OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, March 07, 1895, Image 7

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1895-03-07/ed-1/seq-7/

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?V. h\\ UWE I. LI.
... .. Km 0f ??-,. ar: of M. Rail ' lv? ' :l>- If
v?ry ojul? kI? ::.' i or,;..- - - of Mr psychoiotleal re
f that art. He I
he 'a i philosopher first, ind ih? broarl Impression
: ived from hi- wort Is of a neen?eyt : observer
... , v. ,- | t, || you, If he ?? ?' '? moch more than
? r. ,.,,;,,. .... ; .-.,. , ther eape II? nt - of art ars q ial?
?f?.-] f. reveal That la to say, ths i>i?r?i.'n ol his
:.:?? la IntelliH'tu?!, nol pre-?mlnently aesthetic, and
, l( . | m ... ,.< mocl. !'? hint that apearais to ses
ihello tasi - ' ire? ' ' ml "' ;'1*' ?,m"l'il!,n Art Gal?
:? r * are l?l'.ed with hif! ??r?*ductlons. Ther? are o s,
. . prints, i tlpturea and ]??,>.-.s? re?
product.. ?-.<? of ss.?rk.? In vartoua medlunas. Through
, . i?,? , o?;.,, lion, ?viii h runs up to 133 numbers,
f ? p ii>pOBS of M. Kaffnelll Is evenly proclaim? 1 BB
?r, bave ln?akated ahov?. H? strivis to make pict?
ure?, bat be is absorb?. I in the social signifie.me* ??f
k Is material. pie?>?*?*upted with th<? movement, ihe
ton." of '!??? Pariaian llf? he has chiefly i*eproduced.
Th:* *tra?:? of reflection In M. BaffaclII has not
commuted him t anything banal, has not reduced
h!m to the superficial humors of photographic and
rncolotio genre. It has Instead l?nt a ?leepcr reality
to h;s purely impressionistic studies of bout-p??.:?
and Bohemian types, heightened lb? human valu?
of tro.?e picturesipi?" sketch?! svhieh he ha* nia.le
ir'>m the panorama ?urging ?l.-silv through th
??:rre;? and other public ptaets Of tb? French capi?
ta!. He iac contemporaneous to Ih?? last ?lesrrce. You
f" ! this In the pages from "Figaro,'' srhleh occupy
*??me of the firs: frames In this ???llectlon. sheet*
of black and white vignettes which are ?>f the v?ry
e??.".i?e of pictorial Journalism, direct, Incisive, alive
with tb? mingled mirth ami sa'ln'"?* of ihe great
urban spectacle. Ton ferl a similarly poignant ve?
racity in th*? large oil painting whi.-h repti senta
Clemenceau harangulni a political meeting. Whei*
?ver h? i*. M. Kaffa'lll lakes note of the animating
Impulse. gives you the very flavor of familiar life.
If he QhtUBlcT t.? devote himself almost exclusively
to the mournful an.l unlov.ly pirns, s Of life. It is
partly, no doubt, a matter ?>r lemp?rain?nt, i: Is
also a circumstance wbJch may have been .1- :?r
iTi!ne<l by the ?nature of his technique, There la
nothing suave or graceful about the latter, n ?:h
injr that would suggest a point ol vlesr ?colored by
del -ate imagination and strengthen?"! by reflne?
ment of taste. M. Uaffaelli is a severe, almost bru?
tai. lomiaantatnr on life, and there is no tenderness
!n his style, it is not that he l? unsympathetic.
On the contrary, his sympathy for hi* homely per?
sonages is profound, as witness the repro.1 u< tl.-n of
that painting of an old man alone In bis garden
with his sunflowers, or his appre ?dation of a senile
typ? '.n No. 4C. "Va ration at Orandpa'a." m. Raf?
fae'.li has sympathy enough. But he is brutal in
setting down his facts with remorseless truth, in
presenting youth and age. whl??he\er it may be,
without a trace of Imaginative onhamemen;, with?
oat a single effort to poetize, to ret?n" the rasv sub?
stance at h'.s ?Hsposal. This unflinching rectitude i*
on? of the things that give him the vlvidne?*. the
vitality for which he Is remarkable. It '.s also ex?
actly In tun? with his technique. The same fr.ink
m?a* of vision which leads h'.m to express baldly th?
coarse fibre of h's nixie!?, is responsible for the un?
equivocal btantness of his manner. That manner is
partly linear, though based, we t.ske it, on the ma?
nipulation of the brush. M. Kaffaelli has breadth
Of effect always, absolute breadth of manner rarely.
To make this matter clear turn to the lar?;-? oil
painting called "Repose," or to the Cleiuenceau
portrait aforesaid. There you hav<? large surfaces
: i : ar i y handled, and in the "Repose" especially the
gr-eat masses of tone are brushed in with an actual
sweep of the hand that ag? ees perfectly with the
character of the ?cene, with the large unbroken
?paces of the coverl?t spread across the bed. In the
"Clemenceau." the principal figure Is modelW with
?rirlklng force and simplicity, and the surroun ling
aotora are treat- l with appropriate vlgoi and terse
i.ess. Hut the.??- are exceptional production?. Take
in their place ans ,.f the numerous smal.?'! works
with which the wells arc hung? take, In other
wor la. any of the picture? that are obviously char?
acteristic of M. Uaffae.li in tils normal m?io?l. A*
once ihe technician's true metier is apprehended, a
metier of sketchy, stetTrOgraphlc ?,?itlln?-s. of struct?
ura suggested rather than explained, of persp? :lvs
hinted but never followed out to their s. lenttflc
.-?n.-iusions, of an art, in brief, which Is essentlslly
linear an l Intensely s?pontaneoua.
It Is where M. Haffr.elli rell?*. u?.'on hL? SUpplene*?
an?l ?loquence of lin? that. h<- is most sue ? ?
HornetIr.ies he ?arrie-? l; t . excess. When b? n-. -
It ari.itrar.lv, us In the ?crawly, Inleclsls .? Ir..- ol
So. 34 and .No. a, he loses much of hi? .?%?? usi eme i
power. Hut as a rule he ?SJcBOp?? it??- Kos.-n-ss ..f
theae picture* and provoke? U!.re.??c:'s ed H'l.Tilr.itioii
for the strength ?if hi* ou'lm ??. th.- precision of hi*
an in such painting? as No. 10, "The ?'icvil
i: ?ui^vanl." ??r So? U and 17, b ?? . i illed "!.??
Nourrice*," bu: <?na of th<?m done on the Place de la
C r. ? rje and th? other in the ??lumps Elys?f
effectlv? i? this? defining g.i: of Mr RaffaelM's, so
reve.iiing.y d?oea his brush folios?, the com ?urs ??.' i
face, the changing outline? ol a '. iras, that h?- Is
[pictorial, aim??.?; dramatic, ?vlthout ,.r.> of trc usual
c.arifying ?lernenta of composition. Of imposition,
indi-el. he seems aim????: Inno ? n? There seems
Homing Mieotlve in his n.<-:h ??!. n?> n?c balancing
of part*, no jealous car.? ir,..- each plane shoul?!
grow from the ?asi an?J e.i >t llgcire s;an 1 in .t -?
ujence with the ih^r. He srtse? nsi ? : th? . ?
frairment, the group tha: is -.rn tr?>ni rh<- hurrylna
crowd, the combination of figures that has n it an*
Of the *<-n?uous chaxin of a subtly form--i unit, but
l? striking because Its member? ar? Individually
Interesting. It is that t? whl.'l. ,,r:>? Is bound to
com? back in surveying thii i?, is o! w tk s .rn?
pl??sa:it thlnirs ther?- are t>? ?ay about th? I in
artistic relations of the pi^tur'-s. as tnat ih"i?' I*
charming color in So. ."??>. "Buntll Itoii"; that there
i? ?uperti tone In the tin-ly m l?.i(d "ChlCltweed
Vend-:' of No. 2, an?! ?hat there I? ?? renr? ol
fenu.ne summer m th.- i-kv .,! So. IS "Bummel
?ay In Pa**is." I'ut .?ri?' scarcely ?ees mese pointa
It mu??: i??? a lm?te.i. for absorption In lb? awn ?
-onveyi"! by every patnilna or draaing on the
wall?. Tr-i nurse?? mentioned ab? s.- are il?-.?: I
of the Parisian bonne. The ?na--ni youth) .-..?? i
? of ' The ?"rowd*d Boulevard" ?r* appalling In
their hnrd t?-ali)v. In hla many portrait*
?. - ,m I similar figure.? of rh? street In ills illustration?
...' :.-:e duil llf<- of the bourgeois In his gilmpse?
of the caf?s chan'arr. taken from both side* of ?
fo'??.light?, the expression of ra?*e, ol tJioroughly
Krni n ehara?rerr?r;???. |s aim ?.?? painfully ac?rate.
A t-ereonal feeling g .*? with It >i ?. and that, in the
long run, cons; tutes M. Kaffa. .Ils ??ai;r. t.. oui ai
t?nr,?,n. His cleverness, his vivacity, his truth
w?>ull h* of ?mal', eonsequ n -e were h?? n.?t aii orlii
ina; painter, an arrlsi inro whose every sket'-h Ihe?**
i* projected a jc-r? .rial something, a new. uncini'ii'iii
and attractive styl? o: beauty In th? strtel sense
he has baj-e'.y a ?iisplcUMi. He his done nothing
to Tiring ?ut th.'- love'.io??? :??'n? r. con.ii.n thirigs,
for he uses litt.e ..r no Imaglnat'on, and. when ne
analyze*, it I? to find the mon f'Tbli'llnf* ??ri
stituent* of the *e4vm) si i>? ,.f ;\;,.. Bui w- In* fe'.t
the pathos of poverty an i hi? Intrillgent, thous/htfu
works .ir- well ? ?eh th?. trouble of having (?? ?n
bro'ight to this country la s man Practically all
his w,rk la abown. If not in th<- original? then In
r?aprodu?*tlcna Ther? ar.- even a fe? sculpcturei
though in ttieae, bevond a .?rtair. forcib'.e realism,
??.. .?an f!-!?l noth.t.g of the power which M
Kaffae, I'? admirers b?-v,,v..|. Taking the exhibition
as a whole, H Is lacking In charm, lacking In artlstl
beauty, nu? Il i* --r ?i!ir in qi-slltiea ,.r picture ?que
r,?'- firvi contemporary ???bservation. and it repays
exam-.ratlon It remains .[,... until March 17.
of want <?f confldCi
oi want oi connoence.
Fr,,rn The udlanapolla Journal.
t*.. ...,_ . . ...
