Newspaper Page Text
^-rs_c?a you i ?y y-17.644. NEW-YORK. THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 18?5.-TWELVE PAGES. PRICE THREE CEilTa NEW-CHWAVG U?PTURED. A DESPERATE STREET EIGHT. THK CBOCB8E ROUTED AFTER A THIR? TKF.S HOURS' BATTLE. THKT l.Oi-r 1 ??<-.> Kil.I.L.!? ANO WOUNDED, ?Too PRISON K H S AND ORNAT QUANTITIES OP AV.MS AMD AMMt NITION -Tin: .1 AI'ANICriK I/1SS AMOV? 2?s. MKN?FiOHTlNO LAITND PNOM 10 A M. I'N'TII, 11 !'. H JAPAN'fl BKOONH ARMY AD VAN.-lv, <i\ Mor*-'.i-\. I.'.ndon. March r>..- The T-'ki,, correspondent r>| Ihe Central News says thai ;i dispatch from General Nodzu, dated al Hal-Chang yesterday, Klve(4 this Information: Aa arranged the armyattackedold N w-Chwang yesterday The fighting ! gan .'it 10 o'clock In Che Bownlng. Both divisions had enterad tin city by noon. Part of ill?1 enemy had fled lo Tlr.K-Kao, but the preiner part atlll occupied Ihe houses and streets and obstinately resisted th? Japanese troops. The street llphtlriK Waa desperate, but the Japanese won the;: way gradually street by street until by il o'cl? k ... Jie evenin?; they had completely routed the enerny. The CMnesre lefl behind 1.8M killed and Wounded, 6<"n? prisoners, ? Ighteen guns and great quantities of rides, ammunition, banner?* and provisions. Dm Japanese loss was aomewhai ?b iy< MO killed and wounded. Washington, March 8. Secretary Herbert has received a cable message from Commander Em? ory- of the Petrel, dated New-Chwa ?.?- March 6. ptatlnc that the Japanese commanding --eneru! has ?riven notice to foreigners of lis intention to oc'upy that port at once. The ivtrr'. and a British warship have been ft? tee In at New* Chwans; since fa!!. Thev ar?* al?ie ?.,. take cars of ali thp fore!?*!: ;rs In the settlement. Recent pho'oprap?ia received fr,-m Commander Emor* show the two vessels, less than 109 yards apart. Inclosed In nnid do Us cut in the rivei banks and a urrour.ueil by earthworks? <>f sul!VI-!it stl to make them almost Impregnable. Inside the ?wo? 1:s there Is room for severa, hur.dnd refugreea and the ?runs of the ships sweeji the land in all dlrec".~r.s. Each masthead of the Iwo v? ":. Is f- rnamsnted with hip. pin? ouahes !n honor of Christmas Day. when the pictures w? r? taken. ofll'-iais at the Japanese uegatlon said I - iy that there was no prospect of furthei trouble In the peace negotlatloni on aec uni mode of Li H'ing Chang's passage to Japan, whicli the Japanese will prescrlb? I' ea plained that It ^ould hardly be exr>*>-:.*d that a Colnese warship containing the rea?'- envoy would be allowed to eater a Japanesa port, and a paaseu?er atesuner flying the Chines? dag would ale > b? obja :tlonable or, account of the embarr-B-ssixieii: which might ??? caused ; tsotlng her offiotfs and ?rsrew in a hostile p-Tt. The Viceroy ?ill be transferred from th ?pe*??* paassnger ateamar in which he left Ti-n Tsl:i yesterday to a .Tapar!?-??? i Ifr. Pathlck. who atrcompanlea LI Hung Cl as an Interpr?ter, la an American who weni I China about thirty -reara a-o to enter a m_-can tl.o establishment He waa subsequently Vlce Ci>n?nil of the United Hutes at Tlen-Tp'.n. and for tw-sty yean- haa been ?n the uorvlce of the Vt~erv?. wli'r, whom he la said to b<- on more In? timate terrns t-*ar. in any other f-ir? ?rrier. lir speaks CfchMSB fiuerfiy. Tjomion, March I*?A dispateh to "The V\.) Mali Cazette" from Yokohama Bays that on March 2 th?* Japanea? Second Army occupied <\n-r?horg:-H'-n, on the MoUkden road, without opposition. A Central Net*-!, dlspat'-h from Tcklo saya that General Kathitra r<-r;or'!- fn-rn Anaanti?-n. under the date of March 2. a?? t'?:in*-vs: My division had Intended thin mornim; to at? tack the enemy, wh?. was -meaanped near our front, but be retreated during the nlftht. We lmmedlatelv set ,,ut in pursuit and occuple ; .V, santien temporarily. The enemy has retreated to Shahochr-n. and 1 am following him. A Central News dispatch fr-,m Peking sa>'s that friends of Li Hun?* Chang have forwarded (, !-.>ni..r!a! to the Bmpsroi i'clarlrifr that Li llunu Chang was not at all unprepared condition of China to engage In th? ?war with Japan. The memorial asserta that th* president of the Hoard of Reven?ie, who la ala i the Kmp3r?-r's tutor. is the man to blame. POUOHT TO HAVE CROP.-?. gll-NOARIAS PEASANTS CUT A CANA I. DIKI* AFTER A HOT BaTTT?B WITH A bAND 00_ PANTM k.mi'I/>v?:s Uudapeat, March C -The Temesvar district has ?been threatened for several days with floods from the awollen waterways. The peasants held meet? ings to conalder mear.s <?f aavtng their crops, and flnal'.y -"?-elded to cut the dikes of the Hei?a Canal, ''.hua turning the water Into the t'-rritory of a J-toyal l>utch company, which ?>wna much lend and thousand? of cattle in the district Tha ocanpany ??as forewarr.t-d. It ?x>stel a f'.r?-e nt Its em ?ployes at the point irh?!?. th?* peasant? planne?! to open the dike, and instructed them to drive *rt every BM who attempted to approach the The peasaata atta,jk*-d the employes with scythe? and clubs, dispersed them after a h< pea?i oi nun hi* ,;. .mmniern aarii;?;r. in?* Ci m bany claims heavy datna-re? from the Qovemmen! tTha Ministrie* of the Interior ?nd Aarlcultnr? Will Inras'Urata the matter. MSQRAllTOX 1IAXK IMTMMTTBATIOM. Albany. March 1?Coneanilng the Ir.veBtliratloii Into the datai cat loi. af l'ra?-)- r Margaa, trsBsarsr of the Cheranrr?) Valley Savlnirs I!atik, ?>f R!n?r hamton, Qovernor Morton stated to-day that the who.'e snbjeet was nr.der revlen- In th-? State Bank? ing Department and the Attorney?Oeneral'a offlr-.?, and it Is expected that a oonchi??.!i will i-*- reached in a few day? aa to th?? designation of b deputy Attorney-Oenerai tu preae.-it the evidence to tr.t n??t Broom-. County Grand Jury it u underatooJ _rB?\JMstrtet-Attorney Paint,-!' has stat'-i thai he would not objer-; to the ;? pp.. n I men t ??f 4V>un?-4-i to have*?e of th?? .<.**,.?. Attorney-Oen era? Haaeock will consider the ---.ilij.-ct pereonally on MB return to this city to-morrow. Kisitop thou as, or BAMMA8, DTIMO. Salina, Kan., March 6.