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NEWS FROM THE SUBURBS. WESTCSES TER CO UNT7. TONKER& At the mpctlnc; of the Indies' Aid 8??????ty COntMCt el with Bt .' Otwph'i Hospital on Wednesday the Eras election s.m-e the society was- organised, five years ag .took place Mr Themas C. Cornell, the retiring pr?sident, presk* '. sad there was s larga att4*ndanoe --:' members. The ? lety chose Mrs. Albsrtiiw I'm it-i-?East president Mr* Joseph w. RUey vi.c-i'i..?. I-"'. Miss Muy Condon ?*e?*r?tary. hit] Mm John J. ?" vitt treasurer. A vote of thanks eras tendered t.. Mrs. Cornell and Mrs. P. 11 Pyne, who lui" served ss piostdeni and secretary, ?*? spectivf-iy. since the organisation of the society. .v [..-i,.,,, ., -.|.iit took piare yesterday In a ?ieoa of ?roods at Central-ave. and Tuckahoe Road, ;V--nk. is. by which Samuel ?'itpp. slaty-flv? yeara e] 1. liiit his lif.-. He is th,- proprietor of a j">rial>:? sawmill ..-,! was engaged in sawing ?rood for Tharlea Amman, when the saw .?il not work to suit Bum. Clapp got upon the table to adjust the mi? ll- ?lipped, an?l. falling on the ssw, was S*h1ti--. il., w.'s m m n n- I and b ?arded |?.'-h,ird Roach at Bronxvllle. Mr?. Etalllngton Booth ?peni yesterday afternoon .ti-i lasi night In Vonker?. During her stay nere ?Ci.' w.i.s entertain? l by Mr?. John C. Haverneyer at -er home, m Olenwood and Palisade ave? 1 ?? In* Afternoon she lectured m th.- |>arlors to -i sois? oui Select audience. In the evening there wa* a rn',>!,f'pr i -t-tion in Musi.- Hall I"he army assemb.ed in Betty Square, when owing :-? tin rain, a ?nort >"?:',v- ?nlv ... x- th? concusi?n the Army, hea.led by the eta? band of fifteen pi-. Inarched to th? hall. Mr? R oth wa? accompanied iv -?.;.tin Watkln?, wh - haa charge ->: th,- Bowery r ,f the Salvation Army in Xew-York ? Ity, and adjutant Marshall. Short addi ??e? on the work ?NT the arm?, were made by the visitor? Tin week? ago the Second Ward Republican ( on ventlon nominated .rthur B. Waring for Alderman. t.ut he decline?! the nomination. Wednesday night ?the convention again met .it the Ar.lngton Inn anl unanimously ch ?-? John Rowland. A ?committee ?. ,...,,... i ?? -, ? Brill, .; Mortimer I erclval, ?Wallace ?Pulver, Con way Pllson and lohn \ an wa ippolnted ; ' Inform Mr. Rowland of hi.?. * ment. _ WHITE PLAINa The New-Tork, Blmsf n i ai l Whits Plains R.iii ?way Company yester?lay accepted th? franchise granted by the Boarxl "f Trustees to operate un ' ?lectrtc ?treet railroad through the villano. The . compai u francl -?? from the town of Greenhtirg to build from Elmsford, on the New fork an 1 Putnam Railroad, to ihe village ?in?-. The road will eventually connect th>> Hud ?on "!: Putnam. Hai>m .ml New -Haven railroads. beside? conni ctini; wit ti the extension? of the Vonker s and Huckleberry Electric roads, as well a- the rua ?s recently organls 1 to operate al mt; the Soun l. > NEW-JEBSET. JERSEY CITY. At a meeting of th? Bergen Baptist Church of J.-rsoy City on Wi In? lay niirlit A. Schutte re Fipri'-il from the Pulpit Committee and J. B. Apple gate tendered his resignation as a truste,-. The latter was accepted, but Mr. Bchutte's resignation WtU lai'l ov-r until the Apr;! meeting. Mr. S'-htitte tol'l the ?ittimiti-i which had hen appointed t-i *?> nr-- a successor t-> the Rev. l?. J. Ellison, who i- 11..-.1 three months ago, th it he h id bt ?me con a/lnci l that the committee could never agree. l"n ?ler the i tances he thought it better to sp? rint a nest ?mi ttee Mr, Applegate cave no reasons for his resignation, bul saw yesterday thai he did not agree with the church policy. H- did not believe in admitting strangers to church meet? ings, but others did. As he thought the trust?e? ph. m i i he In harm >ny, he had decided to re? gn, lie should not leave the church and shoulJ also continue to discharge his duties as ?uperlntendent of the Sunday-school. NEWARK. John H. Ballentlne, of Newark; K. T. Til-natte, of Brooklyn; Colonel Btevens, of Hoboken, anl (.?corse It. Post, Of S. w-Y.Tk, have ?w..-ire.l over M acres of lar. I r?.ir ]'? ipack. Morris County, where t'-v ?t ?pom to build ? lake 100 acre? In sxt There is a natural s-r?am running through th? tract, and It w.'.l be dammed thirty-three feel hi?rh. The n.-w resort will be known as Pleasant Valley Lake. The court for the April term In Esses County latgest -ver known in the wiy "f claim for damage, an i the amount c'.almed by the mat.y plali llffa will aggregate over M00.000, The Consolid?t ! Traction Company i* ?rst. wt'h 1230,000 Th'-n come? the Delaware, Lack a wanna an I "vv- item R . I, fit.; the ?'lark Mlle End Thread ? th? Newark Lime and Cement Company, llf>,<X>0, and ;h>- Newark and South i >i ing< Railroad Company, $10, ?00. These ir-- all claims for Injurie? t'\ ., I? tu-. Mr?. :.