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SELECTIONS FROM THF. MAIL THE I'KLSIDKNTIAL TERM. REASONS POR MARINO IT TEN YEARS. WITH 1N ri.l'.IHlUTY T<? Ittl-EIJ'.iTH'N. To the Editor of The Tribune. Sir: Your e?litor!al of this date on Ths Better ? hit look" presents to me, rc-i'ling between the lines, ar ajumenta In ninfliiaallon ol views held for many years as to the benefits to the country from a ten gear laTSSldSatial BSCUSsbesiejr, I was a third-termer when V. 8, (?rant was In olTlce. and worke i for him, in my limit-1 way. believing then, as I do now, that! mal safeguards in Anv-rlca at least, are ??ufflclent for our liberties, whether political, re? ligious or social. My Dullness SipertSUaS goes back as a clerk to IITA, and from IW as s merchant, when 1 saw the Injury ?,, business refultlng from the ejuadren nlal election for the Presidency, In tbOSC 'lays, anl befor?) the railway systems were so extended, the business Of the country was done In s.-asons. s > call? 1. The S.iuthcrners purekssed their supplies and had them ?shipped to various oast peints, BO as to be rea?ly for the tsro annual rises In the rivers, enabling the transports tloa to far Interior points. The Westerners were controlled by the clislng of ,he Erie Canal, and bought for Its closing and op'-niig date. Railways, srifh their diurnal facilities, and the d??v??l ?pm ?nt of large interior bases of supply have changed all that. This has proven SdTSnlSgSOUl In many ways. especlsUy In spreaJIng the maturity of credits through the year, instead of centralizing them in October and No? vember, as was the case then, with the ntten?lant anxieties which old merchants ro well remember. The evil resulting from qusdreonisl election peri? ods remains. Under Its operation there are two dis? turbing causes to the welfare of all business. The first Is the political agitation in the year proceding a National election; this is ever a disturbing, harm? ful factor In business, a statement which every business man in the country will confirm. And this disturbance continues through the year following an installation. Thus we have but three years of that peace which Is essential to prosecution of business enterprise. Were the Presidential term extenied to a period of ten years, coinciding, if you ploase, with the ceuaui per! ?d. and the Incumbent thereafter Ineligible to office, by statute, the period of business quietude would be extended correspond? ingly and with happiest results to all enterprises. Tty an unwritten law the term of four years can be, and often has been, extended to eight years of office. Tradition alone limits it to eight; it may be more if the people will it to be. If, therefore, a man cannot imperil the Nation In eight years, he cannot do much in that direction In two years more, and with statutory limitations as to terms of office as Indicated, the ambition of an Alclbiadcs would be controlled, and no man can leave a legacy of ambition for a successor. Ambi? tion is a selfish trait, unshared by Its possessor in behalf of another. The term of service? in the legislative branches should remain unchanged Their elections nre minor qn-mtltl?-s as ?listurbing influences on busi? ness and this extended period of Executive rule woul'l give, It seen.s to me, ?.tabill'v to pulley strengthen National bonds (I do not mean interest bearing securities?, test the value of tariff policies, expose thetr errors, and In general result in such positive public welfare as would convince all of its individual anl aggr ?gate value or merit. 1'arty In? terests would remain as now; differences then, at now, would exist, arii! then?? would And expression as now in legislation within the laws. subject to Ex ecutlv?? ii-tion under existing reatrb'tlons. Democratic or Republican, whlchev-r the rule in the Executive, would be controlled by tue Coiifdl tutlon and the laws thereunder; no personal am? bition could affect liberty, and with the telegraph, the press, with its watchful eye on personal um bltloii?, and untrammelled schools of thought, that ceaseless vigilance which all of these agenu?tes ?.x enMs?* In defence of liberty would pi-ov? a safe? guard which no Caesar could trample down. The ability of the people to overthrow any ?lynis tlc or oligarchic rule has been sufficiently nroven In this State by the deposition of Tammany anl its associated;, as on a wider Held ha.s been shown by the relegating to that outer darkness and the so? ciety of the five foolish virgins that party In Con? gress which, Intrusted with high powers by too credulous voters, proved false to promises and trust, and have their reward. And with the gTowth of the sentiment so rapidly permeating the Repub? lican party?lis natural exponent??>f America for Americans, there Is little reason to fear that any political party, whether on or off a religious foun? dation, can Imperil American liberties under an Ex? ecutive decennial tenure of office. NORMAN V). SAMPSON. Brooklyn, March 7. li%. 9 GOI.T) TH*. INTERNATIONAL TTNINC-EORK. To the Editor of The Tribune. Sir: A few evenings ago, conversing with a promi? nent musician, we drifted .nto general talk regard? ing the tunlnc of various BBUBBCal instruments. From h.m I learne?! that the American piano-makers had been competing with one another for a number of pssrs, hoping to aid to the brilliancy of tone of their respective well-advertised instrument*, es? pecially to attract the attention of the amateur country pianist. The pitch was gradually raised from one-eighth to three-eighths of a tone. DisSStlOUa re? sults of keying up pianos an 1 Btrtaged Instruments In this manner were brought about in a number of ?ways?for Instance, fhe Impairment of the deli? cate organs of singers. Al! Imported instruments of wood and brass ot European manufacture were tuned to the lower pitch. When competent musicians, using wood and brass instruments, attempted to play In concert with American-tuned pianos the dis? cords produced can easily be Imagined. To remedy all of this Inharmonious business, two or three years aero the leading musicians from dif? ferent parts of the world agreed to meet and over? come the difficult!.s Indicated atore. At a conven? tion held in a foreiirn city they finally entere?! Int > an agreement to adopt an international tuning-fork. At the same time they agTeed that piano-mak?rs of America and Europe should tune their Instruments upon the familiar basic tone herein referre i -, The happy results of this arrangement can BOW be fully appreciate?! and understood by those who have sensitive ears. While my musical mentor explained the above mentioned matter it occur?-?