~The Right Rev. Klisha 8. Thorria-i. Bishop of Kansus. Is lying at th? point of death at S?.. John's Mi'lt-.ry S-i??,i i? th's -ity P?r twelve hours he has te.m uaooasekMM. Whtls at Eleworth .Sunday m a riflttatl W, he was taken sud* fleniy ill with intestinal troubles. He emu* to Salins Monday and dur-lr-j- the day was ai*a!n stricken in the ?an:- manner -.??? TtF.ATU OF A OYVST -MRIBOE." Htu-tford. OBBUk, March (, "ITlnee" WSUama, the beat-kr.own gypsy !n tliis counrry. who waa reputed to he the head irt the Raoaanya In the i.'nlted ?tates. dlod at hla home In Bast Hartford Ian" n'.irht Br.ifni'a disease Williams uas Irorn in Doveah Boira, Enu?and. in _BX When h*- was sixteen y?-ars o?d h? marrlt-d a nit I who was fourteen. The "prince" haa made many toura with hla plcturesqus Wagona an<i was a BOtBd Jud?;e of h<>r??.f!e,ji i>i:xiai.s TMOM OBICAOO oas mf..\. Chicago, Man-li a.?A statement app<ar<*'l 4n a ?rlHadtibjBjia pa; et t_a BBornlng ti.e.t B. <:. iu*ne ???ct, of Xew-Vc.-k, who li<4s l?e??!i oaM ?f t!>*- <'hi ?-*>?ra ?"?as Truat triumvirate; Charlea T. Yt-rkes, the t-'Mca+t-o s-tr?i t ra.iw u man. and Co"uaabUB R. Cum* m**.t;j, another ChleagB '?as manager, im.w on the ?'i'-aide, wore prepSNd to us?! their Influence anl ?noney to promote the new Ogden I -?o Cornaany, wa ordinance for which tin* .,.-,,? i?*ad?-ration is try t? have declared HI-.?ral. Mr Cumnitnga said n.*-- -?? ?:*? n,>t 'f'ten-sted I.*? tne new company, &___) h" Malnst It on principle. H? b hV\-? ! nut^T-^ b*,?n ?'r*ouKh ra? ?v,-,???..*-.],??. ,Mt ,,.. thf. M_.IV. ? ,il' ?''''?i0 ,r> t-iy '-?r. il- na:? ..rt...,; ; r uSi\T*""^ *???'* Bensdlct that neither wss Inter aaaj in the Ogden company, so far aa he anew (CUAN INSCRtil NTS BEATES AOAIS. A ?BAND DISPKRREn ?,V THK OITANTANAMO TROOPtl AND SEVERAL OF THIN) WOUNDED, Havana, March >'. -Tl.? (luantanamo in???!,*? iiav?. n'.t.'irkcii and dispersed h ban?] <?r Insurgents under I'rrez I'.rooks a: 1.1:7,0. Sevrai of tho ir.aiirc<?nt?a ss-.-r?. sv(.Hii?kil. Th.? triKips captured ail their anna, ammunition, ?t??. Tke province? ?>f ?Puerto ?Prin? cipe, Matanzas. Pinar, R! 1 and Havana ar?> .?uiet. Alfredo and Arani ?. of Matagae's ?band, have sur? rend.r-i ?.?. the authorities r?t Rodaa The mayor 1 ?if thai lpi-nll'v report that Mat?g?S'? band con plats of i?>fi men, in.-nr of whom ?rere Impressed into the servie? of the bandit, Madrid, March ?V-Se?or AbanmtA, Minister of lh? Colonies, roa?! to the Chamber to-day a hill pro? viding .m unlimited en-lit for th.. Mmpalfii In Cuba. The ?jtovernor-Ocneral of Cuba has telegraph 1 requesting that reinforcements be aenl llr? tl) to Rnntlaffo, an. they Ik made r?ad>' :? take th' fi. 1 forthwith. The war Ottlc* is pushing :i.-r!v,'.v th..- preparation? ?or :r,. expedition. There ;? re? markable enthu?la*m 'ri military circle?. Detach ment? from all parrlaon* an mustering rapidly .1: Santander, Cadiz, Corunna and liarcelona, They -,??!:' nmbark ai th* *nd of (he week, Tw 1 mH'.lon carirl'lKes ?si?; l? ? ?.-???l on the ? .- ?. ? r 1 ??. 1 Merced? -. ! il.III.i WOVSBF.n !:Y I WOMAN'. KElafalK FAIRBANKS S?ir,.,rs HER LOVER, A TOUNO REAL ESTATE DEADER, IN' A THIRD AVK. UQt'OR-CTORR. laaac A. Cochran, u y.i'.rrii.- real estate dealer, sva* fn'nlly shot in th? s?. ?:.. ? 00m ?>? Henrj Zim? mer'* liquor-store, Nu. I.ISO Thlrd-ave., laai even Ing b] Beaale Palrbanka, a young aromar who aaya that ah? has been living with him for three rear?. Cochran ?va?? removed t. the I'r??sbyter1an Hospital, where the surgeon* i',??:?. ! thai one bul? let had penetrated the right temple, an?1 anothei ha?l 1? -U-.?' 1 behind th.- rU-?.t .?.?r. Th.-r.- wa mark over the ?.?ft eye a?? If one of th- bullets bad ?merged thera. Jt is Bupp?riaed that the optic tors-, s ?r?r? sev?red, f. r both ?ye* were clos*??! and apparently slghtlesa. Th.- surgeon? said the Injured man could not lis-.- till m ... !'?????..? Fairbanks ssne ? rrr:, I 'ffltnedll it?', y after th, encounter and locked up In th. Baal Sixty? seventh-si. station. 8h? ?vm .? ?.: .?ai and ....i aim >al t 1 i?. \rritd t ? re but r ? Rer? an: I? ran ?he urraiiua l>- unfolded i?i story. Hhe s?i?l that recent?*? ??..chrar? ha i refused r?? pro?.?? ;? her ar.?: hud treated h?r brutally whi . she ,,? - ,?-nl?.i to him for nl?1. It was after he ha?! re? fused h ?ant appeal svhil*. they ?en li the room at ?Simmer's that she Irew the revo?vei shot Mm Th.. nolle? bellev? thai th? rn )ea)ou?y, ?a ?v?i. a.* that of ?rant, Impa'.li 1 th? ?soina:: to h-r fatal act. Regarding himself, '? bran aould ?aj only thai he ss-ais thirl) years o?d a) ; a 1 > , ; ? ?1 .,? ? lealer, ai N ? I Broadway. He ?v* removed 1 the l*r Hos| il as quickly , 1 ?earned that h? 1.1 ist So '? levenlh-st. !'?? ?le call? : .. Olli. ? ?? ? U : - 1? ?it? but ss r ? r?r ? :- ?n ? r k si.?.- lid It s, ? ?:. * ?-s. . r.r .- ih? 1 ;? ?: !? el to .. N . 401 Br > 1 .w ???. th? y went to Fifty-*.?.-?'. : *?. m l i?lxth- is ? ir..? as. a 1 then -.? ? I ? ? - ?t. Prom ? ?'? ???'./ where lh ? f.?; .. n? ? ? v. horn I. ? 11? item ens of Mr. to ?a ' th?? | 1?:. ar? mor? ai >'.: this t?h Is ". .:",'..??. ? Yorks : . ? ? ? .1 SEFLI I"' SO IS .1 CELLAR. IT IS THOUGHT TO HAV1 BO IE ?r*ONXE?TTl ?S "?'? : M A M! !"'.'i; ' t TKAR s?.?> Ths sk il! fo .r I In ) ?? ir of No 159 \". -t Forty-BJtth-s!. at t o'e'o?ic last 1 :? ? . 11 ...),;>? to be 1 of Susie M irtln. a hi r ago In the bas? m nt 01 So H" ?A'< ? ? ? ? The n . has ? s lent); been bolle?! at som? ll It I was found ?/rapped In som? ??: I ten ??? bava I.?? n mad OH an Ironing boar?! and p I of a plaid Jucket which answer ttif deacrlpilon ?.: I tha: worn by Smie Martin wnen ?hn .llaiii g ,,?? The bundl? waa round bchlnl the Bete icir t?se ,?1 I of a <?oa: chute leading from th- *?,r? <-t. and the ! Janitor who .'.,'tiul it sala It may h.iv ? ;,i -i th? re for ??-er a year. The skull an.i clothing ? 1 th '' Porty-aeventh-at ?tutinn. The JHillr?. thoiiuht at flrat th?' t?i<? ak-il! wa* a medical ?peclroen, I 11 |..-t< live? Barret! and Thompson ar?- now working on ta. IDE EIRE RECORD. F1..\Mi:n CAt'SE A DAMAOE <?!?* ?7 ... Shortly before M O'clock s.s:.-: ??;,,? ::, flan.?-? wi-r-- k.? ?. laaulng from th* top ti?,,?r ,f th* ??uildliii? une I 1.? an <,fh.-.. I,y ?). -k? Mr,.! . , . lh? pxtenr-lve liiniti?-r mi-r.-hant? of Roalyn, I., i iiimhiT yarda ?belonging to th?- iirm ss.r. . the building aaed as an office, and ?Mon thi burned from th?- offici id caught on t,, the lumber. An alarm ?sa- sounded and II.m ploy?? of th?- firm, numbering about si tO h?