Newspaper Page Text
yo REVIVAIS IN STOCKS? YET A SIONIFICa?NT MARKET, CONDITION OP THE FE1 BRAL TREASURX _THE BANKS FEATURES "?' THE WEEK ON THE ?TOCK KXCHANGE. Bandoy. March I ? ? Tin- Unit? 1 Stai Ttmt ? re rived Irtsl ? ek frim m . - ,Mi ,: n Internal revenue r:...,.:?.". andl ? Ulan? i ' ? total frorn all. ?8.018.U ,, .,- ? ? IU ' It?-lil-nt pre cod I n g ti ghowi la. e^ In vaults, and an increase ? ?0 in the actual . irhltdi is $183.4Ci |? National inks ? I H ' '? The re? ceipts ior tl) n# il year I ? .la'" am ? j_^.,.. ? Ipts :' r t!-- month : > ????' ? ?l ,,". . ?s, |h ? expenditures for th. m nth ; ? date ??.'en657 an I l ? spendlture? I '? al year !,'.' far |?CMr?.Cl the excess ? f expi i dltures ov ?r : ; pt_ i.eiiii- ?37.827.618. , Th.- prin Ipal weeklj changes In the vault bal .... ','.? ?rere made up a : Hows; An Ii reai ,. .. ?old balance of 11.742.029. due i i an In rease In th--- c .in and bullion Horn of tl.710.770, plus the decrease of I31.2M In the amount of ?.?utatandlng .??Id ..m n at??a, will h of ' nurse returned : Ihe Treasury; an Increase In the sil? i b ilan ?e of r '-''.'i'l. which la Ihe sum of .n pain of ?1 ? \\ ? r coin and bullloi , and ? i- ?>f I in outstanding silver certifl at? in the legal-tender balance f ?134.265, which is th?. dlfferenc ? bel ween an In ? ?? ? i ? ftanllng i urr.-t. -v certlfli ' ""' ";ul '?}" Incrssuss in the am uni of ?cal-tenders In tne Treasury of 8924,263. Holdings l Nati nal bai t notes decreoi I ?109.713 Trea ; .;;?_.? under the las of 1890 i ? tl ' ' ???? ?';" left the Trssvsury In th.- course of ?uslness, and th?. amount of these note. In h uU nwas ?nVresaed by this sum to ?"*?<-*?? F^_J? urv's liability for ih r< lemptl n ol ?y110"?' bank not? i reased B12.0W. and lb? deposits if "iaw'f-,i ' nej 08. ?tal accounl n w a? ?28. Subjoined l> s.n.niay's statament compared withtluit^Marc^^ ^^ ?,,..,...-..., Osl i ? osa sad t?uii :i. ?.?i? ?-?' ||g,Mt.B>M 8BS4.TS81015 Ine ?1.7410? 1 "U ???'!?' !" 84.188.044 84.8?.: '? In ?34.2? ? ' tl??.??! . ...,. - ,,,.. ...1S i w .. lil'i 71?. v ,? baa? r- ??- .?.-i..?-i el"-.."? i fiver ?foliar? ?SS-T.? ?????_?? I7..4?::;i.,-.-. -,:,, ,. _, _ .s, ? ,,.....,.. > l2.tW6.513 ' ? ????'ban?la .>'. IMMTII -? MJB* Is*- __? ;:"" Aval.iiKe ?.-..? B67.S12 I ? 1 mir or lia ._, . , . I ,| . an 1V16 7?? 28.288.368 P - - actual ,-,.-.?- .. - 538 In ? ?S 126.280 X?).. T; ,- : la i rt on its $100.00 1.008 In gold restnretl0.ll7ti.985. or II sra* - Thun lay iiiiwh, i:,sl- the roi f will m laj are refli cted In : a at at ment BANK CONDITIONS COMPARED. By th?- operatl ?- t the Stib-Tresaury in this c'v during the sr ek ending Friday night, the II nks gained |t44g,0tt. The weekl? ment al? ???'? :,'> Increasa In loans of ?5.125, ? i de rease In ?e^gaMendera of ?3.013 loo, and s -; ? : ?2, '.'.v."?1"1. the 1" n ise f I ?serve being $5.?s%fM I ?? sta in complicated, ?in| I the fad thai Ihe !? ? bang? Bank acted for Itself last -, in the Clearing House. If Its business were ? ?.?I'll- the statement would <>? m lil I at foil ws Leoans In res se J J2.028.2-i In ?i of |t>.12.1>.000; specie di wast l 88.816.7on In ?tead of ?J.868.500; legral-tenders decreaaed $:?;..".?.'., 600 Inatead of 88.915.100: nei dep. ?Its de i ? ? 054.1. Insten 1 ?I *iT 900, an i the d? cri vs would be 15.838.473 Instead : 85.265.875 Whether regarded as revised r a epted a Is? sue 1. tha'atatemem Indi ?stes little of comn i i I i] rtance. Instru tiom ari said to have '.n K.ven at the Clearing House that Sub-Treasury Ipts on bfn.l syndicate a?*c ? - ?uld n >t , n I i .i - - u ? m" ? >f t be banks ap? pear, therefor?, to have trariFf-rri-.l th?.? amount of bu i? re -elpts i loans Thi result of ??hanses was u lecrease In th? surplus reserv?? of lii 216,875, and the banks held in es esa : legal req*ali?*nienti ?I22.788.I28 fan encouraging point), against $_$..\?4 r>00 ihe previous .v- k, and against 875.e-13.373 in ih?? same week :' ISM, and ?4,643,275 in 1883. The f ?11 Bring are the changes f ?r the ?; ? ling week of the three preceding years; 1884 ? LoSOf inrrcaseil ?046.1 ???. cash inerr-am-d ?1S?".. )<a>. ?Jeposlr? inr reaeve 1 81.362,501. anJ surplus rs ... .-v.- lecreased 8143,525 issj Uosns decreased 88. 141.84)0, cash decreased 8 ?? | sita decreased 814.795.ts)0. surplus reserve lecreased |1. 859.S50. 1898 I. ini in ressed ?4,258.700, ish In crsased 85,496,300, deposita '?? reased 81,602.100, and surplus reserve oecresaed B,0f5,775, Subjoined is Raturday's statement compared with ?he i irrespondlng dates of the pr? tw ? years: Ma- 11 "88 M - M "I M H ' " J, - - .8444.TT.1..V?) $."'.'? i?4'? VWI ?l-''i.'?.'m I . T. ii.".?? i'?? ??:.',..'??i ?.".. i?-.? ].?Ci! ?'?r.l.-s . M.005..VW : '. 1 :. i:. "." i -7 r.'.T 1"?> IiepoSU . 447.2<?..i.(ll 5:t3. Kfl "??) 627.U ctrrulattoa . S.tWo.TOO i ;.'.:.'., :??? i2.il8.90o The folloivlr.i?' shows the relation between the total rsssarve and the total leposil of thi r< spec! vs date?: Mai -, i "?:: Uai 10 84 M ? 8 "' Speele . ?72.880.10() H)7,3H8.??Oi) ??7.224 ??ii t>| l-t?n?ler? ... ii ....;.-,i?i I11.5I5.V)0 l7.S8T.100 - ? ,? re??rve. 8116.448.600 ? ' ? I 00 ? i "? 4 T- ; '??? I ? - ? ? sal '|. era. . I11.S02.823 188.878 ?28 I31.W!? 175 ia . 84.643 275 875.63).873 f22'r -?.-"? ! .-? . 26.(1 88 1 297 T ' win?? isbie shows i i tase f re? serve bel i for each bank. It shot I br ob? National !>?'ik- ?v It? keep s ?' 23 per cent and State banks ? ??? of 15 per em: I ?? . .-?. ? : ? :? '?? ; la. r 1 .. N >::;?"?? ... ..,?_.-?,,.,, 12.MD.OU027.1 Bl ?-r M i ?,i- ?... :?.: 00O2 257 ? ? ? . I - II " ?? ? '? Merrhan". Na-. ??'. 74 '."ai 1 7 i'?, '?.?> |i.M>4..VX> 24 .'I iUcliHiil. ??' Su-. ?.. - i -, -.,....'i: ; i,.., b.lnH.OOO 24'1 Bv ...f Arne-,,,,, i, ;;r, _?.., ; r ,?.,,.?, i -,_ .-,., id 1.77.?.a. 2H.7 Phen1? Ma? ., 4'-.-. -? . 1.?. ??. |,2.Vl.uOU 27 1 N-i" -. r ? -v i-, "j ?