- its K tiler, of Verona, who became siicht |y derangi . time a? m ling from her the J of Newark have been asked : r !.- r. i ?n Monday niirh; sh< home of the Rev. W. N. Hiibbell, at Mont lair, an.! he his not been seen ?Ince then. Governor Wert? haa ?;? - : :-?! to L-rant a ir'p:te of t ? week? t ? Hei ry Kohl, the murderer of Joseph Preinel, now a wail es? I ihi Eusses Coun? ty J.? . K ihl was t ' :-? hang? l on March 21, but yester iv Messrs, Henry ft McDermit, ounsel foi ?th?- ronden? ved a d ?patch fr-im the ?. ernoi ylng that he would grant me above respite as - ., - . reoetv? I an official copy '-f th?- court record, with Kohl'* full nami and <?' ? vl tlon an I - The lata were a; once forwarded to Trenton. K h was apprised of the Govern r'a a tlon, He smiled when he heard ' aii-1 :t seem? l t.> k-\ ? him new li--p*-. BAT< ?NNK. The Rev. Horatio \i.-_-r-. . who wa? recently male r - of Calvary I'roteatanl Epi? ?pal Church of Bayonne, wa? ordain? : ?. the priesthood of the Eplecopal church yesterday afternoon. The cere? mony took place In C i h al Orange. The ): .? Thomas A Btarl ? I the Diocese of Northern New-Ji -? fl iti ii r.- ordination, A lar| ? parishioners from Mr. Ma gulre'a church attend? I the service?. Mr. Ma gulre received di rders befoi he was called t-- Ba; ? ? RUTHERFORD. The Republicana of Baal Rutherford, al their pri m..i'."!i Wednesday, renomlnated William McKen z Ie, t1"-- popular Kepubllcan Mayor. Preeholder James R . w..s beaten f',r renomination by James IV Edwards, a membei of th>- Borough coun? cil. The other nominee? wen '" r Councllmen, John V. R. Van Winkle (renomlnated) and John F Ran do!],!:: i? n-t:. ?loners of Appe -.:. Harrison van Wir. kle, Luther M. .\x!^r.i ai i I'aul A. Jeanneret. l?u ! ? Im, l ?? mocratlc candidate for Mayor K rford, yestenlay positively d? to run .i was pui In hi? place. Aiu-tistiK P. lia it." also m " Irew from the ti.-k.-'. .- '.r-w 11. Brlnkerhoff was named a.? one "f ?: ? STA TEN ISLAM). iTAPLETON, Whin the Railroad cuntnitti"' of the it.,.,!-! of Trust..s of the village of Edgewater ?net '.n the Village Hall al Btapleton "ti Tuesday n'cht t: ere ? i- i ? i >wd of about SO0 In attendance. They !?.i.; v. ?,- to the meeting to h--ar the report of t!.-- ? mmlttee In n rard t? i;t.- granting ??f fran . trie roads. The committee r. (>- .rt,-.? In favor of granting frai I the Interior ?Slec tr-" Railwa) Company, of which Brastua Wim.m . t. i iv.. Ml Hand Ele trie Rallr ?ad C ?ru? nny. Thi report ol th? - omm "? ?? r< mm? nded ' ranted to the Stat. n Ivian-I I trie Itallroa I, ? il. h - compoaed of the Thomaa syndicat? itti - i.-i thai this ?? ?mpany Uni : to -. ? ? ,-. book or certificate of It rporation. Trust? e Au t Hon ected to a belnu granted to the Interior Company, alleging that r- ? ? iser-st, and !:; hmond Road, a whi h "i- :.:.. i- t ? ;.,? run, opposed the road l streets. A ;>? titlon stK.-n-l by a vi ra- hundrtvl ol t Citizens' C immlttee, pravinit lor the granting of the franchises, w.-is presented t-. the committee. The board ordered th- petition placed . n t . A HAXDtOME *ATAl MILITIA iOVVBXIB. "The Naval M '? , . .??? |a tho ,,,,,. of an fx. ?" ? ?-'?? '????? Isom? souvenir of that organisation, ?f It? memi.Ts an i <,f |tg crulas lasi yeai It is ?jdltsd by D. \ B stures ami Barter Seagrav?. i it Is ? .an;.- book, printed o* Bns paper and bound ? l' ?? ither. The lllustrationa at.- excellent and ei '? ? i nglj nunwroua. The> comprise nlcturei of A'.r^sS1?.v!,1"hfn" '??"-"? '-"?An? ?ariou. dKS ,\; ::;;!,,::,:".h^ -??.? ?>-" V. r.York i i. u J or ,h<' ?nli'er? of the ' V'^.,m^iy*!;?,?n^u^'1of,;;;[rsV<-,Th;re' r _ ? ' r ??'. ->' ;i'" '"'??.?nlsatlona Th?cruise l? ? ' " ? ?'- U?Ogtk 11) vivarlo,,,, style THE Hum BBTWESX TWO Hin 0AM l.isKs The war that th- Third Avenue Railroad Company at-! the Metropolitan Company have been waging for j ???" ??-rrlt ..-> n.rth of iine-hundred nnd-twenty-flfth-st transferred to the alder ?i.- n'a -ii.imi'?-.- yesterday afternooa. Th.- Kaiiroad Conunltte ;.. u i the protest .-r sereral propciiy. ownei i ol Washington Heights anj Ktagsbridag ???.i nst c- rank Ion ?'-? ng granted to the Third Ave. nui- Company t, lay . ? tr.u-ks. .lam,-s McCresry jir-- tied a i titlon asserting that the property. owix-r- believed n. healthy oppoMtloa and thai ?.in per v, m of : ?tin w-.-.- in favor of the MetropoUUw Trai-ti.,n Company. 1'atrtck Horrigaa sa.d thai Iks property-owners Wire '.(.?usiil t.. a tr>.i?v r.,.il. and he was loudly appiauded. Louis Wcind-.'ll, of the Washington Hpitrht? Protective Association, severely arrai the Third ?.venu? Company for Its present S?rvlc? He'l that it oould nol handle '". i""'.