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prevent Mayor glrong*a elect??-.*- until h? found it Was Inevitable; then a-- usual, he tun-el aroiin? ami -?eut with th<- tide. The obstacle here, I t?l you. in -he way al ; form legislation la bi i PU?, lut Grace, [i ;.? m,--* fad in say lhal Governor M .rt?.n :*? In -ytnpath- with ibis view He !s ?nxl.-ue to na-.. the roforw bills passe?l, but he thinks that er.-, -i ? Qrace Bi'polntments would be unwise. T!. does i,cd beHere it ?? In the Interests or the part) - " the lily '?- have tiiem. ye; n.; th?' same lime he realises lhal Mr. Grace's proml? nenes or an\ act! m May-nr Btrons mny li gardlng him does noi relieve the Republican Leirlelalure fn?m reiiponBlWIIty. Th? people ?-: Vew?Tortt, regardless .-r politics, demand certain legislation and I ?? Republican Leglslaturi I* bound to give it i - them, n ; matter bow it may h'* in*.?-! or abused bul A would help things very idj ??; if th ? ; ??. a thai II would be properly ap? plied if -it the f-omiug conf? renes Mayor Strong talk.? in .-i way lhal win sstlsfy Ueut<**i**nt-t>>vernor Saxl n -and no 1 ?hi he Brill, for the Mayor baa s.wtvs expressed himself t- friends sa adverse ??? further recogn?tlon of Mayor Ornee??Mr. Platt will spread It broadcast that ho has ""brought the Mayor t . remis." when as >; matter of fact he has eut n - or ir, In there? Mayor Strong appointed Mr P****>tt l?WMM reluctantly; he is not In Mr. Orare'a toils and will ?lemonatrate that fact con rlnslvely. lie has never held Intimate pollticsl relatlona with Mr. ?'race, such, for example, as Sir Platt li**'d when he and Grace joined ham's four years ok- to make Fran?*!!? M. Scott Mayor *>r Xew-Tork. if any Republican hue been particularly active in trying to rehabl'ltate wlll tom R. Grace It Is Thomas C. P'att. the areh rtlarmist <-f the existing altuatlon SAXTON, 7:IS>> AND STRONG. A cr.\ kiuknci; ON' VF.W-YonK CITY DILLS. T.rYTM THB I.IKt'TF.VANT -00%*gHXOH ANT? TIT?"* BPKAKEB T-rr-r.MtF. THAT THFm vt.<*tt hap MOTHINO TO i>o WITH PATKOSACU AIM? THAT THF. MATOrt H \T> MAPI XO PLEDOBB LlBUtenant-Governor Saxton and Speaker Fish ar rivrd la this city about I p. m. yesterday, and -went fr ,i the Grand ?'entrai Station directly to the Murray H!I! Ho*?! <>n their way to the hotel they talked briefly With newspaper men. -who had recog nlsed them as they were leaving- the train. They declined to speak about th*?lr reasons for Journeying to the city, but did not deny that they expected to have B conference with Mayor Strnnrr about pend* !.:?* legislation Eiward Lsnterbach, the chairman of the Republi? can County Committee, tvis not with them, al? though there had been a report that h>? would ac? company t'iein to the City and take part in the con atiir.itlon with the Mayor Mr. L-auterbaeh appar? ently had remained in Albany, as he was not to be found In the City lata ' evening and had not communicated with T. C. Platt Before Lieutenant-Governor Saxton nni speaker Fish left Albin; yesterday afternoon there were re? ports in this city that they -were the bearers of an ultimatum from the Legislature to Mayor Stronrr, that they Intende.l to urge him to appoint more Republicans to office in this city, and that they ?aere empowered to assure him that the Legislatur.? ?oul-1 comply with his wishes ami pass certain re? form bills in which he ?? interested if he would pledge hlmse]f to Rive more patronage to the Re piiblicJhs In the city, It had been reported also th.v the Mayor had already ivie certain pledges to Lieutcnaat-Ooveraor Faxton and Speaker Fish, Which might be the subject of conversation when the thr,e ine:l met. When the attention of Mr. Sax tor, and Mr. Kish was tailed to such reports early last evening, they declined to ?peak about them, ex? cept to deny In emphatic language that they had received any pledges from Mayor Strong. "The Mayor has never made any pledge? to me." sail the Ueuteeant-Governor, "and I would not expect pledges from him. I suppose it may be ex- | pectel rhat he will continue to stand squarely on the platform of th? Committee of Seventy " "Mayor Strong has made i-.o pledges to me." said Speaker Fish.* evening, after dining together at the hotel, where they had rooms for the night, Messrs Sax? ton and Fi.-!-, ?real to the house of Mayor Strong. It was not posalble to ascertain whether any other persons were present at the consultation. Lieut? nant-Governor Saxton said late last ni?ht that the subject of patronage was not mentioned ut the conference with the Mayor, but that the talk was confined entirely to questions of leglslu rlon for the city. The main triple? of conversation. he said, were the police reorganliatlon bills and the Folie; Magistrates' bllL The Lieutenant-Gov? ernor said that he and Speaker Fish had nothing to do with patronage in the city. t.m they were anxious to Jo all in their power to all in satis? factory reform le-**i?]atioii. I RITUALISM IN ROCBRSTEt THFj lltOUBUE F'FTvvKFN FATHKP. Tl'FNHR ANT? BifjH ?}? COX! xk-ium; an .vttk BTAOB. Rochester. March ?" iSpeola!).?The parishioners of the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, of this city, are ?till Indignant at Bishop Cose for refusing to permit their rector, the Rev. J. Spencer Turner, to officiate In the diocese. As ?oon as the Bishop's Inhibition becatn** kn ? n some membeia of the vestry hoisted a b'.aik Hag on the church spire, ai.l their act is warmly ! ?msaended by th? members Last Sunday, Of course, Father Turner did n?.t officiate. One of the vestrymen, J, C. Howie, who la a lay reader, conduct? 1 the servie??. But Father Turner na? present and gave ex|,r?s*-:,>n to \V|| feeling? by we-?r:*i~ a black cassock and skull cap, such a? are usually worn at funerala it is K?n era.l!y Understood tnat the rea! reason for Bishop ?roxe'a action arsa the extreme ritualism cf Father Turner. The parish has always been par-ial ;o a high ceremonial, but It is said that Father Turner, who was called a. few months ago from the diocese of Qntacy, Hi., has gone In that direction much fur? ther than any previous rector. He recently -ar?te and printed, without publishing, a little book entitled ??Sel?Kxarolr.ation and the Confessional," -which It is 'ind'-ratcrod the Bishop regirded as he'erodox. B'.u Father Turner refuse! to recede from the views axpesBsed !n it. As Father Turner is not a member of Bishop Ooxe's diocese, but of the diocese of ?