-lp th?. flrerii. r, put OUt rli. ?I.ijn. ! burned rapMly, however, and aided by a 1 I BoutlMasterly wind, spread all ov?r the sari. The yards w? re ir th? heart of th< waa on aach ild? o( R lyn ?'i-i; Th? lum? ber yarda wore i??......-. ?tocl 1 wit! ... her nn?l thi, waa all burn? I, Th? linn 1 ? ?,,., ? ?? I of John B. Hick? and Roben Hick? The :i: ? \?.. * not put out until the ss li?,;.- \ar 1 ha 1 been i ? Tho losa Im estimated at *,.',???" Thl? la ?.? rlj covered by Insurant*?, Whal mj ' pi ->'. a? 1 here ? as no 0 of tin- building y?.h. r. th? fiai ?red Theo . re B? n '. ? e rh.- drat to se? th?> r?an th?- alarm. caused the tlr?- i? n m- In the ?i?pel pari ... ? ? I the employ?e, ss.i? an?! it waa ?," who gave NINE BUILDINaa BURNED, Milan. M?>.. March I Th? buildings, ragli ?? hon*.- and shaft of the Loc ist \ .die?- coal tnln? w?-r?- destroyed by Or? last n!i*hi Loss I?.'..??a?. little Insurant ? limit OB BBIXO BVXTBn i:v tuf POIICB. ?PhUaatolpbla, March ?'. "Jimmy" ?Laogue, the n?. torious burglar, who Is suspected of having ??, ?r derad hi.-? wif? Johanna at their home, Nu ?:?-? N'ortli Eleventh-?*., In this city, a ?i ?sen year? ago, aurrandered himself to Coroner Aahbrldge laal nipht. In (?ct'.h.r last the skeleton of ,? vornan iras four.i beneath the B001 ol the klttrhen at that house. A handkerchief was tightly tied arou r. k. Which IpdlCaUd that th? woman tauj been ??.tranir'?"!. A? a-aOgue'B wlf? bad suddenly ?i: .?;? ;...-ar?-1 a number of years ? ?r?1. and .? - Logue had not ???"'?n aeen since being released from the Es em Penitentiary f? ur yeai ? bi ? aft? r im ?.?rit?.." <? foi burg?ary, tne i???n?"- Iwllev? I thai the man had murdered his wlf? and t.v..? the ? .. ' ?? wa? thai of Mr?. U?i?up. Th- latter Iheor* was streagthened by th? Inscription "1 L. w L, I.' ?.?i ?1 ring which wa? fmn?! on one of the Angers of the -k'-l-ron. ..n ?h? Inscription wai pai 1 worn away, It was presume?! that ihe "1 1. at ?me tlm? "J. I-." ?and thi Initia of i. ??? an?! I? spo 1? Since thi An ling of the ik< let n the i li of this an I othe) eltl s have mi iei ?.',??:, for the suspecte?! m .1 1er? r. h .- sslthoin . ..., ... i?,.?;?!,. ?renl lo C n ?m 1 Aslibr.dKe ?art night, and, ss ring that h? ?rai llr? I of tu Ing hunD?? down, surrendered him?? If ? , Thl? aft. m.1 leoaue ' ?Id a Ion? si >ry of in ? wanderings since he lefl this ??"? l'- ?'? "'"1 ' ?'' he li?! n it know aha I 1 ? - ?? ?? ? ' ' a short time .-1?.,. wh< a tie. m? t In * I ;>'?'-: man wh . ha : rormarly .. -1 ?' ' ' ??"?"? ,"",n him. l?ogu? aay? h? ""?' ?harfted with havlnp ?inlered hla ss.*v. snd thai ie returned here as 1 1 ??? h? ? '??? earn ? 1" 'leni mean?. Leo?gi.rr? r. I n ?aplanatl 't??li found In hi ? fo) :,. ,r abo '?? ? IKOISLATVBB. The atorm that has lieon hrowlr.K In the le-K.Hlatiit" aver aim BI.AORBUARDIBM TR * Llttl? Ko?k. Ark.. March ''? been i?n?wt:,K In the laeglalatur? ever since thi Iron Mountain Hailroad a tret k ago defeated the i?ill for th<- .?Htal/llBhm-nt of a Kailsvay Commlaalon In thl* Btat? broke ??ut thi? iift-n??'??'.. when ? re nlutlon tv?aa -.ft-r-d in th.- il..(iy?- to eject ?from th- hall the repr?a?ntatlve? ??f ir?ew?pap?ri lhal i?;?'i ?fritlcl? . . .. ......... .1 . 1 epr???n th- Mtlon of the Letglalatura. Roprt roe, of North Llttl? It"? k, rlMm* 1 p rnonal privilege, ?l. noun? ?l ? ; him "lotr and entails ?i ? a ., ..-*',??r, of rnor ?'lark-. ? all tVhen th* Rallron 1 um him "lUr and rascal." When in; '?'.'V Commlaalon tun waa Brat offered In the I.-?ii' ?" it waa favored hv a larg* majority rh? "?? Mountain Rallroavj eatabllshed a li??? and Inflti ??titlal hi.r. ...w? ?rtnan th.? !,1!1 iitll- 111' !"l' utiai lobby h-re. and wiien th Al a?! |??^a.c|-f || ?y?? d'f-.T..d. Th t?cularly ?Th.- Comm?rclal?App? T?-iiii.. Intlmat?*d that bribery ha?! bill came up WBpap?'! ^. par 1 0f Memphis, been use L ''"??' !. ?.?>???.. ,iniiiiai?a mat oriDery na?i n?-??? ?.-" ??? ??"? .?rnor ?Mark... In an ':?'? rvtew ?,,t.r>..r?. ! th! > !? "i ? of iirtt?<?ry. L??t evening Rrprv?-'' rit:it?v?*? Monr??? ? " '?? 1 ? the 1 ?.v..-. ,, ,,1,1 w ss ..el-' -1 fi. r, ? oftlee. Th??reu?,on Monroa mad?- his attack ??t> th? .rnor to-day, There 1? a feeling that Governor ?'lnrk-r win resent Umroe'i attack in a declBlve way. ?-at? - XIV ir SD1XA J. rights Ian TilF. WRATBRR BVRRA V The ra?('-al ltKhtr* on lop of tin- W'.atli, r Uun-au'' rr.-ss- ?, In th.- tow?r of the Manhattan Uf? ! Iman-ari?-?' ?Coanpany'B bulldlnn:, at N'?>. M Hr??:i'? j way, wen- for tli.- tlrat tlm- In^t nielit ? Th?r? ar? two m-i,?-*. of 10 an? lamp.? ? Of -i'.'??" ' '-an?)>-??,sv?T. Th??y .-an lie eo.-n for mil. S, ?n.?! Will ! !??? ?''-?; to !r.': at- ?xpactad ohanges af ?/ atker .-;.Tk-ant I" . with a numl???r of guesi . mad? rs trip last :. ;h to Rtnten l?!.a.nd to t.-.-if rho pane Dative pois. 1 of the nevr llffht?. A. E. CHI80LM ?* (it. WON THE St IT. TUP. ACTION OP MOBRfl P. PROtTT AOAINBTT THEM DISMISS*",!) I ? ). ? < i:i ; IT WNNT TO rill'. .Hit v Tue action brought by Mooes P. Proal a*-aln?t the#flrn* ,-f A. R. Chlsoltn ? Co., ?,r.jk? rt?, of th.a city, to r-TuviT JIJ.MHi. after bavin?; lieen on trial during th.- present areek before Judge Bl wer and a jury a: the Circu? I i'mir! in Brooklyn, *U termi? nated yeaterday afternoon opon th,- motion of the defendant's coini"?*! hy a dismissal n' the ?? ?rr?;?l.i 1 rir upon the ground th it th,-r?- waa nol evidence of fraud sufficient to lake the <-n*?e t,, me jury upon Hi" plaintiffs own sh iwlng. It appeared thai for a period <>f aboul two years, beginning In the spring ol UM, Mr, profit, who la an ex-policeman of \, ar-York City, and had become p.*--,.-??..,! by Inheritance of a large fortune from hia uncle, began apeculatiaa in at cka upon a margin with the Brm of A. I: Chlso.m &? Co., who wer? ikera upon the Consolidated Stock BxcMange of th eitjr. !.. lealinga extended over a period of ta ? year?, in which time Mr, Proul depoalt? I i ..i.-.i i of 'i:.-.?- with the ?I? ? man i '!'h - waa ahaoi.... I by th ? i .:it, ? .i. ??! emhraci i \ ery '? ir^* 1! Ml- ? Im A Co. ued Pmw In New?"i -rk City for the I -, ?pan th Ir a runt, a het -up in l'i .'it this action in Kins;* t'onnty to re? - i,r the amount of mar?-;!! w .. be had paid :?< ihe in k :-. A great masa ?f tollmen) aras taken aa to the , ual ?m of br kera an?! aa lo in? course of upon th? '',:?.:?. lated l-"i change, bul at oat of th? teatlmony th.