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THE COURTS, MRS. VON PER. HFIDK'S ROMANCE. IMIBStT AS A GYPSY QUEEN AT A Y M. C. A. KN'TKKTAlN.Mr.NT. SHE SAYS. Ki'lt COMTEK? RATION, BECAt'SE THE PROFESSOR SQUANDERED HER MONEY. Mr?. Anna Yon d?r Heide yesterday was called as a witness in the suit brought by h?r husband, Pro? fessor Von der H-ide Judge McAdatn enlightened her as to her rights as a witness, an 1 then ?hi ? shown sevcial tetters ?rblcb it Was ?aid she had written to Fdwaral M. Clark, of Long. Island. Mrs. Von il. r Hetde arranged her I irgnette and ad? mitted that she wrote th? letters. She denied that ahe bad had any Improper Intercourse with Clark, but she had called hla endearing name?, such as ??Dear Baby." "My Darling; Boy," stc, because M hail been the custom lo us? BW h terms- In ths old country. Clark vas about forty years old. f=he ?aid. Sin- protested that she had always been a faithful wife to the professor. Bhe said she rented the Bat next door to her own. No. :;:? West Fifty Blath-st., Put it was for another ?roman She hai never received <"trk there nor a man named Wood, ?he had never sone under th? name of Mrs. post. John Halsinger, a young man, who had formerly lived lu th.- professor's family, said lhal I Often earn.-; meals to cue A. M. Wool at N?. Ml \\.-t ajzteeath-st., which Mr* Von der Hslde had sent him. ' ? on ? occasion h? had :? ft her :i Wo ai'? at midnight The Court save Mrs. Von .i.r Balds a chance at tais witness, whereui exclaimed in anger: "Why do you disgrace us? Yog are an Illegitimate child." Judge McAdam admin later??.! a rebuke, when she replied: "Well, -lu if-. I can't speak English. "Oh. hut I think you talk plain English, replied the court, "and you must confine j ?ursell to ques? tions and no: slander the witness." Later, Mrs von 1er Heide handed the court a roll cf typewritiei pj srhl ta sic ?aid "was the story of her life." Mr. Dead) t? k charge of It, and guarded II agalnsi thi onslaught of reporters. Judge McAdam said hi would consider the case, and render a de.isi in later. In "th.- sp.rv Mrs Von lei Held? says that she has Buffered many privation? sine? her mar. nace t> Von der Held? in Buffalo she was com? pelled to live on sugar-water and bread for a tim? She ha- been In Am? rica twelve years, coming her?- from Germany with conalderable money, iiii. I t? I m her father This, she de? clares, her husband has ?quan !? red. ir. her effort to support herself she inc.- dressed up as a sypsj queen, and attended a picnic, given by the Y. M. C. A., of Buffalo, where she told fortunes ?STOCKHOLDERS ARE LIABLE. AN IMP' ?RTANT DECUUOM IN Till: DEFUNCT MAT>l S"\ SyPAi!:: BANK CASE HOW THR CREDITORS WILL BENEFIT BY IT Tha Court of Appeals In the case of Jacob Hirsch? field vs J .hu Bopp has d.-ci i. i against th? ap? pellant on the ground that there was a technical Objection to the complaint in that certain formal all?gations w.-re omltte?d, Indlcai ng a compliance with or excuse for the non-compliance with the Bartttrlslons ? ?! Section ?"?'? of th.- stock Corporation law. The Judgment of the Courl I? Important, Inas? much as it decidM the p<mt of law as to whether or not, under tha provisions >>f the Banking law ..f 1892, the stockholders of the defunct Madison square Hank were liable to the creditor? to the extent "f the face valu- of the stock respectively hell by them. Accordingly the effect of the decision "f the Court of Appeals Is that the stockholders are liable to the extent of th-' par value ol th.- stock :.? them. Tlrs case waa brought by a stockholder fir th? of raising and tasting the qu? - the full liability of the owners of stock. H? tended that tin- UBS act c ?uld not apply to th? M i I? Ison Square Bank stockholden place, the stock was issue 1 pr: ir to that act; because in v. > court be asserte-J upon an obllgati n a - - to the adoption of the. act; becaust :. ? .i be maintained, as no Judgnx nt ba be procura- i against the M idli reason of its dis aolutl in - the Attorney-General, of action which had I?-- ?, .. : ?, -? a one. I'pon these points the C in now given Judgment agalnsi th? ?I J. 'i. Cannon, who Is one of t if the Madison Square Park, was by a Tribune reo -rt. r. and. alth nigh he regai eis: ,n of the i \>ur'. as ,-\!.--. ial t . the creditors., h? was unable for th. present i> ? exact extent of the benefit which will eventually accrue to them. He aald: "There are about 120 stockholder? of the Madison Square Bank, ml the amount for which they ar' chargeable is IG00.000, but whether we shall be able to realize this amount 1 am unable to say until I have ascertained the financial standing of tl- re? spective stockholders. The amount which the cred? itors have ;n dividen II up to the pr. -? :. moment Is 36 per cent bit what the percentage will be A-hich will ultimately be paid, 1 am not In a posi? tion for the moment : ? approximate." SUING THF Cr.NAHD COMPANY. A FECOM? < ap:n PASfcENQER ALLEGES TH \T His HEALTH WAI IMPAIRED PY A DE? FECTTYE PORTHOLE Gecrtre Barker wants heavy d images from the Cunard S'eam.*hip Company (Ltmltitd) on account of Impaired lungs r-suiting from ratner peculiar caiseta. The action i?a now on trial before Justice Beekman and a Jury In the .Supremo Court. Barker was a second-class passenger on the steamship G > la, from Liverpool to this city, on September -4. UBS, The voyage lasted about ten days, and when five days out Barker found his berth rather unoomforta ble on account of water leaking m from the port h de. He ask- 1 for other quarters, but says he wasa told that there were no other available, and the result was that he contra. ;>? I pne :m mla, and his lungs have been weak ?ver situ.- He says that his health wdll never a^iin be W was before th.- voyage. He asks damage? to the extent of J:.".'??"? from ;.'.? ompany. Abraham Qruber and Franklin Pier?*? appear for Barker, and William M. Ivln? ;? counsel foi the company. The comi>any den;es that there was any? thing defective about th- p.n hole, and contend? that Barker could not have a .; tra rt? 1 1 : eumonla in the manner describe 1. THF! DECREE KOR WIEGELE WILL STAND. The hearing of Mrs. Oeneva Anna Wiegele's ?Mit to have the <livor<?e obtained from her by her husband. Henry M. Wiegele, vacated, was closed ft? Ju ?go Dtigro in 1'art III of the Superior Court. Deputy I'nlted States Marshal Fi Bernhard, who was name 1 as- coi pondenl in the divorce proceedings, was In court, with Wieg? Mrs Wiegele. After Mr. Stecklrr. for Mrs. Wiegele, had submit? ted his witnesses' testimony, Judge Dugro sail he saw no reason for opening the divorce cas., again, an l that the decree in favor "f Wiegele would stand. TO ACCor.VT FOB THF ROOSEVELT FSTATF. James A. Roosevelt and James B. Oracle, as trus? tees under the will of Theodore Roosevelt, have brought an action In the Supreme Court for an ac? counting of their trust, together with an adju licu tlon by the court in respect to the capital of the trust, and the Income that lias been accumulate 1, and to hav- theii account? passed upon bj ?.?.?? court Justice Patterson, of the Supreme Court, bas appointed Latham ??. Reed guardian of Alice [,.,, Roosevelt. Theodore Roosevelt, jr. and other in? fant? who have au interest In the estate. THF Cdl'LIl TAXFS ONCE MORE. Presiding Justlca- Van Brunt, in th.