Newspaper Page Text
Tlrummcr. E. Rigmoie. Richard Roebcr, Mi's K. Rough. Mi?*? M?nale Raus.-. J. N. Briinin?,. Carl firttning, otto Beckmann, Henry ?'. D. B?tler, Hermann Borgenlcht, Emil Buddenberg, Miss lohaoni Borchert, Mi- A. B. ''.Linn.. Miss B. ?*:. Ci.leman. Miss Orace Carrey. E. M. Cameron, *Ils? 1-.. M. ?'arneron. ?... T. Craft, the Rev. Jose chrom? ?k. Samuel J. Chapman. ?'liarle- Engel, j'.t.n Krlon, .lohn Eden, Mrs. J H. Poster, Mr. an.. Mrs. Qustav Fischer, Rudolph Pro ? In, jr.. Mux Gabriel, Willy G?nther, i)tto Oantser, Mri lr.n< Qantser, Edmund Osntser, -'r?? l-n.-k Oantser, Joseph Qraf, Mas Hertel, Jacob H i. Jacob H?-mrl?-h. Ferdinand Hansen. Mrs !.. Ile H therlngton, Miss Buth Hetherlngton, Mlsi Mary Hetherlngton, Wlrl Hetherlngton, Oscat ?HeS?, Mlsi Howland. Captain T. Hay.,-hi. Miss Frl.* ;.i Holborn, Mis? Thekla Hofmann, <: Hurter, I nas Hollai 1er, Mrs. Jettle Holl?nder, Max Hei? fer?, Charlas Hall, M:ss ?',. P. Ingrahm. I.nun Jor :.!.. Mr-. Olga Jordan, A K Ipsteln. A. Kats. Bu lo!f Kn*if. Captain T. Kltagawa, Kaspar Kacer, ?1rs. Bml'.ie klee Miss Henny K'rschbnuin. Rudolf Knelff, Adolph ?iederer, David L?wensteln, Mrs. Lina L?wensteln, Irma L?wensteln, Helen l...**?* enet-in, Moses Liebmann, M?as Bertha Lehrkind, Hermann Ludwig, Miss Emma Ludwig, Jacob Uns **v(*i!?-r. Mr-. Mana Uns weller Jose<pn Llnsweller :. ? :. l.tnxweller Max Morgenstern, T. Mann, Edl wta M Mendel, Captain ? ?. Mltake, Captain T Matsukawa, i?r <;? ?rge Mir:;:. Mrs. Alms Mild -1er, Hermann Merten, Charles D. .1 Noelke, Mrs, C. I. Nelson, Captain K. N. :. ,i<,. Captain Natou kawa, Oeorg? ? ?ffermann. August Offermann, Mi-s F. E. Oddle. Captain T Obara, Brttmels t?r. K Ohvi, Rudolph Otto. Un Rudolph ?tto, K. oi. Miss Ellsabrth Opfermann, Mlsi Catharlna Orlowska, Ml*?? Maria Oehl Miss Prances Pllkl.-igton. ILrmann Rohte. Mlsi M Rellly. Eduard Rtem?nn. charles Ruprecht. Eduard Rlemann. Lieutenant Christian Schr?ter. Mlsi Elis Summons, Miss Marie Schrader, L Stein, W Schminke, captai- K. Sato. Johann N. Struck. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Starkweather, the Rev. Frant s?? blk. the Rev Vil-Vn Sk ?cek, William Stein. Rudolf -'??iVilcnbeck. Miss Anna Schoner. August Bed: staler, Abram Bchaplr i and IV. Schmidt. HISTORY OP THE STEAMER. The Havel is commanded by Captain T. Jungst, she was built in MM by the Vulcan Shipbuilding Company, in Stettin. Germany. She Is 4s.'. feet long, by ?"? feet beam and 38 feel depth. BhS registers MM Ions i,1K- ls ''"'?** "f s1"''?? T'',f> ?hip is divided into fifteen watertight compart? ments by fourteen bulkheads. She is provided srlth eighteen llfeboata of which ten sre of steel :ui?l eight sre so-called semi-collapsable boats These latter c mslsl of s steel bottom contslning air chambers and ballast, .he sides of tin- boat nstr : '.-1 of canvas adjusted to an iron frame. whl( h can be easily placed In position. The semi-collapsable boats contain room for forty passengers each. Resides the boat-?, the steamir la | rovlded with a number of rafts and other life-saving apparatus. She is propelled by S single screw operated by triple-expansion en? gines of five cylinders with three .?ranks. The engines develop horse-power, and give h.?r a speed of twenty-one kn..ts an hour. The screw has f 'iir blades of manganese bronze. HERZIG, THE ALLEGED FORGER, L\ COURT HE DECLINES TO ANSWER QUESTIONS AM? IS SENT RACK To THK TOMBS ? Jacob S. ilerzi*,'. who. It is charged, bai Uttered about ?-"*.""" w..r:h of forged paper by placing the rame of Simon Herzig & Son :?s Indorsee on a number of notes, and who has been in the Tombs Flnce last November in default of $'.'..(?TO ball, wa< taken yesterday to the City court, chambers, upon a writ of habeas corpus and teetlflcandum to be examined as a witness befon tr.dl for the Columbia Batik. When be ivache 1 it*.?.- court, Herzig, who is about twenty-live years ?id. was met by a pretty young woman, who had bee'i waiting for him s -i.* time. While the lawyers were preparing for th? examination the young woman and Herzig Were engaged In an earnest conversation. No one knew the woman's name except Herzig, and be refus? i to give it. The counsel for the bank began the examination In* asking Herslg if !?<? had authority to sign the firm's name to the notos. He declined to answer upon the ground thai the answer might tend to in? criminate him. He was then asked: *i?id not Simon Herzig and Philip Herzig" but d*eclined to answer that and oilier qu? stlons on the same ground, and ?was taken back t.. (hi Tombs As he was starting for then? the strange young woman presented him with a handful of white Sow era, which h. fastened to the lapel of his long (ray ulster. HIE FAIR WILL COSIEST. NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN THE CASE THE BISTERS DECL.NE TO HELP THEIR BROTHER San Francisco, March 7 (Special). The Fair will contest promises to furnish some sensational sur? prises !n a few days. One is that th.- sisters will have nothing to do with their brother Cbaries'l contest .-?f their father's will, and another is that two of the trustees will neither resign nor permit the sisters to have any voice in the management of th'*;r father's millions. The decision of Mrs. Oeirchs and Miss Rlr'li? Fair not to take any band *n the contest is the result of the advice of lawyers. The latter fear that the close relations between their cllenis and the brother will bring on th. !r heads the disinheriting clause, under the ?II Roman law, which declares that wnat one does through others Is done as by himself. Judged by this law the sisters, though giving no open aid to Charles, wou'.d be gulltv of collusion. It will be remembered that the sisters recently n.ade a compromise with charles by which he with? drew all claim on his mother's estate. For this he received ?4?m.i???? >u oonds and $(B,<t?JU In cash. Th?-re are stories of other sums [.aid. but they are without foundation. This comiirr.mlse gave Charles, enough rea dy cash to begin his (ont.-st. but he is now made to understand that he need look for no help from his sisters. They have been influenced in this de? cision largely by the apparent hopelessness and the f-reat cost of a contest. Their original plan was to nduce the two executors to resign and permit them to serve. In this way they th night to con? trol the management nf their father's millions; but the scheme is blocked, as rw.. of the executors declare they will not permit any from the sisters, even though the court should appoint them executors. It ls also understood that should the pres?nt will be declared Invalid the executors are prepared to produce another and to carry on this tight by producing several wills left by the ?.id millionaire, who had a mania for making hl3 last testament. A peculiar point which worries Charles Fair's lawyers ls that they d*< not know exactly how to begin their contest, as *he will which was filed has been stolen and no copy has been illed. They are digging around for precedents, but this Fair will contest seems unique, ar. 1 they can get no decision on this point. THE PROJECTED East EIFER TUNNEL. INCORPORATION OK A ?COMPANY TO CON STRUCT IT. Edward Lauterbach, of Hoadly, I.auterha?