-...-. -., ..?i .,;,?i";ih"iih"i, ...ten'? Sal 2.061 ? 1 : ?? 1 ?.??j 27 2 - W i? 2 ',- . ?? -.?M :? 1 27 7?i" ?? 11 ?; '?-?. Nai H -- HUD 72 ??? SH..2 I) -1 ?'? r??iil -l ''?' ', ' ?_?? - - ?J. laM-ea 1m?i? 414 - ?. 1 e-.l i,?? II I!-.. :? -> '."' ii Nat Rut <t- 1 ?r.? 1 1*.; 71., ...- ?,,, 4 .? ,,,, . 7,,-. :,..?.;??. 1 M? S "!". ?IS" lniO.?W>l R?i.i?al ;.,ii?.,i 2 .'? 1" ?>.?? 2"-i ? 1-14" '-?' 12. |(?2'.V?0 2' ? ?' < ??" ; N it ? 2U4 :.?? : ;?. ?.. ..-. ,., : -^ . . . 8?v?fl h \. I ! 577 100 25? '? ? l ? I va. L^ S 1 1 ?" ' ' I5S lu,i i". ? -, ?? u; -i., -, s Amer Kx Nat '_'t .11? .??. BK4.I4S) 4 1,1: "?, ]Z"|- ,,.?, ?; 7 Nat Bk of 1 ? . ...... Ne- tl-f?n?l*ii. ?'"." 4?>i 1 H-..7 V?i 1 Mei -untile Sal 7 I'-l-?" : 54.1 !??,-, - .-1 ?,,, y ,',,, ' ,' . )"?<-if)e Ilan'*.. 2 4(>.7i?i .-.?..?,.1 ,-- , , .... _,._ N'ai ba ?-f Rep.U.41o.7(??i1 1. 7?., 1 i ..,.?,?.,-,-,.,'.I': ? ??h.ith?in N?'. . ?'..?'-" t ?.?? 1 ?r. -r. ?All,?, 7 -. ,',.",-? People? .... ?- ?? ? ? ? ',??' v? 7- ' Nat D Of M IttlC I?". ?...e,?; ,,?.,?,, - ;,,??*,',,,,: , lUn.ver Sat.. V : - ..::??,. 1 -. ?_? ?-??. ?,,, . Irvine Nat. J.7i4>?.( i, ??:???, ...j'..,, ?',. v . Ksi ? 'Hirer?'.. 2??7(?ii ? ?-? ? ...... - ?,,;.,,,, ;:, ", Nassau . - '?"'? ""?' l"S.7ni :,..?, ?.?i S.t-t'l ??15l 5 Mai S Kill Nat. ?.??i.WU ?XaV).l??l .'.7-, v,., a ?,-,, V(? *.', . Nat Sli - A- l->a . ?:.'..-. ?47.W I ? ... 1, of; 1 ??.rn Kx.-hani-- ? ?7.1.UOO I.570.SH l.U,?|.; .i<B ,",?'' oattnemai \'?i i 47i.:?h> 1 ??j.i.?v?n ?,-.?:...,.'.'.. Orlestal J?.l..' 24?i.00n l ??niaai ?< a In.;, a- T-i, 1 Nu? S0.82U.uoo3 ..;:?...?. 1 4 ? VI ?o -. i;i . ,, , Nat Para -?"-??.,,...(.-... ., .,s , Una: River N 1.121.4(11 Us?.*?) :.:>-? ,,,.^-.M" i r?-?urt?i K.I .. .11? .'..r.'ia-l '???:'. .'ari 4...7-.'I... :., |r;,,(??,..?'( -, l'>nt-a! N.!? . '-? I.'?: ?>?. 1.,-.-.-. .... | ,;( ?.?, >M. ,,,, *.., ?'. R.t .... 8.241.000 l?4'.. '??> 1 .1 -i ? -. i.i?.;. ?ima Ninth \ai ... n s??. t??-. nuB.arai .- 1 >?. 4 i.;-. ???,?>_ N >' ??? Nur .. . ,23 .".'.'i Wit 'i I.:" ?Hi :, i:'.7 nia) ?-." 1^,., *t'i 4 'Jhlr.l Na? _ S.auii i>.. i,;,;m, . 1 ;_-, 7,.150 ?II 25 ? N T Nar ):???. 1 4?,2 ?... 1.S7 .'??10 2'il 100 i 4':<! art 27 7 Br.?rer\ Bant V ?;:'..?i 454.000 ."...i?.?i 2 |i 1.4.a? ?-?i :n 7 .4M?:-.2A 2i? 1 ?7.224 ?aa, ?7 -r,7 [?T-J^ .?..?...i?. ..?,..||;?. ., ?1 _ 1 7 Tn? bank exchanges of th<- New-Tnr? ,? ?ouss and th- siorksold at the Ni4lvoS a,'1"? ?xchange lo?'- ?eek and for the ism? w..,k""kf ih?? i.ivc.-'ding two years compsr. as foltowa ,. L M"' ;i '',:: Uta i: in. si __. .,''?. t.Xeh^rnre? .8751182.181 8485 701 IB? 1-Tj ? ' . - ! ? sats. 1.7-.II,, ite?f? Ir,";^: THK MO.NETART SITUATION. Mnn??y was mor?- actlvs and higher la.i week a? ths f..i!owlnR tal.i?- .,f q?sotationa for the (i... full busiinHs da>.? shows: t*?'? i^iin?. TlBH m n'y. ' . -..,?? ??'?r on rail. .10 ?1 8 IS 4... ? m ;? ?. ., ? (; ,n' iti'r^n^T't *i,.'"v*.'' ^ '?'?"" "'"'"> --si "? 8 P r real In Quof.MKT' ,'xoiia;;''' ' ?>'?'''? -J ?rm, bul dull ?,!*""" ar" rl0M '" '",' "<;"tn.: point bu, ?1.?;?"" "' ' "?' >?<? -" t."Vv.?ll,,t.? ^on?ea to make no pp* ?al effort to control the markst. N ist a:id th.n it s??M a few hill?, hut Les? th a. in th.. previous week. On FrMay the market wna .1 Bha 1? essler. There S7S8 in? lUppl] ? ' oomniei '?il offerings Thsrs ??-as n i ? ??anpo te nia y from Frldsy'a quotstiors, ?vhl,?h wer.' sa follows; Bterlii lY-i im K-.'li-m-i., Guilder? . * v'.i?-.?t. ??'", * tn\a, ? ??? _ :. i??-. . ?-'?' ... . ??'?? Sli?.rt I? .,?. ? M?.n r*p, M ? ?i'*'-. p ??Kl .'IL--. 84.-.^i?s2 1 :n *:..-. S.121.227 RAILWAY EARXINQ? The Tribune has print?-i the *?TOsa .rarnlngs of Kvent) rsilri ad? or systems for the third ?irs-eh In February. Of these, forty-one companies re : t:-ii>-ii gains of |384,?<f9B, ??r ? per rent, an?i twenty-nine companies lossei of 1521,174, or 6.2 per .?:-, The whole shows a gsln of ??'.-'.:.-.'?. or i i p**r The Trlbuni has also print? I the gross earn? ings of si\t>- "i" rsllrosda or aystema for the fourth '.-k In Pebrusry. Of these-, thirty-seven return gains of M*tf,Mt, or 13.0 per cent, snd twenty-four : ?ses ? r tl30.8&?, or I 3 per cent. The \?h il? show? a gain of (231,227. or I per ?rent. The ? ?? sa srnings o1 me railroad for the first week .:: March printed In The Ttrtbune ihosr a gain "i H.017, or 17.1 per cent. Th rd ?" ;. ?n r-1 rear ihtm lar? ''irr?* 41 in-vii'-s.|2.SM.?n2 ?a.?..*?* In ??????' Lfi r m-Kinles. ?SU.*? MlMU D c. 331.371 T ? il :-. r ?? . .'?' ?l IBTt?a -"? ''',v -.;.,... :-.,.???;,7?: l?3.TIB.B9* Inc 21 c mpanle?. 8.043.3B7 1.813.?Ha lie* .;. . -, JI8.S10.0O1 IB.tBl.23l In?-, ' ''?c?.? SiLoan In? fsioil 17.1 ??The Financial Chronicle" ? imputes th? gros? earning? of elghty-on? railroads for thlr?! week of Pebruor* at M.8R?.449, an lw*rease of *.".;,.r,:,c. or ow .,,?. ,.,;,t. sixty-four road? report for f urth ?eek of Februar? I5.S3-S.031 nn Increase ol $322, -??? ,.. - us per ????lit: eight* seven road? report for rebruan $26.1S1.S90, a decrease f ?".'".?.':?.? or i.:,:. |, r -ut. ON THE 8TOCK fcXCHANGE During the week It was apoan m tbsi the b ?nd syndicate hsd Its business well in hand Th? first month of Its contract with the Govern men I "mied on Friday, the 8th Inst., and ?- had then ??? -rii mill) ?a m to than w( re ? a I f?-.r. Foreign exchanges were generallj Arm, al? though the) eased off on Thursday and t**rlday; but t1'," syndicate houses apparently were hoi I to sell many bills to pr.-v.-n' gold exports Mono) was more r tlve, ami quotations ad !. The genera! business of the c untry is Im] rovltng. Bank clearing? have been better, and traffic returns from the rsllrosda ar.? encourag? ing. The frightful weather <?f Februar) \?,:,; ?' : ? '.. bul the p- ..?.ji.-.-t f ?r Mai ': and \ Ira** ba i?s. An expert in cr ?? repoi la, haa Ju?*i i- en Ira? elllng thi ugh ibe "? Bays th mdltion of th*? crop under ground ?