- Ornerai T-rtti of the Supreme Court, yesterday dlamissed the ap? peal of the Commissioners of Taxes and Assess? ments from the older made m December last ad? judging them guilty of contempt of court for having neglected to Akt their returns to the writs of cer tlorarl which were Obtained In July last by th? children of the late Jay OouM to review the assess. ments placed upon their In livldual property and that of the estate of their father. Th>- Gould heirs ?lintel! led that they Were not lesld. RtS of this cita. and therefore their personal property was not liable to taxation here, The Commissioners did not reply to the original writ, claiming that it had been Ir? regularly granted, an i they were adjudged guilty of contempt. WANTS TO SFF THF ST. NICHOLAS BANK'S BOOKS, The case of R. r. McDoaaM against Hugh J Crrant, aa receiver of the St. Nicholas Bank, cam? up before Justice Patterson In th- Supreme Court. Chambers, yesterday. H. |t. In behalf of Mr. Mrfaaaald, aafSSUed for an order lo compel thS receiver of the St Nicholas Hank to permit the complainants to look at th.- l??,k- H- contended that two years ago McDonald deposited Mt Loulsl ana Flectrlc Light Company bonds as collateral for three notes of STA?*? each in the Madison Square Bank and sixty-six with the St. Nicholas Bank Tha- latter conten.Is that It Is the rightful hold.-r or then?-, and McDonald was sins-l to recover on the notes. Mr. McDonald's counsel said he wanted to f?certain the amount of th- securities held by the bunk and to Ml possession of its mtnute-book ' with a view to Unding out whether the bonds were factu? ally held as security for the notes. Justice Patter? son took th.- papara and reserved decision. COURT of APPEALS CALENDAR Albany, March 7.?The Court of Appeal? day cal? endar for Fridav Is Noa tta\ HI. 33. 22. 73. ML Ml and 152 SiPKFMK COURT CALENDAR Washington. March 7.?The day call In the United Ptates Supreme Court to-morrow I? a? follow?: No?. $98, v.l. Mi, $42, Ist, IK, '-1'. 1*7. "N ?**??? ic:: COURT CALENDAR? FUR TU-I'AY. Supreme Court -General Term Be*or? Van lirunt. r. j.. o'lrten and Foltetl, .li. No. ?. I?.? II. ?. " - preme Courl Chamber? Before Patterson. J i ,,,.., ai 10:30 a m Motl n - Uender i ?lied at II ..... ,- ,uri Spei ... Term Fan I Bet ?'?? Ins? i .1 dus? and fact: No. 2046 *>->\, ,??>? ,.\" JJg ?*" 2044 2117, 1340, 21??, """? --"-? --"?: --,"" -.-.'. r,~Z I??? --',. ~-/-'. "':. "M: _J| *"".. fs? ; " ' "*.'.', ?'-...7*7 __?.""?__?."' _-"iT. -_~-4-. -'--.? -'-'?' "?:'?'. 22.*>7'. 2231?, --?'?'.":. 22??. 221*4 '--'??'' -'?'"' ?".',.; -'_T-, 2277. 22*7. '.-.-? iintrit-'i, I "- ui .-"":.,? ? ouri Special Tim Pan tl Hefor? Andre ?a, ?-..i Railroad - ne?. Ca?< uni ni hed Supreme Court Bperlal T- -i m Pan 111 t - IV??) . ,'?, ,.. ? fr -in Part 1 ? ? li Circuit C ?in Furt I Bef ire Reeki I -l s t.. I?. ? ni :? m Part 111 I >r trial. '?.'-? .:? Court Fan I! Before Beach, .' Cauae. I.? ha ? - ,m Pan m ' l?*ai Circuit Courl Fan 111 Before l iwren s J ?h n N s M24, .'?'?-" 5MS" MM 4V'.\ .?'.?.? P?THI ,.,',. (Hill ni.tll .'??'<' '''?'? N ' ?""'' W??2 232l] 23!?2 :;??-" I?? 171 I ?1? -'? -.' 2M.Y 2".??. ?' i-' uni ? Buperior Court Eqult) Term lief or? 0|lder?1eeve, .1 ?: ? ? ' Supei ? ' Special Term r?I ???? McAdam, .' No? .,?i :..:i r.T" ?31 C! u i- i--. 1 Bef ?re Si IrwI'-K. C .' N w '.?42, t".-i, n??.'?. :;;'. 121?, l>20 ??2 ' ' ? I ? . .1 - ? |( ?1 71 i IH21 II M lit:' lilil? . Pern lut 111 Bef i ? I ? :: ?? J N ????" 1431, ? . | - ?mold S Motion ? ??' -., El ? ? '.?,:? ii In? 1 uff). il t" ?Ml ? -n \ ll?ir. ? A?1e. at ?I 30 p. m Wll!? f m i M inn E Dunn, Sylve.ley \ ? l \|. ? I ? !? Y ill 10:30 .i. m . .' seph ' ? . I itutschen Secbach I - ir l'i \. s M Harnea, it 2 ;? m . ne'? C un Trial '!'? rm- Refor? Ixgei I, S No 1030 will if .M- ':? NVuvll or Newvtl, al !"."?'! a in ?i 1" i- S|> lal Term Before fllegerirh, J? Mn ? leneral Term Before Daly, <". J., T. Jr., and Pryor, JJ S a. 17. 3Sb, 7.4. 4.1. 4<V M.,. :.? 04 ? i ta Ti 't Term Pan 1 Before Hook?taver, No. 1001, Landauer v?. Kriechen. No day calendar. n PI? i? Trial Term I'-irts li and III Adjourned for Ih? ?? -:n City Court- Special Term -Before Sewburger, .' M ? ? City ?'"iirt Trial Tern: Part 1 Before M^'arthy. J.? N - I3D1. rut:. 1373 ii2t.. ii.'C!, 8*0, 1300, I'M, Uli?. :i4;i;i. ;i"7r.. c??e unflntehed. City Court Trial Term Part H Before Ehrlich, C J - N - 1248 1347, I17B 11."-.'.'.. 12*4?, 1200, 1138, 2?4. 234, '.'??? 551?, 1024 1070, 4M. 637, Dm?. 1290, 2'..7'.?. 1032. 114\ I'.i'.li. 12?4 Cl? u ' Ity Court Trial Term Part It I?n<-f- -r?? Van Wycfc J, N ?. 11?'7. 1271 M7. 1871. 1125V?, 2-7, 1007, 1277. Ml, 12?'?. 11S7. 21?, 220, 144". 1411 1412. 1414. 1443, 114?!. 1447 144?. 1430 1452, u:-.1 14,",t. 14.V.. li:."'.. 1 ????'?. 14?, 1400. Caee unfinl?h?d. City ?'..m- Trial Term IV Befor? Flu i?e? No?. SS34, n.tTt!. 8538, 3505. 2SPO 8551. .'Mr-:, :;.;?7 3000 3033 3H30 .ti:?:? Equity ce?e?: N ?? 178, 174, 177. 17?.. 17!'. dear. REFEREES AWOISTEO. Bttpn m? Court Hi Patter? ?, J New-Tors Bib!? and C mm a Prayer Book ?Society v?. Anderson -Frederic R. C udert. Jr. Matter of I" Fore?! Rufu* W. Peckham, Jr. Morr.w \ - ."h ut-- W 1 >aytm Matter of I'm n Trust Compan) Ouy Van Amrtnge. i ' mm ii r By Bla hoff, Jr.. J. Rar?-w v? Appell?Samuel B. Paul I.,- ken ni l?arti Donald M !.-? in va. Barth (tw.-? ' ? laid M RECEIVER APPOINTED. Supreme C iri It) \- 1res Leopold Well vs. ,i W David J. t^-ea SOI THERM ?'?iTTtiN MARKETfl <;:iiv.-M-,n. March T.?CJotton tirm; middling. BS-lSe; low i ml'l.lllni?. 4 13-lOc; K"".! ordinary. 4 T-1S?_ t,<?t ?nd ?toss recelpta, 1,182 b?le?; ,-xi?.rtK t'. th,- Continent, 8,218 bales; mi.?. 1,488 balea; atoek, ?,1B1 balea Norfolk, March 7. Cotton Ann; middling, BS-lSe; i..w middling. *\,-, k,?h| ordinary, 4'..-, net and gras? re? ceipt?, 3,068 export, eoaatwlae, 1.218 bale?; sul.-s. HI !-ni.-s; Rt.,<K. 4<?.4?>4 bales. New-Orlean?, Mareh 7 <',.n tirm: y.l middling, ' ',..' ;. "Hi'Kimr. :,',,-. low ini.i lunar. 4-.,-. K'-'"l ordinary, i 4 i'Hk ; n-t r-.