Fron Th.- l'h?la?ieiphla i-r. ?.^
.,,,?",:;io?,,,',;ai '-???' ??=?'.H stand? for a
?,::'i,'ciiT;'::: "Tr"s?.;?nh;,Uv,h ?",:;':
ihis?i.-;.v, lion baa any ?toV??Tw?] ,
r??jilre! :?? nport to the next )1r?..V /?? V?
sentatlves That Hou** wii ,? ? , l'r u,|,r'
li.g l<.p-i.l:.ar, majorlts. It mi^J? "'"""".
money. T?, I h? Hon.* Wpre?-?\A fe, ^ ^
ocrat? .?ul of the three numbers, ?nj ttic-v Ir ,, ,
,'lc.-r,e in politic, but ?q?|Vf)0?,| In ,he"? at i
IIMla mi ihe ?".irrency question.
cITUONG KUKT ix its K.\v<?!:
From ihe i?r<?vi,i'-i, n Journal.
? .?.:iiiou? ..)i?K?si!i?,n of Ih? l'.'puli?!? to ?,
??-y , ,>!,Terence for th<- ?wneMeiration <,f ,ni?r
aatlonal bimetallism I* another ?rrong argumeit
In favo? of lhai m"tii,.l of ?eiiling the ?urren-'-y
Br>>m Tne BasHni HeraM.
In tanking his ?jf-pomissetits rc.e Pr?ald?ni slio>uld
?jsaj the Amerkan ?l?leK-?.t:or. into much closer
?Mrormii; ihan H now stands to whai ma% be
terna?! An.erl.ati public opinion. The I'-??,
?-. ,- ?.? ' '?.??-."??.>? |,?,fii. .11/11111.11. I .-,?? I.'-Sc
'?' atiouid, ii, order in some iie?-re., to eaualls
t"r,. r*' ut'lv,ln! nif'n who are the unquobfied ?.iij,
?Ib?.-^ "f " *<>u^1 m.-talll. system -not half-was
vatit ' ,,ut m,*n who r*-?->'*?1 'be enormous a.i
'-or?im f" ,h<? ?'ommei'.'?' of the worl.J and to the
unvlre * of ,h" colln?',y of having a dlHtin.t and
pr-,?r.'"C ?'""?" of values a basis which ar the
to tn^ t!n" ???" oniy be fotinii by cio?? adb?eston
?Ho SA-j, , |(K,.HE8KNT Ti{K t'ov KI'.NMKNT''
H? Th* -Vashlnirton Post,
a???*!* Istrn^u,'r Pff-VT*4 to lh<* -ri?itida of the cvov?.
"-ov?ir ih-. ,,''v".1 h." d ????vemeai ?mu it b,?gin*
?? ?hat the LniU'J States mil occupy- lu lb?
?I ?vi i nine,i; ?;
> I / " C. GOODWIN DISGR.U ? /?.
.VN aii?ii:.\,k
K<*1 IP? .l/ii-.V
Mtl'NK I1KTOHE - !i:
rilK AlTOP MAK1 . ' N
AND I3KS "'i; P
"Nal' ' '; ' ,: ?'??'?? lhe a :. r, an i Lorl'.lard Kln.
whos? recent . ? apa !.. in ,, wi ?-known music nail
?*??**? " '' ) ' be n forg? ;?? n, ha la mba I word?
an ] mutual t* crlmln itl< m lust utsl le of th?
big plateglass doors ol Hi Hotel Waldorf on Tuea
da) nlghl For a time li teemed that blaod would
Bow, but It didn't. Inst?ad. a llouid, !h? eomp u nt
[ part* of which are the Juii of the gra atcoho. and
gas, did the flow-ill? ;,' Ih? ?? . ! thi oll.it".'. ..!, I
lhe linguistic combatant? dren away In ? rab to?
gether, with "the white love of peace," metaphorl al?
ly speaking perched upon th? ro I of the vehicle.
What became of Mr. Klp "!' Tuesday evening is a
mystery. But no mystery s t taches to lhe move*
men:- of Mr Ooodwln. ilp was "billed" i-? appear
in bla play. "A ?;i: ?el Pool," a! the i'ark Theatre
In Brooklyn, and he did, bul In a i indltlon of atub*
born and argumentative Inebriety. Aa Chauncey
Short in th* ptay Mr. Goodwin, In the brsi act,
ha- ;., portray ??? man who la recovering fr.mi an
extended nlRht of slcohollc pleasure. The actor did
this ?o w-ei! thai his auditors were al Brsl dellgh! I.
but the true condition of Mr. Ooodwln soon be?
came sppsrent, Near th? end of the act, Mr. Good*
win le me i heavily upon a labh ",i the stage. Th?
table gave wav under hli weight and the com? Dan
fell heavily t? th? floor H. aros? and tried lo
go ,n with his part, bul h>i ? indltlor wnt such
that he could not. Tie* ; ,?? sa* cuf short and s*hen
the curtain was dos-n ih. stag? manager of the
theatre, Louis Barrett, came upon the stage ? i
announced that Mr. Goodwin wa*- "indlsp ?d" i
that the performance could no proceed i'o?onel
Sinn, from hi? private box, apologized to lhe rh.II
.n... for the Insult offered la Ihem b>- :he ? tor,
and the people Bled oui This Is shy .Mr. Goodwin
Mr. Goodwin last nlghl made a publh apology for
his condition on Tuesday. He made a ?-lean breast
of the matter, and ask.-d for condonation of in..
fault. At the end of the tlrsi a?! In response to ...
heart) encore, Mr. ?; ?odwln stepped b lore the cur
lain und said:
Ladies and Gent I men: During r professional
career of more than ts-entj years, this Is th? Bi ?
time I have ever ha i to appear before lhe curtain
with a heavj heart, i assure von thai shat ?? ?
curred last night was a fault o? ih< hea i and noi
of the Ivan. I wav endeavoi m* to dep!. and
hold the mirror up io nature, and fall? ? If you
sill condone the offence, you will make m? rery
happy, and those who lov? me and are fai m nj
A man with no excuse Is Indeed defenceless If
you will forgive me now, it shall nevei
The spirit of frankne i ? xl Ibli. I ? . ?k? : "* ?
heartiest kind of applause, Mi Goodwin wa? much
affected bj the demonstration ;ni*; with tear? Ail?
ing his eyes be said, brokenly: "Thank you, and
liod bless j on "
i -. *?? hapi - n? ! la m n ?*.;-.- i ha ; Hi ineatri was
Blled, a larga proportion of the audience being
Nobles of ili<* Mys H ? from Klsmoi Tempi?
Brooklyn. Mr. Goodwin li a m mb r of the order
INCIDENTS f.V sot //?;/ |
Th? Knii k ?rb ?cker Bos Ini C th? ;
.n.:. ^; .,.' th?- severa ! - ? la I
bava been formed to furnish amusement foi
young and <?'d durina the pet tenl -: i - began
another season y.'-?; 11*. afteri n In Ih? I'?
ll.* Building, in \\'e?i Porty-flirt -?; . nea? Pevei
ave. Ti.eie was a ai att? e of th? m i
but, ??s usual iiie w i men set In th maj r.t.v,
though there was no scarcity ol men. Th? prlz? -
srare II ?a ei si i th? *.-? , -. : ? .m n, si in ted , .
corsage bouquets and bou toi ??? ??'
t?,- dub thla >ear arc j il okei Hamersle) ? ?
i!?-nt; Matthew A?;..r WtlhS, \ .-??-???????!?: VI
ButherfurJ, treasurer, and B Hora Ha itli
r.-tary. The managers foi the tesson i I D. M
Cammann, Bayard <".:.:?-,,?. Matthen \
,i ii ? i.. r il imi rsl? y, i: n ra? Hal ii ,Vs
t.*r Hutherl n I The i i ?? *<. - v. ? . n
were ,,;i ?land >>?-,;. Mi? a.,- Mn P
ilon, Mrs Pre en I, i* Pe- M
M re, Mi... C:. - ot! Hal? Hut:? ml M
Pell, Mrs .i. Muhlenl n Ba ? Mi
... k . Mr*. 1 t?o ik? : ?i m< ?>? \, - l: an K
Stevens, Mrs C ?lumbui? ? ? ?? li .In ..,-. i M i
T Hall Bom? of th ?se : I Were M
Ki 11. M:*-? M Louise li-eian I. Mis? P ? ?? ?
M an i Mi* .i.'hn A Had i ??? h Ml?? P.lag?
alla? Hall, Mrs. De i' s !?? ion, Ml?? Can
Misa H? en Klna M - \ ? ts I ? .? k. M
guata Davis?. Al i??*? Benedic: M -- Berths * ?
\i*.-< Dyer, Mrs Cortlandl ii v : z M ?- Gardnei
M ss n :- M.-* ?;?, . Iri >-? M Mai
Jay. Miss Draper. Miss Livingston M ? We l, M
White, Miss Mabel Wat.? M -
M i.-' m I, Mit ?G r. Mise H -r
li Mosty , Dr. J. H. Clalrbon J Ml d? l\v t- ,
a G i. ... In w '*. Pierr? .
? ? i: Thorn, -i. M --:' i ? ig
Joseph I. I? lui-ii and H . i: i
wiii be ?? i ? veiy Wednesd
cep? on Wednes lay ol M ?Jy Week
Mi ai Mrs .b.hri .1 \ v- -.;? i ? N
? 1
111 Ksi
,?I| ill, . ?S| | R ? ? ' ? I I i I . ' i .inuiig - ?
Thtrty-fourth-st.. gave a dlnnei part: ,? ???
Theli KO'si? w.>r< Mr and Mr? Bu hanan \? m
tin ip, Mi and Mrs .'.?o?...- i< >. i resl Mr sn l
Mrs William f ? ? :???., Mi ind Mrs. <"h ? i
ri hs, Mr. and Mi lohn < w Imei ,;: ? Mi n i
Mi- Egerton I. Wlnthron, Il Mr and Mr? I
1 iyer, jr and Mr an i Mr? Th nsi h i
Tii*. t.i i meet in? ": !h< Wi In? -, :
Lenten Bowling ?'in?, was held las! ev hlni it th?
Berkeley Lyceum Mn Talbol ulyphant ?
chaperon Horn* of ?h< ni?mb?ni pri??.*nt ?>i ?II?
Pannle Greg ry. M I ? SmUl
Walsh, Mis* Pheres Bmlth M - Malfins Bik?i
<;.-..!>??? Cross, Bam?ie| r.*k*". |l S:-.: .ii?.
|...;w ard Moen an?l :. , ;. ?
Th? ThursdB) : : ih ? Il b? , nt? ta n
thi< ?venina at the home ,,. Mrs Henry Drap
No. 271 Madlaon-ave It will probabl-. be th?
m< ?ling thla sea? in of th?