-h & Johnson, No. .2 W'illiam-st.. the attorneys for the East River tunnel in corporators, sail yesterday that the tunnel was to be const ru. ted for general pas? senger and trade purposes. There was plenty of money bcrtnil the scheme, he said, an! everything would be pushed along as fast as possible. The capital, r?f course, ?111 no' r?-present the prospective outlaw as the cost of the tunnel would be many limes that amount. "That's all I can say ust now ?oncerning the matter. In several weeks may be able t > *:%<? mor? particular?," ?-all Mr. Lsuterbach. According to the expectations an 1 Itatetnentl of those Interested In -,h<- tunnel winch is to connect New-York and Brooklyn, great ti' are to be ac? complished In the near future. The New-York and Brooklyn Tunnel ('?mpany Is the style <.f the cor? poration, which filed letters of incirp ?ration In AI Sa n y on Wednesday, and directors named in the papers are Thomai A Patteson, Jr.. ?'harles .1. Schlegel. Walter .1. Aims, .1 >hn C Rucken, ?'harles Kuehnmunlt, John V. Bouvier, Jr. Frederl.-k P. Delatleid. Frank H Knight and Samuel B. SUt.-r, ?11 of this city. Mr. Patteson Is the sou <>f Thomas A Patteson, the tobacco merchant, of No. 131 I'earl *t.. and possessSS 93n of the l,?Mtl shares of stock The latter are valued at lion,?.??*.?. Mr Schlegel Is en g-tged In the leather business and Mr. Alms ls an engineer. The present plan i*> that the New-Torh end of the tunnel shall be somewhere between Whitehall and Fis- Sixteenth ate., and the Brooklyn end between North Eighth-st. and Atlantlc-ave. F??w* of those Intereste 1 In the new corporation would say anything upon the subject, and all in? quirers w'er? referred to Mr I.auterbach for Infor? mation. One of the projectors, wh" di I not care to have his name mentioned, gave some patlculars. He ' ?aid that the matter ha 1 been contemplated and Informally talked over for some time. The ne<-esslt> for such a tunnel, he thought, was apparent, and it would be a success from trie start The projector.? hsd no doubt whatever of Its ultimate financial success. It -?' .j'.d take some time and a large outlav of capital, from ?OSkOOS to f..""0.''<<(). but men rep rs?en(ing a large amount of capital were interested, and their support and co-operation could be counted upon for all the monev needed It is nld that Williamsburg is bidding for an end of the tunnel. Much of the money for the con? templated tunnel Is said to be expected from rea! estate men. Mr. Lauterbach ls also said to b? In tereited In a bridge scheme, which ls to connect the ?gg P**rt of New.York with Wli:iamsburg. The Ti u ihr,oll,*lre.a'3y o*5*,n *rant?'' t?t the bridge. ??,n?jr.?,Uir!?t..not unllk*'>- that the two plans are PERFECT For a Home Medi? cine. They ate I? u r e 1 y vegetable, containing no ?al on??-l, mercury or othir Injurious in? gredient, and act g'-ntly yet surely. wlth.'iu causing any pain or gripe. Hood's Pill? are also tasteless, being dusted by a new process. Sold by druggists. Price, tta COLGATE & CO.'S 1808 LAUNDRY SOAP. I'F??* by On best famille?._ PLATTS FIGHT IN ALBANY. ? he 18 TRYING 10 TURN THE POUCE FORCE OVEI*. TO BARNES. AN i'Ns.'P.riri-oi s ATTEMPT TO ffVIXIFT THE EFFECTS OF MAYOR .VlUJOX'g REFORM ADMINISTRATION IN ORDER TO GAIN POUTICAL PATRONAGE. [liv TEUtORAFH TO Tlir. TRIBl'NR 1 Albany, March : it !< a popular belief, more or ?cm preval?*nt In Republican circles, that >>'r. Plat! is s. absorbed in th.- exciting conteal f ?r control of New-York City ai t.. be oblivions ;?? matten? if? fectlng other pat's of the ftate. Th!? ll an crr-. neoui lira, and should be abandoned al once. Mr. Platl li nmk:tie i desperate light to wive aomethlng from the wreck of his machine in the metrop ills, but he Is nut such a ilmpleton ;?? not t?> know thai Ihe battle he is waging there li ? losing on? lie de celvtrs others, but h>- is too ihrewd to lecelve hlnv ntentlonally. Folly aware ,-?s h? ii that .v:th few exceptions hi? following In New-York CU i composed of men whose political n tlvlty Is prompt ?-.? solely by ? desire for spoils, and wh.. ere ?>n y attache.l t.? him by motives of uelf-lnt? rest, he can? n t fail u> reallM that with the patronage of the city agalnsl him he labors In rain. Ai s matter of fact, the Patteraon-Olbbi marauders ar prepared to desert him In a bod) at an; in ?::? >nl hli enem will consent to receive them. They onl) inm.'r In th<- hope that thr mi ii Uovernor Mori in'i Influence Mr. Platl may be abl? l i run ? fea crumbi for them from Mayor Btrong*i table. Bo, whll? he weeping and w.i ! ng over the Mayor's hardness ? I h?art and endeavoring t. afra t ^- > t ,?? r.? i attention to ills own martyrdom, he li all the while at work strengthening his position in th- State preparatory t.i his ultimate retirement from \>w V ik 10 the rural .?istri ?s Whl h he 11 I !.. hopes to h> Id as his own. \'. illustration of his tactics ?m probably be furnished in th.> Aseembl) to-morrow morning ll will come up In tbe Alban) Polin bill, whl h was the subject of su. h ? spirited debate on Tuesday, This measure, ?t will be remembered, ordere?! t?i a reading, deeplte th?. vigorous opposition of ex-Speaker Malby, Mr. Pave) and other I? iden of th<- anti-machine forcea. M la an outras? "is proposition uM.l one thai is utterly Indefensible It violates the principle ?.r horn, rule and Is there? fore contrary to the ace? pte I law of the Repub i. ti party as enunclat? i al the ' t^- Btat? conv? ll Is In opposition to the true Inter? ?ts ..t 'his city and State, The reputable cltlsem ol both parties here an against li b) an overwhelming minority. It is In utter defiance of decent public sentiment; its adoption would !>.? ? eut? I 11! ? ? foi Ih? . ' ll,.in party In this county. Nobody wan'-, it but ? i!ank of place-hunting politicians, a ? b.,.k for support anl guidance to William Barnes, Ji . en errati.? young victim of Mr. Platt'i blandlihmenta wbo ?arrbs th.- late boss's banner here. Mr. Platt to do ?ti Albany what he is trying t.. ; New-York, re. ov? r the groun i hi has lost in con sequence >.f having a man In th? M who has sin.-- his election Im May refuted as resolutely as Colonel Btrong to be g iverned machine bosses, li?' prop.??.-, t.. strengthen him? self by lr.s favorite device, th?- control of tin police ALBANY'S REFORM MAYOR. The present Mayor of Albany, Mr. Wilson, li of the first in the Btat? elect? ? on i : n-partlsan platform. He is a Republl? in. Hi has been .? loyal member of the party all his life. He ln> voted for every Republican President sino 'Lincoln's first term, an<l for every Republl u cand late for Gov? ernor ilnce litt He is. however, a tirtn believer In the th?