Newspaper Page Text
JNCIDEN1S IS SOi IETT. The ?ember of the 1 irsda: Ei ning Club srere enter i ? . nraper, No. n\ '. i ?e. ProfesWir IMtmere. .,.'.-lataai profcsso f lo? >n tn* ?'nlvsrsltj of P nsylvsnla, read ? !?*!*> "' "*?IIs?tion and ed two subjects who are iU?ce| ? ' '' The leclur? wa? t ecu In the lat ised by I ite Dr. Draper There wa- i ' ' ; inc* "' members tmong thost preset i s rt Mr. and Mrs. R| -hard Mortimer, Mr. and Mr*. G< ?rgs a Post, M M..s ,- : ... ...r, . perkit . Pr. and .Mrs. Franc s R Klnnlcutt, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Howland, Mrs. {hrny, . ?-at? Mr i I Mi Thomas W. Ward. Mr ti Mrs F W. Whit ridge, Mr. and Mr? ilex? _. i _ ;? vai Seat, Mis? Whitney, Mr, an! Mrs. ? , ?; ,'.,.???. Mr. and Mrs, Frederic Rhine lander Jones, Mr, snd Mrs, Charles A Post, Un jj . ? M ind Mrs .1. Plerpont Morgan, Mr?. 9 *"si Rensselaei Cruger, Mis. w. T. Blod _?.. jijas Mr. an 1 Mrs .1 Hampden Robb, Miss ?my Townsend, Even Jansen t\ j Frederic Tarns, Mis* Floroi ?? Rbetl Mi and ?jira Richard W. Glider, Mt and Un W. H B folln, Petet Merle, Dr and Mrs W, H. Draper, Mr. and Mr?. Nicholas Flab. Miss Furnlss, Mr. ar. . Mrs O. C. Beaman, Henry W. Blbby, Rev. Dr. snd Mrs. W B Rainsford, Miss NeWbold, Mrs \v D. Mor? ajan, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hunt, Mr. an 1 Mrs Gus? tav Ktssell, Mr. ar. l Mrs Morris K. Jesup and Misa Gr sir old Chauaeey M. Depew gave a dinner party last evening at bia home, No, 13 West Ftfty-fourth-st. His guests ware Mr, snd Mrs. John J. Wysong, Colonel and Mrs. William Jay, Mr and Mrs. .' ..-. Hone, Mr and Mrs. H. Mortimer Brooks, Mr. snd Mrs. Paul Dana, Mr. and Mrs Edmund I. Baylies, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rathbone Bacon, Mrs. Klchard A Oembrtll, Miss Freilnghuysen, Mies Josephine John? son, Miss Anna Pauldlng, James Otla and Petei Marie. ., . The secon 1 meeting of the Roller Skating < lut) i\hs h'ld last evening in the armory of th- Berk? > School. The gueats were received by the patrojli? esses. Mr*. Btuvvesant Fish Morris, Mrs. J'-'s-i'h r. Low. Mrs Ane?n W. Hard. Mrs. Alexander T. \an Nest, Mrs. F. K. Clarkson, Mrs. Henry t- ' ll',', tine. Mrs B? ijamin F Church, Mrs. Frederic I! ix-fferts and Mrs. Augustus Zabrlskle. There was a large attendance of members. Mrs. w. H Kenyon. ?t her home. No. 8Z1 west iEighty-eecond-st.. gava a "ilnen shower' and tea veaterdav R?t-riu? n for Mies Louise Wilson, whom the Rev! Merle St. Croix Wright, pastor of the I>enox Avenue Cuitar?an Church, in this city, is s>on to marry. A large numl I of the women of the church were' present. Miss Wilson received many pieces of choice needlework on linen and the con? gratulations an i best wishes of bar friends. A WMDDIXa A quiet wedding took pises at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon in Trinity church. Broadway an 1 Wall? et. Tlie bride was Miss Franeesca M. I.unt, daughter of the late George I.unt. of Boston, and the bridegroom was Count Jean Edward d'Aulby, eon of the late Count d'Aulby, of nanee. < ?n ac? cotant of the recent death of the bride's untie, Thomas w. Parsons, of Boston, only relatives and a small number of intimate friends were Invltt ; to witness tho ceremony, which was performed by Cane. Rnowles, S friend of the bride's family. In all there were less than twenty-live pi present and all the guests occupied sens in the chancel. There were no decorations in the church. The bride was escorted up the aisle and given away by an old friend of her family. Alfred Hem? tagway, of Posten. There were neither br' les maids ror maid of honor. The bridegroom, Who was att'red in the full court costume of Italy, was at? tended, as best man, by William Lofty Van Rutan, of London. England. The ushers were T. H. Ml te yard and Krank L. Brown, ?? Boston; North Du? nns and Stephen Hond, of this city. As lbs bridai party left the church the organist played a march ? nap s.-l by tlie bridegroom an : dt II mted to th" oihclatlng clergyman. There was a reception for relatives after the ceremony at the Everetl House, Seventeenth-st. and Fourth-ave. Count d'Aulby and his bride will sali In about s!x weeks for their Lome in France. Miss Katherine A. Williams, eldeat daughter of the ?ate .lohn s. Williams, of Redding, Conn., was married yesterdav at tie home of her aunt. Mrs. M. Williams. No as South Flrst-ava., Mount Ver non. to ex-Alderman David O. Williams, of the law firm of M.lls. Williams A Johnson, of tha- i The ceremony was perform H I y th? Rev will am A Granger, of the First Baptist Church, assisted bv the Rev. pr. E. T. Hlscox. .1 MA8?CMMADS US HORSEBACK. A very pretty masquerade ride was giv.n last right at the Beim ?nt Rl ling Academy, In West One-hundied?and-twenty?fourtb-st., near St. Nicho las-avti., in which a number of the members ? ' " academy took part. The rMers were In costunie and ma-iked, and as they dashed about the ring created ft i-'.' deal of merriment for Ih? sf>-rtat ira In the gal>ry. The most elaborately costumed lady rider received a handsome whip, and the man In th- ?? il appropriate c stum gol - Th? j i lkt> - wer? Qeorg? Mmpson, Andrew J hnsi n snd James Gra? ham. The introductory rid- was followed by a of ev luttons Among the riders ?rere Mr. ant Mrs. Isaac Wolf, Mr. and Mr? J II irnej Schenkln. Miss BIsloIm Morange, Mr- Klein Misa Davidson, the Misses Barth, Miss S atti inn, Mi and Mrs J Harney, Ii Dauale Campbell, Jamet liruvn, George Boos, H. Harney, Henrj 8ohn, I rn Ruda, Ernest Detmold and th? Messrs Boo?, Alex? ander, Sharp.-, Duffy, Eschmann, Bit ghUUN and llas>d. PVXMMAl OP MRS. .n>HS wabbex. The funeral of Mrs. .lohn Warren, daughter of the late Philip Church, of Betvldere, All? County, N. V . took place al Calvary Church res ter lay afternoon, the Rev 1 ?r. Hem;, V Salt otf.ciatlng. The palitiearers were Judge Charles A Peabody, Benjamin ?*. Sillbnaa, who a gr man at Mrs. Warren's wedding; Oener? Georg? H 0 r?n, th? lest llvli e of West Point : John Treat Irving, Pn sa Iver 8. Hui William Emmlt, Chandler Bobbins ai i John Bebuyier. Among those pies.