Saratoga. N V.. March i! 'i he i ... ? I? ? ,
? uv announced <d Mis? Mar) K Ph ? .,?
itaughl.t the late John A !.*?. ol thi?
an?! onlv daughter of the late Assemblyman Jamei
\V .-...*, . of P rt Henry, to Dr. N? , M'l hell of
.1.? ksonvlil?. Fia . where ?he Is passing n? wlntei
lir. Mitchen gained reputatlo: foi no) desertln-i
in? pi?i when Jacksonville wss afflicted w'th th?.
yellow fevei
? ?
Th- many frlenda of Charles n K? logfl who*?
srlfe w i* stiickei with paralysl? on Tueada? s II
ba glad to know thai Mrs Kelk-ga I? n ih i
;.. recovery aad M resting easllj Mi Kellogg I I ?
secretary "f the fharlty Grgsirtasilon Socle;; On
Tuesday afternoon Mr? Retlogg called si tbs h,.ni.
of her cousin, David it Smith. No. tg West Slnety
Ihli l-st ll-c she , ompls ne i ol noi re? In? . I
ai;<l suddenh th? ??hock us me. 11er -?*.,?.? Impi v<
,,, . : ha i ?"?: ? . n th? dlagnoi li of ihe pi ? si lai
that her condition si noi -?? ?ui ana an!" m?
unfoi.n p ????,",? i* ;.r',-?-. tner? ? na doubl
thai ?he si I re? -vi
BM? 'oils WARRXrg lit' iv/> i.tvity.
'''n<* death of Mrs J<?hn Warren In h*r ninetieth
??ar rem ?vea another ot the rapid!) vaalshlng links
between th? preaent and lhe earlier days of the
country Her rather. Philip Hhurch, ol Bel? ' r?
Allegan) ?? i ' . N. v ? was the nephew ol \b\ai,
?], - Hamilton, and on hli staff al th lime of ;h.
duel. John Barker Chu ib, Mr Warren'a grai '
father, came here prior i? the B?vo . lonary War
In company with tbe Brsl Delafl? d sho setth l In
?-i ? ? ? and who, after a? ? ??? b Lai ? rette' ? -:-;.
during :(??? war. formed ibe well-known Brm of
("km -h a Delafl? ! I. in I? rwrJt m foi ?11 lb? rl ;*
pin*-; of New-Y rk. This !lr:n? heavy losaea I i??>?? *i
rabseuuentl) .? ..?.?;:?? r.-.n ;, ol Ih? Prench spolia?
tion claims, nevi, ?t settled by the ? '.??\- ?? i menl
J,hn it Church returned io England and became
?. member of Parliament, repreaentlng Wendovei
i1 ? Philip came ba k lo Amei * ?? and m irrte i |
the beautiful Am, Stuart, of Philadelphia, daughter .
ol Genera! Walter Stuart, of Bevo'.utl nary ram?. ?
Ganeral Waahlngton cav the brtde away, and made
a r?i"e?ent t.. h?-r ol ?? miniature of himself, sel n |
diamonds. Philip < burch obtained a traei at land
In AlieRanv County and bull! :h,- tlr.-t atone ho'i'
in that region. The now flourishing loam af An*
gell ;i was started by the settlers who wem with
him Into the wilderness, and who nssoeVI the settle?
ment Angelica, after hla mother. Angelica Sehuy.
lei Mr? Warren w?* born at this plae . an?l lived
ih?re until her marriage with .lohn wsrre: a well*
known an?l high!) respected man. ??f this city. Their
hospitable home in Bond-at. I? well remember* i lu
o:?l New-V?.ik r.irniii.-s When General l-sfayett?
?aa in tht." oountry on his last vi". '?; lhe i* ? ;??
tlon Riven f?,r blm. he imiw liatelv rerognlaed M*r*
vvarren by her like;,,*?.?>< t., her grandfathei. h!? old .
men?*) ,jf,hn u. Church, nt\ he .-ni^e-l the room !'?
S'-eak with h?r. disclaiming the formality of an
introduction. n??r faculties remained nnlmpalred to
"" end, an i her memory -h? ?tore,i w.th Interest?
ing aaecootes, Rh? wa?? ?. devoted m'-mh?*r of Cal*
vare ?-iiureh, ?n I i.?r ,-, i?? , ? benevolen e were ai
??onstant a? they ??..,.,?? ,,.;,,.,,r,,, v.? gh? leaves n i
.?h,] rer, a ,,m, , Mr? ?,,,,, (farwood, survives
, .u? B"?'*?_. ?nd h ?, ., brother, HI. Hard Church.
or mis city, Th?. funeral will be held to-lav at Cal
vary ?*h ?,.*h. t| ;??;.., ??, ,,, .?^
Mrs. K-iiiy Ann Pieman, artdow of Stephan Haine?
Pieraon, cf r*iisi city, died qui? lly m the hoaae of her
aon. th? Bev. i?r Arthur t. Ptereoa, of PhUaiel
ph.a. on Sunday, at I? a. ,.,., kftcr A few da>- Bf
slfl-ht Nines?. .She war? |n the ninety foitlh v--r of
her age. bui retained all her faculllaa lo lbs la??
;,??" ru.n*["?;. w'?l '" held m th?. Pirat Presbyterian
Cnurch of Newcrk at i o'clock, fois afternoon.
; 11: ir.'U.i: TKULU "K ins run? EaUrrWAR-* with
THE MISSING man i ? / : i . - i i ? I : n T PAT?
j ?a*here t? John Owen Bache. Hla fridi'ia and
bUSlnCI . .!'? s h i\? sv rri ?I an?l sp?? o'a'ed .ver
th-? question since Monday, bul an as f.-r .? ?s-r
fro-n a solution of ;he problem. Mr. BactM is the
ftnanclal manager of th.- rentrai Ulf? laaurance
Company, .?f Cincinnati, in this city, and up to the
Urn?' <?f ids ?departure f??r r,o*ton last Thws'lay he
,, rupled an aill?e m :h" Meti*t?poIltan Life Building,
Twenty*tblrd-at. and .Ma'lison-nve.
Th,, clrcumstan?*es connecte?! wirb his departure,
together s?:''n th? fact t??.11 note? which he bad la?
t? rsed, .iKgrec-itlng St.T.a 77. fell due nn?l went to
protMi sine? then, was i*eported fully i.i Th? Trih
ii??*-- yetter?ey. glnce then it has been B**??r:"d by
(hose sviso nie l.est ah!? to Jude* that th? failure r,i
pay ihe notes ss.is 1,0 cause c>t accuslag Mr. i:?? he
of dishonesty, and that he ha 1 no Intention 1? de?
fraud til' We?;?-ni Naiional (lank where ;he notes
were difuntea*.
I"|.,it.s Siiercfff Henning u:d .l.icoby yesterday
opened .1 hoa at ih.. (Jarfleld Safe Deposit ?Company
which belongs t? Mr. Bache. Nothing of valu" was
found therein. r:ie content?! of the ??ex ?rere a l?-.ije
? i :?!" h ?1?. No. f,-, West r.u-ly-slxlh-st . where he
lived. With furniture, f ,r two >o.ir*. from Mas 1,
I8c*l3, ar ,1 reniai ,,f ??.?.("a? ?1 se.si; epics "f a lot of
?;?:?I ? nions f ?;? Insurant*?; prospectus of the itelief
Manufacturing Company, ani te-??inions in supple?
ment?r* proceed I ngi examination In :l?e Bull of
Bache again?! Patrick McCabe, A woman. ,f
said, called at ih? Qarfleld Safe Deposli Company
si ..' ?l ;,n:e? on Tuesday, trying to ?.'??t access to
Mr. Bache'a box, t??it was refused. Ir I* undersl ?.?i
that she ni n..; have the ke> ;.? th? box, bol If sal 1
t ? have ?? 1 l some iVnd of an ordei f r?m Mr Bache
I ? c|.? n ? !??' I? ,.
IVhen M: Ba h< left this city he was accompanied
1.. I". Henry T. B?yle. a med.cal examiner for the
company, snd II s is known thai the ;ri?? era* being
m.i,1e for thi purpss? of examining applicants for
' ?? Bo e has returned hut Mr Bach?
o ?-,.?, .m 1 I've; r gether s.ith th' s.?*,?)-,.'
r?'?,:.,: :?-, I rf.iyslcal rondltl.' l?r Boyle make?
-r ' ': ?: * '.'? -' ' II
l". !:. > le ??.,- -<? :? ... .,.? h im*. No IM ..'???'
Twenty-ninth?*!., !a*t nlghi Hi has s bru!' I head
1 i> ?.' t d ?j ?. and s. :? ?? " m*l)
? n ? ' He ?p. ke in 1 .. 'ted like one
, ! h* n .?? i.-. 1 ? it inn? 1
In 1 iking of the ?1 ?appear inci of hi* trav?
? !"- -.-. ? "Mi I! ich* an 1 I M-ir :? 1 f ,r
I'.oston ii*' Thnrs.las on 1 h*? steamer Plymouth.
Mr i' lets fo ' ?rt? ?JVe ?11 up
.,:,.?,' ' he o - ?' ,;?[??? 1 -r??.l m r?
??.? ? ?? itjtei "?n Before aolng ta beA Mr.
I:.. ,.? c?ki n 1.1 lake ? ?.- :?i. out ..' s b ittl?
hi hs?l li aas wh ik*j snd 1 nteteA to tab*
. dril k. bu fu na urg 1 ? did 1.1 ?*?? some m
. :, . ? -, 1 , ?? I - ? ?1 1 h-- '?
he) ? ? ' ???',.
li ?'ss known hsi Mi Ba h* snd his .i|
? 1 : ? total .11 :..lts? I ? 1 - ' ? 1 .. - llQUOl ',? ? - I ? >?
cerned, ?ri In Boyl? could noi eiplaln wbj Mr
Ha? he had 1 he ??...;?!? ? ? , it I m ?. have
??,.?? ? il >ng ???? me lieina p 1 ? 1?
|?r. Boyl? ? ? : ! ?? ? ?
Dirt 'r..,:, .. ! ?? ?' :r..n S?Sll l!,v?r to it,?:,:
??:. lin ... ?. h< learned :??? Mi Ba hi ha 1 gon*
11 th? ? ?. ?Uli him Boyl.
?ag. T!i> imal in nl? 11 Boj I? to th nk
Ba I ? h? ighi his , ompsnlon ?.
t,,,..? 1 ih* II? :,.cc 11 1 ?? Ho? .- go 1 -.o Bovtnn ? II
ne; 'i , . el I -.? I ? gas e hi* ting I
?.. 1 ? .. pi omlsln?. to red? em II whei h?
? :?< fn. nd
... ?rai ?i?-? ? ?1 n bom 1 he ? ? he *?>? and at
? r ? . ? ; ? ?1 .
;???.????. hal ? . "i ??
? ? . . . : Mr H*
? , . . ? . ?
? ? .
