Newspaper Page Text
CHINK8E BROKE AND KAN. r-|.KI) PROM TENCHANTAI, AFTER A SHORT FIGHT, LEAVING OVER DEAD UND DYING. TOB JAPANESE WISH IN TAKIltO THE TOWN OXLT KM K ? I 1.1:1 ? .?i s \i:\?: T1K41-KAO TAKEN , IliNKSE liiil'M !M? TO DEKEND rORMCS-A :. ndon, Mar h It) The Central News ? rre spondent'ln Tokio quotes this dispatch, which ?Ah? sent Ironi ting-Kao, or New-Chwang, on M a m b T: The First Division ?? j ?rts that ihe f? rts i ? ith snd west of ?lng-Kao, m the left bank of the river have been taken t i the |sst ditch and re ?our,? Two soldera srere blown up by the ex i i. uf h mine In the Chinese line of defence. ?',' . i.'?,. Kivr Is still frosen. General N dsu reported yesterday that his army with Ihe aid of the First Division, had at tacked the Chinese ut Tenchantal that morning. Ths .'ai'.ni?"?? advanced from three directions one force coming from the east, one from the i rtb. ai the I hlrd from the northwest. A : it artillery "??' was opened at T a m . and under ver the three b dies of troops stormed the town s !itt> before 10:80 ?' lock. The Chinese " nan red 10,000 ?? more. AI Ars! they fought bornly, but finally they broke and ran, thi ?wing, down their arms at i making n ? effort save standards oi baggage, Mosl of the . nese fled to the northwest Although the Japanese loss was only 100 kll'.e I, the Chlm se left . i" tl, m 2.i dea : an l d? ing In and around tbe town. All the enemy's wai material was ,.:i. ; ;., ; ?;? ie town ' ' e during the fight, H \ before night s rned to the ground, .;?? ? .,; s l/i has b? n promoted t.. the rank of marshal. . ... , . ? Th.- - if Japan will stir; for Hlroiihlma to-roon ?w ??? Inspect all the military and Red Cl ?SB 11 s; ?tala , . . The Ontral News correspondent in -Shanghai sara that the Chinese are making great prena ?atlons to defend F irmoaa against the expected Ian Hi i of the Japanei Roms Harcb in ?The Chinese Mb 1st? to Eng? land will presenl lo King Humbert on March It the Chinese env ys who will arrive here from the North m that dal ? I! Is repi rted that the envoys will seek to IntereBl the King and the Pal Inel In a plan to end the war by arbitr?t! n. Till: POSITION OF JAPAN. "STATED BY COtTNT ITO IN HIS .SPEECH T<~> THE CHINESE PEACE ENVOYA Tlirilt POWERS FATAU.Y I'EFECTIVE ?TUNAS BAD FAITH IX THE PAKT IAPAN W1U.INO. . BONA FIDE OVER. Tl'RES FRUSl CHINA FO? PB.A47E. I. :. ' n, March 10.?The full text of all the pr toc?la an 1 other coi"respond>nce In connec? tion with the recent abortlv? peace propositions of China t.i Japan has been re *?'. v?? i here The documents were laid before th?- Japanese Par Uamenl on February S, and have been translati d Ini ? English an?l printed for the Informatl? n f foreign ?far vernments. Th.- lasl but on ol the series is perhaps th.- mist explanatory an.i fully aea the attitude ..f Jspan toward Chins, it farts of a translation of a speech addressed i- Count it", th- Japanese Plei tentlary, to Chang In Hoon and Shim Yu Lien, the Chinese Peace Commissioners al s nferenoe held on February 2. Count Ito spoke in part as foil ?ws Instances are ; ?I ? utttng In whieh Chines? ? missions afr.-r : | rmsl ?-?? ; to Intern. tionai compact-, luv?? refussd to affls their and esses mtghl be ? ited In which treu:;.- ? ilacm concluded bave been unceremonloualy thoul .??parent teas m repu : It has fn.m th?; firs: been the wish of Jspat avoid res.?Its which history tea hei hei in? to be the ?.iitcome of negotiation? with Chine.ffl ("iil-i wl?> arc riot clothed with fa' ; '? ? ' sense in which-that term Is uau.ll} understood i 'niieeqiientiv th* Imperial Qoveraraeni mad. it a c m.Iition precedent to any peace nsgoti.tlons that se p>alpo:entlaries should t>? furnl.hed with full powers psscs an I It ? i upon receiving positive assui inci i the Chli Government that ?ha- i rec?dent b.d been complied with, si l thai the Chinese ; et tlari-s were un their way to Japan, that His Ma? jesty, the Emperor of Jspan. conferred i| ?.;:?? ?.i .? snd myaelt full ? ?wei ?n '..-.- an.l elirn prellmii iriei ? pesce. with the pienl liarles of Chins. Thsl our Ei eilendes' ; r. itwithslat ling th ?t bsi irai live. Is to me a ?sure Indication thai ? merit of china la not yet reallj foi Criticism is nearly exha ?ted by a simple n of lb. two Instrument! which were recipro? cally exchanged at thla board yesterday, bul not out of place to point ?ut that o-tlnltion whi.'h I? usually given ammi?: civilised ? to ;h<* t?-rni ": ret i ? I ? othi r itltute of nearly all 'hose qualities ??? bid) are regarded as essential to ????--. It even falls ? lleate the ? ibjeci up m which V ?ur Ei 'eilet ??:? ? negotiate; I thorlse Vo it !.?. ? ? include or sign anythini ect of the subsequent In .ur Exesllencli -' acts, in short, It would ?? ? thorlss wl Y r Eacellenctes would b. mplei I to your Government what mj ? ? an 1 myself might have to ujr. In ? n - ble foi u? to con til ? ? ? nan no i ason to app ibject of peace, she ni verthi lei I bound, eferen ?? to that civilisation whlcb abe repi ?asnti l.ten to any bons ni? overturei ?*. i may advance; but ah. will declln? : ? take part .:. the fui ire In any fruitless negotlatioi i or to i ? . ?rty to a paper paai e Th? BtiesSlng between 'he repr?sentatives of the two countries havir?? been arranged, the cre cVntlals v.-ei? exchsnged II was found that Ihe J panes, envoys held from "atutsuhlto, by th grsce of Heaven, Emperor of Japan and seated on ths thrm- ?occupied by the game dynasty from time immemorial, full powers to meet and ?re-it. either separately i r conjointly, with the l'l?