^"', '\H'"11',,. Edward i.auterbarh. counsel lo the rhlr 1 Awn ? road raid lie I refrain fr.'m making hi? ursu ment until the Metropolitani Tm?tlon ? mptny! aoDllcatlon had been heard. H< ?aid thai h? wou.? ?hPen cira?* show thai the Mstw^lluii^Tr^lon Company was s monopoly snd aras nol enmnnj i the permission. _ HOME ?SEW8. ju ff""' r*m Lrrn' s*"* ""'""' "p"""'' "" "" n?M?.i..>/..r* la ?-?ar-rar* CM? ">"' ?" reealetmt "" "'-? tvruii?K ri'irtn/ the t'iK'td mat,*** '" 'i'i''?;?"*??'"?? n' Vp. "i ^iii/i?' V'ie PerfcCI's. ?HI Isi/sessstles ?ad iforasMati "erpt/tt'l-'??"*-"'/'>"'"?'''0"'?" '.""'?itir"'"""' '"'/ ?MM taaa tV ?in'r^t/vrf fa nt" "" Fs>l*?d Prat?? -i-nii>ip?r? m ">ia oty.and to 'Ai .?.?frrt Jftt for ?WxrSllSSltoa M?"MfS*eitl il? rvun'rv _ _ WHAT IS GOING ON' TO.PAT. Dr. A. V. V. Raymond's addreSS before the Patlig Oluh. Sherry's, s p. m Everett P Wheeler on "Strikes'' before Alpha Delta phi Club, No. ??:?, Wesi Thlrty-tblrd-st., ? N p. m Manuscript Society concert, No. :> s West Fifiy flfth-Bt., ?* p. m. The Rev, M H Harris's loeturr-. Temple Israel, 8 p. m. Th.- Rev. C. H Baton's lecture, ?'ivi^.-h of Divine Paternity, 4 p. m. Conv.*entlon of Irish son?nos. No. IR Essl Forty seventh-st., I p, m. National Deaconesses' Conference, ?'entrai Meth? odist Episcopal ?'hur, it Art oxhiiiition In aid of Little Mothers, No, M, Pifth-ave. Edward R. Conanl before noonday prayer-meet. in?:. No. 1171 Fiilton-st. City Vigilance Leggue, United Charities nuil.line. S p m. Zeta Psi Fraternity dinner, Delmonico's, evening. Police Commissioners' meeting. NEW-TORK CITY. The City Vigilance League ?rill hsve the formal opening of its rooms In the I'nlted Charities Build? ing, Fourlh-ave. and Twenty-second-st., this even? ing. Ex-Mayor Abram s Hewitt will preside, and addresses will be made by R Pulton Cutting, presl dent of the New-York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor; Robert w de Porest, ; ? lent of the Charity Organisation Society, and by Dr. Psrkhurst, srho will accept the room? f"r the league, A private meeting o' the Mnnus. ript Society will be held this evening In the Mendelssohn Rooms, No. 108 West Plfty-flfth-st., at s 10 o'clock. Th?. March meeting of the Patria Club will be hell al Sherry's this cvetiine. The topic of t!;.. ?4'enlng will be "Higher Education ?<s Related to National Life." Th.- speaker will be President An drew v. v. Raymond, of Union College, Beginning this evening, Arthur Rose ?rill give a series of four Friday orean re. i! ils In the I'ar'K Presbyterian Church, Eighty-sis th-si. snd Amster dam-ave. Admission will t ?> free. Mr. Rose will be assist.-i by Miss Marlon Peters, ?oprano Mli Floretee Melgs, contralto, and F. MeserolePoulk? violinist. The Zeta Psi Praternlty ?rill ha4*? a dinner st Delmonico's this evening. Aninnt the speaker tul! I.e Judge AtlgUStU? V;in Wyek, the Rev. I 't ?. William J? Iniryep ar i Charles ll Eaton \ G, Eos and Edmund Bristol. The ofTi-or? of the Alumnse Association of the Normal College will hold their regular "at homi ' to-day In the llhrary of the r,.lli _-e fr"'ii I lo ' ; ThA purpose of the "at home" Is lo t.nne the mom bers of the association, which now number? 1,300, into more Intimate relations with fiii-h other. a pleasant feature of th.- "smoker" to be gt4-en by th<- ?''immer.ial Travellers' Club No IS IV* ? Thirty-first st., this evening, avili he the pr? ;?' Miss Marie I't..-sl?>r, of th? Camlll? I ? ?pera ?'ompany TITO tiew Macs have lacen received from W? Ion for th? Federal Building. Thej me? ur? 60x11 feet and d play ? four fool ?ai'." Commissioner Charles It Hubhell will or( an Antl-Clgsrette league of nearly '.-??' i ipt Gremmar School No KS, No . ? ? t Oi i hin Ir? '. and-tenth-st., thl? evi There av.ii all i be given IO0 rertlflcates to as many pupil- who were neither absent nor late a single session of the I term of five months, William Barclay Parsons, engineer of the Rapid Transit Commission, lecture**, on "Rapid Trai ill in iiihT Countries," with stereoptlcon meeting of Good Governmenl Club >? held lasi night at the v M t' A. hall, Washington H? branch, between Tenth snd Ele4'cnth An entertainment and reception ?fill be cae- | -, lental Commandery, I". ? ?. ?; f"? at Adeiphl Hail, Fifty-second si and Broadway, on M evening. Th?- bituminous coal-carriers and ;? lucera con? tinued th'-lr meeting tn thi? city yesterday; bul beyond a dlacusslon of pel 'entagt ? ?? I no bualness. The meeting adjourned until to-m morning, Th- American Protective Tarlfl i.< igue yesterday announced the appointment of Arthur I. Thomas of Ball l.ake ?'ita. n? vice-president, and Hebei N Well?, of the same .