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HEWS FROM THE SUBU?BS, WESTCHE8TER COUNT!. TONKER& Hin Vi. a lb? -ii:i.n.i*r home of Mi" rt Black b.r.., ?f \,. m Gramerer Park. New-York, was ,. . .. ,i ?..*,. and sllverwar? to th? value h? house being unoccuptad. the buri-li:-. ? "'? ?"', ???? ''",' s-?t,'r'lav' . trua SB o>: the ?onkers . | hrtotlan AssocUtlon taOt si th? h0I:?. , rles R. i - 'itly and organ!* i Iff ,-?, election of Lyman ?oi'ii. Jr.. pretrtdeni -and ... *.,,.:, Taxier ? retary. A lecture, to\\om a, ?rill i"- glvi '? at I "' room? of the association, In South Broadway, lo-morro? after ,. ... ?in B D. Wlshard, of Con? it, will !"? the speaker, her subject being "A v., ik for Voua? Women." This ?\ nlng the Choral L'nton o( the Central y pal t'hui h >' ill sing the i antals 0- "Danli .1 the Captlvlt) and Reatoration." Th? goloisi Ml - Ora? ? Oa vet te Miss Man Tarbell Mr?. T. II. Picken, l?. I K. HubbeH, ?al ickbtirn and Petei \\ .-'"??:? ni"'?. Alfred w. gerl ??'??? i ? ?uri-h choi thi vt s; Joh il' Mu m yestt rday morn? ing Biaho Tall (?reached to a large audlenc? The Rev il F Kellogg. ol l'nlon Theological Sem? inary, occupl? 1 the pulpit of the Hark H.ll He foi ? : ? ? :. and at St. Peter's ?'lunch in th? evening the Rev. Dr. fJulnon, of St. Gabriel'? Church. New-York, lectured <>n "Si ?Patrick." Dr. Alvah S. Hobart, ?a-' >r of the Warburton Avenu? Baptist Church, discussed last nigh! "Th? t'.reat Supper." At the relebratton of st Patrick's i?.iy yesterday n- the Monastery of the Sacred Heart ther? wer? nasses ..i ?. ?m.i 8 ,.' i..- k a? usual, but ?he 8-o'clock mass was exclusively for the several ord*u*a of Hi? bernlana a .'?.e.M.'il meet Ii g ol the Yonkera Hoard of Water Comml en ? ailed for this afternoon at I o'clock, to nil :,'? vacancy -??used by the;,m of Charles s ?'ik.. in apa tor. The offlc? i.s worth *? " ? >???' ? - ? ? WHITE PLAINS. A petitlos ?? being signed by many Rallroad-ave. ii;. r .juts ;i?k ii? the Board ol Ti a-?:??-? t.? t.ikr looking t" th? widening ,,f Rallroad-ava Andrea J. Math? w?, coltector of town taxes, will beein the colle nun to-day. The ?".nO'i Government i'lub will convene in Lafay? ette Hull to-nigbi and take action relative to n.-nil ne.'s for town ,,?'. The Rev. Pr. and Mm. Macoubrey started on Wi lay for a trip to Florida, via B-dtlmore, Washington and other ?Southern cities. Samuel F ? I Greenridge Park, la also taking s vacation. Mrs. William .1. Scott and her daugh? ter liave returned from Lakewood, X. J., and Mis? Young, ?,f Barker-avi . started this week for a brief stay with r? latlves at that resort The visit .:.-, t,. town ni' i Mte B. F. Amor, of Sheldrake, N. T.? Misa Maud? Breen, of New-York, who the guesl "f Miss Josephine Marvin Prost, In ?Thurch-st., and Mis? McKeel, of Pleasantville, who g i ???.'.. by her uncle? E. T. Hoph :..-. tf Hamilton-ave. NEW-JERSEY. JERSEY CITY. Jasper Smith, who ?u arrested In New-Haven, Conn., son;?? time a>ro f,,r abducting Frellgh, and who ?ras aft? ! arrested in Jersey City for stealing Miss Frellgh, last week married the young woman, in order to prevent her giving- evl dei ? acalnst him. Thla practically ended the casa, l'ir in or.i.r to protect Ella? Buckley, who had given bond? In 13.006 i^r Smith's appearance, it ?as n? essary thai Smith should bu produced li?for?? the i'oiirt of General Session?. Deb Doyle was sent to Buffalo, N. Y . where Smith is ....... - i.imi;, i ?ti i usln? no, biinalnsi him back to Jersey city. Smith accompanied the officer will? ingly, but when they arrived at the Grand Cen? tra Station m Now-York yesterday they were met by Mr.?. Kreii-rh. Smith's mother-in-law. who de? clared that he should not be taken to New-Jersey. Bh< creat? ! such .. disturban ?? thai the New-York nolle? arrested the party and took them before ? ? Ryan, who direct? l the New-York officer? t,' .-? ? ? live Doyle was protected in ?*oii \eyii,? Bmlth t" New-Jersey, smith was then tak't. to Jersey City, where lie will be ?arraigned ? Judge Hudspeth to-day, when the ball will V?e release. 1. Mr. Hu ?kley ?aid last liik-h: that Mr?. Freligh demai de ! 1500 of him, and threatened In '-as., of hla refusal to ?