Newspaper Page Text
-Ill 1 1\" "V O. I . < '.."? I NEW-YORK, SUNDAY, MARCH I*'? l?5.-TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS MR, CLEVELAND RETURNS. .AND TUK ! V1THFTL THURBER l'Ait.I.Y Vps FOR JOY. mv. . ? ,PPKARS T ' RE IS KXCBLLENT UKALTH AND 9T Rl I f HE ImstkI!'-'. M:s T,.,- . o'liAsr. AMONO IT !'"?:'.I'.TTIN?; THE i ? CKSn K9 'Wn'^inp' n, M -Pre? lenl Cleveland came hack to Waahli - iftern v ft er his eleven days of r? " ? "n on the i lei \ - he stepp? gyowm [i- .nk from th?' Vtolei t i the a' nc look?-1 ly ? Hen ?,,.,i ho ci iwd shouted: 'Bi ng <>nt tin' itui a ? i i "A >Hh upon ins c w i* not there eft 9! ishlng* t m n M itaii .'?, tu?* day ail ?? i .? -- adjourned, uras Just 4:15 o'clock when i Vlo>t tied up - wharf About ftfty ; ? ? there await i arrival The sir was ran and s stiff wind fretted the Hirer with white i 14? M >' ?a' In while the landing was being eff? t< I. It was hen that they w ??? gi.1 by Mr. Thurb, r. who 1 id vaulted over -, . ? ? he gangplank iras run " H Tiv Presid ?:? was 1 ??? >mp inle 1 by hi? eompan ?oiis .m the "., Dn O'Reilly, >?r the Army, ins piiy iv-k-ian; Conmander Wilde, the Naval Secretary of the lighthouse i;??.ir 1. and Commander Lamberton. thv Ughthous? Inspector of the vth Inspection Dls ti The l.sldeni wore a browa overeen! I ' glOV? i lia:' Il Wl , ? . lo the pockets of th.' overcoat As h?' walked the crowd form, i ib ?ul him In a 1 ?? MMiars and escort? 1 him In sl.ence n He drove awa?. >? th Mr Thurber I f ", ? 11 I? i' Lambert? n oc ? ? l"v O'Rellly'i v '. jr 11 1 --?? tish i" ' l cart ?\'.i.:. House uteward, hid pro ? . i 11 . trg ? express wa| ? ? ? ' ? ... ?send !i.,ti.? ? rs to Ml Thurber, (i ? . a-il, iw. IK?t 1 - ' ' : ':"' U ;"'?' - 1.1 I in Pam ., -. .. fair share V t. * ,? ? th it Mr. Cleve - . ver s? en. The ?party I ?' suffered no In? . The tiijo from N leventiul. Last ninht Sbt weal ptaln 1 ?onald decided 1 > lay ? .in the Potomac, at the moui River, about I ki mllei below Was .'break fits morning Ihe A'i'.iei - y, reaching th?- Indian ll?.?..l provli j" th'> afternoon H r< a brief ??hone to V11 rbt-r, and then the Violet "ontln hi-.-. : , 'i\..- a wltboui stopping sgaln. DAMAGE EY STORM I.\ ALABAMA. *LT.-nf* i/>?T AKT PROPERTT DESTROYED I1KAVY RAUM AM? HI?'.!! WlNl'S Gaisen. Ah?., March M <>,?? lal) Sews r-om?* from several s<-.'ti?or,s of thi Wat? ' gr? in houses and vattl?* by the big rains and sti ?? . ?.? ? i prevailing yesterday an.i Thursday. I I r nado struck Pronto, and wreeked th? W, O. Copeland. Six members of the family were more or leas Injun L Lucy Haversham, a nine jr? ir-oM-gli '?? ir* tance an '. againat a tree, -1 arm nnol aevsral riba, Prom Brew! 1 Bufaula coma news o-?:' great damage ta tarns ai d destruction to ?attle. Th.- -.? ral tality nv-itri 1 un the Coosa liivr, thirty miles gbova thli I aratei burst, the i er row ??? ite banks, swept away th** house ..:' Jacob 'Aklersoa, ani <"irr;?a liim. hit- arlfc and babe down the stream. 'Hi?* house was wr?- a rotk, ami tij?.- tlire? Inmates wer? .? . negro servant saving Jilt? lif." v,v b ol a tree as the house ey?A downsti am Hundreds of 0 aille wer! and :.::> t. UM barn* IWTecfcad. Three l;i?*n. who were logKlug on the Coosa, havt not foe*>n seen altioe the storm, and are thought to ?have been lost. ?IXDSAI i AID TO HE AFTER BTBXB?, ?'UrTIMONT AOAIXS. IE gt'FERIOTEXDENT TIn RUMORED ' II RE OP TtTS BRAND Jl'RT'g 1 ELAY. In explanation 01 the long delay ol the Oyer rand Terminer Grand Jury in making a report vy .n Its Investigation of poli??e cases, then was the < ' - Building yestei ? ? ai.? District-Attorney ?Lindsay |g trying hard to 1 sure the Indictment "f 6u Mr. Lindsay hau bad the Jury slneeslt began Its ?dellberat! is ? : the lot'triiiiiiiiB of the year, and lie ha? kept th<? Investigation a-?- secret aa poaaible, it is re 1. ?ft?.-d, howev.r, that he is ambltloua to make a record w?*rk of the Jury. -!"'" ihot ) ?? las k.-r?t th? Jury from reporting, w'r.n a 1.1:111 {?e r of tl ? ? v 11 ? anxl? us to re| rt, ? ,?? wai ? ntlon K...-n i . a masa "f testi? mony I Bj rn? -, ?v hlch he bad l" ng wiih the h1?1 .of Dr. i'mr. 1.. Dr. P irkh . . ? * - lety. Mr. Lind , m ting together ; I or. Parkhursl h is bi-.ii befor? the Jury and has ti.vl Mth<;j' Wlti . w? !? /.? II a NI 'i-, th? ? - who - ? ! < i :?."' J. ?Ina'a fi .- SiO.t) . t m I that she was hounded a: mm ''? tat Bj ni.'<. The 'I'-t- ? ?:-. '? i-, have the .*"-'1; ??: int. t. :< :.: .: . ted, it is reported, !.-. < aiiso-,| ?' ? ? ??. . '. . ? ?>n >ny, and lias 1 -? . ? ? . fi : hing the h ??? .?11 1 1. : ti,-* .rit s will finish Its ?'. rk 1 a ? i th.?- Mr Undsa*? wl . secure either the In? 1 pre t ' I'.;. I ta? ll Is ex v. ' be a '..?n.-. 1 aoi ? at In the list nt ted 1 ? 1- is will appea> the names . ; al 1 t two poll everal ca? tains A B1CB Pi Ul 11' hipSDKKBD avi> BOBBED. ? an, !'? :m March 11 lai s ??. els, a .. ,. ? 1 .1 ?' i ' ti n - ford last night for hli money. Th.- mur . :--?!?? have made a u^'A haul, as t. . wat '?? a-- ?? ? ha. I t I < ;. Samui li mu a tin p ei and r 1 of ? i" rations foi > ? tei la) he iirr.v I there from Pittsburg , .11 1 s'jitf.'rt ou? in 'il' '" area. At * o'clock la -? n ght bis body 1 fn'the tracks of the Plttsburg, m - ighlogheny Rallrcad, on the lori'k"? v ?? -, -pi t open. His ? thoroughly learch? i, evegCto out ling open 1 im? of his coal Samuels ?Aas an ?atanslv? , ?'