- i'.urt dlsmlaeed the ? -mp'.alni on th? around i bal I "?:??? aas no proof of frau ! The plaintiff waa represent?*! b) flllberl II Craw? for?! and K i \ ?r?! M Shepard, and the defendanta by G ? ,. Putnam ? snd Pr? lerlc A Ward. FREEHOLDERS ("ME TO BLOWS. l-is?;i: \? i:i--i I. PIOHI IN THB MIUDLRCRX N J., i .-IN! v rt.gRK'S .-ri 1--K A dlr-ai icel oocurred In lh? Ml I llesea ?'?i.- office, in Kew-Brunawlck. at ?? i yesterda) afternoon. The combatant? were !" itdsra i-..v, i McCI she- and frank Milv.-y. Th.- m ,- I? am? Involred in an .?rgumei-.t over the of the I. ina ry - ' imral ? ? ' tl ? loard of Freehold! I! |lng that M .,,*k*-> had Interfered n th? former*? pri I taklns county lun?tica i i Btati tayham i renton, for which a t.f lit li .re?! Mr. ?y ?truck McCloekey ?. knocking Urn dawn and Inflicting a .-???ver. mi The ta . men llti ieJ tnd fou?hI for : tea 'I ? ?? ??? ?? ?? ,ii-. ?r.arated by the Interv. Bui a I ; rurman ai I a?* ? : iti and Clerk'? M , ; -k? v latei iwon it ? t of atro* . . ? ..... . . ! r he re I ba ? ? ?? : im .i for a RHONE GLASS l\ III ?i FOOD. A v.M.i- MH :: -:? ?:? ON -:. "\ KB in MI ? , , c - HKNi il PII? ?W K II UED i; >. March 4.?1 the i Khi to the M , . ? ? ... t K ? ?en lu her In foo ... ? . ? \- y, but . - ? Is weak f roi t. not ... t prize y est il - was ? . .... .,i w :..?.*? . given 1 B charge of t h? they all Detroit In i of ?u kne?? m the si Km. . ? it ii ... > i.!. ; la ?a .-?-.? the he?I -f her rlaaa n tn< Bui ?he w.?? n?.' ahlpped In th? era ha! uaaally ?an,?? her. Th? broken glaaa ?a? ; the trate marke.1 with her itaiue // \ ?liol V'.YM MINERS 'O I A STRIKE I*? Till PT1 I ?Al I I n II T P -It in: e.-?-.: ma r. L'nl ntown, Penn., Mai ? ?Th? minera of ". fourth an i flfth ; Moi aahi la River ? ?? ?m rat?- AH work i? ,. the) will ?rrai No ti I ?report ,? ??. ill Mr >thi re, ? ' Payetta ? it, offer. i '?? ' imari !n?t. hut lha fT 1 w :. ? ! ' I--- rs. Ma ? Th? atrtke of tarn ?? aa n, ?? ? ? u - Uric! facl At th? beglm i of the Ulnei .:.'??! re I with lb? opera! ?el i : ? ? report, I he ? I ' fes ir? .?? a i tion it*. ?? i v ih<* opera! thai j m m <>f n ra and opi ralor b h? id In I'lttaburK neat .... n !..\ Thla waa th? i pi rt) the ??peral r?. ? ? report that I ? mimns coal The r? i ?..? th? rot? I . ? ? ? n to bohl a I del gat. ?a.? ?apll *lt'y ry oui ihe atrtke order I ?ued by IkIiL In COSTES, FRED DOCOLASWS WILL OP THE 1 RAP van THINK THEM! i'\tiikh V. ,< - Kill 1.1 IMMTN'M? IIV HIS LAST WIPN Rochester, *. V . March I Annsuaeemeni :-maije thai lh? heira : Frederick Doaglaea Intend to com t hi nd thai the legal pre ee?llnga in the mallei will ahorl Instituted in this crlty. Mr i ? .-i.-i.i- had been married twice, and the chil? dren by the fin?! wife. i.,?i< li i?n.i Charles It. 1. . ., la .-, are namnl aa the contentants i v ? ir a-rn ihe estate waa ?rallied ..? naa.saa Kver alnce Mr ' ?.,,,..,., there hi? hi ? n i la. i; ,,- harmon) h iween lh? bob and Mrs. Dos iw Home llttl? lim? befor? hla death Mr. Douglass ; ? real ? ist? lo bis n If? al IN dar II II. where Ihe 1 red. It Is stat? I that at nig of i ay. The , ...,?, ..m iii..i Mra Douglas?, who la a wh ie woman, and formerly lived al n meoye, ?i ..n undue Influ? n. -? b i st t b< Ir fai hei and p< r? uad? i him to di? i In . ?-? i. i il,, :n Though no petition f?w lh? pi bata ol lh. w.?i haa i.n -:,,,.? H ? stated thai Usa i-, m ? will have little ?,r nothing i omlng to them from i.1;, ...... Resid? . the sons and the arWow, tha i. of Mr. Douglsss sre Mrs. it. Douglass .... daughter; Mb ? f: tell? and li.irriet . i a ph i! Do ig.aas, r?n, of \', ash - ion, I - I'., mid I. -w ?? N -? ? ? i' ?' '????? it.I??r?f| lawyer ol this city, aaya he i- hound to n ? by ail partita, snd an . ffori v? ill hi ihe ? late oui of court li . . ild bj thoae who are familiar with the ,!-> ma m lia- famil) thai there baa n ,if forced neutrality between th?* for year? A* long sgo as 1-'..-. n la ? tali I, Ml ?Mug?as? h ?tan to gel j. e? ?. ?.- h i husband's real estate. Mr Las, tvho , : lo L- Mr I ? i . .... !?: lu lh ? city, ?v,. relieved of all responsibility aboul eighteen months ago, and ?i thai time, it i? understood, ,*,i! of ihe |.r?,[,.-!-iv i!, thla city had been trans* ferr?*?l lo Mr'a wife when the ksody was -'. fil ' tl ity Mrs Doug-tana wore no mourn in,, and ?ii,. fac? u,r. mad? th?- aubjeel ol much comment, 8XOI,AXtra AX8WER T" RRWFOVMOLARD. Bt John's, N. F., March B (Bpedal). Tas Govern iii.m recently reuuested th>- British Ooiraf?nmanl t?> guarantee a loan of yi".1*?-??.???r? ;,, t?. sxpended under their supervision. Th? reply ?mis thai a rn)ul com? mission must lir.-t liii|ulr?. int.. the niate of the col? ony, if this la declined, federation Is ilk?!-- t.. i..* the alternative, Th.. i:,n,k ,,f Montreal has refused s further loan. Several Inaolvent nrms arc ,inai,|.* t,, make ?. compromise with their creditors, anl will have to go Into liquidation. Business is improving slightly. a COXFMBMMCM OF WOMMM AT BUFFALO. Buffalo, March C. Tha midwinter auuMfence <-f t.'K- .,!',*!!'. of the Aseoclstloo f'-r th? A?lvan<eni.*nt of Women began here thla morning. The tv.-rk i? be done it? preparatory to the annual t'onares.?. and the conf?rence deciden Ihe place <.r paeetlng ?if the Congress and a???vcta laplea and their auiasta f?.r dlacuaslofl thereat The probability i? tiiat the next .v.i.K*!,...? win be beM at Halt Lake City. aith??iii;;i New-Orleans has pul In a strong Wd. Mr?, -falla w'.'ir.i Howe, the reaerabl? prealdenl of the asso? ciation, presided ;?i the mornlna nantteet. Aenong others presenl were afra. Bdns Dow Chsnsy. Mr?. M :. T. Wolcott. ?>f i raton; Misa Margaret I.. Chanler, al tel In ,.n\ of Amelle rXVrts fhanler; Mri ?eV.U :: i'ody, il Marsballtosrn, i,,.v-?. Mr?. Kai ? Oarneti ?Veil?, ,?' Boston; th? Rev. Antoinette Blackwell, ?..' Rllsabeth N. J . the Ural woman ???? ist or o? mi, Allee Htone Blackwell, of Boston; Mr- - ,' lb* of Nebraska: Mrs Jean Da?-. .???;) n Lai 1er. of rVashlnston. and nisaheti avait? Ins, ,.- "T.i.* BpringflsM BopuKJcaa," - DREW PAY FOR LECTURES. JOSEPH A. OOULDEN ACCU8ED OF VIOLAT? I N.? Till-'. LAW. now a Tammany MEMBER ??!?' Tim ?BOARD OF i'.i?f?