-.?y the money u> prevent Smith from returning to Jersey City. I HOBOKEN. A meeting of the German soHeties of Hudson County was held at Quartet Hall, Hoboken, y?? terday, to make arranj-ements for celebrating J?is marck'S birthday on Avril 1. The c?l?bration will tak<? the fi.rni ?>f a ?ira le if. tho afternoon and a cominera In the ? re? ORANGE. The fir=t annual congre?? ?,f the N'HT-Jersey State Whist Association closed Saturday night a little after mi'lnicht. There were three contests: Th? state championahip of duplicate wins'. ? 11>,? i bj t. .un.- of four; a contest for progressive whist n, pa.:-, and one for straight whist i.-i paira The championahip prise was a handsome silver cup? . . al '. - K'V, a by : ? Whist '"mi., to be WOl ' ? the 1 ? rop? er: y of the club. Teams entered from the Elisabeth v. -i ?dub, Elisabeth Whlat and Ches? Club, Pan lair w m -? ?Club, ? '1 Whiat ' Mil'. Park ? lui?, of Plalnfleid, Newark Whlsi Club, Elizabeth Athletic <:.ui?, and North End Club, of N .'.ark. The cham? pionship contest ;? ulted In a -?u between the Park ?'liio, of Plalnfleid, and the Panwood I'lub. The tie ?rill b? play? ! off at Plalnfleid this week. The straight ? at -.'.as w?,n by L. >'. Muller and 8. T. Var?an, ?if th?? Orange whist I'lub. In th?- progressive whist ?untp-?'., the teams of the Klltatx .:: Athl? tic C lb an l th? Eliza? beth Whist ' led, and the tie trill h?- played off this year in Elizabeth. The congres? next year will be h> Id In Bllaabeth. Tin- congresa next yeai will be held In Elisabeth. I ihurcn '-hoir union tm-i been formed in O with the vested choira of \;? Saints', ? ;.-. ?? si. Mark's ? '. Orange; Si l'uni'.-. , I Orange, and th" ? Holy Communion. It la | , ?ed to give a festival by tne uni'e i choira In Orang? on ...-inig of Ai ? nslon I ?<iy. Chauncey <;. Williams, Collector of Taxe? of firance. haa lost the sight of his lefi eye tbi ?I." formation ol a i loi ol I lood of th? veins leading into th.- ..... NEWARK Pt. Taitiik's iiav \\.?s appropriately observed In ? ',1 the Roman ?'atholic* churches yesterday, \t St. Patrick's C-atht?dral, Bishop Wlgger celebrated hijrh macs b?'for>? a laige congregation. Jud-fe (>t/ttfried Krueger, chairman of tie Demo? cratic County Committee, who sent la hi? realgna tion as chairman last w? ek, has COOS4 l ted to remain in office until the me<-t:n-f <jf the commit te? In May at the solicitation of a special committei a] pointed by the C? This is In order to avoi'i any damaging changea In the committee |,rior tj the election In April. RUTHERFORD. The Republicans of K-;st Rutherford on Sal irday niKht ?-<?i*-t,rat<-d the sweeping vi tortea of lasi week In the borough and county by a dinner in Wash? ington Eklglne House, under the auspices of the East Rutherford Lincoln i.?-a--;:?'. President George liagelareJ-3? nas al the head of the table, and the ?l>eak,???? Included A?aemblyman David i' Zabrl?kie, Coil, tor Charlea Burrows, J. W. Home.', .lames A. SlcFadden and Major Will,am Mc Kensle. A quartet from the Union Club, of H itl ? ! Haul, Burns, Sykea and Loug? aang, r.-. d vocal and Instrumental music ?ras al i fur? nished by ? ? i.nis, borough councils of Rutherford and East ? : ford n or. Ight. In th? former, tncllmi n Williams and Mc >?>.? lall !.? ; '.I'll- anai su ? ? i ?'???? Khafer and C uni', \'.i :. i : i : .? ib] ns) and Coun? cilman Blake (l?ei ? ? ? : he "i!y ?-ha'ii'1 ? ? 'ounclhna n Randolph (Republican) to n Wood (Democrat). H1LLSDALE. Bdward ? ? employe ol the New-York and N-w-j. r .-. Railroad, fell from the tender of aa engin? standing on th? ; irn table al Hlllsdale, oa Saturday night, and received Injurie? from arhich II i- thoughl he will die Conklln wu in? "hired tare, yeara ago In a almilai manner. At that time three riba ?ren broken, Conklln'? fam? n unfortunate in the matt? r ol 'l.-iitK. Nini . V. i : ! i.i ni Uros?, ? - ?ax. of Conklln, fell Ex-1 ween hi? engine ai ' ''?'?? He Is now an engine? r on lh< El I? road. Tin,mas Gross, anoth? . ,\ 0f Jonklln, also an ? , the Ne? J? .?-. and . ' ? from of l ? ' ? ? fJohn Conklii , .> ? m ol th? li Jure?! man 3 - ? ? ' ? ' ? i... m,. JA COMES UP THE HAT. Dutch ?,il tank steamer l,.i lleabaye, which arrfv. . ? bj i ? ?Idol ib? National Une s'.aiii-i Spain.m hon ? outsld? of th? bar ?* * ?' ' Saturday ram? up v it? i la) morn? ? "i ti.?- ..- -tance <>r four tugs i.a He? bay? will 1 ? . im i.