? ?? ? ? ? ? ?1
? - 1 ling, where ! I a Ti
. . 1 ?.. ft ? r -. ? .
Im' I . M Bach?
IlII? V" ? ,
h ? v ,".?.? mi ? be 1 ? ?? '
? . ? , r i ? . man ?? ? ? ,
nd no".. . ffl r of th? ?? ; ?
1 If. /7 TITIttS '?: TRIAI A V. '
? .
? 'i
thai ..(
Mr I ? . ? ' -
i ? ?
I? I
? ? , ? ? ? rea which plaeed I
: 1 CVhet
? . ? ? , 1
? ??? .?,? held? In plent) ' ?
. r line* on a hlrh
l ? there wa* an emb meni
? ,
? , - - -
"?atures 1 :
, im? * p>ii rah!? lu'y 1 mak?
? tl .... .,.!?.! by Frau Bu
?-? '. . ? ' roiinded impersonation .??
i. ?t. .'.,?', ?iiggt a ? 11 ?vivid and
-,u- \\ ha
. '1 m? ? ? 1 !??r mer* ?
m the oner ? ? ?rai 1 ??? geatui is snd |
..? ?? ? ? ? ., 1 ib 1? he?
ens?.gll . ' ?"**> a? ' ? v. . , ' I? I ???
. ri. - ? gl ? ? -.- ? ? ??, in ils- t".??)? m 1 ?
f thl? marvel
? r. ; ?,-.? In 'nls >v;c ?>? I .t. of en '?i-ir?-' '
appro? ,? loi - 1 ,;?' r .?.?- ? :?? Include Mia?- Bi
. i,.'? P ? foi t It? 1 nMpecttv? per forms nee?
of th? r.*.!.-- oi Brangl ? and Kfatg Mnrk? That
H?*fT Aivarj nrjii be si ???pirt, ev?m wl
? th? . . . ? Iness of hi? sffi ri ?'l
' * ??? :?:.? o ...."??,? to B gh Ideal ?/hi?** In
? ?. ?? n ;? I. ??? ! * ,1k. '. Ill? r.| rn'n ShOTI
, ?i ?'??*? *,'h!cl ran no) ? ? ?linked h '?. of ,,, ira ?.
no fan ? ..: hi? thai h? fall* so snor: of hi? pby?
requirent? . of ?h?- r.? ?,? <? character af t*ir
TTli'rem :? be sxtsii c. ?? on ) ??? Wsajner's lr?m?
bul n ni? t 1? vers ,ns of tb? ? ' ?gsnd, Fr?n?-h.
r I . 1.. lei? itaad r. ? |. of
?n.-- s-??.-?., which t.'j ? 1 on g held captive 11 ?? Bff?
??? fan*> >,' h? world, on? mus? i?? bW? i?i
1? '?? .-? ?h? hei ? ol ich pi ". crttona as 1 n ib'?d him
?.? ;. il 'i up ?? ? klni . >m of hi net? ,?? spite of the
? 1 ? il? - ?.e hand of the Iyi
Kntghts ..f Arthurian romance, ?r.d ??>?.? an
?.'- ?n ? > ? .? ' ? t.- p? ,'?,? ' ,-i ..' '.-1? ?>? ?? . '.?
.m 1 :?i preaumed honoi of lia lady-love, cor.lu ?
1*1) 1? ir?i?'? hla . vs -.-,I ImttlngS I" 1 i? l.ri. :< of
King M.irVi hlm?e',f It 'a ? mor* i rm.is fault ihnt
Mr tl ??? do ? ? littl? ? , ni ,n. for hi? phystra.
ml ? ? it hi .a .-o unatc >? lo aasume I te
virtue -.' be i??c\? Il not and i?"r make largan ? ol
late!!*? ?al ar..i emotional plan eosapel fbfsjetful
? ? of imalini - - ol body, n,- might Bchleve
1 itnethlng of this wer? he 10 d.. justice to
? ? ?? purely sensuous beaut) of i?i? music, la lbs
, a? r mor? especially; bul this he cannot ?1??
svlin hli vlclou* manner of singing, ilia lust
to which n la obvious ?i ?? glanes h? has
given nine tenths ??f Ihe s:?1 ?> fh.-?r ii? hss be
??os'cit upon thi drsma, 1? wonderfultj thrliling, but
fiagrantb la violaik.f every inttmtlon of 11? ??
1?, . ?-ci>in|ii?,o Think ?f .1 Ulan within a i?"*?
m.iiiites ??f dlsso'.uilun, wbo h.i? |usi 1 ???.??.?. r I . '..?
? lousnes? f..i the tir?t t.r.ie sine* h* *"--11 un*1ei the
: vs ?r?! ??f ?:'s enemy, throwing himself ?Lout un bis
couch ?is All ?n does! Then tint.k <?f the tiaio?- In?
tensity of Ne m.. ..n.- n.ririif oi the sa m? scene, the
wonderful msnnei In which he chslned attention
aid *,?,rke?i ;? up : 1 , painful anxiety by mere dint
of volee, ?i? ? i-ir? ?r ?.:. snd facial expression! Mere
Mi Alvarj seems to bavi n?gl?,ie,i hi? ?mis of
Wagnei in favor ?>i theatrical ?rf-.i. a circum?
stance that furthei ?mph*?!r.ed by his false raad
ii.". ol '!,. line "IN.r' ich ?Lu- l.lcht."' sihUli lllUB
irate? 1.nfuelon ablch approaching ?leai.1? has
w,.rk???i m lbs Knight'? sens?* ?.vary re?,is it m
,-, tor??' of rarprtae, as ir h.- ?were ssylng "Wbsi
|.?|,M?--ill!V?l?es.* Is thl? 'I , I lll'Alt ih- lijjllt In
sieaii of s?-, :t"' s? hen IVagaer, as the muslcsl
declamation II nothing eis? show?, interois all the
airest. to fill u. In? ".?"'?ri light. Tristan? dis?
ordered min ? iiMsinn transformed Isnlde'? so..??
Into the torch who?? extinguishment was lbs signal
? 1.., : , 1 lied h.m 10 her arms.
IV FS lor t Fil. PIAR? UFClTAl
M?na Wilhelmlnn .l?ihn*on. ?.ne of William MOSaM'S
moal Billed pupils. R*s- n plano recital In the ball?
room ??f the Hotel Waldorf ve?terd?y afternoon,
which waa largely attended tu th? fashlon.ilil??
musical world Tan iwagigmwis included compost
lions by l?rle?;. Mriaoii. ?) humiinn. (.'h??pln and
Msst. and ihe young player ???* laaatalssl with
liberal applaus? *ft?r ea?*b number.
Miss Johnson will s??on go to K.urope lo complet"
lui inisii-al ? ?lin?:l<>n. niel her Jnen'l* prediet a
blilllsnl future for her. Ma?-kcn7.|e ?"'?or.lon ???Isle.l
.it ytstsrday'S sntl-rtalnmeni, and his singing was
much ?njoyrd
Th? recital was pls?n ur??!er ih? p?tronaKe of
Mrs 'instas- II. KBWSb, Mrs I.sm?n Mull, Mrs
l'Iaien?-?? I ?as. Mr* Frederick Thomn?on. Mr*. Ser?
iell Prentice, Mr*, llenrs- \ I? Klark. Mr?. Ed
wai 1 Abboll. '1rs. John Sliuther* oad Mi?? M.
1.; man Uu.-kliu.
AT Tin; v\r.( QEOlfoS J. OOl'M) DBlflM
OP nn-: MARQtlfl ?TERE
Th? Bopulai , irlOSlty which h.i? been shown fir
! the Ooold-Castellan? wed linn took an offensive
; form yeaterday when the newly ?redded Count an!
I Connie?, wen; aboard the ?teanur New-York 10
?ail for Southampton. The crowd brsan to Rather
at the pi?r nt !? ,,'e]o,k. and arew BO large thit
extra policemen bad to he rent for from the sta?
tion st Pier A. Every ?frort was made to keep
the eurioalty seekers art the ?hip. bul neverthe?
le?s a larR? number Succeeded In getting aboard
and making them?eive? generally obnoxious. The
Count and Countess drove to Ihe pier In .tie of the
Gould carriage?, arriving there at >:.". Tha i'omi?
te-- went to the main aaloon, where there were
manj- floral devir-e? sent by friend? t*> the newly
married pair, anl ihcn to her Stateroom. Tha COUUl
boob after followed her. The Castellanas occupied
suit? No. 4 and fi on the pr;-m?n ide deo'a Metweon
th.? t?,, ?nits ther,* is a gangway, and Into thi?
ganga?) the ero-* i ,,r curious people packe? them*
???Ive? ?,, tightl) thai it n** Impossible lo cet from
one ?nit to ii??- other.
A force ,,r stewards had to i.e sent to clear them
out. Ah,.;: ten mtnUtH after lhe t.'uiint and Coi la
re?. sr?ni on board lhe stsamer, Mr. and Mrs.
George Ja) Gould. Bdwln OouM, Howard Oould,
Mr*?. Klngdon, Paul Duvsl, Miss Helen M. Gould
snd Misi Catherine Camar?n arrived to so,, tha
i*i roupie otr. Ti-.ey ?vent t? the Caatstlanes*
and there the cr..?d of curtoetty saefcera be
cam? unrul) again, and, surging around the cabins,
i struggled with e-. h other to looh In the slndowe.
The .?.m ?:,. r.i-:? ii-iie jl one? pulled down the
curtain?, shlrh proceeding th.- curloslt) ?eekers
? em-1 ;,. r*tiri a.*? ., motl unwarrantable thing
to ?!... ii,i v.. re proportionately ladlgnant. The
Gould part) stayed aboard tha Btaamer until the
I.-..- e , ... , ! -,. warn the vl?lt*,r^ : ? ::?< Beh ire.
,-...* :,i c? ; m- *aii he trna going te Parla
anl i!.?:i :> th? Rhine. Later In th? day ?;? ii?p
J. Gould was seei it his?cdnce.and said 'T?;-r|'"
mem ? it then '..i? been an; marriage Bettiemeni
In r mn? ? m irr ag? of my ?let? r ?:?? tne
Cmim *i, , ist? '? ? ,- false Sot onl| ?at *?'?'
i,,.. in age ?.?? i lernen t, but ?ueti a thing ?a?
?i ... ; . - .... ? m mtloni l by an) m. mo? r
.,*<? ..... i m lit? Th? itement which
:,.[,? . . ? pul? i ,-.. i" ?he effect that ? ertnin
debt? ?' ".. \?>i|.'- d? Castellane ha I to be Bet?
tle I I ef : h * l ! t '? I-: *?'" *' ' ' ". !"'*r"
rlag? ? a? i.s *- U I? tnlae ami absurd.
i a-as a voluntar? tatemen! ol Mr. fi : I.
made if ?- he ha I till th? reporter? th? names of
the ? ? ??'.i to the : "i"' : ' ????> BO ' lb)
.? his ? - * bei iu?bar : H? spoke en.p. ? -
ia! !"? report* referred to id
.... ? , ? him
p. m .. ... . ...-. u ????? ? sour. ? the r.imoi ?