^uincy, he has no can?nica! right to c ,*np!aln of the Inhibition. It rest?; with a bishop In the Bptseopal Church to lleens? or not license a clera-yman of another juris? diction to officiate in hi? diocese. But the friends of Father Turner complain that the Bishop has used this discretion In a way to punish the church for prictlces that h?? cou!o not canonieally pro? hibit. In referring to this Father Turner says: "The Bishop does not dare to bring the matter to tria!, fer he knows that he would ne defeated, nn1 It li^a ae'-m^d easier for him to dispose ,,f me, He M.'sa'cd me ?ike a thief in the night, fr, m behind, wh?n -ny hand? w?*re tied arc! 1 was helpless, it was an unchristian act." He ''..?ciares ihut he will the rectorship and go back to Illinois. But the vestry hope to k'er. Y.irri by overcimln* B!?rop's objections or by wiltina. SB some expr'ssed ?t al a recent parish mcetm-*;. until the Bishop "la taken to his eternal reward " The trouble bstsroen rather Turner anl Bishop Cove bids fair to reach an acute s;ag" r?xt Satur <*.?>-, when the latter will -?im*' to Rochester and tak* the ma, Into consideration Father Turner says "My stand durlntz ihia visit will re?t upon the fac; that l waa Inhibited before the expiration of ?he s.x mont ha ?rhtch were allowed me for the F ras? ata t Ion ,f my letters dlsmlssary. I -l?-em that am still permitted to present tin se to the Bishop, and if th.-v ar? rejected and I am denied a atana lng in the dloceee ! will then (,?? entitled to a trial and to ?? determination of my rights." WKTTIXQ TBK WORST OF IT All. ARorsn. Duittth, Mum., March 6.?"The Commonwealth" th;s evening says sdltorlall). ' The lllanespolta Trrtrune" ha?- a?>;,:... I ; i bav? tue Associa:."! Press restrained from servlns "Tl ?? Times v\.-n K? maht report, clalrnina a:, txcluflv? franchi?? oy it? contract. You wouldn't think "!?!? Tribune" wouni car-* boa many papers hail th?j doubtful advantag? uf th. A-uoclated Pr?ta ?? rvii ?. But havlns contracted for an exclusive nowi ?? vice k probably g-,i< them not u &?>; the new? and noi even to havt exclusive iviu; there - . . !? A JA}iom:.'.y OAC9RTMR IXUMRIT8 /? ? J?cksonvllle, Whs.. March n (Sp?cial) By th kalb ir. N'.-.-York recently el th? R?v, R, r. i rystal, if A?aata, fia., Mis.? Bias be Chapman, of ihla city, the daughter ol a labor?.. inh.r.t- |iw,BM Sha i about seventeeii years pld. Th? property Is in real e.-'.C.e in N "?loir, and Atlant.?. What is Home tnthottl a ra.-nlly : - ???? ? i best! and what is .-, fnm!l> iiicdl-!nc okesi arrth* ut Hood*a Pills? !? Is f. r: v.- O r t h ) :ne name' lloo l'a i"??r. i ? aapsdally prt. par. d tor family us?. and are ?,-> -renr:?-. ?n action, so easy in effect, and ?o pcrfBd In result ???.' ?."*"S Hood's Pills prepared by G 1? tioOL? it Co. Loa ell. Masa. CASHMERE BOUQUET. MURPHY REPUBLICANS. ?i ! DOES THi; SPEAKER OF THE ASSEMBLY COME UNDER THAT DESIGNATION? THI SENATS OOXMITTSS HAKES A REPORT MOWING TUB fWCBMMTTt vf THK PABBAOS O? THE B1I.I, TO tVUlCm Mit. PISH II SO OBSTINATELY OPP! ,<KI I |FIWMTHUR!-:i-;-I.AKOOI-REJPr)M,EKTriKTlir.TRinUNK.] Albany, March 6.--A democrat from ne Interior Of Ncw-Yorlc BtSte, whU? a guest at the Windsor Hotel In October, mi. learned thai Richard Orok-r airo had room? in ?he same hotel, Deelrtag to hive ! a chat with th? heal cf Tammany Hall, he sent .ip a card to his room?. Presently the waiter returned with this statement- "Mr. Croker is engaged with Mr. Platt and beg? to h.? ?sensed." It was just hefhra the election of l?fi. and, nstjr ally. th* country Democrat was considerably ?s-, in* Ishrd, hit he concluded that Mr. Croher and Mr. Platt wer? m.king -'some satisfactory arrange* ments" about the e-Wtion. and therefore BSrallOWed Bis disappointment. He had heard of "deals" be? tween Mr. Plat: and Mr. ("roker. an! therefore w.i not indignant over the possibility of some combina* tlon whlc!i would bring prcflt to the Democratic party. Hamilton Hah, ?peaker of the Assembly, seems to be emulating Thomas ?'. Platt In many wins. "T.ike master, lik?? mun." is an old proverb. Peo? ple, throfore, ar? not surprised that Mr. Pish should be working in company with Senator Bd ward. Murphy, jr.. to defeat the bill which is now before the Legislature for the reformation of the pouce force of Tr ,y. Senator Murphy lias Rep?bli? cas business associates in Troy They are with him In his street railway company, Ids gaa com? pany and hi? hunk. One of these business associ? ates Is Frauds N. Mann, a brother-in-law of Speaker Fish. When a Republican Legislature and Governor are In Albany, the "Murphv Republi? cans" stretch forth their arms to protect their comrade. Senator Murphy. Speaker Fish's Opposi? tion to the Tmy Podee bill appears to be based solely upon the fact that his brother-,r.-law Is op? posed to the mill: and Francis N. Mann's opposition IS apparently based solely upon th-* circumstance that Senator Murphy la opposed to It. Senator Murphy, by the way, mad? a hurried journey from Washington last week, and initiated measures to defeat the bid In the Republican Legislatur?', and as soon ?s Congress had adjourned lie started for Albany to continue his work in this direction. That Speaker Fish should he Joined with him In the enterprise of killing th?? bill, despite hla rela? tionship to Mr. Mann, causes general astonishment. MR FISH'S PLAN OF CAMPAIGN. The Troy Police bill ?a most emphatically a Re? publican measure. It was passe! by the Senate last week with every Republican vote at Its back. After it had pass-d Speaker Fish went to one of th? Republican Senators, reproached him for hav? ing voted for the bill, an.l sail, so the Banator ie portS. "Well, us fir myself 1 shall ?rote against the bill." Since then Mr, Fish has sent for a Re* publican member of the Assembly Committee BB Cities, which now has charge of the Mil, and ?the statement Is made BB the Assemblyman's author? ity? has told him that Governor Morton declares he will veto the hill. Congressman Black, of Troy, called upon Governor Morton this morning and askel him If there was any truth In th.- re mark which Mr. Fish Is alleged to have male. Governor Morton at once frankly replied: "I have not told any one that I would veto the bill " The bill authorizes the Mayor of Troy, who is a Murphy Democrat; the Controller, who is un antl Murphy Democrat, anl the City Engineer, who I* a Republican, to reorganize the police force of Troy. The measure Is supported by BlXty-tWO <f the sevtmty-three Republican members ,,f the Committee of Pubil. Safety of Troy, ?vhlch brought ?bout the conviction of "Rat" Shea, a Murt,h\ Democrat, for the murder of Robert Ross, the Re publican watcher at the pul!? of Troy in :he spring of IS??. It is also supporte 1 by th? chairman ?,f the Republican County ?'ommltue, by th- Republi? can City Committee of Troy, by the president of the Cltizcn'a Association, by the .Sh-rlff. by the County Treasurer, by Congressman Rla-'k. SB I by "The Troy Times," the leading Republican paper Of the ciiy. THF SENATE COMMITTEE'S REPORT A Senate committee, consisting of Joseph Mullln, Charles IV, Stapleton. Frederick !