.tn-r in I'lttsburg, and always "???rtsd lari?? . ?i money with him. Th'-re Is no - vtf?. ?Itw to i, a TBB BtSOIlA ?? <?? pa.vk DISCLOSURES. Albsgfi, Ma. 1 Buperintendenl Charlea M a, ot th? bi tack ag Department was in ' "'r* toiiay wii Phlld H. Backua, the State imlati in ??:?;, ... ,.r the affairs of the Che ' ' i*avin(tn Bank, ?of EUnghamton. Mr ,' ill-i ipofl Ml- l?ai'kus tO .. ! ?itiati ? ,: statement of jrtitnti.ti, and that h.- will ..-.-it pubHc. It ?Aill raot lo^ ? 11 .x.vii latir? exaaalnatlosj would l?a. k a-.'s tlnw f?ir an entire all] ?i?ii<"t Ihe crltMama made ?? a Btaghaastoa thai th.- Banking ig eooflaed t-alf t.o an examination U of the ledsjer. anoi '**'"n 1 laklag wii.i atatem? ata Irlthoat ?*t;l- to brack th.rii up. ntnl vili ' '" , ? that farther d?a? loauraa muy foi? '* ????.!?? n t? not ended. Buperlnte?! :.;. .' 1 - thai ittaraey-OeneraJ Hancock hamton ." fe**>r?**ntatlve on the graunl al Hing .; ;-" ?'? ?ring the week. hi? i.?'. ; ' ?' :" ' ' ?"""'""I with l?? ai...'.-! loo! 1? ?* ... tint4a ssf ' ' '" *"?."''" hw l'' fci?T- *.-i ?x?'?>n?/' 'r"Y'irtti ? hii-lriii rcpres?mted l?y a Kuarillati. dr*? ' -J??" i-M"i?o-y was drawn out for the chtl '*'.n?Ar' u'?: ,'ri:lr*' ?"irn ha? dlaappeared <ir been tries ? ... ' " ^'?""'-an .of th.- ?hil-lr.-n Is a , ?s '? .i-asur.'i Marian, of the ?bank, T?lr? ICSOOL-Sbr KtLLSO MIS ASAA1LAXT. ^Loudonvill... Ohio. Manh 1C.-A man name?! KaulT y<"Bt WitM "<"i'k on th?. hea.l and ItiBtantly killed ?\BhAm* l,V " ";,1U,ilt ln ,h?' 9\SSSAB ot Sylve.ter nat??i ' ''"' ' "'***??? foosm. Th. |rouble oriai 0,K,r?*.rt"tl?ia"' '"?'? Kauffman ha-i made tre **nt? fr ?','* "i. ' " '"'"I'l""1 ?gfrled ?on the way ht?. Whin .?A.?J"""' "? !1"' ",;,r,,d lo tf>r^?* ?"? ?htn the youth struck and killed him. * year. T .. by ,-, r l?*Wr' ?f 0:1, hat the I : -.. . , -' fact? <? iin.-.*t??i with the alleged loot ?kn.u .ih';,v':"'s t'i"?,? dev? lop alia?. ; dally. It ?f th, 'i"1' ?'''??"? the Items of deposlti tnarko.i i*M,.. Mink.? book? I? one of 14.??on due to th^ <"s WAR SAID TO HE IMMINENT, MEXICO AM? GUATEMALA REPORTED ON THE VERGE OF H? ?STM.ITIK.s. THEIR KKI.ATIo.VS MORE ?STRAINED ?*>XI* OMIT ICA1. THAN ?EVER knii.ish ?-AI'IT vi.isTs m: l.ii'Wi? TO BE r?,?;iv, Maxien ON (l.Y TBUMIItAPII TO TUT. TlilHlNK 1 Washington, MArctl It Thor?' is :i str?inR bo. lief am?>n?_: men In Washington to-night wh i are well Informed In regard t.? the matter that th-- ?re latlona hatween Mexico and Guatemala are tnore unsatisfactory and critical than el any previous ttme sir..-.' the beginning ol the present contro v? ray, an ? that an outbreak of hostilities li Imml i nenl tad llkel> to ?ecur at ?ny ?moment. ? Among the active cause? of this c n lltlon of af. fairs is -Jlffed to be the pressure of Kn_lish In teresta An English syndicate controls the Te huantene? InteroceaiUc Railway, which has ?? cently been completed and In which a ? ial amount of ?English capital la Investid There in 'tils? in .-"tirs., of construction an Intel ?? railroad across Guatemalar territory, whl h, I when completed, will be a strong ? ?mpotltor ? :' tho Teauantep. - route The building of'th?? Guatemalan ? ??. i hat been m lertak . ..> .1 rai.s. wh?i will control the operation ol w ? ?. . I?-? opened foi traffl It is si utl) ?asserted !?\ ihe repr< - itatl? Guatemala's Interests in Washlngi n thai Mexi demands upt>n thai ? nuntr- ai tat? I and urged In a large degree i?y English Interest In the li???>.? of breaking Sown the Gunter. iy enb rprise, an ! In cup) rl : thl point to Ihe fact that Mexco la n I onlj h? ln<1ebte 1 !.. Rnglish ? 1; Hallst* , n ac? u I I N ? tlonal loana, but thai th M \u. ?; ?*ern ?!??? i:.?ir- of 1. 'gotl itlng an? 11 ?"?? ? Bi itatn. Whatever may be th< fact In regard t lh?**i matters, it 1? undoubtedly true thai ? 1 11 of hosUlltl??? between Mexlc u 1 Ouut? regarded aa immlni ?<? by men M> 1 - wli me opp ?rtunitlea t?i ibtaln :h. Ial trustworthy inform?t.")* are ? ? tlR - . ind wh ? certainly bellev? what they saj -_. ADRIFT FOR / or/;77 ; .v DAYS ?St'FFEniNOt? OK ? REW M irahfteld, Or? I-IIR - " " - I'RVtVl ?F*J ' ? a- ; H : SHIP l*EOMAN . M irch It?The - ?arrived here last ?night with Daniel ??lurk and Thomaa Moore, who are cuppo?????] in h th? ran Ivon of the crew < the Brti ; *? numbering thirty-one men, Th?* v ?? boui 1 fr..m Antwerp to Redondo Wl in.: siil a "?quail itruck her, and .1 .well ? ? tidal wave capslaed th?> veaael Ha 1 ???? .... ? 1 vu swept overboard, A lull foil wht n the ?--hit? right? I 1 on? ?? ? Th?- ? 00k, Moor?. ??? n the ralle? with hla 1 pen, and l Captain Penru?__| an?! ihe mal were ?n ? .? lifeboat ffJnm rh? slnkigg ?' : put the .?ook In it an 1 pull? ?i from ? wr? ? rot fout ?:: ? ' ..11 llxte? -. ??! ? ? ..?if hung? :? driving a- to eat I ? ? -?? . ?: blood ft .Bch 1.Out When th?? l.?-??ls ; I k. I tu up 11 ? swullen shut and we c? ; a',.. ill:. LEARSED'S SECRE1 MARRIAHE. it o<-''fi:ni:n IN mi AND in .\? ?W A1 t'i: i~. 