-.-tiits, 4.211 bales; groas, i :?* bales; <-x ???-i? t., i?r.?i Hritnln. 18.800 hale.; Continent 11 2l!i ' '-?' ".i.."'.""."w"""- 4'4-7 ??'??: ?a-?*. I0.?B0 bale?; atock. ?e?i /'i T-V'i't ; """'1 '"-'1lf""'>'. 4S-; net ?nd gltiaa U_UJU7? ,,!?J.,;"lr!,: ?'?l""'?? ?2 """ r"tnin.-nt, 8,680 bales: coastwise ??_ tait-.; aalra 075 balea, .t.rt.k. 02.3M bale.. THE STA IE OF TEADE -? - - ?ales, i 0*1 . ? \ 2 ? ? ?; ind March :.?'.:'>'. . '? . ? N - ' '? ' ? ? ? ? ?'?"1 "1" . v ,-.-?? .. . ?, . .- - ... V . . _ - . ? .... ??; i::;-. N 2 . M - ? " ' . I v. $ 12 - . . ? m. mid ... . . - - .-? - ? reaturele?. Corn ? ? \ ; t o t : ', Wei tern 11 n 2:- . Western and M ? -"? go, Mai I.? ? - ' ?a fol Wheat No. 2: opennc Highest Low??t. doling. . 87*4 ?'?'-'. ''*. ?' ? M ?> .,.83*41 M ..''i..''?. M?, July .M -, M . '?'? , .'i a < ' m No. 2: . 42 >? U 42V 42', May . 44-, 41', 44', 44\ JlHy . 44'?4 44?? 44.144', 44'-, May . S1-"? 2t? 2"'? ?? '.-?? . ?.".?, 2?Tn t*\ 2-"? July . 271, _;-., -.7-., 27^1 M-ss jK>ik, per 1-M. : May . $!?"> ?7v, |i0f?r? lior,;., |ioa l.ard. per 100 rb: kfay . r, .'.7', r. c;', 8 58 8S2?| . ?. 7n ?> '.:. ?'. 7" ?'- ;?< Khc-rt tits, per wo lb: r. 47?. r, ?? r, t7-. :,c, July . ?'? 80 ?' 724 ?"? ?'' <"ich quotation, were n f " w?: PI ir ?juiei tig . N , 2 Ki-rlm; wheat, '?'l . i.'T'. . So :; ??; :?: i: wheal "-2 i"--k N . 2 red, 81 V:'2'- , N" 2 .'..rn, 42", u i;: . N 2 .-.-. 2--, N 2 ry? '?- '???"? ?'< N'-> 2 barley, .'.4-. N 1 flax?.I, It 41 ?sk?d, prim? ? ? 1 : - ]. 110 7fl I- |H " ? ion n Ifl I"' i*<1 I" short riba ?Idei I .' > . ?." .;? . sailed . :? ?? itmxedl It .,2;,-iW 7"-. ?? ;. ai .Id?. '? ix? li, |3 '?? '"? 7:. whtaki - . : good?, per gal, 112? . it loaf, $4 0?; granulated. M. ?tandard A IS as per bbl; lln luc.ted I.) ' Mi mpany, raw, .',7 .'.-' .-? i . i i . ? . ? lay the |.-ri--r ! market w.,.- ???.-??? '. - ? ],... ',7 . ?e< nd?, HM". Eggt wer? ea?y .'?t H1,- f-r ? Ctnctnnai Mm 7 PI mi quiet ?ml un-hnnit'-l Wheat ? ? ? ??. nd la limit? I an ifniii.n? at i ??? .,' m. t...i.?.---'! pricea fall demand; ear 4.". mixed ? -r. 14 , No ? mixed, 4.''... So 2 ?vhi:<\ fa, k. 12, '?.-- freely offered; re<-elpu ?? \ 2 m \ . 82 If ? firm; No 2 Ira ? .*-.'?? 2 N irthwi " '?? . i ? mor? I Arm, s in ?7'-.. .'-hi- n.-?? ?122.'- family, $122". Lard prti ,..:.... i?ry ?--,.. ilders. 4 6S ? rl 1 ?short ? "'\ B? n Brm. beti y.. n leai - - -, Egg. r?.pti liberal; demand ? nearb) I! ?. w hl.key nim and y "..'.'.I I bl?, M- 51 29 Milwaukee, March 7 Wheat m ?tor? opened weak ?nd -.-.-?i unfavorable English vu;"- deprcMlng ih? market, lut later 1 temp rary !*;;>? ?et in. Tl lain? d, and .1 de. lln? ? I M . ? i- n. . ..- :?:? . rallied ? ? 50 . fell ? ? :?:. 1 1 ? ? v ", lit.- 1- M .1 Hampli ? were N IN ' N ? 2 red, ?4?.V4>?. . No 3 ? nt< I 82 . '?'?'? |C; No 2 I winter Neb? an Kam ?, Mte. I . . irkei -. ?1 -, ?loa - - - -.-. ? -1. an l In dem ind, ?hl| ; ? r? com? 1 No 2 whit? 31*??j32 ; No 8 do, 81 . II ?1 -I ', 1.1 *.-taw 1, wl .1 1 ? ?nd Ugh! ?? N-, 1. :.::?- .;. . Corn si 1 ? r No 3; t ilr ' and Hi ?;'?? i?k an a ? l" -v. ih? lnflu?n.I the ?-.-? ngth dl : ed by wheat 1 llei n ???-.??? . hard n In? ?h- 11 patents in wood ranging ?I 13 20**13? Mill ai $14 254H14 B0 foi w '.-l bran, and *lt7'. I ling?. Provlalon. Ormer; m.-: - pork, $10.10 I ? ?.ni S!'?7'> May. Prim? ?team lard li quoted at 8060 caah and W S3 May. Mtnneapoll?, March 7 Wheat kept on th? 'un- ?M? ail tin 'ii;'i the ?e*?| -i I Utures closed Steady, " '?'? I ?? sum.- a? yeaterday, ."'":-_ ; July < 1 '-??! yesterdu) at M . and 1 la: al ?'?- .?.'><*\?' Hepiembei closed at .'.?-?. There ?ta? a m lernte trade. There wa uni) .1 very m d ?rate demand f-.r-a.--ii wheat, th? pi ? for N>? 1 N being .",??..??:.?,:??? i"i wheat. M llera wer? n I buyer? ?? --f the Imm?diat? offerings Recelpta, 206 cara hn.iir.-i 277 ..-ir? a year aso. On track Sn l hard. .".'..',.-, N ' 1 Northern, '.^'?.<\ No 2 Northern, ,"'7'vl. i'"tu ?.-,,.% No 8. 44'\ Oat? Market i-a.y; No :t white, .';"- N B, 2-' .-1.","'. Floui ?lead? .' |80T>4jt340 foi patent? 12 <?5 %f2.'to f"r bakers'. Production, Itn.ooO shipments 82.0711 bbl?. Bran M..:k.- steady; carload qu'itatl-m? 11150*981178: ?sv-k?, 112 :*>-.,%\:\ 50 Short?, common, bulk, }12 234,112 73; fane; $12 75?$1.1 Philadelphia, March 7 Flour Price? llnnly held, under llghl ?tocka, but local Jobber? Indifferent and demand very n ?derate and mo?t|? t ? sni,,n |M? for actual want. 1 Ryi t!-"ir In fuir requeal und linn, undei -:?,;; supplie? ' choice I'enn.ylvanla, 127:. per bbl. Kurkwheal flour d-ill 1 unchanged; 11000817?! pel i'?. lb, a? 10 quality. Wheat weak, in aympathy with decline in dorneattc grain centre?, bul offertnga light ?nd prlre? ?howed n ? Im 1 P'Jrtani change up 10 the close on call Cable? ?low and generally w.-,k mid export demand light. No 2 red Ma) K?V: No 2 red Mareh. .?.;?'-,.',:,', . April. r??T3ll<.< May' . ?".' J?'??. ?k?'i?i?.',. ?'. rn Option mnrket ??. 1 linn under light offering?, hut no speculative trading un.l littl? Inquiry for export, Laical cariota ,?uii weaker with 1 ample supplies. No 2 mlx-l ele\ ,1 r 48c- N'o " '?4"',y No 2 mixed March. 47Vse47*4< ?nrll 47?.W4?-. May, WH4t48?ic; June, 4?\"i if *at? it-' llghl and market ruled Srm, r,-. trading in fuiur.-s but demand r-r cariota more active No 2 mixed short 831.4134c: no edabllahed Era'l.-. whli? :n;i',.' N., ; 2 whit-, part Hh'-rt ?torace, 8?\. do regular :i7'-' do f. ;. :i7'..'. N'o 2 whin March 80>.<.80*?i April 3fl*ifl 37c; May, S7OT7>4e; June, 87C37V,i it,,,?.r i...;?u ,,,,t quiet; ??enn.ylvania .reamenr. extra. 11-. i;K,s Krtn-r. more active; I'enn.ylvanla first?, l?',i ; Western lirsi.? ih 018>,c Sugar Refined dim; generally l-RV i',i_i?.r Olh. r article? unchanged. Si Lout? March 7 1 ?>ur- Price? ?teady: maikct tirm patent, ??^2e^xtra fancy. t2SV?|?3B; fancy. 824? 8.' l'i; choice, *l Mil,?1 .?1. un,,, unchanged. Wheel lower, March. ,"-2:,. May, K\?-i!'>2\.' ; Juli 52*4 i-.?? lower. March, 41c; May, 41*,?>41*4c; July 4214c Oaia ; tirm. March. 2!?',- ; May, ?%c. ??gga lower; Brm at 12.- l"orli Standard mess, xin7.". Lard Prim? ? i?: in. choice ?JSBu Dry ?alted meat? Shoulders 14,41 4'.- . Ions 1 lear, ."? 1.". . clear riba 8.46? . short clear 8.60, llacn F'arked shiiulder? .'.','? rlt ?. 8>4<tl,*>%c; ?hori riear ??.'-i''.'>. HlRh w^rie?, M 2?. Wool Mis.-.,',, 1 and Illinois medium, 14-il.V. braid mil low, 124914c; light One lo? ' lie; ti-nvi tin-, s'./ii- . Texa? medium, lOfjHftc; braid and low, KCtlOc; llghl fine, 7<fl?c; heavy One, r.,,;.. slightly burry, 104*1 lc; Imr.) lurry. Nc; Southern hard hurry, 7.