>. Kllburn and Henry H. person.--, es its Republican members, made a r- markable report to-day upon the reault of its Investigation of the Troy ?lection frauds, In th? course of which occur the following statements: In rar?* Instances those aiding the repeater claimed to be Republicana, bul they an what la known as "Murphy Republicans." s clasa as much distrusted In Trov as the Murphv Demo, rata them selvea. Th-y are on the Hoard ,.f Police rommla. sioners, on th" police force and in other stations, and abject submission to Murphl la th? apparent price of their appointment, Their chief value He? in their pretended amllatlon with the Republl an party, for Demo-rats ''an he found Iri abundance to commit th*.* crime?, th? need Is to Rnd men h ho Will <io vilo services and at the satn?- time by |,r i fesslng Republicanism, place part of th" odium upon the Republican party. If the presei ? slle-rnd Republican member of the Poll.? Commission should admit he is a Democrat, as his a ;ts clearly prove, his usefulness to th?- Democratic machine would be destroyed, if the alleged tlapubltcsn po? licemen should j lmlt that they ar? Dem?crata they would lose their place? In a day The 1. of their positions Is ?he only thin? they four Lle grace Is to them Hn unknown ten... for they cling to their places In sylte of the fa.-i that they are despised noth by the party they bave betrayed and | by the party they have aough' The cans? of this I revolting condition In Troy la what is known as I Murphytsm. The Republican parly is In n 0 w a \ r? - sponsion lor this condition. Lit sum*- Individual 1 members of that party are responsible. Year after I year Mnrphylsm ?as ?ainei strength, One Repub? lican has surrendered hlrm-elf for offl ?, another for business advantage, another through fear or cajolery, until scores of prominent Republicana who were ?rilling to trad?* their political princlplea for personal advantage are now claaaed and serv? ing as Murphy Republicana. Th<* effeel upon the Republican party of this pernicious - > s r ?-in la thai lart:e numbers of apparently respectable men, I claiming to or Republicana, can be pul Into Imme i ?Hate and determined action at the bidding -f Mr. ! Murphy, even though such action t,<* against K< i publican measures and agatnsl the overwhelming i aertlment of the Republican party The effect of this system upon the city Of Troy 1 has h?-e!i to lorn its ?lections into fraudulent .?rid ? unchf-ke'l carnivals and m destroy all confldenee in the proclaimed results. Ti-,?- ranvasa of rotea ! repeatedly disclosed that the number of bailors, as well as the number of names on th? poll-list, greatly exceeded th? number of nan ?a on the readstry-llst, while many names noi voted up,,o still remained on the registry ?list. Further extraes from the repon, which show j the amasias eorruptloB existing in the police fore? ; of the city In connection with ?1 ?ions. ar?. as fol | low?: The history of these two electlona (November, 1*1, anl March, issi? presenta a allocking condl. I 'ion of affairs. It shows uniform and Intentional i violations of nearly ?-very provlalon of the ele? tlon i law ?nd constatr Interference with and outrage upon th?* rights of the public anl of honeai ciii zens. it la w storv of repeating, violen,-,., rioting and <r;me, culminating in murder. I; is ih.- ex. m ! pllfied work of a deaperate and hitherto realstleas \ political mi'ohlne. ao adjusted, organized und run ? .-.>? lo enable individu.?;?, in the nsm? of the Demo ? crati? part*- ind in defiance of law, i i ov ri .. w ! government and ihwarr 'he riehts of auffrag* ? This r,!.-','hlne 1? an organizan.m ,.omp.,,.| ,,* pro . fesalonal poliitcians having a recognized, acknowl edged an?! reaponslble h?a..>. si : operates .hrough Demoeratli election officers, repeaters and ol iei j o'itia'As. aupported by i Police Department and a police for'-e obeiile'it to it? dictation It a iraeti i and unltea to itself !h>- criminal class. an,i It? elecrion day work la done by heelera and rteapera* ? doe?, som?. of whom Bgrv? as election offlccra, '-her? as police, and the balance as repeaters un ; -1er the guidance of ihe Aral two DETAILS OF ELECTION FRAt'DB. This orgaalMtlon, known a? ih? "Murphy ma* 1 chine," approves, rewsrda and proteo I a ,?? tools, ? and ihn-? perpel latea its power. Th? proceaa ; known a? "repeating" la accomplished by persona I not entitled to vote, going through th,. city ill il; ! or In banda, voting In the m- ,?i? dlatrlct?*on the names of legally reglet ?red voters in many In ??-.?nice? and in many districts name? of persona legally entitled ;o vote were voted upon two or ?!'.? oi mere times during ona election. ????r-'-r,???-- in? leirnl voter whose name w??. given to a repeater ?00!-!. at the time, !.?? in the line,'and i,.i..,i i.,iu?.eif protest ??gainst th* ou trag* in Mich ?as? th. lefrul voter WOUld lie th--e** tend With arrest re. a Demo ratlc policeman for distorting th* ?lee ilnt?. ?is ? wham a?-e*i i??i-?ii ??.;,?- wai rtnafl- allowed to cust his ?ote he Invariable had to ?wear It in. -.Mermen an I oth 1 otf?- ils pi ? ted ..?. protect??-) this disreputable gaua engage.] In this .lHmnablt? business from polling plat*? i , pollina Place m the ,-itv a sergeant of police, an -1 presi? dent of the ? ommon Council, a member of the d? K'?* K I??^<?,, _? "R?nv>'''s of the official position? held bv ?hoa-who escorted und guanled these crim? inals In the commission of their Upon ea-h-ng a polling plocr th' voting thug*? would* be sm^^r^.^r^^ tlug. ?i *i , i" 'harg ?mlths shop, a saloon, or other ermvenient pi a ? ?n- '-'".,.'.'0,.'.": ,:!'_"!!"" ?_*?? having th 1 in obtain un votes Uli e..*.er the pollin?- pis ?? Democratic ln?peetor a l?iine- ,,r rhe worker would himself ? arrv the r-e. istry list out of th?- ?polling plac? and maae the its himself, and upon the names *?<? obtaln<*ad the sv?:t Ing repeater would, upon r. ?elvtng hla name, ?at? and rota In not ??n<- . ur<- svas ?? gang of repeal er? headed by a Republican. In not .me rass w a ? hnllenge inierp?.*.?,! by a i ??? n?? r;u In not ?alriKi?- case was u rspsatsr arr*sted by a l>.-nio ??roil, policeman, and we recollect m? cas? In whlc a It publican challens "'s? not overnilad i?y th Democratic majority. Repeated requt-sts to arm iiiiHo criminal? wer? n?u?ic to the police by the R? p.iiili.