- ? dient, . i. ! promis? ? ???-i1 Tl ? "?' \> tloi i greed to di? ontlnn? rates on westbound n afli fmm tb? Kastei n ?? a m m ! aftei ?prll I I era ol the asa ation live up 1 gre? , - ?, exp? ? i?-!)' ? proves ia ? ?. ?? '?? gl* ?111 pro?? i .:? rtani and iraging. Th?? Ilemocfatlc Cohgi as of Ola n'.i u ?:?:.??, and nil lei ? si gros'ing strongei : ? - ? last w*?ek ??'.', on ; ; ? ?? h I? ? ive bought more thgn wa? ?old If projjoi '."n ?'??' w? "n salea and pur ghoul I ? ntinue, It wo i prop? . med a itsjn Y-'t ihe :? ,?'?? ! r stock? In N*e?r fork waa Irregular an I u ?? Ing to ?;.? ?u?i ptate f mind lit whl : esperlen?**e has Stre and t ireful \ i i n the p.i ? ? he tu ,i : i -!. ? i? nein The mind of i I Igu In? sto) ?till sensitive toning I ? ? ? ? I - uni ry), and ??. tills, a ?.? ?aid, mor e si k s wen gh i n f .?re? g n a ??i . Bold, yd this sensltlv?nesi was played ? up ?a i ? advantage bj ahrea i i rst?.rs li ne tlon with ertaln International sp** Isltles ish tsl ?? sboul ? n uni ? r t pi ;?? : ties f- un i . belief In 1. m I ai i --? pi | .-> , ipera tors here ? un ued t h? I intag and New-York Central '. ulsvllle and Xa?h vill^. and Ht. Paul suffered se\'erel) thei :??? Baltimore and ??M, was alt .i i- i iti r- than Il seems l deserve Msturallj l'nlon Paclfl and Brie were disc uragtng themes lo ?iink it, n" ??? il sa the more re ? ni incldenl In eon ne . i ' mad Ian i'a if] . si i a glan ?? at our ' ii lensed ????>; table ),.-'?>?? ?':'??? whsi the result ??.???. And y--t the English igl i Dior?? than they - i?' Nexl In in:)1 rtsn? 11 the m tx iTsml in :n?**t?.. ti'inal ?t?i'.k? i-ff.-rr") lo ?v,?? the decline m th? I gr.-at ??>al pTOSertlss. J.-re.-y Central, Uelawsrc ) and Mtnl.? ii. LsckSSrsntlS, and LehlfTh \ all---. iln Phllsdelphls) all sol 1 lower d?H?pite ?"tne up parent effori i, support ihem Theli losse? I amounted to several points snd they showed ; : , ?.??:. ' ?? very, except n a and then a feeble rallj. lue : i ovorlng of ? Th? tr uble 1 :?-?-? In Ihe anthracite all tatlon, a ? , ; Ik ' ? the contrar). the m ?I i ? , violation ' all contracts anJ agreements ? ai tlnues. It i? a ???*r> w.-aK t|.,,t In the inutk.-t The Grangers declined In sympathy with the general railway li*'. bul rallied Bow and Dien iveiing of sh ?rts As agsJnsi t ?????? k ?a; . th?-?- are a little off, The railway rate wai In the South Is regrettable Th?- Industrials, In polni f activity, !?? i lh< msrlral Hugar i isre? to an enorm tj hsngea hsnds sftei ihe r. guiar 8 pe? ? ? quarterly dividen . asi mmon, snd 1% on t ?i? [ir"i' . ' ? i\.'' which l? a gifi to til- si ? Ii holders of - ??',.'? That look? generou? llul how ;ii..,i;i j.p\a ?n , own Sugst si ick. and ;.. * ha? e not 14." 10 of In* me n I ? taxed ll*h> sh >ul 1 the ? ?mpany pay a tax f t thetn, when n-. :a\ i? ?iii- from them? N" ? ?tat? been it, and : - .- la Ilk? ' ? di' >n of this blln ! p I imtti rt > - ill? I th ? Ame : in .-?'.ir-ii- H'-flnin?: Company Distilling and Csttl? Pe?*dlng r*h rwe?l ftrmi ess, and .t? qu? : itl mi Bi*e "ii - uragini Its r?organisa tl m plan, publl ? j est? ,' daj. appears t', be .??? , .. i The leclslon In the fist? R?frig?rai n case, In the Ruprem? Cour) f the l'nlte.1 . ?j?.- a blow : ? <;?r.,--i! ;:i"- :-'. . an?l help? i the . . -, I ? -, ; ,:.-. .- ; .?? ?;? iff |( W?H wbl*k f ? .?.. I .i;-1 : t Western I' In Ihe matter of patents, im! th?- principal ?trer.glh ?.f \s? ? i'r:i ?: ii?." in Its frsn hbies, and nni in It? patent? Chicago Gas ws steady ds dte blB kmalllng achemea ;:, I hlcag Othei mem if fie industria] group rver? learlj . led, - l?ut Bom? of Ihem advnn ?? i a little. Save In Erl?. : ? progr?s? w ? rep? rte ; f -r- lh* bankrupt properties, K r Krie, the Infer nee 'r m Its tiai'i - returns, and the lates! circulai 'f .1 I*. Morgan k Co., n thai there n ist ? ? fore l sure, ? r a lib "-?l s'sessmenl on the al i k The following table? show? the movementa ?.f the mof ? ". spl 'ti tua s' i k**: lllftli. I. ?? Mi '? M ' -' ?'' r n.-iiiini'.r ? a n II I' I fN'J ... . Hurling, ?n t- ij ? Paul . T ? -? . Irland i-l A III'.... I-. : ii .* '. I I'.-i.lfl . N ? ? '?n'ral .. .. . headlni . I '. I? ... _ 12 ?7?v Tl?4 *?? ? ' t 'j ' ? 121 . I 1..?-. I *"'??, i8i?4 K3 , I*-". ??'* i <.)!-, 7'i't .'. I , y\ Bl -, lL'l )-?;?? c ? n? . M , ?r, 12.1% l.,t , Hfl . h: i''. IS 15 J.-.i .'.'I . .',. Ill .- II2.2S1 . 1)1 . .;? 7-.-1 ?-?''., II ! .".:? ',-,?'. i.'?,.-, I*i '.? irl* 7n \2 2 ?". V\\ ?1 . -". 2 ' - I1. _'i .:;??. 12 '";?? 11,870 :i i.:?7 72 '?: : .. ' 11 SI Si? I.'?, in; .'? .. I It? ?t.irk? . .I.OUB.127 all othei ?t,H It? . li:,:., 'i nal .1.148,848 iai!??.n- bond department r"ii:aln<"I dull, !i,n firm; 'r,?nn,-i lions, at par, X4..':i?",,00''> The prln I pal movement? are besd Indlcsted In the following table: II ? : \l ????n i: di \1 K*1 i .; . 2r1 M K A K I ?v. S !'.?? ? ?n ????. High, i.' ?-. :.i h :? M 'i 2 Cli'sea Balea ' H I. I. 0J . ?--J-1 r,* *???'. >?i% t*\t v> j-'... 1)1*? ? 22 281 KM**, 93% M? r<\ ?-. !.n 07H *?'/, Z2\ Hit'. ? I'! 88 M>*4 a ', s.". SO-, lei , .;; ., ta T.: KM ?4 ?*?* ?''r t? . '.'-'?S ''?'?? ig . l?tVi I ?Kl I??. Tolal . I.]-*? im i i allngi lu state issues snd city hank stfjck? were limited, Governmenta w.r?- irfegii'ar, T1: nes 4.- :-,; i g| .,[,?,.?; ?-?i. ?Ui.j ?v,.|-,. rj/fefed atjll, tube delivered Septembei 1 n?\i I**oil<awlpg are ???-day's .(iiitatioiis and thooa ??f a week ago ?,' the ii-;.'ular list: , M":''' ?' Bid a :. : Mar? a | n i A?k?d, ' ?>'??? '*?*''.. r s t'j?. )??!ii ;,- ?' -'? '?? ? ?m 7e.l ai 2. ? vi ? ? "* **r? ??>** r.f l IWT7 -.: I!"', ii" . ; ??? ?>:."',i ni,, na i -i 4, law., : na ur. :' ';?!??;-;',. ? ? ? .?!-!?-??? ::: si ?*. I T,f, I I . ? .. , .,.-> . . e ' S. .ii'. i^ is?.? ,,,. i*. Mir. ?,- i-.?. .?. ? n'. .^. i?',i? n,? ? '?< |8BB Mil ''?""? Igll msi k?