-nl potentlaiies of China, and to ?.?? nclude and sign preliminaries of ;?? . ??" To tins was appended a pli Ige that such stipulations would be ratified. i m the other hand, th- Chinese credentials w. r-- r lund to re id ai foil wi as Irai ilati I ? the Chinen?. Qovemmenti The Emp4taror <>f .'luna senda greeting to th? Em pet r of Japas Our ?wo .mplrea being In ths same r-oatli ? arto then? was no ?.rise for dislike, but latelj on .??count of the Core.n affair we had to re? rt to arm?, which liai? resulted In loss <.f life arid destruction ol property, Thla was an unavoidable sts] Sow, through the mediation of the I'm ted ?States Government, both nations will appoint plenl potential ? ? ?vit h : .: powers to men and treat and latlafa torlly lettf. th. matter In dispute For thla purpose w< aiapolnl Chang In Hoon of nt of hoard rank, member of the Tsung-LI Yamen, senior vi e-presldent of the Hoard of Rev "' ? ? ??' ? eth.o V'i I. ? t rank an?! act "K Go ol H in, aa our plenipotentiaries with l II power to go to you ? mti ?. ?? Tour Majesty will receive them i ? that the said ???SDlpotentl.rtes may dischargs thslr duties, A* trautslated by tic Jspsnes* lovernment these credentials rea 1 as foil IWSI 'iy ?taerse w< -?? ? ....f.. ni manne ??e repone,) )? ,. l>,n the dl-l.iHiire ,f thp ?.??^ >J? the Chinees Commlaaloners Cbuwi t?. . ? v-, nui ?,;,> tertnoi-.i,.,! the aegottstloni ! y ti,.- remarks wr.iei, i correspondence. ww'n "??d thin ? ? WAR iUPrUBI WOU ?niNA .?'.w-Hav.-n. C.r.ri. March 10,-The Wind Repeating Arai? Company yesterday shipped -', III BBSS to tlie Chln-se Coverrimer,! Hi,,,',. ., b?g.nning of the hostilltii.? the compsoy has shlimsd iran? of arms to China, and la now work?!. 'hftj, additional cartrltire ?r.l.r f? .,,, 'I ' mti.L ntassCI OALI OH THK BPAXMH COAET. Ma^rl!. Mar"h 10 DaSpStchss from Csslhl sag thai ?iievrre uni- In ?w.-eplr.? i.\. , .?,,; ,., m ,. ne?K..1,^)r. h0u<l of that p?irt. Maaqr llsjaSMSrs and .lre.1^? have hai'vv^1riri Hni\ f",'ri0"r''' Much other danta* i .. , n '1l'ne' l,ut th" "torni '? Btlli -, Pe.,?,. >,;? ' "J .'n:?.'??ih!e to ottala part?cula Af{MV CuMMANDKHS To VISIT BUM Ait? K JJ*J^i .March 10. ii is isasSBDced n.-dav that "'p HNni.,r.k win rreoelve th.- ?rnisanrtsis of ?J -*rtnan Army Corp.? at hle.iHchi-ruh oa April l. _ April 5 u deputation of eoUsgS) tSS4*aSTS will M hs 'hi?'"} * or,,'rt,on of th* 'xerclne boofca ?-??WafSs?Vg,0^^" ?? ?bs Berlin NORTH SEA CANAL OP EXIM?. EMPERCAR WILLIAM PER90NALLT SUPER? INTENDING THE ?VRRANOEMENT8. A GREAT NAVAL PARADE TO BE ONE OP THE I'EATt'RKS THE ? in m ,:i.i.? ?Ifs DAIM IflTlM: Id \-|i ?V.? !\l I.ri'.N'/A Berlin, ii in. Th? preparations for tii? open? Ing'of ihe North Sea .ml Balttc Canal are mi a grand seal*. The activity ? I along th? line, from ?< el to tie North Be?, show? thai Hi- Emperor In? ? ?:?.-'? rat? th, occs I n ?? th a series ,>f splendid ff-tK lasting a week. The Emperor la superb na mosl of the sriange ments, which are sllll Incomplete Befor? th? in auguratl m ? erem ml? - he ??, igali traven patri (?f the with several warship t? Inspect tb" *gj?-Vi?. harbor? and forts snd rehesra? briefly the winde programme as la- desires to see it ?unie?] ?mi. The Emperor visited ?.<'' the lock? b? far as Brunsbtitte] on Thursdsy, and then ?txmferred with th- chlet englneei who assured him thai there wss h, possible obstad? In the wsy of opening th? canal < :i the original 1st? The Hamburg banquet will !?<? held ?>n the even? l?, .- june ,, xht climas '?' t'1?' celebration will ?,.. (he i, - ptlon of the Emperor wltt* a squadron ?. Kiel -i lun? to. Th? welcoming fleet will In ? ?ii! war ?-.-?-??? representing alt th<- great nsvtea <-r the world, .?ii the excursion steamers of the near? by ports, end a hoel of ya hi? from the whole North Qermsn eoast, Th- Kiel authoiitle? are planning anchoragi for ISA tare- vessels, The ?forth ?German Regatta Bo let y will open the i?,.it im; ?????k on June C The Imperial facht Club will follow this with a serle? of matches lasting from .1'ine Jl lo .Inn.? tl Racing Will cn?| m? June ? ..n , ? .m m itch over the eo irse t?? Trave mflnde 'i'h?. recent brilliant reception? si the Chan o 1er? have given the Impression thai Chancellor - Hohenloh< i? living In luxury and pomp quite unknown In th>- Wilhelm Strass? during tbe days of Bismarck end laprlvl Th? I'nlted Prreas ??? pondent has obtained from Count von Sch?n born-Wlesent hied, chief of the Chancellor's special eau, a f< ?? details ol l'i'.'^??? Hohenlohe'? dnlly life, which throw light on hi? personal taste? and Inner ? hara? ter. The Chancellor rise? In wlnt? al 7 o'clock, and In summer mu h ? irllet ?fter cof? fee, with a buttered roll, he smokes a cigarette 111 'he begin? In?? worh m,r the morning mall. lie often si-ans his letur? h? he walks in th? gar? den, at the same tun.- scattering crumbs smoi i |,ii is in the paths, AI '? ?? ock hi es to 1rs workroom, the furniture of ?rhl ii I* the san., a? In th.- day? of the Iron ellor an I th.? old Em j,- ror. \; ?:30 the : illy official routine oi ? n? with th- report? fr mi . eounclllor? df the Por? gn i ?fll? T '? ? Bu? reau bring m : ? m< ?tl ? new?p ip ? cllppln :? ? rools.ap. Al ? it 12.>'< lo, k the Mlnl?tei ? foi egtni \ Mb '-'? r ??v -, o ifines? i? ii,d flntshed at 1 o'clo i If? In vlted lo eal I ncheon with the Chan?-ellor, ??'.-, us.;;, llj ii? at the ? Prin e?? oi ol K of the II c. family. Tl ?? m? a I : i meats, egg? ,: ? a With in- > the Chancllor takes anothet garetti ..ft-: s/hl h he Irlvei to th? K? lch?1 ig, to remain uni ? ? : ?:.- nt ii- passe; iii.l) ?? ?mall pa) : ?il ., tun- ??? Itb the 1 ?epul ? s, howe? ? r, He woi ? te i ? ?:?! ite frotn i1 Hous? g over State b lain? ? - -?? " I I ?i He ?? ilk? I-? .? !?* "a- ? "han , . Her). :?? el? ? ? i fresh bal ?I oft*! and al 7:30 < ock goes I th? lly dlnn? i. ?? |s far from elaborate Al 10 o I k ''? i i ? tir? s to hi? woi kroom and i ?a !tii Ins Interi ibli rreepoti lence A< ml I nlghl he goes t? bed Mr and Mrs. Run.? on ga? hall at th* Embassy on Thursday I. is) look r with th? i irai i nt? i - tained at the same time th? if! of the Ami : ii i !m < - ? Con? The death rate has I.n ral ? : rapidly In the la t ??.. i. by i hi epl leml nfluensa tl empire Hamburg ha? suffered moni Th? Ktilnl? hi /. I iing I? pul from i ? '? ?on? ??!?? think that I " ? an 1 ?oldiei ?igh ms. w testions and d? bsi? - i ?