1 > OF IT BI II yon it???" , ,.y si . Pittsftt ' Masa. Ma ? h 16 iS| ?Learned, s.?n of the lata l?darai I ?.????rn.-.i ; . r? th marrie, t?. Misa i. In Mai. Usslnn. on ?_-pt?mber l. IW Tbla fact became ? liiwwn in Ptttsfleld for the first Uma to-day and I created tirent ?MtrpriS* Th?? B_gJT__ge becaXU? ' known fr.?in th.- /.ut that th?- Wife ha?? hi ?UghI a cuit te* Steotee r> lbs ground Mr. > Learned mat Misa Ellli .?t ?Beach Rluffa 1 mer ol MM. ?St?? was then a h ?Mltlful ?girl of nil t.-? n and ?belong? I to ? ? ? ? fai h- r parents ar? dead, and ? ; '.. - immer v, I h hei Mi 1 MIm Billa w?mt to P shere th? ? by the Rev, Fran, ts A 11 ? t ?n Thej Im ?-.? Hal .' ? nd thi waa r, pi fr >m her t lime. I now living with hei sisters ai ' irndale It ii de<-lr?-i to live with 1 ?? I appi ?' him He li-,? ?een hei 1 ? or twice all . effort?* tu Kairi Interviewa with hei al ? ?.-? 1 without a.?1 Tl.- will be- trie 1 M. that Mr I,?-.?! :.? ?'. will ng a ? ? on. He I? well to one of the ??: leal famille?* In I'lti . ? I ASSFiir-I ) UA\ FRIDAY Is ,1 \?;/;j' hi: wim, get ?UTER ni?? r fiATNon wrm I KIIARP sri'-K '.}-??l: UlrtKEOAItDINn a Bin POENA rROM Till ?-1:11,1. INVESTI <; ? : im? COM MI ?Tl !.::. Affair? to k an unlooked for tarn ?before th? \ ?embl) Btrlke lnv?f?tlg?tlni ? ?mmittee ye* t J Ig < ;.. rnor, s ho n 1 t., obe) the commlttw ? aub] ?en 1 to api teatlfy, may be called ?????f?.? ?- th? fi?k . In Albany and :?-??t an.ind-I. Judge '... - 1 : : . . Cha unce y M Depea war? ?? -; 1 ?? ? t <-1 t., appeal ya* ? terday, William M. Irina, the commute, ?el, stated that Judge 9?ynor had lnform??d hitn thai If the committee wished him to appeal they . 1 . n?,. r .m?? a coi ? ? - pond? n? ?? all h t?. ?>.. .. ? the ? ' m.nii-i5i?in?-r'; ?1 Arbitratloi Chairman ?Prl '?, order. ? iht !n Ko t.? Judge Oajmor'a oourl and bring him I?. for?- th.- committee. Th? sergeanl went and re? turned In a *???? mtautes, ?saying thai lh< had gone foi th? ?lay ami ti?ai th,- oourtroam a.. closed, 'Dus anK?T?-?l th? chairman ol the pom wh?. ?i?-i?lar<! that Judg? Gaynoi '???..?< th. !:? t nan t?. disregard a subpoena sine? th i.? ran its a? ?k. It?- said the ?jafuMl ? ? olx ? ibpoena ?.1- a rto? llsataurtamy t?, the com and t ? tti" '?? ?-"'?-'?'Ai n- ?.' ih< s- 1 l wo'tl.l have Judge ii.i'n.i understand,' "that a subpoens fi??iii lh< 1 ? ?.-; lature ..( n.. S'.h.- of New Yak li greatei tl that of an) Ju't_r<- ai ? person "i liodi ?.f people In th? Btat. I ?A.n.; 1 have him know thai he I? not an? exempt from obeying ihe requirements ?.r su h ? ? ???? Mian ?inv oth?'i rltlsen I want to mak? it? ment to 11s? newi i?.?i? .- thai 1 shall ? ? ?"?it m. matter to th. committee and b.,\. H broughi before the House 1 shall 1.mmeiui thai Judge Oaynor be i.r.nigh! before the bar of the House and publicly i- priman I? I We have ext. :?-I to Judge Oaynor the courtesy ??f naming in?? own hour for appearing before th? conwmlttee, which makes i.!h discourtes* all the more flagrant, I do now declare thl? committee .-. IJourned " In commenting upon the subj?-ct later Mr. i-'ri da* .sail: "To one who hau known the Judge .?s many yt-ar* a?? I huvf hit action Is very easily nndei stood, It Is (Imply a clt ar casi of a 1 welled 1 ad. He Imagines, probably, owing to in* exalte.1 po I t on ai s Justice of ih?? Rupre<me fourt, that h? Is t<??> Important a personage to appear before this committee. *V? win ??? later on now the Legisla* lure regard? his action " Th.- ? ?.iimiitt.??. will tii?-?-t Hcalii t,-morrow mon in?.: at ',' o'cl m i< ifll.I, MOT ACCEPT liu: xr W PBIBST. ?Qilcago, Mar?-ii M a meeting am held last ? ..t Hoyne-ave and Lubecfc-sl . called b) t.??? d sat isi??l faction ?.!' BI Hedwig1? Church, l'ully ?MO i?> r aona ?managed t?. ,-r'iw?i Into Ihe r ?m No aromen wer?- bwMe, hut many ll.'.-n.-! at thl d ?? ' Numel <ai^ Hp>-.-.?hea were made In forcible language, and with wild geature?, The prie 1 on I iring of the mi-oiinn. :?..nt w.,.?i that he would ilk.- to apeak, and permlaaton waa given hhn. H s reception waa n ?t ? !is'Y,?n-t,??us, 1,at was rather cold The ?prli I that h.? ?had i.'-.-n s?nt to ih?? [mush by the Arch hishop, ami was sorry that so man) fully U-0 thlrdj* of th?- i?.triHh;..n. rs ?,.r.- opposed to him. ?He hi") that he- would try to be a good priest in ev ry *a: an 1 would mak?. full and regular financial r poru to the parlshlonera. h.- asked If tus ord. r an 1 .1 F_*"_f__* wy w""1'1 b* acceptable. Th? people replied ;_?:__-?_' ?1",,i1"" objttetloa to him ?personally, bu that ?ray oouM not any meml r of bla ordd ?.*' ?''"?.r, _ '"il1 '"' eoeU r.-porl th? ;?ltiiutl,.n to th- Ar.-hi.i.-hon to-tnorrow, ami uked if he .iM hav. um i.rivilcE?. ?r ?ajrlag mas? to-morrow. Thl?? niiv. uic i.riviit-ijf of ?aylaa m waa granted, aha be left th? he 0L1FBB com: OOBFAMT SAISIBS WABBB. Plttsl.unt. Mar. h It Th.? tFBrar Coke an?l Tur? nare Company to-<lHy j?ave not let? t? th,|r rm prbyee of a a-neral adva... ,. m wage? amountIiik ?ll'o,1,'!'?