-t > cm ?I? i*.''' m-? ?n ttt.tBaa.iw ? were unlnterestin** in Amer? ., , v ... ." ?.-i?- iirinne|-i.?i:iii:' in rimer fallur- ?7tr.? ' ""iy ,w" f*stures of Interesl the i?ilr<H., ?Vn,1"V& ?*???. solicit ... .., London for .?'."y- ?""' th; failure ?,f . Mr bank al Par ?. i .?.. unan: f),,r ,-, ,,...?, ?eeuritles continu* t ? i"- reg nd, d W|lh favo. THE WKKKi.v RANGE. Th ro'lo? ng i? -i,. ,??.,, tnt(](. Kiv|nr tht number of rhar*?. ?.,.,? ?t ?,, str,Pki ,h? hlRhf.,t lowsst and final prices of the week, together with th?- final priest of a ?reek ago, preflied by th average price of March l". IIM: HAii-wAv btockm. Mar. Aet'l ?Sid Mar. J_?. 1... hill- L..W- '.?. M?r.-??? '-s 1?'?4. ML ?St niVI 2 ?"1.1. I ?" " ' '-"""? IZ a a I -?1 Wj '.''al. 2. ??*???*? 1 si T*ir. i* ?. ?*_ -1.? ,*' _??.?, Atlantic & I'.i.'iri?- I-, '? ? ?? ,_J_ i_._?t Hal .'.? Ohio. TH ??.? ? ?';,1 *I5 '%,; ?I f.- <? S W pf. ne?* ??'? ?' '?* ? ' , _;_ 1 ?'?i.a'n eViUil.-n, . .MS le 4S ?S J*'? 1.-' , ?Piilinn l'i ?: ? <"?. _5% J" _*? MS 31.351 ???'NI . I" ;?"? ?' ? ? ? ?40 Che* ? "'.i" |s *% ,1'. .!_ :.:i ??lu- .v Ai??.:. . . . I8SH IM I? ? ?? ,.?, ...._., ?'lue ft t; li. pre! ?.'.' -.'.,'. : , -,. .,4 ,,? , .XI?. M ?v Kl I pi l-'-'a 117 . 11. ?'J - V:.; ?I 721 Chi. .'. S i' '"? . ?"?,"'" ,.,? il, " 1 ?i.! Chi, a ' rth pf 136% l..?. I? '?? 'J?, ..." 31 1 l.i? . St I". M (t "? ??"% ?'"' ,-s.? 1.950 ::???) liai 100 '..'l'i si p m t. ?> ,?' iw '"" '"' ? '"'^ '"' <?;?..,.? hl I. . 88 ? ?*% ??I 33% "' t?, ?'. I* A ??? I- P? JH ? ?* ' fJt? , .-?i. ii ? .-. Toi.... 2\. tai v *?% ?? coi. 11 v ?? Toi i>f. ?? J?, ,**? ,:? ,.,.. a,? IX.I ,v Uuil .' . 1.-47'. 127*4) l-l 121 1-... _r i..; i.:-..-k .?;- ivesi . ian% ir>*% 1 :.:.-?, ,:?????. '????. ' ?.?,? i" ? * K (i pf.... .*?% 84% 83% 33*? _?? at".\v?riii pf..'.'.'.'.'.'. i!?' na M ida km Illlnoli .?"?.< . W 8?? 88 83 ?"'?'. Iowa ' entrai . 8% '14, 1, , SA, I, i; a Weal 18% l.-'S I??* 15% I8> ?, Ii ,<.- \V. pi ?M 71 , Wet, TJ ?I ? 1. s ? Ml'!? Hu 127% !3tl% 184%- 1341 i:.", 8.MS Umg I? '.in . N ?? , 83% US?, 83% ?J;''! |?,ul? S S??h ... ... H?% IT 47% 47% ???'?'' ' I. N \ ft ? hic H ? 8% ? ?'??? 8% SS3 1. N \ a- Chi. pi 82 22 . 21% 21% 21?. I._?g Man 1:1 ?va? 1 ... I? It*'? 108% l"7\ l?T% 1 ?? ?' Mi. ! ..,; . P.% PI . .1% B1% '??'-'? l_" M ? Kan ? ? - l?'. ?3*1 18% 13% ?;, Mo. Kan .?.? Te? i-t 2\-, 22 21!? 21% 2: - ;;? M ,'. 21 . 20?4 I?'. IPS IS l?'2_ S T l' ft UK... lia , I?; U4% !??? '-?I? -1 ;'-? S Y. ?* ? SI L..... ir?% 12% 12 1'-' 1 12 ,.,.-:.' N ). 1. K A ? Ii'. ??V. Ti 7% -'? '- ";;' N V. I. K <v u pf . ISV1 16 18 16% ..., n y a s r. .. 11% ?o ? -"? ?"?" -?'?.:' N \. ?: II ?? H '??',. - ?M lt?4 l!M 1 I -4 N V. .. C .'".? ISA, in?, I".?. Mj ;. 2_?" v v. h 1 test v.\ ;-? -. 12 12% 12% ?':?; X ) s ?. viest pf.. i:e, 37% Sii% ????-??, 87 , l.wro :- r a- ?Vest. I _ _% ,-,? ., V,: ?? . ,? We?t pi . ;?', 10% ?'??? i"?. '" ? - ;" V..I--1 i?, ? lv :; 2', ?'? -'* -'' i , pf ... IP?. 11% 18% 13% 1 ? !1 l? till? ?I'X. 7 4 . 4?. I . IH .. 4 P i- S 1: in ... ?'1 e '.'". .'? - - 1 m a 1:. sa? '.? t>, 7v ?% ?'??.?I I-, .'. (' ?.- HI I. ? 13% 10% 15% 18% 18% :^ I'. . ? A HI I. pf I1?1. 48 4", ?:? ?' si 1. a ?v.... 1 '? 1% ?% ?.? 12 HI 1. H W pf ?"? 1" '?'?i '" J. ' ' ?', Si r Minn A Man MO*. :""? l"4 I'M i"? ?-. ? .,.. am l'ai 21% 1? it-, 17'-, 1.; l: 1 ? . P% '? . South iiv ,.'. . . -"?-. SU ni P?c ? ? 1 \ \ A N M S?? 1S 1 .-.?.. n 1-^ :n . r?>, i? , ? ?'. ' ? ?' !?:? ? r 1. * ?;,!?? ... :. . 3% :'. 1% I ? ';" -,? il ?h pf ?? . 18 ? 11% '-'. '-' ? ! ""J; ' -?; ?V ?4, 1..'.'?) IS 11" .?: r, H .? I. H pf i'-? ???<??. "?' ??'',. ";l MI.-'.T.I.I.VNI.' ?I 8 .- i? " h - Mar '.:??.? 'i .r i. ni 1. lajsr ". Mar. 1 IV14. eal - '__ n ?. 147 11 'f ' I""' 4n. ? ? ? ? . 'J. ill 21 . 22 '??'? ,??... I ;?' ,,- , I,* ?.T ?17 ".I - ? f? \l. . ...... Uli 'I ,i 81% ?. . : I ' ? '; liai... .. 8J '- '? ? '??' ? ; in ' ;.. in' loo ' ? . . ? .1 , 31 SI '"' ? II , hi? A ?'? 2 '. :.. 1. 1 ". - T: "i. 1 . ? ?:.' n us ??; '.-u., a? 27'. :??", 2(i% -. ? :-.'. ? 1.1. .*. ....?:.?;. '"' k 4 im 11 1 :.. - 1 ;?-??? t* -'?'? - '? - |5?i 1... ... 1 ?-, ' A ' ?-. ? X Y I, ? ?Ml ll- 111 X.. \'..-- ? ? ... r. .. ?? V ?, IS ?. 21% 21% ?' !'? a . ? ? . ' .1 'HI ? .1- : ? -? ? ? ? : 2% . . , .. -, ,-. |j iwi H ? III tit III e'l I. 4 .?V 1 H If- , SI '?<? \ 1 14% 14 I4<| B -. I .- ? ? |?(e (,f 1. - , ?>. ? . 1 ?? i - ' 1 la, ? h-.| 17 1 IS , IH , 1-i si:?- *"? 1 a H )! .'?' ?r ? -j . ? , ? . ?- 1 t ):..???.? pf 94 :?? , Si|% SSV? ? 1 a a ?. It? 1>?4 ?."? ?? , ? M .?' ".,1 11 Tel ? ? . -?,-, ?- , ?. M ? ? ?: 1" III 1. Lea? 1. \ I-M el 1 - ??:.'.'' . . ? ? ?? ? . I ,'.,? !>' ; ' ?? ? ?? P2% v?. ? ' ? ? n". ?? ? se, ?i t?t 1 ?? : 1 . . ? , .'? s I A Al pf... ? >. . 1. 1 ir? 1 Ion 7 ?, ?t>, ... . - - .? National i.-??? <'..,. ???i I.?>..! i r ;, , ?i ? '. ?i i-'<1?r.) ai . i' y l.eftll.ei . ? . I" f I^?lhel |,f n; -,' - .-, . . ?''.-?' ? ?? 11?.. The ?? ; ? ? .N'ai ? \ ? Y ?rk -? ,..v? a ihal al A, Haprh ? ' ? . ,..!'.? ni 817.848 :?.-., 1? ? ? .?.?-'. |i . :6'i -. '1 .!?? ii.i. ? ni. . . ? l ??? J. Th? !.:.? : ?. ." . ? ... 1. . . rep -? l. ??! ..? th? : ? total resoii ' ! ? 4 , ??'?.?.OH?, ?ni th?? ain ? f Individual .l?-r???is ?ubi? ? ? . : ? - sas 8884 Tii" : ., luana a 1 ils unis ? ' I .?? Mei ? Sail inal bank ht th? - i. .... r business ? Ms ? :? i" ? - ' 1" I 4 ,1: r and Us a 11 pi .? fui 1 ?>? ? ? ., were ""1 Al " ?? ?'. ?'?? '?' .- u?!i ?a n 81 h ' Hi? Osl latin National Ha ? ? ? HM'.i.i'.,:: and ? ?nil reaourres ' t: ? ? ? 'I tv ? api il ?' k .. A - .? ? '-i- runl an Il OOO T;.? m< riants' Val t! r. ink, a- ? ?- -, Mar ?i i.;. I n ? 11 i H rira I ?U (74.233 80 ?? 1 ? ifal ' - a Tti The n. :: !d tal ??? ; ?lt. a.ibj? ? l ??'.. . were I ?4J.724 8J Tl e Aatoi l'i 1 ? Rand n mornlnit Mai h S, had l j 40,44 sgaln ... 1 ...,...? . . j Th? apltal si ? ?t snd rurplii ' 'I 1 e ri 11 ,? ?.??.-. ; ?..?-.. 