-. ItiiKitinK unchanged. In n tie?, 83. . hemp twine. Bo per I ft,. Lead ?teady ?I 12 v, Spelter steady si I2STH. THE MARKETS. TOTAL RECEIPTS TO-DAY. Neaa V.,rk. Malrh 7. 1s;..', It. ii ?. tabla. Tu IP pa, bale? . 110 ? _ Ml Rosin, hbls . 8,00* ..1 . u. n.:? I '.ii Spirits lurp., bbti. 4" i aas, l>b|a : i Ta? l>M? . ;'t i .a- . ,-? -? i 'Hi ? Bl i ihe, plus?. SOU i ii ; -.. .;.'? ::..: i ?| . lubrl? atina, 1M?.. 1?n II i kwlu it. bush :..- ? k k, pkfl. 1 OHO Veil Pork, pk?S . SI? i ..mine i !?.,-. . . I ?Km lie r. pk?a . T1 bbla . sno.cutmi it?, pks? . :,.?'.'?' . husl . S.iUU? I ?!??>? ! li -?s. So. Jo bush . .o o:... i.,- |, pkg* . 2..VW llye buah . 1.7???, IjiM, k.-i;? . 4.71" M . S.aai Rutter, i-kc- . 1.77s II irlej liush . S :.???? Che? ? . fk.:- . I.*??* !'? i- l>u?ti . I.liaii nice, pks? . tn Una luna . I.Mil: Rice chaff, baga. 72:i ' ici. ; C.. ?: ill ar, pkaa . .'?1 ..'? i-.-. ik,;.-. . nn!"tVhlskej tabla . ?22 i : EXPORTS Tu PAY. W rat, ??i?h. S1.SSA Tar. bbla. 1" Corn, bual. S,27o Rel petrol"m, aal?.. MT.?an (Hits, buta. Kl" .'.t;. n- ...i nil, ??ala, I'd" peas, bush. S.21.1 I.ul . ?ft '.?.".S bush. ?'-': : i ?:. : '-. *?H . hell Iteef. bbla. ?"? I n aaiks. ?in:: P ? t ? -. 267 ? ll, bbla. ISA I- n " .2.562 ?"? ? " Uran, Tt.. 3t?' Hams, tb. 7,.,.?. II red, baca_ ::??! i. n .. lb . TW? ?""' 11 hat? t . ?.?ul I... i il, sal*. WO talea. i ?.7 Tallow. Ib. s.onti Oilcake, 11..a.lll.2"" On i?e. rt.. 71 asi , (?1?.. " . - ? ?"" . -.o Ch? te, Ib. 171.08U ? it. !.. i i .-. |0 CAFII QtlOTATtOftSJL Iron. No I foundry.$12 M IMlBfl patent sassr... ISSS iVo No 2. ?..n. lo? ?-:..- '? ?- * '.,"' rteel ralla.... 2100 ' - "'>:'.' :2,* .. ],. ,.i . S 10 II ??. Ii.I. I'-' Tt-. _;?', ? .- - . '.' i". Pork, r . I? ?J Wh. il. No 2 red... ??-,* I'' I. prim". "' -,? S i 2 mixed ?- ?S r? ? ??'? I"1,"". aa ?,, * N ? 2 m aed .. m'a Heef. family . M? N , 7. P. . ! ?? f. ham?. >v ??? i ? ? .. ml In? ... 5'a THF GENERAL MARKET REPORT. Kear "? i"k. Mm I- 7. 1-:.:. TOTTON Then wa? ? b of the up ? ,: 1 movement. Th* open ' a in ?? .o I thla ara 7 ',. ilnti ah v? ll ?? (Inal ?mi -a lui.k reaction. I?urlni i ; us-, leaving of! it B " '?? ?n - for th* day ? ih sale? the Ian ? ]?.?-, s.|e rhe streng ? ' I, II era id , ??..:!.,: Trail era aa. ? I for l..n? s Ml,? Ih* eal J fei i ind there wel bu? ng for outside areounl T i.i?? ? n.l markel \a.,s hlgl I. with a i- | ,:? n. m I i. port, i r i ap ? ? .lion, and Ih* pmi r* relpl red i large falling fl l total eslii lated reeoipta ? : I he aa.?k t . 130 ???! ' . ? - Th? ? ; med t > arrival lo-day nf 14 i*?? bole, The actual i.gure* f : Ihe day aa. ?? IS is i .,-,- ,m; ml* <? bj i f huyini ' ' ? ? ?a?? ? thai c mi i ? ! more ird? nt Tl - arln? ? ??? ' ill ft, ,;""' Bui -p. . '-'?'? '?"> I. il*a Tl ? ' ? ' ? n waa In part lea i ? ' ' : mark, ta at th. . g< null e awa I i -:? .: riuarfc. ? ? i- ?'? I? ! ? -, mnli g. 1 g* e*p ? rt? ' I . . . ? ? Ih* .1 i) ?h. wed litt!? mat. -I i -, ? . .- ?. ? m .i r> ? were i -?? . ;. mai gainai '? ' last year. Receipt* at H - "* : - igalnat S.217 bal? ami l."?l Ti? ta-- s, and 816 li ,:??- laai ?'eai g, rani ' ir. and clualng lila I ? t>r?a i li Dlghl an I laat ) ?ar I ll ??? III .-. I, ?a ' ; ?ing l?aal I-"' Ing e.- - ? : d i> n:r:.' I March .'? tai B ?'? '? ??? '? ?- ? "''? :' ' : I )* April .:? '.7 M?l :? '7 ;. ?'.M '. ???'? ?? ?? ; Ma? .J.?a :. 7" ?? ??: .5.67 f. 72 i Ig ?".'.'.'.'." ', 74 :. 7'. ;. 72 ' - . ? -, .. | . , , ? - . f, ?41 , .. -1 7 -? 1.i. " ?. ? - ' " v ? Market at ? : i. K a :- i ? ? ' ? ? . ? - - t ' ? ? I.. ? ? ; ...'..' ? ? :. ? ' . - M ? ? ... . I . : : ? in al<>* a-ipt?, :.. isa I, ..IH.""?. I ?ea; laat ? - ?? I ( I year. 10 ?a? . !'?; ?-?? l ? 1 i ,r. .- I.iaa W "?i ? ? . -? 11 IPPKK Prl : ? ? n , . ? - aa ? ', ' ? a ? r I . - . ? - ?? a |M ? ; 'i x: ? ? ? ? ? ?? -, | u ... ... . - ? i .... _?- ???? - ' .... ' a Laat lilaila- 1/ w- i ad a?,. eat e.| March. ' ' . ? > . 14 "I 14 7't p. -. Jun*. 14*1 i" 7 . . ? ? . 14.til ? - ' If ? . I4.S0 ? ? -? s-1 ?? mb*r . '. i -?' 14 7." ? ' ? ? ? .li -o 14.71 ? ? ? ill" aber . 14 *>r.|14 ' 14 111 i ?. ? ..:??? 1? .-. a statistical | tlon of ; ... i ? Ne? Vork atork .a IM . -. ? ? ? K . ? ' 2 ? ? I I - ?. ? N,.? Orleans i i ' . ? . <., .-?-. k ,...171.00?? 1... -. ; V a fork lellvertea . .'. 4.1? - -2" II.ail - 7 -. ' ?i I. ,: ?. deliveries..... PU Tot? ... Mali '?-'. . 22H.?"Ol 2i" laai ;:. i "?? . ..-.. ?.^..,>i to. -i: , re waa a fairly a I tra?a ii In lira al 11 in an I ml : gi id? - i - * , . I? s , ? ? wi ? I ' ' . i .?no i ' .... l?.|ii Mild l '..?i m .?- :i ?? ? ' ..., \ ?.???..;,.,'.-. I ? , ? ? . . ;?? gs Jan , i...: it AND MilM. ........... v ....... , .. . trade was 2M7.'i 1 wer* ?ai lab, ??? In'ei : I ? ? ,|2 7"',1?'2 77. H ? I- ... ' ? ? v; ,rt, I ::oo hi l- ? '? in *- ?'??'. v 2isi ' lertns, 12 22.1 i . ? ? ?' ? '.?,., 1,1,Ih rltj ? vu i 2 . 12 ?'?" - " " ly IH .. ??? |-, ?j r^m bbla spring patent*, |:i Via*.'! ?ai r-, 1,1 .... |a :.:. . Ill I'KV HK.'.T I I., .rp Mark.? n lb .. i, i ii na iti i; ki/?i h m ?>>. . ,.-, i ,,? l'2'i'i?.! I" . (?lltNMKAI. M irk. i a .,? - 2.-1 i i l? ',' . ?:? i Hi md 12 mi ,,.' y_ s,, \\, k-. .,, ?...i - uth? n 12 "-... i v. ; Ml. at. Mark. it? '-"" ? ? le. $| os UK |0; i . . >l ... ill nai ??.'. r.i.-. II i;? , Mai k*l quiet; 40-il - ? 1*1 ll, - . ." ?? s; . ?.._ ., .-'?.. ? |nj !. ,, s';, . , ' ? ? ?:;..,:, afeti*" H m. il, II IO?|l 12 .' . .f ? 1 nr, ti$i r.IMlN ?'HEAT Th? sdvane* in wh*al nf it,. |a*l f.oa da - waa nearly all l<?i bj Ih* d*. lin? t , ?!?, aa..,.. . lota* laai Blghl waa followed l.j , nr, ,,, opening thl* - ng, tien :a fra I . I ,.,!?_ hater which rarrl" i the market down rathei .,. . <\ ,,1... lin* m Ih? s. ,i i a..,. >,t m . dlaapp nimei public i..lai.,s. which *h?iw?il ? islei market* In '. . ,? i and ..n tha (Vmtlneni whll* ?'?? I irelgn h i have mon : ? IHni than lai] Ing I leiught for a while, bul as the a? I veri little of bullish Importance, iher* wa a-.m. Ilttl.. tit sell d*v*lop*d undei whl h Hi* market ,.,.. ?..., -n,.. .!.? line aa:,? an impanled by rep rt* nf 111 i,.r. ? v . I v . albei I'i l . "The ? 'Im Im ill I'rlr? i "urn ni" t.. day aaya il u a\ ?? hei ? ndltlon i hav. nol In , m.f 1Voi m the Weal on Ih* growing wheal crop it esllimil alocka ? i. hand as llkel) to i !M?.)MH.iNg| i. , ? ,, .n in!\ 1 n real ag ? A ah a i tlm? In. ? it . ... ... Ih* i 'ni quant tj n hand al BO.fsln.igiO i . ?i.,..., m a ?? -o aa i Lau I ?? ? u on March I n mad ih* !? '..I ?luanlity In sight, vlalbl? .,? i inv|?lb|e 2in.iluA.OCa1 lui, A auppl) of ;,o.???,i?hi i ;l ., |,.., ?.???.j make tl ?? ?lock* "i the eountr) l?'21.l*ai,ia*j l.uah of , |33.00O,*a9O bush aa lid b* i ii.i. | for ?eeil ,i,,| . ,,' au mot Ion la Juia 1 Pn* dlff*/*nce, onl) 4l.iaai.iMai |.,,.',, would I- tl.e nn,..nut available t.