-.'.'?'.'. - t Aug-ust?. Jackaotivlll*, ?n?l St. A?J. giiatir.e; ?..??. p. .si .?., p Rleepers rn A she ville. H?t f*Prlngs. M ? ? Orleans; i?. |ft night, dallr. ' '??"?".. -.?M- .,:.,l J?. ksonvllle. AT1UNTIC <"??.s.?T LINE, -f:-i,.)., Spectal" r?>r Ja?.. ? n- :i" and M Atlgusllive, 4 .1?? I' M ??.'k-dava !? VI A M twlly. i'i.'ep.;? |o rampa ?r, Augustin?, Macoa, . ' '.?ai!"?--n. ?? p ?t ,i,?i.. si.-per to Tamp? , ' II Ci \!?;?.AI?!; A OHIO RAILWAY. K*.pr..?? 6.0S P M. i _ '?'I' 'H.?h S|e.rm? ?nd Dlnlns ?v-s , I-.ill OLD POINT lOMPORT an,; NOP.I*OLK via ?-?p? ?hartes Hau.- s s M. week-day?, and. with Through .'-.'<I ?i. s r- M. dally, FO-| ATLANTIC ?'ITV I..VI P. M. w??k-d-i>a. Tr.r >u?h ??< l'a.ior r*r sad ?"...?. h. '??.': ''S'?|- m? v 1 (a, p y meett-Atyt, r r Long Branch, Aebarjr l'nrk 0..,n r'rrive and Point Pleasant, 5.M s. m.. 12 io S.40 3.10 ?nd 11*?1 P M , .w??N d??-?. Runda ira i."..:r .???',rv I'iirk and O???? (?rr>\r) ?' |8 A SI VIS P ?' ron ci;n, sriiion \ ?i s? 7??> g ?.an n ?.so m, penn** r.-.ntrdi. io io rntv Ing Car) il a M., i? i 2 in .1 :i '.? ?n?n!ng ?"->-> ? - tn iDlnlng .???,? .-. ?ninin.- r?r) ?i 7 .'.<? ? f? t? M. 12 1". B'eh? Blindar?, o Is ?? aV? f? n 1?? ?l?i Limited), 10 A M 2 'Dining Car). 3.S0 iDinln? Car?. 4 4.S0 mining ? ?ri 5 IDinln? ''?r? ''? "4*. ?a. r? I? M. 12 is nlghr Ti'-kef Ottlcee' No* >'"!. ;.?i )!!??; ):??_?? m ?rd 2*. nreonermv. I ?et - H? ras? nnd ??ont of l?..?!r.-a?ea ,in4 f* "?.-.ndl Streets, 4 four! -???.' ???'t Pttltoa ??r?'? ?a) Rroadwny. snd Br ?'.:?- irr.-n s?a-ion. fo.?r of Ful to? Street Rrocklyn; Harlca J?V*es City. The New-T?-rl? T-1- -f?r ?? c ;.,!,-? ?rill call for and rh.'.'k I, ccru.-cg? f-o?a borel? ? ? .s through to .?..?tinat'in I M rnrrv. ist. .r rt ?,vonn. " naeer. f, >n?ril Vtetft A??*?? CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW-JERSEY. i Anil r? .,? ii o aaanl .?? i?*i\?i> i K air rrncka Auiomati lllork Illaa?ta OS AND AKTI l; I?!'?- JD. IBM, Tra?na leeve Biatlon foot of i.,!-ertv-?i. F - V.ttten lleihlehem, <;?..? ?e-n Mauch ?'ivink. *c. ? :.1??. 7:13 SrlO 11:49 ro Baatnni A M 1!?'. 1 J? ?4 Od 10 Kaaton). 4 "?> :, t:,. 7;:m l? Alt?rnt?*?r? I' SI. ??unda)?. a ."?? ?7 1.1 ? Rast, ..?. A. M. I ?a? 5 I" ?'.<?? V. l*J r-?-.r \S':p...?i'. ... Ptttaton and (V-ranton, S:1S a. M. I -in i-.-:?>. 4 .1 ? i? M ?iindav?, i'??> A M ' - V.. ,1- .' 4 .".'C ?? ?a? ?i !?? )?.?*> ll-fca) A. M. MS. I'SO i-m? .-, ?xi, :. 1.1 7 :?? P M 121.", rial.', ?-?indavs -: " i i M 1 .?> I "<> ?"?.?<.c >: '?> !? M. 12 II night. !*>r lf.rrl?'air. ;.? I 5*0 ? 