.... . ..r'", between :
fouid a. ' ??- Gould famll; ? iitmj
m hi? fall ? .end ih? weddng ol his
A?n,a Mi oould ?:- * d? no in ? , th? rep
i? H? '. l don' kit a where he
.,.. . i, n || :* entirely untrue. It ?I
.., h, ,,..,.|.raiion of Bdwln Gould
,?,.*, . -i? prove n gi in?lles?
. . .?....-,?: ? to his slstei
;./,... , , .? bui si Ih? newly made
,-,.?.* lellai . l>oarde.l th
r-.pi,? , ? ?-??? "?'?'.'',.,' ' ' ' ,' ':'"
Iwln l?ater
>,, ?. .?? , ... n lo th? pier, an I
rarewell an I ?? Hi '? I ? ?'?" ??' ?'*?" m r* "f ???
,.. it*:? ? kin i
<? ?
PI ..* ?.. s , ' .,'i.K PAH? P ???? KI'ROPE
*.., ? A?t>r. with tbeli
.... .-. - ?? ? ..
,1t?, So an?! cabin N" :"
i.. .'? ? ? * '?? Pi ? K ?'
id many
I a. a | I .?I.t
? I --
' ' '
II - ' ' '?' '*' ' ' , "
rill travel abroad for
. , iKMiERH ' ?? in r?Mlxa B i k ?mi:hs
m rbo arrived here i
...it.r-,1 ? w?r? V B I' '
-.?,-*..:.'.' W. H. I? -or*
Ir i Eberhard Psbei ?i I. Por*
? i ? Mi si d M
. M r- . i v tA'-mpf
? ..? an ? ?-. ? ?
, ?: ?- ?til h. ?. *
He ,r?e P HI! v 1.1
? , . ? *\ Thibaut and O. W lib int
_. m> ?
< t'ETAtl.? IM? MAIN
?,...... r'ASSES
Mn W K
remained :??-.? '? ? -'???' I?)
le m the wa
? ne f i ... ? ,
, . ? , . i.-, .,. H .'. .:" w-i .
had chara 1)1 VanderhU's < iae ?? ''' Wash
,,..,. . .- -? , ? li -i'' Will*
.,.,,,.. - ? i t? Vanderb.lt, wee
No 111 ' idway, yeaterda
M , , ,n?i . . . . m"* ml sett.. ! on Mrs
\ .i lcrb.li
-ih. ' physicians .??ver*
? those ? 'i ? ? ??'?"??- in
ti,, m i im n ii < i" *?'> to '?< k
Mr Duel ws? then .-?i" d If he ws? iwsre of Mr?
\ sn i?r. m in ?? ion? * ?eera ng t iking up a per
... ,.,.,* ,. den, In r? pi) he ?aid
i .... thai *? s?a iepo,t-?l s? havin? boohed .?-"
? p.--. ig?i on t..? Sew?toi* 'o-i.i- I 'h nk l -an
.,. thst Mr- Vanderb?lt wl'l make her heme iji
?hi? ounir and has no intention of galng abn-ad."
"Then Mr* Vaaderbilt ia i<? recetv? th? E K
Van i?-.-,,, ? i. ,?? ,; lei Ih? allia m? p- .vialonar
m Duei ?>?? asheJ il- B mead ?Btarplj "' his
,.,. ? ,.,... .,,, i.i Thai i a natural d?duction.
, ,, . . yt I aald before. I art : n ?r i-lk
"??Bui!" Mi V?* ?'.' i-as aakad m II "> '",V""";.1:'
..re? that abe s.*ul?l ?:?? tb? h ? -" " ?"*'?" ""'??;
Is lakes Into . iialJerstlon thai the residence at
r.fi second?: a?.?. K1f?h-sve w a? b.illt torhn
and given to he? .,? . (?''^?v ?/h\Y ^ . i f ,r
?lac? Uahdala ?.: latip I? I mi bul.ttn reeMy for
'?.--, a. ? ?ummei horn? snd H ?'?",??*'? !'''? h,.,r
\ ?? ?, rt was a:?.. another hmiie built to p.*?*? I?er.
?.,1 ia iheory. II ->??? "> '?'?! i"*"-?""?' ?her
Mr Duer said "I will no! deny that an i s ??
? .,.*. i am Boi on lhe stai ! ';?';";'';",
n.-i and ?hall refuse to make s atatemsni either
wa. I sill onl) ia) lhal everything Is satis?
factory. M? Vanderblli has treated h!a ilh as
tlberally as on.lid ask. and sh?n hoth aMeaare
? . , ,,,-r, |, ?., ,-.. m stirring up the matter
William Jay, u.lunael foi Mrs \ .n"r
said that lhe ult aa? ..?*, the puMI ?ad iieen
given all ih. information lhal the cmirt ra-- t. to
?nnounce. and that h? could add nMhlng further.
A?-cor?ltng lo b stary published y^';iA\\h"X
fonsuelo ' i.ti.l.ri.ilt i? t.? he married t?f{|{m"A.
Macha) Ir., son of John W Maelwr. of California.
The nt.,M went on la M! that M,*.? \ ?riderI.I t
would mil f.- I'm .p. with i.er moth?'! on h?;
steamship Sew Vor? which lefi thla city _>??? ter*
for Liverpool. T., illamiss ihe ridtculoua fake In
in,,re word? ihai. li deserves, here are ?he facts.
Plrst, Mlaa Vanderblli sen! abroad on Jj'^mt?
Stai I.in- stesmablp Majestic l'."1'-1' '":"': "
here un Wednesday. hVhruary Tt, with ? ornellus
Vanderbilt and hi- family; second, Mr?, w k^
Vanderblli has noi -?-?il-'i foi hurops, bu \? in
Sea \<Tk: third Misa Vanderblli ?*? boi engaged
lo be married to Mr Ma -kai
.'aunes. March *S. William K. Van I"! bill, Of
New York, hni aril? d here
Steamer Tyriaa iBr.l, ?'??k. Gibara Mar,*h l. wl'.h
fruit to ll. Duaob a.- Co. Arrived at the nar al I
P m
steam-. Tudoi PrlB ?? inn. Fiiaeii dat.- Stewart),
Bmyraa Jaasary I?, Patraa B, Cauc?la -??. Alglera
Kebrunry f.. Oran ,". M.iIhK?? \?. with mdse. to .1 ?'.
Beager A t ??. Irrhrad .?' the ii??r si IM p. m. I
Captain .(oseph ??'.ewnrt. furty-on,- year- old. of
Montrose, Scotland, ?lied from n-ncrs! debility. t,k
body w...? brought to Ihi? port, an,I ihe ?t-amer cam,*
in in charge ,,t th? chief Baata.
irH.?r THF CMMU FLATBMg ah? 90ISM.
Su Ceorce N?w nes telenraphed to the Manhattan
Che?? Club yesterday i ha? Dr. Hallard. of the Ixin
don St. r.eorge's Che?? <'lub, had ac-epted the post
of the Manhattan ?'he?? ?inb representative In the
match to I.e playd on flnlurdav ProfeSBflf I??ac
ftlce, of the Manhattan OhBBB ?'Uib. wall ?ene In
a similar manner here for th.? Hrlllsher?.
Yesterday? Ia.nd"n papers favorably commented
on Stelnltss efealtaagB to play two ?ames by cable
with leaker. Guaaberg, liiackburne. Teichmann
and Mason ^ . .
The game left nnflnlshed In th? match between
th? Brooklyn and Metropolitan che?? eraba on board
No 1 on fUturilav wa? ?core! by Teed, Brookl-n.
?s Arnheim r??lg-ie.i lhe ?tame without further play.
Br?-0kl>n thus won th? mstch by TVs ?o '. game.
Th? Brat aaaaa) dinner of the North Ma
Hoard of Tr.i.le svis hei?l last evening ?it
th<? factory of ih.? De La VetgMt I'om
paay, in fmelnindiad ?art?tnirty algbia? at Jasasa
L> Weils prcalded, .,: i sa*c*ag thos- present
wit?, ?iahlwl i*. K.t.ii, ?jeneral fgbsrl U vi.?i??,
i'harle* W. I'ayton, F..?..?ham Morn?. Wllli.im H.
H?-al, Louis I. Kleksvort, Albert K. Davis, Matthesv
Ati'Ieraon. .lohn ?le llar:. OUvcr .1. ?t?v?aal lt!<?har?l
\V. Hamilton. M. c. Hair ?n. I?'ran??is V. S. Oliver.
Aclermtti II. I.. Sch?..;. !.. V. '.'.mover and f?. <51.1
Afr??r the ?llnner the .?.airman welcomed those
peosaat to )he nr*t dinner of the North BUt Boaid
of Trade, la the name of the president, .lohn C. At
|e Vergne. svho was ?letalne'l by busln"*? in ?.'hlcago.
Ha also re.nl letters of regret from Mayor Strong
gad ??thers. ?'intlniiinir. ha ?aid M thought that
every one wouM oercc With him that th?? North Si?le
Hoard <?f Tra?l? h.i?l ?proved Itself a most us* fui a..
r cclstlon for the Twenty-tbtrd and T?A-eiiiy-fourth
arards, and had don?? a grent amount of g'iod In im
provtng th'.s-" di?tri?-t?. H? was of th>? oolnlon that
the m?mb?rs COu!d congratulate themselves upon the
work they had done, and the Bu?***ess vMeb had
att-r.'l"! all their efforts.
Wibel P. Fit'-h, la propo--.ng the toast of "The
?'its .?f Nesv-Vork." was frequentiy applauded for
hi< ??uioglcs of th" beauties, mount* and capabili?
ties of rli?. metropolis of America. He sai?l In part:
"This ha;, alsvay.? been the pl?H?ani?"St City in the
ss.'io'.e country, both to Uva and sv.irk in. Maw?
V irk Is a t'lace which moat men in Anaertea en
daavor to reach, aad ivbo stay srhen th?y get hare.