-ATi?.N MADE MOXET- ?in r*"??:*: not BBB "no: point. BOT ?vnirc?: MMM i:i:?ts i?, 4|rrj A,.n j\r?ii;NANT. A m.m.,..,- ,,f tb? ?Board <?f ?SMucntibn and an , "fll.-er hi Tammany Hall has b<?<'n u.i'tisod . "! <'i vl.dation ?,f DM ?f th- strictest laws , I Of the Unir,! of Erducatl >n, the penalty for Which ; I? ;. lijx? ti.?t t-y, ,.,.,???,. n.0M a..,i imprisonment ,: j In the city prison not .???.?.???,!.m-, one yetxr. The member la j ?s,.,..?, .\. Ooulden, who i- a compara tlvely new member of the board, i.ut in the short i "i???- he has i.?., n a member be baa don? ?..n;.- j marvellous hustling for Tammany Hall. He ha? !"':1 ?ppolnted by President Kcox, the Tam manj prealdenl of the Board of Eklucatl in, on ! nearly all the Important commltteea, and lias 1.? made chairman of th- Commit!.a B ?:., il Furniture. It has !..-n the CUStOin of th- ?Board of K?lu.-a 'i n t.? ?riva ?? Miles of fe- i.?.?tnr??a every winter .?' a rn:m!,..|- ,,; ?jle ?choolhouaea In different ??arts o? the city, at.d f,,r th- last >?? a?- or two the?? |ect ; iir?n have been ;- ? popular that extra hall? have 't ?"'?n .s?.?iii-..,i. such a* th?- ?great Cooper Union i Hall ?and Madlaon Hail, at One-hundred-and twenty-nfth-at. and Madlson-ave. These lectures 1 "'' paid f ?r from public ?school mon?) appropri? j ated expressly fir that purpose. In t:.. present ?? Mr, Oou den lias d liven ?l three or .??ur l< tures, .ml has i*e**eived checks ?from th- Hoard of Rducatlon in ?payment ??<" them. Th.- su of hi* lecture is "Sherman's March t?? th.- Sea," a ?graphic geraunt ?>f "?.?? of the ?great events of "? ''-i' War. ?Oh Januar? II he delivered this ? In tl ? sembly ha:: <?f Orammar School N"?? -':<, at Mulberry at??! Bayard sr*., a?, i on February it he ?gave it in the aasembly room ??r '???.??rar School N'.?. s:, at Baventleth-st ; ? r ? i is ?m: oot'IaDBN thinks hi: is p.k;hi. A ordlng I the laws ?.'.?.?mir.o (.,? M ar?l ?if i?. ?n th- "Commissioners h .i: hol l no r office of emolument under either the ?l'y. s? ???? N'?r nal ' ; ?????? nimmt, x ? ;?t ?h.- ffj ? publ and ? ?*'. ners of d In and r i ? tl ? ? ?? i ?s. "Any ? h ol hall have !???? n dire ?tly or Indlre? tly rest? 1 'n th. furnishing ,?f -ins- s?.ij.pi:??s or materials, <?r in Hi- doing I iny work ?r rig of an) ; il cs ate, or in ? ; ?J ?????.? ? ontract for any ?>f ? a . the ;?? : ?? or ? ? ? paid. In wl ?? ?.r in {?art. tly, ?r f ?any > ' 'r :,: snj r other com ??? tl I: '.\ ?'? ans- of th? ttei ? ? ? ? ? i ? ihall vlo* ? ? ? ? | i thereof nt In the clt) I : ? ? ? par. and Bhajl a ? v. ? ? . :, by a Ti 'i-; ? ter lay Mr. t? lei ?, "? ? ? . ? .a? i hay? been . ^- ? r?'sv ;..-; un * f ?r ?:,? Boat i of ? as- t.n pal I f??r them. I ?i?. not consider that l hast? ylolatad any rula . . > the I -???! In ? I ?i?K i \v?s saked to gis- ?- .. : Aid s ? without any l?i.?a of i itlng . ? ?? aw Th? jmy in ?mail and Incun ible ind rtalnl) suffi I. . ? If I! has i.n violated." "Have you a??r r.-,i n.- laws governing th? Board i?l Edoratlon on this subject?" asked the 1er The i inu il of th.? H .ar?l of I ... . . ; ? md thi ? .unit them said " I don't neo thai the) e s-r . ???? ..t .?!! Thi ctlon nhlch -.??* that th? ilasloners shall hold no othei office .?:' .,:.'.?? either t.?.- cttjr, S? ir.- , N' c es n ?i cover ibis .-a-?>?. n.? i 1 i) ??;-.:? f ecturei ?:?. ?I! i t) ? I ird ! ?! . 1' f Rducatlon as an office .?f ? --. !-i it a* an uefflce at " s. to f.. . ? I ? ?! ,n, I I ? n.'t c ,,,.. ],.r lha I gavi turei n mj cap i Ity a? ??? . t*,4nml?slon?*i I gave them merelj in my is a private clt laen at I r.- ? equa *t ?f .as Ing th ?- it.Hi-- ' v. hat OTHER H- -A KI - ?MEMBERS THIKH Mr ? ...uldi'ti's . .?iir*-.- in r." ??Svit.K public-School -. for his s-rs-l? .-s as a lecturer has I.n teverely criticised by many ?>f hi* fellow rnem n th? ?board On "f .hem said t?? i Trllc une reporter "Aald? from th- serious leg il as pects of tl ? ? Mr Ooulden's action is open t?> Hi. severest censure Thi members ??f tin- B u ? of i .'in cation ar?? men v. h? s-is- th.- Interests of th.-n fellow cltlsens nithoul i?a> This is the :? ,,,.? greatest consideration of their accept? ing office Most of thetn are men of business ?mi,, is s aluahli. and th? lime the) glv? Board of Education matter? t.? Board of Education matters w??uld 1? iat mor? s-aluabie t?> them than a salary of t*.000 a* a Bcho ?Commissioner would represent It i ?? not lh. mon?) that Induces them to serve. If It _. . .' . _?.u . .t.l .. . were reduced t.. s moine) basis the) would n? b found In th* bo in!, as ?i?.?-' of ihr,,, could tnak- much mors nwmey by itlvlng that time t, their ?ss n bualne is The m? mb .. i ? ? fr ?m Mi' f til.? boai ?i. highest c! t.? their . ? ? ? .?? ?!?? ?I?ar '? '"' '.' .?'-.. patriotism and from a ?desire t?. do ?????.! t? i? li?.i? ? Foi them to s.p t ? receiving a few lollai ? for a lectut ? .?? ' no I ? ? '?'?"''. ? ?i t| ,t ought to be disc >untenan?t*ed at whatever ??t." Anuihei member s..;.i "1 lo not suppose that Mr Qoulden used his Influence as a Com ml.? sloner to gel ?,is app ?intm? ni as a lecturei un ' r n,- ?ystem, but it certainly ?""??s ven tad The ?Commissioners, you kn cw, ar- tb? highest offi? cials in ih- ?great p ???'? ach<>ol system of Hiis ?Us, and nearly ???..""" ?';|SS through their hsnds every year. There are onl) twenty-one ??: .> . _ ..i. ..... ?. . ? ? ........ i I . ? ?. that soil ?an ?-as.I? Influence a < 'ommlsi : :. sshat aerts over mendoui Hi.? sul? lllll ???'III ?* a ? ? ?I1IIIII- ? '.?' : . a. i.. dlnatea In th- ?system, esp dally K he la an In? iluentlal member "f the dominant tin?'. I can? not bel. thai Mr, <? ??? len InUmated that '?? WOU'.d Ilk? t.. go ?>ll Hi- !? rir. ??.!--? and I elve pay for it. v. t li will I ?? h??.'? for him ??? Aplain li;?? position to the public, Mr. Ooulden as* that hi- friends ask d him t?? d??llver ih-s. ecturea. H he was urged t? '?? "?is it would .. ..__ ...... /.? ?. i. o.... re? lia y.? h?in f.r h.tter taste f fui i a money conslderatl im i" has-? Hut even tl; in- ? a i?,on?-? .'1-i 1.1 ????i. . . Is .i.iit.c-- ?n injustice to Hi.? regular lecturers, who at-, thus deprived of their chant? '?? make a little money by h?...nit an a l-powerful ?'?ni mlMloner take their place. The whole matter N most unfortunate, and cannot fail ;?? bring re centl) and got his promise t?? ><<?'?!? in Uta '???aid, on m- strength of ?'