-. ry that municipal governi ; irel) i question of builnesi administration, ai : that parti? san politics has nothing whatever to do with It I.Ike Colonel Btrong, h.- Is a business man, bul he had been somewhat Identified with pub l< iffalri i I had Impressed bll personality witn sufficient fiiV'.r upon the city as to attract general attention When the dee?nt people <?f Albany decided last yeal I the tl'Tio had rime for radical reform He pi? if I himself to the principles of non-partisans! p -ftet election he s?t about to redeem them. He was soon ut war with the politicians of hli own party, pir tlculariy Mr. Harnes. Mr. Barnes glorlei in the fac! that be I* a practical politician ?.f the most pi nounced type. He publishes tw> newspapers They are edited at No, ? Broadway. New-York, aci i to his own testimony. "1 have no ..pinion?." he proclaimed In public a sh rt lime as. ? "I limply take orders." <?ne of these papers li 'The Jo in . Thurlow \\'e.-d'-' paper. and promlsei _? with him merely thin?* with which t . dein.)- the people, and for any man. particularly I SUCCel ' candidate, who f--"ls bound by them, he has only unmitigated contempt. It Is easy to s?-?- how si>,.n a man like Mr Wilson would fall under lb?- bin of his displeasure. The Mayor, in fact, had scarcely taken office before Barnes began to "hold up" his appointment! and r?-son t.. varlotiH other means to compel obedience to his wishes. Bui Mr. Wilson wai nol discour? age.'. He felt that the people were With h;m II determined to keep faith with lliem b) giving them a decent administration. On?? after another, the various departments have been reorganised .-n ? business basis. Th?- Water Board, for example, whi.-h wii? at one 'line a sink of corruption. Is now In the hands of three Of the best business men In Ihl city. \v. H. Weaver, the president, li one of the largest lumber men In the county. V. H, Young man served two termi In th<- Aosembl) with cr? lit, and is th<- largest coal dealer in the clt) Acora Rathbun, the third Commissioner, :u also ? well? known business man. Hem. ration, ihe new Fire <!ssi?.n?r, is a merchant In excellent standing. s. is tbe Street Commleeloner, Charles il Qaui Charles ii. Armitai-e, Overseer of the Poor, is a Democrat lie has filled th?- position admirably in every respect. These are the typei of men Mayoi Wibon bus ?elected. Moal of th?in ar?. Republicans, but ilepublioans chosen for their fitness an i abil? ity, n?.t !.. ? aus? of tii. ii ?!. vo'.iot. to tic- machine THE POLICE FORCE OF ALBANY. There Is perhaps not a politician In t lie State, Certainly none within 106 mll?-s of the Capitol, who ? not rememb? r what ? disgraceful feature the police force was in thiR municipal government, n was ?Loot ?-> bad in its way ?.? th? metropolitan force iiniler Tammany, Hn?l it eilt, If anything, ,i more conspicuous figure In the unsavory political contests that hav.- disgraced this county at limes for years. Onlj a feu years a?o, when Cleveland and Hill were struggling f??r suprema-'., Ihe Cleve? land men then in control <?f Albany County sent the police force In a body to West Troy to break the heads of Senator Murphy's henchmen, who were trying to run ihe primaries there ihey did this bloody work effectually and returned in glory to Albany after the performance. The ? ht? r won Of the policeman then was to lake ?ate of the primaries and work at the polls on Rlectlon Day other duties were considered merely incidental The result was most ,u-| lo rabie Rlecttons here were as bad as those in Trov Fraudulent votes were cast by the hundred, ami ?it times by the thousand. Cheating, bribery and oil forms of dis? order characterised th.- day. Mr. Barnes himself de.-lared at one recent election that several thousands of fraudulent Democratic votes had been cast. A DSCSNT POLICE ADMINISTRATION, The change that Mayor Wilson has wrought in this department amounts to a revolution. Th>- old order of things Iihs practically vanished Cpon no branch of the city government has the seal of reform been more deeply stamped The last ?lo? tion hell here was a model of fairness and de cency. There was neither rioting nor disorder ,-,r any kind. The ballots were honestly cast an., counted The D?mocratie majority of MtOO the veir before was cut down to 1.006, although ?Senator Hi'i confidently expected to receive between i .Si? an', 8,<??? majority. A Republican ?"or.gressrn'an w is gained, i?f the five Republican candidates for \x sembly. four were elected. The Republican noml? nee for District-Attorney received 1,100 matorltv The police discharged Ihelr duty Impartially' The Mayor, being a member of the Police Hoard ex offlclo. remained at headquarters all dav like a military officer, and for the Mrs? time In many years the people of Albany had a pleasing practi? cal experience of what a fair ?lection really meant They liked it They have no desire to go'hack to the old system, but Mr Harnes ?nsls'? that they shall, and with Mr I'latt's n?sistan.:e In the Legis? lature he purposes to give the city another trial of the police force operated on a strictly political basis. If Mr. Platl has the power. It wlil be done. As at present constituted, the Police Board here consists of four Commissioners appoint?! bi the Mayor. Thu? official is a membet ex?offlclo. There are now three Democrats on tbe board and ?me Republican. W. .1 Walker Mr Walker was ap? pointed by Mayor Wilson He is a wealthy busi? ness man. and has eai?ed his business prln Iples Into office. Another member Is Mr Megan s D ?mo omce. Another member is Mr. Megan, a Demo? cratic lawyer of excellent Standing and Independent cnaracter. These two men. with the Mayor, con stltute a majority ?.f the hoard The other two commissioners. McGraln an?) Scott, are Democrats or the machine type. They ?re pra??ileallv powerless to 00 mischief, and next .Hin?- the place of one of them will be fille? by an appointee of MaySl ??. ?'?on. thus Insuring _ first-class Police Hoard of business men. and on? (hat cannot be controlled either th.* Democratic bosses on the one sloe or Mr. Barnes on the other. BARNBB wants PATRONAGE. This Is the cause of the war. Mr Rames mi ha*.-., paironags or perish, in other emergend Itnsnclal and political, he has fled for help to *i ! pi?u, nul Mr. I'latt has directed hi* followers the ?Legislature to be!p him Th.* Mil whi.-h Y l been prop..-id tik?-- the sppolntmenl of Police Co mlesloner* out ?.f the Mayor's Marls and -iives ? to the Common Council. I'nJer th?* proposed li ! the Democratic members of that hod) will app ! the two Democratic Commlsslonera, snd th? l publican members, of whom Mr Marnes controli ! majority, will name the iwo Republican ?''