-.ill ? irelj ome next, as I nclency of the p? : don? h..s i ? en doubt. ALLEHED ?\TROCITIE IN a n m i?: \ i \ THE M",,i'M : M.? ? S I v... ? ??? -i Mil? Telegraph' he? a which wa* telegraphed from Kar? ya* i -,, i g t hat ? ? ? II tBsoun massacre? ? peai bel ire mmiKH London dispatch, terdav, i of the .-' th? Commlssltm of Inquiry snd have narrated lb? whole story of tl Thej ?? i ittei ment, of which ?ill ? ? , ??-.? Ti.e ?tat? ment mi ni that thi i Bible wen dung .?t lb? ? I \ :. ? tn prlesl ?who w i re?l i trample lie ret thi reupon I h? Turkish ... out hi? ey? and fl ... , g. Of tl ? . ? ? . i me tin priest ?,nl\ one, .i mer? int nal I A * ? i ; ? . ?\nothei Ispai iied at Kara y??t?i la) tbe testlmoi Idlers taki ehll Iren by the I lh?i ?ton, ? " \ T irk. ?, ? ll i. : I ? tie dl?| "boun i an old Ai m? nlan hea?l dowi branch? r??at with an axe." "Tl., ' ... detall? ? ..... date I at Kars I which Turki ?I give th? lai.-s. The?- fire? have the ? viden e befor? I. - imm '*Tne Telegrapl rim the laten on which lb? llspatches mention?.! aliovi a-er? eni Moosh. '?The 1 ?ally ??ral.?: - |., , ?,,.). KtaMniopl?-: Munir Bej. I '? ?ereiary, ..?.?? to ':.-? \rne i-Ian I"?trlarch the memorial recentl? addressed by him to th.- Sultan regarding thi lit.-,ti of the Armen ans In the Empire He re quested the Patria) h t-, a?I \r. ., more moderate tone an . nentlon In I ?? n ? m t la I h? Sultan'? clemency and i nse ? I |u?i l .',-? , . Patriar ?:?? ??? deckled not t - modll bul lo re? rn II lo Mun r Be) n ? ? . ? ,rm. The Commission of Inquiry I? ?? ?rklng ? .?!? in Mu? ?s!;. ? HOW BAN l"i\ii\,;?i WILL APPEASE FHAXi i; Paris, March 10 Besidea paying I'- i ? ample compensation fo) Injurie? i.? French ?g snd submitting Beveral question? to Spain for ?rhl tratlon, h in Domingo will take ?teps to ?iie?i\ ths demai Is of French national hon ?r M I Pre) h Minister to llaytl, will proceed to San l?, mingo with a French warship snd n.?i?- ?.? II be ?aluted ??'itii twenty eight gun?. The Ban Domingo authorities will approach him when i,?- lean the vessel and ?will express f??rmally tlndi i.? I i ? ...-.? .'.?i| ;,-:,. l a 1 theli hope? f,,r ,, renewal of relations with Prance After thi? shall have been lone, PresUlenl Psure win receive tiie Domln lean Mtnli u-i In Carls;. ? BUOl'.ESTED "TOR SPEAKER PEEL'S PLACE Ixmdon Mm-, h i" "Th- Dsllj News" snd "The Dally Chronicle" will urge to-morrow that Leonard Henry Courtney, Deputy Speaker of the Hon?c from ISM i?, 1991, be chosen to succeed the retiring Speaker, Mr Peel "The Standard" v.ili suggest th? name of Su Matthew Kill?-? Courtney is u Liberal and Ridley a Conservative, TIIK CZAR'S NEW VA'TIT I.A TN? 'IIF.I ? t'openhsgen, March 10, The Csar's new yacht Standard was launched h.-r.- to-daj In th? presen e of the banish royal family and man? diplomatist? A? it entered th? water II w?as ?a ited by the gun? <,f the fort? DEATH ??!?' THE DUCHESS OF SAO AN. Berlin, March If The l>n.-li.-s? of Bsgnn died yes w*Kh bet ?.-rand, hildren at her i?-i?i?l-. The Count snd Counte? i of Talleyrand IrVrlsord arrived hen- from i'aris on Wednesday, The Duke's con? dition Imm I**.-!, alarum,?.: for BeversJ days, bul his i' ? tans t'llnk he will r.-?-..vcr l.'.UI. ROBEBERT QAININQ 8TRENOTH l-ondon, March Is Lord Rosebery I? gaining! strength He drove ou? In u close carriage lo day Lord Rosebery ??,ii go to Windsor lo-morrosr for as iindk-in-.- ?Aitii i .,- Qoeen. CAfTABINO QARZA REPORTED KILLED. l'anarnn. March 10. A dispatch from Colon snys ! KV vP**fy?B<>. Qarsa, the Mexican revolutionist, i asa te-?-n U?i;, d. MORE TROOPS POR CVBA. /',"'?. ?M"r'?,, ?k "The Times" learn? from M? ' '" y::' "!--.'--".- will f.rt for Cuba on ? m sis rrahtei? ?n-i nine gunboat) ? . KAOMENTS pp rOREIQN NEW? ???-?''.?-^?N'and0(^rh'',i,'v'?'''''?'-, ?as decided to ! '?.-"-o^nmndVif WH? '^'?'-"?""" ha- Instrsstsd ? im i wCtJl? h 'r","",r "??and. ?tstloned In \ i ? ..?'.u-i, -.'.i ! i'.r""'"? al . to La Ousyrs. ? of th? m'u .?la orV?'ou ISnc?aT'tb. ?lattM*. I ister. who la-o week received his passports from Presiden! Cfe?po l?r J, 'ill Portoul, the ven eauelsn representative In Parts has received Bis ??rts. London, March Ii Henry H, Fowler, aVcretsr?; f?VT Indis, i- seriously ill of bronchitis. iPANISB-AMKRICAN TOPICS. A ?'.it' of ???? ge sma proel t! ied on Ft bm in? U In the prortne. of Guayas licuad..r. by the new Ooverpor, Benor Gabriel E latigue. The whole i: iiadovian Republic continues t.. be ht s condition af diacontent .ml unrest on account of tl."cur renca airead) mentioned her- it will be remem u-rci that the r-pr.--?ir?ti es of Ecuador -it Vu1 paralBo, In eollunon srlth tbe form r Governor of Ouayaejull and other oihctsls of the ??public, srsrs i cused Of htivlriR served ???? paid mterm-sdlarlea hetween Chili and Japan in regard to ,v' - ''?? "f the (?hlllaa erutser l?smeralda, over which the ?Senador! in fisg wa i.? Bted before the ? ? transferred to Japan, The men Impllcst? I In lb* allegi l n?gociation denied thai they Iih 1 been par? ticipants in it. Nevertheless, extreme political ?? tatlon hu? prevailed ever since then in Ecuador, where Ihe aatlonal H ?ne ???.?!-.? hung al half-mast a? a sign ..f regrel I r the dishonor und ? 11 - n i. ? ? ? ? ol the country, snd Ihs Presiden! of the Muni Ipal Council of Quito, the ? ipltal, was arrested, on sc count of disorders which occurred in thai ; Is - is jt not p ? ?II ?. aft? i .i.i. that the Esmi rslda .?ff.ilr may have been used ? .? pretest fo i political opposition 10 Presiden! (', a overthrow migl l '?? i mi I n by his ? n? n ? In thai i-ini" republic ..r' Ecuador, tin ?' Oners! of Spain al Oiiayaqull, Beflor Don Juan Rodrigues Rub?, bas been ihe object of aympal di monstration oi th< pan of th* F. people, a. .??;; ,i an countrymen ion?; in thi pl.i 11? h ? - i ?-1 reeentlj ???? ? ni bj yellow fever, of which I I i p i i ?