\V.? sv.int to make this city not > n'y a c.-ntre of
;r ? !?' ;in?l commerce, OUI ,? cntre of Civilisation, of
tir, .?f ?he ?,-ienc .-'. and the ?.entre ?if ail that beau
tifi?s an! ennobles life "
Oenera! Viele, m ?peaking on behalf ,?f "The
North Bide," -aid that Manhattan Island had ukf-it
IN ye.trs uni twelve generations to bring ir ta it?
present high I'-vei. an I h? I, ?|?e?l riiat the North
,-'? !,-. with Its almost eaual ar i, ?? ?u?d accompiii'i
th?? saw r>--nit * in one generation. Tbera sras n?>
question thai th?i.> was a future for this terrl ory
?rhlch tow could antldpata. New-York sras th?
exponent of ;ii." ?Vmerlcan continent; every railway
contributed to the rit*? of \>-ss-Vork. and thus the
city had i".ri built up. It sva? th? du:; of th*
North tUder? :? provld? in their district? ssh.it the
continent requlriad by providing faculties f??r con?
l!nental COmhl r?e. by building wi rehouses an 1
Improving ?"h ppincr faculties, ami a sysrem of ?
?,-; . thai .v ,.ii'i sttraei ,i larga proportion of the
? .?ntal rommerce. He ?"?:.-?? spok?? ..n the rapM
transit question, and urg--?l t'ut they were a* much
rtit:?i- i i?, rapid tran-ir ... in .-;? >t in N'ew-York.
?'h?r .?. Dayton gav? "?Our Posta! Service,''
.ii.i said in part "North ??few-York, a* a part of our
great i o. Is beginning ;.? be. appreciated II ? ,
r. ?? re elved th., attention riat it? Imsjoirtan?
mai i- r. cm i postal point <?f view Nnrth New?
1 Tort has hitherto recrlvad ???ant .-.ir-ss An* ?r
th.- Poat?MBea Departitaeni ??i r.or know, or
?would n it b. ||sve that th ? ??? s\er? aithln it? i. lundar*
? i?s Mot? Masen. M'tteiisanla, Me'.rose, Pordham, West
? Parma, Trem ni Spuyten Dussi!. Rlverda'.?, Kings
i brtdg?, l!';h Bridge, Mount St. Vincent, B<s4f<*a*d
1 Park, Morris Heights ind W'oodlawn, ?r. i while
i ?'.ingi-?sa was appropriating p >au m ?neys for ?in
| couth ? ttlements la th? s. ,th and far w.st. the
| (?? tofflce Department ?cornfuliy d?,?iln? I t? alow
an extra carrl r or an extra i erk f?.r : .. ?? ? ?? -??
tl< ! ?>? Se? v ~u
"Y? . "II ,,?? glad ro h'-.c?-. gn I I am glad ? > ?tale,
that a posts reorganisation of Norm New-York
has been ma?le bj the Po?tmsster-<J<f*aaral, which
will be Ih* t?g,mining of .. |?i?'al servi- to which
the ? Ilsen? of that se? '!>n are justly -niltie?!, th?
.) . - n r. . i. r;.* lona lice:-, .. reproach to ?>ur
poatal .?:.- nlstrstlon In addition to othei
provementfl It I* i."- poa?*d to **tabil*h ? m*ss?>nger
? ?? V ?? o ? ; \ ? v. irk ??: . v " ri.? r: Bal
whei ?bj ih? nui :? will t.? re?*etve?l and dispatched
betw.i th? Keneral ??fil?-?? H.?ii Bi i^--.
i .? Height* snd Branch H. resulting In live
ertei .?? i "-.?. ? )lleeil?-.ns dally In th??-?.- dlstrl ?.*.
??'.??.- ;?. '?s Im three !??.'-. -!-?..>* ?w4 'our codec
t,< ns sr* made ,ri portk : ? of th? Us rtct?."
ii? i Hart- n ?. ?? ?va? unabl* to be prenent,
led ?r? ??.lire*-? ? ?? I/?.,-!'. Impeo.'ement*,"
n ijch ??i rend by Mi Kneopple II dealt mainly
.??(, t.. ..,?.???,?? ,p t h'srorv of tbe w.r??. and
? .r-tr.i?:, | ?I ? ? of th? ??.ir,:? ,,' ?.,.? prwwnt
?ii\ .???I pi-- year* i?. proof of tii? greal Improsre
m-m th? North Side bad made, and :l, progress
* ? nil msktna willlani f? B?al was Intrui I
with the t,?a=t of "Rapid Transit." an I ?p-aIOiik in
? . , i, ? ?T:..- ?. ii need of rapid ti in? I
I? ih? nnectlng ? I ill bi gr?ai bu? n ??
?nil downtown with the re?ldenee .-???
uptown for .? uniform gve-cent fare.
The propoeed plan o? r*p:?l :r.m???. which advo
, a .? the building of road .?- far si One-hun
? : fort? ilxth st i* absurd, for II doe? n-?t
penetral? the North Bide, and an? system which
'coks t.. ihe bun lam .?' rapid transit Icy the m I
nlripa'.ltv ahleh d asna ; lude th? great North
.?*:de i? unststesmanllke ;<.rvi ?"alia for condemna
I'hi presei i llagra eful condition ?v th?- ten?
ru?:, hou-.-? Ii' our , ,:?. I? auch it? to BUS? milch
. . mment. and lnd<*r?d the matter !s be?
coming .-> ??tous th.v Immediate efforts mu?t be
mad? t?. ? "iv ? ir Tb* makeshifts of rapid transit
f.,r th.? past ten or llfteen year? have .?-,:> served
? ? ,:*.- th? tenement-house problem and not to
solve Ii
Ti>. toaat "? "Commerce and Waterways" was
g.,.n b? Fordham Morn?.
M... p .., .. v. s ? r? daughter of Mr and Mrs.
I? I. S'-eoir-A i ' So II ?Bast Blxty-seventh-st.,
ssc? mct-'ei to fbarlrs Schwarta of H?-.iokh-n. a?
:. ,,'.-, i. i.: ? ??reni?a la lb? red room in Pa.lrri-.n
Ico's 'Pli- R?\ l" Kauf?mr.n Kohl?r. of the Tem?
ple Beth?Et, nftb-av? and ieventy-slxtb-st., par
formed the reresaooy, which was follow?! bs a
! re?**pt!on. dinner snd dan?*e la the large barroom.
Th? bride's g.??vi! ???? of white satin, trimmed
| ?Aith duchesse j??.nt lace, and th? seil of tu.le ssn?
? fastened v Ith ?? ,-,->ron?t .?f natural Deaaga hlosaoms.
i Her b, ciquel ?.m? ?>: llllaa ol th? s-allc? and whit?
? ?-. - Miss Hilda N'es?.i??i* ?ttended her ?toter a.*
I msM ..' honor Tbera wer? oo hrtdaamaWa or best
? man Th? ushers were Alfred Huliowa, David Oela,
Heer) Manne, i. ??eis. i.e.? Bass and Isaac
sjchrwsrta of rhl?ea?To, a brother of the ?wl?9?groom,
j \m'nc th? |.?I ?I th? t*CC?**Bglon and subsequent
: feritisitt?* ?sere Mrs Mary P, hv.artz. mother of lb?
j h-id'armou). Mi an?l Mrs. H-'nrs? l.eerbnrgei. Mr.
! and Mrs. LaOUlS Str ?.?burger. WliUm ?lollsti-ker,
Mr. ?nil Mrs. llenjamln Schssartt. Mr? Moritz
? Mark* of Chicago. Mr and Mr? A. B. Kalk. Mr.
j and Mr* ? ?? H?**BS. Mr. and Mrs Joseph 1. KSW
' l.nr^ Mr and Mr* DaVM S, ins art/.. Leo Newhorr.
| S'li::???? iVewborg, Mi and Mrs Sl-.e? Schssanz an 1
I Mr? ? j gchwarta Mr and Mr? leh'warta win
j mau? ih?;r home ? this .I', on their return from
i th? South
I Th? marriage of Miss Carolyn Beatrrce Cost, th.?
s cinc..' daugbter of Mr .nv. Mr.? Henr? \ ben
.???ii \ i'...*'. t? it.-g!? Hen; l'est, .*m of Mr. sad
Mn Charle? A i'??'. t,> M p ?.,-,? at n > ,n \'-' rdaj
a. ii',? (?iriii? ?>f th?? br le'* r?,.i"iu?. N .. I lic^r.
Blxty-s? ond-ai. Ir was ? ,:iilei ?adding, th? guests
being relatives and Intimate friend? only. Th." Bas?
rl.cK.? servie* was reed by tbe Bev. br nur'.."- H,
I ParkbUrSt, pastor of th? Madison .<,|U.ire |'r. ?'.
I teriao ? ?lurch, assisted l,v th? Rev. Or. John l'.c*i
: cott, rector of It ?.an'i >?r?tMtani K|iisc.?i>ui
| ?Thurch, Bayvllle. 1. I Th? l?rl?|.?. an extretn.-iy
; prettj gtr*, was attlrsd n ,i ?own of svhlt, ?arm
and point lace aad .? u?:i ?t t?i?. mom rich iaarlc,
ll."i only attendant ?.s.i her ?Ister, Mis.-- Natba'.ie
Mcl-ean P??at. Jam,.? Palish l?ee, a Harvard -la???
mat? ? t the bridegroom, was best osan, snd i-'mncu
Otis and Allleon n'rlgbi Post, couatna of the bride
^?lo.'iii sv. r.- ih.- ushers A "??ptton and bi*eak?
f.csi folios ,1 the cereraoni Amona :.'i<" priest* srers
Air and Mr* I a in-.-? L War I. Mrs. Lewis ?'-?.'.?nl
Jon? ?. Mr it- I Mr ?'. Lawrence ?Perkins, Mr. and
Mrs Prank A "t s. .lam^s (?tls. Mr. an 1 Mr?
Pi ?d-'lick I'M.'.. Mr and Mrs. It. l?ert II L. s'lark
?on, Mr and Mr.-?. K.lwar.l Antbon, Mr. and Mrs.
I!:s?.irl Mein l'.??i. Mr and Mra, Uruce Price, Mr.
and Mrs. Busiell Sup?. Mr. and Mr>. ?'. ?'. Po-n. ? iy,
Mr. and Mr Chari?? Costar, Mrs ?;eor?e Hoffman.
M Ids Ib.timan. Mr. and Mr*. Waiter Cutting, M.*<
Juliana ?'?.nriri^. Mr an I Mrs krtbur J. ?'umno??k.
Mr and Mrs. Lewis r*ruger Has.i.. Mr. uni Mrs.
????.?ri?,. B. l'o?t. ir., Mr? Ism?? M. I'rown. Mr and
Mrs V\ Klatatng Host Mr and Mra. QtOTgt Orts?
w.?.d. Mr. and Mrs. W.r.lam Ii l.aham. Mr and Mrs.
Seines Wt-bK.cr. Mr and Mra. Hamilton K.sh
Webster, Mr and Mr? .lohn Christ.ipner ?)'('.inn >r.
Miss Laura I. C'st. Mr and Mrs Waller .-?uydam.