-ans. but n ? arresta wer? made, uni the onl> peraon In danger of arrest svas the p?-rs?>n making riie r? quest. - The conclusion .?' your committee Is that m th city of Troy election crime* are dne ?.> th.- utti r dis? regard of law by the leaders of the Democratic ?party, to s dishonest and Iwompetent police force, and the subserviency of ?many so-called Republicans to the .?tro? ion* service of the Murphy machine. Tiie grave abuses now prevailing could !>?? greatl* remedied and n very substantial aid to good ?govern? ment ?n that i*lt>? rendered by the passage .?i an aci by the Legislature creating s re?nonsibl? and ? f flclent p..ll'?e deoartmeni In place of the present incompetent nn?l dishonest force. Bui Whatever legislation is pass.??! shoulsi be so frame<l ?a to b? absolutely free from th- Influence or control ?if the political element that now itef-rades an<l rules th? ''i,y' . . THE GERRY BILL PA88CD. IT exempts ss iki:.MB?TBMB kr??m ?""P.p?"ir.vl pi'Nis)iMK\r Tin; BBNATC votm? TO Clt\SOF. TUB NAM P. OF SENAT?"?!? HILL.'! HlitTiiri.Ac-K. Albany. March t.- The Senate thl* mornin<- con firme?! M?as W. Burt'fl nomination to be Civil Ser? vice Commissioner. Mena tors Cof/ey end Su!!i?an voted in the negative, petition* were present.-?I acamst compulsory va?' clnatton and favoring balloi reform, tb? latter coming from th. Cltisens' Asaoclatloo of Buffalo, which favors the "Massachusetts ballot." When ?Senator Bmela? r'a bill changing th?? nam? of Havana to Montour Kails was reached, I nator ?Cantor objected He ?Id th? vlllag? ?ras 'h.? Wrth pUce of a distinguished cltlsen, ?David B. mil. and some good reason should be glvsn for the change. Senator Sm?? said the fa??i m?ii?i'>n< ?i waa ? sufficient reason for the change. Senator McMa hoii sail any name ?sas b? !t'?r than a foreign one. Tin- bill svas passed as amended by the Assembly, an?! was returned m that ?tody. Senator Mullln presented ti?,- repori of th.. Trej election Investigation. 11 ssas? made s special oiader for Monday night, when the Demorratlc members Of the committee svill submit S minority n port. Wh.-n >r i iConnor's ferry Whippln?-I'oat bill, providing corporal punishment f..? sssaultnon children under ?Isteeti years old, ??am?? up, Sena* tor Bradley said he thought it.? provisions should b" mandatory, and that tie? forty ia*h?* should be appll? i ??'.'? iy ii ?Senator O'tConnor also thought the bill did not ko far enough. The bill gives the magistrat? power to order the punishment in ? isea of felony, and if wlfe-beatlng cam.? under that bead It c??uld be SO punlHhe.l. BUI that .r nil ? WS? not Bpei :!i-!. The bill ?got twenty-i Ighi vot?j?. Senator Bradley's bill providing for the ?:. non of Brooklyn AJdermen by Aaaembly .lletrl :??. and of the president of the board at s u-'-ti-r.-sl ette tlon ransed s ?mu* discussion, Senator Owens mOV1 ! t?? r-coniml'. an?l ?all that the caUCUS ha?i | agreed apon that action. Senil.?r Bradley ??l'je?; Sd. S.nntor O'Connor said th?? WH should go back for discussion. Senator Owen? i?a* ?? bill provld? log r??r iie.-tion by Senate districts, snd he under? stood tha: til?- RepuMlcsns wnnte.i that pssssd It was agreed tolas- th.- bill aside until neat T?ipi day Among the puis pasa?, i ?rere: Mr Riirns?- l'r.ivi lt,.?f f t Uta) n|>?.o,nimmt of coninilsfionerK to net with tiros., fr^'u N? sv- I? r ?? to preserve the Palisades, snd sjpproprlatlng ?).??>" for ? ?I '. Mr Wilds'a?Relative to The ra,rr?riil)r.i.'nt of per? sons arr.-?t. 1 and convicted of Intoxication, sa? gran?**' *te in ??ew-Yorh tCunulatlvi Renten?*?? bill. The Clt I?? Commute? reported fa?rorably Mr Wilde's bin authorising New-Yorh ?City to sppro prlat? tiiJBB year!) ' r the Lying-in Hospital it ?.a ii'ivanee | to third readli - s- nator i 'antor, by reque? troduced a bill pr ? vidinc for the appointment ! > tha Oovern ??? In each juJieiui district of bl-partu ? I four elec? trical examiners f?'1"" ;?. ? ?? ira, to t?a^i on ?.usllfl catlon? of ail person? ln*tsl'lna electrical i.ppsr atui N . member shall i?.- Interested In raciur? ?a! I an ?pp ratui Th* I ?oards miv chai ?? from P to Itfl for hi, examination, bui ar.- not to i ? <.laj ? snd m .-? hi? ? itst? m?. ! ?, ; ? ? - , of t? ????' 'I ? ? kilo-wan a or I?m are exempt from ?samluat n holding c*rtincat?a from examiner? tn punlahment for misdemeanor snd tho?? emt ? . ?m h person to a I f ? ? to SCO for each :? . ?? ? a? - - THEY WILL REMEDY POLICE ABITSES AUBNUEP l'ivl!, SERVICE llt'l.ES s )?)?):? -vv;i. R1 Tin-; M'.sv STATE" aX'MMtMSIUKa.M Albany, March I Th.. ,,? ? State Ivll I Commission met : r after t nflrmatloi Hurt, ?ri ? ? eff? ?VVillard A. C ebb . misa ??; ? -,,i ? . . , laine* i was 1 but 1 be only action of parti iar Inter? I ? . taken ?pprovlng the amended rules of the New y, irk City or Mu? ; Ser ?. which had aii..ids !.??-ii approved ay Mayor Strong and which )??i?.- been ? :. HI? with th? tnn bon tor metu* Thi ? ? . >? . lo I ? sway with the pos* I f furthei !*??? In thi Pol ? i ?? pu 'm. !?? - : i, .? ? -l. brought ? the ?? tlm : taki n In lh? i.. n vtded that h? r?*nft? i lh? iM.rr,... ? : the non i of Mi , s ? ? lent of I :? ? pr i ' ?iii-ii -?.'...;,<?? - ? i ii . mai ;.. r.-.. i r i i.?,. roue? ? ommtssionftri i . have nothing to do with th? examination ??'. ? an?!. dates for p ?itl on lh? police foi . that dut; r'-s'lni- i-it!, the Mayor ar; . ?',?.?.; Hers The Poll? ? Ji?ari ill?.-, tin ?,n;.. on? siat, ? at i time, .?ni three name? are to be ? u ?mit ted foi its choice, the names to t?? tahen from th? ? . list. If more than on? ?a ,- ??. ... ?,, be ?lled, >.niy one nea name la to 1 ? ted for each ?u Ing appointment Pormerb II m? p ,?-.;.;? t until there Were man) Vt .?r le? wn?:? i I?. name? could be taken and appointment? made fr?ni tii" brntoni instead of tha t..?? ??f the :,st fAVORABLE ACTION ON IMPORTANT BILLS Albany, Marchl Th? s.iht.- itni.r.>h>i Conisahte? is?.:'. c*epori favorably t'?-tii?.rr..w Mr mh .r* bill pro vidlnn for ali-niRht trains on th?? e!evated roa!. In New-York City Thla orirr* that train* *ha!l be i ui ?very elgbl minutes between I a. m. snd midnight, and ?very twenty minute? between mid? night :in?l .', a. m 'Di. Senate ''ommittet? on mi??-.lUanaoita <'..?|..,. lions will r?'?? >rr favorably Senator Person'? bill ? hing ?I.?- oftlce of State Inapeclor of ?i.i Meter*, now held by Anthon? rilnch? of Nea York City, st s salsr* of |6,ooo, ?,,,j tl,t... deputte? a' a ?a;,-ii>- ?,f ll..''<? Th.- ABsembli Committee on Qen?rral will r.-pnrt Mr. Andrews'* bill authmizlns public ?chool? ??? purchase and display American flu?? The Judiciary ?' .? of the v-.mi,!? decided t? repori favorabl) Senator <?'