00 !? H? A. If. '?a? :. :?? I? ?I. 12:13 n?.i-i?r. ''.. " M 12:1.1 I For Sunhurr Le? (burg, end Willlnmaport ?t 4:S8 *;??. r?:i't a m : io t 10, 7 ?:?. P M Suadajr* *-no v M f I., ? ? .,, ? p'? a,.;"- ? . p.-nt - ?. -,, ? m ? -.o im .?m ?.? n^d 4 l? l'O t ?-. " 'f ?SJSjd 'a ?v?pt 0^?A? :- ? ar.| Aa . ? ? '? '. '?? ? ?' ? "O P. M. FOR LAKEWOOD, 4 M ?? ,-, A Ml ?",. I 4?. 4 M r M. r ir Pnrmincl ,:? Von, River. Barnegai Park and Bar negaf. 4 .Ta S'U A. M I ?'. 4 4?? P si For Atlai \'..n-:.,nl ?nd Hri'lt;.''^n. 4"!0 A. M.. i ?' r m F ? M TTvir!. I'..>.i,-h Seabrighl and Highlands o( Kaa-saXnl '" ? 13 H ?>?-? A M 11'1 t?1. 4:13. 4:4S ROYAL BLUE LINE. TO PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE AND WASHIS'I ION. Foe 1 -.?? k day?, 4:30 ?no jm 10 00. 11 ?* rDlntng Or? A M., 1 ??, ?'',;::'?. 4;'?? ? Puffet Parlir < '.ii :. ,. : i ' , 6 DO 1-10, * ?'? P. M . 12 13 -? ? i '? ?itou, II ..?? '1'ln'n? >'ar) A. M.. I**?, .", ?a? llUnlr.g an ?'<"> I? M H:13 nigh?. For Rail ? ? ? ind Waal ngi n, ?reek l-ivs. ?-O?. II-SS ? -. ? .?? 4 M 1 SB -1 SO Vm? il??n!n? Tar?. ?I/O P. M. 15:13 Blghl .'inlr.'. f? ?St. 11 rgl ?p-n-n* C?r) A M I ?J .. i?. .!?:? .?:.? ? 'i-i ?'.?>? IV M 12;13 ?Igtlt T ? ??? ?nd -.--i .?-. r l... pwured ?I IIS. 172. ttl. 41 ?-i? l it.? i '.':! Broadwa? ?S7 St h-ave., 51 Bari I'M ; .- ..??-? ^?'i \V?"'t 121"? ??.. 2*) ?*o i .,.,. .,.., \ a?-Vo. k; 4 c ?ir' ?? . *.'? ? !':'r n it . Prvik ?? -s Rr id? i\ '? in Tb? N'??-V-?-i< Tr?n?fsf c -r- in? 1*11 ' ! Ii" 1? ': a ?t'ai?? fr ,ro hj'.el of -??In. LEHIG?I VALLEY RAILROAD. Sliitlous ion, of I ?trilaiKli mm llesliross?-* *ts. 7;???) ?.. it. .a i) tor HAUCH ? Ht N't* aad ?am???disi? S:Vr?".4. >l. dally .' r ?'.UN i.'.'A. II? ?? HKS'Tl'Jl. BCf? KAl.fc NIAOARA PALLS, SL'SPKNSION BRIDOE. ani th? ssvat, ,ir..| prinripai aril I a i. | ,;nts, t? Kiiapenal.^n Hildg.-. i'ullinan \'ea'i^,ul? .-????I ?r t, ?'nuago. I I ill) .4. It. ?1 ail?.- f, r MAl'i'H CMVMK and Interns? dlat? pointa i' nn.?' tlona for llnadlng and Hnrrlahur* I ??Mi 1? 11. laity, exo-it Sundar, lo* EXMIRA and all Intermed?ate ??..', n? e nnecttoaa for I'oitsville and Hesd i.tik. rh?ir-cer I? sviu?ah?rre. Ill?) I?. M. lallV. . a?"i?' Sundar. f??r 1^ and P. JI'NC T!. IK ind principal Intermediate ?ration?, l'ullman I uffet parlor-car ?? VVllk-sbarre; nn? ? Ion? ' ? PottevUI?. Il20 I?. N. dull) -?'?-.' S??l '.??>-. '. ?r r-iK'TIl PLAIN? '?'?. : '. , ? ?? I'.II ? fit!.*! I?. M '. ' ? r I'.SST ?N . ni irrernTdlat? ??a?l?-a ??Uli? P. M. ' ?- for I'.' !'FA'.?> KIAOARA FALLS, ,. . i? West. Pu Im in - ' tra?a Kew-Y r' to ? ?. ? - ?"!??- ? P Itslo ?ad T r H ?: .' nri?.t, n? ' ? !'