?mm i sloners In ? word, the police force will be iak under the Mayor's control and |.i.??????I um the dir-?t'en of the uical machines, the mosl msrkablc aggregations of political ihortslghtedn? i and Imbecility that ever appeared ?n Albany ?'oun It Is possible thai there are enough Rep?blica in the Assembly wie will so far forgei tnelr ob ! cations ti> th? party and become so utterly lost ; . insideratlon of good politics and the public *,*, : ',u as to vote for tlii? inif|uitou? measure, b 1 || i.ic incredible. It Is a fair sample, howev? i ... platl legislation, snd entirely on the plsne his former ? lions, li Is (he kind of businesi 1 which li.- or hi?* henchmen are engaged In i*o :? intly, and yei some people wonder way reputal party newspapers *\ave to be continual!) erlt him.' Mayor Wilson Is lighting Ihe bill al eve I point, if bv any macs it ihould pas--* the Legl [ature, he will It: s public manifesto appeal to il Governor to veto it- No lensible man believe* th Mr Moiton would ever sanction sucb a piece legislation, nor is it likely to gel thr. ugh ih>* Legl lature. If It becomes i law, the entire responi blllty for It mus? fsll upon the Republican pari | not upon Mi*. Barnes, ol Albany, oi Mr. Platt, 0\. Ml'.. OERRT EXCLUDED FROM THE FLAX) SI'K >,KEP. Fl.-i: INSISTS THAT THK l.n.i:.- OF Til ?..-skmiu.y i*i*. r\?'. ?R? i : Albany, March 7 (Speclsl) Commodore EClbridi T Gerry, presiden! ??f Ihe goclety r..r the Prevei tion of t'ruelty t.. Children, was excluded from tl .* | of the / ? mbly to day The Incid? ni o i urn Boon aft? i Ihe li*. u i ha I m? I, an ? H wa? s I? ? III topic ." i oi * rrsatli n all ihe morning M** <? n h , |,. ;, a frequi nl visitor to the Capitol, and ,,;,,. of the best-hnown men .?bom the B nate ... Assembly. He has fr< qui i I'? i* -i>- d lb prl? liege? of th?- n..or. and always bj unan s.-i;t The Senate grante i th? m lo him la la) I unanimous vot? Mr. Bell, of New-York, dlscoi nil Mi ?'< ri . ei gage?! .ii i-onvei it a Itb Mr !?? ck, > ? Pullo ?nd Hamilton i ountlfi Mi ?? rrj knee Mi Ke< ... ,. , -i,, were talking ab ul II ? i lieg Mr, Bell Interrupt? I '''' ?''* ' ' ?>*" "f '?' H on si to ? all Ihe stl.i of Ihe ?'i sil to th , , ,.,,.. ,,. Mr. Gerry. Mi Speaker." said he, * .. |. ... the rules of lb? House a h h prohlb lobbying upon ihe fio i shall Im rnforc I. There i ? K, nti? man who is inter? ? I "r I" -A'hlpplng-Po? : bill at? m H.. H ? ?i ??' Ihe Houi asking r.i? i '??? rs lo vote foi ll it : ? a* r ? " Mr. Pol, rased the Ch iir. sapln thai he thought Ih? g< i Hem in in question s iitl-l to the prlvil ges o? the flooi He wai : ? .-r Btate ..:?!? -i Speakei l-'lsh howevi i thai , ismvch ?<- Mi dei rj ??*- is ?. >t no? .? Btai r h? v -is not entitled to th prlvlli ges asi e . . ;i . ,)|re. ?? d (he - -?. int-at-i rn m en force 'i ? ml' *? A*1 th' offi ei ?si ab ?ul * ? p-i ronn thli fluty, Mr F.' -N'' , Sp ? move th n th? i rlvlleaes ? t Ihe fiooi be ? ?it to ' "omino lore i I ?The Chair musl rule ' sa ?1 Speakei Hsh, "Un the g- nllemsn is inter? te I In th? hill -?? ?i ,,, ,| [hen ' ?r? he cannot h:??*** the prit r'oo: .*-! ??? him ' Th Bp< ik ? H " ' ?'??'' ipon the sei inn ? , i., hli duty, an i then ??- ?red tl to proceed with ihe . alendur Mi Bianchll? l, rnipte I ih to ? it th? gentle .. ,-, ?ffe t"i bj ih-* ruling ? : ihe ( hau a is ? ?? ... .- the f i lobhj Ing, bul ** ?? th? re mi relj fo ,,. ,..i ,,?rpos? - ?'* i- unfair ?aid he and si ,. - . t ; , him an : to th. House to ireat hlni i i ih manner, when he ,-annoi lef? Mr ?'.. rry ihen ? Ithdrew, and ll nt end? ? ? PROGRESS OF A HEMAGOOIC MEABl'RK THK TUlllS Mil ??'?:? STOSK ?"' I, U?' -v.M. Tl , nRADINO tVtTtl ' P.*? Alt? A : ,. ? M irch : iSpe ??' "?? ' ?? -,-'.- he A ' Itself I . it wi * rttat occasion ws -.,..., ih- Braun Pre? l-i wi Tivn Bpeaker Fl? lent t Influence of I yot to Ihe ! a? k?'s of ?he grab To-daj ? ., th, motion to repeal Hi . . -? . |W ol Boor an l mail? i speech on A ? i ? casting of the Speak? " ? ? ?? I , ?.,s s greal ml f? rtun? ??' Interest ..f Ihe m-.? ,,r,.i crowded In! i lb? slsl? - Th sgslnsl the bill were surrot ? , ; .,* .| ?).. , . i . wsi a rein irk.ilil*- i I ? Then are two bills bef ? ' ? \ il . ? , me oft. re ? bj Mr \ m ' iras sent to thlr I res tins last w?e?s n provides that all st< ? publl woi i - within Ihe Btate : - oth? i off? ? ?.f New -York, has the seme | empc? pavlng-blochi They maj b*, i ?? ,,f the Stats i ?? Toi n bill wai to .',,*. - - .f ?! ?? v- ?eml ly was ? Wlldi olrerrt in s mend men I repes rt| entlrelj Ihe Ian "f Issi year. ?? motion bj Mi Hil| ? ' ' ???? York * . Ihe Mil snd Ihe sm< i tabla wss lost bi a decisive vot, Mr TObtn then i iov< i lo sdvai ??. u third reading Mr StanchfleM. of ?Th.? ?.. :? I ?artth Ihe I! ?use to lo so ... ? i lei ? ? ? . ? Mi Tob it In s fuir light before bl i tltu? nts Mr. vVray, of Brooklj n, who hi ; , Mt ei erj i. ? ni m . la .? -. Igi rous sp vanclng the Tobln bill 11? laid he had ? ? . .. letter from Mayor H ht?r? n. of llrooklyi ? ?? tl .* Ma) m- expre ? . fear I hat I would have lo abandon certain publl worki be? oui??* the T.-bin lav. was preventing th, ii ih in frutn making contra n it pi COUld a (Tot 1 to pi * Mr Win laid thai law stood It would cost Brooklyt 50 pei more to i? pair Its barn, ! Cltj llaall than It would oth? . Mt, Mr Han .;? ?? . of \. ? fork, ? h . h ? si - usual ii.ter.*., i.*, ihf * : . lid thai the ?hole point involved in the ToMn w ,:? thai of esempl lue paving stones fron. ? ? ions li? gave wa> to Bp?raker Flah, ?le. had rail? i Mr. trorady to the i ball snd had tsk? n a pis on the floor of th.* House. "When tin*- bill was up for consideration the other day." he said, "1 m? in sympathy with th,. action of this House upon Ihe question. In my own county then ar. nuirrles which, i believe, produce h good .... . t* of .,?!,,? stones lint 1 believe that the situs loti sre fis v.. i., face to-day is not ?n eniite repeal of th.? \um m hai been shown by th*> vote thai ??ich a rcj...?i i. Impossible Therefore, I believe *.? should .. ,i, next be?| thing, snd pass mil vote for th- i.m which -v.-Ti.i.t** psvlng-stones from Its provision? ?? rr,. ?v' ??',|, ""; ,u" ?,:""* ?*??' i'ommlrsi.iner of Public Works of N.-w Tori* had told him ihm it would be impossible lo i.-,, an) pavement In f?en W.rk this year unless this bill wa- n,?,,,| ,.Mr, '?*Vi!k.","*<- "t New-York, -.?mm. ,| the tnrr* or Mr h,ah s r?marks bv laving thai he had i letter from Mayor Strong In which ihe la:-', fa' vored the entire repeal of In??! years \sm Mr Wild? declar.-d thai public sentiment tm . ,i through the pre*., ravored the repeal of the ?? and he said the Legislature be sulded bv it' i pon ins motion, th?? prevloui question ? i*-- ,, tiered, though half h down members were on their feet, silking recognition the Chair, thai th.-y might explain ih-ir position upon the matter rhe dssembly th.n voted upon Mr 'Vllds's motion to imend tt,.* u,*t by repealing the Tobln Dr? ?eil ?-tone law The motion ?.vus lost, 17 to C Polin? Ing Is the detailed vote ruuow Teafj?Andrsws. Babcock. Bell, Browned Brush M Conklin. A. R. Conkllng. Uerst Ooodseil (Irav Holmes. Kelsey, I^iwaon, Lounsbury, .Malic,' i*ii-V Bavey Percy. Read, Bobbins, S?nger, Sch'oHTlin' M I Smith. Tuttle, Whltiet. Wilds und Virar Nays ai?.