.rand Army mmi Mr. Ooulden lias been not) in th?. Board of ?Bducstlon for the activity h<? displayed in working for th.- Interests of the Tammany ring, which has ?been in aba lute con? tr i ?,f th?- board for tl"' l?tl two yean am! mor-. To keep til?n In 'I'?1' !'?;?:?1 svoiild :??? t . d-i's the wish-* ..f the pt ?"!?? s?, plainly -xi?i'.ss? ?l nt th?? polls last N..v?.ml?. t. A irSMl. COMr AXT ?XCOBPOBATRD. Aihaiy. March I. Th N-ss-vork ,ui i Brooklyn Tunnel c?*<taipatu Mtt ln??roiTi?oratad with th?- s-. retary ??! State t"-?iay with a oapttai .?f ti??i.?a?). Ti?? rompaay purpo??sa to hui??i an imderground r.?Jlr"a?l. t?, be ??i-rit-.l i?s ?-l.-.-tri.-it;, ??? other m?? tivi- |? >sy-r, from a ?ons ? m--i>' t? i|nt in N-ss-Vorl? City, h-tisr, n Hist State? ntli-;t .-n! \\'|?!|. .1 i.'-u. under lh? ?bed of it?. ?Saal River, to a point in Brooklyn betwaen ?Vorth ICIghth-Bt an?l Atlantic? us-?,, a dlata.I two in1-- Tb? directora ar? Thorn?? a Paturaon, |i-.. Char'.?? .J. s.-hl??T-'., Wal t? : .1. Ain.?-. John ?' B?cken fhar?ei Kuennmundt, .l.iin V Hoiivlrr. jr. Prederlctt P, I>e!nf1-ll. I-'ratik II Kniatht and Samvia: B. Slater, ?r New-York >: ..:t - will 1? ? in Sen Or KU The company'* urin^ipii ?.f! ? ?? will 1, ? in New-York City. A, I'attT-'oii. Jr. *u?j?crlb*? fo of the l.f'tV) ?li.iHJi cf casuUril ?took. P,A Y?" ROBB ERS COM E TO G RIEF TWO IOWA FARMER?! IMITATE THB I> ALTON* OUTLAWS. THVY ATTACK A HANK IN MIDMAY. 8HOOT THK CASHIBB AM? OTHBBg OKI KOBUKK KILLED AM? THK OTHBB CAPTUIUtU. lies Moines, loam, March 6.?A'lel, the county seat of I.alla.s County, twenty-two miles from here, was the scene at a bold bank robbery this morninif fol- i lowe?! by the pursuit of the amateur bandit?, the killing of one and the formation of an angry moh whic" aurgea about the county Jail to?nlght and i threatana to bava the lif-- of the Hiring rubber. The ? fui.du of the hank w?*re saved by the presence of mind of the cashier. Who, after receiving a ioad of lead In hi? body, ssmng shut the ?loor to the v..up and turned the combination. Polloartng are the caaualtie? so far recortWd. orlando l'. Wilklna, robber, from Patterson, M.?-i; s,,ii ?',unity. lovra, a?t'-d thirty, ibotby pursusra and killed B M. Leack, Caahler of th., bank, seriously wounded in left shoulder and neck. C u. Ballsy, merchant, shot in Bhoukler; J. M. Byera promi? nent citizen, shot In hand and arm; it. ri. ilarr, postmaster, shot in left arm: ,J. I? BlmpBon, citizen, und Cecil D?Xt<ar, a boy, slightly woundtd. Tin- robbera, Orlando !'? VVllklna end C. *T. ?'raw fur, l, were (arasera living la Patterson, A little after I o'clock this morning they drove into Adel In g btlggy. leaving their conveyance a block away, th-> went to the VYIUuns carried a n i rat? ing shotgun ?nth six l tads They eut- red the bank Just a? ? "ashier Leach waa taking the money from the ?'. i?. Bailey was ?n the hank at ike time. Crawford remarked that they wished io make ? deposit. Cashier Leach was i)u**y at th?; time, hut turned with the Inquiry, "What is It?" As he did BO, he i.r-iked into the barrel of th.* shotgun held by rlred. Cashier Lead? stag* ?ei.-.i and fe", tun rousing himself. Sung the cur? rency and gold from the counter Into the vault, and closed the d .or. Wllklns Bred sgaln, wounding Mr. Bal ? y. Then Crawford kicked In the door lending behind th<* ...,un*er, and he and W'llkin* ?craped the loom ailver Into a ?.?ck it amounted io $?t>7. By this time Hhertft Payne, who was on the str.-et, had hi? on attracted und opened Are on the robbers. I Th j m.!.? a rush for their buggy, Wllklns as h>- ran and wounding th? other citizens mentioned above. The robbera start?-! ??> drive across the country. ',' ? wer? hotly pursued, the hastily collected poaee often within MB or 900 yarl-, of the fugitives. Many ah ?ts were tir.-d. aome ?,f which tut the horses n by the fucttlvi - \f?ep a .-hase of nearly I-.v? ... :.'.:'..? th? wounded a.,:-?es could no no fur* ?? and w.-r*. abandoned >>> th.- bandits who s*p* irat. ! at "Neal'a Croaalng" of itaccoon River. Ther? Crawford aeeretud himself in a clump of r. bul vv ?? toon surrounded, and he surren P. kin? took refug? In a barn, which was quickly surrounded. To r--1? ? -_t. 1 , piers to come ? n, 11* no r.*j,!y To-n Crawford was forced point of i Winchester rill? to ,-..rr) a can of koi , ? i.i aiturate .? straw stack sear th? bam an i i t.r... WT.Ictna did not ahoot u hla comrade, and w!,?:, the t'.-i!:'.,-a closed about him h** a?ade t brr-Hk acros-a the ... ? ? ,?? h? timber H? had proceed. I but i few yai m . n he fell, p'.,*r.; ! b) ., '?; let from i. rift? ild It I aid by i f.irm.-r name?! Prltehard Then the mob lost ?-.-uitrol I th? bod) waa rid I'.? l wli The ,-,r? ?.? of 'he r ?,'.,.*r and his living C0nri| ?;.' ?'.???? ? k? ? I ick ? . Ad? i. where Cr iwl -.'. ? , ' ful ? r He claim? ! that he ha ! been fore ? ri-ne by Wl'.klns. who thn 11 . kill hin if !".s nerve weak? i a : MORE REPCBLICAN IDIOMES. PBOy Tt'RXB DOWN BOBB HBRRIfTCB r.\s DIDATBB .wi> C*HOOSCa A BBPCBLICAN, Troy. \. v . March 1 -w.\st Troy, which la con? ed ? atr nghold of the Orogaa-HciTtct?: D?? ni rcracy, e'ect d a Republican president to-dty. The i Murphv-Hlll follower? united with the Republican??. | Jamea C Wilbur, a WShVtaOWl Insurance man, iv .s ''**?-t?*d president by 20> majority. With the rsception of n H?vn- Mean Street r?mml?ljn-r, the remainder of the ticket an enrrled by the orogan li'-rrl <k men The la*t Republican president was H.'hert II. Tunnard. cho?*?n about fifteen years an , Mlddletown, N. T., March *.--(?uliivan County iv elected by n-* BWjorlty ?>r w H. H. Hoar -p.'lii Bupervlsor In the town of Neveralnk. to sue,??>*.?.| Sheriff VTartSOB (Dem.), resigned. This n ,??>?; the board atand .Mirht Republicans to ?even i ?. moCraU ?aratoga, S. T . March ?.?At the town meeting yeeterday th.- BepobUctUM carried every one of the twenty towns in this eounty, excepting Ballston an 1 Milton Republican gupervtsors were chosen In liai? i> and <;reenfl.?:rl to nil vacancies, and th. .'.unty Board remains unchanged?seventeen Re? publicans and ;hr, .? Democrats int.i OTTM? for MCRBOWrg srreF.ssoR. Kalamaaoo, Mich , March 6. The Republican Gbfl* ven??? ti for the III1 ?*,,ngreas Ii'.atrict to nominate s Bepn ? -, ? ? . fu th i vscsney cause! by the election . f .i ill .