1: ,., . ? \ . .- | ? I ? ? 1 1 nli r ' Via h '? ? u???. -i ? ? ? -r * ' " ? - ?' ' ? 1 .-apltal 1 In. li 11 - . ; in rund II.'Mi ? ? null', li| , ? ? ? . .. ? l . -,4 fiv ?t th< 1.I1 >n Mar-ri "? th? 1 ans l'arl llanl rere ?26.0C4),47n ?r, ari , .t., ,, , . ... , j, .... r... i;..! il at eh -t ?2.000.1100, ?,?,. ?urpliii . and the until . ?. ? ?... ?????? ? ??? ,? ? t 707 '?I Th"r . ,: ,!;?. .,|n ,| J ;, ,..t ?I ' ? ' , '1.1 ">, ,|M'" : ?"? snd ' ih< Central Xsl 1 1 Ht rii? ?lose of 1 e \? ,: . ? ? ? I'..''.7':/.1.1 7? snd th? l ? ,' r-- >ui ?-- || 4 . ? ;? ?.i T'i". wai l... tn .. ii Muai |?p tt.u ? ?? 1. hi ??1.., n RAILRO MJ KARXl.N'Oi? ATCni "*? TOPKI v am? BASTA '.'i'. ? S . I -leiri 1 km. i s. ? lias Nun 1er ' .,, |i ? ., ?;(,-, . 1 ? *'?tl HI ?;...? . .i ? ?'?? ' I ' ? fell 24 7 ..??? 1 .1 .-. Pi. |.,,i -. ?27 ?I ATLANTIC AM? I'ACIf 1 N irr ftf mil? . u? ..^ \ Fa ?1 r Ii 1 ? ? . i . $i . .,?. ?, , ? ,,1 ?' "? I 'o I "'? :?? . 4....;,14 1 ., i',.| COI-OHADd MIDLAKI) her of mil? . . ?;-,,, 3<, 1 ri we-h In Keli I . /> ?. ?. -j,',, ??.fl ..; . 'sa I lo I ?b i" :".'.;.7? 21 ??..lili ?.'i u.,3 'i 14)118 AM) HAN M!A\. Number ??? mile? .... i ?SB i .;-. i ss. Fourth .?en in ?? 1 ?.nal.iza ?r> ?in, 1122472 'sa 1 ta r-i ^v . 1 .1?.. 7... niA.041 ,-.i ;.r, CaiCAOO, PKOHIA 4M? BJT, unis. Number .1 mile. . 313 ?? .-> ?? ?_ I'.iirtn week In I?,, ?23.K?O ?13 327 ?11*1*. .Ian. 1 io Pet. 2- -jnl 171 I22?533 I4?MIJ ClJtVKt-ANn, (?ANTON AND Sol rilRRN r..uriii .,-...? in : ? i . . ..... $|? 4.,| j-.,, ?:-A DrritCIT, .cam. ii.wi:.-,- AND Mii.uAiKi.i-; Nun-, er of mile ...... IV.) iv, j__ Fourth w-.-i, in r?i. . ItSStl 817 144 i.'i. 1 ??? l-vi. 28...... i'l l.i III. .-??I III SHORE AND AII.ANTIi ' imbli .?f ..??;. :.?'i ?.s-, rlM^ r..i"i nee', m Kab.. . ?88,348 ?'Jt.iin'.-, ?SOftPS JaS, I '? Fob, 2' ... 20??,a?SI |fl4.4A?l 34ll,.T)J ICVA! '? ill.I. AM) IUCUMON? Numbei of i-.11-? . 1-i'j !?_? M )??? ci iti S* k In Feh.... . ? l ;,-, ? ti ?.,?, Jan. i : . Feh 2*. iu -,,,, 1L. _.;, ilRANfJ R.VPIDfl AND INDIANA. (All liatM ' Number '?'. ini!??. .-,'-1 -vi -?I Fourth m-? k 'n Feb ?.vi ??..4 ?10.704 17?I 8.7 im. I '. Feh 38 ..... i? cm ?>32 ?it ;r,j i? ;) (IRANI) TRl'NK OF CANADA .?.'..i. I.e. ,f nil.-". 3,"i03 8.&09 8 ?'. 18 Fourth ?-?7 .'.-I $1?o iu s.'i'.i'r r\ Jan I I" Feh ?.'?. 2.07V.S73 I',74:?.sso ;?.,,?., KANSAS l'ITV, MRMPIilH 4M. RIRMINOItAM Ni me' ? .' m.!??- . 1'7?? 27i? -in F.urth ?eek !n Feb.. I2I..T? ?IU.IAI ?17.?..".( .1.11. I l'i Feb '-"? .'??.. .'.o'J l!?i.|.,., ?la).(23 KANrtAS CITV, i- P.T ..?'Ti' AM. MRMI'IIIS Vnml.ei ,f mile?. il7l Ulli l.i'l Fourth ?*-ee? in F-'i ?l')J. I...I ????. ?f.'.i ?77.2U1 las i tu i ? '? '-??? lsO.377 734 ?i?j <?..:. :.:.; LOITIft'll.l.i: Wt. leOUlS AND TRXAS. ? iiml er of mue- . ... MM HM |r_ Fmirth ?*??'< In F?'?? . .''? 7:i.' t.-?.i'M .'.in I I? I ??? . ."?'? CSS .'?. I?l Kill iTRANDK SOirTHKRN Number nf mllci ? IIS !??i is ? Fnsnk ?eefc ?'?? ? ?O.WW H-im MM?? Jan. i m F#h 28 it :.-.?. M.7'.i :,:..744 .-lii:i.M.4\' SHREV??r?ORT AND ??>t rilKltv ..I 'i.ile?. IBS 138 Foartfe te?'V In ''?'._ I'l.'M ?7,11-0 SS84I Jan 1 lo I' o -.. l?.a'Jla- ?.'..734 ?,?,'???1 T,iI.i:|.o ?NN AH1*"R AND NO"TH MICHIGAN. ,'")7 ' Nlimt-er f.f ml'.e?. ?n *sl IT'.ii? Fninh w?V. In Pah.... i.'? t, i',1 !?i:i .Tan. 1 to l-el, -*fl. 11.? J '?? '?' ' . TOI.EIX5. rEOI'.lA ANl? WESTERN X'itil.r ?I ml!e. a?*2l! 114 BSl |18B?M P'.'ir", week In P"??** ? ''?'*. Cl-, ? ,, 1.11.?? ::ll'.I.!Ni'.T?iN. '''-.I'AH BAP1M AM' rfOBTlItSR*** K?Kno?r of salte. . '?-*?. ?VmS ItVj" ST. .l'.SKI'II ANI? ?:i!AM> B*U?ft V'itnliT -if m'l-?. ?i-; MSun sir..r-? * N'.ilt'*??!.!?: ANI' BOVTBBB-S. M'.r.i'i ,.f t.,rn:ir? .?,,,- ?8*189 (CM I2? ilr?? ??ruin??. ?!?.', ' 2? 7'?7 "I ?'?T? Operating eap**nae?. 's ' ' Ve. .?mine? . *'??- ?''"'''' ,li*,N financial. Distilling and Cattle Feeding Co. Reorganization Committoe, KO.SMASSAl BTRV-ET KRW-TORK " ? ???* Ti) Tin-: ?nix Kin)'-*?** ?>??' n" DlStflllaSJ .V GfSttlS l>.*.llna I?.?!??**, ? The Re ral loci r a."- '???<""-? ****? :? .11*. . ? i, ,i, , ... ,,f n, I*!.:.. upon Hi? r-'V^rt "' ' " ? "' ' ? ,' , ?_ pan,-, have prepared ?nd ,'?-,.? w?B In. ?A?HAT T?\ 'I'll I ST I'llMI'Mi -i i?r ".?'?-'? I Pi?" "f ' ?arlon, pi i'llnu in ?ut?i?n"" ?I '.,11"??: riRSTi Th? "i?.n-n-,.,; ? :. nfastie? ?f ?n?*? ? ?;' ??ration ,. ,..? ' ' M ' i'"1"' " ' ' ' "" s|-.( ?)M,: The ISSU? of "'' '? H-'Wlng '-??>' |1 ',??,.,. I',-' Mr.'.' ? '.'' ?"-?" "" ,;-,,. :i,? ,.,:. ,., ? , t.l : ???? .-' f-"." ? ? : non non ? i - - i ? t ? ? .. ?, 11, > i i m.?n THmDl ,??, - in ?!,- pre???? ' .1 .... e .1117-1'' ' ' ? I , ' ?''! ' ' i - mina -i i"' '???' ' i ""' ' ' _ i,. for (?Id i ''I? ?i .-' '.?"?? ' " "' ?, ?n? n SO, ? *!'.-.. ? n%!?I*TTA*4 i m ?? (OWPAS1 ?nd I -'? . M ' per ?I?.re I ? . ' ' " ' ,.,......'?? ?JO'; , - the rar of J " i, ?a t r?fi ?" I ratMi ?nd M ? ' "- n ?I ? .... . - - - ?III le ?pi -, II.i ' ' ' ' Pi '" I ? -?-r. - I ? ' ? ..,-.- ? ?tro-ihlr-lB von i <>) it in: m:i.un *.iu i: R? ***rT" *i" M4fIIAI im TniST ' i.'irMi ?-.-?-? applies'!?-) ' ' ?' ' ' . , ? ? ... . -. ?? ' ' "' ' ' ' ""'"" - aval? r eiirrent . , t: .- . . IT?*? of i ? - , ? ? Pi"? ... ... ? - ? ? ? . - ? - ? ? A I . ? ' ? ' ' '" ' ' -, . ? . ' ? ha? Bl ?1er.-1. '?:.-.. I *.i'.V ? Ihe ) , . . ? ? ' ? ' ' ' HA** H ATTA*. i ni - i ? ??*?*?* \ ?1 . it;? it ?in? ii. 8 ? ?a 11 t BIIOR m:. .1.1).> ) \\ * i I.It III H? . I ?I Ml? It 1* <?<>ll. .Il il? B, H M m:. M ?1 I . Ill 1 I o\. i ?i?t?ii i t i:i:. ??nu? it .11.11 N i ? MM? ?I \l?l.l? Mexican Nations- Railroad Company, i i i ? i IOS M) ru i: ? ItK l-t -?-.-?- r it i ? ; ? : ii ? . - '...??.. ? ? i ??. ? . . 11 ? ? ? . ? ? . | .!:-.-?' - 1 ?- ' | ' pan? ... . . . ...... Iraaai . . -1 .- . .. . . ? - \t ..... ... ... | . . . ....... - ? t ? ? ? ' ? ? , i. ? .... - ' > ?- ? ? nr ? ' .???!, ? ' ? - ,- 8 W?!