- ? Basin ?nd do? k-i l'apiain Iteghoff s ? r? thai al th? c. io br?ese bio? ? onl .-? i oi ... Al '.' |, m a thumping n,ils- was heard untern, the ?hip was stopped, and <,u examination II ?vas found that the : arm ?ten . . . Th next day ,n<\ ??? ' - steamer s-,, in hov? in si?ht ana Ben nmtrv ttpem th? tank, a lin? ?mj passed Baking P?owder? "If you want the best, buy Cleveland's." to the .??pain, which, acting us a rudder, foiiow??i aatera under reduced apMd, La Hesbaye pro? ?, edlng under lu r on n ?team. A TEA IHS IX BROOKLYN. "HHi'i'K"' DAILY AT Mis <>!.l> TRICKS. THIS TIME Hi: STHIKEri x WOMAN AND NEARLY k?.l.s HER ?TMl.i. .ijhn Dally, alias "Brock.*' Ihlrty-nlne years old, of N??. 2SI TUlarjr-st., with s rum-maddeni i brain yesterday noon made an unprovoked aewault on ?? defeneciese woman, Mrs. Lena Rlnman, In her home at So .... TlUary-at., knocking her down and ?-rush? ing the ?kuii of her daughter Abble, !???> years old, who waa in hei mother's arm? a: the time. The child la ?ei.>iy Injured, and her recovery Bidered doubtful by the doctor* a) the Homoeo pathlc H ??pita!. Mi and Mr*. Sin man live on the third fl ? ol No. :"?! Tlllnry-st. "n the Boor below lives .? Blater-ln-lan of Dally. The landlord ordered this ?roman, Miss Potman, to vacate the pr? Dally w.ia ad-rtued of the ordw. when be ? hU sister-in-law yesterdsy, and began to vow ven? geance ?'ii the landlord an.1 the tenant?. He I ? ? I up the ?talr? and knocked on the door of the Sln partmenta. Mrs, Slnman had locked the door ai ; ihe dkl no) answer hi? knock. !!<? kicked the door lown. and finally dlacovered the mother In :? . irner with her chlhl'-a arm clasp? l aboul her neck. Wit!) an oath, he rushed .?; her and ?truck her on the Jaw. Aa ?he f?-U the baby's head struck the f!. (1rs) , Mrs. Plnmsn's shriek? ?tsrtled the tenant?, ana tv. ? policemen, Conboj and Gallagher, arrested Dally. Dally ha? a bad record He aa? one? ? professional baseball player, bui dissipation ruined rum, and In th?. laat four years he Ivas been In prison at different times. Hi>? last ?entence was for four month? for hurling a i?"'?? through n window at I'ark hihI Canton ?ta. li?- ha? a wlf ?omewhere. He lui been arrested several tun ? foi atrlklng i?. m< n. n v.s TOTTON AND JOHNSON REMANDED. , "ntlO.Wit IX>i:i8." THE I INK H ROI A KlCE HOME IN BROOKL1 X. Sutton and lohnson, th?> bank burglars, captured by th?? Brooklyn police on Satui laj morning w re arraigned before Justice Wal?l yesterday a I for ? semination. .i?'1 i I to b? j mor,- desperate of the :?\o "crook?." Hi? csal nama ? is I_ouia O'Brien, and he Is also kn ?wn a? "French " "Louis Edwards" sn?l "I-ouli Hlrard." Tha flat which he occupied al So ? Bterilng Place I? . .? . lously furnish? I, and th? young woman who aaya she Is his wife appears to be .? woman ol an I i. (lnement. They have a bright li;::?- gli ; years who play? the piano and recites Joh devotion to h!< wife and child furnished .? ?'.en whereby detective? trailed him from Eureka, Kan., to New-York, Coney Island and then Brooklyn. A woman ? une foi ?'..?i l > i ?ter lay wh ? ??? Ingly identified Johnson si he man sh< ?aw In the . n her shop of ??chwsrzchlld A Suisburger, whose safr- ??<i^ 'i.i iked" ihe sann- nicht. James Wen? k. [smith, ..r No. U3 Lexington-ave., yesterday positively Identified as his property a sledgehammer found In Johnson's bouse kn .? coal bin. Wenck'? ?hop is ?>?'.lv :i short distance from the ?I Pi ;?-r Brothers, ?it No. -iiT DeKalb-ave.. and In -i direct Una through C'lasson-ave. to the place wnere u?.? sa:?- was smash? I. A Plnkerton detective named Butler, who ? the burglar? yesterday, said il il I hnson wa? In lin-sun in Oakland, Cal., In 188. for burglary, an i sine? then he had been all over the rnlte?j Statea Johnson's wife visited him In the polle? atatlon yestsr-day, but ?liJ not ? immit bersa.f in any way. AN OLD SWINDLE BroOEMFUL f*OAIN. He waa a plsassnt fared young ?nan ?if about tsreaty-thrsa yurs, with a curled mustach? aii'i a I easMa?*_n*U-J smile, aivi when ha called on Mra Jacob l?. Benrer, of No. --1 Degraw-st., on Bat utTi.iy an l told her that the tailor who bad J ? In a now overcoat, for which Mr. Berger had pa l $40, -tv.T.!!???] th? ?????it back for an hour or two t.. tix n pocket, ah? believed him, an?! forthwith ?pava aim tf<? coat Mr. i:ere??r wan;?