*ii. Adler, Armstrong, Anden iinrrv Blake Boomlngdale, Bohl, Braun, Brown 'Bullard Burns, Cain, c.-impbeii, Cortwrlghi rhamhers' 1 hapman, J, ll ?'lark. \v a ?-larko Clarkson' ',. '? roie, ?'orrlgHn. Cutler, Donnellj Kldrldae' Falrbrother, Finn, PI tigers Id. Pole) Frtdsi ?isT .??cher, fiardenler, Oardlner, ((bason, aien a'reene itslpli?. Hamilton. Hi-nnessv. Illgble Hoefler Mnw! man Hoops, Horion, Houghton, Howe tfusted K?k. Keenholts, Kern, Krenrl??h, l.a !*'<?irii Msd" den. McDermott, '.! Keown, McNsughton. Ml'ler Norton, iniradv. Reinhard, Itid.-r Rockwell lios' ers, S.-anlon. K F SchUlX. Marry Sr-hiilz S.-n.ert S "rvV-'V. '" .' B"-'"?. B La <i Smith. Btaley! Stanchfleld, Steinberg, Stevenson. Ten Eycb ?Thompson, Tobln V'acheron, Van imber vati Keuren, Weed, tVieman, Wllcox. wiiks U'inne B] oaker Fish. ' ' Mr Howe, ?if T?os.), then sent t., tl,,. Astk an htnendmont, exernptli-g paving-stone from the .?-,, ylsloni of th. bill. After sum? further discussion this amendment was rejected by a vote of M t i 17 Ihe bill was then advanced to third reading. .??+.?_ THR DEATH I' \.,T ABOLISHED. Albany. Msrcn 7 In the Assembly to-day Mr Blake ?aii.d up his i,?,:i abolishing ..ipitai punish? ment, and Mr. WIM moved to strike oui th.* enset ing dans? to give Mr. make an opportunity t i ex ?'1,1:' Mi view upon th? measure ' A long s,.h m defence of the bill WSI then mi I- bv Mr. Blske. Hs -?id thai capital punlshmenl ?a?. ? relic of b?r 1'iirism. The numb-r ,,f maniera committed In the ?State was proof the, |, ,w,, B0, ,,,? f,..|r ,,f d ,h that prevent..| crime. ?<n the roiieali Messrs Malay ?nd BtanchSeld ??-. plained th?Mt i ,tea the former for and the Sgamsl th* mea?,ir<*. Mr. Halb) BaM It n-,? a well known fad that i, wai .-a*-'.*, to obuin s conn? lion for petll larceny than for murder ?my a fee of thorn charged with murder w-ei> sentenced to death For this reason Mi Mslbi th.,?gi?. n Would be "t1 ?l.??'B?'? wl!5 ,h" ,|"',,h Praattp. I M:*. B.anrhrteld s*ld he SOuM not allow the bill to c^me up without raisin* hi? voice in opposition to It. He men salo tnat M.cmgan ?.?. a la? euch a? the one wnich was proposed for New-York state, in Michigan a convicted murderer had. while in prison, committed additional crimes. The repealing ?.f the present death penalty wo?ild mean th?. encouragement of disorder and anarchy. (Tim?- was on the Increase rather tnan me decrease, and it wou'd not do i. dispense with the death p.-nalt-- now. The bill was th.-n lost by a vote of M ?? PLATING TO THE OALLER?B& gENATOn sri.l.iv.w IKTRODfCBM A RESOLUTION ? i:\si itiN?: i?ii."Ni:i. WABINO'H ADMINI8THATION. Albany. Mar. h 7 (Special). 'rhe Bemte ?'anal Committee to-daj reported favorably the resolution ,.f Senator i ! ?uk ?u-. of Olean, asking Congress) to pis.- a law providing that the (Tntted States shiii pa) at ;..i-t three-quarters of th-. annual coat ..f maintaining th.- Brie Canal. Senator ?'autor op? posed the resolution on ihe ground that (he Erie ?'anal must n.?: be surrendered t.. the l'nlted States <; vernment. Senator H:s>-i;'s answered that he had ?i?? Ideg of surrendering the canal to the Gen? ?. (3 rernmenl Hi--' sole thought was that the Cnlted States OUghl t" pay two-thirl.-; <f the annual esp nse of maintaining th?- canal. Since two-thirds ..f its commerce was of an interstate character. In his opinion, the people would reje.-t the proposition io be submitted t? them this fail to bond the state t.? th.- extent of |v,00B,wa for canal improvements ,f this resolution wss not passed If th- people saw thai a part ..f th.- cos? ..f canal maintenance was to be paid by th.- General Government, they would feel more favorablj t ?ward th- proposed appropria Finally, by general agreement, tt.?- r?solution was ..i ?! ..n the table for debate to-morrow. Th ? Tammany Hall Senat.,r?. of ?...use. ail de test Commissioner Waring, ..f th.- Street Cleaning Department of New V ?i. No one was surprised, therefore, when Senatoi Sullivan offered th.- fol? lowing i .solution \\ beress, during th? first ' ?n weeks o( th- e irre il I m un i. ;?? .-?..:,. i mm .??' monej i - been ap? propriated I... .... i,t; ng in- -n-- tS of Hi" ' Si ? i ..n. ??: ?.-. ,w, o: whldi ni' out a - r. i ! por? tion has air. .,.|> Wen eipi i, le I . and. l\ hereas, near?) mi toe tenement poitlon of th? city be.i.w Kourte nth-st., and s larga pan .,f th?* K_s; Hide have, in the opinion ?>, tne Mayor ... tne clt) ..' New )...-;-. been almost entlrelj and eensur? ah?) i-.-.. . : hi the I'ommlsstoner of the Street ' ?? ". ?''?? I ?? I -i tment; and, Whereas ich neu .-.??? i psrts ..f the city remain In ? deuoratiis state of filth, threatening tne health ?? Inl ab ? mis then In; and. '?- ?'? >- hi i;i- un... s mi thus far expended during I his .. ? u i.\ ?uch t'ommlsaloner in such re? moval has ? .... thos pans ??', the ? '" ? ? I II il ?ni ... ..n I the rich havs their .. BS If to curt the p:a : i.i- those class.-*; ?n?l, Wnei ? . mc? ;-d i hat ihe sum thus ? i pend, i during th? present year Is far m excess ..f 11 ?> purposes during a like en) i . ?.,..- > pai and, Whei i? :. i'?timl I ?n? ? in his pr? sent dis , ..' m? ' from his force upon the o?, ??; and P. in ? ' .. i spath). ' whl ?> id? own i| >" and n nagem? I ha) ? h r .? ? mark- I as i . ; !'.?: : . r?. uke ..i th M iyoi u| ? sub ,.? ?rns ? ?.. ; ? ? ? ind I urea; there? fore, ; ? . ? i'omn i ? ? of the Street I'leai ? city of N< w Toi :. be .. :. I !. I? *'?? I .>. :'?iln ten s if Mms r?-? ? ul .... to r? ;? ?rl ??? appr ?prlated during or for the pr??? ir for the purpose ,,', rem ivlng ... ' - ?... ind the amount t reol ? !.\ him, w ?th .. ;- ? ills l -? ,tc m<-t.' ..f ? si ? . the persoi i i ? for wl ? he fui : - were ? x?.?-t '? i ? ..- h?r with s comparative stite. I ei ? le 1 b> ill? p'e ). for i ? .i ke period in th< ? ,. ? i . ? , ? ? ? ,:-.-. ?? | to h a call fltreet ? rstati'l.rg that I tl , nest sreek hi i.i' rr BY THE BOSS'S OLDER-!. -.: ? ' ? v | ?. . ' ; 11 ; ? '? - M i . . \ l'.!> OF ?\ UN IIIIJ, v ? ? i- ??? ? , ip" the ?'on ? - for the i ? . lucatloi of New s ? ilr? . . .? t hla policy were , ijorlty of t ?.st? i.. . . ? ;,.?. ma I? ? n n . , ? ,f the con ??? '?? ??? th * . ? . pori pei ?-? rid Mi ... : Th ? motl n ? i? Is I K? - I, at l.iv \ ?, ? ? i ' i - ' ' ' I ' ' ' I ? ? . m< -i i? -. n ? ? i.- m? ii, re any | ? n ? ? -.'??'? \ - i id y stated. *1 mai ,? i- ?? ? : lers 1 ? -. | ? ai .!.'? evhlet ? ' miti?*e on K l ic i , ,( .,.,. . ,. ..- th-r t lb i ' Ml I'l ." ?'' Mayor Sti ?? Mi i'latt'i methods ? an be this Kduc it ton bill, whl? a .1 ,i narj i- M? Pave? The lirai bearing ipon M was given b? th? Com mm.n K In? stlon Ja i I Pi .'???