-:,, in th? church were ?Ganeral Schuyler Hamilton and the Misses Hamil? ton, Mrs Howard Townsend, Philip Schuyler Hoffman. Mrs Edward Delafleld, Colonel and Mrs. St?bert V. McKim, Mi and Mr:- ? Morris I'ryor, Mrs. Hermann Camman and many others. The b-.r:al was in the family va-.It at felt, Mark's Church. Se'-ond-ave and Bighth-St ? ? IECTCBB Al TMB K. t KLBCTMICAL SOCIETY. Charle? s. Bradley kctur? ! Is si night at Columbia Oollega befors the New York Electrical Society, on "Alternating Current Motoi \-. interesting hia 1 .: sketch of th? progress of transmission of i ' '?? ' by alt? rnai ng ?;.-?? ? mtu ...:i i, e"1 tir1 1.irer exhibited a recen! ^^?pe of n I n invented I.-. lnm io i?. operated b) alterna',ng current! e chief featun t. :.:.i- : i . magnet, THE BILLIOS DOLLAR RECORD. THE PENDTHRIFT CONGBE8? From 1 be Toledo Blade. Tne Republican? of the List ?'o iresa had ?? ample revenu.- to provld? th? approprlatloi made, while the l.llld Congress, with revenues, snd a degcli growing nonth by month foei ? ? n money than the ?tepublli an body' The Democrats played th? spendthrift; th? i: , cans did not. EXPENSES HIGH; TlMSfl HARD From The Biaghamton Rep ibid in Tliomas B. Reed said, In r? ponse to the Demo cratlc howl against the List Congress, thai is a button dollar country." Th? Demo found that it is so, because th.-y have kepi tlnir f"**08** "l- to the billion dollar mark, when ?.e ^?ikrupt Treasury and the prostrate condition of tne country rendered extreme economy necessary '?AVIKM. WITH ,\\ EMPTT TREASURY. Trom The RM.Tork s,?, Trtaasury w?? then and that th..t> was e"^^'" :i:'"' ' lillV,"y' r..Ul'u^^ si the hoarding. AX APPALLING RECORD. From The Iowa State Register. The rtteord Is OB? that is simply appalling The Cona-ress which died yesterday has been trvln? to run the country by increasing the exr.enditurrs and decreasing the Inrome-.whleh ?H pu^elv a I) mt eratic way ef manageme:.!. THE SXPCRIENCE WILL HE VAI.CABLE. From The Worcester Telegram. The country has to pel heavily ror It? expel like nn Individual, and it won't purchsa? the sam? saperlence twi'-. m tin msraoo of th? majority o. the voter* 'So ll may 'urn ,jut lhal th? money 'c.rown a\*ay i. maintaining the old l, ?,: Makei ? Meerament may bs money well expen I? : . ftei all. THE PKOPDE H.WK HAL ENOUGH OF IT. From The Milwaukee Wisconsin. Thi people an- not niggards. They admire tha mgreaalv? and liberal policy which baa cha ? wiled the Republican Administration of National ?"?1rs. But they hold In detes'atlon Democratic ? uruhty. wni.-h plunges Hie Governmenl Into .. in ii,n;r'' "' '?'','' f'"'1 *l8aster by committing it ?a. I"e(k!?wss expenditure Of monev which ?! lie j_*" rot. and which li can secure only t>y bonu*. **? on the mo.-it disadvantageous units. CONTINUING BEB FATBER'S WORK. ?1158 ! IP T( I. I?rsillt: is TO siltf.i ti THE K' iWI.KlWJi: ol tSTROXOMY. Mil i M ?? Pro tor, : : ightet of the |at? Pro fessor Proct ?r, gave an le ture on astronomy, undet thi c isplcei ot the Hoard of ?Education, teal nigh I In the Hebrea Institute, Rast Broadway and Jef *??'? -sai I ? ' as? :??> "i / i ' -, % At M1?S MAKV PROCTOR rerson-st It ?a? wrl1 ?,,,-"'!*'1- ?,',,1 WM rn'1'!'' ?rtloularlj entertaining on account of ihe beautl ful ?tereoptlcon views which Illustrated It through out The lecture waa entitled "Giant Bun, and Hla Family." Mies Proctoi referred lo the latest th.o ,:,..'. a bou I the pis net Mars, and als? referred t-i the total eclipse of the moon which is to take place Sun.I.iv evening it is Mis? Proctor'? ambition lo continu? her father'? work of making the ?cieno ol astronomy popular and of placing it win.m th ? reai li ot all. i/o/.'/' I USES. Mra. Brvlng Winslow (Kate Relgnoidel will give i reading ot Mr. Ibsen'? lat? I p itltude, "Little Eyolf," at No. 13 West Forty seventh ?' . on w- Ineaday, March 13. Mm Wlnsiow, who i- .in actress of much ability and experience, ? II doubt lea? galvanise thai corpse, but wh? . clevei woman shou'.d e\; .-:?'! her powers and tlm? In ?u h i ?>>r ?ult no f in can i mjecture. Mr Ibsen I? a bore of the flrst n ignll ide, ai I sn unclean bore. II - writ? ing? have no bearing apon i imai f< end human society thai have passed beyond an elen ? ru llmentary Wat? 41? ? n? Ide i li " ?' Ina li -,i ?te teeth are due to ai estral p kle Ills works diffus? .' bad smell and cauii ?- men il lndigc?tl n Ind In thl? community he ha? no fol ?>* i ft - * ":?' ? fe? bad -, 'tor? who hang loose the fringe ? the ; ? fei ?Ion an I n? ver turn up ex. ?ni n a with something nasty, Mr- W lnelow'? sur-.y in,g.u be bettei 11 renting the trr.Mi of Mr. l'u-c:i GRADTS TONGUE WAGGING )<.' l/\. HE s)'1 ?WB lite Itl BKN MENT s : * 'il Will I; ": ' ? 'MMMi' I. Thi Pequod Club held the first fa of monthly social -? ??Ion? No. -?'?'? *?V< -: T?. ntj fifth-si r dice .lustlce 'I : P Ors ly tu i ?? sn a klress Afi pllmeni e\-r<> ice Con misa mer Bheehi I ?yaltj i ratlc partj ai eucceis ii from the re,-.-th Invest gatlo ithed. I ? - ? re th-- ' 'hamb. r of Commero v! ' ? i '? was usurping th? legiilat ? rvntowi it Albanj "Lei the Chamb? f Coi ? te for i Chamber ol Commi r? . h? ?aid, t i ; pie legislate f t thi m elves." MI ? at tacked the admit ?? ?? ? ? Mayor .-'-tier, wl be said, buncoed I , . believing would have -i business admli itrat n s en ? - api>.'intment? demonstrat? I lhal he ? ?? - ? ? : of Republican and Mugwump politician? 1 Justice Mid that I i be a| p Inti I ' the pn Mayor one hi i i i belong I s-1. "and havi ?t?ndln ... tie-ess.iry quallflcati :i wa? ??? we? . ? tie -ess.iry qualification part yo ir hair In th? UOTMMKXTB OF TWO CaUIXET t.'/.s ; v / : - Secretary L<amonl la at tl ? ' Lamont, while a b is) man not thi ti that si.m- ',-her Cabinet officer? hav? A n ! of tha Cabinet once sail "There I? I?amont, He , never tutus a hair. There I? alway? .. i ? cry against nearlj everj othti department, i it , be sever comes in for snj oi tha unpleasantness l_a beauty of his department is ihat it is like Ihe III ble centurion who was referred lo aa saying ??> one man: 'Oo, and he goeth and I another i-ome, ii : ;.meth'; but with the rest It la dlff? ? There i- usually ?ome one to talk ba I It. :? ; |y to .-. qui rj, ihe Pi retarj ?al?l that h? was In New York on privat? buslnes* snd In - , running op in the ?tale to . - ?? hi* family When asked about tl,.