-i n|e.rl and f... vl*ild* and Invlslbl? .lula I. T.atlmate aa ia m .i generally , i'..,| It... latertoi i--.i|.t- of aai,..,i al aprlni rrheal maiket* l? day ?. SSS.TM laiah (In ludlng i*hii igo, i,,..,, n*artj nil winter?, agalnsi sao.frfM lust a..,,i. wlnt.-i ?g> s,M I .ai-l?. iiRnlnst 21.0S3 buah; s. il o 1 receipt, .-.-, (1.'i j" , .iK.inst ?.':.'.I buah; total, S72.0III buah igalnat 34111117 buah Raports, 50,072 buah, iginli I lltl.ttas l.uah pi ' av. 1- praawed ,.fr li Ih? early ?fl ? n 1. 1 , Wi r? retxirted liberal aell. 1 ?- al 1 'hi. 11 ., .,,.mlneni Si Uouli trader, now in N-.< ^ irk, i. .. reported , i,,-,, H.-lli-r here, At the ckaae buyina ordcra 1 ?> ? ? 1-->>.,,, ,.. ' 1* th- markel rallying quickly I. ivin? ? rt t.-.i.ta ,1 1 ,, v ' net dei line There weri aon . uns. Itllng n,,,, ,,'. ,J cIom In the air, dUturbed Ih* ahorla 1 ?, .1, ,,, ,'",' was nulei and ?aslei S2.onu buah .'. 2 .1 1 .,, ' ' May f ,, 1. aliare; M... rloeed u ;.:. ?,,.,,' , lu?a;,!,- tem?a, r ,, i. afl al and so.iiai .,.,.1, \. , , Manitoba, private lerma, making 19 load At the ,1 No 2 red waa quoted .. undei Ma; -, . ' v, ! ,,',"','' !'?? orer May delivered, and No 1 Northern !?.- over Mai SrtlvwH.CORN Tl,.- markel fo, n,rn ?? .. . quiet at about th.- final quotation* of laai rvtanli? "? "P-nlnif n,-.aa,-,| ? fractional decline. Thia later wia r. although aalen wheat bmha sellera i.'., quite urgent ti,.- movemeni of corn ai ih. w. > \'.. ..? fairly well and atoeka ar. steadll, .imulaun- T .. feeling was heav) m u,.- earll aftermxen with Ih? ,|..n II wheat, hm later Ih? lone ii,?,r.,a...i ihe markel .. '"'Vv/'.? ? %it\r. r..h com ?aa. i,,,.,,.,',:,;'' and sttx-ag Saje* Included 1.000 hush No " . ? -er May In atore; U.000 buah. 1 ?"..? orer M.,"v f ,, 1, "?',. ,1 1 ?1 ?"?I41V.HAIU.KV' M.,'rk.| .. m .; ... itAKl.K\ Market qui* iji,?ie,p M i llaaaukce, 04c. ungrad.-d Wa-ittm, ?3u?J<Jo..... .MALT Market steady. Quoted: w?st?in. .on ?__?'???? "fKI ?'.'",,, M.-irket qul.-t. Quoted: Clov?r, 88 754J#8 .... tlmothr 88 10 fjfOftn.Bt.'CKWHEAT Market quiet Quoted: Sil? ver hull, i?-i.".-'. Japan? ?e, 51 i'-' W? un- for 'tompari. -n the closing price? of in? pre? clou? day m.; tor the col responding data last year: Open- High- lanr? Clos- Leal l~*t Wheat m< ?st. ??t. m? "___*?* 5 M '? h ..'???< % .'.?". \ ??? r's'. Ma) . ?a? ?'?'?"? t*% H June July ..V'Vj r.i?'t ?'?'? 50*. 00% 5944 07V, -VntFTi?f "i',?'? .".!?** iF?'.,la .V.'-, "?' - ?T'l?.'1' ' . "J "' ? __? *_.. ??ill I'S. ....v.'', 80% .v.'"-? ?'?',. '?',? ??_ ..??ml.?- SSU S3t_ 821. 1,2, I?'1? ?' 1 I.mber ...i'-'i1, <?'?'? i rn. Man li . 4!?', ?W J*H M,;V;.:::.::;:4i>:: ?:: ?* ?' ?* ?? .1 ily .if, it?', I?", 4'? 4? . ?' ? March. SJJ ;;:; ; ;;::-t is :;::::::?? ?i. ?' Sa S3 t White; March. "?'?'. fig .::: :::: :::: S3 *'* -??? R.ipta at bwadstarTa ?1 Intel - 'VamTJwh last ih!.tlpher. lOOOl omitted I ur '"'?'? I-*? ""'n' follows: p.. it ,r!,-v r; iur ? hi ?t ' ; " ?; '' .. ?j go . '?' '?' '-'r ,=? 7 '-. Ik?? . 7 17 ?; _ ' SI I. rn- . 7 7 '. . ' : ??., ??? ::; i'--, it . i '?' !'; ??; I .. '- -' ??? it> ipoll . 17? - - - - - ? ' ' " . 11'? ?:: . In '? .1 i, li-. '?' " .r.? w ?? ?- ? w Shipment? from Hx - i-'int?: .'.? .if. i ii ? ?" 7 '_ Milwaukee . t? J ? ., Hi I."h? . I'? II ''? . T.dedn . I" IJ . !'-n .11 . - ? ?,: . Pe, r?a. s . ip -ii? . 32 si . iv ? ? i-1 . i . _? ? ? _"? T,.,,|, . -, I'l 12! ?40 H W !>. ?lpt1 nt A', ml P ' N'e? V rk . 2? ... ?"? '?' - n .-' - ...13 ... ?*? >" . i ? -. . I" . tl ? . . I 27 :i so . SVe orleana . I ' " Total? .7.:, 34 ?1 IW I ? ? < tt 111 Ai Ne? 1 rk ,.,. <". ?1 I ' . I'hlladelpl la . 2 'i H . ?r- .. I 10 . I . 2 Nrw-orleana . I" --1 : tali. 0 OB ??' 12 . mi, i als I Hi ?N "Tl ? Iron Ai 11 ; ui t .'?? -i . ling ntt.liur? : ..- 123.1??? ' tl,. marl l I weakened In d.t Ih, ' \ . I Irai if work la ? irtlvltv h Kales by ?Tasten I at 17 ???I n - ari : N-> 1 X I'? Ivani? | -. |12u ?12 ??". fII 27..Ill 73; N-. 2 ?tn 7.". ? - - - ' let?, ex s!d| .. ; -.., . . i . . I'A'I :.?? ?2t' 75. doi < . ? i . . 122..... ?? ..n the M : ? II w.-re 2". tons 112 X.; 23 Ion?. Am ' - ?13. <?;... lll'I'KH i ? .:. i.i.i. ?;? .vu ii. ? |3 10 M 1.1.; EH '?' ? ' ' IN1 . ? Wi ?', I7'<i2 ... ?? - - '. ? -- S.W tl. ?T? . - ? i . ? .. p-r.-in, ? ? ? ? 1er white. ( rl . . .'. ? ? ? ti . IN H ' ? ' .... I ... I-, 1 ? I : ? ' ? - M 1.451 I ? -t 13?, Ma ii-.iir. : . -1 ? )| .- i . ?s fid, M 12, ? 1 ? - '?' ' ' M M . i ' - ... A ? ' ? . < , -. - ? ' " I -, . I I . ' , . . ? ? rit' .'. : . irkei ? I-, .|.k ?? . i? I . Extra i ? . ? ? * - ... 11A MX Mark. 1 t ?I ? ?I tl ? I'l. ki.-d I. hi ? M - - . - . I.AHI? ! ' '- ? ? ! M 1 ? ? ...... ? ? I . - I . , ' . ? . ... . ' to daj ? ? -, i w ?'?2. ill r. i tn? !.. . ?, ; l.-.o ll.-l ? ? , . '..' --?'"'?? ' ' SI . ....... I .ind " n ide ?' ind ? I I 1 |.l |t?? W? -I I ?? I .,' ' ? '. 2 11 I?'- for MS test I . . ? and 2 7 18c f i ??? ? ? COUNTRY PROMJCK MARKFTTS. N? ? \ irk, March 7 i ?JO I ' ' ?i :. .., .,,;. ... ,, ?? III I -, f I III. -t 1,1111? ? f ?III it,',-. Id, I? ' 'i m ' .. ? ! un 1er very high Im. ' -, . ?? ,,?..,, ,,,,. ? ,, iarg? Trade ? ? I ? . ? . . ray with in .,? e thai ? ' ' ??? ?".'. I rn, I'l,.- |, ,nu : H, 'ti I n | y-t-i 17 !?7l i,i.-, h, ,,.. r, , . in,,,,.., fai, ' '!' I"'.- ; ,u' '' ? '' '. I man m i-? . [']'' >'-' ?' -?" l?'i *i i- ? II H5 .1 ' n.. Hum it ?.. i - " 12 12 ?i !.. red kl.ln.-i $'. |n v -'?I I?' ! - y-ll -.i ? ?-. |2 :-..,,<.-2o *' I""' '' ? ' . ,-... 117..', I ? ???? "; -.??.. ii '...? It a?; green p, bl tl "?? i ?urlher derllne In hi,.- first, table bult.-r, l"i' there ?.i? I'M 'I III ' Il II, Up tl 'i Til-1 ii id? an t ? ' ? ' . I .. ! , - , ket, with I ?III. . nilltt. still an undei V ;' ''. niark.-l Expo. i?klng ? ' . '" . I? W. 'iH'i- N.i, ? /?,',""..." ': ,.-"?- ?i- i""<- it - \*! J ?' | '? ?'el ,, ,ul , i- . . |s , ,.., . , 1 ??"'?? " ' ?I ? ' il n i, n? i.v "", "', "''' '"'?- - m fnilory, - itra? 12 ' " ?" ' ' ' |..1?. -r. '.' !,'' , ' ' i:''" ' " '?' "'? Stale, fall n., it ill liNJfl.. Htat.. .lair tub?, ? ' II'."I.V do ,?'., . ,1 kill ' ". t.-MI, f.c, .,. I, . ' '"?' ' r'-.r I ne an I fancy full - re ,,? , ....-. b -Hi ??' ' '" "i ? ?. Ih? market i? steady In tirm ? nil ?' '?'" ?'? " "' ' '" a I bblng ?,,i. I. ,we gradea of full ' " "" ?''??| es|? lally Ih? summe, made si ? ;. ?re h_i ''"' '??II ?'?? . and 11ne? m. weak ,,i?i unnellled l irt ?kirns nave an ? v eedln?-|j llghl d.-mand on l?lli home and ' " ?-" ?" "l"" 'i"i ''?."r? r.-i a.i slaed lota would i "'" '.'';l i ?*??' t-.-'-. Llverpoi i rabie, i .1 .i.? I. '"? Od, whli , i?.. ,?| \\? ,,,,,,, Ht|,,e ,,. , .,,_ ,,,1, ?ream, r.ill make, t,,,;,., colored, fam-y, II',., 11'.