(ta. SS B? retara-. f,,r 1'tah Mr Thomas has heretofore t.een Identified with ttie league aa Territorial se retary, and now b? \i ' president for this new state. COTTON QUOTATIONS GO HIGHER. GREAT ACTIVITY ON THK Ni:v V"!:k EXCHANUK KPINNKR8 '','"i!. Bt'YRRS The buoyancy In th? i ?tton markets of th? ? ntlnued > esterdaj. At th? clos? i : on the New-York Cotton Exchange were I to 10 points hlKh<r than Wednesday's close. The lasi prices were the best of th-- day. Since th< rls? began cotton haa Irnprov? I IN point i from th? low? I '. point represent? IS on the value ,,f ion bales of cot? ton. Thus from the depth? cotton has Irnprov? f,,r every W0 bale* A* on the ,;(a- before, '. pool led ihe movement, promptly responding i" th. ris-- here on Wednesday. Outside ? ? r ? i ? i camt freely, and Investment and speculation buying made the market s distinctly broader one than has been seen In months. Total rales <>f futures were IM.SOfl hales, the largest In s long time, In fact, th? re seemed t" be a genuine wav* of bull enthusla One marked feature <>f the day wa? the activity ,n sf,..t cotton at higher quotations, Mancl lei spinners loos. 12.000 bale? In l.lverj.l, and up to 1 .;.> o'clock ?.""" bale? had i ? - n sol i in New-? irleans at l-ll cent advance. All th? Southern ?poi markits were strong. Pic exporti were report* I from Galveston, Here ?pinners bestirred them? selves, an! in the face of an advance of 3-H cent ,n ?pot quotations, look Ml bales, s considerable amount for this markel as condition? are ai pre eut, The purchase? In Liverpool led t" talk thai the sti" ks at!.it In that harbor to-morrow will ?how , :. Ided decrease f.r the week. All thl? activity of the spinners goes i'< prove what The Tribune hss been pointing out, that the Inherent strength of cotton is In tii.- healthy bu Ines? condlt on abroad .?ml the hopeful outlook here, now lhal Congress has adjourned, There may be a reaction from this sharp upward movement, bul the prices of last week ar?- not iik> ly t,> be seen again There were renewed signs of a decrease in the movement Port recelpti yesterds) were 16,000 bales, agalnsi 7.7'?' year and 18,000 ihe corresponding dat.- m tin. Atwood Violet I a Co. comment a.s folio? i ?n Ihe cotton i II u itlon: Wer-- then- as much famlliarit) with ? ?tton, si s speculative commodity, a? operators display wth re. gar?! t i thi s;, k and grain markel throughout the East and West, the former would very largel) attrai | attention and become a markel ol great activity, It must 1m- renfembeied i lint cotton crop? have averaged about 7,800,000 bale? for the lasi elghl years, Including the present one, and an averag? ol ??,:''?o,i??i for the seven year? ptevlou? Th? large?! erop ever grown is now being market..I, bul with price? unprecedented . x.-?-pt once before In the history "f the trade, and aaitii a crop i"t th* com Ing "?isuti that promises t" be at least 2,000.000 baie? smaller than tin- yield of thi present ?eason, there has i.een f,,t th<- last three month? or more g i m lit.uai s -IlitiK. ii"t only of the present, but <?! a 'Top thai Is nn! a.-t in the ?round, and Which! !?? decided!? smaller, owing i" unfavorabli con? ditions during the growing ?eason, than even s i> auced acreag? would Indicate, it aaa a : ver) well in form.! >. ira, at this time, '..i speculatively sell n.-w crop months al price? . to I rent? higher 'han those now rulliiK, imt it !.- risky to be selling contracta ar (inures which mann ?? certain los? t., n?- man who attempts to cultivate, at present quo tatlons. VRDRRTARgRM PETITIOX TBR COROXSRS. Hoard of Coroners hag received a petition rrom th,. New-Tork City Ind.rtakers' Association, u\Z ? I''" 0,1,-'-"ll'"lre?I-ai..l-twv.-niy-rit!h -st , - ' tine.' forth ,he fa.-, ,ha! ??. (.,lstom (lf , ,?. ,.?,,, ? Coroner, to forbid undertnker. from removing lidcn "*T !h: rPmnln- "' "*?' "?vin, .i r*-<juestinK the board L ^"'""s Inconvenience, and ?lark ut the ComnJri" i?"r,? ,,n*' ??tendance of ? mt Loronrra 0ffl. ? during ,he ,Jay ?J do so mrinv intel? ligent and practi? cal housekeepers, who for years used other baking powders (which they considered the best), now use Cleveland's baking powder? It is the best that money can buy, as aV that's why. Why AFFAIRS IS BROOKLYN. WHAT TO DO WITH LITTLE CRIMINAL?. A conference waa held at th? Cltj, Hall yesterdsy over the qu to what should be done with irge number of children vv> o ? ?? ar? rest for small crlmea and mlsdemesn? r?, snd who ar- too vlcloua to be ?ent to the Truanl ?' Home, but not ol i or hai lane I eno igh t ? warrant theli being l-lii -1 m tail. TI.onfer? m - sraa atten IH by Mayor Bebieren, Superintendent Maxwell and Jai. B Rouck, of Ihe Boanl of ?Mu?llon! Rob erl -i Wllkln. ?upei ntendeni ? f the s - - ty f..i the Prevention of Cruet) m t hlldren. and A ant Corporation Counsel On ns od. A gen? i (Mission fol'.? \v. i r? ?ut ng In an u .