- newlj made member i I t1'1 President? Cabinet, he said thai Mr. W ? be ii welcome ad III "... ? olonel lain oi I , ive awa i a funn) storj about i ?mi of 1 llnat? which happened rec-entlj during the --; ? i in Washington. It was on Prldai night, and Ihe opera wa? < lello A large number ??: Army ottl boughl seal - ahea I foi thli opera Thi re fore, their dlama?. can be Imagine?! when ai was is-?i? ,1 f.,r .ni umi (I ? i lo appeal ei, the night In question at Ihe l*re?ldel I ? | ..'? . r? ' ; ??..n Then ? -,..- - r? an out rj ?tea li Ihat ? "st V> aple eh? to g ? theli ? ?>?. it - er? could get > \ ??? ?. \* ., ir? :?t there large n imb? : : plea? of gagemi nt n are red in 11 Vrmj The result h i? about >-- en l>otl Ide? Pori one? ?aw Ih? opera ? ? Ihe Iress dli plaj at the '?'. hite H m?! tl ? ighi i.if. rlj ..: the moi - . ? . ? 'olonel l.ani'cr ill last con? gress. II- ?ale! the i':- mien I .\ b> i .? li king trip, and .- . ? ? _b ? ? ai'i'i h< r week Poatmastei t?eneral Bl???-!l who ha? re ? re igm d .i I. ?ad of thi I'oi toftl ?? i ippai inn quietly sllppi I Into New Yo .' . . , . . nd s t to the '\ aldorf p.- aa? _, - 'iiriv yesterdaj morning .i it 9:A i lock i? the city f.-i Bufl ilo Mr. H , i om?tanle i by Franklin I) !. - i.- ol liufTalo ii. -... : rhni he would i"- gls 1 lo get ba? k to hi i la ??. pra li ? ? ??? LOAS COLLRCTIOS <>/ VAPOXXaa The Hrsi .lav's exhibit of ihe loan poIIi !lon ol Madonnas, ??* So SSS Plfth-av< . which began yes ??-.... foi th? t en? m "f th- i,m;., m ,? ,. ? m , well at!, ?i le 1. Th.- llectlq p iintli .?-. - mbro lerles, relief?, ? ? ??? nel articles, number? about L"Ji plecei Among th. ?. ntlngi the Ma lonn i and ? 'hil l an i i represented, but tlier.- I? also noticeable w,ek i . . ! mai let - of the "Hoi Pamllj-," the "Kllghi Into Kgypl.! h- ? 'omli g of Chrisi ? m of tlo- Vlrglt n pi - ut?tl ' II ' ii- .i Kam ? ? ited to Raphail a photogrnp g the pi ting before i A . ? ? , ?. -. ? ? I and p'.ali ios , ? t. doua Koooi.i, Dona'eKo and It ? ? i i ?> sre repre - ite I Thi . .-? . . h the "M idonna an I Ihe "Holy Pa mil j," II "Mad m i 1 : ..w .- ? ' ira t Ion ol t he Kh??p ? ? ? i, . ? ? ; ?. -? at l.ei ? after ?'oi r< ;-u- . v. h nol.;.-. ?I "t ihe Lily," the "Return from Kxypt,' b; Vorsierman ill:"1!, which I one of the flne?t In the 1 ' lei tloi . and iriH':.'. ol hei ' mg the cabinet artld ? are Prcnch mln ilure?. ?? . and rare Spanish ? . .-i n Ing i- i illvei : Ing h th Mi Ionna and child, ?I ver - n and medalr an I old en BVITC I III A V ?TOJfff.V 11A 17' I "AM 1 .'7.7.' Id. 1 l< //" An enjoyabk affali was ihe "Kaffee Klatch" of the Hungarian I .a die?' Boclety, held al Central < ?per? Houi c on Wi dm ?daj aft? n., Th. clety is .. popula i one, and count? among Iti mem hers ? ime "f thi most charming women of the Hungarian ? ..!-,n\ Mrs. M. Priedmann, chairman of the Arrai i m. i.t Committee, welcomed the guests, snd Ihe ; ? leni of Ihe ?oclety, Mr-. Julie Pi ed, pre sented s Una i u h of violets to the founder, Mrs. i: i . The women wer?- entertained In the afternoon bj an Impromptu concert, which wi entertaining. The peit- rmera wer-: Mlai i.a'ir.. Kleinmann, M -s E i lelnberger, little Bsdle Ha?s, Mis.? I. Hart mann. MlM Albrechl and W, P Bckoen. Mlsi lona Berger sang some Hungarian National songs with great spirit Arnold those preaent ware: Mr? W'achtI, Mrs Hartmann, Mn Kompert, Mrs Btetnert. Mrs. Pucha, Mr?. Gottlieb, Mrs i? Priedmann and many others. /. /.. UOHTOOHMMT RKtlOXM Mward !.. Montgomery haa resigned ins poaltloa si vice president of the Mercantile Trust Company, *'??' Henry C. Demlng, who haa been ?eeretary, haa t.?-, n elected In bli place. The res on given for the resignation of Mr Montgomrr) I? i?oor health. ?< ha? g ,,,.- to xexai r/t<>.utxi,\r At Mit Aha at thi: ttOTBL*. P1PTH avi:\i|., h,.-.,,,,? selson W AMrlch, of Rn ' ' '' '' '? es At: irney ? ;,-,.. i.,; David K. W H ?" '"? "?' Ohte. and Perdlnand W Beek, of Chicago MI'RRAT HILL Ba Cong.-ea.mai< arosPreaeb.ct > ? ALDORP Toe Marqul i at I Mar q I? Castellans and Count .lean de <',i-t?-i ti - ' Parti WINDSOR Albert Keen und Marvla Hugh I lit, of C'nicago. DATID If. STONE ILL AT BIS SOME. THE VETERAX l.v EDITOR OF "THE ?O! RXAL OF lOalMERCC BfFFERIXO FROM SUIOItl !.\i,\i:.;!:mi:nt OF THE HEAR t iMv.d m Btont. i g?Edil c of " r i? Jouit il of Commet - iffertng si ins home, No, W Frank lln-ave., Brooklyn, from slight enlargement of the heart. Hti ankles m. sW h,,,. and he ?It? In an . . | hair i,m-- of the time, stten led bj ht? n. Misa Hah. and a trained nurse. Physlcallj Mr. Mme i" weaker than he haa ever been, bu! m :? m ,\ h.- I? us vlgoroua ..- ? v? When a ; ,1. m s calle t In recently, he pr..menee l Mr. Btone's i Imenl urxi.' - llsease, but this dl ?I u proved to be wrong by the family physician an i others, at i Mr. Bton? and his friend'- believe tint, with tie good nursing he Is receiving I'" "?.I be around again m a few days a- well si ever. Tve lived m Brooklyn almost fifty years." wld h- :?? a Tribu?.porter lasi night, "-nil right t'-re in Franklln-ave. Mr sboul twenty-seven years, l was Editor ?>f The Journal ??; C mmerce' for forty four years, and during that time I never t ?oh a vac?tlon. I worked from twelve in sixteen hour? a day For the last four \ens of ni> connection with th? paper I srrots srery une of editorial init? ier thai appeared from da) t i day. My church at? tendance record," continued Mt. Stone, "was about .o ???.. ?. aa my office work During ;!.. eleves years' pastoral? of I?r. s udder ..: the Central Congregational Church, where I go, l missed onlj three senden In eleven years, and In th< ?? ? ??? y?Mrs tea: Dr. Behrendi ?' i? been preaching I had not mi- 'i one until thla sickness kept m? ?it home," Mr. Bums'? study ?..M" was lavishly decorated with choice roses snd csi nst lona "We raised them," continued the sick man, lui lin.- black <?;... shining with pleasure. "We've ;--"t u house full nf "lowers, and when I ?et op again we'll going t" have nun- . 1 >*? J""' Imported ll.n>i bulbi from Holland '?! i?- sel out this spring on Hi.- Kranklln-av? side ol my ?.?ni. n v? hen Ihe) re in bio,.m .here win b : :?' m ? tulips, ::,."i crocuses, \.<?i anemones a.'el 600 golden ., ? '? . he Id? other flow? i ?. I give Ih? .-. awa). aie! tak? >?; ??'' i ? i are m doing so." i aid Mr Bton? While Mr Sume ?.is talking, he held in his eft band something that look? i like an Hie ?d pockel i'nmh Be? Ii lhat I exi it? i curloi tj. Mr ?tone said: "That's m) Ne? Testameni ll Ii the small , ? . m loi extant i haven I thi light? si trouble tn reading It r? idlly" whereupon hi.ned th? Un) i.k and read with ? ? i.' ,(, mal :?'