( Street ? ? ' * in?. ?Ing.?irl?? Hal? I, In p. ? ANl?ltl:\V AN'l'tp. ' N " . VALLEY RAILWAY COMPANY OF OHIO, n ?? ' " the l . . . . Ihe I - ???1 with ? ... . ?lie .... ties ? ? - *??" . ,,,- . |V,|||| ? ' ? !-"'? ?'I n?..??., r 1*1 per ?ha Ihe tin 1 ? .- ? -I I,? The Mer. anille Tl , ? ?' < I - ' .:?-?! i ni m ri i / .rit ?i ii. I 111? Mill It II ?i n>. ?; I l*. K. I IIITOR, lii;\.i \?li\ II Itit IN**. .1 ? ?ii> si ?i in, .in.. II.KXAKDKN MIA****'. ?? ' i 1.1 r*M ii. in. *.< i?iout). THOMAB 11. KIM.. ? ii.1.1 mi *. m: *n. It ? til mi?,,;. |-1? ?. i.'.i Dr .i !*-.. \ Y. Kansas Pacific, ? ?I'M I'll EXTBSSION I???M)*?. A. ting ai th ',,?,. ' 1er? of "?? bond? .ii ,. men i tuned, ind IB ?lew of I itg d ? ih. ?- n. ii.e ,,n.i-n -i. ;,,..? under itM I ???:? ?er e??.n..|..? rn,,r'eiae of .Ini'e ?JO, I8SB, mad? I v ')," K?n?n? I'-n in, Rallw?) I'pmpanr, Beret?? '?" ? 'f-nernl 1 "f 'lie I.,,id: !?!? . . I.? I ?.- I ' Id in It ? ?t i 81 111 th? 1'nlte.l State? Trtiai Ponipanji nulldln? r, 13 Wall sire.-i . n Ue !,,?,,i,,? th? iwentMHh ?!j? of Maren, IBBS, Bl M '?'i. ? M Ubi??] Ne?? *.'? -tk. Man h - lana .Mill? ?. BTRW .HI'. ) AI ??I BT Ml 1*TKN, ^ Tril.tee?. M II.Il All I.M)I< DIT. .Ir.. J RDWARO vv iiiiii.I"?n' Allome? for Trastass, I.'? \? .?il .-il . Ne?? Y .iU i ,ty. Uiinhcto uno Urolicro. VE.1MILY? & CO., BANKERS, N?ifcM'iu and PI lie Sts., .\ew-lork i'ity. llriiliT*. ill IIIVO-.III*?'/?! **r?*nritlea. DitM?fti? aVolicrf. \l.\? rOHK ' RKTMAIj .? Ill I'-"'.' KIVKH II It. ????i-i? i: <<!?' i ii i: i iti: VKI'KUIt Ni-:\? ?niiK Ma roll a? h i?:?.. L'X'ii Tin: i'i iti'i?si: ?fa i|unrt?*rij ?livi.i.n.i. A i..i.,ii.|e ?n Hi?- I'.t'i ?la? ??! April ll? -.1. .lll.l illtn ol' the anniint ele,n,.n ?if Hi- I'lie i.,i? ,,f ihla i uiapaav, whli-h ??III le. Ii-l I .,ii Hi" IT"? rla? f ?iril. Ih? irun.fer ).<? k? ?tin le ? i..?,i ?t :i ?'Hoe? p m oa i-n.i.n. Hi? IgMh iBJSt., *n?l re?,|.?ne,t ?I I?? ,.',-1... Ii a in ,,n l'liiii?,|.i,, t.l, Itlll il.l> ?.( Apt II. netl S. V. \V. lti?HSITKI'.. Tre??urer. .financial election*. _( 1.1,1.4 i io.. .?.oncis. ?_.-__.,? ST. LOI is. IKO\ UOlSTAii AMD SOLTIII-R-' RAIL.. -- tOMI'ANV. New-York. J.nuary ??. 15 ?j. NOTICE is hereby srJTen thai iBe nnnual mew IBS of tlie if 'kholderi of the HI. leOSlB, I"?n MounidR) at s.-.rii.rn Rnilwuy OaSBfSBS trill I?? he"l m ii-.e Cotapsny'i ?.nie?, m th?. elir .?Fit. Ltmis.j**'_f_\__\: on Tuesday the 12th dar ef March. 1MJ5. at '.'.00 o clock A M. for the election of iritrtee-i WraStors f*r t.i? iniulns ye-ir ?n.i i*.r ih? traassctlon "f my other Du*'' reas that ninv cerne before an l?I tnectin?. The nnnual meet?..?; of ihe Director? wl.l be he.1 at the ?ami offlc? on We.1neaJ.iy. the Uth d?y of Msrch. IbVi, at 12:00 o'clock n?...n. _ tr,M,v The ?t.i.k ?ra-isfer Iwotta will b. ?loaed jn _"_?*__ Fab. in. MM ?t l?30 o'clock P. BL. sal re ,p?n<-d on Thursday. Mud, ?-?j^^?^*^^,. A. II. CAI.IT, F-cretary._, KLIICTION JOT8CJB. Tils. MISSOURI PACIFIC HAILUA1 CO. N?w-T?rk, January Z% i >>?>?>? NOTICE is liersby rxlvcn thai idp itRntml meet lag ??f 111? It ?'?-.i-e'l'l.-ra ol Ihe Mlaaniirl PsClIU Railway Cdgnpany ?rtil >? h?!d m the Company i ?iir?"1. ? >? , ?? f ;, , M,, MlSSoati, on T;iea?1?y. th? 12th ?lay ?f Iteren, 1880, ?t :??(*'? tttVottt A M . lot in? e>. tlon r?f thirteen Director? for th? eneillr.g year IM f,r th- tranaactloB of an* MB.? bu.-lii'?s that ma> (cm* befnr? laid nieerin? The ineeMn? ? ?* tie Director? ?rill BS Bal? a. th? i?m? ofB ?- ?r. rVadnesday, th. Uta -lay "f Msrea, at 12.(1. ..'.! '. K lieos Th? at? ? k irsnafer r.?ckri will i>e rlo?o,l on FntUy, .-.., ;?!i". ?? S-i-fJ o'deck F. M.. an?t rennen??! .,n Thursday, Starch 14th, 1kk? at 10*? o'clock A. M 4?rOO. J. ?Ol LI). Hies.lent. A. II. CAIlBF. S.-retarv_^^^^^^^^^^^ it?intcr ttcoort.. TTOd? Qfl0?(Bl? 1.1 ill SITASOS. :^??h: HMOA ?^i J^ l?' ?(P0B0K5 S S NOW OPEN__ New Hotel snd ?. nui.... in?! He n: .it CMBSleta barhlr.g ; eatal Mehmen- In Am 11< a. ?.?.-?ii |..-r elevation, in the grest Harm Sprlnss vail y r.f Virginia .1 aire r :.. ih? ' '.' "lapeake and Ohio i ,. v ,. .?;.! mou nula surroundings ?n?i m ?m i ? Hissai ? , ? , nailing ?tter.dint? fi m the best F-impesa ratna Battaa f-m ri??lr? ni ?prln.a, l???i ? .-?p r ?lot ilr, hol ipoul moai ? irai ??? ru ksowni, neaSts, spray, ei-uic. n.aa M??; '.- ? f ?.. ?- m N?. Yt* ?ris tie ?'. A n k. f. ?' L!i . ! Dlnln? .'ar. Full ?ifeitnni n en -irp!?c?"i'.n ?? ? A g "??>"? ?>??? -.. .v i/ork; ?ddraeilng I " I M?rr>. ring. Va __^_ : ; ? ... .- . '??'. ; MAI II: 41. THERMAL ??? v r Kl'.!? . e uf th? nrs?; a ., ,;,..,- j .? - ... PEltTF/ T CLIMATR. "?I ... ?i ad.mi i ? ?i-ill'MAN LK Ll R? '. f Cariai.?! I f.-.m N?? ? ? i ? nd S lth?rti .I Bt ' 'i'.'-e? ? f either II.! I _._?_ ? IBQ?tji? ??- ? ?: ?-.'???'' ii ?..i I ? . .-?< ? A. ?->. ' ? ?" ' .. ? t ? . i .'.-. i -??:,. K. . . M r"..?,-' ? . Ransom N?. ______ HADOON HALL, 1 ? .? ? ?S?* a;; m w??e ?. ?i-i'ii i ? ai lun ii.irl i?. ?t.- . me?ta ?il u i :.? . ?y | l |r| |\Ci5?r. CURSTKR INN. ATI.AN.. ? . i ?Y N'. J N'??* Y ?\?. rem t . ? ne. R :?? . every .- ::?-.:? n-e, St??m ? .. ?.? ? ,. ? I) KNAL'CR Il RTL TRATM? ' ' * AI I.ANT1C .'I7T. N I Api r.tments i ispt*ts L, silos unaseatl??! TMF HOTRL TRAtMORR ?TO. D'HIT': tn Vu.?fr _ Il . ,.I. OHNNlt-, I I ,T1 V* Tl ' riTT, M I '1. . m the city. i .ii.IB I ?H H I" ?P.TON THK PRNNHI RST. Oe? ? ,-.| rt Mi M??n ?re Atlantic City V J : ?n i <m '??' ?Uetrle llsbti ?nl ?n '' ' ? ?'''??? "-> Vvm,'? HryoD. ?p IK ;.' .IM??. I .???: ' ' I - ' ??? ' m' > > .'!?'.S ? T ?.'?..? iv. rjceer end * ? ? ktlant nt?. N. J M ?. Mt.i.'A':,)', 'I'l?l NRW BNi?LANI?. ATLANTU CITY. N J 0??aii 1.j- ye.:;, IIRl >?\' A WILLUMS. ?I? I - ? Adam ? . ? ? - .- ?I It II 4\t) '??ii ..? ? ,???'.. ii?, i .- i'.i.i. Ailir-' I ? i? H ' -'-an.' it ? lua par r. . . e?. ?2 o A.? ??r . et,. A I MARI' ? 'I'l ? VANNA." N ?' 1 It'M-PI I ||?) I It !: RA\VI_?1 Owner .<??'