?>>nn r? bill rear? ranging Th- 1iiII?Ih) departm??ntH of th.- State in pursuanc? of lh? provisions of the new Constitution ?m a substitute for As ?-???mi, is mm, Arn.itr ?tik'pi bil? on th?- ?eme *ub)t?ct SUAI,:. MARRIAOKH (:!?: LICENSED? Albany, March ?s. The bill of Mr Chafjman ..,,,, pe'tllng i he procnrlni of a II anas i? fore man ,,. bad b hearing this, afternoon before tha llenera] Law? ?'.mm!.?r tha Assembly. Jol ? E MvDonough, of Albany o..?><,.?,.,i .?-,.. bill on the gi und that II ??. useless legislation Th? ?;?,;. rai Health a p) .s?i i for th.? recoi >;?.?? of ?, marrl ige, a?hl h s ? ?ufflcl? ni If th? ' o lid be i?,? ? ? ?i II \? .... I c nip. i ,,,-, r* ? t.. b? ,,],. i ?li?. i only with the consmi ,?f the County i ;. i-u Th:- would ' n loss- thai ofllcer with inore authorl*.* than hi ought to have, li mad? him prs tl?.,.? a Judicial officer it ??a?- oft"?n necesnan to hav? a marriai ? moni performed hurrledl? without < ' ? In oi 1er lo 1? cttlmltu children, ??? ,)..,. thi ?. might .o?', en tu II : i r? roai Ilion i , which the) w? ? . ntltl. ? 'i he only so, 1 provision In thi bill wa* thai which .npolled common-law mar ^acr.-s t ? hi w .?i.?.- .??? i by I wo poi *Fii. favorini the bill, Mi Chapman ?aid that It "Scratch my Back" Is the ciy of thousaiu.? aitlictej with distressing irritations of thr" skin, /j t*r^~^\i?n?* v?'-10 l-v?> in igi-o? ?^^1 yXrancect th.'f.u't that < W"\ * warm bath with V and a sinfk application of CiTiri'RA tiie great Skin Cure, will ifford in? Stant relief, permit rest and Meep, and point to a speedy cure when ?physicians hospitals, and all el?? fail. THE SAVONAROLA OF THE NINE ! TEENTH CENTURY, I The Rey. Charlea H. P?rkhiirgt, *->? I)., I tbe tearless reformer, th? intrepid iu ' vestigatnr, who lias freed the Western | metropolis from tbe evil elntehea oftlie iiMist powerful politif?l (?r^ini/a?idii in ' the world, one wh? is never afraid t<> i tfll th?' truth, write? -October 24, 1804: ; "Mrs. Parkhurst end myaelfhave tw<l i Pond's Extract so long ami so con ? stantly that wecan speak appreciatively I oj it and in terms of warm coramenda tion." was th- Intention of the measure to prevent ?can dala it would alao preTent elopements. The las? would pre m hurried marriages, ?n'l put?'- the recording la th?- banda of ?? proper public offtviji. 'he County Clerll A minister whs BOt h ?worn of* ti,-..- .-?n,l the County Clerk ?raa The Mil whs iahen up in executive aeeeaoa. THK POUCI -IU8TICK8 BILL Bl'RntlBE EXPRESSED TRAT IT has MOT DEEM ACPORTKD IN THE ?.-skmfii.v AMEND MENTfl TO BE OFFERED Athaajr, March I ?Hpecni? Muck anrprlac w,,? caused in the Assembly to-day srhefl the Committee on Cities fniie i to report the Police Justices bin. After as executive lesalon the committee reported ;i m:mher of mensures, bo" this wsa DO) Biltong them. Be varal amendment? bave tien offore.i by Mr. I'.iv-v. ?i!-.,l these will be cons: 1?re,1 furtr.? r by th?? committee. One amendment Increases the sai nrlee. ?if the committing Justices from IT.'".') (o a.l iin,| of the Justices of Sessions from IMIB to ns.<MB. Tbe dates upon which m-iel<-tr.?t?-? ?hnll assume ollir.. arc changad from April IB .lune, an,! from May to July. I? is proposed to Inser? the following to m-et the objections at President Oerry. of the Bo lety for the f*Te**entlon to ornelty to Children; Mor shall any person be appointed to th?? ofllee of rltj maglatrate unless h?* be a reeidenl of aaid city end shall have been sdmltted to practice aa an al torne] and roiinselk?! nt-lriw in the courts of id,. State .,; leas! five year? prior to the date ol au h appointment, provine?! thai In making the Ural appointments of city magistrat * under this n M..\ ..r may appoint any person ? r pen ma irho m n i,?v.* aerv? 1 aa police Juatlrea In aaid elty ..? leaal two j ? ?'-. Another am?-n.lm?nt provides thm pending any sppeal from i commltmeni ,,f ?? child under section :>i of ti ? PensI Code, tbe child named in the commltmeni n:-ict remain In th.- enatody ?if ?he in at I tut Ion apeclfli '. in the Anal determination thereof. Mr ?;?rr\, I? '? said i? not entirely satisfied with these amendment? He would :ik.. to hav?' sections IB sand .'i <?! the , || omitted entirely, Th? commit? tee win consldei the hill at It* ses?ton to-morrow, and may then reach an aareemenl ur?.n It. if not, actl 'ii will be deferred until next Tuesday. -4> WOMEN AND THEIR VYAQE& TUE AMSMBLT VOTEB I > IXVEBTIOATB Tin; ?-A.-KS i-V l'??.i:l V PAID SHOP AND PAC ?':? ?RY '.IKI.s |N N'KU r< ?RK A ban) liai h I (Special) To-day'a session of th Aasembly iras without Inciden! and ene of the short ? ? 'A ? Ineaday aesalons ?if Hi? year The calendar ?,' third r.a Una '?'.|*< Included i ?? aia ?h:.a . uld be acted up? :?. I .*!iv ..:. i ? len were no new biila ? , r.-s.lti? Perhaps iIm m >?t .icr-.-i:*,? fsalure ef lb? daj waa tbe Introduction of the fol? lowing r. ? Mr. Reinhar I of Vew-Y.?rk PThereaa Th?re ?.r>- lOO.ttH* ?.?. ,tn??n, on mnn\ of i? a. faml sr? dependent, employed In New York City, erhoe? averag? wage? are??? ,.n?? a laj while ? :.irr- pi .portion receive m?,h smaller mims; st i Wheraa?, Prom mi? terrible sad unpreeedent? I coixlltlon ,,f ,.rr.? r. ?.r,*..* -Kit .11 mlaery, Immorailt) nr. i Crime; v!*.-. ?a, Th? :;'??- ind aufferina of women .?'.?? . ??;??? rn ai legUlator? .m! nur ?very feeling of >mpaa?l n and -; ? intrj sa !?-? ther. : -?. b? It it? --?!. ? ! ? :, it the Speaker of this Iseembly sp I mi i committee of five with i ?? ? : to hol?l pubil ? ???.?- ?? ?? ? ? S'en 'York ? , look li to th? nafu? ? ? ?? ?; ' snd. sa far a? . . ? ? mtti , m \U- report to the ?*ai .li *:?.??????? I i adopted withe H ,!. b its ?.I'.rinor Wtllpplni ?' ,?? Mil ,iin? over ' Senat? Mr Alnsarorth s?ig*r?*?t.?r| that the I' The roll was ral'el .in 1 !..*.- ..-??! ?? be t * oppasltl b A*? th.* clerk ?,.:.?? | 11 Mr i! ll'.rgsny, wl ilrmsn of l II ? ? ? : . i- '.:, . , ,;i ! ....... ? ? ........... | . , deb *,?.? the I . ? 1 -.. .. i ..... , hat ? for pi i p ira ? \ - ??!, ? . ii ? . h '?-,?! m?! e th irl'.y fair to i . , . ? ? \ Alna? no desire to I thai ? had off? red hie motion with < I i . i tlon He wli - and iio. action on ? i ? reJ M- , ??? lrad? r Monra l i i) i bill b -.? ? k?v? m ,i I . epp ,.:'.! ' r one ? h I i . ??-'?? i . || : ?.... . ? ? prepare and ?u i I - - - I ??? ? ' ?-?- | i..;??<?, : ,-? laws r? , Ittng I > ?? , ? rnment ol the cities of n.| 'lass, and ? ? '? ; ?? i.I amendment? us are t.**rv for Ihe fovemmenl of ritl*?s or the ? ? ,-,... a. ?on! ? -*?! b) \rt.,'..- .