-': n said once, In his < nthusl ism f ?r the ? Ity ' ? ' h?' had been sen! ai Consul-Genera! thai ? tl Ing wai I it (?am ;..|?i.l. even. ? ? ; ? ? . ? which he tho iirht to I Inatli i: Tl ? fa mou ? Ti Itallroa I, \> ? ? ,- bea-n In progress for io man) ?>? irs and which will unite tl ?Hantle .nd Pacific oc? m was the object ? ? : ? ' beiweei Chill .nd the \i entli Thi ro.d - al mo ? entlrel) bnlll but there remains the is k of . . t ?if the Coi n ?n h will co ? ? " I e lln ?tar Ing ft m Chili sit h that start li pendoi n progresa on I of the indes, hut It to push with I ?? |i i .m f the work, Chill ha* r< given a guarantee i Ii ri iken th ? ' ni ? erpi v I at. ? : S.ntl i?< hid at 1 i?t u unt?. . ill) expeel ' r x i ; . ? I. ? , later In Chi Omrln.i " . igen! of th? I. moon rs ? ,i slm '? ? ? ??'?? iln m g ? TI - Arneni :,. n; ' ' ? ? ? ; .-,. : nnn ? i?- ? ? i pi ir.?l il The M le? Vi Klgnnr Antoni " ?? ...... . ? : ... ;,..,. as tho . ' In ?.''!? i.- : i \?. ? ? I ? .... .... , !?:? : ira. wl In. that ni I ir. ihm R ? ; if )?.?? -. ? ; " i ? ? ? . i I "nil ist ?' ? . ? ... ..... and ? ? ? ... * ..... , w irkti;. n of thi Till I'M, I',/ './: v; . / utss I ; r ? ? ? ? ? -i f ? ? f ..? filial S ?I I- ,f . Mis? ' ? n ? ? ? ...... ? c&**f* : ? ???? ' ? V v ? ^-' - \\\?Lf? I H" - ^#v - >?a3^W Ml. - LEI ? ' ? ? ' . it eight ? I ? '? : ??? i ???:?. ? ? i .. i ? ?? ?.. v -, ? I..-' Mr Wl! !?? ? .Vhttgey, who wi dev ?ti i admin r of I W i ...,:. . - ;. !? -, ? : i.i". -I, In thi . tlie Leiten ? l'i ? . . ?. II wsi re| ??? " .it Misi ?..-ii.-, a.i . -,. i,-, i t,i. marrie.] toes rttate Men.tor Llsptnard Hi vari a .< ? x i i-i. ... a|| nl ? ?? ' he Mi Cursoi :? th. eldest cjii uf ii ? father si 1 .m ex". : ve travelh-l Chli sen un m a i OBGI a March 10 ? dlipitch to from Crest?n, low., say.: "Th* town i?l < i ? \ miles wi ' ?? ' : ? . on, Is much ?e?l ??vet, tic- Sllieldi . ? I . ? Id I ill i' rtil? tl.l ? .tl /.? ? The ' 11 .'"n Sstl ??i ii n ink Is ne as i ? tei lay thai It ha ? ?Daterai on Hi. mi u it ??? form I, and th? i . .?? -n?,. :, .n reveal . i . ,? I" ulatloni of Ulosi. i ,->.i. i, ;?? : ... : ., j i,., i nt three rears It ;- variousl. ? itln ,i. . hat Hlot ir forgerl ?- Sill :? I h , ? I . II llf-slile?. I hi? hi hsi i-?r-..w-.i largu nun. from wealth) sens .m ni' <iv.n note) Tin-?- amount probablj '? 11'..?mi When .m official went to the blacksmith shop owned by BIosbst lo srresl him he endesvnreil lo evade the officers ami failln?. dres a revolv snd sliot himself in tbe righi lemple." TBE licit! AUA.'NRI TUB IXCOHE TAX. ITU I'NPOPCI.ARITY INCHKA?lNtl l-'riilll The N'.W ?Hl'-lll l'l e.lVllIi? The unpopularlt) of the inoosas '.i\. Instead of diminishing hai Hletidllj neresw :, and ? Woul?l in.i be surprising II the new < 'nii.f.-i-s ?rets lo re peal the las ai thi Ural op port unit; ir |? not the lack of uniform!!) In l r application ?if ihe te? lh ii Is the pHi" . I? n urged aaaln n ,i bj the people, bul !??? InqnlsHortsI powers, thai :i... ?riven u,e collectors and tl i :? mluin that I ,?..?. ipon p.-r |ur\ through the Incentives held oui lu taxpuyri t?, .va r- th. tax A REAL REi BNl'K T ?RIPE NEEDED. From The < Inclnnat! Tribun? if th.- Income r? >? i de htrei! u.n.tltutlortsJ ?I. re n usi i.? .ril. be levied In its stead u an c numben of stamp i .?.>??, <.i ,i tariff established to produi e revanu. and lot? of it. ITS INEQ1 AlalTI \l* WORST I'llAli'in: Prom 'lh.- Philadelphia Telegraph In th. argumenl before the Supreme Court on lbs Income 'ax. the strongest point i rat dev.loiicd I made agat'ial (he on.tltullonallty ?a t?? i iV. ? ?n th.- ground of 'ii- uneaual bssrln?) it.lusllty ? if nil b.-f.,rs th- law is ins cornai ?none ..f oui i??? im, ui ihI.ii.. and noi <.n;> th. Isttti .,r in. section of th<- Con.tltutlon n-tatlng t?. taxation bin the Hpirlt of lb. ruinent throughout forbids ?II? , rtmlnatlon as ilnat m - tn\ ihls and In favor <>r an other v.\ l.Alti.i llfcX'IHION DE8IHABI . jnim The Mss v.:k Herald There Is no reason wh? ths Jiidgss shamld not reach .n.'I ai'iio'.ie ?? iheii i-oncluxlon uiihtn a very fes w-ek The? doubtless realise the lm|.inn ,,t .-ttiinK ih" ???iihI ?|ii-sti?iii raise?! before April th,. .I,.? on or before whleti return, muai be m.ds If th?- Court should declare the law unconstitutional, niel therefore roM, ?before thai date, there wool?! be no occasion for making returns snd the public would thui ea ap. Uie nul ince csust-d bj the in???' oiii...?. .?.? featura *t the u...? ?..:. oi. HOTEL MEN INDIGNANT. STIRRED UP OVER AMEMBLYMAN QAlr LAOHER'fl ELEVATOR BILL. PROVI8ION8 v.lll'll TUET CONSIDER WOULD EN? TAIL ON THEM EHORMOffl AND L'lUCnTI? ri ?m.g RXPBNSE tdR. QAIXAQHER u; TO M??in:v ins Mi:asi RE Irif.?tTiii:nK..;i-i..?Ki'<?)iKK.-'i''>-*?-i'f-:T"i"T"f.T?ii"',;K 1 Albany, Msrcb 10 .assmblymsn Qsltagner, of Brooklyn, aho Is s young Journalist, sow having his first espsrien? ?? Is lesdshuive life tl Albany, hss been led Into s hornet's nest by es Con?^assrasn William n. Veedor, of Brooklyn. Mr. .'?roder sen) Mi. Oallagher i prsfswterons bill resardlnfl ele raton ai i elevator shsfts and stairways In hotels in i - bei i mi |o p* ol over ihre? stories In h? Isht, requiring most radical cbsnges to be made In thousands ol buildings, and Mr. OaJlas-hsr, think? ing thai .\fi. V'eedai ass s rrood m-?" lo trust, pre? sented the measure. Mi 0 illaghei has hs i no peace sin? - he pn : thai pill. HI? record In the Assembly hss i.n excellent, ???? that no one for a moment would think of attributing s strike lo him. But, of ?our?