? ?suremenl the i ? >l the hook. a hi? h Is w - than h ilf an Inch ihn k ??? '<? n i n;. ii Tie tyi " . Ih ? mall? t aise, "brilliant." In referm. l,\ Mr Blot ' i . he was n p:illt??ari al i le fui erais ot B? n< It, >'??? lej . lit ml an I Ra) - m?R" m n res '." a in am m>. H I.ORE I'RK l 11 ARA" *1 ERIXKP THK ?PKNINtl I'll \k ; ' d.i.' . I? ?N \i.' s., .. ?les of | tin! ng? d? mo mr it? tleally Ih? I mr? market l'< ?-, le nnot or will i again*! ...... ,-?.'?? ' ? .oi. !...??? er. wit ' of l reit Even i dlnary : ? ' t>t ighl ?I ml by th? l.lli l i 'ongr? has not sufficed elnvlgorate the pin ao pr? ? m nent i luxurj as srl ? "? ' ? . Th? r- ar- plei ly of biiyei to N vi.ling th. in get t t their own I ilml-l ? I? n.I y ?s r ? ? . ? ? ? maid : ' ; ? even now, bu' a lhal -? ' ' f even t . . ? -? '. ??t th? ? ? . ?,-. ?? m .< ?.- nd K v. names as Van i ti ? ? - " . . ? , ? the plane nf the ei ' .. ? ? . i ? and wll ? \ , ? I ? ! : : to find the i ? ? ? ' c in..- a noti t? ?rtl? in lern i.,cu ? ? i. William i> Soi i. .. ? ? ? ? ...... he OU I ; f ' N'.w ^ ..rk i :.- .? ? I ? ? eedlng I full Th "l'lieai :?>??? ? ? ? ? ? ? | ' . ' ; . H '.,.?. roat Mr. Hart 1 '. ! f Fruit, with Nymph." I ? '? tt le I . t 1 la w It l t? ? ? i Th. re will h? a I ; i nt ???.' rt it ? l ?? Ha i ? ' ...-.;:.-., :. . ? ? ,'/// 17"' \ 1 I / ->\ n\ y.llnt.l s To the Editor ' ? I ' rrect . - . ? ?'-.'? I Ion lullon " The fact I , to the i , ? . il. I. e.. tl I be a| ? ? not a Not ? ha I .;.-..? . | . | ? | ' ? ill Im ascerta ne I aftel a proper examina the du ? ? - -, ",..,? i... i,. . .,,, . ? was to li . ? ? | i v .... ? - I'r. M>era is a vei valuali .???:, , ? ?. ,.,, i ,,r, , , , . ,,;,., years of expert? ? . I | mat as a i i p board I believe. In , . , 1101 In a pel . lied to |..|| ?' ? ip ? ih? . . | Ihe pel on " '?? ' ? r.oi Hi : ..v. ? rever, Ihn he lu \ ired ' gradu | lhal "ihe .o i ..-?-.. ? of i one ?due wa ... In ill'lr? und a dl edit I I'.'.n i ..: i: im n or? " No ? It /.? i. id ?Irons ' Imiirot, Ing I i -? lern ol "? h? .; . ilu .i ...n n :ii i|,.|,j i,,. ,.,, . ? on of aii'h ,, IT. Mir i nol i- m fi? i.i' oi ? . alihful to Hi? ' ?n ami the i-ommmilt). in.,, |, ,,? ,,,,, |? ,, ' ' '?" H-' . Ul ill l :.I lllatl ? -,-,.. n,.- most '' ? ' Ih reiion . v i i?, i |? ,n( ,..., . ,llm, ? ? ? ara a grem need ( oi? '?' ? i ? achools ol this . it) ?. ,.. .,,,,. ,,i,.:.,:. i !ir.?l? ' an .?? > ol the l?gislature .? v? ..i ago an I In * ?usi lasi ih? pre ? ni i lij |? ;:,., , -,.... , . control ami f ?w? i hem ?? ihl wll !?? Ihe first Var f..t th? Hppolniinenl ol ira? her? un?ler Ihe '?? v board Id? i for b) Ihe Consol?dale?! , I nt 'y '? '' " ? tentlon ol the board to i mph? ?" IJ ' " I I? ? ' ? . - .. ar. beat q lallfl? l lo .?..?? city a syaiem ol education ? riual II ml mi perlor, >. ih n >.f ant ... t,. , . u- a-,,,. ,.,,,,., ,, ,,,. i ?" thai Vtouni \ ? i non la entitled t , th, I,, -i :;:'.?,|,,:: ' ? ?I . ; lldreti .,-. . n n, on that thai the member? Inti i ,1 i,, .,.,,:, HBXRY K Kin i vi >?:s. of Hoard ol Education. M airt \ i thon. \. j , March 7, ig$.y A JAPAXRSP. DIPLOMAT 1HI-I Th.- Viscounl Aokl, Jspanesc Minister to Oer? many, arrived her? yesterda) on the North German Lloyd iteamer Hive:. There wer? seven captains of th? Jspanesc Man with tarn Th? en.tain- rtsv? litar) affair? in Oermany and are ?-n th< Ir way i i Japan Th? Viscount la on l< n ? fi 'm his i it at Ber'ln ? ? RICHARD MAXSPIBLD i\ ?OVB MOOD Cincinnati, March ; Richard Mansfield, th.- m tor. sp ike In a dlsg isted strain to-da) lo s reporter. Ht no "1 am an Englishman by birth, bul all m\ sympsthie? and smblUon? ar? American Ths Kre.,t stumbling ti >ck i i the American drams is th? worship of anything 'foreign.' Foi year? Europe sneered ai American author? and act,us. Th?) have ?topped i iw; bul the snobs of this countn hav? losl th. i i n snd still pul on colored glasses i? fore look Ing ?> I a n. thlni native " Mr Mansneld smiled and continued: "ii Henry Irving had been announced to play, In no matter what, h? woukl r.avi been greeti i with s 0,000 house fel whal is Irving? He is no .mh.-i setor than I atn. bill he i" s theatrical and haa ih? art ' ;' know ng hoe lo keep ins name con Hi tall) i -1 re the publti l'< is ,? r:ag m unte bank "??< ki ?wi !. to break into prim with ad? vertisements ni him ?it Hut la thai irus srl as ire t erei I too much of ths *c U rtiiu . i. ss ?Iff U!ai..->;.s!s uni.) a >v;n." I DANCE To HEI.V A HOSPITAL. A Bid CROWD AT THK BRt?KSWI?~K BtelOTI MCSIC \N|. ..\ BAU. fuit THK BENEFIT OF THK BETH ISRAKI, INSTITUTION. L'nder the auspices of tne Young Ladies' and Osa? s Lssgus or the Beth Israel Hospital, a con '?i' and tiall were given last t-lgh* at the Hotel 1 -i : rwtck. Tha ."tic?rt b'gnn at ?? o'c' and the '"'M -it 11. Nearly |ft) ni?-n and women were present, ;" i dat I In the ca tac >f charity. Tha entertaln wsi given to iorm the nucleus of a fund ..f ?te.Ote, arhlcfa fund ?Then gained, is t-> lie applied ? to the buii.Htm- of .i i ?'?? hospital, watch win be erected on the es I ?Id? of Near-York, near tha Pivei l.i : t ghl . nient netted tl.WI and tha men ?.nd women who enjoyed the music and then dune..] t.. the atra'na of dreamy waltsee had their pleasure add? l to by tbe fact that thej were aiding a i i iible ind mueh-ieeded charity, The big ballroom of tbe hotel was the ?cene of the festivities Tier- were no decorations but ? ' trie lights shining through gtesa of different were ,:.-, irstlon enough. The steward, Mr. ?Jodchaod, of the hotel, nad prepared a supper for the guests, und When, after UM concert, it was ? nlled with pl.taurs ss he surveyed tha ?"???n of his carefully ptepired feast. After in? ?upper danclne began. The ballroom was of 'hall while the men and women were at ?upper, 'Pie heavy carpel was taken up. and the glistening, waxed Bo-ir was a'l in readlne?a '."