-. '?" rAUendance Vomml.tcc . -^\/. ?ton vlsli ., nlot "f ground owned b) tne rit) si i g - ? the Trimm iT-,..-. and - irheiher I,would t,.. advisable to -t- t a ?? parai ? i ?"' <?'? ... oi t;,. vi lo i- children. Tu PAVOR IMMIGRATION RESTRICTION v g meeting of the Immigration R !,.,_?.. So '. of New-Torn: State, held last i ,','N, : Barai ?ga ave., the following officer? were I,,,.',,.,, ,,?_ ? i r Brennan, president; .braham l,.ni secretery; Bylaw? Committee, W. H Allen. w s Ryerson, P. A. Mason, r T. Mlddleton .braham I.ent. The meeting waa I rg? ?tten.le.i, I, j? th.- Intention of Ihe orgai ????'" auxiliary league? throughout Ih? J ? ?' ! numerous n.fbll meetlnga I " rehy a airona popiilai ?-" an I ro? a I? ,he anl?]. ' Ml ' n-ed? - la??ca am wt-lcom? l to memberehlp. ii GATHERED ABOUT THE TOWN Kakuao Tsukomoto, a Japai ha - I ? ? ludged Insane by Prs. O'Conneli and Mctcalf, nf the rharltles I iei>srtment, an I i ? ? ?sylum He was st on? time a ? ook In the Nnvy The wai '??' "' !l ' I ..,.. |) m ... ? ' m m? ntally W hen the -.,.,.... . ? ..-? er atten I rres? him, I I m for gChii ? nearij Irani : him ?,- i; i: ronternn, of No. W Ryn !.. - n ai ; oint? d i rof? i -??? of m?i United .-? .-. mu tarj \- ademy al W ? ?l P< tnl He t - tan his dul esl lay. The m ivT an i the Board nf Al '?? -r'" n ronfem l j eater lay on ho* i ? I lo list] ?? of the ;?? ??; ? rty acquired by the ? Ity at arrcai i-iirv sal I thi - It) ? ' ' ed I?) parcels of nd It aald that If a warra " ' ' ihe city would realise I ? ' than i' otherwi?? wo ild Before ludge gtovei ind a Jurj li the . ? ?,,-;? ? \. ?ter la) ' ' It Ryan I ? .-1 ? ? r ? for 110.00?) Ryai ' ' A hill has I t to A Ihe city of I ml I ? ? ? ? , ? I for I , ? V t t t pay li i ? ? ? I r ley C Ud to . p.-utl , ' ? ? .-t SUBSTANTIAL BUILDING WANTED. y-i ej->S ">- - u;- v i ? ? _ ? ' .'? ' g la ? ? ere, t ? stltul mittet to It I ? . ? offleel und |.:- for the ? ? . fully ISO.flu w,:; have ift? the propcrt ? .ml. .il to hull I a ?.?I i . , not m? relj for the pi ? ? all ? ; ? ' ; f West? for ? ?in- Horn? To ?epirate froi theli ' ? ? ' i : . ? ? -.-'..- I ' fault of their -v? - into vlciou ind to feed . (In I for ih? -n .- ind ti wm proti ? ? i charli touch ? ? ri nf parent? an i t. m . an : ?? - lo m-tlon the flnci g. ner ? ? i i more i ; titutlon of U . ' ? . . lei I'o ml purp ? -- no| ? -, ? . : ? - nomlc il '? ??.-.. ? . ?. ? ,.. by preventing fh< i r? f that mpt - nt, de .- i ? nn . : ?? i . fill 1 ; hous? ? nn-l penlti liarle?, and ir? ich a burilen ? ? V problem of t hi ig< n ? ? ? ? ?-un; number? ol that ?das? a-ho lmr<len Bnd ! in-1 , ' oriel i it.-- factor li quest loi |n eparat? u ' ? in I ?;.,-? -,, unfortunate rhll Iren of this i and make ol ih? m, ;? ? itlon, ? tablli n- i foi that \< t ? i- ? aubje t t.. visitation b) th, pi pe? pul . . \ I ted evo i ? i ? ) l h i II Bup? i ?. Is 'i of the county. It ? ol the managt r? to Interest of the . ount ) with the s i k ng of tl ? i itutlon, i-? have them vlsll and become thorough!) familiar w .ti, it? methods, .in l ? on -> 1er It, as It In fact Is, .t thi m-, t Import int ? ? th. publl ,-hai ?-: the county. The) believ? that the more wl?l? spre.-id the Inter? ?I In II the great? fulness; homes .?. i. more r? i?lll I mi I foi ? . children, the) can i"- trained lo become hon? I in-l ? III lent ? ? rvants, labor? rs, mi '.mi' and i ii; The managet ?, takiiii ad intag? of this ?I ist, a- .-m opp .tt'ii,. Urn? t., bring the pi ople . t i ,.. county and Ihe public Into cloecr relation? wlih it, i work, and bid lev Ing thai the m?r? unlvei ,i ihe aid obtained the greater will i ? th? efflrii n -j of thi ? itlon, ti"\v earnestly appeal t . nil for sub KTlptloifi and contribution? They ,,-k a >? and hearty co-operation. Bverj on? srho contribute? will feel a deeper inter? t : i thi? work an Inter? i in. tsiir.-i nut by th?- am-.un! subscribed or contrib. ut.-1, but b) the aelf ?a rlfice in making it Subscription an I contributions will i ? r? - Ive I hj Charle? It it;-1. pre*ldent, No 7? Park-ave., and Mrs. Richard M. II".-. treasurer, No. 11 Easi Seven ty fir t-st. ? TO ?XTEATI6ATK Tlir ORCKARD-AT. tCCIDBST. District-Attorney PVUowi yeaterda) a Igned his a??l?tant, John P, Mclntyre, t,. i.ik? ? irgc ol Ihe i r s.-, utlon ?if tin. ? Indicted : n th? ol'apslng of the building? In Orchard-el TW? action wa* the result ..r .i I. tier receive I in the I Mat! I I \ M.iv.'t .-?: ng, asking Ihn \i M Intyn be aasigned t, the matter. Assistant Dlstrl I .ttorney it- ??? ; Townsend will ,i?-.