-. the owners of buildings all ovei the State, con? demned h) I'n bill to mSSS ?penSl?W alt, ration? to ih ,i buildings fell Bssrleved and wrote to their tssembiymen ?nd ftonators, warning them to opi -- Mr. Oallagher's bill The nsessure pro rides that all elevator? hereafter constructed In any hoti ; ? - other building sbove fhree stories In be wholly constructed of Iribn, steel, stone oi brli k, and be wlthoui openings rteepi for Ii aiii egrAsa from en !i Boor, snd where sctuslly ? \ fot i ghl ? i air The elevator - must t,, wholly coven I by some Breproof material If built ??' iron oi ?teel, th? material used musl be it i ,. i one Inch Ii ihlekm ss, an I he fasten? . to ? ult ihl.n ? in -. ??mi I ,! ?teel supporta post? or b?am? s? may ... ,-,, ;i,,| if conBtructed o ' ?tot ? oi bi Icli -, , me foot In thli km m I h-- ,i on to sa) hall also I '? ' around , ? ? haft a aiittah i?c of II on. stone r rloor tl .'' Th? re .??!, -II :..?,, he ) : , al ? ??? '? "I -n " ? I" ?Uch ?haft ' iHalile iron oi s> ? I door?, nil ol which ? K-nel whenevei the ?I?. r In '? hitf 1 hall foi the nlgl ? ,. | remstn so ? I? ?-I and ???? urMy fa t.-rii . ,,i all ilme? when ?aid elevator la noi In i 'i ?!,,? ? ?hall h? ? : of Iron -i (eel nd no ,:!?? mm? ble mat? i r ?h , n be u.??1 in i he ? on? ell ? - tu h cl? eleva? ? ind il ?hall not I ... . , ,, of ?u<'h elevatol Sha : < . ils pro os? i ? ? . teil |f i ? ? ha? s i , :? i . , ?? .. tv,. i,-i : . - ?: a '.- ? i This i ro nfli.-t i is egpens? hulldlng? above ? i a n . ? -.,e ni Thi : ,- . -,.-'? ' ihall cause th? ?''?>: i ?. , .... ' , ... ? ? . ? . ? therein ? ? . **> ?? ? - : .-l i , - ' / ? ? . ? . ... m i i I n ? . ? ? ? n i 1 ' ? ' i . ; i .'. ? re l 4 ? . ? ?, . ? | thai i ? ; i 11 ? t , li? .-.,.? ? , ...... DI i - ? , - i lu? he. n .? ?.; the ' ' ?? , .. tu Ol ?I l?l , ? IV of |t III? .'o ? * leva ...,,, he .? I ' m? a hot?*! . it ? ? . - ? o In all ' ? ?,?r . I . . ' ... I.? I I ' rage es| -n? -i it Ion?, ii ?'?ml,I In mai , ?? i , re I ' n i ?' :i ..'.? ! it? I?, in?: t,? , ?. ,? Inconvenl. i ?? to the ? If i ., .- ? , . . ?i , , shaft? nd eleva'?n I I? ? . ! .11? 'ill III ? -- ' in I, I, lo? ot,-, a .- ,-i i|ipo?li ?n lo m- a w. for I with the gi nerallv ? epte.1 >p|| -, ,,- ? , ,. ,i || (hill !' . ? '.' ? ? ? ? he built am ind ?i if i , ,. m m inj hot? M/llilOII! |ll . | ? ? i i! :.,? .n , i'-.. , , ? -i ?? , I iffei the ifel -, Hut to no? atti mpi in in?n?! ? ? ?. ng ?Itu ttlon, thi ? cimi ,. ? ? - ? term I your bill, .? . regarde?] , - in oppi?? ?-??. ,n i arbi? trar) iieaaui . ,u i one |e?lgne ' to mpo?. hardship? upon hotel-keeper? I h**#u:? thli.l. ' la ' -,,. h I? V.?Ill ? ? ' ifSUCll all Intention ?? mld?nowlngl; disracli-rlr* 'h- Bctl<?n ol an? .-- ilatorin the Htale of Sew *. "rk I I,., ond?? i ?n upon i ';?? pi ?m ??- thai s thin ti.. i , ' i : ? - - ?i? ranis ,tlon >t the v-Y.irl ?: ?? ii \ ?? ? , 'Ion, : in i.n n, unjust oi obnoxious ,,?? placed on the atatute book? ,,i thi? :,..'<? thai a,.?utd In it*, en f, I---I!.I ' ? ntel ' - of I:, '- i K, ? ;???! -.ii he pul suit nf Me I' i". n i?? Vve ) ?? ? man? time? api. i tivfore various ? cnmmltl? ? thi \i ? ' ,n I Son it- liefore whom unfrlendl) bill? .? ?. pending, and to the ! ? i,. of the \ ? niblymrn un?l Senator? of our , ?tali b n i i ihal in??) havi Inv irl ibl) listen? I t-> Me argument? ?' out l.-;:i !atl\'< Committee In ? it? opp , It Ion io it) ?!, bill . ami, a a result o| up|Hialll ii, we have il?v.?? foiin?l ?? ch committee? read) i ?:-,-? i ? . . rest? in,,?? ?Incerclj trusi that when you ??Hi have t ill? ami careful!) ? ?? I i> r? l i.ff? ;i iu? h ? la ?? a pr?p< - would hav? up??n hotelke**|ier? of th? pre enl day. y.ui will loi I n op|ioi III.? hill and her? ? ? the .?, -tlon .? i, appl) to hotel? n??? com i ? uctt i i.i. on' ele? noi ? .n n ?? If ? ?o lentl) ii Ike >)Ul ihal in?,* Ii Ion, i ?? II ?? ?? -, you, In .?ii , iii-i ir, Ihal you will ha?'e done ..- ict i bal win lut ? it many ?>in ?mlum? ,i . , . , .... ./ a.?., ?: i .... -ii... ,. it i . i.. i ? .? , 11 ? - i. , ? ?. .,..,-.,, ,,., . ,,, , -.,,,, 11, i ? from M ? hotel-keepers ol thi? stu- Thai you m ? eompr.'henslvelj understand thi rglenl ?I oui ???..??liiiloi , i will ??? lo ?"'i Ihal ?re have In the ritai? "f New-York ^-, membe ?. which member? ship Is compos *d, I mlghl ?ay, wlthou fesi ?,r <-,,n Hon. of . ver) promlneni md Influential Ii del keep, r In thi? ?-':,!- In'l ; Hi- ah,,?,, iiiggestlon? and r< i?m?m U'lona up n you al th|? tin??, 1 wi-h to aaaure ??? i ihal I not onl) vole? nt) own Individua entin nt?, bul i also expresa n opinions of ever? mi nber of oui asaoclatlon an h lied In in? i opp i III?) i to your bill TruNtlng ttii? you ?? I i si? ihl? rtter .??> much ?? msldi i i ttnn as io entitle me to an answer at youi earliest : lent* ?, l i?--i- to remain, your? ven irnl). ? K \V TIKRXI-?Y. ' When M: tlallagner Introduced In tha \- ?mhly hi? bill, ??ln?'h la now being wide!) commented | upon, providing f?" ?? ehangs In I he construction ' of slerators snd ?'.evstor shsfts hs prohsbly had ? n?. i?l?u of the strong wsvs ?>:' opposition hs would , . i .-.niiii.-r in Bttemptlng to secure the enactment i of a luv s?fsbodying his psoullsr Ideas bJbmii um- \ proof precautions, so far as elevators are con ci raett Hotel men, owners of office biilbllngs ?sad others mtereateg] In buildings where elevators Ire In use, .ire rapidly taking cognizance of the pro Visions of this bill, and are making corresponding efforts to ?secure its defeat. It Is safe to say that wlnii the measurs I? called up In the Assembly for d?bats those who would l><? affected by the passage el such an aei will have a .strong rcp resentaUoa oa the iloor to combat iuvorabl..- action .?n the hill. Hotel ne-n and others. In discussing the bill, denounce it u< too severe, an ancatted-for and unjust provision; in fact It IbM been called on several OCCaalons a strike bill. a hotel man yesterday euid: "The bill provides thai a stone or Iron stairway shall be built around each elevator shaft. Take, for exampe, a hotel ur a building that has ? number of elevntors In different parts of the stricture to uc?.ommo?Lte trudle Coder this bill, as ! Interpret it, a stairway must girdle every elevator shaft. For a fair ?