<? the dancers when thej entered the ?.i^ room after ?upper A programme of twelve numbers wne r*n der?d iv ,. ?trlng orchestra and not unMl early this morning 'i:i th< merrymaker? aeparate, rh? rom-erl ?rhleh preceded the dance and supper thi of mention. All the artists had volun? teered their ?ervlces. Mrs Ida Gray Beott and Mrs Chapman-Linden ?ang a duet from "Lakme." Paolo tlalllco gave a piano solo; Harry Pepper Jang and so did .fohn C. Dempaey. Mtea Pora \ alesea Becker rendered a violin solo, and had to do .' twice, for her audience demanded an encore. ?mong th. present were Mr. and Mrs. K I, M a [.ansberg, Mr. and Mrs. R I.. Price, '? I. Rlchman, Abraham Setoon, Miss Anna c-'-' I . IH V. V. Isaacs an-l Mrs. Issacs, S. is, M Marcus, Henjamln I.evv, Mr. and Mrs '"harte? i Heck, Mr and Mrs Aaron Levy, Mr. and \tr- John M me, Mr and Mra l^eopold IP- ht. . Baum, Ms roi \\ .-hs'er. Miss Jennie .!. Wet> Itenlamln Bchsttman, Miss Ethe: Webster, Mis? m till? Raum, il M Weisel, Misa Jeannette Misa Rlsnche Aller. Meyer A. Stein, Misa !'???? i. Bt? n and M ?s Millie Arkush. PROGRESS OF TBE STRIKE. 1*0 INTIMIDATION OFFRRBn TO THK SOK-t*NION MEN There aere ni lively features In the ?trike of the a irkera snd the other building trades ? ? - hundred more men went out continue?] 1.1 evince satisfaction with the waa making. Th- electrical .led thej wer* engaging mora men take i pla ' tha strikers, bul their were all lenl I, a? usual, by tha Board of vValklni [?elegatei Fes non-union men were t-. rorl if the bu Idlnga visitad by '. -. the strike is acknowledged by if the moat ef it ha ever taken ? lace in this city, it I? '??-,??? r i. - Inferieren. ? . ; the itrlkers bave made n ? Tha contractera ad ' ? :. ? ? : ' Walking Im Ii gates dkl n t ordei any ?trlkei ? e-t.-i lu . The? ?aid thai the) ??? ".'.1 , g a? i ? ? ulldlngi -ti which red n malm : mean? Inactive how mmlttee? to Boston, - ? n ? t . the lalhir ?i I :>, have them ? u workmen ? i? men now out. u , ?-eported .n the strikers' >? irai s rkers. k.- os n si it ntarlly on s'rik" on > - l ling, at Nassau ? . ?? - - .. ? tj t-11,dl- g - : t.- i .. '. ? ,-..- ho i?e?mlth? are ?I r k*, ? -n ??'?, lently, was ? .- i ? - i?i ?? ? ?' strike mpai ild tl hou?e ie out it! i : ? i i heir p'.?c?i ?rl'.l , . ? .- ? . the steei rather dan red? skilful i ... . f C.Klines? ? entrai I. i.. r :i . .-? ttrl .1 ire not i '??.!.- il , ? , ?.. gne : ? ? ?ntract 1 . i electrical w -rk Ktat? Workmen'i As ?red thi reporters n v-atch of let ? ? ?:'.-? it the Btata yesterday men i ir their manner of conduci? ng th? irlki " ron rar cnihORBX. i !? I I Ita III ne? ? . ? ?t., sn I. to iranci : r ken place during ? ? ? i itlon were ? : . - ' .-?N1!-. ?.. f-T their entence, even the ? ? ? it? .. . ? the :? ick - f . :? by the ? hall Mill m T Montg m< ry, -, ? ' . talent, but .? - th* irtlata ' ? ? ? ; . : ? mu?l a .is ia I lefac ?. themselves .. , ? 1 .. ?' sang 1 '.it ly I ? I other popu'a air?. 1 'an' ::i i rent? of ? few : ? - , i ? ? i nie an es Mi H -. k.r'-. Fau ? - - ? Halt, n i- . : ke to the riu ? .... , ? h ? ?Isa a .> . . . son i <?! i nu m or. I Hai .,.?.--? ; .,, | inn chat ? t. i le <-i . , - ? ?rill I i . ... ? . u ? . ? ? i '. ! -, . . : |?) to tM . ? ittack of grip : i b'j n. oui In a feu 'bu - \ i. rh* Fatal Card" wa? given at i- . , ? ,- if ten wn ' : the la ne ? ? Ft ? Butgttal 11"-;?'??? The a i mou M.?? '< i,. Unite to pla] "Mme San-. , ? ... :. In the I ring a ??? k m . . - . at ?very performane?. Fi ?in I H un- la? ???? nil gs, e hen "A I ?oil House wl I b v. n M ,v . i i:. ind lecture st Abbey'? T un yesterdai morning, on "l.lttte Poibtea ??! i< hn Hu? Pan i- an l Pal " II? will ?.-le- Ih ? la-.t irles at II a. i mbjecl being " \m. Mean H-.c!. I) I'p in llilr." i i ; .ion? i -, Tonj i ' i ?tor ei ? ... ? . ,'. .-t a h" n ?ailed fi im i. ??,.-. vVedm ? ? un 'i;.- Ilritannlc: Miss contort nid Ft Ita Young, cl >wn; the Hlairrs Iteifry, duetMsls; Bon l- >n and Ar'hvi, Slater? dancers: i.- Il?i I'l-.i-ii- .u i M's-. daurier, ventriloquist, ind /.armo, n.- m.i o a i ?tn id? "ii hi? le nd wir... |*ig< i . - All of tii--- win appear at hla theatre on Man vu'a iff I rv BAH tH A *T. lOVtS Cl.ll. Bt i ? ui . March I t>r Arthur W Brewster, of lliooklyn, \. v. occuple? a cell In the Chestnut ?I police ?tatlon, charged with passing fraudulent checks "ii Brooklyn banki to lbs amount of about gao, which have n.-n return??] dishonored. Dr. Brewster arrived her? about two w.-.-Us ago ami hai sine- been living al ? rapid pars Ha la thirty? four year? ->ii. . telma to be a grad?ale of the Brooklyn Medical Collega, and ha-? waslthy pa? rent! Hi? victim? -u-- i "tel snd restaurant pr<> prli toi i t. Arthur u ?Brewster left BrookJys for WL i.'iis a few weeks ago Hla t.nher. Itichird rv I Brewster, lives at No ate Macen-at. Ha i* worth I considerable money, mil?- oi th.- soap business It i- ? sj i he has ipent thousands -if dol?an on his son in educating and supporting him The young man ?vent hit wlfe'i money a- well ne hla own Mrs Brewater live? with her mother at Mo. H Hanover P i e Father and ?on ara no longer on good terms, If report? ere true Dr. Brewster was ar r< ?? I "II .luy IT. lsill. In M idena. 1'ls'ei Count?/, OS compta nt ?<( Henry Brown, a Newburg merchant, charged with pa ?Ing a worth'.eaa .-heck fort.".. .-' Q Tn i-ii-.dl. ,i Newburg hotel man, lost a small amount in ihl? manner. Brewster pleaded guilty on in v jl in Newburg and ?as ?enfenced to s.xty div* m thi tirange County lui Al that time his father refused ti nave snythlng more to do with him t r un iu\ f.Vfl PI iOK Tin:a TBB. "Ohne ?i.-l.iiii." a comedy dr.uni by Pedor von : Kobelilta was for lbs t.rst tima te America at Iba Irving Place last nigbi Tl ?? popular bouse was crowded as usual. The pnti' ipai parta were takes by Mtea Anna von Romanowska. Mme Schiueter and Miss <;.iilns and Me??r? Haenseler, r^ggellng Well, l'-lra, Link i ar i llerxmann Th- pleea will be repeated to m? ii t au.i to-morrow ni_>>'. At the Saturday aut ' Ulli?, "JEtae i'aiattii.?u.utlwii ' ?111 be giveu. Olli IC All Y. HEXRT R. KUNHARDT. Tai' funeral of Henry R. Kunhardt. whose death ; occurred at lienoa. Italy, on February 7, was held yesterday at the ?'hur.-h of the Holy Trinity. K"i:> ?econd?et. snd Madlson?ave. The pallbearers ?rare Charles Itewart Smith. .1 W. Hrunn. Paul W "'a sir. Cfori?e H. Dlehl. William Tod He.ttaUth, C. >oreo , Mosie. h. Rocboll, .i. O. Toussaint and Bernard Wen it with th.. death of Henry H. Kunhardt, New-York haa lost one of her represen ta live mer | chants, for many years prominently Identified with her shipping and export Interests, Born In Ham 1 hur,*, tli-rmanv. In LgM, :'.?? se; out at twenty for ! Valparaiso, and in ths nest two years met stirring ? adventures of storm and Shipwreck In the South Sea 1 islands in lltl h-- opened ? mercantile and hank? I Ing huslness In San Francisco, prospering by the j unrivalled opportunities of California's early days, I until a devastating dr.