-t Mi Mclntyre In the 't'i and preparation of the i?? The initial es a ml nation m the matter will be had Ihla morning In the ?' i... :? . .1 MBBOBAXT A\l> PATROLUA.t ACCCBED. Al tl,,- ix, cutlve s? - lion of the Poli ?loners on Tuesday lausl f?er_e_nl Daniel C Moyn? han, ut the Hlghbridi - ituul, wai transferred t,, , the Plfth-st. Italie? The action of the boai I waa kepi .??? ret si Ihe time, but It leak. yestei da; that si riou? . hsrge ha . I ? i made a? il i I Moynlhau and Mounted Patrolman Conrad J Nlch "i i The Sergeant all.? n?. ?? i . duty an I .?i controversy with Roundsmat Oeorgi K Hack ..f the Hlghbrldg, ?qua?l, led lo hi irai fei rom the prerinci, on the recommendation of Stiperlntei lent Byrnes. Roundsman Rack preferred charge? against Nlcholaa for being drunk, and will be g ?rltness aitaiiiMt the Sergeant Th? rase ?ill l,e Xuiiy larastlgatsd at Hoadquartarg next trial day THE PKHE MYSTERY. A GROWING BELIEF THAT THE MAN 18 STILL ALIVE. HOME I'XEXPI.AIXRT) l IR? : MST ANTES ABOUT HH .?.''?'irvrs A C171 !? II ? ;- rORT il'.' ?M DR. I? i\ l.f. li: - COM I' \i' in PARTI \!.I.V V'KRIKI -I BOSTON Th.- dlaappi trance ol J, ". Rache, the life Insur? ance agent, remain? I ? myster) yesterday, although n Information waa recelvi l which strengthened the suaplcion that he ii i l run away t" av ?id trouble, and tiiii lie probabl) alia., and well some? where near Bo?ton. John N Pattlson, the presi? dent of the I' Central Ufe Insurance Compan) ,if Cincinnati, was In charge of Bache'? office In the ' Metropolitan Life B?llulig, at Mall i/n-ave. and Twenty-third ?t., and he ssld he could not be con? vinced tl u Heche had been i deliberate defaulter, !? was true thai th? pr ??-?? I n itef u the bank . had a ba i look, an I thai ?: tche h i ! nol accounted ! i ?r a ''" Bi.ntlni to nea rly P 000 which be? longs I to the I ? ? , on?| my, bul Mr Pattlson ?- ire-l that If Ha ha I nn.iounc? ! that he -.a 11 pr? ? ? i ' ?" n.'? ; i.ompany would haa >? loaned several thousand dollars tn him cheerfully, and the bai k '.a ? ?: i hav? . time on tha i,. If lu? ll , i iski l f ?r 11 Itobei ' .i llalre, i who had tran act? I - ?m? b ' Hache, raid yei tel laj that ? IChe i m to lue Ihe makers .if the t...'.-? but a search lories of -? veral i ein? had falleil to ?? of the mak ? ?? in 1 It wa? I that the bank had loaned nn the i if Bach? Hi i ? Royl? ma le t late ? "I '? ? . ,nni ?? i -.a '!i the i'n. Central I ?If? I ira i \?n , 11 ? . bul i ? i ilonally Mr. Hache, who a-? friend, ei me t il ? ? rk. It was t.?n a Ith him ;.!-? . ft? ' ?th l very wi ?'? ? lined on ' the Kail It it. a ind If I >t dazed to te|| . ? ene 1 (,i throw I If ] ..- best Cl friPl I awok? I ' . : ? t Hat he bad i I had ., ! my way to . ? ? ? ? Fall H a) ? ". i ? ? ? ? , -i ? ? ? ? . ?? i I ? I . ? ? ? ? i ? ? I fi-ai I i : ' , . ? ? ' ? tat? ' [ ' I- .. . . . ., ? u. -t ; . ly , liga ? earned be . > I II It I ' ?' ! i ' nol - a itt?.| -,?!'.. i.ia . ??in , ? . :. ii- the ? ? tal? ol !?? in? upon hy rnugl i ?? , I hi ? In Ing mi ihe ?ti ' nelng . ? ? . , been pari i a-ork If thi relai ? lo hav? It don? the police -,ia. they , ? i c they i ould find ?? ? ? , ? ..; him, bul i: ? ? i '! ? ? i ? ng en eresit-l In Nea--1 ? <r v? i 'H a -, .r | . i ja| //// un is hi 11 111 v a I'STERT. put.|.i; AT VViiItK UN THE THK"?RT THAT THE ski i,i. l\ '! mi li ? -r\li \ : ? l\ i "!: \ SIXTH IVAS II AI DI SI'SIR MA H IN v idiKII ' ' v ' mur Ici f llttli - Martin, the trunk of aa !i..- ? i. - la -.- ? . . ?? N.. W In ? !. ? ??: ? Mat i. 19 1- 'I . - H ill? I II) tl '????? lion ,,f ih' r ibll ? by th? llscovei a ..t .? ? . : , . : on VVe.ln? la ) nlghi n the cellar ol lh? len? un nt Nn fcV? West Fon ? With the skull pi i , i i m i , " i lack? mll.ii to i he ni. kti"? n to hav? I. worn ? Ime of ipprarai ? Ph? skull and I I were ,? the Morgue tlflratlon The Martin famll) lived it \ . fian El? a ? th ave. al th? tut. The father .if:<-r aa.i: i ... i ? '" - a a drunkar I and I .- mol hei dl il'i" i '? : ' " ?? . Ml Iren nf II . famll) ha I I? ? n pi u ? i In th? custo la of Ihe ?;.-tra .? N.t tract- of the murd ? ? . > Martin ever was four i in Ih? pollc? The |K?llCe aa. .'? ?? .... ... ,. j ,.,,. n< tlon ln'tween Ihe Martin i ise ai I the skull, li w is their theoi > it 111 t that the kull aa i - only the abandoned i- rimer of a student oi physician. The skull evident I) had been parboiled, and this, mea thought, was the aa,,.;, ,.f g medical man. When It aaa- recalled, howi-vei thai Ihe trunk of Ihe un? fortunate child wai il i parboiled, there avis :? i in In think thai the ?kull wa thai nf the Martin girl. The (ackei found with the < ill was i clew for the detectives, When the tun Lie I trunk was found in the Thlrt) ninth si cellar, there were pieces of clothing ai'.eit u which the child'? parent? after? ward kientlfl? i ?a having been S'orn i". her. The jacket was missing, and a description of ll i- "ii the records at the West Thirl rventh ?t. police i m tlon v 'coi ling to thl d? - rlptl ?n, Bu le Mai tin aa. n brown cloth cloak with vellos ?tripe? and fur trimming? When Hetectlv? Hergen aa.i- ask. I yesterda) to give a lescrlptlon of th? cloak found al.t the skull, li- siid thit it w.i, a brown cloth garment aa Ith yellon ..? ,.? i ?trip? - The police ar.