*! to my mind that herein Mes the germ of the financial principle which when properly enunciated, emphasised an?l explalne! ought to set sensible men to 1 Wiking in a natural way of the International standard ?.f values. Must not the financial, the industrial and the commercial ; pie in the civilized portions of the glob.- be compelled eventually to do exactly what the mus? clans have done? If the limited number encaged 1n playing upon merely human emotions have found It necessary to make a compact intended to avoid Inharmonious expri-ssions how much more neces? sary is it for all the people of all climes and con? ditions c> aljus: values now creating distractions. ?inci-rtalmW'H and discor-is In the distribution of products.? Is not the international tunlnc-fork the perfectly clear and sound illustration of the financial principle suggested'.' Does nut gold represent the financial tuning-fork? JOSEPH SAMPSON ?of Sioux O.ty, Iowa). New-York, March K IBM. IMPORTANCE OF THE COTTON QUESTION. To the Editor of The Tribute. Sir: While it Is very gratifying to us to know you have found so frequently of late that wo have put Into our daily market litters, matters of sufficient Interest to Induce the publication ?>f them In a Jour? nal as prominent and Influential as The New-York Tribune, we also bog to express our pleasure that you have taken up a subject that really Should re? ceive more attention from the lo?al press than it has ever received, except spasmodically. We say this, not from s?l/1ah interest alone, but because we raally believe that so leading a commodity as cot? ton, with its imi">rtance, In ways other than purely commercial, should be treated on as broad a basis as it is entitled to. speculatively and otherwise. ATWOOD VIOLKTT & CO. TUB Pin HT AGAINST PLATT APPROVKI). To the Editor of The Tribune. Sir: Your able and vigorous denunciations of "Roys" Platt and hi? methods are much appreciated by your many readers In this vicinity. AlthoiiRh this Senatorial district has been considered a Platt stronghold, there are many Anti-Platt Republi? cans h< re, and their number has been mat.rlally Increased since The Tribune has shown up the Piatt Tarnmany alliance In New-York City. The inflll gent Republican voters of this city an not In love with Tammany Republicans, and fir this reason op? posed the lenomtnatloii and election of Senator O'Connor. They were dissatisfied with hi? Sht-ehan and Tammany record, but. as the powerful Platt machine was behind him. be was renominstad and elected. Notwithstanding the fact that Senator O'Connor had tbe support ?if the Tammany element In this city, he ran far behind his ticket, being snowed under in his own voting- precinct, which is overwhelmingly K> publican. If The Tribune Till only continue IK? tight for honest municipal govern? ment and clean politics. It will insure an Anti-Platt .?It BHAirO Shirts ??ADV TO WEAR. ????eryganneat OUARANTCtD. Fit, Finish, lash Ion. The Best. ^ ASK YOUR OUTFITTER POR THIS?. Wrire tor our comDlet? "Souvenir of Fashion," free by Mall CLUE??,COOUC?.lMms?sTC BEST I ? M P THE CHEAPEST Lrt If I I a ??MILLER" is up to date?no other equals it. ??Ml Hull?, lierfeell*- ?life. I? '. |hted ? reniovin? rHmni-y Sees noi break M ?tank? ?lilr.inl??. . ,-?, i vie? :? del i? i; 11 n I Ihiimi t<> u?e. AM. BtTLRR Tor fettsge, Haa, store, llni.i. rtsaiea. Ar. EDWARD MILLER & CO.^-^flcr?r^44 <?do ii a |ii** law 4 ?fi*!'*' IT?"?!!*' Wm ' f a* H * ^t? n*"?* ?Wl m PARK PLAi Iv,a-.-i. :,?*.. i? ??m??* ? C *T?i ?vu rm n lm> u "Miller" ?Ml llralir. Senator from this district t?i succeed Senator O'Con? nor. TRIBUNE READER. lilnshnrn'on. N. V., Feb. 2*. 18*?;,. ABRAHAM LINCOLN'S ANCESTRY. stOKfUONOII gsTTOM DK1 SKATES THE I'.KI.ITTI-INO oy en.?I? DESCENT. To the Editor of Ttic Tribune. Sir: Tlie communication of David I Kevin, which appeared in this morning's Tribune, l? agreeable reading to all ??-ho venerate the name of Abraham Lincoln. There ?s an unfortunate tendency innics our peo? ple not only to belittle ancestry and a de?*en1 B0 ci,?l position, a? though something to tie sshamed of nnd to excuse, but to elevate poverty .in l low extraction as things to ii- pr 11 of Human nature is everywhere the same, and in America no lea? than In Eur,->j?e a man love? to know, or to believe, thai he i? "come of an ol?l family." All our old Colonial families are. ?comparatively speahlng, poor; tut it Is an honorable poverty?often of thai kit I which Hinitie described in his eukigy "n Qatrnetd. i esnnot see anything to like or to admire in thai degrade?! sort of po?-erty which the French call "la mis?re." Much less can I syntpsthlae with a man who, jike president Johnson, would boast <?f his plcbelanlsm an?l early sordid Bssoclstlons; for "no one of noble nioul?! desires to ),?? looked upon a? ha ?Ins; occupied a mental position, as having bren repressed by a feeling of inferiority, or a? having suffered 'he evils ?>f po?-ert?- until relief wh? found nt the han 1 of charity." (Blstne'i ''Memorial A Idress," pate 11 i rite number and everdr.-reaslr.g popularity ??f patriotic heredit?r?- BOCletle? Which ore no?v est?b? il.' he?l In the country will, 1 hop??, have sufficient In? fluence t?> counteract the vulgar and pernlclou? sentiment which delights to hold up M public ?rlew Lincoln as a "rail-splitter." ?liant as h "taniif and ?larfleld a? a "roustab Bit " These, and iiimosl all the great men of the Republic, wer?* ?-orne of sood ani well-seasoned American Hock; and while it I? true i,?s I have elsewhere wrttien) that "there ire only forty families In the L'nlted States that cm prove their origin from the ariatocracy of the mother country," i: is equally true tin: the vBBl majority of the early settlers in 'he c ?lonlea were of respect? able descent and honorable birth, and not. ss some woni-l have It believed, the offaCOUring and ?cum of Knglanl In the seventeenth an?! eighteenth cen? turles ROBERT BETON, D. 1?. Jersey City. March 3. 18&5. ?-?*? ? RATH) TRANSIT AM' GREATER NEW? YORJC RKAS'iNH ?\HV TIIK ? ? ?MM 1S?-I< ?V BHOt'LO PRE? PARfl POP A LINK TO BROOKLYN, To the Editor of The Tribune. Sir: flans for rapid transit In New-York should, it seems to me, take into account the -oming Orsster New-York, an.i k, ? p in view the extension of the system under the East River Into (<ong inl? and. Of course, at this presen* time, the Commis? sionera' routes arc all that can weil t?e undertaken; hut the enlarged municipality, :f it is to be a city In fact and to be one In the fullest sens.?, ?vith all the ad vantages accruing, musl ha??? such tnt?r commiinieat on as wou'd result from extending the proposed Manhattan underground road into Brook? lyn and Its suburbs. The extending of this system Into Brooklyn and carving a spur of It as a surfa? .? road ti Coney Island or sunn near shore point would, I believe, greatly increase the earnings of the Manhattan Island portion, a? well a? prove profitable within its own limits. The current of travel through the rlv, r funnel would be ln,'rea?.