^ n?rr cvnt The ,l(*10" >*n*"? "?varal thousand men. As BAD PAIR LODGED IN -TAIL. TWO BURGLARS WITH LONG RECORDS CAUOHT I'.Y BROOKLYN DETECTIVES. TUET IRR I'ltANK gl'TPON AM' i'IIAIII.IM IOMX gON m i:?;i.ATtS' TOOLg l'iH'NI? IN THEIR POCKBTg AMo at THEIR HOMES Itispector Ma. k?ll 1rs Ontrnl Off! or- detective? made an Important capture of two not "crackamen" In Brooklyn yesterday, ?in.l the "crooks." Prank Button, alias ? Hij; Krank" Nor? ton, allas "Fred" Brady, and ?'imn?* John n are t)",\ safely raged in Raymond .?4ir.?.?i Jail The an. m i-- consldei-ed as Important as the i running down of ihe Porter-Irving gang 01 fiatchen-ave several years ago The two men are wanted it, a score .if ??tins, and towns In l ? United States for safe-breaking and robbing |."St"!ti.'.'s. They looke.l and were dressed like prosperous bustness men. Button lived a? No. J? St. John's Place, while Johnson's bouse wa? ai No. 26 Sterling Piace The rears of the two l.its |o n? I, and the pith e uld : total "'!l "'''"'' from the rooms of their houses. Thev pro ! great h dlgnatl >n ? I n thi were ar? rested Th?, Itrooklyn police hav? l?< ? n working on Ihe '? ? ? ai iul three months, In conjun tlon with the i'iiitv.1 States Beere! Service de.tettlves, who lai been tracing postofflee burglaries, and wl learned thai Button and Johnson were In New York or Brooklyn Insp< rto* Mack? liar I n tlve .-'? i .'? a its Dalj R lie ind others, i senting Ihe Hi kl n police, have v.?.ik.*?l with the i' ?? Icral h ut hoi I tien ? if late i urglai lei l> ? :, frequi ni In Brool . m v ,ut iw?i w< ?> ,:;.:?:'. V it? I - il.Mi.: Comp ?i.\. In PI ft h ,m e, an i n i ' . ? nlgl i? ?, ? '. ti, i ? K ? v - op, n? : ind ;-'"'' l iketi Y ;?: Mai m irning, Mm k? Il u : Button a ,i indei irveil i thi ? w? i . " ided t ' ap ? ? - ?? iM - ;. .11 .:? ' i .. ' i : i .'.. i; . . ?1 , ':?? wef | II ? I . u ..' i ?,?:. in. bui glare li-fi th? s lelsun i Plfl ,.,.!?, . n : i : ' , i I ? i . . - ' ? :. ? ' Lint:!..: I ? : ?VboUl ? . Hej :i"lii* ' 'to him they I : , '.-.-. ju-'a i " ' ? . ? N ? , ? . ,? married, an.1 Id, N - i \! ? ? i ? ? ' ' ' ' i ? " . ' ? ;? r Ja I ti r ? ? ?...... i . i-i i up the Sta Bui !:?.:? I ?? i fa ice Into thi Lawrei M ? , \ ? Bank. He wi - ? ind hs ? . ? -n 1 -? ?? nd Johns?? : . letting Pred? rt? k H i ?? ? kma by -?. 1 '??! " -i ? - ? . , a ' ? ", - ? : . ' HI ?.Vi I III! i> in El i:\ W ? I "/.A. IN l: . ' i i t . ' '. ? ?. ? ; i i. s v. . :. , , ! | , il Mon ?jf Colonel W. Th? "Colon? h<? Confederate 11 p| IV ? ?? : ? . ? ' ,,i. i i m fn.f ' when his ? ? hoa o hin 1 h? , about ..'1 I' | toi I ? men ai ...?m,?. -, moral i I mips 'l .??! .if !? , i ? - ?|. ? . ? fot mi ? urdei ...' ' :? :.. i .1 I v . , ; r th, ?? , ii t.. Lui a I...'.?i m 's, French's, th? ?> ? Ho A.bem ii,.-. the I Ifth Avenue un I Ihe i. i K ?: . 'i'.' i ?.' Ihe in? ? ? . t .m ?\o re ? 'apl .... I o .,;,? ,,,,, i ; ? ,,. ?,?>,,..,. two wen 'i guilty ?.r con . . i , in Kt-i i : .? . hang I n Porl I ..?'?: le in.l ('-?piiln la- il-- i . ? in. ? Mmd. Wat I aven lent lo I'..m i,.,-,,?. tt.. n;,.". i. . ? ? ? ? , ? ? ? ? .. v ? :.i,,:. i, 111 i i. ? 1 Il .I a:: t >'. .r U ii i ivi .-a |.?f't.-.| .' : i a the burn : . mV M ii IM.'., hut tbs ?". i , i. ?? a.v. ' him ?? i ? iva .-? i a. ? n i i H. C m I? tvoli Vfier thli ii.- i i o . i ?? .1 his i im m. o- m Vea York, ; ? ' ? ' ?? ? ? h : i ' -, Innati, ?' ,M ? I/O lint I i- i , I I'lillaa ? Waia again put In an appearan ?? In -?*???* 'i ai? in July, I"-,, and .'.a . it. to- I : a h ink con o. rncd in Ihe wli Hi i ? t ihe previous fall. He ??a? ti lo i un two ? imp tin ? i ont y-i. i sn I sen h I to '....? ,n in,, ril ite laIson il ? wss l ? i ? ! ? H.. i I Ho- wai ?t i a gned ?ii ine Municipal Criminal t'otirl Ih.s .ut.a ii. Il ipe loi Harris, of I he be l?k ? i'i.< ! i.n. .l'un: a complainant. He wss charged with fnrgiiia and uttering a (."ht k fol |i.':.??. ilaned " \. .1 west." drawn upon the Merchants' Bank of Allan! :. Oa., and paya hi to Jordan, Mar.h ?tv Co. The ? ?. re wss continued until March :".'. ball being Used ai ?>.,""'. In rt faull of which Ward was com mitt? I i? ihe ''hu lea Htroei Jail. A I I . />/// 1 IS AX OHIO H AMI.PI Portsmouth, Ohio, March II Carey's Run, several ml 1rs lo-1 w this city, the scei.f i vendetts In which three leading familier, the Joneses, Ihe Bit? metis and the Seymours a? tii?. active parties The feud is ?of long standing, bul the Joness and Seymour* bava recently kilned forcean through reconciliation reached i.\ Intermarriage, On Thura iti' nigh! the Emmet is strung a barbed wire be? tween iwoo tro-es. lust where H would catch the .1 men boya, *.?. ?v ale ? | n i thai iw after night? fall, driving their cattle, Two of the Joneeea were i,aii. hurt, and their families, with ih? Seymours, v?? r??? at '.no.' aroused. Al midnight ths angry cruntrymen, armed srltk shotguns, corn cutiera and ?...m. i the Kmmetl house and drove .?.:> |. :, from ii t" ihe In the n ir, eacepl "old man Bmmctt," who u?*l?l the with hi? gun He I hoi one "f the .loon :y ., i.i lied who f.'ll in his tracks, and \ man |USl In from the scene says th it th? fam ai. arming for a Hnal settlement TBAOl At A i' WOT SB PBOSSOVTBD, Hartford, starch I''- Praaldeni J, A Parsona of ih.? SecuHty Company, admitted to-day thui th?re w.a? a probablHty that ih" defalcation of Louis A. Tracy, secretan and teller ?it ihe company, would l?, nettled without criminal proaecutlon The amount of Tracy's s'il.?rt.wk.