? ? '. ' ? ?nd Marrlaburg. ?I:.'!?) I? M. :? '? . ? \ - ;'t Sunday, for Boetot ir.d Inter? mnt?no*J M. dally 'r ITHACA OKXEVA "??nKS. T!?T! I" TK ';.??? NIAOARA FALLS I ss-. ?? Pultrna c'?-; .'ra to ?Chicago a-il H'lff?:?. ?Tbatr? ear to WI1 Tlrketa ind Pullman ? n? ?1 S*t*i 2S1, '.'14 an 1 I Tj: ?-.!'. iv 1?:i P??v "l F..-: Ii"?. Bl l'A v,.- ijr.ll SI Me? ' ?? ?... I '? ? -? ? t* .-? ?'. !>t j>- ,.- ?? v?- Snoei It. ictns. N Y. T?-.. ?fee? Y Ti ' ' ?'???'T? r-\%. ? ? - ? . |M .... - ....._ ERIE LENES. .... | I - .. a i .Nn? - . as (olluaa, ?nu Bs? r : . V . : al . ()1 E A. H.-Veetl ?. i api??? fnr \\4verly. II n, .I'lJ I. . .' .4 .....) .?u.a I'artoi .- ' ' ? iJafUl ?'. H. '.,.' . IJmlt? . MM 'rain lor Chl ?.??'III' Lake, arrive? ci????l,u.d ? r. 1? 7 [ ?! S>.-| .ri ??> Chi? un u! Iiiafng i ?r /?..?11 I'. M. . iffsl ' i:*l '<"?? ?rrlv?? ?uffal? t>?ey|| s \: , ' ?' - ; r I?etrolt, B ... ? pa?-?<n*>gi r? can t A. si. D.iC I?. S. Via i'Iuii' ? : 1 ? ?N4.7 lo. Chi I ??inch ci Pining ?.'a 1 1., U. :"Mi: TAPLK TI 'KKTS AN'? I'"!.I.MAN j ... . ?i 111 ?.'?'.? 4.ii ar ; SS* ?Broadvrar, ist IS bars ..t. I W ? - . ferrl??. ?j ., \ ii Rrn klyn: too llu I? en M . Ho I .--) md J? ? ? t. Kri? T? in*'.- ????'?pa-y for . ? 1 .-?ace fr. in luit?:.a and residen,-?? ?tin il - Din... i.ii'isiMt>M ami \\r.vii:it> M. u. Million? In S.??-\?.rL ?if Ho,.1..) and 1 InNii.l.r ?1 . .M'Ia. \ 1?. rim 1.i:i> nuiia. Pl'M.NA*4 m i ti:t 1 irs. piktm 11'. I- :. lie t 1 NK.VAHK HI.? ?< ?MIT ' M S'Tl'LAIR, TUB ORAKOBS, ?Hummlt, 1 *? Basking 11 .? ? MadJi ', M rrtsl nn !'.??-,?. !' '? i?n Dovi HI'!.!' -r I.AKF I. \KK ILS I'.lT'i'N?',. 1!.. krll.l??n :-, II, m,?.. I - SIOI'STAI?. ? ihlngton, PHIt I.IPSBt'Rtl KASTON ss'sTl'R HAIV STROl'l>?lirRO I'.no Mountain! ??TtAJI. TON PITTSTON IVIt.KKSIIARUK VAXTfCOKP. hANVILLR NORTHl'MnKRLANP Mr---- !"\-??. HAMTON ilXFORP M?Kssl??n Waters 's )::?'!ii'ii:!.i' BpR'NOS ? ?rtlan i ?YRactsk ?-? WROO, lilis A. OWErtO KLMtRA, il.RMNO HATH PAHSVILLB iH'KFA?.. ? ar ! ?ill polnr? WKST NORTHWKST AM? SOI'THWRHT 7 lii s M BINOHAMTOM MAIL, SI pa at 1 ?J n? 0:0?i A M Bt'KFALO S?RA\TO\. BINOHAMTOS tTll'A. RP'fPlRLD BPRIKOS SYRACt'St* an1 OSWF.OO RXPRRSS Pullman n?iff?t Parlor i?ar? c n I,.-.! ?it llufTa! . ?itlc train for c'M-ag.?. arrlslng DM a. m n-'i! m .ruing. ion I? M -. i: \NT>'\' RINOH SMTOS ?nd KLM I P. ?. I'\'I'!.::<? P11II1 ? in |?arl.?r cars. id? P M STRANTOS ?l'ILKEBRARRR and PLYM OI'TIl RXPRRr??? Pullman r-'D >r cara. 7 :ui p M .I?.??!?? BvlYalo VestIbuled Limited Kxpr?.? f.r si'I'.sVi'.iv. BINOHAMTOM, ELMIRA, mrr PALO Pullman Ib'Sari i?l???