-i. in ?sinter II ? ?Id especially profit by the uncertainties discomfort an?! tedlousness of ferry and bride;? travel, and In summer by the much spec Her und cooler run 11 an-i from the spasM? f?,r th? Manhattan population, Let the Commission now so depress their (?rade from the ('Ity Hal! southward as to mak to continue the tunnel on 'jr.?>r 'he r!\cr. and then when the time Is ripe all the above great ext can be made. Allow me to ?ay that the tunnel th?n ?h.mld pass under f^overnor's Islan?l and connect with it; in which case that little island S*OU*d become more val? uable yet as a military barracks or even ,,f gr it? - ??alue ?till a? a water park or a? .? little ?iiil'pi? r.-sMen'':il city. ? 'on'lniiinx. the tunnel should strike well toward the west end of Brooklyn, and \?n?-n landed should take a ere? enl cour* t1...' ? : touch Prospect Park and. keeping well to th? r--;ir of the present densest population, eventual ?- br i up in the nelghborhoo1 of Astoria tsklni oil tl the m- ?: convenient point for ir.-iv-: th,- pur to bea-'h. In time, ??-er,- th'? exten.1 under the wster t" the above*Hariem district and then com with the Pourth-ave. underground, .; elr nil would be formed of great value I'ltlmatel? Brooklyn could ha\?- a ?.?con?l rosd mu h nearer the river front, connecting at each end with th" tlr?' sn 1 ??? I ? ing an oval, Just as New-York ? o .11 connect her ?.ist und ?vent line? at the north Into sn - i ? Thus would result a celnturi. oi utei circuit connecting the two ?rent division? of the omlng city at their sx t remit I? . ?md t?? ? lest r :r.-,iit?. one on either si?le <?f th.- river. This may be looking ahead too far, sotn? may think, or be Inking ci'it a future for granted Ye- who 'in place lh? growth limit? to this greater municipal.'. Bo, l say. lei the commission k?-? ;. Brooklyn snd the Greater New-York In mind snd depress thtlr tunnel at the Battery for the Inevitable extension I? it not true that If ?u<*lh cr?ai works is this outlln? 1 above do not ??ten?! the bringing loretli.r of the two cities?if comfort and order and *?>? t'-rn, If facilities and amenities of many i ?rti are not promoted by It. If c'vic pride lo,*s not keep pace with the larger ?ity and have good an I abundant raaaon t?> ?ve may ?well .-??k. what is the good -r consolidation? Mere numbers, mere agfrepatlon, in nothing. \V M VAN DENPl 'Mi iT'-iN. "West Park. N. Y.. March 4. 1S9".. ??. hTEMORIEi OF GRAMMAR SCHOOL SO. 2 To the Editor of The Tribune Sir: In your ISSUS of the "th inst appeared nn ?inicie on "New-Tork's Public Schools" ?a hi, -i i > ma was a great pleasure, calling up. a? it did, recolk??? tions of over forty years ago. I attended the school ??rammar School No. 2) In the early wr.?. and If my memory serves me right Henry Kiddle wa? our first principal, succeeded by Mr. KlmbSll. Mr. Kid II? wa? Superintendent of Public School? afterward, but I did not know that Mr. Klinbali ever reached that office. A few of thf other teacher?. Bl I re? meml?r them, were Mrs. Conklln, Miss Margaret Itirnum, Mis.? Dean, Ml-- *A*oods, Mr, (Joldey and Mr. Furmari. I wonder If a'iv .?f them are alive to-day" Perhaps some of your readers were In the claBSl then William M. Tweed, jr. and Richard M. Tweed, jr.. were among my schoolmates, Are there any other.? living? I nm no' sure that there ,?r? If BO, I would be pleas 1 to hear from them through The Tribune. A PCPIL OP GRAMMAR SCHOOL No. 2. Buffalo. S. x . March ?. lfsa\ Ml says IT'S A QENUINE DURER To the Editor of The Tribune. Sir: In the hurry and confusion Incidental to the preparation of an exhibition such as that now being held at Durand-Ru.-I ?l.i'i.-ry, It Is easy to n-?- SOW mi?takes may croej? into a CatalOglM, They ar,? therefore excusable, but none the |e?s vexation?. Thus No. 34 is catalogued "Attributed to Albert Durer." NOW, a? thi? pl-'ure Is signed with Durer* I usual monogram. WSS in the gallery of the Colonne family room for many years, and ??ear? the seal of family In the back of the panel on which it is Irfitntod. I fe.-i that the?.- estimable ladles who have worked ?o hard and successfully have unwlllliiglv oust an Imputation on this noble example Of the great Herman master, painted while under llilliin influence M HAIDER New-York, March 7. ISOO. THE LAST REPUBLICAN MAYOR. To the Editor of The Tribune Sir' Please answer, through the column? of your Sunday paper, and oblige thereby a constant reader, the following: Who. and tn year, uns the last Republican Mayor ele, led before ihe pres? ent Mayor strong? ,i. <;. New-York. Mar? h 3; ISD.-. (The lam Repu*.?llcan ptadscaggor of Mayor fltron?; was George Opdyke. ??!??? ted Mavi.r at 'h<? municipal election In 1S61. William F. Hsve? m'*?'er, Independent D?*m ?rat. was elected Mayor in November. 1872. l.y th- Republicana snd the Independent Democrats?, but Mr. Havenieyer wa? not a Republican. Bd.) ?t? ? AN IMMMK TAX PROBLBM. To The Kdltor of The Trlbur ? . Sir: In reply to -my Inquiry of r.-bruary "S, a? lo whether there I? any provision in the Revenu? In? come Tax law by which my friend and I could be punished should we ?lecllne to furnl?li a statement of our Incomes to the <*olle.~tor, 1 am Informed bv the collector, lhrou?*h the courtesy of The Trlb'ine In to-day's l??ue. "that In all case? of wilful SSglecl cr refusal to make an?l render a list or return ns prenorlt^-d by law, It ?hall be the duty of the ?ol lector or deputy eollector of the district to make such ll?t and to add 50 per ctnt aa a penalty to the amount of tax due on such li?t." .Now, a? In our case?, there woul 1 b, no tax due. how could M ' Bothlns >>? ?' ?mputed? If we wer- non-r s: i?-.i?. then I cou.d casi > hos we could be punished by the noncomplls With th" Ina. as li Ctesrty defined In Section which, however, s ?Id even then only api?; to <-,,?. of my friend, ?ho ha? an Incom? of f.?,'W, rived srholly from ?rpomtlons nubject to the but not to mysUf, who has only an Income, all ? ? , ... n :.,.-,k- t., me a- If ihe law In this ?pe ? wai defeetlve, and that the only penaitj which ?a-, cou i be suhl? tel by the Ignoring or lav would lie s.inp:?' tbe annoyance one miaht ted to b"aus? of being obliged to appear fore the collector en hli "immons ItoHKRT HKTHKI? Phllllpsburg, N. .!. starch :. H*k - ? ? AUTHORITY OP QKHKRAh COUNCILS. THEIR ?.?mi i:ti:n? v AS WITNESSES, VT th l\T M.I.lllll. 1TV. run POINT AT ISSTK To the Editor of The Tribune. sir I was attracted by the title of a letter In y Issue of March 4, "Authority of (Jeueral <'?uno An Examin?t Ion of the Claim of Infallibility." 