- isrept savings an l profits i ?way in one night. On Christinas Day, VMS, Mr. Kunhardt land" I In New-York, as poor In all siv. experiences? when. Uve years earlier, h? had start? I ed from his native eltjr. " He soon decided to make i New-Tork his home, and In liSI entered the shtp i pin? firm of Edward Beck \- Kunhardt. ..f which his 1 elder brother, the late ?J-iiri-e K Kunhardt. was a ! meml?T. In 18.17 ,he firm's name was changed to ! Kunhardt & Co., under which title ?t has continued to 'tarry on to the prenent day Its trade with the ' West Indie:, und S oit h America. Upon the death ! of his hrother, in IS"?, Mr. Kunhardt became the 1 head of the house, i nd s i continued until his re I t(rement fr..m active husines? in pwx. During this ? Ion?: p.-rlod the Urn acted as ai^-nts for the Hamburg ! American Packet Company, Influencing and sharing ! In the development of that company from the days when it ran a line or ?ailing packet? until ii owned one of Hie largest fleets ,.r steamers plying be ! tween this port and Europe. By his clear tuda? i ment, untiring energy and inflexible honesty, Mr. I Kunhardt earned the highest respect of the busi? ness community, while the kindness and gentle? | BOSS nf his nature endeared him to ail his ass. I elates. 1'rlor to the formai!,-, of the North Gtorman ? Confederation, Mr. Kunhardt was consul at thla I port for the free city of Hamburg. At the Urn? of hla death he was n director In the i'henlx N.i I tlonal and the Qerman-Amertcan bank", memtier of the i'hamtier of Commerce, the Herman Club, Re? form Club and various charitable organisatioaa. He I '.van married In MSI to a daughter of the late Whea ? ton Bradlsh, Of this city. His widow, three sons and I three daughters survive him. BARTHOLOMEW SKAATS. Bartholomew Skaats, an old and wrll-kpown law? yer of this city, dl-I tarty yesterday morning At his home, the Cumberland, No. its Flfth-ave., fr>m paralysla Mr. Skaats wa.* horn sixty-nine yt?xra ago In fjeneva, N. T, HS SraS S direct desce??an: of Dominie Oldeon Bchaelta of Holland, one of the first clergymen In charge of ths Hutch church at Albany, He wa? graduated from Hobart College In 1S47. and. after reading law. was admitted to the He practised his profession several years, and then, upon the death of his father. David B Hu?t? who was a man of prominence ar' I large mein?, at f.>r? ok law for a time and became executor of the ; estate, until ll was settled. Mr Skaats then, i i forty years sgo, came to - It) snd rMtinel th-' ' practtcp of uw in partnership w.ih William H. S it! I'pen th- advice of his bi th er, -': Bkaats, Mr Bkaat? again gave sp the Isw at l. I formlnn a partnership with hi? brother, under the I firm name of S Skaats ?- I'.r , , entered into IhS ! imnkin? and brokerage business ?n Waii-st After a Successful Career, the ?!rtn was dissolved i , twenty year-? a?", and Mr Skaats return.-d to i:: law ?ri--: ?? i i ? ? qtlnued ll actively until the Urn? of his death Hla office wai si So 14S Broadway. i In bis early manhood h> married Mis? Qlover, of Western New-Tork, who died twelve rear? He leave? : ? children Mr? Jame? Qayler, tn? ?f the Aaalstani Postmaster ?nd Mr? Thomaa poster, of t'tl ?. are ?latera X Mr Skaats Mr. Skua's * ?, ? .( ,;.,... si i |< . ? of i [?eral tare and a i? familial with all the standard a ?'*?* Ii the English, French and [tallan lan*u*ges II-' was an enthusiastic lover of old and valuab I ant rnr? ?>! - hla library la aald to have ! been one "f the b??.t in the ctt) H? S IS a member of the st Nicholas and Alpha Pelt? Phi societies The funeral a 11 -i*.- plac? to-morrow at the Msdl . qu Ti. ibyti nan ?'liaren. ,? ?, _ HEXRT L?CHTENHEIN Henry tjchtenh? it srbo died y. aterday rnomlr.? al hit i us? No 210 West One?bundred?and? sr< ty-Mventh-st., frac, stomach trouble was for twent] eight yea ilatani i d? rk <.f ths Board of Edu? it' ?: Mr i. 'htenhetn ?ras born In thl fortj seven yean sg Hs aras s favorite with oa clerks si I Chief ci.-rk McMullen of the . .,? yeaterdaj the regret? u ! sympathy of tt.e i. i*r i and Ms clerical force. He was k widower and leave? one son He was a member of (?race I/c*1ir\ No. li'Jt. Knlnh's ..f Honor. Funeral b.t vtc?M ardil be held on Saturday evening at his ;?t home Iir i^rge It. Van de Water, rector of Bt. Andrew's Episcopal Church, ;s expected to om-iat Tn* inirisi will he in Woodlawn Bun lay morning. uns l: JOHNSON Ha Ine, Wl . Mir.- T After sn Illness of sev? eral rt? - Otli l: Johnson, the lumberman and , ipttallst, died h i? yssterday, bk"'. eighty wars ii.- leaves en estai.Imated as high a? |i- ?? ?? 1 il.- w is a partner of th? late s. nor Btockbrldgi ot Ml hlgsn, ,.f i ;. n. ral Russell A. Al?(>'r. and .\ itor Bawyer. o( '?'? ils He owned propertj ?worth millions of dollar? In the California redwood .... THE I'd- in: N< IAILLE& Puns. star, h T JuIm Charle* Vlcturnlen, Duo ?!? j Noailles, .ii?-i here last ?venina. I Ihl!) 7" PROVE i MURDERESS. l->\'' \ rnrHRAN WHO WAS SHOT BT BESSIB I'UITWk.? ! M.N'i Al THE l*OIKT Of PRATH MISI'l. mi:;. STMI - i?R TUB v\"V ?N Isaac A i ' 'in u ? He brokei -.. ' the saloon al Third? : Slxty-aei nth-al . i -i Wednesday night, wsa believed lo b? n?ir death si th" Presbyterian : i tei 11\ Tw.. bulb U had pass? i c sight of i "tii ?j total!) '? nd If h>. r? I, He had t ' be >n able i i m ike ai" i:in- woman >* a? an ilgn? i ai i forkvlll? r ?lie? C in ind wa?i h ? i with >ut bail to awali tie i rsuli of th? ??? i - whlc i - Inflicted. Bhe appeared to be quite c s% ??? - , t.-re ! the r lurt, but bt t ire ?he waa led to the pria ?u Id :.i\ ii K in i-i weep \: ?It ntly. - me ' i ? iman'i acqualntsnce? ?..-?,.r|i tempted to rxclte sympathy for her b) le lar i t lhal -' ? had I et : eplj wi mg) I by Cochran, and i Hi it ?be :.ii iriei to i immtl suicide on is i oc? ra ii recenlly. Thej aald they though! her trou? bles hi i made her ir.n.i:.-' ii ij a common thl for persona wh i happen ;? be acquainted with a murdereaa t. seek I i si "?