-i '? Btirrowa t., th? United Btatea P :..... .net ?*,*, ?i , >n tu 'lay ?"harl'?? K. Brown. ,,f Kalamasoo, ?ras chairman Wn?hin*ft?.>n of Albion; Alfr* i Milne?, of Ootdwater; John N". C. Smltti. of Charlotte, and Krank W of Bat t:,* Creek, were placed in n>m!natlon. The first bal? lot resulted: Gardner, V?; Smith. "?-; MUnsa, 13: ilapp, ii nacesasry tot choloe, :?*. The ?ecjtid bai? lo) resulted Oardner, IT; smith. 19; Mftnas. II: (Ispp, 12. 1 her?- was n, Changs !n the vote until the forty-first tni'>>t, when ??ne of ciapp's votes w*?nt - ? Oardner, Bight more ballots were taken wlthojt change and th.- convention took a rece??. Resolution-? ad ?pied reafllrm the Minneapolis piat f,,rni, congratulate the country on the Una! adjourn? ment of Congress mid conchada us f,,!:ows: Resolved, That wa believe In the largest passible us?' ,,f si.v?r consistent wi*h the maintenance of our National credit, and th.v w also bellev? In the us.? th n ,1 I in 1 ells r .?*? the money of our Nation, iin.l thai ?liver should be r...?ti.rei to Its tlme-ho.i ! I n m th? Nation'.? nuances. A. f. ? """/7rV IV I'FSSSYLVAXIA n :? burg, r !?" Mar.-h fi in th? Housa to-day the Smith Religious ?.art. bill, !>-? ir a: the special oi i?!-. v.,?-- called o',? on second reading, when the tirst section of the measure wi!? read Mr, Beyfert opposed it He characterised the t-id as "the moel vb-loiis. atro, loua outrageous and un-Americnn meaaure ?ver iffered." Then- was no need, he sail, to refer t i the origin of the bUL Bvarybody knew, he contended, who th** narrow-minded men arara back of the bill, whi,-h la a blow al civil liberty. Mr Beyfert quoted the Constitution and Judu** Coole? upon Constitutional '.imitations, sa. 1 th. bill was aimed al the urea; Roman Cathode Church in this state, n;.i declared that, although h** was not a member of the Cath ?lie Church, he was In f.iv?r of th.* fullest liberty. Continuing, he said: "Man) of the best <-i: iz;--n.-. of the country arc Prot eatants who wear a peculiar garb. There are only tw.-nty-tive cathode teichera in Lancaster County. und tiieir religion ts not Indicated by their ?arb. but there are Menonnltea who wear in the. school? a -irl. thai distinguishes them from all others, as also do the Herman Baptists The Mil Is a blow at the??<? poop's, and sh mid bs kllltd. 1 have been Informed fiat the people bask of thi? -sensors con Btttuts B power that is no: open In Its dlacusslon, and i u?k thai ??.,1 have mercy on the Common? wealth If such a power could force sin-h a measure through " ? , Mr. Beyfert then quoted from a maKizlne artlci.? the obligation taken by member** of the A. P. A., and said- "If there Is u member of that order here and If that statement Is not true let him deny It "I do," BbOUtod Mr. Bpsagtar, of Cumberland. JuiiMitiiif 10 Ids feet. In replv Mr Beyfert said he was ?.ad the etate i?int had been denle?! and he warned the Republi? can*? of the ll.use that If the bill passed It would be fatal to that putty'.*? success hereaiter. Ttr?> FIMHMMMMM BMOWMMD. Perth Amtioy. N. .1.. March ('.. - The ilshltii- BChOOB* er I!. M Hartshorne. Captain Daniel I!. Adams, which arrived In this p?rt to-day. reports, th?^ loss of two llsh.-rir.en. Iia.rry Johnson luid John Solver?.) i, wiiiie tending trawl*? off i*n.x Branch on Monday. Th.- dory in whW-h the m.n wet? at work ospsised and, vvith the heavy sea ?hut was running it th. time, the schooner v\ as unable to render any assist ance. The men Brers drowned in si?;ht of their e rmr idea A JTAtlVMR IS MARMA8 CUT. Kansas City, Mo., March t 'Phe Wtagnts, Stone. Welles Msrcaatl'? Ctwnpaop, a in?*n'? fumlahlng <*o.da Arm at N',-*- ."?17 and M PllaWSie BL. wa.s pit In the bands of T. K. Hanna, of P.urnham. II nina. Mvnger a ?'c. a? receiver, to-day. on th:? petition of Mrs. BeUe Prlshki and iloodlev c. Wellea, sha:.h..Mers. The coTiipany has an authorized cap? ital stock or i.iO.t-Oo, of which j:_.4*? has be?n paid In full. The asuela are s.iid to be areater than the liabilities. PLAITS STRONGEST CARD. FKAR OP GRACE DOMINATION IN NBJW YORK POLITICS. THE EX-nOSS ATTEMITS TO MAKE A BUQATOO <?' MA YOU STRnNG'S Ai'PAREXT LEANING TOVVAHJj) THK STATE DEMIK'.iA'CT IN HIS BMCBMT Al'l'OINTMr'.NTt?. [Iir TELEGRAPH TO THE TRI DUN?.] Albany. Match 6? When Thomas C. Platt too?" account of his political stock at the opening of the nesv year he found himself In a most pros ji.-raus wndltcVsB. At least he thought so. Never heforc ha.l his resources been so vast and varied, for he reckoned as among his available assets the Govern nr, th?- Stale Senate, tho Assembly and Its Speaker, the State Committee and the county machines throughout the State, Including even thoss In whossj ?ities reform Mayors had hten ei'-??t.?l -New-Tork, Hrooklyn, Buffalo and Albany?citU-s which had alssays been in open opi>??t-iti??n to his rule or doubtful In th??ir alls? ?nam-?- t? him. H in control of the State Govern? ment an?! th?- entire party ratichinery teottt? tko solute and perman-nt. The Republican nosvs papers svhloh are governed by principle wer? against him; M was ths rank and Hie of tne party. Hut this did not disturb him serlous'.y. Mr. ?Platt Is a shrewd political worker and a k?tea observar, but h" Is essentially sup??rflcial la ; Is ss ,rk an?l in his observations. Thoroughly cTMtertallatlC in his pi.itical beliefs, he Is ?0 ?? instituted as to be utterly unable to perceive the tremendous practical importance of moral torean. In ransaquan. s .?f this defe??t in his naiuiv he was led to eunslder his position not only secure, but so strong as to warrant him la utidertakitiir, to ??.insmn-t a Hepubllcan machina ?j?i the lines ?if th'ise of Hill and Croker, which ss-.-r. d?str?s >?1 by the people last November. In [?ur.-iian.-e >.f this plan h.- placed himself in the way ?if reform. It is not yet three months since Mr. Platt la? dulsted In this stock-taking, but if he were to re? pa?Vt the operation to-night he would find that the shrinkage In Wall Street securities since the Haring failure is hardly a circum? stance In comparison with the way In which his political fortunes have dwindled away.' L*?vt P. Morton has given notice to ths whole country that he, and he alone, I* (3ov .?rn ?r of this Slate. In so doing he dealt Mr. Platt a mortal bliw. The effect of thl? declara*. ?I ?n was terrific. The Senate can no longer be de pen?ied upon; the Assembly has asserted Its in dependen?e, and even Its Speaker Is ready at ana* moment to g<?: on the other side of the fenc?. The Stat?. machine, to be sur?., still look? to No. ??