*plng ?'ar. ??.-.nnects at i:,?ff.!!? ?altli nain r?r Chicago st-rtsrtag at !? .1" p. rn. ??StTp H* ?Oalin ttt'WAljn s??ra\t?->s- mkoham? I,,?- iTI-s SYRACUSE nn.l OSSVI-M.i EXPRBtS Pullman BufTel Sl*.|'.?n>. TlfKETS AM? IT!.1.MAN AfVOMMODATIOHS at T5 Mu"..-, ar 111) 4?1.? Hi ?ftdiv.iv T'.-k-t? at f?rrv ?tatlom. 7?V3 an.' ?48 I'r ??'?? 1? 5fj ss. ?1 P.Vh ?t . ?r?% Columbu?? a.?. Ml ? York; BBS .n.l 71'?'. Pultnn-et. and 74 Hr.?:tdway. ti, ,'im Ti,,!? tablee glvtng full information at all ?letlofia WBSII'OYT EXPRESS COMPANY will ca!I fr and 1*. ? ?!. ? Iggage from li.t.l .?r r. sl-l.-n,?.? t,> destinar Ion. WEST SHORE R.R. ? ,Pau- Webl 42,1 .S;. ?Malion. N?*?? ?a, a? loi .1?-. a.ld 13 .ii.iui. ? .urli,.| li'ie loot IranKUll ?t." ?ii'??? t. HI. Dally. I. . ., I Uuttavlo, Uitai \. M. 1 cil) i, r Albany, i ne? Byraeua?, iijvhe?ter. . !??::??. ?, N'lagai? Fall I It, i'I,mij;o. ?llS l?. M. i..i,i> tor Albany. Montreal I 1 ? c >>ra ?a?, K :. ?1er, UutTal . .? . era Falle. To?'ii?.o. DatraSc*. 1 ? ? ? : ind, ? hi? .? ' end M 1 ?? ? na. 7;?"i V. H. I a ?a >i? Huaday, for l'Ile?? Syracuse. Newark, l?. .?!.. atei and 1, BillS P. 11. Hell) r ? Albany, l'ta-a. Byi .,?.-?? R . Iseiier. Buffalo, Niagara Falla, Tottrat ?, Detrolr, i*levelan??. ?'!?'?? < uni ell.l Bl. I. .111*1. For r,. k?-t?. Um? labte?, f l rai ttalna. Barter an?! i'.?ep n k nai a.? ,??,!?.. d?lions apply .,iv , tTi-.?-? Hro./?.:yn and Ne? York, ?nd ?I tall aa Ttia? tail?! at prln???ii?l liotiis. Por other information ?ddreei C. 1". LAMBERT, fieneral Pasi?ng?r Ac?nt. 11 ?il.'l'IMOIlll AM) ?Ulli, It. H. Hull liniiri . \S iimIiIiim,!???, t ii??-i?K?. ' I iiitci ?all. SI. I.011I? ????I All !-...eel? Weal. Pt'LLMAN ? sll SERVICE < 'N ALL TRAINS? Leave Nee Voie. fo..t ol I.,i?ii. st-, dallJ 1 ? ?Ml? A'??-?. 1 .;<? e. m. .,ni I.':IS nlglit. For PU'TSHI RO. 1 '" I'- *??? U.18 n'gl'i. I'" ' IN INNATI, ST IXlt'IS, ?M) a n?.. ?j.??? p m P01 vvahhinoton, Baltimore, s-t? ?. m. illM a. ?n. Pining ? i?, i :i?? i3:SS p. m <?%. sundayi. .?.il? p. m liliimg ii.ii. d;?a> p, m . U:?f nlKlit. -?.II tram? mil data) > ?.-?-pi 37'?? |>. in. For NORFOLK 11 <?? ?1. m. dally, l:>0 1? m. ?rt Sunday. I'.?r M'.W ORLEANS, ?la Roauok?, Bririol and i?:?aiu* n? through Pulliaaa s?!.-.-,.1 hk ?Car. 6-OS 1?. ss. d.uly Train'? lllumlnaied with l'int?i?)i Itg'ni. ..... Ticket n.l )72 ?01. 413. 1.14?? ndmr.-sy. 31 Ksat 1411? S' . IST Hov-ry. \ s ;:n ;l :?? Plsll? n tt.. Hr??K |. n ; Stall? ?? f ?..! of Liberty St.. C K. R et M. ?T. V,W.T.,!< Ti.i!i?f. r (?.. ?-ill ?all f,??' and check ivagsag* from hoi.l 01 rvsldenc? to destlnatloiV