Mr and Mr? i>?r?-d?!lok Neislioid. Miss Horn,-my
and Mr. and Mrs. Henry <? t'hapnian
The weldln? of Mis Josephln?' \ an i;i??s,?n. ,U?iirh
ter of l?r Hansf.ird Kver??;t Van l.le?>n, and Isaac
l?ark?r Walk??r will be celebrated at S;-J0 oclivk on
Thursday evening of m*xi sv??ek In the Kent Str??et
Beformed ?Cliurch, Hrooklyn
Tin? en?aKemeni Is ann?unced of Miss K.orence
Je?rett, daugbter of Mr? A. .i. .lewett. to wir.am
Ixnighreii, of this ??lly.
OLIVRM isF.i.lx lUrnoYixu rx BJRALTB.
The condition of oils-er Ise'.ln eontinu?* to ?:?vi!iy
Improve, and yesterday is? wa* In gooA spirit* and
looking forwar?! tu a Speedy release from the
*lck-r??m. Mr*. Iselln *??nt this news to a Tribune
reportar in answer to a r?Mpiest for Information re?
garding the rondl'l-in of her husband. A pubMsheal
repori that Mr. I*e',in ha?l had an operation per?
formed up??n him c.-uiid n?it he verified yestenlas
a* Mr* l*?.ln svouid give n.? other answer to tha
roportars tnuutry than thai aireailj, ?tated. I
an intk?'Kstin?; EXHIBIDO*. IN TB1 ?* 'ircl**
a needlework exhibition nadar the r,?tr?**.ip* of
a number of society warnen et Ncv-Voik and
Brooklyn, ihoirlng egOjUtBtta apadntenB of emheeta
?lery nude by Mi?*: Kann y R. Adam?, of Xv WS
A.ieiph.-st.. Brooklyn, araa cosdurted at ika Pauaki
j mansion, in Brooklyn, Tuesday and yaaterd??/*??
j Among the pAtmnosse? ?ere Mr?. O. < anlacs
I Wheeler, Pr?sident of the A.--.-dated Artista; Mn-..
?; B. Hurl. Mr*. !?*. 0 Beccdlet, Mr*. E. C. WEI?
i.K'e and Mr* .1. '). Donnti.
Among the pieces w-a* a dinner-cloth, two snd on#
I-aif yards ?quare, of white s'lk. ern'urol 1?re?! wi.ti
I... Fran.?* rosea, a.l In original ?leeign?. One ,1 .zer?
napkins accompanied this, and the work on them
a ii squall) artistic. Thla place waa valued a* sans.
Another dinner cloth was of su!n <lama?k. w.in
in?ertion** of hand-mide Royal Battenberg la?'e. v.ltti
a ??.unburst for a central design. A BOEMI napkins
with sunburst design went with the atov-..
A beds,,r*rad of imported tap.-siry with an e.ab
orate design of slid honeysuckle was much admires.
I [| contained an ln?ertian and edging of ?Tuny laoe
lt*??lde^ th?*.-"- were dres?li?g-tal>.** BCSITS, plat? anl
tumbler doylies and s score of thlntr? dellcstety uni
tastefully worked, Th? parlor? of th.- Pouch man?
aban were throe??'! ail ?!?;, Tuesday and yeeuraaf?
The exhibition closed last night.
Ilurnett's Flavoring livtrn.l?
took the hl?|h??t award? a' ?'hi.ago.
March 6, si th? r???dene? ,>f th? bride'? nr,*;ui, ;<?
f.'iuh Por? land-ave., Bn-oklyn, by ?he R**\ PavM
?regg, I>. I'.. Mlllieen?. -laugher <-t Mr .-.nd Mr?. Wi'.i
laiii IchwarswaeMer, to Jaw?? ll. <'.?il-nd?r.
LAV -wiiitk in Trinity ? liurch. Kewark, N. ?. MM
Mar, h ii. by the Rev. !?>ui? h\ O-tvrne, M,?? Marlon,
?I Wlitte to .lehn M. La) .
p?i^-': POST On Wednesday, March a. t?> t*>e r??. Dr.
??hari-? il Parkhurst. asslaud by wi? Rn. Dr. -Jehn it.
IT?-?,?? it eii;,t-.\r li.ftii.*?. ?laughter of H'nry A. V.
1'om. r . Regla H**nr? p. ?t.
Hotle?? of mnrrlng'? and <!???? h? mn?? he UaBOrSBt with
full pane and addres?.
BISHOP !'n-?s?'! inti *t?in.il ltf? ?*n Tu'?<!av March B.
i*'..:,. Anna i. Bishop, slf? of WUHan B. ni?'v,p ,n the
B7tk v? u .1 l,?r Bg? ,,.
Kiin?r?l ?ervice? at the r??i l?n.-? of h?r aoa-ln-MW, W.
H. Oranbery, -"' >v *' Md ??., on Tharada March ?. at
:. p ra
Ir.-? :::..-.: si Ore ??wood, Mareh a.
BRKIXTNAIX Bsddealy, at N?-w?rk. N. I., M-rch a.
1*!?.*.. .h.?in H. Il Br? httnall. M. D.
Puneral S?rvi<ces ai hi? lat? r.*?:.|'n.-?\ .*??>. 7<VJ Hi-?li-sC?
. n ThurstlB: . 7'h .nut . a- 'J p tr.
? ?? ..?.. Isvtted.
PITCH Al tonkers. Tueeday morning, Mareh ?*? l'in U
Fitch, tn the 5B?ti vei.r of his ?k
Puneral front i-.? l*t? residen. -, IBS OUnwoodsv? i'n
da\ m m ir,?, ?I 11 o'cl ? k
Pr??a>-ov?? troll?) cars ran from tankers ?tation to iho
bout ?
HARRISON \- Ses irk. N I - : ?r k i IBBB? I ^?ph
p i- ? ?? Hsrrleon In tb? lid yeat "t i i? '.???
funeral ?? r*. :? ft. will !?* I ?Id in lb? S?.-,i?d l're?hyt?rlan
? a- li. Newark. ?,n Thursday, tl ? p. SI.
HARTKHORKE ?-a v .-a ? ?? :..-? mnralM. M?r,-h a, 1*0%,
si Ms "??,?!??-!-?. v.* 3?-" Mediae? ? ?., Jaasts Matt
n?:r,-;. ?! *. n , - .'?fcti, >? ar.
Puneral ?er? lee? will 1- '*?*;,! ?t Ibe ?hureh ?4 th?
li?avenl? Rest, Sth ??' . aeai IStfe si, ai i r- tn.. Bats?*?
day, Mareh '?'? l*''"*
Kindly * nut flow?? -
HOPPHAl'ER \- --? Oil ma SI n .*'ir. .?-. M i.-cb
:. ;?!.-. liars I' a"..,). ? slf? f Kran I? HoKbaoer.
IIOPTMAK \' Jersey ?'.??. as Eai h I ittt, .t?ai?^. jr.,
? n ,-? Dr lames and Roberta B? sn BoEasaa ?.??'i S
tha ;i daya.
Rrlatlvea snd ''I?t?? ?if the family are in-n?-! ?-. ?t
lend ia? hmeral ? 'i Thutada) ?ft?rn.,,n. ?.t 1 a : -k.
f, a id? residen. ? of h'? ^r?*n**. 4H1 J?r??-> ??*.? . J?r
..??. fit)
Ktn-llv omli rtnwer?.
i<>iu>.?\ ? a. March ? at her r???<i?n?-?. iirt c-,s????-BvtL.
n-.??.i\n Mary Cleiand, wif? at ConreA N. J ?? -
Panerai private.
Ki'iuii: ?? the ?.-''.n-? f her ?en, a? Bhor? H*.u^
K. j . : ?ta*, i. ?. Sarah Used, wlf? ? r th.- 1-??? William
Aufu?i KobM .... : a ugl ? f th? lat? Joseph i????tr?.
f ?ten l^.nd* n. Cnn . In lie "'.?tli >*ar ,.f le: ig
Pun*ral from itirl ? Chorrl Short ?I'll?., -n Prtdai rn ,rn*?
Ing Mar.' g, si half-pa?! ll ?'? i-xk.
Kl'NHARDT *V? 0? I Rely, rn I'.-hr'iir? 7. Henry
I'.i ?!? Iph Kii'.l, It i' in ? :- ?A-lii ?
?. ? .. ,u.. !n\lt?,*! t,. atien! the fanerai
.. ? si the t'hni of th? Ho?) ''r.iin: Mad*la?#
?? ?n?i ?-'.in. n Mi reh 1. .-?i n? ?. m
Inteia??ai o? ? ? . m s ?? of Um family.
M v v "n Tuesday, Marea ?'. ai PsHmmb Masar N T-?
? y. i
Panerai ? ? la? Hirto? <t. ir. a. !?? in*m, sa ytvir-!?y,
f. ai I :-,? .,,,-|e-*i.
r arria gea will m?'-t irsin leaviag UBtk ?? sad i'.A-n-t ?t
S ?". m
MRBSI.BR Paaaed awai ?? ?,?? r-?i,l?nr?. f-.n-r ?,
.s J n M -, ? Il I. i* . . ? . *i i? wife ?: *ha?
1st? n?- Abrabiam M.*^?i?r. i? D., m >,? S?th v-ar.
? ( i,- Bg?
der?) ;e?ii ind In-i i> a-.* resperlfullj inv it*-' ta .'''nt
I on Prid?) afternoon al 2 ,,|?k. t'.m
>i Reformad l'ut ' ?'hurh P,.m?m!!e N J
? " v.? y. ik lo. i of Liberty-*? C R R of
V i . 11:43 ?. m
MH.DBHERQER Mondai evealag, March 4 after a ?h?rt
lllnea? Adel ? ' a s'f? ??' Bwasa
Mll.leberser. nr.,| daughter ,?f the lute ? l?.-u!?.? A and
I/-.U'?*? ?? Lock?
Funwrnl ?-rv. - ^? h?r '?.- r.-?M?n ??. 8?S V\v-?r Trtl.i ?C.
ThSrSday. Mar. h "Hi In??, at 12 o'clock ?.
Mt'SIiK ?I-i Tu??*!.*-v, March .?.?h. E.?? d**.?ht?.- ??f
o*.-,!:? ?nd th? la'? Ri,-I.,:,| Vu.-er. in h?r c.ght??n-.rl
1'i.neral prtTat?.
SHAKER BwMfnly, n M sday, March t. IBM ?? M r*.
I > i? - I. >; ?d n. ?ii? ? f I . . * - a'?.-.
-?i ? .??? Thursday March 7. ?.n th? arrivai uf
? ??? . lo !-?m fron H*rtia\-r'.
BKAATB , ?-. M?r h ; i**.?:.. Barthotcasfs Pkaat?
N 't.-.- of !..:.? :-.,: l*.*r. .?'???