\ ?I .?f the r?\i.. | .- r tit .- ' o*mmlaaion?*r-a ?re to be named within llv? layi ?? the pai '-? vi,* !>i I .tn 1 are to r? ?.?-.?? on.y their ?> tual expen**-? OOV MORTON BION8 THE CANAL BILL Albany, March ?! The Oovernor la? ??irr..*! Chap. :. - : - permlttlna ':.'' i???? ; I? of th< -:' it? ai be f.iii ?i?', lion to vet? ,,n ?h? question a' issuing j-,..,..., f,,r th? Improvemeni >.f the Erie, Cham* i ind oawego i inala - ?? - COLLEOE l*ANTJ ORANT RILL APPROVED Albany, Mai >k ? Ooverno? Morton bai algn? I the bill Introduced bj Assemblyman v.. v Btewsrt, provldlni for the funimg ?,' :!i.;;>?<?? inn! irrant fund of which Cornell L'ntverelty is ths benenclsry. Til?-, f m i . the donation ol t?-<- I i Iti l States th.- st?'- >,f N'e,*-Yo:k f,,r ihe ben. hi of it? lend iran? college, under the sei ,?r Congress approved in Presiden! Lincoln In IM3 Mr Stewsrt's bill provide? ' : tm >'?,]?; the fund Into the State Trees ur.. and ulna to Cornell I'nlveraltj cert Ihn tes of in I.-iii?. Ines hesring i pet , ?.nt ?nteres! Thia plan ha a already been adopted bj most ,,f the State? of th? t'i on a? CONGRESSMAN BUNDY HONORED. uni,. REPt'RUCANI OIVK a BANQI'ET TO THE RBPREBKNTATtVE PROM THE XTII DISTRICT Jackson, Ohio, March r, Heseklah s Bundy, the ?lintel ??: i Man." of th.* Xth Congressional District, will be mirent) ? .? >>.?rs old Angus) i. H" cloa? i h - poiltIcsl careei with the end of the pressai Cot gress, in which hi ?aa the Repr?sentative from th:? district. Tods) th? cltlsena of the entire district Joined in celebra! ni his return home, it ?v.?. a gain ?la- In the rlly aa well aa In th? Btata hlatory of the i!'|,ii, i' hi party, of which <'.en? Bund) li i? been a vlaorou? champion since Ita foundation. To-nlghl a hanqn i wsa given al which SB ?at. Impromptu -i ech? w?rt made, am its lha apeakers belna Oovernor McKinley, O serai Kelfer, i ; ..i..,. K Nash K, W i1,.* John w Bargi , 0 ? eral \ L Hsrrls, W i> Davla, of SM . . ?'? neral C. II Oroavenor, General 8 II Hurat, of Chllllcothe, .,. , ? i Beer : ir* < 'hsrh '' , ?:., rjem ral B ind] 'i (In , app. aranci In ofllcial lif ? wai 'i ISM. a ??? n i ? was .. m? mb. r of the ? ihl i !.. ?-,. at?n He r? malm i in the i.- r.l?latur? ,,i S? n at? almo : uninterrupted!) until IUB, when h ? t ii Presidential elector In IM be waa defeated for Congress bj i. majority, bul two yeara ::u.r u.i? elected by 1,000 ?'? rated fot x tro Huffrage and th? Re? inatrurtloi ... . i. rind retlr**d from poli? tic? uiiill !*>,-!. when h? waa again asm i i Congreaa He waa re?elecie,l and afterward was not .i cnndl date foi an.'. olTi ??? in th? Portamouth Convention of laal aumm i ?ftei several day? of ba iotlng. .ils name w.i- proposed as a compromlai !!?? rec*-lve?l On- nomlnatlnn lo -n.i Oen?ral Enoch? and waa elected. Bs-Oovernor l-',rai?,r 'a hi ?? , n '*? ind Coir.mandei In-Chief Kundy, of the Bons .?f Veter? ana is in? a? n t RIFT FOB Tin: OtACOXRgg UOMM. Townaend \\'nn.ieii nee written t,, the Rev i>r M i1'?'. Crawford, presiden! of th<? Kew-Tork Dea Mon- and Training School of the Methodist Episcopal Church, In'etoelnga i't>i!e,i unites i per cen? i.oni or ion: f.,r $!??.???-?>. which la quoted at iir. til...',? ind check for SXOM, making W.M, which he BBpS h? Wishes t ? y,',:e m the Ham? of M?k .(nnc K Keiem? ti. i vari *>??< iiriiiK i ?lie or b'tllli'iK In fee for the us? of the society, He d?siras thai ths In, otne b n'l,led to th* pr n Ipal null ihe fun 1 ?lin'l be s? Bsed. Mr Wendell hopea lo Incraaae the con? tribution bi B.OdU on li-ini settlemeni of th* estala \ir Wsnucll add? that "Mra Kelemen waa bo| .? Methodist, ih?."g)i h.*r mo:her wns ?' bei ?iil ?h<- ?efi .-i larg? pan of her catata .,- me, without restriction oi an! ku- I ! believe, however, that in devoting iii- prop riy t?> charitable and benei deal u. ? i Barry ui.i. bei artohoa.** POLITICAL ODDS AND ENDS. LINCOLN CLUB FAVORI MAYOR STROM... I?KARTV K?3Si)I.VTI'?NS TNANIMOISLY AlrOPTKL) co''.Nti,ii?s van con IN tut; CHAIR. The monthly meeting of the Lincoln <'lul> last night in !ta ??.htbrooms, at No. M Clinton Place, ?vas enlivened by the offering of resolutions la? ? dorslng the administration of Mayor Stronc. Pre?i i 'lent Camella? K, Van Cott ma* In thai chair, and AJJenander 11. Held SCted a* secretary. Ten m??ni iner? were elected, among them beln? Bdward Lnuterbacb and Henry \V. Hoops, Jr. Clarence w. ?Bowsn moved u?n ??Joptlm of tiie foiiowim* resolutions: Whereas. The Hon. William L. Strom; was elerteil Mayor ?<f New-York last November on a plat? form which pledge,i hlr.i to i? pi?n-parti*an admin? istration of the affaira ??f the ?ity; and VVher?-!*, He was r,<iorse?l an?l snpporte?! not ??lily by the solid stre:i(<th of the Republican parts, hut also by severs! Independent ami nomoeratir organisations: then ton, ?Resolved, That we, Republicans of the villth As? sembly l?i:??ri -t. and memb'-r* of the Uttcoln club. heartily indorse hi?' ?frort* to redoem hi? promise ??sen a.a a ???-? idldate to reform ti;e administration of th? municipal affairs of this city We recognts? the difficulties which <?? nfront him, and it is cur purp-??e to assis* ami not hinder him In ?he .'.!? charga of his h!;rh ?lutles. We ?.?lleve rhat us no other way ,'un h? ?o well shew the quality of h.s Republicanism as by fa'thfully r?leemln<- Wa pi? ic/.?is as s csn lldat?. The resolutions were seconded hy J M'irr.iy Mitcheil, tri?, candidat* far Congress m th? rerer.t election from the villth Congreas District. Mr, Mitchell ai^o offered an amendment to'doralng lh? administration of L??vi P Morton as irovernor of the Stste. ? nere was no opposition to either the r?solution* ?ir the amen liii??nt. eni they were bo?:? unanimously sdopted. The Lincoln Club noss- has -? membership of IM. MR BIBLEiTS PRESIDENTIAL ?300M. TDK SILVKIt UAKOFBBTO SETS -"HR PO!/?TK'U. P'jT BOIUNO AOAlJf. Washington. March ti -Th? primp' throwing of their fra'intiet |nl j th ' Bel I by the ROW r::iri:il?:orr. the ?'Blntetallie Party." arrested ail show of ar:?. p - it ai stagnation at th? capital thai night have followed tb? sdjsaranieai Of ?-onjfress and the departure of the Pre-, lent. The address, or manlfeato, launched apon the country yentar? day, t-??,?ther with the m*nti??n of a candidate fur President .n th? person of fx-?*..n-?roaamin ,Jo ; ?, ? ?. Blb'.ey, ? I Pennsylvania, has h-en to-?!ay an anlmati I topi of discussl n. The brief Congres? ?lona! . ?:???'- of Mr. Blbley has not been unmark?d t?v a m .-t decided earnestness in ?jivine esnt*e?nl?Mi to views on ?liver thai placed him at once in the f remosl ,;-.nks of lh? ?.?