1 But, reading further, I found that this so-ca "examination" was merely a recital (with BO confusion as to the testimony) <?f the well-kn?) fad thai ih?r?? was much injustice and rfotanos the -, 1" I n ? of the menib-rs of the council. Now wbsi bearing bal this "examination" up.m real question ai Issue not the Infallibility, mark general cour.cllf. bul the authority of certain def tloni Which they sei forth .1? to the faith of Chrl, tlan Church? I?el ua al once admll that the tics of thai ag. .is of other ages ?ere of harsh, overbearing, cruel an! unfair. Card! New.1 ("Historical Sketches." vol. li. p S41l H of Cyr 1 of Alexan Iris who was the chief personi a: th.? Council of Ephesusi "i'yril. I know, Li saint; inn it do. s not follow that he wis a saint the year 111" And I suppose there are many v, would ref.i.e to call him 11 faint a: Bpbesua in V. even Newman Implied lis own doubts on that pol Bul I siilnnir that It betokened S superficial vi of history to COI lema offhand the contribution human thought of a given age ?ir generation, I .?ni..- the men of that time (or some of thrm? wi ISCklng In tbst tolerance, that sense of Justice, II tornearan ?? which ws haw learned t.? prize. suppose, foi example, m.'s' Americans would hi thsl ths cause of constitutional liberty owe? ?on thing 10 the i. ng Parliament, an?i even to Cr? well, wh?? silenced the remnant of that body E tolerance is r> Il very conspicuous In tbe acts Of t?" sun- Parliament, which Justly earned Mlltoi icorn, noi 1 : the s 1 of the Pro ectoi The real ??? >,-nr however, is that, whetber or any ?ne cares to els Im Infallibility for genei councils il am no? aware that the BlahOpS' P.istoi makes thai ctslm), It la nevertheless tha fsct th the main body of Christisn people did flnslly sees ? the Catholic faith ?a? being in. It ii this deliberate, latelllgeal sccsptsace th give.? them authority for us. and r.oi any al'eg ? ths ?..'in-H?. that cancel th* Ir a cepiance by the Church Tbe councils srers a . .he faith, noi ttlscorsren of aesi tro n >r espounders of mysteries. Il is not a? redni ?? ? ?? ofttln sa tumult ? ?is assemblies, shl h mai..- ua reaped tbe bur then- competan y to wltnesa a? t th? faith n s and the saTeemei of their testimony ? ih s rip srs snd the rontin ou? 1 "fcrial Ian 1 mi ?- here noi a fair analog! n our cummin ii? Do wi : ? s, thei Ihe authority of eatabllah, preceden I ? ? it an; ilm of Infallibility? I'm previous decision! in rsferr, 1 as autho ty I idgea an 1 ad? ? atea allki re necessarily Inf illlble, b it becaui rec ignlse1 j"'.: ?Ipp Rvei ? frell sever, thai -r<i:h I?, rl gr- 11 arel not | i Wish pre.? the analog) toa ??r pul In 1 ?me tu ? *.i, ,'enture 1 cntly, and w lino, mlslng ??m ? ? truth, refer to tl n?ei, as to fall if tha I'ndlvl '.? reglstei and witnesses of that whi ? ni.?- wai inp : It 1) believed bj Christian rmon . ??- we an apt to r< fei lo thi ? I ? 1- . 1 principle* of romn las ? ths guaranti of our civil libert) M ' .' ?- who ate imp: tier.t of tn- dogm ? pal il del liona ol M lariat 1 Itrlrtianit? roa , gral ? ' lo 1 1 Impie m ijf - e stAt< mi nti f fact of tl Nlci ' nal liberty \- all. ?e I, remember? 1 rhatevei ma) !n\ be >n the ? "' the flfth ni " h n-,n iin? true ( mclL which a, ? ? .?-??. 1 hi reed s In. 1 :h>?e la:?? ? ?lun?!!?- ??i l ?? res farmed snd ippllsd, wai (la th ? r li of 111 Rai m in. ? r of .r.'all bill ty 1 'such a 1 pi ? aentatlvi bodj . the world u rvei a, I am awari in question! presaln upon the Christian fhui ? .. ?h <n*\ seem 1 throw in- ? the . 1 !<? i eologieal eontr? ? ? ? I do noi ief< n 1 a typ, 1 which tarn? Its ?/ .? ? ?: backward, and ?IimI ha i. . i'i 1 for I hi ? ? 1 ?.111- III' I maint?! ih?' ?? > ..r,- BO) titling ? 11 e)vsa for Ihe I ..-11- 1 -, contemptuousl) sneering *' ths el ? our spiritual ancestors 10 meet the problems f the ,:ge ?I 1 ve ? ?? not, r.iih?-i h . oinmon herllag which ne mia:.' well nrisi In thai Cstbol -??? ? 1 presa ng " ? orig -.i faltl lesm Hot of 1 ; I, ma I? 10 of Man.' ??? . .in I ? ? ? lumu! ?.f ? or'r . ? r >-.. wini 11 si d un. r? .- .??? ? rings iliis ? ., .? nt and inn tskable notes (Oore li .1 ;..? ? ' . I " l.e -r i\ P til. RENAAMIN BRKWHTKIt ? ?range. N J Mai * - ? C WIKI S IN API/,' 'N \ To the E Htor of 'i i - 1 rlbune sir Thai there ere some 1 imeli rai gli r In I iuth Wl ' \r/??r..i II loilbtleni ti'ie, bul r they ar numerous ai ? ?ui Ban Kranelico correspondes ststea In hli llspsi .. of ?lsi h I leema neo.- ? ?,, doubtful The rang, 01 which ha locates them 1 proi. o ly an erroi sit ? Tbe original herd of cat ? thai sen t:ri"i loose In Anton 1. aiHint ISM 1 bellive), by sn Arm) quartermaster, numb re eighteen In all, Aftei the ''??ii War there erer fifty or Blxty .?f them Been on the tableland se tl? of the (Ills Rlvei and weal of th" Blema Tucsot and Bsboqulvera, with other leoiated range? ?i, re 'h to th.- wesl .hi I south Of To.-on. This woul. be westward ?r ill degrees of wesl longitude in? from "?- ?i?gr?es to 4.'- minutes south. A few year ago an effort ?.1? made t.. lotrste tha remains <> th..s herd, with tii>. result of seeing hslf a doaei mangy-looking specimens. These were running ess of tbe Lomsa Negras la th'- section In which tin ?1 ? well-known Ajo copper mine 1? |.Had, Tha would i,.- seventy nulei at lesal south ??r the lowei portion ol the Eagle Tall Mountslns,' named bj j .? 1 '.lit'..;ma 1 orrespomleni ?>f ? ?ui te H ?? poi mi? that the rameli ma) hav, ??i some Hi.ossed the ?id? 1:1.-1 and b, in,? found lo at. 1 ?m th- north iltle thereof, but 11 h hardly prohib?? 1 IsJIy Is It unllkelr. thst ?M of tii-m range thei ?, .1- thai there is mors movement in the se lion In than ealai - on 1 ?? uno and gra\?'l scatter, i plain known ?,. m? papa riit I ?i m th, .?' luthwi ? se :i"ii ol Arlsona The plain between the Eagle Tall Range and thi Olla River, named aa .1 camel range, 1? quite imal 111 ar?\1 |; || p..,. (?a,, twent) mill - fl ?rn Ihe r|Ve| to ihe rann.-, which Itseli 1- no) ovei fifteen mile, in length. T.. the southesst of it Is the Rig Horn Mountain, tha northwest portion of which 1? closi '?> H- -o itheasl foothills of the Eagle Tail To th* wesl 1 m? Castle Dorne Range a still aetlv? mining section There mai be In this localltj s bou I cm.000 Bei.r valley ana tableland, certain!) not m..r.- A part of the ralle) i?- under Irrigation by iii?- Mohawk ind Vuma Improvement Company, whll ihere ar? several large ranches, and In all derable activity I do not believe thai there sre -in-. 100 rameli in Southwestern Arizona, or, in dei I one-eighth that numli-T. and thes.- ore cer? t-iiniv unlikely ??? be found north of the Olla River, at 1 n?. Ragle Tall or any other ran?.- In that portion <.r the ?Territory. Belli, l msy, ?i* ours.., 1.,. mis tsken, though l keep careful watrh uf such mat? ters. ItKIIAItli J. IIINTo.N Pay Ridge, N v . March .. MS. ??> No IIYI-K BBTATK IN CHANCntT, To the Editor Of The Tribune. Sir: Paragraphs ar?