TATLOR Al He-Sf-Stead I. ! . n Var.-h A IBM .-irslt
Rheartnaa Teyl i daughter f th? lat? Teunl? n?r?h
fr?m th? t'athe?lrai of the Ir.jina'*, n. Uirden
<".iv. L. I on Bth ir<- al 13 o'eloek
Tram leave? r,?.,! K,.i atih-?? . al l<>.Ao ?. m.
Interment ai ronveaRmo? .f f.-.mily.
i-,. .-? ml? Bower?
Tt)MPKI*CB ?>n Tu??day. Mareh ."?. ?harl?* ir . v#i-.v?4
husltand ' Jenai? i: Totnpklns, nrd ?in of th? Ute
I? ?? T rif>k.-i
Pun ? . services ?; ?-...- 1st? resid? :..; E m UthBt .
II * i ? ". ' ,' M-.r. h 7.
Relailves ?fi iu.*n.|? i:,\ii?,l.
VAN ?1,'KI.K \* San HninsirKk. N J . on Tu?fliy
I :.. Anna Rardolpb ?.i?ut. widow of .^irr.?n X'ia
VMck!.*. m .h? 74th year ,.f bar age.
Relative? : friend? ..:.* invi??t ?,, -?t??>nd th? tune-al
fron her lat? r?,?.,... **4 ,.-?rr.,ll ria^*, on Thoradar.
Mai l 7. . t | , ; , ( p. m.
WARREN \- ??'> v\ M BBUl-M . tin? nt?, -p Taislar
M.i i, ;. Angelica Church tVamttt, wtdo? of John w.r.
i r. ?ad daughter of tli? Iule H..n l'hiUp iTmrch of
Bel vid? r?, All.gwiy Co., N. Y. In th? t"Oth }e?r of
h?r a*-.
Relatives and fr?en,?? gre ir.vitH to Btt?Sd ?I.? funeral
??r\l.-?i? m i1?,?', ?lui',h. 4thr??H anl ?st-SC, t,*?
Thur. *..? Mann 7. et l,Hlf-jia?t ,'t p. m.
'">'? Keustco ? inn'lrr?, I!. I'm RaCr.-ad; office,
, ic Beat *tzi ?: intprmer.i? ai* mad? in this N'?erasatts
I sad ruiMral parties remrn'd to th? . Ity by ?p?clal ?-., a
1 m i?4 boar?; regular un-.?. -\ twur?
?ufcitil Xotuf?.
rnatrell, Miisaey A Co.'a
? KM! I.sion OF <<>l> lalVKR OI_
I l'r??crib?d b) !?"ir!y ail pli)?.cian? m preference lu .*r.?.-a,
? t??n,i tat encalar. MPI Rr.jj?a>; nr* Ptfth Avtau?.
i:\htblllnn nf Ihr
Arehitpotuiiil l^esarne ?>1 N"??w-"S'or'.t,
NOW ni'FN AT TIIK <*,A t.l.KRH-> ??F
T1IK XMI'R! W | IVK >K.- S-i.-irTY
I ;i 5 West ;,;-:i?t ?>-,?n d?y ?,:d *>v?slag. Ktm hbos, 2* ?s.
\N l?> Iiiin *?osii?lont
n?, n,? n*.? Hapl? Dentifrice of Am?r*,-.i* simp:?* BaeaaaB
i it i? Isnaoasibl? i. u**, H, ?%??? f?r a w??'k artibes? rei
| .?ninjf n? hygtenk ?tT >?: apon tn? t???i*. ih? gum.? and
, th? breath
?iiintriir l'hol.inrnplit-r*? ras hat? IhMr n?ga*:ve?
? dareloMd, p-ini?.i. m anted w enlarged i>? R ,-k?o,vl,
* 1 4?<i H'..?a?.?> teOth ?t ,. OROl'Kl? PLOOR. Dry |>latee.
Bims, . I... ini.-ai?, kndak? .?n.l spparaiue.
->?inl?i;in on Tap. Btecirlcit) re-? i.?.,?i the
?lac? "f ma..(.m In th? r~OPYIK'1 ???'i BKLAEOIK?!
i EPARTMENT nf Rcckwaed's gallery, l 44?> Ri ^l*?ay
iHKIi ?t i. N??? t?rfc, ?ad ?sabta? hau io offtr a life-?!??
Phnlogiaph anl en-* -l.-z.-i-. . ahmet? f.,?- $15._
l?o-it???!lci* \otl,*e.
Por<Hga Malla la? ib? ????-. tbIIsb Mart* t? ?r.i <-:-taa
(pr.'inpt'.y in a;: rasesj ai -v* ..ft:.-. ?? foil w?.
THi RSDAY Ai n s. m for Netherlands dir*??t. p?r
?. ? Eaandam. via Asistentas* (letters nraal be Air*.*i?d
??per Kaandam"); s? 18:*? a. ?? leasyUanniari i p m)
?, r Leeward mil VVin.lwar.i Is.ai.,1?, M.irtlnliju? and H?r
i ,,i . p.r ? r. Pon tabelle il.-? for Qiaaads. Triai?
dad ?ni Tobago ?ta? i" Blisoied "p*r PaatabatU")
BATt'RDAT m i *. ? for Brasil ?ni La l'Uta ?asa?
tri.f ?... l'.-rn.nnl'-.i,-,. Victoria, Rio laaeira ar.,1 San'???,
i??i- ?. ?. M.?ni? '. trau Baltimore il?!:?-.? f,?r North R.?ili
mu?' I... ,lir?et?l "p-e M .nr'">. ni 7 .. m fat ?l?-n.*a p?r
? ?. ?Verra iletters atosi h? llrected "per \\>rra'?. ai to
,, m isupplemenisry m *?? .. sa > tot Portan* Uland. Ja
ni.ii-a ?ni Bavanllla, per ? * A-llr?.r.d??-k ?lett?r? fer ,?ih?r
P?r!? ..f ,'. I? i.-i.i-i t ??' Caat? Itl.-u. M.i I,ira?n, must bS ??.
,.....?. p," Adirondack"?; si n>:*? a. m. fer ,'amtxshe.
i*hlaps?, T.it.i?., Tu?pan aad Vu ?'nn. p?r ?. ? Vig-nancla
,l*n?r? for other p.?n? ,,f M< an ? ai. 1 fbr ?'?iha mu?t l-e
directed per Visitan la"l? ?.t 10'JB ? tn f .. Haytl,
fuman? Miel i'niup?i... . i? r ? ?. I'ii ? Willesa 11 ?ie:t?!?
fr other part? * f Venentela, ?lime?.. Trinidad, Urltt?h
and Dnteh Oalass rnssl i? .iir?*<i?d "r?r i'rin? wuiem
ir ?. it IO-ga ?. ni tsappleaMntari IS'JB a. m ? f?r
l'un,-., Swltaertand, Italy, Epata. Psrtagal, Turk?>>* and
British ladla, p?-r ?. ? i.a Rrf* igne, via Havre <i?tt?r?
fnr other part? ,,f Kurep? n.u?t l>?> dir?, t?^ "prr U
l??-erai?r!i?'), Ht II a. in far Netl'.'rlnr.l? ,|lr?ct. per ? ?.
\??n,liini. via Rotter?!, m ,| Itera iia.i t? dlrerted "p*??
Vi ' .?'n'.. m 11.j?. .. m tsispplensenlari 1 :?.. p i,, .
for Kii-.p.'. par k ?. Aoraaia, via Qa??n?tosa; at i a
ni. f??r S, ..tland ?llr<-,-t. p?r ?. ?. Anetiorla. \la Ola?gow
?letters iri?int b? directed "per Aachorta"); st 1 p m f ,r
Porto Rico direct, pe? i ? Pon wiiii.m. al is .1.1 p. m.
f,,r >'t Plerre-Mlaaelon, p?r st??m?r f.?i?. Il-?ltf??
Ma.I? f?r Hawaii. Mf ? ?. Aaatratla (fmttl San "**t?n
lai'.y up to Hareh ?! at ?S?? p. m.
?nd laSSB, per ? ? ?ity ?f P?.
,1 cl, BB her?
fer ?Till.?
king i fr? ni San PTaBetSCO), ?|,-*?o her? 'ail. up f.j
March s Mt ?'...ta p. m. Mall? for Australia iex.-cpt \v??t
Auatralla), Hawaii and Pl|| l?lan,l?. per ?. a. Mlewera
ifr??m Vancuvcri. . |. ?e here ,1nil ^fter Mareh .1 und up
t., Mar<h ?B -?t ?I:*?? p, ni Mm? for <'hlna an.! Janan eap??
dally B?dne??d aslyl, S?t s. ?. Victoria ifr,,m Taeoswh
, |e?e h?rff dellv up ta Mareh "M nt ?1:30 p m. Ma?!? fnt
tha Raeiety Idaada, per *t"r Tmpi,* itird ifr.m San Krsn
cisco), r|??c |,?rc .lull, up io V??-rh 2? ?t a:*) p m.
Mnll? for ?hin? and tapan ?t>?.-l?llv ?.?dre???? ,,nlv?. per
? ? Emprees ,f in.lla ifi. n? vaneoavsrl cl *??? h?r? d??ly
up to Mareh ?2? at ?-.I?) p m Mail? for Aiiftrslla
lescepl h ??? f r \v..?i Auatralla, which ar? foi?.
wn?d?d via Kiuropfi. N'.w Zealand. Hawaii. t'HI ?nd
S..n.,,m l'Iind? [>? i , ? Arn?? ifi,,in San Fran
riscal, ckSM t.>*re ually an ?. Mar.h ??Il ai ? >? p m.
' lor ,,n nrrtva! at New-Vorh of ?. ?. Auranta with
Hrltitli mull? fer Auatralla. Mail? f??.- New*f.4jn?!laad.
by rail to Hallfiv and th?nep hv ?t?um?r. .-I??? at this
. ??fnv? .lallv at ->:3n p. n-.. Mail? f,?r Ml?iu*|.>n. lv r?ll to
U,,?t,?n ?nd theii.-r bv ?tramei. el??? ?t thl? ?.m,-? .tail? at
B-M p m. Mini* for <"uha clone lit thl? < "W ?-?ity ?? Sjgg
p m., f ir forwarding b? ?t?*.n??r? ?ellinc ?Manda?*? Thur?.
d?\? an?! Saturria-.??. fr>.ni l'on Tanipa, Pia Mail? lag
Meilco, ,\?rlan,1. uni??? ?p?olall.v ?ddf????d fer deipateh
t.\ ?? ,i,i.. ehsss nt th!? ?.(fi?e dally ?t 3 a. m
?R'gi?t?i?d mill , I-'?e. a? (l p m pr?vioii? da\.
CttAMLEB W PAVTOK. rostmasiaa,
pu.i,fflc?. .N.v, i^rk, X X.. Uarch 1. 1MB?

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