-. ?! . wh??. tan? i l"', rile; du g.I t.. , h. I" i I"'".' . ? * ? tu m .ii lo fair, :,?:,?,. . ,| , ,,, ,||, i .| .. ,|, r n i 12. ; ?i - while, fan. i. ii',. d? ?: -?I i" choice, im .ill',.-, i . common In fnlr, i.',.in.?,. . pan skim?, ?mall, choice, K*J ?,<,.?'. '!?? common ??? prime, I4f7c; 'I- large, choice 7- . ?I- common t., prime, :;.,?;', : tat?, full skim?, r f2 tVnnsylvanla ikimr. Iiil'? KIK1S The market ha? made further material derllne. it.i|-<? am liberal and advices Indicate .i rurther barg? ?? in Hi-- i,..,, iniiii. iii.i. are orTera lo ?ell v ? lern f -, n- xi wi ? i- ? -i- n. er> ,.i 104 10 . and r--r delivery l.i-morniw and Halunta) m ?omi-whal lowar :i.. n i. ? i i -? i Th? demand I? ? unfitted lo Ira med?ale i.-?allies and the?? are ?nil able lo absorb n - of ih-- C'??u available fm S|>il delivery, bul there la n, ?hortagi lo-dai and ?um? recelrer? hav? .'-?1? t., ,'IT-i- nt the .I *? U.- quoi? lersey. fre?h. pei 20?stl2t>-; ' M'-- ind I'.-iu.-ii .ni-.i, '.-o.-. Western, 20c; Snuihi i ii I'.'n it?',. -RtTlTS i'i;i:. it tppie? are m fall ?usply, quiet and baral) ?teadi l'i.terries quiet, but in llghl ?lock and Sim m..i.s tend sllghll) in buyenf favoi under llh er?i receipt? w ?? qu?t? Apple?. Oreen I ng, Haldwln and Si-i. per bbl, ?:i,i.ti. .h. spitz, ?447*350; -I-. ruaael *2-i 12 ::>. -I., win- kh|,. ?4?fl,Vi. do, Ben lunls. |4 Qrape? Catuwba, per busk?t, li?JOt, Cranbcirlea, Capo Cu.1 ter ?M, ?K??:*14: do. Jersey, per ernte. ?.a .,nf,$|. Orange?. California, i ?r box *2 7.v.ii?i 2.-.; do. Havana, per bbi. S3*f|4 FRUITS?DRIED?-Jobbing d-mand for evaporated ap? iles that can ta? hniuiit uBder T? continue-, pretty good and th? market for ?UCh Is fairly firm; higher qualities ar? leid steady, but have g alow movement at the mo? ment. Sun drk-l applea are ?partSgly offered. In demand and lirm Chop? Inquired for. for?a and skin* quiet. lUapberrtes almost out of stock: would bring 22- to a limited extent, oth.-r small fruits unchanged. Califor? nia fruit? moving fairly in a Jobbing way, but holders ?ire Inclined lo ?ncourag? th? trade a* much a* possible. and there is rather aa ?asy tons to values. We quote: Vpples, evaporated, fancy to extra fancy, per Ib. 7-\?ivl. ; ,|., prime lo choice, ?."-. " T>. . do. .immun to good, .'.'.ii flue; do, un-drled, .v,'if.'?''; chopa, 2<B2Hc; corea and skin? '?.'?! P- raspberrtaa, evaporated, 21H"ff22c; cherrlea, 1', hi* plums. State, r.'u'.'se. blackberriea. .Vt'u.Vy ; ,. : . i* 6010c: peaches, California, peeled, 12016c; oo, unpeeled i'.'-r:?'??' ; prune?, a* to size and quality, :t<, 1?' IP il'S Exporter? ?re making some Inquiries for ?trletly Choice hon? and auch Leimt relatively scarce are held Mead y ther grade? ar- Mow, and whll? not quotabty lower an? aa-..k. W? quote: State and Pain, Coast, is;,i choice, tnailc: ?lo, good to prim-, s-u'.i, : do, c?m mon to fair, .v.,7. . yearling?, 3fr5ixc; old olds. 2?Sc. nn -|.tiiy ALIVE Fowla ?old very well, the demand 1 .. .., Jewish holiday trade being largar than was ex i?,,, i -,.,', prices were (Irmly maintain.-I. l.-ss call for chicken? and feeling eaaler. Turkey? wanted and firm. Duck? and gees? steady WT* quote: Powla, local and Western, per tb, 104011c: 'l' Souther?, I0e; chlckena, Hie old roosters, r.'-.. turkey?, liagllc; ducks. per pair, 6i)'/?.V: g- liai? ST: pigeons, <o-.,vi,-.DRESSED Receipt? nf fresh poultry are li*ht. an I advices Indicate a. iv modernte suppllea to arrive this week. The demand Is rather quiet, Put th.- supplv i r cholc? gond? I? light and th? lone of th* mark? I is slightly in sellers' fat W, ituote for fresh killed: Turkeya, h?ma, per lb I04J 12. chicken? Philadelphia broilers, 2S?30c; lo r ?ter? liVpSSc; do Jera?} 124714c; fowl?, Western, to...'" 12?Ile; g. ?-?? Ml. capone, Philadelphia, IM? .1, Western. IP.i1>.-. squabs, per dosen. 12 2.v.i?i 23 W* ou i-- f'^r frosen stock: Turkey?, \ , l, llfH2c; do No 2 ? I"-, chickens. No I. IPM2'..-. fowl?, *J"BI0c; du. ks, I ;?? III . gees? ? . 10c. DAME Choi - fal wild tiu k? of th? better kind? ar? ? ind wanted; markel liberally supplied with lurht and ?? dl common kind? for which demand la very llghl W? quote: Wild ducka, ranvaa and ?? p?i pair 30c?rll 30 dn .nallanl an! black, WOT.V; do c m mon : nds, '".'."'. English rnipe South rn. freah, per n 30, ?II 23 ll.vv i?nii STRAW Markel quiet and steady. W? II per I'm lb 7" IT3. ! N ' I '? N I, - ? ; ? , 30 lovi mix. d ."."..?'.*.' . cl vi r. .'!.' i I 4". ; ryi Ml ?33 ? il straw, 30 POTATOES AM. VEGETARLES Receipt? of dome? P ...?.-.? ' -' ?> ? ' .' ' ..... , .... , | - ? i in eah it quotation? I. winter 'ly any i and pi i ?-? ?tea ly. Spinach -a th. I* easier Havana ar. ! ttermuda ? generally Potato? Bermuda, per I .. *''? 30; .; Havana. (<: ?!?? Eastern, P. 12 80; di H?br i 42.12 12: d ? ?t?te, .?1 BT?BI2 12 - $22': rwi ? potatoes per bbl, 113?) |2 r-ii turnip? pei bt T."?-.?< 1. squash. It 23011 73 ;:. dl 2'. - 1"". IH! r*12; | - . | . || ?ai 25 apii i ? v - ?. Il T3"B|2 50 ?I Mm 12 i ns, lit. an i and BV -r ite, |2 okra Ha? n ? 1301330; p.pp-r?, . ? .-., ?>.: tomai . per earrl? r, UCH BO. EUROPEAN PRODUCE MARKET?. Llverp ol Mar. h 7. 1:45 p. m !t.-r Extra India m'o ? . :...- Sd P'rk Western tine dull ai 52? ?'. i. I medium dull n 47? i.: Ha ? ' it. al I 14 t? IS ID -'? wly " ;? .,' til 2S ? It i Iv ll .::, r,|; ...... rib, ah il 27. lb, ?I ?? ?I SO?; tons clear ? r. ? .- ? ng and ahor*. clear n t tl?. stead) i- 2S? Sh ?I l?ra, ? \: m iv Ib, o a !. ii 2h- '.i ' .In ? i- ,;. \: ?i -, ':.. -? col red (Inn a* 4in i' tt ns ..I oil Liver ? . nmi- firm al .: -n .,? 4 4 t I. u ? Prim* West : ? lull at .1 ?? ' .'...- No 2 red winter dull at is s , s 2 ? : -pr nz dull al 5a 2*?d >' 'if Si U r ?lead) at Be :i I Porn Miae I Westei n M ? easy ?? 4?. April -.-> al 4? '.1. May o 4? -,, i. il pa ei Uiad :. Padflc C ilrm st . -?a> - ? LIVE BTOCK MARXETA New-York, March T. l?r?V I ;.;r- ??-. 81H head-30 ira I lari ? for the i . : for Erl la) '? t but linn -?7 ..-?.'? ? ? . . It,. Am? 1. ? ? v ? It 14 . !.. .- L. No Enrol ? ? ? I New-York i ?et?, In? I -1 ling ? -. f| . s , I ? ; ? rat a ?l ' I , ... ........ ? ?. 7 ' ? . Hum? Jr M I 139 S 1.15 II it I" 77. M '? 133 It?, n ? -. |i . <2 ? ; ? - ? .1 13 it? ?-? ? : i- 10 re? -. 133 " al ??? l ? nt a. 22 i or 1.535 b< 2 . i dlre-l and .-. ? IS I?? of i were tn th? | .t the . it II .'?' :*.'. per 100 It ? ? t $4 ?..??? 23; car of I 14 SU ?? fea good Ji racy .puns . in ? I ? ' ? . n 13 rS6 , ?i ' ?ad Drei ?? '. it ?St ? -. per Tt.; -'.r- -- ; ? - try d ?????! ?pilng lamb? . an I ??,! I :???? p.w*r, >.r at |2'o|i'. p-r - X*wl 127 ?? las, '.'l Ih -average. 1(a) n M " ? I* 27. M . 