- lust now going the round of some of the American and Canadian newt-papers to the aaTeet thst th^ dsscsrndanu of one ?VUllsm Hyde, who left England for Amarles in ifii; for p . r?ai reasons, ?re entitled to many millions ..f dollars In England, it any ssvs bohm <>f your read ers B great dtvil of trouble an I SSpatlBB If you will kindly allow me to Htate. as the result of careful researches, tint there is m> such unclaimed fund la Chancery, .?r In any Other department In this country, 1 may mention that Parliamentary returns show that the total amount of the funds in Chancery arising frmi Othei '-states Is ?r7..V.?0.4,.2, exclusive of a larga item under the bead of "Foreign Curren? cies" A l.?rn>' portion of this money I? unclaimed, uni an list of such dormmt fuinls Is puh llshed i".'i 1 ? ihr.-.- v.. ir?. N,, less than l'2.n^7.H2l! of Ule unclaimed funds has been appropriated to varl OUa Objecta, bul II is ottlclully stated that the chances of the rightful owners appearing are re? mete 811 ?NilV II, PRE8TON. 21 Chancery I.aii?-, London, \V. (' , l?'eh. 2S, l!??.',. A I'O.MPI.AINT AH Tn l:\NK I1X A M I \ I ,l:.?l To the Editor Of The Tribune. Sir: Hew long will the (iovernm-nt perml: Na 1 tlonal bank examiners to continue t|?e|r farcical Work? The r<?ent defalcations of Kcely, the book* keeper; Carter, the cup?n clerk, and Tjte, th<? pay 1 lag-teller, w.r. esu-rted on for years under the so called examination of National hank examiners. H has b?. n state! that bank examiners are Intended more as a sjasch oa bsnh ssnelals than <m clerks. j but the failure of th?- Maverick National Hank, of I BootOn, was caused by Its officials BBS Hi Whig money I of Ihe bank for spseulataSn In excess of their lej?al rlKlit, and on notes Indorsed by Irresponsible em pl ?yes; vet the bank examiners. In examining the j assets in which these notes llgured as loans and discounts, pronounced them good The assets of the .Madison Square Hank, '(imposed In part of stock? figured at th.-lr face value, wire pronounced aood at^OAS%*SRSSym%AVm+*+m*m %%*aV? 5 ^ Look i Us Up .?nil n?k o? abont this ?nie. ?ou'll fln?l tlint ?o little ?ione>- hn? never before i:rolm?e.l ?<? much .alue CARPET5. Ural Ro??< Wilton. .*??? pnlli-i-n". ?he nrvpr-nrar-onl kind, ?vortll S-.'.'?. ot. Il.i.l* llru?**el?. II |?l?>4lerii?, n I VeMet. UT imiten??, nt . liest Tnpe?lrle?. I?l pnltern*.. ?it All ?nlth or wltli-ml border?. SI.-"? . 7."??*. 75c. ?ill.-. Js & J. DOBSON, 2 East 14th St., New York. Al?<? sos-Mii ?Chaataal N? Pbiin?lci|?hi??. A bv bsnk examiners until the fsllure, when they v . re found t" I?- worth a few cents on the dollar. Th? recent failures of banks in Ne?v-Miim??."h,re and llinjihamton. N. f.. were the result ut bid mana?gement on tu? part of the officiais, yet the bank examiners pronounced these Institutions ail rtsht. Th.- condition ?>f the Kasi Hide Dank. In this cltv was known to outsiders long before ih" hank examiners ?dosed its doors, in fac? :h?? ?sight not have been eloeed at all if the bank's clesring?houss agent had not refused longer to a?-t for them. Notwithstanding the proven Incapacity of :.?m? of th? present National ba?a examiners, they still continue to hold their official positions, and the public, who are siiopo.?""! to be protected by tue examination? of these gentlemen, an- ??. a rasa to kfo?v what h ink ??ill next close Its ?l??or?. FRANKLIN W. RICHARDSON. New-York. March I, I8??;. THE ?COLORED PEOPLE IN OKLAHOMA. A LAROg I'nl'i I.VIloV IN' OREAT DI8TR*eSg POE LACK OT POOD, ?t."Tlil\.! AM? SHKl.TKi: T-? the E lit ?r of Th.- Tribune. Sir: I desire to a?k th.- special attention of your readers to the Mr-dltion ?>f the <?<? people in Oklshoms. When thit Territory ??as opened to settlement it offered to th? eolored people of the South a rare opportunity to secure for themselves ?and, and thousands of them svslled themselves of thl? privilege. Multitude? of th?-m secured claim? and hive laboriously worked to develop firm?; others secured lots snd set'ied in towns and village?, while others ?,-n* into ih" more populous centres An lire:.igeiit negro ? irrespondenl srho ha? tahea conslderabla pains ? < .nt irm him?.-if srrltes ms under dste of \fsrch i that he think* the rotor? i i ipulatlon of i h? Terril ry ij non over r?.????. snJ that it ma) poss**oly r , n 90.909 By personal oh? seiVstionne finds'that th?*re i? greit leetltutlon lnioiic 'hem. as we should naturally **sn?e?t*i there would be s ?m?* of them have actually Buffered great ?I stre-? from inch ?>f f?SOd, ???'nine and shel t.r. rh? gentleman, the H '? J. "A Dunjee, r?'?i-ling st ?' ? 'iv. City, <>k! i. Is ?ii the employaient ,?f the Amerlcsn Baptist n me Mlsalon rtoelety, hsvit ; ?mm? n !? 1 t . u? by the i'.? ? !>? \\'ayii.. i ii ?? ? -i oth ? -.- ?< man of Intelligence .m.i itrici Integrtt: i have reason to think that he Is thoroughly trustworthy, snd "?it any money ted t- I un Bill n? nissig ii'e?l for the pur? ? ? - ?? hif-n it i? designs tad ll? ?wrftes to me m | fjr moi ??? but simp | I i its i fsci fin Ii them, an 1 Bays I ; unshle to - , ? ? ' ? ; i u n s h I e t ? i ->r porn ??:'.'i which t? r ???' their little '.Ar:r.'. i, ?tii km I- of ? ' n?- exceptional.y ,i>, i i th? ? ?n 11 ? -ir ? ?! em man th ;, ? ii-- ?? I, r.i :?.? i rop .ml ?fill rh-i? lie left In ? ? ni m Whll? ?be ns. d, ? ?fer? Kan? ' '? ? i i i I * ?ra< - thins be don.- to hi ;? th? te i' It,. , ; ? I I! im? M ! ilns ?'hat M . answer ti :in apt? r ?.? i r,- -:,?:. -i?-, r,-.-?,??? 1 gsnerou? tribu? i .it, 1 iMWsp ip'-r?. hsve been table and ?nd he has ? ?ii i?? ri ?it,' B, which he ha? diet ributed i nil of I ? ? ??????*, meiere aa.ary he has been feeling those <w1 ? ?*? rhout hi? he.p might have ?tarv****<l T, J MORflAN. i' irrespon ling fleeretsrjr. N ? 111 Fifth-??? New-Yuri? Mat i I ? DEPI'TT-COLLECTORS' Al'THORITT. TDK.. \ .?! ?? 1 ! 'i ! HI-; I ? W ? s ~ ? ? ' UK ? ? it 11| t*HI r.?\ and ITS ? .?t I.t-'i Tl.iN T , the *Cdltor ??' The Tribune ;? ? -- :?? this morning there Is a para? graph ?latin?; im.- th? question rslsed by some people ?? to 'he legsltty ?>f eol!a lion mads by ?? i.. n i?-d with any concern by the ? Hectors, snd ? ?u repon Collector ''.-??? a ying "If i tic i it neeasssry to deputise ,i I to represen' m? in the matt r ?,f <-ol ectin?; .?ii' : 11 a t person ?? '- under my Instmetions, i i?!m responsible f?ir his official n is. ih?-!- should be ao d? 'i?' ss to his compe? tent " Will you tiertult in?- ' , SS] ?; "i thl? SUl.! ll I ,io not think thai any one has ever doubted th? authority "f depnty-eollectors to set for the ill? itors in the matter ol electing ' >??-. Hfter Ih? ?moni?' t" J>e roll? led lit? 1.n previously and properly determined, Whal i< 'btii'-d by a'l lawyer? who have carefully examined the subject i?j the authority ?>f the daputy-col'.ectora t.? BSercise the Functions sttempted t?> i?