- a.ia uncommunicative regarding they ar.- doing ..i the case and s* to whether the) haa.- discovered yet whal might prove ?? sub ?tanttal clt-w. There I no doubl that the skull had been In Ihe cellar where it avis f.,im i ,.v?r sin.-., the Martin child aa aa murdi i . i SU familles have moved oui of the building In the interval The nea discovery may eventually place the i-''', tl? "ii the track of the brutal mur? derer, who ha- aaoiiei detection for nearl) s year. -*?> - _ . - M A PIS E IS TE ILIQ ES CE. MtNlAI I i '?: a:.M t.Nv. g inr ?? S ?S ? '?'' M ? ?? i ? rn s i?'. M n'a ?e- n Hllill v \ '. ..!. TO DAT. v v ? ? . ?t i*- ?. i I ."? >?.' il :' i . ? 7 u | p.M ? in ? II ? 7. P". . I ' ? ?'? c II . Ill '?? 7 31 ISCOMIMu su i '?/,v,;f. i TO PAY. V-..M i i I.ln*. Kimmati.S? I.n i i Fen M.lesm-t"? .V II ll I fOl )rai!0.Hell I -e 17 .Uli?.ai ! silier.Bremen i VI. 'J7t .N ?'?>d Viola.??*r. K'l. I?. Me.i I Cufie....??.Liverpool, t\u M.White sur Two years a?o we put a stop to a wrong practice that bad always seemed right?-so nianv reputable merchants did it ! Our invitation to you to come in \v;is hearty and frank and you nat- j urally expected us to look out for your interests first of all. Instead, we used to tell our salesmen : " Sell this or that garment (slow-sellers for some reason or other) and we'll give you a quarter ?<?r halt-dollar or a dollar." We're through with that. No more M premiums ; " we mark down instead. Costs money ? Ves; but it does not | eosi trade, and trade is more money than money itself. Result: $."?, IS, 810, more, cut off of hist season's li^lit overcoats and suits. ROGERS, PEET & CO. TTinEF. ) I'rlrr? BROADWAY ' Wsrr?n. ^Tot-tir,?. ) s2^ at BEST&CO Qirls' Shirt Waists. Si/t's 8 to 14 yrs., comprising a choice selection of ma? t.'liais and colors. A \--t'. desirable ?tyle, mad" in bin?? and ?'hite percale, laundered , "Mara and -?uff?, ?--q , w ?th |',|" d ? !k-'? / VC. | Pa i ?? style in plain eolora, c .l'.ar? uffi piped with ?rhlte; also In * ? /-?q : m sti lp? ; .it. I ngurei ?PI ? """? Sew upring styles for Qhildren in every department. 60-62 West 23d St. ir V?h 21 .An-hor .St Uli ta. K?!> 2? .I.-irip-rt * !!-.!'. SATVRDA. M??'.-'H !? M?: ? '. _ ? ... X '?? , i " ign I'lty S ., -,-i?-i ! - T....... ? ?. ?> i- ... gt Li-1, r?b ?-?? . . . . X V A t ? nrni^t Ill? .Arrow . Uimpirt A Kali t.n Norm ir?1ie . . . SUNDAY. M?H?"H lrt. Hi - M*r--h 2 .Fren--h llamburs K-S 2rt .Hamt, Am?r OUTGOING STEAMERS. v.??.! r-- t ?"?? - -?-??-??,?.;,; I um -, . ? ? ? ' - Mai!? r!?s? Vs_s?t sat!? . I ?VI p r.i . Simpm HATl'RDAT, MARCH ? (Une? X '1 I.t-?-1 .7 no * m I> on s m |,i '?-,_. Ilavr? rreni-h . . .IO:SSam jnopm . to .10 a m 3 no p m Kli ?? -i A .- !?>??> s RI 12 '?l RI - c M?vana v v v ???h? in .ni a m 1 ??? p m ? ' Hayl Royal I -it.-ti 1?? n? s m 1 ?<? p m s?- ? ?tn?r . 11 >s? ? m 1:60 p ri ,\ -, .,,.,.?..". *.- .... | ,?) p tn .1 ??> p m R S T A P R. 1 OB p ni H ?m p n? , ??? Hull Wit? ? . 1:00 p m '.- ' ?? ?il Tran?. ?wpm i' .i burs Hai v. . l:0Sp m T i ! - !'???? Kln???.i ' i'??'?'? ?? . -1 'i.? P m namhu ?le Homes'?. 2 ?ni p m ? ? ? M? ?, . S ?s? p ? - s-? Orleans, fromw??! . .1 m? p m ?i- n? . S ?1 p ni '? Hunsnn . 2 i? p m ,. S-a faatle. Wiiw-n. 1 00 p ni M "XL W M AI".''Il 11. S'm-ii "le. Ja. - ?t ?s? p m SHIPPING SEWS. PORT or NEW TORR. THCRSDAT. MARCH 7. im ?RRlVEti ?r li. ? iflerl tunes* Rremen Vehruarv 2-*. anl 17, with m .?? 1"-"- '.Sin .-in-1 27t ?'?.-r??.? ? li? .\ '" Vim-.-'I .it tl\* It.-ir Bl 2.'.? i'!''i --.i ?- ili-i Ryera, ?'lenfuesT'?? f-Vhni.irv nter; vessel '., A'aydell \ r . Arrived ' it 1 >?? uii.-i Kl !'i-. Qui *. X- t ?vtl.-ans. with ml?? to ' Van Sickle ??teal. X ,? che? Kmltl Savannah, with ml?-> ant p '??? n?ei ? i ? It l. vv ill ? -? t l.'iniiiu n i'"i -h, Rlehm n-l ,in-1 Newport *.? .- ? ?.-'. " ???? .-!;,> .:,k-- * ? ' >: l 'v.mlntnn S? i".?. ?learner PltJ ol X.? Bedford. IM-h-r. fail River for ' Rarh Ar-|".-ii i.t it"-.--ii.. Hrinina?..n Montevideo ?2 -.I'M in I? to .1 I' M ri?.iii ? ? i; v??.?--l 10 Mlll.-r * ? Sand) H ? ?? March 7 I SO p m IVtad soatheset; light dene? fog. i'i.r IRET?. ? i- Ouyandott?, u.iiK-r. ?Veal Point?Old Pomim?i ? sr Meat? ii'n Vattal, Marseille? Jsases W ?ti? ll ? Il K I'im.vk, llennett, Portland Ha? st, ... well .v " M vv hlln. y. H. me? . liv i f K in v.,. ., rai III,Il ?? Aiii--rt, i-i il'iit.i, | : ,-.