216 < ? IS; 214 d<->. 05 |5. 1 ?6 Tb. at II 23 ? ?'?? . 77. lb, at fj '.?>. , ?? t S3 ? -..67 tb, at ? ?p ?nd l.itn'i, 73 lb, at II - M tb. m |3 :** . i " on tt>. ?? ?.*>. 7!2 ' " |l 103 ft m li ll .'. ?.!?", per head 22 head allri M? luoted al I? *?.?? .14 77? p-r ? ? " It? ? .;| | .-an 1 in ' h? ?.-.)? to i K. ? a? IghU ? ! 1 at i . . OTHER MARKETS BT TEI.P. '.P M'M 7 i'attl? R ?Ipta laai W T.Vill , - ,4 4o. i : -i ? ii im?. 14 : " ? ? - t Sheep .:. t lamba .i ? -? o tal for 7 Cattle?R I; market ?I ... extra -<? -i a I ? ? I I ?2 ?? <l " II '" I$4 50 ra'tea $2 :.??<:, 30 ll ^s u, ? . - '? " ? i- v, . - J, -, I ::..?.." - . rt? ? %\ .;, .,?4 -j, ? >? -a?s ?en Re, ?Ipta, to .aal ? ? ?-. $2 50 :ll 50 ?.mile. ' ? Mb* ?? M. 7 n Receipta light. Demand Market ?tea c . . < s . I $4 MKd S3 I?; 1 ?1 ... <i .. %:: .;?, .,$4 In, prices un.-hangi.I Ph 1 I? phi 1?, I4 43.||43tl ' t mixed. |l 13 ..? I u> i..s, Torker?, S4 23f| f 1 ?"" fair \ rker? . : pigs, Pi" ill 15 < "i Sheep it-, . ipn fan . m. ?1 -' iw l'a port a?. M ml .?.. extra, M 44HTS4 #1,, *4i 14 20 fair, 12 TOaySS 45; ominon. $i:.i"i$2 t'> ??*ii$6 good lamb?, |&v|3 ?" ? (air lamb?, Hi 5u ||4 50, THE TRADE IN' CHICAGO 'n is-... March 7 (Special) I'M- wnaml markel ? I v had everj aorl .( symptom it aaa-, strong and areak; had rail'.-, and relai ?? - M.ia opened al ."..!'?. 1 iween .".P. and 7,;t'?-..-, and eUmtA al BStfeC, Th? 'irla ? n ..n ,, iharp a h m. - in Ktench . -.initia mar kel? ai, I n th- railmata b) M . ih.?b fl reported a. ta mile bualne foi ? \,' ;t. aboul aeven loud* ?,? t.. th? prop ?ed ?samt , nation ??( th? 26,0UU,UIW in tha public liouae?, there is ?'.loubl whether Ihe elevator men aaiii permit it. The commute? appointed la a privat? on?, ?elected by tl"' Hoard ?( Trade fr.-m among .-\perts. Th- state in ?pection liep.irtnient cull entorca auch an examinai!,>n, ' I.ill Its tees WOUld he a. i a h-aa a ? '-Til aa..s *i.loiKla dull, kept .ill da/ within n r.iti? nf ',. .mi,i just where it did Wednesday. May opened '???. sold between 14V and 4iT... and cloasd al in,- ('able* wer.isi.-r; it- w.-sieni weather ?as tine. There as, ?ont? buMneaa don? Iti . ,n-.;..e... about |i?mn?i hu h-;- Shipper?, however, ?,,.? thai Iha bualnefaa la In? adequate, li.ipts were 104 .-ai^; the .sinuate for t.? ,t,a\ 304 The Incident In oat? wa? th? weaknea? ,.f Julv. it ahowed a l"S.? al th- rloa? of '..?. May ?howwd no rhang? Maa ?old between 2s'.- and 20c, and cloaed at 28c. lte crllita aa.r, IS3 -ar-, the Mllnuita for l'n.iaa. 14?|, i'i ivlslona were exceedingly :-tr..n?' Pork cloard ni an n .a.m..I 22,.-, lall an.I Ill's at an nilaiin.'e of TUc. Til,- market haa bees .-i'.aaia bul ateadlly advanced until si-.ris wer? "ii the rua. The i.'kk.'si bear? in the pu aa-t.- ihe huyera to-day, ihe Cudahye. Then- were usinai hog?; n.M?mala for Erlday. :to.i?a>. ? Ml the i nib puts ,.ti Mai aa h. ,it s ,11 at :<3\r, calls al ..I',.. Puts OB M.I V '"?n ?Bid St tl',.-. .'a'ls, fetVlo, ?a? ? LONDON WOOL BALES. '"?"'l"?- Ml' L' \ ??< ??? ? "I ?al.-- 10 .lav faul,a anmreda were keenly competed for h, Conllnent-J pur ' ""'- ", "' Bd? ince of ',.! Th.. |?,??. , r ,,i.. ?nhough large ?I ?ka are held In th. manuf?ctur1ng dis...,.s ?u, ; 'T'1 .;V " :""?;'' f,.''" American "i-,ai in . ,. MM "? * ?' ?" demand from the Continent la i os-.-la i'":^ ;.',""?,",.-, ," ?- .-i-1. ;{.? ?!.::? li ? ?i, '? , .";"' ,"''?' ""' SMai w'";s ?"'" Arm, ... without quotable changa In price?. The faillowtng .? Ihe s. hs m detail and tt,.- price* obtained' N-aa >.,?,h V, ?ej Mm ha?.,s. ,,,??..,, ,-,,?,, ,, ,?.?, i-':,,'"',"1, ,<."2'M' -V'v'5'l: ?lo locka and placea, i'"'.'''1 .""en i,.,-1 :; hale?; amure,!. RVdCIa do ';?'" ?';' PI--7- ..?.- l..'?.l. greasy, 7,', fmi; dol'U.nd 1 ' .' ' ".' ' ' ' L'" ?B'"' balee; se? ured. ?M i Is- :u,,|, ? . I'.k. an. p.- ?:. TOWd; graauy, .',',? .-mi. ,i? |.?'ks '1 ,-i i ' i '.''"," ??U,n Australia LatM hale?; gr*a?y, ?? .1. gS| do |,A.k3 and ploc?^ 6\4?0',d, W.-at Au?lrall?r 3iW? bale; grea.y, 5<Bfld; do lock, and piece?, 853?;? New Zealand l.ioo til-?. Ri-i.-y. ."-*tiiti',d; d-, l*-kVja pieces, 7'?.'. Cap? of Oood Hop? and Natal?7uu ba__ SC 111.-I. lovit-l? 2':-l. m- . I ' BOSTON WOOL MARKETS. wash.-d i-..iiitltiK ?old 1.1 SBC. and in.- delaine at IT? iZ Michigan, and !?'/ii?-- for ?nto. I'nwashed 1 mbing rira ?ml in demand, with ?ale? al 174.10c r r one-saartar ad ihr.eiRhttis. Territory, Oregon and .Imitar ?rooU ha?, 1.1 leei ?ctlve, uni ?old largely si 8011c, hut wi-h v?Z ?diet. ,.f tin- Terril rv a? low ?a 8c on .1 m >ured iwsij; 30c is quoted for tin?- and lm- in-Hum. and 2.',-r:?.. (? medium. Pulled w-?'l in ?teady demand al 21#22c f* combing, and IS022C for super, .m,l lie an-i upward 'or extra. Domestic ?coured wool ?oil? ti-.-i'. .11 1 wide ranea ? -r er.--.'?. There haa been an active movement in Austra. Hun wool and large salt? :.' I74T22C, a? to qualltj nS -' --I! at It', I.V. and M ntevldeo al 14c. Camel w,w la good demand and (Tcftin bitumen. ?iiKi I -. , ?aso tm . . Tu aiBMAL.'1'AR. GENOA. NAPLES. u"ra .March ?.?. . .Algier?, :?' .|.>?. ??a?. v :?'.& .?.March 13-Aislara N'aplea, Q?S Kal.or V. II.Match 3i?.0-sJ ?V?rra .April 13. ?i^J Kaiser W. II.May 4.,J~_ ?Verra .M..- 1? .-^ It-turn tickets avallsbl? '1 -m Mediterranean ,r (iZl Bremi '? I? ad -, 1 r Havre NEW-YORK, HOt.'THAMPTON BREMEN. PAST K.\ Pi; I ;.-'.?. STEAMERS I ?"shin. *<V1 and up-ard II Cabla $45 and $.V). Po-._ Tup $95 and $108 ^ Have?.Tue? . M h. IS ti a r-i. H iwl. .T :??.. Arr. 8 Ha TraveTtie?. M-h 10 7 am 'Trm e. Til's. Ar>l 1? i , ?7 lahn.Tu*?.. Men. 28 ip m Lahn..Tacs., A;, 2."! 4 p ?, kale..Tues, Api 2. n a. i-i PuMa sat . A|.r. 2'7 11 ?. ?. Km?, .Snt.. A: r. ?',. 7 a. m Reale.Tue?.. Apr, 80, i.- a. B, Sl'HINO BAI UNOS ISBO TO BOirTHAMPTON (IONDON), BREME*. Erna. .SaL, May ? , ?? . ??.. June! Havel.Tv-i . May 7 f*he..Tu-, .; *| True.Tue? May 14 Fulda.Pal jj I ahn.Tu-?.. Mnv 2' liier.Tu-?.. J . - I '"i'li. 8VH., M?) '-'? Km?. eat.. Jj.-.. I ?aal?.Tue?, May 2*?lHavel.Tu*?. Ju;y t rmi.-.Sat., Jun? IlSssle. S?t.. J'.ly ? Havel.Tu-s., J;n- 1 Spree.Tu-?, July 8 VOTir-K !>?1n?ln? with S. S Ijihn Man-h 2?th. 'r.??? ?MSBSSt (r m New-Tork a t'l land passenger? at S ?il gi ; ? oa ?!-.* quay ?!--,nc?lde ?pedal ratlway trains for i-ondog. No tra sfnr by tenter. OEI.H!<'H- S CO , 2 Bowling Or??n. - i-^tZ-^-v, ' UNK THE ONLY LINE naalntalaliit a r?Kuiar th? E'iropeaa ?ei-le? to ? ?nt ?mu TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, NEW-YORK-SOUTHAMI TON iI.->n-lon. Par1a)-HA? Bt'RO. H- Min? th? record r-r f??>eat tim? on this insta BPRINO BAILIKOa EXPRESS STEAMERS. v --- nn a Mnr 2? 