-.?re metal ?lemon ri c n _?:????. and II :i known that his avalllb?l'.ttes a* the Presid'ntia! candidat iba a ? ? rents t? the silver cause have I.ib-r?1 ' ri freelj considered by th? tn. re prori.aon: of these gentlemen iahst lau of i? The fa?*: thai Mr. Mbley was aiaa th? ? of t - !?- of hi? district .is their candidat? for Cougi ss ? thought by hi* frlenda ?roilld n ' latract n any ssay from iii* strength, parti ilar?j i - h? Is not known to have made hiin .L'irr ?;v? ?a his a 'v ?-i-.- of those principles? Hi c- ? ? ? ? i and th? ilmost universally pieis ant relations he hr.? with those ?Who have b*?n ? Might li ' islnesa Inte ? curse with h.m. have formed a part of th? l ? lusion? that so freely re ?ponded to the event of his -nt ?e^te.i naminailon by ihe Bimetallic League Personally Mr Blbl?*y n.ia .!... '?.ir--.1 that 'n<* Old not ?vmh to h? honored With 'he Presidential nomination He would rather see Senator Camei -. ?? ? silver ?lew? mxt at ceptabl? to him. or Benat ?r Teller, or Mr Bland, or ?,ri... other (1e?/ote? ?. the cause, .??iecrej ,-? its ?'c idard?bearer, but he asserts that ha will give every a?a?st?-r.?? possible to rh?? new movement ?ril ? ?? : h lists si n hi? prediction? ?if ?no ??-a A KAN8A8 ?SOUND MONEY REPUBLICAN. MR I'AIal RRIICAD BATS THAT THE sitAITK FEVER s- ii \ ITS ?'?ifs!: sv:? is |.f< t.TMN'?: Washington. March I ISpi :.\\< In :???2 the voters .f ti?. I'th Kanaa D trl I returned Davis .i*n?'i li?t. t? Congress by a plurality ??; I.MQ rotes; in ;???! !,. was a candidat? for re-eleirtlon, and w. A i'al?lerhead ihe Repubttcan candidate, was re? turned bj a plurallt) .?f t,BM votes. Bo far fr??m being tinctured or tainted with Populist id? ?- M lh? es Mi Calderhead Is an out and out rupublican ???i sll questions Including th?- stiver nusatlon, He :* n???? m Waahington, and In conversation w,? ii s I ?i reporter lo-d, |. hs ss I Kansas Is ?.?*?!ins to tie a Bound money state. snd tb?' oi.iv people there now who are radically In fas.r .?f the fr?.- and unlimited Mtaaajs of sUvnr are s f??v and ?sen they are not *o rampant us they siere. At tha ttrne of my stee? ? .,, n,.- state platform of th- Republican party rontatni I ? d?clarai on favoring the ? ritrfnag? of American produel s l?rer, and putting a prohibitory cjiitj on the foreign praduel I ?sent before th.? I. pie of my district, howevi r, and t id them that I wo i ? ? ?i for ti n ige af American . ; othei silver until the time ar rive i when . ?liver d..ii ir would b? as ?good In the mar? K? ? f the ss rll hs ar.;. Other ?! ?licir. I belies.' . ? ai i gold should i??- on .? parity, and that until such is the case w? cannot aft?i i t?. coin Ami ? an illv? r at a ratio of II I "Thei *?:? ini.r.'.- Republicana In my dl trl I a/ho favored :.??? rolnag?, but the) sor,-,i for me. i .? ? knew my position perfectly well a*hen they . I ? BJ I lh? ia? ' Of :',??.r \ ting for ni>- ;? ?Vi? ta n.r n?..:. I. that ihej r.-a /? I ?he truth of tatemen! srhleh I mad? r,, them that ir."? coinage Is Impraetl sble a this time. ! all !-,??! I ? it National bank ?< ^?, ? em l believe ma: It furnishes ,?- tl.I i .?? i mon?) that i e have, ..-?; li should not be supplanted bj .? ?ystem of s us of is?u?' In th.s connection ! .il? > believe m thi retlremei the greenbacks The ? ??"?;.'?? which w? have recently ha?! ??: the "?* r . -?ii ? h gr.backs ' be put should be s '?'irr.. Ini to ?i*, .?".?l they ?i: ? ?'I >'. bt permut? i? I for ril,- purpose o' constantly depleting the i: ltd : ' ?-?Tr? * ?T ?Jo not mean to eonvoj the lmpre**lon that I am h?)*tlle to silver ? ?ri I i- ?nirar?. I ?hou'd :ii. ?.. ?es stis.r itand o an ? luslltj srlth ?_- >I? l In our flnances and th? flnanee? ??: th? ?rorld but i . ? : propose to Insist upon pushing si'?v?i to the . o.,., s ?a ? tlcabl? :?> It tha? footll : ' ? I I?? you think the ???iniiii?: monetary conference will sccompllsh an> thlnii " ? i do nol thin? ii ??? ii ???? '? In ree mmendlng ?ni l?gislation; bul II ? ? have one ?.w ! effect. It ?,.l demonstran r., ihe mind? of 11>.-??,? people ??h. ar.- clamoring this country ?lone apon a ?llv , be . ? r?o?ii1on of s is ?>r In I a? finance? of th? ??..?'i. Th? conf?renee ?vili h.-iv.. ;i?, ?du i? ? benefit, 'in:-.?',.:, in 'he effect of opening lh* eye? ??f a prat mans people to the ?sad ?ltuatj.' allver, ? situation ??..??a tiiey .1.? i. i non realise " ? ??> ? ST.\\?'H BIOHTH v, Alt'? REPUBLICANR Th? Republican Club ' the cfilghth ?IVard held n- regular monthly meeting laei ia?'.': at N?> '::?. Bprtng-?l Th? club, though s youngster, ha* airead) over ?"??i members There was ? crowded meeting las, night presided over by .lohn I?. l?e Zelter The following resolutions were carried unsnl? mously Revolved, Thar iiie Republican Cluh of th? Right h Ward does heartil) Indorse the principle of bom? rule in the >ii\.? ??? and momentous affair? and c?f.,in? i of pul,'., bu ilr i of thi* munlct* pal. t) Resolv? i. That ,??? ,:? atrongly approve th.? Po? lice Justice? bill, and earneatiy ?ru.. its early -A. Resolved, Thai we, as Republicans and loyal cltlsens, ?!.? Indorse and warmly support Mayor Strong in his KT>\'t ; ??ii > Involving in.? qualities of honest?. Independence, fearlessness, maaterll- ' i)M of method, slncerlt) of purpose, and marke.I I strength and power, ?r. which l?" has based ins administration of public affaira, TALK ABOt'T I.? .'A!. OPPICEB, Bx-SherltT Jar".s O'Brien's ?u?Jden appearance at ill.? Mayor's ?<!)???? yeatentay gave ris? to s r.p?->r; that he had i? en appointed s !'.?'.i. ?? Cowmmtsssonaf i.< Bucceod .lames j. Martin. Mayor .??tronit later ??nii'.rii |i? ;???! the report, i???r -.? ?>iil?l nol mak.? any statement a* ??. his posslbl ? Intention t?. appoint Mr. O'Brien ai s future ,'.ns Mr. O'Brien said that he had called to consult with th?' Mayor on a privat?' matter, but he did not deny thai he expected t.? be appointed ? Pollc? Commtaatoner !i ?sa said at ill?-'s <>t!l.-,> ye.atei'?lay thai John A. Bleicher ?s..?ii?l take olllca an Supervisor <>f ."The ?':!> Record'1 on Monday. Mo b?w appoint' m? ?ils bs the Mayor ?'ere announ.I yesterday. ?;. ?rge II, Starbuck, Supervising inspector of Steam Vesaels, was seen yesterday re sardine the dl?ml?*al ?>f mich SSalStanl Inspector.? in tue N'ew 'i'ork district. He at Urst declined to ta:k. and as ?epte,i (hat h>- ?van perfectl) ignorant of the situa? tion, but afterward said he ?npposeil it was simply the result of s ncss- lasv which did away with all * '??'.?'i.nii Inspectors throughoul tii? l'nited Suiie.-. There were s xte. :i Inspector? 111 ihl?? .1l*trict DINNER OP TMK REPUBLICAN t'H'n. Th? Penu'.ii.'an ?'