- a sickly - sympalh) for bei Ther? waa never fe n ? ' liberate n irder f on? vomin b> another than that ? commit lei bj Mr Kltxgeral.l, In mis ,u>. some? thing over ? \ -.?i ago, n ?? a*as declare! tii be In? sane, and has been allow? I :? have her freed again Th? ?hooting "f C.whran was a ?? ?; I n'.oo i., i and preiiiedit.ii ? I attempt i? murder Tbe fac? lhal j the Falrchlld worn ? u : , i a revolv? .. n shi wen! lu aearch .if her victim ma> l.nsldei i pro ?f of thai fact, .>aus won n !? not ??> about ; with r.\ i.vers in their p tcke'a uni -? Ihe) Intend to use the weapons .-'h.- \ms t iik.iu; with i .. i i In the sa'.oon for ?ome time before she began I i ?nool Kht drew the r \ ilver from her pockei -? uuletl) thai he ?-a? unaware of htt intent.on until there wsa s Hash i '. ? repon, and one bulle! Had entii.d his ,?;,,? H-' was blinded by ihe ahol Pushing the womsn sa o from him he tried t.. grope hla way oui of the place ' sh-' followed h:n. and emptied the revolver, dring ever) shot at his heal. Then she stood over him j when he fell n t her feet, helo, s. ,.ii writhing m . agony. WOMAX sin RM,r IBAOVR. ! The monthly meeting of tbe Kew?Torh city Wom? an suffraRe l?eague was ht-id last evening al No, j I Lautlngton-avs, Mrs :. ;;. Uevereua Blak? ii , sided, and Inirodii.ed Mrs Martaa It Aliuy, Vice. ' president of the Bute Suffrage Assodatloa, who I told of her experiences at A hany. Where she bad been sent by th? association to Influen?a the legislators to pas? a bill to put to a vote of the people an amendment to Article 1. Section I . I 1 tlie Constitution. Krantln? to women the rlxht to vote. H was said that the bill had n-en reported In Loth houses and gseUKRCM were aA'en the It Would pacs. A resolution was pass?! to call on the members of the Legislatur? from this city to vote for the concurrent resolution favartng an appeal to the people on woman suffrage Coplea of the resolu? tion will be sent to Albany Another resolution was adopted, asklnpr Mayor ?strong to appoint Mss Theresa Barealoa snd Mis? Harriett A K.\s :, members of the league, as School Commission:.-. In addition to the liv? women recommended by the Normal Coil.?,. Alumna-, Sorosis .ind th? Seiet.. for Politics! Study. ./. ?;. K T.AWREXOR ILL. ,i. ?j. K Lawrence, president of ths Coney tslan l Jockey Club, whs reported too III lasi night to r , el\ ? X l.-ltol I /)/.? PARRHVRST (Alls: OR if/,', AXDRRWB, Hr. Parkhurst was seen yesterday after a call at Commissioner Andrews'? office ami asked shout his conference with the new Commissioner. He sold: "I came for no particular purpose. I wanted to inak? the SOSjUaiataatM of Mr. Andrews \\ e bad some talk STSf police melt?.-?, out of a privat? nature. I wa? Impreised with the new Commis? sioner. I like hi? style and believe he will make a good police official." Commissioner Andrew?. In hi? turn, said: "Dr. Parkhurst paid me a pleasant visit. The doctor approved my plan of reorganizing the management of the department. He thought it was a ?tep In the right direction. He also said It was time sime thing should be done and that the bad Itate 01 affair? should not exist a day longer than can Dt helped ' I.let.I? Complin?'a Kmtrnct of Beef. Pe sure you buy the Liebln <>mpnny'? -ally. ?ou <-aa ktKw It by Hie llsaatsrs of Justus von LteMf tn WUI. _-W ? M A III! I EH. M3BOVEa c.i.F.XXKV "n Tu?i"!?>. March 5. t*Oft. at th? realdenca of th.- bride'? parent?, by the ftev.l ?<?a0 Evertsoa ?'ohb. Mau-i Ingers'-ll. daughter of William f. Otease*, to Le? woodraa orevea Not!c?s of marrla?t?s nnd den'h? must be Indorsed With full ran.? nr.u a :-!?? sa DIED IIIbHOP PSaaed tetl eternal life en Tuesday. March ?, IBM, Anna I.. Illsh-.p. wife of William B. Hlshep. In the ?-7th var of h<?r ?re . ,r 1'ur.eral services m the residence of her son-in-law ?v. it Qrasbeiry, 21? West Hi-Si., os Thursday. March T. at 5 p in Ir.t?rn-.?nt nt Greenwood, March b. Bt.'BROl'GH? At Hr-klyn, N. Y, March 7. 1*011. R?n jamin Burroughs, M D. _ .?_ funeral lervlcee a< hi? la?? r?slden<-?. No. tfS av- Brooklyn. KrI-lay evening. Mire h H. I?jt?3. at S o'clock. ! t.K ?'AMI? 41 It Luke's Hospital. March 7. Davtd A. O* camp, as?d *' | Burial ?t B> henectady. ELLIOT A- M ntctelr, S. J.. March ? 1WV Henrv A-, mm of the K-. B B. Bltet A*?d .*?? j>.im, l??e of New-tors City. _ __ I I'ure-al service? will l-e hf'A at his late r???l4?n<"?. No St ?s.-.uth PUllertos-ava . < n l*itear, March a, ea arrival -,f 2:1?? train fr-m New-York. U.. L. an.l W. H. R., focri of Barclay and ?'hrtetopher st?. ? nafttegaa win ka in wilting. PITCH At ToBkars, Tuesday morning. March 5. John L. Kit.M In 'he ?V.itli year of his ?ge. ; funeral from his late residence, p.iS Glenwnnd-ave., t*. ? ;..i. ;,i u o'clock Park-eve. trolley cars run fr-m Yorkers station to th? | hoaae. HARPER Buoseal] n teaaasaday, March a. l.orena wir? of Rev J. a ?harper, el OmailHi He formed I'hurch, near !?ciir?dal?. Funeral wi'Vlce? a? the church, Saturday, 10:.'?) a. m. Carriage? in wilting ai Hc?r?dale ?tatlon f"r train leav? ing 'Jran-1 ?'entrai it It 10. I Interment at M.ntrose. K. Y.. 2 p. m. : HARTSHORKS ?m Ve.lrei-lRy me?ilng. March ?V 1W. i at lita residen -e. No. 3<?i Mndis-.n-ave., Jame? Motl Baruhonw, In his DMh ve?r. >'un-r:i| service? win I..- held at the rhurch of th? H?avenl) Best. ,".ih ivc, near 4-Vh-?t., at 1 p. m , Satur? day March !?. ISSB , Kindly ,.mtt Bowers K'iBBK Ai tt..- re?ld<nce of her ?on, ?t Short HUH N J . "h March fi. Baretl L-rd. wif? of the late William AuRii?' KobM, ar"! daughter >.f the late Joseph filiar?. of .\>?-l.'.n-l-n. Conn., In the Tleh year of her age. Funeral from Christ Church, Short (tin?, on Friday mora Ing. Man I s, _? half-past 11 u'elock. l.l'HTF.NHKIN Oa Tkaraiay m-'inlng March 7, l<r_3 t!-nry l> Llchienlieln. Relative? ant friend? ,,re lavHSg ? i ?ttend funeral ??r - i .k a- Mu In.- rest-ten,*. 21?) West 127th-?l . -n Satur. -lav ,i?nlnK March !?. at H o'clock. tntermeni ti tVi odlawn MERCHANT In Amt-nia. K V . <-,n Tuesday. March a is?...'.. Samuel Merchant. age,? m years, A m'n'hs ar.d li iia>? t" ? ? .1 ?v-r\|ces ?arffl he he!! a? th? Riptls- ?'i-.-ir.-h oa Friday, March s a? 2:*> p. m. M'>KK-<m Tuesday, March -">th., daught?r of Cecilia and the late Richard Muaer, li her e|gh'een,j, i lar. fu-.'