11 ?. m a VI torts..Ma 10. n x. m. P.Bismarck.April 11.11 a. m Columbia ...May A H *. m. Columbia.April '-'7>. Il n. m F Rtsm.-ir.-k Mnv TV? S rm.nnla M '' Il M ' Normannla. Junad il ? m. H?.l?le*. murer HAMBL'RO SERVICE by Twin BSRSf Mail S ? ' ' N? Baturd?va. 1st Ciibin $4.'i. tntermedlate, ?27 Bteerag?, fis HAMBt'RO-AMERICAN LINE, 87 Broadway, N. T. A?lOdCif?'tia ILDG9B. NEW-TORK SOUTHAMPTON (Load n Parlai R-rlin.?.lar 1H. 11 A M I-,- -.?prit 17 11 A M Parla.Mar 27 11 A M Berlin.\r-u 2?. 11 a M It<-ltn . ...April 8 II A M?N?? Tork... Vi> I. Il ? _ New-Tork..April 10. !! A Miparl?. Ma? s 11 A M KHGD ?T/?G? LQK3? NEW-YORK ANTWERP. Relgenlaad.Mar. 13 7 A M Waestand...April 10, 'PU Rhynland...Mar. 20. 1 PM i-Yi--:.,-. 1.?prtl 17. S n land.Mat 27 I P M'Rhyntand.?prll 24. 4 P M ??,-.: s 11 A M lt- : Il 27 7 a M INTERNATIONAL NAVIOATION COMPANY. Pler 1?. N-rth River. Ofl! ? 8 B -?tirs Oreen. N. T. "THBPSSj DDOSSA. ' PACIFIC MAIL !? S. rr> orrTPFNTAl. AND ORIENTAL s. S. CO. ? -?:,? I?av? mu Kranc'sc-)-. <"ITT OF PFKIN?;.Mi-h !4. 3 p m. tltlNA. via Honolulu.March 2?. 3 p. m. ' ELOIC.April 4. 3 p m. PHRf.April !-t. Sprn. COPTIC . via H r. lulu, April 23 3 r m. Por fr'-itht. r-Ass-ift?' tir.-! ?r-n-.'-vi taformatl 1 ; ? .31.3 Broadway r 1 Battary Placa, Washlngi n 1.. g and -'?7 Broadway. t\ CLYDE LINE. CHARLESTON, s. C. th? South aad ?-uthw??t. JACKSONVILLE und all Florida | Fr'.m l'i..- 2-j B. R. (fool t ? ? , ;i p. n. ALOON4LIN.Prtday, March i -i.Miv '.K . M March II . .W? ' ' Il All ?termers have !lr?t-'la?s pass? ' >? n?. v.M. P. CLYDE I I .". H ?*.:.!! Oreen V Y Pia Cent A Pean Past r .<- p Line vi?. J a, Great Sa freight and Passenger I.'r.-- . ;.i ? v ..r ?-.- n. T <; Eger, <;-ni A_t. ?vu B'way. N. T a - WHITI STAR LINE Teuton!?. ..Mar. 13. p-i w.t'TtulonM.Apt to. ?so? n?, Britannia...Mar. 3?>. Iintanntc? April 17. noon. ?Majestio.Mar 27 8J0 I Si. T a. ka. .?pi II . ? ..;'.' ... .May I, 1?. . it?. Fr.m Whll? Star I' *. I 1 of \V.?t 10?h-st. KO COTTON CaRRIED BV P.V8SENGKR BTEAME1 ; Patoon m--?. }."?' n; ?Mir-!, according t steamer and la? - ?-. ad '' ? n the?? steam ?? f? -3 f ', .1 -, 11 ! T.K m ste.mi'r. Steerage fri S ? ra ll<X prepaid liehet?. 111 N 9 Broadway, N-w-Y :k. Pt. la? delphia. cfn^-..'. 4C?J Walnut ?I II MAITLAKD KERSEV. Agent ACUXARD LINK. e to LIVERPOOL VIA Ql EENSTOWN Auranla... .Mch. i?, 3 p. m t.-i anla....M h. 22, .3 p m. Umbr?a... Men. IS, 10 .1 m M ' SO ?<?.?_ Pr m I 4" N rta Rtver, foot of < - ??. Cabin passas? M" ind ?:;?,-'. ' ? ' ? IS5, 140, $4^ ling to ?tesmer on I . gteei -?e ticket? ? ta of Europe Si very i- ?? rn- - r r freight and pa? ?'- i;ie Comj ini 1 '* ? > I " s : tig N?h?-t VERNON M. BROWN <? CO ---. CANA.'IAN P?C?PIC RAILWAY. """. Ir.t'-n-.' I ?team? *r m Jit D - -? RMPRESC OP INDIA.April 1. Inn? 2, v i?-a?t ? EMPREfS OF JAPAN ,| 22 -' v . .-. M EXHIBITION, KY""" JAPAN. APRIL '??'? TO " . ', rf ?ND . \ MIOWERA.Mai h I? WARRIMOO a... 1? 2d Cabla .,-- namodatloaa my 1 .1 ruies. K'ir ticket. > i idway. Far . ? . ,'. . -? . N ^ (?tJMPAGXIK I.KXER?I.E Tim usat Ian:. tfBm ; FRENCH LINE TO HAVRE. LA BRETAONB. Rupf .Sat.. Mb ?. ? p ?. ..A N?":M v N'MK I' ? '. ~ -' M ML 8 1 Wk I.A r,A-'"';vi:. Ra Sat.. Mch 23, I t; '_ New-T<>rk to Atei 1 trip rsBM 0? d,,is First ' isa 5"'-' a. F?">R'?i:t. Ornerai Agent, N :i Bowling Oree_ Uni NO ABROAD? sJT- EEODGaODIPlE a;: Travelling E?P< ase? In Will !?.iv.. New-t ' ?' :-?'-"* St??m?h!p Lines, First departure \; Ji b| > >. ??Majestic" for t? ur 1 f 100 da) -? l it?4 Pra? gramme. Pre?. Indi ; ? ni ' TU? ? -'? ' K I * ?N Offlrln! Tt.-k-t \f.--nt? f t all " ' ". Ml and 1 S23 Ri I ? S v rk __ I,"Ti:<?ri': s.-v.'ti personally i-.n l't '? i ?So? A ropew ?cur. 81 -tai? I ? ncl 1 '? nf tid *:'. ' .,'.! ' J . .1 ?nae? pal I PRANK BAKI R, 1'- ' "* N.i-ssu ?1 . N>? Y rlv__tjt .?i ?iN?; ABROAD? ce a. oa ? 1? e ?ELttT l'Aitni-'.s to ?11 ?III |i ive N-w ^ rk during the - ,- n ty leading ?'????? hip 1 -t 11- ?. \ \- 1 . : 1 April ^? ? ? "Majeatli . ' " ? ?3 May I. a. a "Kalaer Wilhelm II" . " ' __*? Ma) 23, " ? "Hii'ii.i" .S2 *a?8 12, ? ? "i-m is'' ...... - <la|S For later departure? .-?.- Illuairated r r-^_J appllratkm Ocean and Independent Ralll >l .ickfw . \ rrywhere. THOd COOK ,v SON, uflt'-Ml Ticket le?--'-. 1 r ill trunk Lines. .--.1 . ;.'"- 1 ? lwa? New Torfe; ti ?1 n 882 Waahlngton-st. ; I'hlUdelpbia, ^2?l Che.-.ns? ., . ?Tu.-.,?,.. '^;i s ?ih .1 Lark - MAl.I.OKY 8TKAMSHII' I.INFS F??lt TEXAS. OK"U;iA AMI KI.OR|r?A. Lleven Iron iteaniahlp?, aasrogatins T a? i/nm Ktew-Tork Wedne?d?jr. Kndi\ tnd Satarday. A DELIOHTPC1 SIX DATS' VOTAOE ItY SEA^ ? TO OALVESTON. TEXAS Theace by r.ui to MK.'.hv ??ITY AND POINTS IN MEXICO, .nd t DENTESa COLORADO BPRINOH Sai.T LAKE ?'ITY ?.Ho ?S svN FRANCISCO and ?II Calif ml? Wlntei It ? rta Ft.ntitti?. VIA RRt'NSWtfK OA ?..> JACKSONVILLE, ST At'Ol'STINE TAMPA, *?? BTRAIOHT ?nd it it'NM> Till" Ticket'. Issued b) >}l ; Joints 1?. Colorado, Ciah An/ ?a. Cutir rnl? M ?1 eo? *o, Oeorgla. Kl.ii.1n fte. Bseellent ace mmodatt n?. , ,}V,.,.t'" .,'.'r "ur ,v,l,;?:' Px-kri Ouid- (mailed fr-e? _ . it MAI.'..?ItY _, .?(). f>i Agi?.. Pier _i> B It . N. T. ^'kthi:ki.\m?> i.i\i:. '..-i ROTTERDAM and AMSTERDAM Ho H ?-! ?'^ 1 ir Mci I' 8. S. VEENDAM. s ?.,,?,, Mai ? '??. '?' 1 P- "? s. R. AMSTERDAM ... ?aturda) Mu?, I?. " 1 P ">? First cabin. 848 and upward; ?? ? ?' -''? <* ..' ver? lo? rate?. Apply for 1. irlsi . . '. ? and I a. (le?era! Pawenger a_,-i,-:, :-.i ii ,,i? . ______ ? 01.1) DO M I N 1 ?? N I. I N B. ) Stemmer* for NORFOLK PORTSMOITH ot.p P??t^T 'MFORT and NEWPORT NEWS VIROIXIA BEACJL 11 TKitsufrto and itli'MMMM) vi and WASHINO? TON, I'. ,? Mi, 1.. Tue? \v,.i Ti - ?nd Pat f"r \ la JAMFM KIVI-U M 11 Wed ?Sd ?1?? P?r WEST POINT. VA. Tu--? Thur? 8? I *?*< Fr"" Pi_r 2? n-- N-, N n, ,,,., Beach-?! ?' :t ? ? ' >4ti; arda?/? 4 p. m. lliket? and Itelght r-'t'? ?" *" pointa S.'iith and West w 1. ouii.LAUPEP. T,?m- M?aa?jat_, KKI? "D" I.IM: of Sl'KAMS?II'S. f.,r La Qsayra, Puerto Cabella CSmeoa and Mira? ..ulio. via i'iir.1..... from l'i-ii'i' nt Stu - Urooslys. s s. VENPZPELA . Balurds) March IS, 1 P-* S. s. i"iiii.Ai,i:i.i-iiiA.!.. " - -0 t p ra "ARACAS . I. I S "L These Am.-rlcan ?trainers Lullt m ?y ' < tas) BrSSsj have superloi a? eomm d ill na r ? l-or ?'ui-.'.,a mu? Maracalbo, rr?4sh< "??*? _ ?a b. s. MARACAIUO., . March a? POLM.Tf'N PI.ISS .* PIT.IPTT. Oeneral Manager?. 1^3 Front.t.^ CAVANNAII I.INF. THRRK TIMES WEB? ?_ ly from Pi?r 3? N R. (iM,l ut Bnriag-?- . Tuesd.r?. reiuMay? asa Satarday? at 3 p. M. K-n frelsM or pa?* MM apply to "5 " ,RH^TT r"n'1 AgtIJ. O. HAfHAOEN. y *?*? C?nt. Il R .TiT R'wav S F * W Rj -rtl " ? a* .J? _ ?^^^M:, O P A PR. I. WALKER, Ait. 0* t. ? P. R. R . ?m n'w?v 'fl CO n? - pier. ? N. "? Q. M. SORREU Manager,