- I > \ -r tor order? <" It I HI? .in-1 i'. nlabelle (Rri, Hi t\- : . I? SI Manias, M Kitts VI. . ?:?? hl il?.- t ? ' earnei ?dran? rrn iRri l'lyde, Ht Jar? ?nd nenfuegoa W ,..'. 'I .\ , St'?i,i-r I-' W llnin?. I^>wt?, Rail " r.' H ?' K-istcr Steamer Vorktown, l'-l--. S'ortolK nul N'ewport Kew? Old I? min lor s? t'.i Kieamer Tyrlan ilin, r???;.. 1 : ,?..-?-?. Otba il r?um,'is ? r Pawn -, Tnwnaend Phltadelptil? W P i'ivi? hlp Kln? Arthur IRri M l*h?r? n, Bydne? ai.| \?w N su il w i-. ...t. ., . Rarh l-:.?,r-?i -'|?T- lllrl HI ne? Rio ?iriii.t? do lai ?nA P ?? ?l??_Te, ri? Phlladelphl? Mlllei ? Haaghtaa S Vll.l-.l' for Amst^r K .ntahell "rira., i- ituvilla. Philadelphia Xiil'li !?: TO MARINERA S? nklnavlll* x v Mai h 7 Th.- f"||r,winK n??,.. to ::::;:"';;?::;,^,:;7M'.,,"""'' *."*??--? *****>? V Mark ^|.?r buoy, Without Rumbar has he-n plared with '" '- ''??', <??'?'? ?h? si^rn ol ih? sunken s.-honn-r \ len Mini,-., about 260 f.-.t BSE from the BE .-.,iner of the s-i'?.'.l,,k., \.,.l? ,'l'?,-? dock o? T'-nipkinsMiic. Bt?te_ l?Un?t. V \. ?h- im-y h, i? \i fe,, llf watrr Hl tnfAa M'i\ I'MI-'STS OF s'l'KAMKRS. I'"I.I'1';X PORTS Sfan-r !? (..nia, ,ltri.,.lL. from Ksv-TsrH P-ehmary - ' ?rrn ,i ,,i i. i,.|.,ii Mareh 7. S,S,V ;,n:,'; M;;,M1";,i'1'1.? *?-" """?' tnm ?*???? t* s..-,,,,.: ertnelpia ?i<r,. Btanaarf frwsi New-Toeh Peh I'l.n ) .'ii ? rl-.~,l ai I..-,,h .M?r,-|, T. "learner Masaasoll IRri Murray, fro,-i New-Tort !?'.-', ir> it. arrlvad at Ilrlstol March 7 Bleamer Ma rum ??esmer Baal? io?r> Kescler, from Brenea, sail.-i from Bouihampton Matvh 7 f i .\,-- fork i Mr?. Smith, from Liverpool, sail. ,1 f: n. ljueenslown March 7 f i New-York Hieaiiier Aerkcndam (Dutch), Bakker, fr-.m R?tt ?team r ' heatei it hatch I, Bayeaen fr-.m X-? v,,rk K, ru?n it? for Rotterdam, p.,*-! RrawU Point March 7 ai HamtHirp Man h T. Bteamei Wllleklnd .'t'-i , \ haven March 7 tor New-York ^,,',.".,.,.','.r. _-hl? "J"1' ?l.llm-r er eb. I, ! sail.'.l fr.-m Ilr.-ni-r NVw-V.-rk. si. , . , < ??'">-'? ?n iii.m-rhnven Mur.-h 7 ?-. ^^P^t^uSr?* '""? N-V-rk. VU N?TrS M?V(Br>' ,V""' -""' fr"'? ^'-U, f,r '('.- ir-|,|i,i Annoiinrernent?. K & ?V. A new rollar. "Chacaqua." Phillip.?' DtfMUbta cocoa The only wu with rich .-h-K-olate flavoi;. k.a?lly d!f?al?4. O'NEILLS 6th Ave., 20th to 21st St. Grocery Dept. (RA*r.MK>T.) COLUMBIA RIVER SALMON STEAKS, 2 lb. tans, solid packed 20c?can. COLUMBIA RIVER SALMON STEAKS, flat ?ans, finest quality 18c*^n, Codfish, Fresh and Kippered Herring, Findon Haddock, Pickled Oysters, Lobsters, Shrimps, Clams, Etc., AT LOWEST PRICES. TEAS. GOOD MIXED TEA .... 24c. ]\ .-, id?, for I.?*?. EXCELLENT MIXED OOLONG or ENGLISH BREAKFAST . 35c. lb. ? lb*, fur l.OO. VERY FINE OOLONG, MIXED or ENGLISH BREAKFAST . 45c. lb. CHOICE MIXED OOLONG or ENGLISH BREAKFAST . 60c. > 1,4111.t: AMORTsfBelT JELLIES, JAMS, PRESERVES. FRUIT, BUTTERS, and CANNED VEGETABLES AT LOWEST PRICES. SPECIAL MENTION. 4il t ,-rll ?intenl? Into ?hear rol. ninii? n?e re.-iilli ni.inle.l l,> Hie rentier? t?f THB 'I'MIIIIM: n% thiiruiiithl? i .-1 i n 1.1.-. and 1.ii?l tie?? ?'nil lie- limn- li> iiiuil ta i i li Un- mi rertlserS aallli itrrlri't ?ufi't>. ROLL TOP DESKS. Office and Library Furniture, I neqiiallait for Uualft;. SOMF.iVMLUiDHSKCO,. ?lianiifni'tiirtT?. 73 Nassau St.. N.Y. Srnil for I it??? Iiik'I?' The Largest Assortment -?iK W RITINO PAPER. ENVELOPES. ACCOLAT XM) MEMORANDIM BOOKS IN I'll !. . : ! V 4 full line <,( I nil*'? ?il Hur?!'? Mne ??nun?' Pip?r an.! I I., mil, li. ? ? I J. LEACH, M 4 l?as?l \1., 4. ?. Crouch &. Fitzgerald Reliable Trunks and Bags. HAM$8f?5ACOfl ASK YOUR DEALER ?0 A *&? i SPENCER OPTICAL CO. li ?U ? C?.*sl ?l? ?0*?. I'll llr.>nrt?rny. TOI ilih-aar., ?SS llr..nilta?i>. M. T. SUNDAY TRIBUNE 24 to 28 PACES t'rieTi?,::.-. j f, r r?*:iy brilliant \arteiy ?iM Vtarfa* CJtJ t ... o> n, .'.vn:!'.- I a: | pur?. 5 Cents a Copy. Th? e re ilstl ?j hi? gtaratlj luc? ,--?.!. ar.d u is a belter ?.lv*rt:nng meU mm ihan *v*r. Income Tax Text o? The New Law. The Tribune's pamphlet contains the full text, ver? batim. The questions which arise in the minds of the public can be answered by reference to The Tribune's pamphlet. 10 cents a copy. Order through any news dealer or direct from The Tribune. TRIBUNE Almanac 1895 3d Edition NOW READY. i ,*iSO pages. Contains full return* of the jmenomenal election* of 1 JSV4. Also the new Constitutional Amendments, yumeeous items of interest to all eitizens. An En? cyclopedia of' statistics. Strictly non-iittrtisan. safcO Cents a Copy. Order through any newsdoaler? or irom THE TRIBUNE