-! his n?w ,????: thai night, and 1 he dropped around t?? see hi? tailor about It. When (..- returned to hi? bouse bis face wore a i"ok ,?? ab : J< ? mlaerv. "He was & nice. honr-s:-!?>.ikltiK young man, n.t^ I he'."' he a?ke?i hi?? ?i.e. "Well, h< stole my coat. The tailor didn't ?end for It al all." and Mr. Ber? ger, win ' never lose? hi? temper, looked ?o bard at th? j. ir:??r clock that li stopp? i ROBBED HIS I'N.'I.K AND I-OOT THE MONET. " i.'h Maegler, a Qerman i..ik<r twenty-stie year? old, was charged with grand larceny in the Le? Avenus Polies Courl yesterday, t:io eomplalnam b?.n.- Alexander Bchaeffer, an uncle. < ?a Baturday Maeglar tost his place, and went to his uncle'? house, where )?<* found his aunt a',?.ne. 11 her ">f his mlafortune, and aaked h?r t?> go to Ids employer and get s re.imetidatton f-.r him. j While she wa.s absent from the bouse Maeglei j l.ruk?? Into a trunk and stole $7:,. H? ;?ft the house and went t<< New-York for the purpose u: securing paaaage to Germany, but brought up '.ti the Bow? ery, where ii?; met a young woman ?srbo got all 'us mimej. KiivJinK himself penniless, lie returned home lata i nicht, and asked for forgiveness. Hi- un a I : in an officer, and had him I ?k n Into cua ? tody. Justlee Qoettlng held htm for trial GATHERED 8.BOUT THE TOWN. George Bchoenewald, nine years old, while play? ing in a yard al No. ..'.- Classon-ave. on Saturday, waa attacked bi a large collie dog, and terribly bit t.-:i in tha l*?:. Mr, Lohman, owner of the do I the child, who ?us titki'ii to tha Cumberland Street Hospital. His condition Is critical. Ths ?Jos was Shot. rity*a new **t of Raga, National, Stats and :? pal, were thrown to the br?ese from ?he top o' the city Hall yesterday, In honor of Bt, J'at rick'a Day. Mayor gehleren has permitted lo become a law without hi- signature tha resolutions adopted by tha B,,.ii i <?; Aldermen on March 4. providing fur an Investigation ?>f the New-York and New-Jeraey Telephone t'ompanj by a special committee. It is ; . thai tha New-Tork and Eastern Telephone Company, which for a long lime ha? been trying to get a franchlaa In Brooklyn, la Inter it? I In the ii. 'estlgatlon, *. bill will soon be Introduced In the Legislatura providing foi the separation ol the water and sewer Kvs'.em of the town of Gravesend, and the turning o??-r of the waterworks ... the city of Brooklyn. W. C. I?aiy ("Father Bill") was In Brooklyn yea tarday, and lo his friends expressed unbounded Indignation over the published stories of bis wife'? huit for divorce and the naming of Mlas i:iia O'Ma honey, of Brooklyn, a? co-respondent. He said that : Mis?. O'Mahoney proposed to bring suit agali wife for alleged defamation ?.f character. Charlea II. Benner, one ol the Montauk ?'bib de ? llnquenta, wh., ??a- suspended for non-payment of ha? i H In ... at ?wei to the coroplalni of the i club through his attorneys, \\res a. Walker de. nylng the accura? v ..' the elub'a bill <>r Dem?. ' "To a o lain) the public with little sffalrs ol this kind," san Mr. Benner yesterday, "Is mu h like ;, man parading Ihe petty quarrel? ?,' i, famil: before the public. There are one or tu,, offlrlou? Indi? vidual? in the 'Tub ??. ho s, ? m ?o ha . ?? ., good deal t,< ,!,? ??.i!i us management, bul who have no appn iMti.iti of the methods and mannet ,,r . Hi?, affairs of a gentleman'? ? luto Mra. \1 II. KngHsh, of No. 137 Monroe-si had , her sealskin sa??|ii?- stolen whll? ?he era? attending .-? ? . .i? ai tii<- Voung Men'i ?thi-h.ii, Vssorlatlon rooma m Fulton ?) yes)erday. PBOFESSOR SABCE1 DICE IE OX TF.BPEBAXCR The meeting of th? American Temperance Cnlon la? at ? ilekerlni t lall ??a-- iinm lall) >? ? : the .... : in Idenl ol lh? m? ? ting being an addn b; Prof? - or Kamu ?ID .... man : ? ? ... mmil ? ' I Pro . nd foi mer profeni.I .. :. . - . |> . . .: th?- i o! tu..m ... ,n,i, mil -?:??? -? ..i nk in the I'nlted i? ? In ??, he il I, Pi of? asor Voung, ..' : I ? stall tl al ?:? pal I m th? <;.,.. ? , ...m, nt, ? n,.. ?? . . ?? -i uuu \ ? ? ?-iii tiiii?. tsking Ihe ?lallatl - of ihe manu '..' i ire, Hi?- re or?! i f the amount i ? move ' from with Hi? ?ame r? lo? ? h? d b) Pro ' O n ; th? ..-'.,.., dll R II. if ? f?t I:,. . ? , ?