> Hr.adway for directions, but it Is In such a fright? fully ?lemorali/.-.l ? nditl?in as to be of little Im? portance, even with such "??talesmen a? Hackett an! Paya in charge of It Tn?- rotent ?afayotasf New-York. Brooklyn, Buffai? and Albany, whom Mr. ?Platt enpected to control by capturing tha local ma??h!ne?. are acting a* though such an In? dividual as Platt svas without corporeal exist? ??n,?e. It iii an tind"niable fact that Mr. Plan's moat; available remaining a as-et at the present time la Will, un H. era.'.?. It la hardly too much to say, in I?-. ?1, that the liar, ret S?iuare reformer Is autw? Btantlally all that ha ha* left with which to fight the reform force? tha: are clamoring for propos; legislation and Mr. Platt's retirement from th? position he nt ill essays to occupy in party politl?n. Thi? is no fanciful statement; It la entirely In an? cunlance with the fact*. Without Mr. Grace aa a weapon, Mr Platt's arsenal would be practically empty, Reduce that individual's prominence la Nesv-York City politics; deal with him so that ha ran m longer be in the minds uf the Republican? of the State, a menace to the party in the metrop? olis, and Mr. Platt passas into political bank? ruptcy, s., f ,r as rrf rds this Legislature. Then Is no qaeatlOH that the Republican Sena? tor* and th.- Republican A*semblymen, or, at ?east, the overwhelmlna: majority of them, are hnn.'stly In fa\-..r ,.f making a creditable record. and they fully appreciate the Importance of glv-' ing New-York ?City what it has asked for In the era*" Of renn dial legislation. There is a ?great ?lea! more independence In both branches of the I.egis'.atti-e than is generally supposed, or than has been made t ? appear by what has been ?aid reganling it. Mr. Plait has his followers, but ther.- is not a corpora"?? guard of them ssiiild go with him one step beyond the Un? Which .? ?uld be shown to mark the boundery of th-? trii.. interest or th?' Republican party. This svas weil illustrated In the ?ase of Mr. Hrook fleld. Mr Platt, it will be remembered, came up here to make an lsaue on his appointment. H? tried his best to raily his forces. Including th? Governor, but he fai'ed most ignominlously. Kven his "Old Guard" rebelled. They saw at once the folly of attempting to arouse any feel Ins; over the sele??tl n f,?r offices of Republican? In good standing. Perreiving thl?, Mr. Platt fell back up?m svhat many good pesple in New-York City are disposed to look upon as a scarecrow, bUI which is tak-n svith more seriousness here. This may as svell b. understo ?d first as last. Tint Republicans <?f th?? State are really disturbed at th? B/ay In which they think Mr. Grace'? hand ha? been Itrenp^MlMld by Ma>??r Strong. They know Mr. Gra??e and they ?listrust him thoroughly. It is not too much to nay that when n?ick" Poro-' eroy de-lar.- i a; the charities Building confer? ence Hut be ss -?uld n? s ?.?n trust Cn-ker a* Grace, b? voiced th.. sentiment which prevail? among R?v aubUcans generally They have learned from ex peiien.e fiat Mr. s?tace Is a dangerous element In p liti.s. He Is ur abler than Croker, and ha has the faculty of using h ?nes: men and reform m >s< imtits for Ms purposes that nuke? him, at^ least in the opinion of rural voter?, a man to b?' drea ?.?1 a hundr?dfold more than Croker. They cannot understand why he is in such favor with Mayor Strong. It Is ?sell known that he was In consultation ?"1th Mr. Gllroy personally and through Mauri?'.' J. Power for months beforej election With a siess- t.? combining torete In favor of the n??ruination for Mayor of that eminently ? -:?. ;a'..|e figurehead, l':-?i,-ii. R. Coudert. They als.i kn .ss- that the rsptldlatl? n <?f Mr. Gilroy by th?' Tammany Kxc.utlve Committee svas the sol? r.-.Mii f.?r Mi. ??race's retirement from the pn>* |..?;-.?d alliui re w:th Tammany. They kn ?w. fur thermore, that be opposed the Committee of ?Seventy from the beginning and trl?>d his best to make the labor-? ??' that body terminate In fail? ure In ?rd'T that, by hasing a Republican straight ticket of Mr. ?Platt's selection In the field, be :ni<ht still l?.? enabled : ? make term* with thi? Wigwam. It Is a kr.owle.lge of these facts that perplexes th?? r?p?re?entatlves of the country dis? tricts and makes them listen to Mr. Platt's eour? sel when be ?advises opposition to the New-York :'.'??rni bill?. Th ?re is really no Republican opposition worth mentioning here to th:?se r?'form measures out? sii!?? of sshat has been stated, except that arls Ing inini h-.nest differenc?' of ..pinion <>n th? Poli.e ?'immlssii.n bill. Th.? Police JusMces bill, for example, would have been pasucd long ago, hi spit? .?f Mr ?Platt If the Republican Senator? and Assemblymen had felt assured that Mr. Oraos sv. ni,i not have the naming of these Im? portant officials, ?ald ? :i ? ,?f the ablest members ?if line S.-nate, who Is usuuily clajs?-d ab a Platt man: Yon cannot wonder at the feeling of is lana ?blch prevails he:.- over Mr. Grace's growlng power. We see one after another of hi? il?ut?tt ?'iits Kettln?* ?m,, i,n.Kirt.ant place?. HI? appointe?? ar.- all shrewd ?politicians, while the Republican? svhom Mayor StroiiK has put Into office are ?Imply plain busl?es? men <>r district workers. (?race haa motiopolisted everything, almost, that h?? be?n given In the ss'av of r?cognition of th? Democrat's* party. He has used the i^omrclttee of Seventy and other respectable peral? to attain hi? object as tn th.- case ?f s.?ott. Hu intention* *r? evident. Ha proposes to get control of the Democratic machina in New-Torn County and m?ke Tipin.a.iy Hall part ?>f it. We do not think that he should be per mltu-.l to do *o, and we certainly ?lo not bellev? that a Kep'.ihlie-sn Mayor, even It eiected on a noria. partisan platform, should be an ln*trumeut in th? reailButlon of this ambition. I want to aee Mayor Strong n'.le. m hi* pietges. but I think thl* can b? don? without l?o:?terlnir up William R. Grace'? mach?n?. Mr. ?Jrace did everything he cou'.d i?