- is ti?.7<?i, and be la ii">? ..a ? ,090 bonds, pending a further bearing on Mari h 21 it le known thai friends ?of Traoj ?ir. making afforta to raise uullh h lit funds to ?ulibly the bank, i SPAIN PROMISES JUSTICE, A FILL INQUIRY TO DE MADE. Tin: ALMANTA AFFAIR DISCUSSED IN THE CORTEA WEPtTlES ivist THAT THE SPANISH <*ommani> ?BR was WtTHIN HI! RIGHT! IN ?T-RIN "N THE ?STEAMER THE l*01ta_K)M MIMSTK.U says THAT Tin: <K)\ I.HVMlAr NOT rttXt l.y.'T T?> I ri.KII. AI,I. I . .11 '?-.? DEMANDfl. M idrld Mar? h if? The Minister erf Kor.-i.n ,\f fairs annnun ?-?I to the Corte? to-day thai rho ; United St;it?*s ha I addressed to ?Spain a courteous r? h. ?nstrance In tii<* case ?if the Aillant**, which '?? i - ?il to have been fired >>n by a Spanish <?? ul ? ?:? the ? ?_sl end of Cuba. Deputies Vlllanueva, Dlag and Moreu .poke ar lengi li | the American n ?te. They In ? i il:;;: as the Alli.?n?;.i su In Cuban s t' ? mm in I r of Ihe Bpanii ti -nu- ?r ai ted wlth 11 his rights. 'li. Mini ter eventual)* promised that a full In? quir? should h. made Inl i the Incident, and that the a t/ernmenl would nol neglect t.. fulfil all the demanda of Justl v ? ". he sal I. th?* 1 ; ? had re elved n ? offl 'ial t ?? >rt ?if th?> al NO REPLY YET FROM SPA IS. Tin; ? i MiMSTii \T?"\. HOWEVER, EX? PECTS A PROMPT APOLOG? '? ?TO TAKE NO tIACKWARD STEP lit TUB IAN? v All Ml. MR ?.1(1 siiaM'S aCTION i.lKKI.V TO HP. M? ?DiriEl - Hi 1 .?I : il M THE SPANISH MIN? ISTER KEI ?PS UN TA'.? ?Si ? THRi ?I ??H It AT TW gflfUfH TO TUB Tfl'H' M" ) W. . ? - Mai h ??'' Tl ?? ?? in i . ? ? i? in .In- un h <:iK?? I, Th" ?!-;,- ham I Minister Tay ,ri |, ha? I i-n ?? mmunl ?ate i t ? the ? m< nt, aii'i no i ?, I) fi m that be. ai-.. \ ?mm reply, ? , . vr ted Thai the Administration ? ?i step ?? -i ? III. Its attl i r feared i hoi m?! ? ? ? , t matt \ ? ..- - i . ,,,-?! ? r an 1 dig ? ? will [?? ' ? r approval That this a Un u ?pi ? ?1 ol Pi i : ? ' .? Ingt n ? ? . ? ..?:is.-ir late n .. ? .? n if , :.?? eatery It Is ? menl an d ...... | it? ?aras ful I?. ?, . : ment I ri States have iVH , ' - i. ? : - I'nltei SI >?"?? In .in ? . . __ KltlllT ' -RCH \T SEA ? -. nu: .?w\ 16, r . Milan?:-, In?*t I? nt vim ol the S I In fot .i -, pa of <.f th? t ? ? good n board Li I ... ... ? - not oi ? . ? ? ? ? ? . .i h? r r ol ? ?? .'.!? i ha* ?? .... ? truban I. Xi ... XVIII If ih. thl) I sul?J< ? Is, ? . . . or ??n I arar of I ?? i ? : i . ? . ? ? p of ws or prlvs : ?... lei t .i 1 r main ? it ? . !.. a til so 11 ? ? - - -1 a II a. e ft tl I i.. i ? ? ? ? n the ii?i?!i?|- ??! . ??min ni? i ..i till lila i ? . ? ?? it?. .?, |. mn ? ? ' ? ?? .a :? pi . ? ? ?? . s ich pas pol i ball be H? ?? ai ? liberty? to pursue her hull ? ? ?-? la? ' I?? nioleat oi mat n? i oi for. ? I*, t to qutl nt< n.!-- I util NOT AI'i'l.I'M.l.i: l\ TIMK.H OF PEACE, in1' Rt?HI1 fi| KAI ?'Il BXISTH ONI.l M l!i\.? .\ s l \ i ' til* WA tl K? i.Ml I: SPANISH ? ?I TR IOKS W ial li ? . M.,, i, :?; \ against th? r ghta ?>r ..? il - ,. . whUb ihe Spanl ii VI Invok? ? - the Alltan?a under th? i?i.? i ? ? ?. .?. ?? th S|.tin, it is point .i the treat, provisions up m which he c i ippfj only to s "state ol war, and no such condition now ?i I fi ? national point .?f i vit s .?i ? ii.a, inasmui i as I llgerenc* of the ?. um ?... : i. cognise i i>\ an. Power ' The famoua s ? ? the Vlrgtnlus and th? corra nee fiat m- thereto ? u naturall) be quoted alt m time. ? ?n Sovemb r 7 an I 9, IStX, th? iptaln n. i thirty-sis >?f Ihe crew ?.fin.- Aaaerlcan Bteimer Virglnlut were summarily i-i???t at ?San llago de ?'uti.i ih?? vessel had i.a selaed ?by a Span ih warship while on Ih? high leas la the i ai i ?? ? r i - :. .. , resulting from th.? affair, ?Secretar} of Statt r*iah ??aid it la a srell-eetabllahcd principle, asserted by the l'ini-'i from tii.? beginning ol their National In i?i? n.i n.... and ?recognised i>) ?if.ii Hritaln and othn maritime Powers, thai American vesaela an tin- In?:: ?? i n Hi.if ?peace, bearing the Ameii ???n 'li.'. remain under it.<- lurlsdlctlon >>r tin? roun lr) t?? ?m. h the) belong; and iheref?we any visit.. tlon, moj??*tHtlon or detention of such v?-ss??i by foi ..i bj ..n exhibition <?f force on th.? part <.f a foreign i?,,w.r is in derogation of ih>> sovereignty <>r Ihe I'nlted State, At that time Spain a is a Itepajbltc, with Emilio <'.. telar aa President, snd Daniel B. Sickles ?m American \iintster al Madrid, In tii.irrsspondenc? betwaen the stat. Dttp?_rtmenl and General Slckl? ? in regard t?. appropri?t? reparation for th.' seizure of in,' V'lr_inlus, Secretar) -"Iah <aii???t attention to tl??- following aperlflc c?aaea ??f outrage perpetrated upon American n*er?-hantinen by Bpauitsh men-of war. The ?schooner ?Kthel A, M??rritt, <>f Philadel? phia was overhauled on the high aeaa bj a ?Span h ?iait..,ai. ?-hl,-h Hi-?--1 a hl.-tnk ??.irtrtdi;??. Th.? s.-h...?li? er holated tii?- American flag and kept on her course The .nu,.-,- ti,,,, timed ?lid shot, whl? h parsed through her rigging Th? schooner hove i . and ! ?va i?.?..i.