-x ample, ihe Western Union BuUUag. at Broadway and liey-st . might be noted. Thla building has half a dozen <.r more riu/.?l elevator? throughout Its different wings und enrrldors It 1? a great h?>li? t.) the public. Klevators are not over?-rowne?l. walks through long halls are avoided, anu as a res'iit the public becomso accustomed to depend entirely upon the elevator servies There Is a i?liT marble stairway In this building, but it Is seldom used What, th.n, would be more needless than tu erect s half-dosen mors stairways to comply with an nnrssonsble law?" ?ii,.. Western t'nlon Muilding is only one of n these elevators bsve to i ? . ???. . ,? | shipping, but at tlie same time un i mental stairway adjunct wool I have i. b forth ro (?m??g."Why'danM Mr tlstlaghsr make th?- p - It would be vision for .1 itairway c ill foi oni s' about a? reasonable as whsi he loss pi ipose Th- proteai againai Mr. flallagher'i nssasur. fr..m every quarter, in the big drygoods ?tores In the shopping district, the ehsnges that required would almosi make ? OBNOXIOUS TO THE DRUOOWTi. Mit r? .?p. .? PATENT mi:i?I'I.m: mu. CltVDI AM? N??l MKBL.Y TO I'ASS Albany, Mareh 10 (Special?. Henry W., jr., presenta the VHth WstrlH ..f Sow-York CRy . ?? bly, is ?>ne n former ? ???? I Isss of re { ,,.,,, | r ; in ol MUb which *y ron ,i :..r..t ?',???. - -i State Capitol Mr Hoops hei i ? ' lal ?live ?jre?>r thus far i.v Irrtroduclng nearly ?? dosen Mils a . ? he.r the mark of originality he gas pushed ... gable ?< il One or twe which are '.ess ? .. ,i .re not getting along so w.-ii Notable ? R th ? lal'.i I?- a ICH to ''"lifer ii|?.n t'ie Sr.i' ? of Health powei to analysa snd assmlns drugs or medii n< ? knssru as patent .?r proprietary medicines snd regulstlng their sale. This Mil, which :? before the Committee on Publie Hesita provides .??,' ? ' ? to the powers now conferred by law ipon n. gtats H ard ?>f l!--.?lth, it shall i>? the i rt) of the i" >i I ?; i '?? rtpl of h 00 fee, lo luse ii ? n snd aa ii> r-;-? to be aiade of ?t? drug, meillelne, or mistura of ?inn?-- hei - ..r r... II Ines ?ommont?. known as patent or pro The n??irl, it i? further pro I, sha incertain I! thi um of auch medicines may ? i not inger thi public health It pei - r? !?? *. 11 any such prepsi ?ss It shall have been esanalned and i .r'iti.-i in writ ng as nut dangerous al health bj th. |r ? ? g\ rags Of this MU S OUl 1 re? ar. ! injun t.i ? \ery Stati ? iy he the rea -??n wh ? . ? ia been pai ?l In the from which Mr Hoot ? bor : i Whila. - ? ??' il lerable '. ? it and Sta g pri rant rs pointi i te ?? ? a con ? attempt " ? ?: i i. Sfa luld it i .. ?? : pa '? nt in ?i i ine oi t!.?-r pr ? , I by deal? n : : h id been ; ? Stat I i r : . f rtunli ? ? ? ? ex imlnatlon i* ? take effe ?: It ?vcuid Im?, militer..: HI me nn"nth? .i I to analysa th? many prepara thins a '? r th? prn?, isloni of the ? he business of -nan- h jr. Ire !? gr ?. ? r? ai.i country dealers would l" M -. objection Is ma Is t.> that i i whl.-h il,.- ? ... tj,. ? ; ' y preparation it il tr.'in tl I? >'..:. ?i. i th. uri.ii'. ils Thla ' II ' ' .'? ? .?? : r here Is no j i,, believe bill that it will fall .-f p.l ?Ms >,- ir a- II h. ? I.- ret,.f.ire TUE sot mi ,'.?? FABBEXGEE RATE TBOVBLB*. ?i ?"?? ii Mai h The of ? ? which f .... if the ? ? ?? i ?vltl ik fairly s ell accomplish? 1 The e been fi ami '? snd the ? man} >' the i?; ?minenI i h ' nlrted a wll rica i. ? nent, The ? ' '? to at| the ? ontract, ind Nashville will nol if Its m Ii age The r- rlvalr) ???? i ???> lines for W.-Htern traffic upon the uth.-r bef? re any ken It ihe mutter ..f signing Ivi ntrarta Tl.ire the only .i?..? lines to ?' an) undue alarm, ihpugh the \'.i-h\ ? Itstta a an i Si Louis, by likewise refusing ??? ??'???!' may rsuse some ?f it? rival? to hoi l ba k loo With th.liffercnres prevailing, the new ?--s?. elation ma) ha?'e to i*ut it? territory short, and extei I north onli as far a? rh.ttanooga, bul it i? supposed thai the among which th. differ? ences extn ?ill :!;,all> come int.? the association. FOE Till: ST. I'AIIU'K'S Mr PARADE. 'ir " i M.I ' il Daniel Meenan and a large num? ber .if members if the indent <?r|er of Hibernians '?'I a brief preliminar) meeting al No t?'.i West Plft) i? 'onJ-ii yeiter.l.) afternoon ai l decided upon s mie of the arrangementa f?r s; PatHck'a i ? r, exercises Th? parade will atari fr?>tn forty - ond-ii .mi Klfth-ave at I Jo o'clock next Mon Il will move up Fifth-eve :.? Ftfty-seventh it., when Mayor Strong will review it. and thence t.i lUiulev.rd, ? >u?' hund?. I ind-slxth-st, and Uon Park There will t?e ??>ma promln.nt s;.enker?? si the des i . entertain the crowd ?\ith reminiscences .?r St I'slrlck, among ihem Recorder Hot, John J Jelol.'liuili .iii-l I I! /ir.? dick BVXTEES DROWNED Sewhuryport, Msss., Muh ig Oeorge I .? ?,k agi '. thlrt) etghl years and Samuel Smith, ag??i twenty-one, both of South Lawrence, srenl t.i Plum i -i .-i i last nlghl i -vi" it I'H ks. They hired .. .mall boat .nd itartsd for th. island t??r the purpose of s? unifi decoys It la th..ught thai ? ?oa after >? ? v ; Has shore nie h.? it was overturned i? nnthlu? was h?.ir?l fr..m them during the night Karly thi" morning the emnt) b??at was found naif niie.i with wat.r a search was nu?ie for ths bodies which wer? round enUiigisd in the decoy lines - ?> i l>r Mil Hum HTDBOPHOBIA. Reading, Psnn., Mareh li Mr? fsuaaa Dauttoh, Bgel sixty \, irs who wh- bittet) by a ?l.?g five weeks .?o, died this morning with all the sysap lomsof hydrophobia. .-?'...? wan -??ized with Bpaam on rhurslay, snd n was n?ei?esaary to keep lu-r aiei.r th? Influence of opiate. At times ?u,- wom\ I Link n ?b.e, and went int.? troovuisloos ai ths .simili ..f water rir* RPiDP.Hic at nor bprino? M-4lv.rn. Ark. Much lu !?; . i?sSllBOI situation "?' ' ' ' l' "'? ?.