.ni, will pive Its n? xt mo;i:hlv dinner si tl??? eluMMusa, \o. BO >Tlfth?av? next Tne'.,i,i? , c-noi?- The .??-i??, : f r ?ftcr dinner .'.)* i-?i*sl.?n will be "Sh.ini.l ?-'i*. cm? Dutte? or Internal Revenue M? the Main ?focrce ,?r tjio-irarnniaac ?In? ? "?.r ie guesta will h- Cnlted Sm?.?.i Senator JullusC. Bui-tow?, of Michigan: Mah'.on ?'nance'the Rev. pr. R, B. MacArthur and the Rev. ?Dr A I Kl.lrl?!rTe. **> /lA.tif/.V/. AURA IHB VRVBt RF.Ct:tvF.HS. '?hic.igo. March ?V ??.Io.?klchl Takamlne. pre*i?lent ?>f the Tnkamine r>rm?nt Company, n'.cl o petition ' In the United Unte? eourt yesterday n?*a!nst the re clver? of th- Whlrkey Trust. He alle-f?* that In 1*131 li? ?-?.tered. into a ?joniract with the otBoers of __ In a State of Bankruptcy ?i*- the condition of our aratem if the liver becomes inactive so that the germ* and poi-ons can accumulate within the body. Keep '?lie liver av.d bowel? ac? tive av.'i we're '-i ?i condition ??f healthy prosperity .md have sufficiently well invested capi? tal to -lr.uv upon in the hour of need The liver lilter* out , the*? ?rcrru* wbi. ? entertli eysteaa Just so*?ure iv as the liv^r regulates the Bvstem. BO 'lo Ur. Picree'a l'le isaut Pellets regulat? the liver. Ktc-p this in mind. au<l you solve th.* problem of pood health and Rood Ihrtaf. Tl'.'* " I-lea-ant Pel let? "hive a totiic. strent-thenint* effect upon the lining membrane? <-?f the stomach and bowel?, which cffectoalr? cur.?s Mttoaaaeas, Siclc Headache. Coati ye? nes?, or Constipation, Indigestion. I,o?? of Appetite, Rad Taste in Mouth. Sour Ri?;ngf. fnen Stomach, and will often cure Dyspepsia. The " Pellet? " arc tiny, b-cause the vegetable extracts are refined and con? centrated RgBJf in BCtkm, no griping BB with old fashioned pill?. A? a dinner pill." to pr?>mote d?'ge?tion. take one each day after dinner. To relieve the distress arising fr??m over eating, nothing equals one of these little "Pellets." Ute. Melissa Atwateb, of Steubeu Washington Co.. Me., write?: "As re garda the Itttk 'Pellets.' 1 think I could not do without them I do not like to be without them in Um hou?? I have spok? en verv highly to friend? and n-ighbor? ?if them, and nianv are taking them through my Bdvertislng them. I will ?ay they are the best pill I can lake, especial!?1 for an after din? ner pill I think they have no equal." mmm tTEEtHINc Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used f : over FIFTY YEARS by MIL LION'S of MOTHERS FOP THEIR CHILDREN WHILE TEETHIXO w.t'i perfect SUCCESS. It SOOTHES YHE CHILD. SOFTENS THE OUMS, ALLAYS ALL PAIN, CURES WIND COLIC, and la the BEST REMEDY FOR DIARRHOEA. Sold by drtiffglsts In ev*ry part of th* world. Twentv-five Cents a Bottle. /^ATHLETICS PHOTOGRAPHS' ?K of I distinguished" celebrities I Y c ? KUkThXTm FHOTOOEAFMIC SCT*1___ w S <?K thi; SBST ?t? \i.rrv. Y or tho Stage and Maiform. L E ^ HUL \ HULBtRT BROS. & CO BPORTBMIO I Bl'PPLin, Mi WKNT -.'.'ID ST.. PHOTOGRAPHY SIMPLE STRONG SILOT^7d^W.SP?*?OY Win ... rdlng t , th.? frrr.ula cf Dr. Hammond, m hi? ?at? ?rater? at ?vtr-ii-tc ?Vashlngtca D C Th? -rto-t w_d?-r? ?ALI ?l\, ?Z, ,..? ,,, r...??,|, ?,.,-;,*.?rv ?i?? ? th? days Lin?- Dee?, ft ?Ircpi Prie? C <lr?. $1 uO. A' ail .?*/ from '"?- ?'??lunilila l'hruiloel C'u?? h ?. n I ? ?' -^riiit for i ? ',. i me, ;??*. il'. ,V, IOOI ? a - t '? ?-.*? ?? '? ? s 11,.?. U \0t ?*? r. i ?tsmp tot H ? v ?> the Tras? for aaperlaieata ?ith h;* toraaentatlBB . ...? :i ? * . . la saving be was t,-? rocelv? Su i?r cent of th? an ?uni saved. Las? Jal* the Ti il .??? aitladed tba! the erocaaa was an im ., ,-neni at I i n ra ted to nt up th? Mant-atta**, i': .-!'!,-.? for th? us? of the pro,*???. In Dect-mlier ho h'ca- operation? Whan tho receiver? wore appn ued the- ?used th? diatlllery to bo*-l lia-k to the old procese. The potltionor asks that ta,. re'tMvtra be compelled lo either carry out t_> contra -? or r-leas** IB? petltlOOBr. WMSTMMM IIMMM STILL Chicago, Uirch I.?Western finish their work on ? terrltorl an?l adjourned until n*:.- ?reek ihT.? will he a full repreetnt&t m'.ttee wa? appointed i cent'.*, mad?* by the Trunk i : ? - >l>.'Hsh nr Bl ICBBt mitin 'Mtnn-issi,.us h H.??' ?m ?? rrli i done, which is not probable, be reciprocate !>> brlnnlna the Oral '?s payment of exo -iv-* comm! bualneea st Canadian porta COMFMMMtS?, .no? were unah'o *a il ?ereement t,?-d?y whon It Is oapoc;?dl -c. of line?. A c?-?n?? Ser the request re? iBBfl tha: WttUM at? the paymtnt of rjr, If th!? can be Kastorn Uno? w vi'A n ! Trunk to tin** la salons in ln-nita-ant THE WEATHER REPORT. SLOWLY KAMIN : 1 ? I: >M KTKi; IN TilK EAfY. v*,'. n, m .?t h B. Th? ta reai? ?er h?? f?n?n rapidly ,n tii? ifpf-t-r take rt-atas and ?h? 1'w-r xii?si??ippi v?u . ,.,? Hi m? r.-?i n a ni. t Montsn?. It ha? fall?? ?lowly m ?il other ?Malrlrt? *eM at Iks Beck] Mcintanw durtiia ?ho .is? "s.-oi.t la ?'?? -aat?rB pont a f n r:h i>^ ,?, it i. uvweai north ?' l?aB? ButKrtar. and hi?h??t ?a :',,!! .v' tanta I? I? *?i net In all ?Usttlcta aaaapl is ? !,.. u<a-ai Oh?? *"???" "? lr?':'"'' '' ' ? r''' ' a'w*W><j ??-i i.i^ht i....?i trow, ara np<-rt?B thl? ?vc-alBg troan N-,.?v i:.?..?c . ?n?1 1 ? -?-?I rsln? fi-, m tht? h .-.- Atlan'lo .ml vi. -?i I'ult Kiat? ?. Th? wralher will '???- tait end warm-- r?n?r?lly through. :? .... Sorthim Stat"? ? ?? f U?? Mi-.?'.*lppl en Th?n? Bay i--.?'. -*? ? '? are lilwli t?- ,v?-?i. m the Vawet KIm ,-m,, . v?ll ?nd on the s.-i;?h A'isnti,- ?-r??-?!. :'KT\l!,r.l> rORBCAST I-'OR TO-PAY. rat N iW'CngtaiMl, ganarsl.} fair ?'.urtng Thnrsd??- pra? , ?? | .1 b| local t-n,,-.*.? t'-rlsht !i tii? cortr?! p?-?lcnS| allhwecl Wlnda sad wart-no? :?".? Raaters N?*? Tarn, gsaarally fair TtnarsBaa;; ?Ufa*? i <.*.?? m ? a ulhw, ?? ..-?pria. '?' y latera Pmssylvssta, N*rW-J?rsey an?i P?'.a?-?ra ' KMilhwael wlnl?.. rl.Khtl? ?isiasar In ??titra: tvne? ?i H .m'-.. ! w th? Dtalrict of CUumsta, Marxlun-i a.-d Vlrslni?. fair, "it'.i Mitiit ?nitli w!i*. ?linhtlv ?.?riti.r tn Vlr? K..1I., Bar u>?i Virstnle,, W*??*era r?nn?vivinia ?ni U'??t.>rn N?W V.'ik B?a?rSlly f??r ar*,1 ?.?mi?-, ??uth? mett ?i n?!? ?Bt'XF UOCAt. OnSKRVATTOVs UMa Jlasran- ? ccnt'.nuuu? nhlt? Un? ?Bow? the c-hans:*? in pronur? ?? Indira'** ty Th? Tribun?? ??!( r??or?.nc barom?t?r. Th? brckon lino r?pr???nt? th? ???? p?rntiir? ?? r?onrd?d at P?rrr'? Pharmacy. Tribune Office, M?roh T, ! ? m.-Th? weath?r -s??t?-?day win warmer ?n.1 fair, escept fnr a ?light ?bower lo th? ?ft?rn*?on. Th? temperature r?ns?*d between B* ana 43 rle-Tee?, tho nverase (iOVfj) being HI? htfher than t"B Tuf?1ay ?n1 IS l<iw?r than on the oorr????o??*"'*?B tay la?t year. The w?4tb?r will probably b? fair and allghtly u-day.