|..i bj h Spanish odScer. who m ar chad the ve -.1. .n?,i, finding nothing except what wet legal, released her, The s?*_?ooner Bhnma P, Kewcomb, flying tin- American flag, had a- similar axpertonce, A h man of war ran dawn on th* soliooner fleorga Washington, and, with her guns shotted and her crea at quarters, compelled der to heave t?, nrteen mllea Cape MsysL Then an officer, with an anaed boat's crew, came ta the schooner, in.iur.l ?.: and searched her and Inspected th? crew, ?Sav? ing th." reaael without an explanation. There are many other ?-.?s???, in th? books of ?Spanish outragea I ..n American men bant ?easels <?n .inn.? l.i, is:.?,, tit- tnii.-i Btaltca Senate ?passed the following ?-.?solution: '"Thai American vesaela ? ?utliiur.l on third i?i?uc XE1 Va PA PBR U FL<1 CES SA CKED ATTACKED BT A MOB OF AKMY OFFICERS IN MADRID. THET RESENT IMI'l TATIONI OF COWAROICE BT BEATtNO EDITOR* AND DEBTROTINO PROP? ERTY?PUBLICATION <>K ALL PAPCBI TO BE SUSPENDED TO-DAT UN LEW PROTECTION IS PROMISED. Madrid, Mm h !? Tii.' "Resumen," in an artii l* on tha Cuban Insurrection, charged the junior ??fli eera ?f the Army with .i lack of enthusiasm, ?m.I an Indisposition to go to Cuba, i.ause of th*> danger to arhlch (hi \ would tie exposer] th-re. Resenting this Imputation, thirty-five ofliceni a raid on the office of thai pape.- last evening, smashing deska and othnrwto? damactag th* prem? ise* The "(Hobo" coaajnaatad severely upon th* action of the officer?, and protoatod again t their conduct whereupon sixt) officer? visited the office of the "Olobo" it-' nigh'. ?"''! made an att.i'k upon the staff of that paper. In the mele?) tha City elitnr and two subordinated were badly Injured, an I the office *,as completely wrackad. The crowd of oili' rs ami their sjupathlzera ta? rrea ?! e\. rj minute, until li reached the num. ber of K?, at i all attempt? :?> prevent their Melt? ing the office were futile. The of. : th< Ir followers then wen! t., tha office ..f th.- "Heraldo," i.h: were unable to enter th.- premise?, and finally ?rtthdrew Later they made another visit to the office of th? 'Resumen." i"it ?he Captain-General, who bad h- n summoned, persuaded them to ? ? 'Mi.- mi itary court? have begun an Inquiry ?to tie- a't.. ! Th? mi I of the An ricers upon the news) per offlci - >. liwu I in the Corte? this aften i i. The War Mini ter described the I a man ,,..,- ?rhlcl elicited repeated protests from M re? porters present and eventual!) caused them o iva th- bou ??? In i bodj. \t . meeting held tint? evening the Madrid edRors resolved t.. th. Government thai thej would id the publlcai on of all the ? Itj a ? wspapera to mon ? tha j . hot Id i ? - ? of the aaf< '?? of tha Ir lives ai I prop? rty. MAPPED ?III .11 DOE'S I'M V.. DRANIIAM THREATENED Ta) STRIKE WRIOHT. i Birr 'lilt: LATTER OOT IN Ills BLOW PIRET Qa., March M During the ta ! : ?.- in th.nti ? ? ? Di F< !ton : n I Congreaa of i: pr> nt itlve J ?? n vV Mad loa rea lerda) - Wi ' I I Ige .1 >? I Mr m ham's face Writ ? it i iwjref was pi .,.. a .-?.. tator and friend of Dr Pell ?n Ju Ige Brnnham is counsel for Maddoa Ha nuda i itate . ?-. > to Wright which the latter con ?? ? u ted. The two men ad>?nce>l I as n ? ? "? other and Ja Ik- Branh i ?tap your faca Ko sooner ha<l n -i iken than Wrlghl it ruck him ,i r s?un Una >?'? ? on th F PI - < ? ' ? ."''' - ? : II ? , . . .. . wi Ur.iri ' if the (J >ri;l:i B CBS ED THE STOBl TO HIDE HiS CRIME. a PROMINENT MAN IN AN I I.LI NOW TOWN ON ^ -, OON1 '"- i BIMSELF \ Ml RDI RI t: n ? tralla III . M ir h '.,; In 1*7 !'" 411 a mer in) t Vera *. III. Tne senior member of tha firm was Uen?ral W. f* iMM ?x-AudltJi f tha 81 t II -? In the f the firm Was S man narae.1 Whll ? mer of IW the store b ... i b) fir? White had ? raoen In the bulld .- l hta charred body waa found in tha ruins i,... ....:: a .-f ;?? :??? ?' - a n rstery, ar-1 a ?-till myati rj w . ah) w hite dl i rv.t gat en, wai w D. Tal i prominent < Itlaen of ? ? ? tra ' " \ ? a weefci ime ?li with i ?? lent to him ;.ii i not n c iver, he m i foi i ? "- ral '?.il ? I that I waa li White's room ft They w ere gamfcllac, a ijuarrel ? . flacht, and In ? tit ?( In th ' ? -n of ? ? ?? ? ? Tahh ---t ? re t-, tt,,- butkilng snd si White" ith of th i ? "?-?. hut that Ihej hat ,? be .;!'.?? !?? tiei illy h have i- en fully \. rlfl? I PKEFERBED SUICIDE TO ?BBM8T. TH : DEI U I.TIN - - M:v \\t> TRKAgirRER ritB baii.p.^ m w i'.?i-,-t'i:i.\i! rxm. PANT KIM? IIIMHRLP I/WT THE Hi IXB1 IN CARP PLA1 Is-.: II n ?' nl, ' ??? n. Man h I<1 Charles K Rol Inson ? Wethersgeld shooting himself thi .^h the heart He was tan and ti isui r of the Baila M inufj t'irmn iny of t) - Ity, wh.i?e works ir.- ai \\eth M He was thlrtj tbree y< ara ol I Thla mon .- ai ahlh his w fe \\.t< preparing i-t-- kkfa it w? nl Into an a ijpli ? m an ! ?hoi himself through the heart Mrs. Robinson heard the .- -. .i- : | mil her bush i i the fiooi Hi : ?-. t t. a minutes. Il r Veral hundred dollai his aci unta \ '??- sideral II ill N'fw-Vork, male ,n Investtaai on ol I ? ?red tli n i;.-i m on ?as <? lefaailter, si I threat? m-l t.> ) ?\.- hi in ui lean :.? n, , i. good th? ili ftelen y lo-ilaj i: il u .? n'?? downfall Is attrllnite.l to poker t>U)ln?