- lmpo?u i lip?n them by th? recent Isw bs la the ascertain? ment and determination of th?. amount ??f tax to be paid There la a well-r? ?gnlsed distinction, la law, b-Mween those act el in ?dmlnlstrstlre officer ??hcii are purelj mini terial In theli natura, and those whi h srs of s ludlclal cl ara? 1er. In .? . i by the Supreme Courl of the united Btates, :- cd. after treating of tax,,? where I ich a? ii tux on I. 01 --ii articles yard, or buah? I, or Ration, >?r 'or if a part' rular kind, ??r al , it opln? levied not s ? - ? i ?tatu)? Itaelf iix>? the a animals ,c ? flxad ?um i r ... a tlx.-d sum ii hi ?--is.- to do h a particular place, th?f ? 'i Ion, say? "Htil where ly, but aci ? lins t tax by assessors appoint? I for thai purnoss upon ?u,-:i evidence si the) mi) obtain ,i different principle ; "ii-- In The ufflcera In estimating the value act illy." ?i. i 'h" court rit? as authoritative i decision <?f the Court of Appeals .?f thl? state, reported in Ii N V . M, Wher? Judge Ituui ild; ?'The action of th? a??eaaor? I? rmlnently Judicial lu Its nature To administer osths. to hear evidence, lo weigh n? ' "? ?.? compare it ???Mi ih. .a?? snd to decide th- ipiestlon present? I ?re of the essence of ludlclal action " Son II la a tierougiily well settled rule of l-?w I that, while ministerial officers may act by deputy, ? th???-- administrativ? officer? ??in,?.- authority is jn ?11? lui cannot ,,, t b) deputy, This rule is so well ' established thai llouvler, In Stating II In hi? "Law Dictionary," did not deem II aec? isary to cite su Ihorltles in it? support. but if authorltle? ar? nee I* I - Ik? . ;ir?- abundant Thus, to look only at th? ?'oiirt I of Appeala of thl? Btate, the rule win be found laid ? !,,?? n m tin- :t N jr., Bjt: !? N. V . i:?7 ir. N V |So> 1 II N. V , 144; ? \. V . t.,7. |fi N. V.. 471; 7?i N Y.' US; !d? N Y? D*>. and In numerous other esses Th.. regulstton? Issued by the Commluioner of ?nterin'. Revenui and the statute Its.df both con template the performance i?v deplty-coltectors of precise!) those seta which are declared b? Judge Hum to )?? of the essence of ludida) action. The ml- above referred to mahes it Impossible f,?r th? dkvputy?collectors t?? perform those a?-t? as deputies Of the collectors, snd 'hey cannot p.-iform (hem n- directly lmp?osed upon them i,y |;,w f,,r ttl? ,.?.,. Stop that Cough! It may lead to serious conse* quences. Cough remedies will not do it, ?because it means mon* than a simple cold Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Kypophosphites will do it, and at the same time will build up and fortify the system against further attacks. We are putting up a 50-cent size for just these local difficulties. For ordinary Coughs and Colds that quantity will doubtless cure. If it is deep-seated it may require more. Poift ?V persuaded to aecept a substitute ! Scott ?ft Rowne. N. V. All Drurfmts. 50c. and $1. son that th"v are not constitutionally appointed as officers of the Inlted States. THOMAS HARLAN D. New-York. March ti. !>??.. MRS WINSLOW EXPPRGATES IRSEX. To the Editor of The Tritmne. Sir: In reference to a paragraph In Friday's Tribune heade 1 "More lose-" -Mrs. Ervlng Win slow, being fairly well known throughout the coun? try as a competent Judge of what is pure and sweet In literature, her own Judgment, Implied by the reading or his plavs, might be left to stand against that of your Critic, though he has certainly passe., the bounds of profee-ional courtesy. Likewise the general recognition In all countries of the supreme gifts of the Norwegian author and of bis Influence on the whole modern drama Is a rising force which needs no help from any one. Henrik Ibsen'? niche In the temple Is secure. Hut If SUUBUI '"? BS sal.l that Mrs. Wlnelow does nor re?d some of Ibsen's works anl exclres those s?ie pr?tants. There remains a large number of plays of noblesl dramatic quality which lose noth? ing from being conformed to local and national tasto. Moreover, they possess the true moral char? acter Of the highest" art. It is impossible for the ml-er the drunkard, the debauchee, to be senti? mental admirers of Ibsen's plays. They pierce be twesn the lolnts and marrow and leave brain. lie-i' and conscience thrilling. Miv 1 bs allowed to add. .s not wholly Impertinent to the droll characterl7.,tion of Ibsen a* a "corpse," that the subscription for ?he course of Ibsen's I lay- which Mrs. Wir.slow is about presenting In Bort?n next month Is In .-very way one of the most select and distinguished ever promoted here. rtoVton Marc,, ?j. last. BRVIKO U'lNSi.oW. _ as? ? MONEY FOR THE POOR. To the Editor of The Tribune Sir: 1 am In receipt of two checks, forwarded from yon through Mr. Rmcroft, I. e. : /4nna If. '"??x. 15 ??a,,r?;e Tin-s<l:ile. ?n BCeOUai Bf Mary K. S Kat'in- ? T. ?..: .m.fu Many thanks for them. I shall Include them In She repor' of any further con' ributlons re. ??ivtd from your generous readers Thanking you for all your past kindnesses and wishing you ??very suc-eas. C.FORt.E R. (J. FISHER. Rochester, Minn., March .1. 18!?.V A BUOOESTION TOR LENTEN WORK. To the Editor of The Tribune. Sir: Please accept many thanks fur Inserting my appeal in sour valuable columns. In r?>sponse to v\hi..?i ?.?.. i? i-.'i i donation of articles ?for the baby baskets Which we land), consisting of powder, puffs and Castils s iap. As BO name or address was given, I would ?Ike to ???n ! thanks through the Tribune, an?! to ask for the donation of small spong.?? and Infarts' clothing anl h.ihy s.'i'ks, which are gre.itiy needed. Young people" and Invalids would tin?! this a good work to accomplish during the I.en!<n season. Artlc|p? may be ?em to No. 1?V7 West Elghteenth-st., and win be thankfully a? knowledged. M. if. AVERT. New-Tork, March 6. UN THOMAS DIXON. JH.. RBSIGN8. DIFFERENCES IN THE TWEKTT-THIRD BTREET BAPTIST CHURCH. MANY OP THE MKUIIKK.? WAXTEH TO GO RAi K TO THEIR "'.I? BUILDIKO, IICT THK PAST, ill \V< ?ff.IiN'T HVVR IT Mit. DIEOIfg ROSY gCHBW OF A HI?; I'NHK rttOMINATIOMAL CHURCH. Tha Rev. Thomas IUxon, jr.. who In his Associa? tion Mall sermons has been conspl "ions aa a sen. sattonal pre.i her for some time, ysotsrday resigned Sis i?isltlon as pastor of th?? Tw.?uty-thlr 1 Str?et liai first Church, which l.e has hel.J for nearly six Mr. Dixon's resignation wa? not unes? p?. te?l, anl the congregation will return to Its former quiet methods In the od church building, while Mr Dixon will try t-.establish a near Church, or rather religious organisation, after idea? o? his own. When Mr Dlxon was called from Host ?n by the Twenty-third Street Baptist Church, services were then being held In the church building at i exlngton-ave, an?l Twenty-thlrd-st., and it was I ?und ample to accommodate ail comers, ah this was ? hanged upon 'he of Mr. Dixon. and the lit?;.? church ?.? s roa found too email for th- ? rowdi who were attracted by the pastor's Bty ?j of preaching After a great deal Of dlSCUS? sioti lbs oiler members, who were opposed to a I i ge, ?ave In, an.I the church was moved to ASM latlon Hall, nt Fourth-nv.?. and Twenty-thlrd M., where Mr MSSM BtSCS ha? weekly drawn large crow.Is, and built up a reputation ai a preacher who bad something startling to say to hla congre? gation about ?