-?? XI? >? Murray Kul ? id Mr Melvll Hewej a| \, ? [tell if thi \ ? " ippesl ? . lion and m.i !???,??' hi artng ? ?n Thuri la; Jai ? there was a ,.. : ? hearim t i (ore Ihe Coi -. I ? ; ' ? he A I :?:! ; . a . ' the I'ltleS COWl? mlttee of the Senat? ?1 II hearing 81 ?ph? n II Henry I.. Sprai l'rof? sor Hut lei Mi I'oopei Hewitt, Mrs Valentine Mot! end ' M n turn ai I I ? appeared in f s the bill. and ? Hunt and Hol! and Mi H II in opi osltlon lo u Mi U< Il m ? le g fiirth? r r? ? i,| the l'on ' l'Ublle I. lui ai.:, roi nal hearing and i ? is grant? i ? ? ng las !.. i I on Thin lay. Feh ... " Hell ..;...? I and made ai ? ? u i .in opi ? ? non i., the bill, and ? i i Thoi ?. ' eared and ? i .? fui iher a I ment -' >? ? thai h< renn iente?l -?? -,- cm ,. of N? a ) ork who wl i.-d t.. Inv? stlg ite the t,.?l il.- |i . noi know that ih< ) a oui : opp? ? b ? ?? Ish? I to hi .gatlon Th* onl) "i- whom h? ??? ?uld mention was Ihe u?-\ l?. i ?avid i Hurrlll Mr Plait's i aator \i this hcarins the bill was referre?! lo i subcommittee, . -.r - : Mi.? of Messrs Pavey, Ssi .. ? ind Percy, roi ..?_.?_!?. i,,i ? io i In detail The sub-committee hud a m?->titiK on Februar) al tne houe. . Mr .?-,,, . ! ... M' .?? noui In onsuli ing m Ith ? ' ? i, ilonei Livingston and John c Clark, secretary of ihe ? ili ommlttee of ih? ? ommltte? ..f rteventy. ?u,.i siibao-ucntl? u.tu .c.-i the details ?.r the hill f..r .m leu more, and later agreed upon a report, iin Februar) Il Mur.- h is a further hearing be fore ihe i'omm.n l'util!? Kducatlon ..: in. \ embly, *i which Mr D'Shea and two other teachers appeared In opposition to Ihe bill, and certain m .-t..?- from the Fourth Ward together ?sub Mr Hal?le Mr H.-ll und others l h r.irlh upon the bill, but no report Ins been made h lag notable coincident that Mr Hell decline?! m mkc the Indoraemenl ..f Mayoi Hi ron?, which wa-< el?.-,-.--I by eleven of the N'.-w V.ok taaemblymen The threat has been made imi the floor of the lions.- ihe ?.in will b? held up and defeated, or amended be cause ..r the scilvlt) ..f Mr Pavey in drawing and s. ciriii- signatures t.? the Indorsement >.f Mayor LOOK OU? IOR BREAKERS AHEAD when pimples, eruoti ?ms, boils, ami like manifestations of impure Mi.,,,1 appear. Tin v wouldn't appear if your blood were june and y..ur system in the iirIu condition. Tin y show you what you ne? ?1 g (C?>?,?1 blood purifier; that's what you gel when you tak? in Pierce's Golden ^f ?-?1 i. ,?1 lbs. over? It i arries ht iltti with it .Ml Blood, Skin ami Scalp Diseases, from a common Blotch, ?>r /Eruption, t.. the worst Scrof / nia, aie cured by it It in \iH..ratcs the liver and rousefl every organ into healthful ac tioii In the most stubborn forms of Skin Diseases, such as Salt-rheum, Besens, T<t '.er. Brygipelas, lioils tnd kindred ailments, and with Scrofula in every shape, and all Mood-taints, no mattet from wi; it ? aus?, arising, it is an anequaled remedy. 5CR0?-1ILOUS AliSCnsSES. Mrs Unir Su ?i vi v of /?/,;/ /,./>. Mener to. If. Vm . wrilrs \bout t.?.r year? iiK'i 1 took serofala so l did emythtng ihm ?iiNtoi? ind others prescribe?!, but only k .' m ?rsc -, rtrmi sb SCe? -f.tin'.1 about my neik and breast, discharging s quantity ..f ?alter. I ?f..t ?.? meso I ...uld, Si at rlv w.ilk ab .?it the house | < t?-id all th<- medical w irk? i i uld ?/et bold of mid. sa-ong the test, rrail i.iinr of jroai ., .:L- N'oii ,\r ?. til,.-.I my . .?-.< .nid t.. ommended i?r. i'i?-ur s ? u Medical in ?over, with hi? IVa-MMM rrllrts.' s?. i pracwrcd some sad c?iiwenced u?iiiK tlnin _ad ?'H.ii lw-naii t. ?MM In ??x mouth? inv ?ore< I w-re all h? sled -g I um bit) -live vats old and believe i am n? ?tout as i evei wms in inv life I ii?i-il ?bout our <lo?en bottles if ?he 'Geldes Mediml Hi-..\ci\ with Ih' I'el'rl?. in.I u?rd nothing sise sflcr I Ihx-?ii u?iug your undi cinrs.'' Caution?Rogers Silverware. Thousands of sets of silver-plated spoons, &c, are sold as "Rogers" that were never inside of our factory. Our trade-mark is -1847 Rogers Bros." W? have no responsibility for and do not guarantee goods marked "lames Rogers," -Rogers cS: Taylor. or so-called "genuine Rogers" not stamped in full "1847 Kogers Bros." Meriden Britannia Co., New York Salesrooms. 208 Fifth Avenue & 46 East Nth Street. 1 Sironif. At Ihn meeting to-?1ay Messrs. I ave> Banger and Percy Sled s report as ? 5''I'y.Vor'\, , u-. proposing certain amendments to the bin. w.u.? i v.. r. accepted by the committee, ?n?i then Mr Psvey'a motion to r-epotrl th.? amended bin sma lost FOn THE PROTECTION or \VOI?.KINi;U'i).MKN. Albany. March T.?The room of the Aaaembly Committee ?>n Traies ami Manufactures was till???! th.s afternooa, when a hearing was given on the Alnsworth bill, provhiing lue inspection!? of mercan? tile eatabtlahOMnUi by the State factory Inspector an'l a';?.? providing that women ami chlblren fhall not be employed more thun sixty hours in each week |n sn.h ? st jbllshtn? n'" In the audience were many women. Profeeeor BeMgiuan. of Columbia College, opened the dlscusalon. ii?- was followed by Mr?. I.?omis, MISS Woo/lbridge, Mis K.-ys,-r un?l -Mrs. K'lwnni Lauterbach, all .?f New-York, who favore.l the l.,11 Prancls Freckelton, of Albany, repreaentlnf th?? IV.]. ration of Labor, and Miles O'Hare, repr. sent Ing th<- Congress of the Knights ?,f Labor, sabl that th.-ir organisations favored the measure. Meyer Nussbaum an.I Edward Haekett, of Albany, slat?-?! thai they app.-are.l in opposition to 'he bill representing tne mercantile establishments, an?! Bsked for ftirth.-r time. After hearing Mornay William repreaentlnf the Working Women'a Society, in favor ?if the bin, ihe commute-*1 adjourned f?>r one week, when an oppor? tunity will be liven foi the opposition ;?i be heard. \ ? o?rimltte?> of detegatea from a number of the social reform onranlzatlnns ?if this city starte?! f?,r Albany yesterday to pre?.* legislation to bring the and ?-'in-? employed In the mercantile h Buses under the protection and regulations of the factory act. The committee Included .Mr?. AUca B. Wood bridge, secretary of th?- Working Woman's Society; James B Reynolds, ..f the I'nlveretty Settlement Society, who also went as a delegate Of the So. lal Iteform Club; Professor Sellgman, ..r <'oiumbi_ College; ?'barbs It Bpahr, one of the editors of "The Outlook"; Mrs. Edward l_auterbach, and l?r i..,?.mis, ..f the I'niveralt) Settlement Society. Mr. Williams also wenl aa counsel, The ommlttee took with It a letter from P.ober; Pulton Cutting, saying that while he approved the rortemplate?) i ivement, he did no' th;nk It went f??- enough Th? result if the commlttee'a visit to the Albani legislators will be made kiintwi at the me ting of the Social Reform Club next Tuesday ?light. _ IGREEMENT BT RAILROAD PRESIDENTS. |.|ITKI;i:.\t: m ' ON tt'EaTBOl'VD FREIGHTS IBOL I8HED AFTER iPRIL I In the rooms of the Trunk I.lne Association In Liberty M the Trunk Line Board of Presidents held ? lively conference yesterday. If lasted from 11 o'dll k !:i the morning until lontt after .". O'clock. rhe - blect discussed eras the old one of the westbound freight rates between Chicago an. 1 this city The battle ?.ik>i all daj between th- repre? sentatives of ihe Delaware, Lackawanna ?n.l Western, the Wee! Shore, the Lehlgh \'alley ,-m?! the Ontario ind Western Railroad lines, ami those who were present In the i".?