*'? ?"? ll._5u.0w) m 8up|. ih? \... rl? in T? m 1 i?l that i li mi In It? I "It I ? m? n. ,,. ?lev? a.i I, i Prol t .i . wo profeai ? i i ill f th? (lo* pel made ?ueh Maertlou? aa are attributed lo tli? li?-.. i,i W is Kalnaford and the it-? Dr J? ? PC 11. Kyi.u,, .-. 1 non, ,. thai l?i Haiti?-: il ?aya that th? law l.s ?lully violated, ut.-l th?. II ?h'iui'1 therefore be repealed. Wo ill th?> tatiifl We toi?! von Satnnlay why wecan tell ;, i<?t* of money-having clotbes, shoes hats, and furnishing?; ???? why do yie) I??? we have to.' or do we just want to .' ? i;t?tli Other stores sell cheap, ami we don't propose to let 'em gel ahead of us; If there's any getting there Bret tu be done, we're going to doit. Thai ?s 1.1 derby, $5 dress-suil case, 12.50 shoe. ?"? patent-lenther slio.-' 12.73 soft hat, 50-cenl neckties, clothes ?it m tbinl or half less than tailors' prices. and ?bort-tronser boys clothes at cost. mean. Neglige shirts arc ready?see 'em in our windows. ?Better sec 'em on though; the windows don't show hon they tit. ROGERS, PEET & CO. TURKS ) t'rlnre HI'.? >ADH A V Wnrren. RTORKK. ' 9SA W. ^^i^^v^'ui^l^.nV'r^-M^i'ri'v;1:;:^' evi rj where, and under a'.l i Ircumstancea - ? HOME NEWS. Tht {?'"?' Prm i en' Xewt, wktrk rtprtttntt ett the gmmeneprr* ? Vm Tork <?*.?, ???>' "?' rtrtMng '?,.??? graphie nrvft tht Vnilr? Prtte.hat id hr*4enArhm et Ye. "' 4.,,/- Vit? Fork Ci'v. AlUn/ormntton and ttoeumtntt inrpvbUt'ntttna? h* trat to thou htnAtptarttrten? thtuvtll thrnbnUttrtboltiiloaV th* t'nttnl Fr*m nrtotpaptrt "? ""? , rj, pnd to tht ? ??'??" /?-ii '?' AiettnUnmtientArettpkanttAt PROMINENT ARRIVAIa? AT Till: HOTELS. CAMBRIDGE faptaln Alberl M" -, of llw Ger? man Embassy al Washington. riKTH AVENUE , |ea n Qrosvenor, of Ohio, and .. , Vlarsh. of 111 nols, and l.'nited States :. , oner Carroll D Wright BEL*. K- | I,,;::,; ,? ,,; i Rex. German Minister to Venesuela. HOLLAND Senator Shelby M. Cullom, of Illinois, and Nathaniel Thayer, of Boston. VICTt ?RI \ Charlea M. Walter, Cnlted Conaul a; T WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY. >?. Patrick's Day relebratlons, Trolley Investigation by Assembly, Brooklyn, il a. m Kellam forgery ca?je, court or General Session?. Xlnth Ward Lincoln I'nlon, So W? Unison--?:., s p. m. Meetings of Baptist, Reformed and eis. friendly "tons of ?St. Patrick dinner, Delmonlco'8. t; p. m. \,, icni Order of Hibernians, Bulser'a l'ark. S I?, m. ... ...M !.i..n I" irk. K r- m Republican Genet al Committee on Organisation, I !yn, S p. m. Campbell-Miner casa before John J. Adams. Brooklyn "Toung Men's Dem*?eratlc Club, *- p. m. Edward Kggleston's lecture befon Colonial Dames, Waldorf, .1 p. m Prienda of Ireland dinner, Rogers's, ? p. m. Private view, Bociety of Amateur Photographers' exhibition, So 111 Weal Thlrty-elghth-st., s p. m. Max O'Rell'a lecture, Lyceum Theatre, il a. m. j. L. Stoddard'a Ii tture, Daly'a rheatre, il a. m. Drew Seminary Mumnl ?linner. Clark'a, I p. m. American Academy of Dramatic Arts theatricals, Berkeley Lyceum, I p. m. Richard i.. Roberta before ni. prayer-meeting, N,.. ;..; Fulton-st. ? ? ? NEW-YORK CITY. The Board of Education trill meet on Wednesday 8' 4 p. 111. rhe "housewsrrolng" of ?tie forkvllle Republican ' ?'I'm. ai Xo IM Easl Eighty-fifth at., all! be held tins evening, A lecture entitled "Observations of European Civilization, Past and Pi.nt," ?ill be delivered by General Egbert L. Viele .it the hom.- of Misa Marie Hamlll, No. SI" West Elghty-seventh-st., to morrow evening. It trill he under the auspl m of the Women's Legs! Education Society, ol Hamlll is secretary, Mberl l.'. Henschel, secretary o* the Mm Consolidation Inquiry Commlaaion, has published In ? pamphlet form an historical sketch ol the Greatei , New-York movement. An Interesting ler-mre on "The Sandwich Islanda" j will be delivered by 11. C, Carter al Grammar , School So. 23, Bayard and Mulberry ats., this even t in?.;, a clear description ol Has ill aril! be ?given. The lecture will be Illustrated by stereopticon i -, lews, ? 8AVED .11 st i\ TIME. HOW Till-: GREAT fiALK ? >r KEBRtTART 7 TH THE ALICE '*. DtCKERM *?