-very iuaday. His me'hods, aa they developed year by year, csuaad xreat uasaslnsss amoni the older ai 1 more conservative of the . I ar. h-members and pastor and congregation id tally began to drift apart. Comparatively few of those who gathered on Sundays at Association Hall were members of ths ?'ongr-gallon, but were t'?.o?>- who .am?- to hear what Is termed "sensa ttonal" preaching, while the regular members of ? . hurcb gradually got In the habit of going to oilier churches, altbOUgkj Still retaining their mem? bership in the Twenty third Street Church. OPPOSED To A RETURN. The latter have for some time been discussing :h" feasibility ??? returning to the old church building, and as Mr. liixon has repeate.lly said that i ?? wou l noi agree '? such a move, any action of the kind on ths part of the trustees or members would be tantamount to asking for Mr. l>ix?m's. resignation. The members of the Hoard of Trus? tees ar?- .is follows: Dr, Joseph A. Kenne:', chalr Edgar F Hlgglns. treasurer; Alfred D. Clinch, secretary; Andrea i, Pa?astaaa M. .lack soa, Luc?an a. Chap?n, Henry B. ?'antei. i?r. f. Van Rmsaetaer Phelps and Dr i??hn Woodman. It Is said that the hoard, who ar<> all of one mind ? m tbe subject, had practically aareed to return t.. tbs oil bul'.dlng. Another causa of dissatisfac? tion to the COragregatlOU ?as the fact that Mr. I>i\o:i'?i I.ctiir.s and outside work w. re making great Inroads up n the time that should have been devoted to the Interests of the Twenty-third Itresi RsptlSt Chttreh. Mr. DiXOn'S aalury was 10 m>i a year. The hall was crowd?"! yesrerday morning when Mr DtXOn r?>:>- to read his u-slgnatlon. which give? his reasons for so doing an.l his plan? f?ir th-? future. Hi? reasons In ?a-' were as fol, ??.s Flrsi in the particular work to which i have >'?' voted my lit?? .n New-York, namely, th.? reaching ..r the non-church going masses, i am convinced thai the machinery <>f a atrlct Baptist Church is a hindrance to the beat work. While I remain In fundamental ?creed s Baptist, I believe the time has ? .?me (,. make Christian union s reality In our great eitlei If the city is to be reach, i with the Uospel I i i pose to place in? work upon a union ovengsll cal platform, with one principle only recognised in Its membership vital faith la Jesus Christ I believe II la mors Important t? lift many men out of ihe ditch than to spend my time making a few men Baptist s.-, on i Home ol the older members of the church have for some time desired to leave this hall to re ? turn to tbeii pews In the church building. Your board has three times expressed 'his desire to ma. I would cuisent t.? it. I am thoroughly con? vinced thai un v.-leslastleal hull.ling is the poor?.*t Instrument for r?nrhlnic and saving men that is li iw In use My heart is with the great multitude v.- have gathered and held through the lust Uve years. To leave this see of eager, uplifted faces, shadowed by doubts und hungry for truth, and return to the ?piiet anl narrowness of your church building would !>?> to BBS tho betrayal of a divina trust. Third I wish to baVS a perfectly free pulpit. In which to push to their last logical conclusion those things which bave become t?> me of supreme lm portones. Among them: ill Tn Insist upon tno absoluta non-essentiality to true religion of all forms, ceremonies, rituals, places, paper creeds and church ofllclauSm; emphasising as of Hist im? portance the freedom of the Individual conscience snd the individual church; <-> presan ting old faith in new lights In th?> effort to rebuild the crumbling faiths of the thousands who have ?|e BSIted the churches sick of the platitudes of dea?l traditions; cu to proclaim tas Baairodasss of the secular; Mi t?> proclaim thla us the bous?- in which the dospel at .leans Christ must have Its bocIsI fulfilment, if society Is to bo saved from anarchy. 1 hav.- pcesohsd these truths for five years. I wish now to law jsl l?> mv denominational baggitf?.? that I may preach them with a whole heart. I have determined therefore to rt?.rganl*?i and estabHah our hall work upon a permanent, basis. II.? eontinuiel that he start? off with at least i?D metalases, and "we will aee in the spring the hud and blossom of the divine in the ?Treat church out ?Ide the t'huroh." In tin? five years he had been with them, he aat?l, had been turne<l from the divor la?'k of room; l..'.?*? bad made ?-onftssslon of faith, 415 new members had been received, 181,000 railed and fc'ii.nuo given to outside miaulons and benevolence* urnl tin ?Inane. < wer.? In a flourishing condition. When he hid finished reading his letter Mr. Dixon made a further statement, bj which he said that his resignation had been determined upon a year axo, and was not caused by anything sal 1 In pulpit Of PSW. H was proposal, he sal?l. at one time to erect a $ 1,6o?), UK) auditorium, but the financial panic I stopped thi?. and then some of the older members ! desired to return to the church building, which hs | refused tu consl.ler. THE PAST AM) KI'TPHK. Mr. Plxon was seen at tbe Ashland House, where he la lempiirarlly living. He said that he liad great faith In Ills ability to gather a large coa NOW ON EXHIBITION AT OT'R WARKn,K?MS, Chickering Hall, 130 Fifth Avenu? A ii)MPr,l.TK ASSORTMENT OF G 'P?ANOS ubi? an?) r?markabl? lmpr->? ?m.Bj and tliat h?v? recelv??! th* un?tint?4 rontalmns all IBM) ? r?cently lir.r-otiuced. praise 9t music)???. t?>?h prn>?elonal and amateur. W? eitend a cortliat invitation to all 1.1.?-..) m ,|^ ailvancemen? and pet feet Ion of Am?rlcnn planofortea ts c?!I and examln? CHiCKERINO ?Sc SONS, ?SB? I')?? h l,.n,. 89e w % VELVET CARPET! fsX?fl CARPET? MAD! TO WEAR, OTHER! Tu ski,*. OUR WC VK1.VKT.S BUILT IX BOTH DIRKCTIOXH. WONDERFUL SHAD? INGS! WONDERFUL GOOD!! AI.I. NEW AND PLENTY OF Til KM.? HODIF.S, BORDBREj BALL! AND BTAIR& ' Baumann Bros., $ 22, 24, 26 East Uth 5t.. \ NEAR UNION SQCARC, ?**' ?L^%%^*?a?^^%%*>?W%*aV%% **%%?% ? gresation end ?e-cure an ?-dhVe. There had bo?n some iiinTer?n *e? betwses pastor an l cangrei ? Bbslnly because ?om <II?ar pr irai of h ? ? ? .- sj prsaohtsf end ?becsnse sosse ?were snxlons t> go back t,j the little i-h'irch. He Intended to secure th? ISTrSJSSt hill In the city for hi? work He already ?..ii eight trustees sefacted, ?ime ?if ?hon? ts*eni (artists at-, i the like, rnemhers of th.