- II had full - harai of tte- rompan; 's husli ? offi ? bsina m ib? S'.-?.irt Building, New Vork. mu kiispra ooh?titubmtm t?f.i.iobted. nana ? i \ Y Uai h Ig Vssemblyn in Kelaey, ig Ms bill through appropri? ai tag t75,u?Nfoi ? ?- State Normad .-' ol here, ?r rlveil home tl i i II? waa met al the it i t n b) I'i Ullne and Colonel John K. Strang. Colo? nel John Itorbaca and Mi Bp lie, memb rs of Iho ? d board, and i lanre nurnaajr ol student? Mr. 1 .rlad from i he car bj a number of fnthusi i-'..- wui lenl - an i placed In i i irrlan Ihen ihey proceeded up Maln-et., to the ?chool where VIi Kelcey m i I- ,, - a ... ,, v\. i lou II) hea red b) the vlll i A rimi> ttLLBD lt\ KRJSKis,; Wltt?KEJ Norwalk, fonn., March tl^Pllllam Haven?, of Ala elty, a brakeman on m- 4ew-York, .\>* Haven and Hartford Ral : road, lefl a botUa of whlakey on the dining room tabla when be went h..m- drunk on Thnrada) Hi- ?on, James, aged ,iv' ;ll!'1 hi" dautrhter, Marguerite, a^.-.i four, found the whlakev yesterda) morning and drank II THa ???> illed thla morning rrom convulsions, and th? little slrl i? considerad fatally ill. TELBOBAPHiC NOTES. Clevelan I, Ohio, March l( I. i:. M ilyneaus, of tha Board of Equalisation, uya thai during th< cent tup t.. New-York of the board th.- member? looked up thi m\ record? of som? Cleveland mill? ionaire? an an espertmi it Some were found to i.o paying taxe? on personal property In neither city. It is probable that within a few tlaya a liai o? theaa men ?ui be forwarded to New-York. Terre Kaute. Ind., March II \t a final meeting ?if the anti-Whlekey Trusl syfhllcate yesterda) it ?as dec led tu build Its enormous new plant in thla city, and ground w.a.s purchased from the heirs -if lioula Heeberge.' for the purpose The sRe I? Im? mediate!) adjoining the syndicate's other plant, the Indiana distiller)*. Tin- n?w plan! will be started al once, ll iverhlll, Maas., March II i H Mitchell ft Po., in whose fai-tiirv trmiiih- has existed iln te the open? ing of the big strike, gave notice to their 7Qp em? ployes ii-t nlghl that after thla week their wages in ever) department would be Increased Uve cent? a case. This Increase win make thla tirm pa) th. highest wagjes of an) local shoe mai ufai turera. South Norwalk. Conn., March ta A fr.-i^iii train on the New Votk, N-w-llaveti and Hartford l'.ul r-iad waa thrown off the track at the Danbury dock In this elty this niormng. and six ears were badly damaged. The accident was du- to n mlxpla* I Btrltcn. All the brakeman were thrown from ti.. tops of the cars, but iioih- weie hurl Wat. rtown, N v, March U in tha liacardar'i court here last night. Joseph Theobald, who. in ,i m or anger at a balky horse, tire tbe animal'i tongue .nit, was convicted of mla lemeanor As he was man-he I off to jail, the crowd gave three cheers for th.- jury Thin morning Reoor i r Oobb ? ive him tie- maximum sentence six months In ihe Rocheater I'vuliuntiaiy util j.-y tiu?. THE NEWS OF EUROPE LORD R06EBERTO RKSIGVATION BB LIKVKI) TO HK NEAR AT HAND, HIS Il.T.NKi-S AND THF MIPIXTKORATIOS OT Till UINISTKI'.IAI. PAIUV Rl>TH TEM'INO TO BIU.V- IT AHOUT TUR OOMTOff POR TMi: Hi'KAKKUSIIIP? Till: NKW ?KNSOR OB PLATS. fnr CAnt.n to tub Tninr-NB.l irnpt/rlgrii ; 1S9.V fit/ Ttit Tribun? Ai$octalien.i London, March 11- Lord Boosbsry hi ?lowij recovering from th? effect! of the Influenza, but I Is Illness has ?eft behind it a gerlOUS recurrence of his old trouble, Insomnia. If this affli^tlor cannot be cveorcome. It Is ?reffvded M highly probable that Lord Rosebery will resign th? Pre? mlershlp. in any event, that result ?annot b? far .!'!'. The fore? of ? mumstano'es will, before many weeks, compel an appeal to. th? constitue?? ? . .nil n ? one dOUbtg that th? result of a gen? eral election will be the defeat of Um Ministry. The last week has arltnessed snother gymptotnof ti:.* rapid disintegration of ihe Ministerial party, i,i.iy r member that th? introduction <>f the v. i . bill ?nt ? th- sessional programma was largo* ly, if nut. entirely, ths work ?>' .Sir William Har? ? ni-. Tii?- Irish members, while welcoming tin ansia anee i f th- veto par:y, chiefly Radicela In their Home Rule camopaign, have nev.-r been seal? ?ms tn purchase thai help at the cost of pledge* t.. support th.. Veto hin. in th- case <>f Welsh dlsestabllshm? nt, they willingly adoptad th" wll known m.-.huiis ?,f log-rolling, Ixcause Welsh aspirations lo n?, way affected iiHh Interests?] hut in Um case of liquor l?gislation, ths liisii members were naturally unwilling to give i that would hrinir th*'m int.? collision with tho' very large llquoi interest that specially pre? vails in iro'ianoi. Irish whiskey and Dublin -tout are staples of th* country. When, therefore, the Nationalist mem n n illsed that H:r William it to I ?* his pet \ -to pr< J"'t upon Parliament In order to discharge ths Min? isterial obligations to the Teetotal i'.?r:>, thgf lock definite action In order to restrain him. It has been Intimated to th.. Ministerial whips by more than a d sen Nationalists that while they were willing toi is Ooi rnmenl \* Welsh disestablishment, and srlth t1- i ; ? House of i? ??!