\ HER CREM RE8CI ill? BY '? H IMR1 Im: \mi:i*. ICAN . STEAMER A shipwrecked captain ind bis crew of ?even men. ? . , mere rescued with difficulty, when nearly dead from i inger and expo ire, a/era brought to ihta ??: ' ?? on board the Hamburg-Ameri? an liner Phoenicia, Thi men are from the ? reck ??f the bark AHce ?'. Dlckerman, of Boston, srhl i sailed from tetilla, i;.. laden with lumb? and bound ror Cape Breton. The February gale struck the vessel ??hen .-(?' aas about fort) miles east-northeast from Cap? Hatteras, Il s/s foggy an I severel- i i The vessel .'.i- pul und? small csnvas, everything made sei ire, and her course alt? re I t., mil the nur? The -'"i m ln< reasing an I high, i omblng aeaa washing over her, ths vessel ?ah- in i to ,?n the j, ,." Lack Still i ,, : . ?? ol the wind and waves Incn ???? i. and ,t thick rail of anon and sleel came ?i ? The vessel wet heavily loaded with lumber, niel the crea knew she couldn't Ink, bul abe was ng water fast, and deeka, maata and rigging were covered with i ??. To k-?-. the .easel free th.? ? struggled manfully al the pumps all night, There a-ere ? i great langers Inking, .?- the ."--??; might turn over and float bottom upward, or ' girt ? ?? i" pieces, an I It wa i hand-to han i 1,-Mt with death, ib ml t o'clock the blgi ? lea ol nil waa ihipp? i Itwaaal ige, combing save, thai i . ? like ,i waters) out, fl ? led the cabin, kno? ked ?I --\n the m, i, al the pump?, an i al Ifte i the dei k load. Anotl : ?' ill ml i mi,:', work si th? ? imp . sj i In the morning water "i the hoi I. Februar) 9 ??...? anoth? I '" twe n the men and : heli pump? and i sea that emed to be growing ingrler. The sight i f ,i bark '? "'' .i the starboard i n i. was hal ejl wll i "' '"'? al ?!.. light on the mornln? of bun la*. ? '? ? "?? '" hi m H ? Ign ,i- ol ?l! ?nd tu,-1 ,? ,???. ,,, ,,?. ,,.. .,?. ,,?. 1 '" ' "'? Alice ? ? |>i, kerman, was no? m ling uael? iu pump; all th it ?? ml l be to i" ; rev hi hi ? from lurii ng .... i '.' ' "?? ro. m.i ? ,.: ii ,n ,., ?.,, ' ?? "wai, ;? ? , ,.'... hungi i mi. I thin soi h .,? th? i .m, ami In iiumbe?! 'I ? gav? up .n lespalr. S?n.? ? em :., .u. ',i.., ' Igi n.e, i,,n n,,. ?hit i In? ,,? ,. .. umb? i was I IO "\ IT 1 !l , ? srili .,n I ? 'apta n ?.llej ordered men (?? : ??? i ? ? 111 him ' ?? uflei hoit . , |, ... ?|| : ? ill? kin i. wave thu : ? ? i m- lab irlng i- tl . '. did not m.n I ' i ? mud i he: i. ? i i.?rrli I Int i 'I .- i ; i]f - ? , . ,.;: ,,| .| ; I,,. , ., ? le blast It wa latitud? i di eie. -. r ir'h ...?? l , 1 . i ?-.- ' e, ? \%, ? hImjuI .'Hi miles ? im ? ,i ? llaneras |usl , i he bark? bi 'H t., i irn " ' i and a hen : ha m? n ?ere i liioroughl) i" i.'.mi,' i und heartbroken the. were : es I ,., ilro| ,,,V Into t ie ?. i ,i i, i lake i ... i. lea tit ? . dro? nlni : hal the) .?.. ? ?? Iahte : hi the Hamburg tiuerl in steaniei SI?Ills, u\. SU? ? ' I'-! ,11 Hi: k Hie .i i .i ml I '? ? Me .III I look (he ,:????, t, Hamburg, a'hen , ;?.. were ? : ? lie Pin ei?li i Nev \ 11 In Alie-, -...i yesierda) ifi?T nnrral I ? M , ? I lei! .?..i lintl I ,11 in t i. iui mi ? n." ? ni ,i ng oui i, ? , I , lp I pll'k Up III' ' hi ?'!.I??!??! . w 111? lltV The .??? el .ml , irgn arere valued al about S.,???? The following ii the list "f Ihe crew <'f the Vile? ? ' Dlckerman: Captain, ??? ?r,;?? ii Alley; lu-t nut?'. Iia\U Butiner; second inai?, Georgs Henderson; 6th AV., 20th to 21st St. $8 sa A? \2im \ - MP\? W0 ~ I M \W? !W Trimmed Millinery. 1,500 Trimmed Bonnets & Hats. imported and Out' Own Dfesigns. m:\v (*olous, m:\v SHAPES, m;\\ trimmings. Latest Paris Novelties in Walking Hats, Carriage & Evening Hats. 5,000 Dozen UNTRIMMED HATS For Ladies, Misses sod Children, i.very Braid and Shape ."tanufactured Represented in this Immense Stock. CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS ?i Specialty.;e Assortment Jet Crowns and Ornaments, French Flowers, Aigrettes, &c. j Lowest Prices. ??fe / l NEW SPRING STYLES In Ladies' Capes Siieo, VELVET CAPES, trimmed with Cliifi<??i Lace, beaded or embroidered, extreme Shapes, rieb effects. Soft f ?iii-lii'il DOUBLE CAPES, Medium Length, Embroidered and Guimpe Trimmed, .Matronly stylos. Silk and Satin Capes, Applique Beaded and Mourning Effects, Flare Collarette Shape ami I Medium Lengths, CLOTH AND DIAGONAL CAPES, Paris Ruffle Trimming; also in Double Kffei ts Very Moderate Prices. in Boxclotb, Kersey and Coverts, Plaited and ( lorded ?Seams, Short Shapes, Uni.nished Wors?ed and crsncii Clay MCKETS, Medium and Short Lengths, Singla and Double Breasted Shapes, IMPORTED JACKETS, Natty, Short Shapes, in Novel M.?a terials, My Trout and Single Breasted Effects, new Mandolin Sleeves, fancy Silk Linings, Domestic Coverts, Kerseys, Diagonals, &c., Plaited s ?am Effects, at Popular Prices. Another Importation of Rich Cr?pons .lust added to tlieCrepon Depart? ment, a large foreign purchase of th?1 most elesanl t>pes in tin's?? singularly fashionable fabrics? Cr?pons crinkled in plaids, stripes ami pretty elouded effects. Film Cr?pons?jus?! out. Rippled Cr?pons, in a lino of beautiful spring colors. In our Seoteh section, we are showing Hie most extensive as? sortment ot Spring Tweeds and Dress Cheviots : many of these are Intermingled with silk?knots, halls ami flecks of bright color. ?Several Specials are listed for to-day ami to-morrow. JAMES McCREERY & CO., Broadway and 11th St. atevrard, Charlei Rldtarda; uilora, Simp _on lohn Swenaon, Thomaa H. Sou ?ir.?i .lohn 0_ ,-ar !' ? THE BEADT MEMORIAL VEDA!. An oratorical ronteat i>rtw?vn repreaentatlvea ot lh? x? m.?i- and junior ela\sac-of Manhattan College W.|S i,. ;,| ui ?in- chapel nf i '? i*? Balle Institut?, In \\ .-st Flfty-nlnth-at., ywterdaj afternoon, for tha ? <;r.,')\ Memorial Medal. Fourteen atudenta com ? nftfil win, aelectlona, chiefly of ,, patriotic nature. The ludne* *';1 re ihe Rex. I"- John K Wood*, Mnrfran .1 O'Brien, John P. Brophy, William E RtilliiiBK, Jame? J Urady, Luke l? Btapteton and i.,in?-< i Kerwln. The Aral prize wot ?w.1 r?lo.| to \\ F. Klanajan. the ae<*ond to J. I- Duane, and th? tiiirii to !?'. J. Kueral. M A EINE INTELLIQBNCR MINI \TI RE A! MANA'?. Hu_r)aa r, of, sun?.?? >> lOiMoon rli'iimMI Mooa'aaaeS) 111 >; 11 u a 1 "i:k TO DAT. ?, M H ik 1 80Ot I-, m - ind] H? ?'? 1 "?'' ''? l?lan<! 1 no ll-U rial? 3 .12 I ?land '.' ?-??; 11 - ?I Hat? 4 I? INCOMING STEAMERS TO DAT. Veaart. ' ft "' ! 11 -.I'-in . '-?? l?u< 1, Mar? h B i ."hi ..? ? ' .1 ??. Hmann a I- ?h 22. Hun .1 ? . Hull. 1 >h at...... Kthi'.pia .?;_?? w. Mai n : . . 1/ ml n m ??? ii .1 . I_v?mt ..], M.m h s Alpa. Hint ? n Mai h r: ... 1 .l)H\ami, Mai -h 14. Una . r.itnp'?'? f. 11 .?it .Itri?'..; < ny . ? ... ;l .Mi.'h 11 .National . wiiit.? Klar ...Atlaa .\ v <*?? ' uba 1 .. ipin.i 'llllla \?, ? ,1 1 : 11.1 M . I? ? ? 'l 1 in... i?l. 1., Uuayra, Marrh 12.It,?.| I? lir.'iii.-i . Mi? ti ?.< .N?l 1.1.V. ,1 ? . ?I un. Marrh ?'? .X.?tl, Amer TrKMBAT, M Ml? II It '.??:.., M.i '1 7 \ 1 ? --i |. Mai - '1 i'? 1. ?,???.-, M? . h ,'t Im: . ? 11. Marrh I?. . . TI.iiii!? A hit _ llnl .~"ar .National v. i:i.\t..-i'\ . M \I!?'H SO i.i?..,i>.. 1. m.,., i, 1?. nrttit? atar lia? ana, Mur. h 16 .s ? ,\ 1 iba _ I? ?n ? March M . ?.,;.!.., ol TGOiN? STEAMERS. TTBfDAT, MARCH If? M II)? . \'?s.?'l lr Un? 1 . ? ? ?. 1. Ruili ,1.1 rpo.,1 W 1 ii?- hi .. ? . ? q 1 n ' I'lyd? < n m ? .. i>> niiKl ? 1 )n- 1 ? : - v ????.?! M ? mi am 7 ? 0 . IV 1?, . :i ,?> | 1 ??, p III .1 IN) 1 IVl'.XN?. \.\\ M ?Ut? il lirliannlr, 1.1 ? ??? 1- ?l. While I 11 ??' 1 1 1 - O p m 1 .1 v ?. ?? ?,. i:. . .-.i,. Il im , m 1 m p m l'ara. 1' Mail..... .111 ??" mil] ??? m ? , ' .? Il.i .... ..... 1 ??i p m :; ??, p m '.? Kl .. n, i: ??? m .1 m? 1 m 1 - : 1 . 1 i?, i. m :; nu 1 m I III KJ4IJ ?1 M \IH II '-'I ! I'apa tirarla? nt i'tni ?m 12:00 m - ?a? p m SHIPPING SFIYS. 1 ?.,,?[' ci N'KW M mi? Kl N'HA? M ?Mtl'H 17 1*!'.. kKHIVI I' illi 1 .1 Kein .? i ?, ilppin? ^^^^^aaaaaM M.ii. 1. ,m?i i ?. ? 1 ? 1 ii ?.m p ? Kl? anirt l'Iio? ni.? ' ? 11 m.', i?. Man '?> '? ?rill 1 . DR ral SKI ,| , . wnan >? in Hamburg An, .vi .111 I.Il' V, r 1 v ??? I nt 111- Kin .it I, I'. ,, <i RtMmei ?SValmai lOari :.?.???? kn. lit-ni-ii Marrh I ?rlih moot 4 raMn ?mi Mfl itearaaa paaeeacera f", Na? Tout, un? i? ? tt'ii, and -.7 MiMraaa paaeengera fot Haiti LEADER NO. I. CARPETS. Celebrated Makes, Best Quality. Tapestry Brussels, NEW STYLES. FROM MC. I<> BBC. PEU VAHO. Extra Super Ingrains NEW WEAVE , IT I!? CESTf PEU \ HID. * ?-??niplrle >iirl?-(> of nil ?lh??r gnrfd <?? lir?|>i?ri iomi tel ? Ion pri.?????. SHEPPARD KNAPP & CO., SIXTH-AVIS., l.