-lei'lai n lo.! Springs BbOWg S total of nlnst] two cassa In the hospital and nias '??n death., an Incrsss? for tbe last ten .lay.? of .?' two cassa a dai A house-to houss eanvaa. ol the en ire .ii\ has been made by person i rrore Ihe State Board of Health, resuhlng in the ?a .'in lllon Of ?? l.ei cent of th ! CtttSeni und visitors. ' MnIvern liius four cases CIS TV At. TRACY DETTJStl BBYTRB, lienjamln 9 Tracy, ex.-i,.,.,,., ,ry of lhr ?s-aVy who has besa conflned to ins aient* He 14 ?Vest T?> ntletli at . for n.-.ii \ ten days xufferlng fratn a bad cold, wblch at first thrastened to a^ssjop into Hi- grip, was laid, last night, to be on trie ruuld r,. i,l t.i reciviy v .1. 0. K hAWBBNOr* COSPITIO\ The .n of .1 ?I K. I.awr.oic?., pre-ideut gf the Coney Island Joekej Plan, conUnuaa t? iIn h^ww'nfueh he-.i1!"'"" ^'"^y ,[ was ?aid ,h.,t a/ vi nn ACCIDENT is BROOKLYN. A rii.i.iwa, ?.vuriv.l |R Bedfor lave, near Ka?t '?-<-??. Brooklyn at IM ./.lock ksai eve.,,!?? A double ?cam wagon drive? by Oeerg? Kea?ie" of KO, 14.? Kvi rgreeu-ave , mu? containing Henri Utiv.iburg. of No, JE} Uroudway. alJoassl Jacob. his wife Mary and their four-old rt**?** Ruth of Mo. 532 fc'llloughby-ave., ran into ?.*?*?.*? drive,, by CTsartsS fi. S inn of N- i*,laughter George Kesstsr, Mrs. Jacobs an?I her OMIJ2 Ruth were thrown -..,.1 hurt about the head and body, but not seriously. They were rem^??? to their home?. Keep up that rasping- r-ough at the peril of bre s Ik? ing down your Lung? and Throat, rather l?t the afflicted immediately resort to Dr. I). Ja y ne ? ?? p- torant. which cure? all Cough? ami ?.'old?, ana ameliorate? all Lung complaint? anl Throat-ail?. .. ._ ?te ? l.l.-I.Ia 4 ompeny'H K?ir?cl ????VI'? tat? i?.?ii?i?wi??hie m ths kitchen ??a BiiH-k r?.r ami pa. ?auce? and mad? ?Habe?. MAi:mi:i>. BH9UA?M Katski -on ,s,.i.?i..y Malta-. B\ Jfft, ?f Rev Kaphn-I M.nj.imln, M. A . Adelaide SSSSSl m Frank Khrllch. II1.I!M\N TIARR On Hunda?, March jA 1 *??*?. \VJ?*1 lUphH.-? I!-,,ii-,?in M A.. Ilisn.-a HI??? to banders I.I.I.IIMII _ Notice? at marring?? sad ?i-*?'h? m?i?t i* bassSssl wits (nil name and addrera. blMD avki'.v ai OraaowVo. Com? ?sstefi m, D?5. <'aibertas I- Widow Of Kv.TI I?. A?. II. .,.._, *_ Fuserai rr.n? r-*l?1-ti<-- -' BST BBS Am??? IT. Avery. ?B .?n Tseadsy, ui '.'M p sj. BKA) II OB Salarla?. Mar.-h ??, a? the rOaHoata Of fSBf ?,.n l-.lir. S Baoeh. 1T1 ??*"""? 0?f,.rd-?i., Bt^mfO. Mrs. Mary a . wi,)-w -f Ossstss C BaaAB, m BBS *t?t roo\mti*hma'mji lam rmmmm, Watkln?. Rchuylsr 1-,'inty. N. Y. lli.AN? HAIU' Siidl-n!?. en March I?, William Dyer Blanchard, ???????! **?'< v??" . ? , .? Funeral ?ervlt-e? al -'a1? Weal kl?n.*nih-?'.. on Monday, at 2 o'clock. li-.?t,,ti paper? i l? ???? COST? iiMil.IliiiK M..r- !, ii. i;?,>'.li. ?I'? of A?r,n ?CeSSttSSS aged .mi irears .. . -? Funeral ?er? !<??? 1 p. m. Tuesday at ?he residen,'?! or her 1?:? K?SI -' . Br --kl?n DAX l?OtRI? ii Sun!-,? Mai-h m. at hl? r??M?nc?j. Hin ii-.\ Koutk l'rnnr, N !.. Th ?mis Day. N'Ot II ? "f *i!Il<MiiI la -o DE l'AROXA "n gaturdsy, Isaf?** '?> -"""f ? nnrr- "1 II-?? al ser raat?am ?? in? Bast ?Wth-st., N?w-.ark, luira A I??- \.i, na. .U-orli'-r Of I M. Da Varona. In bar l'.ttii real ruaaral prl<rate, Msrefe II l?i' BOIS on ?atarday ?aorsisg, March 0 I**?.', at his r-?lden,? \, III Ka?' lt?tb ??? . R I"-rt Ogden AS Bola M. I?.. In the SUth -.ear ??( hi? as? Furiaral ser?l?-e? ?Ill be held a? <'al?ary <'hnr?-h, corner of 1th-??? and 21.? ?' i n Tuesday morntna*. March 12. l*>t?0. ?t |:?S B'etoak Interment prl' ?? Dt'MONT?Is till? 'I'? OS Frld.ii- H Oeorglana, Widow of William luiniom and daughter of the lat? ??.-..rg? d? l'?v?t?r. In her ?''?Hi ?ear Puneral ?m Monday, Mar?-h 11. at i-'i Philip'? Church, I? n'B '?B "??? arrival .f th? iraln leaving <lrnn*l L'entrai i>-p,.t nt H :tv? ? m FABBR sud-i-n.?. aa Saturday. Mar?-h 9. ?t hi? l*?SB> ??.?are. N 4.?.? Vt'e?l IOth-?i . Ou?tav?as William Fabar, in i It*? 72-1 year Ot ttt* a??. F'in.ral ?em?.? a' St ?'lenient'? <'h'ir--li. Ko ln*l W?*a* 3d-?t., rai T ;?-!?-. nest, th? 12th in?-, si a m. Kirdiv ??mit ft?? era. FARMRB '"? Saiunl..'.. Mai.h !i. of heart failure, H?rat? M ??Id t? r X I' Farm? In th? TB-h ?-?n- f her ?g-?. I -.-?i from h-r tal? r-?i 1- n?. ?? K??t 2?llh-?t . Tue?. ,'.n\. M'i h 12 SI I I? m. vi?.; a- .- realder ' hi? srandfath?r, Arehlbalg ' ,*. ,.. y .? lliKi,?. - d Bluff, V .' . Frederick O?r? K.'.f Jr. ?. n l?l Fr.-i.-r|,-k ''. :? BSd I?S?t? Arkla?* |. ? ?i iged II IB Bth? ?'( rtieiiti'in. ? m Bi Auteurs. Ma... |'i?i\v ? ?n gundai m.rnin?-. Marjtar.-' F ?ter. ?if? ?g Itobert U-gan and laui 1st? J tBjajtl Fo?ter, Funeral a? ' ?'?' Irving l'la??. Hr?klyn, M.nday evening ? * lock Pali ?v IrelaSd, and ?ila-K-?? I il"1?"? atsssa c?.py. MARIIt'RY Suddenly, os I"n la-,, 8. at ;??, Irvnii Place, Frun-'? F Mlrhnry I . U-.- Ma?H?-?n t'r-'iar? I'r. ?) vt?rtaa i ?, .: b il n lay, star n n at 10 a m UATIIF.bon a? Baranai I .'??- N V. Marh in. itt?\ ,|..l n M .'.'? 1 Maille? n. "f Edinburgh. b,-jtlar.?l. Funeral . ?? ? " ga S V IIONTOOMKRV taturday Mar I ISSS, BRsa, wtf? off .1 11 M i.'if in,:-.. In her 77'h year. Funeral ?. n I .? ..? th? South P.-f, rm?1 ?"hureh Mrh-et. ,1 | *.: if, MareS 12. ?' half-pa?' IS a in PFRI.KK ?m Suhday, March 10, l -???:? at l"?' t/?ilngt>n ??e? r.irk. S Mather ?rtf? ?f Ralph K. )-.-riee. and aaugiiier o( th? lat? ????-rgr Msthar, aa?d "g Relative? and tri. e !. ar? invi'^d to ?fiend the fun*r?t ? ||ea "? ?'l.'ir.-'i Flfk av?., nr.rper "?????-. ?-.?.-? n Wednesday, jsarth Ii. st H e* ??SaaSt PtSRRIK Suddeoll - n In la? Mar-li ?. I?*?.*.. tUch?*t f th? lat? IM?*.lii <? I'errtn - ?iden.e of her ?OB, F S"?" B t'.-rnn ?i; Il N M n!..v. Mar, h 11. at 11 u i.-: Jnixrni'-n' privat? ri'?;i:?>v Ai N rfoikj v, Ma-h s |?sa, Mary bsjsbbj beth "it. widow f Kr?r??;? PI4g*oa ..-?i .? al S?US?rtl<*?. S. Y. ,,n M nia y March '. ! a' '.' ., I ?l'EI.MAN Kundai m mlng Mai ?, I". Si.nh A. wifa ? ?VVIIII ?in ' ' PjpelB - r k: |gjt? r??M?enc?, 121 Wilhi??t-. n- klyn, ?' ? ' ?? Msreh 13 a) I ;? m. Tl'l - : .?? M rrlal ?n N ' n Sun-lay. March M Aas l'a? ''o. ??i i-?? f i- ? :? :i . il fi t ' ? .