-. they <i ? cllr.ed to aid ths passage of the Veto bill. Th's Intlms Ion, upl, i with the [MosiMlity of nin* Redmondites g ng Into ths lobby against Sir William Harcourt's measure and the ?ertalnty that many Liberal members Interested in the llo'ii ?r traflk In England an-! Scotland will also ? the Government, ;f they ? tuaily Join the Opposltl a, .- rlously Jeopardises thi :' the most Important measures of th- Ministerial programme. It ?hows further triai. . \ ? : ling up n Welsh disestablishment, wnlch Is sut" t. be rej cted by the Lords, and cm- r?solut! a against the upper house, even ths Irish Mations t vote has ?ased t.. he tru*?i ? v. Irish members know perf? 'My well that ?\ rnmenl la helpless ir legislation, and Mr !: , :'< ?. ma ! ; r ? arly dissolution Is ting ::.? watchword of the entire party. From then, imstaa s It follows that ?!..-.-?>? lin: a :-? only a Question of a few weeka Th? Ipsu" just described is ?. generally ao ! by all politicians that surpiise is r-x pressed -.ii .Mr. Arthur Peel was unahl?? t . watt tin th.- Liiiiiiawtlon "f the netiston ge-foru resigning th.? Bpeakerihtp. Ths pr-rnature revelation at his Intent;? n by "Th'' Times" has hurried his de. ; i o-day are witness something ggie gmong ii\?l candidates far h!? Three principal men whose daims are inder review are Mr. Campbell-Bannennan, Mr. ? urtney and Blr Matthew White-Ridley. Mr. erman would be accepted by tho. cnamher without n dlvisi' ". He Is thoroughly capable <"f ? : -: -- ItS llltlrs; ? the L ? unwilling to select h'.m, mainly U' auss there H soi t of his !??* '???iiilnir leader of the H use In the ?-v. nt of sir William Harcourt's possible resignation. ?Mr. Bannerman is deeme l more sultabl, f< r thit pur pose than Mr. J ihn M< rley . r Mr. Fowler, and consequently tnany Ministerial supporters are willing to otter the Sp. ikershlp to Mr, C<"Htrtney, l":if ortiir.aifly. ?Mr. Courtney has , r -,t 1 enemies r' . himself by his dogmatic manners, and he has especially annoyed Mr. Lai ?ucttera by namin-r him to the Bp ut for misconduct when Mr. ? ? w is acting as chairman of committees. !!.? his als.? Qffen : - I "... C tisi'rvatives be, ause of hid lepei lence and J . rttl? n t.? their views, th ?ugh ? unting himself among the Lib rai Uni? BlstS. Il Mr. Bannerman can ol be ipai i by the M ?? rial ?Tarty, and if Mr, Courtney cannot be i ;i without opposition, the Hjuss may f.r.l i..?, k upon i Cons rvatlve member In sir Mat? ??? W ill i: llej He - wealthy, p pular and . bul n i a man of i tlth. "The Dally News" says that Mr. Courtney t,.?s virtu allj d i:tiol -i ? nomination, end for the real n. Il declares, thai h, mi I j^ttit upon th.* Con? servatlve vote. The refusal of that v t" would be fat.,:.v especially If the next ? :? ctl n ; la i the C nserva|lves In ofllce. Unless Mr Courtney Is ?? sured tliat the Conservatives will auppiwi him ii'ituiii.? now, bill also when a Bp aker is ' . ! r the HOW I'.U'li,''ii' lit. It H lid !'?' f >'.!>' to accept a present proposaL "The Drllj N'"ws" tak"s credit i ' |he present Mlnlatn foe offering t. vote?for M lA Courtney, but it is ||Wel) that Mr. t'uiirtiifcy's refusal is iiulto' ?im Rauch .'wing i > the iitf.tuit." of the Radicals as t.? (ha views i f, ?v .of the .-i" nee C mservativi - Ths issue this morning seems to lie between Mr Banner? man an i Mr Hi !!??> The Bpeakershlp is one <>f the liiio'st places In the State, its entoluments are lb\0B? yearly, ??tli a pension of f4,00t? and the r.-ciit.i: Speaker always receives s >?eeruge, He has a large suit.? of apartm? nis furnished Ilk?- a palace, snd the r >t ,>f his household is largely horn.' hv the State. Unfortunately, the lahoirs uf th-- Speaker are sxee dtngt] heavy, and ii.oiio? hut a man of iron constitution ??light to undertake the n. it is si\t> j? are sines ths Con? servatives secured tin? . ! lion t?? '.he chair of one oif ih. ir o>wn party. The .'?ili.r <f the week's Parliamentary Sehattg ha been chiefly notable for ih.? reinarkabls unan itniiy with which th?> men now in ofllcs hav? ac cepted th?- p.m.y of ih.'ir predsesssots if. regard to the Navy. The attitude of Lord Rosebory*s Cabf? ii"! is in striking contrast with the Une adopted t y Mr. Gladstone and Blr William Kareourt, when th.- latter arers in the Opposition. For this reas.m the Ciitiservatlves ?of t.i-il.iy have pur doned th,. inconsistency "f th-ir opponenta and ?a--: week has witnessed many expressions "f warm approval of th.? Ministerial policy from the benches; even th.* criticisms of the ?Conservative leaders were delivered m a ayiApi tbetlc spirit, ami the great subject of naval .1?* fence was Completel) out of the arena of I'irty lasues, Tii- two conflicting elements in tlM London Chtsav ty Council, ths Modorates and the Progressives, have made a somprdmlas over the election of the nine Aldermen, each party noaflnhtlhc four, and agreeing upon ths ninth, g neutral; but their h.j^riiiony tnded here, and ths two faotlr.nn f.mgiit over ih,? tlacttons of the .h.? Inn.i ii. vl e-ihalrman and 'I'p'ii.v ?halrnian. Th.- MllflSHlSg would have been <-.?nt>'tit wl'1 th?' vi''e-?h.iirtnanij'i1|?, luit the rrogresslves secured all three po<ts, mainly because three Mud. ?a au a were aUseut on