. Wai??? c : iitvi.v; : N ?1 I a.VTIC PITT. V T th? Reach Elevai i iteam i-?'- r'-e-?i wafer. I I ? - I a'. I - ? ?"H _ I'llAMi'.KI-l A H2 "???mm. ptopofttli. ?i M !>.??l< i.M ?S "! 1:1!; SIXKIXQ IT?XD TtJ N .HA? iXlaU. I ).i'l'.?.?Al.S |..e_ v.-'i-la. ai.l l'?rf. rrilr.f H'irV In Ih? I ie i f a Ful.? ?- illdli S "? 4*i il n.i Fsrk, ne?r ? ? . .. . ?? . t . f ,r" VS a-1 ? ' ? i? 'it, f New-l i i. ? : ? i ? ' h i.'-.- 84S, l.i.?? ??( l?S4 , la : : '? ?? rntlre ?* k nl ? ?III r- -l.e i I <? . I al ?III ?I.- two prices f?r the -nllie ??iir:., rtl : un? fur th< ? i _?? *? ',:1 ' ten ?otts mala con is ?m . t ? ? ? ? . ? .? - h- ?ji.ui t ? . i ?: ? F..4 t .- the .,i,. ?.e work, lad -i-i ?,1th th? abotr? ml ..???' tbenam? f tfc? persas ?r pat. an. iu??lii4 Ih? ?n? ar. 1 1- '.i - f i" ?i'.itiin. will ..-??? ' ii.: Hi. : t' ...... - . ... .:,??? | ' ??' i Y ?i?, intu 12 ?VI ?rk. in . Ml I MM It ? 1 ? 1,1?. win ? .?'?! in ri'esa-i?'- I tl ? i i,!?? I??-? of rhe Sil | Fu.d ?ad leal, mil IB? I ? . ? ? . i ?,:: i- ? 11 to th? , . ........ ? ? ,? ? r?aft , ?a ;.,a - - I' "'Il t P?ri I.? ??. . II , - ?? , , 1 . ???!.!? | ?til ha |fq "??! ' .......t'. ,Tt .?,? 1 ??? I ?-i .r* i n ??r I'uMlfl V' rK?, wit. 'he sure *fere.| r them, .nd execu ? I? . nt... I I? "f th? ?en ' ? ni Me? Id thai ?flciil n.i III ? ?I : 'i-i,!??? ' ? ? t > I - il-.e? kill I n?ldere1 ?a h? : ' ie| || and ?r IB .'.efault |o the r.e? r?ii n M Iliai tpoB th? ., ?bail be s? d i ? " and io on until t?i. I nd e> d. The work to oji mien, ? . .. cf l'ubiic VI ?ras bu v 11 permission ?a 'l n??l be ?l.?n for ?he wiM- lr?wjt i .,, ! i,; - .? un .??? Mi bt ; ??,.. > <? .. ? ?, I .? ti'rR.r IB) !??? n ?' '? III m e;ir? to th? ,n n .i n '?? ' i ..:i'i?-l r whs I? a lefaulter a. ?ur-l? .?r uther?rl?e, in '? IB) ubllgatlon l. IB. Car ? . ?tl? II The entire work n ba cunplated wir hin i'N'K HCR? i I'l.l' AM' ?ll'i) t'AYH >"-r Ih* n tic? r, - turnen,.-? ?>.ik t ?? been given h?- rt? ? ? loner of PuM'.j u ?. Tim nm i.nt .if ae irttl rrqulrtd II PORTT-nVR TIIOf'MAND DOt.[4l:s F. r nil psrtlenlsi?. ?*? City , ,. , . ? Mttrast? ? n- I t irtl ??- 'nf ?rmatli n. if ??. i i...i alan lb? form t ??re.-r.ient Including lb? ?; ?,?! -?a : r M?e ?? ? V .n '?? bt lined at the . ft! e ?f th? i n ? ? "-? N ?S ? PJ ? It?? ? ? ' ? Fe. " . ' ?? >'. il.i.lA.M 1. --?i i.? .N?. Ma JoH.N \4 OOFP, It-'.iler .. I- i I . II ? mptri "-r. losKI'H ' "i" iNoiit'K i I ml aistn: Wll t.lAM M K OUCUTT, I SiBking Psad. Chalrn u. -i F ? ? ? ? ? I Co. Crctnrco mtb Hlfrtiiigo. i ?ii it l.i:? it mis ?>\ iiii.oviii, si ii.ii ? i ?g, .-.??..:? ? ? \' : r. II. mi; i:i.\\ > It 11 PMlOt.KSTUN, ?m M niai il lurlna l. ? I, AT TURRE O'CLOCK. Mind? M ' ' il r..< , i;,, wii,; ?M? <FllA?rss?aM Tick?? . l?l.??' I?i be util ill .1 ? \\?:..rf ii.-?-.iai.i -Amnocinciuo. \t ? \ HI : "I \ Ol' Mllll, lllli-at. A Irvlri? PL III-.- I ??? ;:. -ai ?.?.?, i ?Ml ? ? Ro \. it : i|1lK \T Till' vrn, -"HOHV OP TUG HILL" M il \Y?'I un I Sa? si 2 II?* . 8:18 IMllltll \> TIIRATRK, Mutin.-.- s?|nr<lii>. lte?.?i?. .i ?.,.-.? i?r?h..?ir? ilrcle ?nt k4sl?N?n) SBe. Illll l'\SS|M. ?4||0\4. THK I'.SHIN'U SHOW, ?sal srssk?IHM PATAt. < ARD. lll.lor. irws) 80th ind 3t?t if? Mai s?T ( \ ??I l I I If 4114 ill I ; m tl.- 4li??l.?l?-lne. CAMILLA. I)' .lt\ II.I.K ; l-.imic i lliulelelnr, CAMILLR O'ARVII.LIC ? : i > HmsIsIbs, < ?.?4IM). rin.u.l-? i? TO-NK1HT. ( '?.MM?. and? 881H Ft TO-NH.IIT. S \ 111. I'.-rfe. t male and r.niul.? ph? ?i.;ii- ?. i'..ii llliliil.lit Hum and td? Olaon Broa Macrt'a dos IM IN?, and in. ii.?.? ... na. (iranjoau and M.) iiHDvy.i: I'niiei erei> ...... ftti.1 ?-it Hal nt :?. r I 4TI us. Admlastoa .">i?.i 11411'lltl?. Till. 4, Till-'.. itrnln.? ?nl 4i?th-?t." i. n \\ ,.?. Last w ' i sad Bsi. Mais illll 41 \?(H r?RADKR?. iill': 4!\?iii 111141)11114. March If N?s ria). "JOHN-A-DRRAMS." V i?i:n Ml'HKE A'ortd m Wb? and two Qrand <.rt?, i:., i \ i-iv and \\ ?? I. sad .?tit Mstln? ??. Ml-?-? Mil.I.IK UANTHONY, ??-i?. .nil prearol bar IUM"I!"IS MIHH'AI. SKBTTHRS A.liiilt.'ieii. .'^ie it.i??-.l Baats 8LS0 (.11 4M) ?IV I It 4! P1LACR, !.. ?iliislMii-ii?,, (?ill AMI CENTRAL I'ALACK, A lll.l-at. i:\iiiiiiiioN i Concert? art. I>?. n..t fail t> RATBMTI AMI I ?Uli und eve. by HCIRNTIPIC I l\l I'.VI'IOVM. ! U"\|.|Htl.ANl> | Ciintern..'? F.?r,| I'ten f:-?.ni '.' to II I? M ADMIHSION. 28 ri:\-]s ' ?AROBR. Mi A M PALMCR , Sol MS .<" (?AKflKN. I.u-i. . 8:18 Mu W?d nn.l s.t ' TO-MOHT. ; l(|?KS OAltPRN Kt'Rt.KSOl'R Co tstTH LITT LU CHRIATOPHKR TIMK. iirsit: liONRHILL a? .??hrlstaphef ||{\ IM; ri.Ai i: Thcstre, Kv.-. ST?S S.-it. Mat. i Fverv n'.ivlii ie- ,...,i KiMnu. "(?line O'ln? ut " Fr|i day ?ve. (ueiiular url.-ea), "Ulliell..." ?mnecmetti?_( ANTU?HETTE 8ZUM0W8Kb'8 riMI PUMO BStrtAL in ameki? a. Aileranos. ?jK?JfH-Tll Mn.>n ?<m?rr linrden < o*???*rf Unit. RWRVBD s.;a'?h;,at"kU r?V? urj??''K*< 2.1 l-ninn ??miar?. 00 ?"d 'lf'',rM .'?-., 1 ??KO. cr STKIWVAV <t isoi*?r PIAMO **4,'-?e A ?SBC ?lit Tttarartr??, nr- sSsTrs7 mrmr S***a8. D D t Y ? EV*r? ? I" M-' :' **? MME. RKJMU. I?mt ???'??< ?,f num. ?i^ ??!fJfci. , ,, ..? N?*t we.*. Mnicti 18, 1? *B? -'1. BSBl M:.tln?e 21. S! .'..imlne.' fa .-ind 23. "I..i ?BSaStSl d" P0*SJB8 (US *"11 House). __ ___ S AMERICAN AKT QALLtCRIES, ?I I:a?-T 2.11?. MAI'ISi'N .-?'?' VI'E. S'llTH. 11 A. 11. to 0 P. il. lUMDATS, 2 TO ? P M "Of far star? than Bsual ?Ignllliance and l?T?re?t, ? The ?"ia;:. tVtStll March 17lh>. "THE QUE.-.T OK THE HOLY GRAIL" AMD OTHER WOKKS. BY EDWIN A. AHHEY. A I.SO r.viNTINOS, set'Li'Triti-: and BfXBlBOS UY JEAN'-F-RAN'OOIS RAFFAELLI. Ai ?MISSION 30 CENTS. _^ A. ?OPEN from 10 a. in. tu 1"::?i> p. m MADISON BQCARI OARDEX, INI ER NATI? )N ?I. EXPOSITION OF ?*OSTt'MB ? INOKK THK At'HI'ICEH UF THE VOt'M; WOMEN'* CHRIBTIA.N AMS< k'IAT!?"?** AMD ST JAMBA MISSION . mmm HIBTORICAL I'OSTt'Mia*. KI.AIt? ?ft ?TK DI8PLA1 OF MODERN ITCId'? TONS Th? <'.!e),rr.e?l Nap deon.i ?'"il- tlo**, l'une', by Rloomlngdale Bnthtr?. Coneerls After:-.'