-. : ,,1 hereafter ?VAINWRIUHT "n r-i'.ay ??.-nlng. Itoam B, t?t?\, 1- te in '-?'?m?? ri si ' In hti - ? . ant friend? .'..-?? in-, ,iel t. a'iert ih? funeral -. al "?? '-?il'n.e ?,f h,? daug'ter Det?orah R. Kaapt li- ????e?iri N V. M, nia?. Mar? ?i M. ?t 2 3S p ?t i'?rr'a?i.? ?? Il m?, ihr .-irrual ef 1 p m ?r-aln fron? ??rind ?'. n'ral I wp-d v? ?.?lin: un .?? tka re?i?,n-e et *tr Km>? lte?l f ,rd Stall???. S Y. Mur !i h M Tifan Wa?hturn. Ut t??* S-Jt?. >enr ,,f lu? atte i''?r??i -? r-.. ... ai n-onae- M-?r,in?- Hou?, cti.ppuim. \ Y M -O'Uv Mar, h 11 at 12 ^? p m. | train? a? ? "huppu fia ?WOODLAWN CKsOBTBRT, ?'ffl.e. N K 11 2*1 ?t ',V llawn SUM n ,'.'.?. Wiird). narl?n? R?'tr??C Xotlrra. A.? riflli I ?en ne Art l.nllerlea. 3'W FI! Ill AVKNt'K. N r C?'?i Ptr??t. I ?? ?' -lus ,?|i itTDATl *MD TVBBDAI Al-TFUNv^TtS, ?T t: ?? Ctd "K II I .N RI 1)1'. M? )K< ; AV ( OI.I.K? II<)*?T ??F <il*i?:i.i*; ART, an? ii .xi' lii.As-i, T K I?' I?' \-< i ? ir v BU* AT i r? i: ri i:s, \ asks, tere, rt? M soi.D M Nl'AY AM? TlV:--l'AY. MARCH 11 ANT IX AT 3 !' M llOr.FHT -??'MKIiVtl.t.K. ORTr,)KS S Of?s ? i, li ,|i-er Manage*? All lias leadinu i:ui? iiew-p?jieri ,in?l perl??<Jlc*l? fof ?.?;?? l> n. Iniernau n?! N.?? i'-iiipan?. ?A3 ?:,4 SI -i MM I : r.,.i ? Hi -adway N'?r York. Amassas t'l?i>?.iaraiil??-ra ras I iv? tt*ir;??? developed, printed m i.-.t, l r' enlarged b> R.??-?? ?? 1, 1 ??n B) sdwa* i4"?h ?? ? ?;H?<r*S'i? FLOOR Dry plifta, fllm?. ihemhal? k-.l.ik? und ?iiaiatn? l'???iolll. .- ?iillcr. Foreign n.aile 11 lli. ?>-^k ?Wdlag Mar-ti 11 ?ill rijas ,|'i -mi ?:? In all ????) al nu* ?Mlle? ?? fuHtrW? M, ?M ?A Y ?t ? :?? a m lauppWBteaiar* K'3.'? a. m > Irai A-n.-ri-i- lasrept ?'-'eia l<i?a, an?l S.m?h l'a?. , in i rt?, pet ?. ? Fin m, e ? i.i i'o. n il?tter? faff ?juatemala s?aat i* ?lir.-,-t,-,i "pet Finan.-?'?, ?t 2 p nL f-r l'.irt. ISS?' direct, p?-! ? j F.?rt William, ut ?^ p ?n, f r RellS? ru? ri > Fnc.?? art ?oi.iu-mala. |?>r ? ? BSBB? ?> .:-.-r f- m N'-o? ? ?rlean? Tl KKDAY Al ?'? a. m f r lin: p.- pe? ? ? Havel. vl% ? S. ntliatiipi n nul Breasen llett??? f r Ireland inu.t t>? s>*? rr.-fed 'iei ll.iv 11 "i. al 12 m . r i;:.n?,U Ttinl.tad, ? T -a -.ig ? )'ar ?niarlti.? an.l I??-marara. per ? * llratten, at t p m laupplementan si i 90 p m? foi Cap? iia?ti. *l Dominan and Turka lalartd, p*r ? e Saginaw, al *.! S s? t r ItluetWM? !??: ? * M v.? fr m S??/ Ort-an. ?t ?S p m fo? ?' ?i? Him ?la Limon. p?r a. ?. II Immoi?. tr m New ? 'rleatn WKI?NKSI??v At .*, ., m f r llelglum direct per ? a m 1 ?-la Antwerp ?M:.!?, must be ,ttr^<-?-?i "s?e il Ik? ??'..m.I 1 al 'i a. m for Europa, i?er ? a Teut?ni?-, via yii?.'ii?i.'?ii. ?t H a m f??r Herminia i?r ? ? Trln) ,!.i,l ?I *< i in ??iipi '.? ?m.-noii?? in a m i for Fjrop?. p-r ? ? ll?rlin. ?In .i-'iidi.iiiiptoi!, ut In a m laupi?;-mniury !" ',? ,i m i i.i rum. I ?land and Hhjii. i*r a ?. ? at I n ni f -i ?'-ii u p? i i. *. Yuniurl. via Havana; .n "> p tti tet RluefleM? p-'r ? ? Waahington fr ,n N??? UtrleaSa; al ?' I "? fo? Itarh.vl'?-? ?lireci ami S'ofth Brasil rla Pars and Mana ?. per ? ? ??r?a K'-i-e i let tar? r r iShai part? ,f Hr.iz'i mu?t be dir?,t<?d per ?lrani;en?e"i TIII'KSI??? ?i 12 m ?Bf fi Km? IUirha.1^? an4 ! '?-ni- '..r.i. i-er . . Tlon ,i. it 1 p in leiipplemcntary I o a m ? i>i v issau, N P and Baatlag? t'ub?, per k -. S i ni lag?, BATTRDAT A' I :i in f -r llr.nil and l?t l?ala r.iiite irle?. iU l'erneinl i ? , Rio l.meii . hiJ Santo?, per a S aorraoio troo* Baltlmor? ?!?ti*i? mu.t i? ?in,*.-te?i "per Kurrviilo' i. .?i .". S" a m f r F..iu.-r .-??? nzerlanJ. Dal?, Mpaln, Portugal, T?rkei and BlilUtti In.lia, per ? ? 1a n i t-la Itavr? tletiara for 'her parts ??f Fur?)??) ii.iiMi ha ? '?"Ser la N..i ? ut a m fur Kuropa p?r .? ? I ml.rla. ? la gueen?i,wii. m p 30 a. m. i? ipi'l-n-.eiii.u ? II? .? mi f.,i Si T?, nu? .?i ?-r<,|. t.e?. ???-?d .m, | ?A Ind ward lataiKli M.irim.pi? and Harba ?!?? psr ? ? Madiima. gi lo ? ?\ i?iippleni?nl?rT lo M a BI I ,i Portan? Dlan.t ar.,1 Jamal, a. I"" ? ? ViUa ?Jetter? for Cclombla. ?la far IhagetiS and ?', itn Riea. via I.'.m?n mn?t ba directed ' i e? ?il?, i. M( |o .In ., ,? f,? rjMtaSMSSS ??lii.ipa?. Tabu?.-??. Tnxpan un.l Yn.-.itati per a a H?iiKo? (latter? for ?.'hei part? of Msslew an.l i*uha ?? .? t?, ,1i-.-,i.d ?',?-, BenecK , ,i io "o ? m fot l!r,w:l ,n,l il I'hi'a .?.?iinuiea. ,,er ?. ?. He,?i|u?, ?|a I'-rnumbn ? IVuhial Rbi Janeiro uti.1 Kaatoa ile??.i? f,,r North Hrgrll nm.t t?> .l,<,-..?1 ',-er ???el,,,. , .? ,| . ril 'f,? '?1e?nX?T; ?In vl p.-1 ? ? .?n-..t-r.l.?-. o, it ?rrOam ?i^tier? ?,J )??? dirtied ,,i Aenalenlam "); at n . m ,.u,",,i? men?.? 1110 ,. m, to. V.nexiiel. Lml\w.?UP?u?, e.??..nltt.t. ?la ?ni?.,.,.. !?.r . , Veneaaela ikKlee? fi uth?e part? ?i i*ofc?BtiMa ,??., ,? ,ii,e",.| ? ? , ? -m.-la ii .?.lo , ?, f.r \v??f ?,, ? ,, i . l . *"*' from Hallfa? "'" '? ?"' **aaam V, m '"i""";11, B**r " " *?????Bs ifr.m ??? ??. V ,1 '?' '"* '"'" ',l"" r"r W??J? An? I,?.? rtu i J" W:"'M ,u ,?:"'??1t>-, ???? ??sfpss. .??>., J V '"'"?i"' '-'?f1' Fat ? ? eVraw? .Iron? an, t?, ,,| rluae here dally up to Mar.-h ?St ., ITS m on as airlial at Mam Yak ,,f ? . A-araaU ?i-iih ?riti.i, mail? for ?i,?.,.,;.,?, Mail, for Aarfr??l totmrn e?, Ataatralla), Hawaii. Fiji Dian.i?. ,^-r ? ? Wammo? n.,m ?ai^oinen. doss Basra ?Wily ?rt-r M*??-h .11 .n?l up ?' ?prl| ?Ii hi S.SO p m Mall? f,*- N.-??fo.,n?llan.l by ad lo Halifax and Ih.-tn- t.y H?B?jnr, .,,,.. ? ,|?. ?m,-e .tail? at ?..To p. m Mall? tor Ml pirl ,?, t,v rail ?o ??ton. and tlien??? by tataata r ?-I ,?? at ,i,i- ggSaa ??n, .. SO p m Mall* for ?nla rloa? at Ihi-. owie? dali? ,u |Js m.. f?ir f-.,?* min.a by ?i?am-r? .?'?in? . M n-1.? innaday? an.l satHrday?) fr..m Port Tain;??, Fla Mail? ?r M-xiii. overland unira? ?pnclal'y a.i.ii-e??eii for d?. Men by ??earner ?BBS? at ihl? ? ffre daily a? S ?. nt * ll?si?l?red mall r|,.?e? ?? il i m nrrvlou? ,|.? riTARI.KH W DWTON I'oatnuatM NsllfBll. Nen-Yurk. M. ?, Match 8. lS'ja,