- tdtmtaf ?v'juh and Artists' Ctsh, and nr-n ?rho ?rould lake an In t?re?t in their ?vork an?l n??t bieSSSS puffed ?>'it by their own Importance. II? <i.?fred. If be eoutd mat the p?j*oper suthority, to mnatn .? Bspttsi pn ? er and t"- clsosed ss without s chsrs*s, He ?? sH probshly sal sn ssslstsnl to do Ins ?ssstorsl work, for whi.-h he wax unfitted, Few or the trustee?. i,r. in fact, of the ? i ! :.i>-ra? ber?, were in church ?/hen Mr. Dlxon i*ead hi? r?s? ign?t.on Alfred D Clinch, secretsry to th- Hoard of True? tees ia?t nigin EAvt oui .1 itstement which le ?ids to the belief that ther? pjss J>e-n more or less fri?. tlon a*id feeling between uasto?.- and board, and thai their Id..?? o' ?1* ...ri.-tal stsccesa ?lo not tfree. After Statins that the Hoar I had voted to ?-.?? up Association Hall on Ray !. Mr. i'lln<*h ?ays in par': "The hall ass Isssed by the church In rh? hop? that the work sf the church, alona all lines ot denominational activity, would be so ? ?..?rf-tl that ;? st*tcessflfl appeal could I.? m id?- '?? ?..,? denomina, tlon for a large building, it wa?. Il fact an effort toward denominational headquarters Th? church ut?, however. diBSppOln ' ???! in lb? result? While larife congregations were ?? ir I, they were not principally composed of regular stteadssts, b?i* of transient visitor!?, who would not by th?lr eon'r butions meet the Increased espenees cassas! by 'hB occupancy <>' A ?so? la Hot: Hall, ?r.l lately thes* contribution? have been redu?**ad to ?ueh an extent ?? to lea?l to a. gradual Increase ' I ??* Indeb'e?. iie?? of the church, without any prospect for t ?haiin'.? for the hei 'er "In D'lilltlon to )hls iierl?)us questiiMt. til hope of ?ecuring a denominational building pa??ed away fully a v.-ar a?o. While thl? disc is? on I? bused prln.'lpally upon rlnai. ?'. fl ? th? bosra i? free to say that there ,ir>- ,,??? ? ? onaMers? tlon? The pastor has remove,I his r?sidence to V'lrfftnis, slid th>- beard h?.? I. en repeatedly In? formed by hltn that be could no' and sroaM not ut'.-nint pastoral work, that h.? ws? no lon<?r in a,-?ord with the chur?-h t?. which he tv-is celled ?* pastor, or to any regular ehutrtjh; that h? hid for two year? been m<vlitatlng ,i change of ?lenomina tlon. an.l had finally ?letermlne.i upon e.?- i ashing an undenominational chur?-h upon the ti?>i i now occupied by the Twenty-third Street ?aptlX ?i.'hurch. "A presentation o' the pastor's resignation f? ,1a? ??a? a surprise to the Hoard of Tr?i?tet.a, l( ??eil a?i to the members of the churi-h, b*?essB Mr Dlxon lia I .??'r.-.-d with the boar?! that he would not present hi? resignation he sub? mitted it to the hoard, an?l ha?1 consul'.-1 ? -i it in r?f?ren?a to it." Dr. John Woodman, one of the tm*. ? I, ?t .' yes? terday that he failed to ??mprehend Mi Disons reference t?> the financial success of the church. Andrew .1. Itoblnem. another of th? ?ruste??, who live? at N?>. |**J West Beventy-sUi ?:. ?ail t.'iat th<) pastor and congregat: in had had difference? for some time Many were oppose? . . I, to Mr Dlxon'? style ,?f preaching, and while they as*reed ?with him on many subjects, ?u i stts ?ta on Tammany Hail, yet th?y ,<itd ? ? f? : |?ke rxdng he!d responsible for many of hi* ?tatentents. Mr. Robinson also said tha* Mr Dison leCturug pl?n? sertouelv interfered srith his u ? ??tor. A meeting of the onur.-^itl -n ?? . ? h-id t ? a, t on the r??-s|fnstk>n, ani until then noth? ing would be done towari securing ? tssor to Mr D-'.xon. Mr i?ix,;n snnouD? ?! yesterd ? s 1 reply to "An ?lid Fa ?hi on? 1 ?'.?ri.vrii.ii.' ::.-v I iti day morning in Association lii M FDA IS AND MONET FOR THE CREW' UKAVKHV or THE TEl'TONlCS IAILOM l.S wMtid'.i? BT THE i.iKK-SA?i.\.? i.i:m,\ . ??I.KNT ?SSi n [ATI? i\. The medals and monetary gift.? awarded ? ? the ni.-n .,' the Teutot '? crew ???i> Isaac! i and n ?nned s lifeboat, with the ?nt??ntl?in of \ ?. ic.-eli-. : to the assistance <>f if'.' ??lfss^rasssd tisiiin--: seb Jessie K.-eV' s, ;?eje pre?.-nt?-1 to th.-m I . i.ipiain ?'unieron n.ornlng. The detail? of the affair have alr.-.i ly been t>rinte?l In 1 Although the men bv reason of the t - s nreather which prsvslled, ?lid not - ti-.eir attempt t?. take off the shlt**Wt*ecked I >et the brsvery and p.-rtinai'ity thev sshiMted on thsl i?>?i'asi.?n Justly entitle?! them t? the lenardS bestowed upsn them by the Ufe > ?..?lent AssoeiStiOB <f N.-w-York. The pr? s..iit.iii??n took ptaci - Teu? tanie si ti?<* cor.ciusUin of th?- muster ' the .?hip's crew, which numbers M men, t'aptatn ?'unieron, in, , :? ? , - . ? 1 money to the ?sen, slluded to the '' th* 'r.Miti-iii,'-. psssengera had ?jwd? to is si the tlSSS of the rescue, ud i .??nuked thsl 1" bsd S ?*? tor I SSCatSd line the plesstnf ?iut? ol It ' rtn:nj ?hem that th.dr jiiuck in liinn-hin?; ? il ll "?' Storni had i>??en srehstantlally r? s>ftsf I'tiumenitlng the awards msde bj .w.v.i So?-lety. he COnCllItWd b| liopiio; that the fS**?BSl they ha.I rSOSlVSd would giv.- th. m S BtlSISlSS ?S pet far ni their duty ht Um future, bo matter h"**7 SrduOUS ?>r ?langer,.us the task might b. Tiie name? of the ri cl|ilents and the SWardS ?re: .1. H. urt?,n. fourth oSscar, g ?id m< : and B\ William S*ltspatrlck, ?iiiartermaet.'f, silv?;r luieln a..d S3?). F Mclaughlin, silver medal and t?\ W. Jones, silver nieilal und $L*<> .1. s?ieJ, bostawsln's mate, silver medal eni C* Aib.n Hawley, silver meial ad $'.'?' Fourth Officer ()rt?m, r?-lurnlng thl ,?:! they ail highly spfH.-,listed the kindness Ol ?? Anieriiaii citUeiis l?i ur.-sentina the medals **?"? money. Hoth he end tne rest ..f the cr.-?? c?*aaa? ?i.d th.-y bad only fulfilled then- dut?, snd Baa, he was ?uro, they could all be ?l-p, ROM I I***"** ,0 ?lo at all ?Ime?. Th?. medals were esch Inetosed Is s leather <????*? line.l with velvet, with sn appropri?t, ISSUlSSBSB engraved on tlM reverse side, ? ? m ? MAYOR BTBOXB visits BBLLBTCB BORPITAl Mayor Strong p.ii.l a visit to IsllSSaS h*SSS?Rsl y.-s'.ei-ilay with ll.-nr?- II I'ortcr, of the ?'bar t!?'-? and Correction H,?.ir?l. and under the guidance of Warden Wllllan) H. ?i Hourk.? all the ?aids snd ?lepartment.? were visit. 1. In ea?-h ward the Ma>or und ht? ?s.-ort w.?r?> re.-elve.1 by ?he physl !<:i In charge, and the lntere?tlng features, ??h.-ther in the nature of patients under treatment or nieth?vl? of work, were polnte.1 out. From the nu-ane pa? vilion the party nrorssdeil t?) 'be Morgue, and fr?)in. there to th? pier at the foot of Fast T??.*nty-?lx'h si., where they ?vent aboar.l the ferr?'b?>Kt Thorn?? \ 8. lireiinan. which run? to Blsckwell's I*,lan.',?? The Mayor said his visit wa.? not an cecial oi . "I ?ImpI?'' look ??Wantage." he said, "at IM ?? ? weather to have a look at the ho?pii?i warn mn I'ortcr. and we have been all over It I ?nl K'**0 to have seen It." __^ Why? Pearline?the only Washing Compound ever imitated.