-.Tll 8XD i nil BT?. OFFICES STORE TO RENT in th? Best Known Building in America. Two floors in the 8th and Oth stories now devoted to mechanical employments ?n The Tribune Building, vull be altered into offices in time for occupancy May 1st. Direct sunlight half the day, offices of moderate si/.e, in suite if desired; terms as low as in any other good build? ?ng in this vicinity ; situation close by Brooklyn Bridge. Apply in the Business Office of THE TRIBUNE 154 Nassau Street. m. ?? in Oalricha S ?'?' Sji .? ! ,?i the Bar it I 10 p m, I?.'ii si'Mii . ?;?? n inda (G>n. i .m .? m ,;? ? ?.??.mumii.i* i"ei> m.r, _v in bullael lo Hi?-' II "l ?i the Bar ?it .". p m. Steamer i.? Qaaeogtta ?I'm i ? i '?? : m, Havre Mareh 0. ?ni: M i , ,-. i ?.*?.? -??. m?l ? , i , Mil :;.*,.: ... , ? i?i.e"> ? >. i ?'-?? I i ni ?! - liar m' .*??"??> p m. (It ?a mar i,.i Hfebare (Duiehi Itekhoff, tntwarp Fth , ... .? ballast to C n Kamlarbruck. Arrived 81 the I ., : I .'('? p in. 18th. SI...1M.M it..nun 'Nimm. ?i. Ban Juan February S3 V. Mi??? i 4 \' ? i. ? ; - - u , Juan l". ?um ?Ml?, and I pn ?enger in Miller, Hull <*? Known >n vi 11? -M .?t ' ?? r , .ii il n. m S'.nnirr Ardandhu iltri M ilk? i lana? March 11. Matant ? > I'-' ? Ith ?, ." I" Aui'i - . H l',.|li|,.lin . Waal I.? \\ I? V. .1'. ???!. A;m,,l ?t i ?? HI S |1 III ll'.'l. Htean t???.? n , in"'.-, lilaalantl, .'. ??.?. Orleans, ?-. It t., .i T \ , HI? M.? S'. .nu." Ni, ? nu m,!?? .m l ii II tu l( I. \. il. ' >?>' m..! tlpinq iln, i la ml Chart? ?I ?n, with mdae ?nil pasaenji?ra I? w i- iiyd? ,\ ,? S'.''i i*m ,.i- ? ??'ii.i'.'i.i i.ti'.i.-.. v\>?< ivint, with mdaf to iii.? Old Domini n I ?'?? ? unei lameatown, Mulphera, Norfolk ml Ktw\ rl Mew?, with ni'i.e .,n i ?. nut i Miiiii'.Mi Ha ' ? Sl.MIII.M- It?,I -I," I . Itl '.M.'? i,,,i ? m i paaaana-en I th i?l?l iKimlnlon K? I Khlp Man I. ?'u-Mnr ''? ??? Hal ? "? lohohama *-? i -.'i-, ami Hi"?,? November IT ? Ith mil ?? -? I |U IV IM < *.,?-.. I ,? Ni ! -.tu i. : I.'. ?? , ? ? , ' , la l-V. ?I??-.-? with md?e (o m,i.m \, . i ? tV II ?ir.e- A ?\> Kand) I took, March 17, '.'-'<? p m v? ml wi bn. .Mii.i:i' si'ini'?' l'.i?ii.-. lAmni i I'hlladrtpma I' -ahontaa ?1,'m M? llterranean porta - Hi illr), llul . liara, he) ?Hi?. Samoa, Rl?i lanelro ? Ni ill? *?: .? > M IRISERA rilAMKH ItlVKR Burnt It "?- i'i- '. - i . ? N ? it Th? ,t..-,,?,. -, ,f pH? ' rrum which thli ii?? I red i (hi u.i* ?h n n in ?? f.r watei .mi th? I ?i it the < '"','', '. Th? l?ht , ? , ?'.,... ?..I I.. given '. Itl? not r |.i,| ol Light? ,n, i I i, Klgn ' .,?1 ()U|( , tuo;.pm**i>' m ., ;" '?' ' ??""?? . ' hlrd l.lghtli m ?? . ? , |S.M . .., M ' I f?- I.lghth?. ... ,,N ,; UM,,,:,; ??''?" V ?"> ' 1 I . N i ? Oinu.n Waahlngton H . Man m i,, i Ka?, "'" i II!'. M?>\ I MIN IS in sir VMI l;s ii'iw.ii.N r??i;rs ! ?? J" |. Walke, I Stn s th. naBM . '? ""' ?'?" ? ? ?Ht) M K n * * Marrh I | l ' , . V . " ',','. ? r? Votlt .' .1 .' . ? 1 ? il rl m, n ,? *. rk M ... a t ,' Il i .... i, i, ' ? ?"??? Kronprina I I. Irl h Wilhelm Hier), Aliren?. far Na? \ mu ?aliad fn?m till raltai March 1? ?imiium N? K.,,. |(j?r), Ment.?, f-mm N??w-Yo<rk FttP? u"\ ta. ?'?i'"?l'?n. MaicU il, arrived at, Napla?^ TO-DAY. NOVELTY SILKS. Our latest importations Include many striking ami novel styles. They are evidently correct, for they sell rapidly. On the Main Floor, the stylfefl ami values shown from one to two dollars a yard are very remarkable? Novelties in Blacks; ami Black grounds with Colored figures, ara in particularly beautiful designs? Satin Duchesse is much sought by Leaders of'4Fashion. We have received a fresh supplj in the very latest tints. Specialties for Brl?dal ami Even? ?ii?? Costumes. In the Basement Sales Room? our great Sale of Figured India ami ?Striped Taffeta silks ?s con? tinned. JAMES McCREEBY ft CO., Broadway and 11th St. =591 TRIBUNE, 1 3d Edition NOW READY. .ISO panes. Contains full return* o/' the phenomenal elections of 1894* Also the new CoiiBtltution?t Amendments. Xnmerous Hein-* <>f interest to nil citixens. Alt ?'?>? cyclopedia of statistics* strictly non-partisan. aO Cents t? Co?v. Order through nu\ newsdealet. or from THE TRIBUN-E. Income Tax Text of The New Law. The Tribune's pamph contains the full te*xt, ver? batim. The questions which arise in the minds of the public can be at, wi rea ; reference to The Tribune's pamphlet. 10 ce??s a cop y. Outer through any ncies dealer of direct from The Tribune.