?,n and Evening?, ADMISSION, ONE I?,I.I.Alt. ATLANTIC GARDEN, i\ - Unwery, n?ar ranal St. Hal? K Devere w ? ???.. n gjitera, Mas i'-"',n?ir. N-::i? Franklin, Theo t*rurj Lady Orchestra. _( CARNEOIE HALL. THURSDAY AFTERNtXIN, MARCH H, IT :i ?)'? l.oiK, ?IRANI' BENEFIT CONCERT. In :.i . " the f.iinil? at IS?) lata : AI ?OLE RAE M ANN. VII?, VAS I-M.,A?KI. AS -->.:;? \i **. A. ? F ? PO*? THK BEA SON OP WAONER OPERA AN"' nil?) "?A- DROWNED ?>N Till* BTEAMSHIt? RUM 111 A I.I. THE ARTISTS Off* THK WAG y ER O PEU A COM PA S Y. ?th. Bar? ,',!mti?"i-l lh?-ir torotota. ineludtng ^m mg ??.??r RtDSA IUCHBR, JOHANNA OADSKa? MARIE BREMA, MAX A!.VARY. N. ROTHML'HL, EMU. PI SCHER. ?h? -ntlr. N. ?. s*, ?ll'IIOM ORCHESTRA, , WALTER DAMR08M II, 1 ?MlKT'iB, R ?serred Seal? Mi I 1 41 -V? B-xe.?, M?. NOW ON ,AI.K. _ ' BROAUMA. mi; ?. lili:. i',-.- ? ?t. Ke.'.i-.r- 1) - 8a 11 la? U?'ine? ,a 2. MADAME BAN? i;l'.M*. M ID A.MR n M** ?.i:m:. l'HtCHKNTEti IN KN'lLll H _ CULEMRI'S TH??TRE K 8 i ? ' I Sal Mita. I'ETKH !'. O ULEV PKTKR y. DMl.i.i IN a ??"! ?.NTRl .?l'"?.." _j ? ahnki.ii: < hmiiieh ?11 su 11 vt.i.. ?:,:???? \.. BONO KIVITAI. or J"jriSf IR. PLUNKET OREEN? ?. , ? . il . u-.l ? ?? ?. 1 Bl ' .?Y Mtr-ri 1 MARIE BREMA, ??- *i '" V ?ll |l ... AM> K IN, 1 1 MU VVALTKR DAM IRC i. 111)1 I'** THMATRE. 11 ? .< v , 1 ..?. riiK rot Me. 1*0. 8ATV AT I IS Till. TOI M.MM.. ClgSt PlTZOERAIeD'H NEW DAN''E ?. 1. ??"?. I ?.'.'.!'. " m \1t1.t ?i ??run \ nut bk. * :\ 11 ?in 1 ?1 ?eil!) not ?>e. sa? X ? m: K * I il. < Altl). ' IN ?u THR I'M II. 1 11(11. ,-^J;T ? llllt ?1 I) Mr.. Iws) IT ? '?*? HKR ?I.H h ? ' Itoll I?<>'. . ???t 1 ? m ? is ron i<?>? ? ???it 8HK ROB H?)\ . II it:.. Mat. 2 ,1 . - ? -. K?STRR a BIAL'S, TO-M'.llF. miss ? issu: Lorn s. , : ! M ? - *? ? . ? I: , - ,'. , OHM.IN II. I.I A IM- I'M I I ??'???. ::v 1.1;? - ? : 1 ?o .?*::;.v v ? ?:.?.?? _ LYCEUM THEATRE a** '?,1.:, i. ? ig .- - SI ! ' .f . . ; l*ABK ' '? H !H 1U.K I'H - - ? N 1*3 11 ... per. ' I?..11.. ? nf Ml ' ? ? ? ? '??:<?? Meet 1^ M * A M?e? !-? ir-^ Kl.irei 1. II1KAL Mr? ? III tit I ID. ?? ? IS .?" ill * a THB ? V-K i.K l'B ?M _ ?HM)i:i>Miiir OLEE ? Il 11 HALE. Ils .?er- ?tun ?? OP ? f. M?T. KNEISEL au ARTET ;. METR?POLI I AM OPKRA Hoist-.. WAG-lfcfl CPER? IN fi^HM?H. DIRK.T?OS OS WAI.TI.H DATtfROSCH. THi. US 1.1 >"\.?K' .;." 11 Hl' ?i.ti ? >;. . THK Nini'.Li n?.i:n ritn.oi.v. DIE WALK EHE | rVtmhtld? l'Kl IIRRM8 ?8eallr?4B. ?I-?\ ?? EVR FRL Kl 1 ?? ". RRA KrVk? l'Kl, MAl'RKR ; -?? .- i HKRR III lT||V Mi-Ii II Ml'HI W '?? Mr'RR l ;?'?IIKK? lliiii^'nfc HERR ItRHKENB ? ?\?d Rv? V,-l, 13 ?.lEI.I-'RIKI'. ~ 1 PU. H ?..M* . ..m 1 l'.itn* ?1 ?nut Mi. ??' .' . >?!?: ? ? ? T1NNII ?t SUR. ..- m fi ? f., -. lat?a? - 1: ?-. il '?, : v. ? ?... im . .., ,. ., ? v - fc II illn an > ??? M :. . - BTttNWAT [A> Mi: rROP?Llt \n \ 11111*1:.'' "" GERMAN POLIKLINIK. : T,e.:?? ?nen'ni Mar. '.i?!- ?? - - . o?* Mit. \! ?.! s'il'. |) \|.V. Iran liosa Karher, Frl. Jobaunn Gadiikl, Herr Max Xlrnrf '!' . ? ' f M? ?I AT ?? -, II?. MIh? TritMla Kl mon roh Mi I.''- ?N ItARU ..i".?, M n ??'?:: , 1: ? ?t ): .1 ? ?? n .,? .1 ? ?tii^ ITMI'I S iiRi'HEMTRA ? I?AI.V INI? 1 ' ' Min ?; . -, ??.:;? v\:?:.? ; ? '\r ?, -r " ? Seats ?1*41 s?s?rsnew -, -1? ?t -, : -ta?-*, '? :< ? 1 ? .?^, Mi:nt?>pnt.iTM OPERA iioim:. Till '--?' f ' -, MN?-, MAlt'll 1? > ?' ? |S IWlSI N "?*' I < ?N > ' IR IIK?'TI' ? Mr. RMIIi r*l II. t ?INDI ? TOM. - ? ? i 1 'il**** *i \1111: ?iti'.M \. I t'niasj ?? \ 11.1.1?. Maatsg NKW MCTRiil?il!.IT *N "l'iic.v llofsr 1RASP Or?'HA IN ITALIAN ?M? .'?'?'V-li 1 .M' i m: i'iui.'i'V . ? HKXR1 v Aiinsr'?T? s|'HI\?. BE4BO*4 Ms.).*-,. ''? -Mtll'N' ISO MDNDAl \! 1 li. I ng ? 1 ????..: ? night? a?4 ...... , SI IIS. -IMI'TK'N L1BT N'-\?' OPRM .??lire?? n M McLA ; ? ?? A 4.1 ' ?? _ M.-'-.r !"tr. OpelB M?:???i, I'll MRR'S. A M PA?M ;J PALMKR'S. M? M m - M ' ??? ? ?? ?? 8:18 MRS. LANGTRY an 1 a B| ??'????- s-1. -ei ,?mai ?,-,? r C O S S I P, AN?? ' ' :. ? - !? - ' ?H'-'' ?11 Bo. al I.:'- I V .1>,i' e'Ifh un? I.-. IH.---II ? i i?RO*'TO?*t*B. li? A M ta l.i.'i )? \t " I PltOI'TOR*?. IMn.ier Vaudeville ? i ? -| ?????, l?,iaf \ ,,i ?? Wlt.LIAMB ?M? l*.lti:ii-,N si NSATIOKB Bunday Baeraj ?' n ???? .2 i.? in..tu r m ?? m ? | ., ! PsJTOR'S. MATINRR TO-DAI*. PASTOR't. Mi.l.i: l'l.TUKS'-U, I !'I.::\M? RRS, PRAKK H ?Il MAYTIli:??- tXll rIARRIB, IRA M WU.l.l?MS ?n?litllli THR?TRB. i:?. ? M ?i ?? s?t. at AI'IUI. Il !"?i!'ll rERFDRMANi'a* Sui \!-:\!H.?? lin? ?Il i 1) JOHNSON. TOO Ml ?H .MIIINtON. \? lui Win GUIeit? and ? *tmm ? HTAR Tllt:\Tlli:. Mai? Su 2 I????<? g UL DENMAN THOMPSON AND THE OLD HOMESTEAD. St'NDAT NIOHTS s.iN'.is .?M? 1'aINTIN.?s ?TTH AVE ri'EATKi: Rv?*MBgf at ?.t? *? MU. H. ? H \NK IN ? "HIS WIPK'I KAI'IIKH." a i'"in.'i? bj .?" ? M.rtha Martas, Sent? evili'l !??,' ?teek.? In ad?,,i r DALY'S THEATRff" I 11,1. 1 th.- Illllll.-.lll-lll ,,f AllKll?'lt? l?.ll) ?BJ Rtraatags si B:I*V Matlssas ai -'. \ Hi., i. mm Rub aa R??ja*g | , BHAKtil'KRK'S ?u?ii:ii\ TMR TWO t.l A ) I.KMI'A OP VERON*.. A M?ht of l'nallo)ed t'lei.ure." Triluuie MISS RRHAN ...a?. J"LIA i-id Mr I'ltXNK WORTH I NO, UKORdE .!,??!?.!**. IAMRH I.bTWIH HRRI1KMT ?IIIKSham hijin .?R*!-}' BID.NR1 UKRllKRT, Ml?? 8YIIII. l'ARLt?*LR ,., ; mim \i.?\'\i: RLUOTT MATINEES WKDSRSDAV AND ??ATI HIIAY. fill yiO BTODDARI) S II.I t'STIt *TKI? I,t:< ?Tt nfTtf* UHLI 8S STOOD ARD* S ILLUSTRATED U'OTrRgS IIIMIN THIS SBASOM MAI.?II 1<?TII rii-r.' ?? i!i i,? ?ix ?-.?itrse?. ft?e glstlaci Illustrated leduraa In ea.'ii .?.in,,.- The mornitia ?II <irl.-><ai l.ciiii?-. .-a M til???. \? rdne?.!???. Thin?,!??? ?n,l s.i"n lat?? Ts? ufi.'in?. :i '!l ?''.-!,? ki |e, lure?. Tuemluy? atad I'r.'???. r.iir.,- ticket?. |8 ??? Tii'Kem n?>? re?,1>. All ll.kei? (ir?l?ie.- %*** t?H called f.,r by Tliur?da> neit tvlU ?>? forfeited uni *&i? ta other*.