..: private. SKAATS mi March 7. a- th- fasihirlaal 17.1 p-ifth-av?., Barih->l ?mew .-Aaat?. Ir th? TOth >?ar of hi? age. Relative? ar! frier.-!? at? Invited to attend the fiir.?r?4 service? al the M*/ll*cn Square Pr?shyt*r!an Church laturdar, ?r? t-th in?t.. at 2:30 p. m. TATLOB At Heaayetead, I.. I. ;n March a, l??.?. sarak sr.eariii.n Ta>l r, daughter of th? l?t? Uerrh run.-r?: tr-rn Ih? Cathedral 'f th* Inrirnatlon, Liard?a City, I. I., >.n sth inst., at 12 o'clock. Train |ea\e? foot Kist 34th st.. at iO..V) a. m. Interment a- i nvenlenc? -f family. 1'le.ise OaaH flow.-r? WtCKBa?Oa Tasnatar. Mar.-h 7. Josephine Ijtwr?neak ?If? of Van Wyck Wir-k.s. da-.igh'er cf the ;a-? J >s*pp L. Hw>i. agfd 57 %vars Relative? ir ; rrtenda are invited to atter.l the ivrvlre? at her ?.it? r?s:d?r. * N" ?7" Hi'.se-yst. Brookljna, N V . oa Saturday, ?eh last . it 12 o'deeft. Ir.-ermer.t prtva?? ?prcial Xotufs. A.? It?/ the l-II-PTT AVKV11-; ATV'TIOV I?OOM8 23? FlrTIt AVI:NIF. (NEAR 27TH PTRKFT?. SAIeB AT Al'iTliiN WJTItclfT RKSRRVE Ti.iM FRIDAY KVKMXC, MARCH S. a r i O'clock, HY 'iRTiKR OF TICE niOKNIX INST-H.VN'f'K COMPAXV OF HARTFORp. CONN.. OF THE OOLLCCIION r>r I'AixriXfrS Axn tVATRR cor.oits BY THE Ml ?ST KMIXKN'T "MASTKlia or THE < >';<l t-'.h-IimIi and Dutoh fohoofa A\H i'EI.KI ItATKI? Mi'l-KRN Fin". H ENOUaH, AND AMBRICAM ARTISTS fors i '. v M li. < i BRALD 1-'.. II ART, ??r UONTRBAL C .NADA, A.? Klflli lirinif \rt t.allerlt-a. Ml Wl 111 AVENUE, .Ni .i Mis ."-?;? ??? I VI. 1. THIH BVENINO vT I ii ri.? " K KiTJPKRH I'AlN'I'lN't.s H\ NATIVE ARTIST! REPRESENTATIVE WORKd HY INN!:-.- VVVAN1 TRTON, DAVIS, JONEa OUt. MKl MAN. MUELLER t'LRICH. A.M.? ?.'THERd. ALSO I'Ri.i-: i:\imirrioN I- v v vs.. i:\'i:\iN.i. i n \ in i?i : \i< ?k<; an < oi.i.i-.i rrtOSI or i.K' AKT, ANCIENT frT.ftfJ?\ l !?; II l? A-i i irr A 8TAT?? 111 Ills. \'asks, km . .'u IK ?*?Ji 1.1 ? M "M ".Y Wl' Tl'ESIiAV, MARCH 11 AND 12. \i J 1'. M I RT .-. ?\ti:i:\ ii.I.i:. ORTOICJ & ro.. ?Uli , t??l*. ?? Il r > -It o > n I." i the Choice?! .-? .n i-.lliiK Wiwi of Franc?. 12) ?" ? v . . - All ill? lending Eai -pean ne?-i'..o-r? ..nd fe-ii xUcal? for Ml? i? Vii- International .n--?? i'msmi H un? ?J L?uan?-at., oaa -i m iM ?f Broadvar, N?? ?tefc -?I niiRli nuil Oraal Fut" nt l.uuali-lln's Qalcfc Lu-"', m.'. Orltl R r.:-. M?? N.i^.-iu-H._ l l'Itirliia l'luil?>?rii|ili?. lu m?> brtSg BBf ?il ;! ?!. ,.l:.|.'i Tl-le ..lit hav. :??! ?' I " ?Si?, ?Ml tl'.?0, if ilealrabl* h-I- ? a fiiim-- frua - ur lir.mense an.l aSS> stuck H k? . i i*" i-- ?4w?j . *??? t '? ' V|.|.l- ?> of 111 hlnil? 1'. r K.imili U?e N'-i.i -?n l'i| i-lii?. ? ?paclaltl 1111.68 a, HUONS W?ahlnsi?nvlt>, Oranf* ?'un'y. N Y_ Psstjssaaw *i??ii?-e. ri.ign m.iiis f-.r tb? ? - ?>; radias March t? arW ateas Hii.mi".i -n .il -.i-" ..' ?I'-" -flic- ?? foltom?. SATt K.'-vY vt l .i n. for Brasil ?ni La l'iaift coun ? ie? m i eiii.imi'i-'^ Victoria, lo-- Janeiro an.l S.-m?"?. ?ter ? ? M-" ? fi"<>i Baltlnwre il????? fur N--rih Rrastl ?iiufi be directi I "per M ?art at : ? at f : Qeaoa, p?-r ? W. ii.i iletlec? nw?t i ?? .m-t.-1 ? |?-i Weri.i i al 10 m i?ii|.|>leiii-ii! '-i luJSI i in ' (~r Foctua? Inland Ja mal.-a ?ml Ssvanlll?. pel ? s Vdtrondack .1.-tiers for other parla ol ?"ol-imbl? foi Cual? Rica, \ :.i, mu? be tt. -. i i .?? Adirondack"), at lOtSU :i m i"r i'?mi>?clie. i "I spaa i ii-.i-"-' Tuapsn and Yucatan, ?<er ?. ? Vigilan.-la, .t-'iei? f, r ..-.her van? .1 Mean ..n-t [of rul-a must t>? ?,r- \ ,k-il -, la,' i al IO:S0 a m ' T ll*vt|. .-iiii.ii? ?ni i "anil'in.). per ?. ?. I'rln? Willem It ilet'era ' other paru of \>nc?u?la, curacao, Trinidad, Hrin?h :.! imt.h Outena muet t-- directed "per 1'itn? Wiii?ra U"?; m in :??? i n. tiupplemenur) l?.Su j> mi f,r Swltxei ind, Italy, .-|?ir. I'.-rtigal, Tii-W.a ?nd Itritlah lu m . per a. i in Hreiagn?. via Havre il*tt?n ,-i parta ?. Europa nusi he ,itr?--t?-i "p^r !^ it- lasne '>. ?< n ? n for Kethertand? dir?.-i. per ? ?. '? ? ? ? 'm. il. R? ii-r.l.irn .le'irr? BlUSt te ?lr?ot?d "per V'cendam"); ?t il ?'<<? ? m tsuppiemrntary 1:30 p. ml f .- Europe, per s ?. Airanla. via ?Jueenst.-wn. ?I | p m. for Sc.iian.l .iire.-t p?r ?. h Aaenoria, via Olaasow letter? must t.e directed "per Anchorta"): at 1 p in for 1- !??> hi.-, tlrect, per i ? y.-t WiUtam. ?t ?so p m I - Pi rterre Mlqu . . per ?teamer from Halifax. Mall? for Hi?ail. t-*r s ?. Australia ifr< m *?n Tran .?is?i dose li-i- -!ai?> up i, Mar, h it at rtSO p Mail! f-r Ohtna ,-ir.l .tapan, pel ? s CltS ?1 ifr.-m San K.'.m !?? ... c|0M h.-re oallv hi i I ut 'i te p ii. Mall? fur Australia ?except allai, lia? ill ?n.| K.ii le?anos. p?r ? ? Mlc, Vancouver?, rlraa tie-,- ,i.?ii\ ?fier Mardi .1 ?n rch ".. si ?1 V? p m Malla for fhln? and Japan iddris?i| nl\.. |?r ? ?. Victoria Ifrom Taco t,?i- lall) up to March ?;:! a- ?t SO p m Mail? for . r?. km? 'fr.'m San Franclccoi, ,-i .?? here aaih up t? Ma:,h S at ii ".n ?- n, Mail? for Ah? trilla lexcept We?t Australia), llawitt an.! K.ii Islands per s s. Mlewe.-? Ifroai Vancouveri. pItm he-,. __||? ?fier March 3 ?nd up t- M irrii ".< *i | V? p ai Mail! for l'htna and Japan .?p?. iddreaaed only?, it ? ? Victoria ifro-n Tac-ma). '-'.-.? lier- 'liily up to Mar.-?i ?t.1 n- rt .10 p m Man? foi the S"M. Ivland?, p--r shl| Tronic Kir.i irr.-n-. San Vr?n ?li-?e dall) Up 10 Xlan-li 2.', ?t it:S?i p. m Mail? f-r China ?nd Japan (apeclally a-iir????.! oslr?. P*r i:-t- ?-?? - India (frim Vancouver), cloe? h?r? .laily up lo March ?-?'? a' ?:*) p m. Mail? f-r Au?tr?ll? i.\? - |.i 'h s- f..r VV-si Australia, which ?r? for. warded \.a Kurupe), Kew-Zeataad. Hawaii. KIJI and Bamoan Irlanda, ?-i ? a Aiawa (from San FY?n. hera talli m> i- Maisk ?il ?t <i *? p m. lar oa arrivai a' S--i \<rk of * s. Aurania wltt? l. Ilsii malt? r r Au?ii-alla Mail? fat N??fouudl?nJ. i to 1 Inltr i\.. an.l men.-? t'y ?i?, cl^e? al Ih!? uffle? dall) m ?:S0 P. m Mall? for Mt^u'lon. riy rail to H"it n ?nd tien- I- sie.inier. i-loae at this off!.-* ?ally ?f s M p m Mail? for Cul-? cl??* at thl? office rtallv at rt 30 p m f..- ?-rwBr.Ilng t>> ?le-miera sailinK (Mr-ndaya Thur?. .I?y? ?ut BeiurtUye) fro? Iterl Tamp?. Kl?. Mil!? for Meslcn o\*rlan.l. unie?? ap?ete!,! a.1.lres??U f.^r despatch t\ -i.-amer deaa at thl? rffic^ daliy ?t 3 ? m ?Rrgl?trred mill close? il <1 p m previoua day CttARLate W DATTON, fmmMtar. roatoffle?, Nsw-Y.rk. N. T.. March ?. Usa.