--r?'s,s of the Pennsyl? vania, the New-York ?'entrai an 1 the Baltimore I and Ohio lines. Finally an agreement was reached which will abolish, after April 1. all differentials on areetbound freight rates. This win nut the named llr.-K on an ?-?juul footing anl eetab llah -i uniform tlrsi class rate from ? hb-ag-. t> New fork of 7.'. cents a hundred pounds, lmrlng ihe merlina ? telegram was received from y ird, i resMent of th.- ?"entrai Traf!). A??.. ? mg h?- woul l 'lo all in hi?, power to : irther 'ne malntenanr? ..i eaetbound rates Among those at th? conference were Chauncey M I' ;?? .? Percj it Ton. .,' the West Shore, \\ . -; Sloan, of the Delaware, Lackawenn* and Weet? ????. R '?'. Thomas, ?.' the Brie; v. I? wtiber, of ? ? Lehlgh Valley; B 11 Ball of the Philadelphia at : Reading; ?;?.rs.- u Roberts, of the Penneyl fialli .1 Orlando Smith. ..f the |taltitn?irc and Ohio; and .1 E. Chllds, of the Ontario anl W eat? rn Railroad. ARMT AND S API NOTES Washington, March 7 Saval orders have been I? ?led as fui ni Assistant Surgeon .' A Btoufh? t .-i i.n been ordered t i the Pugsl Sound Saval Sta? tion. Assistant Paymaster T s Jearett ordered to examination for promotion ar. I th?-n assigned to iik Navy Yard Assistant Engineer Walter Ball ordered to the New-York Navy Tard. Chief ? er P A Relrtck detached from ihe Norfolk Y..! ! and or? lered to the receiving ship Franklin * Engineer K. Laws d?rtaehed from the Frank in and placed on waiting orders, : ? following Army orders are issued: Captain lam?** c Avies. Ordnance Department, wOl maac me rlslt to Mlddletown, Conn., and tlve visits to the W< ? Point Foundry Company, Cold S|>tin^. N ^ , from New-York Ars? nal. tjovernor*s Island, ? ci official business pertaining to the Inspection of pneumatl lynamlte um.s i olonel ?.'h.irfes H. Ai? len, Assistant tsUrgeon-Oeneral, will pro.-ee.l from this city t.? New-York City on official business per? taining lo the supply -*p.?t of the Army. The "... of ab? : ??? granted to Captain Philip u i. HI Infantry, la extended montn if tbsence granted to F'.rsi Meutenant .; irge w ?;....i.. lat Cavalry, is extenlel three day? I...?v..- ..f absence granted to Birst Lieu ten sni Floyd IV II ?t:.?. ith Cavalry, Military Attach* i! Brussels, is rxten.l l fifteen lavs. The leav? of . n surgeon's r ?tlilct tt of alsi'olllty grant ?vi ? !'.?? Chaplain Joseph K Irish is extended one month on >. ??inl of :.ln is The following assign? ments to regiments ?>f .(Tiers recently traneferreJ elr own request ar-- ordered: Seem I Lleuten? anl s i Bayard Bchtndel to the Hth Infantry, 1 'on; tnj D H? will remain on duty \???h the *.'h Infantrj until further orders Second Lieutenant H ??? F .?irln-r ti insVrr? I from t'.,-> Kth Infan irtm.try arm, February .'j. t.? the r>.i \?. ti :>r\ list ter) K H? wl I |oln his pr?ij?er station, K ?. W? ?t Barracks, Flu ? ??'.? appointments ?> the We,?; point Military Academy have been made .*?? follows; inmes .i. i emmg, ir New-York Clti ? i X : h District); Iuincan It Malor, New-Vork tXIIth District), with F. ?' Rossl-Duhl alternate; It I. Horris, jr., Koboken, S .1 . F It K.rr, Cl?earflekt, l'enn w?:h U'liiism T Tonner, Bel'.fonte, Penn., alternate; c m B?ndel, --''..n .n l'-tin. with \. K Orlnlm, of Franklin. Penn., alternate; F ?' Doherty, Boston. Mass iINth District); I K ''raft. HIsltiK Sun. Im! K K Koorner. Belleville, 111., with C W. Tortnan, of Noshvllle, ir . slternste; Kr? 1 flallup, Roone Iowa, with H M Anderson, of Forest CTty, Iowa] .?'ter nute t c Howard, Yalparatoo, inl. with it \ Wason Delphi, In.!, nit.-mite. <; \V Itunnell. Oak land, I al with M C. 1','rklns. of Oakland s'tcr nite and F s fooici?, Ixiulaburg, N. ?'. with It. 8. itii^i.??-. N..i"'i Carolina, alternate 77//: ?FKATBKB MBPOBT. gHOWRRg LIKELY !'.? .'nM'IMT tVaahlngi?n stareh 7 The barometer has fallen in all ?in- aistrteis ?est ol ihe Rn !??? Mountains; it I? lowest n^nr f.-.i.. Rupert ? . nd II hs? ns*n rapidly t ? the nnith ?f MlanM is, bal i atlnues io?:he?i ,^?r t?-?- central plateau regten, It la wann r, except Is \be Southern mates, where the temperature h.?? rsaMlaad sboul statten sry, 'iri" Is the extreme N" rti<?????. ?her.- U t.? ?iiithtiv raider has prevailed thraughoul Ihe Southern, MM ?Uh un.i N-? Kngtsnd Btates, and laca! snows are reported from Lake Muperter, Mlnnesots nni i>?k..ta Hh ?*???? -a ill ..c.Mn.i.. in t li?- Atlantic Cmim gtatsa sn?i I...-?I mows .n tna upper i?k- regten ?n.l utn>*r Minsi? ?Ippl Valley iVitiier areathef i? lndlrat?-d f.-r lbs North ?Rem. ?iih :, . -il ?i\>> near Laika Superior and ?.ver r.n*ierti Minn.-? At DETAILED FORECAST F<<u t? > DAY t-*..r New Engtaad, generally rlaudy ?e??her with b*ht shr,?er?, variable ?In.Is Shifting IO southwest, ?nrili.r In Mssssehusetts sad Yermant i*,.r Easters N-? v..rk, itsht rams. pnbaMy tlsartag ?inrinK the .\,\. slight!) warmsr; arlada ?hifiins n> south west I'.r Kast?rn PHMsylvaata, Ktw-Jsrss) ?n.l Data stars, showers foltewsd by elaartag ??-?ther. ?iijtiiiy ararassr in ?>nir?i Pernsrlvsnla; artads ..hiftins n> w*t K.r \v??i?tii Ne? v.-,tk. lair fbitesrM t.\ rain Frida) msiit. ?.u?ar, s'iitiiwrst ?unlit I'rM*). elder Mturday f.-r \\>*ieni r?-nn?\iv.?n??. partly ci .ii.iv preceded by Usht ?hiwer?. ??rmei . .?...ithw?.?t arlada F'rldsy. YSfStnCfl ?LOCAL OBSERVARON* I'.il.iiii.. OBhte, M..?- li B, I a m The weather yesier.|?v ??as lair la Hie .retag With r?ln in the i,fiern.-??n an.| evenlnit Tt?. Miip.-iti,,, ri?ti?,-.l le.???en Sfi sn.l IS .|e met '?- avenas lSM.1 t...irfx 9% htgher thas so ?Tsssa? da) and U% lower ti:?n ?.n the i eresposM-BS, ?ln> last >.ar i na ?es, is likely to b* rauiy 1Mb mr.rnuis. clearing REED & BARTON, Silversmiths. Everythlr.c Deslrablt In 8llverwar* it fleatombli Prlog?. <t? Inlon Soutire. S. Y.. _13 MAIDKN LANK. N. T. ?95 TOURISTS, $55ntO~$Voo, 111 I)*,*. KM. TI*. K II 4*11 CXCIM CO., ?KM .:..?<.im w. BStb-sl., ? .. - p_ Warren ?.. * ?? ? ">? I,SIS Redford-Ave.. R-ooklvn. X. V. im Bras I .- ? Newark, s. *, ?""??***??? ? ????M| FOR EIRE PROOF SHAFTS' PROVISIONS of AN ASSEMBLY HILL. IP PASSBD IT WILL CArSC PfllOLBSAUt ai.TERA. TIOMS i>!' KI.KVATIN'i Kgt'IPMKNTS. There is at presen; a bill before the Assembly which If psssed will cause a g?rerai reconstruction of aim ist every rlSVStOf shaft in ;he State of Xew Vork In buildings over three stortes in heiich: Tht bill vf?m Introduced Into th? AsSSSjMy on February ;i by Mr. OallSgher, and Is entitled "An a.-t In re? lation ta (he conitri. ti ?n ;,-;l alt-ratlon of elevaton an 1 elevator shafts and stall ways in ho'els and othir huildlngs ??f three stories .n h.-gnt and over." The Mil was r?*ad once and referred (o the Commit? tee on General Laws. Tne tresses Ions amount, of recoastnietloa that this bill would cause has evl* dently escaped general notice or an emphati** pr.>? test would have bees n.?? I by this time. The bill provl Im In substance: All elevator shafts hereafter eoastmetsd in any hotel or oth^r bull.Una: o( three s, ir>s in heigh: or m r?. ihall be erhoiTy construct of iron, stee.', or brick, and without opening? save for ?n Kr?<i and egr?**?* from each floor and where actually ne-essery for light and a.r Euch elevator shsfti .sha.l be'built from the groin I floor continuously to ? '. wh-re It shall be >?'.' *o\ and who',.y covered by nreproof matenal If binK ??f ir?-n or steel the use 1 shall be at least one inch In thl-knen snd ihall be fistened together by rivets or .--her suitable contrivance with such iron or >>??>?: ?ap? port- ai may be ne?e?.sar... an I If eonatrUCted of ?i tac or brick, the same shall be a* least one foot In Ihlcrtnes?. There shall also be .-instruct-? i around luch elevat >r -shaft s stslrcsss of iron, stone or brick leading* from th.- ground floor to th? upper floir. 'I here ?hall also be place/I at every opening In lucb ?haft suitable iron or stee; dur.-. Tne ele? vat r used m sii-h. siuft shall b- wholly constructed of Iron or steel, ap I no wood or othT InSnromaMa material whatever shall be used In the construction either of such elevator shift or the elevator u?e?i trier.*.,! Within ninety days from and after the parsage of ICI the owner or own-r? of any hiiilllng at the k'.n 1 m*nti med in (his act in which an SlevetOT is in?1 p.ic-l ..r in ii"e. Hull .aase the e:.?v.i-?r rhafr an?! elevator an I stairway to be altered and constructed In *noh a mann-r as t> compiv with all the provlsl ms of -h'- i Th*? remainder of the Mil provldei for p'ini*?hment In casi ? ' an Infraction of the law. The ptnalty Is iniprls*.nni??nt ft :. ?I lesi than on? year, or a rlr.e of not le*N than ll1??). or both, \Vh?n the provision? <?f thlf Mil wer? failed to the attention of uptown h*?'ei ni?n yesterdsy they w-?re ? ncCned to d.-ny tnat any on? wou'.d propel? *--i-h a m?asure. The effect, should this become a law, weil! be star'lms I- i? lafe to assert that mir? than SO per cent of the bindings in New-York n ? i itppe i with elevator shifts which d> sot . in . '.*? with this proposed statute A v-l* to nunv Of th? prominent uptown h*.-?li shows them to be toulpp I with ? ?;? c iII) rigid fireproof precautions, but In n*> ln?tanc? was th? >((er of this pr''p ose ! lav? found ta have b??n ? . iw. 1 In many ?n?;anres th?- shafts are built of flrepr of materia!, bul Ihe elevators are mide from wood In other Instances the shafts hav?. som? woodw 'H In them I* li probable that when hot**-! men and owners of big I usin?es blocks l?arn tha real Importance of th? bill ,t will be opposed on ue ??pound that It is t . . severe. TEICH itASS'S USE PEAT. ?orb ?>*-' tur Pirrn am? sixth oaints in the PHgjSS MATCH HS 9*08 FROM MISsTgg TeMMBSan w?n the fifth and sixth games of the chess match sgatnst Mteees on Fett-niai-y B. 22 an*! 2a respectively, the fifth game taking two nighls to finish, and as lie bad then won fear game.?, he won the match, th.- nna. score being 4 to 1 In favor of Telchmann. one game being drawn. 'Ice mat -h wai played in London, and the s-ores of th.? Kdtn.'s follow here: FIFTH ??ami*: v.? v LOrKS wit; ti:, lo.v K. wnin: hi.\.*k. Telchroaan, UUeamt THehmann. Mi?-*??. I I- K 4 T K 4 33 K lilt l'?Rl' -.' Kt K K I Kt g H I 14 I- x ll 1* i,1i K II I ;i n ?<i.-. P ?j K.i ??.', i- K< .-. i? it 4 cs 4 Li I*. 4 !'';.! ?'??'. K li 2 B II I .'. I* .J 4 I 'J a 1" K II A 11 R 4 c|j ,, p ? 1* '?? x !* M K U 1 K w*i ?) THxB 1 QlBul .11? k* .j 2 K I! 4 s K' H .1 ?'?s*:-? (i. K( i? .( x ?j ;t i, i*i.,:; ? y K*:.i?| il f I- 4 i* n ?; 1?. Kl x K- Q x'? I- K -J 1 K K .1 11 ll ? g I x Kl le I* R | 1* .M 4 12 ?1 K .1 H ? U .-h 44 I" x I* e p K x I* la R ? R K* lili C !< Il 2 y R| 14 I- il | Il K* :, 41*. K K' 3 ll K- :. la K* K J !< 'J I* Kt K H P. 4 ;.-. t: x i: ii K x it ?'? k* ?,* a i< 8 2 17 )t Kl .". H K J 4.? K x P K Kt 4 11 H i K' H x ? *? K K 4 KaP 15 K U ? H K 4 SI Ix Q? K Kt 4 i0 3D I* X Kt .1 I? Q I ''- K' x !' P R 4 ni Kin B Stiel HKi K.Ich K B .1 H P SI K *>.( ** K 11 ?I 11 Kt rt .-.s k k .( r >i k ' i *a Kg: p n .*? .*. k .. i P Kl 4 ??' P S? I' R'? an i* x ;<? p it x i- o p i-.?; b si ??l K* Kt K K I M '' K '' 'h K H 4 27 K* 11 .1 I' K | ?'?? I' K ?1 K il *? ?S I* K Kl 4 I Q B 4 ? I* K T K x Kt ?*., p |. 4 K '.' '? ?" I' K 1 iQi K Kl : ?,, |* % y t- r I- "2 g K 2 K- K*. (I .11 i- Ki .i n g '"; g tt i- r : ta p g R i p i'? '. eu et ?j r R?si?ns MOTHS n Y MIRSES. ,,. Better iha'a K* x k-, bieassi isa ?sTbtts K-iHMa (hr'Hien (? e-tstl.lli themselves on K H .*> : g !? ,1 . This i.r..\es i??.? tt) haSgS - f gueens with a nfs position. ci IMter wss P ? I* ?ml H K 2 . !? :i4 p K- 4. f ii s. ? k* g 2 ranta ?*.'?? eessMsia? il >u h.*r** ie. Hlack cixht lo have t,e?n MUsAed "S-nS a draw. If) WHtt M_K H 4. K- x P U i? x K* M K l S Hla.-K ?llall? still h.iv.* grava The game fIXTll OAMR \1KNN.V iirMMN'i wiuiK BLACK UIUTH. SUM K. Mi.-i-e.. Tei.-lim-tnn. M?* ?? ? 1 P -K 4 I* K 4 -*?< i\< K? *. V ? o i Kt g II .1 K( g 1( .1 24 R K a ?j g : I It l: 4 IS) It It 4 2.". g K B t?4i*ti 4 g Kl 4 I? II il.. M K R >' K I r. g Ki I i* g I 27 K- SI ? h * ?i H K k' K 2 II K ll Z9R-K2 K- ni Kf 7 11 Kt :..??? Kl K2 2-.I H g i K* K- S SP 114 I* g R .1 3f? K ?> KtiH.I-Kl t? 11 ll 4 uli I* I? I (1 Kl K .?> K' x Kl li? I* g 4 I* x g P S3 R x Ki .In I* IIS 11 Ki x I* ll g 2 :w P n 4 .n Kl K- I 12 Kt 11 ;l I- II 4 24 I* \ I* Kt x II ItCsMl ?* P x P .'-. I- x Kr It I ? 14 Kt x I* Il U 4 W B Kt 4 g Ki :. K) 13 R K U 'J 2 .17 Q Kt g x S HIP Kt Sie, Hx Kt .t? !" Q ?? I? S li i; r t ? i* g 4 sa ii k ?'.c, Kg 15 R K CfMtlM 41? K R S '.' 1* I? ? ?S gi!? K' II 4 41 T K H il x P ?f? I* 11 I .f) ll K I 42 I* K 7 eh K x I* 21 R g g K .*( 4S g K g K 4 22 R K g g A 44 Resigns. KOTHS 11V MIKSKS ia> rtosaMjr ti,.- bot? reri>. it.i RUck does noi .?r?* , . risa ?nv c implication?. srhWS might ?rise fn.m I....Q ii ;?. y-or instance, .'? k- g ?. g x H I* .ti rt K g. K K. Ste ici Relier ?t-i-ms H x ll. .li lier- I) H x Kl tt. 1?) P II S anl 11 P g I ?SSBSl t???e t.e?,i mu. h heiu?r. le, n wss hene, t., jl.iv ni ence p. g 2 ? fi Again While ..uylii i . hn\.* developed t?v mean? of li g I .g? If R K. h x g p ion, ?M. in? P x Kt SSeSH ??ranger ?U A mistake While imer.le.l t., txs.-ilflce ihe exchsngl. hm It was n?.t c,irre<*t ?ki Whlt? h?J overlo.,k?M this moe. run is LIJTI ?ith ?he rsios. Salt Lake. I'tah. March 7 -The i-.xni:it?jti*?nal ??"onventlon yesterdsy elected the permanent offi? cers, with John Henry Smiih as (heir head, at agreed on bv the Republican caucus TueiJa>. T*ie Democrats made no nomination!, api the >M?ftHS of officers was mostly by acclamation The follow? ing leulutlon was adopte 1; Reiolved. That we, the lelega'e? of the rmstltu t'onal Convention for and In behalf of the iMOpH of the proposed State of I'tah do hereby declare that we adopt the ConrtltiiMon of the l'nlte-1 ."tates. Children Cry for PITCHER'S CASTORIA